RAB, BMI & MIW Radio Group Recruiting, Hiring and Firing

Recruiting, Hiring and Firing · Recruiting, Hiring and Firing . ... • Waste of time • Poor moral • Reputation • Future hiring • Loss of business, lagging sales You must

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Page 1: Recruiting, Hiring and Firing · Recruiting, Hiring and Firing . ... • Waste of time • Poor moral • Reputation • Future hiring • Loss of business, lagging sales You must

RAB, BMI & MIW Radio Group

Recruiting, Hiring and Firing

Page 2: Recruiting, Hiring and Firing · Recruiting, Hiring and Firing . ... • Waste of time • Poor moral • Reputation • Future hiring • Loss of business, lagging sales You must

RAB, BMI & MIW Radio Group Here’s What We’ll Cover…

• Recruiting

• Resourcing

• Interviewing

• Orientation

• Termination

Page 3: Recruiting, Hiring and Firing · Recruiting, Hiring and Firing . ... • Waste of time • Poor moral • Reputation • Future hiring • Loss of business, lagging sales You must

RAB, BMI & MIW Radio Group

First and foremost:


• Cost • Waste of time • Poor moral • Reputation • Future hiring • Loss of business, lagging sales

You must have a strategy in place to do it correctly,

efficiently and legally!

Page 4: Recruiting, Hiring and Firing · Recruiting, Hiring and Firing . ... • Waste of time • Poor moral • Reputation • Future hiring • Loss of business, lagging sales You must

RAB, BMI & MIW Radio Group

• Millennials

• Competition

• Compensation

• Flexibility

• Relocation

• Passive candidates

• Ramp up

Change is everywhere!

Challenges and changes:

Page 5: Recruiting, Hiring and Firing · Recruiting, Hiring and Firing . ... • Waste of time • Poor moral • Reputation • Future hiring • Loss of business, lagging sales You must

RAB, BMI & MIW Radio Group

First Step: Knowing what you need – Job profile!

Posting: • Company details • Market details • Overall description for the job

& responsibilities • Title reporting to? • Required skills (computer,

CRM, etc.) • Ability to attend events • Drive** • Contact info

Sell the opportunity don’t scare them away – cast a wide net

Hiring: • Include posting details • Detailed expectations weekly,

monthly and annually • What is required to maintain

their base or guarantee • Reports & deadlines • Reference adapting to

company handbook • Details on compensation,

benefits, etc. There should be no surprises upon


Page 6: Recruiting, Hiring and Firing · Recruiting, Hiring and Firing . ... • Waste of time • Poor moral • Reputation • Future hiring • Loss of business, lagging sales You must

RAB, BMI & MIW Radio Group


• Helps hire • Helps monitor & review • Firing tool

Keep it updated, review often, attach to job offer

Page 7: Recruiting, Hiring and Firing · Recruiting, Hiring and Firing . ... • Waste of time • Poor moral • Reputation • Future hiring • Loss of business, lagging sales You must

RAB, BMI & MIW Radio Group

• Approved job profile

• Interview strategy


• Promote

• Search

• Interview/Sell

• References/Background

• Extend offer

Hiring Process

Today you have to go out and pick your sellers vs. waiting for

them to come to you!

Page 8: Recruiting, Hiring and Firing · Recruiting, Hiring and Firing . ... • Waste of time • Poor moral • Reputation • Future hiring • Loss of business, lagging sales You must

RAB, BMI & MIW Radio Group

Be prepared to sell your opportunity!

WHY WORK FOR YOU? • Benefits (Industry) • Benefits (Your company) • Benefits (Your team & You) • Benefits (Personal)

A Pro-active recruitment plan is all about selling your opportunity and not just about being sold on why to hire someone! It is a 2 way process!

with only asking them to sell themselves!

Page 9: Recruiting, Hiring and Firing · Recruiting, Hiring and Firing . ... • Waste of time • Poor moral • Reputation • Future hiring • Loss of business, lagging sales You must

RAB, BMI & MIW Radio Group Where to Recruit


This should have as much focus and thought as selecting target accounts!

Cable Ad Agencies Marketing companies TV Newspaper Outdoor Yellow Pages Digital Teachers Mortgage Sellers Commercial Bankers Waiters Bartenders Hospitality B2B Office Supply Cosmetic Reps Insurance Sellers Beverage Reps Food Brokers Mattress Stores Sports Teams Entertainment Venues Fairs Colleges Car Dealers* Telcom Event Managers Ad Agencies Pharmaceutical B2B Enterprise Rental Car Shopping Center Managers Realtors Time Shares Chambers Churches Staffing Services B2C Schools

Page 10: Recruiting, Hiring and Firing · Recruiting, Hiring and Firing . ... • Waste of time • Poor moral • Reputation • Future hiring • Loss of business, lagging sales You must

RAB, BMI & MIW Radio Group

How to reach potential sellers

• Post • Advertise • Referral programs • DJ’s at events • Clients • Networking events • Career Fairs

Recruiting needs to be done continually! Put in your

daily planner!

94% of jobs are found via WOM

Page 11: Recruiting, Hiring and Firing · Recruiting, Hiring and Firing . ... • Waste of time • Poor moral • Reputation • Future hiring • Loss of business, lagging sales You must

RAB, BMI & MIW Radio Group

Interviewing tips:

Treat active job seekers differently than passive candidates!

• Make time • Pay attention • Prepare/homework • Process • Share profile • Take notes • Assess/Profile • Next steps

Don’t be the only one in the station

when interviewing!

Ask only open ended

questions for more


Page 12: Recruiting, Hiring and Firing · Recruiting, Hiring and Firing . ... • Waste of time • Poor moral • Reputation • Future hiring • Loss of business, lagging sales You must

RAB, BMI & MIW Radio Group

Offer letter:

• Written & approved employment agreement

• Add job profile, expectations

• Add medical benefit details

• Confirm start date

• Signature line & acceptance of terms

• Describe compensation use ‘weekly’ vs. ‘annual’ #’s

• Lay out consequences of not meeting goals

• Verbally confirm understanding of comp plan

When Making An Offer…

Page 13: Recruiting, Hiring and Firing · Recruiting, Hiring and Firing . ... • Waste of time • Poor moral • Reputation • Future hiring • Loss of business, lagging sales You must

RAB, BMI & MIW Radio Group

Orientation: Ramp ‘em up………….

• Make an announcement to your staff before the new employee starts

• Have workspace set up and cleaned

• Order business cards & other materials

• Make sure you have an agenda and schedule prepared for at least their first 30 days, include training, passwords, instructions, etc.

• Assign measurable goals/metrics

• Set them up for meetings with all department heads week 1

• Schedule lunches for first day of week

• Follow up daily to ascertain progress

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RAB, BMI & MIW Radio Group

No surprises: Review, Reiterate, PIP

If you have to fire:

• Never on a Friday or day before vacation

• Have a witness

• Prepare paperwork

• Separation agreement

• Exit interview

Try to make it as painless as possible; how you treat others WILL affect current and future reputations!

Page 15: Recruiting, Hiring and Firing · Recruiting, Hiring and Firing . ... • Waste of time • Poor moral • Reputation • Future hiring • Loss of business, lagging sales You must

RAB, BMI & MIW Radio Group

Recap & Tips:

• Assess your job

• Involve hiring team

• Always recruit

• Be prepared

• Be thorough but move process along

• Think out of the box

• Train, Train, Train

• Communicate


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RAB, BMI & MIW Radio Group


Laurie Kahn [email protected]

480.306.8930 List of handouts:

• Sample interview questions

• Permissible topics for interviews

• Cost of hiring and turnover