2008 Homerton Roll News ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 Letter from the Principal: WHAT IF HOMERTON WERE NOT HOMERTON? You will have seen in the Press that New Hall, the third Cambridge college for women, founded in 1954, has changed its name to Murray Edwards, thus commemorating its first President, Dame Rosemary Murray, and its two benefactors, Ros and Steve Edwards, who have recently given the College £30 million for its endowment. Dame Rosemary wanted a change of name and felt that the name "New Hall" was a stop-gap, notwithstanding the antiquity of 'new' in New College, Oxford or the New Forest. So anodyne a name offered what fundraisers term 'a naming opportunity' and so it has proved, following Ros and Steve's generous donation. A similar example was the change of University College to Wolfson College, from bland to commemorative. Murray Edwards, as I must learn to call it, is a marriage of the old 'Murray' to the new 'Edwards' - like Gonville & Caius - usually shorted to Caius, which raises an interesting precedent. Not all former New Hall members are pleased by the change and see the new name taking something from them and from society in general. "New Hall" stood for something tangible in the politics of education, celebrating the higher education of women. The name change cannot invalidate that standing but should the New Hall alumnae - of whom I am one - feel that they have lost something in the re-naming? Among the most vociferous are members of my generation who had chosen New Hall in preference to the more established women's colleges of Cambridge and Oxford (there were no mixed colleges at that time). We were not then choosing single-sex education as such and it is only the more recent graduates who can claim to be outraged by the misfortune of having their college named after a man - in this case, Steve Edwards. I am reminded of a relatively recent visit by a Homerton old member, teacher-trained, but now working as a barrister. In the Hall, she stood in silence, nostrils dilated with displeasure. I asked what had offended her. "Men!" she said. "There were never men in my day!" Something had changed for the worse, it was clear. Her objection was that somehow the purity of an all-female Homerton before the 1970s had been sullied by the decision of my predecessors to admit men. She can hardly have objected to the outcome, which has been better-educated male teachers over the last thirty years. What would happen if Homerton changed its name? How could that happen and how would you feel about it? None of us can remember the original Homerton, named after a London village, which gave its name to the Academy. Like Girton and Newnham, we are named for a locality and not for a person, so we too offer a fundraiser's 'naming opportunity'. Don't read anything into this. No-one is making us an offer so generous that we are contemplating a change of name but if they did the Principal and Fellows of the day would surely do what New Hall has done to protect the institution itself for the future, to ensure that its Murray Edwards students benefited as their New Hall predecessors did, from a first-class education for women - now enhanced by an enormous donation. Just as I have made changes, physical and academic, to Homerton, so will my successors and, I am sure, something of the old Homerton will remain, indomitably, in perpetuity. Kate Pretty 30th July 2008

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2008 Homerton Roll News ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- WHAT IF HOMERTON WERE NOT HOMERTON? Letter from the Principal: 1

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Letter from the Principal: WHAT IF HOMERTON WERE NOT HOMERTON? You will have seen in the Press that New Hall, the third Cambridge college for women, founded in 1954, has

changed its name to Murray Edwards, thus commemorating its first President, Dame Rosemary Murray, and its two

benefactors, Ros and Steve Edwards, who have recently given the College £30 million for its endowment. Dame

Rosemary wanted a change of name and felt that the name "New Hall" was a stop-gap, notwithstanding the antiquity

of 'new' in New College, Oxford or the New Forest. So anodyne a name offered what fundraisers term 'a naming

opportunity' and so it has proved, following Ros and Steve's generous donation. A similar example was the change of

University College to Wolfson College, from bland to commemorative. Murray Edwards, as I must learn to call it, is a

marriage of the old 'Murray' to the new 'Edwards' - like Gonville & Caius - usually shorted to Caius, which raises an

interesting precedent.

Not all former New Hall members are pleased by the change and see the new name taking something from them

and from society in general. "New Hall" stood for something tangible in the politics of education, celebrating the

higher education of women. The name change cannot invalidate that standing but should the New Hall alumnae - of

whom I am one - feel that they have lost something in the re-naming? Among the most vociferous are members of my

generation who had chosen New Hall in preference to the more established women's colleges of Cambridge and

Oxford (there were no mixed colleges at that time). We were not then choosing single-sex education as such and it is

only the more recent graduates who can claim to be outraged by the misfortune of having their college named after a

man - in this case, Steve Edwards.

I am reminded of a relatively recent visit by a Homerton old member, teacher-trained, but now working as a

barrister. In the Hall, she stood in silence, nostrils dilated with displeasure. I asked what had offended her. "Men!"

she said. "There were never men in my day!" Something had changed for the worse, it was clear. Her objection was

that somehow the purity of an all-female Homerton before the 1970s had been sullied by the decision of my

predecessors to admit men. She can hardly have objected to the outcome, which has been better-educated male

teachers over the last thirty years.

What would happen if Homerton changed its name? How could that happen and how would you feel about it?

None of us can remember the original Homerton, named after a London village, which gave its name to the Academy.

Like Girton and Newnham, we are named for a locality and not for a person, so we too offer a fundraiser's 'naming

opportunity'. Don't read anything into this. No-one is making us an offer so generous that we are contemplating a

change of name but if they did the Principal and Fellows of the day would surely do what New Hall has done to

protect the institution itself for the future, to ensure that its Murray Edwards students benefited as their New Hall

predecessors did, from a first-class education for women - now enhanced by an enormous donation. Just as I have

made changes, physical and academic, to Homerton, so will my successors and, I am sure, something of the old

Homerton will remain, indomitably, in perpetuity.

Kate Pretty 30th July 2008

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EDITORIAL ‘The thread goes back and weaves on …….’ This phrase, stolen from Camilla Carr’s account of ‘Life After Homerton’, seems to me to sum up perfectly something I have become increasingly aware of in editing this Newsletter. These are important days in the life of the College. For months, even years, the Fellows have been engaged in discussing and finalising what will become the Statutes and Ordinances of Homerton when – as we all hope and expect – it receives the Royal Charter as a full College of the University of Cambridge. Yet, as Homerton weaves a new pattern into the larger tapestry that is the University, the threads of which it is composed reach back into a distinguished and ongoing story of influence in homes, schools, colleges and places where education is discussed, minorities are valued, disabilities are overcome, and communities are strengthened. A few quotations from the following pages, chosen almost at random, give a flavour of what might be called the Homerton threads. ‘She brought out the best in everyone and was able to instil in others a sense of belief in themselves.’ ‘Homerton provided the foundation on which [women] built their professional lives.’ ‘Homerton taught us to think rigorously about the philosophical aspects of Education’; (this comment included a regret that some of those in power had not ‘benefited from the same training’). I wonder, too, as I read your ‘news’ what the churches and various voluntary bodies would do without ex-Homertonians,

even – or perhaps particularly – those who are ‘retired (in a manner of speaking!)’. Two of the longer ‘After Homerton’ articles this year focus on exploring and teaching concepts of forgiveness and reconciliation –‘desperately needed in our world today’ - and I do not think this is a coincidence, when I read them in the light of the rest of your – and Homerton’s – stories. Cambridge is busy this year preparing to celebrate 800 years since the university first came into being, and as we look forward to becoming its youngest full college there are plans afoot for a possible book to mark the occasion. As there is already a history of the College, this will concentrate on the last decade or so, but we hope to weave in some threads from earlier years, and this is where we depend on you, the past students, who experienced what it was like to live and study in Homerton over the years. Obviously it won’t be possible to include everyone’s memories, but we would be grateful to receive as many as possible so that we can edit them into vivid pictures of life in each decade, for as far back as any of you can remember. Please also keep your news coming in for the Newsletter. If some of you have longer ‘after Homerton’ stories, or know of another Homertonian whose story would enliven the next edition, do please tell me about them. Send me your letters or follow-up comments on this year’s edition as well. Above all, keep those Homerton threads weaving through the life of all our communities. My greetings to you all.

Janet Bottoms ([email protected])

INDEX Homerton Reunion 2008 p. 3 Memories of Homerton Tower p. 6 Homerton Reunion 2007 p. 6 Reports from the Regions p. 7 Letters p. 7

After Homerton (1) p. 8 After Homerton (2) p. 9 After Homerton (3) p. 10

Obituary - Eric Lord p. 11 News by Decades p. 11 1930s p. 11 1940s p. 11 1950s p. 15 1960s p. 18 1970s p. 24 1980s p. 26 1990s p. 29 2000s p. 32

Deaths p. 34

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Golden Girls In - 50 years on

The Saturday of the Reunion Weekend was a day of "autumn mists and mellow fruitfulness". It was just like the September when we first arrived in Cambridge and just the sort of day that we hoped for as we went down Memory Lane. The College looked very smart in the sunshine and still feels very spacious despite all the additions and changes. We were a gathering of 46 "girls" at our 50th anniversary. There were a few first timers and several messages from absentees.Thank you all for the big effort. We had our first reunion in 1998 at 40 years and this is only our 4th group meeting. There were 10 of us who had spent our first year at 189 Hills Road and have stayed in touch all these years despite living all over the world. We all agreed that we had found 189 a particularly friendly start to College Life with Miss Brazier in charge of us. Why else should some have made the long journeys from Australia, Kenya, Canada and Georgia USA? Later most of us went to D&E 1st floor and others to Wiv [Wivelingham] for our 2nd year. There we made other close friends as well. With such a crowd of us it wasn't possible to have long talks with everyone but I think that we made the best use of the time. On Friday some fitted in a trip into Cambridge and into many of the Colleges. King’s College Chapel was lovely and some people managed to go there to the Choral Concert or to Evensong on Saturday. As we went around Trinity there was a choir rehearsing which we enjoyed as we sat admiring the decorated ceiling. We also spent time on Clare Bridge watching a great mass of punts trying to negotiate the Backs and criticising the style and ineptitude of some! We were obviously much better than anyone there! Twenty of us had supper in Cambridge on Saturday night and continued catching up with each other at breakfast in college next morning.Then we had to part company but many of us have agreed that Homerton and Cambridge had given us an excellent and memorable start to our adult lives. Most had also had two half terms of Teaching Practice in Highgate at Millbrook. Weekends there had

given us the opportunity to learn our way around London and go to Museums, theatres and concerts -and do some lesson preparation as well, of course !! Our best wishes to all from our year reading this. We would love news of you if you write or send emails. We can supply names and addresses if you missed out on our mailing. Sue Prideaux (Aldred) and Elise Wylie (Wood)

Golden Girls from 189 Hills Road Back: Sue (Aldred), Betty (Coward), Mya (Moelwyn Hughes), Judy (Arkell), Pauline (Cowley), Brenda (Alcock). Front: Nerys (Evans), Di (Fawkes), Anne (Hall), Flora (MacArthur). Missing were Angela Brain, Julia Beachcroft, Judith Hartwright and Val Pederson.

The 40 Years On Reunion We were, after all, the class of ’68 – a year during the 20th Century that is unforgettable because of the many events of particular interest to young people around the world at that time. Hardly surprising, therefore, there was an abundance of memories of life at Homerton expressed and shared for mutual enjoyment at the recent reunion. In the paragraphs below are some of these. So many memories and reflections! ‘I loved being back in what I'm pretty certain was my old room with J next door as was the case 40 years ago. So many memories and reflections. The phones in rooms reminded me of how out of contact we were in those old days, only phoning home when a drama had occurred or more money was needed! My mum used to send me a food parcel quite often as we didn't have the buttery then or vending machines and do you remember those terrible

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Sunday night picnic 'suppers' in a paper bag with tin of beans, dry roll, biscuit and fruit? Homerton looked as if vast sums of money had been poured into it and it seemed in places more like a hotel than a college.

Looking at the photo taken in 1968 reminded me that we weren't allowed to wear trousers of any kind and that's probably why we look rather prim. J and I had a ghastly landlady experience in our second year when we were given a list of 27 house rules. I clearly remember her going over the rules with us and saying "This is not your home and you mustn't treat it as your home!" We were so glad to go back into college and had such a happy final year.’ Reminiscences about what it was like to be a student at Homerton 1965-8

• Making our own clothes especially ball dresses with or without the sewing machine at our disposal in Trumpington House

• Cooking the new Vesta curries for our boyfriends

• Cycling in long dresses • Mini skirts and tights • Ten male students to one female - excellent

odds • Bunch of yellow chrysanthemums placed in

our rooms by college mother when we first came up – personally, that association has always stayed with me

• Being provided with tea, coffee, sugar and milk for personal use

• Fire Drills in the middle of the night and lining up on the lawn next to Queen's wing - were they just to flush out illicit men?

• Building of the new library, kitchen, dining hall, buttery, geography, sculpture and graphics rooms

• The Integrated Day method of teaching in Primary Schools (bring it back!)

• Elements of rebelliousness which spilled over on the Sat when a group did not attend the addresses after lunch in favour of exploring their old haunts on 3rd ABC which was in fact great fun!

The feelings of many of us were summarized by one among us who wrote ‘The reunion was a great event- good catalyst for bringing people back together - and it is amazing how one meets everyone again as if it was yesterday. I am really glad I went.’

Several people have expressed keen interest in another meeting next year and somehow I think there will be. Erica Hirsch (nee Straw)

40 Years On at the Reunion Dinner

Putting names to faces from 40 Years ago

40 Years In

Would we recognise each other forty years on ? Twenty-two of us gathered at the Homerton Reunion and yes, we were all just about still recognisable as the 21 year olds some of us had last seen in 1971. Undoubtedly we made a similar amount of noise as we had when we were younger as we tried to catch up on 40 years of news. Most of us have had careers, the majority in teaching. Some of us are still teaching but a significant number have retired. Others have followed interesting careers including educational journalism, social work and tour management. Some are already grandmothers, others still have school-aged children.

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Homerton was at its best on a sunny September Saturday and we all thought it was worth returning to see what has happened to the college and ourselves. Perhaps we will do it again in three years time. Anne Martin (Sparrowe)

Tree Planting

Dr Evans and the Principal On the Saturday of the Reunion a tree was planted outside the Ibberson Reception. It has been kindly donated by Dr Adrienne Evans in memory of three Homertonians who were students here in the 1930’s: Miss Jean MacPherson, 1934-36, was a former Secretary of the Yorkshire Branch and died in March, and was Dr Evans’ god-mother; Dr Evans’ mother Enid Wright, and Bessie Buckle were students from 1932-34 and also commemorated. The College thanked Dr Evans for this gift and welcomed her family members.

Dr Evans and family with the Principal

21 Years In: 1987-1991 Thirteen members of our year group gathered on Saturday, not knowing quite what to expect… some of us had met up from time to time since leaving college, but others hadn’t set eyes on each other for 17 years! A few more grey hairs and wrinkles were evident, but it was easy to recognise each other. Three of our number were mistaken for students by other ex-Homertonians, which made their day! After we’d spent time looking at old photos (what was the late 80s’ fascination with toga parties?!) and reminiscing, our thoughts turned to what changes had occurred in the intervening 17 years since we left college. The thing that struck us most was the layout of college, which has changed so utterly that we found it very hard to orient ourselves initially. Even the few buildings which were familiar from the outside were almost unrecognisable on the inside. There was much discussion about where pigeon holes and 'phones used to be situated, as with no texting or email, the arrival of post or a 'phone call from friend or family were important and eagerly awaited events! This leads on to the other thing which we realised – the way in which technology has changed the lives of students. The following extracts from the 1987-1988 student handbook give a snapshot of what communications and technology were like in those days: “Telephone duty: First years living in college take it in turns to be on duty from 7 – 9pm Monday to Thursday and 6.30 – 8.30 on Friday and Saturday. This involves being on duty about twice a year; the duty consists of answering incoming calls and taking messages etc. (Fines of up to £5 for those who don’t comply!) Phones should be used for incoming calls only at these times.

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Study Bedrooms – Use of electrical appliances Students are permitted to bring their own electrical appliances under two conditions:

1. That all such appliances must be checked and approved by the college maintenance supervisor and must not be used until they have received this seal of approval.

2. That they fall within a limited range of such appliances permitted, which are:

Hairdryer (handheld) 300-500 watts Electric typewriter 100-200 watts Table lamp 200 watts Record player 200-300 watts Portable television 200-300 watts”

Come now… what were they thinking? We didn’t bring record players with us to college – of course not! We were the proud owners of cassette tape players! Anyway…we had a great day and would highly recommend other ex-Homertonians to give the reunion a go. Kerry Merriam ( Proffitt).

21 Years In Back: Dave Crome, Andrew Read, Caroline Dobbs (Ryan), Vicky Riddell and Sarah Collier (Goody). Front: Chris Jackson (Pocock), Kerry Merriam (Proffitt), Kate Jackson (Arnal), Caroline Pollard (Burgess), Wendy Robinson, Claire Rennie (Booth) and Amanda Read (Oldham).

Memories of Homerton Tower For me, going up to Homerton in 1948 was really “going up”. The room I shared with June Middleton was above top D and E – we were in the tower. I had hoped to revisit it during the recent Reunion Weekend, but Health and Safety Regulations no longer permit it.

We reached our tower room (there was another above us, but empty) by a flight of wooden steps which continued from the stone staircases which led to the D and E corridors; people often walked right past the wooden stairs and continued to look for us along the top corridor. It was a circular space with windows all round and of course wonderful views across the grounds. (It occurs to me now that people might have had wonderful views of us!) Our beds were under the windows with a cupboard for each behind our heads. There was a central table, and I think the hanging space was on the little landing. Of course we had rather more exercise than the top D and E residents – that extra flight up and down to the bathroom and up to bed and study must have done wonders for our legs and lungs. It certainly encouraged us to take everything we needed down to lectures. As it happened, running up and down stairs continued for me in my second year, when my husband-to-be had his rooms in Caius tower. The view from his window was down King’s Parade, but the height of the towers must have been the same. One abiding and magical memory of the Homerton tower stays with me very vividly. On the last day of the Michaelmas term, before breakfast, early in the morning, we all processed the length of every corridor in dressing gowns and slippers, each bearing a lighted candle and singing carols. June and I, looking down from our eyrie, saw the long line of twinkling lights winding down the stairwell while the music floated up to us. We joined on the end and went with the singers to the Hall. ‘Happy Christmas 1948!’ Were we the last to have that experience? We were privileged. Jean Creasy (Monk ), 1948-50.


Golden Girls In 1947-1949 Hosted by Christine Jackson (Riley)

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Dr Peter Warner showing the Homerton Horn to Dr Owen Saxton


Wessex Spring 2008 On 8th March 2008 some of us had to run through a shower of rain to Bowlish House in Shepton Mallet. Here as always we were made very welcome. Happily 30 of us just managed to fit round a large square table area in the conservatory. We were given a very extensive menu & as usual it was a delicious lunch which included a glass of wine. This time we were able to welcome Dr. Ian Morrison, the Keeper of the Roll, as he wanted to celebrate our 30 years too as he was unable to join us in September. After coffee he distributed coloured maps of Homerton & the grounds showing all the new development over the past number of years. As some people had not been back to College in recent years they were most interested to see how much it had grown. He then spoke to us of past developments & future plans for Homerton to bring everyone up to date. I think his talk was very much appreciated. We were hoping he would be able to return safely to the I.O.W. before the forecast storms reached the Solent!

In our Branch we lost two Wessex members recently who have moved away from the West Country, but we have gained three new members who we were delighted could join us this time. We meet for lunch twice a year usually in mid-March & mid-October. We are always delighted to welcome new members, and if they would like to let me have their e-mail details I will send them details of our next luncheon meeting.

Coral Harrow (nee Hemsley) 1949-51 [email protected]. 01258 820517

The Cambridge Group The Group has met twice during the Summer months - firstly a very enjoyable and well attended bring-and-share lunch at Dorothy Elven's house where we were joined by some very welcome new members. We had planned to be in the garden as on previous occasions but alas it was one of the wet days! However, this did not dampen our spirits. In September we held a lively coffee morning at the home of Anthea Wicks in Impington. It is good that several new friends have contacted us recently. As always new members and new ideas are very welcome.

Anthea Wicks ( Pearey )


Judy Bloomer (May), 1971-74, asks whether there is anyone who would like to join the ‘little band from 1971’, which meets in London, in June and in the autumn. Other members are Celia Langrish (Higgs), Anne Moller (Sparrowhawk), Linda Etheridge (Slater) , Elizabeth Atkinson (Lewis) and Rosemary Butcher. Contact Judy on [email protected].

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A letter from California: Judy d’Albert (Day), Homerton 1958-60, writes: ‘I am really sad to miss meeting all my golden girl friends this September, but c’est la vie. It is a different chapter in my life with Pierre at 91, BUT one day, even without the reunion, I shall show up on the doorstep of Homerton, because Linton, where my DAY ancestors made such a contribution to village life, will be top of my “to visit” list. I am excited about Garth Collard’s visions for Linton archives eventually in the Village College. He will have a fat volume of my family’s history – one of four I created for my nephew’s wedding last August. Two others were for my mother’s family, the Mathews of Beckenham, Kent, and the Lees of Windlesham and Uxbridge, as well as the fascinating history of great grandpa – famous Victorian beekeeper – and James Lee’s wife Helen from the Hendy clan in the ancient New Forest parish of Boldre where my nephew, amazingly, has put down roots as a naturalist and education officer at HWT’s Blashford Lakes Reserve. Any Homertonian with little grandkids should treat them to a day out in the wild with Jim, a born storyteller, naturalist and teacher.


Eve Wiseman (Homerton 1948-1951) Eve has recently been instrumental in founding the ‘Phoebe Institute for Religious Studies’, named after Phoebe, a deacon of the early Christian church. Based in Greece, where Phoebe and Paul ministered, the Institute aims to probe the deeper relationships among and between God, women and men; and explore the pathways which lead beyond the barriers of gender, race, age, culture and faith. Here she writes about what brought her to this point: ‘ When women were first ordained in the Anglican Church of Canada in 1976, I was close by, teaching at Western Washington University in Bellingham, Washington U.S.A. I was involved in a Federally funded project to "Minimize Sex-Role Stereotyping in the Physical Education of Elementary School Children". Busy on the project, I had not paid much attention to the discussions about women in the church. I sang on weekends in an Anglo-catholic parish in Vancouver (Canada) so out of curiosity I attended the ordination service of the first two women ordained in B.C. I was not convinced that it was "Of God" and decided I was against it. However

my curiosity did not go away and I decided to re-read the New Testament !!! Much to my amazement I found a considerable presence of women around Jesus and in the early church. Eventually I did an M.Div degree in Vancouver and was ordained in 1984. My interest in the early church remained and on my first study leave I went to Greece to find Cenchrea, the place where Phoebe was a deacon and a benefactor to St Paul. (Romans 16). I couldn't....find it, that is. Deserted in the 4th Century after a major earthquake, the area slowly re-developed and the village by the ancient harbour is now called Keckreis It is possible to see the remains of a 4th century Christian church in the bay but there was only a notice saying St Paul had been there. I decided then that I wanted to do something about the lack of apreciation for Phoebe but as a busy (and now low income) person it was impossible. Some 20 years later and through some remarkable circumstances I was able to revive my dream in 2003, and in 2005 I founded The Phoebe Institute for Religious Studies as a Canadian Charity.We are still in the early stages but all that is happening convinces me anew of life after death. I can only say that I think Phoebe is alive somewhere and helping !!! I bought a maisonette across from a beach on the road to Epidauros so we have a place to leave books and "stuff" (we are publishing a small booklet on the area soon). Every year we offer a course on "Symbol and Ritual" and stay in a 4 star local hotel visiting Corinth, Isthmia and Epidauros. We are planning to combine a course with St George’s College, Jerusalem;we are setting up an English Charitable trust; and we have non-profit status in the U.S.A.

Morning Prayer

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I am fascinated by the spread of Christianity before the New Testament was collated, before "churches", before it was dominated by men. What significant traditions were used and added to by the Christians? Why was Jesus' teaching interpreted the way it was? Epidauros was the reputed birthplace of Asclepius, God of healing. Christians attracted many followers because sick people became well through their ministry. It seems that direct experience of God was shared in their meetings and of course they shared a meal.....also for some a direct experience of God. Well, we are at a very early stage. St Paul said that God came to us through Jesus to reconcile us to God and so we (Christians) have a ministry of RECONCILIATION which I think we do not know how to do and which is desperately needed in our world to-day. The long term plan is probably to buy land and build a place where all can come, retreat, advance, be, learn, think, pray.....It is a beautiful place. You may have caught a glimpse of it in a programme shown on Channel 4 T.V. on Easter Day 2008 (called ‘Secrets of the Twelve Disciples’) but there are several flights every day to Athens by low cost airlines and Corinth is now on a modern train route from the Athens Airport.

The inaugural course participants and Ruins of an early Christian Church in Kenchraei Bay Our web site is www.phoebeinstitute.org and courses are usually late September/early October and after Easter in April. If there are any interested Greek speakers or members of the Greek Orthodox Church reading this, I would love to hear from them. [ [email protected] or telephone 01273 494 407]


Camilla Carr (Homerton, 1977- 1981 ) A few years ago the newspaper headlines were full of the story of Camilla’s experiences in Chechnya, where she had gone as volunteer to work in a

rehabilitation centre for war-traumatised children. Here she gives her own story ‘after Homerton’: ‘I have had a life full of changes and surprises but various threads have woven their way through. Art, History of Art and Child Psychology all of which I studied as part of my B.Ed at Homerton (1981), have left an indelible mark, as well as all the extra-curricular activities such as singing, dancing and acting. After a couple of years teaching art in schools, I lived in Amsterdam and continued to dance, sing and act and studied Tai Chi. My thirties were a whirlwind of teaching clay sculpture, life drawing, Tai Chi, being a mum and singing in musicals and pantomimes. My fortieth birthday was spent in captivity in Chechnya where I had gone with my partner Jon to help set up a centre for war-traumatised children. There we helped them release their fear using all the expressive arts and Qi Gong. After an intense two months we were taken captive by Chechen rebels. There followed fourteen months of incarceration in ‘homes’ that varied from a concrete box with no natural light or fresh air to a pink trompe l’oeil bedroom via a sauna and various cellars. We experienced everything from rape and torture to moments of compassion and kindness. Tools such as Tai Chi, yoga, meditation and humour helped us survive and by creating a dialogue with our captors; looking beneath their masks of fear and anger to reach the small flame of love and laughter unquenched by the demonising nature of war. Ten years have passed since that time and, of course, although we weren’t suffering from extreme Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PDST) as we had been using various healing arts that achieved damage limitation, the whole experience has taken its toll on our physical well-being. I have had two different types of cancer that I now relate to the trauma. Fortunately I am healthy now. I was very keen to write about the experience and found it very cathartic as well as a satisfying creative act. Our book ‘The Sky is Always There’ has just been published by Canterbury Press. So now I give talks and workshops in schools, prisons and other organisations using our story as a base line to discuss the concepts of conflict and forgiveness and explore them using experiential exercises involving art and roleplay. I’m also

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studying for an MA in Dramatherapy. The thread goes back and weaves on …….’ If anyone is interested in organising a talk/workshop contact Camilla on [email protected] or go to www.camillacarr.org. ‘The Sky is Always There’ scm-canterburypress is available from any bookshop or from Amazon.


Alison Littlefair (Ratcliffe) Homerton,1953 - 55 ‘I am probably one of the few people who have left Homerton valuing both an excellent professional training and experience of playing women’s cricket. I returned to Bolton, Lancashire in 1955 where I taught firstly in a primary school and then as head of physical education in a grammar school. In 1960 I was selected for the first women’s cricket tour of South Africa, where we played four Test Matches on international cricket grounds, but also experienced the tensions between sport and politics in apartheid South Africa. My husband’s work as a geophysicist took us and our three children briefly to live in the USA and then to live in Libya for seven years. We experienced threat and eventual evacuation during the 1966 Six Day War. Two years later came the shock of the 1969 Revolution led by the then Lieutenant Ghadaffi. I taught children of British naval personnel at the British Services School in Tripoli until the Revolutionary Government dismissed the British Naval Mission. The sudden loss of the school resulted in our unexpected return to England and the almost by chance purchase of a house near to Cambridge. Never did I expect to return to old haunts. Almost immediately, I began to teach at the local secondary modern school, soon to become a comprehensive school. After seven years, I left Comberton Village College as Deputy Head of the English department. My time there coincided with the 1975 Bullock Report and I became increasingly fascinated by language variety and the challenges posed by ideas of language across the curriculum. However, my professional life in England was interrupted by a move to Egypt where we spent four fascinating years. I taught English in the Junior High School of Cairo American College which gave me insight into American educational methodology.

By this time, I was determined to study for a degree. In 1983 I studied for the Advanced Diploma in Educational Studies at the Cambridge Institute of Education, followed by MA studies at the University of East Anglia. In the vacations I commuted to Madagascar where my husband was then working. To my surprise, the Open University awarded me a scholarship to study for a PhD. My earlier interest in language variety developed into the academic study of register and genre which in turn led to six weeks research at the University of Sydney in Australia, where I eventually gained my PhD in 1989 at the age of 55 - not a good age to re-enter a profession! Initially, I was asked to write about the implications of my research for the classroom, and in 1991 ‘Reading All Types of Writing’ was published by the Open University Press. Thankfully this was well received, and I was invited to contribute to several further books about language and literacy and also to speak at conferences. My work as a free-lance consultant for 10 years has involved speaking to teachers and students, and working as a consultant with publishers and with an information technology company. For several years I was a member of the Academic Panel appointed by the National Association for Educational Research to vet Key Stage Two English Tests, and as Chair of Governors of my local primary school I was also closely involved in school life. On a broader front, I enjoyed membership of the Senior Combination Room at Lucy Cavendish College, Cambridge which enabled me to meet many fascinating women studying there as mature university students. I had long been a member of the National Executive of the United Kingdom Reading Association (now UK Literacy Association) and was President in 1993 – 94 and in 1995. A very rewarding experience was that of organising the annual international conference at Downing College, Cambridge held in 1993. Subsequently, I edited the conference proceedings ‘Language for Life’, and represented UKRA at International Reading Association Conferences in Toronto and Anaheim, California, returning later to the USA as a member of the Publications Committee of the International Reading Association. During these years, I helped administer UKRA, manage the UKRA publications office, jointly initiate and then edit the UKRA Minibook series and was awarded Life Membership in 2001. I am now planning with a colleague to write a history of the association and to reflect on its role in the development of thinking and practice about the teaching and learning of language and literacy since the Association’s founding in 1964.

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Eric Lord – Principal Lecturer in Religious Education 1963 – 1968

The Rev. Eric Lord was appointed as the Head of Religious Education to succeed Elizabeth Glover who had been in sole charge of the department for many years. On appointment Eric realised that the whole rationale of the study of ‘Divinity’ in the world of Religious Education needed a much needed update. With the appointment of the Rev. Donald Whittle in 1964, they revitalised the syllabuses and the approaches to the teaching of the subject in primary and secondary schools. Before joining the staff of Homerton, Eric had been involved in initiating revolutionary and ground-breaking work with secondary modern pupils in Liverpool. He had pioneered discussion techniques for young people in the field of Personal, Moral and Social Development, an unusual field for that period. Many Homertonians of the period 1963 – 1968 will recall how stimulating the revised curriculum was at that time. Eric Lord will be remembered by colleagues of that time who carried his enthusiasm for discussion into regular ‘gatherings’ for staff and students, as well as his wit and humour over the coffee table. In 1968 he was appointed to Her Majesty’s Inspectorate where after a distinguished career he became the Senior Inspector for Religious Education.

John Hammond & Donald Whittle September 2008

News by Decades

Some of this update of news was received too late to be included in the 2007 Roll News and was published on the website in March. Much of the rest has arrived since the publication of the Homertonian in June 2008.

1930s BEDE, Barbara, 1934-36. As Barbara writes ‘one doesn’t have much news at ninety’, but she describes a recent motor collision on a blind corner, after which, though declared blame free, it was suggested that it was time to give her car away.

BUSWELL, Kathleen (Stangroom), 1938-40. Kathleen worked as an Infant Teacher for many years, and also qualified as a Methodist Local Preacher in 1948. Now confined to the house, she still enjoys reading, and listening to music. She has been a widow for 19 years, but her grandson, age 34, lives with her and works locally. STARK, Barbara (Willis) 1934-40. Barbara writes: ‘I taught gym and games in Farnham until I got married to Geoffrey Stark, who worked at the Royal Aircraft Establishment at Farnborough, and later at the Signals Research Development at Highcliff in Dorset, which became the family home. We had 3 children (2 sons and a daughter) but I was widowed in 1970. Now at the age of 88 I am disabled with arthritis, but live in my own home with the help of visiting carers in Bournemouth, and visits from my daughter and one son who live in Stoke and London respectively – life is good! ‘


CALLING ALL FORTY-NINERS! September 25th and 26th 2009. Reserve this date in your diaries now. This is the date of the 2009 Reunion and the 60th Anniversary of our arrival at Homerton! Margaret Blott (Davies), Coral Harrow (Hemsley) and Elspeth Gray met up this year with many of our second years (their 60th Anniversary) and we said how good it would be if those of you whom we had not seen for a long while could make it back to Homerton for that weekend. Come and see the new Homerton – and the old; we are looking forward to seeing you again. ANDREWS, Christine (Harbottle), 1947-49. Still a Playwork Consultant, currently working with a variety of play and playwork projects – advising local authority, training playworkers at levels 1, 2 and 3, and working on a project to create better play for children visiting a parent in prison. ASLEY, Pamela (Leaning ), 1949-51. Now retired as Headteacher, and has moved to Penrith, Cumbria. BENSON, Margaret Anne, 1945-47. Not getting very far afield these days, but still in touch with Betty Thatcher (Street) and Audrey Harrison. BLOTT, Margaret (Davies), 1949-51. As Secretary of the Archbishop of Wales’s Award for Church Music, she is proud to be an Honorary

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Fellow of the Guild of Church Musicians and of the Guild of Musicians and Singers. BUCHANAN, (Dr) Brenda (Wade), 1948-50. Though retired, Brenda is still active in fields of historical research, writing, lecturing, etc., and is an honorary research fellow in the Centre for the History of Technology at the University of Bath. She writes: ‘My husband and I have just returned from a symposium of the International Committee for the History of Technology (ICOMTEC), where I presented a paper in the Gunpowder Session, entitled “Charcoal: ‘the single largest variable in the performance of Black Powder’?”. We were able to follow the meeting at the University of Victoria, in British Columbia, with a family holiday (9 of us) in Upper New York State.’ CAWTHRA, Shirley Helen (Beardwell ), 1949-51. Having taken two certificates in Volunteer Team Leader Training, and Volunteer Experience in mentoring, is now mentoring 2 pupils at a comprehensive school every Monday morning, and 3 primary school pupils with reading and confidence problems in the afternoon. Also Vice Chairman and Membership Secretary of her local U3A branch. CHARMAN, Jane Aline (Paterson), 1948-50. She writes: ‘We came back to College at the 50 year span—a first time for me. Ten years on it is with delight I can return again, courtesy of my husband’s help with transport, and give tribute to the college that gave me the foundation for my adult life. I have had interesting times, with a fair amount of travel, a late marriage, and thus a late baby. Environmental interests and issues dominate our lives, together with involvement in our local cluster of village churches. CLARKSON, Betty (Kelly), M.B.E., 1948-50. Now retired after working as a Head Teacher of a Nursery Infant school for 17 years, and becoming Senior lecturer in Education at Huddersfield Polytechnic (now University). During her years as head in a school of 250 children she established a unit for blind and visually impaired children who were integrated into the main stream with appropriate support. DALE, Margaret (Beales), 1948-50. Margaret writes that Paul, the foster-son they took in at age 2, is now 36 and in spite of epilepsy and severe learning difficulties is a delight to have around. ‘He is an ideal walking companion as we walk high on the Downs. A particular favourite is Firle Beacon. The beacon was originally lit as a warning of the approach of the Spanish fleet in

Elizabeth 1st’s reign. To be so high gives one a wonderful sense of freedom and space.’ DUNNING, Nancy, 1945-47. ‘At eighty I’m still enjoying links with Homerton via the Wessex Group and Annual College Reunions. Almost all my college friends - Audrey Harrison, Jean Evans (Stott), Joan Davis (Pindar),are fit and active. My long distance travels I fear have no more real appeal – instead I host friends, somewhat younger than me, from various parts of Europe. Most want to see Bath, even though Bristol has its attractions. My voluntary work is with Fareshare, sorting short-dated produce from supermarkets and helping distribute van loads to hostels like Salvation Army. It’s quite satisfying, as without our work tons of good food would go into landfill sites!! Anyone with time (3 hours per week) to spare and care for the environmental economics, should consider this charity – it’s nationwide.’ EEDLE, Margaret (Hooson), 1949-51. Margaret writes: ‘My husband (Downing, 49-52) and I keep busy – the family is spread from London to Durban, Melbourne and Canberra. Thank goodness for email!’ ELLIOTT, Brenda (Fairchild), 1948-50. Brenda writes that her late husband gave up his secular job with BP in his mid 50s, after having been ordained in his late 40s. In 1981 he became full-time and they moved into the church house. Having worked full time for 25 years, latterly as Head of an infant school in Harpenden, Brenda took early retirement, and did the Westminster Pastoral 3 year Counselling Course. She has now been widowed for 20 years, but rejoices in her grandchildren. The two eldest grandsons have just graduated from Girton and Warwick, her eldest granddaughter is at Nottingham and the younger two have just taken AS levels. EVANS, (Dr.) Florence Isabel Dorothy, 1945-47. Awarded an MBE (1989) for Educational Services to St Helena. Retired from her post as Vice Principal of the College of St Paul and St Mary, Cheltenham, and living in Oxford. She still enjoys a busy life involving serving on eleven Committees, including those associated with the South Atlantic Islands of St Helena, Tristan da Cunha and the Falkland Islands, although she has not been able to travel there lately. Other committees include Wallingford Rotary Club, Oxford National Trust, Oxford Preservation Trust, and also her church and Cowley Deanery Synod.. She also very much enjoys the Homerton Oxford Branch meetings.

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EVANS, Zenda Dorothy (Sillita), 1944-46. ‘Having sold our beautiful farm to Pete Postlethwaite in 2006 we celebrated our Diamond Wedding Anniversary in 2007, and then in May/June 2008 took a trip across Canada, calling on my cousin in Banff, taking a coach tour over the Rockies, a seven day cruise to Alaska, and returning by plane and train to New York to board the Queen Mary for the cruise home.’ FOSTER, Ethel Olive (known as Olive) 1946-48. Olive retired in 1987 after a lifetime in teaching, in which she particularly enjoyed speech and drama work with large groups of children, and wrote choral plays for special occasion—in 1957 ‘Ode to a New School’; in 1958 ‘Truly Rural’; and in 1959 ‘Variations on a theme’ to represent Nottinghamshire at the NUT Exhibition of Education at Olympia. She is a member, and former President of the Mansfield and District branch of Soroptimist International; and has served on the Mansfield Borough Bench as a Magistrate and a Chairman of what was then the Juvenile Court. A lifetime as she says of ‘wonderful experiences’.

FOSTER, Margaret (Weeks, 1948-50. Now retired but still living in Chorleywood, Herts. She keeps very busy with a large garden, WEA classes, U3A, and voluntary work with Chorleywood Care and various church activities. With two sons and two daughters, she also now has eleven grandchildren ranging in age from 30 to 8 years, which she finds ‘interesting and stimulating’. Three of her grandchildren are in Sydney, and she is able to visit them every other year. This year she celebrated the birth of a great-grandchild, William James. GEORGE, Jean Thelma (Garrard ), 1947-49. Retired from post as Senior Lecturer in Psychology. Now has five grandchildren, two of whom live in Cambridge, and two great-grandchildren.

GODWIN, Margaret (Whitlock), 1945-50. She writes that ‘like everyone in their late seventies who is lucky enough to be still alive I’m rushing about “doing good”, enjoying grandchildren and travelling. I appreciate the “can do” philosophy which Miss Skillicorn encouraged in us!’ GOODYEAR, Audrey (Smith ), 1943-45. Married Peter in 1948 and looking forward to celebrating her Diamond Wedding in 2008 with 5 children, 4 grandchildren, and 3 great-grandchildren. She and Peter moved from Yorkshire to live and work in the Fens for 50 years, but still keep their

Yorkshire connections. Audrey took early retirement from teaching in 1982, and since then has travelled widely in Europe.

GRAY, Elspeth Mary, 1949-51, 1952-53. ‘Retired (in a manner of speaking!): maintaining and looking after a 3-storey house and garden; attending furniture restoration classes; visiting auctions; enjoying reading for pleasure (which I seemed to have little time for when working); keeping in touch with friends here and abroad; enjoying listening to Radio 3 and Radio 4, again for which I seemed to have little time previously. I’m behind the times – barely in the 20th century let alone the 21st – as I don’t have a TV, CD player, I-pod, Blackberry, computer, the internet or any other gadget!’ GREGORY, Joan Vera Rosemary, 1945-47. Retired from previous occupation as Principal of Burleigh Community College, Loughborough.

HARRISON, Betty (Grocott ), 1946-48. Betty writes that it is a great happiness in her old age to have her eldest grandchildren receive their degrees, and to share Timothy’s delight in accepting an organ scholarship at Jesus College, beginning this autumn.

HARROW, Coral (Hemsley ), 1949-51. Retired but still going into school twice a week to hear Years 1 and 2 read, and kept very busy as a School Governor, interviewing new staff, as well as being on the Personnel Committee and a panel member of the Headteacher’s Performance Review. ‘My daughter Marietta (1980-84) organised a wonderful family party for my husband’s 80th birthday, which enabled us to meet all the young new members too!’

KEMYER, Margaret (Wragg ), 1940-42. Margaret writes, ’67 years on and once again the Homerton 4 – Mary Knipe (Ash), Mary Streat (Best), Norah Ward (Marsh) and Margaret Kemyer (Wragg) - managed to meet for 3 days in Norfork in July, and all of us drive our cars’.

LEE, Freda (Alton ), 1944-46. Freda and her husband are both well and enjoy holidays abroad or with their caravan in England. In June their eldest granddaughter was married in Lytham-St.Anne’s, and the whole family was able to meet for an enjoyable weekend. MOOR, Rosemary (Parris), 1947-49. After a varied career including teaching, lecturing in Education at Homerton and the University of

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Botswana, a Doctorate in Psycho-biology and working as a Consultant Psychologist (Dyslexia), she is now retired, but – despite various health problems – still enjoys gardening, tennis and Junior Cricket. A member of Amnesty International and supporter of everything green. Four grandchildren, ranging from 1 to 7 years. MOYSE, Joyce (Wilson ). 1947-49. After 60 years, still in regular contact with four college friends and her college ‘daughter’, Marjorie Robinson. PAYNE, Molly (Brown ), 1949-51. Took an Advanced Diploma in Early Childhood Education in 1979, but now retired. REYNOLDS, Audrey (Silverwood). 1940-42. Awarded the MNZM (Member of the New Zealand Order of Merit) in the 2001 New Year’s Honour List, for services to her local community in Paraparaumu, New Zealand.

SAUL, Sylvia (Ward), 1949-51. Sylvia writes: ‘No dramatic news for 2007-08. Brenda Underwood (Cole) and I continue our fortnightly trolley-round at our local Care Home, enjoying shared memories with our customers – and each other. I remain the local contact for the British Red Cross – only two flag days to organise this year, and one very low-key Open Garden. My contact with Shepherd’s, a local Primary School, now including a Children’s Centre and complete wrap-round care, is maintained through a weekly Book Club, providing me with the pleasure of selecting lots of children’s books for my clients! Geoff has now joined the octogenarians, the occasion of a delightful Saul family gather at Easter. SMITH, Mavis T. (Roberts), 1947-49. She writes: ‘It was a great joy in 2007 to be able to organise the Reunion of fellow students who entered College in September 1947. Twenty of us gathered to remember those good times of SIXTY years ago, and we sent greetings to a further dozen friends who could not attend. Others of our 1947-49 generation could still get in touch with me.’ The photograph was sent in by Mavis (Roberts) Smith, - still able to wear the College Blazer bought in June 1948 !- Special Anniversary Contact for the 2007 Reunion .

SIXTY YEARS ON, THE CLASS OF 1947-49, outside Macaulay, 23rd September 2007. Standing, from left: Daphne (Llewellyn) King, Dorothy (Fraser) Franklin, Jean George, Jeanne (Collett) Tozer, Jill (Young) Inskip, Celia (Hessian) Clement-Smith, Rita (Tanfield) Palin, Diane (Richey) Griffiths, Daphne (Ridley) Orton, Christine (Harbottle), Andrews, Audrey (Thomson) Naiseby, Ada (Ried) Fordham, Margaret (Vasey) Grimsey, Jill (Parriss) Moor, Pamela (Webster) Schofield. Seated, left to right: Audrey (Cowan) Vivian, Deborah (Hibbard) Brewer, Mavis (Roberts) Maltus Smith, Joyce (Wilson) Mosey. A late arrival (not on the photo) was Mary Nuttall, and greetings were received from Rosemary (Roberts) Petty, in New Zealand; Jill (Goulden) Peel, Margaret (Todd) Johnson, Mary (Butler) Warne, Brenda (Cole) Underwood, Nancy Roberts, Rosalind (Adamson) Phillips, Leslie (Whitworth) Hinkson. SMITH, Mary (Williams ), 1948-50. ‘We have two sons, one of whom is principal of St Julian’s International School, Lisbon, and the other is British Ambassador to Austria. I therefore manage a lot of excellent travel! Our eldest grand daughter (of three) starts at Oxford University this year.’ UNDERWOOD, Brenda (Cole), 1947-49. Now retired, after many years as a Nursery Teacher. In 1976 she was filmed with her class of 5/6 year olds for the Open University Course ‘Beginning Reading’, and again in 1979, with her Nursery Unit children, for the O.U. course ‘Language Development.’ VIVIAN, Audrey (Cowan ), 1947-49. Married Keith Vivian (St John’s), and son Jonathan (also at John’s) married Tessa Walker (Homerton). Now retired from teaching, but very busy with Chairmanship of Local Primary school in Lyme Regis, Trustee of town mill, and various other activities in church and dramatic and artistic societies in the town.

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1950s ACKROYD, Ellen Gwenda (Thomas ), 1955-57. Retired, but still involved with the Pre-school Learning Alliance in a voluntary capacity, as a member of the Accreditation Panel which awards groups with a quality assurance standard. Also a community governor of the local primary school. BACK, Sylvia Anne (Hall ), 1957-59. Now retired, having worked for many years as a teacher and then as Chief Officer Community Health Council, 1989-96. BAKER, Joan M. (Dale), 1953-55. Retired, but enjoys reading the Homertonian magazine and hearing about the changes at Homerton since she was there. BARKER, Brenda (Alcock) 1958-61. Retired since 1998, she has now been married for 47 years this year, with 3 children and 6 grandchildren, living respectively in Seville, Houston, Texas, and Barcelona. She writes, ‘As you can guess, we spend a lot of time travelling!’ BATES, Shirley Isabel (Speedy), 1958-60. Now retired, with two children, Timothy and Joanna, and four granddaughters. BEATTIE, Margaret (Saunders ), 1958-60. Now retired from her previous occupation as a Further Education lecturer in Sociology. BELL, Dorothy Margaret (Beckett), 1957-59. Present occupation – a hardworking housewife. BENTLEY, Marjorie Doreen (Sinclair), 1952-54. Now retired from her work as a teacher. BILSON, Diane (English ), 1954-56. Now retired and busy researching family history. COWAN, Jacquie (Harford-Rees), 1959-64. Retired to North Lakes in 2000, where she pursues her hobbies - art, which she exhibits locally, family (3 grandchildren) , gardening, walking, and accompanying her husband to events in the Jaguar Replica car that he built. Life seems very full, and she has recently joined the small village choir – very enjoyable. CROCKER, Merril Dawn Jennifer (Cutler), 1958-61. Lists her present occupation as ‘Life: dancing – Ballroom and Latin, all grades up to and including

Gold Star 2 so far!!; painting – several solo exhibitions, water colour, pastel & oil; windsurfing – RYA level 1; and travel – lots – including a week’s Husky Safari in Northern Finland with the Arctic Circle. CROWE, Freda Maureen (Gill ). 1954-56. Took a BSc degree through the Open University in 1998. Now retired. DAVIS, Julia Barbara (Harradine ), 1957-59. Still involved in several environment projects and working as a volunteer at an Environment Education Centre. Very busy with 14 grandchildren, though her husband passed away in 1998. DUNCAN, Sheila Ann (Drake), 1951-53. Now with 5 grandchildren, ages ranging from 2 to 9 years, with one grandson attending the school where her son, husband and father-in-law were – the fourth generation! She herself has been taking computer courses for the last 6 years, obtaining certificates equivalent to GCSE in Desk Top Publishing, Paint Shop Pro, and Computer Art & Animation. EDGAR, Janet (Stimpson ), 1953-55. Retired as Nursery Headteacher, she writes: ‘I still visit my old school – now an Early Years Centre – to dance on May Day and to draw and paint. The children join in. My husband plays the violin which amazes them. I am also going to help with a holiday play scheme there.’ FALLETTA, Diana Minora (Fawkes), 1958-60. After three and a half years in Cape Town, returning to live in the USA, but hopes to attend the 50year reunion in September 2008. FARQUHARSON, Ann (Tanner), 1951-53. Worked as a Design and Technology teacher in the UK and then for 14 years in Cairo, and 6 months in Mexico. Now retired, she usually spends the winter in San Miguel de Allende, in Mexico, and the summer (April to September) in London to see lots of her daughters Emma and Kate, and her grandsons, twins Benjamin and Cameron (9) and Harry (nearly 5). GRIGGS, (Rev) Anthea (Bayne-Jardine), 1955-57. Governor of St Mary’s School, Calne, and a trustee for the Malawi Association for Christian Support. In 2006 travelled to India and Ladakh to help run training courses for teachers.

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HALL, Alison Janet Byron, 1958-60. Now retired from her profession as librarian, but working as a volunteer at the Holst Birthplace Museum, Cheltenham. She also edits the Newsletter of the UK Branch of the International Association of Music Libraries, Archives and Documentation Centres. HASLAM, Shirley D. (Jefferies), 1952-54. Retired, and enjoying travel – just off to New Zealand. Gained an MA in Theology at Leeds University in 2003. HUBBARD, Patricia Ann (Turner), 1956-58. Now retired as a teacher but working as a fine art designer, having taken a degree in Textile Design in 2001-04. Also worked for the Christian Education Movement from 1999-2005, on their Trustee Board, Review Board and for a time director of their publishing company. Married in 1959, with four children and seven grandchildren, though husband Michael, of Caius College, sadly died in 2002. HUDDART, Audrey (Newboult), 1954-56. Audrey writes: ‘We celebrated our golden wedding anniversary in 2007 with a wonderful cruise on the QE2 to Norway and Iceland. Another celebratory year in 2008 when our eldest daughter reaches 50, and my husband reaches 75, both in September. Hence I shall not be able to attend the Reunion this year.’ IRVING, Christine (Gaudin), 1959-61. Having run a Nursery for 24 years in her own home, she is now retired, and writes: ‘My husband and I have lived in Edinburgh since 1969, and have 4 daughters. They are now married, and with families – two in London and two in Edinburgh. We have 15 grandchildren (8 boys, 7 girls), ranging in age from one to 13 years old, which keeps us quite busy at times. We meet for summer holidays in Elie, Fife – golf, tennis, beach and sailing – weather permitting.’ IZZARD, Beryl Ann (Clark), 1958-60. Having been an RAF wife for 30 years she has been busy with all that entails, plus bringing up two daughters. Retired to Suffolk in 1997, and very busy doing up their ex-quarter and managing a large garden. For five years she ran a literary group at a centre run by East Suffolk Mind until government funding ran out. Now she helps with arts and crafts. Sadly her husband, Peter, died last year. JACOBS, Joan (Libbert), 1958-60. ‘Since retiring, I have been the administrator and co-ordinator of the Association of head-teachers of

Jewish Schools – an organisation with around 35 member schools from across the country. I also sit on a couple of education boards including the Greater Manchester Education Trust. Following the sad and premature death of my husband Ronnie in 2002, I remarried this year in May and am now settled in London near to my two children and their spouses and five grandchildren – a joy and privilege!’ KABELL, Sheila (Slater ), 1955-57. Living in Harare, Zimbabwe. Having spent some years in the ‘bush’, where her civil engineer husband (ex-St John’s) was engaged on dam construction, Sheila is now working part-time as a Research Assistant on surveys, many for NGOs, relating to poverty, AIDS, education, etc. In the past she has written newspaper articles and short stories for broadcasting as well as scripts for radio broadcasts for schools. Present interests include art, sculpture, music, reading and family – 9 grandchildren and one great-grandson. KENYON, Sarah (Murcott ), 1959-61. Now retired from teaching. KING, Mary Elspeth (Calder), 1956-57. She and her husband have produced another book about their life in Malawi, ‘AIDS, Surgery and Life – a Malawi Mosaic’, by Michael and Elspeth King, published by Arco Books, 2007. LAWRENCE, Margaret Elizabeth (Jones) 1955-57. Having retired as Head Teacher at a Nursery School in the London Borough of Ealing, she has now moved back to settle in Cambridge. She writes that she was very sorry to miss the 2007 Reunion, being in the thick of house buying at the time, but shouldn’t now miss any more! LEGG, Judith Ann (High), 1954-56. Retired but still working as a supply teacher. She writes, ‘Nothing of great interest except to say that while I still enjoy being with teenagers in the classroom, their behaviour over the last ten years has become much more “challenging”. I am full of admiration for the young teachers who are entering the teaching profession now. It’s much harder than it ever used to be!! I have just read the obituary of Agnes Whyte who taught me how to teach P.E. (along with Miss Feaver!). I loved it and still find myself doing P.E. on the sports field during a day of supply teaching. (Next Monday in fact!!!) Thanks Agnes Whyte.’

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LEWIS, Pam (Walker), 1951-53. She writes: ‘During my annual trip to visit my son in Hong Kong we spent some time in Phuket, Thailand. - such a beautiful island, that suffered so much from the tsunami. Apart from advice notices there was very little evidence of the terrible destruction they suffered. Amazingly, trees and plants were flourishing and the local people were so happy and friendly it was hard to believe that the tragedies had happened. I was saddened to hear of the death of Joan Sims, who I knew as Mrs Coulson. She had a flat on 2nd D&E when I was in college, and was also my lecturer in Education, so I came in contact with her quite a lot. She could be quite strict at times, especially if we made a noise at night, but as she often held “parties” in her flat and they were sometimes noisy she treated us very kindly. I also have fond memories of Tom Sims, her husband.’ LITTLEFAIR, Alison Barbara (Ratcliffe), 1953-55. Now retired from her post as a Consultant on Language in Education. Played cricket for England in South Africa, 1960-61, and is a life member of the Women’s Cricket Association. LOFTUS, Wendy Jane (Mason), 1954-56. Now retired from teaching. LUCAS, Diana (Barber), 1959-61. Retired from teaching in 1992. She writes: ‘In September 2007 I was licensed by the Ely Diocese to minister as a Pastoral Assistant with the ministry in the Warboys group of churches. Also this past year, I have joined the National Conference Committee of the Royal British Legion (women’s Section) and the committee of the Homerton Roll. We are about to be grandparents for the 7th time. MACKENZIE, Sheila (Hopkins), 1954-56. Still teaching the piano (at home) and has been governor of the village primary school for 12 years. Now has 5 grandchildren, but only one in the UK – two in Rome and two in Northern Nigeria. She still plays the oboe and tennis and is involved in many church activities. PALMER, Audrey (Legg), 1955-57. Married in August ’57, with 2 children (Anne, b.1962; John b.1965), and now has 3 grandchildren. Taught until 1991. Husband died in March 2002. Licensed as a Reader in the Church of England, in 1993, and installed as Lay Canon (Honorary) of Bristol Cathedral in 2006. Very active in Parish and Diocesan church life, and enjoying it very much.

PARRY, Shirley Mae (Skelton), 1950-52. Now retired after years of infant teaching in Leeds, and has two children – Judith, who did a secretarial course in Cambridge and P.A. work in London and now lives in Essex; and Ian , an economics adviser and Fellow at the Energy & Resources for the Future in Washington. RAINE, Barbara (Emsley), 1953-55. Enjoying Adult Education courses locally (winter and spring sessions) with many interesting themes – gardens, costume, local old halls and houses.

RANKIN, Angela (Willett), 1950-53. Now retired from teaching, but keeps in touch with Homerton friends. SAMPSON, Jean (Pugsley ), 1952-54. Continues to enjoy retirement. She and her husband celebrated their Golden Wedding with a cruise to the Land of the Midnight Sun. SMITH, Janet Elizabeth (Figures), 1956-58. She writes: ‘As a violinist I led the college orchestra whilst a student, and 50 years later I am still enjoying orchestral playing, now on the viola, with the Bolton Symphony Orchestra. The standard of this orchestra is very high, attracting international soloists to perform with us—a thrilling experience every time. Keeps Alzheimer’s at bay!’ SPRIGGS, Avril ( Lipsyc), 1955-57. Retired from teaching but still active as Deputy President British Gymnastics. She writes: ‘With my lifelong interest in gymnastics I spent 20 years as a top international judge. This enabled me to travel the world, and I judged at 4 Olympic Games and 12 World Championships, as well as many European and Commonwealth events. I had two sets of twins (2 boys then 2 girls) and currently have 7 grandchildren. STANDEVEN, Joanna Carolyn (Temple), 1958-60. Now in ‘very active’ retirement; she writes: ‘Unfortunately I have lost my deaf brother, but keep in touch with deaf friends. My husband and I are actively involved as Conservation Volunteers with the Suffolk Wildlife Trust and Anglian Water volunteers. We have a large, ‘wildlife friendly’ garden. I have kept my sculpture going, inspired by Betty Rea, and have also taken up willow weaving. STRANKS, Margaret (Hyams), 1951-53. Now retired from teaching. Mother of four, Margaret moved to Great Shelford, with her husband

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Richard, in August 2006, for the music, theatre, arts, etc., but sadly he died on January 26th, 2007. SWIRE, Jane Valerie (Thompson), 1958-60. Now retired, and living with husband Jim (Trinity, ’57-60) partly on the Isle of Skye and partly in Chipping Campden. They have four lovely grand-children. THORNLEY, Hazel Ann (Jones), 1955-57. Now working as a Calligrapher and Floral Designer. She has been studying with the Sugetsu School of Japanese floral design, became a Johin Sanyo after 14 years, and is now working towards a No.1 teacher certification. TOPLEY, Barbara (Hough), 1955-57. Barbara has worked as a teacher and, having taken a first class honours degree in psychology in 1972, as a social worker, University lecturer, and business woman. Now retired, she writes stories for children, and, with her second husband, who died recently, started several discussion groups which lasted for many years.

TREGASKIS-FLEET, Paddie (Tregaskis) ‘50-52. Now retired, after working as Head Teacher in a Nursery and Infant school. WALKER, Marion (Brean), 1958-60. Retired but acting as a consultant with Dyslexia Action. She writes: ‘Busily retired. Having spent the last 20 years of my working life supporting dyslexic adults, the “Pack of Resources” that I wrote is still spreading throughout the world. The most consistent requests, however, come from colleges – and prisons – in the U.K.!’ WAUGH, Joy Margaret, 1958-60. Joy is looking for an illustrator to collaborate on a children’s picture book (3-5 years). Anyone interested please contact: [email protected]. Also researching women’s history. If anyone knows of any archives – letters, diaries etc. – relatives or friends, which could be made available to an historian looking for women “hidden from history”, please contact same email address. WILLIAMS, Elizabeth Jane (Morton), 1952-54. Still employed by two authorities, Wandsworth and Kingston on Thames, to teach lip-reading to deafened adults. She has four classes and they are all full.

1960s ADAMS, Sheila (Pearson), 1968-72. Went into adult training setting up training school for Pye Ltd; worked in human resources, consultancy, service improvement, leadership development and coaching; married with a daughter Caroline (30) and son Robert (26) ADAMS, Frances (Stening), 1968-72 Most recently teaching Maths at Dame Alice Owen Comprehensive, Potters Bar; started teaching career at Presdales Grammar School. Taught Junior-aged children in Dubai in mid-70s. Married with 2 daughters. AVGHERINOS, Sylvia Ruth (Bailey) 1960-63 Having trained in the teaching of English as a foreign language and in a multicultural society, and taken an OU degree in Humanities, Sylvia is now teaching at an International Primary School in Blantyre, Malawi. She has become very involved with the local community, and helped to establish feeding centres as well as two primary schools and a secondary school. She writes that life is hugely busy, but very rewarding, and she is supported in her work by various Homerton friends. BELL, Janet (Rowsome), 1968-72. Currently still teaching; special interest ‘gifted and talented’ children; married with children. BRAGG, Margaret (Thomas), 1963-66. Having taught in a variety of primary schools, as well as pursuing further studies and qualification in France in 1968-69, Peggy married James, in 1970, and retired from teaching to bring up her two children, Emma and Simon. Her time has been occupied as a property owner/landlady, and she is currently chairman of Bristol NADFAS. Daughter Emma now has two small daughters, Holly and Amy, and Simon is getting married in September. BRANNAN, Dorothy, 1966-69. Now retired but studying towards a B.Litt with the Open University. BROWNLEE, Judith (Brown), 1964-67. Now retired from teaching. CHRISTMAS, Janet (Banyard ), 1967-70. Married to Peter for 34 years, with a daughter and two sons, she has spent her time as a teacher, guider, childminder and OU student, being awarded a BA in 1991. Now a semi-retired supply teacher, with more time to give to the OU and her allotment.

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CLARK, Veronica (Needham ), 1964-67. Now retired, but working with the publishers A&C Black on a new music book – due out in 2008. CLARKE, Mary Alison (Nunn ), 1969-73. Now a Company Director. Widowed in 2000 but re-married in 2006, with two daughters and two step-daughters. CRUIKSHANK, Mary, 1968-72. Taught English for 4 years on leaving Homerton at Saffron Walden County High School and in Zambia. Majority of career spent working for the Times Educational Supplement editing reviews and features and latterly a monthly newsletter on special educational needs. Left the paper in 2006. Currently still involved with special needs, judging Nasen book awards and volunteering with a horticultural project for adults with learning difficulties. Recently travelled and worked in South Africa. CURRY, Barbara Ingrid (Kay, Harborne), 1968-1972. Barbara writes: I took early retirement at the end of 2006 after 13 years in two inner-city headships, mostly very happy but eventually demoralised by pressure to gain ever-increasing "level 4s" in a school with 52% SEN. I am very angry about the current test-led approach to assessing children and schools, and I would love Homerton to take a lead in persuading politicians to consider a more humane and person-centred approach towards what education actually means. I enjoy having letters published in the Times and TES, I appreciate that Homerton taught us to think rigorously about the philosophical aspects of education, and I regret that those in power have not benefited from the same training. Call me old-fashioned....... I married for the second time two years ago, and I am very happy, enjoying retirement combined with occasional supply teaching at my local primary, and interesting consultancy work for the Inclusion Quality Mark and a new Governor Quality Mark, which takes me into many schools around the country. We have four children between us: my two daughters are both getting married in the next year. I am hoping for grandchildren! I paint and garden, and a new interest for me is singing. I recently visited South Africa with my choir to rehearse and perform with a black choir there for two weeks: it was a life-changing experience. CUSACK, Patricia (Desmond), 1965-68. Her book, Riverscapes and National Identities, is to be published by Syracuse University Press in

autumn 2009. DALBY, Maureen (Bilyard), 1968-72. Currently living in France; taught in primary schools in London and Cambridge. Returned to teaching in Linton after having family until moved to France in 1998; married with 2 daughters. Presently growing fruit and vegetables, making cider and involved locally with teaching English and a commune library. DICKSON, Susan (Johnson), 1961-64. Now retired, Susan writes that she and her husband have purchased a property in Barbados, where they spend half the year, and attend many concerts at the University of the West Indies. ENNIK, Meriel (Barrett), 1968-72. On leaving Homerton worked as a flute teacher in New Zealand for 7 years and gained her LTCL in flute performance in 1976. (Unable as non-NZ citizen to classroom teach in NZ). In 1979 moved permanently to Berkeley, California, when first husband appointed lecturer. Two children from first marriage, Colin (32), an engineer and Caroline (30), who recently had twin girls; now separated from her second husband. Works part-time at the university of California in Human Resources and involved in musical activities, flute, choral singing and directing. FARMER, Linda (Sluce) , 1968-72. Taught English and Drama; Head of Year for 5 years. Brought up 4 daughters on her own. Now living in Spain, having decided that she had had enough of the strain of teaching. Gained TEFL qualification and taught in a private school in Murcia for a year; now gives English classes at home and studying Spanish and French. Enjoying life in Spain but still regularly visits England, retaining home there, to visit daughters and 6 grandchildren. FISHER, Jean May (Seath), 1966-69. Moved to Scotland 4 years ago to be near family and grandchildren, and leading a very quiet life – though a member of the National Trust and enjoying various activities, theatre and outings with the local group. The Airport at Inverness is a great lifeline for quick visits down south. FRANK, Elizabeth (Youngman), 1968-72, Taught for 3 years in primary education on leaving Homerton in between spells in Holland and Italy with husband’s job. From 1990-2005 worked from home as private tutor (grammar school entrance and remedial work). Now widowed with a son Michael

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(30) in engineering and a daughter Susan (28), a chartered accountant, both married; one grandson. Involved in Guiding and enjoys gardening, bird watching and walking. Completed OU degree in the 1980s. GALLOP. Diana Margaret (Hepworth), 1967-71. In 1972, married Julian, mathematician at Trinity and son of Elizabeth Gallop who worked as a lab assistant for the Homerton science labs for a time in the early ‘70s. After bringing up two sons, both keen mathematicians, and now highly qualified physicists, Diana retrained as a psychotherapist, and now works privately in the NHS and in training counsellors at Reading University. GILMAN, Elizabeth (Lib) (Gill), 1968-72. On leaving college taught in secondary education (RE and PE) in Wallingford for 3 years prior to having family; moved to Wales in 1981. After 3 years as a play group leader, taught 3-7 years olds for fifteen years in a bilingual Welsh/English village school before retiring early in 2005. Married with 4 children, Robert (1975), Joseph (1977), Alice (1979) and Ben (1981). One granddaughter. GREEN, Gerry (Stender), 1968-72. Taught at Neston High School 1976-2006, taking early retirment. Head of Biology 1978-2004 with responsibilities for KS3 and Health Education. Married with 2 sons, Nicholas (35, civil engineer) and William (33, lawyer). One grandson. GROWCOTT, Avril (Kemp ), 1969-71. Teacher of French, Latin and Classics, and contemplating retirement in the next couple of years, but ‘aware that in teaching there’s never a natural break point!’ Enjoying seeing child development close-up as grannie to Fintan (age 2) and Evelyn (4 months). GUNN, Lavinia (Garvey), 1965-68. Currently working as Human Resources Manager on the island of Mustique. A member of Soroptimist International, and actively involved in Adult Education and training. Enjoys walking, swimming and yoga. One son, living in Barbados, and a daughter living in Turkey. HANKINSON, Heidi (Bastian), 1966-1969. She writes, ‘I taught until 1987 and enjoyed it very much, but then needed a change and went back into industry for 7 years. Happily retired now and spending 40% of the year sailing. Now my only contacts with education are the grandchildren and following education developments in the news.’

HART, Valerie (Smith) , 1968-72. Recently retired from teaching in a village school; now working on a voluntary basis for Save the Children. Also worked in secretarial posts having qualified as a PA. Married with 2 children. HAWKES, Jan (Shapcott ), 1961-64. Having taught in Botswana and then the UK, became Administrator in Christian Aid from 1995-2009. Now retired and enjoying being a grandmother. With husband Michael (St Catharine’s) she has been very involved in the campaign to make their city of Lichfield a Fairtrade City, and expect to launch this in 2008. HOGG, Frances (Hoare), 1968-72. Taught until 1998 with gaps for children; English and History in secondary teaching and then children with specific learning difficulties. Married with 3 children, 2 getting married this summer. Currently a member of the Hants Police Authority and breeds alpacas. HOLDEN, Pam (Brown), 1968-72. Taught full-time for 7 years. Following 10-year break for family returned to supply work and private tutoring. For the last 20 years worked in the Education/Children’s Services Department of Buckinghamshire County council. HOWELLS, Rosemary Joan (Barlow) ,1965-68. Gave up working full-time in 2005 and now enjoys doing supply teaching. ‘No stress!’ HUGHES,Jean M. (Langham ), 1960-63. She and her husband (Selwyn ’60-66) decided to have a ‘gap year’ in France before settling down to retirement, and had a wonderful year in Le Touquet enjoying the superb golf course and other sporting and cultural events. The ‘gap year’ is now being extended, but being just across the channel means it is convenient for friends and family to visit. LINDSAY, Clare (Wilson), 1968-72. On leaving college taught in middle schools in Cambridgeshire and then London Borough of Ealing for 6 years. Two children from marriage; son (29) and daughter (26). In private practice as a psychotherapist since 1987. MA in Modern and Contemporary studies at Newcastle 2002; currently studying for a PhD. MANSFIELD, Margaret Sheila ( Mansfield/ Addison ), 1964-67. Retired in August 2006, and since then has been

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travelling (New Zealand and Australia) and looking after her grandchildren. MARTIN, Anne (Sparrowe), 1968-72. Initially taught in middle school in W. Suffolk; 1976 – 2004 taught music in state and independent sectors in Germany, Cambridge, Nottingham and Surrey. In 2004 left job as head of music in a prep school to work as a self-employed peripatetic recorder teacher teaching 8-18 year olds in 6 schools; enjoying conducting adults, adjudicating and arranging music. Married with 2 children, Alison (28) a town planner, Jeremy (23) just graduated. M.Phil comparing music in primary education in W. Germany and UK (1982); M. Mus (1998) specialising in early music. Member of General Synod of the Church of England and Guildford Diocesan Board of Education. MASON, Susan (Wood) , 1968-72. Enjoyed varied teaching career in state and independent sector with primary age range. Retired July 2008. Married with 3 children (29, 27and 25) two of whom are married. One grandchild. Moved to Gloucestershire 6 years ago and loves living in the country. MAUNDER, Elaine Rosalind (Mills), 1965-68. Married in 1970, with daughter and son, born ’74 and ’77. She returned to teaching in 1986, but having gone to live in France in 1997, is now a Textile Artist working for exhibitions and commissions. She often visits Cambridge as her daughter, a graduate of Newnham, now teaches Mathematics at the University. McLEAN, Iris Dagmar (Clish ), 1964-67. Retired from a much enjoyed teaching career in 2006, having been Deputy Head of a Hertfordshire Comprehensive before transferring to primary schools on moving to Nottinghamshire. Gardening, walking, travel, family, and church and community work with all ages are now an enjoyable part of retirement, as is catching up with old friends. McLEVY, Pat (Strange), 1968-72. Taught Maths at a comprehensive in Bristol 1971-4. Did private tuition while children young. Returned to teaching from 1982-2002, last 9 years as Head of Maths in an independent boarding school. Took OU degree. Married with 3 married daughters. MEADOWS, Angela Patricia (Noble ), 1969-73. Moved from North Carolina to Atlanta, Georgia, in November 2006.

MILLER, Ruth (Montgomery ), 1961-64. Enjoying retirement, though lots of interesting links still with education. Life is busy and satisfying with travel, grandchildren, walking/swimming, theatre & concerts high on a list of priorities. Moved house, from town to country, so adapting to village life and new interests. MITCHELL, Robyn Alexandra (McMillan), 68-71. ‘After college I went to Canada to visit my sister and ended up finishing my degree at the University of British Columbia. I taught for 5 years in Canada and then had a “year out” during which time I travelled through Europe. I then worked as a tour manager and Ski Resort representative for Thomas Cook. Following my marriage in 1985 I continued to work part-time for Thomas Cook, and in 1991 I joined the Operations team in Peterborough and worked there until 1999. Since then I have been self-employed as a freelance Tour Manager, mainly working for Thomas Cook and Journeys of Distinction. I am still married, with no children but 2 step-children and 2 step-grand-daughters. MOLONEY, Gillian (Baxter), 1968-72. Taught for 8 years full time in Bristol and Gibraltar. Supply teaching when children were young. Gave up teaching to spend time at home when husband invalided out of RAF. Completed courses in computing and horticulture and attained RHS Advanced Certificate, which she has put to good use working in her large garden. Sadly has had to give up studying for RHS Diploma in Horticulture to look after her elderly mother. After 2 years of serious illness, diagnosed with Common Variable Immune Deficiency in 2002. Has had 2 children’s books published. Married with 2 daughters, Philippa (27), qualifying as a primary teacher, and Lauren (25), Treatments Manager at a new hotel near Dublin. OHM, Isobel (Frost), 1967-71. Teaching full time at the Independent Bonn International School. Two sons – Robert, studying at Maastricht University in Holland; and William, at Toronto University. Her passions are keeping up with the latest news on neuroscience and education, learning Salsa dancing, and running a monthly ‘Philosophy Salon’ at her home. OUTRAM, Wendy Elizabeth (Jones), 1960-63. Has retired from school teaching, and is currently enjoying work as a magistrate.

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OVENS, Juliet (Thomas), 1968-72. On leaving Homerton taught junior and infants in London. After break for children returned to teaching part-time. From 1985 taught in Exeter full and part-time in first schools with responsibility for special needs and music. Retired 1997; since then with husband letting and maintaining property for university students. Acts as hostess for visiting groups of European teachers on courses in Exeter; 4 children (1975, ’76, ’79, ’89) 2 girls, 2 boys (one working Bristol University, one completing PGCE, one studying for masters and 4th just finished school about to go to university); enjoys free time gardening, travelling, swimming etc PEACHEY, Bridget, 1967-71. Currently working as Hospital Teacher with Out-of-school Learning in Chichester. Still painting in oils and watercolours, and runs her own ‘creative watercolours’ course for adults in her locality. PELC, Linda Margaret (Widdas), 1968-70. Now semi-retired and a Home tutor for mathematics, she has also learned to ring church bells and become a keen bell ringer. She runs a rural film society in Bakewell, Derbyshire, has sold some small pen-and-ink pictures, and designs tapestries for the Eyam village sewing group. PHILLIPS, Janet (Grant ), 1964-67. She writes: ‘We sold our family-owned training business in 2005, after 25 years, and divorced that year after an on-the-whole happy marriage of 32 years! Now in another wonderful relationship and have just started my own Export Training company – life begins at 60 – carpe diem!’ She now enjoys regular get-togethers with friends from her time at Homerton and finds this a great joy and source of mutual support in difficult as well as joyous times. POGSON, Marion A. (Rees ), 1967-70. After working for many years as music teacher and Head of Music in various primary schools and for the County Music Service, took early retirement in 2006. POWELL, Carolyn, 1968-72. Taught full time since leaving Homerton. One year in Haverhill and since 1973 at Queen Edith C.P. School, Cambridge. Currently teaching Year 6; Later Years’ Phase Leader, Gifted and Talented Co-ordinator. Enjoys travelling; visited Ecuador and Galapagos islands in 2007. POWRIE, Heather (Griffiths), 1968-72. Initially worked as Reception teacher with

responsibility for music; taught in Forces schools in Germany; moved to Australia with army officer husband; supply taught and then taught music in church schools. Set up private music studio at home and now teaches out of school hours at home (including violin, viola, piano) gaining further instrumental qualifications; plays locally, conducts and composes. Unfortunately has recently broken leg and shoulder which has curtailed activities (and attending reunions at old school and H.) but on the way to recovery. Three children, eldest Duncan, army captain recently serving in Afghanistan, Emily, instrumental music teacher, Fraser, about to start Masters in International Relations after studying in Europe. Would love to hear from anyone travelling to Australia. READ, Jenny (Harvey ), 1967-71. Now Head of Learning Support in the large Prep school where she has been working for 20 years . Married Graham (Fitzwilliam College) in 1971, and has two daughters, one an accountant and one a solicitor. REYNOLDS, Wendy, 1968-72. After 9 years teaching in Oxfordshire Primary schools became Advisory Teacher for primary music working with staff in 250 schools. Gained M.A. in Music Education and then taught on B.Ed course at Oxford Brookes University. Moved to Devon to become deputy head/acting head of village school for 12 years and involved in local musical activities. Now working in the Falkland Islands as a travelling teacher teaching 3 pupils on a one-to-one basis, travelling by plane and land rover and staying 2 weeks on each farm; based in an old school house in a settlement of 5 houses. Finds current teaching most rewarding of career; enjoying the air, scenery, people and wildlife in the Falklands. ROBERTSON, Gill (Fleming), 1965-69. ‘After 33 years of teaching in inner London comprehensive schools I am now a PGCE science lecturer at King’s College, London.’ ROBINSON, Sue (Cowling ), 1969-73. Teaching Mathematics, having taken an MA in Mathematical Education in London, ’79-82. SCOTT, Elizabeth Ann, 1966-69. Now working as a teacher and Behaviour Support and Learning Mentor Co-ordinator in the London Borough of Camden. Two children from marriage to Clive Sawers (Sidney Sussex) – Patrick, living in Thessaloniki, Greece, as a missionary, and Fiona, living in Queenstown NZ, and working with

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excluded children. Plans to retire in 2008 and move to Thessaloniki to be with Patrick, his wife and two children. SERGEN, Jacqueline (Bromage), 1960-63. Returned to the UK in 1993 after 26 years abroad, mainly in Sweden. Now retired from running the children’s nursery in Lymington, which she established with her husband and another couple in 1998. 3 children and 3 grandchildren (2 in Sweden). SLATER, Catherine (Herbert), 1968-72. In addition to working as a specialist teacher in Bradford for the Social, Emotional Behavioural Difficulties Team, has her own business exhibiting and selling her own textile designs (see www.catherineslaterdesigns.co.uk). SMALL, Anne (Mills ), 1967-70. Married John (Fitzwilliam College), and travelled to Papua New Guinea, where he worked on an Oil Palm project and she taught in the International School. After that lived and worked in Kenya for almost 20 years. Has three sons, (age 26, 21 and 16) and is enjoying being back in England again. SMALLBONE, Annette (Wray ), 1967-70. Took a ‘Philosophy for Children’, Sapere Level 1 Qualification in 2006. Now working 3 days a week doing NQT release time and PPA cover throughout a Primary school in Hertfordshire. SMITH, Lorna Cordell (Bird ), 1965-68. Now retired from teaching. Her main hobbies are painting and boating. ‘We travel all round the East Coast in our trawler yacht, weather permitting. Family always comes first, however.’ Family consists of two children – a son who is an orthopaedic consultant in Cardiff, with 2 children; and a daughter who now lives in New Zealand and works as an occupational therapist. SMITH, Vanessa (Wildash), 1965-68 Now retired from teaching. STAFF, Linda (Pearson), 1968-72. Has not followed a career in teaching but made good use of her knowledge of education. Gained MSc in Applied Social Studies at University of Surrey; her dissertation examined some of the educational and social factors contributing to adult illiteracy. Hants Adult Education used her work in their bid for government funding. Also gained CQSW, qualification in social work. Worked for 11 years in east London with children, young people and families at risk of coming before a court for any

reason. Married with 2 children, Richard (24), Girton graduate presently doing a PhD at Oxford, about to get married, and Rachel in her 2nd year of nursing. Chair of governors of local infant school and local magistrate. Currently working part-time as children, youth and families worker for a local church. STANSFIELD, Marilyn (Miller), 1968-72. Now retired from her occupation as a Financial Adviser, having previously taught maths and computer science. SWAIN, Linda (Bracey), 1968-72. Taught science consistently since 1972 except for one year with National Environment Research Council. Worked in state and independent sectors in both primary and secondary sectors. Presently teaching full-time as Head of Science at Perse Prep School; works with exam boards for KS2 SATs and NFER. Qualified as ISI school inspector and FA coach. Took BA with OU, mainly science, and presently taking courses with Cambridge University Continuing Education Dept. Widowed with 2 children, Christopher (26) lighting designer/manager and Jonathon (21) studying Criminology hoping to be a criminal barrister. SYNER, Alison (Barkham), 1968-72. Taught in schools for a short time after leaving college before moving into Further and Higher Education. Completed counselling training; Diploma in 1989 and MA in 1994. Managed a counselling training programme for 12 years as well as working as a practising counsellor in the NHS. Retired from lecturing in 2002 after some health problems; currently practising 4 days a week; 4 children, 2 boys and 2 girls. Choral and solo singing as well as dog walking plays an important part in her life. TAYLOR, Jill (Bormond ), 1964-67. Now retired after many years teaching music around schools in Stirlingshire, she is enjoying doing supply as a classroom teacher in the schools where she used to teach music. ‘Not having taught English, maths, etc. for 33 years, it’s steep learning curve!’ TUCK, Linda Margaret (Harris), 1965-68. After leaving Homerton in 1968, taught for some years before marrying and moving to San Francisco where she worked as a management business planner in a high tech company, and also got divorced. Returned to England in 1987, married again and now has two step-children and a son, born 1987. Returned to teaching in 1992, as Key Stage 2 teacher, full time, then part-time and supply.

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TURNER, Frances (Weddell), 1966-87 during which time she taught French to Homerton students. She is now retired, living in sheltered accommodation in Histon, enjoying its warmth and friendship and happily adjusted to the reduced space. WESTCOTT, Hilary (Green ), 1967-71. Currently Headteacher at the small village school of Great Gidding, Cambs, and looking forward to becoming a Grandma in October 2007. WESTON, Susan (West), 1968-72. Married to John (Trinity Hall 1970) since 1975. Taught biology until 1992 in Dorset, London and Lancashire, and English while in Munich, 1975-1982. One daughter, aged 20 and currently at Oxford University, and one son aged 15. WILLIAMS, Lindsay (Dowling), 1968-72. Still teaching and enjoying it. Presently deputy head of a village school in Kent resisting all invitations to look at headships. Taught for 5 years before birth of children; returned to full time teaching in the 1980s. Taught primary French since start of career – now being reinstated throughout school after many years of restriction to Year 6 (as it was when she started teaching). Married with 3 children, Kate (32,) an archivist married with 2 small children, Richard (30), an outdoor pursuits instructor and Eleanor, a librarian who is also married. Gained Diploma in Management studies in 1993. Enjoys walking 2 dogs, gardening, travelling and singing. Looking forward to retirement. YOUNG, Susan (Fowler), 1968-72. Still enjoying teaching. Presently deputy head of Oxford High School Junior Department and form teacher of Year 6. Married with 2 children, a son (32) and a daughter (30). Grandmother of Molly three and a half, who is a strong character – may be reminiscent of someone!


ARNOLD, Lesley Patricia (Hamans ), 1972-75. Has lived in the USA since 1980, first in California and now in Alabama, where she is presently occupied as a quilt maker. She would love to hear from any Homertonians in the south. ([email protected]) BADCOCK, Lesley (Heslop), 1977-81. At present working as a maths teacher. Gained a Certificate in Information and Communication

Technology, with Distinction, at Nottingham Trent University in 2003. BOTTOMLEY, Teresa Mary (Burton ), 1976-80. Working as a teacher. BRANFIELD, Pauline Elizabeth (Haskins), ‘71-74. Still working as a teacher, and writes: ‘I have 3 passions in life – my family (husband Peter and 2 children, Sophie and Thomas), mathematics teaching (I still love the energy of a classroom after 35+ years), and our pony stud. I’ve lost touch with all my friends from Homerton and would love to get in touch again.’ BRIANT, Ruth (de Iongh), 1978-82. ‘I am continuing with my freelance teaching in various museums in London, and enjoy the variety of work – object handling, role play, and writing teachers’ packs, worksheets, etc.’ BYROM, Gillie (Hoyte), 1971-75. Having worked for a while part-time as a teacher, Gillie is now fully occupied as an artist and professional enameller, making vitreous enamel portrait miniatures. She exhibits regularly, and has won the Goldsmith’s Hall top award for enamel painting every year since 1995. In 2006 she further perfected her enamelling techniques on a visit to Russia, and in 2007 won three major awards in the Goldsmiths’ Craft and Design Competition, including the premier prize, the Jacques Cartier Memorial Award. She is currently working on a teaching DVD with the Guild of Enamellers. COLLETT, Carol (Harker), 1979-83. Working at present as a Teaching Assistant, but unfortunately has recently been diagnosed with secondary bone cancer. CRAWFORD, Jane, 1977-81. Having previously taught English, she is loving her present job as Christian Schools Worker, visiting 20 schools in Bedfordshire, taking assemblies and helping with PSHE and RE lessons. Three children, the eldest two of whom are now married and settled in Nottingham. CROWTHER, Sheila Ann (Ward), 1970-74. Sheila writes: ‘I am married, with 3 children, Simon (24), Lucy (21) and Alice (18), and a grandchild Faith (1). We live in a multi-cultural area of Oxford, and all enjoy travelling, especially the Far and Middle East. I have been teaching for the past 34 years, starting with music, then head of drama, and now R.E. at Cheney School, Oxford. For relaxation I

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run a small private practice of holistic massage from my home.’ DUKE, Jenny (Watkins ), 1972-76. Having been awarded MA in Museum and Gallery Education, she is now working as Regional Museum Learning Officer in Essex. DOYLE, Margaret (Orme ), 1971-75. Currently teaching English at Northwood Collegiate, a girls’ school near her home in Chorleywood, Herts. When not marking coursework, happily occupied preparing for her daughter’s wedding, December 2007. GUTHRIE, Sarah Christine (Burbridge), ’70-73. Now a Parenting Consultant, having trained as a Parenting Support Group Facilitator in 2005. HOFMAN, Deborah (Brass), 1978-82. Now living in Derbyshire, in the heart of the Peak District, and running a holiday business with husband Martin. They have 8 self-catering cottages newly renovated from an 18th century dairy barn (www.WheeldonTreesFarm.co.uk) and would be delight to welcome Homertonians and offer them a discount on holidays with them. HOLT, Kate, 1977-81. Moved to Los Angeles in 1981 after accepting a job offer for “Six Months in Hollywood” advertised on the college notice board. 27 years later, still here and thriving though I have lost touch gradually with Homerton friends. A slightly unorthodox career trajectory – having worked 4 years in Santa Monica-Malibu Unified School District (despite being an illegal alien), qualified for a green card and spent another 4 years hard labour in Frank Gehry’s architectural studio. After recovering from an unexpected tango with breast and uterine cancers, dedicated myself to becoming a writer and in 2005 began work on a memoir, ‘Calculating the Area of a Triangle’, about my long-term ménage-à-trois with Scott (an American) and Andrew (an Englishman). Finally became a US citizen in 2008. HOOKER, Janice (Jan) Margaret, 1974-78. ‘Now settled at my new address in Chippenham, Wiltshire, and enjoying the countryside – quite a change from Cambridge. I have a larger garden, lovely views across a valley, with one branch of the Avon at the bottom. Still doing part-time, casual work as an Invigilator, now at Wiltshire College.’ HOOTON, Julie T. (Hullock), 1979-83.

Now an Educational Consultant working part-time for Bucks CC Specialist Teaching Service Down’s Syndrome Support Team, supporting children with Down’s syndrome in main stream schooling. KIRBY, Gill (Chaplin), 1973-77. Having taken a diploma in librarianship in 1980, Gill’s present occupation is as a School Librarian. She is married to David, with two daughters, now both at Cambridge – the elder a PhD student in Clinical Pharmacology and the younger in her first year at Robinson College. LEE, Monica (Hothersall), 1970-73. Became a Life-member of Lancaster University, 1999, and appointed to a Professorship at Northumbria University in 2001. Now retired. MANN, Hilary Joyce (Darling ), 1976-80. Working as a teacher but studying for an MBA in Educational Management with Leicester University. Ran the marathon in 2007. MARTIN, Sheila (Robb), 1973-76. Now retired from teaching, but has been studying Floral Art at Capel Manor College in Enfield, for interest rather than commercial reasons. Husband Brian is still Headteacher of a school in Welwyn Garden City; son James (19) is at university, and Duncan (17) going through the UCAS process for entry in 2009. MOULSDALE, Nicky (Tyler), 1974-78. Nicky writes: ‘Had fun at the London Branch river trip, with a glass of sherry with our cake in Erica Hirsch’s garden afterwards. I am now Project Manager for a café we have set up at Holy Trinity, Wimbledon, with Merton Mencap, training six adults with learning disabilities. I still run the Rainbows, as well as having time for yoga and looking after three daughters and a husband!’ PHILLIPS, Ann, 1976 -1980 After teaching the English Literature Option International Baccalaureat at the Lycée des Pontonniers, in Strasbourg, Ann has returned from teaching at Sarajevo University, and has been appointed as Head of Secondary English in the new European School of Strasbourg wef September, 2008. She is in regular contact with Sarah Busby, Kathy Moyse, Alison Baggs and Beverley Peake. READY, Karen, 1979-83. After becoming a Chartered Librarian in 1987, is now Academic Liaison Librarian for Business, Health & Social Care at Anglia Ruskin University.

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SENDOREK, Rosslyn (Roz) (Cromarty ), 1970-73. Married to Matt (Magdalene ’70-73) with a daughter, now herself married. Since 1994 Roz has been Headteacher of Oakfield First School, Windsor, and is currently studying for an EdD, researching the role and work of Higher Level Teaching Assistants. SCOTT-FAWCETT, Adrienne (Fawcett) , ‘77-81. Currently teaching at Gresham’s Pre-Prep, in Norfolk, having worked for a number of years in Cambridgeshire. SHARE , Rosalind (Lindsay ), 1971-75. Having taught for some years, Rosalind gained an MA and Advanced Diploma in Psychotherapy in 2003, and is now working as a Psychoanalytic Psychotherapist. She is emigrating to Israel. SHERWOOD, Rosemary (Staple ), 1979-83. Previously working as a teacher of hearing-impaired children, but now a full-time mum and volunteer. SMITH, Sue (Meenan), 1970-74. Headteacher of St Peter’s Primary, in Chippenham, and new grandmother - of James David, born April, 2007. STANSFIELD, Marilyn (Miller), 1972 –1977. Taught maths and computing at two convent schools in Dorset. 1987-2001 worked as financial advisor with Allied Dunbar with own practice. Sold practice and retired 2001. Married with no children from choice. Enjoys travelling with husband. Travels include 6 months in 1976 to Kathmandu and Nepal and a year in 1980 visiting the Americas. THOMAS, Elizabeth Lesley (Owen), 1977-81. After living abroad in Oslo and then Singapore, now settled in Essex and has gone back to work, part-time, as teacher of English and is enjoying it. Two daughters and a son - eldest daughter just started reading English Literature at Warwick University. WESTLEY, Mary (Weston) , 1973-77. Enjoying working as Headteacher of St Michael’s school, Woolmer Green. Husband Stuart retires as Master of Haileybury in July 2009, when they will move to old Welwyn and live in their own home for the first time in 20 years! WHITAKER, Karen (Woods ), 1974-77. Formerly a social worker, and now running a charity in Barnet, supporting family carers. Though teaching practice showed her that teaching was not for her, she still maintains a passion for Virginia

Woolf, and has just arranged to leave her collection of books and art relating to Bloomsbury to Homerton, as her son does not share her interests.

1980s ANDERSON, Sarah Jane (Lloyd), 1983-87. Now self-employed as HR Consultant, Coach and Counsellor. ARNEY, Jane (Aldwinckle ), 1985-89. Worked full time in primary education for 10 years in a variety of schools, becoming a deputy head. Married in 1993, and daughter, Lauren, born in 1999. Has now returned to teaching part-time. ASHTON, Lisa (Hughes), 1988-92. She writes: ‘Back in '98 I studied interior design at Chelsea college. The course was brilliant and I loved it. Like our art tutors at Homerton, we had inspirational people teaching us. It was a hard year, but worth every moment. Instead of using my new found skills, I got married to Keith, my ex ballroom partner from Selwyn College. We are lucky enough to have two beautiful daughters, Sophie (19 months) and Chalotte (3.5). My time is full and I find myself a busy housewife right now.’ BERGMAN, Rebecca (Fry), 1988-92. Having taught English in Australia, Singapore, Spain and Argentina, she now lectures in English as a Foreign Language in Gothenburg, Sweden, where she has lived for the last 8 years with her Swedish husband. They have two children, aged 5 and 2 years. BOMBARDE, Caroline (Gough ), 1980-84. Has now been in Japan for nearly ten years – arrived there with two small girls, who were then joined by twin boys. Recently started teaching again at the French Lycée in Tokyo. BYRNE, (Dr) Kirsty Nicola, 1985-89. No longer teaching, but working as a writer and mother. Currently running a smallholding with rare breed pigs and organically-reared hens! Also enjoying 7 sons and one daughter! CHERRY, Melissa Jane (Jones), 1983-84. Married with three children (so not teaching at present), and living in Sussex.

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CLARK. Wendy (Tyler), 1988-92. Happily settled in Oxford, and teaching science at the Manor prep school,. but took time out for the birth of Sasha Mary Clark in June 2007. DIXON, Fiona Jane Hayward (Giles), 1983-87. At present working part-time as East Lancashire Education Improvement Partnership Social Inclusion Co-ordinator. Happily married with two growing girls. HALL, Carrie (Milton), 1987-91. She writes: ‘I now have two children, both girls, aged 14 and 11 and stopped work when they were young to be at home with them. I relocated to Kent to send them to a Steiner Waldorf School. Due to ill health have been unable to work since 1999, but have recently taken up a training in curative massage which I hope to use in Steiner Schools under the direction of the doctor. I sing with a small chamber choir, specializing in Baroque and Renaissance European music, which I enjoy very much. HAMMOND, Caroline (Raven), 1984-1988 We're still living in SW China, which has been home since 1999, but have recently moved from Guiyang (Guizhou) to Kunming (Yunnan). I am still home-schooling Caspar (age 14) and Serena (age 12), which will bring a new challenge in September, when Caspar starts his GCSE courses. We spent a few months back in the UK at the beginning of the year, and enjoyed a lovely weekend in Sherwood Forest with Karen Handley (Smith), Mandy Hitchborn (Plastow) & Carol Girdlestone (Rich) and their families. We also visited Sarah Ingham (Cannell) and her family in East Anglia. HAMPSON, Anderley (Knowles), 1984-88. ‘Still living in Tollesbury by the sea with husband, Martin, daughter Genevieve (14) and son Thomas (12), two very disobedient labradors, three horses and an aged guinea pig! My last teaching job led to my becoming Editor of the school magazine, progressing on to handling the school PR and now supporting sponsors of the school - lots of contact with the kids and staff but no teaching!!Would love to hear from anyone I knew at Homerton.’ HILL, Susan Christine (Morgan), 1983-87. Now Advisory Teacher of the Deaf, having gained a post-graduate Diploma. Mainly teaching science to deaf students, using British Sign Language, and visiting schools to work with mainstream teachers who have deaf students in their schools/classes.

HOLMES, Sarah (Andrew), 1980-84. Now dividing her time between being a mum to Matthew (age 6) and pursuing a photography course. HOSKINS, Clare (Holmes), 1987-88. Married to conductor Paul Hoskins (music director at Rambert Dance Company) and with three children. Most of her work is as an orchestral oboist, playing with orchestras a a freelance player, including Glyndebourne on Tour, English National Opera, City of London Sinfonia, Garsington Opera, Brighton Philarmonic, and Oxford Philomusica. She also teaches part-time in a local primary school. JAMES, Anna (Hennell), 1982-86. Seconded to Halifax Primary School as Headteacher in May 2006, when it was in special Measures. Came out of Special Measures in July 2007. JENNINGS, Robyn (Goode ), 1984-88. Teacher, and for 20 years a member of the Chorus of the CBSO, known as CBSC. She has sung with Simon Rattle conducting, and toured all over the world – Hong Kong in 2006, Kuala Lumpur, Easter 2008. MARSHALL, Richard James, 1988-93. Having worked as an actor, Richard is presently employed as a funeral director, studying with the National Association of Funeral Directors, and hopes to gain his diploma in September. He writes that his wife, Laura, is expecting their first child, due in October . MILLAN, MaryJane, 1989-93. Gained a diploma in Hypnotherapy in 2005 and has been working as a hypnotherapist. Having been out of teaching for a while, she is now looking to return after the birth of her twins in summer 2007. MILLARD, Barbara (Green ), 1980-84, Having lived and taught in Auckland, N.Z. for 6 years, Barbara wrote in August 2007, ‘I am just about to move back to England with my husband, Rob, and 2 step-daughters. New Zealand is a great country but so is England and I’ve missed family, friends & old churches!!’ MITCHELL, Sarah Catherine, 1981-85. Employed as Quality Assurance Manager at the Qualifications and Curriculum Authority in London, and currently working on 2 big projects – a review of GCSE and GCSE access arrangements, and a review of examiner training and question paper setting. Still running the family farm with my mother in Lincolnshire, but living in Clapham with

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partner, Alex, doing the usual dinner party circuit, involved with local church and loving the concert scene. MORLEY, Emma (Till), 1986-90. After 18 years of teaching in primary schools, I have become a teacher educator – as Senior Lecturer in Professional Studies at the University of Winchester. PATTISON, Robert Lewis, 1981-82. Now living in Australia and researching on climate change: previously taught physics in India, Fiji, and Australia. RAWLINS, Sarah Jane (Jeffries), 1980-85. Now with two children, and teaching part-time as French Co-ordinator in a primary school. RAY, Simon, 1989-93. Now working as an SEN Training, Monitoring & Accountability Officer for Nottinghamshire CC, he got married in 2005 and became a father in 2007. He is an occasional writer (runner up in a BBC Nottingham short story writing competition) and still enjoys going to the theatre, reading and music (when his son, Samuel, allows). SAUNDERS, Claire (Escott) 1988-92. At present working as a College Lecturer/Learning Supoort Tutor, has just completed a diploma in SpLD (Dyslexia) and hopes to be accredited by AMBDA by September. Her work at Moorlands College, Christchurch, allows her to use her passion for education to support and develop adults preparing for Christian ministry. SLADE, Linda, 1983-87. Works mainly freelance as a professional voice coach, director, producer and actor. Has had numerous different jobs, but is currently presenting two television shows in Los Angeles, as well as an 11 part TV series. She also has two movies being released this year, ‘Hollywood Confidential’, and ‘The Last One’. SMALLWOOD, Nicola (James ), 1985-89. Now Acting Headteacher at a school in Cumbria. SOUTHERN, Margaret (Fisher ), 1980-84. Presently Senior Teacher of the Deaf and Head of services, Yorkshire, for the Elizabeth Foundation. Winner of Yorkshire Woman of the Year in the Education Category in 2005, for her work with deaf children, promoting listening and talking.

SYMONS, Sue (Bentley ), 1984-88. Has been teaching full or part-time since leaving Homerton, with the exception of one year travelling Australia, and 6 months travelling Australia and New Zealand. She has also spent a year teaching in Queensland, Australia, on a teacher exchange. Married in 1999, with 2 sons aged 5 and 2 years. In January 2007 became a part-time SENCO at her son’s school. TARR, Anna-Louise (Neiseke), 1988-92. Working as an ESOL lecturer at Amersham and Wycombe College, Amersham, and was awarded a Certificate in English Language Teaching to Adults (CELTA) in 2007. TAYLOR, Ian Fredrick, 1989-91. Gained an MA in Education Management in 1999. Previously Head of Physics at Sawston Village College, and still teaching p/t at the Perse School and working as a PGCE tutor for the Open University and Anglia Ruskin University. WHITING, Victoria (North ), 1988-92. After an amazing year on exchange to Melbourne, Australia, now working as a Special Needs teacher at Castle School, the new Cambridge Special school. Two beautiful daughters, Daisy (4) and Martha (10 months). WOLFSON, Sara (Wiseman ), 1981-85. Having taught in primary school for two years, now works as a training and development consultant. Happily married to Tony Wolfson. WRENTMORE, Stephen Alexander, 1989-93. Previously employed as Theatre Director and Artistic director for the Byre Theatre, but at present a CLORE Fellow, working at the Tate Galleries on a CLORE Leadership Programme on Learning Strategy, and developing a new production/script on Oedipus for the USA.

WYATT, E.M.Brendan, 1987-88. Now working as an ophthalmologist, having gained an M.D. in 1995 at Vanderbilt University, USA.

ZIELINSKI-SMITH, Krystyna (Zielinsky), 1987-88. Now in her 20th year teaching at Witchford Village College, and resisting retirement.

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1990s AKHTAR, (Cllr) Pav , 1997-2001. Now working as Head of Race Equality at Unison, and also an elected Local Councillor in Lambeth, London.

ANTHONY, Samina (Nur-Mohomed), 1995-96. Previously working as an elementary school teacher but has recently started her own business, ‘Arbornne Skincare’, and finding this really exciting. BAUDAINS, Emma Louise, 1999-2003. Working as a teacher, living in Jersey, and has recently moved house. BARRINGTON, Margaret (Maggie), 1996-97. Happy teaching in Oxfordshire and currently studying part-time for an MA (Ed) at Oxford Brookes. BERLE, Vanessa (Bresnark), 1992-96. Now working as English Co-ordinator and member of the Senior Leadership team in the school where she works, and delighted to announce the birth of a beautiful baby, Francesca Ruth, on 2 June, 2008. BOSWELL, Danny, 1993-97. Having worked as a naval officer, is now living near Bath and working for a small defence and aerospace engineering company. (PS. No longer married to Cathy McGregor, another Homerton alumnus). BURTON, Lois (Baker), 1990-94. She writes: ‘Since my youngest son began school two years ago, I have taught RE to years FS-3 at his school (a steep learning curve as I was junior-trained!) during the class teachers’ PPA time. I have now been made RE coordinator too, and am enjoying linking RE in with the rest of our integrated curriculum, juggling all this with home, husband and lively nine & six year old sons.’ CALLINGTON, Dora, 1999-2000. Working as a teacher of Spanish and French. CHILTON, Paul, 1999-2000. Spent over five years teaching in the Republic of Kiribati in the Central Pacific—a country of atolls that is threatened with being submerged by rising sea levels. Married Taoata, a fellow teacher, and they have now returned to the UK and had their first child, Isaiah, on 1st June.

CRACKNELL, Katherine (Kelly), 1998-2002. Currently on maternity leave from her role as Deputy Head Teacher, following the birth of her first child, Thomas, on 11 June, 2008. She has also just received her ‘C Permit’ for bird ringing with the BTO after several years training. CRESSWELL, Helen Mary (Sparkes), 1998-2002. Assistant Principal at Sir Charles Lucas Arts College in Colchester, Essex, and married David Cresswell on 9th August 2008. DANIELS, Robert, 1996-97. Having worked as a cabinet maker and graphic designer, Robert now combines teaching with drum making. He is proud to note that his grandmother, Mary Mahler Proctor, also went to Homerton just after the first world war. DAVIS, Cath , 1999-2000. Eva Louise was born 5 February 2008, a sister for Anna Leonie, who is looking forward to starting school in September. DAVIS, Megan (Body ), 1994-98. Returned to part-time teaching after the birth of Joshua James in May 2006, a brother for Bethany. EDWARDS, Katherine Anne (Smith ), 1991-95. Now working as Senior Customer Service Assistant for HSBC. FADAKA, Olufemi Gregory, 1993-96, At present employed as Health Education Instructor, in Houston,Texas. FIGUEROA, Gerry-Louise (Robinson), 1994/95 Teaching, in San Jose, California. FREIRE-ARMSTRONG, Elaine (Armstrong), 1998-99. Now teaching at St George’s International School in Luxembourg. Married with a baby daughter, Sophie Anne, born 22 April, 2008. GOLLEDGE, Ingrid Jane (Finney ), 1999-2000. Describes her present occupation as ‘Mum!’ GRAY, Hannah (Cadman), 1998-2001. Gained an MPhil in Human Impact on the Environment, and now teaching Secondary science. GREEN, Nathalie (Chauffourier ), 1997-98. For the last 5 years has been teaching French at the International School of the Algarve, Portugal.

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GROBE, Helen (Neal ), 1999-2003. Married to Ashley Grobe, met while he was organ scholar at King’s, and living in Cambridge, where she teaches Yr 3 at King’s Choir School. Plays badminton and tennis weekly. HALL, Emma (Askew), 1993-97. Married Ben Hall in 1999 and now has three children, Harry (7), Esme (5) and Fleur (2). HANSGATE, Helen Mary (Turner), 1997-98. Moved to the French alps in 2004 to set up a ski chalet business with her husband Paul, but after the birth of their daughter, Millie, returned to England, for Paul to take up a post as head of PE in Matlock. HAWKSLEY, Louise Elizabeth (Amor ), 1992-96. Married Dan in 2001; now full time mother (‘life is very busy with 2 little ones’) to Thomas James born 2003, and Amelie Rose, 2006. HEASLEY, Hannah (Dennison), 1999-2003. After a fantastic couple of years teaching maths at Chesterton Community College, in Cambridge, moved to Essex, and is now a ‘stay-at-home mum’ to Rebecca (born October 2005). HOWARTH, Amy, 1997 – 2001. After taking an M Ed in the Teaching of English (2007) at Manchester University, Amy is now working as a Primary School teacher in Bolton, Lancs. JOHNSON, Katherine (Sowter), 1999-2000. After a varied career, including being a nanny and a pub landlady, she is thinking of returning to teaching in some capacity, though perhaps by running evening classes in art rather than in the classroom. She has developed her artistic talents, exhibited in local group shows and sold some of her paintings. She also gave birth to a daughter, Megan, in 2001. KNIGHTS, Debra (Ward ), 1992-96. Now with one daughter of two and a half years, and working as a supply teacher. LAMBERT, Julian Richard, 1991-92. Now Housemaster to the Cathedral Choristers at Canterbury. L’ESPERANCE, Eleanor, 1995-96. Now working as a Special Needs English teacher. Her 4 year old son, Patrick, has just started school.

MAPP, Kate, 1994-95. Now working freelance as singer and animateur. In addition to this she leads vocal projects and workshops for a range of music organisations, involving children of all ages in creative music-making. McCLEERY, Julie, 1994-98. In January 2008 moved back to Belfast, to be Head of Key Stage 1 at Strathearn School, and to be closer to her family. MIESZKOWSKI, Denise (Cuthbertson ), 1999-2002. Married Steve in September 2006, and expects to move to the USA in 2008. MUKADDAM, Sarah H., 1998 -2002. Since graduating from Homerton, was appointed Head of Drama in her first teaching post, and in 2004 was awarded a National Teaching Award for Outstanding New Teacher of the Year. Currently working for the British School in Abu Dhabi. NIBLETT, Naomi (Garrick), 1996-97. Married James Niblett, and is now a full-time mother with two children, Daniel and Esther. Living in Romania for 3 years, while James is working in a Hospice project in Bucharest. O’DONNELL, Nicholas, 1996-98. Now Head of Physics at Queen’s College, Taunton. PEAKER, Martha Mary (Lloyd-Hitt), 1995-99. Married to Marcus Peaker in September 2007, in the chapel of Corpus Christi College which he attended between 1989-92, she now describes herself as an ‘economically inactive house-person’. PINKUS, (Dr) Susanna, 1990-94. Now an Academic Associate of the Faculty of Education in Cambridge, as well as advanced skills teacher in SEN in the London Borough of Harrow. Susanna has also been working as a consultant with Sky Teachers’ TV, on a mini-documentary called ‘Making a Statement’. This traces the experiences of two families who have children with special needs. Published her first book , ‘How to create a parent-friendly school’, in February 2008. RICHES, Nichola (Kirwan /Gear), 1990-95. Working as an R.E. teacher (part time) but preparing to be ordained Deacon in the Church of England in September 2008.

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RICKARD, Kelly, 1999-2000. After taking a Master of Arts in Education, is now Senior Teacher at St Peter’s, Eaton Square P.S., London. SHAW, Julia Karen (Skennerton), 1990-94. While working part-time as a teacher, she was doing a course to train as an antenatal teacher for the National Childbirth Trust, while waiting the arrival of her own second child (due November 2007). SHEPHERD, Lucy Claire (Morrison), 1993-97. Owner and manager of Kip McGrath Education Centre in Horsham, an after-school tuition centre for 6-16 year olds with 140 pupils, and employing 6 other teachers. SINNOTT, Sharon (Russell ), 1993-97. Married in 2000 to a fellow teacher, Gavin, and has three children, Poppy (4), Noah (3) and Gabriel (1). Moved to Lincolnshire for a life in the country. SMITH, Hannah, 1993-97. Spent six weeks in 2006 in a rural school in Ghana as part of a Global Teacher Programme with Link Community Development. SWINTON, Julie Ann, 1996-97. Now living in Australia, she is working as a teacher and Head of Boarding House, and hopes next year to undertake an Associate Degree in Residential Care. She enjoys caravanning around Australia in the holidays, as well as reading, arts and crafts and computer games. Having left England as soon as she completed her PGCE, she has not kept up with people on her course, but would very much like to hear news of them. SYERS, Julie (Jones), 1997-2001. Now Head of Professional Development at the school in London where she teaches, she married Neil Syers in August 2007, at Powis Castle, Welshpool, Powys. SYKES, Jessica (Napier), 1990-94. Now working part-time at a primary school in Putney. Three children, George (7), Jasper (6), and Oliver (2). TAYLOR-LUTZ, Cindy (Taylor ), 1995-99. Having taught English in Tokyo for six years, married David Lutz of Orange County, California, in December 2005, and is now living in Los Angeles, teaching ESL at the English Language Centre (extension of UCLA).

THOMAS-ATKINSON, Gillian Clare (Atkinson ), 1998-99. Teaching PE at Ratcliffe College Leicestershire, and now has two sons, Freddie (5) and Bertie (1). TIPLER, Louisa Marianne, 1999-2000. Currently studying for a Professional Doctorate in applied child and educational psychology, and working as an Educational Psychologist. TRAMONI, Katherine (Katie Harvey), 1996-97. Married with two children (age 1 and 3), and working at an infant school in Ealing. VAN DER HART, William (Rev), 1995-99. Married Lucinda, in 2003, and now Assistant Vicar at St Mary’s, Bryanston Square, London. VOGELS, Francesca Mary-Louise Hansell (Bedford) , 1991-95. Since leaving Homerton, has taught in two schools in Eastbourne. She has kept up her fencing, and held the title of County Champion in East and West Sussex for foil, sabre and épée. Married, with one son and second expected, Christmas 2007. WATKINSON, Ruth (Jackson), 1990-94. Currently enjoying maternity leave from teaching. Sophie Elizabeth was born on 18th December 2007.

WHITE, Jonathan W.J., 1991-95. Now Deputy Head Teacher. ‘Still living in Stevenage and enjoying every minute of it! Married to Nicole (also a teacher) and blessed with two wonderful children: Dominic Rory, born April 2002, and Ronan Joseph, born October 2006.’ WYDER. Heidi (Johnson), 1991-92. Heidi writes: ‘I started song writing the year that I left Homerton and recorded two albums in quick succession during my first few years in teaching. Last year I recorded a brand new album, “India Dreaming” with the help of a producer who has done a lot of albums for the new World Music label – sample songs are at www.myspace.com/heidiwyder. The album has all the songs in my book on it. It’s relaxing music inspired by meditation. I self-published my book Footsteps to Freedom: Four Spiritual Masters of Kriya Yoga and a Beginner in 2003, and it was published by Penguin Books, India in 2005. Please check it out at www.kriyasource.com.

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2000s ALLOTT, Kate Henrietta Rose (Lofting), 2002-05. Now head of department (Science) at Sandringham School, St Albans. Married Mark Allott on 3 August, 2007. ANDREWS, Sarah, 2002-03. She writes: ‘Since moving down south and having two children, now aged 4 and 2, my career is on hold. I do 2 days a week on supply which keeps me busy, and when the children are at school I hope to resume a full-time science job.’ BAXTER, Jacqueline Rebecca (Allen), 2002-05. Married Colin Baxter in October 2006 and has recently given birth to Harry Joseph Baxter on 26th February. The baby was ten weeks early and spent six weeks in hospital but is home now and fighting fit! BEDWELL, Stephanie, 2004-05. Now working as a teacher. Gave birth to Ryan Thomas Fraser, 30th June 2007, with proud father Michael Fraser. BRADY, Diana, 2003-07. At present teaching music but plans to return to complete a part-time Masters in Education, 2008-09. BRIDEL, Zoe-Laura, 2002-05, 2005-07. Gained a Post-Graduate Diploma in Performance (Timpani/Percussion) at Trinity College of Music, London. Now engaged to Philip Arkinstall (PGCE Secondary History student 2005-2006). BROOKS, Will, 2003-04. Working as a primary school teacher in Northampton, but fast rising up the ladder in the world of ice skating. Having passed his gold level, he is working on the National tests with his “brilliant” Russian coach, and heading to his first international competition next year. CHOPPING, Amie, 2001-05. Has recently got a new job as an assistant director working for the Centre for the Study of Media, Technology and Culture, in Mayfair. CLOUD, Natalie (Travers), 2001-05. Married Andrew Cloud on 19th July, 2008. COLLINSON, (Rev.) Nicholas John, 2004-06. Previously a lay worker, now a Methodist Presbyter.

COOKE, Clare (Verney), 2002-2006. Clare got married a year ago and has just moved into a new house. She is taking on the post of Deputy Headteacher of the West Exmoor Federation, a group of 3 schools on the edge of Exmoor (Kentisbury, Lynton and Parracombe) in September. COOPER, Joanna N., 2002-03. Has given up teaching for the present to be mother to Anna, age 3. DAVEY, (Dr) Julie Marie, 2000-01. Still teaching biology, but now part-time since the birth of her two sons, William (3) and Samuel (1). DAY-DEMPSEY, Nicola (Horne), 2003-04. Teaching Drama and English, playing guitar, recording vocals, and other music-making, and got married July 2007 to Paul Dempsey. DOLEMAN, Ruth Anna, 2004-05. Working as a primary school teacher in Braintree, Essex. Received a ABRSM diploma for flute performance in 2003. FENUGA, Adejolami, 2004-2007 She writes that she is due to have her second baby in October.

GILHAM, Susannah (Stewart), 2002-03. Married Barry John Gilham in August 2007, and working as an RS teacher.

GOODHEAD, Jared, 2000-01. Has been teaching in the same job for six years, but recently gained a Certificate in Spanish through the Open University . GRAVES, Lauren Michelle (Ross ), 2002-03. Teaching Spanish. Married fellow JYA colleague, Daniel Graves, in 2005, and now has a son, William, born 2006. HALL, Anne Elizabeth, 2000-01. Emigrating to the mining town of Fernie, B.C. Canada in July 2008, and hoping to teach there in a local private school, Fernie Academy. HARTY, Paul Vincent, 2006-07. Now working as a teacher. IRONS, Joanna Ruth Isabell (Hawke ), 2000-04. Still teaching, but got married, December 2006.

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ISMAIL, Louise (Durup), 2004-06. At present working as a music teacher, Louise writes: ‘I got married nearly a year ago. I am soon moving to London to start a fantastic job at Brent Music Service as a wider opportunities specialist.’

JACOB, Alexandra (Thompson ), 2002-03. Now a teacher and Project Manager with the Batemans Trust, which supports the care and education of 180 children and young people in Madras, South India. In January 2008 she got married in Madras, with all 150 children present. She writes: ‘ We have set up a complete “after school” curriculum for our children, giving them a chance to develop their creativity and talents in a way the Indian school system is unable to offer them. I have been training local teachers in different teaching styles and have been supported by a number of volunteers, including Rebecca Sewell, who was at Homerton in the same year as I was. She and her family joined us for a year to help with the project; her children attended a school which we also help with, through teacher training, and her husband became a P.E. master for a year.’

JOHNSON, Anna, 2004-05. Working as a primary school teacher. Anna wrote in August 2007: ‘Finally after 10 years my partner Nik proposed. Getting married in 9 months!’

KERR, Alison Lois (Ventress ), 2002-05. Now a medical student. Got married in July 2007.

KONDAPALLY SESHASHI, Sreenivasa Rao (Dr), 2006-07. Awarded an NHIES Fellowship in Clinical Research, August 2007. Now working as a Research Assistant at the Molecular Epidemiology Unit of the Strangeways Research Laboratory.

KUNUTSOR, (Dr) Setor, 2005-07. Now working as a Clinical Researcher for the Papworth Trust. MARCHOIS, Emeline, 2004-05. Leaving for Sweden in August to do an MA in humanitarian action/relief work at the University of Uppsala. MOLLE, (Dr) Alexander, 2003-04. Working as a lawyer, having been admitted to the German bar in March 2007. MOULTON, Neil, 2002-03. Now Head of Art at Wymondham High School.

NOLAN, Hannah (Perdue), 2000-04. Currently on Maternity Leave from her work as a Risk Assessor – baby due on 25th September 2008. PENDERGRAST, Heidi, 2005-2006. First child, Reuben Robert Walter Pendergrast , born September 1st 2008. PERCIVAL, Sarah (Adams ), 2001-04. Now employed as a Church Pastoral Worker, Sarah writes: ‘Despite turning down my PGCE offer, I’m using my degree in my current job, taking weekly KS2 assemblies at the local CP school, and also occasional RE lessons! I couldn’t do it without the teaching I had!’ PHILLIPS, Heather (Begg), 2000-03. Married Kim Phillips (same years at Homerton) at Eden Baptist Church, Cambridge on 15th March, 2008. At present working as a carer for her father. RALPH, Catherine (Poore), 2004-05. Working as a teacher. Got married to Donald Ralph at St Andries Park, Somerset, on 3rd April 2008. RAY, Cliff, 2005-06, 2007-08. Teaching, but still finding time for Waterskiing, kitesurfing, and shooting. RIDDELL, Judith (Bingham), 2002-04. Going as a Special Needs teacher to Bahrain, where she is helping to set up a special school through the Alpha Plus Group, Ltd. She expects to be there for a minimum of two years. ROWELL, Anne Elizabeth (Haines), 2003-07. Working as a secondary school English teacher, and got married in June, 2007. SCHRECKER, Alison Hoe (Eyles), 2002-03. Left teaching in 2007 to move into educational publishing - now Senior Editor at Pearson Education. Married Guy in 2005. SHERIDAN, Hillary, 2003-2007. Working as a teacher in St Albans, Herts. STEVENS, Karen, 2004-05. Working as a science teacher, and gave birth to George Peter Stephens in May 2007, ‘a very special little boy with his heart in the right place (literally – he has dextrocardia)’. STRETTLE, Helena, 2003 – 06. Now working as an accountant.

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TATTOO, Emily Kate, 2001-04. At present living in London, and working as a Commercial Manager for Monsoon.

TRAVERS. Natalie Clara, 2001-05. At present working as a teacher. Got engaged to Andrew Cloud in February 2007 – wedding planned for July 2008.

TSAI , Yi-shan, 2006-07. Now working as a Teaching Assistant at St George’s Girls School, Edinburgh.

TURNER, Lucy, 2002-06. Teaching Yr 5 at Clifton College Preparatory School, Bristol.

WHITE, Stephen John, 2000. For the past four years has been living and working as a High School Teacher in Seoul, South Korea.

WOOLF, Christopher David, 2000-01. Recently appointed Head of Senior English at Dulwich College, Beijing, China.

Deaths (The following are former Homerton students whose deaths have been reported to the Keeper of the Roll in the course of the last year. Some of these names and tributes have already appeared in the update published in March.) ADKINS, Jacqueline (Brelsord), 1948-50, who died in a motor accident earlier this year in Guernsey where she was living. * * * ALDERTON, Hilda (Ashmore), 1941-43, died on 8th August, 2007. Her son, Paul, writes: ‘She had been caring for my father until his death in February, and then came to live with me in Cornwall. She enjoyed a good few months here, but sadly her health deteriorated recently. She died peacefully in hospital and will be sadly missed by me and my family, and also her other son, Peter, and his family.’

* * *

ASHLEY, Pamela Joyce (Leaning) , 1949-51, who died on 22nd March, 2008. * * * BERNARD, Cecilia Jean (Hodgson) , 1935-37, died 15th September, 2007. Her god-daughter Krystyna Zielinski-Smith, writes: Jean was born in Cumbria, but her mother died young and, following major discord with her stepmother, Jean was brought up by her aunt and cousin. It was her cousin who sponsored her through her teacher training at Homerton. The glamour of London life beckoned and Jean spent her full teaching career in London. The ILEA, as it was known, was very supportive when her husband became ill, and found her a delightful school in her neighbourhood, St Mary’s C of E Primary School, Enford Street, Marylebone, from which she retired at 60. Jean continued to visit the school on numerous occasions to help with craft-work (very keen on millinery and a superb seamstress), support school functions and keep in touch with friends and education. Jean’s interest in education was a lifelong passion and she was a Moderator for assessing the training of teachers in the Montessori methods until she reached 85, when increasing frailty began to impact on her comings and goings. Through her retirement, Jean continued working as a receptionist for Harley and Wimpole Street practices, who appreciated her thoroughness, organizational ability and sheer skill at dealing with people of all creeds, nationalities and backgrounds. Jean supported the Royal British Legion - selling poppies each year in her club, the Royal Overseas League; the Association of Guide Dogs for the Blind; and was also a life governor of the Royal Lifeboats Institution. Jean was an avid reader with a massive collection of books covering an infinite range of topics. Her love of music was matched in exactly the same way – but at least that was/is indexed! She loved fine food, was very knowledgeable about fine wines and art, and both Jean and her husband participated in many amateur dramatics productions as well. Jean was very informed about horses, their lineage, form, performance and which was one to follow! The final examination pass list for June 1937 shows that Jean passed her English (Advanced) and achieved Distinction in Principles and Practice of Teaching, and also in Educational Handwork (Advanced). Film and theatre-going were lifelong interests. I believe that at the time she was at Homerton the

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cinema qualified for an exeat while the theatre didn’t, so the challenge was to sign out for the cinema but go to the theatre and return at a cinema time. There were many occasions when my mother, Natalie Barnard as she was then, shivered by the library window waiting to let Jean climb in on her after-hours return. I believe 5 nights in a row broke Jean’s nerve and she curtailed her activities for her spell! Jean also loved water and rowing, and dated all the College Rowing Club captains at one point or another, having had a particular soft spot for the Captain of Queens’ Boat Club. Jean and my mother were very in tune with each other and on one occasion were summoned before the Principal and disciplined for “trying to cause a sensation” as, by chance, they both arrived for breakfast dressed in precisely the same red and white colour scheme – unplanned but an example of their empathy. After a period residing on Homerton’s C/D floors, they applied for a shared room in “the tower” – the lovely Victorian turret. However, on interview, they were told that they were not sufficiently reliable and trustworthy to be given the privilege of greater independence. In London, the Royal Overseas League provided a focus for the diverse interests and activities of these lively NQTs, and was also where they both met their respective husbands. Jean married Lieutenant Commander Patrick Bernard RN, and though the couple did not have any children, Jean acquired several godchildren; and through her close association with our mother, my brother and I became her surrogate family. Both Jean and my mother loved company and mental stimulation, and were lifelong teachers and teachers of life. Both had a significant input into my own personal and professional development and provided immense support and guidance when I began my own training at Homerton as a mature student. I am now in my 20th year at Witchford Village College, and could have retired last December but haven’t, and daily use many of their thoughts and guiding principles in my own dealings with students. Sadly for Jean, having celebrated her 90th birthday in 2006, she became increasingly frail, and early in 2007 moved into a “very refined” residential care home on Abbey Road – just up the road from the Beatles’ recording studio, which suited her musical interest! This was a huge wrench for her, having spent 47 years in her flat. After suffering a fall in June last year, which resulted in a major break to her arm, Jean was hospitalized, and although she coped well, each obstacle to her recovery took its toll. Her death was, in fact, a kind release from the sudden deterioration in the last few days of her life.

Jean always closed her mental door on sadness, so we undertook research to find the final resting place of her late husband. We were successful, and had Jean’s ashes interred in the same plot as her husband’s, on the memorial lawn of the crematorium in Leatherhead, close to a rippling stream. This tied in with the watery interests of Jean (lifeboats) and Patrick’s naval heritage (he was from a family of Admirals of the fleet). * * * BILLOWS, Marion (Lund), 1951-53; who died in July, 2007. * * * CLARK, Doris Jane (Callow ) 1939-41; who died on 20th February, 2008. * * * ENGLAND, Mavis (Bosomworth ), died on 11th September, 2007. Mavis Bosomworth studied at Homerton from 1943-45. Her friend Mary Bounds (Venables) wrote to ask for this news to be included in the Roll, adding: ‘Mavis and I met 64 years ago this week, and stayed in touch. She was a very good tennis player.’

* * * FERNETTER, Margaret (Gent-Finbow), 1942-44. Marian Wheeley (Gent), Homerton 1940-42, wrote to inform us of the death of her sister Margaret on the 12th July, 2008. * * * FLETCHER, Elizabeth, 2002-05, died tragically in a motorway accident on 11th February, 2008. She is survived by her partner Sean Farrell, also a Homerton alumnus, and their one-year old baby Fintan, neither of whom were injured in the accident. Peter Warner, Senior Tutor, writes: Elizabeth entered Homerton in October 2002 to read Education Studies with Religious Studies. After Part I, she transferred to the Theological and Religious Studies Tripos. She graduated with 2.1 Honours in June 2005. Described as “ a very independent and incisive thinker”, her consistent effort always paid off in exams. Elizabeth was a colourful character at Homerton, and her relationship with Sean, which began in their

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first year, became a talking point as they were rarely apart and enjoyed a wide circle of friends. She is fondly remembered by students from her own year and those who remember her skill in theological debate. Elizabeth was also a keen cyclist and enjoyed running. Not only was she artistic, but she also had a passion for writing short stories and poetry, some of which was published. Elizabeth will also be remembered fondly by her church Youth Group, where she set up and ran a non-alcoholic bar. Elizabeth and Sean had been working together in France recently, but had returned to her parents’ home near York. * * *

FORD, Ann Sylvia (Bland), 1957-60, died on April 10th, 2007. Her husband, Graeme, writes: Sylvia specialised in maths and games and soon after leaving Homerton was Head of Maths at a secondary school in London. On returning to teaching, after the births of the children, she taught juniors in Surrey and Warwickshire right through to retirement. She was a dedicated teacher, very popular with children and colleagues, and always brought the best out of the pupils at the many schools where she worked; she was in fact still teaching part time when she first became ill. In 2005 she was diagnosed as suffering from Motor Neurone Disease. Although she suffered terribly she put up a tremendous fight against that awful disease, but in the end it brought her down. Sylvia was very proud of her own school, Withington Girls, in Manchester, and a staunch Lancastrian. She was a very keen and excellent sports person, from county hockey while at Homerton, and then club games in Surrey, to tennis at Warwick, which she was playing when first affected by MND. She married Graeme, whom she met at Cambridge, and with two sons and one daughter, lived in Warwick for the last 27 years. Sylvia was a loving wife, a devoted mother and grandmother, and is very much missed by her many friends and all her family.

* * * GIBBS, Margaret (Gent) 1942-44, who died on 12 July 2008. Her daughter and son, Anne and Peter Nightingale, write: Our mother Margaret was a student during the war years, 1942-4, following her sister Marian (1940-42). She had very fond memories of her time at

Homerton, of the system whereby a second year college ‘Mother’ took a first year under her wing, of the cycling trips to the ‘Gogs’ at Wandlebury at weekends and of the warm fellowship of the students. She also recalled many disrupted nights’ sleep spent in the air raid shelters until the ‘all clear’ was sounded after which the day’s activities would proceed as normal! Margaret loved teaching infants, delighting in the openness of her little charges; she taught in both Huddersfield and Cambridge. Sadly her personal life was marred by tragedy. She was widowed three times, losing her first husband at the age of only 31 when she had two small children. She bore her grief with great dignity and her zest for life and intrinsic optimism carried her through. She was a talented needlewoman, a committed member of the Inner Wheel over many years and a ‘Cambridge lady’ in every sense, having spent part of her childhood, the Homerton years, and her life from 1956 until her death, in Cambridge. She is greatly missed by her husband Phillip, family and friends, but leaves behind the warmest of memories and has set a wonderful example for her children and grandchildren in her dignified and courageous response to ‘the slings and arrows of outrageous fortune’. * * * GILBEY, Doris M.( Ball)1935-1937, died 2007. * * * HALLAM, Freda May, 1940-42, passed away on September 23rd, 2007.

* * * HASTINGS, Olive Mary (Richardson), 1957-1959, died in the early months of 2008. Her friend Jo Sutton (Biddlecombe) writes: Olive was a student at Homerton from 1957-1959, where she studied Education and Physical Education with distinction. She then undertook a third year at Chelsea College of Physical Education. Olive was a highly respected and much loved teacher and lecturer. Her career spanned secondary schools, training colleges and finally primary schools. She had many talents and interests, including the Guides, the church, and music – she played double bass in the CUMS orchestra – but perhaps most of all, she was interested in people. She brought out the best in everyone and was able to instil in others a sense of belief in themselves and

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their own capabilities. Olive also possessed a great sense of humour, which often manifested itself whilst we were at Homerton, especially during teaching practice! Who, in our group, could forget the wonderful incident of the sprats? Olive was a lovely person, so kind and cheerful, an inspiration to many. She faced her long battle with cancer with great courage, and is sadly missed by her husband Paul, her son Rob and family, and by her many friends.

* * * HOOTON, Susan (Chaverton ), 1957-59, died on 19th October, 2007, after a battle with cancer.

* * * JOHNSON, Valerie ( Sherry ), 1956-58, died in November 2007. * * * KEENLYSIDE, Margaret (Lane ), 1944-46; died at the home of her daughter, in August 2007, after a short illness. Her friend Freda Lee (Alton ) writes: ‘My friendship with Meg developed after we left college. We had a holiday in Wales to-gether and continued to meet as families through the following years. Meg first taught in a nursery school in Grantham and then moved to a headship in Darlington where she met her husband, a farmer. She had a large family of six children, one of whom—her first born son—was killed in a riding accident when he was seven. It was in August of 2007 that Meg wrote to me and said that she was ill and staying with her only daughter. I arranged to visit her but sadly she died before I arrived. Her funeral, which I attended, was held in Middleham, near Richmond in North Yorkshire, where her mother and her family had lived. We last visited Homerton together in 2004 for our Diamond celebration. Unfortunately there was only one other representative of our year present, Zenda Sillita.

* * * MACPHERSON, Jean, 1934 –36, died on 19th March, 2008. Her niece, Barbara Dann, writes: Jean MacPherson died peacefully on March 19th 2008, aged 92, at Fairmount Nursing Home at Nab Wood, Shipley where she had been resident for a year. Previously she had lived in her bungalow in

Bradford for 70 years, 50 of them with her mother. Her sister Edith died 5 years ago and the two had been very supportive of one another. Jean was proud of her 50% Scottish blood. Her father died when she was 3, and she was always mindful of the hard work of her mother in bringing up two girls alone. In particular, Jean never forgot the sacrifices made by the family to enable her to go away to Homerton. She had such fond memories of her time in Cambridge and recalled in great detail her years there. She was delighted when her niece settled in Cambridge as it enabled her to visit often and also attend the annual Homerton reunions, which she relished. After leaving Homerton she was a wonderful teacher at Allerton school in Bradford where she inspired pupils and colleagues alike. Jean had a special interest in matters French and in 1966 was selected by Bradford to lead a new initiative introducing French to primary schools.She studied at the Sorbonne in Paris for some months in order to achieve this. In mid-life,because of her experience and qualifications, Jean became a lecturer at Bingley College where students appreciated the practical experience behind her lecturing and the personal interest she took in their progress and lives. To the end of her life, she looked back on her time at Bingley with particular affection. Outside her career, Jean was interested in promoting the achievements of women, and became an active Soroptimist, attaining the position of President of Bingley Group. As a Soroptimist, she supported others in their careers or during personal difficulties. In turn, Jean received great love and support during her latter years from Soroptimist friends. Jean will long be remembered for her wonderful sense of humour, her love and knowledge of literature and history, but most of all for the love and care she showed to her family and others. St Andrew's Church Bradford was packed for her funeral on 4th April.

* * * MAYNE, Betty (Garret) 1944-46, died in August 2007. * * * MITCHELL, Clara Olive Louise (Fletcher), 1937-39, died on 10th October, 2007, after a few months of illness. She is survived by her husband, whom she met at Corpus, and her son writes that ‘she often spoke

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fondly of her time at Homerton, where she seems to have joined in fully in the various areas one can.’

* * * MUTCH, Edith (Blacker), 1932-34. who died at the age of 94 on the 23rd May, 2008. Her son, John, writes: Edith was born in Stalybridge, Cheshire, on 27th March 1914, and was an only daughter—with two older brothers. Her early life before starting work was one of privilege whilst her home was surrounded by the poverty of a Lancashire mill town. Her father founded an engineering business which prospered before the 1930s slump, and was a lay preacher in the community. He bought fine clothes, dolls and other mementos for Edith from his business travels in North America and elsewhere. He also enabled her to be trained as a teacher at a national centre of excellence—Homerton College, Cambridge. From these beginnings, Edith started her lifetime commitment to teaching—her other lasting enthusiasms being her family and fashion. But her late teens were traumatic. Her father died—and her engagement to a boy she had met at Cambridge ended. She started her teaching career in Sale, Cheshire, in 1934. Five years later she married Fred Mutch, who she met as a member of Trinity Methodist Church Tennis Club. During the Second World War they had two children, John and Gordon—who in turn now have their own families in England, Canada and Ireland. Fred died in 2004. Edith’s teaching career in Sale ended because of her husband’s job transfer to Scotland in 1954, and by then she had established considerable recognition: ‘thoroughly interested in the children individually and in their progress—a very happy atmosphere in her classes as she has a stimulating personality—she possesses the Teacher’s art and craft in its highest conception and exposition—she is the born and happy teacher possessing that ability to draw from her pupils willing and affectionate response and their best efforts—it is no exaggeration to say that the children she taught were bound to her by ties of warm affection’. Edith faced two further traumas on moving to Scotland: a markedly different culture in a provincial Scottish town AND an unexpected realisation that she was not qualified to teach in Scotland without further training. Her character was naturally influenced by her major life events to this point. Her main drivers were by now self-sufficiency, a commitment to her teaching, and a fighting spirit. She won the praise of

very many parents and grateful pupils for her inspiring and dedicated teaching—and will be widely remembered for this. How consistent with her early career testimonies to have a letter from a retired GP two days after her death, which included ‘We will always remember your mother as a wonderful and inspirational teacher—my son and his former school friends still talk of their first year at school’ . This referred to the ‘60s/70s, Edith having worked through to retirement age.’ * * * NUTTALL, Irene (Jones) 1946-48, died on 14th May, 2007. “Irene was born in Oldham on 11th May 1928, to John and Hannah Jones (their only child). She was educated at Alexandra Park Primary School, from which she obtained one of six scholarships offered by Hulme Grammar School for Girls. She spent seven years at Hulme, gaining excellent results in her School and Higher School Certificates. Her passion at sport was Hockey, at which she excelled, and in 1945 she was appointed Head Girl of the school. Irene entered Homerton College in 1946 to undergo a teacher-training course. It was while she was there that she met Bob Nuttall, then an undergraduate at Trinity College, who was later to become her husband for 56 years. After completing her teacher-training, where she specialised in History and Religious Education in her final year, Irene taught in Oldham and after her marriage to Bob on 28th March 1951, in Doncaster and St Helens, with a brief break to look after her two young daughters. She returned to the classroom in Borehamwood in Hertfordshire. While teaching in Borehamwood, Irene obtained the London University Academic Diploma in Education and later the Froebel Foundation Teacher Trainer Diploma. Her career then moved to Newland Park Teacher Training College where she was a Lecturer in Primary Education. A friend then persuaded her to apply for a post as Primary Adviser to the London Borough of Brent. Her application was successful, and she occupied this role for some eight years. Fate again intervened and she was head-hunted by the London Borough of Ealing to act as a General Inspector in the Education Department, a post she held for over ten years until she took early retirement in May 1986, after a period of ill health in the previous year. Irene was an accomplished pianist and a brilliant sight-reader of any piano music, and in her school teaching career was frequently called upon to play the piano at school assemblies, plays and Christmas

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concerts. She claimed that she learnt her sight-reading skills because she never practised and hadn’t to disappoint her demanding music teacher. Outside her professional career, Irene found plenty of opportunity to help others. She became a Girl Guide while she was at school, and resumed her interest in the movement, when her children became ‘Brownies’. Before long she was invited to become District Commissioner, a post she held for a number of years until promotion made it impossible for her to any longer carry out her duties. After her retirement, Irene was a founder member of ‘Elstree Link’ which was formed to assist the elderly and infirm. The volunteers carried out such tasks as taking elderly people to outpatient appointments, collecting prescriptions, giving respite to carers, and taking residents of the National Union of Teachers Benevolent Fund Retirement Home on shopping expeditions. Irene was brought up in a strongly religious household: church morning and evening, and Sunday School as well (twice). Her father was an Elder in the Congregational Church which the family then attended. On moving to Elstree, Irene attended St Nicholas Church and was confirmed. She took her role very seriously and served as a member of the P.C.C. for a number of years and was also for several years its secretary. For a short period she was a representative on the Deanery Synod. It was in her role as secretary that she had to come to terms with word processing and became very proficient on the Amstrad, rueing the day when it was called to join the great home of computers in the sky and she had to learn to deal with ‘Windows’. No fund raising event went by without a copious supply of cakes, large and small, from Irene’s kitchen. She took over the running of the ‘Cake Stall’ at the Christmas Bazaar for many years. She also took upon herself the task of addressing the parish Magazine, a job she continued to perform for almost twenty years. Those magazines not collected from church or sent by post, she delivered by hand to the addressees’ homes. After her retirement she was leader of a team of volunteer ladies on the cleaning rota and once a month would assemble them to make the church spotless for the next Sunday service, even paying for the vacuum cleaners to be maintained from time to time. (She was an exacting housewife as her daughters will testify.) Irene was a devoted wife, mother and latterly grandmother, always sparing time to look after and, en passant, never missing a trick to lay the foundations of a sound education for her two

daughters and three grandsons when they came along. Irene developed Alzheimer’s disease in 2002 and struggled hard to keep her dignity, but eventually had to be cared for in a nursing home for the last 19 months of her life. She died in her sleep on 14th May 2007. Her passing has left a hole in all our lives that it will be impossible to fill.”

* * * PERRY, Dawn (Kimber) 1991-1995. Dawn studied drama and education at Homerton. After completing her degree she worked in her chosen field, special education, at the Lady Adrian School and Littleton House. She was a dynamic figure in Haslingfield, where she lived with her family, her husband Robin and children Vivienne and Michael. Dawn was a leading light in the village Little Theatre, and is remembered with great affection for the vital encouragement she gave to so many young people in the village. * * * POSTANCE, Janet ( Smith), 1956-58, who died in March 2006. * * * SCHOFIELD, John , 1995-1996, who sadly died of cancer on the 12th of October 2007. Pam and Peter Schofield write: John was born in Stockport on 12th June 1969. He attended the local primary school, winning at the age of 10 the prize for Geography and Science in a competition run by the Stockport Education Department. He then went on to Bredbury comprehensive School, where in his 5th year he was awarded the Physics prize for student of the year. At 18 he accepted a place to study Geology at Imperial College, London. On achieving his degree and membership of the Royal School of Mines he joined a major oil exploration company living life on and off the North Sea Oil Rigs, but after 5 years decided on a complete change of career and entered the teaching profession, training at Homerton College. On completion of his training John’s first post was at Woodlands Comprehensive School, Basildon, where he taught general science. From Woodlands he moved to Herschel Grammar School, Slough, to become Head of Physics, and from there to take the position of Head of the Science Department at Sir William Borlase Grammar, Marlowe. He was to make a tremendous impact on all the pupils he

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taught, and was a very popular and well liked teacher. Over the years John’s love of the outdoors was to lead to his love of hill walking, and it was during a walking holiday in America that he met his wife. He was also a great Rugby League enthusiast, and also had a passion for modern jazz. John leaves a wife, Lisa, and a daughter, Karen, now 12 months old, who was just 6 weeks old when he died. * * * SMITH, Pauline (Polly) Marguerite Mercer, 1953-55, died on 25th March 2008 after quite a long illness. Janet Edgar (Stimpson) writes: ‘Polly followed the nursery-infant course at Homerton, and specialized in art and drama. Her acting ability was memorable; any part she took on became alive. She was rather a laid-back person normally, but on stage she transformed herself, and always gave a finely-tuned and well projected performance. Her painting, too, was very colourful. After leaving college she taught in nursery schools in the Manchester area while continuing to act in amateur groups, and to care for her parents until they died. She retired early due to illness, and moved to Stratford-on-Avon to be near the theatre. She is remembered by many students of her year as being a very attractive girl, and as having a great sense of humour.’ * * *

SPENCE, David, 1967-85; died on 26th July, 2007, in Hatfield, Hertfordshire. He is survived by his wife, Jean.

* * * VAN JAARSVELDT, Felicity (Johnson), 1952-54, Her daughter, Clare Thornton, wrote to tell us of her mother’s death in August 2007. * * * WADSWORTH, Dorothy Joan (Swaisland ), 1941-43, died on 24th September, 2007.

* * * WHINNETT, Audrey Elizabeth ( Brock) 1947-49, died 8th November 2006.. The following tribute was read at Audrey’s funeral:

‘Audrey was born Audrey Elizabeth Brock, in Accrington, Lancashire, on 1st November, 1928. Her father, Herbert Brock, was a civil servant and her mother, Isobel, a school teacher. Audrey had a younger brother who did not survive infancy. She attended Woodnook Primary and then Accrington High School for Girls, where she eventually became Head Girl. After leaving Accrington High at 18 she joined Homerton Women’s college, Cambridge, on a three year course. She read English Language, Literature and also History. Audrey was very bright with an IQ of 155+, and also had the benefit of an analytical mind. Her first teaching post was at Clitheroe Secondary School, Lancashire. After two more moves she was appointed Senior Mistress at Wheatley Secondary School, Oxfordshire. Her husband Tom taught English and Maths at Wolverton County Secondary School. Tom and Audrey eventually met through maths teacher Ron Green and his wife Kath. It was a meeting of the minds as they had much in common. They were married at St James’ church, Accrington, on 23rd August, 1960. They lived at Wolverton and Audrey taught at Stony Stratford Secondary School. It was as a result of a school amalgamation that Tom and Audrey moved to 35 Glenfield Drive, Great Doddington. Audrey switched to primary school teaching at Wollaston, where eventually she was appointed Deputy Head. Tom obtained a post at Rushden Boys School where he taught English Language and Literature. He also organised and ran the school’s Careers and Guidance Department. In the early days in Glenfield Drive, some of the women got together and formed the evening Women’s Institute. In this group, Audrey was appointed Group Convenor. In later years, when most of the women had retired, they joined the afternoon W.I. Eventually, Audrey was appointed Secretary to the afternoon W.I., a post which she much enjoyed, and which she held for 9 years. She was good at organising, to say the least, and was meticulous in all that she did. Her handwriting was a joy to behold. She was always bright, vivacious and cheerful. The Whinnetts felt they were fortunate to live in Glenfield Drive in that they have first class neighbours, who are also friends. In the trying times of Audrey’s illness, particularly in the latter days at Kettering General Hospital, the help given them was crucial in providing daily transport there. It was all very much appreciated and not taken for granted. Tom wanted to finish his tribute by saying: “We had a very happy marriage and have no regrets. Both of us have entered into the evening of our lives as mentioned in Psalm 90 and Ecclesiastes 12.” To this

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the speaker added verses from Psalm 92, as describing the contribution made by both Tom and Audrey in service to the local community and the church: “The righteous shall flourish like a palm tree. He shall grow like a cedar in Lebanon. Those who are planted in the courts of our God, they shall bear fruit in old age, they shall be fresh and flourishing.’

* * * WILLIAMS, Jessie Anne Hope (Wilson), 1958-61, died at home 13th June 2007. Her husband, Fred, writes: ‘From 1958—1961 Anne was at Homerton and I was at St John’s. We married in 1964 and had two sons, Fred (1968) and David (1970). Cancer killed Anne relatively painlessly after what she called “a wonderful life”. She was a deeply loved wife and mother, especially as she lay dying. Anne taught full time or part time in London, Nigeria (driving daily through murderous mobs to teach and protect her pupils), Birmingham, Cardiff and Hong Kong. She started and ended as a maths teacher, but was an IT teacher for about half of her career and hence retired from full time UK employment (in 1998) as Head of IT at Cardiff’s Tertiary College. She was an outstanding teacher, greatly loved by pupils and staff alike. When she died three people described her as “the nicest/kindest/gentlest person I have ever met”. Born in 1940, Anne gave her life to Jesus as an infant and rededicated herself to him in repentance and faith as she matured. She served him in many capacities throughout her life and when she knew she was dying He granted her wish that she should go to be with him quickly. As she wanted, her funeral service was a celebration of God’s goodness to her and so, with the vicar’s agreement, I wrote and conducted it. A copy is lodged in the College library and as Anne lives on in Glory her earthly remains are at Lisvane (N. Cardiff) parish churchyard under the inscription Inseparable from Jesus and from each other in death as in life: Anne Williams (1940—2007) and her husband Fred (1940--?).’

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WOLFSON, Adrian, 1994-1996; died in February 2008. * * * ZIELINSKI, Natalie Norma Claudia (Barnard), 1935-37, died 7 September, 1989.

Her daughter Krystyna, writes: Natalie was brought up in Newmarket, so Cambridge was home territory and the destination for many bike rides. The daughter of a Geordie, she had a huge sense of humour and fun. Her father was a trainer’s jockey, so she was knowledgeable about horses and possibly passed this on to her close friend Jean [see the obituary for Jean Bernard (Hodgson)]. They both gained winnings! Natalie followed in the footsteps of two older sisters who trained as teachers. One of them, Constance Norman (née Barnard) preceded her at Homerton and later emigrated to South Africa, where she died on 8 January, 2002, aged 90, I believe. Natalie started her teaching career in London at Furze Hill Primary School, and returned to teaching in 1947, a few months after I was born. The family moved to Brighton in 1951. After having my brother, Natalie returned to teaching, at first as a supply teacher at Bevendean Primary school; after she had completed one term the headmaster persuaded her to stay full-time, by agreeing to have my brother in the reception class a term early. Natalie stayed at Bevendean until she retired at 60, in 1976. During her time at this school, she had a clear affinity with children with learning difficulties, and I remember her delight when, having persevered with a boy who failed the 11+, she supported him to succeed at 13+, and he returned years later to tell her that he had won a place at Cambridge University. Natalie was also one of the pioneer teachers of French in the primary schools, and enjoyed it immensely until the syllabus changed to become more prescriptive, stifling her innate creativity and inventiveness. My mother shared the same interests as her great friend Jean – fine food, literature, crafts of all kinds, music, cinema and amateur dramatics - but followed them to a more limited extent as she had more demands on her time. Annually, and for many years the “Homerton crowd”, 5 students from the same year ( Natalie, Jean, Peggie ?, Jessie Smith, née Redford, and one other) all met for a catch-up day at Harrods and loved every second of it. When, in 1965, men joined the college for the first time (there were 11 of them), my mother and Jean felt that it was a long-overdue move, but would certainly have an impact on the girlie culture that had prevailed and that girls always enjoy. For both Natalie and Jean, their days at Homerton were the foundations on which they built their professional lives, and, given the difficulties they experienced in the war years, they coped with the demands of teaching with a resilience that I feel is sometimes lacking in some younger teachers today, who still have some “growing up” to do.

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Natalie did not enjoy the best of health, and coped with vision impairment for several years before suffering the major stroke in 1989 which hospitalized her and, sadly, led to her death later the same year.

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