* ».. ..a.A*.. TRftst Cotton Qnofnlloni. t * .** .i Cli AKLKSTON.24. , ^ -Baltimore.25. : * * NEW YORK-^25 3 8. Liverwo*..-11 3 8d. , 1...MJiail |, IM IIMII.... .C ' Estate Joseph B. Hughes. virtue of an order of the Probal Court of-Kerihaw ! County, S. C , th utrfereigned, Administratrix of aai Eatate mil wl! at public outcry to th highest bidder on.presnises, on Tucsda rtlie 7th day of I>scet»ber, 1869, all Mi Ipcrtonal property belonging to said E Hate, consisting in part as follows Two Horses, Ecu* Heed Cattle, On ^ . " - a*. ' ILot Wo28, VJorn. r VKiu'T, riwj vviik :Se*d, Wagon, Cart, Blacksmith air Carpenter J T<m»K lMantatwa lllcnsil; Z-. - llouaehold -a id Kitchen Furniture, ti W ^ctl**%itli other articles loo numcroi > to mention. r . REBECCA A. IIUGIIES, tJTttm* Cash. Adui'x. - Nov. 18. v 2t. South Carolina, JtERSHAW COUNTY. .. -iEi'Porte, Benjamin Humphreys, Ben .Pierce, Klisha Wudkins and Will et. al. .Petition for Partition. In obedience to a decretal order in abov .. -cause, I trfll scll"bcTbrc the C«>iirt Mous in Camden, on Monday, 'Ore Cth Hayc December, next, between the legal hour of sale, .. OUO ACRES OF EASTD, tnorc oriels, lying on waters of Pin Tree Creek, inlaid County, bclnngin; to the Estate of Margaret Humphreys .nrt'wihereon she remained a 'UVVVMr^VI | '< tfb'e time of licr death. Bounded Nortl by Lands df*heirs of J. Krniidef Mc Goyy Kast T>r Lands Of-T-tcnnettn T Myers, and West and North-west lr J^ands of Charles Perkins. T£km»*-One Half Cash, balance rfi a credit of Twelve month's with interes from date," fcreuVcd by -bond, persona surety and a Mortgage of the premises ^Purchasers to pay for stamps and papers .- J. P: BOSWELL, S. K C. - Nov. 18. * St. sheriff's salls. Sheriff's Office, Camden, S C., Nov. 11,1869. BX virtue of sundry writs of & ®T t oae^ directed nod hedged",-T wil proceed to sell in front of the Cour House in Cauidcp,on the first Monday and sitth day of IKcctnber nest, withi the legal boors of cilc, the lollowin .awentibbei and dcscnkid! property*-ti wit: «- * -Owe Trwl of ILnrto'ln Kershu* Coun ty, on waters of Bl-.ek River, contain iifg,Thrc»'Hundred Acres, more or less hdnnded N-»rih by Lands of J. J. Hull Wont by Lands of J. J. Stok<8 L< Tied "Upon as the property of Join Stokes, deceased at the suit of J. J itlall, Adui'r. Tver* rn "-^-aLSD.i. 1 Ontp ¥r:n?t rtfLntftHlh waters of sani in Kershaw County, containing T\r iltteidnd Ac»es, more or lea*, boundei INorih by Laiidsofthc Estate if Italian Hya't, East by William Scott, SouHl by Angus McK isku'L, West by Eat at of Richard lljatt. Levied upon as tin ' prupcrty of flic Rstato of John Stoke? . -deceased, at the suit of J. J. Hall, Ad toiiuistrator. ' »'' : . .vrjso " The interest of Ja«. 0. Stanley in on< < Tract of Land in Kct>liaw County, m * Waters of Beaver ('reek, >kuown as tin George Hammond ll-tce, Lands of Estate of J. B. Hudson ' -Jejwc Jfril^ore, C. L. J>}'(% Kstatc Ijatid of James JJigpirt and uthors, contain nn«; Four Hundred and Twenty Fuu Acres, more or less, Levied upoo« the property of .1. D. Stanley, at rh< «uit of Ji s T', M bley. A 1.80 In obedience to an order passed a <be Court of Equity for Kershaw Co. 1 will sell all that Tract of Jjand lyin; . on the waters of Pine Tree Creok, cur taiuiuj: Three Hundred and Ninct One Acres, more or less, hi.unde .North, East and South by Win. 1< Hughes, and South aud West by J. 1: Kershaw. ALSO "Ooe Tract of Land lyin<» on bot eidee of'fuhuts's iniBCrcdk in Kersha «' s * f I 1 County, containing inrec (tenure A'Tei*. mor« or less. Levied on as tli )*»pcctjrof Jnr». T. Mathcsuti, et: al. j itife sail of J. 13 Kershaw. also-. One Tract of J/ind in Kershaw Cow tv on Lynches Cioak, containing Si Iflihdn d Acres more or less, h .undo North by Lauds of Daniel McKa<kii Sooth by Lands of the Estate of Jom than Newman, East by Lynches Creel West by Lauds of L W. It. IJIair.> Eevied npon as the property of A I. x.n f <ier McDonald, at the suit of J. 1 Young. amo ; One Tract ofl^aml in Kershaw Com ty, 3 miles East of Camden, coutainin Four .llundied and Seventy Two Acre a\>ou't one half in woods with about Twci ty Five Aores under cultivation sm» framed House with two rooms and pw well water, high and healthy location The said Tract being a part of a Trai of Six Hundred and Forty Acres gran eA 16 Col Joseph Kershaw on the 2L of January, 1785. Levied upon as tl . property of Memory & Boswell, at tl Mtt of Charles D. Farrar. - Tertns Cash, purchasers paying f< etamps and papers. ,1 t * VALUABLE LAtfBS, nrEQumr.sr&fgiiaw-. Jatnes Chesuut, Kx'or. vs. Mary C. * Reynolds, Surah Clrcstrtit, Mary C. Fricrson, ct nl..-Bill for construe tion </f will, partition, &c. * In pursuance ofa'decrcc made in the above cause, at September Term, A. D 18G9, *c will expose to public f=alc foeie f..r« ihr* Crmrt Hovfc rn Canuhm, at 11 o'clock-) A. W., on Monday c tho 6th day of December, proximo, ^ the following VALUABLE LANDS c ie 1. " BELLE MONTE'.That most n desirable Plantation on the East side of Wetcree llivor, c«mtriuing.over J. AtftES % 4 I # ' ' of tho ohoioMit lands in the State.-. 13 There is a l**ge Settlement mi- the place, and rite crop wow on it will give souio indication of its capacity. > 7 - I » V " » m/-»TTTVT /lDLMi'ir DI AVTAj 2. I KJ U tl; i lii&ii a TION," adjoining the above, coinpri. sicg over 4,50© ACRES, | fertile, healthful, abundantly watered, and heavily timbered, running back eastward from Wutcrcc River about five miles. This place is subdivided £ into Twenty one Farms. It is intersected by "The South Carolina Hail Koad, the Charleston l'.oud and Black Hivcr , i Rtsird," making all the farms accessible. ... > Terms.Ofic-tilth Cash, balance on e a credit of one, two srofl "three years, i*i Z tcrest from date payable aniKully at 7 i, per cent., secured by "btwri, personal t surety, and a nwrtgnge of Ac prcniisas,' ti .with the privilege*© pureli«st*rs to pay all cash. Puichasers to pay for {Rumps, '. paj-cis and recording. V An agent on »lac place xvill show Ihc lands, and the plats-can be seen at the ft offiicc of \Vm. Ms Shannon, t JAMES CliKSXUT. il \YM. M. SHANNON, Special Masters and Receivers, i. Nov. 11. ($13.00) 4t. T1 e State South Carolina, IN EQUITY.Sumter County. In Court Common Pleas. John S. Bradley, ^ , 0 [ Bill. ' Kitscy Mcleod, etal ) Z ( ' In obedience to the order in the above '. stutc case, dated October 14th 1869, I n will offer for -mIc at pub ie outcry at 11 Suwter Court House, on the first Jinnday in December trext, the lauds beInngHig to Estate of.John NvMeLcud, lr deceased, consist!eg t>f about I* 1,790 ACRES, situate in the Cwtinty nf Kershaw and '* State a'oresnid. Jioutded on the N* rtli 11 by Lands o! Samtiel Shannon, Kast by Lands of Joshua Davis, South by Ijindof William Burrows, and M e-t by Lands of Rotate of James Chc-nut; e upon the following Terms, to wit: One half of the purchase money ' Cash, and the balance on a credit of * une year, with interest from the day of 1 Sale, to be scoured by bond i.f the purB: chaser and mortgage of the premises. 2 Purchasers to pay t«»r Stamps and > Papers. T. J. COG 11 LAN, * Sheriff, S. C. Nor. 11. ($7 50.) 4t J The State of South-Carolina, 2 IN EQUITY.Sumter County. r ) J. II. McLcod, Administrator, tut. J. £ M. DeSaussure, et ul..Bill to sell Ileal Estate, Maa-hal Abscts and lier lii/. s In obedience to tlte order in the above c stated cane, titled October 14< li 18G9. I will (Her tor sate xt public outt-rv, at Sumter Court House, on the first Mon t day in December tfcxt, the Ends be,f lunging to the Estate of Jeremiah li. j. McLcod, deceased, in two parcels to i. wit: y That part of said real estate lying on J the West side of the public road leading J. from the town of Sumter through the [, .-aid real estate to the town <>f Camden, containing about Ninety Eight Acres in one parcel, and that p irr of the said 1, real estate, lying on llie East side ot w -aid public liofld, Containing iibi.yt five J liundre t ana f/igm Acres in aunt Her lC' parcel. One half id lhojiurclia.se money ^ to be paid Cash, artici the balance oil n credit of ope wiih interest from the day of sale; payment to be secured j. by i lie bond of ihc purchaser and inoi lx o"{?,! F remi.-es. j The nioroajtcd premises consist inp'of I about Six Hundred smd Six Acres of Land adjoiningXttnda of John M. Do; Saus ure and others, and having been _ purelmscd from \V. \V. Wilkinson by the Intestate Jeremiah K. Me Lend.. ) Purchasers to pay f««r Stamps and Pal»ers. f T. J. IXMJ II LAN, Sheriff, S. C. v ii /sinMn ' At . 1 It 4 V l/u I *V. ir . J; Sale of Heal Estate. II By permission of J. F Sutherland, »d Judge of Probate, I will >cll before the «. (louit House door in Guiidcn on the ct first Monday in December between the t legal I ours of sale, one hundred and st twenty-five acres of land, more or le-s, ic l)i'i» on the w.itersuf White Uuk Creek io iu Kershaw County ARCH IB A LD;0 W EX S, ur ; Adui'r. . NpT. lL, , . 44. r The subscriber, feeling very gratcfu for I he past liberal patrorTago bestowed upon iiiiu at his Old Stand, would re. spectfully onh'ouncfc fo tlite. citisiapB of K'Tsbnw, Lancaster, Sumtor, ltichland and iuirfield Districts that ho has rente ved to his IT£W STORf, On the Corner of, J Broad and DeKalb Streets, where he has opened one of the best "nil vnrioil Sfrtolf nf (roods Ever offered in thit Market, I » Which hc^ is determined to sell rciy low, fcoawsting of "Staple -eud FaDcy JDJ3T5T o-oore, r-j. MEATY AND FANCY GROCERIES, Hardware, Wooden Ware, OUTLBRT, Saddlery and Harness, Crockery and Glass Ware. llams, lard, Bacon, CORN AND FLOUR, Always on-Uand, WiUi every tiling gsneraiBy fccpt in a wdt selected S'.odfc. I GIVE US A CALL. JAMES JONES. Camden, Nov. 4. tF I Soutli-OardBiia, KERSHAW.In Eqnity* In {he Circuit Court. Nancy M Kelly, v*. ManscI P. Krfly, J. lto«s Dyv, .IdMiinitftivtor, vt al.. ' Hill f<* Partition. &c. In putsutrnce of orders made In ahovc cause at September Term, 1869, 1 will, offer at public fj.-Jc before the Coort'. House in Camden, on Monday, the 6ih day of December, prux , all i.lut TRACT OF LAND, lyion intnid County, on waters of White Oak and Granny'* Quarter Creeks, containing FIVE IIUNDllKC) AND TWENTY ACRES, being the Tract whereon John lly deceased, resided, bounded by land of Jesse Kilgorct Mrs. MePowull, Richard Owens deceased, and Wm. Draki-ford, being the Tract ordered to be conveyed to said Nancy M. Kelly, under former orders of this Court, and the terms never being complied with, it is now sold at her risk. Tkk.MS.One fourth Cash, balance on a credit of one mid two years, with inter est from d<te, payable annually, secured by bond, personal surety mid n mortgage »d the premises, i'urchaser to pay lor stamp* and papers. C. SHIVER, Clerk. Nov. 11. (67.60) 4t Assignee's Sale. In the matter of Thomas SCaNLon, Bankrupt. In pursuance of.in order from Hon. W. J. Cluweon, Bogut r in Bankruptcy, 4th Concessional District, S. (?., 1 will sell at the Court Iluuso in Camden, S. C.. to the highest bidder, on the 2nd day of December, A. 1)., 1809, the in..r .1 n ul,,...ii,.,,] Il-m.kriint in H a Ul 11. V HUUIV KUMIV* . J' - . and to one Tract of l^tud, containing Five Hundred «nd Twenty-Four Acres inoic c»r less, situated en the waters of' Hrotti Creek, in County of Kershaw, bounded North by lands of namfttotid arud llram Creek, Sotlih "by Lands of Jci-se Kilgorc, West by Lands ot'O. S. Lynn, East by Lands of J. lieatfy. Tkkms, CVIi, purchaser to pay for Title Deeds and Stamps. J. M. GAYLE, Assignee. ' . Nov. 11. 2t. "mill pond ~~ AND Channel Oysters* After the 1st of November, it is proposed to furnish these Oysters, either in I lie shell or opened, in quantities to suit purchasers, uud at the lowest market prici s. The Mill Pond Oysters supplied will he celebrated GULL A ISLAND OYSTEK, from the Lucas Mill Pond, ut Cliaileston, which, for plumpness, is well known to be unsurpassed. Terms cash. Orders solicited front all parts of the country. Address THOMAS McCKADY Agent. P. O. I lux No. 339, Charleston, S. C. Kkfkkknckb..James Adgor & Co., Hon. J. B. Campbell, Dr. St. UavencI, David Jonuing*, McCrudy & Sou, W. G. T)iuple, Johu S. llyun. Oct 14. lm. , Notice to Trespassers* All perilous arc furbiddou to hunt or trespass in any other utonncr upon my LANDS. The law will be rigidly enforced agaiust offenders. .. 8. H. YOUNG. 1U 4 maroon j cu v)uihi ID 4 Opy*.Lihen Dinner Cloihs-^Xapkliis, ID match name; ' !f Towel* from 10 cents to 91, or from $1.20 to 812 perdoxen. x ' (loner-comb Qnilts, Marseilles Quilts, at allIprites. CapslTnerra. Tweeds. BroodVIoths, Snti-i nets. Jeans, Kerseys. Linaey, flannels, Bed Blankets. Prints. Bleached Sheeting and Shirting. Yarns. Brown Cottons' and Osnabtirg*. » -CARPETS in Hemp, Wool. 2-pl.y Aliwool, 3-plv Aliwool, Tapestry, Brussels, Velvet, and RUGS to mutch. FLOOR OrLCLOTHin4-4,6-4. 8-4,12-4 and tfr-4.cut to suit'.' 1 1 WINDOW SHADES in every color and width.cut to fit. Agencies. We are Agentsfor the beat brand ofBROWN .GOODS in tho State, and give our customers advantages on them. S1 ALSO. A gen as for good YARNS. ** - -* « A lj Our turret uepanmeni uuu uur Wholesale Department. Are new and fixed feororeatrt fliBT bn finest), and we compete outaide of this market in them. ».». R.C SHIVER. Colnmbin. 8.-C. - - No». 4..'T4. South Carolina, KERSHAW tOtMY. IN THE PROBATE GO CRT. Hall T. M'cOce, vt. Amanda Wheeler, Sarah Warren, ct. al. Pttfiron far Partition. Il appearing To my satisfaction, that Mrs. Amanda Wtaceler, Martha Ancle S.trah Warren, Margaret Warren, S. S. Prentiss Warren, Anna Warren, IMcr Wat reft, Joseph Warren and Marian Warroo, Joseph Wheeler and Anna Wheeler Lis wife, defendants to above Petition, are beyond xnd reside wtthont the limits' of this State. It is o-aetid on motion of Shannon, Solicitor tcr Petitioner that the said defendants «do plead, answer or demnr to the above Petition within forty days from the publication of this order, in default thereof, an order pro confesso will be eutercd against thetn. J. F. SUT11EKLAND, J. P. Nov. 4. 6t SALE OP Valuable Real Estate. A. J. Haile, ct al ") vs. [ Bill for Relief Laura J. IJaile, ct al, ) In obedience to an order from Judge L. HouZ'-r, made in above stated case, I will offer for sale, before tho Court Mou.*c in Camden, on Monday, the Gth day of December, next, ihc real estate of tho luto James C. Haile, situated about eleven miles north-east from Cnmden, and consfcfchjg of vo valuable parcels, viz: The Davis Tract of 2S0 12, Acres with a settlement thereon. T. : Home Place, of 715 Acres, with u Sue -rcsi' dcncettrnl settlement thereon. lYaet; No. 3, of397 1-2 Acres. Tract No. 4.' of '311 1-2 Acres, and Tract No. 5 of 194 Acres. The tlirco Tracts' just named constituting the Granny's ^uar-; tor Creek Plantation. Plata of the: land can bo seen and information given by calling on the Undersigned. Tkrjls.One fourth Cash, balance on a credit of one, two and three years, uccured by. bund with two or more SUrclicp nnd mortgage of the premises sold. Ptjfchasers to p»iy for stamps and papers. ' ' J. D. DUNLAP, Nov4.-^»5tV Special Rcc'r. Asslimce's Sale. In the matter of William Clyburn, """ Jr., Bankrupt. It is ordered, by Hon. W. J. Clawson, llcgister in Bankruptcy, there being no opposing interest, that the chases in action of the above named Bankrupt, be sold at public auction on -the 15th ol November, 1 fc69, at the Court House iu Camden, S. (1. J. >1. OAYLE, Assignee. Not. 4. 2t Country Produce. The- highest market prices paid for Cotton and other Country IVoduco, by JAMES JONES. Not. 4. tf. Advances on cotton, Liberal advances made on COTTON shipped to our friends in Charleston, Baltimore and New York. JAMES JONES. Nor. 4. if. 7 I ! NEW COOJtS. A-o ."' r^ *C. * ,.* Av < s WE are again in receipt 01% fllll line of ail the popular'Good*: We have irttro* duced many of thcin this season at lower prices than We opened the sem*QA.with. We 'Cn-Jitiefala i few of them.-vis : FRENCH MERINO, aircolor*'..! S1.00 FRENCH ALL WOOL DELAINE DO. 50 SafekFlannels, Fancy BtJaiT)cs» Reps. Fancy fftid*". Poplins. Empress "d-mis, Cloth of Italy, Cloth te Venic-:. Satins. Velvets. Toil de Vetticfei Shawls, Cloaks, Gents' Sha*-ls, Bedouins, Bugjiv Laps, Umbrellas, Knit Goods, Indies' Vests, Gents' Vests an^ .Pants in 8:1k, Scotch Wool, and Meripo to match. Ladies'. Gents' and Children's Hose in Wool, Merino, Cotton, Ribbed and Plain Goods, Notions. Small Wares and Haberdashery of every description, Embroideries. Laces, Sctafn MahCTerValenciennes. Honitpn ..Cluney. &.C. Real Lnfies from 50 .cents to 86 per ya'rd. _Whue Gdbds of all grades 7rt Swis«cs. JnfoWiXs, Cam trie, Per calcs, Dimiijr. Linen. Si.t.r\ V, 10 4 Bleai-hcdT)amaaJI, 7> 8.9 and 10 4 Brown DamasJK 1 15*4 Raby Wine Cjoth. 8-4 8dfrlet Wine Croih, I 4 - . <> rr> _ riA<k r li IliWiii i ^ ^ - Tr^n^t'L 11 Sale ofBeal Estate. By permission of J. F. Sutherland Judge ol Prubare, 1 will expose fu sale before the Court House door i Camden on the first Monday in Decen: ber between the legal ho'urs of sale, a that parcel Lahd, known as lot Nc 1140, trith all the iraprovenionts theri on situated North west corner of Churc and York streets, known as the propel tjr of Douglas Minton deceased. Terms made known at the time c sale. .. .J. L MTCKLE, Adm'r. iF^riva-te Sale That elegant and opacious Rcsidcnc of (he late 0. J. Shannon, fitnated oi the turner of Broad nod Btrandnr; streets, Comdcto, adjoining Kirk wood The House contains Ten Rooms, witl wide Hulls, on a finished brick basemen and is must substantially and haud?omc ly built. The premises ate very complete, cm bracing tntcusire accommodations fu servant*, horses &c. . " The fx* contains Sixteen Acres, con veniently divided into jaft!/, gardei and farm-. The location is very des:ra ble, soil vcty productive, health perfect convenient to ToWn and the neighbor hood most agreeable. Tkr MsF=-A<?cominodating. For immediate purchase, apply to J. B. KERSHAW. Nov. 4. tf. Assignee's Notice. IN BANffiROTTCy. In the matter of Allison A. McDow ei.l, Bankrupt. All Creditors having Liens in the a bove stated case, will establish the same before Hon. J. C. Carpenter, Registci in Bankruptcy, at his office in Charles ton, S. C., on or before the 24th dayoi VT 1 lOftft l A nr.. iiuvemucr, louy, ui uu uutivu nuui iMnj benefit in the decree for dintiibutiou U. be made in the said ease. L. B. STEPHENSON, . Not. 4..3t. Assignee. Charieston News copy once » week for three weeks, aud send bill to the Assignee. Assignee's Notice. IN BANKRUPTCY, In the matter of James L. McDowell Bankrupt. All Creditors having Leans in thcabovt stated ease, will t?st blish the same be fore Hon. J. C. Carpenter, Register ir Bankruptcy, at bis office in Charleston S. C., ou or before the 24th day of No vciubcr, 1869, or be barred from anj benefit in the decree for distribution t< be mado in the 3aid ease. L. B. STEPHENSON, Nov. 4..3t. Assignee. KERSHAW, In the Probate Court. Benj J. Humphreys and Susan hi: wife; Benj. J. Radcliff, cfc. al .ct Josiah Parish, Harriet his wife, Re becca, Radcliff. "t al. Petition fur Partition. It appearing to my satisfaction, thai Josiah Parish and Harriet Parish, hi: wife, Rebecca Radcliff and the childrcr of Samuel lladcliff, deceased, wliosi names aro unknown, defendants to tlx above Petition, are beyond and reside without the limits of this State, It i.< ordered, on motion of Shannon, Solicit or, for Petitioners, th«» the said defend ants, do plead, answer or demur to the above Petition within forty days from the publication of this order. In dc fault whereof, an order pro coufosse will trc entered amidst them. J F.SUTHKI L VND, J. P. No\. 4. (it Assignee's Sale. In the mattcrof Jos. M Gayle, Hank' rupt. Tt is ordered, by^ lion. W. I. Olawson Register in Bankruptcy, there being nr opposing interest, that the choscs in ac tion ot the ubovc named Bankrupt, lx sold at public auction on the lHh ol November, I860, at the Court Iloust in Camden. 8. C. WM. CLYBURN, Jr., Nov. 4. 2. ~ J. D. AIKEN, & CO., Cotton Paotore AINU Commission Merchants, CHARLESTON, S C. Will make liberal advances on al COTTON consigned to them or to thcii friends in New York. Oct. 14. lm. Notice is hereby Given, That 1 will apply, thirty days aftn date, to the Judge of Probate for a fi nal discharge from the guardianship o the person and estate of my ward, Vic toria Peak. . FRED. BOWEN. Oct. 7. 5t. DISSOLUTION. The Mercantile Copartnership here toforo existing under tho name o " »- 1--.. 1 Jloon!.. UAKTEK Ol. V/UKSHUr, HUM ucuu uioov.. ed by mutual consent. Mr. Carter wil close the'busiucss of the concern. K. J. CARTER, J.A.CHESNUT, . Oct. 23. 4t Loots'£>W ' FORTHE^.. ; GOLDEN BOOT, Opposite the Market! J . WM. COHNi "*? ' > Who has been a fwreiuap and^Crttf ter,.in the largest Boot and Shoemsp. e king Establishments in the United n States, desires to iuform the public y that he has pYocured all M:»6Mtfety, I. ImphrtBcntB and Slcttfc iXccstftotf fJc li the carrying cfa of -a ; ' ! Boot and Shoe Manufacturing establishjimt, he is now prepared to aceotijujoJatO r every body iu want of well fitting V. BOOTSj:-;, ! Shoes, Gaiters, Slippers, OVER-SHOES, Or anything to chttlrt; Ihn "ttn&erstanding" of katiics, Gentlcfcren Mtwes, Boys, Children tard Bableft r A fine stock of ~ LEATHER AND FINDINGS always kept on honrd. 1 Also.am assortment of * ; BOOTS AND SHOES, r All of which arc offered for salo on tTrti f Lowest T?6misi All Custom Work Wurt-autdk ' t ,r . t I have put the lowest prico on. nil my Goods, and shall aalmre strictly tn The One Price System. Give me a call, look at my Goo<ta sec my Work and you will be pleased and sad-ficd. Oct. 21. HEW FALL GOODS. > M'BOJAIDA JI'Cl'KBY , Offer to the public a CHOICE "VARIETY OF i FALL A WIHTER GOODS, ) Embracing Every Tiling' Uasual'y found in a Retail Store, which they will sell at THE LOWEST FIGURES For CASH, Or in exchange for COUNTRY ^ROOUCE. ( They iovite particular attentat* to j tho following specialties: I Ladies' Dress Goods* ; Fancy Goods, Trimmings* ' Hardware, Crockery, Grlass Ware, Boots and Shoes, Hats mid Caps, t Ready-made Clothing, &C, &C. &t\ &c, Feeling satisGed that our Stock of Goods is equal to any other hottsc, in prices and styles, we respectfully invito old customers and friends to examine the same, and to bring along With them > all their neighbors and friends > Mcdonald & mccurry. Oct. t. tf; ' WRMOVAT.. > JL*j M_« X> A. » isjut ;; D. L mm & CO, Having removed to the stand just vacated by Mr. James Jones, are now oflcring ao entirely new, large and well selected r Stock of Goods, Comprising i BAGGING AND TIES, r GROCERIES, DRY GOODS, Crockery and Glassware, HARDWARE, * Boots and Shoes, dc., invite tho attention of the people of Ivcrshaw, Lancaster and Sumter to an examination, promising the most ad» vantageous terms to purchasers. i GIVE US A CALL. j BSyThis stock of ("Jroccries has been selected wiin a special rererencc to our local market. D. L. DeSAUSSURE k, CO. Oct. 7. If.

rente prices GOLDEN BOOT, Fancy *? and^Crttfchroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn86053067/1869-11-18/ed-1/seq-3.pdf*»..a.A*.. TRftstCottonQnofnlloni. t *.**.i CliAKLKSTON.24.,-Baltimore.25.:

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* ».. ..a.A*..

TRftst Cotton Qnofnlloni.t

* .** .iCliAKLKSTON.24. ,

^-Baltimore.25. : * *

NEW YORK-^25 3 8.Liverwo*..-11 3 8d. ,

1...MJiail |, IM IIMII....

.C '

EstateJoseph B. Hughes.virtue of an order of the Probal

Court of-Kerihaw ! County, S. C , th

utrfereigned, Administratrix of aaiEatate mil wl! at public outcry to th

highest bidder on.presnises, on Tucsdartlie 7th day of I>scet»ber, 1869, all Mi

Ipcrtonal property belonging to said EHate, consisting in part as follows

Two Horses, Ecu* Heed Cattle, On.̂ " >« - a*.

' ILot Wo28, VJorn. rVKiu'T, riwj vviik

:Se*d, Wagon, Cart, Blacksmith air

Carpenter J T<m»K lMantatwa lllcnsil;Z-. - llouaehold -a id Kitchen Furniture, ti

W^ctl**%itli other articles loo numcroi

> to mention. r .

REBECCA A. IIUGIIES,tJTttm* Cash. Adui'x.

- Nov. 18. v 2t.

South Carolina,JtERSHAW COUNTY.

.. -iEi'Porte, Benjamin Humphreys, Ben.Pierce, Klisha Wudkins and Willet. al..Petition for Partition.

In obedience to a decretal order in abov.. -cause, I trfll scll"bcTbrc the C«>iirt Mousin Camden, on Monday, 'Ore Cth HaycDecember, next, between the legal hourof sale,

.. OUO ACRES OF EASTD,tnorc oriels, lying on waters of PinTree Creek, inlaid County, bclnngin;to the Estate of Margaret Humphreys

.nrt'wihereon she remained a'UVVVMr^VI |

'< tfb'e time of licr death. Bounded Nortlby Lands df*heirs of J. Krniidef McGoyy Kast T>r Lands Of-T-tcnnettn T

Myers, and West and North-west lrJ^ands of Charles Perkins.

T£km»*-One Half Cash, balance rfi

a credit of Twelve month's with interesfrom date," fcreuVcd by -bond, personasurety and a Mortgage of the premises^Purchasers to pay for stamps and papers

.- J. P: BOSWELL, S. K C.- Nov. 18. * St.

sheriff's salls.Sheriff's Office,

Camden, S C., Nov. 11,1869.

BX virtue of sundry writs of &®T toae^ directed nod hedged",-T wil

proceed to sell in front of the CourHouse in Cauidcp,on the first Mondayand sitth day of IKcctnber nest, withithe legal boors of cilc, the lollowin

.awentibbei and dcscnkid! property*-tiwit:

«- * -Owe Trwl of ILnrto'ln Kershu* County, on waters of Bl-.ek River, containiifg,Thrc»'Hundred Acres, more or lesshdnnded N-»rih by Lands of J. J. HullWont by Lands of J. J. Stok<8 L<Tied "Upon as the property of JoinStokes, deceased at the suit of J. Jitlall, Adui'r.Tver* rn "-^-aLSD.i.

1 Ontp ¥r:n?t rtfLntftHlhwaters of sani

in Kershaw County, containing T\riltteidnd Ac»es, more or lea*, boundeiINorih by Laiidsofthc Estate if ItalianHya't, East by William Scott, SouHlby Angus McK isku'L, West by Eatatof Richard lljatt. Levied upon as tin

' prupcrty of flic Rstato of John Stoke?. -deceased, at the suit of J. J. Hall, Ad

toiiuistrator.' »'' : . .vrjso "

The interest of Ja«. 0. Stanley in on<< Tract of Land in Kct>liaw County, m* Waters of Beaver ('reek, >kuown as tinGeorge Hammond ll-tce,Lands of Estate of J. B. Hudson

' -Jejwc Jfril^ore, C. L. J>}'(% Kstatc Ijatidof James JJigpirt and uthors, containnn«; Four Hundred and Twenty FuuAcres, more or less, Levied upoo«the property of .1. D. Stanley, at rh<«uit of Ji s T', M bley.

A 1.80In obedience to an order passed a

<be Court of Equity for Kershaw Co.1 will sell all that Tract of Jjand lyin;

. on the waters of Pine Tree Creok, cur

taiuiuj: Three Hundred and NinctOne Acres, more or less, hi.unde.North, East and South by Win. 1<Hughes, and South aud West by J. 1:Kershaw.

ALSO"Ooe Tract of Land lyin<» on bot

eidee of'fuhuts's iniBCrcdk in Kersha«' s * m« f I 1

County, containing inrec (tenure

A'Tei*. mor« or less. Levied on as tli)*»pcctjrof Jnr». T. Mathcsuti, et: al. j

itife sail of J. 13 Kershaw.also-.

One Tract of J/ind in Kershaw Cowtv on Lynches Cioak, containing SiIflihdn d Acres more or less, h .undoNorth by Lauds of Daniel McKa<kiiSooth by Lands of the Estate of Jomthan Newman, East by Lynches CreelWest by Lauds of L W. It. IJIair.>Eevied npon as the property of A I. x.n

f <ier McDonald, at the suit of J. 1Young.

amo ;One Tract ofl^aml in Kershaw Com

ty, 3 miles East of Camden, coutaininFour .llundied and Seventy Two Acrea\>ou't one half in woods with about Twcity Five Aores under cultivation sm»

framed House with two rooms and pwwell water, high and healthy locationThe said Tract being a part of a Traiof Six Hundred and Forty Acres graneA 16 Col Joseph Kershaw on the 2Lof January, 1785. Levied upon as tl

. property of Memory & Boswell, at tlMtt of Charles D. Farrar.- Tertns Cash, purchasers paying f<etamps and papers.,1 t *

VALUABLE LAtfBS,nrEQumr.sr&fgiiaw-.

Jatnes Chesuut, Kx'or. vs. Mary C.* Reynolds, Surah Clrcstrtit, Mary C.

Fricrson, ct nl..-Bill for construetion </f will, partition, &c. *

In pursuance ofa'decrcc made in theabove cause, at September Term, A. D18G9, *c will expose to public f=alc foeief..r« ihr* Crmrt Hovfc rn Canuhm,at 11 o'clock-) A. W., on Monday

c tho 6th day of December, proximo,^ the following


ie 1. " BELLE MONTE'.That most

n desirable Plantation on the East side ofWetcree llivor, c«mtriuing.over

J. AtftES%4 I #


of tho ohoioMit lands in the State.-.13 There is a l**ge Settlement mi- the

place, and rite crop wow on it will givesouio indication of its capacity.

> 7 - I » V" » m/-»TTTVT /lDLMi'ir DI AVTAj2. I KJ U tl; i lii&ii a

TION," adjoining the above, coinpri.sicg over

4,50© ACRES,| fertile, healthful, abundantly watered,

and heavily timbered, running backeastward from Wutcrcc River aboutfive miles. This place is subdivided

£ into Twenty one Farms. It is intersectedby "The South Carolina Hail Koad,the Charleston l'.oud and Black Hivcr

, i Rtsird," making all the farms accessible.... > Terms.Ofic-tilth Cash, balance on

e a credit of one, two srofl "three years, i*iZ tcrest from date payable aniKully at 7i, per cent., secured by "btwri, personalt surety, and a nwrtgnge ofAc prcniisas,'ti .with the privilege*© pureli«st*rs to pay

all cash. Puichasers to pay for {Rumps,'. paj-cis and recording.V An agent on »lac place xvill show Ihc

lands, and the plats-can be seen at theft offiicc of \Vm. Ms Shannon,t JAMES CliKSXUT.il \YM. M. SHANNON,

Special Masters and Receivers,i. Nov. 11. ($13.00) 4t.

T1 e State South Carolina,IN EQUITY.Sumter County.

In Court Common Pleas.

John S. Bradley, ^ ,

0[ Bill.' Kitscy Mcleod, etal ) Z (' In obedience to the order in the above'. stutc case, dated October 14th 1869, In will offer for -mIc at pub ie outcry at11 Suwter Court House, on the first Jinndayin December trext, the lauds beInngHigto Estate of.John NvMeLcud,lr deceased, consist!eg t>f about

I* 1,790 ACRES,situate in the Cwtinty nf Kershaw and

'* State a'oresnid. Jioutded on the N* rtli11 by Lands o! Samtiel Shannon, Kast by

Lands of Joshua Davis, South by IjindofWilliam Burrows, and M e-t byLands of Rotate of James Chc-nut;

e upon the following Terms, to wit:One half of the purchase money

' Cash, and the balance on a credit of* une year, with interest from the day of1 Sale, to be scoured by bond i.f the purB:chaser and mortgage of the premises.2 Purchasers to pay t«»r Stamps and> Papers. T. J. COG 11 LAN, *

Sheriff, S. C.Nor. 11. ($7 50.) 4t

J The State of South-Carolina,2 IN EQUITY.Sumter County.r

)J. II. McLcod, Administrator, tut. J.

£ M. DeSaussure, et ul..Bill to sellIleal Estate, Maa-hal Abscts and lierlii/.

s In obedience to tlte order in the abovec stated cane, titled October 14< li 18G9.

I will (Her tor sate xt public outt-rv, atSumter Court House, on the first Mon

t day in December tfcxt, the Ends be,flunging to the Estate of Jeremiah li.j. McLcod, deceased, in two parcels toi. wit:y That part of said real estate lying on

J the West side of the public road leadingJ. from the town of Sumter through the[, .-aid real estate to the town <>f Camden,

containing about Ninety Eight Acresin one parcel, and that p irr of the said

1, real estate, lying on llie East side otw -aid public liofld, Containing iibi.yt fiveJ liundre t ana f/igm Acres in aunt Her

lC' parcel. One half id lhojiurclia.se money^ to be paid Cash, artici the balance oil n

credit of ope wiih interest fromthe day of sale; payment to be secured

j. by i lie bond of ihc purchaser and inoilx

o"{?,! F remi.-es.j The nioroajtcd premises consist inp'ofI about Six Hundred smd Six Acres of

Land adjoiningXttnda of John M. Do;Saus ure and others, and having been_ purelmscd from \V. \V. Wilkinson by

the Intestate Jeremiah K. MeLend..) Purchasers to pay f««r Stamps and Pal»ers.f T. J. IXMJ II LAN,

Sheriff, S. C.v ii /sinMn '

At. 1 It 4 V l/u I *V.

irr» .

J; Sale ofHeal Estate.II By permission of J. F Sutherland,»d Judge of Probate, I will >cll before the«. (louit House door in Guiidcn on thect first Monday in December between thet legal I ours of sale, one hundred andst twenty-five acres of land, more or le-s,ic l)i'i» on the w.itersuf White Uuk Creekio iu Kershaw County

ARCH IBA LD;0WEX S,ur ; Adui'r.

. NpT. lL, , .44.


The subscriber, feeling very gratcfufor I he past liberal patrorTago bestowedupon iiiiu at his Old Stand, would re.

spectfully onh'ouncfc fo tlite. citisiapB ofK'Tsbnw, Lancaster, Sumtor, ltichlandand iuirfield Districts that ho has renteved to his

IT£W STORf,On the Corner of,

JBroad and DeKalb Streets,where he has opened one of the best"nil vnrioil Sfrtolf nf (roods

Ever offered in thit Market,I »

Which hc^ is determined to sell rciylow, fcoawsting of "Staple -eud FaDcy



Hardware, Wooden Ware,OUTLBRT,

Saddlery and Harness,Crockery and Glass Ware.

llams, lard, Bacon,

CORN AND FLOUR,Always on-Uand,

WiUi every tiling gsneraiBy fccpt in a

wdt selected S'.odfc. I


JAMES JONES.Camden, Nov. 4. tF


Soutli-OardBiia,KERSHAW.In Eqnity*

In {he Circuit Court.Nancy M Kelly, v*. ManscI P. Krfly,

J. lto«s Dyv, .IdMiinitftivtor, vt al..' Hill f<* Partition. &c.In putsutrnce of orders made In ahovccause at September Term, 1869, 1 will,offer at public fj.-Jc before the Coort'.House in Camden, on Monday, the 6ihday of December, prux , all i.lut

TRACT OF LAND,lyion intnid County, on waters ofWhite Oak and Granny'* QuarterCreeks, containing FIVE IIUNDllKC)AND TWENTY ACRES, being theTract whereon John K« lly deceased,resided, bounded by land of Jesse KilgorctMrs. MePowull, Richard Owensdeceased, and Wm. Draki-ford, beingthe Tract ordered to be conveyed tosaid Nancy M. Kelly, under former ordersof this Court, and the terms never

being complied with, it is now sold ather risk.Tkk.MS.One fourth Cash, balance

on a credit of one mid two years, withinter est from d<te, payable annually,secured by bond, personal surety midn mortgage »d the premises, i'urchaserto pay lor stamp* and papers.

C. SHIVER, Clerk.Nov. 11. (67.60) 4t

Assignee's Sale.In the matter of Thomas SCaNLon,

Bankrupt.In pursuance of.in order from Hon. W.J. Cluweon, Bogut r in Bankruptcy,4th Concessional District, S. (?., 1 willsell at the Court Iluuso in Camden, S.C.. to the highest bidder, on the 2ndday of December, A. 1)., 1809, the in..r.1 n ul,,...ii,.,,] Il-m.kriint inH a Ul 11. V HUUIV KUMIV* . J' - .

and to one Tract of l^tud, containingFive Hundred «nd Twenty-Four Acresinoic c»r less, situated en the waters of'Hrotti Creek, in County of Kershaw,bounded North by lands of namfttotidarud llram Creek, Sotlih "by Lands ofJci-se Kilgorc, West by Lands ot'O. S.Lynn, East by Lands of J. lieatfy.Tkkms, CVIi, purchaser to pay for

Title Deeds and Stamps.J. M. GAYLE, Assignee. '

. Nov. 11. 2t.

"mill pond~~


Channel Oysters*After the 1st of November, it is proposedto furnish these Oysters, either in

I lie shell or opened, in quantities to suitpurchasers, uud at the lowest marketprici s.The Mill Pond Oysters supplied will

he celebrated GULL A ISLAND OYSTEK,from the Lucas Mill Pond, utCliaileston, which, for plumpness, iswell known to be unsurpassed.Terms cash. Orders solicited front

all parts of the country. AddressTHOMAS McCKADY Agent.

P. O. I lux No. 339, Charleston, S. C.Kkfkkknckb..James Adgor & Co.,

Hon. J. B. Campbell, Dr. St. UavencI,David Jonuing*, McCrudy & Sou, W.G. T)iuple, Johu S. llyun.

Oct 14. lm.

, Notice to Trespassers*All perilous arc furbiddou to hunt or

trespass in any other utonncr upon myLANDS. The law will be rigidly enforcedagaiust offenders.

.. 8. H. YOUNG.

1U 4 maroon j cu v)uihi

ID 4 Opy*.Lihen Dinner Cloihs-^Xapkliis,ID match name;

' !f

Towel* from 10 cents to 91, or from $1.20to 812 perdoxen. x


(loner-comb Qnilts, Marseilles Quilts, at

allIprites.CapslTnerra. Tweeds. BroodVIoths, Snti-i

nets. Jeans, Kerseys. Linaey, flannels, BedBlankets. Prints. Bleached Sheeting andShirting. Yarns. Brown Cottons' and Osnabtirg*.»

-CARPETS in Hemp, Wool. 2-pl.y Aliwool,3-plv Aliwool, Tapestry, Brussels, Velvet,and RUGS to mutch.FLOOR OrLCLOTHin4-4,6-4. 8-4,12-4

and tfr-4.cut to suit'.' 1 1

WINDOW SHADES in every color andwidth.cut to fit.

Agencies.We are Agentsfor the beat brand ofBROWN

.GOODS in tho State, and give our customers

advantages on them.S1


Agen as for good YARNS.** - -* « A lj

Our turret uepanmeni uuu uur

Wholesale Department.Are new and fixed feororeatrt fliBT bn finest),and we compete outaide of this market inthem. ».». R.C SHIVER.Colnmbin. 8.-C. - - No». 4..'T4.


Hall T. M'cOce, vt. Amanda Wheeler,Sarah Warren, ct. al. Pttfironfar Partition.

Il appearing To my satisfaction, thatMrs. Amanda Wtaceler, Martha AncleS.trah Warren, Margaret Warren, S. S.Prentiss Warren, Anna Warren, IMcrWat reft, Joseph Warren and MarianWarroo, Joseph Wheeler and AnnaWheeler Lis wife, defendants to abovePetition, are beyond xnd reside wtthontthe limits' of this State. It is o-aetidon motion of Shannon, Solicitor tcr Petitionerthat the said defendants «doplead, answer or demnr to the abovePetition within forty days from thepublication of this order, in defaultthereof, an order pro confesso will beeutercd against thetn.

J. F. SUT11EKLAND, J. P.Nov. 4. 6t

SALE OPValuableReal Estate.A. J. Haile, ct al ")

vs. [ Bill for ReliefLaura J. IJaile, ct al, )

In obedience to an order from JudgeL. HouZ'-r, made in above stated case,I will offer for sale, before tho CourtMou.*c in Camden, on Monday, the Gth

day of December, next, ihc real estateof tho luto James C. Haile, situatedabout eleven miles north-east from Cnmden,and consfcfchjg of vo valuableparcels, viz:The Davis Tract of 2S0 12, Acres

with a settlement thereon. T. : HomePlace, of 715 Acres, with u Sue -rcsi'dcncettrnl settlement thereon. lYaet;No. 3, of397 1-2 Acres. Tract No. 4.'of '311 1-2 Acres, and Tract No. 5 of194 Acres. The tlirco Tracts' justnamed constituting the Granny's ^uar-;tor Creek Plantation. Plata of the:land can bo seen and information givenby calling on the Undersigned.Tkrjls.One fourth Cash, balance

on a credit of one, two and three years,uccured by. bund with two or more SUrclicpnnd mortgage of the premises sold.Ptjfchasers to p»iy for stamps and papers.

' ' J. D. DUNLAP,Nov4.-^»5tV Special Rcc'r.

Asslimce's Sale.In the matter of William Clyburn,

""" Jr., Bankrupt.It is ordered, by Hon. W. J. Clawson,llcgister in Bankruptcy, there being no

opposing interest, that the chases inaction of the above named Bankrupt,be sold at public auction on -the 15th olNovember, 1 fc69, at the Court Houseiu Camden, S. (1.

J. >1. OAYLE, Assignee.Not. 4. 2t

Country Produce.The- highest market prices paid for

Cotton and other Country IVoduco, byJAMES JONES.

Not. 4. tf.

Advances on cotton,Liberal advances made on COTTON

shipped to our friends in Charleston,Baltimore and New York.

JAMES JONES.Nor. 4. if. 7



NEW COOJtS.A-o ."' r^

*C. * ,.* Av < sWEare again in receipt 01% fllll line of ail

the popular'Good*: We have irttro*duced many of thcin this season at lower pricesthan We opened the sem*QA.with. We'Cn-Jitiefala i few of them.-vis :


SafekFlannels, Fancy BtJaiT)cs» Reps. Fancyfftid*". Poplins. Empress "d-mis, Cloth of

Italy, Cloth te Venic-:. Satins. Velvets. Toilde Vetticfei Shawls, Cloaks, Gents' Sha*-ls,Bedouins, Bugjiv Laps, Umbrellas, KnitGoods, Indies' Vests, Gents' Vests an^.Pants in 8:1k, Scotch Wool, and Meripoto match. Ladies'. Gents' and Children'sHose in Wool, Merino, Cotton, Ribbed andPlain Goods, Notions. Small Wares andHaberdashery of every description, Embroideries.Laces, Sctafn MahCTerValenciennes.Honitpn ..Cluney. &.C. Real Lnfies from 50

.cents to 86 per ya'rd. _Whue Gdbds of allgrades 7rt Swis«cs. JnfoWiXs, Cam trie, Percalcs, Dimiijr. Linen. Si.t.r\

V, 10 4 Bleai-hcdT)amaaJI,7> 8.9 and 10 4 Brown DamasJK

1 15*4 Raby Wine Cjoth.8-4 8dfrlet Wine Croih,

I 4 - . <> rr> _ riA<k

r li IliWiii i^ ^

- Tr^n^t'L 11

Sale ofBeal Estate.By permission of J. F. Sutherland

Judge ol Prubare, 1 will expose fusale before the Court House door iCamden on the first Monday in Decen:ber between the legal ho'urs of sale, a

that parcel i£ Lahd, known as lot Nc1140, trith all the iraprovenionts therion situated North west corner ofChurcand York streets, known as the propeltjr of Douglas Minton deceased.Terms made known at the time c

sale... .J. L MTCKLE,


iF^riva-te SaleThat elegant and opacious Rcsidcnc

of (he late 0. J. Shannon, fitnated oi

the turner of Broad nod Btrandnr;streets, Comdcto, adjoining Kirk woodThe House contains Ten Rooms, witl

wide Hulls, on a finished brick basemenand is must substantially and haud?omcly built.The premises ate very complete, cm

bracing tntcusire accommodations fuservant*, horses &c.



The fx* contains Sixteen Acres, con

veniently divided into jaft!/, gardeiand farm-. The location is very des:rable, soil vcty productive, health perfectconvenient to ToWn and the neighborhood most agreeable.Tkr MsF=-A<?cominodating.For immediate purchase, apply to

J. B. KERSHAW.Nov. 4. tf.

Assignee's Notice.IN BANffiROTTCy.

In the matter of Allison A. McDowei.l, Bankrupt.

All Creditors having Liens in the a

bove stated case, will establish the same

before Hon. J. C. Carpenter, Registciin Bankruptcy, at his office in Charleston, S. C., on or before the 24th dayoiVT 1 lOftft l A nr..

iiuvemucr, louy, ui uu uutivu nuui iMnjbenefit in the decree for dintiibutiou U.be made in the said ease.

L. B. STEPHENSON,. Not. 4..3t. Assignee.Charieston News copy once » week

for three weeks, aud send bill to theAssignee.

Assignee's Notice.IN BANKRUPTCY,

In the matter of James L. McDowellBankrupt.

All Creditors having Leans in thcabovtstated ease, will t?st blish the same before Hon. J. C. Carpenter, Register irBankruptcy, at bis office in CharlestonS. C., ou or before the 24th day of Novciubcr, 1869, or be barred from anjbenefit in the decree for distribution t<be mado in the 3aid ease.

L. B. STEPHENSON,Nov. 4..3t. Assignee.

KERSHAW,In the Probate Court.

Benj J. Humphreys and Susan hi:wife; Benj. J. Radcliff, cfc. al .ctJosiah Parish, Harriet his wife, Rebecca, Radcliff. "t al.

Petition fur Partition.It appearing to my satisfaction, thai

Josiah Parish and Harriet Parish, hi:wife, Rebecca Radcliff and the childrcrof Samuel lladcliff, deceased, wliosinames aro unknown, defendants to tlxabove Petition, are beyond and residewithout the limits of this State, It i.<ordered, on motion of Shannon, Solicitor, for Petitioners, th«» the said defendants, do plead, answer or demur to theabove Petition within forty days fromthe publication of this order. In dcfault whereof, an order pro coufossewill trc entered amidst them.

J F.SUTHKI L VND, J. P.No\. 4. (it

Assignee's Sale.In the mattcrof Jos. M Gayle, Hank'

rupt.Tt is ordered, by^ lion. W. I. OlawsonRegister in Bankruptcy, there being nr

opposing interest, that the choscs in ac

tion ot the ubovc named Bankrupt, lxsold at public auction on the lHh ol

November, I860, at the Court Iloustin Camden. 8. C.

WM. CLYBURN, Jr.,Nov. 4. 2.


J. D. AIKEN, &CO.,Cotton Paotore


Commission Merchants,CHARLESTON, S C.

Will make liberal advances on alCOTTON consigned to them or to thciifriends in New York.

Oct. 14. lm.

Notice is hereby Given,That 1 will apply, thirty days aftn

date, to the Judge of Probate for a final discharge from the guardianship o

the person and estate of my ward, Victoria Peak.

. FRED. BOWEN.Oct. 7. 5t.

DISSOLUTION.The Mercantile Copartnership here

toforo existing under tho name o"»- 1--.. 1 Jloon!..

UAKTEK Ol. V/UKSHUr, HUM ucuu uioov..

ed by mutual consent. Mr. Carter wilclose the'busiucss of the concern.


Oct. 23. 4t

Loots'£>W '


; GOLDEN BOOT,Opposite the Market! J

. WM. COHNi "*?' > Who has been a fwreiuap and^Crttfter,.in the largest Boot and Shoemsp.e king Establishments in the Unitedn States, desires to iuform the publicy that he has pYocured all M:»6Mtfety,I. ImphrtBcntB and Slcttfc iXccstftotf fJcli the carrying cfa of -a ; '

! Boot and Shoe Manufacturingestablishjimt,

he is now prepared to aceotijujoJatOr

every body iu want of well fittingV. BOOTSj:-;,! Shoes, Gaiters, Slippers,

OVER-SHOES,Or anything to chttlrt; Ihn "ttn&erstanding"of katiics, Gentlcfcren Mtwes,

Boys, Children tard Bableft

r A fine stock of ~

LEATHER AND FINDINGSalways kept on honrd.

1Also.am assortment of *

; BOOTS AND SHOES,r All of which arc offered for salo on tTrti

f Lowest T?6misiAll Custom Work Wurt-autdk

't ,r . tI have put the lowest prico on. nil

my Goods, and shall aalmre strictly tn

The One Price System.Give me a call, look at my Goo<ta

sec my Work and you will be pleasedand sad-ficd.

Oct. 21.


,Offer to the public a



Every Tiling'Uasual'y found in a Retail Store, which

they will sell at


CASH,Or in exchange for

COUNTRY ^ROOUCE.( They iovite particular attentat* to

j tho following specialties:I Ladies' Dress Goods*; Fancy Goods, Trimmings*' Hardware, Crockery,

Grlass Ware,Boots and Shoes,

Hats mid Caps,t

Ready-made Clothing,&C, &C. &t\ &c,

Feeling satisGed that our Stock ofGoods is equal to any other hottsc, inprices and styles, we respectfully invitoold customers and friends to examinethe same, and to bring along With them

> all their neighbors and friends> Mcdonald & mccurry.

Oct. t. tf;' WRMOVAT..> JL*j M_« X> A. » isjut

;; D. Lmm & CO,Having removed to the stand just

vacated by Mr. James Jones, are now

oflcring ao entirely new, large and wellselected r

Stock of Goods,Comprising


Crockery and Glassware,HARDWARE,

* Boots and Shoes, dc.,invite tho attention of the people ofIvcrshaw, Lancaster and Sumter to an

examination, promising the most ad»

vantageous terms to purchasers.i GIVE US A CALL.j BSyThis stock of ("Jroccries has been

selected wiin a special rererencc to our

local market.D. L. DeSAUSSURE k, CO.

Oct. 7. If.