Ram It Sales Copy Body

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  • 8/12/2019 Ram It Sales Copy Body



    Hey everyone, for those who are just joining - this is where we are offering our thoughts on the sales copy

    for Ramits Brain Trust.The purpose of this exercise is to test our knowledge of the science and persuasion behind the copy that

    resulted in our pulling out our credit cards. Ramit has agreed that if 20 people add their thoughts on the

    copy - try and be specific - he will critique our analysis.

    To offer your thoughts simply highlight the number you wish to address - right click - and hit add

    comment Do not add your thoughts in text as I did before - this made a big mess.

    Add as comment addresses the clutter we originally hadwhen we were writing our responses beneath

    each paragraph. If you've already wrote beneath the paragraph please go back and leave it in a comment


    Please sign your name below as well so we know who is giving feedback.

    If you have any questions please feel free to reach out. I look forward to seeing everyones responses! -


    1. Bud Hennekes

    2. Ben Weston3.Annie Tuttle (Slow learner. Thanks, Bud.) - Was my fault. I told you wrong. :)

    4.Alex Sacco5.Andrew Case6. Karen Douglas7. Andie Aspiras8.Alec Barron9. Kevin Espiritu10. Timon Royer11. Joe Choi12. Spencer Shaw13. Naveen Dittakavi14. Andrew McLeod15. Raj Raman16. Kurt Maloney

    17.Annette MacKay18. Omar Usman19. John Kopicko20 Johnny Wu21. Sharlotte Weslosky22. Jim Jones23. Kirsten Simmons24. Emily McKie25. Lang Know (Lang Ngo)

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    26. Aero Wong27. Jess Garca-Parrado28. Alexander Rinehart29. Ashala Faircrest30. Chris Zempel31. Hailey Murray

    32. Michelle Huynh33. Ibby Kotwal






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    Learn from these masters -- the people I turn to for help --

    as they share their confidential street-tested strategies

    and inner psychology to stay focused...get moredone...earn more money... save more time...make

    more friends...and have more funthan anyone else in

    the world.

    THEN apply it to your life with the help of a select group

    of ambitious people JUST LIKE YOUin this all-new

    closed-door program.



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    ^ (1)

    Isn't it interesting how we claim we want to be successful -- and we really do want it! --

    but if we had to point to what we've specifically done in the last 30 days to get there, we

    wouldn't have much to say? (2)

    It's not like we're lying. We really DO want to make more money...get a better job...have

    an amazing social life...and travel whenever we want.

    But actually DOING is a lot harder than just WANTING.


    So we read blog post after blog post. And say things like, "I really should do that..."

    We look at top performers and say, "Yeah, but ___"

    "Yeah, but he went to THAT SCHOOL"

    "Yeah, but he has a REALLY BIG BLOG"

    "Yeah, but she's better looking than I am"


    Already hes in our head, listing the limiting beliefs we have. Hasnt even introduced the

    product and already probably has people nodding their heads in agreement.

    (Hey Ben, could you please add your thoughts as a comment? I messed up earlier!


    And over time, we get older, and change the goal posts... (5)

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    When we turn 25, we shift our goals from "by 25" to "some day." And to rationalize it, we

    add qualifiers: 'I'll do it when I have time. I don't have enough money to travel around

    yet. I don't know the right people.' (7)

    It actually starts every morning. Think about waking up on a normal Monday. We roll

    over, slap "snooze" on our alarm clock, and finally wake up bleary-eyed. (8)

    When we finally get into the office, what do we do? We move the mouse to wake up our

    computer, grab that cup of coffee, then browse to our "morning websites." It's like we

    need those websites to give us our morning jolt. (9)

    We read blog after blog about the guy who started a business where he works from a

    beach... the girl who quit her job to travel the world...the guy who shows you how he got6-pack abs in 8 weeks. (10)

    And we do none of it. (11)

    We "know" we should work out more...but instead, we read blog posts about working

    out. (12)

    We "know" we should manage our money...but instead, we click from post to post about

    money and investing, bookmarking them under our "to do" category. (13)

    We "know" we want to improve our productivity...but after we download productivity app

    after productivity app, we don't use any of them. (14)

    Things change for a day or a week, but after that, we're right back to where we started.

    Now, there are some times we make massive changes. Some of us DO lose 25lbs, or

    set up automatic investing, or take an international trip. And it feels incredible. (15)

    But there are STILL things we want to do...but we just can't bring ourselves to make

    them happen. Sometimes, we decide to "buckle down" and make a change. We join a

    course...or go to a networking event. And what happens? (16)

    Two things.

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    First, it's tough to follow through. A lot of these courses are just plain not good. So after

    mustering up the energy to finally take one...we open it up, and it's just a bunch of

    generic advice. Ugh. (17)

    The second thing is a lot more pernicious. See, it involves our friends -- and whathappens when they find out we're taking a "self-improvement" course.

    What's their reaction? They think it's weird! (18)

    "Hey man," they say, "why are you doing that? What's wrong with you?" To them, it's

    "weird" to try to improve ourselves. And our friends have more influence than we admit.


    It's just like when I took a photo class in high school and most of my class did nothing 4

    days a week. Did I rally the entire class to start working? No. I ended up being dragged

    down to everyone else's level, working only 1 day/week...even though I really wanted to

    learn photography. (20)

    We're left with these dull goals in our head...how we want to lose weight, pay off debt,

    invest more, live a Vegas lifestyle, or quit our job to travel...but each time we try to start

    something new, we run into the same old challenges. (21)

    It's almost impossible to focus...even though we genuinely want to. (22)

    It's hard to know where to start...when everything could potentially work. So we use the

    S-word: (23)

    "Yeah...I really should do that."

    That's code for, I know I should do that...but I'm not going to. But saying it makes me

    feel better for now. (24)

    It doesn't have to be this way. (25)

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    In fact, with a few small tweaks, you can take it to the next level. No more browsing

    random blogs hoping to change "some day"...to earn more, to travel, to lose weight, to

    get a 6-pack, to find the right relationship. (26)

    For the last several years, as I've been building my first site and writing for millions of

    readers, I've been quietly studying what separates really successful people from

    ordinary people. (27)

    And I discovered two critical myths that separate top performers from ordinary

    people. (28)

    I want to share those myths with you now. Pay close attention to see if these soundfamiliar. (29)



    We think more information alone will change everything. (31)

    It's such a deep belief, it's become an invisible script. (32)

    We even hear these popular phrases by professors and so-called experts! "Give people

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    information so they can make the right decision." (33)

    We internalize the idea that information alone will help us change, and we start saying

    things like, "I need to figure it out..." and "I need to get all my ducks in a row before I

    start...." (34)

    But the truth is, information alone is one of the WORST ways to change our behavior.

    We already KNOW what we need to do. Do you think an overweight person doesn't

    KNOW they need to eat less and work out more? Do you think someone in debt doesn't

    KNOW they need to stop overspending and automate their payments? (35)

    In fact, let's look at what Clotaire Rapaille, author of the Culture Code, said about

    information and its effect on our behavior. (36)

    "Years ago, Tufts University invited me to lecture during a symposium on obesity...

    Lecturer after lecturer offered solutions for America's obesity problem, all of which

    revolved around education. Americans would be thinner if only they knew about good

    nutrition and the benefits of exercise, they told us. Slimming down the entire country

    was possible through an aggressive public awareness campaign...

    When it was my turnhttps://www.facebook.com/events/478903165527317/to speak, I

    couldn't help beginning with an observation. "I think it is fascinating that the other

    speakers today have suggested that education is the answer to our country's obesity

    problem," I said. I slowly gestured around the room. "If education is the answer, then

    why hasn't it helped more of you?"

    There were audible gasps in the auditorium when I said this, quite a few snickers, andfive times as many sneers. Unsurprisingly, Tufts never invited me to lecture again.'"

    It turns out that information alone is one of the LEAST effective ways to change our



    Here's another example: 401(k) experts have been lecturing us for decades about

    contributing to our retirement accounts. Yet we still don't do it, even though we're

    leaving billions of dollars on the table. So researchers Choi, Laibson, et al did a study.

    They rolled out something called "automatic enrollment," where you'd automatically start

    contributing a modest amount to your 401(k). You still had total control -- you could stopcontributing whenever you wanted -- but by default, you would be automatically



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    Look at what happened!

    O "Before AE" means "before automatic enrollment."Source: Defined Contribution Pensions: Plan Rules, Participant Decisions,and the Path of Least Resistance. Choi, Laibson, Madrian, Metrick.

    Look at this!

    ^ (39)

    For decades, experts have been "educating" us to contribute to our 401(k)s. We KNOWwe should do it! But it took a radical change based on psychology to get us to

    ACTUALLY do it.


    Once you internalize the idea that information alone won't change your behavior, you

    start to see it everywhere.


    We hear phrases like "the more you know" and believe that just one more morsel ofinformation...just one more insight...will change everything.

    But we've been snacking on those information tidbits for years, and very little has



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    This "comfortable" belief -- that we just need more information -- actually keeps people

    from taking action and learning from REAL, PAINFUL mistakes.


    Think about learning to ride a bike. Did you study the mechanics of the bike and read

    diagrams on how to cushion yourself when you fell? Of course not. You got out there,started riding, and fell down. Then you did it again and again.


    Yet as we get older, we stop exposing ourselves to NEW areas where we might

    fail...and retreat behind our computer screen to READ about them.


    We believe if we just learn that "one more thing"...if we just install that one one app...if

    we just "try harder"...that we'll finally hit our goals.


    There's just one thing we forget:

    By focusing on these tactics, we're doing exactly the same thing we did LAST YEAR!

    And the year before, and before that...

    There's a reason New Year's resolutions don't work.


    We create lists of things we should do. These lists focus on the tactics: Buy this.

    Download that.


    But after we try a few tactics, and they don't work, we blame ourselves. "I'm just not

    motivated right now," we say. "It's really busy at work for the next few weeks."


    Ironically, trying these tactics -- which were doomed to failure, anyway -- makes us less

    likely to succeed over the long term.


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    As we try pointless tactic after pointless tactic, we're missing the entire game being

    played around us.



    I also learned of a second critical mistake we make when trying to take ourselves to the

    next level.


    We try to do it on our own!

    Have you ever met someone who has some problem -- maybe they're not sure if they

    should take this new job, or they don't know how to find a babysitter -- and you just

    happen to know the EXACT answer?


    Only it was like PULLING TEETH to get them to even admit they have a problem?

    What the hell is wrong with these people?


    The truth is, we're all like this.

    We have these things that CONSUME us...how we're not making enough...how we hate

    our jobs...how we want to lose 10lbs, or be more productive, or get better at talking to

    girls...and we NEVER ask for advice.


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    Even though thousands of other people have been through our EXACT same challenge!


    I call it Special Snowflake Syndrome -- the idea that our challenge is unique and nobody

    else could possibly understand.Why don't we ask for help?


    We don't think anyone has our "specific" problem (Special Snowflake alert!)

    We're embarrassed

    We know "something" is wrong, but we can't articulate it

    We're waiting until the "right time"

    We just don't think of asking anyone!


    But think about the last time you had a friend who gave you a FLASH of insight. Maybe

    you were in a bad relationship with all these ideas and worries and concerns floating

    around in your head...and your friend asked you a simple question: Does he make you



    That cut through everything. It was almost as if your friend could see right through you --

    and it put everything in perspective.


    Now, it's great to have our group of friends. When we're younger, we're all going

    through the same challenges: getting our first job, deciding where to go out on Friday

    night, how to deal with our parents.


    But as we get older, something changes. Some friends take different paths than we do.

    They're the ones who think it's "weird" to invest in courses or conferences for self-

    development. They're still awesome friends, but they just can't connect with us on a

    certain level.


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    And that's fine! It's natural. Our friends can't be everything to us.

    But we still need a group of people who CAN help us with our larger goals. The

    challenges that we know are holding us back from taking ourselves, our careers, our

    goals to the next level.(62)

    This is what can happen when you surround yourself with other people JUST LIKE YOU

    going through the same challenges you are.


    Imagine how rewarding it would be to have access to hundreds of highly motivated

    people, going through your exact challenges, and experiencing the euphoria of

    breakthroughs...the pain of setbacks...and the joy of recovering from those setbacks

    and working through them on the way to success.


    There's almost nothing more powerful than a group of supportive people around you

    who truly understand you. Knowing that they've got your back -- not some secret

    agenda -- and that they simply want you to succeed.


    We know this works. Weight Watchers doesn't just give its members information -- it

    surrounds them with a group of other people going through the exact same challengesthey are. Your best teacher simply wanted what was best for you -- nothing less. And

    your parents will always be there for you.


    But in the real world, it gets increasingly hard to find people who are there to support us

    through thick and thin, no matter what.

    Top performers know this -- and they've found a way around it. I'll tell you how they do




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    MEAN FOR YOUNow we know the two critical mistakes we make when trying to take our skills to the

    next level:


    MISTAKE #1: We focus too much on information alone.

    We read blog post after blog post, never stopping to realize that we've become

    CONSUMERS instead of PRODUCERS. We wait until that magic "some day" when

    we'll change...thinking if we just find that last morsel of information, it will change



    MISTAKE #2: We do it alone.

    We think our situation is unique -- the dreaded "Special Snowflake Syndrome." We don't

    stop to realize that some of our biggest insights have happened when a friend pointed

    out a pattern about ourselves that even we didn't notice. And sometimes, we just don't

    have the right people to turn to.


    Here was the flash I finally realized.

    Top performers avoid both of these mistakes. They do it almost intuitively, like an expert

    driver navigates on a rainy road. They know exactly when to ask for help...when to slow

    down...and when to hit the gas.


    In fact, for the last year, I've been carefully studying this.

    Let me show you exactly what I mean.

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    One of the ways I discovered the difference between top performers and everybody

    else was to carefully study top performers.


    Here's how I did it.

    In 2011, my friend Michael Fishman and I decided to launch a regular private dinner in

    New York for entrepreneurs, authors, and people who are at the top of their game. We

    wanted to make it something special.

    Every month we host a small, intimate group of people, including New York Times

    bestselling authors, Olympians, CEOs, TV hosts, and up-and-coming personalities.

    ^ (73)

    We've built a system to make this as seamless as possible. We invite people we want to

    learn from -- but also, we're careful to invite people we want to introduce to each other.

    Each month when we walk in, the maitre'd knows us and sends over our favorite foods

    and wine before we ask for it.

    We never intended for these to be "networking events." We just wanted to bring

    interesting people together and get to know them.


    So what happened as a result of these dinners?

    First, I got a rare chance to learn from top performers behind closed doors. It's so rareto be able to meet a small group of trusted people and share your biggest challenges

    and your proudest wins without being judged. They told me things they would NEVER

    say publicly.


    I learned how Olympians think. I learned what separates best-selling authors from

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    everyone else. And I learned how top performers go far deeper than random tactics to

    learn about deep mindset.

    Second, I've been surprised by how many serendipitous things have happened as a

    result of the dinners -- totally unplanned. People have struck deals, picked up consulting

    contracts, and made new friends. Think about that last point: When was the last timeyou truly made a great friend after college?

    I now know that if I have a question about the media, I can call up the national journalist

    who attended a few months ago. If I'm stuck on fitness, I can call the Olympic trainer

    and ask him for his advice.


    I learned that all truly successful people have a support network like this -- and, like

    working out, they regularly use it.

    When I've casually mentioned this on my site, I get hundreds of emails asking about the

    dinners and how to get invitations. I wish I could invite you to this dinner next time you're

    in NYC, but it's just not practical -- there are only so many seats at the table.

    Obviously I can't invite everyone.



    But I also listened closely to what you were REALLY asking about...

    First, the ability to model the masters -- people at the top of their craft -- and hear how

    they think about success, failure, procrastination, focus, and being the best.


    Then, the rare opportunity to surround yourself with other people going through the

    exact same situation as you...so they could share their insights, failures (for you to

    avoid), and best lessons learned -- plus encouragement at every step of the way.

    I started thinking of a way to bring this to you -- of designing a program that would let

    you have "closed-door" access to masters, plus hundreds of people around you who

    can help you navigate the labyrinth of success. (79)

    And I'm thrilled to open it to you today.

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    If you've ever KNOWN what you want to do, but haven't been able to do it, this course

    can help you untangle the psychological cobwebs from your mind and take action.


    This course is unlike anything else I've ever offered.

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    For the first time, I'm giving you access to my personal network -- the inner circle I call

    on when I'm stuck. These are world-class authors, CEOs, marketing masters,

    psychologists, professors, and people with never-before-released methods of staying

    insanely productive.


    Each month, I bring them into my studio and grill them on the toughest questions I can

    think of.

    How did they get their first big break?

    How did they handle naysayers? Specifically, what did they tell them?

    What was the darkest point for them. How did they get through it?

    What surprising things would they tell their younger selves?

    How do they think about success and failure?

    Yes, I'll ask them about tactics, scripts, and their most powerful techniques. But this is

    more than simple tactics. It's about deep psychological mindsets.


    You'll be able to model the masters -- to study how they did it, why, and how to apply

    their key insights to your biggest challenge. Every month, we'll tackle a different topic:

    Failure. Leadership. Social skills. Appearance. Time management. Getting rid ofnegativity. Building better habits. And more.

    Everything you can possibly imagine to truly integrate success into your life.


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    JUST LIKEYOUThen I'll introduce the second part of the Brain Trust program: Access to hundreds of

    other people facing the exact same challenges you are.


    They want to stop getting distracted...to stay focused...to know how to choose among

    multiple options...to get paid more, improve their social skills, and become leaders. Most

    of all, they want to know how to live a rich life, step by step.

    For the first time, I'm making other IWT readers available to you. I've set up a private

    group where you'll be able to meet each other, challenge each other, and hold each

    other accountable.


    Imagine knowing that you're not doing it alone -- that you have 5, 10, 50 people

    watching over you, ready to "nudge" you in the right direction if you get off track.

    I'll be in the group, too, watching over everybody.

    Think of what a relief it is to know you don't have to know everything or do it alone. That

    there are people there to listen.


    Tell me: When was the last time you truly felt listened to? By someone with no agenda,no angle...just someone who wanted the best for you? We come across these people a

    few times in our lives -- and now, you'll meet the right ones for you.

    You'll know it's not "weird" to spend time improving yourselves. In fact, we've heard the

    phrase "You're the average of the 5 people you surround yourself with." Wouldn't you

    want these people to be interested in improving themselves, too?

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    Every month, you'll get access to a new interview with one of the people in my inner

    circle -- someone truly exceptional who has helped me, not just with tactical maneuvers

    but deeper psychological improvement. You'll get the audio, video, and full transcript.

    You'll also get instant reactions from other Brain Trust members as they share their

    biggest insights.


    You'll also have access to your own network of hundreds of other people to hold you

    accountable and challenge you.

    Finally, each week, I'll be in your inbox and news feed. I'll provide specific action steps

    to help you keep moving forward, and share some of the most interesting insights from

    the Brain Trust group.


    This community is here to help you, support you, and make this the most FUN program

    I've ever developed. This is about long-term real change.

    Look, there's a reason I built this course for the right people.

    I have access to all these experts. They're my friends! I've gotten to know them over

    years and years. THEY are one of the biggest reasons for my success -- instead of the

    idea that I toiled alone in my room, they actually helped me figure out how to grow my

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    business, how to create a New York Times bestselling book, how to stay true to myself

    (fun, weird, nerdy) but also expand my message.


    Now I want to give you access to them, too.

    I wish I could share my best insights personally over dinner in NYC, but obviously that's

    not practical. What I CAN do is bring you in to meet the masters, learn from their

    insights, and connect you with others who are ready to make huge changes.

    If you're right for this program, it could change your life.





    I want to help you get massive results -- not just tactical wins, but deeper, psychological


    Like these:

    "I was working 50+ hours a week, at a job I hated, making 34K, barely seeing my wife,

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    with no vacation days, no benefits, in an company with no growth or learning

    opportunities, hating life. Now, I'm at a job I love, at an awesome company, learning all

    the time, making 47K (13K bump), working less hours, and loving life."

    -- Vladimir F

    "I could not be happier. My whole mindset has changed and I am starting to feel like me


    -- Eva M.

    "My issues: over worked and over weight...16 pounds down, 60 more to go...BTW, work

    is going awesome, time with my family is better than it has been ever and my mental

    state of mind is awesome."

    -- Aaron B.

    "Not only am I happier with my new position but the quality of life and confidence has

    gone through the roof. All I needed was a little wake up call."

    -- Eric

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    "Ramit, I never would have had the courage to do that if you hadn't pushed me. So

    THANK YOU. I appreciate all of the great advice you give."

    -- Lisa L

    "I love Ramit's advice. A no nonsense approach that smacks conventional wisdom in

    the eye and walks away laughing. Not just because the advice is different, but because

    of the results."

    -- Christopher R.

    "Here's the thing about Ramit -- he is true from start to finish, from end to end.... Sure

    he's confident, but he backs that up with serious hard work and that's so refreshing in

    today's day and age."

    -- Susan S.

    "Ramit's [course] is the reason I've been self-employed for two years and make more

    money than at my day job....I seriously love my life, and it's in no small part because I'm

    no longer chained to a cubicle."

    -- April D.

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    "I've been reading Ramit's blog since 2005, bought his book, and lots of his coursework

    online...His #1 bias is for action, so that you don't just read his stuff then go on to the

    next. You have to apply the info....And if you just do it, you will be rich."

    -- Kevin C.

    "I just wanted to write a personal thank you for motivating me to kick ass at work and

    make something happen with my career. I had been waiting around for things to happen

    rather than being proactive and taking on more and asking for what I wanted. I can think

    of no single source as significant as your writing that inspired/motivated me."

    -- Paul E.


    I'd like to invite you to join these people who made radical changes to the way they

    THINK and ACT every day.

    Imagine if you could take your biggest challenge and learn how to manage it, handle it,

    overcome it. Years later, looking back, what would that be worth? What would it be

    worth to wake up every morning and feel GOOD instead of wanting to hit Snoozeagain?

    It's a no-brainer.


    But to make it even easier, I've added something else.

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    Tired of the same old savings advice? Learn how to save hundreds of dollars per year.

    Get massive money saving tips delivered to your inbox once per week.

    You should be able to easily save 10x the cost of the program using this material alone.

    You get tactical tips on:

    How to save 20% at restaurants

    Proven savings strategies for travel, shopping, rent and mortgages How to travel internationally with steep discounts

    The dealer's secrets to buying a car and making other big purchases on the


    How to save $940 on domestic flights

    20 scam-free ways normal people can earn extra money online

    Save $71,000 - $117,000 on your mortgage

    How to save $300+ eating out at restaurants

    And then I wanted to make this an even bigger no-brainer.


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    Members of Ramit's Brain Trust get first access to join me at regular meetups I hold in

    New York, San Francisco, and around the country.

    These are free events to come, grab a drink, and meet me and other IWT readers. Theyusually sell out within minutes (the NYC list has 7,000+ people on it, and I limit it to 100


    But Brain Trust members will get first access to these events.


    These meetups are the only way to meet me and other IWT readers in person -- and

    surround yourself with a group of people who are taking action. My students tell me

    these in-person meetups are one of the most valuable things they've gotten out of IWT.

    Finally, one more thing.


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    If you don't LOVE it, I insist that you get 100% of your money back.

    It's simple: Join the program and see for yourself. If the special guests, focused

    takeaways, and select community don't help you improve your life within 30 days, I want

    you to email me. I'll refund you 100%. No questions asked.

    After 30 days, cancel at any time. No strings, no fees, no penalties, no hidden surprises.

    And I'll let you keep all of the material you've received up to then as my thank you gift

    for joining my Brain Trust.




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    MAKE TODAY(102)

    My Brain Trust program isn't just another tactical "how-to" program. There are plenty of

    those out there.

    If you already know what you SHOULD be doing -- and you're not doing it -- this course

    can help you diagnose what's holding you back.


    You'll model the masters by studying my inner circle, the very same people I call for

    advice on marketing, relationships, leadership, productivity, and psychology.

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    You don't have to decide to change your entire life today.

    You just have to decide on one thing:





    Think of that thing that's been in the back of your mind for months...or YEARS.

    How do I wake up earlier?

    Why don't people listen to me at work?

    How do I cut back on distractions?

    How do I make more money?

    Should I go to grad school? How do I get my friends to invite me out instead of me always inviting them?

    How do I lose weight / bulk up?

    Why can't I become a better public speaker?

    How do I attract better relationships?

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    What if you could have one insight per month?


    What would you do if you could get rid of the #1 worry in your life...and start tackling the

    positive ways to grow?

    How different would your life be if you were constantly surrounded by smart, motivated

    people who held you accountable?

    My Brain Trust is the one place to come to model the masters -- the very same ones Icall for master-level advice -- and find a group of people just like you.

    As my parents say, a year from now, you'll be a year older. What are you going to do?

    I'll see you inside.
