• * * * * * * • * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * CALIFORK!A TUMOR TISSUE REGISTRY LOS A.'ICllL£5 COUNTY - t!NIVERS ITY Of S01.J7HERN CALIF ORN!A PROTOCOL For MONTHLY STUDY SLIDES APRIL 1979 POPLITEAL TUMORS * • * * A * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Rosai's Collection of Surgical Pathology Seminars · 2015. 10. 3. · GROSS PICHOLOGY: The gross spec~JDen va..~ oval., measu:-ing 3 =s. in

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Page 1: Rosai's Collection of Surgical Pathology Seminars · 2015. 10. 3. · GROSS PICHOLOGY: The gross spec~JDen va..~ oval., measu:-ing 3 =s. in

• * * * * * * • * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * CALIFORK!A TUMOR TISSUE REGISTRY





APRIL 1979


* • * * A * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ~

Page 2: Rosai's Collection of Surgical Pathology Seminars · 2015. 10. 3. · GROSS PICHOLOGY: The gross spec~JDen va..~ oval., measu:-ing 3 =s. in

COU'l'R!BUTOR: E . R. J e.nnings , tr.. D. APRIL 1979 - CASE UO . 1 Long Beacb ~ Caliiornia

ACC . NO. 23082 TISSUE FROM: Popliteal space


Histor;r : The patient va.~ a 46 yo;ar old male who was admi tted to a local hospi t al in December 1978 complaining of P·" in in the ;oack of his right kn"e of one u..cnth r ~ dtJ.ration . A p:lysical eY.e.mination i n NV'~tentber l9T7 reve~...led a "Bs.ker 1 s cyst" posteri or to t he right knee. One month pri0r to admission the t1.l!nor began to sw:ell , beca11:te eryt hrematous and painful.

Ph,ys i cal e:.:a.mine.tion: The -patient t,..ras noted to have restricted mot ion of his right knee due a large mass 'Nhich. ha.O. "dissected into the subutaneous tissue . u

Laboratory studies: Cheu~stry profile , CBC, T4, and urinalysis were wi~hi~ ncrm~l limdts .

RadloP,raphs: A right l e s venogram sho~ed displacement of other-wise normal venous archi tecture by a popliteal sof t . tissue mass. A right; l eg erte~iogram showed e moder ately vascular popliteal ~$s witb a lobul~ted appee.:raJ1ce.


A large soft tissue mass was removed f rom the right popliteal space on December 6 , 1978.


T'ne specimen was a l arge rnr-ss w-hich consisted of' a large l obulated and several smal ler cvoid. tan b2·o;m 11odule~ . Soft and firm areas were noted. CD section pe.rts -of t:::.e t u.'tiDr ~·rere dark brot-.-n and other areas ;.;ere -oright yellow in col('):r . The l argest portion of t he specimen measur ed 1 4 )( 6 x 3 . 5 ems .


~1:ien l ast seen i n Janua::. .. ~r 1979 the patient was doing ~ell .

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COliTRl'SllTOl< : S. K. Ab:.tl-Haj, M. D. f.,FRI!, 19 79 - C.\SE 2

Ventura, Cal ifnmia ACC. NO. 15147

TISSUE FROM: Left knee


History: This t"'ency year old married "'bite woman presenced "'ith a tender mass over the inner aspect of her lef t leg, just below th~ knee in July 1966. The mase had increasil1gly gre~m i n size fo r 6 months. The pncient had only an occasional twi3ge of pain in the lacer3l aspect of her knee ~~d had no problems vi th wal~ing, bu= was concerned vi th the l~p end soreness.

Physical ex:uoin~ was within nomal limits except for s;:elling ond tenderness over the medial aspect of the left leg, just below the knee. There was full range of ~tion through a stable knee joint.

Laboratory studies: Non-contributory .

~diog~aph: A chest film showed no abnormalities . Radiologic vie"s of the left tibia showed a destructive leGion in the metaphysis in the medial aspect of the tib(3.


On July 5, 1966 excision and curettage of the oeteolytic lesion was carried out and the defect was filled with bene chips from the posterior left ilium. A gritty, grey-white and pink lobula t ed mass was curetted out. Portions of the •~U~as «as adulixed with bro,'tl-red soft tissue.


Th~ specimen "'as composed of two types of tissue. The firs t portion conei9ted of nodular or l obulated fragments of grey-whi t e to tan gritty soft tissue with bl otchy areas of bro~m-red discoloration, marginated on one side by wedge-shaped plaques of thickened cortical bone. The largcs! piece mea.sured 2 x 1.5 x 1.5 =· and 3 x 2 1< l.5 =· The second par1: of the tumor consist~d of nume~ous irregular fragments of spongy, brown-red henor-1\agic bone aggregating to approximately 9 graJlls.


1\lo years later the lesion recun:ed. An en bloc res~ction was pe~foJ:med and the defecr was repaired ~ith bone graft and bone chips . In 1969 a follow­up film of t he tibia showed cotnple t e restitution of the integrity of the bone ~ithout any detect~ble defects . ~~en last seen on March 15, 1979 the patient was still ssyoptomatic.

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COifl'RIBU'l'OR: James E. Ks.hl e1·, J.l. D. .A.PRIL 1979 - CASE NO . 3 Los Ang;,les , Cl'..lifarnia

.ACC . !10. 8T6'7 TISSUE FRml: Popli t ee.l space


History: In Jar:uary 1955 t his yatient developed a "fullness" behind the lef~ knee ~nich preve~ted full e r.oension. £he ~oticed a progress~ve incr ease in size and hardnese i:l the mass . Three ;;eeks prior to hospitalization in June of 1956 it became painfu.l a.'ld va...'l"!!l to palpation . Exploration of nass vas perto~ed and a v"r7 vascular tur.or was fo~d be~vee~ muscles or lover thi gh posoeriorly. The mass was biopsied only a s a complete resection cc l:lld not be performed.

Phvsical exa:nination : A har:l. oval tumor, a pproximately 10 =· in dia.'!leter, vas pa.l.pa-:ed just above the poplitesl space .

Radicgra~h : X-ray demonstrated a so~ t issue Ue$ S in the poplite~l area without abnor:ne.lity in the femur or perioste\:J!I .

Si.iRGE?.Y :

An aJuputat.ion •,;as carried o ut thro>.:gh the upper 1/3 of the thi gh on June 2'7, 1956.


The tumor mass measur ed 12 x 7 x 7 ems . a:1d wa2 in ti".e fibrous tiss ue, cet,..een muscle bellies, vascular sheaths , and perios teum. It separated easily from muscles, periosteum, femoral artery and nerve; however, the fe:noral vein was firmly attached by tumor thrct!bi which solicil,y filled al: the tributa!'Y vei ns . The ad·.rem.itia of the veins was not infil tl·ated. The tumor was s=rounded by a thick fibrous pseudo- capeule and ;:as very fir~ and brigh~ pink in color with small yello.., areas of necrosis and t i ny, grit ty, calcific foci.

l'CLWii- UP :

Pulmonax-j ~easteses were noted i n January of 19 58. The patient expired later t hat y ear wit hout benef it of en autopsy.

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CO~"'::R!Bl.;"l''R: Ro"arci J . Go:nes, M. D. A?RIL 1979 - CASE NO . -Glendale, California

ACC . 110. 10560



History: Yr-is 40 year old wtite oale patie~t first noticed a pain~ess lW!lp in th~ poster:..or a.spec-: of the le~ bee in trld-1959 . '!ne ca.! a }:e.:. gradually increased in size.


A subutarteous noduJ.e WI.\!! noted to lie b eneath the s ki n and "over t :-,e fa.scia ." There was no communic a.tior, •,;ibh tlJe joint or a;;tachment to t he capsule. The aass t<pp"ared to 'be encapsulated and wa s r emoYed intac;: ~;ith DO difficulty .


The gross spec~JDen va..~ oval. , measu:-ing 3 =s. in <iie•,eter in ~en;;tt end J . 8 em. in di aneter . The l!lS.£S had e thin capsule ettd :fibrofe:cty t~ssue ""lit.3 on its e xternti sur~aee . After fixation tbe cut surfaces -,.;ere snoo't~ ,

:fine , and white with pale yeJ.l o·• areas ..


The pat i ent i~ lost ~o ~ollo~-up .

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CONTRIBUTOR : Jack Gordon, M. D. APRIL 1979 - CJ\SE NO . 5 Los ~~-scles, Califo=nia

ACC. NO . 19580



liistorv: This 62 year old female presented to her physkizn in early 1972 ~ith complai~ts of a cass located in her left kne~ which had been present for three months .

Patient had a past history of a pap!llary adenoc~rcinoo~ of the left ~hyroid in 1970 for which she had received a bilateral total thyroidectoQy.

Phvsical examina tion: A soft tissue mass was noted to be located anterior to the left tioia.

_Chest: radiograph on ad:niS$ion was nornlill.


The t umor wa~ locall y rese c ted . The tumor did not involve tho bone and was locat~d near the knee capsule.


A yello~ tan and oval tu~or with a thin fibrous capsule, ceasuring 6. 8 x 4.i x 2.~ ems, was received . On section, the t~r ~ppeared to be :o=a:ly calcified with a few •mall shiny are11s of "mucoid degeneration . "


The p~tienr hils been caref.ullr follo,.,ed in the out pat i ent clinic anc was last seen in P.arch 1979 with no evidence of recurrence or m"tastases .

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CON1'RIBlJ1'0R : 1.411ll.am H. Ke r n, !1. D. t.P \HL l. 9 79 - CAS'i: NO . f. Los An~P-les, california

ACC. NO. 17303

TISSUE fROM : Lef t knee


Bistorv: This 19 year old rna~e was admitted to ~he hospital on Januery 31, 1968 with a history of having had a l ump on the a:: t:et'ioJ: rnedisl aS?C>Ct

of the l eft tibia, 4 ye~rs ' duration. D~ring the pas• 6 months ~he lesion had g~~ to 4 ti~es i:s c~iginal size . It w~s esse~~ially painl~ss ~~less b"mpea .

Phy$ical exa:rination sho~Jed a raised 3 :! 2 Cl'll. anterior s~al!ing of tt:e dd left tibia a:-.d no ther a'::>nc r.nall.t ies were nDted.

P~dio~raPh revealed a sharply de1i~itcd 7 co. tu~or arising fro~ the outer cortical layer at the junction nf the ~orile e~d lower thir~s c: tha t ibia.

SURCERt : (February 1, 1968)

A l arge fi rm t umor was found beneath the tibial periosteum. A c.ircu.~ ferential i"d.sion was msae io the perioste~m and the ~ntire tumor was excised in ta= t .


Tne Specimen consiated of a segment of bone and an addition~lly received small fragments of fatty ti~su~. 1be s egment of l vng bone measured 7. 5 x 2. 8 ccs . in diameter. Cent~ally, there was a hard, s~oth. slightly l obulated, elongated cortical lesion that proj ected abovo the perioste~l surface for 1 . 0 em. and measured 5. 8 ems . in length . It wns extensi·~ely calcif ied and was of bony consistency. The lesion appeared to be completely excised, the m.u:gins of resection bc!ng grossly free of neoplastic change. Fibr<>ua . apparent l;• periost eal t issue, ana small port i ons of muscle were attached to the outer surface. The second portion o:' t ho specimen c:onsisced of approximat ely l gram of Slll3ll piece of yello..-ish g::a:; f atty and bon;• tissue.


.The tUl!lor recurred within a year at the p:roxiCM.l surgical mn rgin. A ae~ond operati on was performed ~nd tha t~or ~as agaL• er.c:ised along "ith approxicately 4/5 of the c:ircu~ference of the tibia throug~out most of its length. A fibular' graft was done. As of February 1977, the patient w~s well and had no furth er t reatment.

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COO':Ril!lr.OR: It•Jing X. Rei::lgo:d, M. D. Lono 3each, Califo:-nia

ACC. !10. 1511~

TISSUE FROM: L~ft knee

Cll!I!CAL ".BS:1'.ACt:

His torv : Tilis 59 yea• old male present~d in ~id-1966 ~i th complaints of of n painless slo~ growing mass, wh~ch had been present in the left kn¢e. for about cne year. The pati en t had hacl no disabilities f r om che mass .


The ll'.ass " as removed en bloc in July 1966.


The specimen consist!ld of a soft , nonencnpsulated, solid mass measuring 7 x S. 5 x 2 .5 CIIIS. 'fh« s u-;;face:l we:-e glistening , mois t , grayish-white and soft. Bands of foirly t hick fibrous cissue traversed th e s olid tuoor . On sectioning, focal pinpoi nt yel!o~ areas were noted to be dis tribu ced through the tlllllOr.


The patient was seen i n the outpatient cl:lnic in Februa ry of 1972 at which tir:le he was free of tumor and ne t as tasis . Howev.,r, at that t!ae the patient was par~plegic and sphasic se~cndary to essential hypertension.

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COliTR!llUTOR : Sidnf!}' Zui>er , ~!. D. George Scharf, M. D. Pho(llnix, Arizona


APRIL 1979 - CASE ~0 . 8

ACC. NO. l35U

. His tory : This 15 year old ~;bite fonutte '•r.:ts firs t see n by a l ocul ortho­pedic surgeon in mid 1964 ~ith complaints of ?ein in the r ight knee, espe­cial:y along the l ateral a:ld t»OSte~ior &ides . 'Ihe pai:l ~..;as so severe ch!.t it kept d:e pat:ient a~.;ake at r.ight 2nd fo-rced her to wal~ ""·ich a l iop . The patient had previously visited a. chiroprac tor for tre:ttment , however , her symptoms had continued. The knee wa~ st•ollen . 'l:ile joi.nt. was aspi:ro.ted ar.d an iJjection of cortisone was given .

·r.,e patient ~as ad~i:ted for a biops y on July 1 , 1954. Surgical approach •.res through che anterior aspec:c o~ r.be tibi;:; . A cystic area t hat ext ended im:o t he poplit:aal fo ssa w<H; encountered and th i s area was curetted . The surgeon not~d that t he cyst wr.s empty and nc a bnorntal t issue ',;:.ts encoun­tered. The patient ,;as released from the hos!'ita l ; ho'Aever, following consultstio~ she was re-a~~it ted to the hospitul for su~gical procedure in sn effort to save t he knee .


A resection of th<! r emaining portions of the lesion was performed by a posterior medial incisi on. At t his t iOie a gTay whita soft n>ater ial .,;as encountered filling this previously cystic a rea. Adjacent ca-rtilaginous sur faces were noted to be partiall y ~roded and bio~sies were also taken froo chis area.


The s pecimen consisted of ewe parts . 1~e firs t portion was a fr~goent of bone, oe,suring 3 x 3 x 1 em. with a layer o ( fib rous tiss ue. on the outer surface . . Sections showed an e.xpansile gray anc r~d lesion that thinned t~e cc~t~x and reFlaced trabeculae. The second portion measured 3 ~ 2 x 2 co. and consis t ed o f fim fle shy red 3nd brown tissue.

FOL!.0'.-1- UP :

Tne patient is well and there is no evidence of r ecurrence.

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CON'J:RlllUTOR.: Robert. F. Hufner, rt . D. APRIL 1 9}9 - CASE NO . 9 Long B~3Ch, Califo~nia


TISSU!:! FP.OH: Right knee


This 12 year old whi:e Eecale presented co her pbysician ..-ith a small lump in the medial aspect of her right knee, which had been present for at least three months.


The mass was biopsied in July of 1970. The mass ~as felt to b~ in the soft tissue and not related t o the joint structures.


The specimen consisted of a fair ly firm and co!l'pressible soft tissue mass, measuring 2. 4 x 1. 7 x l . 6 em. Adheren t fat ~as present excern&lly. Hemi­section revealed •:a solid glistening gn~y appe aJ:.,nce . Small cleft-like. spaces were noted on section.


Current follo~-up not avaiiebie.

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CONTRI BUTOR: John Tnh, H. l). A?::tiL 197.:.> -· CASE NO . 10

Glendale, Califor.n:'...a ACC. NO. 23177

TISSUE FROM: Knee erea


His torv : Th i s· 24 year old \o.Thite female -saw a physic ian in December 1978 because of a painful r1-ght knee . Conse!'V3t ive tr.entment brought no relief. ln February 19i9 she was referred_ [ o a.T\ orthopedic surgecn.

?hysical exe...rnina.tion r evealed only a p.ainful right knee.

Laboratory s tudi es t.;er e noncot'l. tribiJto r y .

Radiograph revealed' an oval lytic lesion loca t ed at t he p-roximal portioll of the rigtt tibia .

At operetion , the. lesion --.•as noted t.o be a large cyst with so~te granula­t i on tissue pres·:lltt in tbe proximal por t ion of the righ t tibia .


'The specimen consisted o£ sevet·zl portions of tissue ll.~i th a var:ied morpho­logy, . Po r tio r. s of th.: tissue resembled large blood cysts, ranging up to 1 . 5 em. in .Qi aute t e r . Oth2r pot·tions of the tis sue wQr e s oft reddish- pink i n color) ag·gregat i ng to 1 x l x 2 em.. A third pon:ion of t he t issue vJas rubbery tan color and aggregated to 2 x J. x 0. 3 em.

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CC~'TRlBI.iTC:\: Ric:harti J . Dor ger, M. D. Al'?.IL 1979 - CAS'£ NO. ll Oakland , C~lifornia

ACC . NO. 230.39

TISSUE FROM : Lef t poplitcct.l fossa


!list orv : This 14 year old r.tale not ed n ruzss i n t he lef t pc;>li t ed fos s .-. app ro:;; imn~ely four months pr ior t o e.~im1~is1on . The mos s slm,•ly inc1:e.ased i n si ze causing oc:cas icna l pai!l when walk;tng .

Phys!cal examination r·~ve~l~d only dilation of the skin ve ssels ove z.·­lying the area .

I..aboratory s tudies ;.1ers; nonc:ontributory .

Radio~ravh : ~' arthrogr~ and xray of the knee were no~al . TechnetiUD bone scan and ches~ tomograrr~ we re norcal .

A biopsy of t he ~~ss was done en September 14 , 1976. r.~e pare!lts re fc~cc t o allow a~putation .


Sl~GERY: (Sept ember 15, 19 7S)

'n1e mass was totally excised. At surgery t he t u;no ;: itself appea red to ar i se fror.~ the pos t erior capsul e of t he knee and extended 6 - 8 inches dis t ally al ong t he t i bi a l shaft but did not involve the tib i al pe riosteum. l~e t umor i nw1dad the l a t e ral half of t h e soleu!l muscle and lay benea th t he i.ateral head of the gastroc:ncmius musc l e. The per oneal n~rve and art ery as ~ell as t he posterior t ibial artery , ne rve a nd vein \ICro:> adjacen t to t he tu:11:>r .


The ~~~r c:onsis t ed of a 150 ~· egg-shaped ~ass, measuring 10 x 5 x 6 ems. i n grea t es t dimensions. The external aspect ~as bossel~ted and appeared co be thinly and i rregul a r ly encapsula t ed . On sec tion the t~or was pale and tan-o-range in color with t>tJltipl e fibrous trabeculae dividing it i nto irregula r lobules . S:uall <1r eas of hemor rhage , necrosis , and c ys t.ic degene rat i on ..-ere present .


In No vember a nd Deceaber o f 197S, he was treated ~itn Cytoxan; Actinomycin and Vincr is t i ne . Wo rk- up for metastat ic tumor was negaci ve . As of Mar ch 1979 he showed no evidence of recurrence or met as tases .

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CON1"-IilUTOJ:\.: \·leld<.>n K. !lulled<, M. D. Pa~adena t California

TISSUE ~'ROi{ : Right knee


Ristory: rn ts 79 ye~~ old b!ack female ~ith s••elling in the r ight knee , one ye<n: ' s dur3.tion. complained of. pain confined to the right kllee and progressive circumscribed sw;,lling of that knee . the knee was within normal limits .


ACC. ~;Q , 2115o

coreplaint of pain and At that t i~e the patient it l.<.'aS associated Hith The range o f motion o!

An encapsula1:ed, firm , soft tissue mass was teased frotn t he cap~ule of the right knee joint and traced into the area pos terior to the infra?atella r tendon. A second capsular incision was made adjacent to the infrapat e llar tencon and using blunt dissection a :nultilobulated fatty structu~e •.;as de­livered from th'! space posteri.or to the infrapatellar tendon. lt did not appear to c~r.e~d ~nco the intrasynovial space. The mass was then dissected from the joint capsule. The specimen measured approxin>ately (> x 4 ems.


The spec~n consisted of 47 gr~s of f2tty connec~ive tissue which was multilobul a ted and ~easurcd 6 x 6 x 3 ems . The m3ss had a pale thin translu­cent capsule attached to multiple fotty pale yello~J lobules which averaged 2-3 cm:l. in diameti!r. One t!Ulr!\in of the 1:Ullior was fibro:.ts and multiple sections revealed no foci of necrosis hemorrhage or mucoid ~aterial .

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APRIL 1979

CP.SE NO. 1 - !ICC. NO. 23082

l/.IS Al!GELES: Pigmente!i villonodul er s ynovi t is with xanthomat \ilu o trlllls forma.­t ion - 13

C;:)iiTRAL V~: Pigoent e d vill onodula r synovitis - ll; benign xanthoma - l

SAJITA BARB..t...'q;\ : Pigrr.ented villonodular syn<r~it:!. s - 4

1/ZST SAil F<:R!IAIIDO: Pibl!!ente d villonodula.r synovi t is - 15

lf.P.R'l'!rJEZ : ?ig~:~ented n : l or.od·..Uar synovitis - 8

IA'!G llEhCH : Pigmented villonodula.r synon t is - 8

OA."<ktND: Xll.nthoma.tous va.riant o f nodul.ar synovi t is - 13

fiii.N BERNARDINO: Pi gment ed v illonodular synovitis - 11

SAN li'RhN~: Pigoent ed villonodular synovi tis - 23

SEP.'Z'J'T..E : Pig:nented \'illonodular synov:\ tis - 7

FRESt;o : Vill onodul.nr synovitis - 6; hi bcrr.oml!. - 3

SACRAM!!lll'O : Y.a:~thooatous synovitis - 3

RE'!O: Yhnthoma - 13

OHIO : Pi €'lltmte6. -.rillonodul a r synovitis - 3

Fi.I;E DIAGNOSIS : Pigmented viHonodular s yttovi t i s , p opliteal spo.~e 1713 -1:951~

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CASE l~O. 2 - ACC. !10. 15147 APR:O. 1979

LOS A1HiELJ;;S: Chondroid ostecblastoma - 1 ; b enign juve!lile metaphyseal uncol:l!rl tted 1,;,sion - 11; chondr o·olastoma - 1

CENT?~ VALUTl : ~nondroblastoms - 2; fibrous dys~las~a - 4; osteoie osteo~a- 2 ; giant os"teoid osteoma - 1; giant cell tumor - 2; chondromyxoid fib ro:ma - 1

SAlil'P. B.!>RBARA : ~ncndro:ey::ofibroma - 2 ; chondroblas-.oma - 1 ; chondr cna - 1

HE:ST SAN FERNANDO: Cnondroblastcr:ie. - 9; osteob1as-tom.a - 3; fibrous dyo:ple.sia. - 3

M.\RTTIILZ : Non-cssit'yin;; !'ibrotr.a - 1; :fibrous dy~lasia - 2 ; l o;;-grade osteo­genic sarcoma - 4; chor.ci.roblastone.- l

LOJlG BEI\.Cli: Osteobla.storna - 7 ; fibrous dysplasia - 1

OA.~iD : Os-.eoblastoma - 10; a'ypical chondromyxoi d !ibro~a - 3

SAJI E>"~'l•!ARDTilO : Chond:"obla.stcma - ~; giant cell t un:or - 4; aneuryem.al bone cyst - 2; osteosarcoma - 1

SAN Flta.J<CISCO : l~ature chondl'olll<f-xOid fibr oma - 2 ; fibrous d,_vsple.si a - 12; osteoblastome. - 3

SEP.TXLV: Fibrous dysp:asia - 1

FRESNO : Chondro~xoid f ibroma. - 4; fibrous dyspl asi a - 2 ; giant cell tumor - 2 ; osteoblastoma - 1

SACRA~·lENTO : Osteoble.stc::na - II

R!:liO : . Osteogenic se.rccl!:a - 1 ; chondrobl astome. - 7; chondr o;myxcfibro:.e. - 5

~: Bcnig~ gi~t cell t~~or of bone - 2; benign osteoblas~cme. - 1

FILE DIAG!IOSIS : Chondrobla&tc:o.a, knee 1 707- 9230

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eASE UO. 3 - ACC. NO. 8767 l1PRIL 1979

LOS .t<tiGELES: Alveolar soft 11an s arco;r;e - 14

CB!l'l'fu\L VALLEY : Alveolar soft part s<>.rcoma - 8; rhabdo~roserc<:>ma - 1; large cell s arcoma of tendon oheath - 1; l!l.!ll i gne.nt gzoanul er cel l m.y o-:)lastoma - 1

SANTA EAREA-"IlA: Alveolar soft part s arcoma - I<

.WEST SMf FERNMIDO: Alveolar soft part sarcoma - 15

l&..RTI!!EZ: .Uveole.r s oft p e.::-t sarcoma - 8

LONG BE.'l.CH: Al v~ lar soft part se.rcoma B

OAJ(L.4ND: JUveolar sort pan sarcoma - 13

SAN BEPJU!.ilDINO: Alveolar go:f't pen-t sarcoma (malignant gr83lular cell. t llll!or) -ll

SAN FRANcrsco: Al veolal:' soft parl sarcoma - 23

SEATTLE: Alveolar so.ft part sarcoma - 7

FRESNO: Alveolar soft part sarcomrt - 8; e.J.veolar rhabdomyosarcoma - 1

§SiRAHENTO: Alveol ar s 01't part sal:'coma - l!

~0: He.lignant gre.nula.r cell tumor - 6; eJ.veolar sol't part sarcoma - 7

OHIO: .AJ..veola.r soft part sarco-ma - 3

FILS DIAGNOSIS : Alveolar soi't !'S.rl sarcoma, popliteal space 1713-9373

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CASE NO . 4 - ACC. !10 . 10560 Jl.PRIL 1979

L.QS :'INGELE~ : Heoangioper:!.c:r~o= - 4; nod"ill.ar syno>'i t~ s (giant ceH t~mor or tendon she~th) - 6

CE!ITRAL VAIJ:i,Y: Fibrous histiocytoma, "benie,n - 4; f ibrol1s histiocytoma., maJ.ignant - 1; synovio:na. - 1 ; h eme.nsiopericytomo. - 3; cellular tumor , 1•os - 1; he!:'l0 1"Sioendot:"l" H oma - l

SFJlTA BARB!~~~-: Hemangioperi cy-;;oma - 4

\<"EST SA.~ FERl!PJ!DO : Giant cell tumor of tendclt sheath - 5; ll·:!!n:mgiop~ricy­toma - 5 ; intravascular Ln~ioma~osis - 2

~!ART!NEZ : Henmngiope:ricytoma - 1; giant cell t•JJnor of tendon sheath - 7

LOr~G :lEACH: G!.c.nt cell t'Wt.or o!' tendon ~:nesth orioi::. - 8 ,.

OAKLAND: Ucdular tenosynovitis (nbrous hist!.o~rton:a) - 13

S!>Jl BEEUliU\DINO: Fibroue histiocytoma - 11

SP.M FRA.'ICISCO: Gi=t cell tun:or ( fibroxantho:na) - 20 ; he:ne.ngiopericyte:na - 3

SEATTLE: Hecangioperictyo~a - 7

FRESNO : Fibrous histiocytoma - 7; hemangi opericytoma. - l; giant cell tu.7.or -

Sl!CRA!-1E'l!'I:O: fibrous histiocyto= - 1 ; £~am; ceil t umor tendon sheatl:. - 2; hems.ngiopericy-;;omu - 1

P.:2NO: l!eaang!oper i c:;tOir.a. - 13

OliiO: Giant cell tuao~ of te~don 3heath - 3

FILE DIAGriOSIS : tfodule.r teoosynovi tis ( gia1'Jt cell t uroot· sheetb)

c'f "tendon 1713-4953


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CASE UO. 5 - ACC. JlO . 1 9680 APRIL 1979

LOS JlJlGELES: Fibrosarcoma - 13

OE!ITRJU. VALLEY: Schws.nnoma , solitary - 2; leiomyosarcoma, 1m.- graee - 5; ~ibrosaJ·coma, 1o>~ grade - 3; ne=of'ibrosarco:Da - 1

SA1!Tf,. RA.Rlll>J\A : Fi brosarcome. - 4

W!ST SA:~ FEPJIA!IDO: L-eioeycse.rcoJ:>a - 5; IDtii{3tlant echwo.nr.oma - 4; fibrcsar­co:a - 5; synovial sarcoma - 1

f.!io.R'l'INEZ: Fi brosa.rcoma, lw gre.'de - 8

U:liG "~EAC!l: F:ibrosarcoma - 6; leio~eyosar~oma - 2

OAKLt.. .. TifD: Fibr osarcoma - 8; leiomyosarcoma - ~ ; c lear cell sarcoma - 1

BAil jlE!ltiARDHO: Fibrosarcoma - 10; leicn~rosar~oma - 1

SAl! F?.Arrcrsco : Fi brose.rcoma. - 23

SEA~LE: Fi "o-ro:;arco:aa, lov gre.de - 7

FRESNO: fibrosarco~a - 9

SACR4..~1'l'O : Fibrosarcoma. - h

RfliO: Fibrosarcoma - 13

Oh'IO: Ji'i brosercoma - 3

FILE DIAG!TOSIS : Fibrosarcoma. , knee 1713-8823

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CAS!!l NO. 6 - ACC. NO. ~7303 APRIL 1979

LOS ANGELES : Pa.rostea.l oste~sa:rcorne - 14

CEi·lTF' ... &.L VAL1EY: Chcndromyxofibroma - 3 ; fibrous dysplasia - 2; osteobl.r..stor.:ta, beni.gn - 1; periosteal osteogenic se.rco!l'~ - ·2; osteoin!l. - 1; enc:hondroma - l ;. · periost•<.e.l chondroma - l

S.&IITA B.luU.lP.RA : Chondrosarcoma - 4

HEST SPli FEBNANDO: Chondro.myxoid fibroma - 7; J"aros teal chondroma - 1; be!'l i gn cart i lage tumor- 1; osteochondroma - 1; pnrostee.l os teose.rcoma - 1

}1Jt..i1TilfRZ: Ossif".ring :fibroma - 1 ; lort-g:rade :perios~es.l ost eogenic se:rco!lta - 8

L O!fG 3E.I.\C5 : Parostea~ osteogenic sarcoma. 8

OAKLA~D: Par osteal osteosarcoma - 13

Sill'l BERN.IL.'lDINO: Chondromyxoid fibroma 9, ·oenign , f!OS, 2

SA.ti FRIU~CISCO : Parosteal osteosarcoma - 10; chondronwxoid fib:rcna - 2

SEATTLE: Periosteal osteogenic sarcoma - 7

FP-ESNO: Osteo.::hoodroma - 2; chonecl!l';xoid fibroma - l; pa,rost eal osteogenic s arcome - 3; chondrosar coma - 3

SA~R!l.N:ENTO: Periosteal osteosarcoma - 2

REl'iO: CbOl'ldrosa.rc.oma. - 13

OHIO: Chondrcw~xoid fibroma - 2; cnondrosarccm.~ - 1

FILE DIAlliJOSIS : ~arosteal osteos~rcoma, knee 1107- 9193

Reference : U:nni, K1~is.hnan K. et 8.1 : Periosteal Osteogenic Sarcoma. Cancer 3T:2376-2385, ·1976 .

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CASE &C . 7 - ACC. NO. 15114 A?~L 1979

L')S M<GBLES : 11)-p:oid liposarcoma. - 14

CEl!:fTHAL VALLE'l : Chondronr;xofibrome - 2; li:posiJ.rcolW). , lov grade - 2 ; rny:<oid liposarcoma, low grade - 5; ll'.yxoma. - 1; my:wfibroll\a - 1

SA:1TA BAP.Ba.R~t : Liposarcoma - 4

WEST SAri FBRliMIDO: l~"Xoid liposarcoma - 15

;,fARTllfEZ : Liposa.rcomn - 4; myxoliposarcor.a - 5

LONG JlRACH: 1<1yxo1d liposarcoma - 8

OA.!(LA!iD: }tY:coid liposarcool!. - 13

SAN llF:RKA.;o:rn<:; : Liposarcoma 8; ltlY.XOms. - 1; hemangiop.:ric:-r~oma :! ; ~:OS - 1

SAN FRANCISCO: l<1yxoid lipcsarcoma {vi th mi toee~ ) - 23

SEJ\TTLE : Liposarcoma, l ow grade - 7

FRES!IO : ~:yxoid lipose!"co:na - 9

SACRf~~TO : ~-xoid liposarcoma - 3; l i posarcoma - l

RENO: Liposarcoma - 13

OlfiO : l·trxoid liposarcooa - 3

FilE DIAG!;osrs: !·~xoid liposarcace. , k."1ee 1713-8853

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CASE 110. 8 - ACC . 1l0. 13841 APRIL 1979

LOS A!IGBLES: Chondrobl asto:z:a. - 11.

C2JITP.AL VALIS"t : Gian~ cell tu:r.or, benign - 3; giant eel: tumo!", me.lignant - 1 ; siant cell tumor , NOS - 3; chondroblastoma - 3; de~e~ed - 1

SANTA BAR.BAFk Chondroblast oma - 4

T,.'EST SA!f FERNANDO: Giant cell t umor ( bone) - 2 ; chondrobl ast on:o. - 12

~lARTINEZ. : Chondr c bl astoma - 5 ; ·osteosarcoma - 2; giant c ell t 1.lrlor of bone - 2

LONG BEACH : Chondr obl astom.a - 8

OAKIJl~D : Giant cell tuner ( i~ it did not involve t he epiphysis) - 11; atypi­cal chondroblastom.a - 2

SAN BSRRA.Romo: C:;o:1droblasto:~:a - 11

SAl: FF.AMCISCO: Chondroblastc:na, atypice.J. - 21 ; non- cssii'y:.ng fibr01na - 2

SEATTLE: Chondroo l astoma - 7

FRESNO : Giant cel l tumor - 3; chondroble.storna - 5 ; chondr os e.r como. - l

SAC!',AI.!EIITO : Coondr o])J.as'i;orua - 1,

RID~O : m1ondroblastoma - 7; giant cel l t umor - 6

OlUO: Synovi al os t e-;,chondromatosis equi Yo.lent 2 ; ost eos arcoma - l

?ILB DIAGNOSIS: C"nondrobl asto=, lmce 1707-9230

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CASE !lO. 9 - ACC. NO . 18769 A?RIL 19!9

LOS /illCELES : }~~ligr.ant fibrous h i stiocytoma- 14;

CENTRAL VllLI.E'!: Fibrous histiocytoma, malignant - 5 > hemengiopericytcrH - 1; hen•a.nsio<md.othe1io:ma, b enign - 1 ; :fibroma - 1 ; a.ngi ose.rco:ma - 2 ; deferred- 1

SANTA BARBARA: Epithelioid 1eior;~osaTcome. - 2; synovial Ss.!'~Or.la. - 1

WEST SAN PE?3A~: Naligne.nt fi"t-rous histiocytoma - 13

~.!.\...1lTil!EZ : ?ibr ous histiocytona, me.ligna.m: - 7; ben!gn 2; atJ'picU - 1

LCHrG .BEACH : Benign fibrouo histiocyte~ - 2; atypical giant cell tUI:lOr , t endon sheath - 2; malignant giant cell tumor - 1; nodular :fasciiti~ - 1; hemP.l"lCi oped cyt oma - 2

OAKLAND: Fibroxanthosarcoma - 11 ; pleomorphic fibrous histiocytoma - 2

SAil EER:IARDDIO: !l.alie;nant f!.brcus histiocyto::~a - 4; sar::o:na, NOS - u; fibro•.ls histioc:~ooa - l ; deferred - 2

S~Jl !'RAUCISCO : Fibr oxanthosarcorr.a (u.align:~.nt fibrous his tiecytcm&.) - 21 ; hemangioper:cytom~ - 2

SEft~TLE : Fibrous histiocy•oma - 7

FRESNO: Atypical fibrous hi3t iocy tooa - 3 ; maligns.'">t lm< gr ade !"ibrous histiocytoma - 6

SACRA.'!El!TO : Fibr ous hi stiocytorua - 4

Rr."NO : . l-la.ligmmt f i brous histiocyt~me- 7 ; synovial S?~coms - 5 ; chond.l·Olli)"-,.:o­:fi brom3. - 1

OEt!O: Heruangioperic-:yoroa - 2 ; probably benign fibrohi stiocytoma - J.

FILE DIAGNOSI S : tA.alignent :fibr ous hi st i ocytotl(t, knee 1 7:.3- 8833

Special Stain: AMP 11as positive before &.:;d nege.ti·Fe a..f'ter hya1uronidl!.Se treatwen~ .

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CASE NO . 10 - ACC. NO. 23177 A? !l!L 1979

LOS P..NG!;L:ES: Cystic giant cell tumor - 1~

CD!T?.ft.L VALLEY : .4.net~:-ysmal bone cyst - 10; giant c-:11 tl!l!lor, malignant - 1

~IES'2 SAlf ?ERI"IA!JDO: Aneuqsmal. bone cyst - :tl;

!W.TH!EZ: Aneurysmt1.l 'bone cyst - 10

LOl-10 BEACK: Aneurysmal bone cyst - 7; giant ce.ll tumor of bone - 1

O!lKLAV.D : fl.neuryzme.l bone c:rs• - 12; telangecta"tic ostecge:Uc s~come. - 1

SJ\~'1 FRt.NCISCO: Aneu-:-ysms.l bone cyst - 23

S.EA1'"1'LE: .1\ .. tleu:rysna.! bone cya t - 7

FR2S:'IO: Aneu...-ysmaJ. bone cyst - 9

SACR~JtJ:JH'O : Aneurysmal bone cyst 4

RENO: .~neurysmal bone cys t - 13

OHIO : Aneurysmal bone c~'st - 3

CO~J:1EIIT (Dr. Roger '!:err;): '"\'t,en Je::fe used the -:e:-m ' at:eu..;•snal' he ·,as re!'er:-ing to the e;,.-pansile radiographic appearance end not tbe h istologic appearance ct the .lesion , vhich i s t r au:ns.tic in origin . A cyntic giant cell tUIJlOr is not expans~le radi ographically and has a tendency to recur . The latter , whom found in a patient prior t o epiphyseal pl ate closure , :has never been re;x>rted to extend across the plate into the epiphysis ."

F:L:i!! DDl.G:iOS!S: Gi&:t cell tu:a:or , kr.ee 1107- 9251

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CASE no. 11 - ACC. NO. 23039 />.P?.!L 1979

LOS A.;IGE!LE'S: S;r.:ovial sarcoma - 10; se.rcon:a, UOS - h

CEilTRAL VALLEY: Synovial sarcoma - 11

SANTA .P..ARBARA: Chondrosarcoma - 4

KECT SAN F:?:Fillt.JlOO: Synovial sarcoma. - 6; E\;ing ' s se.:::-coma of soft tissue - 6; !:le!!:.'l.ngioperic~,.;oma - 3

WJiTIJ!EZ: Synovial sarcoma, ~onophas::.c - 10

LO::G BEACH : Synovial sarcoma - 8

OAICI.I\.l.JD: Syno,:ia.l sarcoma - 9; sarcoma, NOS - lo

SAr. BEr'.NAEDilfO : Synovial oarccma - 6; hema.ngiopcricyt<?.r.:.:J. - 2; epi t.hCllioid sarcoma - 1; deferred - 2

SPJ·1 FP.AJ.\CISCO : Synovial sarcoma - 23

SE..ld"l'LE: Sync~;ial sarcoma - 7

PRE6!10: Hel!langio"Peric:rtoma - 3; synovie.l sarcOl!\a - 6

SACRP-1®1.12,: Undifferentl.ated ·smell celJ. sarcoma - 1; synovial sarcorn:1 - 3

RENO: Synovial sarcoma - 3; oalignent sch,:annoma - 5; malignant fi hrous hi stioc:rtor.ta - 5

OHIO: E:riraosseous Ewi.ng' s sarcoma - 2; synovial sarcoma - 1

FILE l>IAG!IOSIS : Synovial sarcoma, pop:iteaJ. fossa 1713-90L3

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CAS.E NO. 12 - ACC. HO. 23256

LOS ANC!LES: L.i.!>Om.a. - 14

APRIL .1979

c;-:1Dt4L Vl\LlE'l: LipCl'lla - 2; ar-&ioli;:o= - li; arboresce~l. lipo= - 5

SAl'iTP. BARBARA: Lipom~. - 4

W!'ST SAtl FZPJ!A.."'DO: Fibrolipo:ta - 15

LONG BEACH: Li;;>oma - 8

OAKLPJJD: Li porn a - 13

SAN F?JINC!SCO: Lipoma - 23

EEATTL~: Lipoma·- 7

FR~~O: Differem::iated liposarcoma - 6; lipoma - 3

SAC?J.Y"'NTO: Liposarcoma, well di:f'ferentia.ted - 1; l ipome. - 3

RE)JO : Lipoma - 13

OHIO: Lipoma - 3

nLE DIAGNOSIS : Lipome, popliteal space 1713-8850

Reference: J . !-!t. Sinai Hosp. 2h : ll12- ll20, 1957 . Plaut, Alf~ed: '''!b.e !!etched lh:.cleus c:' the Fe.c Cell" (UD!la' s Lockker:'l)