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  • 7/25/2019 RPP Descriptive text lengkap



    Name : Intan Muchtar Sanusi

    Id : 321 413 111

    Class : 4E





  • 7/25/2019 RPP Descriptive text lengkap




    Satuan Pendidikan : SMP N 2 Kotamobagu

    Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris

    Kelas / Semester : VII / I

    Materi Pokok : Descriptive Text

    Alokasi Waktu : 2 x 45 Menit

    A. Kompetensi Inti

    K1 : Menghargai dan menghayati agama yang dianutnya

    K2 : Menghargai dan menghayati perilaku jujur,disiplin,tanggung jawab,peduli

    (toleransi,gotong royong), santun, percaya diri, dalam berinteraksisecara efektif

    dengan lingkungan sosial dan alam dalam jangkauan pergaulan dan


    K3 : Memahami dan menerapkan pengetahuan (faktual,konseptual dan prosedural)

    berdasarkan rasa ingin tahunya terhadap ilmu pengetahuan, teknologi, seni

    budaya terkait fenomena dan kejadian tampak mata.

    K4 : Mengolah, menyaji dan menalar dalam ranah konkret (menggunakan,

    mengurai, merangkai, memodifikasi dan membuat) dan ranah abstrak (menulis,

    membaca, menghitung, menggambar dan mengarang) sesuai dengan yang di

  • 7/25/2019 RPP Descriptive text lengkap


    pelajari disekolah dan sumber lain yang sama dalam sudut pandang teori.

    B. Kompetensi Dasar

    1.0 Mensyukuri kesempatan dapat mempelejari bahasa inggris sebagai bahasa

    pengantar komunikasi internasional yang di wujudkan dalam semangat belajar.

    2.2 Menunjukan perilaku jujur, disiplin, percaya diri, dan bertanggung jawab dalam

    melaksanakan komunikasi transaksional dengan guru dan teman.

    3.10 Memahami fungsi sosial,strultur teks dan unsur kebahasaan dari teks deskriptif

    dengan menyatakan dan menanyakan tentang deskripsi orang,binatang dan benda

    sangat pendek dan sederhana, sesuai dengan konteks penggunaannya.

    4.13 Menyusun teks deskriptif lisan dan tulis,sangat pendek dan sederhana tentang

    orang,binatang, benda dengan memperhatikan fungsi sosial, struktur teks dan

    unsur kebahasaan secara benar dan sesuai konteks.

    C. Indikator Pencapaian

    1. Menunjukan motivasi belajar yang sungguh-sungguh untuk mengembangkan

    kemampuan berbahasa inggris.

    2. Menunjukan sikap jujur, disiplin, percaya diri dan bertanggung jawab dalam

    melaksanakan komunikasi transaksional dengan guru dan teman.

    3. Membaca teks deskriptif tentang orang,binatang, benda dengan memperhatikan

    fungsi sosial, struktur teks dan unsur kebahasaan secara benar dan sesuai konteks.

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    4. Melihat gambar atau miniatur orang, binatang atau benda

    5. Mengidentifikasi struktur teks deskriptif tentang orang, binatang atau benda

    6. Menanyakan ciri fisik orang, binatang atau benda secara lisan dengan akurat

    7. Menyatakan ciri fisik orang, binatang atau benda secara tertulis dengan akurat

    8. Menyusun teks tulis deskriptif untuk menyatakan dan menanyakan tentang

    deskripsi orang, binatang, benda dengan memperhatikan fungsi sosial, struktur teks

    dan unsur kebahasaan secara benar dan sesuai konteks.

    9. Mempresentasikan hasil teks deskriptif tentang orang, binatang atau benda

    D. Tujuan

    Melalui proses scientific approach, peserta didik mampu membaca,

    mengidentifikasi, menyusun teks deskriptif untuk menanyakan dan menyatakan

    tentang deskripsi orang, binatang atau benda dengan memperhatikan fungsi sosial,

    struktur teks dan unsur kebahasaan secara benar dan sesuai konteks, dilandasi

    dengan sikap jujur, percaya diri, berani dan bertanggung jawab.

    E. Materi Pembelajaran

    1) Fungsi Sosial

    Membanggakan, mengenalkan, dan mengidentifikasi, memuji, mengkritik,

    mempromosikan, dsb.

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    2) Struktur Teks

    - Intan is the most beautiful girl in the class. She is tall,she has long hair,blue eyes

    and dimple on her check. She also clever and dilligent.

    - My little sister has a pet, it is rabbit. Her rabbit is so cute, she has white thick fur,

    blue eyes and long ears.

    - I Love hijab that my mother gave to me. It is about 1,5 meters, flower motif and

    has a small peads on the left and right. It is make hijab look so beautiful.

    3) Unsur Kebahasaan

    - Penyebutan kata benda singular a, an dan plural (-s)

    - Kata ganti it, they, they, she, we, our, my, your, their dsb.

    - Kata sifat yang terkait dengan orang, young, old, clever, big, small,tall,


    - Kosa kata, ucapan, tekanan kata dan intonasi

    - Ejaan dan tanda baca

    - Tulisan tangan

    F. Metode Pembelajaran

    1. Pendekatan : Scientific Approach

    2. Metode : Chain Writing

    (1) Menyediakan kertas plano, marker (spidol), selotip, dangunting.

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    (2) Menyiapkan contoh naskah/teks yang berisi tentang teks

    yang hendak di tugaskan.

    (3) Memperdengarkan/mempertunjukkan kepada siswa contoh teks.

    (4) Meminta siswa untuk memusatkan pikiran dan memperhatikan

    Tujuan penulisan teks, Rhetorical structure dari text elements dalam

    genre yang dipilih tersebut (perlu diingat bahwa masing masing

    genre memiliki text elemen yang berbeda).

    (5) Mengamati dan merumuskan secara bersama penulisan Teks yang

    telah ditentukan.

    (6) Mereview penjelasan tentang kriteria karangan yang baik yaitu

    menggunakan pemilihan kata-kata yang tepat, penggunaan ejaan

    yang benar, keterkaitan antara kalimat sebelum dan sesudahnya

    yang harus nyambung, dan adanya kalimat penutup yang bagus.

    (7) Membagi kelas menjadi kelompok kelompok, (menyesuaikan

    dengan jumlah siswa dalam satu kelas).

    (8) Menempel kertas plano yang telah diawali dengan tulisan frasa

    pembuka, (bisa juga dituliskan Judul atau tema dari karangan yang

    harus diselesaikan oleh peserta didik) didinding.

    (9) Mempersilahkan masing masing kelompok untuk mengambil jarak

    sekitar 5 meter, dengan cara berbaris berbanjar ke belakang pada

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    masing masing kelompok yang telah ditentukan.

    (10) Memulai Chain Writing (menuliskan satu kalimat secara

    bergantian, tiap anak mendapat satu kali kesempatan, bisa

    disesuaikan dengan merumuskan aturan yang disepakati).

    (11) Mendiskusikan hasil tulisan yang telah dibuat dalam kelompok

    (susunan kalimat, ejaan dan keterkaitan kalimatnya,dsb).

    (12) Menilai bersama sama hasil menulis teks.

    (13) Mengadakan refleksi secara bersama-sama.



    G. Langkahlangkah Pembelajaran (Pertemuan Pertama)

    Kegiatan Deskripsi Kegiatan Alokasi


    Pendahuluan - Salam

    - Salah seorang peserta didik memimpin

    doa bersama

    - Pendidik melakukan absensi kehadiran peserta didik

    - Menanyakan pemahaman materi minggu lalu

    - Memperkenalkan topik diskusi dan memberipemahaman sepintas tentang teks deskriptif

    - Siswa dibagi kedalam kelompok yang beranggotakan 4-

    5 Siswa

    - Pendidik dan peserta didik menyepakati kegiatan


    15 Menit

    Kegiatan Inti Mengamati

    - Guru membagikan contoh teks deskriptif yang berbeda-

    beda kepada masing-masing kelompok

    - Guru membagikan gambar / miniatur orang, benda ataubinatang kepada masing-masing kelompok

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    - Siswa memahami teks deskriptif tentang orang, benda

    atau binatang yang sudah di bagikan

    - Siswa mengamati gambar / miniatur tentang orang,benda

    atau binatang yang sudah di bagikan


    - Siswa menanyakan struktur teks deskriptif berdasarkan

    teks yang telah dibagikan

    - Siswa menanyakan ciri fisik orang, benda dan binatang

    pada gambar / miniatur yang telah dibagikan

    - Siswa diminta untuk membuat pertanyaan yang

    berkaitandengan teks deskriptif dan gambar / miniatur

    orang, benda dan binatang yang telah dibagikan.

    Mengumpulkan Informasi

    - Siswa secara berkelompok mendiskusikan struktur teks

    yang ada didalam teks deskriptif

    - Siswa secara berkelompok mendiskusikan tentang ciri-

    ciri fisik orang, benda dan binatang yang telah dibagikan

    - Siswa diberikan kesempatan untuk mengumpulkan

    contoh dari buku / internet

    Menalar / Mengasosiasi

    - Siswa menyatakan ciri fisik orang, benda atau binatang

    pada gambar / miniatur secara tertulis dengan akurat

    - Siswa membuat teks deskriptif berdasarkan gambar /

    miniatur orang, benda atau binatang yang telah


    - Guru menempel kertas plano yang telah diawali dengan

    tulisan frasa pembuka, judul atau tema.

    - Siswa memulai untuk menulis chain writing

    (teks deskriptif)


    - Salah satu peserta didik perwakilan kelompok

    menyampaikan hasil kerjanya tentang teks deskriptif

    berdasarkan gambar/ miniatur orang, benda atau


    - Salah satu peserta didik lainnya yang juga perwakilan

    kelompok mempresentasikan hasil dari menulis chain

    writing (teks deskriptif)

    - Peserta didik dari kelompok lain memberikan tanggapan

    - Peserta didik dari kelompok lain memberikan score

    penilaian pada kelompok yang presentasi.

    30 menit

    30 Menit

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    Penutup - Guru menyimpulkan secara keseluruhan materi

    pembelajaran pada hari ini

    - Guru dan siswa melakukan refleksi dengan


    manfaat dan kesulitan selama proses KBM berlangsung- Guru memberikan tugas rumah/PR kepada siswa

    - Guru menginformasikan kegiatan pembelajaran untuk

    pertemuan selanjutnya

    - Salah seorang peserta didik memimpin doa

    10 Menit

    H. Media Pembelajaran

    Alat : Laptop,LCD,white board and boardmarker

    Media : Karton, Picture,Papers

    I. Sumber Belajar

    Book : When English Rings a Bell



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    1. Sikap Spiritual


    Teknik Penilaian : Observasi


    Bentuk Instrumen : Check list


    Kisi-kisi :

    No Sikap/Nilai Butir Instrumen

    1 Peserta didik menunjukkan kesempatan belajar

    bahasa inggris

    Lampiran 1

    d. Rubrik Penilaian Sikap Spiritual

    No Nama Aspek yang diamati SkorBerdoa Sebelum


    Mengucapkan salam dan

    sesudah memberi pendapat

    Keterangan :

    BT : Belum Tampak = 1

    MT : Mulai Tampak = 2

    MB : Mulai Membudidaya = 3

    e. Pedoman Penskoran

    NA =

    2. Sikap Sosial


    Teknik Penilaian : Penilaian Sejawatb. Bentuk Instrumen : LembarPeer Assesment

    c. Kisi-kisi :

    No Sikap/Nilai Butir Instrumen

    1. Memberikan penilaian terhadap teman tentang nilai

    disiplin dan tanggung jawab

    Lampiran penilaian


    d. Rubrik penilaian Sikap Sosial

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    Keterangan :

    = 2 = 1 = 0,5

    Always Often Seldom


    Pedoman Penskoran

    NA =

    3. Pengetahuan


    Teknik Penilaian : Objective

    b. Bentuk Instrumen: Matching and Arrange


    Kisi-kisi :

    No Sikap/Nilai Butir Instrumen



    Disajikan gambar benda,hewan dan binatang

    kemudian siswa mendeskripsikan gambar tersebut

    Disajikan soal teks deskriptif kemudian siswa

    mengisi deskripsi tersebut di lembar soal

    d. Instrumen : Terlampir

    e. Rubrik Penilaian

    No Aspek yang dinilai Kriteria Score

    1. Keruntutan teks Struktut yang digunakan sangat runtut

    Struktur teks yang digunakan runtut

    Struktur teks yang digunakan cukup runtut

    Struktur teks yang digunakan kurang runtutStruktur teks yang digunakan tidak runtut





    2. Pilihan Kosa Kata Sangat variatif dan tepat

    Variatif dan tepat

    Cukup variatif dan tepat

    Kurang variatif dan tepat

    Tidak variatif dan tepat






    3. Pilihan tata bahasa Pilihan tata bahasa sangat tepat

    Pilihan tata bahasa tepat

    Pilihan tata bahasa cukup tepat

    Pilihan tata bahasa kurang tepatPilihan tata bahasa tidak tepat





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    f. Pedoman Penskoran

    NA = skor perolehan X 4

    Skor maksimal

    3. Keterampilan

    a. Teknik Penilaian : Unjuk kerja

    b. Bentuk Instrumen : Tes menulis dan berbicarac. Kisi-kisi

    d. Rubrik tes keterampilan menulis




    1. Pilihan Kosa Kata Pilihan kosa kata sangat tepat

    Pilihan kkosa kata tepat

    Pilihan kosa kata cukup tepat

    Pilihan kosa kata kurang tepat

    Pilihan kosa kata tidak tepat






    2. Keruntutan teks Struktut yang digunakan sangat runtut

    Struktur teks yang digunakan runtut

    Struktur teks yang digunakan cukup runtut

    Struktur teks yang digunakan kurang runtut

    Struktur teks yang digunakan tidak runtut






    3. Pilihan Kosa Kata Pilihan kosa kata sangat tepat

    Pilihan kkosa kata tepat

    Pilihan kosa kata cukup tepat

    Pilihan kosa kata kurang tepat

    Pilihan kosa kata tidak tepat






    4. Pilihan tata bahasa Pilihan tata bahasa sangat tepat

    Pilihan tata bahasa tepat

    Pilihan tata bahasa cukup tepat

    Pilihan tata bahasa kurang tepat

    Pilihan tata bahasa tidak tepat






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    e. Pedoman Penskoran

    NA = skor perolehan X 4

    Skor maksimal

    f. Rubrik tes keterampilan berbicara


    1. Pengucapan

    ( pronounciation )

    Hampir sempurna

    Ada beberapa kesalahan namun

    tidak mengganggiu makana

    Ada beberapa kesalahan dan

    mengganggu makna

    Banyak kesalahan dan

    mengganggu makna

    Banyak kesalahan dan terlalu

    mengganggu makana






    2. Intonasi ( intonation ) Hampir sempurna

    Ada beberapa kesalahan namun

    tidak mengganggiu makana

    Ada beberapa kesalahan dan

    mengganggu makna

    Banyak kesalahan dan

    mengganggu makna

    Banyak kesalahan dan terlalu

    mengganggu makana






    3 Kelancaran ( fluency ) Sangat lancar


    Cukup lancar

    Kurang lancarTidak lancar





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    4. Ketelitian Sangat teliti


    Cukup teliti

    Kurang teliti

    Tidak teliti






    g. Pedoman penskoran :

    NA = skor perolehan X 4

    Skor maksimal

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    Nilai kompetensi

    Pengetahun Keterampilan Sikap

    A 4 4 SB

    A- 3.66 3.66

    B+ 3.33 3.33 B

    B 3 3

    B- 2.66 2.66

    C+ 2.33 2.33 CC 2 2

    C- 1.66 1.66

    D+ 1.33 1.33 K

    D- 1 1

    Gorontalo, 20 Mei 2014


    Kepala Sekolah : English Teacher

    Rendra Putra Tongkasi Intan Muchtar Sanusi

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    Lampiran 1 : Instrumen Penilaian Sikap Spiritual



    JENIS KEGIATAN : Observasi sikap spiritual



    Berdoa sebelum



    salam sebelum dan























    Ket : BT (Belum tampak) MT : Mulai Tampak MB : Mulai membudidaya

    Note : Aspek yang disesuaikan degan kompetensi dasar yang harus diiliki peserta


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    Lampiran 2 : Instrumen Penilaian Sikap Sosial

    Peer Teaching Assesment

    Name :

    Day/Date :

    Tick the suitablepictures to describe your friend

    i. He (She) finishes his (her) task on time.

    ii. He (She) does his (her) piece of work when working in the group

    iii. He (She) shows up on time when completing the group task after class

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    Lampiran 3 : Insrumen Penilaian Pengetahuan

    Task 1

    Individual, Read the text and put the question in the table !

    My Lovely Puppies

    My dog, Betsy, gave birth to four puppies five months ago. The first is Robin. He is a

    big male. His hair is brown with black markings. I put a black ribbon on his neck. The

    second is male too. I named him Oscar. He has brown hair with white markings. Hehas a white ribbon around his neck. The two other puppies are Brown haired with no

    markings. They are female. They are Ruby and Opal. Ruby has a red ribbon on her

    neck while Opal has a pink ribbon. Even though they are not quite the same, they are

    all so cute. I love them all.

    No Name Description

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    Lampiran 4 : Instrumen Penilaian Keterampilan

    Task 2

    Look at this picture and describe by using simple present tense with groups!

    Pictures :

    Task 3

    - Teachers sticking flipchart that has been begins with the opening phrase, theme or

    title in the wall or whiteboard.

    - Each group has a own title

    - Students in the group, in turn write one sentence, each student gets one chance. the

    sentence should be matched with the title.

    - Each group has 5 minutes to complete the descriptive text

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    Task 4

    Homework :

    Read this following text and choose the best answer!

    Peter is the youngest in our family. He is fourteen years old and four years younger

    than me. He has long, straight hair, bright eyes and a friendly smile. Sometimes he is

    rather naughty at home, but he usually does what he is asked to do.Peter is interested

    in sports very much, and at school, he plays football and tennis.He is the best

    badminton player in our family.

    (sumber: pegangan guru untuk SMP/MTS oleh Bachtiar Bima Mustriana, 2009, PT

    Intan Pariwara)

    1. How old is Peter? He is years old.

    a. Four

    b. Fourteen

    c. Forty

    d. Ten

    2. The writer is years old.

    a. Fourteen

    b. Sixteen

    c. Eighteen

    d. Nineteen

    3. Which of the following statement is not true about Peter?

    a. He has long and straight hair.

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    b. He has bright eyes.

    c. He is interested in sports.

    d. He plays football and tennis.

    4. According to the passage, we know that Peter is .

    a. The writers youngest brother

    b. The writers elder brother

    c. A naughty boy

    d. A friendly boy

    5. It is implied in the passage that .

    a. Peter is naughty.

    b. Peter is lazy.

    c. Peter is unfriendly.

    d. Peter is diligent.

    6. From the text, we may conclude that.

    a. Many people do not like Peter.

    b. People is older that the writer.

    c. Peter is a welcoming person.

    d. Peter is not diligent at all.

    7. What is the text mostly about?

    a. Peter

    b. Peters hobby

    c. Peters family

    d. D. peters elder brother

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    8.He is fourteen years old . . . Than me.

    The underlined word refers to .

    a. Peter

    b. The writer

    c. The writers brother

    d. the writers family

    9. Peter is interested in sports very much, and at school he plays football and tennis.

    The underlined phrase can be replaced by .

    a. Dislike sport

    b. Really likes sport

    c. Hates sport very much

    d. Finds sport not really entertaining

    10. But he usually does what he is asked to do

    The underlined phrase means

    a. He does anything he wants.

    b. He always asks.

    c. He is lazy.

    d. He is diligent.

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    Task 1

    Individual, Read the text and put the question in the table !

    My Lovely Puppies

    My dog, Betsy, gave birth to four puppies five months ago. The first is Robin. He is a

    big male. His hair is brown with black markings. I put a black ribbon on his neck. The

    second is male too. I named him Oscar. He has brown hair with white markings. He

    has a white ribbon around his neck. The two other puppies are Brown haired with no

    markings. They are female. They are Ruby and Opal. Ruby has a red ribbon on her

    neck while Opal has a pink ribbon. Even though they are not quite the same, they are

    all so cute. I love them all.

    No Name Description

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    Lampiran 4 : Instrumen Penilaian Keterampilan

    Task 2

    Look at this picture and describe by using simple present tense with groups!

    Pictures :

    Task 3

    - Teachers sticking flipchart that has been begins with the opening phrase, theme or

    title in the wall or whiteboard.

    - Each group has a own title

    - Students in the group, in turn write one sentence, each student gets one chance. the

    sentence should be matched with the title.

    - Each group has 5 minutes to complete the descriptive text

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    Task 4

    Homework :

    Read this following text and choose the best answer!

    Peter is the youngest in our family. He is fourteen years old and four years younger

    than me. He has long, straight hair, bright eyes and a friendly smile. Sometimes he is

    rather naughty at home, but he usually does what he is asked to do.Peter is interested

    in sports very much, and at school, he plays football and tennis.He is the best

    badminton player in our family.

    (sumber: pegangan guru untuk SMP/MTS oleh Bachtiar Bima Mustriana, 2009, PT

    Intan Pariwara)

    1. How old is Peter? He is years old.

    a. Four

    b. Fourteen

    c. Forty

    d. Ten

    2. The writer is years old.

    a. Fourteen

    b. Sixteen

    c. Eighteen

    d. Nineteen

    3. Which of the following statement is not true about Peter?

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    a. He has long and straight hair.

    b. He has bright eyes.

    c. He is interested in sports.

    d. He plays football and tennis.

    4. According to the passage, we know that Peter is .

    a. The writers youngest brother

    b. The writers elder brother

    c. A naughty boy

    d. A friendly boy

    5. It is implied in the passage that .

    a. Peter is naughty.

    b. Peter is lazy.

    c. Peter is unfriendly.

    d. Peter is diligent.

    6. From the text, we may conclude that.

    a. Many people do not like Peter.

    b. People is older that the writer.

    c. Peter is a welcoming person.

    d. Peter is not diligent at all.

    7. What is the text mostly about?

    a. Peter

    b. Peters hobby

    c. Peters family

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    d. D. peters elder brother

    8.He is fourteen years old . . . Than me.

    The underlined word refers to .

    a. Peter

    b. The writer

    c. The writers brother

    d. the writers family

    9. Peter is interested in sports very much, and at school he plays football and tennis.

    The underlined phrase can be replaced by .

    a. Dislike sport

    b. Really likes sport

    c. Hates sport very much

    d. Finds sport not really entertaining

    10. But he usually does what he is asked to do

    The underlined phrase means

    a. He does anything he wants.

    b. He always asks.

    c. He is lazy.

    d. He is diligent.

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    Key Answer

    Task 1 :

    No. Name Description

    1. Robin Has a brown hair with black markings and has a

    black ribbon on his neck

    2. Oscar He has brown hair with white markings. He has a

    white ribbon around his neck.

    3. Ruby and Opal Ruby has a red ribbon on her neck while Opal has a

    pink ribbon. They have Brown haired with no


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    Task 2


    - Doraemon

    Doraemon is one of cartoon character from Japan. doraemon film usually

    show on sunday morning. doraemon is robot likes cat who came from 22nd

    century of the future. Doramon colour is blue. he doesn't had ear because a rat

    was eat his ears.Doraemon has round head and red nose likes chery fruit.

    doraemon has a fourth- dimensional pocket on his abdomen frow which is can

    take out many amazing tools. Doraemon was send back to the 20th century

    because nobita's grandson can't bear to see his grandfather suffer. So he sent

    doraemon to help out nobita's troubles with doraemon miraculous pocket.

    doraemon favorit food is dorayaki, and he usually eat dorayaki everyday.

    - Giraffes

    The giraffe has big brown eyes. They are protected by very thick lashes. This

    giraffe has brown spots on the skin. This coloring helps protect the giraffe. It

    is also has two short horns on its head. Like a camel, it can go for a long time

    without drinking water. One source of water is the leaves which it eats from

    trees. It is tall, so the giraffe can reach the tender leaves at the top of a tree.

    - Bag

    I have a bag. It's colour is soft green. I always bring it when I go to school. It

    is made of strong fabric. There are several parts of my bag. The first part is the

    pocket. I put my oney and my library card in the pocket. The second part is the

    main part. I put my books and my pencil case in this part. The third part is a

    small pocket on the left side of my bag. I keep bottle of water in this poket.

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    Task 3

    - Blue Paper


    My father name is Muhammad Ibn Al-bayhaqi. He is 45 years old. He is very

    handsome and dashing man. He has a sturdy body and wide chest. My dads

    tall is about 170 cm and his weigh is about 60 kg. My father has a pointed

    noose; unlike mine which is flat. His hair is black and short. His eyes are great

    and black. He has fair complexion and thick eyebrows. Although he looks

    terrible, my father is very friendly. He is happy to make other laugh with hisjokes.

    - Yellow Paper


    My rabbit Pusy, two months ago I celebrated my birthday is the 12th, which I

    was very happy at that time because given the gift of a rabbit is very cute, and

    I give the name Pusy.Pusy very funny, his hair is white, and frightening

    because it often is washed clean, ivana not like carrots on his general, just like

    vegetables kale ivana, ivana rabbit that strangeness.

    - Purple Paper


    The Monas National Monument is a 132-meter tower in the center of Merdeka

    Square, Central Jakarta, Indonesia Jakarta, is the capital of the state. It

    symbolizes the struggle for Indonesian independence of our country. The

    monument consists of a 117.7 m obelisk on a

    45m square platform at a height of 17 m. The towering monument symbolizes

    the philosophy of Lingga and Yoni. Resembles a phallus, or pestle mortar

    pestle and Yoni resembles rice or mortar, two important things in the tradition

    of Indonesian agriculture. Construction began in 1961 under the direction of

    President Sukarno, the first president of the us and the monument was opened

    to the public in 1975. It is topped by a flame covered

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    with gold foil, and now the monument calls.

    Task 4


    1. B 6. C

    2. C 7. A

    3. C 8. B

    4. A 9. B

    5. D 10. D

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    Definition and function of Descriptive text

    Descriptive text is a text which says what a person or a thing is like. Its purpose is to

    describe and reveal a particular person, place, or thing. Or Is a text which used to

    describe something, someone, or place. (Teks yang menjelaskan gambaran seseorang

    atau benda).

    Desriptive text used to describe something, someone, or place. (Tujuannya adalah

    mengambarkan atau mengungkapkan orang, tempat atau benda tertentu)

    Ciri-ciri Descriptive Text :

    - Menggunakansimple present tense

    Simple present tensedibentuk dari verb-1 (present tense) ataulinking verb be(is,

    am, are). Apa itu verb-1? Verb-1 merupakanbare infinitive dengan tambahan -s atau

    -es (contoh verb-1: does, goes, wants) khusus untuksubjectberupasingular

    noun(kata benda tunggal: Tita, book, car) atau third person singular pronoun(kata

    ganti orang ketiga tunggal: she, he, it); atau tanpa tambahan apapun (contoh verb-1:

    do, go, want) untuksubjectberupaplural noun(boys, men, books)

    atauplural pronoun(we, they),pronounI/you, ataucompound subject (you and me,

    Tina and Ratih).

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    Rumus :

    (+) S + V-1

    S +/- auxiliary (do/does) + bare infinitive

    Ex : She likes eating out

    S + To be (am,is,are)

    Ex : The children are naughty.

    (-) S + auxiliary (do/does) + not + bare infinitive

    Ex : She doesnt like eating out

    S + be(am/is/are) + not

    Ex : The children arent naughty

    (?)Do/Does + S + bare infinitive

    Ex : Does she like eating out?

    Be(am/is/are) + S

    Ex : Are the children naughty?

    - Menggunakan attribute verb, seperti be (am, is, are)

    - Hanya fokus pada satu objek tersebut.

    a. Describing about People

    To describe about a person, we have to include appearance andpersonality.

    What do they look like ?

    1. Appearance

    To talk about appearance we can mention:

    - General adjectives



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    - Height

    - Figure

    - Hair

    - Face

    - Eyes

    - Mouth

    - Nose

    - Other characteristics : earings, tattoo, glasses, moustache, beard, and etc.

    General Adjectives Age Height Figure Hair










    Middle aged







    Long hair

    Short hair

    Wave hair

    Blonde hair

    Curly hair

    Straight hair


    Eg: long curly brown hair.

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    Face Eyes Nose

    Thin face

    Round face

    Square face

    Blue eyes

    Brown eyes

    White eyes

    Long nose

    Sharp nose/ pointed nose

    Flat nose (pesek)

    2. Personality

    - Funny

    - Nice

    - Good



    - Unfriendly

    - Rude

    - Naughty

    Example 1 :

    My Lovely Girlfriend Susan Smith

    I want to tell you about my lovely girlfriend. My lovely girlfriend is Susan Smith.

    She is very beautiful and attractive. She is young, slim, sexy, and tall. She has long

    straight blonde hair and small blue eyes. Her nose is pointed and her mouth is big.

    She is funny, nice, and friendly.

    Example 2 :

    My Best Friend

    His name is kevin anggara, kevin anggara is my classmate, he has tall body, he is 170

    cm, he has straight black hair, he has oval face, he has small eyes, he has sharp nose,

    he has thick lips, he dark brown skin, he has thin body, he always wears black shirt,

    he is kind, he is smart, he is helpful, he is generous, and he is dilligent.

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    b. Describing about place

    How it is looks like : General adjactive, form, color

    Direction : beside, in front of, next

    Example 1 :

    Parangritis Beach

    Beach Parangtritis is fairly well-known attractions in Yogyakarta in addition

    to otherobjects such as Samas beach, Baron, Kukup, Krakal and Glagah. Parangtritis

    has auniqueness that is not found in the views of other attractions besides the big

    wavesare also the existence of mountains of sand around the beach, which is usually

    called dunes. This attraction has been managed by the Bantul pretty

    well, rangingfrom lodging facilities and markets selling souvenirs Parangtritis.

    In Parangtritis There are also ATV, horse & carriage horses can be rented for up the

    coast from east to west. In addition Parangtritis also a place for air sports.

    Example 2 :

    My Classroom

    I want to tell you about my classroom.

    My classroom is next to the school library. It is a big and clean classroom. I has two

    black doors and six brown windows. The walls are green and there are some pictures

    on them. There are twenty tables, forty chairs and two white boards. The air is cool

    because my classroom is air conditioned room.

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    C. Describing about Thing

    How it is looks like : General adjactive, form, color.

    Example 1 :

    My Smartphone

    Last month, my uncle came to visit my home. He had just returned from China after

    living there for 2 years. He gave me presents a new smartphone. I really liked it.

    My Smartphone color is black. It has a 5 inch screen. The width is about 5 cm and the

    thick is no more than 1 cm. This is the latest product from Sony.

    The phone also has a very good color display. The performance of this mobile phone

    is also great. I can play games that require high specification using it. But sometimes,

    I forget about the time when play the game.

    Example 2 :


    Android with the era globalisation, technology is more advanced and can get

    everything easily. Android is a new gadget that can help people to get information

    easly, it can phoned people, can get information from internet, can accsess social

    media, can take a picture, and can be a media storage. It shape is simple and really

    nice for hold. Its slight and can accessed by touch screen. It also become a note, also

    can watch a video fromYouTube, Send a Short Message Text, and it also could video
