Right Whale Photo Id Project Planning 09/28/2011

Right Whale Photo Id

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Right Whale Photo Id. Project Planning 09/28/2011. Identification of North Atlantic Right Whales Part I. Each individual id’d by callosity pattern on the top of the head Callosity are made of Cyamids , a.k.a. whale lice . Identification of North Atlantic Right Whales Part II. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Right Whale Photo Id

Project Planning09/28/2011

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Identification of North Atlantic Right Whales Part I

• Each individual id’d by callosity pattern on the top of the head

• Callosity are made of Cyamids, a.k.a. whale lice

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Identification of North Atlantic Right Whales Part II

• At two years of age the callosity pattern stabilizes enough for identification

• Scaring also used for identification

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Data Used for Modeling • Life expectancy

– Natural life expectancy unknown• practical life age before accidental death 50 years(?)

– Closest living relative Bow Head Whales• some data suggests 200 years

• Timing reproductive cycles– data has been variable between 2-5 years for reproductively active individuals

• Determining home ranges of individuals– The range of North Atlantic Right Whales is from Nova Scotia to north Florida– One juvenile found off the cost of Europe

• Social interactions between individuals– other species are show to be un-speciated sub-groups

• Do not inter breed• Sometimes called cultures• Orcas (Killer Whales)• Bottlenose dolphins

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Threats to Right Whalesthe Urban Whale

• Ship strikes– Feed and breed in major commercial cargo lanes

• Fishing nets and floating lobster lines– Slow moving and skim feeding hooks in mouth, on callosity, and around

fins• Toxins

– Most females never give birth• Possibly caused by toxins

• Food scarcity – Limited copepod supply – Inhibits pregnant females coming to term– Previous concern almost now females gave birth– Last few years record calf count

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• Thousands of photographs taken every year • A photograph commonly has multiple whales • Each whale matched against online catalog• Each photograph is usually of poor quality– Bad exposure– Poor animal positioning positioning– Variation in an animal’s scares– Automation of matching has not worked

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Sample Photos Used for IdentificationBest available photos of RW 1012

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• Provide a mechanism for the crowd to help researchers id North Atlantic Right Whales– Researchers upload pictures to website – Uploaded pictures shown to crowd for id– Website references pictures in online catalog to

give side-by-side view– Crowd proposed matches reported to Researcher

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Proposed Implementation

• Service hosted on Google Appengine • Written in Java & GWT• Backend written in Guice dependency

injection framework • Database using Google Big Table database

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Development Environment• Eclipse Helios or Indigo IDE

– Google Eclipse plug-in • Google Appengine support• GWT support

– Subversive Eclipse plug-in • Subversion support

– Mylyn w/Rally Connector• Rally support

• Google Code – Subversion source control– Wiki for development instructions

• Rally Community Edition (not yet approved by team)– Agile Project Planning – User Stories– Tasks– Iterations– Defects

• Teamcity – Automatic and scheduled unit testing– Automatic and scheduled regression testing

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Team Roles and Responsibilities• Fazle Khan

– Team Lead• SPMP

– QA Lead• SQAP

– Cale first draft

• Cale Sweeney– Frontend Lead

• SDD-Frontend– Requirements Lead


• Mina Botros– CM Lead

• SCMP– Backend Lead

• SDD-backend


Team LeaderFazle

Backend LeadMina

CM LeadMina

Requirements LeadCale

QA LeadFazle

Frontend LeadCale

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Managerial Process

• Weekly meeting after class• Meeting agenda prepared and distributed before by

Fazle• Meeting minutes prepared and distributed after– Rotating reponsibility

• Cale• Fazle• Mina

• Individual weekly activity report submitted– Reports compiled into a single report by Fazle

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Configuration Management• Formal documents

– stored in subversion under /doc/Configuration_Management/<name>– Each version will have the name N-N, corresponding to the N.N of the

document– Only the document owner can make changes– Changes by non-owners sent via email

• Meeting Minutes– Stored under /doc/Meeting_Mintues– Check in by the meeting’s mintue taker

• Weekly Report– Individuals reports checked under /doc/weekly_report/<name> by the

individual– Compile reports checked stored at /doc/weekly_report

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