Question Genetics

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  • 8/13/2019 Question Genetics


  • 8/13/2019 Question Genetics


    C Fragile X syndrome

    D Phenylketonuria

    E Down sydrome

    Question 11

    Of the following statements regarding an autosomal recessive condition, which is the

    LEAST accurate:

    A Heterozygotes do not usually manifest the disease.

    B Spontaneous new mutations are infrequent.

    C The onset of the condition is typically later in life.

    D Gene expression is often uniform, especially in families.

    E Genes coding for enzymes are typically implicated.

    Question 14

    Features of Down syndrome may include all of the following EXCEPT:

    A Greater frequency with advanced maternal age

    B Mental retardation

    C Ventricular septal defect

    D Polydactyly

    E Dementia similar to Alzheimer's disease

    Question 15

    The greatest risk for fetal malformation through abnormal organogenesis will occur:

  • 8/13/2019 Question Genetics


    A In a 19-year-old primagravida during labor and delivery

    B During fertilization of the ovum

    C During the third trimester of pregnancy

    D In a 40-year-old pregnant female with oligohydramnios

    E During the first trimester of pregnancy

    Question 17

    A baby is found within the first year of life to have developed hepatic cirrhosis,

    cataracts, and mental retardation. Laboratory findings include reducing substances inthe urine along with hypoglycemia. These findings are most consistent with:

    A von Gierke's disease

    B Marfan's syndrome

    C Galactosemia

    D Congenital rubella

    E Phenylketonuria

    Question 18

    An infant is found to have an elevated sweat chloride. One of three other siblings has

    a similar finding. Which of the following findings was most likely to have been

    present at birth:

    A Pneumonia

    B Hyperglycemia

    C Meconium ileus

  • 8/13/2019 Question Genetics


    D Right heart failure

    E Infertility

    Question 19

    A 10-year-old child has joints that show marked hypermobility, and her skin is

    hyperextensible. These features are most suggestive of:

    A Marfan's syndrome

    B Osteogenesis imperfecta

    C Ehlers-Danlos syndrome

    D Von Recklinghausen's disease

    E Xeroderma pigmentosa

    Question 21

    A small, infertile woman with a webbed neck is most likely to have which of the

    following karyotypes:

    A 47, XXX

    B 45, X

    C 46, XX

    D 47, XXY

    E 46, XX / 47, XXY

    Question 27

    Diagnosis of new cases of cystic fibrosis, particularly when there is a negative family

    history, is best accomplished through use of:

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    A Determination of sweat chloride concentration

    B DNA probe for the CF gene on chromosome 7

    C DNA linkage analysis

    D Stool fat concentration

    E Spirometry

    Question 33

    A 45-year-old female with type I diabetes mellitus delivers a term baby with mildbrachycephaly, bilateral simian creases, prominent epicanthal folds, and a heart

    murmur on physical examination. The baby's karyotype is most likely to show:

    A 45 X

    B 47 XXY

    C 47 XY, +21

    D 47 XY, +13

    E 47 XX, +18

    Question 38

    A 47 XX, +13 karyotype in a newborn is most often associated with which of the

    following findings:

    A Oligohydramnios

    B Cystic hygroma of the neck

    C Polydactyly

  • 8/13/2019 Question Genetics


    D Hepatic fatty change

    E Neural tube defects

    Question 68

    A "triple screen" consisting of testing maternal blood for alphafetoprotein (AFP),

    human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG), and estriol is performed in the second trimester

    on a woman who is 43 years old. The values obtained for AFP are are low and for

    hCG are high. These findings suggest an increased risk for a fetus with:

    A A neural tube defect

    B Erythroblastosis fetalis

    C Down syndrome

    D Neuroblastoma

    E Cystic fibrosis

    Question 63

    Cystic fibrosis is most often associated with which of the following lesions seen in an

    affected newborn:

    A Hemolysis

    B Meconium ileus

    C Intraventricular hemorrhage

    D Cardiomegaly

    E Cirrhosis

  • 8/13/2019 Question Genetics


    Question 58

    Which of the following conditions is LEAST likely to be present in a neonate liveborn

    at term:

    A Phenylketonuria

    B HIV infection

    C Cystic fibrosis

    D Tay-Sachs disease

    E Trisomy 16

    Questions 54 and 55: Click on the checkbox first, then the lettered item:

    (54) An 18-month-old boy is found to have an elevated sweat chloride test.

    (55) A newborn is found to have meconium ileus.

    A Gaucher's disease

    B Phenylketonuria

    C Cystic fibrosis

    D Galactosemia

    E Tay-Sachs disease

    Questions 52 and 53: Click on the checkbox first, then the lettered item:

    (52) Aortic dissection occurs in a tall 31-year-old male with long fingers.

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    (53) A 28-year-old female with multiple brown skin macules and skin nodules

    develops a malignant neoplasm in the right wrist region.

    A Down's syndrome

    B Neurofibromatosis

    C Tay-Sachs disease

    D Marfan's syndrome

    E Von Gierke's disease

    Questions 50 and 51: Click on the checkbox first, then the lettered item:

    (50) A retroperitoneal mass is present on MRI scan in a 3-year-old boy.

    (51) A cerebellar mass is seen by CT scan in an 8-year-old girl.

    A Melanoma

    B Squamous cell carcinoma

    C Adenocarcinoma

    D Astrocytoma

    E Wilm's tumor

    Questions 48 and 49: Click on the checkbox first, then the lettered item:

    (48) An 18-month-old child has increased hexosaminidase A in serum.

    (49) Cultured fibroblasts from amniocentesis show decreased sphingomyelinase


    A Marfan's syndrome

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    B Tay-Sachs disease

    C Gaucher's disease

    D Phenylketonuria

    E Niemann-Pick disease

    Questions 46 and 47: Click on the checkbox first, then the lettered item:

    (46) Postpubertal mentally retarded male with fragile X syndrome.

    (47) Phenotypic female with 46 XY karyotype.

    A Enlarged testes

    B Small testes

    C Cryptorchid testes

    D Absent testes

    E Ovotestes

    Questions 44 and 45: Click on the checkbox first, then the lettered item:

    (44) At birth, a stillborn fetus is noted to have micrognathia, overlapping fingers,

    horseshoe kidney, and rocker-bottom feet.

    (45) A stillborn female fetus is noted to have aortic coarctation, cystic hygroma,

    and lymphedema.

    A 45 X

    B 47 XY, +18

    C 69 XXX

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    D 47 XX, +13

    E 46 XX, -14, + t (14q 21q)