In the Midst of Hardship F4

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  • 7/27/2019 In the Midst of Hardship F4


    In the Midst of Hardship

    by Latiff Mohidin

    At dawn they returned home

    their soaky clothes torn

    and approached the stove

    their limbs marked by scratches

    their legs full of wounds

    but on their brows

    there was not a sign of despair

    The whole day and night just passed

    they had to brave the horrendous flood

    in the water all the time

    between bloated carcasses

    and tiny chips of tree barks

    desperately looking for their sons

    albino buffalo that was never found

    They were born amidst hardship

    and grew up without a sigh or a complaint

    now they are in the kitchen, making

    jokes while rolling their cigarette leaves

  • 7/27/2019 In the Midst of Hardship F4



    SET 1

    1. In stanza 1, which lines indicate the suffering that the people endure while out in the




    2. In stanza 1, why did the people approach the stove?



    3. In Stanza 2, who had to brave the horrendous flood?



    4. In your opinion, what might happen to the albino buffalo?




  • 7/27/2019 In the Midst of Hardship F4


    SET 2

    1. How long did the heavy downpour occur?



    2. From the poem, what hardship did the villagers had to faced?



    3. What is the couple's attitude towards the problems they face in life?



    4. In your opinion, why did the boy love the albino buffalo so much?



  • 7/27/2019 In the Midst of Hardship F4


    SET 3

    1. When did the family reach their home?



    2. In stanza 1, 'soaky clothes' are caused by?



    3. Why they approached to the stove?



    4. What can you see on their limbs?



  • 7/27/2019 In the Midst of Hardship F4


    SET 4

    1. What can you see on their brows?



    2. The word 'horrendous' in stanza 2 can be replaced with?



    3. Who were desperately looking for their son's albino buffalo?



    4. In Stanza 2, what were floating in the floodwater?



  • 7/27/2019 In the Midst of Hardship F4


    SET 5

    1. Which phrase in Stanza 3 indicates the jovial feelings of the family despite what they

    have gone through?




    2. Why were their clothes soaky?



    3. Write down the line in the poem which reveals that this incident took place in a




  • 7/27/2019 In the Midst of Hardship F4




    4. What does the phrase bloated carcasses refer to?



    SET 6

    1. In your opinion, what kind of attitude do the last two lines imply? Explain.



    2. Write down the line which shows that they have been out for long hours?




  • 7/27/2019 In the Midst of Hardship F4


    3. The theme may not be exactly about hardship as implied by the title. What is thetheme related to?



    4. What does the phrase albino buffalo reveal?



    SET 7

    1. What moral value did you learn from the poem? Explain.



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    2. If you have to `brave` a danger, you have to?



    3. What was not seen on their brows?



    4. Why did the tiny chips float in the floodwater?



    SET 8

    1. What type of life is a life of hardship?

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    2. What meaning of not a sign of despair?



    3. What meaning of born amidst hardship?



    4. What meaning of grew up without a sigh?



  • 7/27/2019 In the Midst of Hardship F4


    SET 9

    1. How many stanzas does this poem have?



    2. What the synopsis stanza 1?



    3. What the synopsis stanza 2?



    4. What the synopsis stanza 3?



  • 7/27/2019 In the Midst of Hardship F4


    Set 10

    1. How did they feel when they reached home?



    2. What does the word dawn mean?



    3. Write down phrases from the poem which indicates injury?



    4. What the moral value of the story?


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    Set 11

    1. Which line means their hands and legs had cuts all over?



    2. Which line means had to put up with the dreadful flood?



    3. What natural disaster had occurred to the place?



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    4. Name the animal that had gone missing in this poem.



    SET 12

    1. What the tone and mood of the poem?



    2. Which stanza that show when they returned, their faces did not show despair?


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    3. Describe words that show the poverty situation of the family in the village?



    4. Describe words that show the spirit of endurance shown by the family through the




    SET 13

    1. How would people normally react when they experience this sort of pain and




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    2. What would most likely have caused the scratches and wound on the people?



    3. Describe words that show the various wounds suffered situation by the family




    4. Describe words that show situation of the dead animals?



    SET 14

    Write True or False in each sentence

  • 7/27/2019 In the Midst of Hardship F4


    1. The Family members returned home late at night after the search for the lost buffalo.



    2. There was lot of fear and dissatisfaction in the family.



    3. The buffalo was lost because of the sons carelessness.



    4. Life was hard for the family but it didnt bother them.



  • 7/27/2019 In the Midst of Hardship F4


    SET 15

    Write True or False in each sentence

    1. The family gave up looking for the buffalo after short time.



    2. The albino buffalo helped the family to plow their fields.



    3. The flood in the village was probably a serious one.



    4. Some of the family members were seriously wounded while searching for the buffalo.



  • 7/27/2019 In the Midst of Hardship F4



    Set 1

    4. Their limbs marked by scratches

    5. They are wet and cold.

    6. The father and the mother

    7. It drowned in the flood.

    It died.

    It got lost in the flood.

    Set 2

    1. The whole day and night

    2. Flood

    3. They are resilient in facing challenges in life

    4. A child has unconditional love and he doesn't care much about its

    strange look.

    Set 3

    1. in the early morning

    2. the heavy downpour

    3. To cook breakfast

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    4. Wounds

    Set 4

    1. A calm composure

    2. horrific, awful, terrible

    3. The father and the mother

    4. Bloating carcasses

    Set 5

    1. making jokes while rolling their cigarette leaves

    2. They were wet

    3. desperately looking for their sons

    albino buffalo that was never found

    4. Animals killed as they drowned in the flood water.

    Set 6

    1. Optimistic. - They were making jokes not crying or show signs of despair.

    2. The whole day and night just passed

    3. Facing hardship with optimism

    4. They are in the village as people in the town will not rear buffaloes.

    Set 7

    1. Despite the hardship, we must remain resilient and strong. Often, the difficult

    time is not a permanent one.

    2. Endure it with resilience

    3. An expression of hopelessness

    4. The water caused the chips to break off from the tree barks

    Set 8

  • 7/27/2019 In the Midst of Hardship F4


    1. A life of suffering

    2. Not feeling gloomy

    3. Born in suffering

    4. Accepted their life without complaining

    Set 9

    1. 3 Stanza

    2. They returned home at day break and headed for the stove. Their clothes were

    soaking wet and tattered. Their bodies were covered with scratches and wounds.

    Yet, they did not display any signs of being worried.

    3. They were out in the flood the whole day and night. They were surrounded by

    dead animals and parts of trees that had been destroyed by the flood. They

    searched desperately for their sons albino buffalo but were unable to find it.

    4. They were born into poverty and difficulty, but do not complain about their

    suffer. Instead, they sit in the kitchen, cracking jokes while smoking cigarettes.

    Set 10

    1. Not sad because they do not show any sign of sadness and continue with their

    normal routine and joke.

    2. Sun rise / early in the morning.

    3. Marked by scratches/full of wounds

    4. Facing hardship is part and parcel of life.

    Set 11

    1. line four n five

    2. line nine

    3. flood disaster

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    4. albino buffalo

    Set 12

    1. The persona is sympathetic towards the people in the poem

    2. Stanza 1

    3. Born amidst hardship

    4. Grew up without a sigh or a complaint

    Set 13

    1. They would usually complain or be unhappy about the situation especially if it

    was a waste effort.

    2. The dead animals and sharp twigs and branches knocked against the people and

    scratched or hurt them when the people looking for the lost buffalo.

    3. Their limbs marked by scratches, their legs full of wounds.

    4. Bloated carcasses

    Set 14

    1. False

    2. False

    3. False

    4. True

    Set 15

    1. False

    2. False

    3. True

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    4. False