お問合せ先 茨城大学学術企画部学術情報課(図書館) 情報支援係 http://www.lib.ibaraki.ac.jp/toiawase/toiawase.html ROSEリポジトリいばらき (茨城大学学術情報リポジトリ) Title Laboratory Measurement of Diffuse Spectral Reflectance and Transmittance of some Natural Objects in the Near-Infrared Author(s) EMORI, yasufumi / SASAMORI, Takashi Citation 茨城大学工学部研究集報(9): 51-66 Issue Date 1962-02 URL http://hdl.handle.net/10109/7368 Rights このリポジトリに収録されているコンテンツの著作権は、それぞれの著作権者に帰属 します。引用、転載、複製等される場合は、著作権法を遵守してください。

ROSEリポジトリいばらき (茨城大学学術情報リポジトリ)8 7 ノ炉 ! A ’ ノ F’i g.’. 1 6 s 4 磯)むica1.Diagram ofむhe A下記USも。 M曾a臓e

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Page 1: ROSEリポジトリいばらき (茨城大学学術情報リポジトリ)8 7 ノ炉 ! A ’ ノ F’i g.’. 1 6 s 4 磯)むica1.Diagram ofむhe A下記USも。 M曾a臓e


茨城大学学術企画部学術情報課(図書館)  情報支援係


ROSEリポジトリいばらき (茨城大学学術情報リポジトリ)

Title Laboratory Measurement of Diffuse Spectral Reflectance andTransmittance of some Natural Objects in the Near-Infrared

Author(s) EMORI, yasufumi / SASAMORI, Takashi

Citation 茨城大学工学部研究集報(9): 51-66

Issue Date 1962-02

URL http://hdl.handle.net/10109/7368



Page 2: ROSEリポジトリいばらき (茨城大学学術情報リポジトリ)8 7 ノ炉 ! A ’ ノ F’i g.’. 1 6 s 4 磯)むica1.Diagram ofむhe A下記USも。 M曾a臓e


ILaboratory b///’easurenaent of ]’)ift’use Spectral

Reflectance and Wransmi.ttance of so.me

餌atura1{♪blects in the Nea卜玉nfrared.

       Yasufum i EMoRI* ・C1akashi S ASArvfoRI**

Ab s t r act:・一 Laborator: measurement of diffuse spectraI reflectance in tl’te

region from O.s to 2.s pt was carried out for several kinds of materials, l ike

sand,concre te,whi te m arb}e ard br i cls.. 3he d iffugL e reflectance of a l eaf of

several k.iAds of vegetab le xraL s a l so i・i?vestigated. A method,altbo ughs i t i s ef

i繭rect,鰍s intended’ t・measure the diffu8e spectral transmissioR・f E七hin

sl〈iB such fial.s p. leaf .’ ’ISe inteksities of both reflection aix-d transmission of a

leaf are low in the vi s ible reg i op.,but l nerease rem.ftrk,g,b}y i B the neav r-infrared

region. rlhe wE・L ter absbrption ’b.ands becom e i m port.ic nt wi th the lqng Nvave l ergth.

  Accerd ing to the present s tudy,t}esuggestion of A. Angstrom(1) tha,t the

v〈tg,,7e tab le hfl.s the safegurd i Bg. property agtc i ns t noc turna l fros t, seem s to be inval id

wiien the rad iatioR el}.gect is cons idered                                      .

1. lntroduction

   XiNJhei}. ℃ad iation hi ts the surface of a body,a certain fraction of i t reflected

i.]’}. either ef speeu lar or diffutiive’ts7p. e. CoRcerned wi th angu lar distribution of

the k’eflected r‘ad iation and the spectval or total reflectance of, specified mater-

ir,a!s,opt ical scieRt ists,astrop. hv. sicists or meteoro logists have ynade many extp-

er iments ip th.e ir iifields of interest . For the・irrieteorologists the ref lectance is

rpt i m..ar i}y co ncer]ied in conjuiictioR wi th a lbe(fo of the earth, the heat economy of

gt’otmd6d ftt tmosptiere or co lors of terr ian features.

   Not less tlian a ha l f ot“ the so l ar energy receivGd on the earth’s s urfLfi.ce

distur ibutes in the near-infrared regioll,whi l e mes t of the spec tra l m easurem-

onts of the rGf}ectftnce were carri ed o ut onl.v in the visible region. The :ftuthor s

of thi s ptL per 1’nc ve Qb tained so m e ii.ew ls i}ow}edge t,Lbout near i rtfrtir ed ref l ectac nce

融ich r餓y give the c五ue a8も。犠e formations on the ear th. Their wo遠}・as also

bee?i exteiri. ecl to tJhe }n eas iiTe m ents for severa l kiidA s of l eaves. A l l the m easur-

emen ts s ta tecl here ip. were carried eut i n 1.f.boratery, so the resul ts vveu ld not al“・a. ys

be s imila,r vvi th these of field measureme}itS of visible reflec tance Nrkich “’ere


Fine mechft,,ni cai S ec. E ng. RLcu l ty.Ibaragi UB ivers i ty H. v i tachi lbartk.gi


lst Resei. rch and Deve lopinAeRt Center,Japan Defence Agency,13 M i ta,

Meguro 一Ku ,”liblryo , Japan .

Page 3: ROSEリポジトリいばらき (茨城大学学術情報リポジトリ)8 7 ノ炉 ! A ’ ノ F’i g.’. 1 6 s 4 磯)むica1.Diagram ofむhe A下記USも。 M曾a臓e

r) o.,. }突ま1震ノ嫡鉾二〔ミ詳音[5硬:究嚢妻1載  (第9巻)

m猟董e,ぞor 鐙畿m賛1¢,めy・三く:rihov㌧(2’).  ‘、 、,  、 ∫

    亙むw…わ三ig磁・.ex・五nd・the。甲・・rし畑・n㌻ρf囎・・噛・←bec・u・e th・i・・p・一

・臨「「・£更ecむ醜,seel’]x:・ed too diffic麟t〟D catch by ouy aPParatus・∫∫蚤e s即su「f・ces

were alsG e>:cluclee’ by r6as◎n t鳳むhey seemed・to S加w v鱒cO蜘1ex features ftccor一

伽9も。むheir癖ysical surrou繭ngs.

2. A.pB. aractet{xB’ anrd stann,ftrd reflectance in near-infrared.

   鐘夏easur磁ミ}e王痴s o受s芸)ectral diffuse ref lecta数ce inむhe near infrared xxere cari℃ied

ouむ1by猫雛ΨiRve就1ga’tors,such as Sεし1xierson(3), De]改se鷺紋d底亙onahem (4) and

}t“oz3r}一ev-Ezadi. Xgreyttt;1}lp.ii} (」r). ”kr”’}iey iised a hemispherica-1 m irror’ to co l l tt}ct d i fftise l y

rett”lec£ed r象di乳tio簸創撮パfGcused it on 縫なe f ht 三.ead sulfied ceH. H()wever,もhese

pni rcror cb l l ectors have .a fe,v・object ions , which weire po iRted o.ut by jacque z and hi s

cひ露hors(6>. Therefo16e,聡used a comparison type with加te解醐1塗g s蜘re in一

$t・encl otr the・mirror 60}lec tors xvhi ch were used in the ord i nary spec troplio toir}etex.

   ”i’he ip.strtimient,uti}izes a prism monochrometer,Zeiss i’一viodel PiMQ 一[1. wi th

crt].,;・f.rtz O})tics i Nthose opti’cal diagram i s shcwni in Fi’g.1. The app,ar.fttus consists of

e 2 3








 ノ ’

F’i g.’. 1

6 s 4

磯)むica1.Diagram ofむhe A下記USも。 M曾a臓e

もhe Dif撫Se Ref夏ectaltce.


Iht’eg壷aむing Sphere


湯wple  サ    な Dia■P董.主ragR1

3”ungsten LamP


Ip.c 1加ed鍛irror




Page 4: ROSEリポジトリいばらき (茨城大学学術情報リポジトリ)8 7 ノ炉 ! A ’ ノ F’i g.’. 1 6 s 4 磯)むica1.Diagram ofむhe A下記USも。 M曾a臓e

rt一;erl: Laboratory ]jVfeasurement of Di’ffuse SpectraL Reiieotance and

      Transmittance of some Natural Obj ects in the Near-lnfrared.53

the integra ting sphere and the spec troptotom eter. The integi’ating sptere 1}as tvv’o

()pemings,the oエ]te is an i lIuminatipg apexture through・戯1ich the.i運rared radiation

is supp l i ed by T angs ten lam p, and the o ther a sample aper ture on wh i ch the spe-

ill,}en is se t up. S o the Erpec i men are i l lum imated d i ffuse ly by the inner xva H of

the l ntegra t iBg spliere. The normal].y ref l ec ted component of rad i,ft t ion i s intro-

duced by the i nc l i p-ed m i rror into the spee tropliotometer and de tected by the ptw to-

 conductive detec tor, the lead sulfjde ce l l .

    Reflect,ance m easurement s were carried out by the comlat i son be“xb.en the

ref]ected radiat ion from the inner Nva l l of the. sphere a-nd that of the samTp le. So

xxe musもcalibrate the reflect鋤ce ofむhe加ner wall with some reflection standard                                                                               .

As a pr i mary s tallrlard of reflectanc e for the near一一infrared zze used magne sium

 axide,becanse of i ts hl.c.r}i diffusive property . l t i s necessary to make a coa t of

magmes i um oxide as thi ck as pessible in order to approxi mate to an inf initely

thick layer. ’II}iis worl〈 becomes more and more g iff lcul t ,as the wave length incr-

eases,because pene trat ion of the rad iation increase,g with xrave l eBgth. So,in

the near-infr.ftred we used a front surface alluminum m irror as a backiBg mater一

’ia l,onwhi ch 1.5 to 2 nm of magnesium oxid e was covated.

    The numeri ca l values of the spectra l diffuse uref l ectance of the fresh smoked

magne s iuni oxi de were given by S arders and M idd l e to n (7) and D erk seR a.nd (4) ,

晒門ahern, the工残tter waS meaSUred by US沁募the mirrOr COIIeCtor aS an apl〕aratUS鋤d

the sm’face mirror as a primary standard. Although some minor discre-

pancies are seen be tivseen the resul ts of each author,data of Sanders and Middleton

were used in t.he fo l lowing measurement,by reason一 that otir m eas uring method i s

very s i m i lat7 to tho se mrec de by them. The reflectance of s tandard magnes ium ox-

ide are reproduced in Fig.2, together wi th re lative ly de termiRed va lues of the .iimer

wa l l of the integrating sPhere.. The spectra i slit w idth used was about 20 m pt

for the ca l ibra t ion and a l so for the fo Howing ref l ect ion measure m.ents throughout.

3. Diffuse ref lectance of format iQns of m inerai RzLtture.

    The surface of the earth i s covered by many sorts of m i nera l e lements. They

determine t:he ear th/s albedo as a whole。 Since itis very difficult,at the

present momeRt, to dc,duce sueh an average albado from individua l opt i cal propert一一・

ies of eadh e lement,resul ts shown here a・re not primari ly concerne6 w i th such

problem‘ B ut the foxma tion of m inera l natures,such as road,building,sard and

so on,ha. ve to be investig-ated in relat ion with m icroclimatological heat ecQp.omy

of their sui’faces. A lthough the experimenh‘1 results were obtained only for a

fe w e l ement s,such as scfi,,rd,brick, eonc re te and’whi te m arb le,it ci, n be conc}u一一

 ded from. them tl’)at tTie distinc t refleetivF. property exi sts in near-infrared as

x?ve l l as in visible regieR. (’lheir spectral reflecta. nces are snown. in Fig.3 . L

A. Sand surface

    Tw o sor ts of sand surfaces w ere i nvestigated , the one was wetted by “T ater and

Page 5: ROSEリポジトリいばらき (茨城大学学術情報リポジトリ)8 7 ノ炉 ! A ’ ノ F’i g.’. 1 6 s 4 磯)むica1.Diagram ofむhe A下記USも。 M曾a臓e

54 茨城大学工学部研究集報 (第9巻う



o. f}






こ》 ∠Σ



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@         :

@  \,_,”マ「}阜一’一噸、.                  顧

@         i


     /」\∠/   ’   ’  「 ρ,「1’


@i!1’, { ヨ1 @㍉@”

○匙ノ ㌦Nノ/ 号        ’ 」



        、    置’

@        …y        i         こ

 i …⊥ F

SANDεRS a面i11瓢{==慧罫∵


and納ORahem                 」

}㌶    冨    罵 Re〔1ect段nce of :口日er

@ 冊llof SCヨtterjnπ卜spheτe…

ハOallbτation  is based  o窮  tbe 〔vaヨue given by ぐ7) 一・ 』寸.


p ……㎜…u                 {







    1.0 1.5               A (2et)

Reflection standard.for                ’

Ii.5uno 一wwww’wwrmrm”rmv-tlJ,,











     1 入(i・・)L5   2   2層5

Spec tra l R ef lectance of M ineral Objects

Page 6: ROSEリポジトリいばらき (茨城大学学術情報リポジトリ)8 7 ノ炉 ! A ’ ノ F’i g.’. 1 6 s 4 磯)むica1.Diagram ofむhe A下記USも。 M曾a臓e

江森:Laboratory Measttrement of Diffuse Spectral Reflec‡a簸ce and     tl’ransmittance of some Natural Ohjects in the N,ecar-lnfrared.


the o ther w as Ro t. For every wave-length the dry sand sti.esr“ed much more..ret. l ect-

ion than tl}e wetted sic nd. [ll-te wa ter coittained in the sic nd grain seems to ab’ 唐盾窒

the rad ia t i op effec t i ve ly, ,a l though there ean be seen no abqto irpt i on band of l iquid

water. Tliis is quite differeRt from the reflection by leaf surfaces which ,’ as

wi l l be shown in the fol lowing chapter,have }iqiiid water absorption hands. The

deerease of ref l ectance with wic ter content x?gas f irst Showlt by Kr inov(2) for the

vi sible reg ion. Our resu l ts for sa・nd surface sbowed about ten per-cent higher ・

xza lues than ob ta i ned by k”〈ripov or Ashbuiri}. and itVe ldon (8) who se e.xl)er i ment s w ere

carr ied eu t in desert. ’]:h i s diff ererice may be caused by the fac t tha t,since our

sand had muc,h i roR i mpur i ty ard absorbed rrmch rad i a t ioit, the ref lectance of our

vg{Ecyrd showed low vEcL lueocr .

B. Brick

   ’llie spectral tef lec tance of a brick surface inereases steeply from the visible

to the lnfrared reg ien. T he va lue reaches f bout 70 per-cent a・t 1.s pt. l ts high

ref lectance has E n advantage for the insulation fropm. therma l radiation in a fur-

ifLce or so lar radiatioit oR the build irgs.

C. Cencrete

   ’lhe ord inary concre te,e・ement m i xed w i th sand,was used for the experiment.

’P}e ref lec tftnce increases iR vjsible region almost l inearly. From o.6 to 1.O pt

then remains copstant unt i l i t iBcreases again w i th the loRger wave lei’igth.. Srna ll

gttps were seen a t the range of 1.gs and 2.30pt respective ly.

D. White ivlarble.

   The smrface of the test sample was p laned,beipg made c l ea. r and uncontam ina-

ted. The tendency of the ref lectance curve i s similar to that of concrete. H. ere,

the gaps .are seeR a t 1.48,1.gs and 2.35!L. ’ll.ie }as t t wo are ltear ly the same ones

of conc re te .

4. Diffuse ref lec ta. n・ce of leaf surfa,ce iR iiear-infrared .

    Infrared plio to grap17tis ar-sl o ther i nfr aL red i ns trum eBts ha‘ve sho s?vn that the l eaf

suface htis much ref l ec t ion i n the i-nf rared reg iop. B u t the spec tra l dependency of

the ref lectance have not been fully investigated. ’the infrared transmissioH of the

leaf has a l so been scarecely examined. KriRov (2) measured the ref lection in the

Vi sible region and concluded thaむ亡he f・r鵬tions・f伽vegeも醐e are classifi(ri.

into tl}e fo l lox?ving fouy classes w i th respects tQ’theiir ref lective properties.

The m ean curves of

labora tory measur’emellt

1. Coniferous fOrests inwinter.

2. Coiiiferous forests in summer period,dry meado ws,and grass in

  gep-eral , exc led ing ]ush grass .

3. Dec iduetts fores t i n s um mer Fr}er i od and a l l lush gra.g s.

4. }forests in autumn peried f nd rlp fleld corps.

           these c lasses are reproduced ird ividua l ly in Fig.4. To our

                the ftbove classification was ha[rdly applicable and we

Page 7: ROSEリポジトリいばらき (茨城大学学術情報リポジトリ)8 7 ノ炉 ! A ’ ノ F’i g.’. 1 6 s 4 磯)むica1.Diagram ofむhe A下記USも。 M曾a臓e

56 茨城大学工学部研究集報 (第9巻)

). 6




P:Gonlfeτous forest ln wlnter

Q:Goniferous {orest in su王1ロner period dry.斑eadows

@ and.graSS{p geoera】

RこDecidu・us f・τest三B summer per藍・d a難6 all韮ush

@ 彩raSSS;Foτests in autumn peτiod andτipefie}d






R ef l ee tance

    O.6 O.7 O.8           λ乙り

of vegetable formations after K R I N OV (2)


em吹peyed for our meastu”ement such a single leaf as camellia,zelkowa,holly,

Japaitese cyl)ress a-lld w i the red leaf of cam e l l i a.

    After taking these 1enves of the trees the l iving sample must be so i mme-

dia te l y prepar ed that tihe amount of w a ter collt/ft ii}ed should no t be l essened by the

evap.oration. Colors of the s.amples weve tts t’ollows.

         ”i[lie camellia and cypress were dark green.

         The ze lkowa w as a youBg leaf of l i ght green.

         ”rhe ho l lywas of dark bro wni sii red .

Except of the eypress l eaf the samples were broad-leaved. ’llie cypress h,as $mal l

darkgreen, sca lelike and over lapp ing l eaves,so we superpe sed as thick ,fts to uitab l e

to see the backing base of the’ s.ftmple ho lder. Tb.roughout the ref lec tion measure-

ment the l eaves were he ld oR the base of sufficiei}t ly black surface to aveid the

medificat ion by reversely reflec ted radiation from the base surface of ’the sarnp}e

ho lder.

   ’the results for camellia, zelkowa and holly are showll ii} Fig.s. As well

laio wn the ref lec tai}ce is le w in vi s ible region,btit i t iltcre,ases remarkab ly at the

boun.dary of vi s ib}e and iiiftared. For a l l the sarnp l es,sueh d i scre te jum p of rof-

lectanee w.as occured between O.7 and O.7s LL. ’lhe absorpt ion b.ands presentGd’ in the

llear-infrared reg ion are at O.95 ,1.20 1.t15 and 1.gs pt,whi ch correspend sat i sfactor y

Page 8: ROSEリポジトリいばらき (茨城大学学術情報リポジトリ)8 7 ノ炉 ! A ’ ノ F’i g.’. 1 6 s 4 磯)むica1.Diagram ofむhe A下記USも。 M曾a臓e

江森:しabor・atory、Measurement・f Diffし・se Spectral Ref!ectance and     Trcftnsmit’tanoe o’E some Natura! Objects in th 1 ear-lnfrared.


1 ギ ーーー旧







:i」iii…i   一


    ;1       「

堰@il   l

「 1    ~   ノ  〆

帰胸   ‡  ほ


     I      I


・コ }σ


Tーー⊥ へ




1惚ls 1,




  ● 冨



        i        ミ



__一⊥___      5            2.O


Fig .5 . S茎)ecもrε耀



嚢eflecもa嚴ce of leaf.


with むhe absor茎)tioR b農笈】ds of 墨i(墾id w&七er (Curc io農掘Peもty(9)). り臨e cypyess

s}iowed lgwer vlaue」, compared with the other lesves. ”

   職eref}ecも細ce o撫wiも憂夏ered夏ea玄(だcamelli額s shOwn in Fig。6。The reflec一

籔1支ce 嚢ncrea{3e at も}ミe bou無憂εもry beもwee捻visible覆}d i践ξ1’εしred is n◎t so steep a8 f(}r

雛eliViitg leaves. A撮誌e蓋細id waもer abs◎rpt l◎簸b翻become weak,giv濾態e

e・醐de抽1e high reflect鯉eわeヌ)難d 2μ.

5.D濱夏1seも惣ユs顛ss二型・of 2 e・k.・f沁the neax-ifffvared.

   Whep. ra(liatloft iΣ通de11もs o難翫leaf,iもis ref lecもed,abSorbed段nd甑nSmiもted。

1・br a m◎nochrOm醐。 i・adiation癬・lved wi髄n a Aarl一・WSpectral interva1,we de-

note those ineident,xe’£}ected,atbsorbed and transm i tted aS Eo,ERo,tt”’” Dfo,and


                 fi o = E f{o + E.,1 o + ETo””liv””H’一””b””””””””’“’一’””o“””’“”“”””H’’’””s一”rH’ (1)

In the preceea]ing chftpter we have shown t}rte results for ERo. !3gow,furtker ext-

ension ef i t we sha l l ilttTeduce t}}e methed for transmi$sion ( or absorpt io“ ) mes-

st21’e m.ellt .’

   While the reflec ted i’adiation i s partially diffuse ic・ixi partial}y directed wheR

the beart3 o]f radiE(ttign i nc icii eRts,the penetra tillg radiation i s entire ly d i[fLfiuse. l t

has’ b?en inveRted by m any authors to m easure such a cl i£fuse trans m i ssiop.. ’lliey

Page 9: ROSEリポジトリいばらき (茨城大学学術情報リポジトリ)8 7 ノ炉 ! A ’ ノ F’i g.’. 1 6 s 4 磯)むica1.Diagram ofむhe A下記USも。 M曾a臓e

58 茨城大学工学部研究集報 (第9巻う








1.O 1.S L’ “


「 1

A. 〈B)

F 5

Fig. 6. S’ pectral 1’〈ef lectartce fer NVi thered leaf of cif inllia

suceeeded i t w i th use of the genioir.ieti’ic spec trOmeter devi cets’ ( for ?.p. examp l e,

Clark and his co蝋畷{ers(1のう.掬r t}le present st晦,however,the乏mgular

distribution of transmKted intep.sities is p.ot of D. ri m・ary ke.ip.portai’ice ar.d only t}.}e

tota.1 transiinission measuremer1ts were cp.irri:e’d out

   ’ftie apparatus consists essent iaHy of the mo}?,oehro iirketer, tl>e ii:teg-7’a tii]・.r,,1’ s. ptiere

as i”. the i’eif l ec tar,ce mea. sLire ment alld a pt aRe m irror w i th lmown sr,’」ec trtfi i z’ef l ec-

taRce.王f we即erPose七he pla1}e mirror of high reflectance on晩backsi濃e of a

leaf,the ref lec t?mce from sueh ,a compaurd system w i l l be iBcrea£;ed com.liared w i th

the case o1“ ju$t a lea.f op.ly. Now we shall ana l i ze i t by stepw i se. lr, ]t’”i g.7 f.he

schemi‘ tic picture i Lq sko wR f“’oi’ er.・ergy ti’ai}sfer in a lee.x“. If ep..ly・ a Ieaf l s se t ’tt’pt.

・・曲・・amPle ap・曲e Ofし1・e inも・g・・ti・9・・phe・e・th・画・至…t…e・邸り%疎・rt・C!

into three eomponents,re’£lected Ef{o,a. bsorbed E..doapLd transir’nitted El”o. A$ a

T}ext p. yocedure,iif a 1.)la,Be m・iri’or is superp,osed oR tl.}e }:}acl〈side of tite lefaif,.IX//.o i s

t,ransported again into the leaf which disむrib鷺も垂3s it a鯛n海toもhe refleCもed,tr聰s一

・1・itむ・d・ぬb・・rbed・・mpen・nt・師tぬ・砺・ERP・・d E.望〆e・peCt翻y・The

sum of these three components i s just equal to lt”                                                   mul tip. I ied by reflectap.ce fa. c-                                               To

tor of the plaiie m irror. 5’ am.e piocess i s i tem. ted. IN ow by conservat i oi} of ei}一一

ergy,it follows t}.}a,t

Page 10: ROSEリポジトリいばらき (茨城大学学術情報リポジトリ)8 7 ノ炉 ! A ’ ノ F’i g.’. 1 6 s 4 磯)むica1.Diagram ofむhe A下記USも。 M曾a臓e

江森:しabQratory Measurc mcnt of Diffuse Spectra!R,ef玉ect ・a】acc alld     Transmittance of some Natural Cbjects in the NeccLr-lnfrared                                                               .


Re“. Mivtrot

米 EAe

1“1 g’. 7


εη ヤβ漁 £マ甚

働) (三・’)






Schem,.).tic Pict’Gi’e “i“or Energsr ’1’teapsfer w i th

and a S ys tem o±] 1. eaf nd Plar.e M. i rror


in a L e af,

                                                    へ                Eo 二Eノ匂十E/io十ETo          i


            γET。一ER、+%+~%エ  e・tC l一一・一・……・……一(2)                                                    i

            γET、二E地+㌦+㌦     1                                                    臨♂「

搬粟ereγis撫e spectralエrefi ecむance of甑e mirror. Suffix T was gi venむ。むhese

捷ansmitもed into the backside of鼠leaf,Aも。 the se absorbed within the leaf。and

R  to these ref lected fro m frontside of the Ieaf。 A.nd the nu瓢ber s賢ffix demtes

the ]〔ramber of 狙ulti-refIectiOn l: y the mirror.

   Sum]rn i】踵g up each of Eq.(2) gives

                Eo,“= ER+EA+(1一γ)ET ・・…・………一∵…一・………・…一…………………・(3)


                  DG                             OQ                                 OG

          Er xft、{i・Erx E.fi and ET一Σ軌一・・(4)                 1 瓢=二 〇                            1 =篇 0                                 ‘ ==二 〇

   「王}le Rext relatioR will be Obta海ed by a ssu・ m. ing thlc t the absorbed energy wit1ト

in a leaf is ]・〕eropo. rもiornt} to its origin乏しl ii cidey,t eper.gy. Th盆t is,


                                             γ E7・                 γE7・o                         γE T2           Eo

。The thirdコ・e・lati・R is thaもrati・・f the reflected e丑ergy to the tmnsmitt・薫

must be COBstar}t fOr irdiv油al caSe.That is,


             野1 ET2   鞠0+ET-ETo      ERo

Page 11: ROSEリポジトリいばらき (茨城大学学術情報リポジトリ)8 7 ノ炉 ! A ’ ノ F’i g.’. 1 6 s 4 磯)むica1.Diagram ofむhe A下記USも。 M曾a臓e

翻 霧ξ襲竃大:二三工二学漉入L 斎篭集稀1 (鐸喜9巻う

Frem訪襯e綴囎も量ons xv e obもa i簸ed伽fo恥wi取g indepelldeiユ七f◎ur岬aむ醜S.

                E・㌔+%塩   〕

                だ。二ER十E、歪十(f-r)ET      l                                                     >/,. ,.”,,,,.i一・一一一一一一’”…“(7)

                γ㌦Eヂf%(E.{ H Ethfo)   }

                β絢(Ef?. 一 E’ feo)二E呈・o(ET-ZZ .f・o)  ノ

By me翫S慧r難9縫}6 ref三《)Cむio簸of我 王eaf a㎡縫1競もof COMI}()嚢擁 S:ys tem of 墨ea:f継;d

茎伽e趨照陣e・・顧・i・fte・Ef.e。 a・UI Eノ~w・牟d・t・rmin・d・F。・a・imp・・1i・i£y

E。w灘b・雌m・d t・b・・initド蜘むh・匙。(7)i・・uffi曲もむ…lv・ f・輔・一

ゆ糀砺凸馬。鰻E.童・伽f圃eq繭畷・・ET。 i・・bt漁・dむ・わ・               3          2            ’I」’ To + Ep,o ft f”o + P tff To + P ERo ”:’:::” 0 ”4’’’’’’”‘’’’”“‘’t’’’’’’”‘’’’’’’’”‘t…(・・;‘・・〈s)


            カー(Efis m ER。’)(E1~グ2/・)・………一一・…一一…・…・一一一(9)

/めr the present Proble鷺1 B’t)(里り(8>might 1駐ve もhxee d if:ξerenも re鼠1 roo ts,bミュも 駄m◎1ユ9

them oi’}iy os£J root which satlsfies the relatioll

                       OSsi-ETo tf,! 一・一・・i一…,一“.,,,H”””””,.,,,,,,,,.,,,,,,,,,v,”.”,,,一.,,,,”,,,M(}o) .

mUs楠e pre更erred.

   ReS雛むS Gfむhe calc撮滋io1㍉t◎鱒her wiむh雛e m㈱sured coeff童cle難t E                                                                       糠d                                                                    i{o

Eノ£惣gi隙泌抽墨・1,f・・the sa剛・・◎f・脚・墨塩獺・e}k・wa j挽毎殿・m-

iss沁亙}撒戴re’fleetioll a灘(呈absorpt i◎灘are茎)lo tt e・cl重it Figs、8a難d g. As shOwエ1 iB

fig鷲res 媛h・e 蚕Ow ref蓋ecti〈)無我1ways r6瓶tes wiむ}t豊OW もr鼠ns搬issi(境雛}d vl ce vers霧、,

働e}i晦d職むer absor画01・b段撮s which rv鍵e fG騒エXi i鷺reflecも綴鰍diatio簸蹴)ear

盆亙so il}.もhe tr鍛s蛎s8i。難.亙R t}}e S羅e fi鮮esも麦瞭艶su夏もs ob瞬itect bs7 S購むげer

(11)is四脚duced forむ1陵e sake◎f cOmp瀬sOn、糺雇el働}aむe!y漉Origii’}a璽陶er

of Dr. S aube k’er鴨S l}ot撚irable f◎r US,SOも難e de籔ils of駕s meもhod i8恋)も

kr.own. B ut the k’esults a・hnost agree v.fitl’i e.ftc}r! o#her

   The high absorptivity i鷺もhe u1融viole亡も0も匿/至e visible艶9減簗isU撚ersむcod i識

re lati樋withもhe癬0むosymthesis ofむhe呈ivi1璽1e・af,becaUSe七亙こe画◎もOchemtc?tl reac


* Here we also assumedむhat there areハ◎differeエ}ces iエ}曝iα鳥亙μoperむies beレ

ween the f惣t一編d backs ide・{馳馳海{海exam拠ed. .丁売国8sumpむi・頓s蓋・・t

al xrvays wa l id ii} the case of natuyal leaf,where betw een ea・ch suirface the reflec taR-

ce difference w段s found,段1tho“9むit was’ftt獄cst沁five灘ceエ}t。独e assumpti-

on wi H be mo t so seyious for Sl/}e iliol low ing yest“ts,but it i D“ a lr,eirLt ’i-o be opelled

もO Criもisis膿m. .

Page 12: ROSEリポジトリいばらき (茨城大学学術情報リポジトリ)8 7 ノ炉 ! A ’ ノ F’i g.’. 1 6 s 4 磯)むica1.Diagram ofむhe A下記USも。 M曾a臓e

江森: ユ呈噛湯田鑑。轟認溜もb潔・留.濫f謡}旧記。d.


                   巨 /帥1・素   源.門                        ..1                 二          ・   ...


峨1曲む・d・丹田ユ励d tran・エn.iむt…Ab・砺f・・.the抽f.6f・・m・.11f・廊d

ze lkOW翫                レ         1己                               1:     : 売        ;

㎜幣{ θ T.F

.    「1 ‘ 「 .一 「」5 ….

1          一↑一.       一                                                                    ..ーーー       ーーー                                                                                「一…ーー邑・一i.鉦一「.…一    ーーー.;..…一凡.i一ぎ.

一 , 綱F


、..,. .、} .[    「

.  5 .臼

.0・T、.E .


                             ド.、言  .                  …

e;燭董 …幽 ,

.i-.一…                                                 一               .「.



                                            ち .0717599249エー.S 995a.72£σ3,7..a559556055  4603!1右0020一6665475181232 02、.31799492528!285474 57024409755一〇〇〇〇100145555 5555姦444211223322200 00111110000騨  9  働  。  ρ  。  5  ②  0  9  縣  麟  “     聾  9、.、・僧  傳  簿  聯  触  町  喚  邸  瞭  陣  鱒  騨  。  “  麟  ‘9  魯  り     鞘  脇  ◎  “  ‘の  鱒  ・  ⑭  聴  齢  酔 .000000000000ハU.  00ハuO〆00000000∩)0000000   000000000バリ0ド.


.監 一 … }



               ㌦.、               P5  5  5  5  5 5 5   5 5 5  5  5  5  5  5  5 5   5  5  5  5 5 、遍3445566778899   0112233445566778899   0112233445騨  G7  働  “  o  ,  費  9  ”  印  “  ●  8     聯  魯  騒  “  蘭  鱒  o  聯  6  勧  ◎  晦  り  り  嘩  鱈  範  精  聯  ゆ     秘  粒  勤  鴨  頓  嬉  腎  曝  9  0  鴨0000000000000 1111111111!1ーユー11111 22222222222

}  .李一…-曜. .. ..  凹凹 ∈.... .   . 麺 「 56               }              .1             }ヒr一 }           …

 tt t t zat・ t

tt t/t


Page 13: ROSEリポジトリいばらき (茨城大学学術情報リポジトリ)8 7 ノ炉 ! A ’ ノ F’i g.’. 1 6 s 4 磯)むica1.Diagram ofむhe A下記USも。 M曾a臓e

62 茨城大学工学部研究集.報 (第9巻)






一’~F  ‘「


㌧    =、    1

_♪ i ~…蓼 (1-ETO ,




…巳 5





㌔SAUBε ε9G937} }






2 1









~ 呂・0(互・45声)

㌔    ’j    ’ 、    ’

(193η 葦ち。「1・94!・)

Fig. 8

     o.s 1.g                       I.5 20 ?..5                 入ffり

Speof・ral,Ab$e1ptien,1be.fmsmissioii and R ef lec tinn for ’lhick

grown up leef of came l l ia (water content o.0234gr/cm2)






Fig. 9

     ii F,一”一一一丁”r’rm 1.a一”’”rm”iTti ’T.o’一zz. s

Spec tra l R eflec tance,Absorpt ion an(1 ’ltamsmittance for thin

y6’urg leaf of zelkowa’ iwater content o.ocr70 gr/cm2)

Page 14: ROSEリポジトリいばらき (茨城大学学術情報リポジトリ)8 7 ノ炉 ! A ’ ノ F’i g.’. 1 6 s 4 磯)むica1.Diagram ofむhe A下記USも。 M曾a臓e

江森:Laboratory Measurement of D iffuse Spectral Reflectance and      ’1’ransmittanoe of some Nattirai ObjeCts in the Near-lnfrared. 63

tien i s mos t effective in the high wave numbers. ’ihe lo w absoptivity in the

near-infmred i s,oll the other haRd,urders toed as necessary to contro l e the leaf

temperature by i tse l f.

   ”llre high transmissi on and ref l ec t ion i R the ne”c r-infrared makes forests shtade

as d i fferent f rom th?. t whi ch i s observed on the north s ide of a high vvTa l l wh. i cb.

 Sh(its off the suB. Such a shade isusually called infrared shade of ferest.

But i t i s no ted ・such infrcfi t’ed siiade i s (ibs cured at the wave l eBgths where tlie l i q-

uid water a. bsorption hands exist.

   P,etyond 2.s ft where our measure ment end s,the ttansm i ssion teTkls to decrease

rapid ly. Then we m ight infer that the e m issive pe wer of’ leaf i s i ncreased as

the w, ave l ength i nereases. IVIany yef・rs age A.Angs t ro m gave the reflec t ion of tt

leaf by us ing a pyrapo m e ter that rr}easured the near-infrar ad rad i at i on as we l!・ a s

the vi sible. From his measllrement the resul t emerges tha t the ref lection fro rri

the Io㎎er waves is much greater tlun to切radiation,which includes s】鼠)rもer wav-

es. H e suggested hy this resu/t that ern i ssive po wer of l ivipg plants for poc tur-

na l ndc i at ion.is s m,a/},re sul ting i n a natural stafeguard agailt st ni ght fro s t. B u t,

accrc}ing to the Present study,hi s stgggestioR seems invalid.

   The water content of tl}.e samples of camellia and ze lkox,va was measured by

w。ighti。g t}、emb。f。・。。漁ft・・with。恥g.伽・u・ul七・w。・e O.0234鰐,m2 f・。

                         2ca me l l in,. amd o.oav7 gi/c m一 for re ll〈owa. ’lhe rat io of water content to the to tal

weigl t was 673 for camellia and 73.6 per-cent fOr ze lkowa. From transmittalt-

ce and the absoxpt ioli coefficie,nt of liquia一. water,a rough estimation showed us

that cffec・t ive water thiclmess for ipfrared radiatien was about three ti mes as

mueh as real water contents or more. GKhat i s, the rad iat ion does not transmit

in straightforward but mul t i traverses in a l c)af .

   ’1’}xe high transmission and ref lect i en in the near-infrared region mak”es us con-

clrde tha. t the sys tem o’f mu l t i-superpes ed l eaves w i l l give xr}ore ref lectien thall

tl}.e case of a s2ngle leaf. ”lhen we measured the reflection of t wo shee ts of eame-

II ia,each in the a. I most sam e thi cl{]ness. The resu l ts ic re sho Nvn in Fig, lo. ’lhe

two s}}eets of le.fLves give transm iss ion of ii}early s quared ua lue of those for a s in-

g-le ]eaf. ’“iis i s no t a・my more t}ac xi that the transm i ss ion is made to fo l low the

expeltenti{Li l l aw. ’line i ncrease of the ref l ec te nc e by fur ther superposed l eaves i s

曲Own i難Figほ1,at the Specified wa、dengもhコ.1μ.

   ”ihe above d i s cuss ion svsrrges ts us tlnc・t othe r vege tftb l e formation such as frui tb”

or p].anad w ood sLtr face w i H show rfluch ref l eetion i n the near-infrared regior,,

because they hft,.ve vlrtua l ly infini te thiclaiess foi’ infrared rad iation. For examsple,

the results wc.re obta i ned for r ind o f orallge and p laned che stnut wood. A s E{xpec-

ted, the reflection i s very high i n the near-iRfrftc red regioB. ’Ihe r i rd of o range

sho wed about 70 per-cent ref l ectance a t 1.UL that i s near l y the same a.b” the sa tu-

ra ted va lue ef carr.iellii, l eaves superposed. (See Fig.12)

Page 15: ROSEリポジトリいばらき (茨城大学学術情報リポジトリ)8 7 ノ炉 ! A ’ ノ F’i g.’. 1 6 s 4 磯)むica1.Diagram ofむhe A下記USも。 M曾a臓e

64 飾大学手噸確回報く第9拳)、_㍉,








   ド\ノ曳     ざさt ,   a←.・・鴬丁0

       r・s.t:’”As、 ノ’「’曳

       ’    「”・「      i

鰯.同ク7∬叢ア▽’1      ア                ち    ミ                 セ       む絃  1  .  一k.一」








貰胴..”L_饗  t覧脚


     し      レ     の           気  鑑     i   l      竃  i      l  i


 ef leaf  1  }

      1  :  、    ト lsheets (,f 晦繊賢躍    i



}   、}





。  L

’ 層、,

. 驚


l           レ(λ8レ____..一_._....一___一一一、__.__..._一・._一..一一一.__...一.…..一一{

 il l.・-/…  .’・‘ i・・茸 ’

トi                 、、}〔


 …むお し  コ         げげ  おお



 i l   .・….一..・.......・..・.  . . ・「    ......…         1

                       1                       {






ピー 宰 i’nv

 r  :U.2




 鋲 t.um..Lua.L.....ll


’”’:”’ 堰frJl

昌  @ @ @ 一

  @ @ @ p  @ @ @ 








s. g s


Shetttg. of tesv{t.g

    R⑭繋蓋ecも踊ce夏難。罫繍Se w重籔.1

    鷺㎜be罫◎f s}}eeむ《)置 1ea婁

t l  t

1 ’一

1 ,



騨9注◎tt’t ’ 奄煤^’ ’tt t

堰Atl .吊



i 昏 r…而内「    ..一・博   ....一

 5 「ロ おヒロ                  茜



レe.‘i 煤c一…一






            ゐも 1.一….…げ            t 、

1    ,’べ’

・i・・  ! i一_.i.  /

 i    /、

i !




  フ     ヒ  け                     お       

〆Xsiノ \、/へ脅 雪ζla欝,潔l

      t    s         .     し 声   高     i     Σ,   輩    ・     闇       、      1

        L  i   『.、,『._tt...内、.』.』」、』.一_},一P.率        L


E ii




      而 ・ノ’

 崩              堤






@ @ …



@ @ …





.困. F剛 ..}...陣....朧



…               皿
































@ @ 







概          …

/       …

    1      …

い    ,V

  ハ\ 一it.一一.一一.一一一.,



:1 一




   i i 2、5





Page 16: ROSEリポジトリいばらき (茨城大学学術情報リポジトリ)8 7 ノ炉 ! A ’ ノ F’i g.’. 1 6 s 4 磯)むica1.Diagram ofむhe A下記USも。 M曾a臓e

江1森:しaborato.ry Measur◎ment of Diffuse Spectm!R,ef!ec松nce a}/d      Transmittanoe of some Naturai Objects in the Near-ln’£rared. 65

    In this ehE pter, i t hac s been shown t}nc t vegetab}e objects such as l ereL ves ,)nd fru-

its }iave much difxCerence both i n reflection ,t rrcl ti’ansmiss ion in the llear一一 infrt,ured                                                                               ’

compared to those in the vi s ib le region. The d i・ffe’rence a. ppered aH s disccmtinuous

ft嬢e boundary between i㎡rared鋤d visible. Thep一,bthe field circumsむance

with much vege tab le format ions,we sha l l receive most re‘bundant infrf red radiation

ire cause the sqo l a・r ellergry on the e.arth ha. s mftt ximum, d ens i t y l near the boundary of

infrared rnd visible. For the auth.ors,it i s of interes t to specut late whet}},er such

circumstance with漁田ミ甑nt infr乏xred rad海tiσa might correl就e wit}i our bli面ness

iR t1、ose re gi on,or Rot. As a possible assumptiol}we w簸t to propose睨むi澄a

very early stage・f deve1・pment・f hum鋤・rganic fumcti・ns、the vege励1e circumst-

ance wou ld affect the p.umaii ocu lar futnc tions,since such a kind of av daptation seems

to敏e a Pl)sitive advantage f・r us. That is,if we cou王d be sensitive in the near-

infrared as well as in the vi sible regi on, tTie most of the sensf t i on in the cpeB

field w ould come from tlie vegettftb]e foi’ma. t iop.s and theil’ coBttat s t to the hacU, gr-

ourd $ucl} as sky shou ld be exceeding l y strong. The further s tudy,ho wever,is out

of tl}e sco17tci of. the preseRt work.

7. Conc lusion

    Iii th is pftper,we have presented the results of lft, boro.tery s tucly on the d iffuse

ii)e,fll’一infrared spectra l ref lectaBce for sevet’a l natura l formations.

   The StpParatUS WaS the SpeC七rO抽OtOmeter Of COm興iS◎n type With int(溜rat沁9

sPhere which dstermin(ri the diffuse Specむ瑚reflect蹴e in the near・一・i㎡rar{嚢..

   The fresh mr,.fmesium oxicle coa ted on the plane ft l’u’minum backiBg base was

psefer red ,as the tef lectance standard in the near-infrared.

   ’i’}ie reflect」ance oi the m iir[era l samples were sand,bri.ck concrete,ard white

marb l e. E xcept the sand surface, the above fermations sho w ed h i gher r’eflect,ance

童n・the i・e・・’・一{㎡・ared,c・m pa・ed with th・se in th・vi醐・. ZZ・s認s・・fac・c

char}ged i ts ref lecCance w i th water cont ent. 7his i s pa, rtly due to the absorption

of red eird of tbe spectrum in tl}e t}’}in vtTa‘ teur f i l m s,but the greater pa,rt of the

ei’fect arises from interral total ref lectiQr} in the water films. ffhis m ight re一

1ate to the fact t1航t}lere were llo&bsorpむion bands in the reflected r駄di就ion.

   ”iMe vege tab le objects exam. ined x?vere broad-leaved canr e l l ia,ze lkowa ard ho l一一

ly,ai一.(1 Japtin cspress belonging to eort ifeyous tree . B oth veflectance E nd tra! sm i t-

taRce was low in the vi sible regiori,but illcreased at noar infra-red reg;iop..

”i”he w,ater .ahserpt ion bands beconie i mparta. nt as the wave }epgth increases.


   ’lr}ie authors express their sincere thaRks to Dr.NakaJ’o who has encouraged us

むhrOU帥out むhe pエ’eSent study、

Page 17: ROSEリポジトリいばらき (茨城大学学術情報リポジトリ)8 7 ノ炉 ! A ’ ノ F’i g.’. 1 6 s 4 磯)むica1.Diagram ofむhe A下記USも。 M曾a臓e

66            茨城大学工学部研究集報 (第9巻)


(1)  A.Angstrom;Geografisk馳Ammler,Stoc1面1m.エ, 323-342,(1925).

(2) E.L. Kr iBoy; N atiemal Research C ounc i l of Camada Techieal 1beans-

                      lation TT-43g, ()ktwa, (1953).

(3) 」.A. S arder soR; Jour. Opt.Soc. paiin er i ca一. 37, 771, (!g47).

(4) W.L. Derksen ard T.1.1’ytronahexr.; Jour.Opt.Spe.America. 4LZ,

                      263 , (1952) .

(s) B.P. Kozyrey and O.E. Ver inin i Optic et Spee troscop,」’,Et’,3tlei5,(lftX59)

(6) 」.A. Jacquez and ’vV. IV(c Keehan I Jour. Opt. S oc. Amer ica 1ks.,781,


(7) C.L. S anders and N”v’X. F..K. !V{idd le ton I .Toiw. Opt. S oc. America 4.3,

                      5.8.d, (Il.953) ,

(s) E.V. Asl一,burn arid R.G. We ldon; Jou.r.()pt. S oc. Ay,ierica l 46, 5cQL,,


(g) J.A. Cur’cio and C.C. Petty; Jour. Opt. S oc. Amer icta; 4-1, 302,

                      ( ll. 9. 51 ) .

(10) C. Clark, it. Vi regi, r aixi J.D. Ei’ftc rdy; Jour.〈)“]. t. b”oc. A mer i ca,

                      43 , 9gE;, (19.53).

(11) F. Sauberer ; B i ol〈l i ma t i sclie B e i bl.fi. tter (ler’ ftyts.steoxo iotL. i schon :”1’eitsevhr-

                       ift, f!., i45, (IS6,7).