3. What kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why? If this film was to be released I reckon it would be more of a TV movie than any of the others. The reason being is that compared to Hollywood the plotline isn’t as big as most Hollywood films. The plotline is pretty straightforward and requires only a small cast. The release of the movie could result in having a bigger audience for the overall channel. If received well the audience would assume that stuff on this scale is quite a regular thing for the channel to air, so there may be more that intrigue the audience. Titles released in the form of TV movies have achieved quite a success, films like ‘Prime Suspect’ have ended up creating seven films, which of course brings in a high TV audience for the airing channel. This popularity can result in the expanding of a franchise and the target audience of particular channels. The most watched films on the TV are those of a thriller, however these a major big budget Hollywood pictures which of course will have a large audience already from the cinema releases. With the popularity of these films being in a high range, the audience will assume whatever is on this channel will be a regular film, which could bring a large audience to a well advertised production of a TV movie. The top 4 most popular films have all been aired on ITV, and ITV to this date has a high and respectful reputation making it one of the most popular channels among national television. With this film being a thriller and it being one of the most popular genres to air internationally, I had to make sure that it had predictable conventions of a thriller to be able to catch an audience of the genre, especially for the chosen release formant. As explained prior I am aiming for the format release of TV movie which of course is hard target to reach for as most people would probably dismiss it. To achieve the large audience consumption, the right conventions must be advertised and also used through out the film. This will help me build an audience of fans, of the specific genre. In the production of the opening sequence, several prioritized conventions where taken place, setting the scene perfectly for a thriller. Low lightning was used which emphasizes a dark atmosphere to its surroundings, creating this eerie tension that straight away is assumed to be what it is and that of course is a thriller. To get this assumption, evilness must be present to the audience for them to realize what the setting of this film is going to be. Accompanying this lighting is also the colour of the film. I wanted to achieve this grimy, and ill looking

Question 3

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3. What kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why? If this film was to be released I reckon it would be more of a TV movie than any of the others. The reason being is that compared to Hollywood the plotline isn’t as big as most Hollywood films. The plotline is pretty straightforward and requires only a small cast. The release of the movie could result in having a bigger audience for the overall channel. If received well the audience would assume that stuff on this scale is quite a regular thing for the channel to air, so there may be more that intrigue the audience. Titles released in the form of TV movies have achieved quite a success, films like ‘Prime Suspect’ have ended up creating seven films, which of course brings in a high TV audience for the airing channel. This popularity can result in the expanding of a franchise and the target audience of particular channels.

The most watched films on the TV are those of a thriller, however these a major big budget Hollywood pictures which of course will have a large audience already from the cinema releases. With the popularity of these films being in a high range, the audience will assume whatever is on this channel will be a regular film, which could bring a large audience to a well advertised production of a TV movie. The top 4 most popular films have all been aired on ITV, and ITV to this date has a high and respectful reputation making it one of the most popular channels among national television. With this film being a thriller and it being one of the most popular genres to air internationally, I had to make sure that it had predictable conventions of a thriller to be able to catch an audience of the genre, especially for the chosen release formant. As explained prior I am aiming for the format release of TV movie which of course is hard target to reach for as most people would probably dismiss it. To achieve the large audience consumption, the right conventions must be advertised and also used through out the film. This will help me build an audience of fans, of the specific genre. In the production of the opening sequence, several prioritized conventions where taken place, setting the scene perfectly for a thriller. Low lightning was used which emphasizes a dark atmosphere to its surroundings, creating this eerie tension that straight away is assumed to be what it is and that of course is a thriller. To get this assumption, evilness must be present to the audience for them to realize what the setting of this film is going to be. Accompanying this lighting is also the colour of the film. I wanted to achieve this grimy, and ill looking

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tone, which relates to the character being shown. To successfully pull this off I used a blue suppressor located in the ‘Final Cut Express HD’ filters. This was good so far but it needed an extra addition, as it was just a bit off to what I wanted. I added a sepia effect with just a small mix, allowing it to be present but not so much. With this look now the audience can now assume what genre this is going to be, capturing fans of the thriller. As established before, conventions have to be met, especially for the advertisement of the film as if given the wrong impression the film could disappoint many of those that came for the false advertisement resulting in bad press for the film. Lightning and colour weren’t they only thing that had to be prioritized in enabling a captured audience. Props, costume and setting where a major part as well. The right image had to be portrayed well especially with the props as they build the character and setting of the room. Several props where specifically important as it helps foretell as to what’s going to happen further on, or provide an understanding that this character is up to something. A large map was placed on the wall with string leading off in different directions, revealing photos of victims. This gives the impression that the character is of course some who stalks chosen victims. Scissors are also placed around the room, some broken, showing that this character is deluded by this plan of his, making it his only focus in life as, he has nothing else.

This has begun to set the idea of who the character is and making the final decision of him being the antagonist. The character is also shown to be of a twisted side, which is quite a popular choice of antagonist among fans of the psychological thriller. With this character being advertised in the first opening scene, this captures the audience well and intrigues them to see what’s going to follow. With these conventions being met a large target audience can be achieved, aiming high in rating’s for the channel and TV movie, as it will be well advertised to the fans of this genre flaring the conventions in advertisement and the opening sequence keeping them hooked and interest loosing the risk of them changing channel or get bored easily.