Register for Account of VAT Online 1/24 Register for Account of VAT Online

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Register for Account of VAT Online 1/24

Register for Account

of VAT Online

Register for Account of VAT Online 2/24

Version History

Date Version Author Description

12/06/2019 0.01 Md. Arifur Rahman Create Document

24/06/2019 0.02 Md. Arifur Rahman Update Screen with new changes

25/06/2019 1.00 Yasin Ahmad Emon Update formatting

07/07/2019 1.01 Md. Arifur Rahman Update Screen

Add Notes for Unique information

10/07/2019 1.02 Mohammad Anowar Update document

10/07/2019 1.03 Yasin Ahmad Emon Review and Update

15/07/2019 1.04 Nguyen Tri Trung Final Update

18/07/2019 1.05 Towsif Newaz Final Update

29/09/19 1.06 Yasin Ahmad Emon Final Update

08/01/2020 1.07 Md. Arifur Rahman Update

- Other Remarks

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1.1 Introduction ................................................................................... 4

1.2 Prerequisites................................................................................... 4

1.3 User Guide ..................................................................................... 5

1.3.1 Accessing “Sign-up” page of IVAS ............................................. 5

1.3.2 Providing requested information ................................................ 6

1.3.3 Activating account ................................................................. 11


................................................................................................................... 13

2.1 Introduction ................................................................................. 13

2.2 Prerequisites................................................................................. 13

2.3 User Guide ................................................................................... 14

2.3.1 Accessing “Sign-up” page of IVAS ........................................... 14

2.3.2 Providing requested information .............................................. 16

2.3.3 Activating account ................................................................. 22

3 OTHER REMARKS ........................................................................................ 24

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1.1 Introduction

You must register for account as Resident, if you are the owner, managing partner,

principal officer, or other person in authority, and will be applying for


This feature allows taxpayers (Resident) to create a new account for accessing the

VAT Online (IVAS). Here are the primary steps:

Access “Sign-up” page of IVAS.

Provide requested information.

Submit Sign-up form.

Get username and password.

1.2 Prerequisites

For creating the account of Resident successfully, you should prepare these

documents carefully:

NID – National Identification Number

A valid and unique Mobile No.

A valid and unique email address

Notes: You cannot use same mobile number and email address information that

previously used for create sign-up account in VAT online system.

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1.3 User Guide

1.3.1 Accessing “Sign-up” page of IVAS

Access Homepage of IVAS with this link below: https://www.vat.gov.bd

Click on “Sign-up” button in the navigation bar area on the top part of


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After clicking on “Sign-up” button, Sign-up form for Username will be

displayed as following. You must provide all mandatory information which are

marked with red star (*).

1.3.2 Providing requested information

For registering as Resident, you have to select “User Type” is “Resident”

from the drop-down list.

Register for Account of VAT Online 7/24 Form Description

User Type

SL Item Name Example Remarks

1 User Type

Resident Select from the Drop-Down list.

Mandatory field, not editable.

Select from the provided list.

General Information

SL Item Name Example Remarks

1 NID 1111222233 Provide the National ID number.

Mandatory field, editable. NID must

be 10 or 13 or 17 digits.

2 Name Sifat Imtiaz Provide the Name according to

NID. Mandatory field, editable.

3 Designation Chief Financial Officer


Select from the Drop-Down list.

Mandatory field, not editable.

Select from the provided list.

4 Mobile No. 01700000000 Provide your Mobile Number.

Mandatory field, editable. It starts

with 01 and must be 11 digits in


Mobile number must be unique.

Notes: One mobile number can

be used only one time to create


5 Email [email protected] Provide your Email Address for

Email. Mandatory field, editable.

Must follow standard email format;

e.g.: [email protected]

Email must be unique.

Notes: One Email address can

be used only one time to create


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Recovery Question

SL Item Name Example Remarks

1 Recovery Question What is your favourite


Select from the Drop-Down list.

Mandatory field, not editable.

Select from the provided list.

2 Answer Titanic Provide the answer of Recovery

Question. Mandatory field,


The system facilitates to check for data validation, by clicking on the “Check”

[1] button, the system will check data validation. In case there are some

invalid data, error messages will be shown on a “pop up” box in the bottom of

the page.

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You can see the details of error by clicking on the red icon on the top. You have

to make correction for all errors.

In case there is no invalid data, the system will display “No errors found”

message with “pop up” box in the bottom of the page . If there is no error, the

form can be submitted by clicking on the “Submit” button.

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After clicking “Submit” system ask for confirmation. When you click “OK” the

Sign-up form will be submitted.

After clicking on the “OK” button form will be submitted and a “Confirmation”

pop-up will be displayed with “Submission ID xxxxxxxx” as following.

Notes: Note down the submission ID in safe place for future use and

then click “OK”.

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1.3.3 Activating account

Upon a successful submission, you shall receive an email from VAT Online

Services centre to inform your username and initial password.

By clicking on the link provided in the mail, you will be redirected to IVAS home

page, click on the “Login” tab on the navigation bar on the top part of

Homepage for accessing Login page.

You have to provide username and password (which you’ve received in the

mail). The screen will display as the following

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Input the Username and Password.[1]

Click on the Captcha Box and input the correct captcha. [2]

Click on “Login” button. [3]

Only for the first login, the system will require you to change the password.

Input the Old Password, New Password and Confirm New Password.[1]

Click on the Captcha Box and input the correct captcha.[2]

Click on “Change Password” button.[3]

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After changing password, the default screen of IVAS will be shown.



2.1 Introduction

This feature allows Non-Resident taxpayer to create a new account for accessing

the VAT Online (IVAS). Here are the primary steps:

Access “Sign-up” page of IVAS.

Provide requested information.

Submit Sign-up form.

Get username and password via email.

2.2 Prerequisites

For creating the account for Non-Resident successfully, you should prepare these

documents carefully:

A valid Passport Number

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Date of issue

Date of expiration

A valid and unique Mobile No.

A valid and unique email address

Notes: You cannot use same mobile number and email address

information that previously used for create sign-up account in VAT online


2.3 User Guide

2.3.1 Accessing “Sign-up” page of IVAS

Access Homepage of IVAS with this link: https://www.vat.gov.bd

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Click on the “Sign-up” button in the navigation bar on the top part of


After clicking on Sign-up button Sign-up form for Username will be

displayed as following. You have to provide all required information which

are marked with a red star (*).

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2.3.2 Providing requested information

For registering as Non-Resident, the taxpayer has to select “User Type”,

then choose “Non-Resident” from the drop-down list.

Taxpayer should fill up mandatory fields and necessary information with the

red star (*).

Register for Account of VAT Online 17/24 Form Description

User Type

SL Item Name Example Remarks

1 User Type Non-Resident Select from the Drop-Down list.

Mandatory Field, not editable.

Select from the provided list.

General Information

SL Item Name Example Remarks

1 Passport No. AGD12123456. Provide the valid Passport No.

Mandatory Field, editable.

2 Name Nil Mcmohan Provide the Name according to

Passport. Mandatory field,


3 Nationality France Enter passport holder


Mandatory field, editable.

4 Date Of issue 15/06/2010 Enter issuing Date of the

Passport. Mandatory field,


5 Date of Expiration 15/06/2020 Enter expiration Date of the

Passport. Mandatory field,


6 Designation Manager Select from the Drop-Down list.

Mandatory field, not editable.

Select from the provided list.

NB: You have to choose option

from the list.

7 Mobile No. 01711111111 Provide your Mobile Number.

Mandatory field, editable. It

starts with 01 and must be 11

digits in length.

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SL Item Name Example Remarks

Notes: One mobile number

can be used only one time to

create user.

8 Email [email protected] Provide your Email Address.

Mandatory field, editable. Must

follow standard email format;

e.g.: [email protected]

Notes: One Email address

can be used only one time to

create user.

Recovery Question

SL Item Name Example Remarks

1 Recovery Question What is your favorite


Select from the Drop-Down list.

Mandatory field, not editable.

Select from the provided list.

2 Answer Titanic Provide the answer of Recovery

Question. Mandatory field,


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The system facilitates to check for data validation, by clicking on the button

“Check” [1], system will check if there is any error in the provided information.

In case there are some invalid data, number of errors will be shown on

the top of the page [2] with the red icon. Also, will show in bottom of the

page in a pop-up box [3].

You can see the details of error by clicking on the red icon [4]. You have

to make correction for all errors.

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In case there is no invalid data, the system will display “No Error Found”

message with the green icon [5]. If there is no error, the form can be submitted

by clicking on the “Submit” button.

After clicking “Submit” button system ask for confirmation. When you click

“OK” the Sign-up form will be submitted.

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After clicking on the “OK” button form will be submitted, a “Confirmation” pop-

up will be displayed with “Submission ID xxxxxxxx” as following.

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2.3.3 Activating account

Upon a successful submission, you will receive an email from VAT Online

Services centre to inform about your user ID and initial password.

By clicking on the link provided in the mail, you will be redirected to IVAS-

TPOS home page, click on the “Login” button on the navigation bar on the top

part of Homepage for accessing Login page.

You have to provide username and password (which you’ve received in the

mail) for Login. The screen shall display as the following

Input the User ID and Password that you received by mail. [1]

Click on the Captcha box and input the correct captcha. [2]

Click on “Login” button. [3]

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For the first login, the system will require you to change the password.

Input the Old Password, New Password and Confirm New Password [1].

Click on the Captcha Box and input the correct captcha [2].

Click on “Change Password” button [3].




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After changing password, the default screen of IVAS will be shown.


Protect your password:

Never enter your password after clicking directly a link in an email from

an untrusted site.

Never use a business account for personal use and restrict personal

internet use to home or public access computers.

Use a strong password

Do not write your password down, send it via private email, or tell

anyone. The system will never email you to ask for your password or

any sensitive details of account.

Keep your operation system and browser updated regularly:

Take convenience and compatibility when you go online for VAT
