Forged Paleo Ripped Guide - Train Aggressive

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All  rights  reserved.  No  part  of  this  manual  may  be  reproduced  (by  any  means)  without  the  expressed  

written  permission  of  Travis  Stoetzel  and  or  The  Forged  Athlete  LLC.  

 This  manual  is  being  offered  for  education  and  

information  purposes  only.      

Just  note,  I  am  NOT  a  certified  nutritionist  but,  I’ve  personally  experienced  and  have  seen  the  results  that  strong  Paleo  diet  can  have  on  a  person’s  physique  and  health  when  properly  implemented  into  one’s  lifestyle.    

Copyright  2015  The  Forged  Athlete,  LLC    







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About  The  Author    Hey,  my  name  is  Travis  Stoetzel  and  I’m  guessing  that  if  you’re  reading  this  document,  it’s  safe  to  assume  you  know  who  I  am.  But,  maybe  again  that’s  big  NO…    So,  I  don’t  want  to  assume  that  you  already  know  who  I  am  so  I  will  go  into  a  few  details  about  myself.        As  an  athlete,  strength  coach,  and  owner  of  The  Forged  Athlete  Gym  in  Omaha  NE,  I’ve  spent  the  better  part  of  my  years  after  college  and  playing  sports  utilizing  some  of  the  most  effective  strategies  and  methods  in  the  world  to  help  my  clients  and  athletes  get  the  best  results  possible.  I’ve  spent  more  money  than  I  would  like  to  openly  admit  traveling  around  the  world,  attending  seminars,  renewing  certifications,  and  meeting  up  with  some  of  the  brightest  minds  within  the  fitness  industry  there  is.    It’s  all  been  worth  it  because  along  my  journey  I’ve  forged  some  very  strong  bonds  with  other  coaches  like  myself  plus  hundreds  of  solid  relationships  with  my  athletes  and  clients.    The  hard  work  I’ve  put  in  and  continue  to  put  in  has  paid  off  in  more  ways  than  I  could’ve  imagined.  Professionally,  I’ve  worked  with  everyone  from  high-­‐level  professional  athletes  to  improve  on  their  performance  to  regular  Joe’s  wanting  to  improve  their  overall  quality  of  life.      When  it  all  comes  down  to  it,  the  people  I  work  with  have  made  the  commitment  to  following  the  programs  and  eating  strategies  I’ve  designed  for  them  in  order  to  become  successful.      In  addition  to  working  with  such  a  varied  group  of  clientele,  I’ve  also  been  featured  on  a  number  of  websites  and  different  blogs.    One  of  my  other  big  passions  is  my  on-­‐line  ELITE  coaching  program  that  I  run  based  from  my  blog  and  website,  www.TravisStoetzel.com.  Training  clients  on-­‐line  is  awesome,  but  being  able  to  work  with  people  inside  my  gym  is  even  better.      Most  importantly  though,  despite  my  background  and  what  I  do  now,  I  wasn’t  always  in  the  best  condition,  and  I’ve  struggled  at  times  to  get  and  stay  lean.      And  it  wasn’t  until  a  few  years  back  that  I  realized  just  how  important  nutrition  really  was.    Back  when  I  used  to  compete  in  collegiate  sports,  I  used  to  eat  totally  wrong.    I  wanted  to  get  stronger  and  bigger  while  getting  leaner  all  at  once,  but  I  never  really  knew  what  type  of  eating  program  to  follow.    I  used  to  follow  your  typical  “bodybuilding  diet”  that  was  composed  of  eating  high  amounts  of  protein,  a  little  bit  of  carbs,  and  then  more  protein.        No  fruits,  veggies,  and  healthy  fat  ever…    And  I  was  totally  wrong  (just  like  a  LOT  of  people  are  today)    Since  being  done  with  collegiate  sports,  I’ve  let  myself  explore  a  bit  more  with  my  eating  habits  and  I  was  able  to  discover  a  system,  a  very  EFFECTIVE  system  I  might  add,  that  was  able  to  help  me  get  leaner,  stronger,  and  healthier  all  at  the  same  time.    What  was  so  cool  about  this  was  I  didn’t  need  to  cut  out  the  foods  I  truly  loved  and  it  worked—pretty  well,  actually.  That  was  way  back  in  2010  since  I  started  to  adapt  this  type  of  eating  style  into  my  life.    Since  then,  I’ve  spent  that  time  tweaking  and  improving  ways  to  implement  Paleo  into  my  client’s  lives  as  well  as  my  own  making  it  as  effective  as  possible.        


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To  make  a  long  story  short,  I’m  100%  confident  that  if  you  just  give  it  a  chance  and  really  apply  what  I’m  about  to  teach  you  within  this  manual,  that  you’ll  see  some  real  changes  occur  as  well!      You  should  see  some  drops  in  bodyfat,  increases  in  strength  and  energy,  and  well  as  overall  health.    Paleo  isn’t  anything  new  and  it’s  not  going  anywhere  anytime  soon  and  in  fact,  I  believe  it  will  be  the  eating  style  of  the  future!  


THE  PALEO  RIPPED  Eating  Guide  

The  fastest  way  to  getting  ripped,  staying  strong,  and  building  lean  muscle!    


So  what  is  Paleo  eating?      Paleo  eating  is  now  becoming  the  new  craze  and  for  good  reason.    It  works!      But  the  question  is,    

“What  is  it?”  

• It’s  a  philosophy  of  eating.        • Its  based  around  the  Paleolithic  era  of  time  when  cavemen  and  cavewomen  

roamed  the  earth.      • Some  12,000  years  ago,  our  caveman  and  cavewomen  ancestors  had  to  hunt  

and  gather  their  own  food  to  stay  alive  and  survive.      • The  core  of  Paleo  eating  is  in  the  belief  of  eating  just  like  our  ripped  cavemen  

ancestors  ate.      


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It’s  a  plain  and  simple  concept.      Eat  whole  natural  foods  and  reap  the  benefits!  

Most  of  the  concepts  about  Paleo  eating  came  from  the  fact  that  The  Paleolithic  Era  of  time  came  before  there  were  any  types  of  modern  farming  and  animal  husbandry.        

So,  what  the  heck  does  this  mean?      

It  means  that  our  cavemen  ancestors  didn't  do  much  farming  nor  did  they  raise  live  stock.    They  roamed  around  and  either  gathered  food  or  hunted  for  their  meals.      

There  were  no  fields  of  corn,  hay,  wheat,  barley,  ect.    Grains  just  were  not  around  yet.      There  also  weren’t  any  cow,  turkey,  or  chicken  crowded  pens.      

It  was  gather  and  hunt  your  food  or  die.  

So,  the  sole  idea  behind  Paleo  eating  is  to  go  back  to  our  caveman  roots  and  try  to  focus  in  on  the  specific  types  of  food  we  had  available  to  us  back  then.      

So  eating  foods  like:  

• Meats  –  chicken,  fish,  seafood,  pork,  beef,  eggs  • Veggies  –  all  leafy  types  –  more  color  the  better!  • Fruits  –  all  varieties  (mainly  berries)  • Nuts  and  Seeds  • Oils  from  sources  such  as  Avocados,  Coconut,    

Almonds,  Macadamias  • Tons  of  fresh  Water  (duh)    • Smart  Starches  (like  White  Rice,  Quinoa,  Sweet  Potatoes,  Squash,  ect)  

Avoiding  foods  like  these:  

• All  Grains  (mainly  because  of  the  GLUTEN)  • All  Sugars  • All  Dairy  • Pretty  much  anything  that’s  been  processed  

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Now  at  first  glance,  one  may  say  to  themselves  that  they  could  never  eat  like  this  and  we’ll  dive  into  the  selections  more  heavily  below  but,  to  be  POSITIVE  about  it,  there  are  some  special  situations  where  you  can  fit  in  the  non-­‐Paleo  foods  if  need  be.    I’m  a  realist  and  know  that  you  can  get  away  with  it  and  still  be  ok.    For  this,  I  have  a  whole  section  laid  out  for  people  out  there  that  don’t  feel  they  could  ever  go  “full  paleo”.      Truth  be  told,  I  am  NOT  full  on  100%  Paleo  (more  on  that  below)    

So  who’s  doing  it  now?  

The  Crossfit  community  is  probably  the  largest  group  that  has  backed  the  Paleo  style  of  eating.    On  top  of  the  highly  active  lifestyle  of  a  Crossfitter,  this  type  of  eating  helps  them  stay  lean  and  get  strong.    Plus,  by  supplying  the  body  with  fresh  and  wholesome  fuel  from  real,  unprocessed  foods,  they  can  expect  to  have  better  performances  with  their  highly  intense  and  demanding  workouts.  You  would  see  this  if  you've  ever  attended  a  Crossfit  event.    You  see  there  

are  lots  of  ripped  and  lean  people  walking  around.      

Other  health  conscious  people  have  adopted  this  lifestyle  as  well  in  thought  to  go  back  to  our  natural  roots  and  to  live  a  healthier  and  more  natural  lifestyle.        

In  this  day  and  age,  the  food  we  eat  has  been  so  highly  contaminated  with  different  toxins,  pesticides,  antibiotics,  plus  fillers  and  additives  that  it’s  no  wonder  we  have  such  high  levels  of  cancer  and  other  illnesses  popping  up  everywhere.    Sickness  and  disease  is  starting  to  be  more  consistently  rooted  back  to  high  intakes  of  processed  goods  and  sugars.      

There  have  been  recent  studies  showing  the  link  between  processed  carbs,  sugars,  and  even  grains  to  cause  problems  in  humans  ranging  from  obesity,  heart  disease,  high  cholesterol,  and  even  cancer.      

The  thought  goes  back  to  the  fact  that  the  human  body  hasn't  yet  adapted  to  being  able  to  fully  utilize  grains  and  other  sources  of  starchy  carbs  and  sugars.  

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So  the  question  is…  does  it  work?        

I  say…  Yep!  

My  clients  and  athletes  that  have  been  on  a  Paleo  type  of  eating  style  have  seen  drastic  changes  including:  

• drops  in  blood  pressure  • decreased  cholesterol    • decreases  in  body  fat  • increases  in  overall  energy  and  vitality  • decrease  in  illness  • increases  in  lean  muscle  mass  • increases  in  strength,  performance,  and  overall  endurance  

With  the  absence  of  highly  processed  foods,  fake  additives,  and  gluten-­‐filled  grains,  the  body  works  a  lot  more  efficiently.      Hence  the  energy  increases  and  decreases  in  body  fat!    

It’s  like  the  simple  analogy  of  if  you  were  a  sports  car….    If  you  were  a  sports  car,  would  you  fill  your  tank  full  of  some  concocted  gasoline  with  a  bunch  of  different  additives  (sugar  and  processed  foods)  OR  would  you  fill  if  high  octane  performance  fuel  (fresh,  natural  foods)?    

I  think  the  answer  is  pretty  clear.    

Bottom  line  is…  Moving  towards  eating  more  in  line  with  the  natural  way  we  used  to  eat  has  proven  to  be  effective  and  healthy.  

So,  Will  it  work  for  you?  

To  be  completely  up  front,  this  is  hard  to  say.    Many  people  try  but  at  the  same  time,  a  lot  of  people  fail.      

It  takes  commitment  and  the  ability  to  change  daily  lifestyle  choices.    That's  why  I  have  the  following  7  steps  you  can  follow  to  make  Paleo  eating  work  for  you!      

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If  you  can  follow  these  steps  and  implement  them  into  your  lifestyle,  I  can  assure  you  that  you’ll  reap  the  benefits  and  awards  from  this  type  of  living.    It’s  all  up  to  you!      

It’s  time  to  get  Paleo  Ripped!      

Now,  before  we  get  into  the  7  steps  that  will  help  you  get  Paleo  Ripped,  I  want  to  address  a  few  common  food  myths  that  really  rub  me  the  wrong  way.    People  have  been  getting  some  things  really  misconstrued  so  I  want  to  debunk  those  myths  NOW!      

Common  Food  Myths  that  P*ss  me  off!  

1)  Meat  is  BAD  for  you  –  Yes  I  can  see  where  people  think  meat  is  horrible  for  you  (especially  with  movies  like  Food  Inc.)  but  the  truth  is,  it’s  the  type  of  meat  you’re  eating  and  where  you’re  getting  it  from.  

Get  your  meat  from  organic,  grass-­‐fed,  wild  caught,  free  range  sources.    When  you  eat  those  types  of  meats  from  healthy  sources,  you  get  all  the  benefits  such  as  all  the  B  vitamins,  cholesterol,  and  amino  acids  which  all  help  the  body  function  properly.  

Humans  need  meat!      




2)  Fat  is  BAD  for  you  –  NO!    Just  like  meat,  it’s  the  type  of  fat  you’re  eating.  

If  you’re  eating  hydrogenated  fat  and  other  trans  fats  then  yes  –  those  are  terrible  for  you  but,  if  you’re  eating  fat  from  a  grass-­‐fed  cow,  organic  seeds  or  nuts,  or  fat  from  fresh  caught  fish,  then  you’re  fine.      

Fats  supply  a  ton  of  healthy  energy  and  will  actually  help  you  burn  fat.  

But,  always  watch  your  consumption  of  fat  or  anything  else  for  that  matter.    Too  much  of  anything  is  bad!      

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Get  in  your  healthy  fats  such  as  whole  cage  free,  organic  eggs,  grass-­‐fed  beef,  fresh  caught  salmon  and  other  fresh  water  fish,  nuts,  seeds,  oils  from  nut  and  seed  sources,  coconuts,  avocados,  ect  


3)  Milk  is  GOOD  for  you  –  NO!    Regular  milk  in  the  stores  is  nothing  more  than  toxic  hormones.    This  is  caused  by  the  pasteurization  of  the  milk,  which  destroys  most  of  the  nutrients  and  enzymes  which  then  make  it  nothing  more  than  empty  toxic  calories.    

I  would  strongly  suggest  you  drink  Almond  Milk  or  Coconut  milk.    These  have  twice  the  amount  of  vitamins  and  nutrients  plus  contain  fewer  calories  per  serving.    

But,  if  you  must  drink  milk,  get  it  from  a  grass-­‐fed  cow  that’s  been  raised  properly  without  antibiotics  and  hormones.    Fresh,  organic,  RAW  milk  is  the  only  way  to  go  if  you’re  going  to  drink  milk!      



4)  Juice  is  HEALTHY  for  you  –  NO!    Juice  is  nothing  but  a  ton  of  empty  calories  and  pasteurized  sugar.    Basically  in  a  nut  shell,  the  juice  you  buy  from  the  store  is  super  heated  when  processed  which  then  destroys  all  the  vitamins  and  nutrients  which  then  leaves  you  with  nothing  but….    SUGAR.  No  good!      

If  you  want  juice,  make  it  yourself  at  home  with  fresh,  organic  fruits  and  veggies.    It’s  cheaper  and  healthier!    Get  a  juicer  ;)    




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5)    Whole  Grains  are  GOOD  for  you  –  Now  this  is  a  HUGE  argument  that  has  yet  to  be  fully  decided  upon.      My  thoughts  on  this  are  that  it  doesn’t  matter  if  it’s  100%  whole  grain  or  “9  grain”  whole  grains  because  in  the  end,  all  grain  contain  gluten  and  gluten  has  been  linked  back  to  causing  a  number  of  auto-­‐immune  diseases  through  people  having  gluten-­‐sensitivity  (this  ranges  between  people  –  everyone  is  different!)  

A  true  100%  Paleo  eater  would  go  without  ANY  grains  at  all  from  this  point  alone.  

Good  news  is,  there  are  alternatives  you  can  reach  for  that  will  be  better  than  regular  whole-­‐wheat  grains  such  as  Ezekial  Bread,  which  comes  from  “sprouted  whole  grains”.    Sprouted  Whole  Grains  are  plant  based  and  will  be  a  bit  better  because  they  lack  all  the  fake  filler  and  preservatives  regular  breads  have.      

However,  you’re  trying  to  pack  on  some  pounds  fast,  taking  in  healthier  whole  grain  options  may  be  the  route  to  go,  but  you  can  get  by  without  grains,  you’ll  be  a  whole  lot  better  off.      

Best  thing  to  try  is  to  go  30  days  WITHOUT  any  type  of  grain  at  all.  

After  the  30  days  is  up,  go  ahead  and  slowly  add  in  grains  to  your  diet  to  see  how  your  body  reacts.    If  you  feel  fine  and  have  energy  and  don’t  feel  bloated  or  lethargic,  grains  might  not  be  all  that  bad  for  you.    If  you  feel  the  gluten  cause  your  body  distress,  ditch  the  grains  for  good.  

6)  Cholesterol  is  BAD  for  you  –  NOPE!    Sorry!    We  need  cholesterol  to  help  produce  testosterone  and  other  important  bodily  hormones.    Cholesterol  helps  fight  bacteria,  illness,  and  helps  our  brain  function  properly.  

GOOD  Cholesterols  also  help  build  sex  steroids  within  the  body  in  which  we  need  to  survive  and  reproduce!        Plus  it  helps  to  build  up  more  lean  muscle  as  well.  

From  what  I  have  read  and  researched,  the  high  cholesterol  dilemma  is  complete  BS!      The  reason  so  much  focus  is  put  on  high  cholesterol  is  because  the  medical  sales  with  cholesterol  

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lowering  drugs  is  over  a  billion  dollar  industry!    And  last  I  heard,  9  out  of  the  13  doctors  that  are  on  the  Expert  Panel  for  cholesterol  information  and  research  were  directly  under  the  pay  roll  of  some  of  the  biggest  medication  drug  companies  in  the  world!    Something  fishy  about  that…    

I  say  -­‐  eat  your  whole  eggs,  healthy  fats,  and  other  cholesterol  filled  foods.    But  at  the  same  time  (this  is  IMPORTANT)  you  need  to  make  sure  you’ve  cut  out  your  sugars,  grains,  and  processed  junk  foods!    Combining  cholesterol  and  all  of  those  toxic  foods  will  be  bad  for  you,  so  don’t  push  it!  

7)  Replacement  Sugars,  AKA  “Artificial  Sweeteners”  are  HEALTHY  –  WRONG!      

These  do  nothing  to  help  prevent  our  blood  sugar  levels  from  going  up  nor  are  they  a  good  replacement  for  real  sugar.    In  fact,  these  new  artificial  sweeteners  are  worse  than  plain  sugar!      

Basically  there  has  been  new  “healthy”  sugar  replacements  created  for  diabetics  and  other  people  looking  to  control  their  blood  sugar  levels.    Splenda  and  Nutri-­‐Sweet  are  two  that  were  created  that  still  do  nothing  to  help  regulate  blood  sugar  levels.  

These  are  nothing  more  than  man-­‐made  junk  that  will  do  nothing  but  harm  our  bodies.    The  best  way  to  regular  your  blood  sugar  levels  and  to  stay  as  healthy  are  possible  is  to  cut  out  ALL  sugars  and  sugar  substitutes.      







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Step  1  -­‐  Clear  Out  the  Cupboards!      This  is  one  of  the  most  important  steps.    Getting  rid  of  anything  that  will  prevent  you  from  getting  to  your  goal.  

Number  one  on  our  list  is  anything  that  contains  sugar  and  alternative  sources  of  sugar  (AKA  -­‐  FAKE  SUGARS).      

As  you  are  about  to  see  -­‐  Sugar  is  in  everything  and  it  comes  in  many  different  names  (check  out  the  list  in  the  end  of  the  manual)  

Best  thing  to  do  is  get  rid  of  as  many  sugars  as  possible.  

Other  things  to  throw  out:  

• Anything  white  that's  not  cauliflower  (or  white  rice)…  o flour    o breads  o pastas  o crackers.      o Pretty  much  anything  that  contains  any  type  of  bleached  ingredients.  

• Grains  -­‐  yes  even  whole  grains  (only  exception  is  IF  you’re  NOT  gluten-­‐intolerant  –  SEE  Non-­‐Paleo  Eating  Plan  below)    

• Zero  calorie  drinks  -­‐  even  though  you’re  ridding  yourself  of  most  of  the  calories  your  still  adding  in  a  ton  of  toxic  junk!      

o Aspartame  is  one  of  the  many  artificial  sweeteners!    That  will  mess  your  whole  body  up  good!    There’s  research  that  links  aspartame  to  causing  cancer.      Definitely  not  something  I'm  going  to  be  putting  into  my  body.      

• Dairy  Products.    This  was  tough  for  me  as  I  was  a  huge  fan  of  cottage  cheese  and  yogurt.    But  cutting  it  out  has  been  more  beneficial  than  its  done  harm.  

o The  amount  of  processing  milk  and  dairy  products  go  through  just  makes  it  bad  plus  most  dairy  products  contain  high  amounts  of  sodium  and  sugar.  

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• Fruit  juices  and  other  so  called  “healthy  juices”  -­‐These  add  tons  of  calories  quick  and  more  sugar  than  you  need  in  a  whole  week  in  one  single  drink!    Dump  em!      

• Processed  deli  meats.    Aside  from  all  the  sodium,  you  also  add  in  a  ton  of  unhealthy  nitrates  that  create  tons  of  cell  destroying  free  radicals  in  the  body.    No  good!    Go  for  freshly  sliced  cuts  of  meat  or  prepare  your  own  meat!      Better  yet,  go  buy  a  whole  cow  at  the  farmers  market!    ;)          


STEP  2  –  Create  Your  Plan!  Next  you  want  to  start  to  devise  your  plan.    This  is  made  simple  by  simply  choosing  the  foods  listed  below.  

The  first  section  is  for  the  Non-­‐Paleo  Strict  Plan.    This  is  good  only  if  Strict  Paleo  won’t  work  for  you  or  if  you’re  trying  to  gain  more  than  10  lbs  of  lean  muscle.    In  this  instance,  some  grains  and  starchy  carb  sources  will  be  needed.    There  are  two  different  types  of  days  you’ll  want  to  follow  and  implement  into  your  weekly  schedule.  

The  second  section  is  for  the  Strict  Paleo  Plan  which  will  follow  the  Paleo  Ripped  guidelines.  

Overall,  if  you’re  new  to  Paleo,  you’ll  probably  cringe  when  you  read  some  of  the  foods  listed.    This  is  Ok.    You  DON’T  have  to  eat  all  of  them.    You  DO  want  to  eat  most  of  them.      

Cool  fact:    After  a  while,  if  you  currently  eat  a  lot  of  sweets  and  highly  processed  foods,  your  taste  buds  will  in  fact  change.    You’ll  lose  the  cravings  for  sweeter,  more  sugary  foods  and  actually  start  to  crave  vegetables!    It’s  true!    It’s  not  only  happen  to  me  but  many  others  that  have  switch  to  a  Paleo  diet!      

But  for  those  that  absolutely  can’t  stand  veggies,  I  recommend  Athletic  Greens.    



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Description  of  the  following  Meal  Templates  

• The  Non  Strict  Paleo  Plan  –  This  is  for  people  NOT  wanting  to  follow  a  strict  Paleo  eating  style.    This  plan  will  include  more  grains  and  starchier  carbs.    It’s  broken  up  into  two  different  types  of  days:  

1) BUILD  UP  /  Active  Days  –  These  will  include  starchier  carbs  that  are  placed  strategically  within  the  meal  plan  to  ensure  you  use  them  for  energy.    

2) GET  SHREDDED  /  Low  Carb  Days  –  This  day  is  designed  to  be  used  on  non-­‐active  days  and  will  not  include  any  starchy  carbs  at  all.      

• The  Paleo  Strict  Eating  Plan  –  This  is  for  people  that  want  to  go  full  Paleo  and  cut  out  all  grains,  dairy,  and  other  non-­‐Paleo  friendly  foods.    This  is  the  real  Paleo  Ripped.  










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THE  Non  Strict  Paleo  Plan  



Quick  Option  -­‐  Protein  Shake  OR  

Lean  Protein  Source  

Non  Starchy  Veggies  Source  

Starchy  Carb  Choice  (oatmeal,  quinoa,  Ezekial  bread  BEST  choices)    

Fruit  Source  (berries,  apple,  banana)  

1  Serving  –  Greens  Drink  

Mid  Morning  Snack:  

Lean  Protein  Source    

Fruit  Source  (Apple,  Berries)  

Non  Starchy  Veggie  Source  







Lean  Protein  Source  (turkey,  chicken,  salmon)  

Non  Starchy  Carb  (Bowl  of  Lettuce,  Spinach,  Mixed  Greens,  ect)  

Starchy  Carb  Source  (White  Rice,  Ezekial  Bread,  sweet  potato)  

Mid  Afternoon  Snack:  

Lean  protein  Source  


Fat  Source  (Nuts,  seeds)  


Lean  Protein  Source  (Lean  Meat  Choice)  

Non  Starchy  Carb  Choice  

1  Serving  -­‐  Athletic  Greens    

Post  Workout:  

Protein  Shake  



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Quick  Option  -­‐  Protein  Shake  OR  

Lean  Protein  Source  (Eggs)  

Non-­‐Starchy  Carb  (Bowl  of  Lettuce,  Spinach,  Mixed  greens  and  veggies,  ect)  

1  Serving  -­‐  Greens  Drink  

Mid  Morning  Snack:  

Lean  Protein  Source  (slices  of  turkey,  low  sodium  beef  jerky)  

Fat  Source  (Nuts,  Seeds)  

Non-­‐Starchy  Carb  (Bowl  of  Lettuce,  Spinach,  Mixed  greens  and  veggies,  ect)  









Lean  Protein  Source  (turkey,  chicken,  salmon)  

Non-­‐Starchy  Carb  (Bowl  of  Lettuce,  Spinach,  Mixed  greens  and  veggies,  ect)  

Fat  Source  (avocado,  nuts,  seeds)  

Mid  Afternoon  Snack:  

Lean  protein  Source  (Protein  Shake,  lean  meat  choice)  


Fat  Source  (Nuts,  seeds)  


Lean  Protein  Source  (Lean  Meat  Choice)  

Non-­‐Starchy  Carb  Choice  

1  Serving  -­‐  Athletic  Greens    

Post  Workout:  

Lean  Protein  Source  OR  Quick  Protein  Shake  



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The  STRICT  Paleo  Plan  Outline  Breakfast:  

Lean  Protein  Sources  (Whole  eggs  +  steak,  pork,  chicken,  ect)  

Healthy  Fat  Choice  (coconut,  avocado,  nuts,  seeds)  

Fruit  (berries,  apple,  ect)  

1  Serving  -­‐  Athletic  Greens    

Mid  Morning  Snack:  

Lean  Protein  Source  (slices  of  turkey,  low  sodium  beef  jerky)  

Fat  Source  (Nuts,  Seeds)  

Non  Starchy  Carb  Source  (Veggies,  Seeds)  

Post  Workout:  

Lean  Protein  Source  

Smart  Starch  Source  (white  rice,  sweet  potato,  quinoa,  squash)  






Lean  Protein  Source  (turkey,  chicken,  fish,  lean  steak)  

Non  Starchy  Carb  (Bowl  of  Lettuce,  Spinach,  mixed  greens,  ect)  

Fat  Source  (avocado,  nuts,  seeds)  

Mid  Afternoon  Snack:  

Lean  protein  Source  (Protein  Shake,  lean  meat  choice)  


Fat  Source  (Nuts,  seeds)  


Lean  Protein  Source  (Lean  Meat  Choice)  

Non-­‐Starchy  Carb  (Bowl  of  Lettuce,  Spinach,  Mixed  greens  and  veggies,  ect)  

Fat  Source  (Nuts,  Seeds,  Oils)  

1  Serving  –  Greens  Drink    



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**If  you  feel  hungry  or  lethargic  during  the  day,  best  thing  to  do  is  to  INCREASE  your  protein  intake  by  a  few  servings  first.    

**If  you  still  feel  hungry  and  lethargic  after  adding  in  extra  protein,  add  in  more  healthy  fat  servings.  

**You’re  non-­‐starchy  veggies  are  always  FREE.    Eat  as  much  as  you  like  of  these.  

**Go  Organic  when  you  can!  

**If  trying  to  go  STRICT  PALEO  –  start  by  cutting  out  your  grains  first,  then  sugar,  then  dairy,  the  legumes.  

**Write  out  a  list  of  the  foods  YOU  LIKE  from  each  list  and  combine  those  together  in  your  meal  plan.  

**Find  out  what  works  for  YOU  and  repeat  it!    Don’t  feel  the  need  to  have  every  meal  different.    Find  4-­‐6  different  meals  that  are  solid  and  repeat  them  throughout  the  week.  

**Avoid  eating  the  foods  you  hate,  those  will  only  lead  you  to  falloff  your  eating  plan  and  ultimate  failure  

**A  great  way  to  add  in  variety  to  your  meals  is  to  add  in  Mrs.  Dash’s  salt  free  seasonings  –  My  favorites  are  tomato  basil,  garlic  and  herb,  and  the  hamburger  grilling  blend  





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STEP  3  -­‐  Take  Action!      The  next  step  to  getting  “Paleo  Ripped”  is  to  take  action  and  get  to  the  store!    Now  that  you  have  a  basic  list  of  all  the  foods  you  need,  it’s  time  to  grab  the  supplies  and  put  them  into  good  use.      


I  made  it  real  easy  for  you  with  a  nice  sample  grocery  list  (see  below)  

I  can’t  remember  how  many  times  I’ve  gone  to  the  store  with  exactly  what  I  needed  in  my  head.    The  only  problem,  I  didn’t  have  an  actual  list!    So,  what  happen  was  instead  of  getting  only  the  things  I  needed,  I  came  out  with  a  bunch  of  extra  junk.    Don’t  let  this  happen  to  you!    I’ve  learned  my  lesson  and  now  99.9%  of  the  time;  I  have  my  list  with  me  so  I  can  get  in  and  get  out  with  only  the  essentials.  

Here  are  some  basic  guidelines  and  things  to  put  into  perspective  when  you  are  at  the  store:  

• Choose  organic  when  possible.    In  fact,  refer  to  the  list  of  fruits  and  veggies  to  help  decipher  when  it’s  better  to  go  Organic  or  not.    ALWAYS  try  to  go  Organic  with  meats  and  seafood  when  you  can.  

o THE  CLEAN  FIFTEEN  and  DIRTY  DOZEN  will  help  you!  • I  prefer  to  go  with  a  “greens  product”  to  ensure  I’m  getting  in  the  right  

amount  of  vitamins  and  nutrients  –  think  of  this  as  your  safety  net!    I  go  with  Athletic  Greens  OR  Onnit’s  EGN  

• If  you’re  worried  about  the  extra  expenses  –  just  know  that  you’re  investing  into  your  health.    

• Avoid  buying  ANYTHING  that’s  not  on  your  list.    You’ll  only  end  up  eating  it!      

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Now  that  you  have  the  necessary  “ammo”  or  foods  that  you  chose  above  in  the  earlier  steps,  it’s  time  to  create  your  own  specific  meal  plans.      

Yes,  you  have  the  basic  templates  I’ve  supplied  to  you  thus  far  but  now  you  need  to  literally  write  out  your  daily  and  weekly  plan.  

I  want  you  to  do  this  for  at  least  7  days  straight.    If  you  can  follow  the  plan  you  write  up  for  7  days  straight,  you’ll  be  better  able  to  stick  to  your  plan  over  the  long  haul  

I  want  you  to  create  at  least  5  different  meal  options.    You  can  mix  and  match  the  different  foods  you  choose  from  the  lists  above  to  make  your  meal  plans  work.    I  would  get  used  to  eating  the  same  things  over  and  over.        Like  the  tip  I  supplied  earlier,  figure  up  4-­‐6  meals  that  you  really  enjoy  that  you  know  are  solid  and  healthy.    Just  repeat  those  during  the  week  as  best  you  can.    Mix  and  match  those  foods  if  need  be.      


STEP  5  –  PREPARE  FOR  BATTLE!  Now  that  you  have  your  meals  planned  out,  it’s  time  to  prepare  for  battle!      

The  fact  is  that  you  would  never  attempt  to  go  into  war  without  ammo,  weapons,  or  armor  right??    The  same  thing  applies  to  us  going  out  into  the  world  without  being  properly  prepared.      

With  the  hectic  lifestyles  many  of  us  have,  we  are  constantly  on  the  go  which  makes  it  near  impossible  to  have  time  to  get  our  meals  in.  



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In  this  case,  when  it  comes  to  eating  clean,  impossible  only  happens  if  you’re  unprepared!      

So,  the  easy  answer  here  is  to  BE  PREPARED!      

Some  of  the  most  basic  things  you  can  do  are  the  following:  

• Have  plenty  of  glass  containers  OR  Tupperware  to  store  meals  in.  • Buy  a  small  traveling  cooler  that  will  allow  you  to  stash  fresh  meals  in  when  

you’re  on  the  go.  • Cook  up  a  lot  of  meat  at  once,  use  some  for  immediate  consumption  and  

use  the  rest  for  meals  down  the  road.  • Steam  and  cut  up  veggies.    Same  rules  can  be  applied  here  as  with  meats  •  cut  up  you  fruits  and  pack  them  up  

BOTTOM  LINE  –  Do  everything  in  your  power  to  make  sure  you  don’t  have  to  come  up  with  EXCUSES!  

Once  you  have  all  of  your  different  foods  properly  prepared,  now  your  one  step  closer  to  being  BATTLE  READY.  

The  next  step  is  CRUCIAL.    

Before  we  get  into  the  next  important  step,  let  me  ask  you  a  serious  question:  

Why  go  through  all  the  trouble  of  cooking  up  your  meats,  steaming  up  veggies,  and  cutting  up  your  fruit  to  never  actually  having  the  food  with  you  to  consume??    

 I’ve  seen  and  heard  about  people  doing  this  way  too  much!    In  fact,  I’m  guilty  of  it  as  well.      Here’s  how  to  avoid  this…  




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Step  6  –  THINK  AHEAD!  Now  that  you  know  the  foods  you  need  to  eat,  you  have  those  foods  in  your  possession,  you  have  some  different  meal  templates  and  daily  meal  plans  set,  and  now  you  have  the  meals  prepared  and  ready  to  roll,  the  next  step  is  to  sit  down  and  plan  your  next  day  out.  

So  instead  of  just  knowing  what  foods  to  pack  and  bring  with  you  the  next  day,  it’s  important  to  know  where  you’ll  be  the  next  day.        

Will  you  be:  

• In  meetings    • Constantly  on-­‐the-­‐go  • Traveling  In  an  airplane,  car,  train,  or  bus  • At  the  gym  • In  school  

The  reason  I  ask  you  to  think  ahead  on  where  you’ll  be  is  so  you  can  properly  plan  out  how  you’ll  pack.    Some  places  you’ll  be  will  allow  for  you  to  easily  eat  your  prepared  meals  while  others  will  not.  

An  example  would  be  meetings.    I  have  clients  who  wouldn’t  dare  eat  during  a  meeting  for  if  they  did,  they  would  probably  get  fired.    Another  situation  is  if  you’re  the  type  of  person  that  meets  up  for  lunch  or  has  a  ton  of  lunch  meetings.    This  is  quite  common  but  shouldn’t  be  too  big  of  a  problem.      

For  these  situations,  know  your  options  ahead  of  time.    If  there’s  absolutely  no  way  you  can  eat  the  food  you  prepped  you  need  to  know  what  options  you  have.  

In  this  case,  research  your  options.    Look  ahead  and  do  some  research  on  the  restaurants  that  will  be  in  the  area  or  possibly  the  restaurant  you’ll  be  eating  at.    Simply  look  it  up  online  or  even  call!  

If  you’re  going  somewhere  where  there  are  absolutely  no  healthy  PALEO  type  options,  eat  a  big  breakfast  and  pack  a  post  lunch  meal.    Just  eat  as  little  as  

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possible  at  lunch.    Whatever  you  do,  DON’T  SURRENDER!        Try  to  make  the  best  choice  you  can  make.  


Step  7  -­‐  FINAL  STEP  -­‐  IMPLEMENTATION  So,  you’ve  got  the  blueprint  for  knowing  exactly  what  to  eat,  when  to  eat  it  and  where  to  get  it.  

If  you  don’t  have  the  foods  you  need  and  know  you  won’t  have  access  to  them,  you  should  also  now  know  to  plan  ahead  for  secondary  options,  even  thirds.  

The  truth  is,  anyone  can  have  a  plan.    It’s  the  people  that  IMPLEMENT  and  take  action  on  their  plan  that  ultimately  succeed.    On  top  of  that,  what’s  even  more  challenging  is  implementing  and  taking  action  CONSISTENTLY!      

If  you  can  do  this,  YOU’LL  SUCCEED!      

In  Closing,  I’ve  said  it  before  within  my  training  programs  and  blog  post  and  I’ll  say  it  again…  

It’s  all  about  HOW  BAD  YOU  WANT  IT.  

If  you  truly  desire  something  with  pure  content  and  belief  in  the  fact  that  you’ll  make  it  happen,  you’ll  then  start  to  do  all  the  things  necessary  to  make  it  come  true.    This  thought  not  only  applies  with  the  way  you  eat  but  with  the  way  you  train,  do  your  job,  as  well  as  treat  other  people  and  your  family.    Ultimately,  your  overall  quality  of  life  will  be  affected  by  how  bad  you  want  things.    If  you  want  it  bad  enough,  you’ll  find  a  way  to  make  it  happen!      





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Getting  back  to  the  main  point  of  this  manual,  when  you  eat  like  a  savage,  you  need  to  TRAIN  like  a  savage  ;)  

Well,  kind  of  that  is…  

It’s  all  about  functionality  and  training  like  an  ATHLETE.  

If  you’re  not  training  like  an  athlete  (like  we  train  at  The  Forged  Athlete  Gym)  for  instance),  you  need  to  start  focusing  on  training  the  way  your  body  was  meant  to  be  trained….  

Which  is  through  functional,  athletic  like  movements.  

Like  our  ancestors,  they  survived  on  ACTION  and  MOVEMENT.    If  they  didn’t  take  action  or  move,  they  died.    

They  had  to  be  agile,  strong,  highly  conditioned,  and  most  of  all,  RELENTLESS!      

They  either  hunted  or  killed  for  their  food  or  they  were  the  food!    LOL.  

Good  news  is  it’s  NOT  like  this  today,  but  we’ve  become  way  too  sedentary  and  way  too  WEAK.  

Both  physically  and  mentally.  

American  is  becoming  LAZY  and  pardon  my  French,  but  Pussified.  

It’s  sad  to  see  as  we’re  seeing  guys  in  their  late  20’s  and  even  early  30’s  that  are  being  diagnosed  with  low  testosterone.  

Women  are  afraid  to  train  with  weights  in  fear  that  they’ll  “get  bulky”…  

Com’  on.    Get  with  the  times.    That’s  all  such  BS.    

We  as  humans  were  meant  to  be  STRONG.  

We  were  meant  to  be  ATHLETIC.  

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So  it’s  time  we  start  following  through  and  FIGHT  against  the  resistance  of  WEAKNESS,  LAZINESS,  and  ahhemmmm  (pardon  my  French  again)  the  PUSSIFCATION  of  America!      

In  any  case,  the  main  idea  to  take  from  this  is  to  Live  your  Life  more  like  our  ancestors  did.  When  it  comes  to  eating  and  staying  active,  be  a  little  bit  more  old  school  about  it.  

Eat  CLEAN,  TRAIN  MEAN,  and  Get  LEAN  (and  STRONG!).  

Real  quick,  here’s  another  recap  of  the  7  Steps  to  getting  PALEO  RIPPED:  

1) Clear  Out  The  Cupboards  –  get  rid  of  ALL  the  nasty  junk.  2) Create/  Choose  Your  Plan  –  pick  the  foods  listed  in  either  the  Paleo  

Strict  or  Non-­‐Paleo  Strict  guides.  3) Take  Action  –  get  to  the  store  and  buy  the  foods  you  have  selected.  4) Create  Your  Daily  /  Weekly  Plan  of  Attack  –  This  is  your  daily  and  

weekly  guide  to  success  5) Prepare  For  Battle  –  make  sure  to  have  your  foods  prepped  and  

ready  to  take  with  you  where  ever  you  go  –  this  is  ESSENTIAL!  6) Think  Ahead  –  always  be  two  steps  ahead!  7) Implement  –  a  plan  not  used  is  as  worthless  as  no  plan  at  all.    Follow  


Now,  Go  Train  and  Eat  Like  Your  Life    Depends  On  It  (because  it  does)  

And  if  You  Want  Help,  Come  See  What  The  Forged  Athlete  Gym  Is  All  About  



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SAMPLE  GROCERY  LIST  -­‐  PALEO  Proteins Carbs Fats Miscellaneous

Serving Size- 1 Fist

Optimal Meat, Poultry, and Fish

Grass-Fed Beef, Free-

Range Chicken, Turkey, Pork, Whole Omega-3

Eggs, Wild Salmon, Sardines, Trout, Mackerel, Lamb, Any Fish, Any Wild

Game, Any Seafood, Protein Powder

Alternate Protein

No Sugar Added Nuts and

Nut Butters,


Corn Fed Beef, Tilapia (high in omega-6), Swordfish and

Albacore Tuna (high in mercury), GMO Soy


Serving Size- 1 Fist


Low Carb Veggies

Artichokes, Broccoli, Green Beans, Asparagus, Tomatoes, Spinach, Romaine Lettuce, Kale, Peppers,

Onions, Bok Choy, Celery, Cucumber, Summer Squash, Mushrooms, Brussels Sprouts, Cauliflower, Collards


Lower Carb Fruits

Apricots, Mixed Berries, Cherries, Grapefruit, Guava, Kiwi, Nectarines, Peaches, Plums, Tangerines

Higher Carb Fruits- Limit to Mornings and Active Days

Apples, Bananas, Melon, Figs, Grapes, Mango, Oranges, Papaya, Pears, Pineapple, Raisins,

Watermelon, Pineapple

Smart Starches

White Rice, Sweet Potatoes


Fruit Juices, Zero Calorie Drinks, Pop

Serving Sizes

Handful of Nuts and Cheese, 1-2 TBSP. Nut Butters, 0.5 to 1 TBSP.

Oils, 3-6 Whole Omega-3 Eggs

Fats (low carb)

Extra Virgin Olive Oil, Extra Virgin Coconut Oil,

Organic Canola Oil*, Natural Animal Protein Fats, Grass-Fed Beef*, Whole Omega-3 Eggs*, Wild Salmon*, Trout*, Mackerel*, Flax Meal*, Fish Oil/EFA/Omega-3


Fats (high carb)

Raw, No Sugar Added Nuts and Nut Butters,

Walnuts*, Pumpkin Seeds*, Hemp Seeds*


* High in Omega-3’s- choose often!


Trans Fats, Vegetable Oil

and Tilapia (high in omega-6)

- No Sugar

Added Tomato Sauce

- No Sugar Added Salsa

- No Sugar Added Vinegars for Dressings- Apple Cider, Balsamic, Red Wine

- Any spices - Coffee - Tea - Stevia (plant-

based sweetener)

- Unsweetened Almond Milk- Vanilla or Chocolate

- Whole Foods Based Multi-Vitamin for Your Gender



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SAMPLE  GROCERY  LIST  (NON  Strict  Paleo)  Proteins Carbs Fats Miscellaneous

Serving Size- 1 Fist


Meat, Poultry, and Fish

Grass-Fed Beef, Free-Range Chicken, Turkey, Pork, Whole Omega-3

Eggs, Wild Salmon, Sardines, Trout, Mackerel, Lamb, Any Fish, Any Wild

Game, Any Seafood Protein Powder

Effective Dairy

Full-Fat Plain Greek Yogurt,

Full-Fat Organic Cottage Cheese, Full-Fat Organic

Cheese, Stevia-Sweetened Protein Powder

Vegan Protein

(High Carb)

Beans, Legumes, Edamame, Tempeh, Seitan, Raw, No Sugar Added Nuts

and Nut Butters, Whole Grains


Corn Fed Beef, Tilapia (high in omega-6), Swordfish and

Albacore Tuna (high in mercury), GMO Soy


Serving Size- 1 Fist


Low Carb Veggies

Artichokes, Broccoli, Green Beans, Asparagus,

Tomatoes, Spinach, Romaine Lettuce, Kale, Peppers, Onions, Bok Choy, Celery, Cucumber, Summer Squash,

Mushrooms, Brussels Sprouts, Cauliflower, Collards

High Carb Veggies

White Rice, Beets, Carrots, Corn, Jiacama, Parnsips, Potatoes, Sweet Potato, Pumpkin, Turnips, Winter

Squash, Peas


Low Carb Fruits

Apricots, Mixed Berries, Cherries, Grapefruit, Guava, Kiwi, Nectarines, Peaches, Plums, Tangerines

High Carb Fruits

Apples, Bananas, Melon, Figs, Grapes, Mango, Oranges, Papaya, Pears, Pineapple, Raisins,

Watermelon, Pineapple

Whole-Grain Gluten Starches

Sprouted Grain Bread/Pasta (no flour), 100% Whole

Grain Bread/Pasta/Cereal, Rye, Pumpernickel, Brown Rice, Old-Fashioned or Steel Cut Guten-Free Oatmeal,


Serving Sizes

Handful of Nuts and

Cheese, 1-2 TBSP. Nut Butters, 0.5 to 1 TBSP.

Oils, 3-6 Whole Omega-3 Eggs

Low Carb Fats

Extra Virgin Olive Oil,

Extra Virgin Coconut Oil, Organic Canola Oil*,

Natural Animal Protein Fats, Grass-Fed Beef*, Whole Omega-3 Eggs*, Wild Salmon*, Trout*, Mackerel*, Flax Meal*, Fish Oil/EFA/Omega-3


Higher Carb Fats

Raw, No Sugar Added Nuts and Nut Butters,

Walnuts*, Pumpkin Seeds*, Hemp Seeds* Avocado, Natural Dairy

Protein Fats

* High in Omega-3’s- choose often!


Trans Fats, Vegetable Oil

and Tilapia (high in omega-6)

- No Sugar

Added Tomato Sauce

- No Sugar Added Salsa

- No Sugar Added Vinegars for Dressings- Apple Cider, Balsamic, Red Wine

- Any spices - Coffee - Tea - Stevia (plant-

based sweetener)

- Raw Cane Sugar (1 teaspoon)

- Unsweetened Almond Milk- Vanilla or Chocolate

- Limit Sweeteners like Aspartame, Splenda, etc.

- Whole Foods Based Multi-Vitamin for Your Gender


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CLICK  HERE  for  a  killer  Paleo  Cookbook  that  contains  well  over  370  Paleo  recipes!

• Mixed  fruit  salad    • Piece  of  fruit    • Handful  of  nuts    • Smoked  salmon    • Beef  jerky    • Slices  of  high-­‐quality  salami    

• Pork  rinds    • Paleo  granola    • Cold  left-­‐over  meat  • Kale  /  plantain  /  zucchini  /  sweet  potato  chips    

• Olives  • Big  mixed  salads  with  lean  meat  

• Lettuce  or  cabbage  wraps  

• Mixture  of  lean  meats,  nuts,  and  fruits  

• Paleo  approved  Leftovers  

• Beef  jerk    • Dips:  fresh  salsa,  guacamole    

• Can  of  tuna  or  salmon    • Hard  boiled  eggs    • Trail  mix    • High-­‐quality,  full-­‐fat  yogurt  

• Fruit  balls    • Roasted  fruits  or  veggies    • Smoothie    • Glass  of  Coconut  milk    • Omelet  muffins    • Simple  mixed  egg  /  veggie  omelet  

• Coconut  butter  






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Alternative  Names  for  Sugar/Synonyms  

If  you  encounter  one  of  the  names  below  in  a  product  ingredient  list  –  it’s  sugar  in  one  form  or  other  and  will  contribute  4  calories  per  gram  consumed  (exceptions  noted  in  parentheses).  Artificial  sweeteners  contain  no  calories  but  are  at  times  controversial  due  to  other  health  risks  they  may  or  may  not  pose.  

Aspartame  –  marketed  as  Nutrasweet    Acesulfame  potassium(acesulfame-­‐K)    Barley  Malt  Extract  Brown  Rice  Syrup  Brown  sugar  Corn  sweetener  Corn  syrup,  or  corn  syrup  solids  Crystalline  Fructose  Dehydrated  Cane  Juice  Dextrin  Dextrose  Evaporated  Cane  Juice  Fructose  Fruit  juice  concentrate  Glucose  High-­‐fructose  corn  syrup  Honey  Invert  sugar  (golden  syrup)  Lactose  Maltodextrin  

Malt  syrup  Maltose  Mannitol  (2.6  calories)  Maple  syrup  Molasses  Neotame  (artificial,  0  calories)  Raw  sugar  Rice  Syrup  Saccharin  (artificial,  0  calories)  Saccharose  Sucralose  –  marketed  as  Splenda  (artificial,  0  calories)  Sucrose  Sugar  Sorbitol  (2.6  calories)  Sorghum  syrup  Syrup  Treacle  Turbinado  Sugar  Xylose  


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The Following Information was Taken from the Environmental Working Group, www.foodnews.org

Finding Healthier Food

You can lower your pesticide consumption by nearly four-fifths by avoiding the 12 most contaminated fruits and vegetables and instead eating the least contaminated produce, according to EWG calculations. When you eat the 12 most contaminated fruits and vegetables, you’ll be exposed to an average of 10 pesticides a day. When you choose fresh produce from the 15 least contaminated fruits and vegetables, you’ll consume fewer than 2 pesticides per day.

The Dirty Dozen™

Of the 12 most contaminated foods, 7 are fruits: peaches, strawberries, apples, domestic blueberries, nectarines, cherries and imported grapes. Notable findings:

• More than 96 percent of peaches tested positive for pesticides, followed by nectarines (95.1 percent) and apples (93.6 percent).

• Nearly 86 percent of peaches contained 2 or more pesticide residues ‚ followed by apples (82.3 percent) and nectarines (80.6 percent).

• Strawberries and domestic blueberries each had 13 pesticides detected on a single sample. Peaches and apples were second, with 9 pesticides on one sample.

• Peaches had been treated with more pesticides than any other produce, registering combinations of up to 67 different chemicals. Strawberries were next, with 53 pesticides and apples with 47.

Celery, sweet bell peppers, spinach, kale, collard greens and potatoes are the vegetables most likely to retain pesticide contamination:

• Some 95 percent all celery samples tested positive for pesticides, followed by imported cucumbers (84.5 percent) and potatoes (84.2 percent).

• Nearly 85 percent of celery samples contained multiple pesticides, followed by sweet bell peppers (61.5 percent) and collard greens (53.2 percent).

• A single celery was contaminated with 13 different chemicals, followed by kale (10), and collard greens, domestic green beans, spinach and lettuce (9).

• Celery had been treated with as many as 67 pesticides, followed by sweet bell peppers (63) and kale (57).

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The Clean Fifteen™

The vegetables least likely to test positive for pesticides are onions, sweet corn, sweet peas, asparagus, cabbage, eggplant and sweet potatoes.

• Asparagus, sweet corn, and onions had no detectable pesticide residues on 90 percent or more of samples.

• More than four-fifths of cabbage samples (82.1 percent) had no detectible pesticides, followed by sweet peas (77.1 percent) and eggplant (75.4 percent).

• Multiple pesticide residues are extremely rare on vegetables low in overall contamination. No samples of onions and corn showed more than one pesticide. Sweet potatoes showed multiple pesticides in 9.3 percent of samples.

• The most contaminated single sample among the low-pesticide vegetables showed 4 different chemicals.

The fruits least likely to test positive for pesticide residues are avocados, pineapples, mangoes, kiwi, domestic cantaloupe, watermelon, grapefruit and honeydew.

• Fewer than 10 percent of pineapple, mango, and avocado samples showed detectable, and fewer than one percent of samples had more than one pesticide residue.

• Nearly 60 percent of honeydew melons had detectable pesticides but only 14.2 percent of samples contained more than one residue. Grapefruit had residues on 54.5 percent of samples, and 17.5 percent showed multiple pesticide residues.