r II II I IMlAWAHAK GAZETTE .X". tve ireaearvw ta Nonpareil Tjae, 1 w 1 M lla i Mm .PI ilUSKXIs ST r Uaet Jj lacb. Ma. !! 1 3 os'f oy attMt THE HAWAIIAN GAZETTE, ljuoes- -i lece-- 34 iw a ew 4 M t isa X. CWFORD MACDOWELL, Uaee--2 laeke. 200 4t aee t Men l a M U.ae 3 Inches 108 0 Tt law UK its Bwis-sr- j- Wianday Slssr-ralns- :. 4S Unee 4 laches (N to ISM utet s6 at Quarter of Colama . we 14 U 13 MO Third of Colneaa. too 13 00 It 00 3M 3t0 &1 FIFE MLLilS FEE ANNUM Half of rstamaj... 13 1100 34 00 39 rot TwwThlrd Colsma uo S3Q0 aao tern 764 MM On. Column nooi w woo sow lov It OS A WEEKLY JOUKML, DEYOTED TO HAWAIIAN PEOGRESS. Business Card when nreaaia ftr tt year, are tl O.DO. "rw-tl- i svasalae3ws-r- ?. f allowed a dleco.nl froea the, tats., which ar fcr IWMfsM raaasaBSaaaVs. afrmrnfMl&. advestUements, when paid or charted vtaartMly, N. B. All furelga advertlsesaeaU saa.t h. seoaarI with th. pay wh.a .rdered ta, er aa notice win he ta et Iheea. Th. rale, of tharjes are given la the seen scaee,n4 t Stn. le H OfieeEaildin; ull. L VOL. XV.No. 31.1 HONOLULU, WEDISHESDAY, JULY -- 30, 1S79. WHOLE No. 759. scriptlons rralltaaew stamps. easy lor he Eastern BiaJ. by Amsrleaa bank hills, lvsitlsea.sats.ee cuia or tea cast seat-a- g. saW SStiuIKC u4 Wjalclsliisr- - aa . tnaM jsJU, sai m in ffc mr A- -; tliiii iijltinilitlj. IHili at .stsi thsasias r.. SBTa.sl tin f i. .Seal .a "a ia lBas isasa afrs eaiai inl w3tjflr.b Sii. awaasasaassaaey i m ii i asbafasessaaswi aews. arte. ftlS- - ijajSI iteii aHshar - .1 Si .. Ill I SB fcMb .a an Iit(iri. TTava isn. . awssi: ssrri teSaSeaassniisTfi iii1 it is ss vsi ifculssilisT wntffei w rut . kaHMWns ai fc.. f scylsart, awsalseaTaBssasvsnsTsaBses. 1 iliiliwtihWtiditBt l0nwtottM4MMIrlnj h. . eg .. 0MM Wnwsfc, MMM 1 i.l i a iHHI VtMMitMMciU 34MbAt.kl.WlmH4(Rsi -- TTT i STaajai n 1tilti aS. Ihm k..to sassen. M W mm 1 gam aaa, fcll IM MtrtWlMl.ulIiU VARIETY. aaa". Shef caVes sib a era Ut " nil se euv a ncu'i gratfecde aw kurapee as l visible f a Waj- - ifcr rrxijtf bis ; tfOMiaia Attim has; eCac ri iaa ie IT .Mi . aj k liaMiI tbxt a nau mm ua. at t-- rubc2 La thirtr. ii M aKeet ti: SuI at i fcfca icicj an lad. , Bi miaojari a ny tyrf. I k r yart to f i whm te ikmm .aaiicf. to ; Jor vee&er mrmmam tm.gimt ar fcat. tte UU 1 n3 li. fc3itlnaVa aectas .er cfmar- - 7M.Batf ! t fasicd. aad is "C4a wkijecr ac ce bkkt jut tpwepfc"re oilST raa a Iaadcap paMo- - fcatfe4xksav wttrt tie .'.'iifitl tfcufn TT., WanijTBiV-Sa- x T&.Btae ii cce anawuMMaiaAufUi. a. TteeaB. tt a tut f PcBisa- a- tmmm .miMwii t soxaaarr jrerTnties ton a Itut ftfnasT; arbl- - miHniif ac ate raics f xaviV aAb ax exeLazr.. arsa-.- . yards of Mack ilk, Tyjayni ii jim. gatfa-- A sift eels et txais !iliml 'oatuaf. ikafkMsarcalec a Vy tcstead of a fsH- - jgppwai & a- - v M km afeaMcd all e ipiu Z I ai a rtlTce t et a m ea mfc. tLarblj casrassed tee Ii 1 .nfc.aa yaaat asx Lae siosee where anaaeaavdai. cae . veaee At &artatt h$ aad ' .Mil III ! aar as au rijtt lej. . faeae aaafcs are aud to be TaUe CMba. VH- - Waur Saeeaa, Dc last tv Wur CHHe-fussftua- ef Scutes m mn far jean is tie lee ban MaMteeeWMsd f tee Mbwca. Tt Si rtiet ftmx vitb a Latta Tti I Mi I -- l mtrntk itent tsat tasgaafe as f m aVaat jes. ffgwi tln vas aaiziac a piece ef lit alke rl miit SBaasar, lie lair ea- - awaTJariaaam aaMa e. " wast." TY. clerk ittia't IllllUltt T- - I: a at azeees. bat decreed (l 'attlily Mlesaa sua te tsed." A Oatawsaas .Uh Her waa iascred for a larxe tcMnas. "W3ae4Eitasa)B' ibcaa bg- faflecf froa a vijgs. Inn in mu lull rf Ym T'irT "nTr. irl ii n .. aTVi frrf r- -- - tte isjeracee eoc osay CkaMelAjf Aaa,aaae fcalf aettoej."' X loMa li'Mi jeii'iiof wfc vae bcrjc; cifbt . fc.l flTLt tiae ae aak liirectlj fer asrae- - jwt, it sc Ills waj : Sf otber, are : w aaaev. a 4eaas tsfFJ er tbe &;vsse ocrrcaa asd b attar was Lao 5 itis aahdcaa becsred ftaib Hrflim.W. hf tie Ia.ir lis: etc ctbod Ina ssed-ca- l pabKeatiea : Half mmmmamt aao.a.im laiafOR pt Is a salf piit of a .in at 2aaaaa am afoctad. asd a sossd aaau ml In mi frss aba casrxi cce rijtt amBwacafifeai flB. ! Jiac tasstit as error or de jijt-- -. -- - be&ea we wen curried I1 aajeait 'Sat liaies j: ast sari aqstiutnT' "Mfc.1 &'kT"c tti- - ball was saaisated Sara, uei sea abd I axew if tcb bad it 3cwnaraag tijai:iari fag ta g Ista walk. Maweiabaa. Saw Ut Jrs ssea bare ssppoeed djwswaoBeis i sat walk, aad thervfere tbe; will-- fcalyawliai a taor wsi tit babj cftijiu. Bst axrainsxicilRRiiiJT da a tbassasd qaxf' ad carter bawrs, tbej raa eer- ; aaSas aroczd a sleepist scre pjrfnl is tiis wcrii tbas Mcaffawlss Mtsfa sua b aba earru tatha b 09 tM f?" ISO Wta SOWS IS aaEMsiariiaaaaT sxSteasaka bar a? pearaxe sa- - ,.,,- - scsaxl: ate bis can wbea at last lie ,,,,. r ari - TtatTI 4a. atearr- - Ja-a- a c i it e. I r" it ie" eseajb." "Wbamataeseess latJpno seksowT. Eefore fcwaaazBarwOUek. S EsirSe daws, a cssie a'atu.iau -- erasimataar Cbair,asd as JM.lur Tiliuina wall i fi1frT ""''--"- , - asd nsosVda, aaEek,"' asi Grand stuber'e TWK.ar.-n- wsdaS tie cStar rabbab taat eaca taMCailasbaaU&tkiaxdWai C6t dapsied cf at raaas aaia tMr 3aBi ajs. e.lteill!laJt: lb&Msg, j BUSINESS NOTICES. C !. It.tKTO W. Auctioneer. tWriMi .a Qa.a Street, ... doc- frue. Ksahemasn I Street. Iy E. 1- - AIAJ1S. Auctioneer and Commission Merchant. Queen Street. Ilaeluln. II . TSMrl H. l!ACIili:LI A: CO.. GE5EEAL COMMISSION AGENTS. uc.fn 5it u i. i;iyi avi i.i.i rji u. snirii. Omcr. gsshomana Mreet, Ho&olsta, H. L.neat door to te Brown, Ho. .W It K. O. HALL Jc SWA'. tKPOETXES AND DZALtBE IK HABDWAEE Dry Goods, ratals. Oil and General Merchandise. Corner rM sod King Stl. iu. r. i.k.-i.- ii; .ni.i;it. SURGEON AND ACCOUCHEUR. 03ce at Dr. HoTmsnn's Drug Store. Merchant Hoeielnln. TH ly . . Cl'JIIIUGS .11. !.. 5TSGE0.V ASD HOMEOPATHIC PHYSiCIAH. 02c Curacr Fort and Reretanla bts, UcoolBia. 713 K. A. SCHAEI'I'.It Jc CO.. Importers & Commission Merchants l Ueaolaiu. Ua.auaa Islands J JOII.- - X lVAXKItHOIJ.-- K. IXPOETEK AHD DEALEE IS GESEBAL MESCHiXDISE. TIB Qim. iinn. If eavlulii. II. I. I j UILLOUHAJI Jc CO., IJtPOSTZES AKD DEALEBS IN HAKDWAEE Ctly. Dry Cd. Punti asd OiU. aad U.aer.1 Mrr Ctttaiw. fc W, Kkft Slrt. llopololn. Til lj UOLI.KS .V CO.. Silp C&sadlert nd Connunoa HtrcianU. tncrtri.Bdl..rtn Oeoera) Mvrcauidb,Uar.Dtrut Uwnln. Ittwima liUada. 1ST lj T. J. UAUKi:. Prxe'icil ArciitKt aid Bolder, FUu a.d iwcific.Uia fort.Ubd al rtajeualc tirai AHirrM Ft Oa. Uculcln. H. I. 1ST It i. IV. UKOYV.'V, CIVIL ESGINEEE. OTrr SsillB BrWc, Ilocotcln. Hawaiian Isl!ind. lii MpandProCl. y A. A. JIO.NTA.NO, P&ctcgTspter rd Sealer is all iitdi of Picture Frames. Xat and Velret Caset. ;U Csrncr of Km and Kon unu.. Uooululs. lj- - V,II.Ii:it A; CO., Craer of Fort aod Cnn Streets IIoboJcIq. Lscber, Paizts, Oils, Sails, Salt and Building pM Kate rials of every ltiad?Wli Ir. V. II. IBEKS A: J. II. UCtIImS. PHYSICIAHS AND SDEGbOKS, TIT OFFICE, WilLCKU MAUI. ly J. e.Dica.oa auIT LrKBS, ex. coocx LEHKIt!) &. IUCKSO.A. IMPORTERS & DEALERS IS LUMBER. AadaUtisdaofBuldisgM.terUU.rortStreet.UotioIiiIa CIIAS. X. UIII.ICIC. 3NTOT-a.3EfS- - 3ETJ33aisIC, Ageit to take A cVx egledgnenU to Libor Contracts AND GENERAL BUSINESS ACENT. Officv ia Mk' Btoc, corner Qaeea aod Kaabanmnn SUtt.. Hoouiola. m III It T. CRAWFORD HACrOWELL, Attorney .at La-w- , Otliev Io.t Oflire Bulldlua; X?"1 epeciat atuatio. .aiJ lo tLe imeetiLCTit ofmbalcs od good Hcarlllti. "W u. M. gii.di:a. ji ., i).i),s., MBUUI) DLMIT, Orrrci Comer of lICrl aad Fort 8ts.. cp stairs, afeoT. Dr. Sir' Drtt Strr. ,27 OCe&ourfrom9a ji toSr ac lj A. -- S. lUKTtVELL. Counsollor at Iiatv, Olce erer Jlu&op dr C!up Bam.lt, 7&? Uooolaln. lj IS. F. KULKKs Jc CO.. DEALEES IS SET GOODS AND GE5EEAL KEECHASDISE, Ptllo.iUall Itlt-I-r II. C .IIcI.N IVltC A; ltUOXlILIC. GROCERY. FEED STORE and BAKERY, Corner of King aod Fort streets, HONOLULU. T3I ly A. S. CLtGIIOK. Ar Co.. txroxTixs axs outsat u Cronoral MorcTin-niilwo- , Cer&er Qaeea and Kaahamann Streets. t!4 Xj asana Fort and Hotel St. IIV3IAJN IIROI'IIKU., DfPOETEES ASD WHOLESALE DEALEES In Fataioaable Clothing Hats. Capt, Boots, Shoes, and .Trry Tariexj of Gentlemen Farnfohtnr Goods. Snow'e BsBding, MerehaatStreet.Honolaln. Tg-l-y C. ATOSC. Importer, "Wholesale and Retail Dealer in General Merchandise And CtHna Cooda. In Iht Fire-Pro- Store, corner cf IQaf and nsan Streets. 72 (C1CIIAKU F. lilCHKKTO.'N. ATT0B5ET ASD COUSSELOB AT LAW tnU attend the Terms of on the other Island Money te fend caSforteetrsef Freeholds So 3 3ercnaatueet. 3 doort from Dr. Stanrenwalds 'H 3m .11. S. Gltl.-MIAIJ- l &, CO., IKPOBTEBS ASi WHOLESALE DEALEBS la Fsshiaeatle Oethlac. Hats, Cap, Boots, Shoes and eeerj- Tartetj- of Gentlemen's eaperior FnmUhlns; Gouda. Store la Slatec's Block. Qneen ftreet, Hooolnla. H. I. UTSilTl C. BREWER & CO., a. a. r. ciant, i J T C JOKS. ., V j. o. same. SHIPPING I COMMISSION MERCHANTS, tx Eosolsls. Havaxias Islands. ' J XIIEO. II. D1TIG8, Ls Jinoi. Guu k Co.J IHPOETEB ASD COXHISSIOS JfXECHAST, as aoext roa L2erde and the Lirerpool UnJerwritrre, Bruuh and Foretca Marine Insnrance Cofflpany, aad Northern aaiarance Company. 0729 ly HOLMSTEIt &. CO., 5e. 6S5onana Street, : : s s Ilouolnln, ixroKTtaj sxn aastaas xx Choice Cigars, Tobacco and Snuff. SoU UgtUT tie Batcaiux Idxmdxftr P. LoriUard ft Co.'a, asd Vanity Fair Tobaceca. ITtmttfacturert of ilineral WaUrs. etc lit it n&awuio. z. a tratVDcre. wx. c tanror. TrVJt. Cf. IRWW A; CO., Sugar Factors and Commission Agents, HorroLCt.tr, n. i.. Asssts roa Xaalehs Flaatattoo. HawaO-IWes- t Maal FlanUUoo, Has! Hosnaoo Plaautios, jtlakee Planutlon. nuea FtaaiaHoa, ivTataee Plantation. StarXBls JMakee Racar r, Eacat. VCls)" Eea!IaFIanutloa, " G re!fT t Bicknell'B (Fa&nlcxs Island) Oocoans t OH. Cciea Fire and Starine Insurance Co. of.few 7aUsd. Swiss Lloyd Virtue Iesarance Co ot Wlntertaor. Sorts Western Life Insnrance Co. of JtSwaskee. -- a lr a. . castu. J. . ATsraros. J. r. cooes. CARTLK Ar COOKE. SSLPPIHG ASD C0KKI5SI0S KBBCHASTS, TXP0BTE2S ASD Dealers in General Merchandise, So. 14 EiszS tree t, Honolulu, Hawaiian Islasds. AGESTS FOR The Caloa Iarar..ce Gxnpvtj t ' Francisco. The 5sw EaaUad 3satnal Life Insaranca Company, Boston. The Orecoa Packet Uae. Tne Kohala Plantation, Da. Jaya A coa'sCeiehratedlThe ftaika Plaatauoa, Medicines. f Walalsa Plaatauoa. Wbealer A TUsta's SewindHaaakaa Ptsatatlra. XaeklSM, (oTSIly) 1 BUSINESS M)TICES. JLAI.e cV CO.. COMMISSION MERCHANTS and Importers cf and Dealers la Hay, Grain, and General ITvdnCT. Hooolnla. U. I. Hi It A . IV . II I S II . GROCER AND PROVISION DEALER. FamllyUroceryandFeed Store Tit ly to Fort Street. Iloeolnla J. .tl. DAYIItSO.N. OacorerUr. tTfaltney'e B.vk Store, formerly orcvpled by JnJfiD,llli. Ilonulnln. II. I. TiiJm a. ai. iviiix.ky. ai. i., i. u.s. Dental Eoont os Fort Street, OfScelnBrewer'e Blork. corner of llotrl and Fort Streets. TM1 J Entrance. Holel street. Hy i: . iiixciit'ocic. ATT0R5EY AT LA-W- , HILO, HAWAII. QtMJ PHI. Promptly Collected. ly JOII.- - II. IAXY, SOTAKTPUBUCand C0MSO5SI0SER of DEEDS. Fee the Stale ofCatlfoinla. 02c. at the Bank ofBUhop ot Co.. Kashemann Street Henolnlo. o73 ly ci:ni. isko .vr. ATTOBSET ASD C0OS5ELLOB AT LAW. NOTARY PUBLIC. AndAcentfte- taking Acknowlelment of Instrnmentsfor the IelndofOhn. Ql Xo. 8 Kaahnmann Street, Uonelsln, II. I. ly S. 3VT a 3-- i xt , WroBTSB AKD SOBBCa or STAPLE ASD FANCY DBY iJOODS, CLOTHISG, BOOTS. SHOES, ftc. At Great Eastern More, St FortStreet, Uonolnlo. 7iy FAWTHEOW HOTBIi, jajii-- n iitioii. iMioi-itiirroi- :, CORNER OF FORT AND HOTtt STREHS, HONOLULU. StcrTbo het r Alee. Tlnen and Liquor coot taoty on hand. Llrerr Stable. stUched tt, ihe Hotel. 710 ly c. v. iioi;?ia, (Late of Canadian Pacific Ran way Surrey.) Olvil Engineer. C5e:0vrrDr flaritctjw.W's, corner of 3m Fort and Merchant Streets. :st e. iioffsciii,ai:gi:ic &. co., IPOBTEBS ASD COMMISSION MEECHANTS, Honolnln, Oahn. H. I. o7M ly a. iv. ii:iit:c & :o.. SHIP CHANDLEBS & COMMISSION AIEECHASTS AOENT9 SOK Braod's Gons and Bomb Inres, Perry Davis' l'aln Killer. Pierce 'a Msetic Truss, tt talemeu'e hlpplnt; List, ic Ac 733 Queen MrecLHonololu. ly B. JC WBITSEr. j. w. BOSCBTSOX WHITNEY & UO II CUTS ON, (Sktrnwi ! II. Jf. irAitary.) Stationers, Publisher', Sevi Sealers, and Book. btsden. 732 Slerchant Street, Honolulu. ly xiios. o. xintii.n. Stationer, News Dealer and Book- binder. Merchant Street, Honolnln. Mso Stencil Cottier. En- - graTins:,C4lIeraphy and Copying, promptly esecnted ou reasonaoie terms. 7Z7ty DIE. KOUGI1KS. PHYSICIAN ASD SDBGEOS, OtBce, M Fort St., Odd Tellowj' BuIIdlnB. Residence as before. Snow Cottane, Hawaiian Hotel. S3" special attentloa rireu to diseases and aiTecUoos pecalttr to women. The Doctor wm. In fntnre, prepare and dispense his own Medicines. 719 ly CASTLE & IIATCII, VS". R. CASTLE, Sotary Fubllc. attend all the Coorts of the Kingdom. Particular attention paid tu the uecotlation of Loans. ConTeyandng, Collectlnr, etc. ejw Money to loan on Miirtfare. tlffice : No. 37 Fort street, orer Dillln.ham A Cos Store, Honolnln. Hawaiian I.lands. 712 ly s. oassT. r. aossaTSost. GIIAST & ROIiritTMOS, (5ucouori toJ.S. CUphtrn l Cb.) Dealers lu Fancy and Maple Dry Goods of eeery description, XUUnrri and Drtu Jinking Ikparlmmt Attached. Orders from the other Island, promptly attended to. S3 Cor. Fort and Hotel Ms. ly G. W. .IIACFAKL.A.'VII 6c CO.. IMPORTEES AHD COJIKISSIO.N SIEBCHASTS, Robinson's Fire-pro- Jlulldine, Qaeen Street, Honolulu, H, I. lerxrsroB Th GUigow and Hoaototu Line of Packets. John Hay et Cirn Liverlioot aad London Packets. The Walkapo PlanUtivo, The Spencer Planutlon. Ililo, U.kaUn PUntalion, HUo. lirrlees,T.It A 1 alsot., Segar Machinery. The Punloa sheep Ranch Company, 715 a. c sua. x. r. aosusox AI.LE.'V A: KOniASU.. At Robinson's Wbsrf, Dealers in Lnmber and all kindi of Building Materials. Paints, 0:1s, Sails, tc, &c.,&c., a.ssts or scaooasas HAIXA.EALA. KCLAMANC, KEKACLUOHI. MART ELLES', PACA1II, UILAMA, LEA HI, T2S Honolulu. Hs.sJUn Iilaods. ly BISHOP & CO 33 jSl. US' S. 33 DtH. 23 , HONOLULU, its, IIAtVAIIAX ISLASD5, .. DRAW EXCnASOE O.V IHE BASK OF CAUFORNIA, : : : : SAM FRANCISCO S.5D raaza aaiNTI IS Sesr York, Boston, Paris, Auckland, THE ORIFJITAL BAHA CORFORATIOJ, : :: LONOOfl as raiia asaxcais is II one; Konj;, SFdney,aad Melbourne, And transact a General Bankinr Bniliieu. 7M ly c c. citLcnm, BLACKSMITH & MACHINIST, iioitsFsiioinxt;, KISO bTREET, NEAR FORT. 730 J. H. AVICKE, 0.a.3BI3NT23T 2VI.ci.BaSH, Alnliest Street. One door below Hotel Street. Furniture of all descriptions made aad repaired at rea sonaMe rates. Best workmanship tnaraulecd. o7IS ly C E. YVII.I.IAJIX. IHPOBTEB, KASUFACTTJEEB, TJPHOLTEBEB, ASD DEALEE IS FURNITURE OF EVERY DESCRIPTION, Taraltare Ware-Roo- 'o-- W Fort Street. Work shop at the old stand on Hotel Street, 75 Orders from the other Islands promptly attended to. fly HONOLULU IRON WORKS CO. S STEAM EXCISES. SUGAR. MIL.TJI niiftshai BotUrs, Coolers, Iron, Bras aad Lead Cutluge, Machinery of Every Description, C3- - Uad. to Order. S3t Pxrtiealar attestios paid to Ship's Blacks sitting A3-J- pa WORK ixecated on the shortest notice. otIJIy "Ko Hawaii Pae Aina," TBX XEW HtWAIIAX JODBSAL, under roaaatemteat of the tradersfrned, who for the past twelre years has had the caarreoftu "BTuokoa." has a Weekly CircHlatisa er 3,750 Copies, Asdrsstewillytncreasbis:. AsanadTertIsIccmetUam.lt has no equal oo the Hawaiian Islands. JOSEPH U. KAWAISCT. H PreprtetorazdZeHteT. BUSISTESS NO PICKS. lV.1t. JOII.ti'O.t, lVXToirola.ia.i3Lt Tailor. 741 Kaahnmann Su, opposite Sir. 0. Rhodes' Store, ly a. uaauux. c. xsuuxa- - G. SF.UKLUr.. &. CO.. TINSMITHS AND PLUMBERS. Xo. 3 .Vutinuu Street, KeepcMstaatlyon haMl rail sMortmtnt of Tin, Sheet Iran, and Cuppcrw.re, GalTd Iron and Laid Pise. India Babber Ho,4c otlt &m A. KRAFT & SONS, OPTICIANS MANDFACTDRERS OF JEWELRY ! AND DEALERS IS WATCHES AND WATCH MATERIALS. mrV. make tbejbaslaess of UitlelaasaSpciaUtr. llotrl Six l. nex Cor tolSdnaou btvWon, Uonotula tuni Til Brtxime Mreel. New York. 747 cm PARISIAN RESTAURANT, 49 HOTEL, STitKtrr. ItuOTt BEJCAIV, : : Proprietor, tLate of rau Fraaclsco.) Tins nK.sTnitt.vr ttn.i. m: Mippiini the best Meats. Poultry. Fish. Fruit, .sc , c, which can beobtalned. Families and parties will besvreet at their resdenceswlth Fren.haiidither dishes. prepared In the most rtcAcrcAs style. Private rooms for families. 713 ly CHRISTIAN CERTZ, CABINET Tkl A:iS.TE!H. IIEU.S Tt AXXUIIA'CC TO THE PUBLIC of Honolulu, that he has purchased fc me stocK and business of wi LI.t.VM KIsCH Kit, Mote Street, neat door to Mrehs's Drue Store, and that In future the business will be earned on by hhn In the same premises. C O. solicits a fair share of the public patronag. and promises his patrons cinilty, attention and good quality for their money. 733 y XltO.llAN LACK, MAOHIBTIS T, Xo. 40 Fort Mreet, will attend to all orders In the LOCK, GUN & GENERAL REPAIR LINE. He wtU ewe pcui attention. 10 c!eulnjr, repairing aud rsuUtinc iwlnjf llaealnej, anJ all other kinds of Ubt vittctiiuery' aiid Meud Wort of every desciipUou. etc. Also, on band and for sale cheap, A Variety of Sewing Machines (lit 114, 1 is to Is, Shut. Ammunition. IWCacMno Oil. needles, ckc., Ac., d&c Sewlnff Mactilue Tuckers, BmJers.au J all other extra and dapiicAte parts of aucbines supplied on iUort notice. 49" Best Machhie Twiat.-S- tt SoU Agent in this Kmgdatn or Tbe FloenctewlIlg Machine, frjtu $40 to 130. White Sewing Machine, from 13 to T6 Home shuttle ewltis M4ChIn, fiotti f IS to $35, all extras 737 I7 PORTRAIT AND LANDSCAPE PHOTOGRAPHY ! THE IJXDEKSIG.VED 1IAVIXU XOW all Apparatus and Conveniences for Traveling, Is prepared to Visit any part of the Island, and do either Portraits or Views to order at short notice Worli only tvlll be done. Terms Cash, ordraft oo lionoluln, when the neaatlf es are made. Address II. I- - CHASE, Ilouolnln. Jane 1th, IS7S. 751 Jm t , OIL BLACKING. .,a X .e SUaBFACTIiKED BV G. S. PINKHAfyl & CO., KOL0A, KAUAI. BOLLES & Co., Agents, H0X0LUL17. lf 7S5 ljr ,r ONiaovna tio DOMESTIC PRODUCE. Pioneer Mill, Lahaina. HTL'Itro.V. I'KOPRIETOU. CropsofSurar quality, now comlnalu and for sale tn quantities to suit by 7- -8 ly II. IIACKFEU) i CO KAUPAKUEA PLANTATION Sl'UAIl UtV COMING IX aud Tor ante lu to suit purchasers oy TSa lr C-- AFOSO. HAWAIIAN SOaP WORKS! atmfictU. GREY & CO.. s'lJaiilML .Manufacturers and Dealers In ALL KINDS OF SOAPS, Leleo, King; Street, Ilonolnlu. Beef, llnltoo and Goat Tallow wanted. Orders left at Bnlles A Cu.'s, Qaen Street, will meet with prompt alien-"o- o 731 ly SOLE & SADDLE LEATHER, Tanner! Goat and Sheep Skins OX 1IASD ASD FOB SAXE, from tbe well known IVnlmea Tannery . J. p. farlter, Prop'r. Ullo .'annery, F. H. Ijmjiu. Ppoprletor. 751 It A. S. CLEOnORS t CO., Agents. nETKOPOLITAS JIAItliET. jLt C.WALLER, Proprietor King Street. 7t ly Hoaolnln. FAMILY MARKET, Junction of Hotel and Union streets. O. WALI.E1I, .... PBOPBItTOE. Cnolemt Seats from tbe Finest nerds. Fish. Poultry, Vegetables, etc fur- nished to order. Extras fueadan anrf Thnrk days. eal ; Fridays, Fish : Sundays, Lamb, nnles other. wise ordared. rue Toprletor harbu; leased tbe neat and commodious Vegetable. Fruit and Poultry Market, anjolcins the Family Heat Marttet, will be prepared to promptly and satlstaetorOy fill orders for ererjttlng re- quisite to farulsh the tables with all the Robstantlalaand Delicacies the country affords, ear Shipping supplied on short otlce. Meats, 4c, dtUrsred toali parts or the eitrwithaat.atrarharrr TU ly PIANOS! PIANOS! 6 MARTHA DAVIS,' A few mere of those SUPERIOR PIANOS rrom the oloVestaUlshed flnr; if WOODWARD 4 BEOWS cf Boston, JUST RECEIVED. The Pianos of thv mate alrodrsoft in th!v market hare clren food tUftctlcm. and we are prepared to sirs rare bargains to purchasers. We caanot be sadersold by anyone !a Hooolala. Pianos on Exhibition. 7H4 Oastle Sc Oooke. '- - w -- ", T" f INSURANCE NOTICES. Rn$taH Board of I'ndtnrritrrSi A CENTS for the Hawaiian Islanils, . IK-l- J C. URKWEKACO. Philadelphia Board of Underwriters. AGENTS for the Hawaiian Island., C. BREWKR CO. CAI.IFOU.MA INSURANCE COMPANY. CNDEHSICNKD. AGENTS OP THE ahorcCutnpanv. har. been a.thortsed tatnsnr. lists on C.rpu, Freight and Treaanrc, from Ilonolnlu to all aits of the world, and rice rsrsa. TK) ly II. IIACKTKI.D A CO. r. a. soiiai:fi:ic, AGENT of Ilrcmcn Board of TJndersTrltrrs, of Drswden DoAnl ef Underwriters, Aeent of Meuna hVrd of Cnderwritsra, Claims again! Iosoranc. Companies within th. Jnrisdlctlon of th. ature Boards of Cnderwriters, ill hat. to h. certi- fied to by the above a;.nt to make tbem valid. 739 ly IIA.milUtUII-ItltK.M- O FISE INSURANnE COMPANY. THE UNDERSIGNED harlnc; been Acents of the above Company, ar. prepared to Insure risks alnt lire, on Stone and Brick on Mrrcliandls. stored therein, si tb. most NVurabl. terms. For particulars applr at tb. olllc. of T ly F A. SCIIAEFEil A CO. T a IC FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY, of HA.iuirnn. INNVIIKD ON nl'ILDINUS. HEK. chsndlse aud Fumttnre, on liberal terms, be 7tO ly II. HACKFELD A IX)., Afenta. HAMBURC-MACDEBUR- C FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY, OF ItAMIlURO. Brii.niNG.s, MKitfiivNDisn. Insured azslust Fire on the most favorable terms. A. JAEGER, t for the Hawaiian Islands. 7W ly ' UNION INSURANCE COMPANY OP SAN FKANCISCO. INOOBPOBiTED, 1805. CASTLE & COOKE, ACENTS 71S For the Hatrallan Islands. Insurance Notice. TUB AGENT FOR TUB BRITISH Marine Insurance Company. (Limited), his le ceiTl Insiructlops to riducc tile e. of Ininrsncs het.een Honolulu aud Ports in the Pacific, and Is now pre- pared to Issue Policies at the loaest rites, with asfecial reduction ou freight per steamers. TIIEO. II. DATIES, y 7t7 AreotDrit. For. Mar. Ins. Co., IJulted UORTH RR1.TISH AND MERCAHTILE INSURANCE CO., OF LONDON AND EDINBUHGII. ESTABLISHED 1809. " CAPITA!. 1,097,218 Accumulate! and Invested Fund. 8,838,118 'plIE UNDERSIGNED HAVE BEEN A I'- ll POINTED AOhNTe for toe Sandwich Islands, and are authorized to insure Mjptiust Fire upon favorable terms. UUSs taken In any part of the Islands ou etoo. aud Woodsn Buildings and merchandise stored therein, D.elllne Houses aod Furniture, Timber, Coals, Ships In harbor with or with out cargoes, or under repair. lit ly ED. KurFSCBLAEQERACO TTJNTXeoiNr Fire and Marine Insurance Company OF NEW ZEALAND. CAPITAL $10,000,000 HAVING ESTABMSIIKD AN AGENCY nt for the Hawaiian Islands, tbe under. are prepared to accept risks against fire In dwell Inics, stores, warehouses, and merchandise, un favorable terms. JInrlue lCl.ha on cargo, freights, bottomary, profits and commissions. Losses nrowiitly itdjtialed mid unynule here. IM ly WM. O. IRWIN- - A Co. FIREMAN'S FUND INSURANCE COMPANY, OP SAB" PHASCISCO, -- E-ro and Marino, Cash Capllnl. Gold. 8300,000. DtTellliiir Risks n Npeclnlity. DeUched dwellings and rontents Injured for a period of three years, for two pre- miums in advance-B- y wntlng small lines on carefully selected risks well distributed, offers (SDE3IN1TT SECOND TO NONE. Losses Promptly Adjusted. BISHOP i. CO., 724 ly Agents for the Hswailan Islands. THE Swiss Lloyd Marine Insurance Co. OF WINTEBTHDH. UNDERSIGNED are AUTHORIZED THE On Cargo, Freight and Treasure From Honolulu to all parts of the world, and upon Coasters, lir Special PermisiloB ! On the most favorable terms. w. a. irwi.v co , 7t.ly Agents for the Hawsiian Islands. Rhenish Westphalian Lloyd INSURANCE COMPANY, OF M. GLAUBACII, KheuUu Pruaain. AacfcenandLeipziglnsurance Co., Limited, OF AACHEN. LI. CLAIJIri FOR PARTICULAR AVElt-AU- c. A susUlued by Goods arriving here, and Insured la tne above Companies, bare to be made with the of and certified to by the undersigned. In order to be valid. (;9 ly) J. a CJLADE, Agent. WILDER & CO., Agents Tor tbe Hawaiian Islands, ' TI1E Mutual Life Insurance Co. OF NEW YOB1I, Largest, Safest and Most ECONOMICAL LIFE INS. CO. LN THE "WORLD! Assets (187G)...S80, 000,000 Now is a Good Time to Insure Sob bat First-Cla- ss Risks Taken, "SJ-l- i. New England Mutual life Insurance Co. OF BOSTON, MASS INCORPORATED, IS3S. Ihe Oldest Purely Mutual Lie Insurance Co. in the United Slalet. Policies Issued on the most favoribla Terms. Example ofNon-Forfelln- re Plan, EfSCEED AGE. 36 LIFE FLAK 1 Ananal premium contlnoas PoHej 2 years 3 days 2 Annas! premium continues Policy 4 years 12 days 3 Annual premium bntinaea Policy C years 27 days 4 Annual premium coctinues Policy 8 years 4 days 5 Annual premium eootlanes Policy 10 years todays Assets, : : $13,000,000! Losses Paid tnroagts lloaolala S49.QOO I CASTLE & COOKE, ACENTS TU FOK THK HAWAIIAS IgLiASDK. lj FOREIGN NOTICES. WILLIAMS, ULANCHASD & CO.. ShlppiHff and remmlssIeH MrrchaRls TSA 3IS California Street, San Fraaclsco. ly iciisii vraao. utwrs a. urstax. tVARD Jt I,lPM.t.4, Export Commission Merchants. Orders fnr American M.onractnres a Specialty. Torelrn Goods purchased on CommUalon. 133 South TBlnl Street, Philadelphia. 7W W. H. CROSSMAN & BRO, COMMISSION MERCHANTS, US rhnmber Mreet. New York. Xdtmtr Cast!. A Cooke, and J. T. Walerhoujo. TM ly II. W. SKVKUANCK, HAWAIIAN CONSUL, 310 California St., S. Francisco. Purchasing and Commission Agent for 710 sandwich island and other products. it CORSITT & HACLEAY, Shipping and Cotanlssion Ulcrchaals, 13 and IS Front SU 10 and 12 First St., Portland, 0. SAN FRANCISCO OrrlCE. 201 SACRAMENTO STRKn airxa ro Bank of British Colombia . ... . ...Portland, Oregon First National Oold Hank. . .....han Francisco Messrs. H. llackfrld ACo Ilonolnlu Messrs. TJlahop t Cu.. lUnkers ,, Honolnln Messrs, Qrcu.Macfarlan. A Co.. Honolulu rUT- - Consignments of I1and Prod.c. solicited, on which CASH ADVANCES WILL UK MADE. o7l ly PACIFIC IRON WORKS, SAN FRAXCiaCO, CALIFORNIA, Established la 1S33. rnXKIX, BRAYTOS A CO., Manufacture Engines, Hoilert, and Machinery of every Description. Particular attention paid ta the manufacture of SCO Att MILLS, VACUUM PANS, Ac. Reference In Honolulu E. P. Abasia, Esq. 710 ly. ESTABLISHED, 1S6'J. INDIA RICE MlXiL, "" CORNER OF Mission and Premont Sis., San Francisco, CALIFORNIA. THE INDIA RICE JI1 LI., niter la years practical experience and laiproevment. Is now Ihe nearest to perfection of any of the Rice Mills of Ihe world. In thoroughness of Cleansing and Polishing It stands unrivalled: and In yield of cleaned merchant- able Rice, from the raddy. Produce S lo 8 per cent. Hore than tbe Celebrated Mills of Amsterdam. THE INDIA RICE MILL IS NOW IN" PERFECT RON. pi i mj uiiueu ran the lulling and Dressing of Paddy AND UNCLEANED RICE From the Hawaiian Ialands. to which It Is specially adapted. Consignments of Paddy and Bulled Pice Will receive prompt and careful attention. WM. M. OIlEbNWOOD, General Commission Merchaot and Proprietor of India KiceMUL 73 (m RUPTURE CURED CAi'IF.0,R'!iAJ ELASTIC TRUSS to sse. for tt entirely cured mr painful rupture in nine weeks, from whirh I ha ve sotTere f rave years. I look your advice and wore It day and nuTht r6KASffMrMwJL,iriflA f uw.i accept ssy jroiifude. Mas. H. E. a. Laxaaor, ban Jose, California. CALIFORNIA ELASTIC TRUSS basHtibslauilallr cured m. of a bad case of rupture of 30 years standing I bare tried all kinds of trufses, both steel and ela.tlc and never received any permanent relief until I tried yours. I feet thai I am perfectly cured VLmruJ llcnax. chief msilderk a. K. Daily Lzcninj ihtf. Send for catalogue. California ElasticTrussCo Removed from Sacramento 8 tree t to 720 Market Street, San Francisco. 7 ly DR. J. COLLIS DROHXE'S o deh: ii o jel o id sr mr dei IS THE OKIOIHAL AND OHLY CEHUIHE. CHLOnODYNE Is admitted by the profession to be the most wonderful and valuable remedy ever discovered. CULOBODYNE U tbe best remedy known for Coughs, Consumption, Bronchitis, Asthma. CnLOBODYNE effectually cheeks and arresU those too often fatal diseases: Diphtheria, Fever, Croup, A gue. CULOBODYNE acts Use a charm In Diarrhoea, and Is the only specific tn Cholera and Dy.entery. CULOBODYNE effectually cow abort all attacks of KpUep.y, Hysteria, Palpitation, and rjpasms. CULOBODYNE la the only palliative tn Neuralgia, Rheumatism, Gout, Cancer, Tooth-ach- e. Meningitis, Ac From W. Vesallus Pettlgrew, M. D.. formerly Lecturer atSi.Gforge'sHospItal.London: Ihave no hesitation In ststlng that 1 bave never met with any medicine so as an and Sedative. I bave nsed It In consumption. Asthma, Dlarrbcea, and other diseases, aod am perfectly satisfied with the results." "Earl Russell communicated to the College of Physic, tans that he bad received a dispatch front Her Majesty's (Jonsnl at Manila to the effect that cholera has ben rag. lug fearfully, and that the only resseJy rf any service was CHtoaonyxK " See Lanot, 1st December. 1M4. CAUTION. Bswsss or Piaacr ssd IarraTioxa-- The public are further cautioned ; a forgery of the gov. eminent stamp having come to tbe knowledge of lbs Board of Inland Rvenoe. CAUTION. Sir Pace Wood stated that Ss J. rouuBaowaa was undoubtedly tbe Inventor of CULoaoorxx : that tbe story of the defendant was delib- erately ontroe. which, he regretted to say, bad been sworn to. Dee Ttssu, July 10. IML bold In Bsttles si Is. IJjd., 2s. M., 4s. M. and lis. each. Sods Is genuine without Ihe words "Dr. J. COLLIS BROWNE" ou the Government Stamp. Ovenvbelminf medical testimony accompanies each bottle. Sole Manufacturer J. T. DAVKNPORT, 23. Great Rnssell St.. Bloom.Lnry, London. Agents la Xsw York, Vt.il. Scatireu A Co. ana JC VTnts, 7li m LIVERPOOL and LONDON and GLOBE INSURANCE CO. Assets. - -.- - - $26,740,105,70 ESTABLISHED AST AOEXCT ITf HONOLULU, for the Hawaiian Ialands, aad the undersigned are prepared to write risks against FIRE OS BUILDISGS, MEECIASISE ANB DWELLINGS On favorable terms. Bwelllngr Bisks a Special lly. Detached dwellings and contents leered for a period of tare vears, tw two premiums la advance. Losses promptly adjust! and payable here. W-- BISHOP A Co. SALAMANDER FELTING Ceveriij Biilcrs, Stewt fifes ETCL, ETC. Saves 25 per Cent, of Fuel PRICE REDUCED TO 7.0 B1L. THEO. H. B A VIES, 7Ma MISCELLANEOUS. WATER PIPES! WATER PIPES ! IX WANT OF SALVANHevH. Ilplnctolayoafrom th new Mains, will do wall ta atT. the Bodersigued a call. Wa hav 60,000 Feet of Gaiyawzft, Pif Oa hand. Jost ReceiTJex'AbUe',anslaialier,' and can offer It at THE LOWEST POSSIBLE FIGURE Ry th. " Morra Castle," Just at baud, w bars recelrvM a Fall Lin of HOUSE PLUMBING MATERIALS SUCH AS Earth Closets, Cast Iron Sink, Enameled Cast Iron Waaustarujs, Marble tops and Basins forWaahftUnte. with Corks and Chains foraame, Hose Bibb Cocks, Sewer and Sink Traps, Urinal, Kitchen Slop Sinks, Sink Flogs, Light Cast iron Soil Pipe, 2, 3 &4 iach. All Work In the Above Lln WW beattended to with dispatch. Ahw.Jcst at hand, a neve lot of UNCLE SAM RANGES, Three different Style, of four sties each. Also, Opera, May, Quartette and Tinf Hon 3ErLStXXvSeS! Together with the Cotton Plant, Sunny South, Magna Charta, Osceola, Demand, Buck's and Charter Oak Stoves. SUPERIOR FRENCH RANGES, For Private Families, or Hotels. Ships' and Schooners' Cabooses, Laundry Stoves, Kerosene Stoves. IF YOU ART. IN NEED OF ANYTHING IN THE ABOVE LINES GO OK SEND TO NOTT'S. If. B In orderlac StoTtrs throujt, the mll, ami leT-tni- C the matter of choic ta ut, ee ttal Umll, and U. Domtxr or peopU 70a with to cook for. Uooolulu, Jun 18, IK9. TU THE RISDON inifiTnm Corner Beale and Howard Sts., 8AS FRANCISCO, CALlrORNIA. VT. H. TATtOH, Prts't JOSEPH K002X, hj't. BUILDERS OF STEAM MACHINERY IN ALL ITS BRANCHES, Steamboat, Steamship, Land ENGINES AND BOILERS niOH PRESSURE OR COMPOUND. STEAM YES8ELS, of ail kinds, built complete with Bulls of Wood, Iron or Composite. ORDINARY ENOINES compounded when advis- able. STEAM LAUNCHES. Barges aud 8 team Tugs con- structed with reference to the Trade la which they are to be employed. Bftvi, tonnage and draft of water guaranteed. STEAM BOILERS. Partlcnlaralteniiongtren to the duality of the material and workmanship, and none bat first-l- ass work produced. SCOAR HILLS ANB STJGAR-MAKIN- H made after th. most approved plana. Also all Boiler Iron Work connected therewith. WATER PIPE, of Boiler or Hbeet Iron, of any else, mada In soluble lengths for connecting together, oz Sheets rolled, punched and packed for shipment, ready to be riveted on the ground. HYDRAULIC RIVETING. Boiler Work and Water Pipe made by this establishment, riveted by Hydraulic Riveting Machinery, that qcallty ot work being far su- perior to hand work. -- v SHIP WOKIi, Ship and Steam Capstans, steam Winches, Air and Ctrculatluc Pomps, mada after th most approved plana. PUMPS. Direct Acting Pumps, for Irrigation or City Wa'er Works purposes, built with the celebrated Davy Valve Motion, superior to any other pump IV3 Am HAWAIIAN Furniture Manufactory J. H. BRUNS, JR.. (MANUFACTURES Ml KIM OF FDlJITIli AND AT THE LOWEST PRICES! J?1 U R.3WIT17R.EI ALWAYS OX HANB, ANB ORDERS FILLED AT SHORTEST NOTICE THE TOBSiraRE IS All1 SasCasdo lay WCnnTtlT.&ry AND OF THE BEST SEASONED STUFF, AND No Pains will be Spared TOOTVTB SATISFACTION TO US CXM UpliotsletiasT Bane to Orvter. Coffins Always n Hand. 7381 JeCALL ASU SKE.-Sa- Ti r KNOWJLES' STEAM ASTB Vacuum HPxLrxt-- p m, fn HE tTNBRMeHGNiiB KITS JtfatT ataV t. CBrVEDBtrAmyTaewer.froas aillie.a Ml av soriawok ef these ee'eaeatsw ramae. wsaaaaea awai a taeA ta b ehssaer aoa beuer taon aa? ataar atyte as) aralesOfte. WeowH taestssaaVia aeralaaKvs aartav aasrvrtolaw Vawaas rwsae.wa.ea to teas easssaaawasal tss tlW3mX at OO.

r HAWAIIAN GAZETTE, · 2015. 6. 2. · r II II I IMlAWAHAK GAZETTE tve.X". ireaearvw ta Nonpareil Tjae, 1 w 1 M lla i Mm.PI ilUSKXIs ST rTHE HAWAIIAN GAZETTE, Uaet Jj lacb. Ma.!!

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    IMlAWAHAK GAZETTE .X".tve ireaearvw taNonpareil Tjae, 1 w 1 M lla i Mm.PI ilUSKXIs ST r Uaet Jj lacb. Ma. !! 1 3 os'f oy attMtTHE HAWAIIAN GAZETTE, ljuoes- -i lece-- 34 i w a ew 4 M t isaX. CWFORD MACDOWELL, Uaee--2 laeke. 200 4t aee t Men l aM U.ae 3 Inches 108 0 Tt law UK itsBwis-sr- j- Wianday Slssr-ralns- :. 4S Unee 4 laches (N to ISM utet s6 atQuarter of Colama . we 14 U 13 MO

    Third of Colneaa. too 13 00 It 00 3M 3t0&1 FIFE MLLilS FEE ANNUM Half of rstamaj... 13 1100 34 00 39 rotTwwThlrd Colsma uo S3Q0 aao tern 764 MMOn. Column nooi w woo sow lov It OSA WEEKLY JOUKML, DEYOTED TO HAWAIIAN PEOGRESS. Business Card when nreaaia ftr tt year, aretl O.DO."rw-tl- i svasalae3ws-r- ?. f allowed a dleco.nl froea the, tats., which ar fcr IWMfsM

    raaasaBSaaaVs. afrmrnfMl&. advestUements, when paid or charted vtaartMly,N. B. All furelga advertlsesaeaU saa.t h. seoaarIwith th. pay wh.a .rdered ta, er aa notice win he ta etIheea. Th. rale, of tharjes are given la the seen scaee,n4

    t Stn.leH

    OfieeEaildin;ull. L VOL. XV.No. 31.1 HONOLULU, WEDISHESDAY, JULY --30, 1S79. WHOLE No. 759. scriptlonsrralltaaewstamps.easylorheEasternBiaJ. byAmsrleaabank hills,lvsitlsea.sats.eecuia or tea cast seat-a- g.


    SStiuIKC u4 Wjalclsliisr- -aa . tnaM jsJU,

    sai m in ffc mr A- -;tliiii iijltinilitlj.IHili at .stsi thsasias r..SBTa.sl tin f i. .Seal .a "a

    ia lBas isasa afrs eaiai inl w3tjflr.b Sii.awaasasaassaaey i m ii iasbafasessaaswi aews. arte.

    ftlS- - ijajSI iteii aHshar- .1 Si .. Ill I SB

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    teSaSeaassniisTfi iii1 it is ss vsi ifculssilisT

    wntffei w rut .kaHMWns ai fc.. f scylsart,

    awsalseaTaBssasvsnsTsaBses. 1

    iliiliwtihWtiditBtl0nwtottM4MMIrlnjh. . eg .. 0MM Wnwsfc,

    MMM 1 i.l i a iHHIVtMMitMMciU

    34MbAt.kl.WlmH4(Rsi-- TTT i STaajai n 1tilti aS.Ihm k..to sassen.

    M W mm 1 gam aaa,

    fcll IMMtrtWlMl.ulIiU

    VARIETY.aaa". Shef caVes sib a era

    Ut " nil se euv a ncu'i gratfecdeaw kurapee as l visible

    f a Waj- - ifcr rrxijtf bis ;tfOMiaia Attim has; eCac ri iaa ieIT .Mi

    . aj k liaMiI tbxt a naumm ua. at t-- rubc2 La thirtr.

    ii M aKeet ti: SuI at ifcfca icicj an lad. ,

    Bi miaojari a ny tyrf. Ik r yart to f i whm te

    ikmm .aaiicf. to ; Jor vee&ermrmmam tm.gimt ar fcat. tte UU 1 n3 li.

    fc3itlnaVa aectas .er cfmar- -7M.Batf ! t fasicd. aad is

    "C4a wkijecrac ce bkkt jut

    tpwepfc"re oilST raa a Iaadcap paMo- -fcatfe4xksav wttrt tie

    .'.'iifitltfcufn TT., WanijTBiV-Sa- x T&.Btae ii cce

    anawuMMaiaAufUi. a. TteeaB.tt a tut f PcBisa- a-tmmm .miMwii t soxaaarr jrerTnties ton

    a Itut ftfnasT; arbl--miHniif ac ate raics f

    xaviV aAb ax exeLazr..arsa-.- . yards of Mack ilk,

    Tyjayni ii jim. gatfa-- A sift eels et txais!iliml 'oatuaf.

    ikafkMsarcalec a Vy tcstead of a fsH- -jgppwai & a-- v M km afeaMcd all e ipiu Z

    I ai a rtlTce t et

    a m ea mfc. tLarblj casrassed teeIi 1 .nfc.aa yaaat asx Lae siosee whereanaaeaavdai. cae . veaee At &artatt h$ aad' .Mil III ! aar as au rijtt lej.

    . faeae aaafcs are aud to beTaUe CMba. VH- -

    Waur Saeeaa, Dc last tv WurCHHe-fussftua- ef Scutes

    m mn far jean is tie lee banMaMteeeWMsd f tee Mbwca. Tt Si

    rtiet ftmx vitb a LattaTti I Mi I --l mtrntk itent tsat tasgaafe as

    f m aVaat jes.ffgwi tln vas aaiziac a piece ef

    lit alkerl miit SBaasar, lie lair ea- -awaTJariaaam aaMa e. " wast." TY. clerk ittia'tIllllUltt T- - I: a at azeees. bat decreed(l 'attlily Mlesaa sua te tsed."A Oatawsaas .Uh Her waa iascred for a larxe

    tcMnas. "W3ae4Eitasa)B' ibcaa bg- faflecf froa a vijgs.Inn in mu lull rf Ym T'irT "nTr. irlii n .. aTVi frrf r- -- - tte isjeracee eocosay CkaMelAjf Aaa,aaae fcalf aettoej."'

    X loMa li'Mi jeii'iiof wfc vae bcrjc; cifbt. fc.l flTLt tiae ae aak liirectlj fer asrae- -

    jwt, it sc Ills waj : Sf otber, are: w aaaev. a 4eaas tsfFJ er tbe

    &;vsse ocrrcaa asd battar was Lao5

    itis aahdcaa becsredftaib Hrflim.W. hf tie Ia.ir lis: etc ctbod

    Ina ssed-ca- l pabKeatiea : Halfmmmmamt aao.a.im laiafOR pt Is a salf piit of

    a .in at 2aaaaa am afoctad. asd a sossd

    aaau ml In mi frss aba casrxi cce rijttamBwacafifeai flB. ! Jiac tasstit as error or de

    jijt-- -. -- - be&ea we wen curried I1aajeait 'Sat liaies j: ast sari aqstiutnT'

    "Mfc.1 &'kT"c tti- - ball was saaisatedSara, uei sea abd I axew if tcb bad it3cwnaraag tijai:iari fag ta g Ista walk.

    Maweiabaa. Saw Ut Jrs ssea bare ssppoeeddjwswaoBeis i sat walk, aad thervfere tbe; will--fcalyawliai a taor wsi tit babj cftijiu. BstaxrainsxicilRRiiiJT da a tbassasd qaxf'

    ad carter bawrs, tbej raa eer-; aaSas aroczd a sleepist

    scre pjrfnl is tiis wcrii tbasMcaffawlss Mtsfa sua b aba earru tatha

    b 09 tM f?" ISO Wta SOWS ISaaEMsiariiaaaaT sxSteasaka bar a?pearaxesa- - ,.,,- - scsaxl: ate bis can wbea at last lie,,,,. r ari - TtatTI 4a. atearr- -

    Ja-a- a c i it e. Ir" it ie" eseajb.""Wbamataeseess latJpno seksowT. EeforefcwaaazBarwOUek. S EsirSe daws, a cssie

    a'atu.iau -- erasimataar Cbair,asdas JM.lur Tiliuina wall i fi1frT ""''--"-


    - asdnsosVda, aaEek,"' asi Grand stuber'e

    TWK.ar.-n- wsdaS tie cStar rabbab taat eacataMCailasbaaU&tkiaxdWai C6t dapsied cf atraaas aaia tMr 3aBi ajs.

    e.lteill!laJt: lb&Msg, j

    BUSINESS NOTICES.C !. It.tKTO W. Auctioneer.

    tWriMi .a Qa.a Street, ... doc- frue. KsahemasnI Street. Iy

    E. 1- - AIAJ1S.Auctioneer and Commission Merchant.

    Queen Street. Ilaeluln. II . TSMrl


    uc.fn 5it u i. i;iyiavi i.i.i rji u. snirii.

    Omcr. gsshomana Mreet, Ho&olsta, H. L.neat doorto te Brown, Ho. .W It


    Dry Goods, ratals. Oil and General Merchandise.Corner rM sod King Stl.

    iu. r. i.k.-i.- ii; .ni.i;it.SURGEON AND ACCOUCHEUR.

    03ce at Dr. HoTmsnn's Drug Store. MerchantHoeielnln. TH ly

    . . Cl'JIIIUGS .11. !..5TSGE0.V ASD HOMEOPATHIC PHYSiCIAH.02c Curacr Fort and Reretanla bts, UcoolBia. 713

    K. A. SCHAEI'I'.It Jc CO..Importers & Commission Merchants

    l Ueaolaiu. Ua.auaa Islands JJOII.-- X lVAXKItHOIJ.-- K.


    TIB Qim. iinn. Ifeavlulii. II. I. I jUILLOUHAJI Jc CO.,

    IJtPOSTZES AKD DEALEBS IN HAKDWAEECtly. Dry Cd. Punti asd OiU. aad U.aer.1 MrrCtttaiw. fc W, Kkft Slrt. llopololn. Til lj

    UOLI.KS .V CO..Silp C&sadlert nd Connunoa HtrcianU.

    tncrtri.Bdl..rtn Oeoera) Mvrcauidb,Uar.DtrutUwnln. Ittwima liUada. 1ST ljT. J. UAUKi:.

    Prxe'icil ArciitKt aid Bolder,FUu a.d iwcific.Uia fort.Ubd al rtajeualc tirai

    AHirrM Ft Oa. Uculcln. H. I. 1ST Iti. IV. UKOYV.'V,

    CIVIL ESGINEEE.OTrr SsillB BrWc, Ilocotcln. Hawaiian Isl!ind.

    lii MpandProCl. yA. A. JIO.NTA.NO,

    P&ctcgTspter rd Sealer is all iitdi of PictureFrames. Xat and Velret Caset.

    ;U Csrncr of Km and Kon unu.. Uooululs. lj- -

    V,II.Ii:it A; CO.,Craer of Fort aod Cnn Streets IIoboJcIq.

    Lscber, Paizts, Oils, Sails, Salt and BuildingpM Kate rials of every ltiad?Wli


    J. e.Dica.oa auIT LrKBS, ex. coocxLEHKIt!) &. IUCKSO.A.

    IMPORTERS & DEALERS IS LUMBER.AadaUtisdaofBuldisgM.terUU.rortStreet.UotioIiiIa

    CIIAS. X. UIII.ICIC.3NTOT-a.3EfS- - 3ETJ33aisIC,

    Ageit to take A cVx egledgnenU to Libor ContractsAND

    GENERAL BUSINESS ACENT.Officv ia Mk' Btoc, corner Qaeea aod KaabanmnnSUtt.. Hoouiola. m III It

    T. CRAWFORD HACrOWELL,Attorney .at La-w- ,Otliev Io.t Oflire Bulldlua;

    X?"1 epeciat atuatio. .aiJ lo tLe imeetiLCTit ofmbalcs odgood Hcarlllti. "W

    u. M. gii.di:a. ji ., i).i),s.,MBUUI) DLMIT,

    Orrrci Comer of lICrl aad Fort 8ts.. cp stairs, afeoT. Dr.Sir' Drtt Strr.

    ,27 OCe&ourfrom9a ji toSr ac ljA. --S. lUKTtVELL.Counsollor at Iiatv,

    Olce erer Jlu&op dr C!up Bam.lt,7&? Uooolaln. lj


    KEECHASDISE,Ptllo.iUall Itlt-I-r


    Corner of King aod Fort streets,HONOLULU. T3I ly

    A. S. CLtGIIOK. Ar Co..txroxTixs axs outsat u

    Cronoral MorcTin-niilwo- ,Cer&er Qaeea and Kaahamann Streets.t!4 Xj asana Fort and Hotel St.


    In Fataioaable Clothing Hats. Capt, Boots, Shoes, and.Trry Tariexj of Gentlemen Farnfohtnr Goods. Snow'eBsBding, MerehaatStreet.Honolaln. Tg-l-y

    C. ATOSC.Importer, "Wholesale and Retail Dealer

    in General MerchandiseAnd CtHna Cooda. In Iht Fire-Pro- Store, corner cf

    IQaf and nsan Streets. 72(C1CIIAKU F. lilCHKKTO.'N.

    ATT0B5ET ASD COUSSELOB AT LAWtnU attend the Terms of on the other Island

    Money te fend caSforteetrsef Freeholds So3 3ercnaatueet. 3 doort from Dr. Stanrenwalds 'H 3m


    la Fsshiaeatle Oethlac. Hats, Cap, Boots, Shoes andeeerj- Tartetj- of Gentlemen's eaperior FnmUhlns; Gouda.Store la Slatec's Block. Qneen ftreet, Hooolnla. H. I.


    C. BREWER & CO.,a. a. r. ciant, i

    J T C JOKS. ., Vj. o. same.

    SHIPPING I COMMISSION MERCHANTS,tx Eosolsls. Havaxias Islands. ' J

    XIIEO. II. D1TIG8,Ls Jinoi. Guu k Co.J


    L2erde and the Lirerpool UnJerwritrre,Bruuh and Foretca Marine Insnrance Cofflpany, aadNorthern aaiarance Company. 0729 ly

    HOLMSTEIt &. CO.,5e. 6S5onana Street, : : s s Ilouolnln,

    ixroKTtaj sxn aastaas xx

    Choice Cigars, Tobacco and Snuff.SoU UgtUT tie Batcaiux Idxmdxftr

    P. LoriUard ft Co.'a, asd Vanity Fair Tobaceca.

    ITtmttfacturert of ilineral WaUrs. etclit it

    n&awuio. z. a tratVDcre. wx. c tanror.TrVJt. Cf. IRWW A; CO.,

    Sugar Factors and Commission Agents,HorroLCt.tr, n. i..

    Asssts roaXaalehs Flaatattoo. HawaO-IWes- t Maal FlanUUoo, Has!Hosnaoo Plaautios, jtlakee Planutlon.nuea FtaaiaHoa, ivTataee Plantation.StarXBls JMakee Racar r, Eacat.

    VCls)" Eea!IaFIanutloa, "G re!fT t Bicknell'B (Fa&nlcxs Island) Oocoans t OH.

    Cciea Fire and Starine Insurance Co. of.few 7aUsd.Swiss Lloyd Virtue Iesarance Co ot Wlntertaor.Sorts Western Life Insnrance Co. of JtSwaskee.--a lra. . castu. J. . ATsraros. J. r. cooes.



    Dealers in General Merchandise,So. 14 EiszS tree t, Honolulu, Hawaiian Islasds.

    AGESTS FORThe Caloa Iarar..ce Gxnpvtj t ' Francisco. The 5swEaaUad 3satnal Life Insaranca Company, Boston.The Orecoa Packet Uae. Tne Kohala Plantation,Da. Jaya A coa'sCeiehratedlThe ftaika Plaatauoa,

    Medicines. f Walalsa Plaatauoa.Wbealer A TUsta's SewindHaaakaa Ptsatatlra.

    XaeklSM, (oTSIly) 1


    COMMISSION MERCHANTSand Importers cf and Dealers la Hay, Grain, and General

    ITvdnCT. Hooolnla. U. I. Hi ItA . IV . II I S II .

    GROCER AND PROVISION DEALER.FamllyUroceryandFeed Store

    Tit ly to Fort Street. Iloeolnla

    J. .tl. DAYIItSO.N.OacorerUr. tTfaltney'e B.vk Store, formerly orcvpled

    by JnJfiD,llli. Ilonulnln. II. I. TiiJma. ai. iviiix.ky. ai. i., i. u.s.

    Dental Eoont os Fort Street,OfScelnBrewer'e Blork. corner of llotrl and Fort Streets.

    TM1 J Entrance. Holel street. Hyi: . iiixciit'ocic.

    ATT0R5EY AT LA-W-,

    HILO, HAWAII.QtMJ PHI. Promptly Collected. ly


    Fee the Stale ofCatlfoinla. 02c. at the Bank ofBUhop otCo.. Kashemann Street Henolnlo. o73 ly

    ci:ni. isko .vr.ATTOBSET ASD C0OS5ELLOB AT LAW.

    NOTARY PUBLIC.AndAcentfte- taking Acknowlelment of Instrnmentsfor

    the IelndofOhn.Ql Xo. 8 Kaahnmann Street, Uonelsln, II. I. ly


    BOOTS. SHOES, ftc.At Great Eastern More, St FortStreet, Uonolnlo.7iy

    FAWTHEOW HOTBIi,jajii-- n iitioii. iMioi-itiirroi- :,CORNER OF FORT AND HOTtt STREHS, HONOLULU.

    StcrTbo het r Alee. Tlnen and Liquor coot taoty on hand.Llrerr Stable. stUched tt, ihe Hotel. 710 ly

    c. v. iioi;?ia,(Late of Canadian Pacific Ran way Surrey.)

    Olvil Engineer.C5e:0vrrDr flaritctjw.W's, corner of

    3m Fort and Merchant Streets. :st

    e. iioffsciii,ai:gi:ic &. co.,IPOBTEBS ASD COMMISSION MEECHANTS,

    Honolnln, Oahn. H. I. o7M ly



    Braod's Gons and Bomb Inres,Perry Davis' l'aln Killer.

    Pierce 'a Msetic Truss,tt talemeu'e hlpplnt; List, ic Ac733 Queen MrecLHonololu. ly


    (Sktrnwi ! II. Jf. irAitary.)Stationers, Publisher', Sevi Sealers, and Book.

    btsden.732 Slerchant Street, Honolulu. ly

    xiios. o. xintii.n.Stationer, News Dealer and Book-

    binder.Merchant Street, Honolnln. Mso Stencil Cottier. En- -

    graTins:,C4lIeraphy and Copying, promptly esecnted oureasonaoie terms. 7Z7ty


    OtBce, M Fort St., Odd Tellowj' BuIIdlnB.Residence as before. Snow Cottane, Hawaiian Hotel.S3" special attentloa rireu to diseases and aiTecUoos

    pecalttr to women.The Doctor wm. In fntnre, prepare and dispense his own

    Medicines. 719 ly


    VS". R. CASTLE, Sotary Fubllc. attend all theCoorts of the Kingdom.

    Particular attention paid tu the uecotlation of Loans.ConTeyandng, Collectlnr, etc. ejw Money to loan onMiirtfare.

    tlffice : No. 37 Fort street, orer Dillln.ham A Cos Store,Honolnln. Hawaiian I.lands. 712 lys. oassT. r. aossaTSost.

    GIIAST & ROIiritTMOS,(5ucouori toJ.S. CUphtrn l Cb.)

    Dealers lu Fancy and Maple Dry Goodsof eeery description,

    XUUnrri and Drtu Jinking Ikparlmmt Attached.Orders from the other Island, promptly attended to.

    S3 Cor. Fort and Hotel Ms. ly


    Robinson's Fire-pro- Jlulldine,Qaeen Street, Honolulu, H, I.

    lerxrsroBTh GUigow and Hoaototu Line of Packets.John Hay et Cirn Liverlioot aad London Packets.The Walkapo PlanUtivo,The Spencer Planutlon. Ililo,U.kaUn PUntalion, HUo.lirrlees,T.It A 1 alsot., Segar Machinery.

    The Punloa sheep Ranch Company, 715

    a. c sua. x. r. aosusoxAI.LE.'V A: KOniASU..

    At Robinson's Wbsrf,Dealers in Lnmber and all kindi of Building

    Materials. Paints, 0:1s, Sails, tc, &c.,&c.,a.ssts or scaooasas




    LEA HI,T2S Honolulu. Hs.sJUn Iilaods. ly

    BISHOP & CO33 jSl. US' S. 33 DtH. 23 ,



    Sesr York,Boston,


    THE ORIFJITAL BAHA CORFORATIOJ, : : : LONOOflas raiia asaxcais isII one; Konj;,


    And transact a General Bankinr Bniliieu. 7M ly

    c c. citLcnm,BLACKSMITH & MACHINIST,



    J. H. AVICKE,0.a.3BI3NT23T 2VI.ci.BaSH,

    Alnliest Street.One door below Hotel Street.

    Furniture of all descriptions made aad repaired at reasonaMe rates. Best workmanship tnaraulecd. o7IS ly



    Taraltare Ware-Roo- 'o-- W Fort Street. Work shop atthe old stand on Hotel Street,

    75 Orders from the other Islands promptly attended to. fly


    niiftshai BotUrs, Coolers, Iron, Bras aad Lead Cutluge,Machinery of Every Description,

    C3- - Uad. to Order. S3tPxrtiealar attestios paid to Ship's Blacks sitting

    A3-J- pa WORK ixecated on the shortest notice. otIJIy

    "Ko Hawaii Pae Aina,"TBX XEW HtWAIIAX JODBSAL, underroaaatemteat of the tradersfrned, who for thepast twelre years has had the caarreoftu "BTuokoa."has a

    Weekly CircHlatisa er 3,750 Copies,Asdrsstewillytncreasbis:. AsanadTertIsIccmetUam.lthas no equal oo the Hawaiian Islands.

    JOSEPH U. KAWAISCT.H PreprtetorazdZeHteT.


    lVXToirola.ia.i3Lt Tailor.741 Kaahnmann Su, opposite Sir. 0. Rhodes' Store, lya. uaauux. c. xsuuxa- -


    Xo. 3 .Vutinuu Street,KeepcMstaatlyon haMl rail sMortmtnt of Tin, Sheet

    Iran, and Cuppcrw.re,GalTd Iron and Laid Pise. India Babber Ho,4c

    otlt &m




    mrV. make tbejbaslaess of UitlelaasaSpciaUtr.llotrl Six l. nex Cor tolSdnaou btvWon, Uonotula tuniTil Brtxime Mreel. New York. 747 cm


    ItuOTt BEJCAIV, : : Proprietor,tLate of rau Fraaclsco.)

    Tins nK.sTnitt.vr ttn.i. m: Mippiinithe best Meats. Poultry. Fish. Fruit, .sc , c,which can beobtalned. Families and parties will besvreetat their resdenceswlth Fren.haiidither dishes. preparedIn the most rtcAcrcAs style. Private rooms for families.

    713 ly


    IIEU.S Tt AXXUIIA'CC TO THEPUBLIC of Honolulu, that he has purchasedfc me stocK and business of wi LI.t.VM KIsCHKit, Mote Street, neat door to Mrehs's Drue

    Store, and that In future the business will be earned on byhhn In the same premises.

    C O. solicits a fair share of the public patronag. andpromises his patrons cinilty, attention and good qualityfor their money. 733 y

    XltO.llAN LACK,

    MAOHIBTIS T,Xo. 40 Fort Mreet,will attend to all orders In the


    He wtU ewe pcui attention. 10 c!eulnjr, repairingaud rsuUtinc iwlnjf llaealnej, anJ all other kinds ofUbt vittctiiuery' aiid Meud Wort of every desciipUou.

    etc.Also, on band and for sale cheap,

    A Variety of Sewing Machines(lit 114, 1 is to Is, Shut. Ammunition.

    IWCacMno Oil. needles, ckc., Ac., d&cSewlnff Mactilue Tuckers, BmJers.au J all other extra

    and dapiicAte parts of aucbines supplied on iUort notice.49" Best Machhie Twiat.-S- tt

    SoU Agent in this Kmgdatn orTbe FloenctewlIlg Machine, frjtu $40 to 130.White Sewing Machine, from 13 to T6Home shuttle ewltis M4ChIn, fiotti f IS to $35,

    all extras 737 I7



    THE IJXDEKSIG.VED 1IAVIXU XOW allApparatus and Conveniences

    for Traveling,Is prepared to Visit any part of the Island, and do

    either Portraits or Views to order at short notice

    Worli only tvlll be done.Terms Cash, ordraft oo lionoluln, when the neaatlf es

    are made. AddressII. I-- CHASE, Ilouolnln.Jane 1th, IS7S. 751 Jm

    t , OIL BLACKING. .,a



    G. S. PINKHAfyl & CO.,


    BOLLES & Co., Agents,


    lf7S5 ljr ,rONiaovna tio

    DOMESTIC PRODUCE.Pioneer Mill, Lahaina.

    HTL'Itro.V. I'KOPRIETOU. CropsofSurarquality, now comlnalu and for sale tnquantities to suit by


    Sl'UAIl UtV COMING IX aud Tor ante luto suit purchasers oyTSa lr C-- AFOSO.


    atmfictU.GREY & CO.. s'lJaiilML.Manufacturers and Dealers In

    ALL KINDS OF SOAPS,Leleo, King; Street, Ilonolnlu.

    Beef, llnltoo and Goat Tallow wanted. Orders left atBnlles A Cu.'s, Qaen Street, will meet with prompt alien-"o- o

    731 ly

    SOLE & SADDLE LEATHER,Tanner! Goat and Sheep Skins

    OX 1IASD ASD FOB SAXE,from tbe well known

    IVnlmea Tannery . J. p. farlter, Prop'r.Ullo .'annery, F. H. Ijmjiu. Ppoprletor.751 It A. S. CLEOnORS t CO., Agents.

    nETKOPOLITAS JIAItliET.jLt C.WALLER, ProprietorKing Street. 7t ly Hoaolnln.

    FAMILY MARKET,Junction of Hotel and Union streets.

    O. WALI.E1I, .... PBOPBItTOE.Cnolemt Seats from tbe Finest

    nerds. Fish. Poultry, Vegetables, etc fur-nished to order. Extras fueadan anrf Thnrkdays. eal ; Fridays, Fish : Sundays, Lamb, nnles other.wise ordared. rue Toprletor harbu; leased tbe neatand commodious Vegetable. Fruit and Poultry Market,anjolcins the Family Heat Marttet, will be prepared topromptly and satlstaetorOy fill orders for ererjttlng re-quisite to farulsh the tables with all the RobstantlalaandDelicacies the country affords, ear Shipping suppliedon short otlce. Meats, 4c, dtUrsred toali parts or theeitrwithaat.atrarharrr TU ly


    A few mere of those

    SUPERIOR PIANOSrrom the oloVestaUlshed flnr; if WOODWARD 4 BEOWS

    cf Boston,

    JUST RECEIVED.The Pianos of thv mate alrodrsoft in th!v markethare clren food tUftctlcm. and we are prepared to sirsrare bargains to purchasers. We caanot be sadersold byanyone !a Hooolala.

    Pianos on Exhibition.7H4 Oastle Sc Oooke.

    '- - w --", T" f

    INSURANCE NOTICES.Rn$taH Board of I'ndtnrritrrSi

    A CENTS for the Hawaiian Islanils,. IK-l- J C. URKWEKACO.

    Philadelphia Board of Underwriters.AGENTS for the Hawaiian Island.,C. BREWKR CO.


    CNDEHSICNKD. AGENTS OP THEahorcCutnpanv. har. been a.thortsed tatnsnr. lists

    on C.rpu, Freight and Treaanrc, from Ilonolnluto all aits of the world, and rice rsrsa.


    r. a. soiiai:fi:ic,AGENT of Ilrcmcn Board of TJndersTrltrrs,of Drswden DoAnl ef Underwriters,

    Aeent of Meuna hVrd of Cnderwritsra,Claims again! Iosoranc. Companies within th. Jnrisdlctlon

    of th. ature Boards of Cnderwriters, ill hat. to h. certi-fied to by the above a;.nt to make tbem valid. 739 ly

    IIA.milUtUII-ItltK.M- OFISE INSURANnE COMPANY.THE UNDERSIGNED harlnc; beenAcents of the above Company, ar. preparedto Insure risks alnt lire, on Stone and Brick onMrrcliandls. stored therein, si tb. mostNVurabl. terms. For particulars applr at tb. olllc. ofT ly F A. SCIIAEFEil A CO.


    of HA.iuirnn.INNVIIKD ON nl'ILDINUS. HEK.

    chsndlse aud Fumttnre, on liberal terms, be7tO ly II. HACKFELD A IX)., Afenta.



    Brii.niNG.s, MKitfiivNDisn.Insured azslust Fire on themost favorable terms.

    A. JAEGER, t for the Hawaiian Islands.7W ly '



    71S For the Hatrallan Islands.Insurance Notice.

    TUB AGENT FOR TUB BRITISHMarine Insurance Company. (Limited), his leceiTl Insiructlops to riducc tile e. of Ininrsncshet.een Honolulu aud Ports in the Pacific, and Is now pre-pared to Issue Policies at the loaest rites, with asfecialreduction ou freight per steamers.

    TIIEO. II. DATIES,y 7t7 AreotDrit. For. Mar. Ins. Co., IJulted



    ESTABLISHED 1809."CAPITA!. 1,097,218

    Accumulate! and Invested Fund. 8,838,118'plIE UNDERSIGNED HAVE BEEN A I'-ll POINTED AOhNTe for toe Sandwich Islands, and areauthorized to insure Mjptiust Fire upon favorable terms.

    UUSs taken In any part of the Islands ou etoo. aud WoodsnBuildings and merchandise stored therein, D.elllne Housesaod Furniture, Timber, Coals, Ships In harbor with or without cargoes, or under repair.


    Fire and Marine Insurance CompanyOF NEW ZEALAND.

    CAPITAL $10,000,000

    HAVING ESTABMSIIKD AN AGENCY ntfor the Hawaiian Islands, tbe under.are prepared to accept risks against fire In dwell

    Inics, stores, warehouses, and merchandise, un favorableterms.

    JInrlue lCl.ha on cargo, freights, bottomary, profitsand commissions.Losses nrowiitly itdjtialed mid unynule here.

    IM ly WM. O. IRWIN- - A Co.


    OP SAB" PHASCISCO,--E-ro and Marino,

    Cash Capllnl. Gold. 8300,000.DtTellliiir Risks n Npeclnlity. DeUched dwellingsand rontents Injured for a period of three years, for two pre-miums in advance-B- y

    wntlng small lines on carefully selected risks welldistributed, offers

    (SDE3IN1TT SECOND TO NONE.Losses Promptly Adjusted.

    BISHOP i. CO.,724 ly Agents for the Hswailan Islands.


    Swiss Lloyd Marine Insurance Co.OF WINTEBTHDH.

    UNDERSIGNED are AUTHORIZEDTHEOn Cargo, Freight and Treasure

    From Honolulu to all parts of the world,and upon

    Coasters, lir Special PermisiloB !On the most favorable terms.

    w. a. irwi.v co ,7t.ly Agents for the Hawsiian Islands.

    Rhenish Westphalian LloydINSURANCE COMPANY,

    OF M. GLAUBACII, KheuUu Pruaain.

    AacfcenandLeipziglnsurance Co.,Limited,


    LI. CLAIJIri FOR PARTICULAR AVElt-AU- c.A susUlued by Goods arriving here, and Insuredla tne above Companies, bare to be made with the

    of and certified to by the undersigned. In order tobe valid. (;9 ly) J. a CJLADE, Agent.

    WILDER & CO.,Agents Tor tbe Hawaiian Islands,

    ' TI1E

    Mutual Life Insurance Co.OF NEW YOB1I,

    Largest, Safest and Most


    Assets (187G)...S80,000,000

    Now is a Good Time to InsureSob bat First-Cla- ss Risks Taken,

    "SJ-l- i.

    New England Mutual life Insurance Co.OF BOSTON, MASS

    INCORPORATED, IS3S.Ihe Oldest Purely Mutual Lie Insurance Co. in

    the United Slalet.

    Policies Issued on the most favoribla Terms.

    Example ofNon-Forfelln- re Plan,EfSCEED AGE. 36 LIFE FLAK

    1 Ananal premium contlnoas PoHej 2 years 3 days2 Annas! premium continues Policy 4 years 12 days3 Annual premium bntinaea Policy C years 27 days4 Annual premium coctinues Policy 8 years 4 days5 Annual premium eootlanes Policy 10 years todays

    Assets, : : $13,000,000!Losses Paid tnroagts lloaolala

    S49.QOO I



    ShlppiHff and remmlssIeH MrrchaRlsTSA 3IS California Street, San Fraaclsco. ly

    iciisii vraao. utwrs a. urstax.tVARD Jt I,lPM.t.4,

    Export Commission Merchants.Orders fnr American M.onractnres a Specialty. Torelrn

    Goods purchased on CommUalon.133 South TBlnl Street, Philadelphia.



    US rhnmber Mreet. New York.Xdtmtr Cast!. A Cooke, and J. T. Walerhoujo.

    TM ly

    II. W. SKVKUANCK,HAWAIIAN CONSUL, 310 California St.,S. Francisco.

    Purchasing and Commission Agentfor

    710 sandwich island and other products. itCORSITT & HACLEAY,

    Shipping and Cotanlssion Ulcrchaals,13 and IS Front SU 10 and 12 First St., Portland, 0.


    Bank of British Colombia . ... . ...Portland, OregonFirst National Oold Hank. . .....han FranciscoMessrs. H. llackfrld ACo IlonolnluMessrs. TJlahop t Cu.. lUnkers ,, HonolnlnMessrs, Qrcu.Macfarlan. A Co.. Honolulu

    rUT-- Consignments of I1and Prod.c. solicited, on whichCASH ADVANCES WILL UK MADE. o7l ly


    Established la 1S33.

    rnXKIX, BRAYTOS A CO.,Manufacture

    Engines, Hoilert, and Machinery of everyDescription.

    Particular attention paid ta the manufacture of SCO AttMILLS, VACUUM PANS, Ac.

    Reference In Honolulu E. P. Abasia, Esq.710 ly.




    Mission and Premont Sis., San Francisco,CALIFORNIA.

    THE INDIA RICE JI1 LI., niter la yearspractical experience and laiproevment. Is nowIhe nearest to perfection of any of the Rice Mills of Iheworld. In thoroughness of

    Cleansing and PolishingIt stands unrivalled: and In yield of cleaned merchant-able Rice, from the raddy.

    Produce S lo 8 per cent. Horethan tbe Celebrated Mills of Amsterdam.

    THE INDIA RICE MILL IS NOW IN" PERFECT RON.pi i mj uiiueu ran the

    lulling and Dressing of PaddyAND

    UNCLEANED RICEFrom the Hawaiian Ialands. to which It Is specially


    Consignments of Paddy and Bulled PiceWill receive prompt and careful attention.

    WM. M. OIlEbNWOOD,General Commission Merchaot and Proprietor of India

    KiceMUL 73 (m



    to sse. for tt entirely cured mrpainful rupture in nine weeks, from whirh I ha ve sotTeref rave years. I look your advice and wore It day andnuTht r6KASffMrMwJL,iriflA f uw.iaccept ssy jroiifude. Mas. H. E. a. Laxaaor, ban Jose,California.

    CALIFORNIA ELASTIC TRUSSbasHtibslauilallr cured m. of a bad case ofrupture of 30 years standing I bare tried all kinds oftrufses, both steel and ela.tlc and never received anypermanent relief until I tried yours. I feet thai I amperfectly cured VLmruJ llcnax. chief msilderk a.K. Daily Lzcninj ihtf. Send for catalogue.

    California ElasticTrussCoRemoved from Sacramento 8 tree t to

    720 Market Street, San Francisco.7 ly

    DR. J. COLLIS DROHXE'So deh: iio jel o id sr mr dei


    CHLOnODYNE Is admitted by the profession to bethe most wonderful and valuableremedy ever discovered.

    CULOBODYNE U tbe best remedy known forCoughs, Consumption, Bronchitis,Asthma.

    CnLOBODYNE effectually cheeks and arresU thosetoo often fatal diseases: Diphtheria,Fever, Croup, A gue.

    CULOBODYNE acts Use a charm In Diarrhoea, andIs the only specific tn Cholera andDy.entery.

    CULOBODYNE effectually cow abort all attacks ofKpUep.y, Hysteria, Palpitation, andrjpasms.

    CULOBODYNE la the only palliative tn Neuralgia,Rheumatism, Gout, Cancer, Tooth-ach- e.

    Meningitis, AcFrom W. Vesallus Pettlgrew, M. D.. formerly Lecturer

    atSi.Gforge'sHospItal.London: Ihave no hesitationIn ststlng that 1 bave never met with any medicine so

    as an and Sedative. I bave nsedIt In consumption. Asthma, Dlarrbcea, and other diseases,aod am perfectly satisfied with the results."

    "Earl Russell communicated to the College of Physic,tans that he bad received a dispatch front Her Majesty's(Jonsnl at Manila to the effect that cholera has ben rag.lug fearfully, and that the only resseJy rfany service wasCHtoaonyxK " See Lanot, 1st December. 1M4.

    CAUTION. Bswsss or Piaacr ssd IarraTioxa--The public are further cautioned ; a forgery of the gov.eminent stamp having come to tbe knowledge of lbsBoard of Inland Rvenoe.

    CAUTION. Sir Pace Wood stated thatSs J. rouuBaowaa was undoubtedly tbe Inventor ofCULoaoorxx : that tbe story of the defendant was delib-erately ontroe. which, he regretted to say, bad beensworn to. Dee Ttssu, July 10. IML

    bold In Bsttles si Is. IJjd., 2s. M., 4s. M. and lis. each.Sods Is genuine without Ihe words "Dr. J. COLLISBROWNE" ou the Government Stamp. Ovenvbelminfmedical testimony accompanies each bottle.

    Sole Manufacturer J. T. DAVKNPORT,23. Great Rnssell St.. Bloom.Lnry, London.

    Agents la Xsw York, Vt.il. Scatireu A Co. ana J CVTnts, 7li m


    INSURANCE CO.Assets. - -.-- - $26,740,105,70

    ESTABLISHED AST AOEXCT ITfHONOLULU, for the Hawaiian Ialands, aad the

    undersigned are prepared to write risks against


    DWELLINGSOn favorable terms. Bwelllngr Bisks a Speciallly. Detached dwellings and contents leered for a periodof tare vears, tw two premiums la advance. Lossespromptly adjust! and payable here.

    W-- BISHOP A Co.


    Ceveriij Biilcrs, Stewt fifesETCL, ETC.

    Saves 25 per Cent, of Fuel





    IX WANT OF SALVANHevH.Ilplnctolayoafrom th new Mains, will do wall

    ta atT. the Bodersigued a call. Wa hav

    60,000 Feet of Gaiyawzft, PifOa hand. Jost ReceiTJex'AbUe',anslaialier,'

    and can offer It at

    THE LOWEST POSSIBLE FIGURERy th. " Morra Castle," Just at baud, w bars recelrvM

    a Fall Lin of


    Earth Closets, Cast Iron Sink,Enameled Cast Iron Waaustarujs,Marble tops and Basins forWaahftUnte.

    with Corks and Chains foraame,Hose Bibb Cocks,Sewer and Sink Traps, Urinal,Kitchen Slop Sinks, Sink Flogs,Light Cast iron Soil Pipe, 2, 3 &4 iach.

    All Work In the Above LlnWW beattended to with dispatch. Ahw.Jcst

    at hand, a neve lot of

    UNCLE SAM RANGES,Three different Style, of four sties each. Also,

    Opera, May, Quartette and Tinf Hon

    3ErLStXXvSeS!Together with the

    Cotton Plant, Sunny South,Magna Charta, Osceola,

    Demand, Buck's andCharter Oak Stoves.

    SUPERIOR FRENCH RANGES,For Private Families, or Hotels.

    Ships' and Schooners' Cabooses,Laundry Stoves, Kerosene Stoves.



    NOTT'S.If. B In orderlac StoTtrs throujt, the mll, ami leT-tni- C

    the matter of choic ta ut, ee ttal Umll, and U.Domtxr or peopU 70a with to cook for.

    Uooolulu, Jun 18, IK9. TU


    inifiTnmCorner Beale and Howard Sts.,




    Steamboat, Steamship, Land


    STEAM YES8ELS, of ail kinds, built complete withBulls of Wood, Iron or Composite.

    ORDINARY ENOINES compounded when advis-able.

    STEAM LAUNCHES. Barges aud 8 team Tugs con-structed with reference to the Trade la which they areto be employed. Bftvi, tonnage and draft of waterguaranteed.

    STEAM BOILERS. Partlcnlaralteniiongtren to theduality of the material and workmanship, and none batfirst-l- ass work produced.

    SCOAR HILLS ANB STJGAR-MAKIN- Hmade after th. most approved plana.

    Also all Boiler Iron Work connected therewith.

    WATER PIPE, of Boiler or Hbeet Iron, of any else,mada In soluble lengths for connecting together, ozSheets rolled, punched and packed for shipment, readyto be riveted on the ground.

    HYDRAULIC RIVETING. Boiler Work and WaterPipe made by this establishment, riveted by HydraulicRiveting Machinery, that qcallty ot work being far su-perior to hand work. -- v

    SHIP WOKIi, Ship and Steam Capstans, steamWinches, Air and Ctrculatluc Pomps, mada after thmost approved plana.

    PUMPS. Direct Acting Pumps, for Irrigation or CityWa'er Works purposes, built with the celebrated DavyValve Motion, superior to any other pump

    IV3 Am

    HAWAIIANFurniture Manufactory







    All1 SasCasdo lay WCnnTtlT.&ryAND OF THE


    No Pains will be SparedTOOTVTB

    SATISFACTION TO US CXMUpliotsletiasT Bane to Orvter.

    Coffins Always n Hand.7381 JeCALL ASU SKE.-Sa- Ti r


    Vacuum HPxLrxt-- p m,fn HE tTNBRMeHGNiiB KITS JtfatT ataVt. CBrVEDBtrAmyTaewer.froas aillie.a Ml avsoriawok ef these ee'eaeatsw ramae. wsaaaaea awai ataeA ta b ehssaer aoa beuer taon aa? ataar atyte as)

    aralesOfte. WeowH taestssaaVia aeralaaKvs aartavaasrvrtolaw Vawaas rwsae.wa.ea to teas easssaaawasal

    tss tlW3mX at OO.

  • jr

    "3T ACTUOK1TV.

    r CvTrrantrat liaaaer.r Jit ir"-.a-j c .- - aoow. wwt

    aae free erscaaeeo. laTwioe . an Mn;nts of taad m Uea, Eu

    awt Wiii Li JC. I. S"im& taiilbrBatx'ilot mmt aw htak. nu nnh ay the r.- -ta ll8iWMM8!m.alltfIl!h

    TTil rlw-- . UK 3fe. baM ukl by Kathw-T-ietr-a, ana ?, giwnawi nib: "CaVAte EU

    Cpset prirIBswisn Dm-Cxshasas-awe a.SsultoitmetrkiaNiaiUi oSc. aad t th

    SAATL V.W.tAEE.Vta-att- a at latertar.

    .IsT aslrm of CrnilaI LsirMls.tjgwiufci'rtn. ?!. tlwclocs aooa.w

    ' Nt MM, a th Cm eearanc J AJBt- o-emjfntflX.l.fcMwui1

    iBalriMM.aistiVSirilui.fu:'nliuins.u4 w--n aw Cm "CasfcasaM gnu; M 11 per .ere pee lam.ui4r hanm:t)ta.tea yars err Lh N- - i sHxased IklUU-uCDO- li ierml t.

    liilliiii1MHnMiKlMh..u.-tliil- f. aa wee try U rvro too CnJftil

    . CMpxwe(tpracrvk tf waMtutntrk&tnstit

    MUMiiIn aad at&J.VT.S. ITZIOCE.

    Atjawater of the iMtcfec5a

    . r.JF-Ysa-e s3evmc . the

    JKS O. DCOfC'IS.

    jural ton tha day a rrt-IHTt aUaga aae as jissKaf-iiiwa-, ic

    lrS.aL TSXJUtlXJccn. expiring In Ancroct.

    "Whwraw su mm Veto ca; ttfcllllllew.M wM lank! ATT!ytttueifcKtnuinitii -

    sajccs. trttn-EE-.r OGmr, XrtM 3. tSt

    Qba mWTHL.Sasiz f WWII JBHt.a IMutk. -WNnHiMiti. -

    I &. -aaMMaikatikrMtAKSii,: kivM. wuuev.

    X Cbb Str;.31 ILah.lM Hlll.a JAIkHta.zI CAUw.Eikf.SRa t.l'l,

    Zu., .- -.rMn.lh1"M1. fn.TTl

    . Illl .aB.ga.nBtoxawH. XcA Sniili.

    TtmiJtl lin Escefcfc. Eaaa.


    4ML H mit

    ft" AHh.Sani'steca

    K tMkUH,(uCWan. (XuL

    ! Grcnuonit Lud J

    kc aK kr rakBe jisoiw i: i& A3taui(Seva i trf.mmMktirmC JLETt. lia. UK JOnriif

    t oS3iii i:

    af awe SawaSas aaaawi niii of th decoGMa- -.faa.;ja.;uu. m fajsoa. eta s had

    taawa at aa BawaSu TKaaaa?-- .

    iWOSLrxiI,Vtaamraf neaace.

    etes cas: oo thewiwefc Jaantcsare crtws ia Eoatotslc

    awsat ttm !J ta Ik a wiat of jteaaaad aejplored. or a Ksk at teczseat isjf nan traa wMet the eaaets are

    Jatawat, taatcaSpeaC rjttrran taocla! cot aoioasljaatfaat tw Mrrhac as jaxots (saieas ia B heakkX aadgMiianj-trTVa- c wajjes tbare sess to fce

    taaetaiars tf trhfctioe of caaiq. Wheslaw? aoajtea at cotaia sea. are frefuestly draws,

    aam araaaoty cwaaaats. For la Haraaafclcafxaa af wfnian acsecrwf faaUate mew aroaawajaa laowaww Mtaitk, aifexnofrotatiosttceraseed aa am 'ifcaaj ta draw tae same Eam toruiil aaa tw ea ia two Tears. It is hirBiT;i iai taai aaaaEitLer M taa tsakfie BiBrc tae

    lewiayual aacaeai he weal laderstood. soafca aa iTKiaaay legawag seal b efilertxiwed bTaafraaMcaticd ta e !aj Tae law ;ei tuawe aejee ta the GoTeraor aad ow et the

    ta aa-ie- it a tratcs of ratatiac weak will heaX it b aseartaat " Cock aJMVf2ne dfaatMia aC of taisan."fweaaeeart taat the exbtia; ajitea liBifc aawl jajt, k wjB t nohwc puScy lor thwaiwjetwtaaa toietit tctaowa.

    r! ,t trS.lS72.

    gaaae iTawair tfikt MasMxm Cjag.--Sa-- U. e iaweres: cT pubafc wace, 1 trast yaa

    wtB &ae jem teiatscr. thraash tt caiaaa of jwcxjar'-'Maaa- er yrrreat tie Ce adars ef.theToisraal Vsater" as k it reported b. last Sxtar--ai- aft

    Al'n i II n i A slmSar ease was reported a fewaaaaTai o abac! tie tame tisitoT Is a palatialr'latfetfe as Xtmr: TaSey which pcared to be

    aaaia as: ec the isihors m sreat fear. I am arrrliewtaFatfsLaaeaadlassarr too ty--r u y'avret tme asc awacl SMigMarwaods ia Eoaolsrs,

    cweax er Tisatar as rrparted, was nexer3arsaTia thai JecaJttT. ad I reaSy beSert that3ae parua ta eaesptaiaaiBX mcaS he Badertte la- -riwirt af ereekec taaciesof Hamlefs ghcat.Since a tscrtaan tsaapasr arriTcd here they tare

    fcaetiraccpMelsaeUsicmiJllaie hoarsi ajftc nrfa iLi'iLr therrby tie Bres of thelr

    xeis&afn. I cay Sere rerurt that rslcss the lawjssti a atop ta ssea pexextcs we tay exped a hcHetafeaigjt easy hcaj waxiest betsr tie gsBcj party,

    es psast? to tee wia: is the catter. Illsliswx 3alaJterxI practice efpuiafahootiscat4lEtrtt za&tBe awl hSels hare heea focsd oo

    She eCbrr sees. And sopia ? hn-- dJnaMrf wf ia her cstt. 1 m-raj- -: trsly.


    SVaae rfaaar iarawrevti GoeSU:Szax Six I: sghrhe laterestrrz ta jer;miera.

    craatrsaxta jaeraeiC ta tnsrw tie pngrea ef thXaiuiii tsi. Talsks Rag Baxd. Oa tie 3iti

    a th Irat cake was drives ca tha rxrrey.auaata faakea asd tie intliaveifiE ef earthXinwxcEtiapxif ; asi ca tie l?ti r--rt. tie ntJw.--ii it at tie tzmJ. was ecp"Jd and as exrarsiaasacs anri ceer it, aad special trail are af dairymeukli'Ssee amea tits. Oa tit list iasi. tie nt?,rr"jEti" xuM. arffam-w- afraa traia paaeed arcr theT". wttjI t razaiac legiTarfy tarea traia af freigh:

    awh wjrjvaaf wia a jeiU train nw asl ties, aids 2rtaia7 cssaxraetaaa traia rxsnisg, it crake

    Cm 3v3y. 'Ererjttiir tecsj t g as ahip-ab- .f.g.'-tr- JaJyS. IS8. J.atcEmrr.

    "TWa has iipctted tilt tieaStctiit "Eghtbrg tjtttB la criea"y aleiejiped taaScwfti "edag- - af gal for waitie bax sat

    Q I TTT I TT lTn I 71?TVTVT? I1111 1! AlliliX VjAZi-Ci- l IJCi jEDITED JLNB riTBUSltXXa BY I


    WEDSESDAT JULT 30 1ST9.Their Majesties the King and Queen re-ta-rei

    oo iloodiy last, on the schooner Wai-s- ti,from Hana, Maui.

    hahulnl and AValltaku Itatlroad.The Kahclui Railroad, now in process of

    eoesiracttes on the Island of Maui, we are.glad to kara is progressist rapidly, and it isexpected wiH be corafjetcxi to Wailctu. a dis-taB- ce

    ef thref mii, iasHe of two weeis fromthis tirae. We learn that about two miles oftins read is bc3t. On Monday last, the 21stiBstaai, the rst train ceaoenced running, and jdaring the past week has bees carryi- a- at the jrate ef 16 tans of freight and 150 passengers jpar diem. This is certainly a healthy shew- -isaj;, and bids fair to prove that when the roadis ceapteted it will do a thriving- and paying-business- .

    We also lears that another road isBcvjeeted, aitd will be bailt shortly. This lat-ter road will start at Kahulci and run to EastMaai, a distance of about 7 mQes. The en-terprise that has projected these roads willboC fag-- , bat will 50 ahead till the latter roadis as accomplished fcet, and thea oar peoplewill Vega to see what railroads mean oc theseIslands. We took forward to the fact that, atao distant i&y, vkhen ether railroads will beeoaslructed, the resaks will show the wisdomof the enterprise. It is a fact, patent to all whohave paid any attestiea to the history of rail-roads, that m praportiva as the facilities furtrade aad travel are iacreased does a liberalpatronage of sach ipiovement3 follow, andso it will be on these Islands.

    Tlie Will of li? l'riuce Imperial..After all it appears that the Priace Impe-

    rial of France, whose tragic death is Zalulandwe aaaosneed in a former issue, did leave alast will and testament, from which we learnthe followia facts through our San Franciscoeithanges. The following despatch is clippedfroai the San Fr&acisco CsS of July 2d :

    lUt Pik Iofc'.il. which iiji : Tbt ii'.r wbxiar k t &r cxstrj wSt not Upi fcj qjt

    d4ta. Tit xri9st iej ;kmu tul rt eactiEtusslh oci of xt in: ip!ns d dtfa!, ic t&oisIiCct dtAta.apsB ltoWc,:c oJTPnac Jt--ws

    XaIcas. h br th lm afaacnxWa of Baraa u bt fceir. I trait taj.t ot bUTtl dlhtr&5 wccliBr cs ia t duclk&rt of th xnptuti-K-lt

    aad dati vbiea. ia t& ereat of cy d&th.wiH dcvalr epaa aca. wUl gtr ta aa, waX&ab laager spia tau carta, ttui Ixst aad sttpzvsia

    sf ac alwtija Hr at aad of tctbn ofrrie."A lane errup4adeat at Puis ,iti ; A KjJritj

    f Bipirtiiu art csdenUod u cuccxr wita Ejabe'rta zicawllsti Ptiac Jens Booaparta 11 ciiff taa Xapateie daaaitj-- . Tir arja that ti wiBf tt Ute Prace Incru), wlich aiti th n.

    jitm Eofteie t cf ate with Pno TicUr. witvrittea s 12a aMssipUaa that th tutaUr ialdasrrire Pim Jarvm BoapATte. Thu rcaMata;.hTcr. u cajidtrtd tea traaapartat aa cieiia frthe of the iof nctk-iM-e wilt of thePrice In ferial. Eishei'a retireaeat froa actnapolitics u enaeatlj iwuj ta lshzg that he aadPriee Jarxce cwtld cjt aettajether. aid the lattereaH svt te it aairle. Btrea Pnaee JeroserisiUe lib art cm t the BepaViic add theBsftfuiMitT of the en:al tectHa ef the Bosif art-l- U

    ehais a leader, withoat either acticj ajaiaatthe wiihea f the Priace Ita;erUT wiH er pro?ia;a eSaaaactduaTawal frc Priue Victar. the Bca-fartil- li

    are fa ea ml the scat perpleaiac pcamcaae? er ccsapted b asir partj.

    The American Consrcsa.The Erst se&sna arf the Forty-ixt- Congress

    adjawttaed oo the 1st inst, after an extra se3-s-of four months. The whole session was

    a stormy oee, politically speaiioj. The con-tact between the Democrats in Congress andthe Executive on tie Appropriation bills, haseaded in what is termed by some as a compro-uis- e,

    bet by others as a stand-o5- 1 The Demo-crats besae; in a majority in both branches ofOsBgress, sought to repeal certain obnoxiouslaws ob the statute books, alleged by them asfiaviBj been passed by the Republican party,when that organization had a majority in Ctn-gre- ss,

    and which were in the interests of theEepubKcan party. Fromiseat among- thesewas the law authorizing the employment ofTJepety Marshals, without limit, throughoutthe coejatry, ostensibly to prevent fraud atelectiscs in the States for Members of Co-n-gress, and JESectors for President aad VicePresident. The coatest over Uti3 bone of con- -teaaoa between the Presideat, as a Eepubl- i-csxt aaa ae ieaecranc Esajonty in Congress,was a haad-to-ha- ad sht, and has resulted asabore-state- d, in a drawn battle, with slightait-aatae-s oo Ue sids of tfce Deaaocracr. Thewhole ooatest was a. petresr poKacil otie, bet

    oae tie less icsportaat to the future weii-bein- softite coaatatrj- oo that account. Xow

    tiat Coocress lias adjosrned aad the Eepre- -f eet-tiTe- s rose to tiieir resDecbre coostitcen- - Icies, it ressoias to be seen how the people willview the late contest, who bv their Terdict atthe polls for ceeabeis to tie Forty-seTen- thCoe-cre- will testifv their approval of onepartj aad disapffaral of the other, and withtfceas we feel disposed to leave the whole

    as we people, awar oct in thePacific Ocean, have do mawier of interest inthe internal afftfra of the United States, oraaj odhex cocstrr-- .The Polilical Contest in CalUcnsta

    for GoTernor.There is at present a fierce poili tical contest

    Swag on ta California, with three candidatesin the tJd for the c2ce of ThelTorldrisiBec's partv, the old lice Democrats,and the Bepablicans, ha-r- each a candidate,and each of the above parties are in a deathsimple for victory. The election, which takesplace ia September next, will be the firstcoder the new Censtitction, aad when it is

    that the warldngtnea of the Statecame within a few thousand votes (5,000) of

    f defeating both Des-scral- s and BepcHieans, wecannot see ranch chance for a defeat of the"Woriingniea's candidate in the present con-test, cnless a nreai revolnnoc Iras taken placein pablic sentiment in California, a resnlt, weco not believe, front the signs of the times andthe temper of the people. The hard litresin California, which press so soreljr open theagriccltnrlsia and mechanics, will serve totintnlate the laboring element to renewed

    only to elect their ticket Lot toscataia, by a popular verdict, the new ra,

    which is daisied by the iTorkinj-men- 'sparty as their peculiar political work.

    Re confess to great misgivings as to the fn-t-mewelfare of the State of California should

    the TTorkinsmea's ticket be elected, becameof the sentiments cttered by the candidate(Mr. White) for Governor of California ca theTTcrkingmen's programme. This Jtr. 'aThite.who seems ia all ether respects to be a gen-tleman cf intelligencs aad ability, is at thesame time as fanatical and rabid as DennisSeamr, the detrtagogce.

    The resell of the gubernatorial ccntest iaCaEfcmia ia September sezL may deciie the

    . - ' J Iffri'i iTTJItl

    I0 ""11 -" Tt5 wnisncceed President Hsytsin the White House at Washito, by m .Iub--;

    I a virTnHrtn for Prs??Mt. in ih& NationalGNtrentioa in ISSO, frost a party adw.se toboth the eld line parties. Indeed, such anevent would brins to the front for Presidentin ISSO, no less a nan than General B. F.But-ler, who would be acceptable to that class tfvoters who are opposed to both .Democratsand Republicans, and in such a contingency,mi-- ht coapel a triple candidacy for President,with the chances greatly in favor of the newand reallv dangerous element, tre mean theworkinjr Basses, who are so thoroughly im-bued with the doctrines of the Communists ofEurope and the United States. When we findsuch men as Wendell Phillips and B. F.Butlerworlao in harmony, with an eye sirgle tothe Presidential contest in ISSO, it requires noctft of prophesv to foretell what is in the

    j "Wendell Phillips, has always been inadvance ja j judgment of political events inthe pn;:rf Sates. His large heartedness andgenerous nature naturally lead him iuto ac-tive sympathy with the laboring masses,struggling against hard times, chartered mo-nopolies and the currency question, and hesees very plainly tliat in the present disinte-grated condition of the heretofore two leadingpolitical parties, that it will require but aslight divergence from former political affilia-tions on the part of the Glasses to effect a com-plete revolution in public sentiment, ia whichthe people, and no: the politicians, will comeoff victorious. Such a contingency is by nomeans problematical.

    Xlie Examination at the Public!cuoolk f Honolulu.

    Durisg the put week the public examinations ofthe pupil at the ditTcrvot vcU'tc achoots toolFiace. aad were attended by a Ur;t oaistKrcfocrcHizscs. We were furtsaate ecosjn to be presentlor a short tice 00 Taarsdar last at the BunlSchool, presided over bj the Ee v. Alex. Mackintosh,


    "" ao V ma inau tut we aere cumr cetacu- t-i! to witness the effieleccr ot the pspil

    ia all the depdrtmesta, which of Itull U the bestcommentary cpoa the c.calicatlons and deroted-ne- sa

    of the principal and hi tnbordiaite teachers.The exercuts we Uced ia the above schoolcoexisted of readies, apelUe, geosnphr sod atilb-Qeti- e,

    and were iH creditable to both teachers andpapal", and fall; demoastntes the aptness of theutiie mini to acquire knowledge. We foaud thedUciptiee, perfect, which speaVs volamct or praiseId behalf of both teacher and pnpila, and is a sereLarbiegerofthe worth and tddencr of the publicschool seated of these IsLacd. We rejret coltuvin hid time to attend all the examinations atthe abure as well as the other schools, so as tospeak of them as we wudd Use to do from personalknowledge. The foOonie sjaopiU thuwsthecatcre of the examication at the Royal School, asaUo the order ot the same and the subjects.

    The resalts ot the examination on piper whichtook" place ccticthe week precedic; the pabbcexaminations are as follow:

    JSMy Scriptun Lui Uhhi, Friie; hoconblemention G. L. Desha, Xargaraa, iuii.

    JLnLimtte Samcel Mahetonj, rixe; honorableccc.ti-- Lai Uaeial. G. I Desha, Sxrxna.

    Eh$iu ?uer Xarciran. prire--JjitU I Eaoca, 2 Nirsaran. SC.L Desha.Gen'jnipAy Lai Miaul, pirixe.JEfp imirt,; Sascrl Mahdona, prixe; aap

    exeeedinirfj.Wilt done Kcaloha Farao, AnlLDutition Joseph CUrS prixe.

    --j&m GniBvnar t Campciituti 1 Lcl Mihial, 3G. L Desha.

    For aot bUasr absent from school for two TearsDavid Kxlnhi. prize.Huth! ncmber ot marks inven for work dose ia

    the pst sc-- Ool year G. L. Desha.lt5t The reotatiODS were all re-

    markably welt dove. The dialogue on " 1 Phren-o- UTentitled to the waats of a science," in which

    thirteen bor took part, was kevt up 1th treatspirit, and with lingular dutlndness and puriij ofaccent. Lai Mahiai made a capital Frenchman.James Keolt jrlucd the greatest cumber of votesinoer the asdieace, and the prixe lur recitatiocwas in eonseqeence awarded to aim.

    The exercises at Pohakaiaa School ou the SSthtest, were very intcrvsties and highly sratif ting toall who had the pleasore of wUnessinsr themr andgiTe ample evidence of the hih state of culture towhich the pupils ia the above institution have at-tained. It would rite cs e to publish theprciramme of exercises it we had room, bot this isimpossible. SaCce It to ear that this school likethose elsewhere in the dtj. has established Its claimto hih praise, for the eScieccy of its teachers acdthe proSciencvof the pupil.

    Oa FridiT Evening we called at Mr. Atkinson'sschool at a little before the hoar appointed for theopening of the exercises, bot could not gain

    owicy to the decs!:; of the crowd in theschool boBdicj, a circamitaiace we rcuet, bot weare free to say that from reports of competentJadjes who were more fortunate, the exercises Inthis latter school were of a hih desree. A largeaad well tekcted projraiame was preeated-- ThefoHuwiBpjrcrs were espcciallr worthy of praise.A aeJectfem fraci $r Kaarvloia n.ctllhftmm.nwas readertc wita fpurit, ttw bays showing sratprnscieGCT in the tarecni toturae: the"Bu(eol

    te Bezdins " by H. Wodefeosse wa a renarka-b-ledispU- - ot tnrmory and careful rendering; " I

    am dpos Eijpt " by C Carter, aad "Sorrow ontie Sea " by E. Dowsett, were excellent, the eloca-ta- oa

    nf the tatler was almost faalties: G. Hstc- b-lason, S. Coaly and J. Achai also acquitted tbem- -

    were notImproved


    the both popo-a- rmate recommendation

    of sandMeBrydeaed distributed the loUowIn-- r i.rizM- - 1stprize la EnzIUh. H. Wodehocse. 2nd ilarr lh.

    "VS.T.FZ-?'0-?- '' andwere ranch pleased decorationswhtcb were pat op we cade-stan- d by the children.

    We ventore fo ss-r- est to the School Board thepropriety as well as the ceeessiij aHowinciTger iatericde than seven weeks vacation. In onrhamMe opinion vacuum of at least three monthswoald sot be a mimeat too lone Xlne month octof twdve a cfltsate like oars i as ranch a cithertesehers or papal can enocre theirhealth. In braei&r northern climate or werVsricatios ot-j- be well enonzh. bat It Is cot ro3-ci- en

    The teachers awj the popils ouzht torest to recuperate. They hoo!d have three

    deaths in the opes air to prepare themselves bothbodBj asd Intellectually to endure the strain ofnine rsonths conZneCenl within the walls ofschool bsi!dic.

    Economy.Ita. Ehirsa. A fw ca this worn

    cay sees satof plact.bntthay ventara ta pre featthIres. Eeonumy ii jalieion na cf ateoramasi ; avcadin; needles waste, and cakingsaeh applicatiaa cf theta a will result iatod than if ti ap plication wa not mad. Tbonghthis is act, strictly speaking, the deSnition ef theworJ.it is is this seas it will be ssed ia this writing.Ia nay lease eeoaotay is sat taeaanea or parsimony,and is every way fit aad proper. It oppoaiu, waste,iiaiaiasia or of th saaa atcne'c eararaxacl. Eeonsaasi! rue cf raeaaa U alwayspnper; na oae eaa potaes scan, however ample,which eaanat be rued far tha good of oae. orcf Especially i eeoneay needfulwhen th ordinary mean af living in rfound ta bo aad a people laferThia i of eotaasaitie wall as indiridsala.

    are thas who wiH always araaf is eirr.ua-tlan-; who are alwaya craving mora. Thty ara

    hapale elaaa, and wa may aa well dia-si- atones. Tastefal expeadunre wnttea oa everyEaesraeat aad ere.--y It may occurta isisd that eeoEaoy wool! not he est ofptiee her ia these Iilania at tha present time. Wahave bees aceasutsed ta gnat waste, which eight

    be sa xaieehasren if car popalation eoctias tadniadle away. Est aaang n na veryrespectable peopla who are poor aai seed, ret earottesUtiass gift, bat to he pat la way ta helpthesielve ; aai by earefaf aad wiaa txpeaditare,

    la as la itself, trt able to live inca th oears at hard. Let u thea nnridcr hew aataay dm better than wa are doing.

    1st. "VTe unit hare isaH coisi. The great aadrich cation cf the earth caadeaeead ta see theta. Ia

    rsali artSsle Is If ca eaaparty tetarna eti-tg- a etaaet aaeU. aSaaur H U

    takaa cp ta loea maU artiet which the fart; deessel'aeVl. r P.O. tuaip pal ia the poeitt taataek irretrieTaKj ea aomethin !, tad It.chair U Bot made at all, one partr er the etherlaaisr it. That tail W arxrefulM Urce lam iathe Ialaadi there ii oo dMht aad it It thieSj iathe iatereat trader;, who, vf eeane. hare aleajtcpp-Me-d the oj ef aaalt eoiaJ. Bat the loaa ia nenejU acaall ouapared with the eaiaehtaf dec b; theprirl haVit which the practice

    Id. HeaeeJ oat ctyff eareTa. A letter erdUoirvlt ewta ts wnter far ceot?, coaotiat; theataap. Mere than halt the letters written would dotheir bwtoeM jl at wettoa a card coiling ooo cent.It ia exceeded that ta uae faah earda woald eua.terulte Ieata thevaeaberox tw eal atarape told ;aad l.o th preEta et the ttatieaert. Shalt we aswhat w da ttsi aed ia order ta sspport bat I willnot Setah the aestanc. W Beed uad-hoaa- foraa.--h reaacaers aj woald cure it out in actios.

    3d We earht to make the wax between produceraad eoEaancr then aad iaxpa,it aa poatiMe.Iaatead f which aead alt (.roduco ta taatkitbe wit at Ueaotata aad par extra on freight, oaeareeer, two cartagca aad aet eral haadlioga, canaiajrrepair aad la. Betides which ia iaauraac. leas oflis aad other lwei which cm cot well b apeeiscd.hat which anaoaat to a eery taaxihl aaoi, aa Terj-oa-

    eaccd ia the bsiaiBeaa kaowa.We will h that thia ia not for tha interest et the

    eoaatre ; bat eataiU aa imoieai aeedteaa cxpenawhich eerwulr iaterftrea with th auecea of oarjtlt baiaai. the aurar trade. Middle taenaa mach aa eaea at cither end; and ia caaajther c.a ditpaseJ with. It u not neeeaaarjr thatall the aagar prediiced at the Ialasdagu to llonotula.It eaa a well ahlrpe-- direct to the foteija matketIruio ttrl part of the Ialaadi ; aad fvrira a

    can be laaded from the eeaela comiac fr eae;arat thoe porta iaatrad of roiog throufh lloaelala taiaear aereral needlca cvata.

    JLton of aaxar leaie Kahalai for Fan Franciaco,it paea one freight aad ia received bj the ajeat iaSan fraccisco. ZCow. aaptHitnf thia ton of aae;ar,ioattadvf jaiaj direct to market, ta takea Srat taHan'jTala aad theace ta Saa Praaciaca. It pars tawiii.tem r

    Preiiht t Honolulu $ ;.5CarUea at "Henolalti Areata., tUOdermoreYanaae accramg 3 SO

    $ 10.00AIL this it timplr coat to the producer in addition

    to the acceawy af ittiath ton of aaar intothe California isarket. It it tirvK a awjr.2ettaiUfoa ten of aair,ar..$ IrO iiLeaa cvat of shipping fia llonolulu. 10.00

    Balance roeaajniny $ 110.00Ten dollar, (StO) multiplied br rS.000 tons, which

    ia iat.i near wir jearir product, ia JiOO.000 IAubu Bd!eaa expenditarvfor what! Waatelwanton waste 1 1 What atandies reproach to our

    Ialanda might not be wiped awaj bj ita judte&aa aa T Tne teaa ealjr aceua to fall on a few indiodaila, it doe c'.uallj tall oaererj maa. womanand child in our latanda, taakiar oar pro&te leaa.curlaUiajr oar means of liviog comfort aad dceencr,and redeinc eur population br abjorbinj that whichwculd support a greater number.

    tih. Kachaage aad tranaportatien, iaatead of beiaa;made aa diCeult as poaaibl ia the intere,! of a fewmen, ahonld be facilitated be every poaaible mean.If this eancet be otherwtie done, iiaportibs; aaaocia.tioaa mir;htb formed, haeio a limited number ofiadittduala each, and by ajeacy a would baatiifactor; ther mirht ijiport teleet gooda, aach aather need, aad aa much aa ther need; titiorentered at the Cuaiotn lloiiae in common, and

    them fresh, iaatead cf ahop-wo- ; atronc, in.atead uf rottea bj e ; without pjjic- - profit tatwo. three, or four throazh which many of theCMudi we now consume pass. Beinx imparted by theeonaumer. they woald not pay liceaae for aelliaz.Or if aom of the gooda receired were not wanted,they might be sold un the plan, or oncommiastan.as many goola are now aold.

    th, VTe ahonld nzanafactsre paper. Oar Ialandaabound in fiurua, plant. There are the two shrnbafrom which kapa was made which, together withseveral other plants, woald prodaee atrang wrappingpaper, an article mach needed. The ramie whichcould be raised eaaily. woald produce a etroog finepaper like that need for bask And ladicabonnet mijrht be nude of that combined with tomeother, aa cheap that they coald hate a new one everymonth, and aa elegant aa might be dealred. Tbonghmonopolies are tot deairable they woald be betterthan that each a bnaioeaa ahonld not be atarlcd.

    6th. The eapeoditnre of (ublic moneys aboctd bewiaely made anl jeaNnsIy acrutimaed. A railroadin the State u carried far from the beat cvurac atan entail of mnch t by a crafty maa ta serve hiowe purpose Tlrj Ut kin Ja Let the beserved, and let the. public know who ricda hi awnaxe"ia doing it.

    Tth. Glad stock, coed machinery and good seedscoat little more than bad ooes. but in profit the differ-ence ia vast. The aame appliea in a ten fold measureto rood men. Let the coastry be filled with a goodpopulation while it ia in oar power, popalation whowill thrive antl cpholl tboaa principles which willtend to the happinea of any country. Thia ia trueeconomy, and these are only a few of the manythings which occar jnat now a of pressing import-ance. And, as the enactments say : All other prin-ciple aaa action, or part thereof in contraventionef the above atated principles and practice ahonld behereby discontinued. K. BatLcr.

    CAUTION TO THE PUBLICTo avoid Imrosaloa. purchasers of Waltham Watches !

    observe watch,saver, oar both aod 200GoW are stamped "A. W. raarantee

    elves weB. Two vocal dnetti a rreel It fan- - ' - - Ersadway," ervtna; to tlwm cjly aby the yonnr bdies of A brt-h- r t-l-T appearaoce. bot treat additional value.

    r M --STii "i. embody in them xxh of the best result ofrecitation, for this I runce al Kudv f r tweary year, can be fI Intwys dressed Its character and actin form of watch. We give new model watcbrsaad were capital. Mr. Atkinson the prin- - specie- - to ail who look fur (rood

    annoanced the captain the school to be W. t Cirmaace and eacetieoce at moderate cost. Th

    - " -3 .. .. - .. .

    with the tasteful

    of a



    a 7 S



    ward lahjeet

    a mean


    af, a

    fortscanty, want.

    tree asTher any


    a theirtheir maveaeat.


    setw hare


    which art b eota&rt

    great estsiJeit

    a bj or




    w w









    ;a each





    it. public




    eertlaeaiesaccocipEana-theca- . Silver cases are stampedWatch llx. Wabfcam, 3(as.. sterHiii; .Mirer,"

    are eccompanied by raarantee certincnte. alzned R. .Bohblos. rnaanrvr. Tile name - Walmani1 ta plajilyengraved npoa all movement. Irrespective of either cLatlazniahiri; marr.

    This ctntioa is rendered neeessarj hy reason rf the factthat tar ease are freqneatly separated frura car movemen's pal into wortldee movers ear of other makers,and rice too atTeciinsr Icjurtonalj- the performanceof Lbe vatcn and vrinatia? oar gnvrintee. which H .a.tended to cover oalr oar complete watches wnoUy madeby os. It ra necessary, also, became It Is so notonona au be a pnnfJe ara-- tf al. Uut tszreatfi and In them-t- doalitr of both aotd and saver esses a now generally sold. We hare demonstrated by freqoent assaythat zaany avid and stiver offered in the market aredebased from from Iv to to per cenL from thethey assnme to be. This U a fraod npoa the purchaser, andaerounts tor the low price at which aach cased watcheshave been ad.

    We rake thia cccasoa to annonnce that we have re-cently entirely remodelled the very popular evades or fallplate movements, known by the marks Wm. Kllerr.'v

    Apptetoo. Tracr a Ox-- Waltbam Watch ta,MF. S.

    alterat ons have been made with the view cf plea&lc;proceed waten rnakera, as well a watch wearers.

    wre aesll vorseivn, or tnis occasioo to warn tne!5 . -- ": Th. rpertortry oftaltaam sTOoas, la an rrades. a now so rentrauy ac-knowledged that oar campetlto. Swiss and American,seem to have na resource batua present the attraction oflw price Their rood bemsj Uferlur to uzrs, they haveLseUlhm for wbat they can rcec Times are hsrd,people reraXIy not knowina; a rood watch from a badoae. very often allow niaf price to decide them. m

    lXorrb. the emlaent rTngTtsh Lecturer on ArtLabor Topics. In a recent lecture delivered before the

    Trades Goad."" says r"I know that the pontic ia general are aet upon havins;

    thlass chrap. Tbems so Ignorant that taey do not knowwhen they get them nasty, also so Ignorant thsl theyneither know cr wbether thy rive a maa baa due.I know that the rsaaafaetnrers. so called." are as aet pacarrylag oct coxpetiSon to it ntmost. compiltm ofenepces,notofrxe-uenee,tha- t they meet the Ir2inhunter half way,aad cheerfally famish them with nastywares mi the cneap price mey are asked fur, by mean ofwhat can b eased by no prettier navae than fraud."

    We are much mistaken If thia Is what tne pab&e wantore peers, oTo, at least Gbnd watches canooc be madewhen neither wortr-na-a nor employer ha pride In bis

    ; Interest and pOasore In tse are btnwaatiog and both are ess- - neat In good making.

    price, especially b watcb. saeaa lev ffaalify, trOatw perer-aeae- e aad ki rtpmn.Oer calasion was. d oar business fa, to make rood

    watches, wnaterer the eua; holding firmly to thl ttngfepurpose, we have seen ImprofrmentinqalUyandrvdactioa la cost, by means cf and improvements lamaeblnery and by cararal eans. go steadily oa tog-th- r,natX we can truly sy, Waltham Watches la. tneir

    grades, are the best watrnes made; aodaat) tblower grsdes, they are wfebln the reach of everytodywho earn wages Oar prices are a amr aa mey ought sobe, aad a low a they will be. Watches cannot be madefor Bothlur. even by machinery. We say to the pablle.boy a good watch wnSe yon are aboat It. and pay a pioperpticetbrlr. The mon you cay aa honest dealer the btteratsSedroawCIbela the ead j don't be deceived bychespaes quariry aeseeads Cisurthaa price.

    TorAnenran Waah Co., cf t alttian, yias.& APPLETOH,

    7J 3m Geomt Agent. Srw Tort, C. E. A.T3" An the above fine of Waltham Watches for sale at

    thesioreor it. Vert ER.T, Suae Agent for sing.does.

    Abo. Agent for th GOBIIAX r3TElTXISG SltVEE- -WAKE. The Trad sapplled at the 111 WEST VB1CE4.


    FOR SALTS.MA HOG AST CTT.IjrntCKASri-EEIO- E Alao,ct Iar;e exed Maie Bozv

    and oae CacIieM fnoelc for porccnlar eoqenre at,T lo" JOttS 50TT k COi. Eaahumann It.


    Kr.JCC naioolmya3thonzd Irent tostttle aSoaara mtesr aceocsai of the Aroencaa R; U.O. and new-j- efif..f. ro. oa the fiawaaan Ialanda.

    8. E. KSOX. Xanazer ofA. B. H. a and 8. Jf. Ccl, saa fraaclsca. CaL

    Hay IS, UTS. Ti aH0TJCE

    IS HEEnETCrVEITHATCnEAVCTflCKAC TO JO CUOV hare this day aold an theirIaUad of Oaha. to ixf

    DadfaatEsed. an4 tisrtfore tare no latere is th easeafitrtMadaie. WCWG LBOSS t OO.amattia, JaSyS, HRU ;M Ia





    JUST t TT.rrsriTxrfrnat



    OLOT.HING. Specialty

    AT TUB


    ;n tu



    THK 1UHUC KXtlar THAT Iam prepared la manufacture to orler Hoots and shoes

    fr men' w of at sues aod qaaltue desired ; and that1 hav-- mad arranfeoiems with the mot cctebratrdmanuf-ctare- rs la the tjui. and wtll keep constantly oahand the finest line of LaJ.ea', ltoya and Mbsea'

    Gaiters, Boots and Shoes,To salt all tastes, and


    All of which wtU be

    Sold at the Lowest Cash Prices.I have In my employ


    So that I can fill any order at shortest notice. I believe In

    SALES AXD SHALL PBOFITSAnd will leave nothiux wantln to please my patrons.

    AO I want Is a fur trial in trade, and If f do not satisfythose who caU, the Cnlt will b their, not mine.

    j. ir. i.ycii.S CIn; St, opposite Waterbonse'a Store.


    Tnitin's Improved patent, with Shaft and

    For One, Two or Pour Horses !JTST TOE TUIXQ

    For Pumping or Sawing.ALSO

    Fresh California Hay and Grain,By Iteeent Arrivals.

    UXoi LUVE&CO.

    THE UNDERSIGNEDHave been appointed

    gaMBaaaaaWlraS3BaSa-- s

    SOLE AGENTS FOR THE BUN WAGONFor this Kingdom, xnd are prepared Ut famlifa any ao,

    the cpdiy varjlos from !3W to 7,500 pooads.We tare Imported qolte number or Wacoos forIintitioi ose during the pxit rnrad Uer pruve to hJest the coq to suit tne reqalrfmeotsof oarplanten.

    We Hare onw a stoclc some of wagons. wtlHiDcn Iron Axles. Will carrr from 1,000 to

    4.3 OO poaodSw. Prices Low.7W 3a DILLIXGniW jfc CO.

    THE GAHGOor the British Bark

    Lalla R-oo2s.- li12-- 2 DAI'S FROH OLASCOIV,

    Is now being Offered for Sale !AT

    Lowest Market Rates.For Fartlcnlars apply to

    TO G. ff.HACrABt.AifE A. CO.

    NOTICE.WAIHEE SUGAE COMPANY.Capital sSOO.OOOInSOOaibaresof SI0OO enetaPlace of B illness, Waihee, Dirtrict of Wiilnia, li.vtotice is iierebt Jivr..v that at amttthit. betd on the firal day of July, A. D. 1ST J. cf

    aucacritKr to toe aloe of the Walter Suzar Co.. It wavoted to accept a Charter of Incorporation (ranted toIhemand Ueiraociateaandnccesaor,nader the corporate name ana style or tne " wuee eo-r- Company."oa tae Uih day of June. A. D. 1ST; and that the I'orpo-ratlo- o

    under said Charter thereupon organized Itself andejected the fotlowraa; OScers of the Company:

    Jame atalcee ,, President.rarterX JIak --VlcePreaident.Charles B Uazee-- E. Treaaarer.

    A. Pierre2orice ts farther siren, that puranaat to the terms of

    the Charter no abarebolder ahall be Uahte tar the dbuof thecorporatloa beyood the anvmat which may be duetrpoo the share or shares held or owned ly him or her."

    JM at K. A. PIEECK. rtecretary.

    ROBERT STIRLING,Consulting acd Valuing Engineer

    AVISO EJfTABI.IJdlED BCLATIOJgH with Eminent nxnerlJir Firm In Oreat Brttalo,t prepared ta rive rUa. SpeelnealJon and Eatln-ate- stor an klnde of Machinery. Hebauoreafy toaodertakethe toeatkM of Siciear Planudoaa. the eostrucUon ofWharves and lAadinz Places ; the Hurvey and Conatrsc-tio- n

    of Eauwaya. Tramway. Water Lead Flun.te.:the 2aprtnteadeaee of any Works I. coorav of eoaatmc-Bo- n,and an other worarfa the Koa;inerto Lto.

    tie also caters baa tervtce a Valuator or Appraiser toall who may require them.

    3 0 P7ICE. corner of Xaahnmaan aad Qaeta Sirrtts,IXonoloIa. Bawahaa Irdands.

    OmCI U0US3 From OA.X.B4P.X77 Sm

    will that every whether gold ori,..bears trade rnarcoa ease movement. ' DD1S FreSfl LllTlBi CllBSDcases Cu." and



    "in and
















    FOR RENT.A seat cottage, five roohh. waterlaid so, dep verarxla esclod wnh lattice, to modlepair, pleaaanily attnated in Snaaao Taticy. eommaodlna:a an view cf Uie Tows, Harbor, Ocww and VaUey. AJao,

    A VALUABLE WATEK POWER,With anperior Iron Orersaut"aTbeel,'tt feet

    aad ofailoa Is putlaoa. lately taxed tar ChaaVaaCo. Jar cSeaotaaod rsaMn; ric. wBh a tfcre a toryJUB

    "Worthcate, "Babies, Co8c Hcste, tc by: . k.woo.




    AT THK



    IN ALL DEPARTMENTS!T TIIW 8ATJ.K Wn 1IATK MaliK lRK.paratton toodTer to th. pahlto aom. apectat Henia of

    (loodt hThbT been riNluceilao low, thatwa araaa.tared If the pnnne study their own Interrat they mast at-tract ronakleraol attenUon. V aatc atuatloa ta InfaUuwItu;.

    HEED THE PRICES!Fifty alt wool Whit rjanttta at If H each, furtuetiy

    oM c 5Atin lilacs: Cashmere ttreach)at (t oo, formtrly aold

    fsrttio.llue Clactc rrtoch Cathtuer at I SS, formerly aoM forFUi Black French Cashmere aisacta., formerly sold

    forjl is.Mohair Alpaca at 13 eta., formerly "old at 61 eta.line Alpaca, at J ct., funaerly sold for I eta.Colored Grenadine at St eta.

    A very Oca Asaorunenl of Colored Saltan and Untar silts

    Croat Slaughter In Prices I7 yvlarf J WhlteHouefor It Co. worth S3 el, per yd.Vloe Striped Lawns for 13 ct. lr yard, worth 3Ti ct.IUln. IttU aad Striped XalnaooC for a ct. per yard,

    worth WtU.Whit Swtw tor SO cis. per yard, worth SO ct.Oood While twn tee M eta. per yard, worth o eta.Flit whit. Uwn for "CS ct. per yird. worth M eta.Amxkens Otncham for I ct. per Pard. wnnh ts ct.Flxurrd rtque for HV ctv per yard, worth ta eta.Hotels and Boarding Houses, Fay Atten-

    tion to the following,ItamashTabteeloth for 15 ct.. worth I ttS.Fine WhlteTab'ecMh fur (I CO, worth t M.Floe Ked TaMedoths fur l W, worth 1 1 10.FlneReaTaalecJoinsfortl It.S.worlhJt K.

    tcaUnen ""apttlna ft Tarts., wvrth l ia.Tbe best Whit Marble (Micloih la this city for TS eta.

    Black Silk Volvot and Volvoteen.Towels and Towellue at Wholesale I'rlce.40 do. Lara TU!a to be sold from 9 rents up.

    Gents' Furnishing GoodsHATS AITO CAPS.

    Don't fan to buy onr While Sbirta at II SO, worth JIM.loat till In boy onr Colored Shirts at ji 00, worth 1 Co.Fine Gents' Underwear at &0 ct., worth TS cts.Floe Qen' Underwear at 0 et- -. worth St.S cis.Flue tlenu Underwear at "4 ct.. worth t 00.FlneCeuta Cuderwraratjl ii,worlhtl M.Itenta Half Iloae at i:S cents per pair.Flue lUlhrtcsaa eUls: Cloctced.

    57i Lnttst Styles of Fina Felt Itats.Good Fell Hat at 11 mj. worth JI Tl.Good Lit Uat at l W. worth S 00.OodJ Felt llau at JJ oo, worth 3 00.Good Fell lists at i 55, worth fa 04.Fiiu StiJ FtU Hits, thi Litest Styles.

    SLk Cain at I S3, worth t 10.Soys. Colored Cajva at 1 1 00 worth t TS.lioya, relt Hats at 75 cents, worth It 00.White Uuea Caps at 7J cent, worth I SO.CVllco CapsItuctnnr from 10 cents np.

    Qenu' hits IMre Unea rants at (1 00, worth 1 00.

    Our Hosiery icill be almost Given Atca.Lailiea' White Lawn JacKats at (I 00. worth tl SO.Children's w hlte and Colored Salts st very low prices.

    Bt sure anilgtt some of our Openieorlvd Sain-$ookt-l&cis.a van, trorfA 35 cis.

    ITmbrolderlea at astooUhtnely low price. 21S piece to be" sold at and below cost.

    Ladies' Silk and Lace Ties,From 70 cents np.

    Good White and Colored Handkerchiefs at l: ct.We k.ep the Favorite KID GLOVK3, whlchmusl be Mid.

    Ladles' Driving Gloves at TS ct per pair, worth J I so.SJkCES of nil Dcscrlptloua at SO ceuts ou

    the Uollnr.Zadies, Aliases and Children's Hats,

    Trimmed and Untrlmmed.Fin Lace Capes, New Flowers, Dallies, Leaves, Popples,

    Latest Styles.23 do. While Linen Cambric Sunbonnet at SO cents,

    worth TS cent.S do. Colored Suabonnets at SO cav, worth 8S cents.

    Udlei' atlases' and Children's UKrtlXO UNDERWE.VR.Ladles' 5JOL1" TJSnEnvE.lt, In fact everythlnff liueluded In our Ine of Goods wul be sold up to August latat GltKAT REDUCTION, at th.




    the rollowin; Uachlnery from ilESlllS.MIRRLEr, TAIT di WATSON, Of GlaiKuw, which theyoffer for sole to arrive, on favorable term :

    3EI T.faTlfalX Ttnrsl-fri- ,Saikd January 10M. 1679.

    40 Wroturht Iron Coolers, ft I S ft In. I 31 In. deep.1 Cuttloa; Lathe, suitable fr Plantation use.1 Jankcr, for haullna; heavy lorrs, or 2 wheeled Pol

    Carrlei for heavy weights.12 pairs India Rubber Kings tor Weston's Centrifugals.

    Per Bk.Dovenby .sailed Feb. 28, 1879Six 300 Imperial Gallon darlllers.

    Per Ship "Gov. Goodwin,To sail in April next,

    One Sugar Mm. Engine and Gear and Cane and VegasCarrier for a u Plant say. Mill Rollers JO Inches

    by aft a In. lone, with double Spar Gearing ; En-gine 3 in. Cylinder, a ftstroka.


    Sugar Mill, Engine, Gear Cane Carrier.Megass Elevator, Four Improved SO&fallon Clarlhers,

    and two set of Componad Boilers fur an a or Plant,UUI Itollers-- In. bySthwooepalrof Weston' PatentCentrifugal Uachlnes and Engine,



    . Ac, it, Ac. R The nndrslrne4 are prepared to furnish

    FOB 8CGA It PLANTS and other Machinery, de-livered In Honolulu, from the celebrated work of Al- -.Mlrrlee, Talt A WaUon, GUarav.


    755 ia Agenu lor Mlrrlee. Talt A Watson.

    Sugar Mil!, etc, For Sale.rgvnEFOxotTifa maciiiseuv. sow isM. nseat the Koloa Flantat.00, Kanal, la offered forsale, to be delivered by August lat :

    IPagarMUl.ilxIS.I Vertical Engine 41 H. P.1 Water WheeL1 Cane Carrier.1 Traah Carrier.1 Juice Pump.1 spare 7 inch wrongbt iron Connect-ahaf- t.3 spare new pinion Wheels for 1(111,1 spare new Bevel Union for Etglne Shaft.I spare new Bevel Pinion for Waterwbeet Shaft.1 apare new Brass Valve Box for Juice Pump.

    The above Is aH In good working order. The mQl I ca-pable of grinding cane for 7 to ton f Sugar per day.

    For particular and price, apply to theKOLUA PLANTATIOS CO , Koto,

    TU Or II. UACKFKLD Jt CU.. Honolulu.


    Bbls. 0. E. Spring Salmon!

    CATCH OF 1879.A7LHO. ex HASD,

    Kitts Salmon Bellies 1PLANTATION SALMON,


    1TGTICE.eATTlfS PKBCCREB PR9 C8L. XAIthe a breeder of the Ket Camand llorae. the Best Formal known far Feed f--rJfltessCosaa. we are prepared to furnish the Feed to

    too- - who require It, In loaoUile to anlt at ti 10 per IMponna. A un Feed I made from the saest arralaaprocuraMe.we warrant It to be aai I thatt re. ni red ....able the owner of the cow to procure an amnion on ofnco mux.aoa in ioar a ntaimy pooa tor m car. "fa.ttawlahlDg !- - own grain groaaa anal prr4.MlMT.ltdealrtn,arlaeaw-aa4- ,




    "KALAKAUA,"Will hnvB Quick Biipatei ftr aire ?xt.

    Forr"rJht IMaaare, apply to:i tv. a. ir.wrNA ca, Aint:

    For Portland, Oregon.tiik FiNBimmsn bark

    3DOVJE53NT J3"5TrEXNKT, rarvrter.

    Will have Quick SUpate far iUrt prt.Fd freight or raaaac., apply tow o.w. VAcrAitraysjica.


    .M l. XSV I IV A..CArTAI"-B-


    Will have QuickDispatei for liveikn PwrtFor freliht and pamaco apply totW II. HACKTKLD A CO., Attnt



    Will have quick dispatch far afcova jwct.For FraUht or raasare, apply toTS8 Wat. O. IRWIN" Jh COAreat.


    For San Francisco.THE SPUEXBIB ST1UUHIP


    WILL LEAVE HONOLULU FOR SIN FfMKISC.On or about Monday, August 4U.




    On or about Monday, Aug. 11th,For Frrlfht and Vaasaje, apply to?Ulm U. UACIiFKLD 4CO..AteotS.Gootla lor .Slaliiuaeut per Steamer cu nowbe StortMl. I'res ol Ctiaj-jr- lu the Flre-lira-ol

    Wnrchuiiae ucr the Steniuer Wharf.Regular Packet forjilo & Kaupaksa.

    The Clipper Hetioouer

    HALEAKALA!For Fretxht or Paaaare, apply taTiSlm ALLKN A ROIHSSON, Arent.

    ItMtCMdt mm.KCr.XOLD.H, i t t I KASltK

    Tuesday Aug 5, J p m --BQoTuesday Anr 12, & p mH ..Circuit of HawaiiTuesday Aug 19, 5 D m. UOaTuesday Ang M, p m.. --CIrcnit of UawallTutsday Sep S, J p m unoTuesday Sep . p m Clrcul of IlswallTuesday bep lt. 5 p m- - HUoTuelay Sep 13, i p m Circuit of flawaUTuesday Sep 30, J p m ,uuo

    OS-- So Credit fur Money. SaWe positively refuse to open aceounu tor Faaaacea.

    and we particularly call the attention of the trafetlngpublic to the necessity ot having Barrage and Freightplainly marked ; the Steamer, will not be responsible forany unmarked baggage or for any Freight orFarcelxonless Ilecelplcd for.

    Freight Money Has on Damani.In all esse of Freight for parties not responsible or on.

    known, the Freight Money will be required In advanceAnd we decline all responsibility as regard the landing oflivestock. We will use all care, bat will not guaranteethe lives of Ilorsea, Cattle and Males.


    For the party whom tbey are for, or plainly elated la treceipt to whom they are cuuaigoed.

    All demand for Damage or Loss, most be made withn oo moath.

    In no way liable tor Los or Accident to Lira Stock.Bar Hack Drivers. Boys, aad each like, will not be al.

    lowed on board the Steamer upon arrival, until after lapass-nge- rs hare been landed.

    tt WILDEIt CO.


    CUtf ART) LINE!Established 1840.

    Two Sailings Every Week,FOE LIVERPOOL:

    From 2fao York every Wednesday,From Boston every Saturday,

    RATES OF PASSAGE!Cabin. 8SO, nod siee CoM

    According to Accommodatloil.


    Good accommodation can alwaya be fteenred on appli-cation to

    WILLIAMS, BLASCHAKD 4 Co..San Iraneiieo.

    JAB. ALEXANDER,OT Stat St.. Boston,a O. FRANClTXYir.

    t Bowling Green, Sew York.5fotlc. ta Passenger from Australia. Xew Zealand aad

    nonolulo.-.T- he Canard Line afford mora than ual facintlea to throogb paweogers from trana-Iwcll- ports, thefrequency of It tailing precluding all possibility of delay-I-New York.

    Good accommodaliona alwaya reserved.C. O. FRAXCELY7,

    Tta ly l BowIingareeo.SewYork.


    C. Brewer A Co.-Age- nts. jfcKercheodlae reeeleed slfnr.w. Vee. tas

    and liberal cash adrancaa mads oaahlpmeaUtiy IhU'lla.lT & BEgWta A CO.


    jvorbIrrnrenieBt cn alwar be 4made for atorag aad ahlpmeat of Oil. Ber. Wool, iaad other Merchandise to Saw Bedford. Boston, Sew Tor kaaa uner catern forts. xr iaan Advaece maa.a BBEWEII. A CO


    1.0. 71 7ort St.e aVoTe mtel St.,KEEPS ALWAYS ON HANB

    An aasortmen t of th beat French andCalifornia man factor ed

    Confectionery" IWhich he oaters tor sale to the Trad, or at BttnB,


    THE BEST BBANS OF CMKt CKiAliTo he had In the market.


    in IT

    Telephone, I TelephgplCARAMTKEI T8 "Tt.Ktjar rue e.M per pair, wi, aaavaj smswsaees.

    atwrSataaW"raiiBnaainkaaaaaief n7Wlam C. Wi coqataa, l

  • It




    op.?rragscxA2k.immmm Jgra. a

    B ".WMBaw BOOK 3 .Bay MM II of at

    at M. mmmi. winfc. 'ii iieiaagjiBar .miirWMMAnllWMWraap, .aaedk wejwawaajii..iiii

    111 !.WIfHiMMMSJK t . llliwb.llltafM.MtJW-- ' 1 III

    ftinfitMWlMMBiVMHnr MaaE.BMe waoaeoaaariBpna.

    aaBw-aBeM- aqawlifcwBBetwaiiiiBafi iiMMtaM B. etaatVlaBa.a .ta.aaa. Jf Baflimd

    B) 1 1 saw bwaaj. aaaBaeb BaBf-B- wSHJMHMMHVVMrilt 0. Bai BaBM. Odd ffwi--


    MrjMaaBaamMc UHasbSa 1 in

    SCS OCT SOS'OIi'CTr.'i i i'hxj

    Ulilua tJllMllgJJ--jI


    . 5Sf??raavn as at "3 aaa " - -.

    w m nam- - - ann JaMp a BMCaajBfr SHRkaiap "Sw. B Sato aHtaMpab aa awaw kaMMH

    - aaaaarak. yI Saw K-B- li

    Bar Baaaaa. par J a. aaBaaaaa-- . Jaer 31 SMtc

    BaaBaaaaaaaK.Ba WmHii pr Iriu Jaar S BR ui

    Brum, am a. Bar t S Jaw. Baw Uw, C BrX.

    . ate--- r'l

    .BBwwiwiBB...aE w.wiim ..v b. wmnhh. .m.wapaaw i a m m,

    Baawa,iaa .Jaj.ai aai aaaM. agaai-- -

    hi . .wii .


    'SSaar TTinar aawa Iia;a;rmiH lx--latta. jtBTB hm CTtHT.

    astbaABaWaa BaaSSau aaacamr; Ba Ut Zateaaihraf waaaaa waaeaa Zbw CbaBba fret aaaearad

    Baa Me iratitjrvJt aa hwa (Mar beat r. aaeefc. Bra Tiedaawaaaa saaaaB. BBaaKaaat. Ba ?aeaaea3 Sffirt

    waawaawaB a inain t aal af aaenab tuti ewe aaaaiet Aam japtaoaa. Iav- -

    ti awl i.. aaa Be aasc aaa:

    riaeamifenwa. raraTran.aTaX--

    baeaMwt waawa km Baaaaac aJftar wb.tw.aaarBaa BJM.BBa. s ar oaaaa Bsaa m axrraader.wlfai iiwaa iimaaiiai a wi l aiaali a az fcaac rtsawlbbiiwa aanar Jlaa ianef iaaap aas warareaeaad

    all.. wae aawae aBef Be Cawaitaaa. waaaaBaeaaae. aeexrad

    m nh jj.,pi Mean asaBac&ae aadAaedaacQ. Ifi&i

    JnaMnaBHHMaa wwbMraaVaiiBal aaat ax aaacfiraaaa.wiwava: Btf aa .c aaa aorta asdaa- -

    Sbw Baaiasaraaisa as aeraaase&- -i am Him a. mm bar. aw. Z

    Ba a m 9- a 'aa afir.aiiaat. aad t Ira lai Mi i m inn inn liBaa ese iandar W

    Caawawaafx aad f.iir iiirv aaeaned.aawaaaS af Ba AatrprBacoa at baJf axad

    tar aaa wa'wicn. aad at paariadin aataiaani a tu. uah. SSa mr and atda- -

    Maaaaaamaa wi'wioa a. jm muiaa a. Aarafajaaca-t-, i.ii !i mniii uiiaaama miw ami kau xaflaoadam am B aa WBa !!.. n i.n--i . aUcsfdMasaeasa irut

    i Caawiaa. a; at ac Asswsmain tin anat I

    i af ft aaav Susa. m ig.,na.ajaaaa. JBa ". i. aSaaS3a. S4 ZaataaaTmdowal arr-t-a

    m aWaa . J alwiini i aaoeaesar.' asrrij. MaasaTii atan. aadaaaaaBwaai B Raa "a Sg aaitA

    : Ba Fal wit areatawa a? 'mi iwd is Ma sravtaea- -fcf neaas 1wrTn1xirir af

    Ay-a- a. Stay ISM.aafMa Tjastfasaae &aeer tnacy

    SEsaast. and watSSta prssa--Taaiiimi aiiiit aaaa laaagwag: m

    it at n.am Meat sa i jila i ur af im 1 u. if Wad ax yarta IT--ja. &aa--gxjr waMaac ex

    smb Zcsj-ti-ir 4&at ts

    rosss&itt &c jumwa-t- --uf !-- $3-- i-




    ZSOTjS OF THE TTEEXk.cs A mrooftri eanesB wSL art sSnra. 5y one.

    SawiAts 3amt ai yima araars, ua Tiilaj-- rrEt-fet- t.Antral in.

    ISt5w safl. tor Sua Tcacsscs sad u ErsSwt be Adamant bar toe Parameter Gencnl bytee 3H3tsar.las3E33b AsraerQit jQradny nisi.

    TKoaa. ?tua. ne C Be Imras pinna sro-e- ebbw eat? bsabtssbesx Bgijw'at by KtC.

    F BBv aaar Ik. socr og eZdBBfiKt s Ms J&XSHT

    - "See waanou- - gtmos. en, aer- - but hag trotSjaea. oat i. fc-ii- . fcroocit fa adigtinn a Her i3By Baai cav meg. wtnrg and uaU .u. f

    nourianciiraii juetaAuaty irf .Be inllii a J6e dbagttC aaaee

    ? m aar--y b- fcaci H We sw&Bt- -s ttCwC 3. inthi rfBggaigUrite.i-tiii- 'ftrtiaiiiilHim lait etwyocrK 5BW Siu.WW mmut h will wain i a p i ae W 'ili m aMsab8affits is. fctt .

    tor Bail JawBa riMUt can mtt ttlfe shi-ii- hJrS hut fcie',-Hi- . at Was ijiiiUlj1 J ssrs.

    & &hum isd Httct taaeOx fondL, --i ia amntaaCTtttt-an.Fti-"Btn nss flkxt be int hima a mfe

    . iai5rf CfemcMl aiDunn 1h ajcrMrrfe erifeii km at

    Maji'u-- ft. W-- ytiiSir-aia- g iOn, it te e prrHBnaVPmjaf aaaiHgBwt M. e abuse itm.W Jkk-- "fcflt Be lTasr bans SaJancv

    B fesa w(BaHa e wans- - ink a 'ndL HtfipiBjtc-- tti a.efcgt aartin circ (nzSl- -St aitdcciaHsnttat. i

    f cae C'li-ua- bai: 3divu3a.ami tile Suugaa hnxc jri:nt ;

    6i Tcum-- c. toe CMnae naeu&iBia ufan feat aa wttadl. w cur me iMtCluaai i; tuxaalu toagHW ?rag me jg ta ittttc.Mfw Sawa d sicartti ntte asswiSra.Bat if--r y-- iht na a in hoi KtKir. Snnitnmf brtwlw laifnanai. TB ananitBCiFRCtae fupu-- (

    Kilnan WT&ataat'-Bgtr7-triflBcreaaig- .'r

    'Httt:ftiMtaeC5uexs. k wflt Iiaa Sr anacaaC aC saajoal Binna lai.fa aaatfUr oriiira. ISmrtagran aaaiigiitainaaBAfcrxgBwafctaeteC.

    jtaatan uiliinj aa SajJiA ytaa. aaii Kg kn'aB.Biaaaaaaa - AtoaaSffaati sMl. asat k Baas,

    BMifaaallap! A ai-r- NdniHf ifnafBBas aaiiwaaa. cw ess wanjif e an wnl af

    asil wuoJK a .imibtAbbbBK CBBMHSaffBaVnt' IMKSC k b

    nut amjcH KTO- -f aa Be aJMkrais ofJB(. Asanas, aaat Mw AaeOnJliia cyfcoiKi. 'jwnfts af Me T,ihn-- i ruca hariB'r '

    iaatxtuar srflaijoer sacatsedba kette Oaaa Syrrc2&.

    1B Bf pct at a'cbws: aa: Toestor eTuin"- -Satiavc. T K orraiVii aa m!r. wbiiaaa in ! ilaal jiaX-jti.a- addEnisal aTtdxaee-- Barzaawt Hbu-- aaafcfaa, Tb Oau osesete maa

    aafceajaraf iat aaajeamaaav i aba at mnuinfirac naaaac --seat Bie. KiiE Serjr6

    !BVfB a was tikwaatdtlr iun--d bar ae 'wb ac-- d iaiMear jupnejit at

    BwawaV But aaw af a. rathf iaiferi aaiinjs '3wac.caarsac aaatfy- -


    llBt Wnmaama. Str rae pabC areefc Sa Bees, wryBac Tna B aaa bees. Ter baa tSe jjjtjran, iB raa aaaaoau mtamtm aC nijr wtiu&. bo. sillanaaaaaC afcdMV MawKdtasc Me waeat iaie iod Me ,csfaaS Ba caal caa acnaaphasa. and at tike aama timejaw Mtaat 1 iBb B aaacilSHe. Oar mbemoSna '

    am. Ba water jihad a Pat Be Aanfajwr ana beenaa areaaBaaa aa Mam uainn (Jhuu. and Meaimt af Mar jBatajn 4a zndas. aai aB atiken.

    aCMSfiifestbeteaame!naealKlsiiwic 'aadanaaiTa ttt CM&aL Toe

    riala if. MiliiMB i all i ajneai Mat witaiw Me iHWDwrj ofaaa Maaa titaaifa Bane bad- - sac bees, tnawitae a. ami fmz. seanm aa Ma wec ae. Ef