~rdtrVol+33...ment alld m aery are antagou st c terms. Conant translates the verse Aud these shall go away evarlast IIg puu shment but r ghteouB nto everlast og I fe 11' th th 8

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Page 1: ~rdtrVol+33...ment alld m aery are antagou st c terms. Conant translates the verse Aud these shall go away evarlast IIg puu shment but r ghteouB nto everlast og I fe 11' th th 8


~rdtr y



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Page 2: ~rdtrVol+33...ment alld m aery are antagou st c terms. Conant translates the verse Aud these shall go away evarlast IIg puu shment but r ghteouB nto everlast og I fe 11' th th 8


were t ooce ntraduced

the fnends of the caose Inake elfort to enlarge

usefnlneRS ? r •

observe days t mes and years YOD lest I have bestowed upon you labor 0 va 0

Allow me first a wo d 0 self de fense or apology as the case may be If the express 00 on the bra 0 Dstead of 00 the heart was ao od oat 00 of rreverence I am most s ocerely regretfu for I WODld t eat the suhJect before os w th a I poss b e s Deer ty and rev e ence God forb d I should pro ceed w th th s d scuss on uoder the mprcBs on or n such a. atra n as to

coovey to the reader the mpres. on that t s n my est mat OD a mat ter of secoodary oterest or mport

wh ch reads There s no fear n love bot perfect loves casts out fear becaoso fear has t07'1l ent Here we have kolas n rendered tor

'181. men! a on on

til,.. dan nation TeBtaIneot has th 8 mportaot note 00 th. pll8J!age Ohserve tbe sam<! ep 1M! B used for kolaa.. and __ wh ch are here contrl,lr es-for the zoe bere spoken of a not hare eJ[ alienoe, wh h wculd have ann hllatlon for ts 01 pos te but bless ednua aud r<JU1ard to wh ch pumsh ment alld m aery are antagou st c terms. Conant translates the verse

Aud these shall go away evarlast IIg puu shment but r ghteouB nto everlast og I fe 11' th th 8 Noyes agrees J aoge 8

Commentary n h s ont cal Dote on Matt. °5 46 says As the Greek U!1e8 alomon before zoen as well kola .. n It should be rendered by the IBm ... word (e ther eternal or euerUutlng) 0 both clauses Cemp the Lat. Vulg an IJUppl,CIUm reter­n m In 'IJ tam relernam all the Germau ve s OU8 (elmg) W cl f e1Je1'wtynge tynl/6 lilt ptmWlment e'IJerlast ng life ever ~JJfI Tyudale ntroduced the change everlaBl nge payne lyfe eternall wh ch was reta oed n \he 8I1bsequent Protestant Vera on. except the word pa n wh ch K ng Jllm4!IJ rev Bers gave up for pwn".~ ment I would prefer however In both .,.,. etemal to everllJ8t ng, BDd \ranll,te Into eternal punIShment

Into eternal life For everlaat ing refers to ea:Unslve ofin tude or eDdie. durat on eternal expresses the intemltJ6 n6n tod... and th 8

dynauuc cooceptlon wh oh Inpl es mIlCh more than mere iluration or .slatence 10 t me 8 the preva I ng Idea lIere tr thout, hotrever eJ[clud UJg \he othet But 10 any caae the J1U111J6 Ie one of the very strongest apiaft U D1versalUlln, aud the apo­~1IO.tU ton panton But the

to produce the s a e of th ngs wb ch Pau so deeply deplores The rIb e ty n Uhr Bt J esnB bad been stolen away They were fallen from g ace and tu nei from the hear ng of fa th to the deeds of the law for hope of final salvat on What that

n th s conne t on to wh ch .. referenoe shoulil be made and that s the word mmortal ty that mmortal ty comes by Jeans Chnst aDd n the d scuss OD of the quest OD the argument puts t n a way that makes t say that "hr st

mmortal tv to the hnman sp nt Now whether th 8 he t ue that Chr st mparta mmo tal ty to the human sp r t or not of one th ng we are co06deot aDd that 8 that the Scriptures Inake DO suoh deolalat 00 Mortal ty B not of firmed n the B ble of the Bp r t of maD Tile body IS repeatedly oalled mortal and only hy Chnst can t hecome mmortal Panl says, (Rom 8 11) And f the Sp t of h m who raISed up J 88U8 f om the dead dwells D you he who ra sed np Uhr ot from the dead w II a ooqu ok en vonr mortal hod es, hecause of h s Sp r t that d wells n yoo Tbat n the..resurrect OD these bod es uow

mortal beoomo mmortal s to the hel ever a prec 0118 doctr De The clII!e then may thus he stated In oor Dlltllral or uDre¥wed state ne ther the body Dor tHe 8p nt are prepared to dwell With God 0 heav en but by the operat on of God ID

the oew b rth the 8p nt reee ves a

ah r at ou descr bed as of days and mouths &c coos st ad n we mnst learn as best we may from other 8cnptn es and the rnles of exeges s It s ev dent that t was someth ng n the Juda sm that ~h st came to aho sb someth ng apperta n ng to a r tual Berv ce wh ch the Galat ans could read ly uoderstaud Our reference marg os b d us turn to Rom 4 3 10 aod Col 2 16 17

qoest oos we answer n k ndoess and frankoess too that fOj'ther thao by h ota and lDtimat ons, to wh ch we have all oded tho Scnptores so far as we koow are • leot on these sobJeots Bnt, my brother f you w 11 drop the plnmmet of reason 0 to these deep waters opened to oor ospect 00 by these Sor ptur •• you

w II find no more absorh og top e tI ao the s ence of Sor pture" 00 many po nts where express on would not have so well aoswered the de­s gn of the sp r t There IS a B ble of facts and t s one of the most thr hog proof. of the dlv 0 ty of the Word that. thos far the facts brought to I ght by so ent fio d BCoV ery have not shown a CODS steut n terpretat on of the B ble to be n coell ct w th themselves. The B ble says noth Dg of the rotuDd ty of the earth For reasons best known to ts Author t s 8 lent OD the change wh ch a plll!sage around the earth renders UDavo dahle We find that tl:. s change has been made And I tl nk that the s lent nd rect grad ual manner n wh ch the transfer was made S Just n harmooy w tb all the analog es of Sonpture D re gard to the exchange of Jew sh usages for ()hnst an usages It waS not effected by fo mal and abrup enactments but s leDtly and gradu ally by the sp nL of the new d 8 pensat on and the examplo of Chr s uaos So t Will! w th c roumc s on Do we find any place where twas abrogated hy aothonty?

The d SOUS8 on looms before us 0

ahsorb ng magn tude The text read Iy soggests otbe S, Without wh oh ts meaDlng may not be folly opooed In our next., we shall no doubt ope'!. the way Cor our op ponent to say perhaps some hard th ngo hot w I most devon Iy pray to be kept from all bltteroess of feel og hav og truth and not v 0 tory 88 the end of the cootroversy We shall show that a part colar day of tbe week s not des guated n the fourtb commaodmeot as holy to the Lord We shall show further that there s no reform v rtoe or power (n our est mat 00) D Sabbatar an DSt UUOU8 W C PH LLIPS

1 We have no d spoa t on to make cap tal ont of your say ng you had [or a short t me the Sabbath

let all that

meot we heart Iy agree but 0 one cau hold t aDd at the same me class the weeklv Sabhath w th those aonual sabbaths and holy days of the Tew sh ecoDomy wh ch are cer ta nly done away Th B aod k n dred texts are of DO ava I n th s con troversy uot Its shown that tl ey o lude the weekly Sahbs h the

coosequeoce of wb ch won d he to estab sb tl e doctr ne of no Sabbath

nder the gospel 3 It was not w th reference to

the change of the Sal bath that CI 1"Ist sa d he waR lord of t., but coocern ng the manoer of ts ob servance as aoy one can see by read ng the on text Chr at oever gave the remotest h nt of a change of the Sabbstl To so apply the text quoted s pIa nly to w e8t t g v ng t a mean ng ent ely d Ife ent from the one g ven to t by Chr st Th s tak ng of wo do of Ser ptore spoken for one purpose and '!.pp y ng them to another can not be too dec dedly rehoked By t we nsu t the Ser ptures, aod d s

tract those who hear U8 If (lhr st ntended to teach the doctnne of

a oJ ange of the Sabbath he oerta nlv Will! able to tell us pIa n y about t

4 There s Dot an nstaoce of the appo otmeot of a reI g ons ord naoce n the Sonptures hy some rouod

about way of speak ng In every ns Buce they come squarely to the po nt not leav ng ns to reach Our conclus ODS hy the law of nference It IS a refleot 00 upoo the B ble to say that t g ves commandments Or appo nts ord Dances n th sway

5 Th s s not a quest on to be de c ded hy the trad tons of the church but by the Scnptores. If we allow th s rule n one case we m nat n an other aud pray what would tbe end of th B be? It would abol sh Prot

c om n a moment 6 Bot he who .says that the doo

tr ne of a change cf the Sabbath was held by the early church "peaks n utter gnoraoce of the subject Th s quest on [referred to the Fathers 18 tbe 8 mplest one n the world The one aud ouly seotiment held by them was that the Son day Will! a fest val of the churoh rest ng wI 01 Iy upon human aothonty It Wall DOt at lirat n aoy seDse treated as a Sabbath oor was It for two bUL dred years called hy aoy other than ts true heathen name Sooday Or g nally t w.as ~ heatben nst tn t 00 nor bas t to day any other Chr st an sacredness than that g ven t by the chnrch

7 We are glad that at the beg u n ng you grant that the Ser ptores are s leut aboot tbe ohaoge of the Sahhath Then why oan not we be? If the B ble says ooth og abont t let us also be 81leot cooeern ug t If t says Doth ng why should we be wordy? Let ns not go before God u thl8 matter hut follow af er It he sans noth ng ahont t surely t becomes !Ill to be mlent

8 Do not compla n that we hold you to the Sor ptures ng dly on th s 8ubJect. We Joyfnlly accept t that

All Sonptnre IS JnspJl'ed by God and s profitahle for teach ng for reproof for correction for natrno I Cltarence

t OU n nghteousness that the Inan of God may be perfect, thoronghly furn abed unto all good works, and surely by thl8 as a Bapt at you ought to stand.

If dear brother you have auy Scnpture you can quote oodcern ng the change of the Sabhath pleaae

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$ 02

472 $247

24 95


216 255

s taken p and e I to a lopt by terns a t on w 8 rea I and

prompted th S des e fo a k ng str krng com par son was then drawn between onr own h story as R de nom nat on and that of the 1. aal tea Com ng from the poverty and

obseu ty of the past, now onr great





The troops

W ALFRIID UN VElI8rrY FORTY FIBST CoMMENClWENT 1 CI1Il.. by he CoIl!e va or,. of MUB e Sa urday

e en ng J nne 30th a 8 0 clock 2 Baccala.urea:te Senn D. bJt. Pres J

A en D D Ph D Sunday a anlng Ja y Is &18ocoek

10 @ lQt 8 @ 9t 4@ 6

Page 4: ~rdtrVol+33...ment alld m aery are antagou st c terms. Conant translates the verse Aud these shall go away evarlast IIg puu shment but r ghteouB nto everlast og I fe 11' th th 8


THE GENU. E WIARD M Il.factu ad at Eas Avon



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