A Guide for Journalists 記者指南 Reporting on the European Union 報導歐盟 European Economic and Trade Office 貿

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Page 1: Reporting on the European Union 報導歐盟eeas.europa.eu/archives/delegations/taiwan/... · 為什麼要報導歐盟新聞 9 4. 歐盟新聞管道 10 4.1 線上新聞中心 4.2

A Guide for Journalists 記者指南

Reporting on the European Union報 導 歐 盟

European Economic and Trade Office歐 洲 經 貿 辦 事 處

Page 2: Reporting on the European Union 報導歐盟eeas.europa.eu/archives/delegations/taiwan/... · 為什麼要報導歐盟新聞 9 4. 歐盟新聞管道 10 4.1 線上新聞中心 4.2
Page 3: Reporting on the European Union 報導歐盟eeas.europa.eu/archives/delegations/taiwan/... · 為什麼要報導歐盟新聞 9 4. 歐盟新聞管道 10 4.1 線上新聞中心 4.2

Reporting on the European Union報導歐盟

A Guide for Journalists記者指南

2007 Update

European Economic and Trade Office歐 洲 經 貿 辦 事 處

Page 4: Reporting on the European Union 報導歐盟eeas.europa.eu/archives/delegations/taiwan/... · 為什麼要報導歐盟新聞 9 4. 歐盟新聞管道 10 4.1 線上新聞中心 4.2


1. 歐盟概況 4

2. 歐盟與台灣 8

3. 為什麼要報導歐盟新聞 9

4. 歐盟新聞管道 10

4.1 線上新聞中心

4.2 如何使用新聞資料庫

4.3 歐盟理事會主席

4.4 歐盟理事會秘書處

4.5 歐洲議會

4.6 其它歐盟機構

4.7 訂閱新聞快訊

4.8 連絡發言人

5. 歐盟背景資料資源 14

5.1 歐盟總部網站Europa

5.2 歐盟線上書坊

5.3 中文歐盟訊息

5.4 非官方歐盟訊息來源

5.5. 歐洲的記者協會、訓練中心

6. 歐盟照片集錦 16

6.1 歐盟視聽服務處

6.2 其它歐盟照片資源

6.3 歐盟成員國照片資源

7. 歐盟影片 18

7.1 “衛星歐盟”線上電視新聞

7.2 歐盟總部網站視聽服務處及“TVLinkEurope”影片

8. 歐盟音頻 19

9. 規劃前往歐洲專題報導 19

10. 駐布魯塞爾特派員 19


A. 發言人名單 20A.1 歐洲執委會發言人A.2 理事會秘書處發言人A.3 歐洲議會發言人

B. 歐盟各國在台辦事處 25

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Table of Contents

1. Basic Facts about the EU 28

2. The EU and Taiwan 32

3. Why report about the EU? 33

4. EU News Sources 344.1 The EU on-line Press Room4.2 Search the News Database4.3 EU Presidency4.4 Council of the European Union Secretariat4.5 European Parliament4.6 Other EU Institutions4.7 Subscribe to News Alerts and Newsletters4.8 Call the Spokespeople

5. Background Information Sources 385.1 Europa Website5.2 EU On-line Bookshop5.3 EU Information in Chinese5.4 Non-Governmental News Sources about the EU5.5. European Journalists Professional Organisations and Training Centres

6. EU Photos 406.1 Europa Audiovisual Service6.2 Other EU Photographic Sources6.3 EU Member States Photographic Sources

7. EU Videos 427.1 Europe by Satellite7.2 Europa Audiovisual Service Videos and TV Link Europe Videos

8. EU Audio 43

9. A Field Report in Europe: How to Organise It? 43

10. A Correspondent in Brussels 43


A. List of Spokespeople 20A.1 European Commission SpokespeopleA.2 Council Secretariat SpokespeopleA.3 European Parliament Spokespeople

B. List of European Representative Offices in Taiwan 25

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1. 歐盟概況


- 擴大(Enlargement):1957年歐洲經濟共同體成立時僅有六個會員國,如今已增加至二十七國,另有不少候選國家,未來可望加入。2004年5月歐盟擴張達到顛峰,十國一舉加入歐盟,隨後於2007年再添兩國。

- 深化(Deepening):歐盟不斷精益求精,功能益發多元。從1951年的單一功能(整合歐洲煤鋼市場)逐漸發展出多項功能,積極涉足多種領域,如農業、貿易、研究。會員國通力合作,集思廣益,效益大大提升。一連串的公約記錄了發展進程,如1992年馬斯垂克條約(決定發行歐元)、兩千年尼斯公約(決定新增十個會員國),另有歐盟憲法公約,尚待部分會員國簽署批准。




- 為發展中國家設計完善的發展援助計畫,參與人道救援不遺餘力,協助各國安置災民








- 海外直接投資全球第一,並獲得全球最多海外投資


- 歐盟與會員國提供的援助居全球之冠,約有半數國際官方發展協助計畫是由歐盟與會員國主持


- 提供單一市場,會員國之間商品、服務、資金、人民流通往來皆暢通無阻 - 統一農業、研究、資訊社會、環境、消費者保護、食品安全、商業競爭…等政策與法規 - 經濟規模高達九兆七千億歐元,占全球經濟28.7% - 所有歐洲公民皆可任意往返或定居歐盟會員國 - 發行單一貨幣(歐元),目前於13個會員國流通,其他會員國可望跟進 - 秉持團結共榮精神,經濟強勢會員國負責協助經濟弱勢會員國發展經濟

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歐盟理事會:理事會成員來自各會員國,屬於部長層級會議,故又稱「部長理事會」。各會員國政府指派一位代表參加理事會。理事會負責投票表決執委會之提案,採多數決,並考量各會員國之人口比例。針對外交政策、租稅政策等特定領域,表決以全體通過為原則,全體會員國必須一致同意,提案才算通過。理事會也定期召開元首級會議(亦稱為歐盟國家元首和政府首腦理事會會議、亦稱歐盟高峰會議),商討歐盟整體政局與未來方針。 理事會主席半年一任,由全體會員國輪流擔任。2007年上半年主席由德國擔任,葡萄牙下半年,2008年則由斯洛維尼亞與法國輪流擔綱。理事會設有常任秘書長一名,兼任歐盟共同外交暨安全政策高級代表,現任秘書長為索拉納先生。


更多歐盟資訊,請參觀歐洲經貿辦事處網站(中英文雙語平台) http://www.deltwn.ec.europa.eu

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Austria奧地利(1995) Belgium比利時(1957) Bulgaria保加利亞(2007)Cyprus賽普勒斯(2004) CzechRepublic捷克共和國(2004) Denmark丹麥(1973)Estonia愛沙尼亞(2004) Finland芬蘭(1995) France法國(1957)Germany德國(1957) Greece希臘(1981) Hungary匈牙利(2004)Italy義大利(1957) Ireland愛爾蘭(1973) Latvia拉脫維亞(2004)Lithuania立陶宛(2004) Luxembourg盧森堡(1957) Malta馬爾他(2004)Poland波蘭(2004) Portugal葡萄牙(1986) Romania羅馬尼亞(2007)Slovakia斯洛伐克(2004) Slovenia斯洛維尼亞(2004) Spain西班牙(1986)Sweden瑞典(1995) TheNetherlands荷蘭(1957)UnitedKingdom英國(1973)

CandidateCountries候選國Turkey土耳其 Croatia克羅埃西亞 FormerYugoslavRepublicof Macedonia前南斯拉夫馬其頓 共和國

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Who’s who?Main Faces of the EU歐盟機構與首長

歐盟執行委員會(亦稱歐洲執委會)主席President of the European Commission

Jose Manuel Barroso

歐洲議會 主席President of the European Parliament

Hans-Gert Pöttering

歐洲理事會 秘書長 ,共同外交暨安全政策高級代表

High Representative for the Common Foreign and Security Policy, Secretary General of the Council

Javier Solana

歐洲執委會對外關係委員European Commission Commissioner for

External RelationsBenita Ferrero-Waldner

歐洲執委會貿易委員European Commission Commissioner for

External TradePeter Mandelson


President of the European Council for the first half of 2007Angela Merkel, German Federal Chancellor


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- 歐盟為台灣第四大貿易夥伴,台灣為歐盟第十四大貿易夥伴- 2006年雙邊貿易成長5%- 歐盟為台灣2006年最大外商直接投資者

詳細資訊請參考《歐盟-台灣貿易投資概況》,下載電子檔,請至歐洲經貿辦事處網站 http://www.deltwn.ec.europa.eu



研究:目前台灣與歐洲研究機構正進行多項歐洲執委會贊助之研究計畫,研究領域包括資訊科技、醫療保 健等。2003 年歐洲執委會與台灣國科會簽署合作書,約定加強研究合作,並於2005年展開歐盟 台灣資訊科技研究合作計畫,攜手合作,共同研究資訊科技。該計畫擁有專屬網站http://www.eurotaiwan-it.org。另外於歐洲經貿辦事處的網站上,可以找到更多科學技術的合作資訊。

高等教育:歐洲執委會的「Erasmus Mundus歐盟碩士課程及獎學金」計劃,提供台灣學生獎學金前往歐洲攻讀碩士課程、教授前往歐洲進行執教,另有大學合作計畫,經由建立夥伴關係進行交流;各會員國亦提供台灣學生各類獎助金。









歐洲執委會設有對外關係總署,該總署設有一部門專門負責歐盟與中國、香港、澳門、台灣、蒙古之關係。歐洲執委會貿易總署亦設有部門負責歐盟與上述地區之貿易往來。 下列網站提供歐台關係相關資訊:

- 歐洲經貿辦事處 http://www.deltwn.ec.europa.eu

- 歐洲執委會對外關係總署 http://ec.europa.eu/comm/external_relations/taiwan/intro/index.htm

- 歐洲執委會貿易總署 http://ec.europa.eu/trade/issues/bilateral/countries/taiwan/index_en.htm



2006年約三十三萬台灣居民造訪歐洲 2006年約一萬兩千名台灣學生前往歐盟各國深造




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WEEE歐盟廢電器設備指令、RoHS危害物質指令、EuP能源產品環保設計指令)方能外銷到全球第一大的 歐洲市場。歐盟在實施新法規之前,會徵詢相關業者的意見,因此愈早報導歐盟新聞,愈能維護台灣業 者的利益,因為如此一來他們的聲音才能夠傳達出去。


歐盟擁有獨特的社會議題、社福制度與教育制度,各界經常討論這些議題,各方意見相當踴躍,值得 報導。

歐洲文化獨特多元,報導題材俯拾即是。舉凡觀光旅遊、尋訪古蹟、欣賞文化遺產,歐洲是不二選擇, 世界頂級品牌也聚集在歐洲,歐洲足球稱霸全球。


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網頁包含下列資訊:- 最新歐盟新聞稿,資料庫含1985年至今所有新聞稿- 活動訊息日曆- 所有歐盟機構相關新聞服務網頁連結








每屆理事會主席都有官方網站,介紹最新動態。例如2007年上半年理事會輪職主席(德國)網站網址: http://www.eu2007.de/


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歐洲議會新聞處定期提供新聞報導,進入線上新聞中心即可瀏覽。點選次目錄「歐洲議會出版品 “Our Publications”」即可瀏覽歐洲議會出版品與新聞快訊,網站亦提供過期新聞稿全文搜尋服務。


進入歐盟網站新聞中心(http://europa.eu/press_room/index_en.htm),點選「新聞服務中心 “Press Services”」目錄,即可找到歐盟其他單位的線上新聞中心網址,包含歐洲法院、歐洲中央銀行、歐洲經濟社會委員會、歐盟統計局、歐洲投資銀行等。






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名稱 主題內容 出版期間 如何訂閱




連絡方式 [email protected] 請註明訂閱版本 *電子版 : 請提供姓名、電子郵件信箱*印刷版- 請傳真名片以建檔




輪職主席國訊息 每日請至輪職主席國(如2007年上半年:德國)網站註冊http://www.eu2007.de/



每日註冊網址 http://www.consilium.europa.eu/








歐盟創新 發行者: 歐盟企業總署 每年數期 http://cordis.europa.eu/aoi/sub_ei.cfm

農業新聞文摘 發行者: 歐盟農業總署 雙月刊 http://ec.europa.eu/agriculture/newsdigest/archive_en.htm

農業通訊 發行者: 歐盟農業總署 月刊http://ec.europa.eu/agriculture/publi/newsletter/index_en.htm




Cordis 週報 歐洲的研究及創新 每週 cordis.europa.eu/express




教育及文化 教育及文化訊息 雙月刊http://ec.europa.eu/dgs/education_culture/publ/mag_en.html

文化 歐盟文化政策 月刊http://ec.europa.eu/culture/eac/sources_info/newsletters/newsletter_en.html





歐洲漁業 歐盟水產漁業訊息 月刊http://ec.europa.eu/fisheries/publications/magazine_en.htm



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名稱 主題內容 出版期間 如何訂閱



能源及運輸發行者: 能源暨運輸總署



每週 http://ec.europa.eu/development/body/news/news_en.htm





就業及社會事務 由就業暨社會事務總署發行的就業及社會事務郵件(ES Mail)




至於歐洲議會,除可訪問議會發言人之外,當然也可直接訪問議員。歐洲議會設有「友台小組」,由亞森柏斯基Jarzembowski 議員擔任主席(聯絡資料請見本手冊 p. 20-26)。

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點選「活動訊息 Activities」,即可連結所有歐盟相關領域、歐盟法規以及簡短介紹。點選「歐盟機構 Institutions 」即可找到所有歐盟單位網站連結。「文件資料 Documents」提供歐盟法規資料網站連結。點選「其他服務 Services」可找到歐盟統計資料、民意調查、線上視聽圖書館、網路書店等網站連結。







歐洲經貿辦事處中英雙語網站內容包括歐盟簡介、歐盟機構職掌及運作方式、歐盟政策以及歐台關係、經貿概況、其它領域合作等相關資訊。 http://www.deltwn.ec.europa.eu



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- 歐洲聯盟研究協會 經常舉辦各項研討會,會員含研究歐盟事務之學者教授。網站提供中、英、法三語版本,內容涵蓋歐盟事務分析研究、學會公告與活動訊息,並發行免費中文電子報,內容包含歐盟事務分析。學會網址:http://eusa-taiwan.org/ - 歐洲聯盟研究論壇 由一群熱衷歐盟研究的學者專家組成,舉辦各項活動,並發行免費歐盟新聞中文電子週報。網址:http://iir.nccu.edu.tw/eurf/index.asp

- 淡江大學歐盟資訊中心由歐洲執委會直接提供歐盟官方文件資料。該中心為台灣最完善之歐盟文獻資料庫。中心發行免費中文季刊,提供歐盟新聞與歐盟事務分析。網址:http://www.lib.tku.edu.tw/eudoc/libeu.htm

- 國家圖書館歐盟資訊中心國家圖書館成立「歐盟資訊中心」,於2007年年中正式運作,http://www.ncl.edu.tw/ ,「歐盟資訊中心」網頁可由” 國際組織出版品閱覽專室” 進入

- 台灣有幾所大學設有歐盟研究中心及教學計畫,網址如下:

歐洲委員會(European Commission,即歐洲執委會)駐中華人民共和國代表團網站(簡體中文)含歐盟與中國關係相關資訊,網址: http://www.delchn.cec.eu.int/


歐洲、台灣與其他各國新聞通訊社經常報導歐盟動態。歐盟總部布魯塞爾外的國新聞媒體特派員人數為全球第一。 除了各大新聞通訊社之外,一些私營或非官方機構亦提供免費線上歐盟新聞,部分新聞服務採收費制,提醒您,使用報導內容需注意著作權問題。下面精選的新聞資料網站僅供參考,網站立場各有不同,不代表歐盟立場。

淡江大學歐洲研究所 http://www2.tku.edu.tw/~tiexm/

南華大學歐洲研究所 http://mail.nhu.edu.tw/~europe/

政治大學歐洲語文學程 http://www.mpes.nccu.edu.tw:8080/mpes_web/

師範大學歐洲文化與觀光研究所 http://www.ntnu.edu.tw/giect

文藻外語學院 歐盟經貿觀光文化園區 http://www.wtuc.edu.tw/EU/






歐洲記者協會 http://www.aej.org/

歐洲記者聯盟(EFJ)- 國際記者聯盟地域性組織 http://www.ifj-europe.org/

歐盟科學記者協會 http://www.esf.org/eusja/

歐洲新聞教學協會 http://www.ejta.nl/

“給記者的專屬服務” http://www.brusselsreporter.org/

歐洲新聞研究中心 http://www.ejc.nl/

專屬新聞從業人員的歐盟 http://www.eu4journalists.com/

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http://ec.europa.eu/avservices/home/index_en.cfm (欲擷取使用時,請註明來源:歐洲聯盟)


-新聞照片(歐盟最即時新聞相關照片),網站照片 即時更新-精選歐盟照片(依主題分類)-照片資料庫(提供搜尋功能)


該網頁含最近兩週歐盟新聞照片,若要下載清晰高畫質的照片(適合出版品照片),必須先註冊(請於“login”方格中點選“not yet registered”) 。註冊免費,且一但註冊後您的使用者名稱以及密碼將適用於所有EUROPA線上服務。

直接點選您所要的照片,點選「高畫質列印download the high def.」可下載高畫質照片(適合印刷用的品質)。

新聞照片專輯皆為預先規劃,內容請見下列網站: http://ec.europa.eu/avservices/photo/index_en.cfm 請點選「本週新聞照片專輯計畫」。

依主題分類的照片 http://ec.europa.eu/avservices/photo/photo_thematic_en.cfm



歐洲執委會開發中國家援助計畫與人道救援計畫相關照片可在下列網站找到: http://ec.europa.eu/europeaid/library/index_en.htm http://ec.europa.eu/echo/information/library/index_en.htm

多媒體資料庫搜尋: http://ec.europa.eu/avservices/photo/photo_search_en.cfm?adsearch=yes


您可透過電子郵件直接聯繫資料庫管理人員: [email protected]

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歐盟理事會照片資源 http://www.consilium.europa.eu/ (點選「媒體資訊 Press」,再點選「照片 Photos」) (欲擷取使用時,請註明來源:歐盟理事會)



歐洲議會影音資料服務提供大量新聞資料照片,網址: http://pe.microservice.fr/ (欲擷取使用時,請註明來源:歐洲議會)

您無需註冊即可瀏覽資料庫照片,但需先透過[email protected] 申請使用者名稱以及密碼,註冊後才可下載高畫質照片。若您只是想要瀏覽低解析度的資料庫照片,點選”invite”鍵即可。 更多資訊,請至: http://www.europarl.eu.int/news/expert/default_en.htm


歐盟各會員國駐台北辦事處皆免費提供會員國照片,您可直接聯絡各代表辦事處索取。聯絡方式請參閱本手冊 p.25-26。


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衛星歐盟電視新聞台每日透過衛星與網路同步播放歐盟相關新聞、紀錄片、報導與現場連線報導,一天播放數小時。目前亞洲地區無法接收歐盟衛星訊號,因此在台灣必須線上以串流視訊格式收看,該格式可收看所有歐盟新聞影片,但畫質不適合直接轉載。建議您不妨利用”衛星歐盟” 線上電視新聞每天中午十二點(布魯塞爾時間)由歐洲執委會新聞處提供的每日記者會。您亦可透過在線視頻點播找到過去的廣播。


http://ec.europa.eu/avservices/video/index_en.cfm http://ec.europa.eu/avservices/video/video_prod_en.cfm?type=docu_vnr

該網站提供歐盟所有領域之紀錄片,您可用Real格式預覽,亦可免費索取專業播放格式。一般可選擇歐盟23種官方語言或無聲,方便台灣媒體以中文過音。網站提供索取單與影片目錄,大部分影片可直接以專業MPEG2格式下載(檔案很大,請特別注意)。網址: 您亦可直接以電子郵件聯絡視聽圖書館人員: [email protected]

TV Link Europe網站提供歐盟教育、文化、環境、能源、交通、對外關係、科學研究、健康與消費者保護等相關影片,非常好用。網址: http://www.tvlink.org/

該網站專為新聞從業人員設計,您可任意轉載網站提供的影片。大部分影片可線上直接以Real或Windows Player格式預覽,您亦可免費索取專業播放格式。網站提供免費電子報,介紹新進影片。

歐盟對外關係相關影片網站: http://www.eurworldtv.com/


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8.歐盟音頻 http://ec.europa.eu/avservices/audio/index_en.cfm



欲前往歐洲報導歐盟新聞、拍攝紀錄片、撰寫歐遊心得,卻不知如何著手?歐盟位於布魯塞爾與歐洲其他地點的單位皆設有新聞處,可以為您聯繫相關資源、安排採訪,甚至出借攝影棚、攝影器材與工作人員。種種貼心的服務,為您省時又省力。如果您在布魯塞爾採訪期間需要專業影音技術協助,歡迎來電 +32 2 299 2321洽詢預約。





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A.歐盟發言人名單List of Spokespeople


Spokespeople in the EU Institutions are good contact points for journalists. However, they are always very busy and need to satisfy the needs of media correspondents from the 27 EU countries and from the rest of the world. It is advisable to contact their assistant first if you want an interview with them. In any case, do not hesitate to call the European Eco-nomic and Trade Office in Taipei if you need help (see contact address below).

A.1歐洲執委會發言人 European Commission Spokespeople歐盟執委會的發言人組織為: 一位主要發言人,其它各個不同領域兼有其專門發言人若您有任何問題、想進行公開或不公開(“on” or “off” record)的訪問,歡迎與發言人聯絡。

The Commission has a chief spokesperson, plus several spokespeople in charge of specific areas. Do not hesitate to contact them for questions and interviews ‘’on’’ or ‘’off’’ the record.

Commission Spokesman Johannes Laitenberger 296 5745; FAX: 296 7912Ingrid Schildboeck 299 2239Isabelle Venti 295 6678

Assistant to the Spokesman Nathalie Davies 296 4933

Deputy Spokespersons

Leonor Ribeiro da Silva (Activities of the President)

298 8155 ; FAX : 296 4284

Gabriela Vilela Tavares 292 0883Pia Ahrenkilde Hansen (Coordination and planning)

295 3070; FAX : 299 1970

Anne Chiry 295 0668

Spokesperson’s Service Coordination and Planning Unit

Head of unit Pia Ahrenkilde Hansen 295 3070Spokespersons attached to the UnitMichele Cercone

298 0963

Helen Kearns 298 7638Ewa Haczyk 298 7680Alain Bloedt 295 5604Mark Stephen Gray 298 8644; FAX : 299 1970

SpokespersonsGeneral Services / Communication / Institutional Relations - Information Society / Media - Education / Culture / Training / MultilingualismServices depending directly from the President (General Secretariat, Legal Service, BEPA)

Pietro Petrucci 298 9492Denise Clarembeaux 296 0539Communication / Institutional Relations Mikolaj Dowgielewicz 295 0051

Julie Arnaud 298 7749Information society and Media Martin Selmayr 298 1230

Jean Scheyvaerts 295 1777Education, Training, Culture, Multilingualism Frédéric Vincent 298 7166

Jean Scheyvaerts 295 1777Press officer Mona Lund 299 9020; FAX: 295 1413

*電話 +32.2+ (下列電話號碼) (以台灣為例: 002-32.2+ 下列電話號碼)* Email 通常信箱由名&姓組成 ([email protected])* 通訊地址 European Commission, B-1049 Brussels, Belgium

From outside Belgium, dial +32 2 followed by the telephone number below.E-mail addresses are usually formed as follows: [email protected] can also contact: [email protected] address is: European Commission, B - 1049 Brussels

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Administrative Affairs - Taxation and Customs - Budget

Administration, Audit and Anti-FraudMax Strotmann (acting)

299 9898

Valérie Rampi 296 6367Press officer Dale Kidd 295 7461Taxation and Customs Union Maria Assimakopoulou 295 9842

Financial Programming and Budget Robert Soltyk 296 1619

Bettina Balzer(Administration - Taxation / Customs);(Budget)

295 5736; FAX : 296 3003 FAX : 296 3000

Press officer Roger Nunn 295 3647

Enterprise - Competition - Economic Affairs - Internal Market

Enterprise and Industry Gregor Kreuzhuber 296 6565Karin Pithan 295 8447Competition Jonathan Todd 299 4107Tarja Sage 296 1642Internal Market and Services Oliver Drewes 299 2421Ilse Gordts 295 4997Economic and monetary Affairs Amelia Torres 295 4629Samantha Butterworth 296 5522Press officersCompetition: Linda Cain 299 9019

Competition: Audrey Lemonnier 295 0258Economic and Monetary Affairs: Marisa González 295 1925

Enterprise - Internal Market: Ton Van Lierop 296 6565Press officer: Catherine Bunyan(Enterprise - Competition)(Economic Affairs - Internal Market)

299 6512 FAX : 296 3038 FAX : 295 1413

Transport - Energy - Science and Research

Transport Michele Cercone (acting) 298 0963Energy Ferran Tarradellas Espuny 296 6293Elgars Ozolins 299 4406Science and Research Antonia Mochan 296 9921Lorella Corato 296 3099Press officers Transport: Marja Quillinan-Meiland 299 4014

Energy, Science and Research: Marilyn Carruthers 299 9451; FAX: 296 3067

External Relations - Trade - Development - Enlargement

External Relations Emma Udwin 295 9577Tanja Gohlert 295 2531Trade Peter Power 296 1777Catriona Carmody 299 2314Development and Humanitarian Aid Amadeu Altafaj Tardio 295 2658

Pascale Caragiorgio 299 8567Enlargement Krisztina Nagy 298 8663Frida Johansson-Packer 299 5513Press Officers External Relations: Concha Fernandez de la Puente ; Christina Mueschen

295 2977; 298 0373

Enlargement: Noora Hayrinen 295 8437Trade: Stephen Adams(External Relations / Trade) (Development - Enlargement)

296 3166 FAX : 296 3000FAX : 298 4172

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Employment and Social Affairs - Regional Policy - Justice, Freedom and Security

Employment and Social Affairs Katharina von Schnurbein 298 1408

Zuzana Kasparova 292 1375Regional Policy Ana-Paula Laissy 295 3258Justice, Freedom and Security Friso Roscam Abbing 296 6746

Press Officer Employment and Social Affairs: Constantina Avraam

295 9667

Regional Policy: Constantina Avraam 295 9667Justice, Freedom and Security: Riccardo Mosca 296 1404; FAX: 296 0625

Agriculture / Rural Development - Fisheries / Maritime - Health / Consumers - Environment

Agriculture and Rural Development Michael Mann 299 9780

Helle Linaa Mortensen 296 3212Fisheries and Maritime Affairs Mireille Thom 299 1630Health and Consumers Protection Philip Tod 296 5911Environment Barbara Helfferich 298 2010Agathe Giakoumakis 298 0246Press Officers Agriculture/Rural Development: Johan Reyniers

295 6728

Environment + Fisheries: Lone Mikkelsen 296 0567Health & Consumers Protection: Nina Papadoulaki 298 6378; FAX : 296 3067

Press Room + Accreditation Written Press

Press room Silvana Riva 295 0086; FAX : 299 4770Accreditation Pier-Cirillo Soldati 299 0170; FAX : 299 4770Documentation Emilio Caruso 295 4214; FAX : 295 9980Audiovisual - Studios Planning 295 2123

您也可以在對外關係總署與負責歐盟台灣關係的單位聯繫對外關係總署對中國、香港、澳門、台灣及蒙古關係處處長: Mr. Franz Jessen 歐台關係專員Mr. Jan-Willem Blankert Tel. +32 2 2987402

You can also contact the unit in charge of relations between the EU and Taiwan at the Directorate General for External Relations:

Directorate General for External Relations Unit in charge of China, Hong Kong, Macao, Taiwan and Mongolia Head of Unit: Mr. Franz Jessen Officer responsible for Taiwan: Mr. Jan-Willem Blankert Tel. +32 2 2987402

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A.2歐盟理事會秘書處The Council Secretariat


Press Office 媒體處Rue de la Loi, 175B-1048 BrusselsTel. +32 (0)2 281 63 19 . Fax +32 (0)2 281 80 26E-mail : [email protected] : http://www.consilium.europa.eu

Cristina GALLACHSpokesperson of the Secretary-General/High Representative (SG/HR) for common foreign and security policy 發言人- 歐洲理事會秘書長/共同外交暨安全政策高級代表 Tel. +32 (0)2 285 64 67GSM +32 (0)476 93 64 26Fax +32 (0)2 285 56 [email protected]

Mary BRAZIERMember of the Press Office assisting the Spokes-person of the SG/HR 媒體處成員- 協助歐洲理事會秘書長/共同外交暨安全政策高級代表發言人Tel. +32 (0)2 285 51 83GSM +32 (0)477 97 08 74Fax +32 (0)2 285 56 [email protected]

Alain PLUCKERSMember of the Press Office assisting the Spokes-person of the SG/HR媒體處成員- 協助歐洲理事會秘書長/共同外交暨安全政策高級代表發言人Tel. +32 (0)2 285 62 17GSM +32 (0)475 75 34 00Fax +32 (0)2 285 56 [email protected]

Dominique-Georges MARROHead of the Press Office 媒體處 處長Tel. +32 (0)2 285 64 23 GSM +32 (0)478 28 25 56Fax +32 (0)2 285 80 [email protected]


Nicolas KERLEROUXGeneral Affairs and External Relations; Security and Defence Policy一般事務及對外關係; 安全及防禦政策Tel. +32 (0)2 285 82 39 GSM +32 (0)475 36 96 76Fax +32 (0)2 285 80 [email protected]

François HEAD General Affairs and External Relations; Economic and Financial Affairs; Development Cooperation一般事務及對外關係經濟暨財政事務; 發展合作Tel. +32 (0)2 285 60 83 GSM +32 (0)475 95 38 07Fax +32 (0)2 285 80 [email protected] PETROPOULOSSecurity and Defence Policy 安全及防禦政策Tel. +32 (0)2 285 83 48 GSM +32 (0)475 75 38 81Fax +32 (0)2 285 80 [email protected]ús CARMONAJustice and Home Affairs; Coverage of press issues related to coordination in countering terrorism 司法及民政事務 反恐怖合作相關領域報導Tel. +32 (0)2 285 95 48 GSM +32 (0)475 65 32 15Fax +32 (0)2 285 80 [email protected] MICMACHER-GRANDCOLASAgriculture and Fisheries; Budget 農業及水產魚業,預算Tel. +32 (0)2 285 95 89Fax +32 (0)2 285 80 [email protected] MARTINEZ-ALMEIDACompetitiveness (Internal Market, Industry and Re-search); Transport, Telecommunications and Energy 內部市場、產業及研究競爭; 運輸、電信及能源Tel. +32 (0)2 285 62 19 GSM +32 (0)475 75 34 08Fax +32 (0)2 285 80 [email protected] Paula MARQUESEnvironment; Employment, Social Policy, Health and Consumer Affairs; Education, Youth and Culture環境、就業、社會政策; 健康及消費者事務, 教育,青年及文化Tel. +32 (0)2 285 87 16 GSM +32 (0)478 50 04 42Fax +32 (0)2 285 80 [email protected]íctor FLAVIANResearch, coordination and support to the press officers 研究、合作及支援媒體處主任Tél. +32 (0)2 285 67 15Fax +32 (0)2 285 80 [email protected]

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A.3歐洲議會 The European Parliament

Miriam VANCOVAResearch, coordination and support to the press officers 研究、合作及支援媒體處主任Tel. +32 (0)2 285 97 76Fax +32 (0)2 285 80 [email protected]

Corinne CORDINA (32-2) 28 31082 (33) 388 1 74588empl-press@ europarl.europa.euENVIRONMENT, PUBLIC HEALTH AND FOOD SAFETY 環境、公共衛生及食品安全Thomas DUDRAP (32-2) 28 44 524 envi-press@ europarl.europa.euINDUSTRY, RESEARCH AND ENERGY 產業、研究及能源Constanze BECKERHOFF (32-2) 28 44302(33) 388 1 73780(33) 388 1 74005 indu-press@ europarl.europa.eu

INTERNAL MARKET AND CONSUMER PROTECTION 內部市場及消費者保護Piotr ZALEWSKI (32-2) 28 32232 (33) 388 1 74151Cezary LEWANOWICZ (32-2) 28 44659 (33) 388 1 74903(33) 388 1 74005 imco-press@ europarl.europa.euTRANSPORT AND TOURISM 運輸及觀光Ton HUYSSOON (32-2) 28 42408 (33) 388 1 73856(33) 388 1 74005 [email protected] 農業Lorenc REDEI (32-2) 28 32379(33-3) 388 1 [email protected] 水產魚業Lorenc REDEI (32-2) 28 32379(33-3) 388 1 [email protected]

SECRETARIAT AND DOCUMENTATION (PRESS OF-FICE) (媒體處) 秘書處及文獻中心Ana Paula MARTINS RODRIGUESAntonio FERNANDEZ GOMEZChristin NILSSONCécile MONIN Tel. +32 (0)2 285 63 19Fax +32 (0)2 285 80 [email protected]

M. Georg JarzembowskiMember of the European Parliament 歐洲議會議員Chairman of the European Parliament – Taiwan friendship group 歐洲議會 友台小組主席Fax: 32 2 284 9306 Or Fax: 33 3 88 17 9306 [email protected]://www.gjarzembowski.dePostal address: 通訊地址 CDU-Europabüro Poststraße 11 DE-20354 HAMBURG

EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT HOTLINE NEWSDESKBen-Salah [email protected]+32 2 284 28 00 (BXL)+33 3 88 17 28 00 (STR)+32 2 283 10 08 (BXL)

FOREIGN AFFAIRS (including Subcommittee on Human Rights and Subcommittee on Security and Defence Policy ) AND INTERNATIONAL TRADE 外交事務 (包括人權、安全暨防禦政策小組委員會)Marjory VAN DEN BROEKE (32-2) 28 44304(32) (0) 498 98 35 86 (33) 388 1242209(33) 388 1 74005 [email protected] AND MONETARY AFFAIRS 經濟暨貨幣事務Ralph PINE (32-2) 28 42941(32) (0)498 98 35 87 (33) 388 1 74751(33) 388 1 74005 econ-press@ europarl.europa.eu

EMPLOYMENT AND SOCIAL AFFAIRS 就業及社會事務Constanze BECKERHOFF (32-2) 28 44302 (33) 388 1 73780(33) 388 1 74005

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B.歐盟成員國駐台辦事處 List of European Representative Offices in Taiwan

CULTURE AND EDUCATION 文化及教育David ZELINGER (32-2) 28 31056 (33) 388 1 73477 Ton HUYSSOON (32-2) 28 42408 (33) 388 1 73856(33) 388 1 74005 [email protected] CONSTITUTIONAL AFFAIRS 政制事務Federico DE GIROLAMO (32-2) 28 31389(32) (0)498 98 35 91 (33) 388 1 72850

(33) 388 1 74005 [email protected]

WOMEN’S RIGHTS AND GENDER EQUALITY 女權及性別平等Lena KRAFT (32-2) 28 43411 (33) 388 1 72420 [email protected]

European Economic and Trade Office 歐洲經貿辦事處105台北市民生東路3段109號15樓A室tel: 2715-0365fax: 2715-0006http://www.deltwn.ec.europa.eue-mail: [email protected]

Austrian Tourism Office奧地利觀光處 105台北市敦化北路167號10樓tel: 2712-8598fax: 2514-9980e-mail: [email protected]

Belgian Office Taipei 比利時台北辦事處105台北市民生東路三段 131 號 6 樓 601 室tel: 2715-1215fax: 2712-6258http://www.beltrade.org.tw/e-mail: [email protected]

British Trade and Cultural Office英國貿易文化辦事處100台北市仁愛路二段99號9樓tel: 2192-7000fax: 2394-8673http://www.btco.org.tw/e-mail: [email protected]

Czech Economic and Cultural Office Taipei 捷克經濟文化辦事處110台北市基隆路二段51號6樓之1tel: 2738-9768fax: 2733-3944http://www.mfa.cz/taipei/e-mail: [email protected]

Danish Trade Organizations’ Taipei Office丹麥商務辦事處105台北市敦化北路205號12樓1207室tel: 2718-2101fax: 2718-2141http://www.dtoto.org.tw/e-mail: [email protected]

Finland Trade Center, Taipei芬蘭商務辦事處110台北市基隆路一段333號15樓1505室tel: 2722-0764fax: 2725-1517http://www.finpro.fi/taiwane-mail: [email protected] French Institute in Taipei法國在台協會105台北市敦化北路205號10樓1003室tel: 3518-5151fax: 3518-5190http://www.fi-taipei.org/e-mail: [email protected]

German Institute德國在台協會104台北市民生東路三段2號4樓tel: 2501-6188fax: 2501-6139http://www.taipei.diplo.de/e-mail: [email protected]

Hungarian Trade Office匈牙利貿易辦事處104台北市敬業一路97號3樓tel: 2834-3701fax: 2837-7151http://www.hungary.org.tw/ e-mail: [email protected]

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The Institute for Trade and Investment of Ireland愛爾蘭投資貿易促進會110台北市信義路五段5號7B-09室tel: 2725-1691fax: 2725-1653http://www.idaireland.com/ e-mail: [email protected] Italian Economic, Trade & Cultural Promotion Office義大利經濟貿易文化推廣辦事處110台北市基隆路一段333號18樓1808室tel: 2345-0320fax: 2757-6260http://www.italy.org.tw/e-mail: [email protected]

Netherlands Trade and Investment Office 荷蘭貿易暨投資辦事處105台北市民生東路三段133號5樓B室tel: 2713-5760fax: 2713-0194http://www.ntio.org.tw/e-mail: [email protected]

Slovak Economic and Cultural Office 斯洛伐克經濟文化辦事處110台北市基隆路一段333號24樓2410室tel: 8780-3231fax: 2723-5096e-mail: [email protected]

Spanish Chamber of Commerce西班牙商務辦事處104台北市民生東路三段49號10樓B1室tel: 2518-4905fax: 2518-4891e-mail: [email protected]

Swedish Trade Council, Taipei Office瑞典貿易委員會台北辦事處110台北市基隆路一段333號11樓1101室tel: 2757-6573fax: 2757-6723http://www.swedishtrade.com/taiwan/e-mail: [email protected]

Warsaw Trade Office華沙(波蘭)貿易辦事處110台北市基隆路一段333號20樓2006室tel: 2757-6140fax: 2757-6086http://www.poland.org.tw/e-mail: [email protected]

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Reporting on the European Union報導歐盟

A Guide for Journalists記者指南

2007 Update

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Basics Facts about the EU

1. Basics Facts about the EU The European integration process started in 1951 with the European Coal and Steel Community and con-tinued in 1957 with the founding of the European Economic Community. Its main aim was, and still is, to establish lasting peace on the European continent, through concrete cooperation, common economic devel-opment and a common approach to international questions, based on the shared values of democracy and human rights. The name European Union (EU) was adopted officially in 1992. Two main trends epitomize the history of the EU in the past 50 years:- Enlargement: The community grew from 6 countries (Member States) at the start in 1957 to 27 countries today, with more candidate countries hoping to join in the future. The biggest enlargement took place in May 2004, when 10 new Member States joined together, followed by 2 more in January 2007.- Deepening, i.e. expanding competences: Starting from just one function (organising the market for coal and steel) in 1951, the European community gradually extended its competence to more and more areas, for instance agriculture, trade, research etc…, where its members thought it was more efficient to work to-gether than alone. This progress was recorded in successive treaties, signed between Member States, such as the Maastricht Treaty in 1992 (decision to launch the Euro), the Nice Treaty in 2000 (decision to enlarge to 10 new members) or the Treaty establishing a constitution for Europe, which has not yet been ratified by all Member States.

The EU today- 27 countries- 493 million inhabitants- 23 official languages- An economy worth 10.8 trillion Euros, 28.7% of the world economy- The biggest trading entity in the world represent-ing 22.8% of world trade in goods and 27% of trade in services- The world’s leading source of Foreign Direct In-vestment and largest recipient of foreign invest-ment- The main export market for some 130 countries around the globe- The EU and its Member States combined are the biggest aid donors in the world, providing about 50% of all international official development as-sistance (ODA)

The EU and the World- A common trade policy with non-EU economies- A Common Foreign and Security Policy - 27 EU countries speaking with one voice on the world stage- A strong development aid programme for devel-oping countries, and a strong presence in humani-tarian assistance to help people face disasters around the world- Freedom to travel with a single visa in the 15 Schengen countries – and 13 more European countries will join the Schengen system in 2008.

What the EU does- A single market, with no internal borders for goods, services, capital and people- Common policies and regulations on agriculture, research, information society, the environment, consumer protection, food safety, competition…- Freedom to travel throughout and to settle anywhere in the EU for all Europeans- A single currency, the Euro, already used in 13 Member States – more will join in the future- A ‘’cohesion’’ policy based on solidarity, whereby the richer areas of the EU help develop the less well-off regions


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Basics Facts about the EU

Decision Making in the EU

Three main Institutions take part in EU decisions:

- European Commission: proposes decisions and legislation and makes sure they are implemented. It is composed of 27 Commissioners, one from each Member State, who have a five year term. Commissioners do not represent their country of origin, but work for the general interest of the EU. This team is led by the President of the European Commission. Each Commissioner has an area of responsibility, just like Ministers in a government, and the administration is divided into a series of Directorates General.

- Council of the European Union: Representative Council of the Member States, it convenes at the level of Min-isters and is also called the Council of Ministers. Each Member State government appoints one Representa-tive. The Council of the European Union votes on the proposals made by the European Commission within a system of qualified majority, taking into account the size of the population in each Member State. The Council of the European Union votes on the proposals made by the European Commission within a system of qualified majority, taking into account the size of the population in each Member State. In a limited number of areas, such as foreign policy or tax policy, the Council votes by consensus, and all Member States without exception must agree to pass a decision. Regular meetings, called European Councils, also convene at the level of Heads of States and Governments, who decide on the broad political orientations of the EU. The Presidency of the European Council rotates every 6 months between EU Member States. For example, Germany exercises the Presidency during the first half of 2007, and will be followed by Portugal, then Slovenia and France in 2008. The Council of the European Union has a permanent Secretary General, who is also the EU’s High Representative for Common Foreign and Security Policy, at present this is Javier Solana.

- European Parliament: The 785 Members of the European Parliament (MEPs) are elected directly by the peo-ple in each European country, for a five year term. They are the representative of the people. The European Parliament shares the power of decision and legislation with the Council of the European Union: its vote is necessary to pass a text, and if needed, the decision must be discussed to find a common position between the Council and the Parliament.

More details about the EU, in English and Chinese, at http://www.deltwn.ec.europa.eu


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Basics Facts about the EU

Member States of the European Union (accession date to the EU)Austria奧地利(1995) Belgium比利時(1957) Bulgaria保加利亞(2007)Cyprus賽普勒斯(2004) CzechRepublic捷克共和國(2004) Denmark丹麥(1973)Estonia愛沙尼亞(2004) Finland芬蘭(1995) France法國(1957)Germany德國(1957) Greece希臘(1981) Hungary匈牙利(2004)Italy義大利(1957) Ireland愛爾蘭(1973) Latvia拉脫維亞(2004)Lithuania立陶宛(2004) Luxembourg盧森堡(1957) Malta馬爾他(2004)Poland波蘭(2004) Portugal葡萄牙(1986) Romania羅馬尼亞(2007)Slovakia斯洛伐克(2004) Slovenia斯洛維尼亞(2004) Spain西班牙(1986)Sweden瑞典(1995) TheNetherlands荷蘭(1957)UnitedKingdom英國(1973)

CandidateCountries候選國Turkey土耳其 Croatia克羅埃西亞FormerYugoslavRepublicof Macedonia前南斯拉夫馬其頓 共和國

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Basics Facts about the EU

Who’s who?Main Faces of the EU歐盟機構與首長

歐盟執行委員會(亦稱歐洲執委會)主席President of the European Commission

Jose Manuel Barroso

歐洲議會 主席President of the European Parliament

Hans-Gert Pöttering

歐洲理事會 秘書長 ,共同外交暨安全政策高級代表

High Representative for the Common Foreign and Security Policy, Secretary General of the Council

Javier Solana

歐洲執委會對外關係委員European Commission Commissioner

for External RelationsBenita Ferrero-Waldner

歐洲執委會貿易委員European Commission Commissioner

for External TradePeter Mandelson


President of the European Councilfor the first half of 2007

Angela Merkel, German Federal Chancellor

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The EU and Taiwan

People-to-People Exchanges

330.000 people from Taiwan visited Europe in 200612.000 students from Taiwan went to the EU for studies in 2006200.000 people from the EU visited Taiwan in 2005 10.000 Europeans nationals live in Taiwan, four times more than 20 years ago370 European firms are members of the European Chamber of Commerce Taipei

2. The EU and Taiwan2.1 Economic and Trade Relations - The EU is Taiwan’s 4th trading partner, and Taiwan is the EU’s 14th trading partner- Bilateral trade grew by 5% in 2006- The EU was the largest foreign investor in Taiwan in 2006More in the brochure ‘’EU – Taiwan Trade and Investment Factfile’’, available on the European Economic and Trade Office’s website http://www.deltwn.ec.europa.eu

2.2 Cooperation between the EU and TaiwanThere exists a lot of cooperation between the EU and Taiwan in a wide variety of areas. We have picked a sample few to show the different cooperation efforts between EU and Taiwan.Research: Taiwanese and European research institutions are partners in research programs funded by the Eu-ropean Commission, in fields such as information technology, health and others. An arrangement was signed between the European Commission and the National Science Council of Taiwan in 2003 to foster research cooperation. The action EuroTaiwan 2005 also aims at promoting cooperation in the field of information technology research – its website is at: http://www.eurotaiwan-it.org. More opportunities for cooperation in science and technology deserve to be exploited: visit the specific research page on the European Economic and Trade Office’s website.Higher Education: the European Commission’s Erasmus Mundus programme offers grants for students and scholars from Taiwan, as well as university partnerships, for a series of Masters Courses developed in the EU. Member States of the European Union also have their own grants programmes for Taiwanese students.Culture: exchanges in the cultural field are numerous, including cooperation between the cinema industries of Taiwan and Europe, exhibitions, publications of literary translations both ways, performance art etc.Trade: seminars and conferences are organised regularly between the European Union and Taiwan on trade and economic questions, in subjects such as intellectual property rights protection, technical regulations and standards, e-commerce or agricultural trade, among others.Representative offices: 16 Member States of the European Union have offices in Taipei. In addition, the Euro-pean Commission opened its office in Taiwan in 2003 (European Economic and Trade Office). You will find all their contact details at the end of this guide.

2.3 EU Declarations and Positions about TaiwanIn the framework of its Common Foreign and Security Policy, the Euro-pean Council regularly expresses positions about subjects of interest for the public in Taiwan, including declarations about stability in the Taiwan Straits, relations with China, the general situation in the Far East, etc.The European Parliament also regularly adopts resolutions on these questions.For information on how to access these declarations, please turn to the chapter on ‘’EU News Sources’’.

2.4 Who does what in BrusselsIn the European Commission, the Directorate General for External Relations has a unit in charge of the EU’s relations with China, Hong Kong, Macao, Taiwan and Mongolia. The Directorate General for Trade also has a unit in charge of trade relations with this region.

More about EU – Taiwan relations can be found on the following websites:- European Economic and Trade Office http://www.deltwn.ec.europa.eu- European Commission’s Directorate General for External Relations http://ec.europa.eu/comm/external_relations/taiwan/intro/index.htm- European Commission’s Directorate General for Trade http://ec.europa.eu/trade/issues/bilateral/countries/taiwan/index_en.htm

Or on the websites of EU Member States Representative Offices in Taipei (list at the end of this guide)

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Why report about the EU?

3. Why report about the EU?The EU is a complex machine, because it does much more than an ordinary international organisation. The EU is also constantly changing, enlarging, deepening – and gaining clout and influence in world affairs. This is why it is worth spending some time, writing quality articles and providing sufficient reporting space about the EU.In short:

The EU is an important partner for Taiwan, in terms of trade, investment and cooperation in different are-as.

The EU is an increasingly important player in world and regional politics, diplomacy and security questions. Its common diplomacy has global impact and influence, because it represents 27 countries, 493 million people, is the world’s biggest economy and the world’s biggest aid donor.

The EU is a global trend-setter in progress and innovation in crucial areas such as scientific research, health, protection of the environment, food safety or consumer protection, among other sectors. For example, EU rules on environment-friendly electronic products (WEEE, RoHS and EuP directives) need to be applied by Taiwanese producers if they want to sell their products in the world’s leading market. The EU always requests the views of interested parties before it adopts new regulations: it is also important that the press in Taiwan alerts interested parties here about these consultations, so that their voice can be heard.

The EU is a unique model of how to establish long-term peace in a region devastated by several wars in the last centuries. It is an inspiring example of how hatred and hostility can be replaced by cooperation and soli-darity, based on the common values of democracy and human rights.

The EU has a model of its own on social questions and welfare, the approach to education, with a worth reporting, lively debate on-going about these areas.

Europe has a rich unique cultural diversity, which makes it an endless source of good reporting opportuni-ties. It is of course also, a great destination for tourism, history and heritage, and a world provider of high end luxury brands and top-class football!

The public in Taiwan is interested in learning about the EU and Europe in general, but still lacks news sources about it: reporting about the EU will help your news or media organisation make the difference and enlarge your audience!

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EU News Sources

4. EU News SourcesDirectly accessing first-hand sources from the EU Institutions is the best way to get your facts straight and correct.All EU Institutions offer a lot of on-line news and background information for journalists. They all have on-line press rooms, where you will find press releases, can subscribe free of charge to news alerts and newsletters, and can find contact details of press officers and spokespeople etc.

4.1 The EU on-line press room http://europa.eu/press_room/index_en.htm

The EU Press Room is a common News Room where you will find news from several EU Institutions (Commission, Council, Euro-pean Central Bank etc.). It is managed by the European Commis-sion and hosted on the Europa website, the EU’s official website.

On this page, you will find:- the latest EU press releases and a database where you can search through press releases since 1985- a calendar of up-coming events- links to the specialised press services of all the EU InstitutionsYou can also subscribe to e-mail news alerts. This service is provided free of charge. You simply have to reg-ister (see also chapter on subscription to newsletters and news alerts).

4.3 EU PresidencyThe EU Presidency is held for 6 months by a Member State on a rotating basis. Germany holds the EU Presidency during the first half of 2007, that is from 1st January – 31 June 2007. The next Presidencies will be held by Portugal (second half of 2007), Slovenia (first half of 2008), France (second half of 2008), the Czech Republic (first half of 2009) and Sweden (second half of 2009).Each EU Presidency has a website where you can find informa-tion about its activities. The German Presidency’s website, for example, is:

http://www.eu2007.de/On the presidency’s website, you can typically find press releases, agenda of upcoming events, newsletters and e-mail alerts you can subscribe to, etc. The Presidency’s website usually also offers services to journalists on how to participate in press conferences, get accredited etc. If you are looking for conclusions that have been adopted by the European Council, you can either look at the website of the Presidency, or at the Euro-pean Council Secretariat website.

4.2 Search the News Database http://europa.eu/rapid/

The ‘’Rapid’’ press release database, with European Commission press releases and a selection of other EU Institutions press releases since 1985, offers a full-text search service. Be aware, though, that press releases from other Institutions apart from the Commission might take a few weeks to be added to the database: if you are looking for a very recent declaration from the Council, for example, it will be best to go directly to the Council’s website (http://www.consilium.europa.eu/).How to search: just enter the time range of your search, your chosen criteria in the ‘’Text’’ field, and click ‘’Search’’. For example, a search with ‘’Taiwan’’ in the text field will provide 33 results from August 2004 to August 2005. These will include speeches by Commissioners, declarations from the European Council Presidency, debates and resolutions from the European Parliament etc… You can then download the entire document.

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EU News Sources

4.4 Council of the European Union Secretariat http://www.consilium.europa.eu/

The Secretariat helps organise the work and debates of the Council of the European Union. Its Secretary General, Javier Solana, is also the High Representative of the EU’s Foreign Policy. The Council Secretariat’s website is, together with the EU Presidency’s website, the place to find news about the Council decisions and about the EU’s Common Foreign and Security Policy.Under the sub-menu ‘’Press’’ and then ‘’Press releases’’, you can get access to the latest press releases of the Council and of the Secretary General. You can also make a full-text search of the database, which contains press releases and declarations. You can also subscribe to the Council’s e-mail news alerts (‘’join our mailing list’’, on the top menu – you will need to register first, before you can subscribe).

4.5 European Parliament http://www.europarl.europa.eu/

Press Room: http://www.europarl.europa.eu/news/expert/default_en.htm

The European Parliament’s press service issues regular news reports, all available in the on-line news room. Several other publications and news alerts are also available (under the sub-menu ‘’Our publications’’), as well as a full-text search of past press releases.

4.6 Other EU InstitutionsYou will find the website addresses of the press rooms of other EU Institutions in the EU Press Room (http://europa.eu/press_room/index_en.htm), under the menu ‘’Press Serv-ices”. These Institutions include the European Court of Justice, the European Central Bank, the European Economic and So-cial Committee, the European Statistical Office, the European Investment Bank etc…

4.7 Subscribe to News Alerts and NewslettersPress services from all EU Institutions propose a subscription to newsletters or news alerts. This is the best way to keep in touch with news and up-coming events. There is a huge choice, from the more general ones to the very specific newsletters published by different Directorates General of the European Commission on specific topics such as innovation and technology transfer or the external relations of the EU. Choose the newsletters which most closely suit your needs, and remember that you can always try for a while and unsub-scribe if you feel the information does not meet your requirements.If you want advice on which newsletter to subscribe to, if you don’t find your area of interest among the select-ed list of newsletters in this guide, or if you need help to subscribe - subscription procedures are sometimes tricky - do not hesitate to call the European Economic and Trade Office and we will be very happy to help!

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EU News Sources

List of Selected EU Newsletters and News AlertsThis list is a selection of the most accessible news alerts, updates and newsletters published by the EU Institu-tions. Contact us if you need more specialised publications

Title Content Frequency Address

EU Newsletter, from the European Economic and Trade Office

EU – Taiwan Relations, in English and Chinese

Quarterly Send an e-mail to [email protected]

Rapid News Alert The most comprehensive daily news alert from the EU

Daily First register at: http://europa.eu/rapid/

EU Presidency News Alerts

From the rotating Presidency

Daily Website of the Presidency, for example, during the German Presidency at:http://www.eu2007.de/

Council Secretariat Press Releases

European Council decisions and EU Foreign Policy

Daily First register at:http://www.consilium.europa.eu/

European Parliament

Decisions, declarations, resolutions

A choice of different formats


EU External Relations

News digest about the EU’s foreign policy

Weekly http://ec.europa.eu/comm/external_relations/feedback/weekly.htm

EU Trade News EU External Trade newsletter, from DG Trade


European Innovation

Published by DG Enterprise

Six times a year


Agriculture News Digest

Published by DG Agriculture

Bi-monthly http://ec.europa.eu/agriculture/newsdigest/archive_en.htm

Agriculture Newsletter

Published by DG Agriculture

Monthly http://ec.europa.eu/agriculture/publi/newsletter/index_en.htm

Information Society Technologies

Results of European research in the area of IST

Newsletter and news alerts formats


Cordis Express European Research and Innovation

Weekly cordis.europa.eu/express

Other Science and Technology Research News Alerts and Newsletters

European Research and Innovation proposes individual choices for daily news alerts


Education and culture

Education and culture programmes

Bi-monthly http://ec.europa.eu/dgs/education_culture/publ/mag_en.html

Culture All about cultural policies of the EU

Monthly http://ec.europa.eu/culture/eac/sources_info/newsletters/newsletter_en.html

Environment Several newsletters from DG Environment


Enterprise Newsletter and news updates by DG Enterprise and Industry


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EU News Sources

Title Content Frequency Address

Fisheries in Europe All about the European fishing industry

Monthly magazine


European Economy Several Newsletters and Reviews published by DG Economic and Financial Affairs


Energy and Transport

Brought to you by DG Energy and Transport

Weekly http://ec.europa.eu/dgs/energy_transport/newsletter/index_en.htm

Development News from DG Development

Weekly http://ec.europa.eu/development/body/news/news_en.htm

Food Safety News from the European Food Safety Authority


Health and Consumer Protection

Several Newsletter from DG Health and Consumer


Employment and Social Affairs

ES Mail is published by DG Employment and Social Affairs

Bi-monthly http://ec.europa.eu/employment_social/emplweb/news/esmail_en.cfm

4.8 Call the Spokespeople

Every EU Institution has one or more spokespeople, most of them highly specialised in certain areas. While European civil servants are not usually allowed to talk ‘’on the record’’ to the press, spokespeople are pre-cisely the people who can answer your questions. It will still be necessary to decide with them, for each inter-view, whether they talk to you on the record or for background, i.e. if you can cite them by name and present their declarations as official or not. If you want to call the relevant spokesperson, please refer to the list at the end of this guide.

For the European Parliament, of course, apart from spokespeople, you can also interview Members of the European Parliament (MEPs) directly. The European Parliament has, in particular, a Parliamentary Friendship group with Taiwan, chaired by MEP Georg Jarzembowski (contact details can be found on p. 20-26 of this guide).

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Background Information Sources

5. Background Information SourcesBackground information can be useful to better understand a piece of news about the EU, or to write an in-depth paper or make a longer TV documentary about a specific EU topic.

5.1 Europa - Europa Website http://europa.eu/index_en.htm

This is the portal to all aspects of the EU’s activities, offered in the 23 official languages of the Union. The Europa Website is the place to start if you want to find the right information in the massive amount of EU on-line documents.Under the tab ‘’Activities’’, you can access easy guides to all related websites for each EU activity, EU legisla-tion, simplified presentations of the question etc. Under the tab ‘’Institutions’’, you will find links to all the EU Institutions websites. The tab ‘’Documents’’ links you to legislative and regulatory texts, archives etc. And the tab ‘’Services’’ offers links to statistics, opinion polls, the audiovisual library and the on-line bookshop, among others.For a more detailed user-guide of the Europa website in Chinese, please visit the website of the European Economic and Trade Office at http://www.deltwn.ec.europa.eu/CH/links/howtousetheeuropawebsite.htm

5.2 EU On-line Bookshop http://bookshop.europa.eu/All EU publications can be accessed directly from this on-line bookshop. Most of them are free and download-able, a small number of them are only available in print, but you can order them. This service offers a search by subject or words in the title.

5.3 EU Information in ChineseThe website of the European Economic and Trade Office, bilingual in English and Chinese, has a lot of infor-mation about the EU, how it works, its policies and EU – Taiwan relations. http://www.deltwn.ec.europa.euMost representative offices of EU Member States in Taipei have websites with information in Chinese as well. You will find the list of the offices and links to their websites at the end of this guide, or on-line at http://www.deltwn.ec.europa.eu under the page ‘’Links’’.

The European Chamber of Commerce Taipei (ECCT), which represents the interests of European businesses in Taiwan, has a website in English, with some of its publications such as the Euroview magazine and the ECCT’s position papers bilingual English-Chinese. http://www.ecct.com.tw

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Background Information Sources

Several Taiwanese scholarly institutions also propose on-line information about the EU:- The European Union Studies Association (EUSA) organises seminars and is a contact group for professors and scholars interested in the EU. Its website in Chinese, English and French, offers analysis of EU affairs and announcements of events organised by the association, as well as a free newsletter in Chinese centred on EU affairs analysis. http://eusa-taiwan.org/- The European Union Research Forum (EURF) is a network of scholars interested in European Union research. It organises events and publishes a free weekly newsletter in Chinese centred on recent EU news. http://iir.nccu.edu.tw/eurf/- The European Info Centre (EUi) at Tamkang University receives directly from the European Commission all EU official documents. It is the most comprehensive source of EU documents in Taiwan. The Centre publishes a free quarterly newsletter in Chinese centred on news and analysis about EU affairs. http://www.lib.tku.edu.tw/eudoc/libeu.htm- The National Central Library will also host a Europe Info Centre (EUi) starting mid 2007.- Several universities in Taiwan have specific European Union Research Centres or teaching programmes:

You will also find information about the EU and about EU-China relations in simplified Chinese on the website of the European Commission Delegation to China, at: http://www.delchn.ec.europa.eu/

5.4 Non-Governmental News Sources about the EUNews agencies from Europe, Taiwan and other countries cover EU activities extensively – Brussels, where the EU’s headquarters are situated, has one of the largest number of foreign press correspondents in the world.Apart from traditional agencies, a few European private or non-governmental services offer on-line EU news for free, or partially for free, though they are copyrighted. The non-exhaustive list of links indicated here does not mean that we endorse the content of these websites, which follow editorial lines of their own.

Tamkang University Institute of European Studies and Graduate Institute of European Studies http://www2.tku.edu.tw/~tiexm/Nanhua University Institute of European Studies http://mail.nhu.edu.tw/~europe/National Chengchi University, Master program in European Studies http://www.mpes.nccu.edu.tw:8080/mpes_web/National Taiwan Normal University, Graduate Institute of European Cultures and Tourism http://www.ntnu.edu.tw/giectWenzao Ursuline College of Languages, European Union Economic & Cultural Park http://www.wtuc.edu.tw/EU/

5.5 European Journalists Professional Organizations and Training CentresThe Association of European Journalists http://www.aej.org/The European Federation of Journalists (EFJ) (regional organisation of the International Federation of Journalists) http://www.ifj-europe.org/The European Union of Science Journalists’ Associations http://www.esf.org/eusja/The European Journalism Training Association http://www.ejta.nl/Journalists @ Your Service http://www.brusselsreporter.org/European Journalism Centre http://www.ejc.nl/EU for Journalists http://www.eu4journalists.com/


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EU Photos

6. EU PhotosAll sources presented in chapter 6 of this guide offer photos free of copyright charge for EU-related informa-tion and education purposes, provided the source is duly credited. For any other use, prior clearance must be obtained from the Institution. These photos cannot be published for commercial use (e.g. in advertisements), and in no case can they be sold or rented. More information on copyrights can be found on each website.

6.1 Europa Audiovisual Service(Credit: European Community, 2005)

The Europa Audiovisual Library offers the choice between:- News photos, connected to recent events and put on-line immediately- A selection of photos about the European Union classified by subject- A searchable database of photos

News photos:http://ec.europa.eu/avservices/photo/index_en.cfmhttp://ec.europa.eu/avservices/photo/reportage.cfm?sitelang=en

This section covers about two weeks of EU news in pictures. To download photos in high definition and publishing qual-ity, you will need to first register (choose ‘’Not yet regis-tered’’ in the box ‘’Login’’). Registration is free of charge, done once and for all, and your username and password will be valid for all the on-line services of the entire Europa website.Click directly on the chosen photo to open it, and then click on ‘’Download ‘’ to download a high definition, publishable photo. News photo coverage is planned in advance. The planning can be found at: http://ec.europa.eu/avservices/photo/photo_planning_en.cfm Photos classified by subject: http://ec.europa.eu/avservices/photo/photo_thematic_en.cfm

This section has hundreds of photos classified by themes: main EU leaders, history of the EU, policy areas etc… Photos can be downloaded in low definition (for use on a web site, for example) or high definition (fit for publishing and printing). Also available are maps of Europe, symbols such as flags etc.

You can find attractive pictures of the candidate countries (the countries which have applied to join the EU) on the website of the European Commission’s Directorate General for Enlargement, at http://ec.europa.eu/enlargement/press_corner/photo_gallery/index_en.htm

Photos of the European Commission’s aid projects in developing countries around the world and humanitar-ian assistance projects can be found at http://ec.europa.eu/europeaid/library/index_en.htm http://ec.europa.eu/echo/information/library/index_en.htm

Multimedia Database: http://ec.europa.eu/avservices/photo/photo_search_en.cfm?adsearch=yesThe database contains news photos from the past, comprising of a large amount of publishable material. It offers a full-text search. You can also contact directly the audiovisual service by e-mail at: [email protected]

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EU Photos

6.2 Other EU Photographic SourcesCouncil of the European Union Photographic Sources http://www.consilium.europa.eu/ (click ‘’Press’’, then ‘’’Photos’’)Photos are classified by theme (according to the category of EU Council meeting they are related to), easily accessible, and downloadable in high resolution, ready for publishing.European Parliament Photographic Archive http://pe.microservice.fr/The European Parliament audiovisual service offers plenty of photographic material for use by journalists. Explanations on how to use it can be found at http://www.europarl.europa.eu/news/expert/default_ en.htm

You can browse the database of all photos, but you need to reg-ister first with the European Parliament’s press service if you want to download high resolution photos, by sending a request for a username and password to [email protected]. If you only want to browse the photographic database in low resolution mode, click on the button ‘’Invite’’.

6.3 EU Member States Photographic SourcesThe EU Member States representative offices in Taipei can provide country-specific photos free of rights upon request. Please refer to the list of offices on p. 25-26 of this guide.

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EU Videos

7. EU Videos All video material in chapter 7 of this guide can be re-broadcast free of charge for information and education purposes, provided the source is credited.

7.1 Europe by Satellite http://ec.europa.eu/avservices/ebs/schedule.cfm

Europe by Satellite (EbS) broadcasts a daily service of EU-related video news, documentaries, reports and live coverage both by satellite and on-line, several hours a day. Unfortunately, the satellite coverage does not reach Asia at the moment. EbS is thus only available in Taiwan on-line, in streaming video format, very useful to follow EU news on video, but the quality does not allow re-broadcasting by TV news services. On EbS, you can, for example, follow the daily midday press briefing live from the European Commission press room (at 12:00, Brussels time). You can also access on-demand video of past broadcast.

7.2 Europa Audiovisual Service Videos and TV Link Europe Videos http://ec.europa.eu/avservices/video/index_en.cfm http://ec.europa.eu/avservices/video/video_prod_en.cfm?type=docu_vnr

This service offers video documentaries on all aspects of the EU’s activities. All video documentaries can be previewed in Real format, and ordered free of charge from the Audiovisual library service in professional format. Sound requirements (with or without commentaries) can be satisfied in most cases, when a broad-caster wants to translate the original oral commentaries, from one of the EU official languages, into the local language. Order forms and shotlists are also available on-line. Most videos are available for download directly in professional MPEG2 format (beware: large files!).You can also contact directly the audiovisual service by e-mail at: [email protected]

EU videos on education and culture, the environment, energy and transport, external relations, research and health and consumer protection can also be found at the very good TV Link Europe service http://www.tvlink.org/

This is a professional-oriented service, and you should not hesitate to use it if you are interested in broad-casting one of the videos proposed. Most videos can be previewed on-line in Real or Windows player format, and then ordered in professional format for broadcasting. You can also subscribe to a newsletter to be kept informed of new releases.

Videos on the EU’s external relations can be found at http://www.eurworldtv.com/ Likewise, these videos can be ordered in a choice of several formats and re-broadcast free or rights.

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EU Audio, A field report in Europe: how to organise it?, A correspondent in Brussels

8. EU Audio http://ec.europa.eu/avservices/audio/index_en.cfm

News in audio format, mainly press conferences from the different EU Institutions, can be downloaded from this site in MP3 format. The site contains audio files dating back to September 2003, as well as extracts from speeches from past EU leaders in Real format. A search engine can be used with keywords, date or subject area to find the relevant file.

9. A field report in Europe: how to organise it? http://ec.europa.eu/avservices/myavs/avs_assist_en.cfm

Are you planning to cover an EU event, to shoot a documentary on the European Union or to write an article after a field trip in Europe? Press services in the EU institutions in Brussels and other locations in Europe can help you make contacts, secure interviews and even sometimes lend video studios, equipment or crews to make your stay easier. If you want to benefit from audiovisual technical assistance while you are reporting about the EU in Brussels, call +32 2 299 2123 in advance to check possibilities and availability.

Do not hesitate to contact the European Economic and Trade Office or EU Member States Representative Of-fices in Taipei for help.

10. A correspondent in BrusselsBrussels has one of the largest number of accredited foreign press correspondents in the world. It is the place to be, with a permanent correspondent, if you want to follow EU information closely. Even if a lot of material for journalists is available on-line, there is nothing like being on the spot, talking to people and feeling the atmosphere.

Contact the European Economic and Trade Office for information if you plan to send a permanent correspond-ent to Brussels.

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