Advances in Raman Hyperspectral Instrumentation for Fast Label-Free Classification and Imaging Bharat Mankani Ben-Amotz Research Lab

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Advances in Raman Hyperspectral Instrumentation for Fast Label-Free Classification and ImagingBharat Mankani

Ben-Amotz Research Lab

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Raman Instrumentation Background

CCD Array Detector

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Raman Instrumentation Background

Single ChannelDetector

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Optimal-Binary Compressive Detection Hardware Filtering

Greg Buzzard

Brad Lucier

Wilcox et al. “Photon level chemical classification using digital compressive detection”. Anal Chim Acta. 755 7-12 (2012)

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Previously DemonstratedAcetone and Benzene

Classification in 30usWilcox et al. “Digital compressive chemical quantitation and hyperspectral imaging”. Analyst. 138 4982-4990 (2013)

Glucose and SucroseOB-CD Raman Imaging

Imaging in 1ms/ point (90s per image)

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Pushing the Edge: Novel Raman Instrumentation Data

Acetone and Benzene Quantitation


Classification in 10us

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New Hyperspectral Spectrometer: Imaging

Hyperspectral Imaging Benzoic Acid and Acetaminophen

90s 0.9s

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Comparison of Classification Error using Traditional CCD

Based Spectrometer

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Real-Time Imaging and Application of De-Noising Algorithm

Benzoic Acid and Acetaminophen

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Dor Ben-Amotz

Ben-Amotz Research Group

OB-CD Project Members David Wilcox Oven Rehrauer Sarah Matt Colby Raymond

Collaborators Brad Lucier Greg Buzzard Stanley Chan Vu C. Dinh Yanan Jiang