isj . !i j.-ri&ic ; the great, first cause * \g ; i.-jjz. nt-gl&wt of Nature i laws. fcli ITFER rsOTj u CIRE h STAGES Qf SflUfiPT PJSEASES, Sdj-JlOiu., lYervoui Verity, Stricture*, Gitets, JitjJJjf, Mercurial Phcurnq-aym,' Scrofula, Jut ." /. the B:>ru* and Anklet, Ltiseast* oj the 1 Ml j- So*t luul Eye* Clear* upon tfn or L< v.l-t, Cancer*. Drovtry. Epdcpivi Pit*, St Uk o Vance, and all d<*.f** arising frarr. J vfthc ditfiijl (jij/qH') u NM VUU* Tro'ttl r.g Los# of © err I.6ia of Puwer. G-.nora| SVe;.k|pr<s, LiUiiicat w 1 Viiijnwith peculiar spyte uppoir- teg before the 6ye, of Sight, }Vakb!ul- ps*, DTpp#la, l iver Disease, Eruptions upon the race. Pain in the back and bend, Female i< regularities and all improper discharge# from Loth sexes. If matter# nftt'ffom what cause tie dise ie originated, howeverTuug standing obstinate the case, recovery i* certain, and in a shorter time than a permanent cure enu be ef- tactd by any other eyen aficr the disoaic h*# bathed the skill of eminent pbvsi ciua* and resisted all tfjeir means Qf cure. The meU:<.ineS are pleasant without odor, causing ji> kleknast and fVe'e from mercurv or bal am. Luring 'went} years of practice, I have rescued from tu% Jaws of Death many thousands, who, Li the last siages of the above mentioned dis- t> te, had been given up to die by their physi- aktn*. which warrants me in promising to the afflicted, who may place themselves under my a pe:feci uiA most 3pcecjy Secret are the greatest enemies to health, as liiy are the first cause of Consumption. Scrof- r..k and many o'.her diseases, and should be a tarror to the hutm-D family. As a permanent Sur* L s<*rcelv ever effected, a majority ol the *.ei Mil .iv ii;to the l.nqds Qt incompetent rtrsous, drlro not only fail to cure the diseases Ht ruin the constitution, tilling the system with mercury, which, with the qisease, has- (wus the sufferer into a rapid Consumption. Vat shoriM the disease and the treatment not eaase death speedily and the victim mar- m., the disease is entailed upon the children. Who a; e born with feebje cpustltuttop*, ftTid jp ftUOhnt -f pfe cqrrftpitd bj a virus which fe-iray# itself in .Scrofula, Tetter, J.'lcpr., Erup- d'lfn and other affections of the skin. Eyes, Throat and Lung*, entailing upon them a brief axisteuee of suffering aud cousuiguiug them in an enrjy grave. bEl.r AIIU.SE is another formidable eijOfitJ So health, for nothing else in the dread kpt/'te efjiuiuan diseases causes su destructive a 3r'nlu upon t-hc drawing its thousands of victims through a fetv years of suffering fiown to an untimely grave. It destroys the Jk'ervous system, rapidly wastes away the f-n- --?igiei of life, causes mental derangement, prevents the proper of the system, disqualifies tbr marriage, society, business* aud all ?srthly happiness, and leaves the suf- ferer wrecked ip body and rn'nd, predisposed Sr eonsßinpticn aud * lra 'fi of evils more to be dreaded than pravli jtself. W''h the fullest I assqjc the unfortunate victims ot fWf-Abuti that a permanent and speedy cure ran be affected, and with the abandonment of ruinous practices my patients cau bo restored to robust, rigorous health. The afflicted are cautioned against the nse Of patent Medicines, for tj:*re are so many Ingenious snare# in the'columns of the public prints to catch and rob the unwary sufferers that million* have tbeir constitutions ruined by the vile cotnpounds of quack doctors, or fti* equally poisonous nostrums vended as ?'Patent Medicines." I have cafefuj.lv analyzed many of the #c called Patent Mutliciues and find that nearly all of them (jqrrosivt Puilimate, w'lijch j? pqa pf tile strongest pre- parations of mercury and a deadly poison, which instead of curing tj.e disease djs'nbies th system for lif. Thrae-fourtb* of tbo patent nostrums now fn usa are put up by unprincipled aud ignorant befsouM, who do not undort-taud evejj the air tbibot of the 'aorerta sad arc squaUv * dr'taiute of any knowledge *>f the hum.#n srst'oa. ha ring on- object only in view, and tfiat to make money regardless of <*oi<*qiieu- fos. Irregularities and all diseases of males aud frunslet p/iiicjpU's established l>; twfijty yoafs of practice, and sanctioned by of the most remarkable cure#. Med- mu-s with full directions sent to any part of tire I'nitod Snt'- or Camdaa, by patients youiniunicflting their symptoms by letter.? Pusinesa "orrespoulcuce suictly confidential. Address. J. SUMMERVILLE, M. I>, OißoeNo. 1131 Filbert St,, (Old No. 1p9,) lAff-ly. as tow rwctviß, rniLADKLPUIA. PROVISIONSTORE7 E. K. SbENCER, Pffei-s Great ludu.<?en>Gut>> TO BUYERS OF (GROCERIES, PROVISIONS AC., at J the store formerly occupied by D. W. Sf'EVOEH, on 3d Street, North side of Public cqqare. i GRQCF,RIF? ; A good assortuaaut constantly on hand, from which I will enqmcrate a few of the leading sqch as feugar, Mn ttar4, fsnilv, r<offte, Oinnaipon, Kpta Molasses, Pepper Sauce, Crackers, Syrnps, Outstip, Soap, Pepper, Yeast, Dandles, gtuee, Oils, Shot, onager, tqhc?o, Clovrs,' SnqfT, hG." Daps, bart 1 Soda, Sogers, C. Tartar, Snd manr otfiar things too numerous to men- Jlou, will be foqnd in this department, vfiueh i tglll be sold a trifljog udvance from cost. WIT rosdv pov. PROVISION'S poastiMitly on hand, such as SHODLDERB, FISH. SALT, FrtTKK. CHfiESE, L4HU, \\W, au'B, FLOOR. CORN H£AL, FLOUR. DRIED 4PPL,ES, DRIED PLUMS, itfid tnaay other articles in the line of Prori- ftons not neoossary to mnotion. Also, WOODEN WARE, weji as Drooms, Wash-Tabs and Boards, Mops, jjyqqrr ft"tx o s, Ac., which will be sold low for en#h or ready pay. Oats, Potatoes, Butter. | Egirs, and in fact almost a f.rior raises, will hs taken in exchange for ; floods, at their ca#h value. I *~,n ,n of Villager#, Farmers and Lumbermen : ?* <?' t-re Vi make pqreha#e# i n the above! |p ??? 81. ! '>l"-t then, to rail before pur- i/. ?wbr f. K. BPKNCKR. ' wdnkport J vut 9, Jg',7 _ 10:2. | A r /.\u25a0 ?' r.: j / 1 *(,h 'th 4 * lw r,tbr H w ? >.. ~{ fre Uoods ?* * ?* y, k .-sf'KVfKH'M, j ' !/ W H A 4 L I RESOUITIUN Pfoposlni Amendments lo Ihe Constitution of the Colli' mcnwealth. R££oL VED by ike Senate and Houtc c* Revracnl net* of tks of ; Penn t/ General A*fn~iy met: That i| ;hc fqilowißg atßfcftdmLnts urc prcpoaevl to the j constitution of cir.rCoth-cjiJth, in accord- ance with the' prvYjstopj of the ttgth article ,t^rcof. FIRST AMENDMENT, There shaii be udditi?pal urtioje t+i ! comititutiou ta be doiignateia* eleven, i as follow# . AkJJOLB JU. OF PUBLIC DEBTS. Sectiox 1. The stute may contract dsbts, to i sapply casual deficit# or ladurc# in revenues, or to fur ; but the aggregate amount of such debt* direct an i contingent, whether contracted by virtue Qt' one or more acts pf general as- sembly, or at different periods of tixpc, shull uevei exceed ieyen buudreJ aud fifty thousand dollars, and the money arising fiom the crea- l tiou of such debts, shall h applied to the ': purpose for which it was obtained, or to repay ?I the debts sy c&niracled aud to no other pur- pose whatever. Stcnos 2. In addition to the above limited | power the state may contract debts to repel ! invasion, suppress insurrection, defend ;hg ! state in war, or to redeem the present out- standing indebtcdne.s of tbj state ; but the j money arising fr£.m the contracting of such i debts, shall be applied to the purpose for which i it was raised, or to repay #ncli debts, and to i no other purpose whatever. \u25a0J Bkction 3. Except the debts above specified, ' in sec'ions one and two of this articlj, no debt ' whatever shall be created by, or on behalf of ! the state- Section 4. To prcivUU f ur f^ e payment of the present debt, and any additional debt con- | traded as aforesaid, the shajl, ; its first session, after th# adoption of this amendment, create a siukingfuud, which shall i be sufficient to pay the accruing iiiterett on I such debt, and annually to reduce princi- , pa] thereof py a sum not less than two hun- I dred and fifty thousand dollars ; which sink? ! ing fund shall qf the net annua! iu- ! come of the pyplic w.-,rks, from time to time j owned by tpe state, or the proceeds of the salg of the same, or any part there-f, arid of the income or proceed# of sale pf stacks qa qed by the state, together with other funds, or resour- | ces, that may l;e dpsignated by law. The said i sinking frtlpi may be increased, from time to , time, by assigning to it any part of the taxes, or other revenqes pt' thy state, not required fqr the ordinary and current ejtppusos of govern-. | ment. and unless in p.ise of w-ir, invasion or insurrection, uo part of the said hiqking fund sliall be used or applied otherwise than in ex- tinguisbment of the public d< bt, ppttil the amount of such is reduced b.J .w the sum of five millip.us of dollar#. Section ft. Thp credit of the commonwealth '\u25a0 oball not in any manner, or event, be pledged, or loaned to, any individual, company, corpo- , ration, or association; uor shall the cominon- i wealth hereaftar becocte a joint owner, or 1 sto< k'ioider. iu any company, association, ut ' corporation. Suction ft. The commonwealth shall not .*- aume the debt, wr any part thereof, of any county, city, borough, or township; prof any corporation, or association ; unless such detff j shall have been contracted to enable the state ' to repel invasion, suppress domestic ituurreo- | tinp ( defend itself in time of wqr. or to assist ! tho state in the discharge of aqy portion of ! its present indebtedness. Sk( riojt 7. The legislature shall aqthcir- \u25a0 ixe atiy county, city, borough, township, qr | incorporated district, by virtue of a vote uf its citizeus, or otherwise, to become a stockhold- , er in any company, association, or corpora - ; tion ; or tp obtain money for, or loan its credit ifi, aqy corpoiatitnt, association, insiitutioii, or party. SECOND AMENDMENT. There shall be an additional 4, r t;cle tp said ( constitution, tu be designated a# aidvle XJI, , a* follow# : ABTtCMi XII. OF NEW OOI'.YTIEg. No snqntr shall ba divided by a pqtting off over cue tenth of its population, (either 'to forrn a new* coouty or otherwise,) without the -ipr:ss a.-seu'. of such county, l>y a xote 'of the electors thereof; nor shall any- new '? county be established, cnataiuipg that; four hundred square miles. TUIP t I> AMAVpMF.NT. From section Dvti of the first grtjgle of thg i eobstitutiou, strike out the word#, '"of tfuei'y of Pkil'tdrJpvt, and of oich. county respectively f ' from section five, same article, strike out the words, "<>/ Philadelphia and of tho -icoeral Mun- tiro; trout secliyu seven, sati}. article, strike oqt til# v-ffij*. ' ?ivitkrr the city of Philadelphia Tvrr my,'' and insert in lieu thereof the words, ; 'AND HO; ' and strike out "eenionJour, tame ar- ticle,'' and in lien thereof insert the following: | '? Section I. In the year one thousand eight hundred and sixty-four, and in eyerv scyenth year thereafter, representatives to tlte uqoiber of one hundred, (.hull bo apportioned and dis- j trjhnted squally. Uirqughnut the stale, by- districts. iii proportion to the number of txixa"- ble inhabitants in the sere.ral parts thereof- j except that any county containing at least three thousand five hundred taxable.-, may be allowed a separate n-proseniation , but no | more thau thrpe counties s|)j|ll be joiaix], no coqnty sbalj be djyided iq the format Jan of a district. Any city containing a Pi}Cicifcut i number of taxable? to entitle it to at least two j representatives, shall have a separate repre- sentation assigned it, and shall be divided into i convenient districts of contiguous torritorv, i of equal taxable population a# near as lqay parb of whjeh districts shalj elurft one repre- sentative." At the end of section seven, same article, insert tho- words, "the city of PhilvUfphia MKOJJ be divided into tingle. *cnat/>ruil district*, of j ,'ontig\*O\M territory a* nearly cjual in farahl: population a* pas*Ms; hat no it ard shall be -Jt- videcl if| U\f formation thereof. The legislature, at its ti'rst sessluw, ftflcr tb ; adoption of this amendment, shall divide the ' the city of Philadelphia into senatorial and ' representative district*, in the manner above i provided ; such districts to remxjn unchanged , until the apportionment in the year one tfioq. i ; -and eight hundred and sixty-four. FOURTH AMENDMENT. There sl;r v <l qn a<Jt]itipnal seotln n tp the fir.-t article o] said constitution, which x'pkU ! h? n h.Ttn ere H VUd lead as fallows : Syt'TlOX 26. The I power to alter, revoke,'qr annul, any charter' i of incorporation hereafter conferred by, or un- | der. any sp?fjal, or general law, whenever it. i their opinion it may be injurious to il.e citi- ; zen? of the counnouwealth ; in u<~h manner.' however, that no injustice shall be done to' , tho corporators. IN SENATE. March 27, 18ft7. lles'ih id, T)i- fhi# reiolution pass. On the : first amendment, yeas it, T ; on the sec- i unJ auienuxnent, yeas 23, nays 6 , on the thii *1 I amendment, yeas 21, nays*; (*q tLe fourth amendment, yeas 23, nays 4 * I Extract from ut JuareaLl GEO. W HAMER3LT, Cier\. jii TH£ HCUSE OF R£FR£S£NTATitSi April 2b, 1657. ;! Aaeof./, That this resolution pass. On the first amtmUrnent, yeas 78, nays 12; ontheseu- ' I ond amendment, yeas 37, nays 3%; on the third ; ' amendment, veas 72, nuys 22; on the fourth ufiitndoient; vans ed, navs 7. [Extract from the Journal.] *\u25a0 JACOB ZEIGLLR, ci#k- \ Filed in Scoffice, May 2, 1837. A G. CURTIS, Secretary cf tlu C^rnmontveahh. Stcretact'S OTncE, , j Ha.akiS*Caa, Jane, il, 157. , i Ptewtylvansa, ts : i} Ido certify that the above and foregoing Is II i true and currect copy ol the original "Keso- ?; lutioj) propoiiug amendments to the Coustitu . I tion MT the inweajth,'' with ihe Vdtc 1" I j each branch of the Legislature upon the final 1 : passegw" theruof, as appears irum the originals . . on filf jq office. . I , |u testimony whereof I haye hereun- i[L 5.J ;o my a ?"j a ?d caused to be affixed . the sv;il of the Secretary's Office, the day and ' vear above \vuttsu. 1! A, Q CYRTUF, I i S+cretary of the Commonwealth, IN SENATE. March 27, 1857. . 1 The resolution propoiiug amendment* to the 1 ; Gonotitution of the Comtuouwealih being uti- -1 ! der consitierution, i ! On the qiiestioa, Will the Ssmuj-e agree to the first amend- ment ! I! fhc yeas and nays were tftken agreeably to t : tlie provisions gf the CQustilqtiy:), and were ; a* follow, viz . C YSAS ?Messrs. Brewer, Browne, Coffey, Ely, . Evans, Fetter, Fleniiiken, Fraxer, Ingram. Jor- t j dan, Killiuger, Knot, Laubach. Lewis. Myer, 1 ' Svofield, BcHers, tjiiumau, Steele, Slr.tub, i j Welsh, Wilkins, Wright and T*r't> an ! speaker i : ?24. I NAY a?Mesr. Crabb, Cresewell, Fiuuey, ?! Gregg, Hariis, Fenrpsf and Squthfi 7. . | tio the qu?stjpu naa dclvGijiufcd it) Uiy . 1 affirmative, \u25a0 j On the question, Will the Senate agree to the second a : 1 The yeas and ears W§re tokoy agreeably to the proi Dions of the Cgustjtutfau, ami were I as follow. \is : 1 YEAS ?Messrs. Brewer. Browne, Creaswcll. Ely, Evans, Fetter, Finney, Fieuniken. Ingram, \u25a0 Luuhach, Lewjs, Myer, Sellers, Shunian, Souther, Steele, Strauh, WeDl}, \\ jl- \u25a0 kins, Wright and Taggart, Speaker ?23. I Nays?Messrs. Coffev, Crabb. Fpiter, Gregg, Tlcrris, Killinger, Penrose and Seqheld?s, fjo tha question was dctertqjped in the ?ffiriqative. On the qu.-stion, Will tue Senate agree tQ UHrd amend- , ui-mt ? .' The yeas and nayi wtre taken agreeably to ' the provisions of tue Constitution, und were -; as follow, viz : YEAO ?Massr*. Brewer, Browne, Crabh. . Ely, Evans, Flennikeu, FraAer. In- grauj, Jol'iiau, Killinger. Kuox, Laubacb, Lew i*. Myer, Sroficld. Seller*, Shumau, Souther, r' Steele. Straub, Welsh, Wilkiue and Wright?- t 24, ,! NAYS?Messrs. Co.Tiy, Gregg, Harris and Penrose? 4. So the quostioti was deteriuiued in the !' iffirmatjye. | On the question, Will the Senate ogioe tq;he fourth attend, rneut? I The yeas and nays w*?re taken tp thd prgrisji.ng of jue Cwnstitmion, and were . | as follow, iiz : lj Ylis Messrs. Brewer, Browne, Coffey, ? j f resswell, Ely, Evans, Fiennikan, }? rarer, In- gram Killinger, Knox, Laubacb, Lewis, Myer, ' Seotifcld, Sellers, Shumau, Souiher, Steele, j Suftub, Welsh, Wilkins aud Wright?23. i NAYS? Mtsars. Crabb, lianer, Jordan and ,' V'eurpse?. f. So the qyeitpia was deteraiiutd in the ' affirmative. ?! IN m HOUSE 9F REPRESENTATIVES, \u25a0 i April I'J, 1I7, The resolution proposing amendments to the , Constitution of the Commonwealth being un- der consideration, | Uh the que*iiuq, Will tue House gift to il first aiueud- uient ? The yens and nays were taken agreeably to ; Vue provisions ot the Constitutiou, and were ,! as follow, lii ; Yt AS - Messrs. Anderson, Arthur, Back- : J house, Ball, Beck, Bjshyp, Botyor, Brpwn, CaJ- houu. Crmpbell, Chase, Cffiavcr, Crawford, II Djckey, Ent, Eystcr, Fausold, Foster, Gibbo- , !ncy, tijJdca, H?-tu l, Harper, Ileitis, Heistaud, , j lliil, Hillegas, Hoffman, (Berka.) Imbrie, Lines, Jacobs, Jenkins, Johns, Johnson, lyiuftuiaii. 'Kerr, Knight, Lthenriug, Longaker, Lovtqi, , Ms near, Mangle, M'Calmont, MTlvaiu, Moor- -11 head, Muuiiua. Mussclraan, Nichols, Nicholson, Nqnemacher, Pearson, Peters, Petrikin, Pow- I uall, Purcell, Ramsey, (Philadelphia,) Ramsey, (York,) Iloumer, Reed, Roberts, Rupp, Hhaw, Sloan, Smith, Cambria,) Smith, (Centre.) 3te- j veuson, Tolau, Vail, Vauvoorhis, Vi -ker#, I Walter, Westbrook, Wharton, W;l- --listou, Witherow, Wright, *Zimiiieri#at) and | Gctz, Sptusitr ?7B. NAYS?Messrs. Backus, Benson, Ham- ilton; Haucock, Hiue, llpffqpin, (Lebapon,) ! Lebo, Str'tthers, Thorn, Waruwand Win trod e 1 ,-12. So the queetion was dotermined in the affirm itive. On the question, W'il the House agree to t.he second menc|- mentV The yeas ana nays were taken agreeably to : the provisions of tue Constitution, uijd acre as follow, viz: \ eas?Messrs. Anderson, Backhouse, Ball. Beck, Bower, Calhoun. Campbell, Carty, Ent,' Fausold, Foster, Gildra, Ilamel. Harper, iJe-ius.' lleistand, llillegas, Hotlnjaq, (Berks.) House-! ; keeper, Imbrie, Line*. Jenkins, Johns, John- son, Kftutlman, Kuight, Leisenriug. I.ongaker, | Lovett, Mencar, Mangle, M Ilvain, Moorhead, Musseltnan, Nichols, Nicholson, Nuntmacher. Pearson, Peters, Petrikin, Pownall. Purcelj,; i Rargsey, (|*hilacelpUia.) Ramsey, ( YorH.j Reft- ; ntcr, Roberts, Rupp, Shaw, Sloan. Tolau. Vail, j \ o"giil"v, alter, W cstbrook, Wharton, Ziin- I niermaii and Cjctz, ? 57. NAYS ?Messrs. Arthur, Abgustine, Backqs. Benson, Bjshflp. Brown. Chase, Clearer, Craw- ! ford, Eyster, Gibbouey, Hamilton, Hancock, 1 Hill, Hine, Huflnpn, (Lebanoq,) Jacqbs, Lebo, M'Calmont, Ijumma, Reed, Stqph, (Cfiffi- bria.) (Centre,) Stevenson, StrqHiers, j Thorn, Vickers, \\'agonseller; j Warner, Wjutrode, and Wright?34. So the question wa determined in the af- j firraatire. On the question, t5 ill the House agree to the third amend- 1 1 mcnt ? The ya 3 uays were tak*n agreeably to the provisions of tye Con-ifftuiioß, apd c f c ' follow, viz : yiiS?Mersra Aojiefsop, Backhouse, Ball, Beck, Benson; Bover, BroW&.' Calhoun, Cnffip- bell, Chase, Cleaver, Crawford, Dieluv, Eht, ; Eyster, Fnosold, foster, Gibbaney, Hnmel,' Harper, Heins, HtiitaaJ, Hill, JJilJeg.ts, Jloff-1 man, (Berks.) Hoffman. (Lebanon,) House- keeper. Imbrie, lanes, Jacobs Johns, Johnson, j Kaullinan, Kerr, Lebo, Longakcr, LoYott, Ma- ; near, Mangle, M'Calmont, Moorhcad, Mamma,! Mussclinan, Nichols. Nicholson, Nuntmachcr, ! Pearson. Peters, Petrikin. Pownall. ParcelL! Ramsey. (York.) Reamer, Reed, Rupp. Shavf.: > Sloan, Smith, (CitubiLO Smith, j Stevenson, Tolan, Vail, Yauvoorhis, Vkkcr. j j Vocghl.v, Wagonselkr. Westbrook, Willistou, ?Witheruw, Wright, Zimmeimun and Get*. ; Speaker ?"2. i NATS ?Messrs. Arthur, Augustine. Backus, i Bishop. Carty. Dock, Gildeu, Hamilton, Huu- , cock- Hine, Jenk ns. Knight, Leisc-nrig, M II- ! rain, Rr.p):s:jr. (Philadelphia.) Roberts, Su oth- ers, Thorn, Wharton und ! \Vintrods;-T!£2, So the question was determined In the ! affirmative, i On the question, Will the House agree to the fourth amend- | uient ? The yeas arid pays tjere taken agreeably to j lire proviaiops of the Constitution, and a art ! as follow, \ iz: YEAS?Messrs. Anderson, Arthur, Back- i house. Backup, Ball. Beck. Benson. JH?hop, | Jlower, Brocvu, CrtJhoun. Campbell, Carty. ! Chase, Oleuyer. Crawford, Dickey, But, Eyster. I Fausold, Foster, Gibboniv. Gtldea, llumel, Harper, lleins. lleistand, Hill, llillegas, Hoff- -1 man, (Berks.) Hoffman, (Lebanon.) liou.e- kccper, Imbrie, Innes, Jacobs, Jeukin*, Johns, Johnson, Kauffinau. Kerr, Lebo. Leisenring. Louguker, Lovett, Man ear, Maugie, M Calmont. M Ilvain, Muuima. Mussclm.in, Nichols, Nich- i oisnn. N UUeffiA'-her, Pearson, peters, petrikin. I'owniili. Purcell. Ramsey, (Philadelphia,) i York.) Reamer, Reed. Robert", Knpp. Shaw, Sloan, Smith, (Cambria.) Smith, (CVII- ' ire,t Stevenson, Tolan, Vail. Vanvoorhis, Vickers, Yocghj-y. Xl agonselLr, Walter, War- ner, Westbrook. W harlon, Wiliiston, W ithurow. Zimmerman and Gctz. Speaker ?BLi. NAYS ?Messrs. Dock, Hamilton, Hancock. Siruiher*. Thorn. Wintrodo and Wright?7. i SM the question was determined *u firipauKs, SECRETARY'S OiFICF, H muiSBWHO, June 11, Id'7. Pennsylvania, s* : I do certify that the above and foregoing is a true and correct copy of the \u2666?Yens" and jl-Jjays - ' taken on the resolution proposing to the Constitution of the Com- monwealth, as the sapje appears on the Jour- pajs of ti(V tff l House* qf Hie Uctipral , hly of this CuWWOUTieaJth for the seSiou ol 1857 II S 7 Witness my hand and the seal of j L *' *" 'Jsaid office, this twenty-scooyd day of June, one thousand eight hundred and tifty- seveu. A. G. CURTLV, 10:5?3 m. Secretary of the Commonwealth. N K W OOODS, Low Prices and Read) Pay, AT SHARON CENTER. FINITE SUBSCRIBERS aro offering for sale 1 an entirely new stock, consisting of DRY GOODS. GROCERIES, HARDWARE. CROCKERY, GLASS WAKE. BOOTS ii SHOES. HATS A CAPS, UM- BRELLAS, PARASOLS, W INDOW SHADES, WALL PAPER, READY MADE CLOTHING, YANKEE NOTION'S, Ac., Ac. {? pqr tleptioj}3 Ujc wants of all hare been 1 remeufficrtuj Ti- (Ji'UtJeinen can find in our ?stock of Ready Made (.'} jl lLW|f u elegant ! Fasliionahlu suit, or a substantial Business suit, and we have Hats A Caps and Boots A Shoe.* to uiatch. T!i< Ladies (J*n f,h4 FV i hioii ft hle bcautifullv trimmed, or bontx ts s.u-1 trimming : a good fiJtortment of Dress Good*, and triui- j niing" ; Gloves, Mitts, Hosiery and Gaiters.? Aud, jast hi)i nof least, corded and rkeleton ' Skirts j ajo, Rattftiis, Skirt-W hejehone and Brass Skirt-Hoop*; beautiful Jet Necklace* j and Bracelets, Corals, K a o s nii d 100 many other things to oggjuyrut' - ,?all of which w- are selling low for Cash. Lumber, or anv kind f Produce. FLOUR, MEAL, FISH Ac", co- 4|ai)){r on Laud. W. H. k J. H. GRAVES. Sharon Center, Potter Co., Pa., June *. I 1857. 10: ORANGES AND LEMON'S just received lr 10:2 W it. & J. H. GRAVES. ' DW. SPENC'KH is Atfcr.t far r*tny °f the ? most popular Medicines now in ui.e, a f.-w uf which Ue will meutiou: J. R. STAFFORD A CO.'S OLIVE TAR. DR. D. JAYNK A SONS FAMILY MEDI -' CINES. J. G. AVER CO.'S CHERRY PECTORAL AND PILLS. SEVERAL KINDS OF CHERRY SYRUPS. lc., Ac ;i Ac, fitTgf*"J. R. Stafford A Coj's Olive Tsr is ap-j plied and inhaled by waring on INHALER arouud the neck and on the breast. His OL- IVE OINTMENT is applied where the skin i< broken, and is ft poj>t}lar retnedv where known Good for the Whooping Cough, 10:2, TATES COUNTY NURSERY. H. OLIN A CO., of the Yates County \u25bc T j Nurseries, have for sale a large and: valuable assortment uf IHI fT TREES of all varieties usually cultivated. These Trees arc young and of vigorous growth. The j qualities are the most choice known, and are warranted GENUINE. Also, a fine stock of ORNAMENTAL TREES *u4 fcHftURBEftY, I for fall delivery. &JT"Address orders to C. BEACH, Pen Van,: Yates N. Y. Orders left with ROB'T. W. j NILKB, Coudcrsport, }'a., will be promptly | filled. 10:2?Cmo. * \ \ Retired Physli'lan, 75 years 01. age. having lost his Father, two Brothers, i Daughter. aw'- Nephews an(J Nieces, bv j that dreadful disease. CONSUMPTION, and suffer-! ing with n I'oujh, himself, detirmined to visit j the East Indies, Egypt, and Japan, where he; discovered a Preventive and Certain Cure for Colds. Coughs, Rrqpfhitis, Comumpmn, Ner- vous Debility and Asthma. His cough w.is cured immediately; he returned, cured his Rel- atives, who inherited the disease, and in con- uection with his son have employed it in their i practice, curing thousands of cases considered hopeless by others. For the purpose of reacu- ing as many of his fellow beings as possible, he is sanding the Recipo to all who wish it for cents; 3 of it to pay the postage, and the balance printing. Address Dr. IIBATH 101 Spring street, opposited St. Nicholas Hotel. -l2! k ' 10:i ? 3n '#- (lALL AND EXAMINE tha NEW GOODs! J Jnst received by m OLMSTED'S. ' INK and stap e articles in the Drug line for . sal* by C.M'Z.) KK S MILLPORT E£AD-SOART£KB i THE subscribers this fe*i;Cr4 of *;! formlug tLkU' friends that thtjr nrv T- , dipt ot', and row opening, a choke a*ni desirable stock of STAPLE aaD FANCT DRT GOODS, j ; to wLicb they invite Qia attention of ail *Lo j : desire to puke purchases. Our stook is large 1 ba3 been selected with gieat care, and is par-' j ticalarly adapted to the wants of tbis section : jof our country. Oar stock <4 Dry Goods Cuß- ; sists of ! DRESEGOODS TRIMMINGS RIBBONS, EMBROIDERIES, PARASuLS CLOTHS CAS3IMKKE3 VESTINGS DO- MESTICS. SHIRTINGS, LINENS. PRINTS, HOSIER V, SHAWLS, ! and a variety of other articles, too numerous .to lueution. We Lave fllo a complete assort- -1 inent of GROCERIES. HARDWARE AND CROCKERY; all of which will be sold uncommonly cheap 1 for ready pay, and for approved credit on as i reasonable terms at auv other establishment. MANN AXICJIOI.S. Millport. Aug 11. 185C.?9:13 If, I MW.Klwd'jigON, PATENT CHAIR MA\H'ACTIRERB, 438 Broome Street, One Door Eait of Broadwnv. [ Late 408 Broad- way,] NEW-YORK, [EstaUuhrJ A. D. 123.,] INVITE an examination of iheii great vari- etv and superior assortment of CHAIRS, iuunuffklured itt their own establishment, and i under thejr iuilficdilOQ observation auJ direc | tion. Ip, Judipg PIVuT REVODYLNG CHAIRS, I SELF-ACTING EXTENSION RECUMBENT CHAIRS. IMPROVED INVALID WHSEL CHAIRS, j MAJOR BEAHLE S TRAVELitjU IN VALID ' CHAIR. SPANISH SPRING AND SQUAB CIIAIRS. RHEUMATIC. SPINAL AND ASTHMATIC INVALIDCHAIP.S, AC., AC . AC., [ Embracing the uot complete assortment, j and choicest kil}ds for J'arlors, l>raxr\ny Itooia*, J Chamber*, (Jardent, Liiraritt, <'our.ixr.tj Ilvxtttt, [Oj/icet. l'ublic Ineiiiulivnt, Dvttlui*. Barbtre. If., together with every desirable sort adapted to i the comfort, cou>rnieiice and luxury of the J Sick, the AjeJ, the Infirm, the I.ame and Lcty. In point of ingenuity of design, cl.ganee of finish, quality aud richness of material, l'aith- fuln/ss of execution, durability and cb*apu*'s>, j these chairs are unsurpassed. For theui, M. i W, KING k NC'N. were awarded the first and only l'rixe Medal, and the. faculty recommend , them as far preferable to beds or couches fot patients afUicted wi.b Affinal Asthmatic oi ; Branchial alfcctious. To cither arm of the chair may be attached ' a convenient reading or writing Dtax, and an; combination desired will be manufactured to j to order. i A Circular with explanatory cuts, will be ? sent by inuil if requested, and orders [with re- mittances,] promptly forwardsd to any part of the world, LUXURY & KOOXOMY! KING'S NEW CMaIR, "AS YOU LIKE IT," An Arm Chair. Reclining Chair, Couch and i Bedstead, [county v in o.v ,] is susceptible of ( twelve diflerent positions or thfiigf*. to meet j .lie varied requireni uts for c- vfort, c.-nv":.' . iniury aui f'Uvinv, [ltt SpACr as well as price.] Whether ia sickness or healh. this ! celebrated CHAIR "as roc i.ikk it," exe. Is in ! many respects, any chair perhaps ever manu- factured in this or any other country. The price varii-s from L'ifutn to Thirty Dol- lars. according to finuh. T'o Public Institutions, as well as to individ- ual., (his CIIaUv is a very desirable article. | and will be supplied in any number on the ; most liberal terms. Applv to or address M \V. KING A SON, 438 Broome =t., On* door east of Broadway. ?NEW YOKE, I Lute 40rt HroaJuay. b:lt-!y. \ r KU Got IDS ?A Fjne Assortment jusi received at OLMSTED'S. GREAT REVOLUTION IN MEDICAL SCIENCE. Till- Therapeutic tgiut ever ißlrudufttl, DJR, DICKINSON'S MAGNKTuEIT-r- --'£ TRIC MACHINE ? men of the laud" It is now clearly demon- strated that the laneet, mercury, and all other . internal "drug medication" may he laid aside with perfect safety to the patient and abid- j ing beuefit to posterity. Wherever these ma- ih'?WS have been introduced, they excite the ' highest wonder and praise, The apparatus is adapted to prevent, relieve aud cure every disease incident to humauity,?more particu- larly all those painful and formidable diseas- j es which have for centuries bullied the pro- i foundest learning and skill <>f physicians. From whatever cause there may he an ex- cess or deficiency of the nervous lluid?pro- ducing an excess or deficiency of the acids and alkaline secretions?the magnetic princi- ples of the system are deranged, aud can on- I !y hp jTStqmj to IJveir norma! condition 1 ;by an application or l>y means of DR. DICKINSON'S MAGNETO ELECTRIC MACHINE. This apparatus will positively prevent, and spcefjily relieve and, sure flnr?HSiption, Scrofula, Rheumatism.! I'nlsic3, Neuralgia, Spinal Diseases, and all , other painful maladies, however hopeless and of lod£ standing. They are eminently useful; in all sexual and urinary disorder?, particu- larly where the Constitution hns been broken ; down and ruined by uouatural solitary habits to which too many of the voungof both sexes are so lamentably prone. DR. DICKINSON'S MAGNETO ELECTRIC MACHINE is without the dangerous compli- cationsof batteries aud acids--which fact alone renders it superior to all others on the score of ueatness, safety and utility.? It is, in fact, a handsome parlor ornament; may be applied by a child : and will last a life-time, to the great aving of Doctor? bills, Ac. PRICK OF THE MACHINE $lO. It will be safely packed and sent to any part of the United States. Sold wholesale and retail at the Medical Office. No, 38 NORTH SEVENTH Street, Philadelphia. Address. A. C. DiUKlXaClg, M.D. : 10-l?ly. N O CHARGE FOR SHOWING THE NEW; Goods jiut received at OLMSTED'S. A NEW 3 HORSE LUMBER-WAGON for -* for sale by JONES, MANN A JONES. Coudcrsport. June 11, 18^7.?tf, i Tfjj? The Chooptiy and UanJ<v*rssf ud in the rnrrU CUcuUtlcn IO,iKM, This elecu>*t and fascinatea LITERARY AN? iAjil'Lt JIuNTHLT MAGAZINE closeß its first Yoiuns in J Uui ! ne*t. During the few butt months of iu 14 j tecce it baa attained a popularity unquali^ in the annals of the Press. ! The publishers having cfftrd libcjal Pu. | tniums lor choice literary efforts, the Stories j Romances. Essays, Poetry, and other \u25a0 ting And interesting rending was coinoivnscd | in January last, und are being still puUuL, j ed in the Visitor. The Nen Volume will be commenced In J. j lv lb7, greatly improved nod enlarged , Each number will contain thirty-two exu* I large sized royal octavo pages, making A aag. nificent volume of nearly 40U pages foi vb j year?or presenting an amount of the choi- cost reading on all subjects, equal to wb\ would cost in the book stores at least fifty cents, paynblt invariably in advance. Some of the most popular and brilliant "Hi und female Contributors are regular conul. tutor* and the publishers will spare no paint ' or expense to render the m " Welcome Visitor' ; every way acceptable to a rtned t*nd intelli' ; gent community, The publication Is to ail classes 0 ' people?the young and Jhe old?and hs;r ' ever seen ftr.d perused, meets with univsrs* 1 acceptation, &e?' Now is tho tim to syY.sk'iVs W New Volume. " The back numbers mev be had ,4 1 complete sets 1 for 3 cents oach, or the ttholi i series of l'J number* for TWksn-eitt cents, Liberal inducements to Clubs and Can. VAssers. our terms are Fifty ceoh j for utia year, for a single copy, or three cop- -1 ice will be sent under one cover or *dlrif u i 1 One Dollar. Address, COSDLN 4 COMPANY, , Publishers. No. 33 North Seventh Strvet, j (up stairs,) Philadelphia. lu;l-ly 1 FARMERS WANTING PLASTER fur Lwj will find a supply at | 9:43 JONES, MANN h JONKS, JONES, MANN A JONES, pay th higksst market price for ail kinds of I'roduts. ' AVER'S ; ISH PILLS. FOR ALL THS PTJBPOIIi OF A FAMILY PHYSIC. ThAB ha* long existed a publie demsnd kria cuTe'lire purgative pill which could be rshsd on u sure and perfectly safe in it* operation. This hw been prepared to meet that demand, and an titav *ivc trial of its virtues ha* conclusively shown sift what success it accomplishes the burpo** dssifaoi. ' It is easy to make a phv*icai f*il, hut nut ? ut make the best of all pill* cut which should t ' none of the objectioHS, but all the advsjiUgw, of every other. This has been attempted bsrt, icd | with what sneers* wc would respectfully sutoni* to the public decision. It has been u'rt_..s .'si the pationt hitherto th* f every purgntiv. medicine is acrimonious and irrittine to th* bow ' ;!*. This is not. Many of them produce so ntusl i /*?? ? p. j n a! ,,i revulsion iu the iT'tern as to raw. ' than Counterbalance the good to U* derived fiou them. These jnll* produce no iiTiutiou er pain tnlevs it arise from a previously existing obstra# lion or derangement in the bowels, licuig purslj vegetable, no harm ean arise from their use ui in; quantity ; but it is better that any medicine shsuU be taken judiciously. Minute direction* for tLsi use in the. several diseases to which they sis *p plicable are given on the box. Among the sow | plaint* which have been sneedilv eure<l by them.*, ; mav mention Liver Complaint, in its various furu* of Jaundice, Indigestion, Languor and Loss of Ap petite, lAstlessness, Irritability, Hi lion* Hssdacbs 1 Bilious Fevee, Fever atid Ague, Psin in the and I.oins; for, in truth, all these are but tks sl sequence of diseased action in tho liver. A n aperient, they afford prompt and sure relief in C livcnes*, Piles, Colic, Dysentery, Humeri, B*rsf u(a and Suurvy, Colds with snrencts of ths U4) j Clcers and impurity of the blood ; in short, u) and ever* ease where a purgative is requhed. i Thev have alio produced aomo singular!* ? cessfn) cure* in Rheumatism, Gout, I)ronv, Or**? Frj sipaja*, Palpitation of the Heart, Paiai in Back, Stomach, and Side. They should be frssi; taken in the siring of the year, to purify tits Ww< and jircpare the system for the change of *?*"" An occasional dose stimulates the stomsrh ea< (niWPla into hoalthy action, and restore* the sppi Bte iii'l vigor. They purify the blood, nd, by tb* l stiinulnui ar.liou on the ciiculatory ystem, r*r> vate the strangih uf tht* bode, and restore t* l WasU'4 or .)4irgiu< f the whols orgmi*"! Hence an occasional dose is advantageous, *'"* though no serious diTangcnient exist*; but ** necessary dosing should never \* carried too far as every purgative medicine reduce* ths itrengt- when taken to excess. The thousand rases in wtusl a physic is required cannot be enumerated here, b fhey uggest themselves to the 4Sttk.tß ft( bod) ; itr.d it is coHndcntiy Itdwtui tPU vlll answer a better pur]K>*c than any thing sK w hitherto been available to mankind. \\ hew ttcJ virtues are once known, the public will no tonget doubt what reruedv to employ when in nred oi \ cathartic medicine." Being sugar-wrapped they are pleasant to take, and being purely vejrtsbls,' b.irm ean arise from their use in any qnsntitr For minute directions see wrapper on th^ PQEFARKD BY .TAMES ('. AYE I!, Frurticnl and Analytlrai Clif w LOWELL. MASS. Frlc 35 Cost! por Box. Five Bexi fe" AVER'S CHERRY PECTORAL, 4'OrttlU. iOLM, BRO\< IIITIS, >THOOri\L-L ( HOI P, ASTIIMA. AX (O\SI MPTIOVj Tm is remedy has won for wrb from its cures of every variety of pulmonary d*' that it i* entirely unnecessary to reconnt the denees of its virtues in any community * _ns been employed. So wide i the fiel<i *" 1 fulness, and o numerous the case* of ,U V| D i, )h*t almost every section of the country in persons publicly known, who have been re m alarming and even desperate dic*" k lungs by its use. When once tried it* FT* r every other mwiirinf nf it* kind i* jr, ant to escape observation, and where it*ru known, the public no longer heeitate what to employ for the distressing and an k erol lions of the pulmonary organs wh:ch *r f 1 to our climate. And not only in fornc ' VUi-k* upon the lungs, but for the milder Vi ikt Coi.l>B, Cot'QHi, lIoaUIfcVESS. s*-; IjjiH CHtLinrx it i* the nleasantcst and safest that can be obtainco. . rl ?,y^\ A* it has lung been in constant ?* u \u25a0>( section, we need not do more th" f* t jt litidßi# R quality is kept up to the best t. h*t been, and that the genuine artiele i SMITH k JONES, I>. W. SPKNCKB, yff . rOrDERWIRT. IV. and h J ( oU '"J 4j , .hsnteand Druj^glsl?'"evert u hert.

RESOUITIUN E£AD-SOART£KB i rsOTj I h Jloff-1 j …isj.!i j.-ri&ic; the great, first cause fcli* \g; i.-jjz. nt-gl&wtofNature ilaws. ITFER rsOTj u CIRE h STAGES Qf SflUfiPT PJSEASES,

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Page 1: RESOUITIUN E£AD-SOART£KB i rsOTj I h Jloff-1 j …isj.!i j.-ri&ic; the great, first cause fcli* \g; i.-jjz. nt-gl&wtofNature ilaws. ITFER rsOTj u CIRE h STAGES Qf SflUfiPT PJSEASES,

isj . !i j.-ri&ic; the great, first cause* \g ; i.-jjz. nt-gl&wt of Nature i laws.

fcli ITFER rsOTju CIRE h


Sdj-JlOiu., lYervoui Verity, Stricture*, Gitets,

JitjJJjf, Mercurial Phcurnq-aym,' Scrofula,Jut ." /. the B:>ru* and Anklet, Ltiseast* oj the1 Mlj- So*t luul Eye* Clear* upon tfn

or L< v.l-t, Cancer*. Drovtry. Epdcpivi Pit*,St Uko Vance, and all d<*.f**arising frarr.J vfthc ditfiijl (jij/qH')

u NM VUU* Tro'ttl r.g Los# of© err I.6ia of Puwer. G-.nora| SVe;.k|pr<s,LiUiiicat w 1 Viiijnwith peculiar spyte uppoir-teg before the 6ye, L£ of Sight, }Vakb!ul-ps*, DTpp#la, l iver Disease, Eruptions uponthe race. Pain in the back and bend, Femalei< regularities and all improper discharge# fromLoth sexes. Ifmatter# nftt'ffom what cause

tie dise ie originated, howeverTuug standingobstinate the case, recovery i* certain, and in

a shorter time than a permanent cure enu be ef-tactd by any other eyen aficr thedisoaic h*# bathed the skill of eminent pbvsiciua* and resisted all tfjeir means Qf cure. ThemeU:<.ineS are pleasant without odor, causing ji>

kleknast and fVe'e from mercurv or bal am.

Luring 'went} years of practice, I have rescuedfrom tu% Jaws of Death many thousands, who,Li the last siages of the above mentioned dis-t> te, had been given up to die by their physi-aktn*. which warrants me in promising to the

afflicted, who may place themselves under mya pe:feci uiA most 3pcecjy Secret

are the greatest enemies to health, asliiy are the first cause of Consumption. Scrof-r..k and many o'.her diseases, and should be a

tarror to the hutm-D family. As a permanentSur* L s<*rcelv ever effected, a majority ol the*.ei Mil.iv ii;to the l.nqds Qt incompetent

rtrsous, drlro not only fail to cure the diseasesHt ruin the constitution, tilling the system

with mercury, which, with the qisease, has-(wus the sufferer into a rapid Consumption.

Vat shoriM the disease and the treatmentnot eaase death speedily and the victim mar-m., the disease is entailed upon the children.Who a; e born with feebje cpustltuttop*, ftTidjp ftUOhnt -f pfe cqrrftpitd bj a virus whichfe-iray# itself in .Scrofula, Tetter, J.'lcpr., Erup-d'lfn and other affections of the skin. Eyes,Throat and Lung*, entailing upon them a brief

axisteuee of suffering aud cousuiguiug themin an enrjy grave.

bEl.r AIIU.SE is another formidable eijOfitJSo health, for nothing else in the dreadkpt/'te efjiuiuan diseases causes su destructivea 3r'nlu upon t-hc drawing its thousandsof victims through a fetv years of sufferingfiown to an untimely grave. It destroys the

Jk'ervous system, rapidly wastes away the f-n-

--?igiei of life, causes mental derangement,

prevents the proper of the system,disqualifies tbr marriage, society, business*aud all ?srthly happiness, and leaves the suf-ferer wrecked ip body and rn'nd, predisposedSr eonsßinpticn aud * lra 'fi of evils more to be

dreaded than pravli jtself. W''h the fullestI assqjc the unfortunate victims ot

fWf-Abuti that a permanent and speedy cureran be affected, and with the abandonment ofruinous practices my patients cau bo restoredto robust, rigorous health.

The afflicted are cautioned against the nse

Of patent Medicines, for tj:*re are so manyIngenious snare# in the'columns of the publicprints to catch and rob the unwary sufferersthat million* have tbeir constitutions ruinedby the vile cotnpounds of quack doctors, or

fti* equally poisonous nostrums vended as

?'Patent Medicines." I have cafefuj.lv analyzedmany of the #c called Patent Mutliciues andfind that nearly all of them (jqrrosivtPuilimate, w'lijch j? pqa pf tile strongest pre-parations of mercury and a deadly poison,which instead of curing tj.e disease djs'nbiesth system for lif.

Thrae-fourtb* of tbo patent nostrums now

fn usa are put up by unprincipled aud ignorantbefsouM, who do not undort-taud evejj the air

tbibot of the 'aorerta sad arc squaUv* dr'taiute of any knowledge *>f the hum.#n

srst'oa. ha ring on- object only in view, andtfiat to make money regardless of <*oi<*qiieu-

fos.Irregularities and all diseases of males aud

frunslet p/iiicjpU's established l>;twfijty yoafs of practice, and sanctioned by

of the most remarkable cure#. Med-mu-s with full directions sent to any part of

tire I'nitod Snt'- or Camdaa, by patientsyouiniunicflting their symptoms by letter.?Pusinesa "orrespoulcuce suictly confidential.Address.

J. SUMMERVILLE, M. I>,OißoeNo. 1131 Filbert St,,

(Old No. 1p9,)lAff-ly. as tow rwctviß,



Pffei-s Great ludu.<?en>Gut>>TO BUYERS OF

(GROCERIES, PROVISIONS AC., atJ the store formerly occupied by D. W.

Sf'EVOEH, on 3d Street, North side of Publiccqqare. i

GRQCF,RIF? ;A good assortuaaut constantly on hand, from

which I will enqmcrate a few of the leadingsqch as

feugar, Mn ttar4, fsnilv,r<offte, Oinnaipon, KptaMolasses, Pepper Sauce, Crackers,Syrnps, Outstip, Soap,Pepper, Yeast, Dandles,gtuee, Oils, Shot,onager, tqhc?o,Clovrs,' SnqfT, hG." Daps,bart 1 Soda, Sogers, C. Tartar,

Snd manr otfiar things too numerous to men-Jlou, will be foqnd in this department, vfiueh itglll be sold a trifljog udvance from cost.WIT rosdv pov.

PROVISION'SpoastiMitly on hand, such as



4PPL,ES, DRIED PLUMS,itfid tnaay other articles in the line of Prori-ftons not neoossary to mnotion. Also,

WOODEN WARE,weji as Drooms, Wash-Tabs and Boards, Mops,jjyqqrr ft"txo s, Ac., which will be sold low for

en#h or ready pay. Oats, Potatoes, Butter. |Egirs, and in fact almost af.rior raises, will hs taken in exchange for ;floods, at their ca#h value. I*~,n ,n of Villager#, Farmers and Lumbermen :?* <?' t-re Vi make pqreha#e# i n the above!|p ??? 81. ! '>l"-t then, to rail before pur-

i/. ?wbr f. K. BPKNCKR.' wdnkport J vut 9, Jg',7 _ 10:2.

| A r /.\u25a0 ?' r.: j / 1 *(,h 'th 4 * lw r,tbr Hw ? >.. ~{ fre Uoods?* * ?* y, k .-sf'KVfKH'M, j

' !/ W H A4 L I

RESOUITIUNPfoposlni Amendments lo Ihe

Constitution of the Colli'mcnwealth.

R££oL VED by ike Senate and Houtc c*

Revracnl net* of tks of; Penn t/ General A*fn~iy met: That

i| ;hc fqilowißg atßfcftdmLnts urc prcpoaevl to thejconstitution of cir.rCoth-cjiJth, in accord-ance with the' prvYjstopj of the ttgth article


There shaii be udditi?pal urtioje t+i! comititutiou ta be doiignateia* eleven,i as follow# .


OF PUBLIC DEBTS.Sectiox 1. The stute may contract dsbts, to

i sapply casual deficit# or ladurc# in revenues,

or to

fur ; but the aggregate amount of such debt*direct an i contingent, whether contracted byvirtue Qt' one or more acts pf general as-

sembly, or at different periods of tixpc, shulluevei exceed ieyen buudreJ aud fifty thousanddollars, and the money arising fiom the crea-

l tiou of such debts, shall h applied to the': purpose for which it was obtained, or to repay?I the debts sy c&niracled aud to no other pur-

pose whatever.Stcnos 2. In addition to the above limited

| power the state may contract debts to repel! invasion, suppress insurrection, defend ;hg! state in war, or to redeem the present out-

standing indebtcdne.s of tbj state ; but thej money arising fr£.m the contracting of suchi debts, shall be applied to the purpose for whichi it was raised, or to repay #ncli debts, and to

i no other purpose whatever.\u25a0J Bkction 3. Except the debts above specified,

' in sec'ions one and two of this articlj, no debt' whatever shall be created by, or on behalf of! the state-

Section 4. To prcivUU fur f^e payment ofthe present debt, and any additional debt con-

| traded as aforesaid, the shajl,; its first session, after th# adoption of thisamendment, create a siukingfuud, which shall

i be sufficient to pay the accruing iiiterett on

I such debt, and annually to reduce princi-, pa] thereof py a sum not less than two hun-

I dred and fifty thousand dollars ; which sink?! ing fund shall qf the net annua! iu-! come of the pyplic w.-,rks, from time to timejowned by tpe state, or the proceeds of the salgof the same, or any part there-f, arid of theincome or proceed# of sale pf stacks qa qed bythe state, together with other funds, or resour-

| ces, that may l;e dpsignated by law. The said

i sinking frtlpi may be increased, from time to

, time, by assigning to it any part of the taxes,

or other revenqes pt' thy state, not required fqrthe ordinary and current ejtppusos of govern-.

| ment. and unless in p.ise of w-ir, invasion orinsurrection, uo part of the said hiqking fundsliall be used or applied otherwise than in ex-tinguisbment of the public d< bt, ppttil theamount of such is reduced b.J .w thesum of five millip.us of dollar#.

Section ft. Thp credit of the commonwealth'\u25a0 oball not in any manner, or event, be pledged,or loaned to, any individual, company, corpo-

, ration, or association; uor shall the cominon-

i wealth hereaftar becocte a joint owner, or

1 sto< k'ioider. iu any company, association, ut

' corporation.Suction ft. The commonwealth shall not .*-

aume the debt, wr any part thereof, of anycounty, city, borough, or township; prof anycorporation, or association ; unless such detff

j shall have been contracted to enable the state' to repel invasion, suppress domestic ituurreo-

| tinp ( defend itself in time of wqr. or to assist! tho state in the discharge of aqy portion of! its present indebtedness.

Sk( riojt 7. The legislature shall aqthcir-\u25a0 ixe atiy county, city, borough, township, qr| incorporated district, by virtue of a vote uf its

citizeus, or otherwise, to become a stockhold-, er in any company, association, or corpora -; tion ; or tp obtain money for, or loan its creditifi, aqy corpoiatitnt, association, insiitutioii, orparty.

SECOND AMENDMENT.There shall be an additional 4,r t;cle tp said

( constitution, tu be designated a# aidvle XJI,, a* follow# :


OF NEW OOI'.YTIEg.No snqntr shall ba divided by a pqtting

off over cue tenth of its population, (either'to forrn a new* coouty or otherwise,) withoutthe -ipr:ss a.-seu'. of such county, l>y a xote

'of the electors thereof; nor shall any- new'? county be established, cnataiuipg that;four hundred square miles.


From section Dvti of the first grtjgle of thgi eobstitutiou, strike out the word#, '"of tfuei'yof Pkil'tdrJpvt, and of oich. county respectively f

' from section five, same article, strike out thewords, "<>/ Philadelphia and of tho -icoeral Mun-tiro; trout secliyu seven, sati}. article, strikeoqt til# v-ffij*. ' ?ivitkrr the city of PhiladelphiaTvrr my,'' and insert in lieu thereof the words,

; 'AND HO; ' and strike out "eenionJour, tame ar-ticle,'' and in lien thereof insert the following:

| '? Section I. In the year one thousand eighthundred and sixty-four, and in eyerv scyenthyear thereafter, representatives to tlte uqoiberof one hundred, (.hull bo apportioned and dis-

j trjhnted squally. Uirqughnut the stale, by-districts. iii proportion to the number of txixa"-ble inhabitants in the sere.ral parts thereof-

j except that any county containing at leastthree thousand five hundred taxable.-, may beallowed a separate n-proseniation , but no

| more thau thrpe counties s|)j|ll be joiaix],no coqnty sbalj be djyided iq the format Jan ofa district. Any city containing a Pi}Cicifcut

i number of taxable? to entitle it to at least twoj representatives, shall have a separate repre-sentation assigned it, and shall be divided into iconvenient districts of contiguous torritorv,

i of equal taxable population a# near as lqayparb of whjeh districts shalj elurft one repre-sentative."

At the end of section seven, same article,insert tho- words, "the city of PhilvUfphiaMKOJJ be divided into tingle. *cnat/>ruil district*, of j,'ontig\*O\M territory a* nearly cjual in farahl:population a* pas*Ms; hat no itard shall be -Jt-videcl if| U\f formation thereof.

The legislature, at its ti'rst sessluw, ftflcr tb ;adoption of this amendment, shall divide the 'the city of Philadelphia into senatorial and

' representative district*, in the manner above iprovided ; such districts to remxjn unchanged ,until the apportionment in the year one tfioq. i

; -and eight hundred and sixty-four.

FOURTH AMENDMENT.There sl;r v <l qn a<Jt]itipnal seotln n tp the

fir.-t article o] said constitution, which x'pkU! h? n h.Ttn ere H VUd lead as fallows :

Syt'TlOX 26. The

I power to alter, revoke,'qr annul, any charter'i of incorporation hereafter conferred by, or un-| der. any sp?fjal, or general law, whenever it.i their opinion it may be injurious to il.e citi-; zen? of the counnouwealth ; in u<~h manner.'

however, that no injustice shall be done to', tho corporators.

IN SENATE. March 27, 18ft7.lles'ih id, T)i- fhi# reiolution pass. On the :

first amendment, yeas it, T ; on the sec-i unJ auienuxnent, yeas 23, nays 6 , on the thii*1

I amendment, yeas 21, nays*; (*q tLe fourthamendment, yeas 23, nays 4


I Extract from ut JuareaLlGEO. W HAMER3LT, Cier\.

jii TH£ HCUSE OF R£FR£S£NTATitSiApril 2b, 1657.

;! Aaeof./, That this resolution pass. On thefirst amtmUrnent, yeas 78, nays 12; ontheseu-

' I ond amendment, yeas 37, nays 3%; on the third ;' amendment, veas 72, nuys 22; on the fourthufiitndoient; vans ed, navs 7.

[Extract from the Journal.]*\u25a0 JACOB ZEIGLLR, ci#k-

\ Filed in Scoffice, May 2, 1837.A G. CURTIS,

Secretary cf tlu C^rnmontveahh.

Stcretact'S OTncE,, j Ha.akiS*Caa, Jane, il, 157., i Ptewtylvansa, ts :

i} Ido certify that the above and foregoing Is

II i true and currect copy ol the original "Keso-?; lutioj) propoiiug amendments to the Coustitu

. I tion MT the inweajth,'' with ihe Vdtc 1"I jeach branch of the Legislature upon the final

1 : passegw" theruof, as appears irum the originals. . on filf jq office.

. I , |u testimony whereof I haye hereun-i[L 5.J ;o my a?"j a ?d caused to be affixed

. the sv;il of the Secretary's Office, the day and' vear above \vuttsu.1! A, Q CYRTUF,

I i S+cretary of the Commonwealth,

IN SENATE. March 27, 1857.. 1 The resolution propoiiug amendment* to the

1 ; Gonotitution of the Comtuouwealih being uti-

-1 ! der consitierution,i ! On the qiiestioa,

Will the Ssmuj-e agree to the first amend-ment !

I! fhc yeas and nays were tftken agreeably to

t : tlie provisions gf the CQustilqtiy:), and were

; a* follow, viz .C YSAS ?Messrs. Brewer, Browne, Coffey, Ely,

. Evans, Fetter, Fleniiiken, Fraxer, Ingram. Jor-

t jdan, Killiuger, Knot, Laubach. Lewis. Myer,1 ' Svofield, BcHers, tjiiumau, Steele, Slr.tub,

i j Welsh, Wilkins, Wright and T*r't>an ! speakeri : ?24.

I NAYa?Mesr. Crabb, Cresewell, Fiuuey,?! Gregg, Hariis, Fenrpsf and Squthfi 7.. | tio the qu?stjpu naa dclvGijiufcd it) Uiy. 1 affirmative,\u25a0 j On the question,

Will the Senate agree to the second a: 1

The yeas and ears W§re tokoy agreeably to

the proi Dions of the Cgustjtutfau, ami wereI as follow. \is :

1 YEAS ?Messrs. Brewer. Browne, Creaswcll.Ely, Evans, Fetter, Finney, Fieuniken. Ingram,

\u25a0 Luuhach, Lewjs, Myer, Sellers,Shunian, Souther, Steele, Strauh, WeDl}, \\ jl-

\u25a0 kins, Wright and Taggart, Speaker ?23.I Nays?Messrs. Coffev, Crabb. Fpiter, Gregg,

Tlcrris, Killinger, Penrose and Seqheld?s,fjo tha question was dctertqjped in the

?ffiriqative.On the qu.-stion,

Will tue Senate agree tQ UHrd amend-, ui-mt ?

.' The yeas and nayi wtre taken agreeably to' the provisions of tue Constitution, und were

-; as follow, viz :YEAO ?Massr*. Brewer, Browne, Crabh.

. Ely, Evans, Flennikeu, FraAer. In-grauj, Jol'iiau, Killinger. Kuox, Laubacb, Lew i*.Myer, Sroficld. Seller*, Shumau, Souther,

r' Steele. Straub, Welsh, Wilkiue and Wright?-t 24,,! NAYS?Messrs. Co.Tiy, Gregg, Harris and

Penrose? 4.So the quostioti was deteriuiued in the

!' iffirmatjye.| On the question,

Will the Senate ogioe tq;he fourth attend,rneut?

I The yeas and nays w*?re taken tp

thd prgrisji.ng of jue Cwnstitmion, and were. | as follow, iiz :

lj Ylis Messrs. Brewer, Browne, Coffey,? j f resswell, Ely, Evans, Fiennikan, }? rarer, In-

gram Killinger, Knox, Laubacb, Lewis, Myer,' Seotifcld, Sellers, Shumau, Souiher, Steele,j Suftub, Welsh, Wilkins aud Wright?23.

i NAYS? Mtsars. Crabb, lianer, Jordan and,' V'eurpse?. f.

So the qyeitpia was deteraiiutd in the' affirmative.

?! IN m HOUSE 9F REPRESENTATIVES,\u25a0 i April I'J, 1I7,

The resolution proposing amendments to the, Constitution of the Commonwealth being un-

der consideration,| Uh the que*iiuq,

Will tue House gift to il*£ first aiueud-uient ?

The yens and nays were taken agreeably to; Vue provisions ot the Constitutiou, and were,! as follow, lii ;

YtAS - Messrs. Anderson, Arthur, Back-: J house, Ball, Beck, Bjshyp, Botyor, Brpwn, CaJ-

houu. Crmpbell, Chase, Cffiavcr, Crawford,II Djckey, Ent, Eystcr, Fausold, Foster, Gibbo-, !ncy, tijJdca, H?-tu l, Harper, Ileitis, Heistaud,

, j lliil,Hillegas, Hoffman, (Berka.) Imbrie, Lines,Jacobs, Jenkins, Johns, Johnson, lyiuftuiaii.

'Kerr, Knight, Lthenriug, Longaker, Lovtqi,, Ms near, Mangle, M'Calmont, MTlvaiu, Moor--11 head, Muuiiua. Mussclraan, Nichols, Nicholson,

Nqnemacher, Pearson, Peters, Petrikin, Pow-I uall, Purcell, Ramsey, (Philadelphia,) Ramsey,(York,) Iloumer, Reed, Roberts, Rupp, Hhaw,Sloan, Smith, Cambria,) Smith, (Centre.) 3te-

j veuson, Tolau, Vail, Vauvoorhis, Vi -ker#,I Walter, Westbrook, Wharton, W;l-

--listou, Witherow, Wright, *Zimiiieri#at) and |Gctz, Sptusitr ?7B.

NAYS?Messrs. Backus, Benson, Ham-ilton; Haucock, Hiue, llpffqpin, (Lebapon,)

! Lebo, Str'tthers, Thorn, Waruwand Win trod e 1,-12.

So the queetion was dotermined in theaffirm itive.

On the question,W'il the House agree to t.he second menc|-

mentVThe yeas ana nays were taken agreeably to :

the provisions of tue Constitution, uijd acreas follow, viz:

\ eas?Messrs. Anderson, Backhouse, Ball.Beck, Bower, Calhoun. Campbell, Carty, Ent,'Fausold, Foster, Gildra, Ilamel. Harper, iJe-ius.'lleistand, llillegas, Hotlnjaq, (Berks.) House-!

; keeper, Imbrie, Line*. Jenkins, Johns, John-son, Kftutlman, Kuight, Leisenriug. I.ongaker, |Lovett, Mencar, Mangle, M Ilvain, Moorhead,Musseltnan, Nichols, Nicholson, Nuntmacher.Pearson, Peters, Petrikin, Pownall. Purcelj,;

i Rargsey, (|*hilacelpUia.) Ramsey, ( YorH.j Reft- ;ntcr, Roberts, Rupp, Shaw, Sloan. Tolau. Vail, j\ o"giil"v, alter, W cstbrook, Wharton, Ziin-

I niermaii and Cjctz, ? 57.NAYS?Messrs. Arthur, Abgustine, Backqs.

Benson, Bjshflp. Brown. Chase, Clearer, Craw-! ford, Eyster, Gibbouey, Hamilton, Hancock,1 Hill, Hine, Huflnpn, (Lebanoq,) Jacqbs,Lebo, M'Calmont, Ijumma, Reed, Stqph, (Cfiffi-bria.) (Centre,) Stevenson, StrqHiers, jThorn, Vickers, \\'agonseller; jWarner, Wjutrode, and Wright?34.

So the question wa determined in the af- jfirraatire.

On the question,t5 ill the House agree to the third amend- 1

1 mcnt ?

The ya 3 uays were tak*n agreeably to

the provisions of tye Con-ifftuiioß, apd cfc 'follow, viz :

yiiS?Mersra Aojiefsop, Backhouse, Ball,Beck, Benson; Bover, BroW&.' Calhoun, Cnffip-bell, Chase, Cleaver, Crawford, Dieluv, Eht, ;Eyster, Fnosold, foster, Gibbaney, Hnmel,'Harper, Heins, HtiitaaJ, Hill, JJilJeg.ts, Jloff-1man, (Berks.) Hoffman. (Lebanon,) House-keeper. Imbrie, lanes, Jacobs Johns, Johnson, jKaullinan, Kerr, Lebo, Longakcr, LoYott, Ma- ;near, Mangle, M'Calmont, Moorhcad, Mamma,!Mussclinan, Nichols. Nicholson, Nuntmachcr, !Pearson. Peters, Petrikin. Pownall. ParcelL!Ramsey. (York.) Reamer, Reed, Rupp. Shavf.:

> Sloan, Smith, (CitubiLO Smith, jStevenson, Tolan, Vail, Yauvoorhis, Vkkcr. j

j Vocghl.v, Wagonselkr. Westbrook, Willistou,

?Witheruw, Wright, Zimmeimun and Get*.

; Speaker ?"2.i NATS?Messrs. Arthur, Augustine. Backus,

i Bishop. Carty. Dock, Gildeu, Hamilton, Huu-, cock- Hine, Jenk ns. Knight, Leisc-nrig, M II-

! rain, Rr.p):s:jr. (Philadelphia.) Roberts, Su oth-

ers, Thorn, Wharton und! \Vintrods;-T!£2,

So the question was determined In the! affirmative,i On the question,

Will the House agree to the fourth amend-| uient ?

The yeas arid pays tjere taken agreeably to

j lire proviaiops of the Constitution, and a art

! as follow, \ iz:YEAS?Messrs. Anderson, Arthur, Back-

i house. Backup, Ball. Beck. Benson. JH?hop,

| Jlower, Brocvu, CrtJhoun. Campbell, Carty.! Chase, Oleuyer. Crawford, Dickey, But, Eyster.I Fausold, Foster, Gibboniv. Gtldea, llumel,Harper, lleins. lleistand, Hill, llillegas, Hoff-

-1 man, (Berks.) Hoffman, (Lebanon.) liou.e-kccper, Imbrie, Innes, Jacobs, Jeukin*, Johns,Johnson, Kauffinau. Kerr, Lebo. Leisenring.Louguker, Lovett, Man ear, Maugie, M Calmont.M Ilvain, Muuima. Mussclm.in, Nichols, Nich-

i oisnn. N UUeffiA'-her, Pearson, peters, petrikin.I'owniili. Purcell. Ramsey, (Philadelphia,)

i York.) Reamer, Reed. Robert", Knpp.Shaw, Sloan, Smith, (Cambria.) Smith, (CVII-

' ire,t Stevenson, Tolan, Vail. Vanvoorhis,Vickers, Yocghj-y. Xl agonselLr, Walter, War-

ner, Westbrook. W harlon, Wiliiston, W ithurow.Zimmerman and Gctz. Speaker ?BLi.

NAYS?Messrs. Dock, Hamilton, Hancock.Siruiher*. Thorn. Wintrodo and Wright?7.

i SM the question was determined *u



Pennsylvania, s* :

I do certify that the above and foregoing isa true and correct copy of the \u2666?Yens" andjl-Jjays - ' taken on the resolution proposing

to the Constitution of the Com-monwealth, as the sapje appears on the Jour-pajs of ti(V tffl House* qf Hie Uctipral

, hly of this CuWWOUTieaJth for the seSiou ol1857

II S 7Witness my hand and the seal of

j L *' *" 'Jsaid office, this twenty-scooyd day of

June, one thousand eight hundred and tifty-seveu.

A. G. CURTLV,10:5?3 m. Secretary of the Commonwealth.

N K W OOODS,Low Prices and Read) Pay,


FINITE SUBSCRIBERS aro offering for sale1 an entirely new stock, consisting ofDRY GOODS. GROCERIES, HARDWARE.




NOTION'S, Ac., Ac.{? pqr tleptioj}3 Ujc wants of all hare been

1 remeufficrtuj Ti-(Ji'UtJeinen can find in our?stock of Ready Made (.'} jllLW|f u elegant! Fasliionahlu suit, or a substantial Businesssuit, and we have Hats A Caps and Boots AShoe.* to uiatch.

T!i< Ladies (J*n f,h4 FVihioiifthlebcautifullv trimmed, or bontx ts s.u-1 trimming :a good fiJtortment of Dress Good*, and triui-

j niing" ; Gloves, Mitts, Hosiery and Gaiters.?Aud, jast hi)i nof least, corded and rkeleton

' Skirts j ajo, Rattftiis, Skirt-W hejehone andBrass Skirt-Hoop*; beautiful Jet Necklace*

j and Bracelets, Corals, K a os niid 100 manyother things to oggjuyrut' - ,?all of which w-are selling low for Cash. Lumber, or anv kindf Produce. FLOUR, MEAL, FISH Ac", co-

4|ai)){r on Laud.W. H. k J. H. GRAVES.

Sharon Center, Potter Co., Pa., June *.

I 1857. 10:

ORANGES AND LEMON'S just received lr10:2 W it. & J. H. GRAVES.


DW. SPENC'KH is Atfcr.t far r*tny °f the? most popular Medicines now in ui.e, a

f.-w uf which Ue will meutiou:J. R. STAFFORD A CO.'S OLIVE TAR.DR. D. JAYNK A SONS FAMILY MEDI -'



lc., Ac ;i Ac,fitTgf*"J. R. Stafford A Coj's Olive Tsr is ap-j

plied and inhaled by waring on INHALERarouud the neck and on the breast. His OL-IVE OINTMENT is applied where the skin i<broken, and is ft poj>t}larretnedv where knownGood for the Whooping Cough, 10:2,


\u25bc T j Nurseries, have for sale a large and:valuable assortment uf IHIfT TREESof all varieties usually cultivated. TheseTrees arc young and of vigorous growth. The jqualities are the most choice known, and arewarranted GENUINE. Also, a fine stock ofORNAMENTAL TREES *u4 fcHftURBEftY, Ifor fall delivery.

&JT"Address orders to C. BEACH, Pen Van,:Yates N. Y. Orders left with ROB'T. W. jNILKB, Coudcrsport, }'a., will be promptly |filled. 10:2?Cmo.



\ Retired Physli'lan, 75 years 01.age. having lost his Father, two Brothers, iDaughter. aw'- Nephews an(J Nieces, bv jthat dreadful disease. CONSUMPTION, and suffer-!ing with n I'oujh, himself, detirmined to visit jthe East Indies, Egypt, and Japan, where he;discovered a Preventive and Certain Cure forColds. Coughs, Rrqpfhitis, Comumpmn, Ner-vous Debility and Asthma. His cough w.iscured immediately; he returned, cured his Rel-atives, who inherited the disease, and in con-uection with his son have employed it in their ipractice, curing thousands of cases consideredhopeless by others. For the purpose of reacu-ing as many of his fellow beings as possible,he is sanding the Recipo to all who wish it for

cents; 3 of it to pay the postage, and thebalance printing. Address Dr. IIBATH 101Spring street, opposited St. Nicholas Hotel.

-l2!k' 10:i? 3n'#-

(lALL AND EXAMINE tha NEW GOODs!J Jnst received by m OLMSTED'S. '

INK and stap e articles in the Drug line for.

sal* by C.M'Z.) KK S

MILLPORT E£AD-SOART£KB iTHE subscribers this fe*i;Cr4 of *;!

formlug tLkU' friends that thtjr nrv T- ,dipt ot', and row opening, a choke a*nidesirable stock of

STAPLE aaD FANCT DRT GOODS, j; to wLicb they invite Qia attention of ail *Lo j

: desire to puke purchases. Our stook is large1 ba3 been selected with gieat care, and is par-'

jticalarly adapted to the wants of tbis section :jof our country. Oar stock <4 Dry Goods Cuß-





HOSIER V, SHAWLS,! and a variety of other articles, too numerous.to lueution. We Lave fllo a complete assort--1 inent of


all of which will be sold uncommonly cheap1 for ready pay, and for approved credit on as

i reasonable terms at auv other establishment.MANN AXICJIOI.S.

Millport. Aug 11. 185C.?9:13 If,


CHAIR MA\H'ACTIRERB,438 Broome Street,

One Door Eait of Broadwnv. [ Late 408 Broad-way,] NEW-YORK,

[EstaUuhrJ A. D. 123.,]

INVITE an examination of iheii great vari-etv and superior assortment of CHAIRS,

iuunuffklured itt their own establishment, and

i under thejr iuilficdilOQ observation auJ direc| tion. Ip, Judipg




INVALIDCHAIP.S, AC., AC . AC.,[ Embracing the uot complete assortment,

j and choicest kil}ds for J'arlors, l>raxr\ny Itooia*,

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i the comfort, cou>rnieiice and luxury of the

J Sick, the AjeJ, the Infirm, the I.ame and Lcty.In point of ingenuity of design, cl.ganee of

finish, quality aud richness of material, l'aith-fuln/ss of execution, durability and cb*apu*'s>,

j these chairs are unsurpassed. For theui, M.i W, KING k NC'N. were awarded the first andonly l'rixe Medal, and the. faculty recommend

, them as far preferable to beds or couches fotpatients afUicted wi.b Affinal Asthmatic oi

; Branchial alfcctious.To cither arm of the chair may be attached

' a convenient reading or writing Dtax, and an;combination desired will be manufactured to

j to order.i A Circular with explanatory cuts, will be? sent by inuil if requested, and orders [with re-mittances,] promptly forwardsd to any part of

the world,


An Arm Chair. Reclining Chair, Couch andi Bedstead, [county v in o.v ,] is susceptible of

( twelve diflerent positions or thfiigf*. to meetj .lie varied requireni uts for c- vfort, c.-nv":.'

. iniury aui f'Uvinv, [ltt SpACr as wellas price.] Whether ia sickness or healh. this

! celebrated CHAIR "as roc i.ikk it," exe. Is in! many respects, any chair perhaps ever manu-factured in this or any other country.

The price varii-s from L'ifutn to Thirty Dol-lars. according to finuh.

T'o Public Institutions, as well as to individ-ual., (his CIIaUv is a very desirable article.

| and will be supplied in any number on the; most liberal terms. Applv to or address

M \V. KING A SON,438 Broome =t., On* door east of Broadway.

?NEW YOKE, I Lute 40rt HroaJuay. b:lt-!y.

\r KU Got IDS ?A Fjne Assortment jusi

received at OLMSTED'S.


Till- Therapeutic tgiutever ißlrudufttl,



? men of the laud" It is now clearly demon-strated that the laneet, mercury, and all other

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From whatever cause there may he an ex-cess or deficiency of the nervous lluid?pro-ducing an excess or deficiency of the acidsand alkaline secretions?the magnetic princi-ples of the system are deranged, aud can on- I!y hp jTStqmj to IJveir norma! condition 1;by an application or l>ymeans of DR. DICKINSON'S MAGNETOELECTRIC MACHINE. This apparatus willpositively prevent, and spcefjily relieve and,sure flnr?HSiption, Scrofula, Rheumatism.!I'nlsic3, Neuralgia, Spinal Diseases, and all ,other painful maladies, however hopeless andof lod£ standing. They are eminently useful;in all sexual and urinary disorder?, particu-larly where the Constitution hns been broken ;down and ruined by uouatural solitary habitsto which too many of the voungof both sexesare so lamentably prone.

DR. DICKINSON'S MAGNETO ELECTRICMACHINE is without the dangerous compli-cationsof batteries aud acids--which fact alonerenders it superior to all others on the scoreof ueatness, safety and utility.?It is, in fact, a handsome parlor ornament;may be applied by a child : and will last a

life-time, to the great aving of Doctor?bills, Ac.

PRICK OF THE MACHINE $lO.It will be safely packed and sent to any

part of the United States. Sold wholesaleand retail at the Medical Office. No, 38 NORTHSEVENTH Street, Philadelphia. Address.

A. C. DiUKlXaClg, M.D. :10-l?ly.



Coudcrsport. June 11, 18^7.?tf, i


The Chooptiy and UanJ<v*rssfud in the rnrrU

CUcuUtlcn IO,iKM,

This elecu>*t and fascinateaLITERARY AN? iAjil'LtJIuNTHLT

MAGAZINE closeß its first Yoiuns in J Uui! ne*t. During the few butt months ofiu 14

j tecce it baa attained a popularity unquali^in the annals of the Press.

! The publishers having cfftrd libcjal Pu.| tniums lor choice literary efforts, the Storiesj Romances. Essays, Poetry, and other

\u25a0 ting And interesting rending was coinoivnscd| in January last, und are being still puUuL,j ed in the Visitor.

The Nen Volume willbe commenced In J.j lv lb7, greatly improved nod enlarged, Each number will contain thirty-two exu*

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FAMILY PHYSIC.ThAB ha* long existed a publie demsnd kria

cuTe'lire purgative pill which could be rshsd on usure and perfectly safe in it*operation. This hwbeen prepared to meet that demand, and an titav*ivc trial of its virtues ha* conclusively shown siftwhat success it accomplishes the burpo** dssifaoi.

' It is easy to make a phv*icai f*il, hut nut ?ut

make the best of all pill* cut which should t' none of the objectioHS, but all the advsjiUgw, of

every other. This has been attempted bsrt, icd| with what sneers* wc would respectfully sutoni* to

the public decision. It has been u'rt_..s .'sithe pationt hitherto th*f every purgntiv.medicine is acrimonious and irrittine to th* bow

' ;!*. This is not. Many of them produce so ntusli /*?? ? p. jn a! ,,i revulsion iu the iT'tern as to raw.' than Counterbalance the good to U* derived fiou

them. These jnll* produce no iiTiutiou er paintnlevs it arise from a previously existing obstra#lion or derangement in the bowels, licuig pursljvegetable, no harm ean arise from their use ui in;quantity ; but it is better that any medicine shsuUbe taken judiciously. Minute direction* for tLsiuse in the. several diseases to which they sis *p

plicable are given on the box. Among the sow| plaint* which have been sneedilv eure<l by them.*,

; mav mention Liver Complaint, in its various furu*of Jaundice, Indigestion, Languor and Loss of Appetite, lAstlessness, Irritability, Hi lion* Hssdacbs

1 Bilious Fevee, Fever atid Ague, Psin in theand I.oins; for, in truth, all these are but tks sl

sequence of diseased action in tho liver. A n

aperient, they afford prompt and sure relief in Clivcnes*, Piles, Colic, Dysentery, Humeri, B*rsfu(a and Suurvy, Colds with snrencts of ths U4)

j Clcers and impurity of the blood ; in short, u)

and ever* ease where a purgative is requhed.i Thev have alio produced aomo singular!* ?

cessfn) cure* in Rheumatism, Gout, I)ronv, Or**?Frj sipaja*, Palpitation of the Heart, Paiai inBack, Stomach, and Side. They should be frssi;taken in the siring of the year, to purify tits Ww<and jircpare the system for the change of *?*""

An occasional dose stimulates the stomsrh ea<

(niWPla into hoalthy action, and restore* the sppi

Bte iii'lvigor. They purify the blood, nd, by tb* lstiinulnui ar.liou on the ciiculatory ystem, r*r>

vate the strangih uf tht* bode, and restore t*lWasU'4 or .)4irgiu< f the whols orgmi*"!Hence an occasional dose is advantageous, *'"*

though no serious diTangcnient exist*; but **

necessary dosing should never \* carried too faras every purgative medicine reduce* ths itrengt-

when taken to excess. The thousand rases in wtusla physic is required cannot be enumerated here, bfhey uggest themselves to the 4Sttk.tß ft(

bod) ; itr.d it is coHndcntiy Itdwtui tPU vlllanswer a better pur]K>*c than any thing sK whitherto been available to mankind. \\hew ttcJ

virtues are once known, the public will no tonget

doubt what reruedv to employ when in nred oi \cathartic medicine." Being sugar-wrapped they are

pleasant to take, and being purely vejrtsbls,'b.irm ean arise from their use in any qnsntitr

For minute directions see wrapper on th^PQEFARKD BY

.TAMES ('. AYE I!,Frurticnl and Analytlrai Clifw

LOWELL. MASS.Frlc 35 Cost! por Box. Five Bexi fe"


4'OrttlU. iOLM,BRO\< IIITIS, >THOOri\L-L


Tm is remedy has won for wrbfrom its cures of every variety of pulmonary d*'that it i* entirely unnecessary to reconnt thedenees of its virtues in any community *

_ns been employed. So wide i the fiel<i*" 1fulness, and o numerous the case* of ,UV|D i,)h*t almost every section of the countryin persons publicly known, who have been rem alarming and even desperate dic*"k

lungs by its use. When once tried it*

FT*r every other mwiirinf nf it* kind i* jr,ant to escape observation, and where it*ruknown, the public no longer heeitate whatto employ for the distressing and ank erol

lions of the pulmonary organs wh:ch *rf 1to our climate. And not only in fornc


VUi-k* upon the lungs, but for the milder Vi

ikt Coi.l>B, Cot'QHi, lIoaUIfcVESS. s*-; IjjiHCHtLinrx it i* the nleasantcst and safestthat can be obtainco. . rl?,y^\

A*it has lung been in constant ?* u \u25a0>(

section, we need not do more th" f* t jt

litidßi# R quality is kept up to the best t.h*t been, and that the genuine artiele i


I>. W. SPKNCKB, yff.rOrDERWIRT. IV. and hJ ( oU '"J 4j ,.hsnteand Druj^glsl?'"evert u hert.