Role of social networking sites in socio-economic development of India

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Role of social networking sites in socio-economic development of IndiaABSTRACT : Around 1.9 billion people use the Internet all over the world. Social network sites (SNSs) such as MySpace, Facebook, Cyworld, and Bebo have attracted millions of users, many of whom have integrated these sites into their daily practices. The SNSs provide their users with various affordances and support a wide range of interests and practices. Users are often self expressive and they discuss and join various socia

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Role of social networking sites in socio-economic development of India

ABSTRACT : Around 1.9 billion people use the Internet all over the world. Social network sites (SNSs) such as MySpace, Facebook, Cyworld, and Bebo have attracted millions of users, many of whom have integrated these sites into their daily practices. The SNSs provide their users with various affordances and support a wide range of interests and practices. Users are often self expressive and they discuss and join various social groups in which they have interests. Many users online also represent a class of marketplace where participants provide and exchange information on products and services. SNSs are a part of a large pool of sites on the Internet that offer these services. The paper explores the ways online social networking has impacted the society in terms of development both societal and economical. It will discuss the various roles the SNS play in the change, they have bought upon the urban citizens in India and whether it is being used as a tool of change or are they just a distraction and are diverting a lot of time from the real developmental challenges that exist. Keywords - SNS(Social Networking Sites), society ,internet, communication APPENDIX 1) Introduction 2) Literature Review 3) Research Hypothesis 4) Methodology 5)Anatomy and Features of SNS 6)Role of SNSs in Social development 7) Role of SNSs in Economic development 8)Findings 9) Summary of Findings 10)Limitations and Further Research 11)References

1. INTRODUCTION: Social development involves a processes of development that take place on a collective level constituting changes that are more than the sum of individual contributions to it this understanding comprises collective learning processes on a spectrum of different levels of aggregation ranging from local community groups, to commercial or non-profit organizations,

to societal sub-systems such as the economy, the scientific community or the governmental system up to the entire society (Siebenhner, 2005, p. 88). [4] Social Networking which is relatively a new phenomena play a vital role in the social development of Humans.Social networking is defined as the use of a dedicated website to communicate informally with other members of the site by posting messages, pictures,status etc thereby expanding the number of one's business and/or social contacts by making connections through individuals.SNS are revolve about person-to-person communication, networking and self-evaluation, and presentation. The most popular social networking sites are Facebook, Twitter, Myspace, Linkdin, Orkut . It allows users to create public profiles within that website only. The user can form relationships with other users who have also created their public profiles within that website. SNS can be divided in to categories [10]- Personal social networking sites and Professional social networking sites.Majority of the SNSs target users with services for personal social networking. The most popular personal SNSs are face-book, orkut and Myspace. These sites allow users to express their opinions with teach other.Some of them also provide [3 ] part applications to use. To meet professional business networking needs, different SNSs have been developed to serve as business and professional networking venues. By creating these separate SNSs, people are able to share targeted job-related information without concern over blurring the boundaries between their business and personal lives. Linkedin is one such very popular private social networking site. List of common social networking web-sites with their ranking Name Focus Date Launched Registered users Registratio n Global Axis Page ranking 2,279



July 2005


Open to people 13 and older Open to people 13 and older Open to people 13 and older (Yahoo! Login) Open to people 16

Faceboo k


February 2004




Photo sharing, commenting, photography related networking, worldwide

February 2004



Friendste General. Popular in r Southeast Asia. No longer popular in the




western world Google+ General June 28, 2011 100,000,000

and older. General, Open to people 13 and older NA (Alexa only records data for Secondlevel domains) 443


General. Popular in India, Mongolia, Thailand, Romania, Jamaica, Central Africa, Portugal and Latin America. Not very popular in the USA. Business and professional networking



Open to people 13 and older.


May 2003


Open to people 18 and older Open to ages 13 and older.




August 2003




General. Owned by Google Inc. Popular in India and Brazil.[229]

January 22, 2004


Open to 106 people 18 and older, (Googlelogi n) Open 108

Stumble Upon Twitter

Stumble through websites that match your selected interests General. Microblogging, RSS, updates July 15, 2006





Fig 1 [5]

(image from wikipedia)

People join these SNS's mainly for one of two reasons : getting close to friends and family, or for networking purposes.[3] Their has been an emerging trend for the SNSs. Most of them are similar and yet so different.They have the same characteristics but different online virtual communities.

These sites are the new way of maintaining social networks and social capital.Social capital broadly refers to the resources accumulated through the relationships among people (Coleman, 1988).Bourdieu and Wacquant (1992) define social capital as "the sum of the resources, actual or virtual, that accrue to an individual or a group by virtue of possessing a durable network of more or less institutionalized relationships of mutual acquaintance and recognition" (p. 14). The resources from these relationships can differ in form and function based on the relationships themselves.Social capital is responisble for the social outcome of a society. Greater the socila captital, better the soical order and commitment of the people towards their social lives. Social capital also is linked to the Internet. The emergence of the SNSs play a important role in the social capital and economical development of the country. Let me begin with a common situation. Facebook users claim to have hundreds of friends in their network, yet sometimes find it difficult to name even half a dozen people that they actually know in real life. While SNS's have helped people to meet like-minded contacts online, they have had a more limited role in developing face-to-face contact in communities. Having said that, SNS's are beginning to have a bigger role in building community and accelaratiing neighbourhood co-operation and social actions. The recent event 'Besharmi Morcha' was one example of how social media can be used to inspire people to get involved in community life. With the Internet now integrated into nearly all aspects of life, many business owners are recognizing the importance of SNS's and role they can play in the world of entrepreneurship. SNS's can help a business gain contacts, clients, and increased public awareness. Even entrepreneurs who run small businesses from their homes can take advantage of this resource to set up a global presence.[10]The

purpose of this introduction is to define exactly what SNSs are. We begin by explaining importance of SNSs in social and economic development respectively.The paper focuses on 2 preliminary questions: What are social networks and how are they being used by people interested in their social and economical development ? Are online social networks changing the processes whereby societies and institutions make their important decisions about social and economical development ? Following this, well analyze the survey results for the same and conclude.

2. Literature Review Previous research on SNSs have explored diverse topics . There are a lot of profile literature reviews which explore social and economical roles of the SNSs in the capital of the country . [1]SNSs are the activity of creating and maintaining a network with others in which the internet plays a key role. Some fear that SNSs use might diminish human relationships and contact, perhaps increasing social isolation. Others say that the connectivity using technology will add to peoples stores of social capital and lead to other social payoffs. Previous research suggests that SNSs users engage in "searching" for people with whom they have an offline connection more than they "browse" for complete strangers to meet (Lampe,

Ellison, & Steinfield, 2006).They are also previous instances of Research which report that majority of the people who meet each other online rarely are able to continue an relationship between them for a long time [Parks and Floyd (1996)].Donath and Boyd in their report written in 2004 summarize over the role of social capital in the Internet. In most previous research work done in our field, they are various theories relating to social capital and the use of Internet. Researchers have emphasized the importance of Internet-based linkages for the formation of weak ties, which serve as the foundation of bridging social capital. Donath and boyd (2004) hypothesize that SNSs could greatly increase the weak ties one could form and maintain, because the technology is well-suited to maintaining such ties cheaply and easily.

3. Research Hypothesis Our research question focuses on the role played of SNSs in todays society. Are they cultural, dynamic and useful to the people in a society or are they just commercialized, harmful, addictive and time-wasting?. In the various profiled literature reviews there have been different perspectives of the above question. Based on prior work we propose the following hypothesis H1 a Social Networking sites are helping to increase the social capital in a society H1 b Social Networking sites are helping to increase the economic capital in a society. H2 a Social Networking sites do not help in increasing the social capital in a society. H2 b Social Networking sites do not help in increasing the economic capital in a society. *H1 is null Hypothesis ** H2 is alternate hypothesis 4. Methodology This method of data collection relies on concepts and themes derived from existing data (Corbin and Strauss 2008). A theoritical sampling was done, theoretical sampling responds to data, intertwined with analysis, and persists for the whole research process. The criterion for sufficient sampling is saturation, that is, the point at which no new concepts and themes emerge (Corbin and Strauss 2008). The study aims to discover potential relations among the data and figure out how participants construct realities. Analytic induction thus is an appropriate data analysis method, because its purpose is to discover themes and categories with an inductive logic. It can help researchers summarize data and reveal relationships. Analytic induction is reflexive, involving the careful examination of transcripts for themes and categories.

A multi-mode approach was used for the study on which this report is based. Most of the data was gathered through an extensive survey and desk research . For the desk research, the sources used were mainly peer-reviewed journals. In addition, data from and the Pew Research Centre were included. We also took shallow interviews of people in our sample which helped us confirm the correctness of our survey and also bring in new ideas.The survey was hosted on and on google docs. It was launched in Februrary 2012.Our target

sample was A total of around 1000 people and around - completed the online survey. which gave us a response rate of - . We had 2 surveys launched.One survey targeted a sample of all the undergraduate students in IIITD,while the other survey targeted a larger sample of friends and associates using Social Networking Sites.We shall be listing data for both surveys seperately at times. For data analysis we shall use the survey hosted on google docs which gathered information from IIIT-D. We shall analyse and observe to bring out trends in how the SNSs are impacting socio -economic capital of the country.To confirm our results we shall list the data and check if the trend occurs over a larger sample which comes from the 2nd survey. IF the trends exists in both the surveys then we can say with a good percentage of confidence that our findings are correct. Demographic factors of people who filled up the survey have been listed below

Fig 2 a) Age distribution of social networking sites users :

Fig 2 b) Profession of people who took the survey

Fig 2 c)Sex Percentage of people taking the survey Demographic factors for survey hosted in IIITD

Fig 3 a) Age distribution of social networking sites users :

Fig 3 b)Profession of people who took the survey

Fig 3 c) Sex Percentage taking the survey

Demographic factors for survey which was targeted at active social users From the above statistics we observe that the male number of users are more than the female number of users. Also majority of the people who use SNS lie in the age group ~ 15 - 40.

5. Structure of the report The report is divided into -main sections. The first section is a study of the characteristics of a

SNS. This will help us understand the impact of theses sites better.The next section presents an analysis of the social and economic trends emerging from the growth of SNS. The report then concludes with an overview of the social and economic impacts of SNS .

6. Anatomy and Features of Social Networking Sites Most SNS are similar in features.The following are the most common feature of SNS Features of SNSs[10]

1) Display Most social networking sites allow users to set up a profile which allows them to have personal and public information about them. The users can customize their profiles in the way they want. 2) Pages and Comments Users registered to an social networking site can like and comment about other users information. Users can even form public pages where they can post statuses and others can comment upon them. 3)Spread and import of data Most users can view other profiles and add or send a friend request to others. Users can set privacy options .Users can also view contacts of others and they can also specify the relation they have with the contact. 4)Similar Activities SNS s are a common place where users can share common activites and and can come together to collaborate effectively and cheaply. 5)New Connections SNS have supported and help form new connections and a way for people to communicate with each other.They encourage the notion of an online community 6)Groups Groups voluntarily affiliate with others around a shared interest. Most group tools frequently include links to member profiles; discussion boards; notice posting areas; and the ability to exchange links, videos and photos. A wide variety of groups have been created by existing open and closed sustainable development networks, as well as for organizations 7) Events Events are also created and by users. These events also market and organize virtual or face-to-face meetings and workshops 8) Pages Pages are also created to express support for organizations, businesses, products, places, media outlets and ideas.[1]

SNS seem focus on connections between former school friends, buisness groups, dating and other like minded groups or with groups with some past history.The popularity of SNS photo sharing prompted the launch of various photo sharing sites.Flickr is one such site. It allows various photos to be organised and kept is similar galleries. Research suggest that people who use SNSs largely are able to relate to other people from same gender, ethnic ,parental background and race. YouTube is a SNS which allows sharing of videos. YouTube allows people to easily upload and share video clips on and across the Internet through Web sites, mobile devices, blogs and e-mail. YouTube has also partnered with organizations and corporations to sponsor video contests focusing on specific issues.Blogger Blogger is a blog publishing system. It allows people to write their own blogs.A blog combines text, images and links to other blogs, Web pages, and other media related to its topic.

Fig 4a) Distribution of users using different SNSs

Fig 4 b) Time spent by users in these SNSs

Statistical Factors on how users use the SNSs and how much time do they spend on these SNS for the survey which targeted people in IIITD Distribution of users using different

SNSs Fig 4 c)Time spent by users in these SNSs

Statistical Factors on how users use the SNSs and how much time do they spend on these SNS for the survey which targeted people in socially active SNSs users 7. Role of Social network sites in social development

This section explores how new ways of operating and engaging with SNS are producing social and economic consequences which are important to understand.It would help us understand the new customs followed by a modern society.[5].All

of us use social networking sites of some sort. Whether its Facebook, MySpace.Social Networking sites allow users to connect between themselves. They allow virtual communities to be build with a strong sense of belonging.Users extend their networks, allowing their social network to expand. While their is other research which analyses that whether the contacts formed online are friends ar all , do they serve the same function as weak ties?and What kind of data people like to share with each other online ?, they are all based on the identity model that the SNS offers. Ever-since smartphones have come into the market people have been able to engage with their social relations through a portable medium.

SNS make it easier to get and stay connected with friends and family/keep up with what is happening in their lives. Its a fun way to share both the interesting and mundane bits of your own life with others. Its an easy way for businesses to promote their products and an easy way for customers to get coupons and sale information from those businesses. It makes sharing pictures with large amounts of people relatively simple and much cheaper than with developed film.It provides services which help in a easy way to remember peoples' birthdays and important social dates.These sites also allow users to create events which are useful for letting people know about upcoming activities, and finding out who is going to them. One has privacy options to set these events as public or private.All these services allow people to form a crowd. Most people follow each other on these SNSs. They are intrigued in the interests of others and constantly dynamically creating new ones also. Groups and pages are a good way for people with similar interests to connect with each other.In short SNS are a good way to form a community which can help bring people closer. It offers services which increases the social capital and provides integration vital to a society.SNSs allow externalisation of data, they allow people to make new connections, look into new communites and make new friends. For people who are socially conscious, social networking sites can be a useful tool to help promote causes you care about and to meet and interact with others who have similar interests. For example, the popular Causes application on Facebook allows activists to create a page for a cause and invite their friends to support it (much like inviting friends to join a Facebook Group). [10]SNSs help mobilize grassroots-level activism.In the world of SNS information is spread extremely fast. Entertainment-based information spreads quickly, with little regard for whether it is based in good policy or a bad one.


role of SNSs in moving people is from knowledge to action People cannot move from knowledge to action without engaging in relationships which help them to gain confidence in their ability to adopt and adapt the information to their situation (Creech & Willard, 2001, pp. 3544). SNSs can become valuable tools in building such relationships. As Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg is quoted as saying, the other guys think the purpose of communication is to get

information. We think the purpose of information is to get communication (Dyson, 2007). With communication comes the foundation for relationships and collaborative action.

Social networks are beginning to have a bigger role in building community and catalysing neighbourhood co-operation and social action.They provide various services which help find solutions to problems.Most people have their lives revolve around these SNSs.We have already shown the analysis in the time a user spends per day in a social networking site.Users also use these sites to advertise and campaign. It can be used to form crowds which can sow the seeds of a revolution. For example recently we saw the role SNSs played in making the revolution for making Egypt an democratic country.These sites gave people a public voice and make it possible to share opinions and ideas among large groups. Japans Internet is largely intact after the 8.9-magnitude earthquake that struck, allowing online services to play an important role in connecting victims of the quake with families and friends unsure of their whereabouts.SNS allow users to explore how to make our individual sensemaking and collective action more effective.[3]They insist on an an open Web, as it serves as the medium in which the our collective governance power lives. support international institutions, so that they collectively form a setting in which networked power can be exercised. and work on themselves and their communities to build greater wisdom and to reinforce their commitment to making good decisions in their daily lives Thus the role played by SNS in todays society is vital.

Fig 5 b)The activities users participate in a SNS

Fig 5 c)Number of users who are engaged with social groups online

Fig 5 d)Responses of users who follow other people and trends on SNSs

Fig 5 e)Participation statistics of users who actually take part in the social event when they agree to take part in a event.

Fig 5 f)Moulding of government policies in context with social media

Statistical Factors on how users engage with SNSs for social development )for the survey which targeted people in IIITD)

Fig 5 g)The activities users participate in a SNS

Fig 5 h)Number of users who are engaged with social groups online

Fig 5 i)Responses of users who follow other people(that is they regularly check ohter people statuses, and latest news on SNSs )

Fig 5 j)Moulding of government policies in context with social media

Participation statistics of users who actually take part in the social event when they agree to take part in a event. Statistical Factors on how users engage with SNSs for social development )for the survey which targeted people who use SNS actively )

8. Role of SNSs in economic economic

This section explores the role of SNSs in the development of our countries economy.Social Networks help in the economic development of the Institution as a whole. With its increasing influence among the general population, SNSs have grown its reputation not only as entertainment for college students but to become a valuable tool for businesses to effectively communicate and exchange information. SNSs create a place for people to get along, for many its just staying connected with friend but

some use social networking sites to find work or get together with people to create something. As an example you can find people getting together to make things like films, music, comics, games etc through social networking sites and these people haven't even met in person because these people may not have been able to meet in the real world we are seeing more products go out into the market place. SNSs also give platform for people to advertise and inform people about their product. I'm not talking about just sticking to an advertisement on the site but people creating a page on the networking site where they can tell people about their product or services and people can connect to if they are fans and want more information. Also endorsement of large social networks on SNS would mean that perception and importance of social contacts in our societies are changing.A person who looked for a job previously relied on his/her social networks only, now he/she can utilise contacts on SNS to search for employment opportunities. Past theories of economic development focus on the importance of money ,machinery ,labour and techonology. New studies reveal that social bonding within societies is also responsible for the development of various societies. [5]ISocial capitalforms the underpinnings of poverty and prosperity." (Narayan 1997) Granovetter (1995) in his study showed that most of the economic behavior can be written in patterns and are bestowed deep in social relations Social capital and trust can make economic transactions more efficient by giving parties access to more information, enabling them to coordinate activities for mutual benefit, and reducing opportunistic behavior through repeated transactions (Dasgupta 1988). Social capital plays a significant part in shaping the outcomes of economic action at both micro and macro levels (Rodrik 1998). We shall now study the role of SNSs in Economic Development at the Micro Level.The micro level consists of the family, associations and the institution one lives in and finally the community one has. At the level of a the family, social capital is used to get together their resources and allow people to live within informal relations. Often people on SNSs first add other people who are the closest to them.Todays technology has diluted the societies. Families members living in different location often connect and meet each other vai these SNSs Most people at work place have often added their colleagues in the SNSs they use.At an institutional level the social capital generated between the institutions is important because it lowers the uncertainity at a local level.(Fountain 1998)The social capital at this level brings about exchange of information and producs. The SNSs are helping here by competing in the market and help reduce and regulate regulations and prices of products. They also offer a very good way to advertise products.At the level of a community social capital is affected by the government services. The SNSs help in facilitating the spread of information and resources.[10]Economic

Development at the Macro Level focuses more on how social capital g generated by SNSs in the public and private sector.At the public sector economic development depends on the internal bonding of a sector and the external socila relations it has .The bureaucracy utilizes its working relationship with business leaders to enhance the market

performance of private and public sector organizations. Government effectiveness, accountability and the ability to enforce rules directly impact economic growth to be enabling or disabling the development of domestic firms and markets and encouraging or discouraging foreign investment. Foriegn investment over here comes in from the SNSs. Most people spend money and make purchases from online. This increases the foreign investment and hence the overall social capital.In the private sectr the SNS help generate realations between a large number of corporations. Revenue can be generated by the following ways from SNSs 1) Advertising revenue Sales of advertising has driven the rise of the large mainstream SNSs.Some believe that the quantities of information that SNSs have on each user will enable highly-targeted advertising of great benefit to businesses both large and small. 2) Subscription-based revenue While it is possible to charge access fees if content levels are sufficiently high, this model has fallen largely out of favour. It is still a viable model, however, for professional associations that include access to a SNS as part of membership services. 3) Premium services revenue While most SNSs and SNS platforms provide access for free, some enable users to subscribe to premium services. For example, LinkedIn also provides paid services to users who desire expanded tools for searching and connecting with new contacts. Grant revenue Some socially and environmentally oriented SNSs have received grants from foundations and government agencies to support their initial set-up and operations; and

Fig 6 a)The number of online purchases made by users

Fig 6 b)The Number of users who promoting their business Statistical Factors on how users engage with SNSs for economical development (for the survey which targeted people in IIITD)

Fig 6 c)The number of online purchases made by users

Fig 6 d)The Number of users who promoting their business Statistical Factors on how users engage with SNSs for social development )for the survey which targeted people who use SNS actively )

Findings The survey which targeted the people in IIITD had an overall responses of 63.Most of the users (77%) felt that Social networking sites are good for the society.Fig 4b gives us an idea of the time spent by the users on SNS(per day in hours ). It was observe that majority of the people(57 %) use SNSs for atleast 1 hour a day. Most of them(around 20 %) spend around 1- 4 hours online. Users in a SNS participate in all the social activities which are required for a social development.From fig 5 a we observe that most users use the chat service to stay on touch with each other,upload pictures and stay in touch with friends. Very few (around 10 %) make purchases and use marketing services online. Fig 5 c suggests that the majority(58%) of the users are engaged with atleast 5 social groups. 23 % of the other users are engaged with 5 10 groups. 39 % of the users follow other people and the social trends online at their given leisure time. 38 % of the users responded with answers that they rarely follow other friends and profiles.Fig 5 e shows te Participation statistics of users who actually take part in the social event when they agree to take part in a event. . 48% that is a majority of the people do not participate in a event they register for.Very few people promote their own business and use marketing services online. Similar findings were found for the survey which targeted other socially active users. The statistics are show above in the sections. We calculated and compared the means and the percentage for each graph in both the surveys The following trends can be generated from the following observations -

1)SNS such as have helped developed the society and individuals, More and more users continue to be register . Various users have come form diverse populations thus a lot of increase in social capital has taken place. 2) It has helped connect people and people have better social networks. 3)People are yet to use the marketing services provided by SNS 4)People engage a lot in social activities they spend a lot of time on these activites. We cover the remaining trends in the next section.

Fig 7 a)Opinions of users who think that SNSs are good for the society Survey which targeted students in IIITD

Fig 7 b)Opinions of users who think that SNSs are good for the society Survey which targeted people who are socially active users.

9. Summary of findings The use of social networking sites is a recent trend. The emergence of these sites has spread throughout various occupations of the societies and the industry. We draw the following conclusions from the findings of the report :- Users want to unite and bring together close relations while at the same time extend their social relations and make new connections.The demands of a user influences on how the users behave on SNS and how they interact with these sites.These sites provide a way of externalisation of data and new ways of communities formation. - The youth use SNS extensively. Most of them use the for more than one hour per day.It may lead to dilution of traditional family customs. Also people who use these SNSs extensively may face a problem in finding the difference between the real and the virtual. - [10]Social and economic development values and principles are spread through peer networks

-SNS have both positive and negative impacts on the social development of the society. The positive influence is that their is an further extension of social support and network while negative impacts may deal with cases of privacy issues and peer validation from anonymous identities. -The older and traditional models of generating revenue is still the major way in which a society develops economically . Use of SNSs for promoting buisness and generating revenue is yet not so popular.But in the future it is expected that SNSs will play a greater role in the economic development of a society.

10. Limitations and Further Research This study focuses on a small sample which consists of the urban population of the capital of India.The lack of research in this field prevents us from determining the degree to which the SNSs are impacting changes on peoples lives and behaviours. Similar to most studies, this research is a snapshot in time of a dynamic phenomenon. SNSs gain popularity and penetrate through different socioeconomic layers within society, their structure has become more diverse. Studies designed to explore the dynamics and variations among subcultures and subgroups of SNSs users should enrich understanding of this particular phenomenon. research should consider the motivation behind which users would use applications .Their should research done on the different patterns of thinking and behavior and identity models of the users. Research can also be done on how government policies in our nation should be moulded so as to help in better development, in context with the social networking media?. Research should also be done in the field to find better creative ways on extending SNSs in terms of portability. 11. References 1 Social Computing:Study on the Use and Impact of Online Social Networking, IPTS Exploratory Research on the Socio-economic Impact of Social Computing, R omina Cachia 2 Blog - 3 Social networking sites and our lives ,Pew Research Centers Internet & American Life Project 4 Website - 5 Why Youth (Heart) Social Network Sites:The Role of Networked Publics in Teenage Social Life ,danah boyd,University of California-Berkeley 6 Website - 7 Website - 8 Website -[1]Future

dec/08/facebook-social-media-community-development 9 THE ECONOMIC AND SOCIAL ROLE OF INTERNET INTERMEDIARIES,OECD 10 Social Networking and Governance for Sustainable Development ,IISD (http:// 11 Website -