Question 5 evaluation How did you attract/address your target audience? The target audience in the piece that my group created was around 17-25 based in our research from pearl and dean website. The target audience would mainly be male as the piece appeals to the male gender more in terms of statistics. We combined different elements and ideas to make this piece ideal for the target audience and suitable for them. The opening was set around a sophisticated area with a sense of class and wealth throughout, for instance the setting where the wepons deal happens with the arms dealer. The room has expensive lighting with a smartly dressed man sitting at a very formal table.

Question 5 Evaluation

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Question 5 evaluationHow did you attract/address your target audience?The target audience in the piece that my group created was around 17-25 based in our research from pearl and dean website. The target audience would mainly be male as the piece appeals to the male gender more in terms of statistics. We combined different elements and ideas to make this piece ideal for the target audience and suitable for them. The opening was set around a sophisticated area with a sense of class and wealth throughout, for instance the setting where the wepons deal happens with the arms dealer. The room has expensive lighting with a smartly dressed man sitting at a very formal table. The room is well lit and filled with expensive furniture implying wealth. This is supposed to refer back to the godfather that has a large element of rich gangster in most parts of the film. The film also enters a smart pool room that looks like a criminal hide out with a aspect of class. The pool room is designed to show that the gangsters work pays off and people like to see rich gangsters with a certain amount of success as it makes the film more interesting and more risk is involved with being caught. For instance the godfather again uses the gangsters wealth as one of the reasons they are able to stay hidden. Our target audience we tried to attract through the vibe of our piece with the black and white theme and the silent idea that added mystery and suspense, rich gangster films tend to be them most popular in the sub genere of crime and gangster films with films like goodfellas and the godfather proving this. Black and white adds class and the silence with classical music is very powerful as it gives the piece a professional feel.

SettingMise en sceneCharacter Music and feel to the piece