CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION This chapter contains background of the study, research question, the aim of study, scope of the study,benefits of research, previous study and definition of key terms. A. Background of Study Language is one of the elements of culture that was born of the basic needs in order to improve human civilization. Its main function is as a tool communication between humans and other function is as a tool of thought, feelings and overall support of human knowledge. 1 Language has a central role in the successful development of the intellectual, social, and emotional learning of students and support all areas of study. Language learning is important for human’s social development. As a language which is used by more than a half of population in the world, English holds the key as international language. English is a tool of communication among peoples of the world to get trade, social-cultural, science, and technology goals. Moreover, English competence is important in career development, therefore students need to understand and use English to improve their confidence to face global competition. 1 Adang Septi Librianto,”Pendekatan Kecerdasa Emosional dalam Pembelajaran Bahasa Arab,”Thesis, ( Yogyakarta,Universitasa Islam Sunan Kalijaga, 1999),p.1.

Relationship between Students' Emotional Intelligence and Their Achievement in Learning English CAPTER I

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Page 1: Relationship between Students' Emotional Intelligence and Their Achievement in Learning English  CAPTER I



This chapter contains background of the study, research question, the aim of study, scope

of the study,benefits of research, previous study and definition of key terms.

A. Background of Study

   Language is one of the elements of culture that was born of the basic needs in order to

improve human civilization. Its main function is as a tool communication between humans and

other function is as a tool of thought, feelings and overall support of human knowledge.1

Language has a central role in the successful development of the intellectual, social, and

emotional learning of students and support all areas of study.

Language learning is important for human’s social development. As a language which is

used by more than a half of population in the world, English holds the key as international

language. English is a tool of communication among peoples of the world to get trade, social-

cultural, science, and technology goals. Moreover, English competence is important in career

development, therefore students need to understand and use English to improve their confidence

to face global competition.

English is one of the international language is widely taught in many countries

around the world. Many people in different countries use English as the language of instruction

in a variety of important meetings at the international level. In education, English has a large

share because almost all of text books in various disciplines which written in English, from

elementary to university education.

As the global language, English is holds function and very large role. The implication is

that many people are try to learn to speak English well. To be able to speak good English in

dealing of global competition, many students, even elementary schools learn English as a subject

of local content.

1 Adang Septi Librianto,”Pendekatan Kecerdasa Emosional dalam Pembelajaran Bahasa Arab,”Thesis,

( Yogyakarta,Universitasa Islam Sunan Kalijaga, 1999),p.1.

Page 2: Relationship between Students' Emotional Intelligence and Their Achievement in Learning English  CAPTER I

 One of the conditions for achieving this is an adequate English language skills,

especially to communicate, both orally and in writing, because almost all the global information

resources in various aspects of life using this language.

But learning English is still regarded as difficult and boring subject by most of the

students, and often creates fear and anxiety, learner usually feel that English is one of the most

stress full classes they have had, so that English learning achievement of students is still low.

The low achievement indicates the process of learning English is not optimal. Results of English

learning achievement of students each year has not been encouraging. It can be seen the number

of students who did not pass due national exam can not reach the value of subject is English

language as required, at least 4,00.2

The fact shows that the result of teaching learning English is still low. The students have

learned English from the first-grade of junior high school until senior high school, but most of

them still cannot use English as tool of communication.3 It was not only happened to the students

who have low score, but the students who have high score in junior high school can not use

English in real communication in their level. Besides, their receptive skills are also below the

expectation. For example, the students who have graduated from senior high school, they still

find difficulty in reading English literatures.4

In this era of globalization, comparative power required capabilities and high

competitiveness, which is the capability to harness, control and develop science and technology.

This skill require the ability to master the English. Therefore, the educational program as a

means to develop the potential of individuals and pass on the knowledge, values , attitudes, and

behavior of the young generation should be designed in a more systematic.

Students who afraid to learn English is often easy to become very agitated and

takes a long time to eliminate the source of fear. Fear students will increase and they are usually

2 Republika Online,” Bahasa Inggris Jadi "Dalang" Ketidaklulusan Siswa SMP di Pacitan”

,Accessed on April 17,2013 from http://www.republika.co.id/berita/pendidikan/berita-pendidikan/12/06/01/m4xuzk-bahasa-inggris-jadi-dalang-ketidaklulusan-siswa-smp-di-pacitan .

3 Ki Supriyoko,” Masa Depan Smu Kita”surat Kabar Harian Kedaulatan Rakyat, Februari,6, 2004,P.1.4 Ibid

Page 3: Relationship between Students' Emotional Intelligence and Their Achievement in Learning English  CAPTER I

easy forget the material they learned. So fear of the English played an important role for students

in research and refrain from using language skills.

Students held negative beliefs may cause them to feel inadequate to deal and work on

English lessons, students will avoid, unmotivated or lazy to follow the lessons and assignments

given. When a student is experiencing excessive workload such tasks subjects, failure in exams

and the demands of parents of students not infrequently lead to stress and anxiety. Many parents

who impose their children with the academic demands that are difficult to achieve5.Such

conditions require emotional quality excellence in a variety of forms such as self tolerance (the

ability to regulate emotions that trigger stress or anxiety), flexibility (the ability to adapt and

adjust to certain situations), optimism and self-reliance.6

Students who have high emotional intelligence can manage stress and find the right way

to solve it,but it would be otherwise if a student has a low emotional intelligence, they will be

difficult to find a way of dealing with emotional stress. Emotional intelligence can also be used

in decision-making and action.7 Those who have high emotional intelligence will make decisions

and take appropriate action in critical situations and urgent. Besides emotional intelligence is

also useful in the adjustment and maintains good relationships with others. Those who has

emotional intelligence understand feelings of others, can help themselves, be assertive that will

make others feel comfortable, calm, and love to hang out with him. This proves that emotional

intelligence is as important as IQ.8

  Students who has high emotional intelligence are the happy students, confident, popular,

and more successful in school. They are more able to control his emotions turmoil, a sweet touch

with other people, can manage stress, and has good mental health. Salovey, Mayer, & Caruso

5Info Cara Hadapi Stress Di Sekolah Info Cara Hadapi Stress Di Sekolah Accessed on April 17,2013

from http://inspirasipsikologimotivasi.blogspot.com/2012/11/info-cara-hadapi-stress-di-sekolah.html

6 Reuven Bar-On The BarOn Model of Social and Emotional Intelligence (ESI)

Accessed on April 17,2013 from http://www.eiconsortium.org/reprints/bar-on_model_of_emotional-social_intelligence.htm

7 Daniel Goleman,”Kecerdasan Emosional Untuk Mencapai Puncak Prestasi”, (alih bahasa;Alex Trikanjono,Jakarta:Gramedia Pustaka Utama,2003),p.512.

8 Amalia Sawitri Wahyuningsih,” Hubungan antara kecerdasan emosional dengan prestasi belajar pada siswa kelas ii smu lab school jakarta timur”( Psikologi Universitas Persada Indonesia Y.A.I,Jakarta,2004) p.3

Page 4: Relationship between Students' Emotional Intelligence and Their Achievement in Learning English  CAPTER I

added that children who has emotional kecerdasans can understand emotions themselves and

others, and using emotions as information to guide your thoughts and actions.

In learning English learners vary enormously in how successful they are in learning a

second language. All people acknowledge that some individuals learn a second language easily

and some with more difficulty. Among so many factors contributing to second language learning

success, including motivation, attitude or personality types, it seems that one important factor

which accounts for success in language learning is the degree of intelligence that individuals


In fact, in learning process in the schools often found that student achievement can not

learn English, which is equivalent to the intelligence ability. There are students who have high

intelligence but the ability obtain the relatively low academic achievement, but there are students

who, although relatively low intelligence ability, can achieve a relatively high academic

achievement. That is why the level of intelligence is not the only factor that determines the

success of a person, because there are other factors that influence. According to Goleman,

intelligence quotient (IQ) only accounted for 20% for success, while 80% is the contribution of

factors other forces, such as emotional intelligence (EI): the ability to motivate yourself,

overcome frustration, impulse control, arrange mood heart, empathy and the ability to


Students in the learning process, both intelligence quotient and Emotional Intelligence is

needed. IQ can not function well without the participation emotional appreciation of the subjects

presented in school. But usually both complement each intelligence. Balance between IQ and EI

is the key to the success of students in school learning .11

Education in schools is not only to develop rational comprehension intelligence that is

generally understandable models only students, but also to develop Emotional intelligence of

students.12 This is where the importance of emotional balance, taking into account emotions can

9 Reza Pishghadam ,”A Quantitative Analysis of the Relationship between Emotional Intelligence and Foreign Language Learning”, Electronic Journal of Foreign Language Teaching, No.1,2009,p.31.

10 Daniel Goleman,”Emotional Intelligence”(Jakarta:Gramedia Pustaka Utam,2003),p.7.

11 Amalia Sawitri Wahyuningsih,Op Cit.,p.3.

12 Amalia Sawitri Wahyuningsih,Op Cit.,p.2.

Page 5: Relationship between Students' Emotional Intelligence and Their Achievement in Learning English  CAPTER I

help us speed up the learning process. Understanding emotions can also make learning more

meaningful and permanent.

Daniel Goleman, author of the book "Emotional Intelligence" that convey , emotional

intelligence is the ability to regulate emotional life with intelligence, maintaining harmony and

expression of emotion through the skills of self-awareness, self-control, self-motivation, empathy

and social skills.13

Research told us that without emotional involvement, reduced neural activity of the brain

needed for recording lessons in mind.14

In regard to the importance of emotional intelligence on students as one of the important

factors for academic achievement, in the preparation of this paper the authors are interested in

researching: "The relationship between emotional intelligence with the results of learning

English in grade II Mas Oemar Diyan in Indrapuri"

B. Research Question

  Based on the description above, it can be formulated in the following problems:

"Is there a relationship between emotional intelligence with the results of learning English in

grade III MAS Oemar Diyan Indrapuri"?

C. The Aim of study

Based on the above formulation the aim of this study is to discuss the relationship

between student’s emotional intelligence and their academic achievement in learning English at

third grade students of MAS Oemar Diyan Boarding school Indrapuri.

D.Scope of the Study

This study is limited to the psychological problems of students which include emotional

intelligence and its relationship on English learning achievement. Based on researcher

consideration in some cases, the research is carried out only in third grade Madrasah Aliyah

swasta (MAS) of Oemar Diyan Boarding School Indrapuri.

13 Oliver Schnell,et al,”Emotional Intelligence”,Thesis,(Venlo: Fast Consulting, 2007),p.7.

14 Daniel Goleman,Working With Eotional Intelligence,terj.(jakarta: Gramedia Pustaka Utama,2003),p.15.

Page 6: Relationship between Students' Emotional Intelligence and Their Achievement in Learning English  CAPTER I

E. Benefits of Research

  In terms of theory, the results of this study are expected to contribute to the development

of theory in the field of education, especially English subjects and can give an idea of the

relationship of emotional intelligence with the results of learning English.

 In practical terms, the results of this study are expected to help provide information to

parents, school counselors and teachers esspecially English teacher of MAS Oemar Diyan

Indrapuri in the development and improvement of the quality of teaching to always consider the

emotional intelligence to improve student learning outcomes and motivate students to explore

their emotional intelligence.

F. Previous Research

  There are several studies that raised about Emotional Intelligence materials in various

universities. From some research there are various kinds of focus you want to analyze, whether

the roles, relationships, and emotional urgency Intelligence. From some research on emotionally

like that described as follows.

Thesis written by Maryam Sadat Tabataba’ian in 2012 at Department of English

Language and Literature, Allameh Tabataba’i University, Tehran, Iran entitled “The

Interrelationships among Emotional Intelligence, Foreign Language Anxiety, and Willingness to

Communicate” the present study aimed to investigate the relationships among emotional

intelligence , foreign language anxiety, and willingness to communicate . To this end, 88 upper

intermediate and advanced English learners from Azaran Language College and Avesta

Language Institute were asked to complete 3 questionnaires:Bar-On’s EQ-i, Foreign Language

Anxiety (FLCAS), and Willingness to Communicate (WTC). The results of the correlational

study indicated that there was a significant relationship between EQ, WTC, and FLCAS.

The Journal of Psychological Research titled “Emotional Intelligence and Academic

Acievement among Malaysian secondary students” written by Maria Chong Abdullah, habibah

Rahil Mahyuddin and Jegak Uli in 2004 the The Faculty of Educational Studies Univerrsity

Putra Malaysia that discusses how the mechanism of EQ can enhance students’ emotional

competency which in turn improve their learning in classroom,present study was conducted inn 5

scondary school in the state of selangor,Malaysia,to examine students’ overall of EQ and the

Page 7: Relationship between Students' Emotional Intelligence and Their Achievement in Learning English  CAPTER I

relationship between student’s level of EQ and the relationship between student’s level of EQ

and their level of negative affect towards specific school tasks and academic achivement and

research finding indicate that there is linear negative relationship between students’ level of EQ

and their level of negative affect towards specific school tasks and positive linear relationship

between EQ and academic achivement and finding also indicate positive relationship between

EQ and gender different.

The Australian Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences titled “EFL Teachers' Emotional

Intelligence and Their Students' Language Achievement” by Mahanaz Saeidi and Farahnaz

Rimani Nikou at Department of English, Tabriz Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tabriz, Iran

This study aimed to investigate the relationship between Iranian EFL teachers' emotional

intelligence and their students' language achievement as well as the students' attitudes towards

teaching/learning process and EFL classroom environment considering their teachers' emotional


A Disertation by Chuan Ta Chao titled “Foreign language anxienty and Emotional

Intelligence: A study of EFL Student in Taiwan” submitted the College of Graduate Studies in

partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Education, the main focus of

this study was to examine the association between foreign language anxienty and emotional

intelligence among private collage students who learn English in Taipeh, National Taiwan


Thesis written by Hanik Badriyah in 2012 the Faculty of Teacher Training and Education

Muhammadiyah University of Surakarta, entitled “Pengaruh kecerdasan emosional dan motivasi

belajarTerhadap hasil belajar matematika siswa kelas xi Sma negeri 1 bangsri tahun ajaran

2011/2012“this study aims to identify, describe and assess the influence of intelligence

emotional math learning outcomes.

  The next essay titled”Hubungan antara”Emotional Intelligence (EI) dengan Hasil Belajar

pada Siswa Kelas XI IPS 3 SMU Lab SchoolJakarta Timur”. This thesis written by Amalia in

2004 Sawitri Wahyuningsih YAI Persada Indonesia University in Jakarta. In research

inimenggunakan kuantitaf approach that measures the relationship between emotional

intelligence with student learning outcomes. Moment Productions USING data analysis and

reliability coefficient Cronbach Alpha menggunakanrumus.

Thesis written by Siti Rofiah entitled “Pengaruh Emotional Intelligence Terhadap Akhlak

Page 8: Relationship between Students' Emotional Intelligence and Their Achievement in Learning English  CAPTER I

Siswa Di Madrasah Aliyah Negeri (Man) Malang 1 Tlogomas”that discusses the importance of

Emotional Intelligence on students as one of the most influential factor in the formation of moral.

  Thesis was written by Yusuf Habibi in 2009, the State Islamic University (UIN) Maulana

Malik Ibrahim Malang, entitled “Pengaruh Kecerdasan Emosional Terhadap Kemandirian

Belajar Siswa Al-HidayahWajak Malang”. This study used a descriptive approach of quantitative

and statistical testing using a sample of 100 respondents 85% of the population. The findings of

the research in the analysis using regression analysis of the predictors with a score of rude,

showed a positive effect on the independence between emotional intelligence students majoring

in IPS Al-Hidayah Wajak Malang.

  Thesis with the title “Peranan Emotional Intelligence (EI) dalam Meningkatkan Kualitas

Hasil Belajar Pendidikan Agama Islam Siswa AMK Kosgoro I Lawang Malang “written by

Bambang Andik the 2004 State Islamic University (UIN) Malang. The study uses qualitative

approach to the background by the opinions of experts who say that IQ is only about 20% have a

role in determining the success of life. While the remaining 80% is determined by other factors.

 From some research on the top, there is a commonality of the title and the discussion that

will be discussed in this paper will by researchers .But equation was only found on one side only

as in Emotional Intelligence. It can be concluded that no single thesis discusses any relationship

between The intelligence Emotional and learning outcomes in English, which will be carried out

studies in class III Private Madrasah Aliyah (MAS) Oemar Diyan at Indrapuri.

G. Definition of key terms

To avoid misunderstanding of the concept used in this study, the writer gives some

definition of key term as follow:

1. Relationship

The way in which two or more people or things are connected, or the state of

being connected:the study will assess the relationship between unemployment and

political attitudes.15

15Oxford Dictionaries Accessed on April 17,2013 from :http://oxforddictionaries.com/definition/english/emotional%2Bintelligence?q=emotional+intelligence

Page 9: Relationship between Students' Emotional Intelligence and Their Achievement in Learning English  CAPTER I

2. Emotional intelligence

The capacity to be aware of, control, and express one’s emotions, and to handle

interpersonal relationships judiciously and empathetically: emotional intelligence is the

key to both personal and professional success.16

3. Learning English Achievement

English achievement is the level of the students' mastery in learning English

subject. Achievement is that somebody has done successfully ,especially using their own

effort and skill.17 It is something accomplished, mainly by superior ability, special effort

and great courage.18 Referring to this study, achievement means the students are able to

achieve improved result in English, mainly in learning English.

16 ? Oxford Dictionaries Accessed on April 17,2013

from :http://oxforddictionaries.com/definition/english/emotional%2Bintelligence?q=emotional+intelligence

17 A.S. Hornby,Oxford Advance Learner Dictionary,(New York:Oxford Univesity Press,2000),p.11

18 ? HougHton Mifflin Company,The American Herritage Dictionary of te English Language,Fourth Edition http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/achievement,