Vol. 18 : No. 04 July 2019 Er. R. Ramdoss, FIE Chairman Er. P. Gomathi Nayagam, MIE Honorary Secretary T.N. STATE CENTRE Rs. 2/- Institution of Engineers Institution of Engineers Institution of Engineers Institution of Engineers Institution of Engineers ( (India) India) India) India) India) IEI–TSC–News Bulletin, July 2019 1 13 th September 2019 Inauguration of Centenary Celebration of IEI at Chennai 14 th -15 th September 2019 International Conference on “Opportunities and Challenges of Block Chain Technology” at Hotel Le Royal Meridien, Chennai. 8 th & 9 th November 2019 35 th National Convention of Electrical Engineers and National Seminar on “Storing Energy for a Sustainable Future - Future Energy in any Isolated World” at Hotel Le Royal Meridien, Chennai. 18 th -20 th November 2019 International Conference on “Innovative Engineering for Smart Cities, High Speed Transport and Infrastructure” From the Chairman’s Desk.... Let us make it a habit to attend IEI programs once in a month Dear Fellow Engineers, Once again I am happy to share my thoughts. As discussed in our last month meeting all the members must become more active for all IEI activities. While taking up the concept of being an active member further, I call upon all the members of IEI to make it a habit to attend IEI programs once a month. Let it be a monthly meeting or a technical talk, workshop, seminar, convention, committee meetings, etc., We in IEI are in the process of launching the Centenary Year celebrations from September 13th 2019. We have to transform ourselves into a vibrant team and for this we need more active members. Becoming active in IEI has to be made a habit. This habit only strengthens the character and raises the level of enthusiasm and will result in a high level performance. The word “illiterate” has taken on a new meaning. As a professional, if we do not update our knowledge constantly, then we will be considered “illiterate”. Since technology is changing at a fast pace, we have to therefore continuously learn and update ourselves and IEI provides for numerous opportunities to learn. I call upon all 27,000 members of IEI TNSC, to make it a habit to attend IEI programs atleast once in month. If this happens, we can think of very great innovations as 27000 minds are merging every month through IEI . This convergence of minds will definitely create great innovations. I request the office bearers, the committee members of IEI TNSC and all other local centres to commit to make it a habitude to participate in IEI activities. I also request all the members to attend IEI programs not only for IEI's benefit, but it is great “Win- Win” for all stake holders which will create a deep understanding of various common issues. The Tamilnadu State Centre has the privilege of hosting the Inaugural function at Chennai. I, therefore, appeal to all members to attend the function and make it a grand success. I look forward to the pleasure of meeting you all once again on this momentous, once-in-a-lifetime occasion. Er R Ramdoss Chairman CENTENARY CELEBRATION EVENTS ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★

Rs. 2/- Institution of Engineers (((India)ieitnsc.org/uploads/bulletin/2019-july.pdf · Ms Priyadarshini V M-165652-4 CV Tamilnadu Mr Venkatesh S M-165693-1 EL Tamilnadu Mr Narendran

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Page 1: Rs. 2/- Institution of Engineers (((India)ieitnsc.org/uploads/bulletin/2019-july.pdf · Ms Priyadarshini V M-165652-4 CV Tamilnadu Mr Venkatesh S M-165693-1 EL Tamilnadu Mr Narendran

Vol. 18 : No. 04 July 2019

Er. R. Ramdoss, FIE


Er. P. Gomathi Nayagam, MIE

Honorary Secretary


Rs. 2/-

Institution of Engineers Institution of Engineers Institution of Engineers Institution of Engineers Institution of Engineers (((((India)India)India)India)India)

IEI–TSC–News Bulletin, July 2019 1

13th September 2019

Inauguration of

Centenary Celebration of IEI at Chennai

14th-15th September 2019

International Conference on

“Opportunities and Challenges of Block

Chain Technology”

at Hotel Le Royal Meridien, Chennai.

8th & 9th November 2019

35th National Convention of Electrical

Engineers and National Seminar on

“Storing Energy for a Sustainable Future

- Future Energy in any Isolated World”

at Hotel Le Royal Meridien, Chennai.

18th-20th November 2019

International Conference on

“Innovative Engineering for Smart Cities,

High Speed Transport and


From the Chairman’s Desk....

Let us make it a habit to attend IEI programs once in a month

Dear Fellow Engineers,

Once again I am happy to share my thoughts.

As discussed in our last month meeting all

the members must become more active for

all IEI activities. While taking up the concept

of being an active member further, I call

upon all the members of IEI to make it a

habit to attend IEI programs once a month.

Let it be a monthly meeting or a technical talk, workshop, seminar,

convention, committee meetings, etc., We in IEI are in the process

of launching the Centenary Year celebrations from September

13th 2019. We have to transform ourselves into a vibrant team

and for this we need more active members. Becoming active in

IEI has to be made a habit. This habit only strengthens the character

and raises the level of enthusiasm and will result in a high level


The word “illiterate” has taken on a new meaning. As a

professional, if we do not update our knowledge constantly, then

we will be considered “illiterate”. Since technology is changing

at a fast pace, we have to therefore continuously learn and update

ourselves and IEI provides for numerous opportunities to learn.

I call upon all 27,000 members of IEI TNSC, to make it a habit

to attend IEI programs atleast once in month. If this happens,

we can think of very great innovations as 27000 minds are merging

every month through IEI . This convergence of minds will

definitely create great innovations.

I request the office bearers, the committee members of IEI TNSC

and all other local centres to commit to make it a habitude to

participate in IEI activities. I also request all the members to

attend IEI programs not only for IEI's benefit, but it is great “Win-

Win” for all stake holders which will create a deep understanding

of various common issues.

The Tamilnadu State Centre has the privilege of hosting the

Inaugural function at Chennai. I, therefore, appeal to all members

to attend the function and make it a grand success.

I look forward to the pleasure of meeting you all once again on

this momentous, once-in-a-lifetime occasion.

Er R Ramdoss






Page 2: Rs. 2/- Institution of Engineers (((India)ieitnsc.org/uploads/bulletin/2019-july.pdf · Ms Priyadarshini V M-165652-4 CV Tamilnadu Mr Venkatesh S M-165693-1 EL Tamilnadu Mr Narendran

IEI–TSC–News Bulletin, July 20192

Panel Discussion: “Challenges to Indian Industry in implementing Industry 4.0”

30th May 2019

A panel discussion was held on 30th May 2019 at 6.00 pm in IE(I), Tamilnadu State

Centre auditorium. The topic of the day was “Challenges to Indian Industry in

implementing Industry 4.0”. Er. R Ramdoss FIE, Chairman, IE(I), TNSC welcomed

the gathering and introduced the guest speakers Dr L Ramesh, Honorary Secretary,

IEI Tiruvallur Local Centre, Dr J Balamurugan, Committee Member, Electrical

Engineering Division, IEI-TNSC and Dr P S Kumar, Managing Director, ETAsmart

Pvt. Ltd., Chennai.

Dr P S Kumar explained the importance of documentation of all our business process

and general mind set is to keep it secret. Nowadays there is no secret, one can get

any info from small things to how to make Atom bomb. It is because of our wrong

assumptions, we are doing it in old way and people are not ready to pay for in

efficiency, we have to transform ourselves from step by step approach to radical

approach, product flow approach to process flow. Industry has to leap forward

thinking in next 5 years, the situations may give only 2 options exit or leave. Trying

to manage the situation will not workout. Industry has to adopt system defined

priority,based on first come, first serve basis and personal bias and other things

we have to avoid. Dr P S Kumar beautifully explained the bottle filling process,

bottle not only travels but talks, that all machines not only do their jobs, and also

communicates with other machines, so that decision making is faster, accuracy,

process is under total automation, the process where inefficiencies are greatly

reduced with machine, each machine talks to other machines.

During his intervention Dr L Ramesh brought that when computers were introduced

in 30 or 40 years, there is great resistance to change always there is resistance to

change, London is celebrating 150 years of Metro Train, still we are in the initial

stages, we have to travel a lot, he brought some interesting points about the mega

projects , though the interest rate is 0.25% very low, it is a tied loan!! how far

our Industry is ready to face? How to equip them and what about loss of jobs? What

are the alternative ways? What are the solutions? Is it possible for 1000 MSME

can come together and they can create CFC - Common facility?

Dr J Balamurugan touched upon smartness of the equipments, smartness in

everything, he has touched upon why we should cool the entire room, instead of

cooling the area only around human being. He had gone in deep about sensible

heat, latent heat, age, gender of human beings, skin area etc., He explained, how

deep the smartness of sensors, chips , RFIDs can go to collect data and we can

draw insights and we can optimise all operations. Instead of doing a research on

“Kodari” / cutting a tool which is used to cut a tall growing tree at frequent intervals,

we have to think how we can genetically arrest the tree growth at desired level.

We need new skill set to capture data and analyse data to gain insights.

Participants expressed following ideas and issues like the problem of getting finance

at affordable cost, bikes are banned in China in 1987, whether it is possible in India?

Generally Indian people are artisan nature, they are physical skill oriented, they

are not ready for this cutting edge technology, we have to work on our strengths,

65% raw material cost, 10% interest cost, then labour cost, etc.? Where the industry

will make profit, we should select right products choice. In line with one's nature,

now a days we can get google pay option even at local Kirana shops, we are end

users of digital technology and we are becoming digital colony of big corporates

instead we have to innovate, based on strengths and uniqueness, Industry has to

talk to the Government and other policy makers and all stake holders and free flow

of communication has to take place, each stake holder has to contribute to keep

industry ready for next level of disruptive technologies.

Er P Gomathi Nayagam during his closing remarks encouraged all to work on

their strengths, uniqueness, instead of competing with each other, asked the

gathering to think for collaborative ventures. if one wants to compete, one has to

compete with his Self. He narrated a small story, a man never know climbing a

tree or coming down from a tree. One fine day a Bullock tried to attack him, the

man started running, and after some distance he could not run further, suddenly

he claimed up a near by tree. The bullock failed its attack & went away. The man

insisted a ladder to be brought and afraid of coming down on his own. When some

body has gone to bring a ladder, suddenly he jumped on the floor on seeing a Snake

on the tree. And asked the participants to discover their uniqueness, that is going

to be Industry 5.0, and he encouraged the participants to work & ready to face

equally both certainty and uncertainty. The Committee Member Er K N Sivaraju

& all other participants expressed their appreciation of the panel discussion, every

participant deeply involved in the discussion without bothering about time and

appreciated the efforts taken by Chairman Er R Ramdoss and Honorary Secretary

Er P Gomathi Nayagam.

Er P Gomathi Nayagam, MIE, Honorary Secretary, IE(I), TNSC proposed the vote

of thanks.

WORLD ENVIRONMENT DAY – Theme: “Air Pollution”

04th June 2019

World Environment Day (WED) is celebrated every year on 5th June to raise global

awareness to take positive environmental action to protect nature and the planet

earth. It is run by the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP). The World

Environment Day has been started celebrating as an annual event on 5th of June

since 1973 at the Stockholm conference, Sweden and then started celebrating

annually at global level.

This year, the Tamilnadu State Centre of the Institution of Engineers (India)

observed the World Environment Day on Tuesday the 4th June 2019 at the IE(I)-

TNSC Auditorium, Chennai. At the outset, Er R Ramdoss, Chairman, IE(I) TNSC

welcomed the gathering and introduced the Chief Guest Dr S Selvan, Additional

Chief Environmental Engineer, Tamilnadu Pollution Control Board, Chennai.

Dr S Selvan delivered his lecture on the theme “Air Pollution”. He very simply

explained that the Air pollution with very simple and easy day today life experience

of ordinary human beings. He started his talk with exploring how many people are

going for morning walk, whether we are doing the selection of walking place is

right or not and he explained that any particle present in the Air is more than limit

/ more than concentration is not good . Air pollution is generally measured by 12

various parameters/ particles presence in the Air. He has described about the 12

parameters and it is presence is measured on daily bias, annual basis. He informed

the gathering that in United Kingdom, the death due to Air pollution is higher than

death due to Cancer. Air quality varies depends upon geography, distance from sea,

dilution of particles due to wind, etc., In some places every 3rd child have heart

problem. In middle east countries women used to wear dress fully covered due to

effect of sand storms, even though it is based on religious culture. CO2 and methane

gases are great cause of concern, it will create global warming potential. Some

diseases are linked to Air pollution. He has talked about the chimney height , larger

the height , the polluted air is dispersed in larger area. Members exchanged their

ideas about SO2, dilution , Scrubber, Wet scrubber, Acid rains, trees with less leafy

area, more leafy area, shrubs etc. As per our forest policy 1/3rd of area should be

under forest area, it affects total rainfall pattern, temperature, greenhouse gas effect,


Er R Ramdoss, Chairman, IE(I) TNSC presented the memento to the chief guest

Dr S Selvan. Er P Gomathi Nayagam, Honorary Secretary, IEI, TNSC proposed

the vote of thanks.

Page 3: Rs. 2/- Institution of Engineers (((India)ieitnsc.org/uploads/bulletin/2019-july.pdf · Ms Priyadarshini V M-165652-4 CV Tamilnadu Mr Venkatesh S M-165693-1 EL Tamilnadu Mr Narendran

IEI–TSC–News Bulletin, July 2019 3

Mr Paulraj Sathiamoorthy F-125393-6 CV Tamilnadu

Mr Rajendra Pitambar Rokade F-125380-4 CV Tamilnadu

Mr Venkata Shiva Rupakula M-165536-6 CV Tamilnadu

Mr Sankara Narayanan D M-165555-2 EL Tamilnadu

Ms Priyadarshini V M-165652-4 CV Tamilnadu

Mr Venkatesh S M-165693-1 EL Tamilnadu

Mr Narendran T AM187513-5 EL Tamilnadu

Ms Hemavathy C R AM187596-8 EL Tamilnadu

Mr Ahamed Yehya K AM187613-1 CV Tamilnadu

Mr Karthick R AM187629-8 CV Tamilnadu

Mr Rumesh Karthick M AM187639-5 CV Tamilnadu

Mr Robert Wilson C AM187642-5 CV Tamilnadu

Mr Ananthan K AM187680-8 MC Tamilnadu

Mr Vivek Koteeswaran AM187749-9 MC Tamilnadu

Ms Suganthi N M-165448-3 CP Tiruvallur

Dr (Ms) Srigitha S Nath M-165434-3 ET Tiruvallur

Mr S Radha Rammohan M-165466-1 CP Tiruvallur

Mr Elangovan K P M-165490-4 EL Tiruvallur

Mr Murugan R M-165533-1 CH Tiruvallur

Mr T Mohan M-165605-2 CV Tiruvallur

Mr Vijay Anand J M-165617-6 EL Tiruvallur

Mr Vinoth Kumar R AM187529-1 ET Tiruvallur

Ms Priya B C V AM187718-9 CP Tiruvallur

Prof (Dr) Ms E Poovammal F-125390-1 CP Kanchepuram

Prof (Dr) Ms M Pushpalatha F-125391-5 CP Kanchepuram

Mr Sivakumar R F-125401-0 CV Kanchepuram

Prof (Dr) Senthil Selvan S F-125446-0 CV Kanchepuram

Mr Muthukumaran B M-165445-9 ET Kanchepuram

Mr Sivakumar S M-165485-8 CV Kanchepuram

Dr Jitendra Kumar Katiyar M-165502-1 MC Kanchepuram

Mr Thanigaivelan V M-165563-3 MC Kanchepuram

Mr Saravanan B M-165564-1 MC Kanchepuram

Ms Padmavathi R M-165584-6 EL Kanchepuram

Mr Thomas D`souza F M-165682-6 MC Kanchepuram

Ms Pennarasi G AM187569-0 CV Kanchepuram

Mr Dayanandan B AM187702-2 CV Kanchepuram

Mr S Ramesh M-165557-9 CP Kalpakkam

Mr Kannan R AM187540-2 MC Kalpakkam

Mr R Veeramani F-125464-9 CV Coimbatore

Prof (Dr) E Kirubakaran F-125454-1 CP Coimbatore

Mr Ramaraj S M-165691-5 CV Coimbatore

Mr Raja Gokilan K AM187574-7 CV Coimbatore

Ms Dhaarani K K AM187659-5 CV Coimbatore

Mr Cornelius R AM187686-7 CV Coimbatore

Mr Sureshkumar T M-165496-3 CP Erode

Ms Hemasilviavinothini S M-165498-5 EL Erode

Mr Narandiran P B M-165503-5 CV Erode

Mr Karthikeyan P M-165505-6 EL Erode

Dr Kannan R M-165572-2 EL Erode

Mr Dinesh P AM187550-5 CV Erode

Mr Vishnupathy V AM187554-2 CV Erode

Mr Santhosh B R AM187632-8 MC Erode

Mr Govindaraj R AM187710-3 CV Erode

Mr C Balamurugan F-125445-2 EL Kanyakumari

Mr Asif Mohamed Noohu H AM187516-5 CV Kanyakumari

Mr Venkat Subramanian A AM187586-0 EL Kanyakumari

Mr M Sakthiramar F-125379-0 EL Madurai

Mr T S Karthik Babu F-125440-1 MC Madurai

Dr (Ms) A Merline M-165521-8 ET Madurai

Mr Muthanand P M-165538-2 CV Madurai

Ms Swedha T M-165559-5 CV Madurai

Dr Ganesh Babu R M-165692-3 ET Madurai

Mr Benjamin Raison R AM187658-1 CV Madurai

Mr Karthick S AM187678-6 CV Madurai

Ms Revathi J AM187689-1 CV Madurai

Mr Ajithkumar S AM187763-4 CV Madurai

Mr M Panneerselvam F-125466-5 CV Neyveli

Ms Ma Atmanandi AM187602-6 CV Neyveli

Mr Ramanan E AM187650-6 MC Neyveli

Mr Dharmarajan G A AM187775-8 PR Neyveli

Dr (Ms) Mahalakshmi P F-125394-4 ET Ranipet

Prof R Venkatarathinam F-125423-1 CP Ranipet

Mr Senthilkumar S M-165484-5 CV Ranipet

Mr Thirumavalavan L M-165706-7 MC Ranipet

Mr Hariprasad S AM187584-4 ET Ranipet

Mr Iyappan G R AM187679-4 CV Ranipet

Mr Venkatesan N M-165530-7 CV Salem

Dr (Ms) S K Aruna M-165566-8 CP Salem

Mr Umapathy M M-165575-7 CP Salem

Mr Arunbabu S M-165659-1 CV Salem

Mr Vignesh V AM187611-5 CV Salem

Mr Nithyaprakash R AM187631-5 MC Salem

Mr M Thirumarai Selvan M-165447-5 CV Thanjavur

Dr (Ms) M Venkatakirthiga F-125396-0 EL Tiruchirapalli

Dr (Ms) S Vijayalakshmi F-125426-6 EL Tiruchirapalli

Mr Vasanth Mohan M-165427-0 MC Tiruchirapalli

Mr A Banikannan M-165497-1 CV Tiruchirapalli

Mr Ranjit Kumar K M-165523-4 CP Tiruchirapalli

Mr S Ravi M-165707-5 MC Tiruchirapalli

Mr K E Rajagopalachari M-165708-3 MC Tiruchirapalli

Mr Balaganesh P AM187614-5 EN Tiruchirapalli

Mr Vaithiyanathan G AM187637-9 CV Tiruchirapalli

Mr Bala Ganesh V M-165406-8 CV Tirunelveli

Dr Essaki Raj R M-165506-4 EL Tirunelveli

Mr Naveen R AM187530-5 CV Tirunelveli

Mr Siddik Mohaideen A AM187542-9 CV Tirunelveli

Mr Balasubramanian B AM187573-9 CV Tirunelveli

Mr Subbiah M AM187778-2 CV Tirunelveli

Mr Saminathan N AM187681-6 ET Tuticorin

Mr Selvaprabhakaran M AM187682-4 ET Tuticorin

Name Memb. No. Division Attachment Centre Name Memb. No. Division Attachment Centre



Chairman, IEI-TNSC (2002-2004)


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Printed by Er R Ramdoss and Published on behalf of The Institution of Engineers (India), Tamilnadu State Centre,

19, Swami Sivananda Salai, Chepauk, Chennai 600 005 and Printed at Sunitha Printers, 193, Peters Road, Chennai 600 014. Editor: Er R Ramdoss


The Institution of Engineers (India)

Tamilnadu State Centre

19, Swami Sivananda Salai, Chepauk, Chennai – 600 005.

Phone: 044-25360614 / 25369433

E-mail: [email protected] / [email protected] Website: www.ieitamilnadu.org


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Posted on: 13th July 2019

Posted at: Egmore RMS (Patrika)

DATE OF PUBLICATION: 1st of every month

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IEI–TSC–News Bulletin, July 20194


5th-7th Aug. 2019 Paper Presentation on the theme “Disruptive Technology and its application” for students (10.00 am - 4.00 pm.)

8th-9th Aug. 2019 Paper Presentation on the theme “Disruptive Technology and its application” for Corporate Members and Faculties.

(10.00 am - 4.00 pm)

21-22 Aug. 2019 All India Seminar on “Cyber Physical Systems for Green Buildings in Smart Cities” at Sathyabama Institute of Science and

Technology, Chennai