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reliability management

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Page 1: Reliability


Page 2: Reliability

Reliability Management

Why is it needed?

• Reliable operation of critical equipment• Planning of maintenance activities• Improved ‘quality’ of an item

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Reliability Management

Reliability management is concerned with performance and conformance over the expected life of the product

“the probability that a product or a piece of equipment performs its intended function for a stated period of time under specified operation conditions’”

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Definition of Reliability

The definition has four important elements:• Probability

• Time

• Performance

• Operating conditions

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Definition of Reliability

Probability• A value between 0 and 1• Precise meaning

e.g. probability of 0.97 means that 97 of 100 items will still be working at stated time under stated conditions

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Definition of Reliability

Performance• Some criterion to define when product

has failed

e.g. bearing clearances in an engine or amount

of emissions from a car

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Definition of Reliability

Operating conditions• These describe the operating conditions

that correspond to the stated product life. e.g. for a car engine this might mean

→ Speed→ Loading→ Effects of an expected amount of misuse such as over-revving and


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Reliability Measurement

This is based on the Failure Rate

i.e. TimeOperatingTotalFailedItemsrateFailure

Some products are scrapped when they fail e.g. hairdryer

Others are repaired e.g. washing machine.

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Failure rate over the life of a product

The failure rate is expected to vary over the life of a product – ‘Bathtub Curve’



re R






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Bathtub Curve

A-B Early Failure• ‘Infant Mortality’ Caused by

design/material flaws

B-C Constant Failure• Lower than initial failure rate and more or

less constant until end of life

C-D End of life failure• Failure rate rises again due to

components reaching end of life

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Simplifying Assumption• Exponential distribution of failure rate is

assumed. This means that the failure rate remains constant over life of product

• Bathtub curve becomes a straight line



re R


Calculating Failure Rate

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Calculating Failure Rate

Failure rate



usually expressed by the Greek letter lambda ()

The probability of a product surviving until time (t) is given by the following function:

Reliability at time (t) =e is the exponential function

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ProcedureTo establish reliability of an item:

• Conduct a series of tests until a number of them fail.

• Calculate failure rate (Lambda).

• Calculate reliability for a given time using

Reliability at time (t) = e-t

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Trial data shows that 105 items failed during a test with a total operating time of 1 million hours. (For all items i.e. both failed and passed).

The failure rate 41005.11000000105 x

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ExampleFind the reliability of the product after 1000 hours i.e. (t) =1000

Reliability at 1000 hours:

R(1000) = 0.9


)10001005.1( 4 xxe

Therefore the item has a 90% chance of surviving for 1000 hours

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• As products become more complex (have more components), the chance that they will not function increases.

• The method of arranging the components affects the reliability of the entire system.

• Components can be arranged in series, parallel, or a combination.

System Reliability

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RS = R1 R2 ... Rn

1 2 n

•For a series systems, the reliability is the product of the individual components.

•As components are added to the series, the system reliability decreases.

Series System

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Rs = 1 - (1 - R1) (1 - R2)... (1 - Rn)




• When a component does not function, the product continues to function, using another component, until all parallel components do not function.

Parallel System

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• Convert to equivalent series system






A B C’ D


RC’ = 1 – (1-RC)(1-RC)

Series-Parallel System

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The most important aspect of reliability is the design.

• It should be as simple as possible.• The fewer the number of components,

the greater the reliability.• Another way of achieving reliability is to

have a backup or redundant component (parallel component


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• Reliability can be achieved by overdesign.• The use of large factors of safety can

increase the reliability of a product.• When an unreliable product can lead to a

fatality or substantial financial loss, a fail-safe type of device should be used.

• The maintenance of the system is an important factor in reliability.


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• The second most important aspect of reliability is the production process.

• Emphasis should be placed on those components which are least reliable.

• Production personnel.


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Distributions Applicable to Reliability:• Exponential distribution.• Normal distribution.• Weibull distribution.Reliability Curves:• The curves as a function of time.

Additional Statistical Aspects