Renaissance Music

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Renaissance means rebirth, a time of discovery and reawakening of interest in all arts.The Renaissance in music, as in the past, which occurred between 1450- 1600 had musicians working in churches, courts and towns.The Papal choir increased from ten singers to twenty- four in 1483. It was during the Renaissance period that the choir was performed by an entirely male choir.

INTRODUCTIONRenaissance Music refers to the style of music that predominated from 1450- 1600. A beautiful painting or piece of music began to have value for its own sake; it was no longer regarded only as a means of religious devotion.The musical Renaissance started in Netherlands. The style and technique of the Netherlands became internationally known and imitated.

RENAISSANCE PERIODRenaissance Music is usually expressed in a moderate balanced way and there are no extreme contrast in dynamics, tone color, and rhythm.In Renaissance Music, rhythm is a more of a gentle flow than a more defined beat, because each melodic line has great rhythmic independence.

RENAISSANCE PERIODThe great names during Renaissance period are Leonardo da Vinci, Michelangelo, Deefay, Joaquin de Prez, Palestrina, Victoria, William Byrd and Monteverdi.


Renaissance musicis music written in Europe during theRenaissance. Consensus among music historians with notable dissent has been to start the era around 1400, with the end of themedievalera, and to close it around 1600, with the beginning of theBaroqueperiod, therefore commencing the musical Renaissance about a hundred years after the beginning of the Renaissance as understood in other disciplines.MORE ABOUT RENAISSANCE MUSIC

GENERAL CHARACTERISTICSOF RENAISSANCE MUSICGeneral Characteristics of Renaissance MusicThere is clarity and balance.Vocal polyphony reaches a high degree of perfection.The ideal medium is acapella singing singing without accompaniment.Modality still prevails in both secular and sacred music.

General Characteristics of Renaissance Music5. Secular music greatly increases in importance.6. An independent instrumental style emerges.7. Music printing (1501) contributes greatly to the dissemination of music literature.

Representative Forms1.Vocal Forma.ReligiousEx. MassMotet a unified piece with all voices singing the same text.1. Gothic motet nearly always based on Gregorian chant. It contains secular words.2. Renaissance motet sometimes borrows from chant but it conveys a spirit of reverence. It is serious, restrained and designed for the worship service.Representative Forms

b. Secular- Frech Chanson it is a rhythmic simple four-part song.

2. Instrumental Form a. Dance often in pairs, the first in slow tempo and the second, fast.1. Pavane Spanish, slow 4/4Galliard French, fast 2. Basse Dance French, slow Tourdion French, fast 4/4

Representative Forms

3. Fantasia passacaglia, canzona, prelude

4. Popular Instrument flute, organ, hapsichord, and clear chord.5.German Composer Claudio Monteverdi - wrote materials.Representative Forms

Outstanding Composers During Renaissance PeriodOutstanding Composers During Renaissance Period

1. English ComposersWilliam Byrd probably best English composer of the Renaissance. He composed madrigals, church music and keyboard music.2. Netherlands ComposersJacob Arcadelt - composed chansons, madrigals; an influential teacher in Rome.

Outstanding Composers During Renaissance Period

Orlando di Lasso composed leader; also wrote in French and Italian style.Johannes Ockeghem composed church music, used many devices of composition.