The masthead for this magazine is conventional because it is brightly coloured, meaning it will catch the audiences eye. It is also in a sans serif font, so it is bold and stands out. The image is conventional for a pop magazine because the people in the picture are smiling, giving off a positive feel for the magazine. The mise-en- scene is conventional because it is casual clothing that the target audience will be able to relate to. It is also very cluttered. It is also a wide shot, so that they can see all members of the band. The box out is conventional because it sections off certain information for the front cover. Having a barcode, price, issue number and date is conventional for a magazine because it is informing the audience of all the information they need when buying a The colour scheme for this magazine front cover is effective because it follows a house style and they have used bright, eye catching colours such as light blue, white and yellow. The layout for this front cover is effective because it uses the route of the eye, having the most important information in the shape of a Z, as it is the first thing the audience look at and attracts them in. It is also cluttered which is Top of the Pops is produced by BBC magazines, it is conventional to have their logo on the front cover because it informs the audience of who produces the magazine. The language used is conventional for a pop magazine because it uses words that would catch the target audience’s eye such as “shocking” and “killer”.

Question 1

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Page 1: Question 1

The masthead for this magazine is conventional because it is brightly coloured, meaning it will catch the audiences eye. It is also in a sans serif font, so it is bold and stands out.

The image is conventional for a pop magazine because the people in the picture are smiling, giving off a positive feel for the magazine. The mise-en-scene is conventional because it is casual clothing that the target audience will be able to relate to. It is also very cluttered. It is also a wide shot, so that they can see all members of the band.

The box out is conventional because it sections off certain information for the front cover.

Having a barcode, price, issue number and date is conventional for a magazine because it is informing the audience of all the information they need when buying a magazine.

The colour scheme for this magazine front cover is effective because it follows a house style and they have used bright, eye catching colours such as light blue, white and yellow.

The layout for this front cover is effective because it uses the route of the eye, having the most important information in the shape of a Z, as it is the first thing the audience look at and attracts them in. It is also cluttered which is conventional for a pop magazine.

Top of the Pops is produced by BBC magazines, it is conventional to have their logo on the front cover because it informs the audience of who produces the magazine.

The language used is conventional for a pop magazine because it uses words that would catch the target audience’s eye such as “shocking” and “killer”.

Page 2: Question 1

The masthead for my magazine is conventional because it is bold colours and stands out, which will catch the audience’s eye.

Having a barcode is conventional for the front cover because it is how the audience will purchase the magazine. Also having the date, issue number and price of the magazine.

The language used on this front cover is conventional because it has words that will stand out to the target audience. For example “Secrets” and “Rage”.

The image for my front cover is conventional because the artist is happy and smiling which gives off a positive feel for the magazine and pop is positive music to listen too. I have also used a mid shot which is conventional for a pop magazine because you can see what the artist is wearing.

Having a box out on the front cover offering free things inside is conventional because it sections of certain information that the audience will be interested in.

The layout for my front cover is conventional because it follows the route of the eye, having the masthead, image, coverlines and free offerings in the shape of a Z. It also follows the left third because the most important information is on the left side of the page. It is also cluttered, which is conventional for a pop magazine because it is busy and relates to the music.

The colour scheme for the front cover is conventional because they are bright colours such as light blue, pink and white. These are eye catching colours that will attract the audience to the magazine.

The typography for this front cover is conventional because there are a variety of both serif and sans serif fonts, which will attract the audience to the front cover.

The mise-en-scene on this front cover is conventional because it is casual clothing but also brightly coloured, meaning that the outfit stands out.

Page 3: Question 1

The masthead for this contents page is conventional because it attracts the audience into the page as it catches their eye. The typography used in this masthead is sans serif, this is conventional for a masthead because it makes it more eye catching.

The main image for this contents page is conventional because it is well known pop artists and if the reader is interested in them artists then they are more likely to see what is on the other pages and carry on reading. It is also conventional for a contents page because they have used a mid shot.

The body copy on this contents page is conventional because it is a letter from the editor, informing the audience of what is going to happen in detail.

Having the page numbers and what is going to be on them is conventional for a magazine because it informs the reader of what is going to happen, which means that it is more likely that they are going to carry on reading and maybe buy it.

For the contents page it is conventional to have other images of pop artists that will appeal to a wide range of people and the people that they like to listen to.

Having the masthead on the contents page is conventional because it means that the magazine can get people to recognise the look of the masthead and will be more likely to buy a magazine from them again if they enjoyed it.

The colours on this contents page are unconventional because they have used a lot of blue, which is more of a masculine colour and orange which isn’t very bright.

Also having the picture of the editor is conventional for a magazine because the reader likes to see who is writing the magazine.

Page 4: Question 1

The masthead on my contents page is conventional because it is pink which is a feminine and bright colour. It is also in serif font which makes it stand out from the rest of the page.

The main image on my contents page is conventional because it is a mid shot so the audience can see what the artist is wearing, which is conventional for a contents page. The artist is also smiling in the image which gives off a positive feel for the rest of the magazine.

Having a body copy for the contents page is conventional because it is informing the audience of what is going to happen in the rest of the magazine.

Having a picture of the editor is conventional for a pop magazine because it is showing the audience who is writing the magazine.

Having the page numbers and what is going to be on that page is conventional for a contents page because it is informing the audience what is going to be in it and to see if it will interest them.

Having the website at the end of the page is conventional for a contents page because if they enjoy the magazine they are able to go to the website and subscribe to the magazine and get it monthly.

The colours for my contents page are conventional because they are bright and feminine colours, this will attract the audience in to look at the rest of the magazine.

Having a caption underneath the photos are conventional because it is informing the audience of who is in the picture and a quote from an interview inside the magazine.

The layout for this contents page is conventional because it follows the principle of thirds which is when the page is split off into three and contain the most important information.

Page 5: Question 1

The headline on this double page spread is conventional because it is bold and stands out. It is also a quote from the text so it will attract the audience in if they are interested in the quote.

The body copy is conventional for this double page spread because it is in serif font which is easier to read in small font, it also makes it look like a magazine.

Including a box out on the double page spread is effective because it attracts the audience to that part of the page, it is also conventional because it includes a competition.

The images on this double page spread are conventional because they having used mid shots for the images which means that audience can see the artists face and can also see what they are wearing.

The colours used on this double page spread are conventional because they are bright and would catch the audience’s eye. Using the colour red as a main block of the page is effective and conventional.

The layout of this double page spread is conventional because it follows the route of the eye, as it has the headline, image, body copy and the box out following in the shape of a Z and it is the first information that the audience look at.

The mise-en-scene is conventional for a pop magazine because it is a costume that the audience will be able to relate to as they will see the boys at their school wearing similar clothing.

The language used on this double page spread is conventional because it is formal as it is an interview with a celebrity.

Page 6: Question 1

The headline for my double page spread is conventional for a magazine because it is brightly coloured and in sans serif font. Although it could be bigger to attract the audience into the page.

The image on my double page spread are conventional because it uses a prop, the microphone, to show the audience that it is a music magazine. It is also a long shot of the artist, which is conventional because the audience is then able to see the costume the artist is wearing.

Having a body copy is conventional for my double page spread because it is the information that the audience want to see. It is also in a serif font as it is easier to read in a small font and looks more sophisticated.

Having a box out on my double page spread is conventional because it sections off information for the audience. I have used a quote in my box which is also conventional because a pull quote is used to bring the reader in to actually read the interview.

The layout for this double page spread is conventional because I have included the headline, image, body copy and other important information in the places that the audience first look. The layout is also ordered, this is conventional for a double page spread because you want the reader to be able to see and understand what they are reading, but also have enough on the page for it too look interesting.

I included the masthead on the double page spread which is conventional but it is usually included on the contents page. I put it on the double page spread because when the reader is on this page, they will see it and will then recognise it if they want to buy it again.

The colours on this double page spread are conventional because they are bright, stand out and are feminine which relate to the target audience.

The language used in this double page spread is conventional because it is formal language, rather than the informal language used on the front cover.

Page 7: Question 1

Key Conventions for a pop magazine

Bright Colours Bold fonts

Serif font for body copy


Smiley images

Route of the eye and left third

Casual costumes - relatable

Cluttered layout

Range of images

Bold, eye catching headlines, masthead and coverlines

A colour scheme throughout

Informal language

Range of shot types – eg. Close up, mid-shot and long shot

Box out

Page 8: Question 1

Summary From looking at both my front cover and an actual pop magazine, there are similarities in our conventions, for example I have used a bold, bright masthead and so has the top of the pops magazine. This is effective because it catches the audience’s eye and draws them into the magazine. Other similarities between my magazine and an actual magazine is that we have both used barcodes, issue number and dates. This is effective because it shows the audience that it is actually a magazine that they can buy. Between my magazine and the actual magazine similarities are we both have coverlines, a main image, layout and bright colours. All of these aspects are effective because they attract the audience into the magazine because it catches their eye from a distance. Another similarity is that the mode of address is similar throughout the real magazine and my magazine. For example the magazine speaks to the audience in a positive tone through the images, language and colours.