RIPPED IN 42: ROAD MAP RIPPED Day 1 Food: RI42 Week 1 Nutrition Plan Supplements: 2 Fish Oil caps with every meal BCAAs post Workout Training: RI42 Begins Day 2 Food: RI42 Week 1 Nutrition Plan Supplements: 2 Fish Oil Caps with every meal BCAAs post Workout Greens Powder Training: 45-60 min. Steady State Cardio Day 3 Food: RI42 Week 1 Nutrition Plan Supplements: 2 Fish Oil Caps with every meal BCAAs post Workout Training: RI42 Class

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great plan to get rid of those stubborn pounds.

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Page 1: Ripped in 42



Food:RI42 Week 1 Nutrition Plan

Supplements:2 Fish Oil caps with every meal

BCAAs post Workout

Training: RI42 Begins

Day 2

Food: RI42 Week 1 Nutrition Plan

Supplements: 2 Fish Oil Caps with every meal

BCAAs post WorkoutGreens Powder

Training: 45-60 min. Steady State Cardio

Day 3

Food: RI42 Week 1 Nutrition Plan

Supplements: 2 Fish Oil Caps with every meal

BCAAs post Workout

Training: RI42 Class

Page 2: Ripped in 42

Day 4

Food: RI42 Week 1 Nutrition Plan

Supplements: 2 Fish Oil Caps with every meal

BCAAs post Workout

Training: Strength Training Day 1

20/10 Cardio

Day 5

Food: RI42 Week 1 Nutrition Plan

Supplements: 2 Fish Oil Caps with every meal

BCAAs post Workout

Training: Strength Training Day 2

and 20/10

Day 6

Food: RI42 Week 1 Nutrition Plan

Supplements: 2 Fish Oil Caps with every meal

BCAAs post Workout

Training: Strength Training Day 3

and 20/10 Cardio

“ Let today be the day you give up on who you’ve been for who

you can become” - Hal Elrod


Page 3: Ripped in 42

Day 7

Food: RI42 Week 1 Nutrition Plan

Supplements: 2 Fish Oil Caps with every meal

BCAAs Post Workout

Training: Strength Training Day 4

20/10 Cardio

Day 8

Food: RI42 Week 2 Nutrition Plan

Supplements: 4 Fish Oil Caps with every meal

BCAAs post Workout

Training: RI42 Group Workout/ At Home DVD

Day 9

Food: Fast Day

Supplements: 4 Fish Oil Caps with every meal

BCAAs post WorkoutGreens Powder

Training: 45-60 min. Steady State Cardio

You don’t get it by StaringYou don’t get it by WishingYou don’t get it by DroolingYou don’t get it by HopingYou don’t get it Easy

You get it by Getting off your ass Working for it Every second Of every day

For the rest of your life


Page 4: Ripped in 42

Day 10

Food: RI42 Week 2 Nutrition Plan

Supplements: 4 Fish Oil Caps with every meal

BCAAs post Workout

Training: Strength Training Day 1

20/10 Cardio

Day 12

Food: RI42 Week 2 Nutrition Plan

Supplements: 4 Fish Oil Caps with every meal

BCAAs post Workout

Training: RI42 Group Workout/ At Home DVD

Day 11

Food: RI42 Week 2 Nutrition Plan

Supplements: 4 Fish Oil Caps with every meal

BCAAs post Workout

Training: Strength Training Day 2

20/10 Cardio


For me success is not an option..it's a must

Page 5: Ripped in 42

Day 13

Food: RI42 Week 2 Nutrition Plan

Supplements: 4 Fish Oil Caps with every meal

BCAAs post Workout

Training: Strength Training Day 3

20/10 Cardio

Day 14

Food: RI42 Week 2 Nutrition Plan

Supplements: 4 Fish Oil Caps with every meal

BCAAs post Workout

Training: Strength Training Day 4

20/10 Cardio

Day 15

Food: Week 3-Day 1 of 5-Day Challenge

Supplements: 4 Fish Oil Caps with every meal

BCAAs post Workout

Training: RI42 Group Workout/At Home


Be miserable. Or motivate yourself. Whatever has to be done, it's always

your choice. - Wayne Dyer


Page 6: Ripped in 42

Day 16

Food: Week 3-Day 2 of 5-Day Challenge

Supplements: 4 Fish Oil Caps with every meal

BCAAs post WorkoutGreens Powder

Training: 45-60 min. Steady State Cardio

Day 17

Food: Week 3-Day 3 of 5-Day Challenge

Supplements: 4 Fish Oil Caps with every meal

BCAAs post Workout

Training: Body Weight Circuit

45-60 min. Steady State Cardio

Day 18

Food: Week 3-Day 4 of 5-Day Challenge

Supplements: 4 Fish Oil Caps with every meal

BCAAs post Workout

Training: Body Weight Circuit

45-60 min. Steady State Cardio

To be at service and truly love others. To live your life the way it was meant to be.

You must take care of yourself first.


Page 7: Ripped in 42

Day 19

Food: Week 3-Day 5 of 5-Day Challenge

Supplements: 4 Fish Oil Caps with every meal

BCAAs post Workout

Training: RI42 Group Workout/ At Home DVD

Day 20

Food: Week 3-Day 6

Supplements: 4 Fish Oil Caps with every meal

BCAAs post Workout

Training: Body Weight Circuit

45-60 min. Steady State Cardio

Day 21

Food: Week 3- Day 7

Supplements: 4 Fish Oil Caps with every meal

BCAAs post Workout

Training: Body Weight Circuit

45-60 min. Steady State Cardio



Attitude is Everything


Page 8: Ripped in 42

Day 22

Food: RI42 Week 4 Nutrition Plan

Supplements: 4 Fish Oil Caps with every meal

BCAAs post Workout

Training: RI42 Group Workout/ At Home


Day 24

Food: RI42 Week 4 Nutrition Plan

Supplements: 4 Fish Oil Caps with every meal

BCAAs post Workout

Training: Strength Training Day 1

20/10 Cardio

Day 23

Food: Fast Day

Supplements: 4 Fish Oil Caps with every meal

BCAAs post Workout

Training: 45-60 min. Steady State Cardio

Choose to



Page 9: Ripped in 42

Day 25 – Tuesday

Food: RI42 Week 4 Nutrition Plan

Supplements: 4 Fish Oil Caps with every meal

BCAAs post Workout

Training: Strength Training Day 2

20/10 CardioDVD

Day 26

Food: RI42 Week 4 Nutrition Plan

Supplements: 4 Fish Oil Caps with every meal

BCAAs post Workout

Training: RI42 Group Workout/ At Home DVD

Day 27 – Thursday

Food: RI42 Week 4 Nutrition Plan

Supplements: 4 Fish Oil Caps with every meal

BCAAs post Workout

Training: Strength Training Day 3

20/10 Cardio

LIFE is too short to wake up in the morning with regrets,so love the people who treat you right, forget about the

ones who don't, and believe that everything happensfor a reason. If you get a chance, take it. If it changes

your LIFE, let it!


Page 10: Ripped in 42

Day 28

Food: RI42 Week 4 Nutrition Plan

Supplements: 4 Fish Oil Caps with every meal

BCAAs post Workout

Training: Strength Training Day 4VD

Day 29

Food: RI42 Week 5 Nutrition Plan

Supplements: 4 Fish Oil Caps with every meal

BCAAs post Workout

Training: RI42 Group Workout

Day 30

Food: Fast Day

Supplements: 4 Fish Oil Caps with every meal

BCAAs post Workout

Training: 45-60 min. Steady State Cardio

View your life with kindsight. Stop beating yourself up about things from your past. Instead

of slapping your forehead and asking "What was I thinking?" breathe & ask the kinder

question: "What was I learning?"


Page 11: Ripped in 42

Day 31

Food: RI42 Week 5 Nutrition Plan

Supplements: 4 Fish Oil Caps with every meal

BCAAs post Workout

Training: Strength Training Day 1

20/10 CardioD

Day 32

Food: RI42 Week 5 Nutrition Plan

Supplements: 4 Fish Oil Caps with every meal

BCAAs post Workout

Training: Strength Training Day 2

20/10 Cardio

Day 33

Food: RI42 Week 5 Nutrition Plan

Supplements: 4 Fish Oil Caps with every meal

BCAAs post Workout

Training: RI42 Group Workout

If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not you'll find an excuse.


Page 12: Ripped in 42

Day 34

Food: RI42 Week 5 Nutrition Plan

Supplements: 4 Fish Oil Caps with every meal

BCAAs post Workout

Training: Strength Training Day 3

20/10 CardioVD

Day 35

Food: RI42 Week 5 Nutrition Plan

Supplements: 4 Fish Oil Caps with every meal

BCAAs post Workout

Training: Strength Training Day 4

20/10 Cardio

Day 36

Food: RI42 Week 6 Nutrition Plan

Supplements: 4 Fish Oil Caps with every meal

BCAAs post Workout

Training: RI42 Group Workout

Silence the noise of negativity in your life.


Page 13: Ripped in 42

Day 37

Food: Fast Day

Supplements: 4 Fish Oil Caps with every meal

BCAAs post Workout

Training: 45 - 60 min. Steady State CardioD

Day 38

Food: RI42 Week 6 Nutrition Plan

Supplements: 4 Fish Oil Caps with every meal

BCAAs post Workout

Training: Strength Training Day 1

20/10 Cardio

Day 39

Food: RI42 Week 6 Nutrition Plan

Supplements: 4 Fish Oil Caps with every meal

BCAAs post Workout

Training: Strength Training Day 2

20/10 Cardio

BE a source of joy, and let the critics and haters complain about

the world..


Page 14: Ripped in 42

Day 40

Food: RI42 Week 6 Nutrition Plan

Supplements: 4 Fish Oil Caps with every meal

BCAAs post Workout

Training: RI42 Group WorkoutD

Day 41

Food: RI42 Week 6 Nutrition Plan with

limited water consumption

Supplements: 4 Fish Oil Caps with every meal

BCAAs post Workout

Training: 45-60 min Steady State Cardio

Day 42

Food: RI42 Week 6 Nutrition Plan with

limited water consumption

Supplements: 4 Fish Oil Caps with every meal

BCAAs post Workout

Training: 45-60 min Steady State Cardio

On the Day of Victory, You won’t be tired
