REVIEWS Biology and medicine are in the midst of a revolution, the full extent of which will probably not be realized for many years to come. The catalyst for this revolution is the Human Genome Project 1 and related activities that aim to develop improved technologies for analysing DNA, to generate detailed information about the genomes of numerous organisms, and to establish pow- erful experimental and computational approaches for studying genome structure and function. The past few years have seen a remarkable crescendo in accomplish- ments related to DNA sequencing, with genome sequences being generated for several key experimental organisms, including a yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae), a nematode (Caenorhabditis elegans), a fly (Drosophila melanogaster), a plant (Arabidopsis thaliana) and the human (Homo sapiens). Collectively, the generation of these sequence data and others is launching the ‘sequence-based era’ of biomedical research. Associated with the above accomplishments has been the refinement of existing strategies for genome sequencing, as well as the development of new ones. Among these are approaches that make extensive use of large-insert clones and associated physical maps, some that take a whole-genome approach without using clone-based physical maps, and others that use a hybrid strategy that involves elements of the other two. Each of these general strategies for genome sequencing is described in this review. There are many potential uses of genome-sequence data. In some cases, a detailed and accurate sequence- based ‘blueprint’ of a genome is required (for example, to establish a comprehensive gene catalogue and/or to gain insight into long-range genome organization), whereas in other cases, an incomplete survey will suffice (for example, to acquire information about the repeti- tive sequences in a genome and/or to carry out simple, non-comprehensive comparisons to sequences from other organisms). Importantly, the intended use(s) of genome-sequence data must be carefully considered when choosing a specific sequencing strategy and defin- ing the end point of a particular project. These issues, as well as the plans for future sequencing initiatives by the Human Genome Project, are also discussed. Contemporary sequencing methods Shortly after the Human Genome Project began in 1990, pilot projects were initiated that aimed to sequence the smaller genomes of several key model organisms (for example, Escherichia coli, S. cerevisiae, C. elegans and D. melanogaster) using available technologies. At the time, the general idea was that the eventual sequencing of the human and other vertebrate genomes could not begin in earnest without the development of a new, revolutionary sequencing technique(s). In reality, such methods were not forthcoming. However, numerous incremental improvements, each evolutionary in nature, were made STRATEGIES FOR THE SYSTEMATIC SEQUENCING OF COMPLEX GENOMES Eric D. Green Recent spectacular advances in the technologies and strategies for DNA sequencing have profoundly accelerated the detailed analysis of genomes from myriad organisms. The past few years alone have seen the publication of near-complete or draft versions of the genome sequence of several well-studied, multicellular organisms — most notably, the human. As well as providing data of fundamental biological significance, these landmark accomplishments have yielded important strategic insights that are guiding current and future genome-sequencing projects. NATURE REVIEWS | GENETICS VOLUME 2 | AUGUST 2001 | 573 Genome Technology Branch and NIH Intramural Sequencing Center, National Human Genome Research Institute, National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, Maryland 20892, USA. e-mail: [email protected] © 2001 Macmillan Magazines Ltd

REVIEWS - biodados.icb.ufmg.br · REVIEWS Biology and medicine are in the midst of a revolution, the full extent of which will probably not be realized for many years to come.The

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Page 1: REVIEWS - biodados.icb.ufmg.br · REVIEWS Biology and medicine are in the midst of a revolution, the full extent of which will probably not be realized for many years to come.The


Biology and medicine are in the midst of a revolution,the full extent of which will probably not be realized formany years to come. The catalyst for this revolution isthe Human Genome Project1 and related activities thataim to develop improved technologies for analysingDNA, to generate detailed information about thegenomes of numerous organisms, and to establish pow-erful experimental and computational approaches forstudying genome structure and function. The past fewyears have seen a remarkable crescendo in accomplish-ments related to DNA sequencing, with genomesequences being generated for several key experimentalorganisms, including a yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae),a nematode (Caenorhabditis elegans), a fly (Drosophilamelanogaster), a plant (Arabidopsis thaliana) and thehuman (Homo sapiens). Collectively, the generation ofthese sequence data and others is launching the‘sequence-based era’ of biomedical research.

Associated with the above accomplishments hasbeen the refinement of existing strategies for genomesequencing, as well as the development of new ones.Among these are approaches that make extensive use oflarge-insert clones and associated physical maps, somethat take a whole-genome approach without usingclone-based physical maps, and others that use a hybridstrategy that involves elements of the other two. Each ofthese general strategies for genome sequencing isdescribed in this review.

There are many potential uses of genome-sequencedata. In some cases, a detailed and accurate sequence-based ‘blueprint’ of a genome is required (for example,to establish a comprehensive gene catalogue and/or togain insight into long-range genome organization),whereas in other cases, an incomplete survey will suffice(for example, to acquire information about the repeti-tive sequences in a genome and/or to carry out simple,non-comprehensive comparisons to sequences fromother organisms). Importantly, the intended use(s) ofgenome-sequence data must be carefully consideredwhen choosing a specific sequencing strategy and defin-ing the end point of a particular project. These issues, aswell as the plans for future sequencing initiatives by theHuman Genome Project, are also discussed.

Contemporary sequencing methodsShortly after the Human Genome Project began in 1990,pilot projects were initiated that aimed to sequence thesmaller genomes of several key model organisms (forexample, Escherichia coli, S. cerevisiae, C. elegans and D.melanogaster) using available technologies. At the time,the general idea was that the eventual sequencing of thehuman and other vertebrate genomes could not begin inearnest without the development of a new, revolutionarysequencing technique(s). In reality, such methods werenot forthcoming. However, numerous incrementalimprovements, each evolutionary in nature, were made


Recent spectacular advances in the technologies and strategies for DNA sequencing haveprofoundly accelerated the detailed analysis of genomes from myriad organisms. The past fewyears alone have seen the publication of near-complete or draft versions of the genome sequenceof several well-studied, multicellular organisms — most notably, the human. As well as providingdata of fundamental biological significance, these landmark accomplishments have yieldedimportant strategic insights that are guiding current and future genome-sequencing projects.


Genome Technology Branch and NIH IntramuralSequencing Center, NationalHuman Genome ResearchInstitute,National Institutes of Health, Bethesda,Maryland 20892, USA.e-mail: [email protected]

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with calculated accuracy rates that provide an objectivecriterion for subsequent sequence finishing and analysis.Yet other programs provide user-friendly viewers forinspection and editing of the resulting sequence assem-blies. A particularly popular suite of programs for thesevarious steps is Phred, Phrap and Consed16–18, which aredesigned for base calling, sequence assembly and theviewing of sequence assemblies, respectively. Anothercommonly used sequence assembly program is GAP19. Inaddition to improving the overall quality of the generatedsequence by using sophisticated, statistically drivenapproaches to base calling and sequence assembly, suchprograms facilitate the establishment of more automatedroutines for sequence finishing20 (see below) and forassessing the accuracy of FINISHED SEQUENCE21,22. In a relatedfashion, numerous software systems have also been devel-oped for monitoring and assimilating the vast quantitiesof primary sequence data generated at high-throughputsequencing facilities23–26.

The availability of improved methods and technolo-gies for DNA sequencing prompted the testing of vari-ous general strategies for genome sequencing early in theHuman Genome Project. These included approachesthat used transposons to create random insertions (andthus sequence priming sites) in cloned DNA27, as well asthose that used multiplex sequencing strategies coupledwith various detection schemes28–30. As the cost of indi-vidual sequence reads generated by the Sanger methoddecreased, these other approaches were ultimately foundto be less efficient for sequencing large genomes than thegeneral strategy known as shotgun sequencing. The basictheory of shotgun sequencing, which was first describedin the early 1980s31–35, is that a large piece of DNA can besequenced by first fragmenting it into smaller pieces,then generating redundant amounts of sequence datafrom random fragments and finally piecing the individ-ual sequence reads back together (that is, assemblingthem) in a fashion that accurately reveals the sequence ofthe starting DNA. Laboratory manuals that detail thevarious experimental steps involved in shotgun sequenc-ing are available36–39. Below, the principal approaches forshotgun sequencing, as implemented for the systematicsequencing of complex genomes, are described.

Clone-by-clone shotgun sequencingSo far, the most commonly used approach for establish-ing the sequence of large, complex genomes involves theshotgun sequencing of individual mapped clones. Thisstrategy is best exemplified by the efforts of the HumanGenome Project to sequence the yeast40, nematode41 andhuman15 genomes (TABLE 1).Also referred to as hierarchi-cal shotgun sequencing or map-based shotgun sequenc-ing15, this strategy follows a ‘map first, sequence second’progression: the target DNA (either an entire genome ora smaller genomic region) is first analysed by clone-based physical mapping methods, and then individualmapped clones that together span the region of interestare selected and subjected to shotgun sequencing (FIG. 1a).The process of clone-by-clone shotgun sequencing canbe conceptually divided into a series of discrete andsequential steps42, each of which is described below.

during the early sequencing efforts of the HumanGenome Project; together, these created a viable path forthe sequencing of vertebrate-sized genomes. The crucialenhancements were geared towards increasing the accu-racy and efficiency of the dideoxy chain terminationsequencing method, originally developed by Fred Sangerand colleagues in the 1970s2. This simple but eleganttechnique, which involves the electrophoretic separationand detection of in vitro synthesized, single-strandedDNA molecules terminated with dideoxy nucleotides,has been central to virtually all past and current genome-sequencing projects of any significant scale.

The evolutionary improvements to the Sangersequencing method that have been devised in recentyears are diverse in nature. First, significant advanceshave been made in the laser-based instrumentationthat allows the automated detection of fluorescentlylabelled DNA molecules3,4, including the developmentof capillary-based sequencing instruments in the late1990s capable of analysing 96 samples in parallel5,6.Second, numerous enhancements in the biochemicalcomponents required for the Sanger method sequenc-ing reactions were developed, such as improved ther-mostable polymerases7, fluorescent-dye-labelleddideoxy terminators8 and more robust fluorescent dyesystems9–12. Of note, the current state-of-the-art meth-ods for fluorescence-based DNA sequencing using cap-illary-based instruments provide ~500–800 bases ofquality sequence per reaction (that is, per ‘sequenceread’). Third, various robotic systems have beendesigned to automate specific steps in the sequencingprocess13,14. These include systems that facilitate sub-clone library construction, that do the picking andarraying of bacterial subclones, that purify templateDNA from individual subclones, that prepare sequenc-ing reactions, and that load samples on slab gels or cap-illaries before electrophoresis. The net effect of thesevarious improvements has been a profound increase inthe quality and overall throughput of DNA sequencing,with a corresponding decrease in the associated costs— estimated to have been reduced >100-fold over thepast decade15. It is worth noting that this cost reductionhas, in part, been realized by the creation of very largesequencing centres that greatly benefit from theeconomies-of-scale and efficiencies associated withlarge production facilities.

In addition to the biochemical and mechanicalimprovements, crucially important software systems havebeen developed for analysing primary sequence data andfor carrying out sequence assembly. For example, newand more powerful programs are now available thatanalyse the data associated with each sequence read; thisincludes both calling the nucleotide base at each positionand assigning a corresponding quality score to reflect thestatistical likelihood that the indicated base call is correct.The resulting quality scores provide both the ability tomonitor the quality of the raw data and to detect authen-tic overlaps among sequence reads in a more accuratefashion. Additional programs have been developed thatuse the assigned quality scores for assembling sequencesin a statistically robust way, yielding sequence assemblies


Complete sequence of a cloneor genome, with a defined levelof accuracy and contiguity.

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generation physical maps of large genomes. In addi-tion, these clones are well suited as starting templatesfor shotgun sequencing.

Efficient approaches for constructing BAC-basedphysical maps have been developed in recent years54,55.These methods essentially represent contemporaryadaptations of the classic restriction-mapping tech-niques used to generate clone-based physical maps ofthe E. coli56, yeast57,58 and nematode59 genomes. In short,restriction enzyme digest-based fingerprints are derivedfor each BAC clone. Pairwise comparisons of the finger-prints are made and the resulting information isanalysed to infer clone overlaps, which in turn are usedto assemble BAC contigs54,55 (FIG. 2). The BAC-finger-printing process has been made relatively high-through-put in nature, allowing high-resolution BAC contigmaps to be constructed for the plant A. thaliana60,61,human62 and mouse (M. Marra, unpublished data)genomes. Similar BAC-based maps of the rat, zebrafishand bovine genomes are now being constructed. Theresulting BAC contig maps often provide continuitythat extends for several megabase pairs. In addition,supplementary mapping data is typically generated (forexample, information about the presence of STSs,genetic markers and gene sequences in the assembled

Map construction. In clone-based physical mapping,pieces of genomic DNA are cloned using a suitablehost–vector system (based in bacteria or yeast).Individual clones are then analysed for the presence ofunique DNA landmarks (for example, SEQUENCE-TAGGED

SITES (STSs)43, restriction sites and/or other sequence-based elements44), with data about the sharing of com-mon landmarks among clones then used to assembleoverlapping clone maps, called CONTIGS (FIG. 2). Eachclone contig contains the DNA from a contiguous seg-ment of the source genome.

Two main cloning systems have been used for con-structing physical maps of large genomic regions: yeastartificial chromosomes (YACs)45,46 and bacterial artifi-cial chromosomes (BACs)47 (or the closely related P1-derived artificial chromosomes48 (PACs)). YACs con-tain cloned inserts upwards of a megabase pair in sizeand, for example, were used to construct the first-gen-eration physical maps of the human49–52 and mouse53

genomes. However, for various scientific and logisticalreasons,YACs are not a good starting template for shot-gun sequencing (although they are used for this pur-pose in some rare instances). By contrast, BACs, whichcarry 100–200-kb inserts in a reasonably stable fashion,have proven extremely useful for constructing second-


(STS). Short (for example,<1,000 bp), unique sequenceassociated with a PCR assay thatcan be used to detect that site inthe genome.


Overlapping series of clones orsequence reads (for a clonecontig or sequence contig,respectively) that correspondsto a contiguous segment of thesource genome.

Table 1 | The sequencing of genomes from multicellular organisms*

Organism Size‡ General strategy Status Relevant URLs

Nematode41 ~100 Clone-by-clone Virtually complete genome.wustl.edu/gsc/Projects/C.eleganswww.sanger.ac.uk/Projects/C_eleganswww.wormbase.org

Arabidopsis ~125 Clone-by-clone Virtually complete www.arabidopsis.orgthaliana68

Drosophila86,87 ~120§ Hybrid|| Draft complete, www.fruitfly.orgfinishing in progress flybase.bio.indiana.edu


Human15 ~3,200 Clone-by-clone Draft complete, www.nhgri.nih.gov/genome_hub.htmlfinishing in progress

Human92 ~3,200 Whole-genome Draft complete www.celera.comshotgun

Mouse ~3,200 Hybrid In progress www.informatics.jax.orgwww.nih.gov/science/models/mousewww.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/genome/seq/MmHome.html

Mouse ~3,200 Whole-genome In progress www.celera.comshotgun

Rat ~3,200 Hybrid In progress www.hgsc.bcm.tmc.edu/ratwww.celera.comwww.nih.gov/science/models/ratwww.rgd.mcw.edu

Zebrafish ~1,700 Hybrid In progress www.sanger.ac.uk/Projects/D_reriozfin.org/ZFIN

Pufferfish ~400 Whole-genome In progress www.jgi.doe.gov/tempweb/programs/fugu.htm(Fugu rubripes) shotgun¶

Pufferfish ~400 Whole-genome In progress www.genoscope.cns.fr/externe/tetraodon(Tetraodon shotgun¶


Rice102 ~400 Clone-by-clone In progress rgp.dna.affrc.go.jp/Seqcollab.html

*This table is not intended to be comprehensive; listed here are the highlights of the main genome-sequencing projects involving multicellular organisms. ‡In megabasepairs (Mb); in most cases, the indicated genome size is an estimate. §Euchromatic portion (total genome size estimated at ~180 Mb). ||Involved a component for which anassembly was carried out using sequence reads generated by whole-genome shotgun sequencing; however, the ultimate finishing of the sequence to high accuracy isbeing done with sequence reads generated in a clone-by-clone fashion; so, this represents a hybrid shotgun-sequencing approach. ¶So far, plans only include thegeneration of sequence data by whole-genome shotgun sequencing.

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maps with highly redundant clone COVERAGE (for exam-ple, tenfold or greater) can be readily used for selectingsuitable sets of clones for sequencing across mostgenomic regions62 (hence, the name SEQUENCE-READY

MAPS64 (FIG. 2)).

Subclone library construction. For each selected BAC, thecloned DNA is purified and subjected to random frag-mentation (FIG. 3), most often by physical shearing meth-ods. After enzymatic repair of the broken ends and sizefractionation, the DNA fragments in a defined size range(for example, 2–5 kb) are recovered and subcloned into aplasmid- or M13-based vector. The chief advantages ofplasmid subclones are that the resulting double-strandedtemplates can be used for deriving sequence reads fromboth ends of the subcloned fragment (at the cost of puri-fying only one template) and that the pair of sequencereads from each subclone (‘read pairs’or ‘mate pairs’) canbe used to facilitate and/or assess the subsequentsequence assembly65 (see below). The principal advan-tages of M13 subclones are that the template DNA is sim-pler to prepare and that the sequence data generated withthe resulting single-stranded template is generally of

BAC contigs), thereby providing landmark-contentdata63 that can be used for the relative positioning of theBAC contigs in the genome. Note that the above map-ping efforts only correspond to ~1% of the total cost ofa clone-based shotgun-sequencing project15.

Clone selection. Once provided with an assembled BACcontig map, minimally overlapping clones (that togeth-er represent a MINIMAL TILING PATH across a genomicregion) are then selected for shotgun sequencing (FIG.

2). The most important criterion for selecting a BACfrom such a map is evidence that the clone is authentic.Typically, the restriction enzyme digest-based finger-print of a candidate BAC is examined and comparedwith that of all overlapping clones; a BAC is only select-ed for sequencing if each of the restriction fragments inits fingerprint is also present in at least one overlappingclone. Common anomalies, such as an internal deletionor a chimeric insert, would typically result in the pres-ence of a restriction fragment(s) not present in an over-lapping clone(s); the detection of such an anomalywould make that BAC inappropriate for sequencing.Note that properly constructed BAC-based physical


A minimal set of overlappingclones that together providescomplete coverage across agenomic region.


The average number of times agenomic segment is representedin a collection of clones orsequence reads (synonymouswith redundancy).


Typically considered anoverlapping bacterial clone map(for example, a BAC contigmap) with sufficientlyredundant clone coverage toallow for the rational selectionof clones for sequencing.




a b

Construct clone map and select mappedclones

Generate several thousand sequence reads per clone


Generate tens of millionsof sequence reads


Figure 1 | Two main shotgun-sequencing strategies. a | Schematic overview of clone-by-clone shotgun sequencing. Arepresentation of a genome is made by analogy to an encyclopaedia set, with each volume corresponding to an individualchromosome. The construction of clone-based physical maps produces overlapping series of clones (that is, contigs), each ofwhich spans a large, contiguous region of the source genome. Each clone (for example, a bacterial artificial chromosome (BAC))can be thought of as containing the DNA represented by one page of a volume. For shotgun sequencing, individual mappedclones are subcloned into smaller-insert libraries, from which sequence reads are randomly derived. In the case of BACs, thistypically requires the generation of several thousand sequence reads per clone. The resulting sequence data set is then used toassemble the complete sequence of that clone (see FIGS 3,4). b | Schematic overview of whole-genome shotgun sequencing. Inthis case, the mapping phase is skipped and shotgun sequencing proceeds using subclone libraries prepared from the entiregenome. Typically, tens of millions of sequence reads are generated and these in turn are subjected to computer-basedassembly to generate contiguous sequences of various sizes.

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as WORKING DRAFT SEQUENCE, which represents both anintermediate that is en route to the generation of highlyaccurate and complete sequence, as well as an analyticaltool of immense value for preliminary analyses. Both ofthese features are nicely illustrated by the recently com-pleted working draft sequence of the human genomeproduced by the Human Genome Project15.

Directed finishing phase. The initial assembly of thesequence reads generated from a BAC (assuming~8–10-fold coverage) typically yields a handful ofsequence contigs that together reflect virtually all of thestarting clone. The remaining problems usually includediscontinuities between sequence contigs (that is, gaps),areas of low sequence quality, ambiguous bases in theconsensus sequence and contig misassemblies. In thefinal sequencing phase (FIG. 3), the preliminary sequenceassembly (or PREFINISHED SEQUENCE) is refined in a directedfashion to produce a final, highly accurate sequence;this process is referred to as sequence finishing. In con-trast to the routine, high-throughput-orientated natureof the random shotgun phase, the sequence finishingphase is highly customized and generally associatedwith a lower throughput. Often, each BAC presents itsown unique set of problems. Resolving these involvesadditional sequencing of existing subclones, as well asderiving sequence data directly from purified BACDNA or from amplified PCR products; it often alsorequires the use of alternate sequencing chemistries andmodified experimental protocols.

The process of sequence finishing is now greatlyfacilitated by the availability of recently developed com-puter software systems. Base-calling programs thatassign a quality score to each base of a sequence read(for example, Phred16,17) provide the statistical founda-tion for more robust sequence assembly programs (forexample, Phrap), which in turn provide the means tomonitor the accuracy of the resulting sequence assem-blies. This allows the end point of the sequence finishingphase to be clearly defined, including the attainment ofestablished accuracy rates for the final sequence. Inaddition, software tools for facilitating sequence finish-ing (for example, the program Autofinish20) can be usedto partially automate the finishing process. Specifically,

higher quality. Plasmid and M13 vectors have slightly dif-ferent cloning biases, with certain genomic regions beingmore readily recovered in one type of subclone comparedwith the other66; as a result, a combination of plasmid andM13 subclones is sometimes used in a shotgun-sequenc-ing project to minimize the inherent cloning biases asso-ciated with any one system. The main disadvantage ofusing both types of subclones is that it introduces addi-tional complexity to the sequencing process, with theneed to construct two subclone libraries for each BACand to purify two types of template DNA for sequencing.

Random shotgun phase. In the initial sequencing phase(FIG. 3), subclones are picked at random and sequencereads are derived from the UNIVERSAL PRIMING SITE(S) locat-ed on one or both sides of the cloned insert (in the caseof M13 and plasmid subclones, respectively). After thegeneration of a sufficient amount of redundantsequence data (relative to the starting BAC insert), thesequence reads are computationally assembled on thebasis of detected sequence overlaps (FIG. 4). The resultingassembly typically yields a series of sequence contigs,each of which consists of a collection of overlappingreads and a deduced consensus sequence.

For producing highly accurate sequence (for exam-ple, >99.99% accurate, the agreed-on minimal standardfor finished human sequence21,22), data that provide~8–10-fold sequence coverage (that is, redundancy) aretypically generated; this is often called FULL-SHOTGUN

SEQUENCE. For example, in the case of an ~150-kb BAC,~3,000 usable sequence reads (excluding those thatfailed to produce any data, those derived from the BACvector or contaminating E. coli genomic DNA intro-duced during subclone library construction, and thosefrom non-recombinant subclones) that average ~500quality bases in length are required to provide roughlytenfold coverage. Once such a level of sequence coverageis attained, the clone is ready for the next step in theshotgun-sequencing process.

Assemblies generated with lower levels of coveragecan give tremendous insight into the sequence of a clone.For example, assemblies generated with even ~3–5-foldsequence coverage can be used for a wide array ofimportant analyses67. Such a product is often referred to


A short sequence (for example,16–24 bases) in a cloning vector,immediately adjacent to thevector–insert junction to whicha common (that is, universal)sequencing primer can anneal.


A type of prefinished sequence,in this case with sufficientcoverage to make it ready forsequence finishing (typically onthe order of 8–10-foldcoverage).


A type of prefinished sequence,often meant to correspond tosequence with coverage thatputs it at roughly the halfwaypoint towards full-shotgunsequence.


Sequence derived from apreliminary assembly during ashotgun-sequencing project (atthis stage, the sequence is oftennot contiguous nor highlyaccurate).

Figure 2 | Sequence-ready BAC contig map. A collection of overlapping bacterial artificial chromosome (BAC) clones thatcontain human DNA was subjected to restriction enzyme digest-based fingerprint analysis54. The resulting data was analysedusing the program FPC100,101, which constructed the depicted BAC contig map that spans >1 Mb. The 11 clones outlined in red,which provide a minimal tiling path across the corresponding genomic region, were selected for sequencing.

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Sequence authentication. After final assembly, the fin-ished sequence is typically analysed for several importantfeatures, such as the presence and correct order of knownsequence-based markers (for example, STSs, geneticmarkers and genes) and its concordance with establishedrestriction enzyme digest-based fingerprint(s). The latterinvolves comparing an in silico restriction digest(s) of theassembled sequence with the previously established fin-gerprint of the starting clone, with any discrepancy indi-cating the possible presence of a sequence misassembly ora rearrangement of the cloned insert before sequencing.Such authentication checks are crucial for ensuring thatthe final sequence produced in a shotgun-sequencingproject is highly accurate.

Clone-by-clone shotgun-sequencing projects. The gen-eral process of clone-by-clone shotgun sequencing, asdetailed above, has proven to be highly robust in severalof the large genome-sequencing projects (TABLE 1). Thesequencing of the yeast S. cerevisiae40, the nematode C.elegans41, and the plant A. thaliana68 genomes was donein a clone-by-clone fashion, using previously construct-ed clone-based physical maps57–61,69. The most notableuse of this strategy has been in the sequencing of thehuman genome by the Human Genome Project70. In thiscase, a carefully crafted plan for clone-by-clone shotgunsequencing was formulated based on the early experi-ences gained in a series of pilot projects71,72. The execu-tion of this plan relied extensively on a newly construct-ed BAC-based physical map62 and a mechanism forcoordinating the activities of several sequencing groupsaround the world73. So far, a working draft sequence hasbeen generated for virtually all of the readily clonablehuman genome15, with finished sequence now availablefor roughly half of the genome (including some entirechromosomes74,75). This sequence is extensively integrat-ed with various other maps of the human genome,including cytogenetic76, genetic77, STS49,51,52, gene/tran-script78 and RADIATION HYBRID MAPS79. Importantly, the highstandards for accuracy established for the humangenome sequence21 are seemingly being met22.

In addition to the traditional implementation ofclone-by-clone shotgun sequencing (TABLE 1), alternativeapproaches for the selection of clones for sequencinghave been proposed. For example, as a substitute or asupplement to the construction of a BAC contig map,large collections of BAC insert-end sequences can begenerated. In principle, such ‘BAC-end sequences’ canbe used to identify clones that minimally overlap withan already sequenced clone (specifically, by matchingunique BAC-end sequences near the insert end of thesequenced clone80). When used in conjunction withavailable BAC-fingerprint data, such a strategy providesa potential route for the rational selection of clones forsequencing81. Another variant strategy involves startinga genome-sequencing project by initially sequencingnumerous randomly selected BACs82 and then eventual-ly switching to a map-based approach for clone selec-tion. Such a strategy has been advocated for cases inwhich no clone-based physical map is available at thetime that sequencing is ready to begin.

such programs analyse the assemblies after the randomshotgun phase and recommend specific additionalsequencing reactions, thereby eliminating some of thelabour-intensive (mostly computational) work involvedin the early stages of sequence finishing. The net effectcan be a significant increase in the efficiency and adecrease in the overall cost associated with this phase ofthe shotgun-sequencing process.


Physical map of markers(typically STSs) positioned onthe basis of the frequency withwhich they are separated byradiation-induced breaks (mapconstruction involves the PCRanalysis of rodent cell lines, eachcontaining different fragmentsof the source genome).










Prepare multiple copies

PurifiedBAC DNA

Prefinished sequence

Finished sequence

Physically fragment DNA

Subclone random fragments

Generate reads fromrandom subclones

Assemble sequence

Sequence finishing

Final assembly

Figure 3 | Main steps in clone-by-clone shotgun sequencing. An individual clone, such asa bacterial artificial chromosome (BAC), is selected, and a large amount of BAC DNA is purified(analogous to making several photocopies of a specific page from a given volume of anencyclopaedia set). The purified DNA is then fragmented by physical shearing methods(analogous to passing the copied pages through a paper shredder). The random DNAfragments (typically 2–5 kb in size) are then subcloned. Sequence reads are then generatedfrom one or both ends of randomly selected subclones (for example, several thousandsequence reads are typically generated from each ~100–150-kb BAC). The random reads arethen assembled on the basis of sequence overlaps (see FIG. 4), yielding preliminary sequenceassemblies (often referred to as prefinished sequence). Such sequence is imperfect, beingassociated with both gaps (indicated by breaks between the horizontal lines) and areas of poorsequence quality (indicated by the thinner horizontal lines). Often, the order and orientation ofsome of the sequence contigs is also not known. Subsequent customized sequence finishing,involving the generation of additional sequence data for closing gaps and bolstering areas ofpoor sequence quality, yields finished, highly accurate sequence across the entire clone.

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shown for the landmark sequencing of theHaemophilus influenzae genome84. Indeed, this strategyis now routinely used for sequencing repeat-poormicrobial genomes, with numerous examples reportedin recent years85.

The application of whole-genome shotgunsequencing to eukaryotic genomes is more difficultowing to their larger size and higher repeat content. Inparticular, repetitive sequences pose significant chal-lenges to the process of sequence assembly, especiallywhen carried out using data derived in a genome-widefashion. The sequencing of the Drosophila genomerepresented the first large-scale use of whole-genomeshotgun sequencing for the comprehensive analysis ofa eukaryotic genome86,87. This effort provided valuableinsight about the use of this strategy for sequencingeukaryotic genomes, in this case resulting in theassembly of virtually all of the euchromatic portion ofthe Drosophila genome (TABLE 1). It is important tonote, though, that the finishing of the Drosophilagenome is proceeding in a BAC-by-BAC fashion usingan established clone-based physical map88; so, theDrosophila genome will ultimately be sequenced by ahybrid strategy (see below).

The most prominently featured application ofwhole-genome shotgun sequencing has been foranalysing the human genome. Lively discussions aboutthe potential use of this strategy for sequencing large,repeat-rich mammalian genomes (for example, thehuman genome) began several years ago89,90, evenbefore its use for sequencing the Drosophila genome.Using a modified version of an earlier plan91, a whole-genome shotgun-sequencing strategy was used byCelera Genomics to sequence the human genome92.Specifically, this involved: first, generating an approxi-mately fivefold coverage of the human genome insequence reads derived from three types of subclonelibraries (containing ~2-, ~10- and ~50-kb inserts);and second, augmenting this data with an approxi-mately threefold coverage in sequence reads artificiallycreated by shredding available human-sequence assem-blies produced by the Human Genome Project15

(which was generated in a BAC-by-BAC fashion usingmapped clones). The combined data sets were used tocarry out two types of sequence assembly, in each caseinvolving a sophisticated, multistep algorithm92. Theresulting sequence contigs were then organized intoscaffolds (FIG. 5), each consisting of a group of sequencecontigs held together by read pairs (in each case, withone read assembled into one contig and the other readassembled into a nearby contig). The scaffolds werethen aligned relative to the genome by the use of long-range mapping information, most often by the identifi-cation of mapped STSs, genetic markers and genes inthe assembled sequence contigs.

These initial experiences in applying a whole-genome shotgun-sequencing strategy to the analysis ofeukaryotic genomes have yielded important lessons.First, it is now appreciated that the use of several sizeclasses of subclones is crucial. Each class has a slightlydifferent role in the assembly process, such as spanning

Whole-genome shotgun sequencingAn alternative strategy for genome sequencing, calledwhole-genome shotgun sequencing, involves the assem-bly of sequence reads generated in a random, genome-wide fashion (FIG. 1b), theoretically bypassing the needfor a clone-based physical map. Specifically, the entiregenome of an organism is fragmented into pieces ofdefined sizes, which in turn are subcloned into suitableplasmid vectors. Sequence reads are generated fromboth insert ends of a very large number of subclones, soas to produce highly redundant sequence coverageacross the genome. Computational methods are thenused to assemble the sequence reads and to deduce acorresponding consensus sequence. A key aspect of thisstrategy, which is especially important for dealing withthe problems presented by repetitive sequences, is thegeneration of sequence reads from both ends of mostsubclones65. The expected physical distances separatingthese juxtaposed read pairs are an important factor inthe process of deriving an accurate sequence assembly.

The most common implementation of whole-genome shotgun sequencing has been for elucidatingthe sequence of smaller bacterial genomes83, as first

Figure 4 | Shotgun-sequence assembly. A key component of shotgun sequencing involvesthe computational assembly of redundant collections of sequence reads, from which anaccurate consensus sequence can be deduced. Shown here is a representative display fromthe program Consed18, which is the viewing tool typically used with the associated base-callingprogram Phred16,17 and sequence-assembly program Phrap. In this ~60-bp view from ashotgun-sequencing project, the indicated sequence reads have been assembled and used to deduce the consensus sequence (highlighted in white along the top). The primary data for one of the sequence reads (the sequence trace) is shown along the bottom. See REF. 18

for additional details about the various features of Consed shown here.

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The above experiences with whole-genome shot-gun sequencing have also revealed important advan-tages and disadvantages of the approach. The formerinclude the ability to initiate the sequencing of agenome without an existing clone-based physical mapand to generate large amounts of sequence data froman entire genome relatively quickly for use in identify-ing conserved sequences93 and polymorphisms92,94.The main problems with the strategy, especially whenused in the absence of supplementary clone-derivedsequence data, include the sequence gaps and misas-semblies that are caused by repetitive sequences (par-ticularly those associated with low-copy duplicatedsegments) and the uncertainty about how best to pro-ceed from data generated exclusively by whole-genomeshotgun sequencing to a highly accurate, finishedsequence of an entire genome.

Hybrid strategies for shotgun sequencingThe scientific and popular press has frequently high-lighted the distinct approaches taken by the HumanGenome Project and Celera Genomics in their respec-tive efforts to sequence the human genome (that is,clone-by-clone versus whole-genome shotgun sequenc-ing, respectively). In reality, the two strategies are notmutually exclusive and, in fact, are quite complemen-tary. Indeed, there has been remarkable convergence inthe use of these sequencing approaches, resulting in theadvent of hybrid (or mixed) strategies that incorporateelements of both.

In a hybrid shotgun-sequencing strategy, sequencereads are generated in both a clone-by-clone and awhole-genome fashion (FIG. 6a). The sequence reads fromindividual BACs are then used to identify additionalmatching reads generated by whole-genome shotgunsequencing. The combined collection of reads, whichessentially reflect sequencing data for a BAC-sized bin ofthe genome, is then used for sequence assembly and fin-ishing. Note that this is precisely the strategy being usedfor finishing the Drosophila genome sequence86–88.

A hybrid shotgun-sequencing strategy can, inprinciple, capture the advantageous elements of bothclone-by-clone and whole-genome approaches. Forexample, the whole-genome shotgun component pro-vides rapid insight about the sequence of the entiregenome. Such data can be used to learn about therepertoire of repetitive sequences in a genome and tofind matching conserved sequences in common withother organisms93, as is now being done with mousewhole-genome shotgun-sequence data for the pur-pose of annotating the human genome sequence. Atthe same time, the whole-genome shotgun sequencereads are also useful when pooled with the corre-sponding data generated in a clone-by-clone fashion,thereby creating data sets with enhanced sequencecoverage. Meanwhile, the clone-by-clone componentsimplifies the process of sequence assembly to indi-vidual clone-sized genomic segments, thereby mini-mizing the likelihood of serious misassemblies.Importantly, this provides a well-established path forsequence finishing.

certain blocks of repetitive sequence or providing along-range organizational framework for the sequencecontigs and scaffolds. Typically, the largest numbers ofsequence reads are generated with the subclones thatcontain the smallest inserts. Second, the availability ofsupplementary long-range mapping data is cruciallyimportant. Indeed, assimilating the large collection ofassembled sequence contigs into an organized, usefulresource requires their accurate cross-referencing withavailable mapping information (FIG. 5). Finally, perhapsthe most essential element of any whole-genome shot-gun-sequencing strategy is the availability of a robustassembly program that can accommodate theinevitably large collection of sequence reads87,92. Suchsoftware systems must assemble sequence readsderived from several gigabase pairs of genomic DNA,in contrast to the more traditional clone-basedsequence assembly programs that only encounter datasets derived from 100–200-kb clones. The formerinclude algorithms that account for the anticipatedspatial relationship of read pairs emanating from indi-vidual subclones, which help to avoid misassembliesdue to repetitive sequences. The development of morepowerful whole-genome sequence assembly programs,including those that use data produced in both whole-genome and clone-by-clone shotgun-sequencing pro-jects, represents an active area of genome research.





Read pair


Read pairRead pair

Figure 5 | Long-range sequence assembly in whole-genome shotgun sequencing.Individual sequence reads generated in a whole-genome shotgun-sequencing project areinitially assembled into sequence contigs. Groups of sequence contigs are then organized intoscaffolds on the basis of linking information provided by read pairs (in each case, with onesequence read from a pair assembling into one contig and the other read into another contig).In turn, the scaffolds can be aligned relative to the source genome (represented by anencyclopaedia set) by the identification of already mapped, sequence-based landmarks (forexample, STSs, genetic markers and genes; depicted as red circles) in the sequence contigs,thereby associating them with a known location on the genome map. Adapted from REF. 92.

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Future genome sequencing effortsBuoyed by the information gleaned from the genomesequences now available for the human and severalother model organisms, there is ever-increasing interestin acquiring sequence data from myriad othergenomes. In contemplating additional large-scalesequencing projects, significant consideration is right-fully being given to the type(s) of information desiredin each case. The latter can include specific biologicalinsight into the genetic blueprint of an organism, datafor use as a comparative tool to analyse an already avail-able genome sequence (for example, that of thehuman) and a general cataloguing of genes, repetitivesequences, conserved elements or polymorphisms in agenome. Another important consideration relates tothe degree of completeness, accuracy and continuitydesired and/or required for the intended use of theresulting sequencing data. Although each of the currentand future genome-sequencing projects has its owncharacteristic features, some generalizations aboutsequencing strategies can be made. For example, awhole-genome shotgun-sequencing strategy is particu-larly appropriate for studying a genome in a global andsurvey-orientated fashion, especially when a finishedgenome sequence is not an immediate goal. By con-trast, clone-by-clone and hybrid shotgun-sequencingstrategies are typically used when a more detailed,highly accurate (most likely finished) genome sequenceis desired.

The mouse, rat and zebrafish genomes are expectedto be sequenced over the next few years (TABLE 1).Smaller efforts, at present mostly involving whole-genome shotgun sequencing, aim to sequence thecompact genomes of two pufferfish species: Tetraodonnigroviridis95 and Fugu rubripes96. Various efforts arealso sequencing the genomes of several plants, such asrice (TABLE 1). Meanwhile, the selection and prioritiza-tion of other genomes for systematic sequencing is anactive process, in many cases associated with vigorousdebate (such as in contemplating the sequencing of thechimpanzee genome97–99). The generation of addition-al genome sequences should be accompanied byimproved insight into the level of completeness andaccuracy needed, especially for analyses that will beable to capitalize on already available, high-qualitygenome sequences.

Although considerably lower than a decade ago, thecurrent costs associated with large-scale sequencingremain a central limiting factor for genome-sequencingefforts. For example, establishing approximately onefoldsequence coverage of a mammalian genome requiresthe generation of roughly 6 million sequence reads andat present costs about US $10–20 million (and so, even aworking draft sequence with approximately fivefoldcoverage would probably cost in excess of US $50 mil-lion). As a result, only a handful of different genomescan realistically be sequenced in a comprehensive fashionat any point in time, at least by the available methods.

An alternative approach for comparative genomeexploration involves the sequencing of well-defined,delimited genomic regions. Such targeted sequencing,

A current research focus of several sequencing groupsinvolves establishing the optimal balance between gener-ating sequence reads in a clone-by-clone versus whole-genome fashion when implementing a hybrid shotgun-sequencing strategy.Although there is general consensusthat ~8–10-fold redundant coverage is required for a pro-ject that aims to deliver high-quality, finished sequence,the relative amount of coverage contributed by the readsderived from a clone-by-clone versus whole-genomecomponent is actively being investigated (FIG. 6b). In par-ticular, the current efforts to sequence the mouse, rat andzebrafish genomes (TABLE 1), all of which are using ahybrid sequencing strategy, should provide crucial insightinto this issue.

Combine overlapping whole-genome-and BAC-derived reads

Generate whole-genomeshotgun reads





bRedundantcoverage: 0 ~10-fold~5-fold

What is the optimal mixture?


Clone-by-clone shotgun sequence reads

Whole-genome shotgunsequence reads

~10-fold 0~5-fold

Generate BACshotgun reads

Assembleand finish

Figure 6 | Hybrid shotgun-sequencing approach. a | In a hybrid approach, elements ofboth clone-by-clone and whole-genome shotgun sequencing are amalgamated. A subclonelibrary from a whole genome (represented by an encyclopaedia set) is prepared, and numeroussequence reads (depicted in dark blue) are generated in a genome-wide fashion. Meanwhile,individual mapped BACs are also subjected to shotgun sequencing. The BAC-derivedsequence reads (depicted in light blue) can then be used to identify overlapping sequences inthe larger collection of whole-genome-derived sequence reads, in essence reducing thecomplexity of the whole-genome shotgun data set to a series of individual BAC-sized bins. Thecombined set of sequence reads for each BAC can then be individually assembled andsubjected to sequence finishing. b | Optimal balance of generating clone-by-clone versuswhole-genome shotgun sequence reads in a hybrid sequencing strategy. In the hybridshotgun-sequencing approach illustrated in a, sequence reads derived from individual clonesand those generated in a genome-wide fashion are assembled together. Although an overallsequence redundancy of ~8–10-fold is typically desired, the optimal mixture of clone-by-cloneand whole-genome shotgun sequence reads is at present not well established. Currentprojects that are using a hybrid approach for sequencing the mouse, rat and zebrafishgenomes (see TABLE 1) should provide valuable insight into this issue.

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plex genomes. Having recruited creative and ambitiousinvestigators with diverse backgrounds, the field of large-scale sequencing now represents an exciting and ever-challenging area of genome science that continues toattract significant interest and attention. The futureshould bring a steady stream of additional sequencingefforts and with these will come a continued maturationof the portfolio of strategic alternatives for sequence-based genome exploration.

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which typically involves the shotgun sequencing ofmapped BACs, provides the ability to directly compareorthologous sequences generated from numerous dif-ferent organisms. So, in addition to comprehensivegenome sequencing for a select set of organisms (TABLE

1), the near future should also see the generation ofsequence from the same targeted genomic regions of aneven larger set of organisms that will be used fordetailed comparative sequence analysis.

ConclusionsThe experience so far in analysing the various, recentlygenerated genome sequences has led to one definitiveconclusion — that the availability of genome-sequencedata has a profound and positive impact on the infra-structure of experimental biology. As such, despite theimpressive sequencing triumphs of late, the thirst forgenome-sequence data is far from quenched. TheHuman Genome Project, and related efforts in genomeanalysis, have brought tremendous advances in themethods and technologies available for sequencing com-

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16. Ewing, B., Hillier, L., Wendl, M. C. & Green, P. Base-callingof automated sequencer traces using Phred. I. Accuracyassessment. Genome Res. 8, 175–185 (1998).

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19. Bonfield, J. K., Smith, K. F. & Staden, R. A new DNAsequence assembly program. Nucleic Acids Res. 23,4992–4999 (1995).

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34. Deininger, P. L. Random subcloning of sonicated DNA:application to shotgun DNA sequence analysis. Anal.Biochem. 129, 216–223 (1983).

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40. Goffeau, A. et al. The yeast genome directory. Nature 387,S1–S105 (1997).Describes the genome sequence of the firsteukaryotic organism, the yeast Saccharomycescerevisiae, by a collection of numerous sequencinggroups (large and small) around the world.

41. The C. elegans Sequencing Consortium. Genomesequence of the nematode C. elegans: a platform forinvestigating biology. Science 282, 2012–2018 (1998).Reports the genome sequence of the firstmulticellular organism, the nematode wormCaenorhabditis elegans, by the sequencing groupsat Washington University and the Sanger Centre.

42. Wilson, R. K. & Mardis, E. R. in Genome Analysis: ALaboratory Manual. 1. Analyzing DNA (eds Birren, B. et al.)397–454 (Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press, ColdSpring Harbor, New York, 1997).


FURTHER INFORMATION Human Genome Project |Saccharomyces cerevisiae | Caenorhabditis elegans |Drosophila melanogaster | Arabidopsis thaliana | Homo sapiens | Escherichia coli | Phred | Phrap | Consed |GAP | mouse | BAC fingerprint map of the mousegenome | rat | zebrafish | TIGR comprehensive microbialresource | Celera Genomics | Tetraodon nigroviridis |Fugu rubripes | rice

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43. Olson, M., Hood, L., Cantor, C. & Botstein, D. A commonlanguage for physical mapping of the human genome.Science 245, 1434–1435 (1989).

44. Vollrath, D. in Genome Analysis: A Laboratory Manual. 4.Mapping Genomes (eds Birren, B. et al.) 187–215 (ColdSpring Harbor Laboratory Press, Cold Spring Harbor, NewYork, 1999).

45. Burke, D. T., Carle, G. F. & Olson, M. V. Cloning of largesegments of exogenous DNA into yeast by means ofartificial chromosome vectors. Science 236, 806–812(1987).

46. Green, E. D., Hieter, P. & Spencer, F. A. in GenomeAnalysis: A Laboratory Manual. 3. Cloning Systems (edsBirren, B. et al.) 297–565 (Cold Spring Harbor LaboratoryPress, Cold Spring Harbor, New York, 1998).

47. Shizuya, H. et al. Cloning and stable maintenance of 300-kilobase-pair fragments of human DNA in Escherichia coliusing an F-factor-based vector. Proc. Natl Acad. Sci. USA89, 8794–8797 (1992).

48. Ioannou, P. A. et al. A new bacteriophage P1-derivedvector for the propagation of large human DNA fragments.Nature Genet. 6, 84–89 (1994).

49. Hudson, T. J. et al. An STS-based map of the humangenome. Science 270, 1945–1954 (1995).

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51. Bouffard, G. G. et al. A physical map of humanchromosome 7: an integrated YAC contig map withaverage STS spacing of 79 kb. Genome Res. 7, 673–692(1997).

52. Nagaraja, R. et al. X chromosome map at 75-kb STSresolution, revealing extremes of recombination and GCcontent. Genome Res. 7, 210–222 (1997).

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54. Marra, M. A. et al. High throughput fingerprint analysis oflarge-insert clones. Genome Res. 7, 1072–1084 (1997).Approach for constructing sequence-ready BACcontig maps by restriction enzyme digest-basedfingerprint analysis. This general method, whichessentially represents an extension of earliermapping techniques (for example, see references57–59), has been used to generate BAC contig mapsof the human, mouse, Arabidopsis thaliana and othergenomes.

55. Gregory, S. G., Howell, G. R. & Bentley, D. R. Genomemapping by fluorescent fingerprinting. Genome Res. 7,1162–1168 (1997).

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60. Marra, M. et al. A map for sequence analysis of theArabidopsis thaliana genome. Nature Genet. 22, 265–270(1999).

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68. The Arabidopsis Genome Initiative. Analysis of the genomesequence of the flowering plant Arabidopsis thaliana.Nature 408, 796–815 (2000).Describes the genome sequence of the first plant,Arabidopsis thaliana, by an international consortiumof sequencing groups.

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72. The Sanger Centre & The Washington University GenomeSequencing Center. Toward a complete human genomesequence. Genome Res. 8, 1097–1108 (1998).

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75. The Chromosome 21 Mapping and SequencingConsortium. The DNA sequence of human chromosome21. Nature 405, 311–319 (2000).References 74 and 75 announce the completion offinished sequence for the first two humanchromosomes — 22 and 21, respectively.

76. The BAC Resource Consortium. Integration of cytogeneticlandmarks into the draft sequence of the human genome.Nature 409, 953–958 (2001).

77. Yu, A. et al. Comparison of human genetic and sequence-based physical maps. Nature 409, 951–953 (2001).

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AcknowledgementsI thank F. Collins, J. Touchman and R. Wilson for critical reading ofthis manuscript.

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