RNA-seq workshop COUNTING & HTSEQ Erin Osborne Nishimura

RNA-seq workshop COUNTING & HTSEQ Erin Osborne Nishimura

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Page 1: RNA-seq workshop COUNTING & HTSEQ Erin Osborne Nishimura

RNA-seq workshopCOUNTING & HTSEQ

Erin Osborne Nishimura

Page 2: RNA-seq workshop COUNTING & HTSEQ Erin Osborne Nishimura

_trim.fastq file

.bam/.sam file

.bw file

counts.txt file



bedtools genomecov

.bg file



Differentially AbundantgenesIGV/UCSC

Pretty browser shots

Today’s simple analysis pipeline.fastq file


Page 3: RNA-seq workshop COUNTING & HTSEQ Erin Osborne Nishimura

Quantification with htseq

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Quantification with htseq

Page 5: RNA-seq workshop COUNTING & HTSEQ Erin Osborne Nishimura

The problem

Page 6: RNA-seq workshop COUNTING & HTSEQ Erin Osborne Nishimura

Counting reads

• What will we count?• Genes?• Exons?• Isoforms?

• What are some of the issues we need to account for when counting reads?

• Paralogs?• Overlap?• Isoforms?• Errors?

• How to count?• Raw counts• RPKM -- Reads aligned kilobase per million mapped reads• FPKM -- Fragments per kilobase per million mapped reads

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The problem

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The three htseq-count modes

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Switch to hands on tutorial

• https://github.com/erinosb/HTSF_workshop/blob/master/02_RNAseq_count.md

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Assessing differential abundance

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Assessing pairwise differential abundance, relatively simple

Anders and Huber, 2010

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Identifying genes with shared patterns across multiple samples, complex

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For today…

Anders and Huber, 2010

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Many publications report performance comparisons of the of different packages

• Seyednasrollah et al., 2013

– http://bib.oxfordjournals.org/content/16/1/59.full.pdf+html

• Soneson et al., 2013.• http://www.biomedcentr


• Rapaport et al., 2013– http://www.genomebiolog


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Why is this hard? Why is this different from other types of data?

• Your question• The data

– Discretness– Small numbers of

replicates– Large dynamic range– Outliers– Data is overdispersed

• Variance does not scale linearly with mean

• Breaks the assumptions of some inference tests

Anders and Huber, 2010

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Why DESeq?

• Original paperhttp://www.genomebiology.com/content/11/10/R106

• DESeq2 paper• http://www.genomebiology.com/2014/15/12/550

• Bioconductor• http://bioconductor.org/packages/release/bioc/html/DESeq2.ht

ml• Vignette

• https://www.bioconductor.org/packages/release/bioc/vignettes/DESeq2/inst/doc/DESeq2.pdf

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A final word about the fate of your data

• You will need to submit your raw and processed files in a repository PRIOR to submitting your paper for publication.

• Keep track of what you did!– Module Versions– Conversion & transformation steps– Settings/Options

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Switch to hands-on tutorial

• https://github.com/erinosb/HTSF_workshop/blob/master/02_RNAseq_count.md

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Key Quality Control Metrics

• Gene coverage– CEAS

• Over-amplification– FASTQC

• Complexity– TOPHAT output

• Reproducibilitybility