Red Star Andy

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  • 8/8/2019 Red Star Andy



    • Life getting in the way of your gambling?

    • Sick of queuing for trainers and wanking into old socks?

    • Fed-up of your “friends” tricking into casino’s late at night after a sauna?

    hen call !"!!-#$$%'%-SL()-*(+,

    +e take your hard slothing seriously +e make sure you .re your load %/%01 time, +ith Fleming 'ssociates2

    you don’t need threesome porn *%/%0 use a tissue again as we ensure an endless supply of your closestfriends shit /alencia tops for you to polish your end on +ith Fleming 'ssociates you’ll learn3

    • )ow to dri4e 56!mph e4erywhere immediately

    •  alk at e4eryone desperately

    • 0arely listen

    • )ow to 4acate a bath without e4er drying

    • 7ompulsi4ely drinking caf8 latte without thinking

    So what are you waiting for? 7all Fleming 'ssociates today 9 it could change your life,

    *If none of this suits we’ll just come round and watch an episode of 24

    Fleming Associates Present: Life Shortcuts

    Post Wank: Flaming, Yesterday

    Paid To Wank Two Mondays In A Row

    (ur reporter enquired whom e:actly in ;asingstoke he was going to get pregnant with all this watery semen

    “# ha4en’t actually thought of that 0uss maybe?” #t was at this point that the inter4iew was interrupted by

    the ;asingstoke hospital with some urgent questions for Fleming “#’m