Reinier GRIMBERGEN Director Science to Innovate | Royal DSM Board Member SusChem

Reinier GRIMBERGEN - SusChem€¦ · •To develop a deeper and fairer internal market with a strengthened industrial base; •To make Europe a stronger global actor Strategic priorities

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Page 1: Reinier GRIMBERGEN - SusChem€¦ · •To develop a deeper and fairer internal market with a strengthened industrial base; •To make Europe a stronger global actor Strategic priorities


Director Science to Innovate | Royal DSM – Board

Member SusChem

Page 2: Reinier GRIMBERGEN - SusChem€¦ · •To develop a deeper and fairer internal market with a strengthened industrial base; •To make Europe a stronger global actor Strategic priorities

SusChem Brokerage EventOctobre 6 2015 Brussels

IntroductionReinier Grimbergen, PhD | Director Science to Innovate | Royal DSM |

CTO Office

Page 3: Reinier GRIMBERGEN - SusChem€¦ · •To develop a deeper and fairer internal market with a strengthened industrial base; •To make Europe a stronger global actor Strategic priorities

Why are we here ?

Calls for Horizon 2020 Work Program 2016-2017 were published in September 2015

Still in the draft mode but few changes to expect

Around 100 calls are connected to SusChem Topics

Deadlines for 2016 calls start as soon as December 2015

It is the right time to start preparing project proposals

Page 4: Reinier GRIMBERGEN - SusChem€¦ · •To develop a deeper and fairer internal market with a strengthened industrial base; •To make Europe a stronger global actor Strategic priorities

The Tool

The Tool is available to all SusChem members to:

- Browse the Horizon 2020 calls vs SusChem Topics

- Submit project proposals

- Find partners

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Page 6: Reinier GRIMBERGEN - SusChem€¦ · •To develop a deeper and fairer internal market with a strengthened industrial base; •To make Europe a stronger global actor Strategic priorities

Since January 2014

The Tool


Page 7: Reinier GRIMBERGEN - SusChem€¦ · •To develop a deeper and fairer internal market with a strengthened industrial base; •To make Europe a stronger global actor Strategic priorities

Horizon 2020 strategic objectives and highlights for Work Programmes 2016-2017 by Clara de La Torre, Director Key Enabling Technologies - DG Research and Innovation

Some detailed views on the 2016-2017 calls:

Advanced Materials Research: by Jyrki Suominen, Deputy Head of Unit- DG Research and Innovation/ Advanced Materials and Nanotechnologies

Process and Biotechnologies by Carmine Marzano, Program Officer-DG Research and Innovation / Advanced Manufacturing Systems and Biotechnologies

Raw Materials’ calls in Societal Challenge 5 by Manuel Gomez Herrero, Policy Officer -DG GROW – Resources efficiency and raw materials

A look at the Agenda (I)

Page 8: Reinier GRIMBERGEN - SusChem€¦ · •To develop a deeper and fairer internal market with a strengthened industrial base; •To make Europe a stronger global actor Strategic priorities

SusChem priorities in Work Programmes 2016-2017 by Jacques Komornicki - Secretary SusChem ETP

Projects ideas presentations Session I Session II

Speed-Dating Session Supported by the Connex-me app

A look at the Agenda (II)

If you need Help go to the Speed-Dating Desk !

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Let us be creative Together !

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SusChem Brokerage EventOctobre 6 2015 Brussels

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Director Key Enabling Technologies

DG Research and Innovation

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Research andInnovation

Horizon 2020 strategic objectives and highlights in Work Programme 2016-2017

Clara de la TorreDirector "Key Enabling Technologies"

DG Research and Innovation European Commission

SusChem Brokerage Event 6 October 2015, Brussels (Belgium)

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PolicyResearch andInnovation

Strategic context:Importance of the EU Chemical Industry


• The European Chemical Industry accounts for a significant share of the world sales (16.3% of the world sales in 2013)

• Wealth creation: accounts by itself for 1.1% of the EU GDP

• 1.2 million direct jobs+ up to three times as many indirect jobs

• Extra EU trade surplus: € 48,7 billion in 2013 (Extra EU exports are around 25% of the production)

• Strong drive for innovation: € 18.6 billion investment in 2013, including R&D spending of around € 8.4 billion


Page 14: Reinier GRIMBERGEN - SusChem€¦ · •To develop a deeper and fairer internal market with a strengthened industrial base; •To make Europe a stronger global actor Strategic priorities

PolicyResearch andInnovation

Policy Context

Overarching objectives of Work Programme 2016-17supporting the President's priorities

• To boost jobs, growth and investment;

• To implement a resilient Energy Union with a forward looking climate change policy;

• To develop a deeper and fairer internal market with a strengthened industrial base;

• To make Europe a stronger global actor

Strategic priorities of Commissioner Moedas:• Open innovation, Open science, Open to the world


Page 15: Reinier GRIMBERGEN - SusChem€¦ · •To develop a deeper and fairer internal market with a strengthened industrial base; •To make Europe a stronger global actor Strategic priorities

PolicyResearch andInnovation

Horizon 2020: Key elements

• A single programme with three pillars: societal challenges, industrial competitiveness and excellence in science

• More emphasis on innovation

• More involvement of industry via the industrial deployment of key enabling technologies, and through PPPs - institutional and contractual

• Simplified access for all stakeholders


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PolicyResearch andInnovation


LEIT – NMBP part of Horizon 2020

• Guiding principles:• Partnership with industry, to stimulate private investment• Targeting value chains• Demonstration and piloting

• Support for 4 of the 6 Key Enabling Technologies (KETs)• Nanotechnologies• Advanced Materials• Biotechnology• Advanced Manufacturing / Processing Technology Readiness Levels: Bridging TRLs from 3 to 6-7, with emphasis on expected impact

(business cases) Total budget under Horizon 2020: 3.8 billion €

• Focus on EU Manufacturingin the context of '4th industrial revolution'

• Enhanced synergies with Societal Challenges / FETs

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PolicyResearch andInnovation

NMBP Work Programme 2016


• Budgets:

» NMBP: 230.78M€ (incl. BIOTEC, CSAs, ERA-NETs, NMBP-


» EeB: 49M€

» PILOTS: 32M€

» FoF: 77M€ (+ 83M€ for ICT topics)

» SPIRE: 74M€

» SME Instrument (NMP + Biotech): 39.33M€

• Types of action

RIA: Research and innovation actions (100% funding)

IA: Innovation actions (70% funding for profit-making partners)

CSA: Coordination and support actions

ERA-NET Co-fund: to support public-public partnerships

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PolicyResearch andInnovation


• Leveraging further investment

• Public – through:

Synergies with ESIF (European Structural and Investment Funds)

EMPIR (European Metrology Programme for Innovation and Research)


• Private – through contractual PPPs and JTIs:

Factories of the Future

1,150M€, leverage 5-10

Sustainable Process Industries (SPIRE)900M€, leverage 5-10

Energy-efficient Buildings (EeB)600M€, leverage at least 4

Bio-based Industries JTI (BBI), 150M€ contribution from NMBP

• European Investment Bank instruments: Loan / Equity, InnovFin

• EFSI: European Fund for Strategic Investments, to mobilise 315 billion € in support of innovation, infrastructure and SMEs

• Prepare ground for IPCEIs (important projects of common European interest)

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PolicyResearch andInnovation



STAKEHOLDERS involvement

FUNDING instruments



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PolicyResearch andInnovation

Thank you for your attention

Find out more:

• www.ec.europa.eu/research/horizon2020

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SusChem Brokerage EventOctobre 6 2015 Brussels

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Deputy Head of Unit - DG Research and Innovation / Advanced Materials and Nanotechnologies

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PolicyResearch andInnovation


The EU Framework Programme for Research and Innovation

SusChem Brokerage event:Advanced Materials in 2016 Work Programme

Leadership in Enabling andIndustrial Technologies

Jyrki SuominenDeputy Head of Unit

Advanced Materials and NanotecnologiesKey Enabling TechnologiesDG Research & Innovation

European Commission

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PolicyResearch andInnovation

Main materials challenges 2016-17

• Advanced materials and nanotechnologies for high added value products and process industries: This part of

the WP meets the challenge of enabling inventive combinations of materials, process industries, business models, and links to public-private partnerships in delivering innovative products to markets and customers that demand them. Research and innovation activities (including pilot lines) will focus on high precision processing and fabrication of smart materials structures and systems; nanotechnologies and advanced materials converging systems as a basis for next generation of high added value products in a wide range of application fields, such as transport, civil engineering, mechatronics, catalysis, bio-medical and health, textiles and packaging.


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Advanced materials and Nanotechnologies for high added value products & process industries

-NMBP-1: Novel hybrid materials for heterogeneous catalysis, RIA

-NMBP-2: Advanced Materials for Power Electronics based on wide bandgap semiconductor devices technology, RIA

-NMBP-3: Innovative and sustainable materials solutions for the substitution of critical raw materials in the electric power system, RIA

-NMBP-8: Affordable weight reduction of high-volume vehicles and components taking into account the entire life cycle, RIA

Calls 2016 NMBP

Green Vehicles PPP

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PolicyResearch andInnovation

Main materials challenges 2016-17

• Advanced materials and nanotechnologies for healthcare (nanomedicine): Nanomedicine activities aim at

shortening the long research, development and regulatory approval process, reducing the associated costs, so as to deliver safe, efficacious and cost effective products to meet the demands for improved healthcare. Operationally, they should target translation of new products from "lab-to-bedside". This should apply to all aspects of nanomedicine, including biomaterials for tissue engineered products, nanosystems and nanodevices for targeted drug delivery, diagnosis and molecular imaging, etc.


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Advanced materials and Nanotechnologiesfor Healthcare

- NMBP-9: Biomaterials for diagnosis and treatment of demyelination disorders of the Central Nervous System, RIA

- NMBP-10: Nanoformulation of biologicals, RIA

- NMBP-11: ERA-NET on Nanomedicine, ERA-NET Cofund

Calls 2016 NMBP

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PolicyResearch andInnovation

Main materials challenges 2016-17

• Advanced materials and nanotechnologies for energy applications: Activities will focus on providing advanced materials and

nanotechnologies solutions in support of implementing the European energy policy, which addresses the energy system as a whole with a focus on its sustainability and security of supply while generating affordable energy. Cost reduction through the development of new technological options for promising energy technologies considering the whole value-chain, in an approach that takes into account consumers and market factors, successful diversification of energy sources, increasing the share of energy production from renewables, decentralising energy production, development of flexible energy storage and decarbonisation of fossil energy sources rely on cross-cutting KETs.


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PolicyResearch andInnovation

- NMBP-17: Advanced materials solutions and architectures for high efficiency solar energy harvesting, IA

- NMBP-18: Advanced materials enabling the integration of storage technologies in the electricity grid, IA

Calls 2016 NMBP

Advanced materials and Nanotechnologies for Energy applications

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Page 30: Reinier GRIMBERGEN - SusChem€¦ · •To develop a deeper and fairer internal market with a strengthened industrial base; •To make Europe a stronger global actor Strategic priorities

PolicyResearch andInnovation

Main materials challenges 2016-17

• Materials Modelling: Computational materials science has

progressed into a predictive tool allowing explanation of the properties and behaviour of materials. Computational materials modelling is supported by a dedicated workprogramme area: 'Actions to support developments in, and acceptance of, nanotechnologies, advanced materials and biotechnology - Modelling for the development of nanotechnologies and advanced materials'. Beyond these dedicated activities, the development and application of materials modelling may be included where relevant, and modelling is also highlighted in a number of topics.


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Modelling for the development of

Nanotechnologies and Advanced Materials

- NMBP-23: Advancing the integration of Materials Modelling in BusinessProcesses to enhance effective industrial decision making and increasecompetitiveness, RIA

- NMBP-24: Network to capitalise on strong European position in materialsmodelling and to allow industry to reap the benefits, CSA

Calls 2016 NMBP

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PolicyResearch andInnovation

Cross KETs pilots 2016-17

• Pilots: The industrial eco-system that would deliver

nanotechnologies and material technologies to the customer and citizen, requires new strategies encompassing open innovation, accelerated approaches from the idea to the product, system-level engineering and new supply chains. Actions will principally be implemented as cross-cutting KET pilot activities building on previous research that is ready to be progressed towards industrial-scale processes, combining smart, digital fabrication technologies with smart (nano)materials.


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Cross-cutting KET pilot activities building on previous research that is ready to be processed towards industrial-scale processes.

PILOTS-1: Pilot lines for manufacturing of materials with customized thermal/electrical conductivity properties, IA

PILOTS-2: Pilot line manufacturing of nanostructured antimicrobial surfaces using advanced nanosurface functionalization technologies, IA

Calls 2016 PILOT LINES

”Systemic approaches to sustainably boost economic growth and renew Europe's industrial capacities in a world of finite resources”- contributions from NMBP, ICT and Societal Challenges

Focus Area: Industry 2020 in the Circular Economy

Pilot lines in Nanotechnology and Materials

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Innovative and responsible governance

of new and converging enabling technologies

- NMBP-30: Facilitating knowledge management, networking and coordination in the field of formulated products, CSA

- NMBP-31: Presidency events, CSA

- NMBP-32: Support for National Contact Points, CSA

- NMBP-33: Networking and sharing of best experiences in using regional clusters strategies with a focus on supporting innovation in the NMBP thematic area, CSA

- NMBP-36: Policy support for Industry 2020 in the circular economy, CSA

Calls 2016 NMBP

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Program Officer – DG Research and Innovation

Advanced Manufacturing Systems and Biotechnologies

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NMBP Chemical Processing and Biotech research topics for 2016

Carmine MarzanoDG Research and Innovation

Directorate "Key Enabling Technologies"European Commission

SusChem Brokerage eventOctober 6 2015, Brussels (Belgium)

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Research and



SPIRE 1 – 2016:

Systematic approaches for resource-efficient water management systems in process industries


•More sustainable and efficient water technologies linked to the efficient use and re-use of other resources, such as energy, chemicals, raw materials and soils.

•Combination of existing technologies and use of selective separation processes , alternative cooling/heating methods and alternative water sources.

•Development of closed loop recycling and reuse, involving cascading of processes and industrial water symbiosis.

•Strategy for selection of materials and infrastructure for water transport and use.



EUR 5-7million

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Research and


SPIRE 2 – 2016 : Plant-wide monitoring and control of data-intensive processes



• integration of local control systems dedicated to unit processes into an overarching real-time optimisation and scheduling system controlling and monitoring the operations of a whole plant or site,

• possibly generalising the model based process control approach to full plant models,

• Taking into account geographical, logistical and economical constraints

• Helping the Life Cycle Management

• For more productivity, energy and resource efficiency



EUR 4-6million

Presence of SMEs encouraged

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Research and


SPIRE 3 – 2016 : Industrial technologies for the valorisation of European bio-resources into high added value process streams



•Improved utilisation of bio-resources including bio-waste streams from food and feed industry, agriculture and forest residues

•Develop technologies for bio-streams primary and/or secondary processing (e.g. Chemo-, Thermo- and bio-catalytic, fermentation) into high added value streams

•Demonstrate process resource efficiency based on LCA by significant reduction of fossil resources and energy utilisation, water and other utilities

•Market analysis and techno-economical evaluation to assess the concepts economic viability



EUR 5-7million

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Research and



SPIRE 4 – 2016:

Industrial furnace design addressing energy efficiency in new and existing furnaces


•New furnaces or retrofitting of existing furnaces with higher performances, optimised resource and energy efficiencies and less pollutants (NOx, SOx, CO, etc.).

•Reliability of the process information and how the furnace interacts with upstream and downstream processes.

•New high temperature materials and advance protective coatings.

•The design includes technical aspects, constraints from legislation, compliance with codes and standards and all the related economic aspects, including how the cost of design changes can escalate.



EUR 5-7million

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Research and


SPIRE 5 – 2016 : Potential use of CO2/CO and non-conventional fossil natural resources in Europe as feedstock for the process industry


The focus of the forecast study should be on the use of CO2

containing process gases to produce high value added products (e.g. fine chemicals) and the design of scenarios for the proper and most valuable uses of different gas resources.

Goals: New scenarios for increased use of CO2 containing process gases and non-conventional fossil natural resources as new feedstock depending on future fossil fuel and energy prices.

Future scenarios, linked to LCA, that enable new business models improving competitiveness of participating industries based on the use of CO2 containing process gases and non-conventional natural resources as feedstock for the process industry.


EUR 250000 -500000 Only one proposal


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Research and


SPIRE 6 – 2016 : Business models for flexible and delocalised approaches for intensified processing


To create a long-lasting competitive advantage for the European process industry it is also needed to properly inter-relate the production with

modern and innovative ways of doing business.

New business solutions should enable higher throughput operations and allowing industry to produce in a distributed and small scale manner. The new business models are expected to be more flexible and demand-driven.

Goals: The overall aim is to obtain an understanding of how to achieve in

the medium term new business model solutions which should provide:

• Reduction in the environmental footprint

• Reduction of raw material use by 15%

• Identification of proper locations and opportunities associated to delocalised facilitates, taking into account legal and social hampering factors while facilitating business opportunities on a local scale


EUR 250000 -500000

Only one proposal funded

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Research and


BIOTEC 02 – 2016 : Bioconversion of non-agricultural waste into biomolecules for industrial applications


Challenge: utilise industrial by-products and waste from non-agricultural sectors as feedstock for bio-conversion into value-added industrial products (e.g. chemicals and chemical building blocks, biopolymers, materials and bioactive compounds) in an economically viable way.

Goals: Develop bio-processes and related technologies (processing, separation and purification), considering applicable regulations, SOTA in

bio-waste treatment and markets.

Demostrate the concept and its potential integration in the value chain addressed.

• Develop at least 2 new bio-based value chains, utilising either industrial by-products and/or relevant bio-waste fractions for bio-product


• Provide business plans providing qualitative and quantitative figures (e.g. market size, jobs , ROI, etc.)



Indicative budget

EUR 5-7 Million

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Research and


BIOTEC 03 – 2016 : Microbial chassis platforms with optimized metabolic pathways for industrial innovations through systems biology


Challenge: Develop novel and/or more efficient microbial platforms for the production of industrial compounds, to serve as cell factories for the production of many valuable compounds useful for the food, feed, fuel, cosmetics and pharmaceutical industries.

Goals: Proposals should use systems biology approaches to enable useful applications for a broader set of microorganisms, providing improved cell factories (e.g. with improved metabolic pathways) or developing new ones with properties suitable industrial applications (e.g. high performance, work in harsh conditions) and/or producing high-added value products and/or identification of new microbial strains or development of hosts with beneficial characteristics for industrial applications.

• Development of at least two new high added-value products.

• Boosting technological innovation for European Biotec industries,including SMEs

• Development of widely industrially exploitable microbial hosts



Indicative budget

EUR 5-7 Million

Presence of SMEs encouraged

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Horizon 2020: NMBP Calls in 2016

This presentation is based on the WPAlways check legal documents

Opening foreseen: 15 October 2015

Deadlines:SPIRE calls deadline: 21/01/2016 Budget: 74MEuro(single stage)

Biotechnology call: 08/12/2015 (1st stage) Budget: 32MEuro (Two stages) 24/05/2016 (2nd stage)

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Horizon 2020: SPIRE topics and in other parts of H2020

This presentation is based on the WPAlways check legal documents

SC3 (Energy Efficiency focus area):EE17-2016-2017 Valorisation of waste heat in industrial systems

SC5 (Cross cutting activities): CIRC-01-2016-2017Systemic, eco-innovative approaches for the circular economy: large-scale demonstration projects

SC3 (Low Carbon Energy Focus Area) Relevant to SPIRELCE 25 Utilisation of captured CO2 as feedstock for the process industry

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Research and


Thank you for your attention

cPPPs info-day 16th October 2015, BrusselsRegistration:


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SusChem Brokerage EventOctobre 6 2015 Brussels

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Policy Officer - DG GROW

Resources efficiency and raw materials

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2015 SusChem Brokerage EventOctober 6, 2015. Brussels

Dr. Manuel Gómez Herrero

European Commission. Directorate-General for Internal Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship and SME's (DG GROW). Unit C2 - «Resource Efficiency and Raw Materials»



Raw materials topics in Societal Challenge 5.

Work Programme 2016

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EU Raw Materials Framework

Horizon 2020

Funding tool

Raw Materials Initiative

Policy and strategy

European Innovation

Partnership on Raw materials

StrategicImplementation Plan

Building blocks

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EU Raw materials policy

EU “Raw Materials Initiative”

1.Aim: securing sustainable supplies of raw materials

1.Launched in 2008, consolidated in 2011

1.Non-energy, non-agricultural raw materials

1.Connecting EU external and internal policies

1.Integrated strategy (3 pillars)

1.Introduced list of 14 Critical Raw Materials (CRM) in 2010, updated 20 CRMs in 2014

Raw Materials Initiative

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Policy implementation

Overall objective:

Contribute to the 2020 objectives of the EU Industrial Policy (to increase the share of industry in GDP to 20%), the Innovation Union and the Resource Efficiency 'flagships'

EIP targets:

•Up to 10 innovative pilot actions

•Substitutes for at least 3 applications of CRMs

•Regulatory framework for primary and secondary RM

•EU RM Knowledge base

•International cooperation strategy

Strategic Implementation Plan (SIP) adopted on 25 September 2013

European Innovation Partnership on Raw Materials

Page 56: Reinier GRIMBERGEN - SusChem€¦ · •To develop a deeper and fairer internal market with a strengthened industrial base; •To make Europe a stronger global actor Strategic priorities


I. Technology Pillar

oI.ARaw materials research and innovation coordination

oI.BTechnologies for primary and secondary raw materials' production

oI.CSubstitution of raw materials

II. Non-Technology Policy Pillar

oII.A Improving Europe's raw materials framework conditions

oII.B Improving Europe's waste management framework conditions and excellence

oII.C Knowledge, skills and raw materials flows

III. International Cooperation Pillar

oIII.1 Technology

oIII.2 Global Raw Materials Governance and Dialogues

oIII.3 Health, Safety and Environment

oIII.4 Skills, Education and Knowledge

oIII.5 Investment activities

European Innovation Partnership on Raw Materials

Strategic Implementation Plan

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Raw Materials in Horizon 2020-SC5

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Horizon 2020Context and overview

Excellent science

(€ 24 billion)

Industrial leadership(€ 17 billion)

Societal challenges(€ 31 billion)

Horizon 2020

SC5. Climate action, environment, resource efficiency and raw materials

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SC5 Call 'Greening the economy'

Raw materials•New solutions for sustainable production of raw materials (2 RIA)•Raw materials Innovation actions (1 IA)•Raw materials policy support actions (1 CSA)•Raw materials international co-operation (2 CSA)•ERA-NET Cofund on Raw materials (1 ERA-NET))

Budget•2016: €64 million

Deadlines: •8 Mar 2016 (RIA, CSA, and First stage of IA)•6 Sep 2016 (Second stage of IA)

Raw materials in SC5Horizon 2020

Societal Challenge 5Work Programme 2016-2017

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Technology readiness levels (TRL) – RIA, IA

General annex G of the Work programme 2016-2017,

Where a topic description refers to a TRL, the following definitions apply:

TRL 1 – basic principles observed

TRL 2 – technology concept formulated

TRL 3 – experimental proof of concept

TRL 4 – technology validated in lab

TRL 5 – technology validated in relevant environment (industrial environment in the case of key enabling technologies)

TRL 6 – technology demonstrated in relevant environment (industrial environment in the case of key enabling technologies)

TRL 7 – system prototype demonstration in operational environment

TRL 8 – system complete and qualified

TRL 9 – actual system proven in operational environment (competitive manufacturing in the case of key enabling technologies; or in space)


Horizon 2020Work Programme 2016-2017


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Raw materials in SC5 - RIA


Horizon 2020Societal Challenge 5

Work Programme 2016-2017


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SC5-13 RIA Actions

SC5-13-2016-2017: New solutions for sustainable production of raw materials

develop sustainable systemic solutions through industrially- and user-driven multidisciplinary consortia covering the relevant value chain of non-energy non-agricultural raw materials.Assessment of the related environmental and safety risks and a plan to communicate the added value of the proposal to the local communities and society for improving public acceptance and trust should be addressed Participation of civil society from the start of exploration until after-mining activities in a process of co-design, co-development and co-implementation is strongly encouraged.cluster with other projects financed under this topic and – if possible – with other relevant projects in the field funded by Horizon 2020, in support of the EIP on Raw Materials.international co-operation is encouraged.


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Work Programme 2016-2017


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SC5-13 RIA Actions

SC5-13 a) Sustainable selective low impact mining [2016]

develop new sustainable selective low impact technological solutions for mining of small mineral deposits (including those with chemically complex ore-forming phases) on the land.

clearly show integration of mining solutions with the processing and/or metallurgy steps in order to justify economic viability of the overall process.

include the participation of technology oriented SMEs, as far as possible.

•Indicative size of proposals: EUR 3 to 7 million•Expected TRL: 4-5


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Work Programme 2016-2017


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SC5-13 RIA Actions

SC5-13 b) New technologies for the enhanced recovery of by-products [2016]

evaluate the potential by-products existing in primary or secondary raw materials (usually accompanying the major constituents at low concentrations) and

develop energy-, material- and cost-efficient new mineral processing and/or metallurgical technologies and processes to

increase the selectivity and the recovery rates of valuable by-products, particularly Critical Raw Materials.

The importance of the targeted sources of by-products for the EU economy has to be duly demonstrated in the proposal.

•Indicative size of proposals: EUR 3 to 7 million•Expected TRL: 4-5


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Work Programme 2016-2017


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• Brussels, 12-13 November 2015

• Registration is open!

• Call for poster abstracts

• H2020 Session. Topic SC5-13b


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Raw materials in SC5 - IA


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Work Programme 2016-2017


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SC5-14 Innovation Actions

SC5-14 a) Intelligent mining on land [2016]

develop and demonstrate new intelligent mining systems to avoid exposure of workers in dangerous operations, to increase efficiency and profitability, and to minimise environmental impacts of the mining operations. Any of the metallic, industrials and/or construction minerals could be targeted. The importance of the targeted raw materials for the EU economy has to be duly demonstrated in the proposal.

•Indicative size of proposals: EUR 8-13 million•Expected TRL: 6-8


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Work Programme 2016-2017


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Raw materials in SC5- CSA


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Work Programme 2016-2017


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Coordinating and supporting raw materials R&I

SC5-15 a) Expert network on Critical Raw Materials [2016]

The proposed action should develop primarily an EU expert network or structure of networks covering all CRMs and where possible, include the stakeholders covering as much of the value chains as possible. Proposals should build on the experience such as the ERECON a network on Rare Earth Elements, and CRM_InnoNet.

Projects should cover all the following points:

Map, comprehensively assess and quantify estimated amounts of existing primary and secondary sources of and alternatives to the different CRMs. ;

Estimate the expected EU demand of various CRMs in the future and identify major trends;

Provide policy and technology recommendations for actions improving the production of the various primary and secondary CRMs and actions for their potential substitution;

Provide a plan for transparent consultation with relevant external stakeholders and effective communication of the findings to the professional and general public across the EU;

In the case of secondary CRMs, the mapping information on Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE) and waste batteries and other relevant end-of-life products within the EU is crucial, as well as the need to contribute to the further development of European standards for the treatment of WEEE in order to optimise the recovery of CRMs.

•Indicative size of proposals: EUR 3 million•Up to one project shall be funded


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Work Programme 2016-2017


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Raw materials in SC5- CSA


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Work Programme 2016-2017


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Coordinating and supporting raw materials R&I

SC5-16 a) Demand-supply forecast and raw materials flows at global level [2016]

develop a common methodology to mineral raw materials flows at global level which could be agreed and used at international level. As a pilot case, focus should be on critical raw materials and in particular the ones used in low-carbon technologies. The methodology should incorporate models on demand-supply forecast in order to allow for dynamic analysis of global materials flows. Proposals should provide recommendations and feed into future policy developments.In line with the strategy for EU international cooperation in research and innovation (COM(2012)497), international co-operation is required with the US and Japan in the field of Materials Flow Analysis. Where appropriate, synergies with the relevant EU Member States initiatives are to be explored and fostered.Proposals should build on the outcomes of the Study on Data Inventory for a Raw Material System Analysis and on related studies performed by the International Resource Panel.

•Indicative size of proposals: up to EUR 1 million


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Work Programme 2016-2017


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Coordinating and supporting raw materials R&I

SC5-16 b) Advancing the idea of a World Forum on Raw Materials [2016]

Develop an EU-based platform of international key experts and stakeholders that would advance the idea of a World Forum on Raw Materials and enhance the international cooperation among G20 Member countries as well as the other third countries active in the mining and other raw materials sectors.

Foster sharing of experience with a view to increasing understanding of all aspects of trade in raw materials and strategies to leverage natural resources for wider growth and development in close co-operation with the OECD to contribute to the OECD policy dialogue.

Where appropriate explore and foster synergies with the relevant EU Member States initiatives;

Identify common needs and threats, and develop and promote on international fora recommendations on possible actions to consolidate the efforts of the countries involved towards a more joint and coherent approach towards raw materials policy and investment;

Involve relevant organisations, in particular OECD, International Study Groups, CONNEX, the Intergovernmental Forum on Mining, UNEP Resource Panel, in the planned activities.

International co-operation is required, in particular with G20 Member countries as well as the other third countries active in the mining and other raw materials sectors, and international organisations.

•Indicative size of proposals: up to EUR 1 million


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Work Programme 2016-2017


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Raw materials in SC5- Cofund


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Work Programme 2016-2017


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ERA-NET Cofund

SC5 17- ERA-NET Cofund on Raw materials [2016]

strengthen co-ordination of national and regional research programmes in the field of non-energy non-agricultural raw materials, while

building on the experience of ERA-MIN ERA-NET.

This should be achieved in line with the integrated strategy proposed in the EU Raw Materials Initiative (RMI) and the Strategic Implementation Plan of the European Innovation Partnership (EIP) on Raw Materials.

The ERA-NET should cover the whole raw materials value chain including exploration, extraction and processing technologies and recycling, as well as substitution.

Proposals should pool the necessary financial resources from the participating national (or regional) research programmes with a view to implementing a joint call for proposals resulting in grants to third parties with EU co-funding in this area.

Proposers are encouraged to include other joint activities including additional joint calls without EU co-funding.

Participation of legal entities from international partner countries and/or regions is encouraged in the joint call as well as in other joint activities including additional joint calls without EU co-funding. Participants from countries which are not automatically eligible for funding may nonetheless request a Union contribution (on the basis of the ERA-NET unit cost) for the co-ordination costs of additional activities..

•Indicative size of proposals: EUR 5 million


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Work Programme 2016-2017


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Register as an expert

in the Horizon 2020 database

of independent experts for European research and innovation



Horizon 2020


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EU raw materials webpage:•http://ec.europa.eu/growth/sectors/raw-materials/index_en.htm

Check the EIP website for fresh news:•https://ec.europa.eu/eip/raw-materials/en/meetings-listing

Horizon 2020 - Raw materials webpage:•http://ec.europa.eu/programmes/horizon2020/en/area/raw-materials

National NCP SC5 support and eventshttp://ec.europa.eu/research/participants/portal/desktop/en/support/national_contact_p


Horizon 2020 – EXPERTShttp://ec.europa.eu/research/participants/portal/desktop/en/experts/index.html

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Thank you for your attention!


2015 SusChem Brokerage Event

Dr. Manuel Gómez Herrero

European Commission. Directorate-General for Internal Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship and SME's (DG GROW). Unit C2 - «Resource Efficiency and Raw Materials»

[email protected]

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Secretary SusChem ETP

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SusChem Topics in Horizon 2020 WP 2016-2017

Jacques KOMORNICKI SusChem Secretary

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SuSchem Topics

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A view of Horizon2020 Work Programs Connected to SusChem Topics

Leadership in enabling and industrial technologies • Nanotechnologies, Advanced Materials, Biotechnology and Advanced

Manufacturing and Processing : Energy Efficient Buildings, Nanotechnologies for…,Biotechnologies, Materials modelling.

• Information and Communication Technologies

Cross-cutting activities (Focus Areas) : Pilots, SPIRE, Factory of the Future (FoF) , Circular Economy, Smart-Cities

Societal Challenges• Health, demographic change and well-being • Food security, ….and the bio-economy• Secure, Clean and Efficient Energy• Smart, green and integrated transport • Climate action, environment, resource efficiency and raw materials

Joint Technology Initiative « Bio-Based Industry » on bio-economy

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Industrial LeadershipBio-Economy

Clean Energy

Green Transport

Resource Efficiency, Raw materials


NMP/ CC ICTSusChem Technologies

Raw Material Feed-stocks

Energy source for Chemical processing

Process Technology

Materials for…

Horizontal Issues

Connections SusChem Topics and Horizon 2020

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WP 2016-2017 : Identification of calls connected to SuSchem Topics with the tool

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Number of calls connected to SusChem topics

Note: one call can be connected to more than one topic. Number of single calls: 95

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Communication Points


Connex-Me Tool

Meeting Places:

Tintoretto I and II

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Thank You and enjoy your Brokerage Event !

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SusChem Brokerage EventOctobre 6 2015 Brussels