Rep. Nan Hayworth (NY-18) Notable Headlines ........................................................................................ 2 Editorials ...................................................................................................... 2 Budget Issues ............................................................................................... 3 Business and Consumer Issues .................................................................... 9 Campaign Finance Issues ............................................................................. 9 Crime & Public Safety Issues .................................................................... 11 Economic and Financial Issues .................................................................. 11 Education Issues ........................................................................................ 15 Energy Issues ............................................................................................. 15 Environmental Issues ................................................................................. 17 Ethics Issues ............................................................................................... 18 Extremist Issues ......................................................................................... 19 Foreign Policy Issues – Iraq, Afghanistan, Iran, North Korea .................. 19 Gay and Lesbian Issues .............................................................................. 20 Gun Issues .................................................................................................. 20 Health Care Issues ..................................................................................... 20 Immigration and Border Issues .................................................................. 23 Israel ........................................................................................................... 23 Labor and Working Family Issues ............................................................. 23 Other Social Issues ..................................................................................... 24 Stem Cells .................................................................................................. 25 Tax Issues .................................................................................................. 25 Tea Party .................................................................................................... 27 Transportation Issues ................................................................................. 27 Women’s Issues ......................................................................................... 28 Miscellaneous ............................................................................................ 28 2012 Campaign .......................................................................................... 35

Rep. Nan Hayworth (NY-18)

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Page 1: Rep. Nan Hayworth (NY-18)

Rep. Nan Hayworth (NY-18)

Notable Headlines ........................................................................................ 2  

Editorials ...................................................................................................... 2  

Budget Issues ............................................................................................... 3  

Business and Consumer Issues .................................................................... 9  

Campaign Finance Issues ............................................................................. 9  

Crime & Public Safety Issues .................................................................... 11  

Economic and Financial Issues .................................................................. 11  

Education Issues ........................................................................................ 15  

Energy Issues ............................................................................................. 15  

Environmental Issues ................................................................................. 17  

Ethics Issues ............................................................................................... 18  

Extremist Issues ......................................................................................... 19  

Foreign Policy Issues – Iraq, Afghanistan, Iran, North Korea .................. 19  

Gay and Lesbian Issues .............................................................................. 20  

Gun Issues .................................................................................................. 20  

Health Care Issues ..................................................................................... 20  

Immigration and Border Issues .................................................................. 23  

Israel ........................................................................................................... 23  

Labor and Working Family Issues ............................................................. 23  

Other Social Issues ..................................................................................... 24  

Stem Cells .................................................................................................. 25  

Tax Issues .................................................................................................. 25  

Tea Party .................................................................................................... 27  

Transportation Issues ................................................................................. 27  

Women’s Issues ......................................................................................... 28  

Miscellaneous ............................................................................................ 28  

2012 Campaign .......................................................................................... 35  

Page 2: Rep. Nan Hayworth (NY-18)


Notable Headlines Nan Hayworth: The Tea Party’s Woman in New York [NY Mag, 09/02/2011] Rep. Hayworth: Money on storm relief will have to be offset with other cuts in federal budget [Times Herald-Record, 8/31/11] Rep. Nan Hayworth a ‘Natural Randian’ [humanevents.com, 7/13/11] Editorials Journal News Criticized Hayworth’s Gun Vote In an April 2012 editorial, the Journal News criticized Hayworth’s vote to allow concealed-carry permit holders to carry and conceal weapons in any state. “Among 58 pending cases, 48 involve concealed-carry killers who face charges of criminal homicide. In four other instances, the shooter was deemed incompetent to stand trial, and six cases are under investigation,” the paper opined. “Metaphorically speaking, that is a mind-numbing tally of self-inflicted wounds and related carnage. Yet those statistics will surely grow if proponents of weak gun laws — there are plenty in New York — add to their legislative winning streak.” The paper specifically noted that Hayworth had supported such a law. [Journal News, Editorial, 4/12/12] Times Union Criticized Hayworth for Limiting Unemployment Benefits In February 2012, the Times Union published an editorial criticizing Hayworth’s support for attempts to limit unemployment benefit in the midst of difficult economic conditions. “Do the people so determined to cut off help for the jobless months before the Obama administration had preferred — after 63 weeks, rather than 99 weeks — have insights into the economy that the rest of us don’t?” the paper asked. “We’re talking about such members of Congress as Rep. Tom Reed, R-Corning, and Rep. Nan Hayworth, R-Westchester County. “For millions of workers, a system that provides jobless benefits for a maximum of 26 weeks isn’t enough. Nor, even, is the same system with eligibility extended to 99 weeks. Only about half of the people out of work are receiving benefits at this point in a slow economic recovery.” [Times Union, 2/24/12] Times Herald-Record: Hayworth Should Repudiate Cantor on Disaster Funding In August 2011, the Times Herald-Record editorial board called on Hayworth to repudiate Rep. Eric Cantor’s call for requiring disaster relief spending to be offset by budget cuts. [recordonline.com, 8/30/2011]

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Budget Issues Signed Letter Requesting Special Earmarks, Despite GOP Ban In April 2012, Hayworth joined 65 freshman House Republicans in signing a letter requesting that party leadership consider a miscellaneous tariff bill “jampacked with special provisions to suspend duties on various foreign goods, even though it runs counter to the earmark ban Republicans campaigned on in 2010 and instituted when they took power.” [House Ways and Means Committee, Letter, 4/20/12; Politico, 4/24/12] Slammed by Becker for Support of Ryan Budget In March 2012, Hayworth was blasted by Dr. Richard Becker for her support of Rep. Paul Ryan’s budget proposal and her claims that she was a “moderate.” “Claiming to be a moderate on the same day that the profoundly radical Ryan Plan was re-released takes plenty of Chutzpah,” said Becker. “Maybe she’s hoping that we’re stuck in the pre-Google age, where her Tea Party votes aren’t easily accessible to anyone with an internet connection - Or maybe she’s hoping that her efforts to block investments in expanded broadband access have succeeded. Either way, her record isn’t kept on an etch-a-sketch; it’s written in ink and isn’t going away.” [richbecker2012.com, 3/22/12] Asked For More Federal Money For Disaster Relief In October 2011, Hayworth, along with a bipartisan group of lawmakers, asked Congress to put aside more money for disaster relief in the 2012 budget bills. The letter said that $2.65 billion would not be enough to help farmers, businesses, and local governments in the recovery process. “While this funding is critical in helping our districts rebuild, it represents a down payment on the path to full recovery.” [recordonline.com, 10/26/2011] Voted For Bill To Provide $3.65B in Disaster Relief In September 2011, Hayworth voted for a continuing resolution that would provide $3.65 billion for disaster relief. To partially offset the cost of relief, House leadership cut an auto-technology program. Rep. Eric Cantor’s call for dollar-to-dollar cuts put New York Republicans in the tough position of choosing between aid to their communities and party loyalty. While Hayworth initially supported Cantor’s idea, she issued a press release saying she would not “let politics get in the way” of federal aid. The bill failed by a vote of 195-230. [capitalnewyork.com, 09/22/2011] Hayworth: Credit Downgrading Means a Resolution to Budget Crisis Must Be Found In August 2011, Hayworth said that Standard & Poor’s downgraded America’s credit because there has been no resolution to the budget crisis.

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Hayworth said, “That determination was made on the basis on the fact that we do not yet have a sound long term, that at the very least the Senate and the President can accept, that will really take our debt under control. It is a dead weight on our economy, as we have all seen. The House passed a very sound, sensible, responsible and compassionate budget plan in April.” [Mid Hudson News, 08/13/2011] Hayworth Unhappy with Debt Deal Spending Caps In 2011, the spending cap implemented by the compromise debt ceiling deal exceeded the House GOP budget plan by $33 billion, and Republicans like Hayworth who voted for the deal were unhappy. Hayworth said the credit rating downgrade showed a need for deeper cuts. In addition, she said that "We need the Senate to pass the responsible long-term budget plan that the House majority passed in April. House Republican budget reins in long-term spending, promotes economic growth through a streamlined tax code, and ensures that Social Security and Medicare will be sustainable for the next generation." [Press Connects, 08/14/2001] Times Herald-Record: Hayworth Should Repudiate Cantor on Disaster Funding In August 2011, the Times Herald-Record editorial board called on Hayworth to repudiate Rep. Eric Cantor’s call for requiring disaster relief spending to be offset by budget cuts. [recordonline.com, 8/30/2011] Supported Tying Disaster Relief Funding to Budget Cuts In August 2011, Hayworth supported Governor Cuomo’s request for a federal disaster declaration, but agreed with Rep. Eric Cantor’s position that any additions in disaster relief must be offset by budget cuts. Hayworth said, “We’re facing a natural disaster in the middle of an economic disaster. The federal government has to balance its budget the way our families do.” Hayworth called for collaboration between the House and Senate to find room for cuts in “non-military discretionary funding” saying there were “plenty of options”. [recordonline.com, 08/31/2011]

Stance on Disaster Relief Questioned by Fellow NY Republican Ball In September 2011, New York State Senator Greg Ball questioned Hayworth’s support of Rep. Cantor’s position on disaster relief. Ball called the position misguided and said that he was unsure “if [Hayworth was] taking orders from (House Speaker John) Boehner or (House Majority Leader Eric) Cantor or whoever, but she needs to spend a little bit more time in the district and see the pain. I mean you can’t be attaching people’s lifeline to a political game in D.C.” [polhudson.com, 09/01/2011] Spoke Against Critics of Her Stance on Disaster Relief In September 2011, Hayworth voiced her support for Rep. Eric Cantor’s plan to tie disaster relief to budget cuts, but accused those who said that she had of playing politics. Hayworth said, “It’s irresponsible at best and harmful at worst to try to make this a political issue; it’s not. We will find the priority funding for FEMA. That is not in question. The people in need

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should not worry about not getting that funding. They will have it. We will find means within the federal budget to make room for that FEMA funding.” [Mid Hudson News, 09/02/2011] Said Disaster Aid Should Not Wait For Budget Cuts In September 2011, though Hayworth initially agreed with Rep. Eric Cantor’s position that disaster relief funding should be tied to budget cuts, she said that her position was “misrepresented.” Hayworth stated that she did not mean to say that disaster relief should be contingent on offsetting budget cuts, claiming that “the disaster relief is not conditional.” [recordonline.com, 09/02/2011]

Hayworth: GOP Freshman Voted for Debt Ceiling Plan Because They “Felt Part of a Body” In August 2011, Hayworth said two-thirds of GOP freshman came to support the final debt ceiling bill because, “I think increasingly we feel a part of a body….You don’t know what you don’t know until you arrive here in the Capitol.” Hayworth said, “You start to understand why those who have been here in previous terms have counseled you as they have. In reaching such a momentous decision as we have today, one that is so freighted with importance and emotional impact, you just think of how all of these experiences have become integral to the way you approach this vote.” [Politico, 8/01/11] Voted for Final Debt Ceiling Compromise Legislation In August 2011, Hayworth voted for the final debt ceiling compromise legislation, the Budget Control Act of 2011. The framework would cut $917 billion in spending over a decade, raise the debt limit initially by $900 billion and assign a special congressional committee, with members from the House and the Senate and appointed by congressional leadership, to find another $1.5 trillion in deficit savings by late November. If Congress met that deadline and deficit target, or voted to send a balanced budget amendment to the states, the debt ceiling would be raised an additional $1.5 trillion. The plan guaranteed a vote on the balanced budget amendment between October and the end of 2011. If Congress failed to take either step, or debt savings of at least $1.2 trillion were not produced, the plan allows the president to obtain a $1.2 trillion debt ceiling increase. That would trigger automatic spending cuts across the government – including in defense and Medicare – to take effect starting in 2013. The Medicare cuts would only affect Provider reimbursements. The legislation included no revenue increases. The bill was passed by the full House, 269-161. [Bloomberg, 8/01/11; S 356, 8/01/11] Voted Against Reid’s Debt Ceiling Plan In July 2011, Hayworth voted against Sen. Harry Reid’s plan to raise the debt ceiling.

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Reid’s plan called for raising the debt limit by $2.4 trillion, requiring no additional debt ceiling vote until after the 2012 election. The plan included $1.2 trillion in discretionary spending cuts over 10 years, mandatory spending cuts of $100 billion, $1 trillion in savings from winding down combat operations in Iraq and Afghanistan, and $400 billion in interest savings. The legislation included no revenue increases. The CBO score of Reid’s plan said it would reduce the deficit by $2.2 trillion. The bill was rejected by the full House, 173-246. [New York Times, 7/25/11; HR 2693, 7/30/11] Voted in Favor of Boehner’s Debt Ceiling Plan In July 2011, Hayworth voted in favor of Speaker John Boehner’s plan to raise the debt ceiling. Boehner’s plan called for an immediate debt ceiling raise of $900 billion, spending cuts of $917 billion over 10 years, and an additional debt ceiling vote in six months. The legislation contained no revenue increases. Under Boehner’s plan, the second debt ceiling raise was conditional on the passage of a balanced budget amendment by both Houses of Congress and the creation of a select joint committee on deficit reduction. The CBO score of Boehner’s plan said it would reduce the deficit by $850 billion. The bill was approved by the full house, 218-210. [ABC News, 7/29/11; S 627, 7/29/11] Hayworth: Republicans will keep Medicare and Social Security Cuts Off the Table In July 2011, AARP representatives delivered a petition signed by 4,063 AARP members opposing any cuts to Medicare or Social Security as part of a deficit-reduction deal. Hayworth said that the Republican debt ceiling proposal would exclude Medicare and Social Security from initial spending cuts and would likely do so in following reductions. Hayworth said, “The House Republicans intend to keep them off the table.” [Times Herald-Record, 7/26/11] Hayworth: Republican Plan Provides Seniors with More Choices and Options In July 2011, Hayworth said, “The proposal put forward by House Republicans…is the only proposed plan that protects Medicare and preserves the program for future generations. In fact, under this plan seniors will be provided with more choices and options that allow them to better meet their unique and individual healthcare needs.” [The Daily Somers, 7/22/11] Voted in Favor of Cut, Cap and Balance Plan

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In July 2011, Hayworth voted in favor of the Cut, Cap and Balance Act, legislation requiring deep spending cuts, a federal spending cap and a balanced budget amendment in order to raise the federal debt ceiling. Under Cut, Cap and Balance, discretionary spending in fiscal year 2012 would be reduced below fiscal year 2008 levels except for Defense, Homeland Security and Veterans affairs. The plan provided a universal spending cap after 2012. The legislation contained no revenue increases. The bill was approved by the full House, 234-190. [New York Times, 7/21/11; HR 2560, 7/19/11] Hayworth: Federal Government Will Overspend $1.4 Trillion Because of Entitlement Programs In June 2011, “Hayworth claimed that the federal government is estimated to overspend by $1.4 trillion this year, a trend that “will not stop any time soon” because of entitlement programs like Social Security and Medicare.” Hayworth said, “Medicare will spend at least three times more on every beneficiary than that beneficiary has contributed in his or her lifetime in payroll taxes, unfortunately, and the same is pretty much true in social security.” [MidHudson News, 6/22/2011] Supported Debt Ceiling Raise Attached to Spending Cuts In June 2011, Hayworth told a local chamber of commerce that she remained “opposed to tax increases, but would support raising the federal government’s debt ceiling in exchange for dollar-for-dollar spending cuts.” [Times Herald-Record, 6/22/2011] Hayworth’s District One of the 10 Hardest Hit by Ryan Plan In June 2011, a Bloomberg analysis listed Hayworth’s congressional district as one of the top 10 districts most affected by the Ryan plan. “Nine of the 10 districts throughout the US with the most people age 45-54 are represented by Republicans.” [Office of Congressman Courtney, 6/15/2011] Hayworth Signed Republican Study Committee Letter Advocating a “Cut, Cap, Balance” Solution In June 2011, Hayworth signed a Republican Study Committee letter calling for a “Cut, Cap, and Balance” plan to resolve the debt crisis. The plan calls for immediate spending cuts, spending caps to reduce federal spending to 18% of GDP, and “House and Senate Passage of a Balanced Budget Amendment to the Constitution with protections against tax increases.” [Office of Congresswoman Hayworth, 6/06/2011] Voted Against Clean Debt Ceiling Raise In May 2011, Hayworth voted against HR 1954, a clean federal debt ceiling raise of $2.4 trillion. The bill was rejected by the full House, 97-318. [HR 1954, 5/31/11] Hayworth Included Amendments In Defense Bill To Benefit District

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In May2011, Hayworth issued a press release announcing that two of her amendments were included in the Defense appropriations bill. Hayworth said each of the amendments would benefit businesses in NY-19. The first expressed the sense of Congress that there should be a moratorium on Defense Department “insourcing.” “Local companies in the 19th District have been affected by this DOD practice of the government competing with private industry for commercially available products and services.” The second was to promote the use of Organic Light Emitting Diodes. “OLED technology has the potential to reduce the size, weight and energy consumption of both dismounted and mounted systems of the Armed Forces, and manufacturing is limited in the United States. A company in the District is one of the few manufacturers of this important, cost-saving technology.” [Office of Congressman Buerkle, 5/26/2011]   Hayworth Said Debt Ceiling Increased Needed To Be Offset “Dollar For Dollar” In a May 2011 appearance on Fox Business’ The Willis Report, Hayworth said, “Well we have to be responsible about the debt ceiling. We have to understand that there is the future of our Treasury bond market, our interest rates and indeed, you know the American consumer in general. So we're going to have to think about raising the debt ceiling. But if we do so, it has to be in the context of having at least dollar for dollar compensation for whatever amount we choose.” [Fox Business: The Willis Report, 5/18/11] Hayworth on the Budget: “When we’re Cutting, We Are Winning” In April 2011, Hayworth, in stressing the importance of making cuts to the federal budget, said that, “When we’re cutting, we’re winning.” [The Boston Globe, 4/09/11] Hayworth Supported Spending Reductions That Would Kill Local Project In February 2011, Hayworth supported the GOP budget plan which included massive spending cuts. Communications Director Nathaniel Sillin said, “The way to create jobs is to reduce spending and close the federal budget deficit.” The budget cut funding for the Taylor Biomass Project. Montgomery businessman Jim Taylor said a rescission of the loan guarantee would halt a project that promises to create more than 300 construction jobs and 80 permanent positions. [Times Herald- Record, 2/17/11] Hayworth Does Not Support Her District’s Earmarks In February 2011, Nan Hayworth attacked earmarks stating that they were bad for the deficit, and she would abstain from pursuing them. Hayworth said, “Let’s say you have a honey-producing county somewhere in the United States and they want to set up a honey museum…Fine. Go ahead. But use your money to do it.” [The New York Times, 2/04/11] Hayworth Responded to DCCC Attack on Plans to Trim Federal Budget In January 2011, Hayworth responded to DCCC ads attacking the GOP for plans to trim the federal budget, characterizing them as hurting education and stifling the research-and-development needed to create jobs. Hayworth's communications director, Nathaniel Sillin said, “Rep. Hayworth is focused on job creation, growing our economy, cutting wasteful government spending, and improving quality of life for her constituents, not the fabrication of the day from Democrat party attack dogs in Washington, D.C. The

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Congresswoman stands by her principles of fighting for limited government, lower taxes, and getting New Yorkers back to work.” [New York Observer, 1/31/11] Business and Consumer Issues Opposed Upstate Works Act In December 2011, Hayworth said she was opposed to Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand’s five-part plan, the Upstate Works Act, which would provide federal tax credits, loans and grants. “Various senators and representatives have been laboring mightily to see how the federal government can manage our lives better than we can. That’s a fool’s errand, with all due respect,” Hayworth said of the bill. [poughkeepsiejournal.com, 1/3/12] Sponsored Burdensome Data Collection Relief Act In 2011, Hayworth sponsored the Burdensome Data Collection Relief Act. The bill would eliminate a provision requiring publicly traded companies to report their median annual total compensation of all employees. The bill was supported by Barney Frank. [National Journal, 03/14/11] Campaign Finance Issues Announced Plans to Take Part in “2012 Freshman Family & Fishing Weekend” Fundraiser In December 2011, Hayworth along with 11 other House GOP freshman announced plans to take part in the “2012 Freshman Family & Fishing Weekend” fundraiser as an exclusive club in Key Largo, Florida that had 2 18-hole golf courses, a private airport, and a marina with room for 175 boats. The fundraiser cost $20,000 per PAC or $10,000 for an individual. [Washington Post, 12/14/11] Met More Than 50 Percent of NRCC Fundraising Obligations In November 2011, Hayworth met more than 50 percent of her NRCC fundraising obligation and said that she was focused on raising money for the NRCC rather than a direct cash transfer. Hayworth said, “What I have not done specifically is utilize or direct my campaign money toward NRCC at this point in the cycle. I raise for them separately.” [Politico, 11/02/11] Led Opponent in Fundraising In October 2011, Hayworth’s campaign had a total of $890,745 compared to the $106,677 of her opponent Becker.

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Both candidates have medical backgrounds – Hayworth as an eye doctor and Becker as a heart specialist. Hayworth received contributions from former colleagues at Mount Kisco Medical, her former group practice, and where her husband currently serves as president and CEO. [poughkeepsiejournal.com, 10/17/2011] Received $2,000 From Koch Industries Hayworth received $2,000 from KOCHPAC on September 29, 2011. [Friends of Nan Hayworth, 2011 October Quarterly FEC Report, Filed 10/14/11] Received $2,000 From Bank of America Hayworth received $2,000 from Bank of America PAC on July 13, 2011. [Friends of Nan Hayworth, 2011 October Quarterly FEC Report, Filed 10/14/11] Received $1,000 From Citigroup Hayworth received $1,000 from Citigroup PAC on July 5, 2011. [Friends of Nan Hayworth, 2011 October Quarterly FEC Report, Filed 10/14/11] Received $5,000 From John Boehner Hayworth received $5,000 from Speaker John Boehner’s PAC, The Freedom Project, on September 30, 2011. [Friends of Nan Hayworth, 2011 October Quarterly FEC Report, Filed 10/14/11] Received $20,000 From the Kalikow Family in a Single Day Hayworth received $20,000 total from the Kalikow family on September 30, 2011, including Mary Kalikow (four contributions of $2,500 each, two of which went to retire 2010 campaign debt) and Peter Kalikow (four contributions of $2,500 each, two of which went to retire 2010 campaign debt). [Friends of Nan Hayworth, 2011 October Quarterly FEC Report, Filed 10/14/11] Received $14,763 on Fundraising Consultant From July to September 2011, Hayworth spent $14,763 on fundraising consulting from the Townsend Group. [Friends of Nan Hayworth, 2011 October Quarterly FEC Report, Filed 10/14/11] Received Fundraising Support From Former Governor Pataki In October 2011, George Pataki increased his fundraising on behalf of Republicans and sent out an e-mail to his supporters in support of Hayworth. Pataki told his supporters that since beating former Rep. Hall, Hayworth has “diligently and conscientiously represented you with a fiscally responsible philosophy”. Pataki previously hosted a fundraiser for GOP state senator Greg Ball, who recently criticized over her position on disaster relief and is considering a primary challenge against Hayworth. [capitaltonight.com, 10/4/2011] Nearly Half of Hayworth’s Campaign Contributions Come From Financial Sector

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In 2011, Hayworth, a member of the House Financial Services Committee, raised $711,000 in the first half of the year, with 45 percent of the contributions coming from the financial sector, in particular securities and investment firms. [American Banker, 08/30/2011] Reported Campaign Contributions from Koch Industries, Ryan and Financial Services Industry In July 2012, Hayworth reported $2,500 from Koch Industries, $1,500 from Rep. Paul Ryan’s Prosperity PAC, and at least $43,000 from the financial services industry. [Nan Hayworth for Congress, 2011 July Quarterly FEC Report, Filed 7/15/11] Crime & Public Safety Issues Hayworth Had “Faith” in Homeland Security Appropriators In June 2011, Hayworth voted against an amendment concerning grant-eligibility for Homeland Security grants. The amendment would make the process of receiving grants more competitive. The amendment passed. Hayworth supported the overall bill with a $1.1 billion cut for Homeland Security funding. Hayworth commented, “I have faith in our appropriators and in our members who work on homeland security that they really do have the best interests of this country at heart.” [Poughkeepsie Journal, 6/06/2011] Economic and Financial Issues Voted Against Forcing Big Banks to Pay For Their Own Bailouts On April 18, 2012, Hayworth voted against an amendment that would have forced banks with over $50 billion in assets to pay for any future bank bailouts by the government. [Amendment #2, Record Vote No. FC-70; Reuters, 4/18/12] Authored Bill That Would “Bring Back Bank Bailouts” In February 2012, Hayworth authored a bill that would repeal the “Lincoln Amendment,” also known as section 716 of the Dodd-Frank financial reform law, which prevented firms that receive FDIC insurance or access to Fed credit lines from carrying out certain kinds of derivatives trading. The Washington Post labeled the bill “a bipartisan push to bring back bank bailouts.” “While the authors of 716 presumably intended to decrease risk, 716 actually increases risk by pushing swaps activities into entities that are not directly regulated by the FDIC and the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency,” Hayworth said. [Washington Post, 2/17/12] Returned Personal Office Money to Treasury In September 2011, Hayworth spent 60.3 percent of her $1,422,135. Hayworth was on track to return the rest of the money from her office as she sought to boost her image.

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Hayworth also considered providing her staff with bonuses. “Our staff has provided extraordinary value for taxpayer money, in my best prudential judgment, I might reward very hard-working staffers who are working at a low salary. But I am painfully aware again of the fact that these are taxpayer dollars. So it will be a very thoughtful process and not one any of us takes lightly,” Hayworth said. [lohud.com, 12/22/11]

Didn’t Pay Bonuses to Staffers In January 2012, Hayworth decided against rewarding her staff with year-end bonuses. [Poughkeepsie Journal, 1/06/12]

Organized Jobs Fair in Fishkill In November 2011, Hayworth organized a jobs fair in Fishkill at a time when unemployment in the Hudson Valley was almost 8 percent. The fair offered resume critiquing and interview workshops. Hayworth said, “The number of people looking for jobs has decreased because presumably they're moving away. We need to make it possible for them to stay here and work and raise families here.” [hudsonvalley.ynn.com, 11/14/11]

Attacked by Democratic Opponent for “Hypocrisy” on Jobs Fair In November 2011, Hayworth’s Democratic opponent, Matt Alexander, blasted Hayworth for promoting a job fair in Fishkill while simultaneously opposing Obama’s job bill. Alexander said, “When Nan gets in front of that group of job seekers in Fishkill, she might tell them she cares about their plight, but her actions in Washington tell an entirely different story. Nan has tried time and again to gut job-creating federal investments that would put Hudson Valley residents to work, and now she has the audacity to claim she wants to help in their job search. Get real. It’s not enough to just talk about the need for jobs. If you’re not leading for jobs, or in Nan’s case actively working against them, it’s worse than empty rhetoric–it’s hypocrisy.” [politickerny.com, 11/14/11] Responded to Attack from Democratic Opponent on Jobs

In November 2011, Hayworth responded to an attack from her Democratic opponent, Matt Alexander, about her hypocrisy on jobs. A spokesman for Hayworth said, “While Matt Alexander was taking political pot shots for personal gain Congresswoman Hayworth spent the day connecting more than 50 employers with nearly 1000 Hudson Valley residents seeking work. Alexander's attack on the Congresswoman is disingenuous, shameful and simply untrue.” [NY Daily News, 11/14/11]

Called For Fewer Regulations In October 2011, Hayworth spoke out against regulations at a town hall meeting, and discussed her opposition to health care reform and her vote against funding the EPA.

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Hayworth voted against funding the EPA because she did “not feel that the coal ash regulation fit into something that was essential to health and safety.” She also said that Obama could help economic growth by passing out state wavers for health care reform and said, “It's the number one burden issue.” She also said, “The big concern that we have is making sure that the federal government does what we want it to do.” [recordonline.com, 10/21/2011]

“We Have a Federal Government That Sits on Our Economy Like a Stone” In October 2011, Hayworth criticized the federal government presence for low approval ratings of Congress. Hayworth said that people “see an economy that is stagnant or deteriorating. They are looking for solutions. They want at the very least to be free to do the work that they know they can do within our own communities and states. And we have a federal government that sits on our economy right now like a stone. It does not need to be that way.” [9:20, Brian Lehrer Show, 10/05/2011] Said that the U.S. Cannot Compete Globally Due to Regulatory Burdens In October 2011, Hayworth blamed regulatory burdens as the reason the United States has difficulty competing in the global marketplace. Hay worth said, “The passage of the Dodd-Frank Act and unfortunately the unnecessary burdens created on our healthcare system and our citizens through the Affordable Care Act, we’re no longer competing successfully with a lot of nations that are more welcoming to capital investment like Singapore, like Brazil, like Colombia, like other nations in the Far East including China.” [6:26, Brian Lehrer Show, 10/05/2011] Misspoke on Job Growth, Federal Spending In September 2011, Hayworth claimed that there were no jobs created for the first time since 1945 and that federal government was spending close to 25 percent of GDP, a figure “unprecedented in peacetime”. Regarding job growth, net job growth was zero due to thousands of job created in the private sector being offset by thousands of layoffs in the public sector due to spending cuts. Regarding federal spending, Hayworth forgot that the country has not been “in peacetime” for the last decade. [wnyc.org, 09/02/2011] Job Creation is Hayworth’s #1 Goal In September 2011, Hayworth spoke to The Ledger about her goals and priorities for next year, citing job creation as the biggest goal. “The number one theme, of course, is job creation in our Hudson Valley and across the United States,” she said. [Lewisboro Ledger, 09/22/2011]

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Hayworth: Efforts to Repeal Dodd-Frank were Rational, Sensible, Practical, and Compassionate In July 2011, Hayworth commented on Republican efforts to repeal provisions of Dodd-Frank legislation and said, “What we are doing is rational, it is sensible, it is entirely practical, it is compassionate…So we are doing the right thing, and it behooves the Senate and the administration to follow suit.” [newser.com, 7/05/2011] Hayworth: Dodd-Frank Act “Is Driving Working Capital Outside of the Country” In June 2011, Hayworth said that the Dodd-Frank Act is “tinged with pessimism. This 880-page law is going to be followed by thousands of pages of regulations which will affect small business, make it harder and more costly- approximately 30 percent more costly- to meet its demands…it will make capital harder to come by; in fact, it is driving working capital outside of the country.” [Westfair Online, 6/24/2011] Introduced Legislation to Prevent Disclosure of Executive Compensation In June 2011, Hayworth introduced legislation that “would repeal a provision of Dodd-Frank that requires publicly traded companies to disclose the median annual compensation of all employees and calculate how that compares with that of the chief executive.” Hayworth commented that the bill “is intended to free the capital that would be used to comply with the burdensome data collection and allow it to be used to create jobs and invest in growing our economy.” [Dow Jones Newswires, 6/22/2011]

Hayworth: Executive Compensation Requirements “Create Heat but Shed No Light” In June 2011, Hayworth commented that if figures revealing compensation disparities are

made public they “can mislead or confuse investors…It creates heat but sheds no light.” [Times Herald-Record, 6/29/2011]

Hayworth: The More We Defund Dodd-Frank, The Better According to NPR, in May 2011, Hayworth said, “The more we depower, defund Dodd-Frank, the better. But we're doing so in a way that we feel will have the greatest results within the time frame of the 112th Congress.” [NPR, 5/10/11]   Hayworth Favored Flat-Tax During a January 2011 speech, Hayworth stated that she would favor a flat-tax to simplify the tax code and cut its $250 billion cost to administer. “I would like to see the tax code flattened so we could have more money in the marketplace,” Hayworth said. [westfaironline.com, 1/28/11] Hayworth Wanted to Repeal Dodd-Frank Reform and Consumer Protection Act Hayworth stated in late January 2011 that she would like to see the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act repealed. Hayworth said that it had a “very problematic” impact on small banks. [westfaironline.com, 1/28/11]

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Education Issues Energy Issues Supported Keystone Pipeline In March 2012, Hayworth said she supported the Keystone Pipeline. “I don’t think we need to drill in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge right now; I would like that not to have been included in the bill. I do support the Keystone Pipeline,” Hayworth said. “I think it has been through appropriate reviews and I think at this point we ought to allow that to be put in place so that we can have pressure on foreign oil produces; the same with our off-shore leases that have already been established and just simply need to be allowed to go into production.” [midhudsonenws.com, 3/15/12] Did Not Take Position on Natural Gas Compression Station In November 2011, residents of Minisink sought Hayworth’s support to stop a proposed $43.6 million natural gas compression station, which would increase delivery of natural gas through a 168 mile pipeline. Hayworth did not take a position on the issue, but she told constituents that she would find out a timeline for the project. [recordonline.com, 11/28/11] Touted Home Energy-Savings Assessment Incentive In October 2011, Hayworth sponsored a bill that would make property owners with loans guaranteed by Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac eligible to pay for energy efficient upgrades through long term assessments. The bill could potentially come up for a vote later in the fall. Hayworth said, “There is a lot of legislative work we are doing, but we do have 39 co-sponsors on this bill — both Democrats and Republicans — and that bodes very well for this passing the House and the Senate. It is hard for anyone to find an objection to this bill and that is why we have such great representation from both sides of the aisle.” [lohud.com, 10/19/2011] Would Support Cuts In Green Energy Programs For Disaster Relief In October 2011, Hayworth said that she would have supported cuts in green energy programs, such as solar energy and electric cars, in order to provide disaster relief. Hay worth said, “Look at Solyndra. That pretty much says it all. The federal government simply isn’t good at choosing commercial investments nor should it be necessary for the federal government to do so. That’s, unfortunately, usually a blatant waste of taxpayer dollars better used for priority matters such as FEMA funding.” [5:51, Brian Lehrer Show, 10/05/2011]

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Sponsored Bill Incentivizing Environmentally Friendly Improvements to Homes and Businesses In July 2011, Hayworth sponsored a bill promoting the Property Assessed Clean Energy Program, a program supported by multiple towns and cities in Hayworth’s congressional district. The voluntary program would allow the owners of homes and commercial buildings to pay for weatherization, solar, wind and other clean-energy technologies and water-conservation measures through a special assessment attached to their property tax bills. The assessment would be determined based on the cost of the improvements and paid for over 20 years. If the property were sold, the new property owner would pay off the balance of the loan, while reaping the benefits of the energy-efficiency improvements. Hayworth said, “This is a great way to facilitate energy savings and job creation, and at no (upfront) cost to taxpayers.”[Times Herald-Record, 7/21/11]

Called to Stop “Federal Over-Reach by Fannie and Freddie” In July 2011, co-wrote an editorial in support of the PACE Assessment Protection Act. The editorial stated that Property Assessed Clean Energy (PACE) laws were an important tool to help property owners pay for the upfront costs associated with energy-saving improvements. The editorial states that “most local governments across the country never got a chance to take advantage of the state PACE laws because Fannie and Freddie stopped them last summer.” Hayworth and her co-authors called upon Congress “to stop federal over-reach by Fannie and Freddie. The mortgage lending giants should not be able to interfere with local government authority to establish and maintain special assessment districts that serve a valid, important, and valuable public purpose.” [The Hill, 7/20/11]

Called for All-of-the-Above Energy Strategy In June 2011, Hayworth said that she supported nuclear energy with safety precautions and stated that “we need to develop a safe sensible energy portfolio that includes geothermal, biomass, wind and put it within reach of peoples’ needs and cost…but because of the deficit, it is not possible to afford the massive funding needed for these initiatives.” [Westfair Online, 6/24/2011] Supported an “All-of-the-Above” Approach to Energy Needs In June 2011, Hayworth commented on domestic energy needs. “Whether oil, coal, solar, wind, biomass, geothermal or nuclear, ‘we need an all-of-the-above approach that is market-based.” [Times Herald-Record, 6/22/2011] Hayworth Said Off Shore Drilling Would Lower Gas Prices In a May 2011 statement released after voting for HR 1230, Hayworth said, “New Yorkers are facing average gas prices exceeding $4.17 a gallon, which is a hardship for our District's families and businesses.

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The bill we passed, as part of the American Energy Initiative, will increase American energy production and help to lower gas prices.” [Office of Congresswoman Hayworth, 5/05/11] Supported Keeping Indian Point Nuclear Power Plant Open In 2011, Hayworth supported keeping Indian Point Nuclear Power Point even though it was ranked as the most dangerous among 65 U.S. nuclear facilities, based on risk of natural disaster, safety performance and the surrounding population. "It is a crucial source of carbon-clean power," said Hayworth. "I have not heard anything that makes me think Indian Point's continuing operation poses a threat." [Lohud.com, 03/20/11] Environmental Issues Supported Keystone Pipeline In March 2012, Hayworth said she supported the Keystone Pipeline. “I don’t think we need to drill in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge right now; I would like that not to have been included in the bill. I do support the Keystone Pipeline,” Hayworth said. “I think it has been through appropriate reviews and I think at this point we ought to allow that to be put in place so that we can have pressure on foreign oil produces; the same with our off-shore leases that have already been established and just simply need to be allowed to go into production.” [midhudsonenws.com, 3/15/12] Received 43% Score from Environmental Group In February 2012, Hayworth scored 43 percent on the 2011 National Environment Scorecard compiled by the League of Conservation Voters. [Utica Observer Dispatch, 2/23/12] Hayworth: Worked to ‘Protect Beauty of the Hudson Valley’ In January 2012, Hayworth wrote an op-ed defending her record on natural disaster relief. “In the face of challenges like natural disasters and man-made pollution, I’ve worked to protect the beauty of our Hudson Valley and to keep our air and water clean in common-sense ways,” Hayworth wrote. “Last year I received the highest score among our Republican Members of Congress from New York from the League of Conservation Voters. I was also recently recognized by the Sierra Club for my strong voting record in support of clean water. My record on the environment has led observers to recognize me as one of several federal legislators willing to ‘take the pro-green position during floor and committee votes spanning more than 100 bills and amendments.’” [hayworth.house.gov, 1/04/12] Challengers Discussed Energy/ Environmental Issues In January 2012, Dr. Richard Becker and Matt Alexander, challengers to Hayworth, spoke about energy and environmental issues concerning the district.

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Becker talked about fracking, the controversial method of pulling natural gas out of rock deep beneath the surface. He expressed concerns about the possible health effects associated with the process, and supported the call for the industry to fund a long-term study of those impacts. Alexander discussed the recent shutdown at the Indian Point nuclear power plant. “(The) news of the reactor shut-down and pump failure at Indian Point is deeply troubling. Sadly, this is not an unexpected development. Anyone who’s visited the site or studied its impact knows that the plant is a relic of a bygone era. We need a strategy to decommission Indian Point, and we need it now. Make no mistake – even the Nuclear Regulatory Commission agrees that (Tuesday’s) shut-down is no routine matter,” Alexander said. [polhudson.lohudblogs.com, 1/18/12] Ethics Issues Major Republican Donor Testified before Financial Services Committee In March 2011, Lewis E. Lehrman was invited to testify before the subcommittee on Domestic Monetary Policy & Technology. [Subcommittee witness list, accessed 3/16/11]

… Which Included Members He Donated To

At the time that Lehrman was set to testify before the Domestic Monetary Policy subcommittee, the following members of that committee accepted donations from Lehrman:

Nan Hayworth – Accepted $1,500 on October 15, 2010 [fec.gov, accessed 3/16/11] “No Comment” on Grimm Allegations In February 2012, Hayworth declined to comment on allegations that Rep. Michael Grimm engaged in illegal fundraising practices. “I have not studied it in any way, I have no comment on it,” Hayworth said. [politicker.com, 2/13/12]

Asked About Relationship with Grimm In February 2012, Hayworth was asked about her relationship with Rep. Michael Grimm, who was accused of engaging in illegal fundraising practices. “Number one, my fund-raising is completely transparent,” Hayworth said. “We do all the disclosures with the F.E.C. that are required. I don’t have any fears related to the news stories about Representative Grimm. He’s a colleague in the House of Representatives the way 433 other people are. I don’t have any direct financial dealings with him, and I don’t have any further comment on that issue. It’s under investigation and I hope it gets resolved quickly for the sake of everybody involved.”

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Hayworth and Grimm were both co-beneficiaries of a joint fund-raising committee, the New York Congressional Victory Committee 2011, which raised funds for six of the state’s Republican freshmen representatives. [capitalnewyork.com, 2/23/12]

Called Out by Challenger to Return Money Raised With Grimm In February 2012, one of Hayworth’s Democratic challengers, Richard Becker, called on her to return money raised through a joint fundraising committee with Rep. Michael Grimm. Becker argued that Hayworth should return more than $62,000 she received from the joint committee, which also benefited four other members of Congress, including Grimm. He also pointed to her calls in 2010 for Rep. John Hall, to return money he received from a PAC associated with Rep. Charles Rangel. [polhudson.lohudblogs.com, 2/28/12]

Extremist Issues Joined the ‘Yellow Pages’ Caucus In January 2012, Hayworth signed a Dear Member letter urging her colleagues to join the Yellow Pages caucus. According to the letter, the Yellow Pages caucus is, “a group of Members of Congress dedicated to reliance on the private sector, to the maximum extent possible, rather than government, to provide commercially available goods and services to the government and the American people.” “It is the goal of the Yellow Pages Caucus to apply a test to every existing or newly proposed Federal activity – if the activity is available from a private company found in the Yellow Pages of the telephone book, that activity should either not be a responsibility of the Federal government, or it should actually be performed by a private firm under contract with the Federal government.” [Yellow Pages Caucus Letter, 1/18/12] Hayworth Joins Moderate G.O.P. Caucus In January 2011, Tea Party candidate Hayworth joined the Republican Main Street Partnership, a moderate group dedicated to promoting and building a fiscally conservative majority. Despite the Tea Party push, the PAC had more members in January than ever before. [The New York Observer, 1/28/11] Foreign Policy Issues – Iraq, Afghanistan, Iran, North Korea Hayworth Concerned About Transactions with Palestinian Authority In June 2011, Hayworth sent a letter to Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner “to clarify the process for determining whether transactions with a Palestinian government that includes Ministers selected by

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Hamas may result in the funding of terrorist activities and, if so, the process for determining whether such transactions should be prohibited.” [Office of Congresswoman Hayworth, 6/15/2011] Gay and Lesbian Issues Received Award for Support of DADT Repeal In September 2011, Hayworth was one of four Republicans to receive an award at the Spirit of Lincoln Awards Dinner hosted by the Log Cabin Republicans for her support of the DADT repeal. [Milford Daily News, 09/20/2011] Voted Against Amendment Affirming Defense of Marriage Act In July 2011, Hayworth was one of six House Republicans to vote against an amendment reaffirming the Defense of Marriage Act as part of major Pentagon spending legislation. [washingtonblade.com, 7/07/11] Hayworth: Federal Government Should Not Define Marriage for States In July 2011, Hayworth said that gay marriage is “constitutionally something that is appropriately left in the hands of the states, so, to my mind, the federal government should not be defining that marriage issue for the states.” [midhudsonnews.com, 7/01/2011] Gun Issues Journal News Criticized Hayworth’s Gun Vote In an April 2012 editorial, the Journal News criticized Hayworth’s vote to allow concealed-carry permit holders to carry and conceal weapons in any state. “Among 58 pending cases, 48 involve concealed-carry killers who face charges of criminal homicide. In four other instances, the shooter was deemed incompetent to stand trial, and six cases are under investigation,” the paper opined. “Metaphorically speaking, that is a mind-numbing tally of self-inflicted wounds and related carnage. Yet those statistics will surely grow if proponents of weak gun laws — there are plenty in New York — add to their legislative winning streak.” The paper specifically noted that Hayworth had supported such a law. [Journal News, Editorial, 4/12/12] Health Care Issues Hayworth: Obama’s Health Care “Takeover” is “Very Bad Medicine” In March 2012, Hayworth criticized Obama’s Health care initiative as “very bad medicine.”

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“The 2010 healthcare takeover was an attempt to provide something good for the American people that unfortunately represents very bad medicine,” Hayworth said. “Our motto … as doctors is ‘First, do no harm.’ The 2010 health law does grievous harm: It disrespects what has made American medicine the greatest in the world.” [The Hill, 3/27/12] Supported Medicare Overhaul In March 2012, Hayworth voiced her support for an “overhaul” of Medicare. “An argument for a sounder, more sensible future for Medicare is one that we can very comfortably make,” Hayworth said. [NY Times, 3/13/12] Opposed Obama’s Health Care Reform; Proposed HSAs In January 2012 interview, Hayworth said she would seek to repeal and replace President Obama’s health care reform law. She said she would instead make it possible and easy for every American to have a health savings account as the basis for their health insurance. “There’s a place in the country where this has worked,” she said. “It’s worked well for state employees and Medicaid recipients: the State of Indiana. So, I would use that as a model for across the country.” Hayworth also advocated for encouraging people to purchase catastrophic health insurance, allowing the sale of insurance across state lines, and extensive medical liability reform. [thedailypeekskill.com, 1/03/12] Hayworth: Ryan Plan Saves Medicare In July 2011, Hayworth reiterated her support for the Ryan plan. She said the problem “is that we have to come up with a way to articulate that this plan saves Medicare…Increasing taxes to maintain the present system is a poor idea. A consumer-driven system that will preserve what Medicare does for our senior citizens is the solution. Ryan offers this. As of his meeting with us yesterday, the President has yet to offer a plan of his own on Medicare.” [humanevents.com, 7/13/11] Hayworth: Until Republicans Can Repeal ACA, Must Defund As Much As Possible In July 2011, Hayworth said repeal of the Affordable Care Act was possible “once Republicans win control of the Senate and the presidency, which I hope we do in 2012…But until then, we have to keep the issues alive. And we have to try to defund as much of the act as possible. That’s going to be one of the most important chores for the Republican majority in the House.” [humanevents.com, 7/13/11] Passionate about Repealing ACA Because It Would “Not Improve Anything” In July 2011, Hayworth said the “Repeal of the Affordable Care Act…was something I felt passionately about. As a physician, I could easily see that it would complicate the entire health care issue and make life more difficult for providers and patients. It would not improve anything.” [humanevents.com, 7/13/11]

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Hayworth: Block Grant System Could Put Some Providers at a Disadvantage In July 2011, Hayworth said that the Ryan plan’s block grant system is a “sound concept” on a nationwide basis but it could put some providers at a disadvantage. She commented that she hopes the changed would not be “punishing” to providers. [Patch.com, 7/02/2011] Hayworth: Many Receiving Medicare and Social Security Getting More than They Paid In In June 2011, Hayworth commented on Medicare reform and said “changes to Medicare will be made for those ages 54 and younger and be converted to “premium support…the trust fund for Medicare is quickly running out. Many who receive it get four times more than what they actually paid into the program, as with Social Security.” [Westfair Online, 6/24/2011] Hayworth: ACA “Has a Negative Net Effect” In June 2011, Hayworth commented that the Patient Care and Affordable Care Act “has good goals, but I feel it has a negative net effect. I’m sure most businesses can relate stories about your insurance premiums, if you are indeed able to afford to continue offering them to employees.” [Westfair Online, 6/24/2011] Hayworth Co-sponsored Legislation Altering Health Coverage Exclusion Law In June 2011, Hayworth co-sponsored HR 2088 “to amend the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 to ‘extend the exclusion from gross income for employer-provided health coverage for employees’ spouses and dependent children to coverage provided to other eligible designated beneficiaries of employees.” [Targeted News Service, 6/06/2011] Hayworth Asked Obama To “Condemn The Disingenuous Attacks On Medicare Reform” In May 2011, The New York Times Blogs reported that 42 Republican House freshman signed a letter asking President Obama to “stop the political rhetoric’ surrounding their Medicare proposal. In asking the president to work with them to untangle the issues facing massive entitlement programs, the letter further implores Mr. Obama to ‘condemn the disingenuous attacks and work with this Congress to reform’ the programs.” Hayworth said that “it was time to ‘have a civilized conversation’ and her class was ‘standing ready to work with the president.”[The New York Times Blogs, 5/11/2011] Called on Society to be “Courageous” in Dealing with Social Security and Medicare Reform In March 2011, Hayworth called for courage in making sure Social Security and Medicare would remain viable in the future. “We have to honor our commitments to today’s beneficiaries, but we can’t solve the growing deficit and debt problems unless we are smart, courageous, and sensible in planning for future entitlements.” [Newsmax Magazine, 3/28/11] Blamed Federal Deficit on Social Security, Medicaid, and Medicare

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In 2011, Hayworth blamed federal spending on debt payments and Social Security, Medicaid and Medicare costs. "Unfortunately, all of these good things cost a lot of taxpayer dollars," she said. [recordonline.com, 3/27/11] Hayworth Wrote Amendment To Stop Implementation of Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act In February 2011, Hayworth wrote a bill to halt implementation of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act. Hayworth said, “We’re going to keep cutting wasteful spending because that is how we’ll grow the economy and create jobs in both the short and long term.” Hayworth authored one of nine amendments the House adopted to halt the implementation of the PPACA. Her measure prohibits federal funding in this fiscal year for the 15-member Independent Payment Advisory Board, which would set a ceiling on the future growth of Medicare spending starting in 2015. [Poughkeepsie Journal, 2/21/11] Hayworth Denies Congressional Health Care Hayworth denied the taxpayer-funded congressional health care given to all new freshman representative. Hayworth chose to keep her private health care coverage. She was a strong proponent of repealing the health care law in early 2011, saying, “If we can defund the health law, we will immediately realize a savings." [Star Gazette, 1/6/11] Immigration and Border Issues Israel Hayworth Opposed Israel’s Return To Pre-1967 Borders In a May 2011 press release, Hayworth said, “It was a privilege to host Prime Minister Netanyahu in Congress today and hear him share his vision for a two-state solution. Negotiations for a two-state solution must be done through the two parties, and the Palestinian leadership must not seek recognition through the U.N., which would undermine the peace process. The United States must also continue to ensure Israel's security and not return to the pre-1967-war borders.” [Office of Congresswoman Hayworth, 5/24/2011] Labor and Working Family Issues Times Union Criticized Hayworth for Limiting Unemployment Benefits In February 2012, the Times Union published an editorial criticizing Hayworth’s support for attempts to limit unemployment benefit in the midst of difficult economic conditions.

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“Do the people so determined to cut off help for the jobless months before the Obama administration had preferred — after 63 weeks, rather than 99 weeks — have insights into the economy that the rest of us don’t?” the paper asked. “We’re talking about such members of Congress as Rep. Tom Reed, R-Corning, and Rep. Nan Hayworth, R-Westchester County. “For millions of workers, a system that provides jobless benefits for a maximum of 26 weeks isn’t enough. Nor, even, is the same system with eligibility extended to 99 weeks. Only about half of the people out of work are receiving benefits at this point in a slow economic recovery.” [Times Union, 2/24/12] Pushed by Labor Reps on Aid to Jobless In December 2011, a group of labor representatives held a prayer vigil outside Hayworth’s Goshen office to put pressure on Congress to pass a payroll tax cut and to extend unemployment benefits. The Paul Ellis-Grahm, president of the Hudson Valley Area Labor Federation, said House Republicans were using the payroll tax cut and unemployment benefits for political leverage. Hayworth said that she was “working toward an extension of the payroll tax reduction and unemployment insurance in a manner that protects the integrity of the Social Security trust fund and minimizes the burden on future generations of taxpayers.” Ellis-Grahm said, “They've been offering a proposal that sounds great, but they pair it with something that won't get support.” [recordonline.com, 12/9/11] Veterans and Union Reps Protested Hayworth’s Cuts Outside West Point Academy In August 2011, veterans and union representatives gathered outside West Point to protest threats to veterans benefits, as well as Social Security and Medicare. Protesters accused Hayworth of saying she supports veterans while simultaneously supporting higher costs and fewer benefits. [midhudsonnews.com, 8/25/2011] Hayworth Wanted The Government To Stop Trying To Create Jobs In front of a crowd of business leaders in January 2011, Hayworth said, “To me, the best thing the federal government can do is stop trying to create jobs.” Hayworth believed that to help the economy, we have to let the businesses create the jobs. She added, “Government doesn’t create jobs, you do.” [Albany Times Union, 1/24/11] Hayworth Believed Small Businesses Create Jobs, Not the Federal Government In a January 2011 video, Hayworth responded to a viewer’s question about how to cut spending, “It’s our American businesses and our small businesses and employers that create jobs, not the government.” Hayworth also advocated the repeal of the Affordable Care Act because it would cut spending. [YouTube.com, 1/25/11] Other Social Issues

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Hayworth: Cuts to Federal Food Programs Still Leave Sufficient Funding In June 2011, Hayworth’s office responded to Agriculture bill funding cuts affecting federal food programs. The bill cuts $650 million from the Women, Infants, and Children (WIC) program, $38 million from the Commodity Supplemental Food Program, and $51 million from the Emergency Food Assistance Program. Hayworth’s office commented, “Despite some claims, the funding levels included in the House passed bill ensure there will be enough money in WIC to guarantee that all eligible recipients receive their benefits…The House passed bill also addresses a key issue that opponents of the measure fail to recognize-excessive administrative costs.” [Peekskill-Cortlandt Patch, 6/21/2011] Hayworth Touted 60-Plus Award In May 2011, Hayworth’s Congressional office issued a press release announced that Hayworth received the Honorary Guardian of Seniors’ Rights Award from the 60 Plus Association. Hayworth said, “I share the 60 Plus Association’s commitment to safeguarding the rights of senior citizens. Congress must be fiscally responsible so that our seniors can enjoy their life savings and pass a legacy on to their children.” [Office of Congresswoman Hayworth, 5/12/2011]   Stem Cells Tax Issues Supported Increased Tax Credit in Transportation Bill In March 2012, Hayworth said she supported an increased tax credit for mass-transit commuters, as well as guaranteed funding for buses. “I’ve been a New York City commuter,” Hayworth said. “Whatever tax relief we can provide, we should provide.” [Times Herald-Record, 3/15/12] Hayworth: I Do Not Support Tax Subsidies for Any Entity During a February 2012 town hall, when questioned about her past support for tax subsidies for oil companies, Hayworth responded by saying she did not support continued tax subsidies for any entity. “I want to see a flat tax. I want to see a fair, even code that doesn’t treat renewable any differently than it does big oil, or any other companies,” Hayworth said. [thedailycroton.com, 2/24/12] Claimed Constituents Supported GOP Stance on Payroll Tax Cut In a December 2011 interview, Hayworth claimed that Americans were siding with House Republicans with regards to the payroll tax debate.

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“We’re fighting here with a whole continent. We represent the American people here and we represent common sense. I’ve been talking with my constituents in the Hudson Valley of New York and I can tell you that yesterday one of them told me on radio that goes across Orange County, N.Y., that he’s with me, he’s with us,” Hayworth said. [The Hill, 12/22/11] Appointed to Payroll Tax Conference Committee In December 2011, Hayworth was appointed by House Speaker John Boehner to a conference committee that would attempt to resolve differences over the payroll tax extension bill. “In the midst of a terrible economy, our hardworking families should not face increased taxes next year,” Hayworth said. “House Republicans are determined to continue our work in Washington until we come to an agreement that lifts burdens for taxpayers while protecting the Social Security Trust Fund; continues help to our unemployed while assuring sound long-term reforms; and ensures seniors’ access to their doctors under Medicare. We call upon the Senate to join us in working toward a solution that offers long-term relief to struggling families and job creators.” [polhudson.lohudblogs.com, 12/22/11] Signed Letter to Encourage Leadership to Act on Repatriation In December 2011, Hayworth signed a letter to GOP leadership to act on repatriation of overseas capital. The letter said, “Estimates have shown that at least $1.4 trillion in foreign earnings are kept overseas because of the uncompetitive tax policies here in the U.S. Unlocking this capital has the possibility of creating over 2.9 million new jobs, and increasing GDP by nearly $360 billion…As negotiations continue with the White House and Congressional Democrats on a number of expiring tax provisions, appropriation bills and comprehensive tax reform, we strongly urge you to consider repatriation tax policy, this session, to stimulate the economy and get Americans back to work.” [Frank Guinta Press Release, 12/06/11] Supported Pay Roll Tax Cut Extension In November 2011, Hayworth support the extension of the payroll tax cut. Hayworth said, “There's great sympathy for extending a tax break for our middle class. I am working as hard as I can to assure they can have the relief they need and that we can continue to work toward managing the federal government responsibly so we can have a strong, healthy economy.” [recordonline.com, 11/30/11] Called for Flat Tax, Reduced Federal Spending In August 2011, Hayworth said that changing the tax code and decreasing federal spending would help improve the economy and create Americans jobs. Hayworth called for a flat tax that she said would be fair to all income levels and businesses, saying that “We can line them up, so they'd be fair. Let's make sure every entity is paying cash taxes." [lohud.com, 8/26/2011]

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Hayworth Favored Flat-Tax During a January 2011 speech, Hayworth stated that she would favor a flat-tax to simplify the tax code and cut its $250 billion cost to administer. “I would like to see the tax code flattened so we could have more money in the marketplace,” Hayworth said. [westfaironline.com, 1/28/11] Tea Party NY Mag: “The Tea Party’s Woman in New York,” Hayworth Hesitates With Label In September 2011, New York Magazine called Hayworth “The Tea Party’s Woman in New York”, but she hesitated to take on that label. On Tea Party candidate Michelle Bachmann, Hay worth said, “She’s not my candidate right now.” In addition, she called the Tea Party a “convenient trope for the press.” However, the magazine also wrote that, “After strongly speaking out against Dodd-Frank, even more money has flowed her way from entities like Goldman Sachs; Wall Street might be scared away by some of the turns the tea party has taken, but someone like Hayworth is what they signed up for.” [NY Mag, 09/02/2011] Criticized Bachmann for Not Being “In Tune” With Republican Goals In 2011, while describing her relationship with Tea Party Caucus founder Michele Bachmann as “cordial,” Hayworth said that they didn’t agree with Bachmann on everything. “Michele Bachmann is someone who's not always in tune with everything I am, in terms of the Republican Party's goals,” Hayworth said. [Times Herald-Record, 4/07/11] Announced She Would Not Joint the Tea Party Caucus In 2011, Hayworth said that the she had no intention of joining the Tea Party Caucus. [Times Herald-Record, 4/07/11] Transportation Issues Supported Increased Tax Credit in Transportation Bill In March 2012, Hayworth said she supported an increased tax credit for mass-transit commuters, as well as guaranteed funding for buses.

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“I’ve been a New York City commuter,” Hayworth said. “Whatever tax relief we can provide, we should provide.” [Times Herald-Record, 3/15/12] Hayworth Asked DOT to Reconsider “Unfunded Mandates” In June 2011, Hayworth wrote to the Department of Transportation “to reconsider regulations in the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD) that would require replacement of certain regulatory, warning, and post-mounted guide signs by 2018.” Hayworth commented, “These provisions are a burdensome unfunded mandate that will in many cases cost hundreds of thousands or dollars or more.” [Office of Congresswoman Hayworth, 6/09/2011] Women’s Issues Opposed Contraception Compromise In February 2012, Hayworth voiced her opposition to the Obama administration’s contraception compromise. “I agree with our Catholic bishops, who say this is not enough,” she said. “They still have to provide the insurance as employers, so it would seem rather naive simply to say, ‘Well, we’ll have the insurers provide this.’ And to call something free is truly deceptive. Nothing is free. Someone will be paying.” [capitalnewyork, 2/13/12] Miscellaneous Spent $800 in Key Largo On January 19, 2012, the campaign paid $800 for food and beverages at the Ocean Reef Club in Key Largo. [Friends of Nan Hayworth’s April Quarterly FEC report, filed 4/13/12] Hayworth: Obama Administration is “The Imperial Presidency” In April 2012, Hayworth called the Obama administration “the imperial presidency,” and said it was “frightening” that the president warned the Supreme Court that it would be “unprecedented” to overturn his signature health care law. “The President’s comments are extremely worrisome. This is like the imperial presidency coming around again — to — to have a constitutional scholar question the fundamental purpose of the Supreme Court, which is judicial review — is frightening,” Hayworth told Fox Business Channel. “And I expected better of the president. I am disappointed to say the very least.” [The Hill, 4/06/12] Hayworth: Password Protection Bill a “Political Maneuver”

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In March 2012, Hayworth voted against a bill that prevented employers from seeking prospective employees’ social media usernames and passwords. Hayworth said the legislation was a “political maneuver” intended to deter legislation. “It is a violation of privacy for employers to demand passwords or gain access to employees’ purely personal information. I support real privacy protections. However, the amendment proposed yesterday by the Democratic Caucus did not provide real privacy protections,” Hayworth said. “Instead, it would have prevented the FCC from having an open and transparent process in putting into place effective reforms. The amendment was a purely political maneuver intended solely to block real legislative progress. My vote against the amendment was made, as is every vote I take, in order to serve the best interests of the people I am privileged to represent.” [Daily Poundridge, 3/29/12] Challenger Called on Hayworth to Denounce Rush Limbaugh In March 2012, Democratic challenger Richard Becker held a rally in front of Hayworth’s office calling on her to denounce Rush Limbaugh. “This is not a simple press conference,” Becker said in a statement. “This is a rallying cry! Comments like Rush Limbaugh’s are just the latest in the Republican War on Women. Back when Nan was running in 2010, she went around and told all of us in Putnam, Westchester, Rockland, Orange, and Dutchess that she was pro-choice because she knew that she couldn’t win in this district any other way. But a funny thing happened on Hayworth’s way to Washington. All of a sudden, it was ‘I’m pro-choice, unless…’ That’s just absolutely bogus: either you’re pro-choice, or you’re not.” [politicer.com, 3/08/12] Hayworth Spent $147,000 on Mass Mailings in 2011 From October to December 2011, Hayworth spent $45,046.49 on mass mailings. That figure brings Hayworth’s total to $146,980.76 on mass mailings in 2011, more than 85 percent of her House colleagues. [2011 4th Quarter Statements of Disbursement, 2/29/12] Hayworth Spent $18,466.75 on Travel From October 2011 to December 2011, Hayworth spent $18,466.75 on Travel. Disbursements included $10,952.13 on the Citibank Government Card for travel subsistence and commercial transportation. [2011 4th Quarter Statements of Disbursement, 2/29/12] Hayworth Spent $50,000 on Printing & Reproduction From October to December 2011, Hayworth spent $50,002.27 on printing and reproduction, including $40,699 on three orders from Craft Media Digital. [2011 4thQuarter Statements of Disbursement, 2/29/12] Hayworth: Obama “Must Share Responsibility” for Gridlock In January 2012, Hayworth voiced her disapproval for Obama’s State of the Union address.

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“When the president referred implicitly if not explicitly to gridlock and to dysfunction in Washington, he too must take his share of responsibility for that,” Hayworth said. “He has chosen to emphasize areas that he knows very well Republicans in Congress will not find easy to join him in.” [The Hill, 1/27/12] Agreed to Sit by a Democrat at State of the Union Address In January 2012, No Labels, a bipartisan advocacy group announced that Hayworth will sit with a member of the Democratic Party during President Obama’s “State of the Union” address. “That was just our initial outreach,’’ said spokeswoman Sarah Feldman. “We are going to be speaking to every single office.’’ [polhudson.lohudblogs.com, 1/12/12] Blamed Senate for Gridlock In January 2012, Hayworth blamed economic issues and gridlock on the “Democratic-run Senate.” “Leaders in Washington should have no higher priority this year than getting our economy back to creating jobs. The foundation for action is already in place. Right now, there are more than 30 jobs bills passed by the House with support from both Republicans and Democrats that are awaiting action in the Democratic run Senate,” Hayworth said. “Finding work in this economy remains a struggle and Friday’s jobs report is the latest evidence of that. Three years ago, at this time, the incoming Obama administration claimed its stimulus would keep unemployment below eight percent. Well, unemployment has now been above eight percent for 35 straight months, the longest such stretch since the Great Depression.” [politickerny.com, 1/09/12] Criticized by Ball in Heated Letter In December 2011, State Sen. Greg Ball wrote a letter to Hayworth regarding alleged unlawful activities by one of her staffers, Rob DiFrancesco. In his letter, Ball claimed that he brought certain issues to Hayworth over a year ago, and still hadn’t received a response. Ball said Hayworth’s career was endangered by DiFrancesco’s presence on her staff. “Congresswoman, I have continued to explain very clearly to you, that if placed in a position of public trust, Mr. DiFrancesco (among other actors that you have closely associated with) would jeopardize your political career and personal reputation,” Ball wrote. [politickerny.com, 1/09/12] Gave Weekly GOP Address In January 2012, Hayworth was selected to give the Republican Party’s weekly address. She discussed job creation efforts and blamed the lack of progress on the Democrat-controlled Senate’s refusal to hold votes on a slew of House-passed bills. [Hayworth Weekly GOP Address, 1/09/12] Targeted by DCCC

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In January 2012, the DCCC sent out a release reviewing votes that Hayworth cast over the last year. “The first year of Representative Nan Hayworth's Republican Congress is marked by extreme partisanship and unbending protection of Big Oil and the ultra wealthy,” a DCCC press secretary said in two releases. “Hayworth and House Republicans have spent this first year in chronic chaos — failing to protect the middle class or create jobs — and are now off on vacation rather than putting Americans back to work.” The DCCC disapproved of Hayworth’s vote against a two-month extension of the payroll tax cut, voting for the Medicare-impacting Ryan Plan, and voting to repeal health care reform. The DCCC also criticized both Representatives for being part of a caucus that “refused to introduce a comprehensive jobs agenda” for the past 365 days. [politickerny.com, 1/05/12] Slammed by Ball In December 2011, State Sen. Greg Ball released a statement blasting Hayworth’s policies for leaving her constituents with a “lump of coal.” In a statement entitled, “Thanks for The Coal, Congresswoman,” Ball said, “They [Congress] had everything they wanted in a deal handed to them with white gloves and a silver platter, yet still found a way to not support this critical tax cut for struggling families. Let me join the thousands of blue collar families who will be thanking our ultra-wealthy Congresswoman for the coal this Christmas. From a political perspective, I appreciate their efforts to extend these measures for a full year, but a two-month extension is an immediate necessity and one that should not be aborted due to dogma or political ideology. Along with some of her colleagues, the Congresswoman seems to be completely out of touch with working families and struggling small businesses. Ensuring that blue-collar families can rely on a tax cut in a time when so many families are feeling the ravages of a hemorrhaging economy is the right thing to do regardless of how the politics play out in the next election.” [politickerny.com, 12/22/11]

Ball: Hayworth Created ‘Bizarro’ World in DC In December 2011, Ball continued his critical assessment of Hayworth. He said Hayworth was part of a bloc of Republicans, many from southern and western states, who are "creating a bizarro world in Washington D.C. that's devoid of all logic." [capitalnewyork.com, 12/22/11]

Announced Federal Funding to Local Defense Contractor In November 2011, Hayworth announced that the Department of Defense’s Joint Improvised Explosive Device Defeat Organization awarded $10 million in funding for the rest of FY2011 to the Advanced Reconnaissance Corp in Fishkill for an IED detection program. The funding would help the company move the defense technology for which they received a contract in 2009 to the second phase of development. Hayworth said, “Development of this kind of instrument takes talent and time and funding, and the funding was threatened because our budgets were so tight in Washington. So, our team in the 19th Congressional District did a ton of work to make sure that they could get the funding.” [midhudsonnews.com, 11/30/11] Took Questions on Hurricane Irene Recovery Efforts

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In November 2011, Hayworth answered questions at a New Windsor town hall about Hurricane Irene recovery efforts. New Windsor Supervisor George Green said that the town was making good process in receiving help from FEMA, but town residents pushed for a timeline of assistance. Hayworth said that she could not provide a timeline but said that she and her staff were working with state and federal agencies to speed up the recovery process. [recordonline.com, 11/28/11] Endorsed Mitt Romney for President In November 2011, Hayworth endorsed Mitt Romney for President. Hayworth said, “Mitt Romney has proven as a governor and as a business leader that he can turn around tough situations and make things work. I have complete confidence in his ability to balance the federal budget, make the government efficient and effective, and ensure that all Americans have the opportunity they deserve and the prosperity they need. Mitt Romney is the right person to get us back to work, and he will make an outstanding president.” [The Hill, 11/04/11] Spent $23,529.80 on Franked Mail From July-September 2011, Hayworth spent $23,529.80 on franked mail distributed via the U.S. Postal Service. [2011 3nd Quarter Statements of Disbursement, 10/5/11] Reimbursed Herself $209 in Travel Expenses. From July-September 2011, Hayworth was reimbursed $209 in commercial transportation. [2011 3nd Quarter Statements of Disbursement, 10/5/11] Spent $366.07 on Bottled Water From July-September 2011, Hayworth spent $366.07 on bottled water from Deer Park. [2011 3nd Quarter Statements of Disbursement, 10/5/11] Wants Compromise and Consensus Only If Her Principles Are Not Compromised In October 2011, Hayworth when asked if House Republicans disliked compromise responded by saying that she would support cooperation as long as her principles were not compromised. Hayworth said that “There is give and take. There is compromise to be had. I prefer the word consensus, I prefer cooperation. Everybody wins in that case.” She qualified this statement by saying, “We will not, on either side, I’m sure, compromise the principles we represent. So if we on the House majority side see that a plan increases net burdens on the American people for the short term or the long term, we will oppose it. Not because we seek to be contrarian, because we recognize that we were elected to lift burdens. So if we increase taxes, we’re increasing burdens. If we increase regulations, we’re increasing burdens.” [12:17, Brian Lehrer Show, 10/05/2011]

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Would Prefer a Republican Presidential Candidate With Chief Executive Experience In October 2011, Hayworth said that she was still deciding between the Republican presidential candidates, but said that she was most interested in candidates with executive experience. When asked if that meant she would lean more towards a governor or former governor as opposed to a member of Congress, Hayworth said, “In the field I see before me, that would absolutely be the case”. Hayworth’s House Republican colleagues Michelle Bachmann and Ron Paul are both Republican presidential candidates. [13:27, Brian Lehrer Show, 10/05/2011] Fundraised Off of Disaster Committee In September 2011, Hayworth spoke of her new position as co-chair of the Hurricane Irene Coalition in a fundraising e-mail. Hayworth wrote, “In response to the devastation left by August's severe storms, I've taken a position as a co-chair of the Hurricane Irene Coalition, consisting of both Republican and Democratic Members from the affected states and charged with addressing both the short-term and long-term needs of our families, businesses, farms, and communities.” [nanhayworth.com, 09/25/2011] Called For Relief in Orange County Post-Hurricane Irene In August 2011, Hayworth called for relief in Orange County, especially after seeing a partially collapsed Route 74 Bridge, which she called the worst single instance of damage in her district. Hayworth said, “As of last night, FEMA declared Orange County a disaster area that will be eligible for local assistance funding. So, I'm going to be keeping track of how that's proceeding, based on needs that we have.” [Mid-Hudson News, 08/30/2011] Hayworth Spent Over $58,000 on Mass Mailers From April-June 2011, Hayworth spent $58,467 on mass mailings distributed via USPS. Hayworth distributed a total of 153,000 pieces at a cost of $.23 per household. Hayworth spent more on mass mailers than 95 percent of her House colleagues. [2011 2ndQuarter Statements of Disbursement, 7/5/11] Hayworth Spent $7,779 on Printing and Reproduction From April-June 2011, Hayworth spent $7,779.20 on printing and reproduction costs at various firms, including one disbursement of $4,000 to SMG for “Advertisements.” [2011 2ndQuarter Statements of Disbursement, 7/5/11] Hayworth Spent $6,750 on Office Furniture On February 9, 2011, Hayworth made a $6,750 purchase from Hudson Valley Office Furniture. The item is listed as “furniture or fixture less than $25,000” on her disbursement report. [2011 2ndQuarter Statements of Disbursement, 7/5/11]

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Hayworth Spent $8,181 on Office Supplies From April-June 2011, Hayworth spent $8,181.39 on office supplies from various firms. [2011 2nd Quarter Statements of Disbursement, 7/5/11] Hayworth Spent $9,500 on Travel Subsistence From April-June 2011, Hayworth’s disbursements included $9,501.68 for travel subsistence on the Citibank Government Card. Additionally, there was $5,276.80 in other travel expenses provided to various staff members. [2011 2nd Quarter Statements of Disbursement,7/5/11] Received 61% Score From Heritage Action for America Hayworth received 61 percent score from Heritage Action for America in 2011. [Heritage Action for America, accessed 8/29/11] Visitors Turned Away at District Office In July 2011, police were called by the building management of Hayworth’s district office to turn away visitors who did not have appointments with the congresswoman’s staff. MoveOn.org encouraged people to visit the office to speak about the debt ceiling and other issues. Hayworth’s office said about 30 cars were turned away. [Poughkeepsie Journal, 7/26/11] Hosted Briefing by S&P on Consequences of Debt Default In July 2011, Hayworth hosted officials from Standard and Poor’s for a briefing of House Republican freshman on the consequences of default if the debt limit isn’t raised. [businessinsider.com, 7/21/11] Offered Amendment to Cut Funding for U.S. Botanic Garden In July 2011, Hayworth cosponsored an amendment to reduce funding for the United States Botanic Garden in the Legislative Branch Appropriations Bill. The cut would amount to $632,780. [Office of Paul Gosar, 7/21/11] Hayworth a “Natural Randian” In July 2011, Hayworth said she was planning on reading Ayn Rand’s Atlas Shrugged “someday soon.” She was given a copy by friends who said she was a “natural Randian.” [humanevents.com, 7/13/11] Democratic Wins in 2008 Made Her Fear that Democrats Would “Violate What Made this Country Great” In July 2011, Hayworth said that after the 2008 elections resulting in Democratic control of Congress and the White House, she “feared they would expand the federal government to such a degree it would violate what had made this county great.” [humanevents.com, 7/13/11]

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Hayworth: States and Localities Can Do Better than Federal Government In June 2011, Hayworth said that “from her perspective, states and localities could better identify and serve the needs of their residents. She said 60 percent of the federal budget was so-called ‘entitlements’ like Social Security and Medicare, and that Medicare was spending three times more than recipients contributed from their taxes.” [Times Herald-Record, 6/22/2011] Signed Letter Against Recess Appointments In June 2011, Hayworth signed a letter to House leadership “requesting all appropriate measures be taken to prevent any recess appointment by the President for the remainder of the 112th Congress.” The coalition signing the letter “offered to man the floor in order to prevent either body of Congress to go into recess.” [Office of Congressman Landry, 6/16/2011] 2012 Campaign Blasted By Becker for Values Out of Touch with District In April 2012, Democratic candidate Richard Becker blasted Hayworth over an interview in which she said “she’s tried to find a balance between doing what’s right for the country and doing what’s right for folks back home.” “Admitting that you have a problem is half the battle, so I’m glad that Hayworth fessed up to the fact that her Tea Party ideology isn’t really compatible with the Hudson Valley,” Becker said. “This isn’t 2010 when Hayworth could claim to be a moderate in public while aggressively and successfully courting extreme Tea Party organizations behind the scenes. Hayworth’s been showing her true colors on the House floor in vote after vote. She has a record of out-of-touch extremism now, and we’re not going to let her run away from that history.” [politicker.com, 4/06/12] New York Times: Hayworth is Vulnerable In April 2012, the New York Times listed Hayworth as one several New York representatives whose seat is vulnerable, citing Democrats and independent analysts. [New York Times, 4/03/12] Slammed by Becker for Support of Ryan Budget In March 2012, Hayworth was blasted by Dr. Richard Becker for her support of Rep. Paul Ryan’s budget proposal and her claims that she was a “moderate.” “Claiming to be a moderate on the same day that the profoundly radical Ryan Plan was re-released takes plenty of Chutzpah,” said Becker. “Maybe she’s hoping that we’re stuck in the pre-Google age, where her Tea Party votes aren’t easily accessible to anyone with an internet connection - Or maybe she’s hoping that her efforts to block investments in expanded broadband access have succeeded. Either way, her record isn’t kept on an etch-a-sketch; it’s written in ink and isn’t going away.” [richbecker2012.com, 3/22/12]

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Hayworth: GOP Presidential Candidates are “Too Negative” In February 2012, Hayworth said she thought attacks orchestrated by the GOP presidential candidates were “too negative.” “I would like them to be more positive,” she said. “I ran a very positive campaign when I had a primary and general election in ‘09 to 2010.” [midhudsonnews.com, 2/15/12] Becker Declared Himself as Frontrunner Against Hayworth In February 2012, Richard Becker, a cardiologist and county legislator, sent out an email to supporters claiming that he was the frontrunner in the Democratic primary to challenge Hayworth. “Our campaign raised nearly $230,000 – four times as much as our nearest competitor, and it’s all thanks to you,” Becker wrote. “Both the Journal News and the Times Herald Record were buzzing about our new front-runner status. I cannot thank you enough for your hard work and dedication that have gotten us this far.” [politicker.com, 2/03/12] Received $2,000 from American Bankers Association On December 13, 2011, Hayworth received $2,000 from American Bankers Association PAC. This contribution brings Hayworth’s total from American Bankers Association to $5,000. [Friends of Nan Hayworth, 2011 Year-End FEC Report, Filed 1/31/12] Received $3,500 from Bank of America From October through December 2011, Hayworth received $3,500 from the Bank of America Corporate Federal PAC. [Friends of Nan Hayworth, 2011 Year-End FEC Report, Filed 1/31/12] Received $3,000 from Ernst & Young From October through December 2011, Hayworth received $3,000 from Ernst & Young in two separate contributions. [Friends of Nan Hayworth, 2011 Year-End FEC Report, Filed 1/31/12] Received $5,000 from John Boehner On December 29, 2011, Hayworth received $5,000 from Speaker John Boehner’s PAC, the Freedom Project. This contribution brings Hayworth’s total from the Freedom Project to $10,000 year-to-date. [Friends of Nan Hayworth, 2011 Year-End FEC Report, Filed 1/31/12] Received $2,000 from Goldman Sachs On December 9 and December 22, 2011, Hayworth received $1,000, respectively, from Goldman Sachs Group, Inc. PAC. This contribution brings Hayworth’s total from Goldman Sachs to $10,000 year-to-date. [Friends of Nan Hayworth, 2011 Year-End FEC Report, Filed 1/31/12] Spent $50,000 on Fundraising Consulting

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From October through December 2011, Hayworth spent $50,000 on fundraising consulting, including $30,000 to the Hallisey Group and $20,087 to the Townsend Group. [Friends of Nan Hayworth, 2011 Year-End FEC Report, Filed 1/31/12] Carrying $512,000 in Debt to Loans and Vendors As of January 2012, Hayworth’s campaign was carrying $500,000 in debt due to the candidate herself for loans, and another 12,709.95 to various vendors, including the Townsend Group and Executive Star. [Friends of Nan Hayworth, 2011 Year-End FEC Report, Filed 1/31/12] Dean: Hayworth a Vulnerable Target in 2012 In January 2012, Howard Dean predicted that Democrats would win back the House and he specifically mentioned Hayworth as a vulnerable target. “It came after this great swing, and when you do there are a lot of people who don’t normally support those kinds of politics. And the tea party hasn’t moderated itself at all. So there are a lot of people, even here in New York, for example Nan Hayworth’s district I think we will win that one back, where the people who got put in are not in sync with the voters in that district. They just voted because they were really mad and they wanted anyone but the incumbent,” Dean said. [capitaltonight.com, 1/26/12] Ball Decided Against Challenging Hayworth In January 2012, State Sen. Greg Ball decided against challenging Hayworth, opting to seek reelection to the state senate instead. “She makes it so tough to not run against her because she is disconnected from the district she represents. But this Senate seat decided the balance of power in the previous election and will be similarly important in the next election,” Ball said. “So I am focused on reelection to the State Senate.” [politickerny.com, 1/24/12] Challenged by Local Mayor In January 2012, Tuxedo Park Mayor Tom Wilson announced his intention to run for Congress in New York’s 19th District as a Democrat. “In these tough economic times, it’s outrageous that so many in Washington are more interested in bickering and naysaying than doing what's right,” Wilson said. [Roll Call, 1/19/12] Frank Raised Funds for Challenger In January 2012, Rep. Barney Frank headlined a fundraiser for one of Hayworth’s opponents, Wappinger’s Falls Mayor Matt Alexander. [politickerny.com, 1/06/12] State Sen. Ball Took Pro-Environment Stances For Potential Challenge In 2011, State Senator Greg Ball travelled around the district and spoke out against fracking.

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Some theorized that Ball was trying to gain environmental credibility to attack Hayworth. Ball would use his new environmental stances to gain votes on the left while working with his Tea Party credibility to become a serious threat to Hayworth. [acorn-online.com, 12/01/11] Wappingers Falls Mayor Matt Alexander Launched Campaign In November 2011, Wappingers Fall Mayor Matt Alexander, a Democrat, launched his campaign for the 19th district seat against Hayworth, joining Democrat Rich Becker, who previously announced his candidacy. [capitaltonight.com, 11/10/11; polhudson.lohudblogs.com, 11/10/11; hudsonvalley.ynn.com, 11/10/11] Wappingers Falls Mayor Matt Alexander Entered Race

In November 2011, Wappingers Falls Mayor Matt Alexander was the second Democrat to enter the race and had been meeting with donors and Democratic party officials in the Hudson Valley and in Washington, D.C. [politckerny.com, 11/10/11] Wappingers Falls Mayor Matt Alexander Entered Race Despite Redistricting Uncertainty In November 2011, Wappingers Falls Mayor Matt Alexander declared his candidacy, but district lines in New York were still uncertain at the time. Wappingers Falls is just south of Poughkeepsie, which Democrat Maurice Hinchey represents. Hinchey had not yet announced plans for re-election and boundaries of Gibson and Hayworth’s districts could be moved around. A spokesman for Alexander said that they did not see the district disappearing and said, “Matt’s running against Nan Hayworth and only Nan Hayworth. Anything beyond that is speculation, and not worth addressing.” [Times Union, 11/10/11]

Democratic Opponent Tyner Attended DCCC Training Session In October 2011, Democratic congressional candidate Joel Tyner attended a DCCC training session in DC. Tyner was serving his 4th term in the Dutchess County Legislature and also worked as a substitute teacher. [poststar.com, 10/27/11]