Run From Hong Kong By: Paisen Yip

Run from hong kong

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Page 1: Run from hong kong

Run From Hong Kong

By: Paisen Yip

Page 2: Run from hong kong

Day 1 Hong Kong International Airport 12:00 am My sister was as bright as a light bulb. “I am so excited mommy!” shouted my sister Mary. “We are back in Hong Kong!” “Yes, we haven't been here since your father was banned from the country” my mom told my little sister. My family and I were banned from the country because my father Matt had committed serious crimes and had to move to Taiwan. But after a while, he passed away because of a sickness. When we were passing the immigration some police officers started whispering to each other, I was getting a little bit suspicious. Suddenly I heard some officers shout at us: “There they are! go get them!” I took of running like the wind. I vividly saw the officers grab my mom and my sister. I heard my sister cry: “why are they capturing us mommy!”. I was as confused and blank as my little sister. I didn’t know why they were chasing me. What had I done? did I do something wrong? I didn’t know anything. “Hey! get back over here!” the officer shouted. I kept on running, I couldn't let them catch me. I figured out that they were after me because I was the son of my father. Maybe they thought that I would be like him and commit crimes.c

Hong Kong Island, The Peak 4:20 pm I took a taxi cab from the Hong Kong international airport to the Peak, Plantation road to see my old school friend Tom Callum. My friend Tom was always obsessed with building things. Once when Tom came to visit me in Taiwan he brought me a mini model of a F14 aircraft. “Sup Kellan! when did you arrive here in Hong Kong, and where is your mom and your sister?” Tom said. “ Tom you gotta listen to me. I know you're going to think that I’m crazy but the cops are after me and they captured my mom and sister! you have to help me!” I said. “you're crazy.” he said while laughing. Eventually, I convinced Tom that my mom and sister were caught and I was getting chased by the police.

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6:00pm We started thinking of ideas to sneak me out of the country. “Hey dude, maybe I can sneak you on to a cruise and sail you back to Taiwan.” Tom said. “That would be like trying to sneak a giant into a small room crammed with people.” I said sarcastically. “Well, you only have one chance and if you don’t use it, maybe the cops will arrest you.” he replied. “Ok, let’s go with that idea” so me and Tom went on his computer and started looking for good cruises that he could sneak me on.

6:30pm “I couldn't find cruises that have really low security”

o tom told me “Well let’s keep on looking, there’s got

looking, there’s got to be a cruise that has really bad

security.” I said. “Well even if you find a cruise that has really little security the

security guards on there would probably know that there was a 14 year old kid

on the run and would keep an eye out for you.” he said. “good point.” So we

decided to go with plan B. Tom would go ask his dad if they could use his

helicopter and fly me back to Taiwan. I thought that this plan was great. “So

can you get all the things ready and bring me back to taiwan tomorrow then?”

I asked. “Ok” replied Tom.

8:00pm Tom gave me the newspaper, I was shocked when I saw that my picture and description. Kellan Raft son of Matt Damens Raft has came back to Hong Kong. Wanted for $1,000,000 I read. Whoa! I sure was worth a lot of money! maybe Tom could say he caught me, he could get the money and I could run away. I dismissed that thought after a while. I also saw that the police had forced my mom and sister go back to Taiwan! I was so relieved. 9:00pm Tom and I were exhausted from coming up with ideas and went to sleep.

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Day 2 8:30am I woke up to the police cars sirens ringing. The cops were here! “Tom! wake up, the cops are here!” I shouted in his face. “uhhhhhh, what?” he said drowsily while he was half awake. I shouted in his face again “THE COPS ARE HERE!” “Dude, you have to run now. I will meet you at the Aberdeen Harbor tomorrow. Me and my dad will be there with the helicopter.” he said, now fully awake. I wanted to argue with Tom, who would want to land a helicopter on the Aberdeen harbor? but I didn’t and said:“Ok.” I replied. Tom also gave me $300HKD to get me through the day. I heard a cop shout “Come down here with your hands on your head, NOW!” . Instead I quickly jumped of the two story building through the window, and once I hit the ground I did a tuck and roll then took of running. I had learnt on a TV show that if you jump and do a tuck and roll it will minimize the impact power. I heard the cop car’s sirens wail, they were getting closer to me. I quickly turned and jumped into a dumpster. I heard the sirens past me, “pheeeew!” I said in a relief I’d lost them for now.

Abandoned Police Station In The Middle Of Hollywood Road 10:23am

I had found an abandoned police station in the middle of Hollywood road, I thought it would be a good place to hide for the day but when I went inside I heard a walking noise. I started to get a bit unsettled and scared. I heard the footsteps get closer and closer. I was thinking what it was, could it be a dead policeman? or a zombie? I thought. I was freaking out now. I tried to run but I was too scared too , I was frozen stiff. I could almost see the figure as it walked closer, my instincts took over, I dived at it and punched it in the face. “aaaaahhh! stop it! I won’t hurt you!” it screamed. I realized it was actually a person, not a monster. “Sorry.” I apologized. “Why are you here? who are you? what are you doing here?” I asked. “I am Grim “Reaper” Leeth. People call me that. I escaped from a prison in the Philippines, I came here because I thought no one would find me, but I was wrong the cops have been searching for me for about 10 years already but they haven't found me yet. This is my hideout I live here.” he answered. Wow I thought this guy was an experienced escapee, maybe he could help me. “So, who are you? I saw

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a kid about your age on the newspaper that kid looks like you.” he said. “That is me. I am Matt Damens son. My name is Kellan Raft, the cops are onto me they are chasing me can you help me please?” I told him. “Ok. I will help you, just promise to not tell anyone that I am here ok?” he asked. “Ok.” I said.


The place was awesome. I thought this place was going to be really old but I was shocked when I saw all the cool things he had. I saw a weapon table that had tasers, grenades and all sorts of various cool weapons. There was a kitchen. There even was a massive bedroom that had a CLEAN bathroom and a bed. Not bad for an abandoned police station. “Wow! where did you get all this cool stuff?” I asked him. “Some of these things I stole, like the weapons. Some of the things I got from my friends and family.” he said. 1:35pm I called Tom after a while, Grim and I had just finished munching down a packet of Doritos. I found it weird that though I was on the run, I was here with a friend chill-in out and eating chips. I laughed when I thought of that. “So, you're going to be at the boat tomorrow at 3pm ok?” I asked him. “Ya, ok.” he replied. So I was going to meet Tom at the Aberdeen harbor and then get back to Taiwan and out of this mess. Suddenly we heard some detectives talk outside the abandoned police station “You think Kellan Raft is in here?” said one detective. “Maybe. But this place has been abandoned for more than a century already” the other said. “Do you want to go check?” “Ok.”

“We have to hide!” I whispered to Grim. “No they’ll know that someone lives here because they will see all the things here!” he whispered back. “How about if I go grab a flash grenade, throw it at them and run away?” I asked. “Ok. Also you can take some weapons.” “Ok!” I said excitedly. On the way out I grabbed 3 flash grenades, pepper spray and a taser. I couldn't help it but I felt like a person in a video game, stashing some more weapons into my inventory. I heard some more cops arrive on the scene. I opened the door and heard some cops scream:”There he is! Go get him! don’t let him escape again!” Quickly I threw a flash grenade at the cops then I closed my eyes and covered my ears. After a few dulled seconds I opened my eyes and could see a few policeman on the ground rolling around. I took of running.

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Conduit Road, Hong Kong island 4:50pm I was exhausted. I had tried to find a car that wasn’t locked but I had ended up running up to Conduit road. With luck, I found a Mercedes Benz car that wasn’t locked as the driver had quickly gone into a shop. I made the decision to steal it.

Aberdeen Harbor, Hong Kong Island 5:15pm I drove the car to the Aberdeen harbor just in case Tom came early. After waiting for a long time I couldn’t stand it any more, I was so bored of waiting and needed to keep my mind of the last couple of days! So I drove the car to the Aberdeen Marina Club. I know this sounds weird but when I used the money Tom had given me to eat a buffet dinner, then I went swimming for around 30 minutes. Strangely, no one seemed to know that I was there.

I found myself wrong when I heard some people talk about a stolen car. The owner must have seen that his car was stolen! I figured out that in about 30 minutes the cops would have come and found the car and figured out that I had stolen it. I had to get out of here! I walked out of the club pretending that I was a normal teenager. Then I took of running. I hid in the bushes outside of the clubhouse while watching some police officers discover the stolen car here. I moved a bit to get a bit of a better view of the scene, but I slipped and my foot rattled the leaves, the officer had noticed the rattling and he was walking in my direction! My heart was thumping like it wanted to jump out of my body. The officer looked in my direction, then he walked away. pheeeew! I thought. Good thing he didn’t look behind the bushes! After a while, they left. Not knowing that I was here or that I had stolen the car.

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Ocean Park, Hong Kong Island 10:15pm I had to outrun the cops for now, I ran up to Ocean park to hide out as it was closing for the night soon. I hoped the people there didn’t recognize me. I sat on a bench near the Mine cart ride. I was so tired but I had to stay awake if the cops found me when I was sleeping then the game was over. But after a while I was so tired that I couldn’t control myself, I closed my eyes and fell asleep instantly.

Day 3 7:13am “There he is go get him! and don’t let him get away this time!” I heard some cops shout at me. I stumbled of the bench still half asleep, then started to run. I must have been spotted by the security staff who then had alerted the police. I wasn’t clear where I was going I ran into a few walls and fences before fully awakening. I dodged a few cops that were running at me, I had to get to the Aberdeen Harbor quick and make my escape. I ran towards the Ocean park exit and onto the streets. I heard the cop cars sirens ring, I threw a smoke grenade at the cop cars and heard some sounds of the cars crashing into the sidewalk. I made it to the harbor just in time! I saw Tom and his dad’s helicopter “Hurry up!” Tom shouted. I ran as fast as I could. The cops were closing in on me, one cop dived at me he barely missed. There were a few cops standing in front of the helicopter and I couldn’t run through them, I followed my instincts and dived straight at them and sent them plunging straight into the water barely missing the helicopter’s skids. I jumped on to the helicopter. I waited for 5 seconds before the engine started and we got of the ground, while I was waiting for the engine to start, a cop jumped onto the boat. He was reaching for his gun but I was quicker, I took out my taser and tased him. He dropped his gun and fell into the water. The helicopter was now reaching full speed now and the cops weren’t coming after me! I had escaped!