Ra.9.28.11.Neighborhood News

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  • 8/3/2019 Ra.9.28.11.Neighborhood News


    to work. Albany must redouble its eorts at makingNew York State a more attractive place to conductbusiness by transorming government into apartner, instead o an inhibitor, or job creation.

    While legislation to repeal the outrageous MTApayroll tax easily passed in the state Senate withthe strong leadership o Senator Jack Martins, itsvote was blocked in the Assembly. This legislation

    is a responsible measure to eliminate a job-killing tax that continues to crush our local smallbusinesses, hospitals, schools and nonprofts. Thislegislation is about making our community stronger,and its vital we once again address it or the utureeconomic prosperity o our area. Its equally unairthat our community is subjected to this payroll taxwhen morning train services have been slashedand weekend services eliminated altogether.

    I am eager to speak with you over the comingmonths to hear your eedback about this yearsproductive and positive legislative session.Together, we can make next years legislativesession as much o a success as 2011.




    In 2011, you spoke up, and the New YorkLegislature listened. Lawmakers delivered an on-time state budget, low-cost power, restoration inschool aid, stronger rent-control regulations, and a

    property tax cap.This year, I helped pass an on-time state budget the frst in fve years which closed New Yorks$10 billion defcit without raising taxes or addingnew borrowing.

    A property tax capand rent controlwill give working-class amiliesan opportunityor aordable

    housing,encourage ouryounger residentsto stay in ourcommunity, andminimize the needor seniors to maketough choicesbetween rent, oodor medications.The property taxcap must only be

    a starting pointto end Albanysspending addiction. We now must work to lowertaxes in order to promote the ragile economicrecovery and promote long-term prosperity.

    To reduce property taxes and keep them low,lawmakers now must work on eliminating allununded mandates sent rom Albany. Ourteachers are working tirelessly with the resourcesthey have in the classroom right now. They donot need additional expenses dictated by an

    unacceptable government in Albany.Lawmakers still have a great deal o work ahead tomake our state more aordable or its job creatorsand put 800,000 unemployed New Yorkers back


    New York State AssemblyAlbany, NY 12248

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  • 8/3/2019 Ra.9.28.11.Neighborhood News



    Elmont FarmErs markEtCome one, come all to the Elmont Farmers Market! Open or business every Thursday throughNovember 24, and sponsored by the Elmont Chamber o Commerce, the Elmont Farmers Market is theplace to be or local, resh produce, plants, baked goods, a variety o fsh caught o Long Island waters,grass-ed bee, cheese, eggs and much more. Senator Jack Martins and I are proud to support our localproducers and this tremendous asset to Elmont!

    marchingitupin Elmont!I was honored to participate in the Belmont Parade on June 4. Seen here with the Sewanhaka High

    School marching band, this was a great way or Sewanhaka and Elmont to show o our shared commu-nity spirit and promote Belmont and Elmont as frst-class destinations during Elmont Community Day!

    iacaonahonorEdForassistingvEtEransI was proud to honor Elmont resident J.P. Iacaona in recognition o his tireless eorts to assist veterans inthe community! J.P. has raised over $5,700 to provide service dogs to disabled veterans and woundedwarriors. J.P. has made a signifcant dierence in our community because his contributions have servedas a valuable resource or the people, veterans, active soldiers, and returning soldiers o Elmont.

  • 8/3/2019 Ra.9.28.11.Neighborhood News
















    [email protected]


    opEnForbusinEss!Our small businesses are the backbone o our community, and its important we support them! I wasproud to attend the grand opening o Extreme Wellness Spa in Franklin Square on July 1 (let).

    And congratulations and best o luck to Ninos Pizzeria (right) in West Hempstead on their GrandOpening!

    Do you have the goal and drive to open your own small business? I want to help.Email me or text me: [email protected] or call 437-5577 today!

    kEEpingourpromisEtothEcommunityI was proud to join Governor Cuomo and Senate Majority Leader Dean Skelos to sign the property taxcap into law this summer. You gave me the honor o serving you, and I take that trust seriously. Theproperty tax cap keeps our commitment to lower taxes, gives more control to our community, and createsjobs. What else can Albany do to help our community? Share your ideas with me email or text [email protected]!

  • 8/3/2019 Ra.9.28.11.Neighborhood News


    Its the event o the summerright here in Elmont! I washonored to participate in the7th Annual 3-on-3 tournament,sponsored by Senator JackMartins and Senate MajorityLeader Dean Skelos. The

    volunteers who made thistournament an incrediblesuccess are the true leaders both on and o the court. It was one o the most rewardingdays I have had being a part o our community.

    Henry Viscardi Cougars versusthe Elmont Memorial High SchoolSpartans! The crowds packedit in to watch these gentlemenrom both teams hoop it up!

    The Henry Viscardi SchoolWheelchair Basketball Programwas created to give children oall levels o physical disabilitythe chance to play together as ateam and to reach their highestpotential as athletes. A great jobto both teams!

    Senator Dean Skelos and I were proudto be a part o this years tournament!



