C rossroads Rotary e-bulletin published by Rotary Club of Singapore Proud of our Heritage, Committed to our Future Chartered 6 th June 1930 11 MARK YOUR DIARY What’s ahead? Don’t miss the forthcoming events and Birthday / Anniversary celebrants and more… 1 IN FOCUS FRCS expands its activities -By PP Perlita Tiro Lifetime Achievement Award Winner for Best Bulletin in District 3310 Volume 56 Issue No. 36 6 April 2020 4 LAST WEEK In Memoriam: Mrs Zarin Cooper Mrs Kanak Mehta Dr Mary Chin Foundation of Rotary Clubs (Singapore) Ltd 8 LAST WEEK Report on Wed 1 April 2020 Online Meeting

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C rossroads Rotary

e-bulletin published by Rotary Club of Singapore

Proud of our Heritage, Committed to our Future Chartered 6th June 1930


What’s ahead? Don’t miss

the forthcoming events and

Birthday / Anniversary

celebrants and more…


FRCS expands its activities -By PP Perlita Tiro

Lifetime Achievement Award Winner for Best Bulletin in District 3310

Volume 56 Issue No. 36

6 April 2020


In Memoriam:

Mrs Zarin Cooper

Mrs Kanak Mehta

Dr Mary Chin

Foundation of Rotary Clubs (Singapore) Ltd


Report on Wed

1 April 2020

Online Meeting

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An e-bulletin published by Rotary Club of Singapore – Proud of our Heritage, Committed to our Future email: [email protected] Website: www.rotary.org.sg Save our Forests! Save Paper - Print only if absolutely necessary.

In Focus FRCS expands its activities.

PP Perlita Tiro

Co-Chair, FRCS Marketing & Communications


Have you heard about the Foundation of Rotary Clubs Singapore (FRCS)? Perhaps members who have been around for a while would have. Many of our Rotarians would associate FRCS to our earliest project – the Rotary Family Service Centre which was set up in 1997. Few people are aware that FRCS has developed tremendously since, especially in recent years. Hence the need for this article, for everyone’s information, and to enable all of us to participate actively and benefit from the range of services it offers. We encourage all Rotarians, family members, prospective Rotarians, the youth (Rotaractors, Interactors) as well as our beneficiaries and benefactors to participate in all our activities and utilise our FRCS House to the fullest. Take advantage also of grants that you can obtain from FRCS for your local projects.

How was FRCS born?

When District 330 split into 3300 and 3310 in 1990, the new District 3300 took over District 330’s Foundation of Rotary Clubs. Thus, all Malaysian Rotarians remained as members, including District 3310 Malaysian Rotarians. Rotarians in Singapore were left with no such Foundation. PDG Dr Philbert Chin then suggested that Singapore should start its own foundation. This idea received the support of the then incumbent DG Dr Robert Loh, the DG Nominee Gerald Minjoot and all the Club Presidents of the 1990-91 and 1991-92 rotary years. In 1993, the Rotary Foundation of Singapore was thus established as a company limited by guarantee. By August 1993, the Foundation became a member of the National Council of Social Service (NCSS). In July 1994, the Foundation of Rotary Clubs (Singapore) Ltd became an Institution of Public Character, representing all the 12 Rotary Clubs in Singapore at that time. Now the charity arm of Rotary Clubs in Singapore, FRCS can issue tax-exempt receipts for qualifying donations received for projects in Singapore.

Shareholders and Management

The shareholders of the FRCS consist of the 23 Rotary Clubs in Singapore. The FRCS Board of Directors consists of representatives from different Rotary Clubs in Singapore. The Board members and their respective roles are shown below. Representing the RC Singapore on the Board are Chairman PDG Philbert Chin, Hon Treasurer and President Nominee See Mee Lee, Assistant Governor Jimmy Ooi and Director Raj Kumar. PP Dr Gong Ing San, the Chairman of Fund Raising Committee, is responsible for raising funds for all major activities of FRCS. PDG Philbert is naturally the primemover for raising funds and seeks all opportunities to increase the coffers of FRCS whenever possible.

In Focus

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An e-bulletin published by Rotary Club of Singapore – Proud of our Heritage, Committed to our Future email: [email protected] Website: www.rotary.org.sg Save our Forests! Save Paper - Print only if absolutely necessary.

In Focus FRCS Family Service Centre

Very well established since 1997, the FSC (formerly known as Rotary Family Service Centre) has a team of 23 dedicated professionals who are trained and qualified to support individuals and families in need in the Clementi and West Coast areas. They look into ways of helping persons manage their social and emotional difficulties, while strengthening their relationships and enhancing their ability to become resilient. They believe in upholding the dignity of persons that they serve according to the Rotary motto “Service Above Self”. They currently support some 500 individuals. Their signature programmes include SuperMUMS, SuperFESTIVE, SuperSTUDENTS and DiscoverHEROES! While FSC continues to be ably managed by PP Yeo Chuen Eng of RC Singapore West and has token financial support from FRCS, the major financial support of FSC (99% currently) comes from the Ministry of Social and Family Development, National Council of Social Service and Community Chest.

Rotary Eldercare & Caregivers Centre (RECC)

Following the success of FSC, Ms Low Yen Ling, Mayor of South West District & Advisor to Bukit Gombak and its grassroots, raised the possibility of a project to develop and operate a new service centre catering to seniors, their caregivers and families. Earmarked as a priority national cause, it consists of building and operating a centre in Bukit Gombak to serve 13 HDB blocks with 2,500 seniors who are 60 years or older. After careful deliberation, FRCS decided to proceed with the project in 2019, to be known as the Rotary Eldercare & Caregivers Centre (RECC). It will take over a vacated community centre compound in Bukit Gombak, at low HDB rental rate. RECC is uniquely modelled to provide both the elderly and their caregivers a physical venue to gather, to befriend each other and obtain help or to learn and participate in senior activities and related support programs and services. The proposed RECC will be the new mammoth challenge of PP Yeo Chuen Eng. Through the able leadership and tremendous efforts of PP Dr Gong Ing San of the Rotary Club of Changi, Chairman of Fund Raising across major projects, FRCS has organised a number of fund raising activities for the construction of RECC. These include the Flag Day on 15 June, a very successful Movie Premier on 14 November and a Charity Golf Tournament on 4 December, all in 2019.

In Focus

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An e-bulletin published by Rotary Club of Singapore – Proud of our Heritage, Committed to our Future email: [email protected] Website: www.rotary.org.sg Save our Forests! Save Paper - Print only if absolutely necessary.

In Focus Unfortunately, with the Chinese New Year holidays and Covid-19 virus in 2020, the fund-raising activities have slowed down in 2020. We managed to organise only private “internal” flag day for 4 April 2020 which still awaits support from all the Rotary Clubs. Nevertheless, all contributions (all entitled to 2.5 times tax deduction) are most welcome from corporates and individuals.

Rotary Learning Institute Singapore (RLIS)

FRCS set up the Rotary Learning Institute in 2019 to provide the opportunity to enhance skills and serve the community better across all sectors. It promotes excellence in vocation and sustainable service, inherent in the culture of Rotary. Its main objects are to offer innovative courses to the social service community, corporations, students and the public, to empower and enhance participants’ skills in serving the community. It provides courses for staff and volunteers of charities as well as for senior citizens. The National Silver Academy (NSA) heavily subsidises course for senior citizens. Eventually, it aims to support social and humanitarian causes through surpluses achieved. PP Ramasamy Jayapal, from RC Singapore North, chairs RLIS.

FRCS House

At a meeting with the government in 2015, PDG Philbert boldly asked if $2M were raised within 9 months, would FRCS receive a matching grant of $2.25M from the Care and Share scheme to purchase a property. The answer was YES. Due to the short SG50 golden time window, a Committee was appointed with PDG Philbert as chairperson to handle the project. He obtained the first round of pledges of over $450K from 9 Rotarians and the Committee worked hard to achieve rest of the target. On 24 Oct PDG Chew Ghim Bok of RC Bugis Junction advised the Committee of a commercial property of about 3,000 sq ft with an asking price of $4.4M. Within 6 months, PDG Philbert rounded up all Rotary Clubs in Singapore and raised the target of $2M. With PP Roger Ng of RC Bugis Junction at the helm, the design and renovation of the FRCS House ensued in December 2018 when the property was vacated. Meantime, the value of property has risen to approximately $6M.

Located at Peninsula Plaza, 5 minutes from City Hall MRT, the FRCS House is now a venue ready for meetings and various activities of Clubs, Rotarians, Visitors, Rotaractors, Interactors and Alumni. It will also house Rotary Archives (chaired by AG Jimmy Ooi of RC Singapore) for which we are currently soliciting donations of Rotary materials.


President Troy Engle of RC Singapore North helms the Youth Group with the aim of opening the FRCS House as a center for youth activities in Singapore, such as like RYLA Day Camp, Open House for Rotaractors, and Public Speaking workshops at RLIS. PP Edmund Chew of Rotary E-Club of 3310 takes charge of another youth group called Project Starfish, A Back to School Program for Out-Of-School Youths. Catering to the youth age 15-21 years who stopped schooling, it provides free tuition in Maths, Science and English, so they can obtain GCE level certificate.


We have started with Walks, Festivals and Community Service events across Clubs in Singapore, but we aim to organise more interclub fellowship activities for members, families and beneficiaries, to be held at the FRCS House, once the lockdown is over. RC Singapore Director Raj Kumar, our Fellowship Chair, will ensure that.

We are revamping the website, but visit http://rotarysingaporefoundation.org/ to know more about FRCS. Ask questions and like us on FACEBOOK too: https://www.facebook.com/FRCSingapore/ But please feel free to ask your respective Presidents about us, or email us at [email protected].

In Focus

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An e-bulletin published by Rotary Club of Singapore – Proud of our Heritage, Committed to our Future email: [email protected] Website: www.rotary.org.sg Save our Forests! Save Paper - Print only if absolutely necessary.

PP Dr Rusi & Zarin Cooper

In Memoriam – Mrs Zarin Cooper During the Club’s online meeting held on Wednesday, 1 April 2020, President Deepak sadly announced the passing away of beloved spouses of our members:

Mrs Zarin Rustom Cooper (wife of the late PP Dr Rusi Cooper, President RY 1986-87) who passed away in Mumbai on 22 March;

Mrs Kanak Mehta (wife of the late Rtn K S Mehta) who passed away on 24 March;

Dr Mary Chin (wife of PDG Dr Philbert Chin) who passed away on 26 March. President Deepak extended deepest condolences to the families, and reminded members that they could add their condolence messages via the bulletin. Following are some of the messages received: Dear Pheroza and Farida My family has been blessed to have friends like Dr Cooper & Zarin and yourselves. We have benefitted a lot from the guidance and blessings of your parents. Zarin had always been a source of strength and inspiration to my family and everybody whose life she touched. We pray for the peaceful rest of her eternal soul. - Rtn Atul & Bella Merchant ----- My deepest condolences to the family of Mrs Zarin Cooper. In fact it was PP Rusi Cooper who interviewed/briefed me on behalf of MC&D Committee when I was proposed for membership way back in 1987. - PP Sajjad Akhtar ------ I remember Zarin with a lot of fondness. In years past we would sit and she would tell me of her day and the wonderful things she did for loved ones and friends, and for strangers. She had a lot of compassion for people and love for God. I am glad to have been her friend even for a short while. My husband and I send our condolences to Rusi and his family for their loss. - Mrs Irene Tan, wife of PP Chin Ngiap

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Rtn K S & Kanak Mehta

In Memoriam – Mrs Kanak Mehta

When I first joined the Club, KS and Kanak were one of the first Rotary families to invite Jessie and me to their home for lunch. They were so welcoming.

Kanak was so cheerful, so chirpy. She has always been a livewire in any party. We will miss her. May her soul rest in peace.

KS was a Sergeant-at-Arms like no other. An unforgettable pair.

Sincere condolences to Manish and family. God Bless them. - HM PP Raymon Huang and Jessie ----- Deepest condolences to Manish Mehta and family for the passing away of his beloved mother, Kanak. - HM PP Bhagwan Melwani. ----- Deepest condolences to Manish and family. I will always remember and cherish the immaculate attention given by our late Rtn KS Mehta in unfailingly attending to his club duty as Honorary Sergeant-at-Arms. An icon in the Rotary Club of Singapore that is still hard to emulate. And the late Kanak Mehta whose many wonderful stories of the their Rotary lives stretching the globe and finally Singapore as home. Thank you for making our Rotary lives so enriching and may you rest in peace forever - AG Jimmy Ooi -----

Dear Manish & family I'm deeply saddened to hear about your mom's demise. Deepest sympathies to you and family. I'm just so glad that I managed to be with all of you at her last birthday celebration.

May she rest in peace and rejoice with your dearest Dad who has welcomed her with open arms together with our Creator. May this thought and all the fond memories of her provide you with comfort at this trying time.

KS and Kanak maybe physically away from us now, but our fond memories of them, particularly in service to Rotary and its causes will forever be etched in our hearts.

I shall make a donation to an appropriate cause in her memory. In view of the lockdown situation, I'm awfully sorry I shall not be able to attend her wake and see you personally. Our meetings are all suspended too.

Do keep in touch. You will always be in our thoughts too. - PP Perlita Tiro -----

You were stalwarts of our Club and always generously donated your time and efforts to the greater Rotary cause wholeheartedly. I have known you as a child and an adult and my love and respect for both of you will always remind me of how I should live my life. Love you both. Manish, my heart goes out to you in this very difficult time but I hope you find solace in the fact that both your parents led very meaningful and full lives. - ISC Director Mamta Shahani

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In Memoriam – Mrs Kanak Mehta..contd With her fist clenched and held high , Kanak would very proudly stand up and proclaim: ‘I am Kanak Mehta a proud member of the Inner Wheel Club of Singapore’

As the first Honoured Active member and Past President of the Inner Wheel Club, she leaves behind many friends who will miss her cheerful presence.

As the spouse of Rtn K S Mehta who also spent many years in the Rotary Club she was seen very regularly at Rotary meetings in full support. She was always the first to volunteer her services and was well-liked by one and all.

I always got a laugh from her whenever I referred to her as the Golden Child based on her name Kanak which means gold in Hindi and child in Malay.

On behalf of all Members of the Club, Our sincere condolences to her son PDG Manish and daughter Mala and their families.

Our fond memories of your parents will forever be etched in our hearts. - Rtn Uttam Kripalani ----- Wishing you every happiness in your heavenly abode.

Bella and myself have known you since the first month we arrived into Singapore in March 1980 so it has been a family connection for the last 40 years.

We will always cherish the friendship between the families. Yours and K S devotion to Rotary will also be remembered forever. - Rtn Atul & Bella Merchant -----

Dear Rtn Manish

We are very sorry to hear of your dear mum’s passing.

Maria and I, Andrew and David send our deepest condolences to you on the loss of your dear mother!

We remember both of your parents very well.

In fact we know them even before I joined Rotary as Maria and your dad were in the same industry— the insurance industry.

Your parents were very loving to one another. In all Rotary evening meetings your mum Kanak was always with your dad.

Your dad KS was our ‘permanent’ Sergeant-at-Arms in our club regular meetings and your mum Kanak was equally active in the Inner Wheel meetings.

We are all very sorry to see the passing of your dear mother Kanak. May she Rest In Peace. - Rtn Joseph , Maria, Andrew & David Chia

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Dr Mary Chin

In Memoriam – Dr Mary Chin

My condolences to Dr Philbert Chin. Dear Philbert I am much saddened by the news of the demise of your dear Wife Mary. I hardly know Mary as I never had an opportunity to interact with her. But Mary must be a great lady and a great Wife for supporting you to achieve so much for Rotary and RSVP to name a few. I hope you take comfort that Mary is now by the side of the Lord and is without pain and worries. I will be happy to donate to a charity of your choice to celebrate Mary’s life and contribution to the world. Please advise. Please take care of yourself especially at this time of Covid19. Love Maria and Joseph Chia ------

Our heartfelt condolences go out to our FRCS Chairman Dr Philbert Chin and his family, for the loss of his beloved wife, Dr Mary Chin. We will surely miss her presence.

Kindly take note that there should be no wreaths. Any private donation is welcome and will be put under the Dr Mary Chin Education Fund, administrated by Foundation of Rotary Clubs Singapore (FRCS), for needy children.

For details on donation, kindly contact Marilyn Tan at 6256 1983. For donation, please send cheque to: Foundation Of Rotary Clubs (Singapore) Ltd 111 North Bridge Road #06-33, Peninsula Plaza, Singapore 179098. Please write Dr Mary Chin Education Fund at the back of the cheque with their name and NRIC.

- AG Jimmy Ooi

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VSC Director Stuart Pearce

CSC Director Dr Chan Siew Luen

Last Week – Report on the Online Meeting – Wednesday 1 April 2020 OPENING REMARKS President Deepak opened the Club’s 34th Meeting adding that it has been an eventful year so far. He invited Vice President/President Nominee (VP/PN) See Mee Lee to welcome all guests present at the online meeting as well as Guest Speaker, Mr. Venkatraman Sheshashayee (Shesh). Next, President Deepak called on Honorary Secretary Shamin Vaswani to raise a toast to Rotary International. After which, President Deepak invited the Service Committee Directors to present their reports as follows: Vocational Service Committee (VSC) Report VSC Director Stuart Pearce reminded members of the Committee’s theme of “Leading through service in our businesses community and country”.

He summarised the VSC’s Major Project which got off the ground on 30 March with the training of the first cohorts at HCSA. Rtn Stuart highlighted the demographics and funding categories for this Major Project. He advised that $25,380 was required for the programme and $10,000 was already forwarded to HCSA to assist with the cohorts’ living allowance. He appealed to members to donate generously to the project. Rtn Stuart added that support was being sought from the Ishk Tolaram Foundation and

partner Rotary Clubs for this project as a Global Grant project.

Rtn Stuart advised that the Committee hoped to build a solid platform for Rotary Community Corp (RCC) with the HCSA cohorts in the future. Rtn Stuart also advised that the Rotary Kitchen project was postponed due to the current circumstances but he hoped that it will take place later this year or in the next year. Community Service Committee (CSC) Report

CSC Director Dr Chan Siew Luen reported on the following:

The Virtual Run held from 27 to 29 March for the Singapore Cancer Society collected about $2,387 with the participation of 10 Rotarians and 4 family members, a potential Club candidate and a former member, Dr Rupesh Agrawal. Rtn Siew Luen added that the Club’s team was in 30th position out of 152 teams which participated.

The CSC Major Project for AIDHA is on-going, however the Business and Financial Plan programme is cancelled. AIDHA’s photo exhibition is scheduled for 23 May for which Rtn Suresh Hathiramani would be a member of the judging committee.

Blood Donation Drive will be held on Sunday, 5 April from 9.30am to 3.30pm at the Singapore Sindhi Association.

The Good Samaritan Award – Nominations are open for the Award which will be presented at the Club’s meeting of 6 June 2020.

Guide Dog Singapore project is held in abeyance, however it would be a potential Global Grant project to support the training of guide dogs in Singapore.

Care Corner project is on-going and Rtn Siew Luen appealed for donations, in response to the Covid 19 situation the care packs might have to be couriered. Rtn Siew Luen also thanked PP Tan Chin Ngiap for donating

Last Week

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Last Week

Computers for Don Bosco Foundation in Phnom Penh

Computers for Don Bosco Foundation in Phnom Penh

ISC Director Mamta Shahani

YSC Director Ronald Wong

200L of NaOClean solution to be used as sanitizers, and that he would call for volunteers for the project when possible.

A project is being looked into for the Rare Disorder Society and the Centre for Domestic Employees to have a training programme for domestic helpers to care for persons with special needs.

International Service Committee (ISC) Report International Service Committee (ISC) Director Mamta Shahani gave an update of the Club’s Global Grants (GG), advising that 64 GGs were approved since 2012-2020 – thanks to the amazing work done by PP Dr Shahul Hameed. She added that to date 15 GGs were submitted with 23 GGs drafted and 8 applications unlikely to proceed. Rtn Mamta advised that 5 GGs were requested for in principle approval in order to submit draft GGs to garner District funding. PP Dr Shahul responded to the query if the Covid 19 situation would affect the approval for the GG,to which he advised that there was no time line for GG projects.

Rtn Mamta also advised the status of the following projects:

Rotary Club (RC) Bangkok – Bullying project to support children who were being bullied in schools – funds were ready for transfer, however the Club was requested to hold off for the time as the project was waiting on GG approval.

RC Kuala Lumpur DiRaja - Project to benefit children and awaiting instructions to submit the funds soon, and that the project was not just to tie in with the attendance of RC Kuala Lumpur DiRaja’s installation dinner.

Philippines Project – to provide food for hospital frontliners in 3 hospitals, PP Keith Harrison gave a brief summary of the project. Rtn Mamta advised that the project required US$2,000 and she was looking at sourcing for the project from the overflow of funds from other Philippines projects. The Club was also waiting for sister club, RC Makati’s consent to join in this project.

ISC Major Project in Bali – Rtn Mamta advised that MOUs were received from the Bali villages as well as the two Rotary Clubs who will be assisting with the project. A sum of US$5,000 will be required for the start and the total cost would be about US$20,000. Rtn Mamta advised that requests were made for receipts and progress photos and to ensure that controls are in place. The follow up visit to Bali is held in abeyance.

Youth Service Committee (YSC) Report Youth Service Director Ronald Wong updated members on the following:

Project Accendo – an Interact Coordinating Corp (ICC) project scheduled as a carnival style event at the Red Box. Rtn Ronald advised that the objectives fro the project was to remove the stigma of mental health issues; to understand the ecosystem on mental health and to create a sustainable enviroment . However, due to the current situation, the event will be a virtual carnival held on 18 April from 9.00am to 11.00am. Participants would come from 27 Interact Clubs with the aim to educate them and to bring back this awareness to their respective schools. Sponsorships are being sought from Rotary Cotton On and Ishk Tolaram Foundations.

Mental Literacy Project – In discussion with the Institute of Mental Health (IMH) for this pilot programme which is held in abeyance tentatively till June/July. Participants would be limited to about 30 persons comprising of Interactors and Rotarians.

Upcoming Events – ICC will be hosting an online meeting via Microsoft Team Meeting on Sunday, 5 April; the K S Mehta Award will be presented in May and the Rotary District Awards will be submitted in May/June.

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Hon Secretary Shamin Vaswani

Speaker, Mr Shesh with President Deepak

From left: President Deepak, VP/PN Mee Lee & Mr Shesh

President Deepak invited Honorary Secretary Rtn Shamin Vaswani to introduce the Speaker, Mr Venkatraman Sheshashayee, better known as Shesh.

Mr Shesh is an engineer, manager and leader. He has worked in shipping, manufacturing, services and offshore logistics. He has extensive experience in building greenfield companies, turning around distressed companies and transforming apathetic companies. He has worked in MNCs, family-run businesses and PE-owned enterprises. He has served as CEO/MD for over 10 years in three companies, in India and in Singapore.

Mr Shesh has created independently measured value of US$ 1.5 billion. Eleven of his mentees are now CEOs and Country Managers. He runs Radical Advice, a boutique advisory based in Singapore. Radical Advice is focused on mentoring Boards, Promoters and Professionals. It is the outcome of Shesh's experience, learnings and observations over his 33 year career. Mr Shesh is a popular conference panellist and keynote speaker. He is also the author of two serial blogs, "CEO Chronicles" and "What Women Want". He speaks and writes on personal growth, human capital development and workplace enhancement. Mr Shesh is an alumnus of MERI, Kolkata and IIM, Bangalore.

As a preamble to his talk, Mr Shesh noted that in a blink of an eye, a microscopic organism has rendered the world helpless – the Novel Coronavirus, never heard of before December 2019, has caused social, economic, political and psychological mayhem. He added that there were two choices – either we consider ourselves victims or we find a way to survive and thrive. He cited the resources needed to get past this dark period.

Mr Shesh shared his advice on how to thrive in the face of adversity, as individuals or as leaders of organisations. He spoke of the four core qualities required – Proactivity, Emotional Intelligence, Reliability and Resilience. He added that the acquisition and possession of each of these core qualities were entirely in our control. Mr Shesh further added that with these core qualities, we could achieve anything we aspire to. To extend the Club’s vote of thanks for a very enlightening talk, President Deepak called on Vice President / President Nominee (VP/PN) See Mee Lee.

Last Week Speaker: Mr Venkatraman Sheshashayee (Shesh) Radical Advice

Topic: “Surviving and Thriving in the Age of Corona”

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RC sends best wishes to Birthday celebrants: Dr Irina Francken Nicholas De Boursac PP Paliath Mohandas Ivan Lew Deblina Chatterjee Adnan Ansari Etienne Chenevier Jeff Rajeck Dr Hans Schniewind

Birthday Celebrants

This Meeting Next Meeting

Mark Your Diary


Pres Garry hands a Club banner to Rtn Rodrigo

15 April 2020

Meeting Details to be advised

8 April 2020

Meeting Details

to be advised

April Maternal & Child Health Month 29 Apr– 4

th & last Club Assembly

May Youth Service Month

1 May – Nominations close for the

Artisan of the Year 2020 1 May – Swimarathon (tentative)

June Rotary Fellowships Month

Coming Rotary Events

RC sends best wishes to Wedding Anniversary celebrants:

Hena Hoda & Mr Gautam Hazarika

PP Dr Oliver & Irene Hennedige

Gunter Stockmann

Anniversary Celebrants



All Service Committee Meetings are held in abeyance till further notice.

GIFT OF LIFE Children with cardiac problems

to get help from Rotary’s District 3300 & 3310

A full set of 3 editions - Book of Humour, Best of Humour & Bank of Humour, come in a beautifully designed box housing this set for only $25.00 Please order a few sets of books for the Gift of Life Project, and place your orders with : Hon. Member Rtn Rewa Mirpuri @ tel: 6241 9157 or email: [email protected] e email: [email protected]

Page 13: rossroads C Rotarybulletins.rotary.org.sg/Volume_56/Vol_56_Issue_36.pdf · 11 MARK YOUR DIARY What’s ahead? Don’t miss the forthcoming events and Birthday / Anniversary celebrants

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An e-bulletin published by Rotary Club of Singapore – Proud of our Heritage, Committed to our Future email: [email protected] Website: www.rotary.org.sg Save our Forests! Save Paper - Print only if absolutely necessary.


President Deepak Nagrani

Immediate Past President Mark Wang

President Elect Dinesh Sharma

Vice President (Community & International Service) See Mee Lee

Vice President (Vocational & Youth Service) Bala Venkatesan

Hon. Secretary (Administration) Shamin Vaswani

Hon. Treasurer (Finance) S “Mali” Malaiappan


Chair, Community Service Dr Chan Siew Luen

Chair, Vocational Service Stuart Pearce

Chair, International Service Mamta Shahani

Chair, New Generations Service Ronald Wong

Director (Club Rotary Foundation) James Lee

Director (Rotary Spirit) Rajkumar Perumal Suppiah

The Guide to Daily Living

Before doing the things we want to do, consider first, the

Precepts of the guide. Ask ourselves these 4 questions and

act upon them:

First: Have I spent some time in self-examination?

Second: Have I spent quality time with my family?

Third: Have I given my best to my work?

Fourth: Have I given some time to someone near and far?

The Guide, in fact, encompasses the 4 parts of the Object of Rotary.

The Four-Way Test

Of the things we think, say or do:

Is it the truth?

Is it fair to all concerned?

Will it build goodwill and better


Will it be beneficial to all concerned?