Risk Ass. Difficult

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  • 7/29/2019 Risk Ass. Difficult



    Revised Risk Assessment Method for Use with OHSAS 18001:2007Hisao TOYODA

    Owner, Toyoda Consultant, [email protected]

    24-12, 3-chome, Kandaiji, Kanagawa-ku, Yokohama 221-0801, Japan

    Abstract: In APSS 2009 the author submitted a paper entitled Proposed Risk Assessment Method for Use with OHSAS

    18001:2007. A revised version of the methodology for risk assessment is presented after taking into account the last four years

    experiences of the application of the original method. The new method also uses a repetitive procedure intensively for risk reduction.The framework of the method is consistent with the steps for the risk assessment specified in OHSAS18001 and they are

    implemented in accordance with the scheme used in the original version but now considerably simplified and generalized for use inany industrial sector. The application of the risk control procedure is basically the same as the one specified in OHSAS 18002.The risk categorization and risk-based control plans recommended by BS 18004 are partly utilized. The proposed risk assessment

    methodology is applicable not only for an independent execution of risk assessment itself but also for the one incorporated in theOH&S management system. For the users of the latter case, the interface between the risk assessment and management system is

    carefully described elsewhere in the paper.

    Keywords: ALARP, Hierarchy of controls, OH&S management system, prioritization, risk assessment, risk controls


    The risk assessment method introduced hereunder is

    developed for OH&S management systems built and

    operated under OHSAS 18001:2007. Although the

    overall structure of the proposed method in this paper

    follows the basic scheme of the original version1), the

    procedure for each step has been simplified, as shown

    in Fig. 1, and the entire framework was generalized so

    that it can be used for risk assessments of any


    The guidelines issued by the governmental agencies in

    certain countries stipulate the risk controls are to be

    capable of attaining ALARP level2), 3)

    . Thus, to

    achieve this, the risk assessment methodology has a

    repetitive mechanism so that it can attain the risk level

    defined as ALARP shown in Fig. 1 and Fig. 2.

    Multiple repetition is seldom required. However, incase of overall risk assessments of major industrial

    sectors such as manufacturing and construction where

    risk level is high, repetition is necessary. Therefore,

    the basic flow in Fig. 1 has been modified that

    ordinary risk items are dealt with at Step 1 - Step 4.


    1) Procedure for [A] in Fig. 1

    For Step 1, Step 2 and Step 3, any risk assessment

    procedure such as the risk matrix approach or

    numerical approach is applicable and the details of

    these processes are omitted here. Through the steps

    referred to above, the risk assessment process is

    applied for all the controls including any in place. The

    results of these evaluations are stratified in 5 levels

    (5-1) in the latter part of Step 3 as shown in Table

    1 (extreme left).

    Fig. 1 Flow chart for Risk assessment and Determining controls5)

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    2) Step 4 (Initial assessment) - Question Is risk

    negligible (risk level=1)?

    In the first part of Step 4, Risk 1 is excluded and the

    other risks (5-2) are sent through Planned

    controls in Table 1 (second column from left) for risk

    reduction in the latter part of Step 4.

    3) Step 4 (Re-assessment) - Question Has

    adequate risk level been achieved?

    In accordance with the guidelines stipulated as Risk

    control plan in Table 1 (center) for the relevant risk

    level decided in Initial assessment, the planned

    control corresponding to each level of risks in that

    plan is determined by considering the hierarchy of

    controls explained in Table 2. The risk reduction

    scheme for the relevant level is summarized in Table 1

    (center) by partly utilizing the risk-based control plans

    recommended by BS 18004:2008. The resultant risks

    are re-evaluated at the end of Re-assessment and they

    are tabulated in 5 risk levels and categorized into U,A and B. For Risk A [4]-[2] no further reduction

    is required unless specified otherwise and Risk B [1]

    stays as it is as shown in Table 1 (center right) since

    all of these risks are in ALARP zone or in the lower


    Table 1 Risk reduction process and Prioritization of risk assessment results

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    Fig. 2 Acceptable risk and ALARP

    4) Step 5 Repetitive risk reduction ([B] in Fig.1)

    Risk category U-[5] Very high which has not

    achieved ALARP is subject to further risk reduction in

    Step 5 by a repetitive procedure for the revised

    planned controls including a review on adequacy of

    the preceding assessments (Table 1 right). The

    procedure itself is the same as that used in Step 4

    (Re-assessment). Even if a further risk reduction is

    tried in Step 5 or in the ongoing steps, there would be

    certain risks in the category U which cannot be

    Table 2 Risk controls

    brought down into ALARP zone. They are treated as

    Special risks and their definition is in Notec)


    Table 14)


    INTERFACE-Prioritization of risks for usein OH&S management systems

    The final process at the end of the risk assessment

    including the prioritization (P3, P2, P1) of its results is

    presented at the right side of Table 1 (extreme right).

    At the interface between the risk assessment and

    OH&S management system, the prioritization for the

    relevant category of risks is made in preparation for

    use in 4.3.3 Objectives and programme (s) of

    OHSAS 18001: 2007 although the details are

    specified in the specification. As the risks are the most

    important factors to constitute OH&S Objectives, the

    foregoing process is a basis for the establishment of

    the risk-based operation of the system.

    CONCLUSION and Acknowledgement

    After four years experience using the original method,

    several changes have been made. The method has

    been simplified and its interface with management

    systems has been improved. The prototype of this

    revised version has been applied to the risk

    assessment of construction projects under the

    management system other than OHSAS 18001: 2007,

    the details of which are reported in the recentpublication


    The author thanks Dr. Shigeo Umezaki, Mechanical

    and System Safety Research Group, National Institute

    of Occupational Safety and Hearth, Japan for his

    valuable advice.


    1) Hisao TOYODA, Proposed Risk Assessment

    Method for Use with OHSAS 18001:2007,

    Proceedings of APSS 2009, Osaka, Japan2) Guidelines for LSB Notification No. 0310001,

    March 10, 2006, Ministry of Health, Labour and

    Welfare (http:// www. jniosh.go.jp/ icpro/ jicosh-old/

    english/guideline/2007/ 070612b/ html)

    3) Reducing risks, protecting people, HSEs decision

    making process (http://www. hse. gov.uk/ risk/ theory/


    4) Journal of Japan Association of Occupational

    Safety & Health Consultants, July 2010

    5) Separate volume to Journal of Construction Safety

    & Labour Affairs, June 2011, Rodo-chosakai,

    Tokyo, Japan

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    The guidelines of Ministry of Health, Labour and

    Welfare, Japan refer to ALARP- As low as reasonably

    practicable in connection with the clause 10(2) Risk

    controls in Notification2)

    , however, no quantitative

    criteria have been given to the upper and lowerboundaries of the zone.

    In UK, HSE (Health & Safety Executive) stipulates

    that the actual fatality rate for workers is 1 in one

    million per annum as the lower boundary of ALARP

    zone in Fig. 2. On the other hand, HSE is reluctant to

    specify the upper boundary. Dr. Taketoshi Taniguchi,

    who used to teach at the graduate school of Osaka

    University, Japan indicated the rate of 1 in ten

    thousand per annum in his book Decision-making on

    Environmental and Technical Risks published from

    Osaka University Press.

    Based on the criteria referred to above, Fig. A is

    drawn with the fatality data of the manufacturing and

    construction industries in Japan between 2004 and

    2010, which were calculated by using the statistics

    released by MHLW. The following comments are

    drawn from the figure:

    1) The fatality rate of Construction which is

    considered to be the most dangerous sector in

    Japan is higher than that of Manufacturing. Both

    of them have been decreasing for the last seven

    years.2) In the case of Construction, the fatality rates

    scatter along the boundary indicated by Dr. T.

    Taniguchi. That is, the risks of Construction are

    distributed at higher levels if compared with

    Manufacturing and thus its risk evaluation

    criterion has to be designed to yield higher risk

    levels such as Risk [5] so that they are subject to

    risk reduction by making use of controls.

    3) Since the risk controls higher in the hierarchy,

    such as Items a, b and c in Table 2 are difficult to

    employ in construction projects, especially in the

    case of civil engineering works such as tunnels,

    bridges, hydroelectric power plants, and rivers

    which show the accident frequency rate higher

    than the average for Construction, their residual

    risks found as the results of risk assessment are to

    be carefully disposed of. In the case of

    Construction, therefore, use of the controls lowerin the hierarchy, such as Items d and e in Table 2

    are inevitable and their implementation at

    construction sites must be monitored extensively

    so that their effectiveness is continuously


    Even in the case of countries with no regulatory

    requirements for ALARP, its concept seems to be

    helpful for deciding the Acceptable risk specified in

    Clause 3.1 of OHSAS 18001:2007. Its

    recommended upper limit is shown in Fig. 2 for


    Fig. A Fatality rate in Japan