Rationale of the ELT approach/technique/ strategy chosen Based on the lesson plan that I have prepared, I have chosen Communicative Language Teaching method as the method to be applied in the lesson plan. The goal of the communicative language teaching method is to develop what Hymes (1972) referred to as "communicative competence". The goal of this method is to enable students to communicate in the target language. The activity in the lesson plan is in line with the aims of the Communicative Language Teaching method which are to develop the communicative competence among the students and enable the students to communicate in the target language, English language. This method is really suitable with the activities provided in the lesson plan. It will help the students to develop their competency in using English language in their daily life. Furthermore, by using Communicative Language Teaching method, it will make the activities become more interesting where the students can interact and communicate with their friends to get new knowledge and this will avoid them from feeling bored during the lesson. The strategy that I have used in the activities in the lesson plan is based on the student-centered learning strategies. In the lesson plan, the students need to move around and meet their friends and they also have to communicate and cooperate together to get the information from their friends based on the task given. I have chosen the student-centered learning strategy because it helps the students to develop the skills that will help them through their life, such as the communicational and team work skills, since they are cooperating, negotiating and working all together in the class. By having this kind of activity, the students will mix around with their friends. This can increase harmony among the students and this

Rationale of the ELT Approach

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Rationale of the ELT approach/technique/ strategy chosen

Based on the lesson plan that I have prepared, I have chosen Communicative Language Teaching method as the method to be applied in the lesson plan. The goal of the communicative language teaching method is to develop what Hymes (1972) referred to as "communicative competence". The goal of this method is to enable students to communicate in the target language. The activity in the lesson plan is in line with the aims of the Communicative Language Teaching method which are to develop the communicative competence among the students and enable the students to communicate in the target language, English language. This method is really suitable with the activities provided in the lesson plan. It will help the students to develop their competency in using English language in their daily life. Furthermore, by using Communicative Language Teaching method, it will make the activities become more interesting where the students can interact and communicate with their friends to get new knowledge and this will avoid them from feeling bored during the lesson.The strategy that I have used in the activities in the lesson plan is based on the student-centered learning strategies. In the lesson plan, the students need to move around and meet their friends and they also have to communicate and cooperate together to get the information from their friends based on the task given. I have chosen the student-centered learning strategy because it helps the students to develop the skills that will help them through their life, such as the communicational and team work skills, since they are cooperating, negotiating and working all together in the class. By having this kind of activity, the students will mix around with their friends. This can increase harmony among the students and this also indirectly can enhance the culture-friendly environment among the students in the classroom. In addition, through the activities in the lesson plan which used the student-centered learning strategy, the students can develop tolerance, understanding and respect of others opinions by listening carefully to each other. Since all the students are involved in the learning process, they become more confident and independent in their own learning. I believe that the student centered learning can be really an opportunity for those students who love to be fully involved in the learning and teaching processes in the class. All in all, I think the activities prepared in the lesson plan are suitable for the students especially in order to create an effective learning.