The Research Roadmap: Primer to the Approach and Proces Dr. Philip E. Burian, CTU Sioux Falls, South Dakota Dr. Lynda Rogerson, CTU Colorado Springs, Colorado Dr. Francis “Skip” Maffei, CTU Online Clute Institute for Academic Research 2010 European College Teaching & Learning Conference June 7-10, 2010 [O]ld beliefs die hard even when demonstrably false. -- Edward O. Wilson

Research Roadmap Burian Rogerson Maffei 2010

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  • 1. [O]ld beliefs die hard even when demonstrably false. -- Edward O. Wilson Clute Institute for Academic Research 2010 European College Teaching & Learning Conference June 7-10, 2010The Research Roadmap:A Primer to the Approach and ProcessDr. Philip E. Burian, CTU Sioux Falls, South DakotaDr. Lynda Rogerson, CTU Colorado Springs, ColoradoDr. Francis Skip Maffei, CTU Online

2. OverviewBasic research is what Im doing when I dontPurpose know what Im doing -- Wernher Von Braun Roadmap Value Resources Strategy and Plan Research Methods and Designs The Research Roadmap Institutional Review Board (IRB) Ethics in Research Research Roadmap Recommendations Summary 3. Purpose Present overall insight into the research process Provide a quick-start tool and progress designedreference chart Improve the student and researchers understandingof the entire research effortDiscovery consists in seeing what everyone else has seen andthinking what no one else has thought. -- Albert Szent-Gyorgi 4. Roadmap Value A number of Bachelor and Masters programs haveno research coursework Students are often not prepared for the rigor of research(at the Masters level or even going into the Doctoratelevel) Develops logical thinking process to solve researchproblems Approach and process can be tailored and used in thestudents professional career not just for academicresearchThe grand aim of all science is to cover the greatest number of empirical facts by logical deduction from the smallest number of hypotheses or axioms. Albert Einstein 5. Resources If we knew what we were doing, it wouldnt be called research, would it? -- Albert Einstein A number of good textbooks exist (see references) Difficult to determine which reference to use Choosing the right design for research oftenconfusing Provides a process chart for selecting and executinga research project Research Roadmap is a big picture view of entire researcheffort 6. Strategy & Plan The front end of the research effort is an iterative process Research Data Topic PurposeResearch LitResearch Collection & ReportingMethodology/ CollectionSelection Statement Question Search Proposal AnalysisDesignTools To be successful the student researcher must begin theresearch effort with a defined strategy and plan Iterative process (not just a one time event) prior toformal proposal development Up-front effort will help to produce a better qualityresearch product Well defined strategy and plan will enable the studentto clarify and synthesize the research to be accomplished 7. Research Methods & Design Research Designs Qualitative Appropriate method and design Research Qualitative, Quantitative, Mixed Methods,Quantitative Research and Action Research approach and designMixed Methods Research Integrate and thread research approachand design with the processAction Research (Iterativecycles of Make the process selected work for thesystematicInquiry)type of research being accomplished 8. THE RESEARCH ROADMAPThe front - end of the research effort is an iterative process Research DataTopic Purpose Research Lit ResearchCollection &ReportingMethodology/ Collection Selection StatementQuestion SearchProposalAnalysisDesignTools Research- Annotated Bib - InterviewDesigns- Lit Review is -Case Study- Draft- Dissertation - Study idea - Central- Text/records - Central questionsupportive-Narrative- Observation- Design progress-Dissertation - Researcher phenomenon - Conceptual-Phenomenology- NarrativeQualitative- Focus groups - Final completeis insider- Participants - Sub - questions framework -EthnographiesanalysisResearch - Open ended - IRB- Defense- Subjective- Research site- Conceptual-Grounded Theory- Validation- Questionnaires- Oral Pres model- (Budget) - Descriptive - Experimental- Draft - Annotated Bib - Survey inst - Dissertation- Study idea- Variables- Quasi -experimental - DesignQuantitative- Variable - Lit Review is - Survey research - Measurements- Final progress-Dissertation- Researcher- Participantsrelationship directive Researchis outsider - Correlational - Inferential - IRB - Stat analysiscomplete- Research site - Hypothesis - Theory based- Defense - Objective - Single subject- Descriptive - Oral Pres - Validity & - Concept model - (Budget)reliability - Interview - Text/records- DissertationMixed- Study Idea - Overall intent - Draftprogress - Annotated Bib - Triangulation - Observation- Dissertation - Researcher - Qual/Quant info- Quant/ Qual - Design- Stat analysis Methods can be- Lit review is - Exploratory - Focus groups complete- Combining- Sequential- Final - Narrative Researchobjective directive and - Explanatory - Questionnaire- Defenserationale- IRB analysis and supportive- Survey - Embedded- Measurements- Oral Pres - Validity & subjective - Conceptual- (Budget)model- Inferential reliability - Descriptive- Real life - Solve a - Driven by- Practicalproblemproblem- Annotated Bib- Action - Interview - Draft- Dissertation- Organization- Initiate a- Follows AR - Lit reviewResearch- Text/records- Design progress-DissertationActionissue completechangecycle- ProvidesCycle - Observation - Final- Narrative Research - Problem - Includes conceptual - Participatory- Focus groups- IRBanalysis- Defense- May(Iterative- Changeparticipantsinclude both framework and Can use both- Questionnaires - Validation- Oral Prescycles of - May change- Research intheoretical Qual & Quant- DescriptiveRQ and Hypothsystematic- Iterative orgfoundationsapproaches surveyInquiry)- Participatory - May change- May change- Intervention- Collaborative - Iterative - Iterative- Improve(Politics)learning- Empower- Improvepractice ( Burian, Rogerson, Maffei 2008) 9. Institutional Review Board (IRB)I have not failed. Ive just found 10,000 ways that wontwork. -- Thomas Edison IRB Goal -- Ensure ethical behaviors and procedures arefollowed Provides an oversight function for research conducted onhuman subjects that are scientific, ethical, and regulatory innature The Collaborative Institutional Training Initiative (CITI)provides online training (recommended for all researchersand team members) Each research institution will or should have specificprocedures for submitting to the IRB 10. Ethics in Research Critical on research projects or studies Credibility of information, results, and researchers Must be a top consideration at all phases of research Honesty, intellectual property, use of human subjects,confidentiality, and social responsibility must each beconsidered The only thing you will ever be able to say in the so-called social sciences is: "some do, some dont." -- Ernest Rutherford 11. Research Roadmap RecommendationsIntroducing the research roadmap as early as possible into the degree program curriculum will assist students in developing their researchskills as well as improve their problem solving ability Implement at the Baccalaureate level and increase intensityfor Masters and Doctoral level studies Illustrate the use of the roadmap for both academic andprofessional activities and efforts Integrate assignments and deliverables utilizing theroadmap throughout the program curriculumAnyone who has never made a mistake has never tried anything new. -- Albert Einstein 12. SummaryThe great tragedy of science, the slaying of a beautiful theory by anugly fact. -- Thomas Henry Huxley Overall insight into the research process Provide a quick-start tool (Research Roadmap) Improve students and researchers understandingof the entire or big-picture effort Develop logical thinking process to solve problems Approach and process can be tailored and used intheir professions not just academics