mm sfortj-'ftm©m '/oonMira'?. THURSDAY, MARCH 21, Oar H*'*"1- UiiiTt-ftiflT1 H Ommrtr, A J (}nf,a, an our aflMuiHir4 A|MH (• . ........................... .. R,r mo0*Jr ** .ooouot of th. "S«ulh«« Confcd.rary." , Wanted Immediately. acl'». r>»J nf*ro «*"• ** h>u»* .arrant YTP^^1 °*cr Meeting uf He Meefiddle.A.«o«l*Ui>n. J^al night» ....mill* of lb. Fultod Haalu- |o»* Awoei.llo. *1* b.ld ih lb. En*iti. Hou.« of Mechanic Fire Company. No. S. Thti or- g.oiamion baa for it. ohjeot, the morel aad mental iroprorement, end .l.velioe of tbe Mechanic. of our clty^-e moat north/ end no- ble aim, end eboiltd rae.lT. the approbation end .eeUtenoe of ell food eitieene. They le- aend to build up e Boctoty, with which it will be in honor end a ben.#t to e men to be eea- uacted. They want to here e large libr.ry of valuable boeke, end Uke a number of tbe perl- edieele ef tbe day. wttli a neat an i oommedi- ona room, where lei.ure er..lng. can be pleea- antly and profitably whiled awaymuob bet- ter than aeekin* amuaement at planer of diaui- pstiOD. The Society haa been orjaniaed but little over a month. It now coneiete of twenty-four bona Jilt member., with about that number elected to memberabip, who will be received member, at tbe neat meeting. Coneiderable pragma haa bun made to ward, the oelleetion of a library. A Commit- tee appointed for that purpoee, reported that ainoe the leal meeting, they bad oollected by way of donation, frana our goad eili.ena.eem. gd volume, of booke-meoy "f them of aery great value. A reflation of tb.nki to the don- or. wet unenimou.ly pawed. We will add that the Aaaoeiation will be thankful to all per- aon. lor donation, or good book, of any de- ecriptinn, and wa hope their appeal will be liberally raapoaded to. Such donation! may be left at the Store of Tomlinson * Barnea, or the Committee will gladly call for book, at any plaee. if notice will be given them. The following am tho officer, of the Ateocie- tion: C. M. Caldwell, President Wm. Rishton snd Ws. Basses, Vice Pres is. James Noble, Secretary. Ja». E. Gi llatt, Treasurer. Felix McGrini and Joel Kelsey, Jr., War- dens. Jobe Ateissue and Samuel 8. Atktbsob, Stewards. Gao&us Edward, Librarian. A/ter the transaction of some business, dur- ing which six persons were elected to member- ship. the Association adjourned to the first Fri- day In April next. Personal. Mr*. Walker, wife ot Hon. L.P. Walker, Sec- retary of War, Rev. H. N. Tyeire, of Nashville and lion. Solon Borland, of Memphis, arrived in our city to-day. Patriotic. We were pleased, last night, to hear retd be- fore one of our Volunteer corps a letter from a ciuxenhimself exempt from military dutym which he proffered, if agreeable to the corps, to equip at bis own expense a respectable umn to eater their rank* in case the corps should be -called into active service. Tbe proposition was promptly accepted, when a name was proposed and the applicant unanimously elected. How many wore such patriotic citizen* have we among us? Jackaou Guards. tl a called meeting ef the Jaekaoo Guards, t night, tbe following Resolution was unan- lusly adopted, (in response to a circular re- red from Brigadier-General Phillips,) and ered tabe published: letolved, That our Captain be authorised i requested to report to Head Quarters the idilion of this corps, and to state that this njpany is ready to enter into service when- ►r desired ao to do. Jona Keblt, Sec y. Errata. type# yesterday made us say that Waldo Johnaon had been elected United States r from MiooUtippi in tbe place of Jss. 6. It ahould have been Missouri. A Wedding. Thf Rev. Isaac Rosser, of the Methodist , stant Church, an old pioneer Methodist preacher, who is now in the 80th year of his age, and Miss 8arah Childs, aged 80 years, were united in the holy bonds of wedlock, a few daye ago, by tho Rev. J. R. Turnerall of la city. We tender our warmest congratulations to happy pair, aod wish them much felicity their connubial relations. We trust they ill long enjoy all the pleasures and responai- incident to wedded life. That Large 9igu. Pay before-yesterday the Fbaekue Paianao oMPavr erected, on the top of their large e»- ~blisbment, a magnificent sign, which has *n the attraction, up to this time. It presents riking appearance, aud Is an appropriate uiahlng-oflTof the building. Bis splendid sign, which is ahead of any- ng of the kind this side of New York or eiphia, was designed by Columbus tt, Architect. Tha wood work is by Sana, herwood. The earviog is by Theo. Mroci- •ki, (proouaoed: sneese three times and sty/) and tbe paiatiag la by tho iaimlta- Wm. Hackle. Every portion of the work is tha highest degree, creditable to tha er. o and nsoohsuioal skill of our growing oily, ft Is slightly semi circular in shape, is four ; wide, and fifty feet long Attached to tbe pper portion of ibis sign, over its central part, a strikingly accurate likeness of Baa. Faask- a, which is also handsomely surmounted with stly carved wood work. From tbe base the sign to the top of that portion on which he likeness is painted, is eleven feel, and to Le top of tbacarvad work ia fifteen fret. This large and handsome sign Is quite as or- I amaat to ear eity, and ll a as# evidsnoe of] ear oawerd match of IlUMPIiB-T 'NEWS! 11 a',y tocn^oi Vtw Dow. I. ArkUMM. httnM Rock. Ark., Morah H Tho 0aew- •too Ordiaaac. woo Totod down to day .mid grut ...iUui.nl. A oompromlM vu nU*- A..ally m«d«. by .blob tho ptayio will ooto, oo tho fint of Aogwt, for Baeadaloh or ooAyor- ation. Balegqlea are to ha pent to a Border Slate Oottwattos, and to nepert to aa adjourned meeting of the Convention to be bald en the 3d Monday ipa August next. The Convention bee adjourned to that Mm*. Reaping the Benefits. St. Loiis, March 10.Foreign goods, lYee of duty, are beginning to arrive here via New Or- leans. Steamer Hnntavllle. Nobpolk, Virginia, March 10 The steamer Huntsville, from Savannah for New York, ar- rived here to day, short of coal. Bbe leaves for the letter port in the morning. UNITED STATES. Waseieotoe, March 20. In the Senate to-day, Mr. Hale, of New Hampshire, offered a resolution, which liee over, thatthefienateadjoamon Saturday next, at oue oclock in the afternoon. Mr. Douglasresolution of enquiry was ta- ken up. Mr. Bayard, of Delaware, said that this cri- sis, which he had loug anticipated had now culminated in tbe withdrawal of seven States from the Union. He intended to offer a prop- osition shortly, giving the President power, by the advioe and consent of the Senate, to enter into a treaty with the Confederate State*, and avoid the other alternative, civil war. He ex- plained tbe elementary principles of the gov- ernment, defined the relatione between the States and tbe Federal Government; and said that Seoeaaioa waa not among the reserved powers of the States, but that revolution was a common right, aod that the present state of affairs was revolution. And in this connec- tion, he thought that the will of the majority was to be conaidered the rule of tbe whole.Insurrection and violence in a State, said the speaker, may be put down by law; but you cannot meet the collective act of the collective people, except by war or by a peaceful nego- tiation. When revolution comes, it canoot be met by tbe law of treaeon. Allegiance is due to a State as well as to the Federal Govern- ment, and the law of domicile must necessari- ly govern tbe case, when a Slate has separated from the Federal Government. The Senate then went into Executive ses- sion, and afterwards adjourned. A reliable special dispatch to the Baltimore Bun, dated Washington March 19tb says: It is understood that orders have been given by the War and Navy Departments for the land- ing of troops, Ac., for the relief of Fort Pick- ens. Gentlemen intimately connected with tbe Administration say that whatever measures it ia pursuing, the Administration have no de- sign whatever, to provoke war. but ofpeaeeful character. CapL Fraser, of Mississippi, and Lieutenant OBxnaon, of South Carolina, both of the U. 8. Army, have resigned. Information from reliable sources agree that the military status of the Gulf Forts will be preserved by the Federal Government. | "COMMERCES ATLANTA, March 21. To-day'* work haa been principally oon fined to filling order*, which is being dona in good style. fitocki of Bacon, Corn and Lard are very fei» to-day. Baoon rules 10J, 121. 131- Bulk Pork atfil. 101, 1 If. Lard, in tieree, 1210131. Corn,Yellow 890001; Miked 92 093; White 93081. Floor, Fine *0.48 f Extra Fine 82.50 07 75; Fancy and city brands 88 50089. Large quantities of freight arriving, 146 oars received to day at Atlanta. Rush above is still inereasiag, but tbo receipt* do equal de- mand. Orders arc still pouring in, and ilia not hasardous to say that the demand lor Produce for the ensuing thirty daye will exoeed that of any former month. we notice several shipments ef Woolens, fie., from the Ivy Mills of Oobb oouniy, to our clothiers here, aod they make up handsomely too By eelliog open our firms in this business, a suit of No. 1 bone-made*can be bad. Furniture, of Southern make, can be found in all iu varieties, and we call the attention of beyors to tbi* department. Patronise home institutions, and but a abort time will slaps* ere you will find that vro have all tbe ele- ment* of business bsre, and a liberal patron- ege will develop them. Our neighbors ef the surrounding towns am buying liberally ef oor Furniture Dealers, and large shipments art going forward by our railroads. Tha following are the Receipts, to-day, per Western A Atlantic Railroad: Corn,...... ..................... .............2,760 sacks. Bacon,..................................... 59 Hogsheads. Flour........................................... 512 barrels. Lard..............................20 barrsls aod ksgs. Tobacco,............11 hogsheads and 8 boxes. Oats,................. -............................ 24 sacks. Hay................. ............................. .8* bale*. Whisky,..................................... 89 barrels. MONETARY. Exchange In good demand with but scant snppiy at 8i@4e. Gold is lively at 4 per cent. Western funds er* sought at 304c. Teanea see command 102e. freely. All standard South Carolina funds at par hare. Charleston,'March 20.Salts of Cotton to. day 1,450 bales, at prices ranging iron 8*012} cents. Tbe market is advancing. Mobile, March 20.Salea of Cotton to-day 5.000 bale*. Middlings at ll}011fc. There was an active demand and quotations were stiffer. New Orleans, March }0.--8ales of Cotton to-day 4,259 bales. Middlings 12012}c. The market was steady. Freights Id. 7 New Yobk, March 20.8ales of Cotton to- day 3.500 bales. Middling Uplands 12}@ 12|c. Tbe market was firm. Flour firm, with sales of 15.000 barrels. Wheat firm, with sales of 112.000 bushels. Corn advancing, with sales of 78,000 bushels; Mixed 62068}c.; Southern white 63070c. Savannah. March 19.There was a brisk de- mand in Cotton to-day, but the sales were limi- ted by the very small offering stock*. Pric show an improvement, and our quotations a a shade higher. Bales 714 bales at from 9} 012 eents. ExportsTo New York, 45,975 feet Flooring Boards and 115,720 feet Lumber; 1S6 bales Up- land Cotton. To Pom e. CO casks Rice and 60 empty lihd*. To Eastport. 79,SOI feet Timber and 19,605 feet Lumber. Col. Joslah Sheffield for Major-General. Messrs. Editors: Oo tbe 3d of April next it will evolve on the legal voters of this Divis- ion-embracing Meriwether, Troup, Heard Coweta, Campbell and Carrollto elect a Ma- jor-General. Allow me to suggest, for that po- sition, through your valuable paper, Col. Josiah Sheffield,, of Meriwether county. Eminently qualified as he is, I trust he will bs elected. WOODBURY. FOR MAJOR. Elia* Holcombe, Esq., is hereby announced aa a candidate, and will be supported, for Ma- jor to command tbe Peach Tree Battalion, at the election on the 13th proximo, by MANY VOTERS. We are authorised and requested to announce Daeikl Pittman as a candidate for Major of the Peach-Tree Battalion Georgia Militia. Elec- tion on the 13th of April next. DR. W. F. WESTMORELAND, Outer and SStatdente Akrik Bide af .ma- rietta Street. March 21. I»H. H. W. It HOIV N. Me NAUGHT. BEARD A CO. CammtHtan and Farwarding Merchants, BA T S TR EE T, Savannah, ...... Georgia. W». McNai oht, I ( Wm. K Baiun. Jan.i O.uo.n, j mar20 Jou« D.kha*. r. e. McDaniel, WHOLESALE GROCER, AND COMMISSION MERCHANT, AMD DEALER IX ALL KINDS OF PRODUCE, Hunter Street, between Whitehall and Prior, JWmntm* GetrgUu March 20. PULTON MECHANIC!*ASSOCIA- TION. A N Adjourned meeting of this Asiociatioo will be held at the Engine House of No. 2, on Wednesday night next, at 7} o'clock. Mechanaea who have been notified of their •lection as uiemWa will hav* aa opportunity, awff are invited to attend the above meeting, to eigo the OenstitntiAa. *19-21. JAMES NOBLE, Ja., 8*c'y. Nashville, March ISth.Now in Harpeth Shoals 6} feet and falling. The present rain will doubtless have a tendency to put it in cheek, if not create a rise. Steamer Red Rover pjaitively takes her de- parture on Monday next for New Orleans Passengers will find her every wey desirable, and should be on board by 5 o'clock, P. M. Steamer James Woods will arrive in port by Monday next, aod meet with immediate dis- patch back to New Orleans. Steamer John Gault, will leave Ibis day, Sun- day, promptly at 9 o'clock. On Monday next there will be a regular Pa- ducah packet to depart. Due ibis day a Monday steamer St. Louis, from Pittsburg, and steamer Glenwood, from Cincinnati, immediately after will follow the popular pioneer line packet Nashville. Steamer C. E Hillman now due from St. Louis. Hsxel Dell now lading for this port at Cin- cinnati- TAILORS WANTED! Gm*J Workm.n could And *tm- O Itoym.nt, at Itb.r.1 pric, with ml3-dgw1. LAW8HE A PORTELL. WAXTED1 COMkaight orton wood Mara, momHtoN O m.k. Wool Md fur U.ta gtoady «a to ploy- GE0RGIA BANK-NOTE LIST. Augusta Insurance dt Banking Company, Avgusta W. M. bAntlgnac, Pres................. K. Walton, Cash. Bank of Augusta, Augusta. John Doom, Fret......... .. ............ J. W. Davlsa, Cash. Genuine 5e with counterfeit signatures are in circula- tionbelter refuse all. 10s, female reclining, man with sleeves rolled up. 10a, vig. Her ury and sailor on sea-shore; uni. gen. 10s, vlg. wagon and team ; unlike the genuine. 20s, on left end portrait of Washington; genuine has a portrait of Jackson; 20 on the lower corners; tbe genuine has XX. Bank qf Athens, Athena Stevens Thomas, Pres............... A. P. Ddaring, Cash. Bank of Columbus, Columbus. W. 11. Young, Pres .......................... D. Adams, Cash. .Vt raised from la. Bank of Commerce, Savannah. G. B. Lamar, Pres........................ J. C. PerriU, Cash. Bank of tmpirs Stats, Rome. A. U. Smith, Pres ...................John McBryde, Cash. Bank of Fulton, Atlanta. X. W. Huland, Pres............................A. Austell, Cash. A few impr. salons, 10s and 90s, (old plates, Nos. be- tween 2,000 and 8,000,) are In circulation, with forged signatures. Bank qf Middle Georgia, Macon. Isaac Scott, Pres.................. ...A. H. Powell, Oask. Bank of Saoannah. Savannah. Lewis F. Harris. Pres................ W. B, Tinsley, Cash. &• altered from la; vlg. a steamship, a female on the left end, bust of a female on the right. 10s, rig. fentah standing; Bank of Savannah" In black type; X on the right end : ebb on the left end. Bank of the Stats of Georgia, Savannah. 50s, vig. female silting, holding figure 50; three aval dies on the right end, with "Georgia'' acrosa them, row acroas lett end ; imitation of old plate. 50s, vlg. female holding a rudder in her right hand, at her feet sbeaf of wheat and scythe; locomotive creas- ing a bridge In the dlstar.es; unlike genuine. 100«, have a steamer on left end with 100 over and under It; small 100a around the whole margin; State Bank of Georgiaon the back In red Ink; unlike tha genuine. 100s, not like genuine; vlg. female seated betide a bridge, sheaf of grain, waterfkll, aud small horse drink- ing ; locomotive In the distance. Central Railroad <6 Banking Company, Savannah. IL R. Cuyler, Prea........................ U. A. Cuyler.Cash. City Bank of Augusta, Augusta. A. Gould, Pres.................................W. J. Bams, Cash. Farmers' d Mechanics' Bank, Savsnnah. J. Richardson, Pres..................... J. B. Gaudry, Cash. Georgia Railroad d Banking Company, Augusta. John P. King, Prea .....................i. Milligan, Cask 50s, vlg. three (sees, the middle one Is Indistinctpoorly engraved. LaGrange Bank, LaGrange. Thomas Burch, Pres.....................W. H. Toller, Cash. Marins Bank qf Georgia, Savannah. [Formerly Marins k firs Insurance Bank.] Charles F. Mills, Pres..............Wa P. Hunter. Cssh. 50v, vig. beehive, male head aod two lOeon right end, same on le<l ead, good ImitaUen of aid plat*. Ms•homes' Bank, Augusta. Thomas A Metcalf, Free............... MUe Hatch, Cask Mechanics? Booings Bank. Savannah. (See Farmers' and Mechanics' Sank) Merchants' d Planters? Bank, Savannah. 11. Roberts,Pras......................... ....A. Barit*, Cask Mortk- Western Bank, Ringgold. W. M. Inman, Pros....................... A. B. Cowaa, Cash. Planters? Bank qf do Stats of Georgia. Savannah. G, W. Andersen, Prea..........H. W. Mereev, Oask Timber Cutter? Bank, Savannah. C. Kppiaf, Free........... 77.7..Hutton, Cuk aniTiim so Ednrk BaoJs, AueusU. jkrl» »Mk M W-UkJ trd TkmM, rm~- .......Joke CTr wg, Ouk Hardware, Msebaaical A Faraisg tssls, Beue-FurabUig Heeds. C UTLERY snd FILESA Urge end well assorted stock for sole by in20 McNAUGHT, ORJdOVD A CO. C HAINSTrace, 0**11, Log. Fifth, Breast, snd Halter Chains, for sale by m20 McNAUGHT, ORMOND A CO. I RONSweden, English, Refined, sDd Cats county Iron, all shapes and sites, of our own importation, for sale by n>26 McNAUGHT, ORMOND A CO. S HOVELS A SPADESAmes' and other ma- kers, for sale by m20 McNAUGHT, ORMOND A CO. H OESFive sisea superior Cast-Steel Hoes, tor sale by in20 McNAUGHT, ORMOND A CO. P LANES and EDGE TOOLS of tha beat make, J7 in great variety, for sale by n>20 McNAUGHT, ORMOND A CO. T HE attention of HARDWARE >i<erchanta, and others, is respectfully called to the lore going advertisements. We are prepared to fill orders for nil goods in our liue st the lowest prices for Cash. McNAUGHT. ORMOND A CO Keystone Building, march20 Whitehall street, Atlanta, Ga. WILLIAMS & MCLEAN, MANUFACTURERS AND DEALERS IN ALL KINDS OF FURNITURE! Boss and Hair Mattresses! LOOKING-GLASS PLATES, &C„ PEACH-TREE STREET, ATLANTA, GEORGIA S0LB AGENTS FORWrigtit s Spring-Bed, Admitted to be the Best in use. may17 FURNITURE! WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. T HANKFUL for the past patronage of rny numerous friends and customers, snd hoping a continuance of the same, I again take pleasure in informing them that 1 have now i store the LARGEST AHD BEST ASSORTED STOCK FURNITURE. ever before offered in Atlanta, and All of SOUTHERN MAKE, and am in almost daily reoeipt of New and Varied Styles of all kinds of Furniture from tk well known Factory of armMmmmr n* GRA.'srq of which F. W. FLYNN, formerly of tbe Novelty Works. Columbus, Georgia, is Foffwan, wht t is a sufficient guarantee that all the work from the ABOVE FACTORY is getd sl tbe null substantial quality. ALL WORK WARRANTED GOOD Prioes from 15 to 25 per cent, lower than any other Fubxitcrc Stork in Geotgia. MATTRA8SES, LOUNGES, LOOKING GLASSES, WINDOW SHADES, CGTU6A CHAIRS, AC., AC., always on hand. Pioturb Fbambr made and FrnJiTcnc repaired with neatness and despatch. COFFINS OF ALL SIZES ON HAND. WHITEHALL STREET, ATLANTA, GEORGIA. D. M. YOUNG, Agent, Nov. 2. dtf. For JOHN D. GRAT. COMPETITION WITH CHARLESTON, —AT WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, IN®biiu. (Stoss, Silver, jplatcrt anil |!nttania WARE AND CROCKERY; A LAROG lot of COT and PRESSED GLASS; WHITE, GILT, aod DECORATED Gh NA, TEA. DINNER, .nd TOILET 8ETS, .Lot price; SILVER-PLATED TEA 8EH CASTORS, CAKE-BASKETS. FRUIT STANDS. CUPS, GOBLETS, 8POON8. FORKS. Ac. A> KEROSENE LAMPS. CANDLESTICKS, WAITERS, TABLE MATTS, CHINA VA8E8. At A lot of FINE TABLE CUTLERY. A l.rg. and completo .lock of WHIT11 GRANITE & COMMON CROCKERY to which we Invite the attention of COUNTRY MERCHAN18. We import our goods fn>m. Europe and buy of the best American Manufacturers, and will sell for the smallest possible profile for CA8II. COLE & WYLIE, aug2l Whitehall Street, nearly Opposite Beach A Roots, Atlanta. Georgia. A. ISAACS, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER IN Millinery and Fancy GOODS, Ribbons, Feathers, Flowers, Head Dresses, Embroideries, Laces, Blonbrs, Rucl)ta, {Jtrfummj, <Sso., <Sco. CONNELLYS IRON FRONT BUILDING WHITEHALL STREET, ATLANTA QA. octl-dly BUTLER & PETERS, (Bueowaaora to High, Butler k Co.,) Commission Merchants, roa ... rnacuii ... uu o. TMjyjtrsssea a r m o o vest Cottas, Orocertes, Me., ATLANTA,.,................... ....... GE0RQIA. Hit. ramarad to th. larg. Fira.Proof W.rt- hoaM, fonmrly wsonplod Winship A How- HEAVY STUCK. papers fr rels On t PaP*ra fresh Garden Seeds, 8 bar- 4tf)VlvU rels Onion Sett*, at the Drug b ore of D. YOUNG A CO , »»8 Whitehall street, Atlanta. Ga. i gallons of Lins ed Oil, 500 boxes Wiu- D. YOUNG A OO., Whitehall street, Atlsnta, Ga. in Cases hnice Patent Medicines, at tha Wbitehall street Atlsnta, Ga. 1 n OOO P000^* White Lead. Painta dry t vjV/ \J\J and in oil, Brushes, Fancy Govds, Ac., at tbe Drug 8tore of D. M. YOU KG A CO., m8 Whitehall Street Atlanta, Ga. Whitehall street, Atlanta, Ga. TO \tTt h,Yo sow in Stora, a l.rg. lot of Extra V* Hnry, Do.MM.lt RumI Sngiu, mad. with two hoary aola. of th. beat qaality of Ilemloch Solo Leather and Oak Upper., with Ririt Ey.-M.nu, which w. bar. mad, axprow ly for th. trad, ot thi. market, and guaran- tee them, in arary reaped, inperior to any- thing that can ba found in this marksA, fa the lias of Brscaai, and wRI call than, at Iowac prioss, by tha cau or .in.la pair. Th»M wanting a good Brogan, at low prieaa, will Snd it to thoir Tataraat to call on m at tha Sign of tha BifBook ___ DIMICK, WILSON A 00. Paaah-Traa 6treat, Atlanta, GssrgU. IAkn WL AWAIMI. ATTORNEY AT LAW, Wetkiagtam, Qmrfia. THOMAS it ABBOTT, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, Atlanta, Georgia. Office la Smiths Buildiag, Whitehall street. G. S. Tbomas, jatftf Baa. F. Asaoiv. PROFESSOR NOTTS DANCING ACADEMY, eoaaaa or raxcx rasa amd marietta svebbts, Atlaata, Georgia* D AYS OF TUITION: Mondays and Tues- days, from S till » oclock. P. M , for La- dies, Misses sad Meaters; and the earn* days, at night, from 7* till id o'clock, for Young Gen- tlemen. Terms. 810 for th* full course of 12 leseona. Feb. 19—if. SAM E1BKBAB. 40BX W. LCKB. KIRKMAN & LUKE, COMMISSION MERCHANTS, No. 170, Second Street, ST LOUIS, MISSOURI. Refer to Joaa Kirkms, James Woods, W GRRcarixcD, Nashville, Tenn. jan 93ua WILLIAM MACKIE, FRESCO PAINTER AND GRAiNEK, HAVING located perma- nently in Atlanta, will de- . vote bis whole attention to the above Branches in all their details. Likewise, 8IGN8 of every descriptor WIN- DOW 8HADE8, SHOW CARDS, CARVED LETTERS made to order in any style, war- ranted to equal any City in the Union. Orders front the Country attended to. OFFICEIn Beach A Root's Building- tain fa. b I IMPORTANT TO COMBS OF G IS! I HAVE appointed Mr. WILLIAM BARNEb Imy Agent for tbe sale of LEFFIHOWELL8 GAS REGULATOR in Atlant, Geoigla. DOT. 20 J. R. DAVIS. SOUTH CAROLINA RAILROAD. Cbaulbhton, March 1, 1801. S HIPPER8 of Merchandise to points on the South Carolina and connecting Railroads, who have heretofore consigned their shipment* to the Agent of the South Carolina Railroad here, are notified that this Company will dia- continue the business of rceeiving and forward- ing on and sf.er the 11th instant. This proceeding is made necessary, in conse- quenoe of the new duties and responsibilities growing out of the Tariff Act, February 18th, of the Congress of tbe Confederate States. It will, therefore, be necessary that all freight deatined aa above ahould be directed to Com- mission Merchants in the city, to whom tbe Company will continue to advance ordinary expenses, such as freight, drsyage, and wbarf- And Shippers will find it greatly to their in- terest to forward promptly to consignees in- voices and bills of lading, to enable g< ods to be G ssed through the Custom House without de /. W. J. MAGRATH, m5-8k General Agent. J. H. L0VEJ0Y, AND DEALER IN Tobacco, Wine, Liqnor, Cigars, It. Ohsrokss Block, Ptach-Trt* Street, Atlanta, Georgia. feb25-1y COKE! COKE!! COKE!! AT THE GAB W0BK8. 3E quantity for aala 12A cent per bushel. Feb. *1dtf. J. F. WARNER. Bupt. Q. K. & J. L HAMILTON, SUCCESSORS TO SNim A SHARD, DRUGGISTS, ANDPHARMACKUTI8T8, AMD DEALERS TV PURE MF.DIC1NIC3, CHkMI' ALB, PAINT!*. OILS, RINOOW GLASS, FANCY AND TOILET ART1 LBS, BUKMN'« FLUID, CAMPHINI, K RoSkNK OIL AND LAMP*, flUR 1CAL A DENTAL UfeTRUMENTS, FINE FRENCH AND CATAWBA BRANDIES, WINKS, Ac. ATLANTA, GEORGIA. HORHES FOR MALE. TWO large young Northern MARES, five and sir years old : One pair Carriage HORSES, well broke C Four Canada HORSESall on reasonabla terms. Also, for sale. BUOGIB8. TROTTING WAO- ON8 and TROTTING SULKIES-all manu- factured by No. 1 workmen. Apply at G. C. ROGERSaug23 Bale 8table, Loyd street. CHOICE MEATS may be had daily at my Stall in the Market aug2S G. C. R 30 N BBL8 LARD OIL, Jn.t raoai.ad on ml- •ignmant and for aaia by l.Mll BUTLER A rETESS. UTBW. bar. >M lb. Paean KuU; tM lb. Alicant Almond.; Md IU Hud Shall Almond.; Md IU Bruit Xntoi M boxaa Aunrtod Candy i M buaud HUf hoZM Raiain. Fee ala lew. hv JauU CEKTEB S TREADWELL. 1LOUR I FLOUR I FLOUKI-ddd buralaaf at Lula Family Vlur, ud Md n.U at Taniamu Extra Floor, tar Md. hr e tv------ BCTLEE A FXTERE

mm sfortj-'ftm '/ Mira'?. IlUMPIiB-T 'NEWS! aniTiim so … · way of donation, frana our goad ernment,eili.ena.eem. gd volume, of booke-meoy "f them of aery greatvalue. A reflation

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Page 1: mm sfortj-'ftm '/ Mira'?. IlUMPIiB-T 'NEWS! aniTiim so … · way of donation, frana our goad ernment,eili.ena.eem. gd volume, of booke-meoy "f them of aery greatvalue. A reflation


sfortj-'ftm©m '/oonMira'?.


Oar H*'*"1’- UiiiTt-ftiflT1 H Ommrtr,

A J (}nf,a, an our aflMuiHir4 A|MH (•. ........................... .. R,r mo0*Jr **.ooouot of th. "S«ulh«« Confcd.rary." ,

Wanted Immediately.A» acl'». r>»J nf*ro «*"• **

h>u»* .arrant YTP^^1 °*cr

Meeting uf He Mee fiddle.’ A.«o«l*Ui>n. J^al night» ....mill* of lb. Fultod Haalu-

|o»* Awoei.llo. *1* b.ld ih lb. En*iti. Hou.« of Mechanic Fire Company. No. S. Thti or- g.oiamion baa for it. ohjeot, the morel aad mental iroprorement, end .l.velioe of tbe Mechanic. of our clty^-e moat north/ end no- ble aim, end eboiltd rae.lT. the approbation end .eeUtenoe of ell food eitieene. They le- aend to build up e Boctoty, with which it will be in honor end a ben.#t to e men to be eea- uacted. They want to here e large libr.ry of valuable boeke, end Uke a number of tbe perl-

■ edieele ef tbe day. wttli a neat an i oommedi- ona room, where lei.ure er..lng. can be pleea- antly and profitably whiled away—muob bet­ter than aeekin* amuaement at planer of diaui- pstiOD.

The Society haa been orjaniaed but little over a month. It now coneiete of twenty-four bona Jilt member., with about that number elected to memberabip, who will be received „ member, at tbe neat meeting.

Coneiderable pragma haa bun made to ward, the oelleetion of a library. A Commit­tee appointed for that purpoee, reported that ainoe the leal meeting, they bad oollected by way of donation, frana our goad eili.ena.eem. gd volume, of booke-meoy "f them of aery great value. A reflation of tb.nki to the don­or. wet unenimou.ly pawed. We will add that the Aaaoeiation will be thankful to all per- aon. lor donation, or good book, of any de- ecriptinn, and wa hope their appeal will be liberally raapoaded to. Such donation! may be left at the Store of Tomlinson * Barnea, or the Committee will gladly call for book, at any plaee. if notice will be given them.

The following am tho officer, of the Ateocie- tion:

C. M. Caldwell, PresidentWm. Rishton snd Ws. Basses, Vice Pres is.James Noble, Secretary.Ja». E. Gi llatt, Treasurer.Felix McGrini and Joel Kelsey, Jr., War­

dens.Jobe Ateissue and Samuel 8. Atktbsob,

Stewards.Gao&us Edward, Librarian.A/ter the transaction of some business, dur­

ing which six persons were elected to member­ship. the Association adjourned to the first Fri­day In April next.

Personal.Mr*. Walker, wife ot Hon. L.P. Walker, Sec­

retary of War, Rev. H. N. Tyeire, of Nashville and lion. Solon Borland, of Memphis, arrived in our city to-day.

Patriotic.We were pleased, last night, to hear retd be­

fore one of our Volunteer corps a letter from a ciuxen—himself exempt from military duty—m which he proffered, if agreeable to the corps, to equip at bis own expense a respectable umn to eater their rank* in case the corps should be -called into active service. Tbe proposition was promptly accepted, when a name was proposed and the applicant unanimously elected. How many wore such patriotic citizen* have we among us?

Jackaou Guards.tl a called meeting ef the Jaekaoo Guards, t night, tbe following Resolution was unan- lusly adopted, (in response to a circular re- red from Brigadier-General Phillips,) and ered tabe published:letolved, That our Captain be authorised i requested to report to Head Quarters the idilion of this corps, and to state that this njpany is ready to enter into service when- ►r desired ao to do. Jona Keblt, Sec y.

Errata.type# yesterday made us say that Waldo

Johnaon had been elected United States r from MiooUtippi in tbe place of Jss. 6.

It ahould have been Missouri.

A Wedding.Thf Rev. Isaac Rosser, of the Methodist

, stant Church, an old pioneer Methodist preacher, who is now in the 80th year of his age, and Miss 8arah Childs, aged 80 years, were united in the holy bonds of wedlock, a few daye ago, by tho Rev. J. R. Turner—all of

la city.We tender our warmest congratulations to

■ happy pair, aod wish them much felicity their connubial relations. We trust they

ill long enjoy all the pleasures and responai- incident to wedded life.

That Large 9igu.Pay before-yesterday the Fbaekue Paianao

oMPavr erected, on the top of their large e»- ~blisbment, a magnificent sign, which has

*n the attraction, up to this time. It presents riking appearance, aud Is an appropriate

uiahlng-oflT’’ of the building.Bis splendid sign, which is ahead of any-

ng of the kind this side of New York or eiphia, was designed by Columbus

tt, Architect. Tha wood work is by Sana, her wood. The earviog is by Theo. Mroci- •ki, (proouaoed: sneese three times and sty/) and tbe paiatiag la by tho iaimlta- Wm. Hackle. Every portion of the work

is tha highest degree, creditable to tha er. o and nsoohsuioal skill of our growing oily,

ft Is slightly semi circular in shape, is four ; wide, and fifty feet long Attached to tbe

pper portion of ibis sign, over its central part, a strikingly accurate likeness of Baa. Faask- a, which is also handsomely surmounted with

stly carved wood work. From tbe base the sign to the top of that portion on which

he likeness is painted, is eleven feel, and to Le top of tbacarvad work ia fifteen fret.This large and handsome sign Is quite as or- I amaat to ear eity, and ll a as# evidsnoe of]

ear oawerd match of

IlUMPIiB-T 'NEWS!11 a',y

tocn^oi Vtw Dow. I. ArkUMM.httnM Rock. Ark., Morah H —Tho 0aew-

•too Ordiaaac. woo Totod down to day .mid grut ...iUui.nl. A oompromlM vu nU*- A..ally m«d«. by .blob tho ptayio will ooto, oo tho fint of Aogwt, for Baeadaloh or ooAyor- ation.

Balegqlea are to ha pent to a Border Slate Oottwattos, and to nepert to aa adjourned meeting of the Convention to be bald en the 3d Monday ipa August next.

The Convention bee adjourned to that Mm*.

Reaping the Benefits.St. Loi’is, March 10.—Foreign goods, lYee of

duty, are beginning to arrive here via New Or-leans.

Steamer Hnntavllle.Nobpolk, Virginia, March 10 — The steamer

Huntsville, from Savannah for New York, ar­rived here to day, short of coal. Bbe leaves for the letter port in the morning.

UNITED STATES.Waseieotoe, March 20.

In the Senate to-day, Mr. Hale, of New Hampshire, offered a resolution, which liee over, thatthefienateadjoamon Saturday next, at oue o’clock in the afternoon.

Mr. Douglas’ resolution of enquiry was ta­ken up.

Mr. Bayard, of Delaware, said that this cri­sis, which he had loug anticipated had now culminated in tbe withdrawal of seven States from the Union. He intended to offer a prop­osition shortly, giving the President power, by the advioe and consent of the Senate, to enter into a treaty with the Confederate State*, and avoid the other alternative, civil war. He ex­plained tbe elementary principles of the gov­ernment, defined the relatione between the States and tbe Federal Government; and said that Seoeaaioa waa not among the reserved powers of the States, but that revolution was a common right, aod that the present state of affairs was revolution. And in this connec­tion, he thought that the will of the majority was to be conaidered the rule of tbe whole.— Insurrection and violence in a State, said the speaker, may be put down by law; but you cannot meet the collective act of the collective people, except by war or by a peaceful nego- tiation. When revolution comes, it canoot be met by tbe law of treaeon. Allegiance is due to a State as well as to the Federal Govern­ment, and the law of domicile must necessari­ly govern tbe case, when a Slate has separated from the Federal Government.

The Senate then went into Executive ses­sion, and afterwards adjourned.

A reliable special dispatch to the Baltimore Bun, dated Washington March 19tb says: “It is understood that orders have been given by the War and Navy Departments for the land­ing of troops, Ac., for the relief of Fort Pick­ens.

Gentlemen intimately connected with tbe Administration say that whatever measures it ia pursuing, the Administration have no de­sign whatever, to provoke war. but ofpeaeeful character.

CapL Fraser, of Mississippi, and Lieutenant O’Bxnaon, of South Carolina, both of the U. 8. Army, have resigned.

Information from reliable sources agree that the military status of the Gulf Forts will be preserved by the Federal Government.


ATLANTA, March 21.To-day'* work haa been principally oon fined

to filling order*, which is being dona in good style.

fitocki of Bacon, Corn and Lard are very fei» to-day. Baoon rules 10J, 121. 131- Bulk Pork atfil. 101, 1 If. Lard, in tieree, 1210131. Corn,Yellow 890001; Miked 92 0 93; White 93081. Floor, Fine *0.48 f Extra Fine 82.50 07 75; Fancy and city brands 88 50089.

Large quantities of freight arriving, 146 oars received to day at Atlanta. Rush above is still inereasiag, but tbo receipt* do equal de­mand. Orders arc still pouring in, and ilia not hasardous to say that the demand lor Produce for the ensuing thirty daye will exoeed that of any former month.

we notice several shipments ef Woolens, fie., from the Ivy Mills of Oobb oouniy, to our clothiers here, aod they make up handsomely too By eelliog open our firms in this business, a suit of No. 1 “bone-made*’ can be bad.

Furniture, of Southern make, can be found in all iu varieties, and we call the attention of beyors to tbi* department. Patronise home institutions, and but a abort time will slaps* ere you will find that vro have all tbe ele­ment* of business bsre, and a liberal patron- ege will develop them. Our neighbors ef the surrounding towns am buying liberally ef oor Furniture Dealers, and large shipments art going forward by our railroads.

Tha following are the Receipts, to-day, per Western A Atlantic Railroad:

Corn,...... ..................................2,760 sacks.Bacon,.....................................59 Hogsheads.Flour........................................... 512 barrels.Lard..............................20 barrsls aod ksgs.Tobacco,............11 hogsheads and 8 boxes.Oats,.................-............................ 24 sacks.Hay............... .. ............................. .8* bale*.Whisky,.....................................89 barrels.

MONETARY.Exchange In good demand with but scant

snppiy at [email protected] is lively at 4 per cent.Western funds er* sought at 304c. Teanea

see command 102e. freely.All standard South Carolina funds at par


Charleston,'March 20.—Salts of Cotton to. day 1,450 bales, at prices ranging iron 8*012} cents. Tbe market is advancing.

Mobile, March 20.—Salea of Cotton to-day5.000 bale*. Middlings at ll}011fc. There was an active demand and quotations were stiffer.

New Orleans, March }0.--8ales of Cotton to-day 4,259 bales. Middlings 12012}c. The market was steady. Freights Id. 7

New Yobk, March 20.—8ales of Cotton to­day 3.500 bales. Middling Uplands 12}@ 12|c. Tbe market was firm. Flour firm, with sales of 15.000 barrels. Wheat firm, with sales of112.000 bushels. Corn advancing, with sales of 78,000 bushels; Mixed 62068}c.; Southern white 63070c.

Savannah. March 19.—There was a brisk de­mand in Cotton to-day, but the sales were limi­ted by the very small offering stock*. Pric show an improvement, and our quotations a a shade higher. Bales 714 bales at from 9} 012 eents.

Exports—To New York, 45,975 feet Flooring Boards and 115,720 feet Lumber; 1S6 bales Up­land Cotton. To Pom e. CO casks Rice and 60 empty lihd*. To Eastport. 79,SOI feet Timber and 19,605 feet Lumber.

Col. Joslah Sheffield for Major-General.Messrs. Editors: Oo tbe 3d of April next

it will evolve on the legal voters of this Divis­ion-embracing Meriwether, Troup, Heard Coweta, Campbell and Carroll—to elect a Ma­jor-General. Allow me to suggest, for that po­sition, through your valuable paper, Col. Josiah Sheffield,, of Meriwether county. Eminently qualified as he is, I trust he will bs elected.


Elia* Holcombe, Esq., is hereby announced aa a candidate, and will be supported, for Ma­jor to command tbe Peach Tree Battalion, at the election on the 13th proximo, by

MANY VOTERS.We are authorised and requested to announce

Daeikl Pittman as a candidate for Major of the Peach-Tree Battalion Georgia Militia. Elec­tion on the 13th of April next.

DR. W. F. WESTMORELAND,Outer and SStatdente Akrik Bide af .ma­

rietta Street.March 21.

I»H. H. W. It HO IV N.

Me NAUGHT. BEARD A CO. CammtHtan and Far warding Merchants,

BA T S TR EE T,Savannah, ...... Georgia.

W». McNai oht, I ( Wm. K Baiun.Jan.i O.uo.n, j mar 20 Jou« D.kha*.

r. e. McDaniel,



ALL KINDS OF PRODUCE,Hunter Street, between Whitehall and Prior,

JWmntm* GetrgUuMarch 20.


AN Adjourned meeting of this Asiociatioo will be held at the Engine House of No. 2,

on Wednesday night next, at 7} o'clock.Mechanaea who have been notified of their

•lection as uiemWa will hav* aa opportunity, awff are invited to attend the above meeting, to eigo the OenstitntiAa.

*19-21. JAMES NOBLE, Ja., 8*c'y.

Nashville, March ISth.—Now in Harpeth Shoals 6} feet and falling. The present rain will doubtless have a tendency to put it in cheek, if not create a rise.

Steamer Red Rover pjaitively takes her de­parture on Monday next for New Orleans — Passengers will find her every wey desirable, and should be on board by 5 o'clock, P. M.

Steamer James Woods will arrive in port by Monday next, aod meet with immediate dis­patch back to New Orleans.

Steamer John Gault, will leave Ibis day, Sun­day, promptly at 9 o'clock.

On Monday next there will be a regular Pa­ducah packet to depart.

Due ibis day a Monday steamer St. Louis, from Pittsburg, and steamer Glenwood, from Cincinnati, immediately after will follow the popular pioneer line packet Nashville.

Steamer C. E Hillman now due from St. Louis.

Hsxel Dell now lading for this port at Cin­cinnati-

TAILORS WANTED!Gm*J Workm.n could And *tm-

O I’toym.nt, at Itb.r.1 pric, with ml3-dgw1. LAW8HE A PORTELL.

WAXTED1COM kaight or ton wood Mara, mom HtoNO m.k. Wool Md fur U.ta gtoady «a


GE0RGIA BANK-NOTE LIST.Augusta Insurance dt Banking Company, Avgusta

W. M. b’Antlgnac, Pres.................K. Walton, Cash.Bank of Augusta, Augusta.

John Doom, Fret......... .. ............ J. W. Davlsa, Cash.Genuine 5e with counterfeit signatures are in circula­

tion—belter refuse all.10s, female reclining, man with sleeves rolled up.10a, vig. Her ury and sailor on sea-shore; uni. gen. 10s, vlg. wagon and team ; unlike the genuine.20s, on left end portrait of Washington; genuine has

a portrait of Jackson; 20 on the lower corners; tbe genuine has XX.Bank qf Athens, Athena

Stevens Thomas, Pres...............A. P. Ddaring, Cash.Bank of Columbus, Columbus.

W. 11. Young, Pres .......................... D. Adams, Cash..Vt raised from la.

Bank of Commerce, Savannah.G. B. Lamar, Pres........................ J. C. PerriU, Cash.

Bank of tmpirs Stats, Rome.A. U. Smith, Pres ...................John McBryde, Cash.

Bank of Fulton, Atlanta.X. W. Huland, Pres............................A. Austell, Cash.A few impr. salons, 10s and 90s, (old plates, Nos. be­

tween 2,000 and 8,000,) are In circulation, with forged signatures.Bank qf Middle Georgia, Macon.

Isaac Scott, Pres.................. ...A. H. Powell, Oask.Bank of Saoannah. Savannah.

Lewis F. Harris. Pres................ W. B, Tinsley, Cash.&• altered from la; vlg. a steamship, a female on the

left end, bust of a female on the right.10s, rig. fentah standing; “ Bank of Savannah" In

black type; X on the right end : ebb on the left end. Bank of the Stats of Georgia, Savannah.

50s, vig. female silting, holding figure 50; three aval dies on the right end, with "Georgia'' acrosa them, row acroas lett end ; imitation of old plate.

50s, vlg. female holding a rudder in her right hand, at her feet sbeaf of wheat and scythe; locomotive creas­ing a bridge In the dlstar.es; unlike genuine.

100«, have a steamer on left end with 100 over and under It; small 100a around the whole margin; “State Bank of Georgia” on the back In red Ink; unlike tha genuine.

100s, not like genuine; vlg. female seated betide a bridge, sheaf of grain, waterfkll, aud small horse drink­ing ; locomotive In the distance.Central Railroad <6 Banking Company, Savannah.

IL R. Cuyler, Prea........................ U. A. Cuyler.Cash.City Bank of Augusta, Augusta.

A. Gould, Pres.................................W. J. Bams, Cash.Farmers' d Mechanics' Bank, Savsnnah.

J. Richardson, Pres.....................J. B. Gaudry, Cash.Georgia Railroad d Banking Company, Augusta.

John P. King, Prea .....................i. Milligan, Cask50s, vlg. three (sees, the middle one Is Indistinct—

poorly engraved.LaGrange Bank, LaGrange.

Thomas Burch, Pres.....................W. H. Toller, Cash.Marins Bank qf Georgia, Savannah.

[Formerly Marins k firs Insurance Bank.]Charles F. Mills, Pres..............Wa P. Hunter. Cssh.50v, vig. beehive, male head aod two lOeon right end,

same on le<l ead, good ImitaUen of aid plat*.Ms •homes' Bank, Augusta.

Thomas A Metcalf, Free............... MUe Hatch, CaskMechanics? Booings Bank. Savannah.

(See Farmers' and Mechanics' Sank) Merchants' d Planters? Bank, Savannah.

11. Roberts,Pras.............................A. Barit*, CaskMortk- Western Bank, Ringgold.

W. M. Inman, Pros.......................A. B. Cowaa, Cash.Planters? Bank qf do Stats of Georgia. Savannah.

G, W. Andersen, Prea........—..H. W. Mereev, OaskTimber Cutter? Bank, Savannah.

C. Kppiaf, Free...........77.7..Hutton, Cuk

aniTiim so

EdnrkBaoJs, AueusU.jk—rl» »Mk M W-UkJ trd TkmM, rm~- .......Joke CTrwg, Ouk

Hardware, Msebaaical A Faraisg tssls, Beue-FurabUig Heeds.

CUTLERY snd FILES—A Urge end well assorted stock for sole by in20 McNAUGHT, ORJdOVD A CO.

CHAINS—Trace, 0**11, Log. Fifth, Breast, snd Halter Chains, for sale by


IRON—Sweden, English, Refined, sDd Cats county Iron, all shapes and sites, of our own importation, for sale by n>26 McNAUGHT, ORMOND A CO.

SHOVELS A SPADES—Ames' and other ma­kers, for sale by


HOES—Five sisea superior Cast-Steel Hoes, tor sale by

in20 McNAUGHT, ORMOND A CO.P LAN ES and EDGE TOOLS of tha beat make, J7 in great variety, for sale by


THE attention of HARDWARE >i<erchanta, and others, is respectfully called to the lore going advertisements. We are prepared to fill

orders for nil goods in our liue st the lowest prices for Cash.

McNAUGHT. ORMOND A CO Keystone Building,

march20 Whitehall street, Atlanta, Ga.


ALL KINDS OF FURNITURE!Boss and Hair Mattresses!



Wrigtit’s Spring-Bed,Admitted to be the Best in use.




THANKFUL for the past patronage of rny numerous friends and customers, snd hoping a continuance of the same, I again take pleasure in informing them that 1 have now i

store the



FURNITURE.ever before offered in Atlanta, and All of

SOUTHERN MAKE,and am in almost daily reoeipt of New and Varied Styles of all kinds of Furniture from tk well known Factory of

armMmmmr n* GRA.'srqof which F. W. FLYNN, formerly of tbe Novelty Works. Columbus, Georgia, is Foffwan, wht t is a sufficient guarantee that all the work from the ABOVE FACTORY is getd sl tbe null substantial quality.

ALL WORK WARRANTED GOODPrioes from 15 to 25 per cent, lower than any other Fubxitcrc Stork in Geotgia.


Pioturb Fbambr made and FrnJiTcnc repaired with neatness and despatch.COFFINS OF ALL SIZES ON HAND.


Nov. 2. dtf. For JOHN D. GRAT.


®biiu. (Stoss, Silver, jplatcrt anil |!nttaniaWARE AND CROCKERY;



WHIT11 GRANITE & COMMON CROCKERYto which we Invite the attention of COUNTRY MERCHAN18.

We import our goods fn>m. Europe and buy of the best American Manufacturers, and will sell for the smallest possible profile for CA8II.

COLE & WYLIE,aug2l Whitehall Street, nearly Opposite Beach A Root’s, Atlanta. Georgia.


Millinery and FancyGOODS,

Ribbons, Feathers, Flowers, Head Dresses, Embroideries, Laces, Blonbrs, Rucl)ta, {Jtrfummj,



ATLANTA QA.octl-dly

BUTLER & PETERS,(Bueowaaora to High, Butler k Co.,)

Commission Merchants,roa ... rnacuii ... uu o.

TMjyjtrsssea a r m o o vestCottas, Orocertes, Me.,

ATLANTA,.,................... .......GE0RQIA.Hit. ramarad to th. larg. Fira.Proof W.rt-

hoaM, fonmrly wsonplod Winship A How-

HEAVY STUCK.papers fr rels On

Q£ t PaP*ra fresh Garden Seeds, 8 bar- 4tf)VlvU rels Onion Sett*, at the Drug b ore of D. YOUNG A CO ,

»»8 Whitehall street, Atlanta. Ga.

i gallons of Lins ed Oil, 500 boxes Wiu-

D. YOUNG A OO., Whitehall street, Atlsnta, Ga.

in Cases hnice Patent Medicines, at tha

Wbitehall street Atlsnta, Ga.

1 n OOO P000^* White Lead. Painta dry t vjV/ \J\J and in oil, Brushes, Fancy Govds,

Ac., at tbe Drug 8tore ofD. M. YOU KG A CO.,

m8 Whitehall Street Atlanta, Ga.

Whitehall street, Atlanta, Ga.

TO\tTt h,Yo sow in Stora, a l.rg. lot of Extra V* Hnry, Do.MM.lt RumI Sngiu,

mad. with two hoary aola. of th. beat qaality of Ilemloch Solo Leather and Oak Upper., with Ririt Ey.-M.nu, which w. bar. mad, ax prow ly for th. trad, ot thi. market, and guaran­tee them, in arary reaped, in peri or to any­thing that can ba found in this marksA, fa the lias of Brscaai, and wRI call than, at Iowac prioss, by tha cau or .in.la pair.

Th»M wanting a good Brogan, at low prieaa, will Snd it to thoir Tataraat to call on m at thaSign of tha BifBook ___

DIMICK, WILSON A 00. Paaah-Traa 6 treat, Atlanta, GssrgU.


ATTORNEY AT LAW,Wetkiagtam, Qmrfia.


ATTORNEYS AT LAW,Atlanta, Georgia.

Office la Smith’s Buildiag, Whitehall street. G. S. Tbomas, jatftf Baa. F. Asaoiv.


DANCING ACADEMY,eoaaaa or raxcx rasa amd marietta svebbts,

Atlaata, Georgia*

DAYS OF TUITION: Mondays and Tues­days, from S till » o’clock. P. M , for La­

dies, Misses sad Meaters; and the earn* days, at night, from 7* till id o'clock, for Young Gen­tlemen.

Terms. 810 for th* full course of 12 leseona. Feb. 19—if.


COMMISSION MERCHANTS,No. 170, Second Street,

ST LOUIS, MISSOURI.Refer to Joaa Kirk ms, James Woods, W

GRRcarixcD, Nashville, Tenn. jan 9— 3ua


HAVING located perma­nently in Atlanta, will de-

. vote bis whole attention to the above Branches in all their details.

Likewise, 8IGN8 of every descriptor WIN­DOW 8HADE8, SHOW CARDS, CARVED LETTERS made to order in any style, war­ranted to equal any City in the Union.

Orders front the Country attended to.OFFICE—In Beach A Root's Building-

tain fa. b I

IMPORTANT TO COMBS OF G IS!I HAVE appointed Mr. WILLIAM BARNEb Imy Agent for tbe sale ofLEFFIHOWELL’8 GAS REGULATORin Atlant, Geoigla.

DOT. 20 J. R. DAVIS.


Cbaulbhton, March 1, 1801.

SHIPPER8 of Merchandise to points on the South Carolina and connecting Railroads,

who have heretofore consigned their shipment* to the Agent of the South Carolina Railroad here, are notified that this Company will dia- continue the business of rceeiving and forward­ing on and sf.er the 11th instant.

This proceeding is made necessary, in conse- quenoe of the new duties and responsibilities growing out of the Tariff Act, February 18th, of the Congress of tbe Confederate States.

It will, therefore, be necessary that all freight deatined aa above ahould be directed to Com­mission Merchants in the city, to whom tbe Company will continue to advance ordinary expenses, such as freight, drsyage, and wbarf-

And Shippers will find it greatly to their in­terest to forward promptly to consignees in­voices and bills of lading, to enable g< ods to be

Gssed through the Custom House without de /. W. J. MAGRATH,m5-8k General Agent.

J. H. L0VEJ0Y,


Tobacco, Wine, Liqnor, Cigars, It.Ohsrokss Block, Ptach-Trt* Street,

Atlanta, Georgia.feb25-1y


3E quantity for aala 12A cent per bushel.

Feb. *1—dtf. J. F. WARNER. Bupt.











HORHES FOR MALE.TWO large young Northern MARES, five and sir years old :

One pair Carriage HORSES, wellbroke C

Four Canada HORSES—all on reasonablaterms.

Also, for sale. BUOGIB8. TROTTING WAO- ON8 and TROTTING SULKIES-all manu­factured by No. 1 workmen.

Apply at G. C. ROGERS’aug23 Bale 8table, Loyd street.

CHOICE MEATS may be had daily at my Stall in the Market

aug2S G. C. R



BBL8 LARD OIL, Jn.t raoai.ad on ml- •ignmant and for aaia by


UTB—W. bar.>M lb. Paean KuU; tM lb. Alicant Almond.;Md IU Hud Shall Almond.;Md IU Bruit Xntoi M boxaa Aunrtod Candy i M buaud HUf hoZM Raiain.

Fee ala lew. hvJauU CEKTEB S TREADWELL.

1 LOUR I FLOUR I FLOUKI-ddd buralaaf at Lula Family Vlur, ud Md n.U at

Taniamu Extra Floor, tar Md. hre tv------BCTLEE A FXTERE