Question 4

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Preliminary Task

In class we were put into small groups to create our first preliminary task. We used Doctor Who as our main focus and used relevant images from the TV series. We cut them out onto pieces of cardboard so we were able to move them around. It helped by being in a group because then someone else could hold the camera whilst others were able to move the props.

This helped me with my soap trailer as we could experiment with camera angles and getting used to filming.

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Preliminary Task

As well as doing a stop motion, I also created a practice soap trailer. I got into a group with two other people and we used iMovie. This really helped us to explore iMovie as a programme and so we could use all of the tools which were available for us to use. We imported music which onto the trailer as well. The music was available for us on iMovie.

Once we had completed our trailer, we were then able to upload it onto YouTube.

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Researching Existing Products

I decided to watch many soap trailers so see what other characters wore, acted and what different types of storylines there were. This did help me find “typical” soap storylines which I could have possibly used for Nangreave Road.

I also used the Google search engine to research into different magazine covers and billboards were available to the audience out there.

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Photo’s For My Billboard and Magazine

To create my billboard and magazine my main focus needed to be a photograph. So, to do this I used to green screen which is installed in college and a nikon camera. By being able to change the lighting, it helped when bringing them into Photoshop when editing the photos. The lighting was key throughout.

The photo’s that I have displayed on here were trial photo’s which I may have used. I didn’t feel that they worked as well as the images which I used.

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Creating The Billboard

To remove the green from the green screen I simply used the quick magic wand tool and held down the shift so it removed more than one section. I then used the sponge effects and different brighteners to get the right lighting because the green screen had gone. I then added a background, one that looked mature to go with my soap. I wanted the characters to stand out so I simply just added an effect in which an outline went around the characters.

By creating different layers it enabled me to delete something un-needed, where as if it was all on the background it all would have gotten deleted.

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Using Blogspot

So I was able to display my coursework in a presentable way, I used Blogger. Blogger is a website where you can blog anything as a document record on what you have done.

When I first signed up to blogger and created my A2 Media Coursework Blog, I was able to choose any design I wanted to. I chose the jelly bean one because I thought that it was fun and easy to view.

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Using PowerPoint And Slide Share

Using PowerPoint enabled me to easily convert my work onto Slide Share and then onto my Blog.

I have included screen shots of the stages it took me to upload something onto my Blog from Slide Share.

By simply pressing the upload button, you can select the file needed and it will upload it for you. Whilst it is doing that you are able to add any additional information you may need.

When it loads, there is the embed link. This is the link which you can use to put it into websites such as Blogger.

By copy and pasting the link from Slide share to Blogger in a new post under HTML and pressing publish it will upload it onto your blog for you.

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How To Use The iMac

To create my soap trailer I used the Apple Mac computers. There is a special programme called iMovie which enabled me to create my trailer. To do this I got help of tutors and used the apple website for guidance.

Here are the steps that I followed:

• Plug in your digital camcorder.•Click on the iMovie programme.•It will automatically import the video.•Drag and drop the different video slides onto the “timeline” effect at the bottom to start editing.•Use sounds and effects to the video.•Use garage band and iTunes to import music into iMovie.

Here are screen shots of the tutorial videos which are available to anybody on the Apple website.

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Why I Used PowerPoint?

I used Microsoft PowerPoint to present my evaluation as I am very familiar with the programme itself. I also think that it is easy to use but very professional at the same time. I knew by using PowerPoint I would be able to easily use screen shots and annotate them without them looking untidy.

By using PowerPoint I was able to use a set design as the layout for my evaluation. As you can see I have used simple pastel colours as I didn’t want it to look top over complicated. The audience will easily be able to tell the titles from the text as the format is professional. PowerPoint has worked very well as it has saved every time I have done work. It is a very simple programme to use. By using it so often it has occasionally frozen, but this hasn’t effected any of my work.