Queensland’s Category 2 Water Authorities Summary of Annual Reports and Financial Statements 2012–13

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Queensland’s Category 2 Water Authorities Summary of Annual Reports and Financial Statements 2012–13

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This publication has been compiled by NRM Programs, Operations Support, Department of Natural Resources and Mines.

© State of Queensland, 2013.

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The information contained herein is subject to change without notice. The Queensland Government shall not be liable for technical or other errors or omissions contained herein. The reader/user accepts all risks and responsibility for losses, damages, costs and other consequences resulting directly or indirectly from using this information.

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Queensland’s Category 2 Water Authorities - Summary of Annual Reports and Financial Statements 2012–13 -i -

Contents Introduction 1

Nature of existing water authorities 1 

Roles and objectives of water authorities 1 

Management of water authorities 1 

Location of authority areas 2 

Figure 1: Location of water authority areas 2

Table 1: Administrative plan reference number and relevant local government for authority area of each water authority 2

Operations 5 

Staff 5 

Employing offices 5 

Consultancies 5 

Overseas travel 5 

Information systems and record keeping 6 

Public Sector Ethics Act 1994 6 

Public interest disclosures 6 

Risk management and accountability 6 

Audit committee 6 

Machinery of government changes 6 

Financial operations 7 

Internal audit 7 

Outputs and output performance measures 7 

Remuneration of chairpersons and members 7 

External scrutiny 7 

Summary of financial performance 7 

Letters of compliance 7 

Audit report information 8 

Modified audit opinion for fifteen small water authorities 8 

Summary of independent audit reports 9 Table 2: Date of completion of independent audit reports 2012–13 9

Correction to the summary of annual reports and financial statements 2011–12 10 

Completion of independent audit reports 10 Table 3: Date of completion of independent audit reports 2011–12 10

Overview of operations and forward operations 11 

Water authority information 18 

Annual report requirements for Queensland Government agencies 43

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Table 4: Compliance checklist—annual report 43

Glossary 45 

Appendix A 46

Table 5: Operating funds 46

Table 5: Operating funds (cont'd.) 47

Table 6: Capital works funds 48

Table 7: Reserve funds 48

Table 8: Group irrigation authority areas supplementary information 49

Table 9: Rural water supply authority areas supplementary information 49

Table 10: Bore water supply authority areas supplementary information 50

Table 11: Drainage authority areas supplementary information 50

Table 12a: Avondale Water Board— 51 

Table 12b: Avondale Water Board— 52 

Table 12c: Avondale Water Board— 52 

Table 12d: Avondale Water Board— 53 

Table 13a: Babinda Drainage Board— 54 

Table 13b: Babinda Drainage Board— 55 

Table 14a: Brigooda Water Board— 56 

Table 14b: Brigooda Water Board— 57 

Table 14c: Brigooda Water Board— 58 

Table 15a: Callandoon Water Supply Board— 59 

Table 15b: Callandoon Water Supply Board— 60 

Table 15c: Callandoon Water Supply Board— 60 

Table 15d: Callandoon Water Supply Board— 61 

Table 16a: Condamine Plains Water Board— 62 

Table 16b: Condamine Plains Water Board— 63 

Table 16c: Condamine Plains Water Board— 64 

Table 16d: Condamine Plains Water Board— 64 

Table 17a: Coreen Water Board— 65 

Table 17b: Coreen Water Board— 66 

Table 17c: Coreen Water Board— 67 

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Table 17d: Coreen Water Board— 67 

Table 18a: East Deeral Drainage Board Water Board— 68 

Table 19a: Glamorgan Vale Water Board— 69 

Table 19b: Glamorgan Vale Water Board— 70 

Table 19c: Glamorgan Vale Water Board— 71 

Table 19d: Glamorgan Vale Water Board— 72 

Table 19d: Glamorgan Vale Water Board (cont’d)— 73 

Table 20a: Kaywanna Water Board— 73 

Table 20b: Kaywanna Water Board— 74 

Table 20c: Kaywanna Water Board— 74 

Table 20d: Kaywanna Water Board— 75 

Table 21a: Kelsey Creek Water Board— 75 

Table 21b: Kelsey Creek Water Board— 76 

Table 21c: Kelsey Creek Water Board— 77 

Table 21d: Kelsey Creek Water Board— 77 

Table 22a: Kooingal Water Board— 78 

Table 22b: Kooingal Water Board— 79 

Table 22c: Kooingal Water Board— 79 

Table 22d: Kooingal Water Board— 80 

Table 23a: Lower Herbert Water Management Authority— 81 

Table 23b: Lower Herbert Water Management Authority— 81 

Table 23c: Lower Herbert Water Management Authority— 82 

Table 23d: Lower Herbert Water Management Authority— 82 

Table 24a: Matthews Road Drainage Board— 83 

Table 24b: Matthews Road Drainage Board— 84 

Table 25a: North Burdekin Water Board— 85 

Table 25b: North Burdekin Water Board— 86 

Table 25c: North Burdekin Water Board— 87 

Table 25d: North Burdekin Water Board— 87 

Table 26a: Oaky Creek Water Board— 88 

Table 26b: Oaky Creek Water Board— 88 

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Table 26c: Oaky Creek Water Board— 89 

Table 26d: Oaky Creek Water Board— 89 

Table 27a: Pioneer Valley Water Board— 90 

Table 27b: Pioneer Valley Water Board— 91 

Table 27c: Pioneer Valley Water Board— 92 

Table 27d: Pioneer Valley Water Board— 92 

Table 28a: Roadvale Water Board— 93 

Table 28b: Roadvale Water Board— 93 

Table 28c: Roadvale Water Board— 94 

Table 28d: Roadvale Water Board— 95 

Table 29a: Six Mile Creek Water Supply Board— 96 

Table 29b: Six Mile Creek Water Supply Board— 96 

Table 29c: Six Mile Creek Water Supply Board— 97 

Table 29d: Six Mile Creek Water Supply Board— 97 

Table 30a: South Burdekin Water Board— 98 

Table 30b: South Burdekin Water Board— 99 

Table 30c: South Burdekin Water Board— 100 

Table 30d: South Burdekin Water Board— 100 

Table 31a: Weengallon Water Authority— 101 

Table 31b: Weengallon Water Authority— 101 

Table 31c: Weengallon Water Authority— 101 

Table 32a: Yambocully Water Board— 102 

Table 32b: Yambocully Water Board— 103 

Table 32c: Yambocully Water Board— 103 

Table 32d: Yambocully Water Board— 104 

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Introduction As at 30 June 2013, there are 49 category 2 water authorities (water authorities) constituted under the Water Act 2000.

On 1 February and 24 May 2013, the Dundowran–Nikenbah Water Board and the Myall Plains Water Authority were dissolved by the Water Amendment Regulation (No. 1) 2013 and the Water Amendment Regulation (No. 2) 2013, respectively.

Water authorities are statutory bodies under the Financial Accountability Act 2009 (FA Act) and the Statutory Bodies Financial Arrangements Act 1982. In each financial year, water authorities are obliged to provide annual reports and audited financial statements to the Minister for Natural Resources and Mines (the Minister). The Minister is required to table in the Queensland Parliament either a copy of each water authority’s annual report or a summary report for all water authorities.

This report is a summarised compilation of the individual annual reports produced by the water authorities for the financial year ending 30 June 2013. It provides information about the water authorities in general, as well as specific information about each water authority. Copies of an individual water authority’s annual report and audited financial statements are available either from the water authority itself or the Department of Natural Resources and Mines (the department).

From 1 July 2012, the obligations of small water authorities, as statutory bodies under the FA Act, significantly increased. A large number of water authorities have elected to transfer the provision of their functions away from a statutory body framework to either an alternative institutional structure, or to the local government whose authority area their water authority shares. Some water authorities have opted to amalgamate with related water authorities, aiming to gain efficiencies in meeting their increased legislative obligations. Others are committed to remaining in their current form as statutory bodies.

As at 30 June 2013, the department continues to liaise regularly with representatives of each water authority in addition to other key stakeholders, including relevant local governments. Water authorities electing to change form are currently actioning their preferred institutional changes. Meanwhile, all water authorities are progressing, as applicable, with meeting their new legislative obligations. The department will continue working alongside and actively supporting water authorities.

Nature of existing water authorities

Water authorities vary in size from those serving only a few landholders—where landholders share the cost and workload of maintaining the water infrastructure—to those that support several hundred properties, run a multi-million dollar budget and employ full-time staff.

Roles and objectives of water authorities

Water authorities provide services aligned to the government’s objectives for the community—Getting Queensland back on track—and other whole-of-government strategies.

Under section 569 of the Water Act, a water authority’s main function is to carry out the water activities decided by the authority. If the authority has an authority area, its main function is to carry out the water activities for the authority area.

Water activities carried out by water authorities in rural Queensland may include water supply for domestic and stock purposes, and irrigation. Water authorities may also provide coordinated drainage systems in agriculturally productive areas.

Beyond maintaining and upgrading the infrastructure they control, water authorities may be involved in a variety of other projects including the implementation of sugar industry related water infrastructure projects and studies of local catchments.

The Great Artesian Basin Sustainability Initiative (GABSI), which is supported by state and federal government funding, has provided assistance to landholders in some bore water supply areas for rehabilitating bores and replacing open bore drains with polyethylene piping.

Management of water authorities

Each water authority is managed by a board of directors. Prospective directors are elected or nominated in accordance with the procedures prescribed by regulation. The Water Regulation 2002 contains the relevant provisions for the conduct of elections either by mail or at a meeting of ratepayers. Subsequent to the election or nomination of persons, all directors must be appointed by the Governor in Council. A director continues holding office after the director’s term ends, until a successor is appointed.

During 2012–13, a number of water authorities undertook elections due to the retirement or resignation of directors, or directors otherwise reaching the end of their appointed terms.

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The contact person for each water authority as at 30 June 2013 is listed in this report on pages 18–42. Beyond this date, please contact the department for information.

Location of authority areas

Figure 1 shows the location of the authority area for each of the 51 water authorities operating within the financial year 1 July 2012 to 30 June 2013; noting that two of these, Dundowran-Nikenbah Water Board and Myall Plains Water Authority, were dissolved during this period and therefore operated for only part of the year, as outlined on page 1.

The authority areas are grouped according to one of four water authority functions—bore water supply, drainage, group irrigation or rural water supply.

Table 1 lists the water authorities in alphabetical order alongside the administrative plan reference number for the authority areas and relevant local government for each of their authority areas.

Figure 1: Location of water authority areas

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Table 1: Administrative plan reference number and relevant local government for authority area of each water authority

Map index

Water authority Administrative plan reference number

Local government

1 Avondale Water Board AP4014 Bundaberg Regional

2 Babinda Swamp Drainage Board AP4045 Cairns Regional

3 Benleith Water Board AP4015 Banana Shire

4 Bollon South Water Authority AP6513 Balonne Shire

5 Bollon West Water Authority AP7351 Balonne Shire

6 Bones Knob Water Board AP4016 Tablelands Regional

7 Boondooma Water Board AP16173 South Burnett Regional

8 Brigooda Water Board AP4018 South Burnett Regional

9 Callandoon Water Supply Board AP4019 Goondiwindi Regional

10 Condamine Plains Water Board AP13404 Toowoomba Regional

11 Coreen Water Board AP13403 Banana Shire

12 Cowley Drainage Board AP4046 Cassowary Coast Regional

13 Crowley Vale Water Board AP4022 Lockyer Valley Regional

14 Dundowran–Nikenbah Water Board (dissolved 1 February 2013)

AP7348 Fraser Coast Regional

15 East Deeral Drainage Board AP4047 Cairns Regional

16 East Euramo Drainage Board AP4048 Cassowary Coast Regional

17 Eugun Bore Water Authority AP7343 Balonne Shire

18 Fernlee Water Authority AP6941 Balonne Shire

19 Glamorgan Vale Water Authority AP16172 Somerset Regional

20 Grevillea Water Board AP4025 Banana Shire

21 Ingie Water Authority AP7350 Balonne Shire

22 Juandah Water Board AP4026 Western Downs Regional

23 Kaywanna Bore Water Board AP13400 Goondiwindi Regional

24 Kelsey Creek Water Board AP4028 Whitsunday Regional

25 Kooingal Water Board AP4029 Banana Shire

26 Lower Herbert Water Management Authority

AP4064 Hinchinbrook Shire

27 Marathon Bore Water Supply Board AP4030 Barcaldine Regional

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28 Matthews Road Drainage Board AP4052 Cairns Regional

29 Merlwood Water Board AP7342 South Burnett Regional

30 Middle Park Bore Water Supply Board AP4032 Blackall Tambo Regional

31 Mourilyan Drainage Board AP4053 Cassowary Coast Regional

32 Mulgildie Water Board AP13396 North Burnett Regional

33 Myall Plains Water Authority (dissolved 24 May 2013)

AP13401 Balonne Shire

34 North Burdekin Water Board AP7349 Burdekin Shire

35 Oaky Creek Water Board AP13405 Banana Shire

36 Orchard Creek Drainage Board AP4054 Cassowary Coast Regional

37 Palmgrove Water Board AP4036 Central Highlands Regional

38 Pioneer Valley Water Board AP7345 Mackay Regional

39 Riversdale–Murray Valley Water Management Board

AP4056 Cassowary Coast Regional

40 Roadvale Water Board AP4038 Scenic Rim Regional

41 Silkwood Drainage Board AP4057 Cassowary Coast Regional

42 Six Mile Creek Water Supply Board AP4039 Whitsunday Regional

43 Smithfield Drainage Board AP4058 Cairns Regional

44 South Burdekin Water Board AP6512 Burdekin Shire

45 South Maroochy Drainage Board AP4059 Sunshine Coast Regional

46 Stagnant Creek Drainage Board AP4060 Cassowary Coast Regional

47 Wanda Creek Drainage Board AP4061 Cassowary Coast Regional

48 Washpool Water Board AP4042 Banana Shire

49 Weengallon Water Authority AP13399 Goondiwindi Regional

50 Woodmillar Water Board AP4043 North Burnett Regional

51 Yambocully Water Board AP4044 Goondiwindi Regional

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While the majority of the small water authorities did not employ any staff, some of the larger water authorities employed a relatively small team during the year. No staff received a voluntary early retirement package during the 2012–13 year.

Employing offices

The Workplace Relations Amendment Act 2005 (Cwlth) (WorkChoices) expanded the application of the Workplace Relations Act 1996 (Cwlth) to statutory bodies considered to be trading or financial corporations.

Seven water authorities both employ staff and are considered to be trading corporations. As such, WorkChoices was applicable to the staff of these water authorities.

The Statutory Bodies Legislation Amendment Act 2007 (SBLA Act) fulfilled a commitment of the Queensland Government to enact legislation that returned employees of Queensland statutory bodies who were then affected by WorkChoices, to the state industrial relations system.

The SBLA Act amended section 625 of the Water Act by inserting a regulation-making power that provides for the establishment of an ‘employing office’ for a water authority. Other amendments allow for the appointment of an executive officer for an employing office by the Governor in Council. An employing office consists of the executive officer and the employees of the employing office. An employing office is a separate entity to a water authority and is not a trading corporation.

In 2008, employing offices were established for the following seven water authorities who were then affected by WorkChoices:

North Burdekin Water Board

South Burdekin Water Board

Pioneer Valley Water Board

Callandoon Water Supply Board

Glamorgan Vale Water Board

Merlwood Water Board

Yambocully Water Board

By transferring to an employing office, an employee then falls under the state industrial relations system rather than the federal system.

The Fair Work Act 2009 (Cwlth) has replaced WorkChoices but continues to apply to employees of water authorities considered to be trading corporations. As none of the seven water authorities’ employees have transferred to the established employing offices, these employees continue to fall under the federal industrial relations system.

No financial transactions have been reported by the seven water authorities’ employing offices for the 2012–13 financial year.

Water authorities did not have any other related entities during the year.


During the year, nine water authorities reported spending $67 263 on consultancies for various works.

Notably, from this year onwards, information in relation to consultancies expenditure of water authorities is to be publicly accessible online at the Government’s Open Data website: www.data.qld.gov.au

Overseas travel

Water authority directors did not travel overseas on water authority business during the year.

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Information systems and record keeping

Each water authority has established record management systems appropriate for its particular operations.

Public Sector Ethics Act 1994

Members are reminded of their obligations when appointed to their respective water authorities and advised to access to the Department of the Premier and Cabinet’s publication titled ‘Welcome Aboard: A Guide for Members of Queensland Government Boards, Committees and Statutory Authorities’. Further, compliance with the Public Sector Ethics Act 1994 requires water authorities to have in place a Code of Conduct. Water authorities have been undergoing significant reforms and while they are yet to formally adopt codes of conduct, these are to be developed and adopted in the coming year.

Public interest disclosures

The Public Interest Disclosure Act 2010 (PID Act), effective 1 January 2011, replaced the Whistleblowers Protection Act 1994, providing reforms and reinforcement of existing provisions for the effective management of public interest disclosures (PIDs).

Water authorities are no longer required to report on any PIDs made to them in their annual reports. Instead, water authorities are to log any PIDs with the Public Service Commission with the assistance, as required, of the department.

However, under section 28(2) of the PID Act, water authorities must establish reasonable procedures for dealing with PIDs, publishing them on a publicly accessible website.

To assist in water authorities’ fulfilment of this obligation, the department established such procedures which it now hosts on a website of the department on behalf of water authorities.

Most water authorities report that their boards have adopted these procedures which are accessible at the following departmental website: www.dnrm.qld.gov.au

While a few water authorities are still to formally adopt these procedures, the department is advised that these water authorities are seeking to have the procedures adopted as soon as practicable.

Risk management and accountability

For the purpose of enabling the department to assess the financial viability of the water authorities at the end of a financial year, each water authority submits to the department:

its financial statements

a budget for the next financial year

a notice of any proposed significant action

a prudential assessment questionnaire

an entity indebtedness statement.

Based on this information, the department conducts an annual risk management and governance assessment of these entities. From its latest assessment, the department found that water authorities have been prudent in managing their financial affairs and have adopted appropriate risk management strategies.

Audit committee

Water authority directors undertake the role of an audit committee by ensuring appropriate accounting standards are used for their respective water authority and that there is proper examination of their water authority’s financial arrangements. Some water authorities also engage consultants to review their financial arrangements.

Machinery of government changes

The water authorities were not subject to any machinery-of-government changes during the year.

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Financial operations

Internal audit

When required, the water authorities undertake internal audit functions. No issues were reported by any water authority for the year.

Outputs and output performance measures

Water authorities are self-funding and therefore funding outputs and output performance measures are not applicable.

Remuneration of chairpersons and members

A director of a water authority who meets the eligibility requirements for remuneration is entitled to be paid the fees and allowances approved by the Minister under section 624 of the Water Act.

The scale of fees and allowances applicable is the scale approved by the then Minister for Finance, Natural Resources and The Arts on 1 December 2011.

The fees and allowances payable to chairpersons and directors during the financial year were consistent with the policy administered by the Department of Justice and Attorney-General titled, ‘Remuneration of part-time chairs and members of government boards, committees and statutory authorities’, and were as follows:

a meeting fee of $215 for chairpersons and $191 for directors

a special assignment fee of $179 for chairpersons and $159 for directors

half the fee if the meeting or special assignment is of four hours duration or less

all necessary and reasonable expenses incurred while travelling on approved board business and to attend meetings, as follows:

economy class air travel

domestic travelling allowances as per the ministerial directive no. 9/11, titled Domestic Travelling and Relieving Expenses, issued under the Public Service Act 2008 (the PS Act)

allowances for use of a private motor vehicle as per ministerial directive no. 14/10, titled Motor Vehicle Allowances, issued under the PS Act.

During the year, the total amount of daily meeting fees, special assignment fees and allowances reported as paid by water authorities to chairpersons, was $31 997. The total amount for meetings and special assignment fees reported as paid to directors (exclusive of chairpersons) was $72 378. Other expenses (including motor vehicle allowances, travelling expenses, and reasonable out-of-pocket expenses) paid by water authorities to chairpersons and directors totalled $3 753.

External scrutiny

Except for audits of the financial statements carried out by the Queensland Audit Office, no external auditor reviews of water authority operation occurred during the reporting period.

Summary of financial performance

The primary source of water authority funding during the year was from their respective ratepayers. As at 30 June 2013, 10 water authorities have a loan, all reporting they have the financial ability to service their debts.

Letters of compliance

The chairpersons of all water authorities who have submitted annual reports at the time of printing have certified that their particular water authority’s 2012–13 annual report complies with:

prescribed requirements of the Financial Accountability Act 2009 and the Financial and Performance Management

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Standard 2009

the detailed requirements set out in the Department of the Premier and Cabinet’s publication, Annual report requirements for Queensland Government agencies (requirements for the 2012–13 reporting period).

Audit report information

Water authorities’ financial data is tabled at Appendix A. For the 23 water authorities that submitted special purpose financial statements, the opening balance, total receipts, payments and closing balance are shown for each fund administered by each water authority.

Separate financial statements are included for the three large water authorities—North Burdekin Water Board, Pioneer Valley Water Board and South Burdekin Water Board—and for the 18 small water authorities that submitted general purpose financial statements this year.

Financial statements of 31 small water authorities are unaudited at time of printing; of these, five water authorities are yet to submit financial statements to the department.

For the 2012–13 financial year and beyond, all water authorities’ financial statements are required to reflect use of an accrual basis of accounting, to fully comply with the Financial and Performance Management Standard 2009. Thirteen of the 23 small water authorities that submitted special purpose financial statements in 2012–13 had an exemption granted to them by the Treasurer to allow this, as outlined below. The remaining 10 of these 23 water authorities had no exemption granted, stating their institutional reform as the reason for their continued use of a cash basis of accounting.

Modified audit opinion for fifteen small water authorities

Emphasis of Matter (Basis of Accounting) for ten small water authorities

Permission for 14 water authorities to use a cash basis of accounting was granted with the Treasurer’s exemption of them under section 59 of the Financial Accountability Act 2009 from compliance with select provisions of the FPMS. These provisions include those under section 43(1), which require a statutory body to prepare its annual financial statements for each financial year, having regard to the minimum reporting requirements mentioned in the publication prepared by Queensland Treasury and Trade and titled ‘Financial reporting requirements for Queensland Government agencies’.

In continuing to grant this exemption, the Treasurer permitted the 14 water authorities, all of which are undergoing institutional reform, to prepare special purpose (rather than general purpose) financial statements for 2012–13. This year, as in previous years, these statements are prepared in a format developed by the department.

These special purpose financial statements are intended to satisfy the information needs of only a limited number of users, as follows:

members of the Queensland Parliament

the Minister for Natural Resources and Mines

the Treasurer and Queensland Treasury and Trade

members of each water authority and related local community members.

Due to changes to Australian Auditing Standards, audit reports for financial statements prepared under this exemption now include an ‘emphasis of matter’ paragraph regarding the basis of accounting used.

This ‘emphasis of matter’ modified audit opinion highlights that statements are special purpose financial statements and, as such, may not satisfy the information needs of users beyond those referred to above. Inclusion of this ‘emphasis of matter’ paragraph does not affect the Auditor-General’s opinion nor indicate any business risk for these water authorities.

The 10 water authorities receiving this ‘emphasis of matter’ modified audit opinion are listed in table 2. At the time of printing, audit reports for the remaining four of the 14 water authorities with exemptions were not finalised; with financial statements for one of these water authorities still to be received by the department.

Disclaimer of audit opinion for five water authorities

For five of the ten water authorities that submitted special purpose financial statements without the Treasurer’s support, a disclaimer of audit opinion was issued by the Auditor-General in relation to the statements. Audit reports on the financial statements of the remaining five water authorities were still to be finalised at the time of printing.

This disclaimer of audit opinion is to be understood in the context of this financial year being the first in which water authorities have been required to prepare general purpose financial statements. While all water authorities have made strong efforts towards making a successful transition to accrual accounting, they have nonetheless experienced difficulties with this

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significant change to their accounting and reporting practices.

These general difficulties have been compounded for the five water authorities, as their transitions away from a statutory body framework to alternative institutional structures are, at the time of printing, impending.

Summary of independent audit reports Except for the matters identified above, the Auditor-General has certified for the 13 water authorities whose statements were audited at the time of printing, and who received either unmodified or ‘emphasis of matter’ audit opinions, that in accordance with section 40 of the Auditor-General Act 2009, in his opinion:

the prescribed requirements in relation to the establishment and keeping of accounts have been complied with in all material respects

the financial report presents a true and fair view of the transactions of the water authority for the financial year 1 July 2012 to 30 June 2013 and of the financial position as at the end of that year, in accordance with the prescribed accounting policies.

Table 2 lists the date of completion of independent audit reports for the 2012–13 financial statements of these 13 water authorities, as well as for the five water authorities whose financial statements were issued with a disclaimer of opinion by the Auditor-General. Noting, as outlined above, that financial statements for 31 small water authorities are unaudited at time of printing; and of these, financial statements for five water authorities are yet to be submitted to the department.

Table 2: Date of completion of independent audit reports 2012–13

Name of water authority Date of independent audit report

Audit opinion issued

BenleithWaterBoard 27September2013 Disclaimerofopinion

BonesKnobWaterBoard 27September2013 Emphasisofmatter

BoondoomaWaterBoard 27September2013 Disclaimerofopinion

EastEuramoDrainageBoard 27September2013 Emphasisofmatter

JuandahWaterBoard 13September2013 Emphasisofmatter

MarathonBoreWaterSupplyBoard 17September2013 Emphasisofmatter

MiddleParkBoreWaterSupplyBoard 17September2013 Emphasisofmatter

MourilyanDrainageBoard 27September2013 Emphasisofmatter

MulgildieWaterBoard 17September2013 Disclaimerofopinion

NorthBurdekinWaterBoard 30August2013 Unmodified

OrchardCreekDrainageBoard 27September2013 Emphasisofmatter

PioneerValleyWaterBoard 30August2013 Unmodified



SmithfieldDrainageBoard 20September2013 Emphasisofmatter

SouthBurdekinWaterBoard 30August2013 Unmodified

StagnantCreekDrainageBoard 27September2013 Emphasisofmatter

WashpoolWaterBoard 27September2013 Disclaimerofopinion

WoodmillarWaterBoard 27September2013 Disclaimerofopinion

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Correction to the summary of annual reports and financial statements 2011–12

Completion of independent audit reports

The Auditor-General completed his independent audit reports on the 2011–12 financial statements for the 12 water authorities listed in table 3, at the dates shown in the table. These water authorities failed to meet the requirements of section 45(3) of the Financial and Performance Management Standard 2009 in relation to allowing the audit of their financial statements, and the report of the authorised auditor about the statements, to be completed within two months of the end of the financial year to which the statements relate. However, in issuing his reports on these water authorities’ financial statements, the Auditor-General chose not to modify his audit opinion in relation to this matter.

An ‘emphasis of matter’ modified audit opinion was issued for each of these 12 financial statements to highlight that they are special purpose financial statements. Inclusion of this ‘emphasis of matter’ paragraph does not affect the Auditor-General’s opinion nor indicate any business risk for these water authorities.

Table 3: Date of completion of independent audit reports 2011–12

Name of water authority Date of independent audit report

Benleith Water Board 25 February 2013

Bollon South Water Authority 28 February 2013

Bones Knob Water Board 2 October 2012

Brigooda Water Board 23 October 2012

East Euramo Drainage Board 23 October 2012

Fernlee Water Authority 2 October 2012

Grevillea Water Board 21 November 2012

Merlwood Water Board 22 July 2013

Middle Park Bore Water Supply Board 25 October 2012

Oaky Creek Water Board 25 October 2012

Orchard Creek Drainage Board 23 October 2012

Smithfield Drainage Board 2 October 2012

At the time of printing, the Auditor-General is still to receive all required information from the Palmgrove Water Board in relation to its 2011–12 financial statements; as such, this independent audit report remains unfinalised.

Except for the matters identified above, the Auditor-General certified for each of these 12 water authorities, in accordance with section 40 of the Auditor-General Act 2009, that in his opinion:

the prescribed requirements in relation to the establishment and keeping of accounts have been complied with in all material respects

the financial report presents a true and fair view of the transactions of the water authority for the financial year 1 July 2011 to 30 June 2012 and of the financial position as at the end of that year, in accordance with the prescribed accounting policies.

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Overview of operations and forward operations The Avondale Water Board continued to pump and distribute water from the Kolan River to the irrigable land of its ratepayers. When required, it also provided untreated water to the Bundaberg Regional Council for its town water supply. The board maintained its pump stations, pipelines and metered outlets, and continued to finance these activities with rates levied during the year.

The board reports pumping a total of 692 megalitres of water during the 2012–13 year, representing 15 per cent of its nominal allocation of 4 500 megalitres. This figure represents a reduction from last year where 29 per cent of the board’s nominal allocation was pumped. The board cites pump maintenance problems and flood damage, alongside wetter weather, as reasons for this reduction in irrigation demand on last year.

In terms of the coming year, the board plans to complete capital replacement works early in the year. More generally, the board intends to continue to provide fair and transparent pricing, maintain its assets, and strive towards improving reliability of water supply while containing administrative costs. The board considers its current revenue regime to be sufficient to cover all anticipated expenses, and sees itself as continuing to be in a steady position to service its debts during the forthcoming year.

The Babinda Swamp Drainage Board continued its provision of drainage services within its authority area, ensuring any necessary maintenance of its drainage works was undertaken. The board reports that neither capital works nor restoration works took place during the year.

For the 2013–14 year, the board plans to continue ongoing maintenance of its drainage system and efficient administration of its operations.

The Benleith Water Board continued to supply 23 urban properties water for stock purposes throughout 2012–13. The Board monitored its 40 kilometres of pipeline and maintained its water supply infrastructure, including its three storage tanks and two submersible pumps. It reports no outstanding debt at 30 June 2013 and is not proposing borrowings for the 2013–14 year.

The Bollon South Water Authority continued to manage the reticulation of artesian bore water for stock and domestic use by the rural properties in its authority area throughout 2012–13.

For 2013–14, the board has no plans to borrow funds and will continue to efficiently manage its scheme for the benefit of its ratepayers.

The Bollon West Water Authority continued throughout the year to supply water for stock and domestic use to its 12 rural ratepayers. The board reports no significant events occurring during the year, with ongoing dry conditions in the authority area having had little or no effect on the scheme’s infrastructure or operations.

The board reports it has no proposed works for 2013–14, with sufficient funds and an effective rating structure to service expenses.

The Bones Knob Water Board continued during 2012–13 to supply water for domestic and stock purposes to its ratepayers across 25 properties within the surrounds of Bones Knob near the township of Tolga. The board reports that no capital works were undertaken during the reporting period.

Due to increasing costs, the board reports it may need to raise rates in the coming financial year. The board has no plans to borrow funds and will continue to maintain its existing pumps and pipeline to ensure ongoing supply throughout 2013–14.

The Boondooma Water Board continued throughout 2012–13 to service its ratepayers by providing water for stock and domestic purposes. Flooding of the Boyne River, following ex-Tropical Cyclone Oswald in January 2013, caused severe damage to the scheme’s switchgear and destroyed power supply lines. This resulted in the interruption of water supply for two weeks and created extraordinary repair costs for the board. In terms of capital works, the board installed a wireless remote water tank level monitor which has proven helpful in the scheme’s operations.

For the upcoming year, the board will continue to maintain its scheme’s excellent condition which it continues to fund through the rates levied on its customers.

The Brigooda Water Board continued to supply water to all scheme members for stock and domestic purposes within its authority area throughout the year. The board reports that it conducted regular inspections of its scheme’s pipeline and pumps during the year, as usual.

The board considers it has sufficient funds to cover all anticipated expenses for the 2013–14 year. It has no planned capital works for the coming year, meaning its focus will be the continued maintenance and improvement of its assets as required.

The Callandoon Water Supply Board continued during 2012–13 to service 17 rural properties in its authority area, encompassing 36 667 hectares, of which 10 000 hectares are developed for irrigation.

The board reports that during the year it conducted repairs to the deck of the Broomfield bridge using a skin of reinforced concrete, as well as conducting general maintenance throughout the year. A number of water harvesting events occurred, keeping the scheme’s ring tanks full; the board reports it had two opportunities to harvest flood waters during the year.

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According to the board, 2012 was a difficult period in which to grow cotton, with a cold spring, very low soil moisture, and very hot midterm. The board reports, however, that the wheat and sorghum crops went well.

In the coming year, the board will continue to maintain its water supply scheme to the ratepayers in its authority area.

The Condamine Plains Water Board was constituted to provide landholders in its authority area with a supply of water from the Leslie Dam and the Condamine River for irrigation. During the 2012–13 financial year, the board pumped 5 357 megalitres of water, and after allowance for losses through evaporation, saturation and possible variation in supply and distribution meters, 4 222 megalitres was delivered to ratepayers’ diversion points. At the end of 2012–13, approximately 2 200 megalitres were stored in off-stream storage. The board reports that all of its works were satisfactorily maintained through programmed ongoing maintenance to pumps and channels.

The board reviewed its rating structure and is satisfied it is sufficient to cover expenditure that may arise during 2013–14.

The Coreen Water Board supplied stock water to properties in its authority area and collected rates and charges for its services throughout the financial year.

The board reports there were no capital works, or research and development works, undertaken during the year, with only general asset maintenance undertaken.

There are no planned capital works for 2013–14. The board does not propose any borrowings as its revenue regime will cover anticipated expenses and unforseen or urgent expenditure.

The Cowley Drainage Board continued to provide a coordinated drainage system for the removal and disposal of excess water from agricultural lands within its authority area during 2012–13. The board completed NDRRA-funded restoration works which addressed damage sustained during March 2012. Additionally, the board continued to maintain its drains by addressing grass growth affecting flow, and minor bank erosion.

The board reports no plans for capital works in the coming year, and will continue to ensure the efficient operation of its scheme.

The Crowley Vale Water Board continued to pump overland flow into a ring tank and distribute this water to irrigators via pipelines, as well as to ensure completion of any necessary maintenance of the scheme, which services 10 rural properties. The board reports having faced challenges throughout the 2012–13 year in relation to its operating environment; namely, the low rainfall in the last months of 2012, and subsequent high rainfall in January 2013.

For the 2013–14 year and beyond, the board reports that maintenance and/or upgrading will be required in relation to the scheme’s reticulation pipe which runs under the Warrego Highway, since the highway is set to be progressively upgraded. Other than this, the board reports it will continue to ensure the efficient operation of its scheme into the coming year.

The East Deeral Drainage Board continued during the financial year with its principal aim to provide a coordinated drainage system for the removal and disposal of excess water from agricultural lands, ensure continued maintenance of the existing drainage works, and provide proper administration.

The board reports it has not undertaken any capital works programs during the reporting period, and has no plans for additional work for the 2013–14 year. The board will continue to maintain efficient operation of its drainage system that continues to be critical to effective sugarcane production in its authority area.

The East Euramo Drainage Board continued to provide effective and efficient drainage to agricultural properties within its authority area in East Euramo near Tully, North Queensland. The board reports that normal maintenance was conducted throughout the year.

NDRRA-funded restoration works following significant damage to the board’s drainage system by Cyclone Yasi have been completed but require ongoing attention to facilitate drainage efficiency. The board reports not undertaking any new initiatives during the reporting period and will continue to maintain its works within the constraints of its budget in the upcoming year.

The Eugun Bore Water Authority continued throughout 2012–13 to oversee the successful delivery of water services in its authority area. The board reports that ratepayers continue to receive the benefits of reliable water supply due to the bore drain replacement project.

For the coming year, the board will continue to raise funds by charging rates. The board considers it has sufficient reserve funds to cover substantial unforseen costs, and has therefore not proposed to borrow any funds.

The Fernlee Water Authority completed stage two of its development plan during the 2012–13 financial year. Additionally, the uncontrolled and flowing artesian bore on ‘Janalian’, known as the ‘Queens bore’, has been decommissioned and replaced with three controlled bores, completing the rehabilitation scheme designed under the GABSI Program. The controlled piping will benefit ratepayers and the environment by reducing water use and loss by up to 95 per cent, removing salinity spread, and stopping the spread of weed and pest species.

The board has considered its obligations to meet expected maintenance, administration, and development costs, and has reviewed its rates and charges, concluding that it will meet budgeted costs in 2013–14.

During 2012-13, the Glamorgan Vale Water Board supplied 241 megalitres of its 250 megalitre allocation of rural water

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accessed from the mid-Brisbane River. Water was supplied to 544 ratepayers’ properties within its gazetted authority area (7 395 Ha) for stock and domestic uses. Additionally, the board supplied water to rural properties neighbouring its gazetted area.

The board reports the following key activities undertaken during 2012–13:

completion of Adams Road mains system upgrade Barretts Road mains system upgrade solar power installation for its Glamorgan Vale office telemetry upgrades for continuous tank overflow monitoring meter maintenance and replacement program for reducing inaccurate readings and system leakages connection of all property service lines to a new pipeline along Pine Mountain Road and the Brisbane Valley


The board has continued its general asset maintenance and replacement program, purchasing new pumps and motors and undertaking weed and grass control around its tanks and pump station.

The board has identified the following projects for 2013–14: completion of service line connections to make operational its mains system upgrade along Barretts Rd pipe replacement along Therakaufs Road, Fernvale, to reduce leakage and call-outs replacement of main tanks and pipeline upgrade, including in-line pressure reduction metering at Barretts Road.

The Grevillea Water Board continued throughout 2012–-13 to supply stock water to 29 rural properties, the Lawgi Community Hall, and the sporting facility at Bulls Head Gap. During the year, the board undertook its regular asset monitoring and maintenance, as well as taking necessary action in relation to flood damaged bore casings at South Kariboe, pumps, and concreting works. The board reports no significant change to its capital works policy.

For the 2013–14 year, the board considers its current revenue regime sufficient to cover all anticipated expenses, with reserve funds still available to cover unforseen or urgent expenditure.

The Ingie Water Board continued throughout the year to manage and facilitate the provision of reticulated artesian bore water to the grazing properties in its authority area for stock and domestic use. The board reports that its existing infrastructure has continued to perform well, with no maintenance required throughout the year.

For 2013–14, the board has no capital works planned, and has not proposed to borrow any funds.

The Juandah Water Board continued to administer and maintain works supplying water for stock watering to the properties in its authority area during the year. The board reports that water consumption during the year was similar to the previous year due to continued improved seasonal conditions.

The board has no plans for capital works for the 2013–14 year.

The Kaywanna Bore Water Board continued throughout 2012–13 with its maintenance of the bore head installations and pipes that offer supplementary water supply for stock and domestic purposes to 35 properties, one school, one recreation club and two public stock water facilities on local stock routes within the area.

The board reports that due to wet weather, no major maintenance projects were undertaken in the year. The board acknowledges the voluntary contributions made by its ratepayers during the year in regards to working bees, line inspections and telephone call-outs when the scheme’s pumps malfunction.

For the upcoming year, the board will continue to ensure water remains flowing by undertaking regular maintenance of infrastructure. It does not propose any borrowings as it has adequate financial reserves.

The Kelsey Creek Water Board continued during the year to supply water from the Peter Faust Dam and distribute it to the properties in its authority area for irrigation and stock watering purposes. For the 2012–13 water year, the board reports its announced allocation from the Peter Faust Dam was 10 000 megalitres. A total of 4 004 megalitres was released by SunWater for delivery to the board’s ratepayers’ pumps, with ratepayers recording a usage of 3 911 megalitres during the water year. The board’s scheme efficiency for the water year was therefore 97.67 per cent. The efficiency of its scheme is attributed to a combination of rainfall events, the board’s ratepayers’ continued cooperation, and a new strategy whereby the board has only one scheme coordinator controlling all sections of the scheme.

During 2013–14, the board will continue to conduct maintenance as required for the efficient running of its scheme.

The Kooingal Water Board continued during 2012–13 to supply stock water to properties in its authority area. The board reports that normal general asset maintenance was conducted throughout the year, as needed.

The board sees its current revenue regime as sufficient to cover all anticipated expenses in the upcoming year, and will continue to ensure it has sufficient reserve funds to cover any unforseen expenditure.

The Lower Herbert Water Management Authority reports having completed major NDRRA-funded restoration works

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during the 2012–13 financial year; as well as having conducted maintenance works including repairs of drains and crossings, spraying of weeds, and servicing of pumps and switchboards. During the year, the board continued its consultations with an engineer regarding implementation of a proposed project to improve outflows in the board’s authority area around Catherina Creek.

In the coming year, the board will more fully consider the costs and benefits associated with the proposed project in the Catherina Creek area. More generally, the board will continue maintaining its extensive infrastructure while containing the burden on ratepayers wherever possible.

The Marathon Bore Water Supply Board continued its provision of water for stock and domestic purposes to the grazing properties of its ratepayers throughout the 2012–13 financial year. The board reports that it repaired minor flood damage to its bore drains during the year.

The board proposes undertaking no significant capital works in the coming year.

The Matthews Road Drainage Board continued in 2012–13 to provide drainage services within its authority area, ensuring the undertaking of required maintenance of existing drainage works and efficient administration of its scheme.

For the coming year, the board will continue operating its drainage scheme, providing maintenance on an as-needed basis.

The Merlwood Water Board continued during 2012–13 to provide untreated water for rural industries and domestic non-potable water to 70 properties in its authority area.

The board is not planning any proposed borrowings to fund capital works for the 2013–14 financial year.

The Middle Park Bore Water Supply Board continued to supply water for stock and domestic purposes to six properties within its authority area.

The board reports that no capital works were undertaken during the year, and that none are anticipated for the 2013–14 year.

The Mourilyan Drainage Board continued to provide a coordinated drainage system for the removal and disposal of excess water from agricultural lands in its authority area. Having been impacted by Cyclone Yasi in February 2011, the scheme experienced blockages from debris and silt, damage to crossings and massive erosion to a lagoon embankment from the surging water flow. Following this damage, the board secured funding under NDRRA to restore its drainage system, which it reports having completed during the year.

For the coming financial year, the board reports that its key activity will be continuing to maintain its drains by activities including controlling grass growth in the drain and occasional minor bank-erosion, and ensuring smooth operation of one floodgate and three crossings. The board has no additional plans for capital works or borrowing any funds in the 2013–14 financial year.

The Mulgildie Water Board reports that due to the strong winds and rain from ex-Tropical Cyclone Oswald in January 2013, the scheme’s telemetry system failed and had to be replaced. Unlike in previous years, the board did not replace any of its underground water mains in 2012–13.

Into the future, the board will continue to regularly review its rating and water charges to maintain sufficient revenue to cover the undertaking of anticipated required improvements.

The North Burdekin Water Board continued to use the flow of the Burdekin River to replenish the subterranean water supplies of the northern part of the Burdekin Delta, providing water for irrigation, domestic, stock and industrial purposes to the ratepayers in the board’s authority area.

The board reports that during the 2012–13 year, its directors and management attended the Irrigation Australia conference held in Griffith, New South Wales. Management also attended a variety of other workshops on matters ranging from electricity pricing to fish ladder design. Further, the board’s directors have continued to be actively involved in the Burdekin Water Futures group which meets monthly and provides input and discussion around research and development, science and environmental and community issues that affect water resources in the area.

In this reporting period, the board’s policy committee continued to meet regularly and successfully drafted and implemented four new policies to improve the board’s operational efficiency and overcome issues raised during previous audits. The policies include the following:

water allocation policy performance counselling and disciplinary policy grievance policy equal employment opportunity, discrimination and harassment policy.

In terms of new initiatives, the board completed work to unblock overgrown waterways within the delta area to assist with drainage and water distribution. In doing this, the board used a ‘floating excavator’ to remove silt build up and aquatic weeds. This excavation method had not previously been used by the board, and allowed access to previously inaccessible areas, resulting in effective cleaning activities within sections of channels, swamps, and lagoons.

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Discussion regarding the scheme’s whole of system upgrade project continued in the year and will be progressed to the next phase during the coming year. The board anticipates no changes to its operational activities in the immediate future. Like the South Burdekin Water Board, the erection of sand dams in the Burdekin River, ongoing channel maintenance, reporting, and pumping and distribution of water throughout the benefited area will remain the main focus of the board’s operational staff for 2013–14.

The Oaky Creek Water Board continued to deliver stock water to the ratepayers’ properties in its authority area. The board reports that no adverse weather events affected the operation of its scheme and that normal general asset maintenance was undertaken during 2012–13.

The board anticipates it will continue to operate as usual for the 2013–14 financial year. The board views its current revenue regime as generating enough revenue to cover all anticipated expenses and it has sufficient funds to address any unforseen or urgent expenditure.

The Orchard Creek Drainage Board continued throughout the year to provide effective and efficient drainage to the 10 agricultural rural properties in Orchard Creek near Tully, North Queensland. The board undertook normal maintenance throughout the year, and reports that although it has completed NDRRA-funded restoration works following damage caused to the scheme by Cyclone Yasi in January 2011, ongoing attention is required to facilitate drainage efficiency.

For 2013–14, the board does not propose borrowings for capital works, and will continue to maintain its scheme within the constraints of its budget.

The Palmgrove Water Board continued during 2012–13 to provide water for stock purposes to the five properties within its authority area.

The board has no planned capital works for 2013–14 and considers its existing revenue regime sufficient to cover all anticipated expenses, and its reserve funds adequate to cover unforseen expenditure.

The Pioneer Valley Water Board continued in 2012–13 to supply water, by means of its pump stations, pipelines and earth channels to allocation holders in the riparian areas of Cattle Creek, Palm Tree Creek, Pioneer River, Baker’s Creek, Silver Creek, and McGregor Creek. It also continued asset and infrastructure maintenance in its four reticulation supply areas of Palmyra, Palm Tree Creek, Septimus, and Silver McGregor.

The board reports the following as key achievements for the 2012–13 year:

continuation of its magnetic flow water meter trial as part of its progressive upgrade of all scheme water meters completion of its five yearly asset re-evaluation upgrade of host computer servers for its water management system completion of its three yearly inspection and servicing of all submersible pumps completion of scheme maintenance and repairs in response to flood damage sustained in 2011 continued updating of policies and procedures, and modifications to infrastructure, in conforming with new

Workplace Health and Safety legislation participation in the Queensland Government review of the transition of SunWater irrigation water schemes to local

management the making of submissions in response to the Queensland Competition Authority review of regulated electricity


In 2013–14, the board will:

continue negotiations to finalise its operating protocol for the Tannalo valve in the Palm Tree Creek implement its upgraded irrigation management system undertake submersible pump maintenance identified in 2012-13 complete the upgrading of software for its irrigation management system.

The Riversdale–Murray Valley Water Management Board continued during the year to provide effective and efficient drainage to agricultural lands in its authority area near Tully in Far North Queensland. The board reports having conducted normal maintenance, as required, throughout 2012–13. Additionally, the board reports that while no NDRRA funding was sought, some rectification works to the scheme following Cyclone Yasi were undertaken by individual landholders at their own expense.

For the upcoming year, the board does not propose borrowings for capital works, and will continue to maintain its works within the constraints of its budget.

The Roadvale Water Board continued in 2012–13 to supply properties within its area with untreated water for stock, dairy and domestic use by means of a reticulated water supply system.

The board reports it has continued to monitor blockages in its scheme’s filters, as well as the level of chlorine necessary to ensure a smooth flow. Power poles and leads at the pumping station were replaced during the year, and the board reports it is

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now using a motor soft-starter on its pump to reduce its electricity costs. Programs to test the flow through the meters at each of the scheme’s properties, refit scour valves, and replace problem pipe areas throughout the network, are all underway.

For 2013–14, the board reports no plans to borrow funds for capital works. However, the board envisages it will need to continue its repair work on the scheme’s pipes.

The Silkwood Drainage Board continued to provide improved drainage by means of a system of open drains to 26 rural properties during 2012–13. The board reports that the scheme’s drains were almost entirely maintained by riparian landholders; although in one instance, the board was required to step in to provide an excavator to maintain a section of drain at Buckley’s Creek. During the year, the board completed major NDRRA-funded repairs, including rock revetment works and revegetation, required due to damage caused by Cyclone Yasi.

The board reports that, in providing its services to ratepayers for the upcoming year, it will continue to maintain its drains.

The Six Mile Creek Water Board continued to supply irrigation water during the 2012–13 financial year to 12 properties within its authority area. The announced allocation of water available to the board from the Peter Faust Dam was 3 000 megalitres, with the board delivering approximately 1 643 megalitres of water to its ratepayers during the water year.

During 2013–14, the board will continue to conduct maintenance and replacement of its scheme’s meters. It has conducted a review of its existing rates and charges and considers its current revenue regime sufficient to cover anticipated expenses. The board does not propose borrowing any funds in the coming year.

The Smithfield Drainage Board continued in 2012–13 to monitor and maintain its scheme. The board will continue to monitor and maintain the drainage system into the 2013–14 financial year.

The South Burdekin Water Board continued using the flow of the Burdekin River to replenish the subterranean water supplies of the southern part of the Burdekin Delta providing water for irrigation, domestic, stock and industrial purposes to the ratepayers in the board’s authority area.

The board reports that during the 2012–13 year, its directors and management attended the Irrigation Australia conference held in Griffith, New South Wales. Management also attended a variety of other workshops on matters ranging from electricity pricing to fish ladder design. Further, the board’s directors have continued to be actively involved in the Burdekin Water Futures (BWF) group which meets monthly and provides input and discussion around research and development, science and environmental and community issues that affect water resources in the area.

In this reporting period, the board reviewed and developed a number of policies. Generally, draft policies were developed by management in conjunction with professional advice and then presented to the board for review and approval. In terms of new initiatives, the board completed work to unblock overgrown waterways within the delta area to assist with drainage and water distribution. The board reports it is still in the process of establishing grower groups to maintain and preserve fish passage through the Salt Water Creek system. Wherever possible, the board continues to use mechanical cleaning in the form of excavators and rakes to clear waterways rather than using chemical applications.

Discussion regarding the scheme’s whole of system upgrade project continued in the year and will be progressed to the next phase during the coming year. The board anticipates no changes to its operational activities in the immediate future. Like the North Burdekin Water Board, the erection of sand dams in the Burdekin River, ongoing channel maintenance, reporting, and pumping and distribution of water throughout the benefited area will remain the main focus of the board’s operational staff for 2013–14.

The South Maroochy Drainage Board continued to maintain, administer, and extend its existing group drainage facilities which service various properties within its authority area during the 2012–13 financial year.

While no new capital works were carried out, the board reports that all drains within its authority area were inspected, with work being undertaken on particular drains including the scheme’s main drain and access drain.

Additionally, work continued on the Parklakes development including the incorporation of retardation devices to assist in the reduction of peak flows into the board’s drains.

For the coming year, the board will continue maintenance of its existing drainage system, as well as monitoring any future rural subdivisions likely to significantly impact on the scheme’s drains. The board has sufficient revenue for its activities including for urgent or unforseen works required in 2013–14.

The Stagnant Creek Drainage Board continued throughout 2012–13 to provide its coordinated drainage services to its ratepayers on agricultural land near Tully in Far North Queensland.

The board reports it has now completed restorative NDRRA-funded works following damage caused by Cyclone Yasi in early 2011. The board does not propose any borrowings for 2013–14, and will continue to provide its water service to ratepayers within the constraints of its budget.

The Wanda Creek Drainage Board continued to provide a coordinated drainage system for the removal and disposal of excess water from agricultural lands within the board’s authority area. Bog moss continued to be a problem for the board throughout the year, causing major blockages and water logging. Flooding related to Cyclone Yasi in February 2011 caused

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blockages to the scheme from debris, fallen trees, and silt, as well as damage to one of its crossings. The board reports that NDRRA-funded repair works in this regard were completed early in the financial year.

The board expects bog moss contamination to continue into the 2013–14 year, and will continue its collaborative efforts to eradicate the weed. No capital works are planned for the coming year. Annual income from rates is deemed by the board as sufficient for the continued administration of its scheme.

The Washpool Water Board continued in 2012–13 to provide water for stock watering and irrigation purposes to the 24 properties it services. The board reports the undertaking of bore water line replacement works, as well as the installation of pipeline access gates.

For 2013–14, the board proposes to replace obsolete irrigation meters and asbestos cement irrigation line; complete bore water line replacement works; and review its rates and charges in accordance with CPI adjustments. The board has no plans for borrowings and will continue to maintain its reserve fund for unforseen expenditure.

The Weengallon Water Authority continued in the 2012–13 financial year to fulfil its function of supplying water for stock watering and domestic purposes to landholders in its authority area.

For 2013–14, the board anticipates no need to charge rates due to having enough cash reserves and consistently low expenses.

The Woodmillar Water Board continued to deliver water from the Burnett River to its ratepayers throughout the year. Damage to the scheme’s pumps was sustained due to the flooding associated with ex-Tropical Cyclone Oswald in January 2013. The board reports that while some repairs in this regard have been undertaken, the board is still waiting for a contractor to finish the required work.

For the coming year, the board will continue to fulfil its obligations to its ratepayers.

The Yambocully Water Board reports having pumped a total of 4 445 megalitres of water, all of which was delivered to its ratepayers during the year. The board installed telemetry equipment to monitor pumps and water meters remotely, which improves the timeliness with which the board can attend to pump failures.

As the board considers that all aspects of its operations are functioning to the satisfaction of its ratepayers, it does not propose to borrow any funds for capital works in 2013–14, and will continue with general maintenance of its water supply scheme. Having conducted a review of its rating structure, the board is satisfied it can still cover unforseen expenditure without any increases to rates.

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Water authority information Establishment information, contact details, and board composition for all water authorities are listed alphabetically below by name. These details were current as at 30 June 2013.

Avondale Water Board

Function: To supply water for irrigation purposes to landholders in the board’s area.

Date constituted: 03/05/1996

Contact details:

PO Box 500

Bundaberg Qld 4670

Telephone: 07 4150 8500

Fax: 07 4150 8533

Directors: Name

1. Mr Graham Cossart

2. Mr Peter Maidment (Chair)

3. Mr Gary Nixon

4. Mr Selwyn Read

Appointment date

1. 18 Apr 2013

2. 18 Apr 2013

3. 12 Jul 2012

4. 18 Apr 2013

Contact person:

Ms Kelly Marshman (Secretary)

07 4150 8500

[email protected]

Babinda Swamp Drainage Board

Function: To provide a coordinated drainage system for the removal and disposal of excess water from agricultural lands.

Date constituted: 16/02/1978

Contact details:

PO Box 514

Gordonvale Qld 4861

Telephone: 07 4056 1251

Fax: 07 4056 3669

Directors: Name

1. Mr Kevin Lloyd

2. Mr Aldo Sacchetti

3. Mr Barry Stubbs

4. Mr Maxwell Wilkins (Chair)

Appointment date

1. 13 Sep 2007

2. 13 Sep 2007

3. 13 Sep 2007

4. 13 Sep 2007

Contact person: Mrs Sarah Standen (Secretary)

[email protected]

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Benleith Water Board

Function: To supply water for stock watering and domestic purposes to landholders in the board’s area.

Date constituted: 02/12/1967

Contact details:

Mail Service 671

Baralaba Qld 4702

Telephone: 07 4998 1276

Fax: 07 4998 1099



1. Mr Robert Hamilton

2. Mr John Petersen

3. Mr Gary Pierce (Chair)

4. Mr Allan Trail

Appointment date

1. 8 Oct 2009

2. 11 Aug 2005

3. 8 Oct 2009

4. 8 Oct 2009

Contact person:

Mr Jim Bourke (Secretary)

[email protected]

Bollon South Water Authority

Function: To supply water for stock watering and domestic purposes to landholders in the board’s area.

Date constituted: 19/12/2003

Contact details:


Runnymede Road

Bollon Qld 4488

Telephone: 07 4625 7374

Fax: 07 4625 7342

Directors: Name

1. Mr Dugald Cameron (Chair)

2. Mr Dominic Devine

3. Ms Anita Todd

4. Mr Ranald Winks

5. Mr Andrew Winks

6. Vacant

Appointment date

1. 15 Jul 2004

2. 12 Jul 2012

3. 12 Jul 2012

4. 15 Jul 2004

5. 12 Jul 2012

6. Vacant

Contact person: Mr Dugald Cameron (Secretary)

[email protected]

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Bollon West Water Authority

Function: To supply water for stock watering and domestic purposes to landholders in the board’s area.

Date constituted: 30/01/2004

Contact details:


Bollon Qld 4488

Telephone: 07 4625 6262

Fax: 07 4625 6363

[email protected]



1. Ms Amy Brown

2. Mr Robert Brown

3. Ms Phillipa O’Brien

4. Mr Shaun O’Brien

5. Mr William Winks (Chair)

Appointment date

1. 18 Apr 2013

2. 18 Apr 2013

3. 18 Apr 2013

4. 18 Apr 2013

5. 18 Apr 2013

Contact person:

Mr Shaun O’Brien (Secretary)

[email protected]

Bones Knob Water Board

Function: To supply water for stock watering and domestic purposes to landholders in the board’s area.

Date constituted: 11/03/1982

Contact details:

PO Box 161

Atherton Qld 4883

Telephone: 07 4091 1922

Fax: 07 4091 3845



1. Mr Keith Burnell

2. Mrs Marjorie Gannon

3. Mr Darryl Wareham (Chair)

4. Vacant

Appointment date

1. 12 Jul 2007

2. 12 Jul 2007

3. 12 Jul 2007

4. Vacant

Contact person:

Mr Graeme Turner (Secretary)

[email protected]

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Boondooma Water Board

Function: To supply water for stock watering and domestic purposes to landholders in the board’s area.

Date constituted: 27/08/1970

Contact details:

Private Mail Bag 11

Kingaroy Qld 4610

Telephone: 07 4168 0158

Fax: 07 4168 0153

Directors: Name

1. Cr David Carter (Chair)

2. Mr Francis Coe

3. Mr Philip Coe

4. Mr Rodney Coe

5. Mr Lynton McInnes

Appointment date

1. 20 Sep 2000

2. 20 Sep 2000

3. 20 Sep 2000

4. 20 Sep 2000

5. 20 Sep 2000

Contact person:

Mr Francis Coe (Secretary)

[email protected]

Brigooda Water Board

Function: To supply water for stock watering and domestic purposes to landholders in the board’s area.

Date constituted: 31/07/1954

Contact details:

2434 Proston–Boondooma Road

Brigooda Qld 4613

Telephone: 07 3044 0422

Mobile: 0410 938 621



1. Mr Samuel Alexander

2. Mr Jason Barber

3. Mr Anthony Scanlan (Chair)

4. Vacant

Appointment date

1. 31 Jan 2008

2. 31 Jan 2008

3. 31 Jan 2008

4. Vacant

Contact person:

Ms Yvonne Lee (Secretary)

[email protected]

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Callandoon Water Supply Board

Function: To supply water for irrigation purposes to landholders in the board’s area.

Date constituted: 12/07/1990

Contact details:

PO Box 1017

Goondiwindi Qld 4390

Telephone: 07 4671 2321

Fax: 07 4671 2323



1. Mr Raymond Christie

2. Mr Brian Duddy (Chair)

3. Mr Cameron Henwood

4. Mr John Norman

5. Vacant

6. Vacant

Appointment date

1. 15 Mar 2007

2. 15 Mar 2007

3. 15 Mar 2007

4. 15 Mar 2007

5. Vacant

6. Vacant

Contact person:

Mr Chris Cooper (Secretary)

[email protected]

Condamine Plains Water Board

Function: To supply water for irrigation purposes to landholders in the board’s area.

Date constituted: 23/11/1967

Contact details:

PO Box 1195

Toowong Qld 4066

Telephone: 0417 718 160 (Secretary)

Fax: 07 3870 3119



1. Mr Franklyn Brazil (Chair)

2. Ms Scarlett Hillebrand-Roellgen

3. Ms Fay Leadbetter

4. Mr Stewart Leadbetter

5. Mr Johannes Roellgen

Appointment date

1. 4 Mar 2010

2. 4 Mar 2010

3. 4 Mar 2010

4. 4 Mar 2010

5. 4 Mar 2010

Contact person:

Mr Timothy Mylne (Secretary)

[email protected]

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Coreen Water Board

Function: To supply water for stock watering and domestic purposes to landholders in the board’s area.

Date constituted: 02/09/1965

Contact details:

PO Box 818

Biloela Qld 4715

Telephone: 07 4992 2615

Fax: 07 4992 2615



1. Mr Maurice Cavanagh

2. Mr Rodney Ludwig

3. Mr Robert Reimer

4. Mr Lindsay Sharpe

Appointment date

1. 20 May 2010

2. 20 May 2010

3. 11 Oct 2012

4. 20 May 2010

Contact person:

Mr David Rees (Secretary)

[email protected]

Cowley Drainage Board

Function: To provide a coordinated drainage system for the removal and disposal of excess water from agricultural lands.

Date constituted: 10/04/1969

Contact details:

PO Box 67

Mourilyan Qld 4858

Telephone: 07 4063 2477

Fax: 07 4063 2488

Directors: Name

1. Mr Leonardo Nucifora (Chair)

2. Mr Salvatore Patane

3. Mr Ross Reid

Appointment date

1. 8 Oct 2009

2. 8 Oct 2009

3. 8 Oct 2009

Contact person:

Mrs Carolyn Jones (Secretary)

[email protected]

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Crowley Vale Water Board

Function: To supply water for irrigation purposes to landholders in the board’s area.

Date constituted: 12/05/1988

Contact details:

PO Box 464

Gatton Qld 4343

Telephone: 0423 669 660 (Secretary)



1. Mr Michael Neumann

2. Mr Allan Qualischefski

3. Mr Troy Qualischefski (A/Chair)

4. Vacant

Appointment date

1. 1 Feb 2007

2. 1 Feb 2007

3. 1 Feb 2007

4. Vacant

Contact person:

Belinda Bryant (Secretary)

[email protected]

East Deeral Drainage Board

Function: To provide a coordinated drainage system for the removal and disposal of excess water from agricultural lands.

Date constituted: 31/03/1988

Contact details:

PO Box 514

Gordonvale Qld 4865

Telephone: 07 4056 1251

Fax: 07 4056 3669

Directors: Name

1. Mr Gregory Clarke

2. Ms Pamela Rossi

3. Mr Robert Rossi (Chair)

4. Mr Gregory Trevor

Appointment date

1. 20 May 2010

2. 20 May 2010

3. 20 May 2010

4. 20 May 2010

Contact person: Ms Amabile Destro (Secretary)

[email protected]

[email protected]

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East Euramo Drainage Board

Function: To provide a coordinated drainage system for the removal and disposal of excess water from agricultural lands.

Date constituted: 20/09/1984

Contact details:

PO Box 514

Tully Qld 4854

Telephone: 07 4068 1077

Fax: 07 4068 2351



1. Mr Rino Cargnello

2. Mr Bruno Maifredi (Chair)

3. Mr Peter Vecchio

Appointment date

1. 8 Oct 2009

2. 8 Oct 2009

3. 8 Oct 2009

Contact person: Mr Peter Lucy (Secretary)

[email protected]

Eugun Bore Water Authority

Function: To conduct water activities decided by the authority.

Date constituted: 02/11/2001

Contact details:

PO Box 63

St George Qld 4487

Telephone: 07 4625 3388

Fax: 07 4625 3857

Directors: Name

1. Mr Ian Hill (Chair)

2. Mr Mervyn Jensen

3. Mr David McCosker

4. Mr William Pechey

Appointment date

1. 8 Oct 2009

2. 8 Oct 2009

3. 8 Oct 2009

4. 8 Oct 2009

Contact person:

Mr Leon McCosker (Secretary)

[email protected]

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Fernlee Water Authority

Function: To supply water for stock watering and domestic purposes to landholders in the board’s area.

Date constituted: 3/03/2006

Contact details:

PO Box 68

Bollon Qld 4488

Telephone: 07 4625 7381

Fax: 07 4625 7336

Directors: Name

1. Mr David Jamieson

2. Mr Richard Knights (Chair)

3. Mr Hugh (Gus) McGown

4. Mr Maxwell Thompson

5. Mr Ian (Blue) Turner

Appointment date

1. 14 Dec 2006

2. 14 Dec 2006

3. 14 Dec 2006

4. 14 Dec 2006

5. 14 Dec 2006

Contact person:

Mr Hugh (Gus) McGown (Secretary)

[email protected]

Glamorgan Vale Water Board

Function: To supply water for stock watering and domestic purposes to landholders in the board’s area.

Date constituted: 21/09/1967

Contact details:

694 Glamorgan Vale Road

Glamorgan Vale Qld 4306

Telephone: 07 5426 6800

Fax: 07 5426 6865


Total 4

Quorum 3


1. Mr Geoffrey Beattie

2. Mr Brett Freese

3. Mr Donald (Doc) Hannah (Chair)

4. Mr Anthony McKew

Appointment date

1. 1 Feb 2007

2. 1 Feb 2007

3. 1 Feb 2007

4. 1 Feb 2007

Contact person:

Ms Tania MacDonald (Operations Manager)

[email protected]

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Grevillea Water Board

Function: To supply water for stock watering and domestic purposes to landholders in the board’s area.

Date constituted: 20/06/1946

Contact details:

The Secretary

PO Box 47

Thangool Qld 4716

Telephone: 07 4995 8330

Fax: 07 4992 1509



1. Mr Shane Krafft

2. Mr Scotty McGuigan

3. Mr William (Kerry) Munster

4. Mr Daniel Stewart (Chair)

Appointment date

1. 11 Oct 2012

2. 8 Oct 2009

3. 8 Oct 2009

4. 8 Oct 2009

Contact person: Mr Shane Krafft (Secretary)

[email protected]

[email protected]

Ingie Water Authority

Function: To supply water for stock watering and domestic purposes to landholders in the board’s area.

Date constituted: 30/01/2004

Contact details:


PO Box 331

Dirranbandi Qld 4486

Telephone: 07 4625 0960

Fax: 07 4625 0909



1. Mr Graham Bodkin

2. Mr David Carson

3. Mr Ronald Carson

4. Mr Garth Ferguson (Chair)

5. Mr John Grabbe

6. Mr Benjamin Hill

Appointment date

1. 8 Oct 2009

2. 8 Oct 2009

3. 8 Oct 2009

4. 8 Oct 2009

5. 8 Oct 2009

6. 8 Oct 2009

Contact person:

Ms Merrilyn Hill (Secretary) / Mr Garth Ferguson (Chair) [email protected]

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Juandah Water Board

Function: To supply water for stock watering and domestic purposes to landholders in the board’s area.

Date constituted: 17/12/1987

Contact details:

East Lynne

Wandoan Qld 4419

Telephone: 07 4627 4427

Fax: 07 4627 5151

Directors: Name

1. Ms Helen Devlin

2. Mr John Erbacher

3. Mr Cowan Keys (Chair)

Appointment date

1. 9 Nov 2006

2. 9 Nov 2006

3. 9 Nov 2006

Contact person: Mr John Erbacher (Secretary)

[email protected]

Kaywanna Bore Water Board

Function: To supply water for stock watering and domestic purposes to landholders in the board’s area.

Date constituted: 09/06/1927

Contact details: PO Box 468

Goondiwindi Qld 4390

Telephone: 07 4671 2100

Fax: 07 4671 2904



1. Mr John Allen

2. Mr John Beare

3. Mr William Davison

4. Mr John Mulckey

5. Mr John Thorn

6. Mr William Woods (Chair)

Appointment date

1. 22 May 2008

2. 22 May 2008

3. 22 May 2008

4. 22 May 2008

5. 22 May 2008

6. 22 May 2008

Contact person: Mr Peter Fox (Secretary)

[email protected]

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Kelsey Creek Water Board

Function: To supply water for irrigation purposes to landholders in the board’s area.

Date constituted: 21/12/1995

Contact details: PO Box 374

Proserpine Qld 4800

Telephone: 07 4945 1844

Fax: 07 4945 2721



1. Mr Andrew Auld

2. Ms Stacey Hadlow

3. Mr Douglas Lee (Chair)

4. Mr Gregory Lee

5. Vacant

Appointment date

1. 8 Oct 2009

2. 8 Oct 2009

3. 8 Oct 2009

4. 8 Oct 2009

5. Vacant

Contact person: Mr Michael Porter (Secretary)

[email protected]

Kooingal Water Board

Function: To supply water for stock watering and domestic purposes to landholders in the board’s area.

Date constituted: 19/05/1966

Contact details: PO Box 818

Biloela Qld 4715

Telephone: 07 4992 2615

Fax: 07 4992 2615



1. Mr Allan Muller (Chair)

2. Mr John Vander Have

3. Mr Philip Madsen

Appointment date

1. 9 Nov 2006

2. 9 Nov 2006

3. 11 Oct 2012

Contact person: Mr David Rees (Secretary)

[email protected]

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Lower Herbert Water Management Authority

Function: To provide a coordinated drainage system for the removal and disposal of excess water from agricultural lands.

Date constituted: 16/12/2005

Contact details: PO Box 410

Ingham Qld 4850

Telephone: 07 4776 5350

Fax: 07 4776 5380



1. Mr Gary Accornero

2. Cr David Carr

3. Mr Charles Girgenti

4. Mr Michael Pisano (Chair)

5. Mr Robert Quabba

6. Mr Alan Robino

7. Mr Philip Strid

8. Vacant

Appointment date

1. 8 Aug 2012

2. 11 Oct 2012

3. 8 Aug 2012

4. 8 Aug 2012

5. 8 Aug 2012

6. 8 Aug 2012

7. 8 Aug 2012

8. Vacant

Contact person: Mrs Maria Battoraro (Secretary)

[email protected]

Marathon Bore Water Supply Board

Function: To supply water for stock watering purposes to landholders in the board’s area.

Date constituted: 11/05/1916

Contact details: c/- Clark & Tait

GPO Box 1843

Brisbane Qld 4001

Telephone: 07 3229 6744

Fax: 07 3221 5956



1. Mr Lance Thompson (Chair)

2. Mr Ashley Zischke

Appointment date

1. 8 Oct 2009

2. 8 Oct 2009

Contact person: Mr Michael Scott (Secretary)

[email protected]

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Matthews Road Drainage Board

Function: To provide a coordinated drainage system for the removal and disposal of excess water from agricultural lands.

Date constituted: 10/06/1982

Contact details: PO Box 169

Babinda Qld 4861

Telephone: 07 4067 1313

Fax: 07 4067 1775



1. Mr Joe Bonso

2. Mr Leonello Bonso

3. Mr Robert Muzic (Chair)

Appointment date

1. 22 Nov 2007

2. 22 Nov 2007

3. 22 Nov 2007

Contact person: Mrs Sarah Standen (Secretary)

[email protected]

Merlwood Water Board

Function: To supply water for stock watering and domestic purposes to landholders in the board’s area.

Date constituted: 01/09/1966

Contact details: PO Box 228

Murgon Qld 4605

Telephone: 0409 593 124



1. Mr Robert Eisenmenger

2. Mr Bevan Routledge

3. Mr Rex Shelton (A/Chair)

4. Vacant

Appointment date

1. 12 Jul 2007

2. 12 Jul 2007

3. 12 Jul 2007

4. Vacant

Contact person: Kimberley Kunde (Secretary)

[email protected]

[email protected]

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Middle Park Bore Water Board

Function: To supply water for stock watering purposes to landholders in the board’s area.

Date constituted: 18/12/1913

Contact details: PO Box 55

Blackall Qld 4472

Telephone: 07 4657 4573



1. Mr Kevin Baillie (Chair)

2. Mr Cameron Daley

Appointment date

1. 8 Oct 2009

2. 8 Oct 2009

Contact person: Mr Noel Gleeson (Secretary) [email protected]

Mourilyan Drainage Board

Function: To provide a coordinated drainage system for the removal and disposal of excess water from agricultural lands.

Date constituted: 22/11/1984

Contact details: PO Box 67

Mourilyan Qld 4858

Telephone: 07 4063 2477

Fax: 07 4063 2488



1. Mr Alan Aquilina

2. Mr Mark Aquilina (Chair)

3. Mr Joseph Mizzi

Appointment date

1. 20 May 2010

2. 20 May 2010

3. 20 May 2010

Contact person: Mrs Carolyn Jones (Secretary)

[email protected]

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Mulgildie Water Board

Function: To supply water for stock watering and domestic purposes to landholders in the board’s area.

Date constituted: 19/09/1968

Contact details: PO Box 170

Monto Qld 4630

Telephone: 07 4166 1623

Fax: 07 4166 3111



1. Mr Robert Ogle (Chair)

2. Mr Michael Grealy

3. Mr Kevin Roth

4. Mr Russell Schimke

Appointment date

1. 8 Oct 2009

2. 8 Oct 2009

3. 8 Oct 2009

4. 8 Oct 2009

Contact person: Mrs Val Hotz (Secretary)

[email protected]

North Burdekin Water Board

Function: To use water from the Burdekin River to replenish the subterranean water supplies of part of the Burdekin Delta and to increase the quantity and improve the quality of the supply available from this source for irrigation, domestic, stock and industrial purposes.

Date constituted: 13/05/1965

Contact details: PO Box 720

Ayr Qld 4807

Telephone: 07 4783 1988

Fax: 07 4783 1264



1. Mr Cassiano Arboit

2. Mr Mark Castelanelli

3. Mr Constantine Christofides

4. Ms Tracey Garzotto

5. Mr Michael Hoey (Chair)

6. Mr Robin Juffs

7. Cr Ross Lewis

Appointment date

1. 4 Mar 2010

2. 4 Mar 2010

3. 4 Mar 2010

4. 4 Mar 2010

5. 4 Mar 2010

6. 4 Mar 2010

7. 8 Oct 2009

Contact person: Mr David Sartori (Executive Officer)

[email protected]

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Oaky Creek Water Board

Function: To supply water for stock watering and domestic purposes to landholders in the board’s area.

Date constituted: 23/03/1972

Contact details: PO Box 818

Biloela Qld 4715

Biloela Qld 4715

Telephone: 07 4992 2615

Fax: 07 4992 2615



1. Mr Paul Brosnan

2. Mr Lindsay Davenport (Chair)

3. Mr Ronald King

4. Mr Vince Scoleri

Appointment date

1. 29 Jun 2006

2. 29 Jun 2006

3. 29 Jun 2006

4. Vacant

Contact person: Mr David Rees (Secretary)

[email protected]

Orchard Creek Drainage Board

Function: To provide a coordinated drainage system for the removal and disposal of excess water from agricultural lands.

Date constituted: 19/06/1986

Contact details: PO Box 514

Tully Qld 4854

Telephone: 07 4068 1077

Fax: 07 4068 2351



1. Mr Don Cavallaro

2. Mr Daryl Killin

3. Mr Denis Marsilio (Chair)

Appointment date

1. 8 Oct 2009

2. 8 Oct 2009

3. 8 Oct 2009

Contact person: Mr Peter Lucy (Secretary)

[email protected]

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Palmgrove Water Board

Function: To supply water for stock watering and domestic purposes to landholders in the board’s area.

Date constituted: 10/05/1979

Contact details: PO Box 328

Moura Qld 4718

Telephone: 07 4996 1555

Fax: 07 4996 1555



1. Mr Douglas Howard

2. Mr Trevor Jensen

3. Mr Christopher Mahon

4. Mr Murray Smith (Chair)

Appointment date

1. 18 May 2006

2. 18 May 2006

3. 18 May 2006

4. 18 May 2006

Contact person: Ms Deliese Knickel (Secretary)

[email protected]

Pioneer Valley Water Board

Function: To supply water for irrigation purposes to landholders in the board’s area.

Date constituted: 27/06/1996

Contact details: PO Box 275

Mackay Qld 4740

Telephone: 07 4957 8481

Fax: 07 4957 8038



1. Mr Lawrence Bugeja

2. Mr Andrew Cappello (Chair)

3. Mr William (Bill) Cooper

4. Mr Clive Desbois

5. Mr Stephen Russell

Appointment date

1. 08 Oct 2009

2. 08 Oct 2009

3. 08 Oct 2009

4. 08 Oct 2009

5. 08 Oct 2009

Contact person: Mr John Palmer (Manager)

[email protected]

Mrs Judy Walsh (Administration)

[email protected]

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Riversdale–Murray Valley Water Management Board

Function: Provision of improved drainage and management of floodwaters in the Murray River Catchment.

Date constituted: 18/07/1997

Contact details: PO Box 514

Tully Qld 4854

Telephone: 07 4068 1077

Fax: 07 4068 2351



1. Mr Dick Camilleri (Chair)

2. Ms Wendy Finlayson

3. Mr Russell Henry

4. Mr Warren Mitchell

5. Mr Ronald Reichardt

6. Cr Ross Sorbello

7. Mr Peter Vecchio

Appointment date

1. 08 Oct 2009

2. 08 Oct 2009

3. 08 Oct 2009

4. 08 Oct 2009

5. 08 Oct 2009

6. 08 Oct 2009

7. 08 Oct 2009

Contact person: Mr Peter Lucy (Secretary)

[email protected]

Roadvale Water Board

Function: To supply water for stock watering and domestic purposes to landholders in the board’s area.

Date constituted: 10/03/1966

Contact details: PO Box 58

Kalbar Qld 4309

Tel: 0408 671 063 (A/Secretary)



1. Mr Robert Kliese

2. Mr Ross Lehmann (Chair)

3. Mr Joseph Monsour

4. Mr Gary Wenzel

Appointment date

1. 08 Oct 2009

2. 08 Oct 2009

3. 08 Oct 2009

4. 08 Oct 2009

Contact person: Amanda Seagrave (A/Secretary)

[email protected]

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Silkwood Drainage Board

Function: To provide a coordinated drainage system for the removal and disposal of excess water from agricultural lands.

Date constituted: 20/11/1969

Contact details: PO Box 1756

Innisfail Qld 4860

Telephone: 0418 733 147

Fax: 07 4061 7810



1. Mr Ian Brooks (Chair)

2. Mr Alan Cross

3. Mr George Taifalos

4. Vacant

Appointment date

1. 15 Mar 2007

2. 15 Mar 2007

3. 15 Mar 2007

4. Vacant

Contact person: Mr Bob Stewart (Secretary)

[email protected]

Six Mile Creek Water Supply Board

Function: To supply water for irrigation purposes to landholders in the board’s area.

Date constituted: 21/12/1991

Contact details: PO Box 374

Proserpine Qld 4800

Telephone: 07 4945 1844

Fax: 07 4945 2721



1. Mr William Atkinson

2. Mr Anthony Hinschen

3. Mr Peter Muller (Chair)

4. Mr John Telford

Appointment date

1. 31 Jul 2008

2. 31 Jul 2008

3. 31 Jul 2008

4. 31 Jul 2008

Contact person: Mr Michael Porter (Secretary)

[email protected]

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Smithfield Drainage Board

Function: To provide a coordinated drainage system for the removal and disposal of excess water from agricultural lands.

Date constituted: 06/09/1979

Contact details: PO Box 514

Gordonvale Qld 4865

Telephone: 07 4056 1251

Fax: 07 4056 3669



1. Ms June Robinson

2. Mr Mark Savina

3. Ms Gail Westaway

4. Mr John Westaway (Chair)

Appointment date

1. 22 Nov 2007

2. 22 Nov 2007

3. 22 Nov 2007

4. 22 Nov 2007

Contact person: Mrs Sarah Standen (Secretary)

[email protected]

[email protected]

South Burdekin Water Board

Function: To use water from the Burdekin River to replenish the subterranean water supplies of part of the Burdekin Delta and to increase the quantity and improve the quality of the supply available from this source for irrigation, domestic, stock and industrial purposes.

Date constituted: 31/03/1966

Contact details: PO Box 376

Home Hill Qld 4806

Telephone: 07 4782 1703

Fax: 07 4782 2039



1. Mr Murray Cannavan

2. Mr Michael Caspanello

3. Ms Tracey Garzotto

4. Mr Robin Juffs (Chair)

5. Cr Ross Lewis

6. Mr Joseph Linton

7. Cr Loizos (Lou) Loizou

Appointment date

1. 4 Mar 2010

2. 4 Mar 2010

3. 4 Mar 2010

4. 4 Mar 2010

5. 8 Oct 2009

6. 4 Mar 2010

7. 4 Mar 2010

Contact person: Mr David Sartori (Executive Officer, Lower Burdekin Water)

[email protected]

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South Maroochy Drainage Board

Function: To provide a coordinated drainage system for the removal and disposal of excess water from agricultural lands.

Date constituted: 14/07/1977

Contact details: PO Box 92

Bli Bli Qld 4560

Telephone: 07 5443 5666



1. Mr Tony Northey (Chair)

2. Mr Robert Price

3. Mr Chris Baker

4. Mr Errol Middlebrook

Appointment date

1. 2 Dec 2004

2. 13 Sep 2007

3. 21 July 2011

4. 21 July 2011

Contact person: Chris Baker (Secretary)

[email protected]

Stagnant Creek Drainage Board

Function: To provide a coordinated drainage system for the removal and disposal of excess water from agricultural lands.

Date constituted: 11/09/1980

Contact details: PO Box 514

Tully Qld 4854

Telephone: 07 4068 4900

Fax: 07 4068 2351



1. Mr John Curcuruto

2. Mr John Gillis (Chair)

3. Mr Daryl Killin

Appointment date

1. 08 Oct 2009

2. 08 Oct 2009

3. 08 Oct 2009

Contact person: Mr Peter Lucy (Secretary)

[email protected]

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Wanda Creek Drainage Board

Function: To provide a coordinated drainage system for the removal and disposal of excess water from agricultural lands.

Date constituted: 15/03/1979

Contact details: PO Box 67

Mourilyan Qld 4858

Telephone: 07 4063 2477

Fax: 07 4063 2488



1. Mr Ivan Andrijevic

2. Mr Alan Cross (Chair)

3. Mr Baljinder Singh

Appointment date

1. 31 Jul 2008

2. 31 Jul 2008

3. 31 Jul 2008

Contact person: Mrs Carolyn Jones (Secretary)

[email protected]

Washpool Water Board

Function: To supply water for stock watering and domestic purposes to landholders in the board’s area.

Date constituted: 09/03/1978

Contact details: PO Box 335

Moura Qld 4718

Telephone: 07 4997 3064

Fax: 07 4997 2064



1. Mr Bradley Lang

2. Mrs Leanne Pound

3. Mr Glen Ronnfeldt

4. Mr Richard (Rick) Sainsbury

Appointment date

1. 12 Jul 2012

2. 21 Jun 2007

3. 12 Jul 2012

4. 21 Jun 2007

Contact person:

Ms Michelle Lang (Secretary)

[email protected]

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Weengallon Water Authority

Function: To supply water for stock watering and domestic purposes to landholders in the board’s area.

Date constituted: 27/10/2006

Contact details: ‘Ellaville’

Mail Service 13

Thallon Qld 4497

Telephone: 0427 259 654

Fax: 07 4625 8654



1. Mr Walter Brosnan

2. Mr Sidney Harris (Chair)

3. Mr Ross Hindle

4. Mr Timothy Turvey

5. Vacant

Appointment date

1. 13 Sep 2007

2. 13 Sep 2007

3. 13 Sep 2007

4. 13 Sep 2007

5. Vacant

Contact person: Mr Walter Brosnan (Secretary)

[email protected]

Woodmillar Water Board

Function: To supply water for stock watering and domestic purposes to landholders in the board’s area.

Date constituted: 18/04/1968

Contact details: PO Box 82

Gayndah Qld 4625

Telephone: 07 4161 1536



1. Mr Boyd Baker (Chair)

2. Mr Neil Baker

3. Mr Paul Taylor

4. Mr Kenneth Trott

Appointment date

1. 08 Oct 2009

2. 08 Oct 2009

3. 08 Oct 2009

4. 08 Oct 2009

Contact person: Ms Joan Weller (Secretary)

[email protected]

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Yambocully Water Board

Function: To supply water for irrigation purposes to landholders in the board’s area.

Date constituted: 19/12/1985

Contact details: PO Box 1195

Toowong Qld 4066

Telephone: 0417 718 160 (Secretary)

Fax: 07 3870 3199



1. Mr Harvey Black

2. Mr Jeffrey Carter

3. Mr Nigel Corish

4. Mr Peter Corish

5. Mr Warren Crowther (Chair)

Appointment date

1. 18 Apr 2013

2. 18 Apr 2013

3. 18 Apr 2013

4. 18 Apr 2013

5. 18 Apr 2013

Contact person: Mr Timothy Mylne (Secretary)

[email protected]

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Annual report requirements for Queensland Government agencies The compliance checklist provided in Table 4 indicates where the annual report requirements (ARRs) for Queensland Government agencies for the 2012–13 reporting period are addressed in this report. The relevant legislative provisions are also provided.

Table 4: Compliance checklist—annual report

Summary of requirement Basis for requirement Annual report


Letter of compliance

A letter of compliance from the accountable officer or statutory body to the relevant Minister

ARRs – section 8 Pages 7 to 8

Table of contents


ARRs – section 10.1 Pages i to iv

Page 45

Public availability ARRs – section 10.2 Inside front cover

Interpreter service statement Queensland Government Language Services Policy

ARRs – section 10.3

Inside front cover

Copyright notice Copyright Act 1968

ARRs – section 10.4

Inside front cover


Information licensing Queensland Government Enterprise Architecture – Information licensing

ARRs – section 10.5

Inside front cover

General information

Introductory Information ARRs – section 11.1

Page 1

Agency role and main functions ARRs – section 11.2 Page 1

Operating environment ARRs – section 11.3 Pages 5 to 6, and 11 to 17

Machinery of Government changes ARRs – section 11.4 Page 6

Government objectives for the community ARRs – section 12.1 Page 1

Other whole-of-government plans / specific initiatives

ARRs – section 12.2 Page 1

Agency objectives and performance indicators

ARRs – section 12.3 Page 1

Non-financial performance

Agency service areas, service standards and other measures

ARRs – section 12.4 Pages 11 to 17

Summary of financial performance ARRs – section 13.1 Pages 7 to 10 Financial performance

Chief Finance Officer (CFO) statement ARRs – section 13.2 Not applicable

Organisational structure ARRs – section 14.1 Pages 1, and 18 to 42

Governance – management and structure

Executive management ARRs – section 14.2 Page 1

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Summary of requirement Basis for requirement Annual report


Related entities ARRs – section 14.3 Page 5

Boards and committees ARRs – section 14.4 Not applicable

Public Sector Ethics Act 1994 Public Sector Ethics Act 1994

(section 23 and Schedule)

ARRs – section 14.5

Page 6

Risk management ARRs – section 15.1 Page 6

External Scrutiny ARRs – section 15.2 Page 7

Audit committee ARRs – section 15.3 Page 6

Internal Audit ARRs – section 15.4 Page 7

Public Sector Renewal Program ARRs – section 15.5 Not applicable

Governance – risk management and accountability

Information systems and recordkeeping ARRs – section 15.7 Page 6

Workforce planning, attraction and retention and performance

ARRs – section 16.1 Page 5

Early retirement, redundancy and retrenchment

Directive No.11/12 Early Retirement, Redundancy and Retrenchment

ARRs – section 16.2

Page 5

Governance – human resources

Voluntary Separation Program ARRs – section 16.3 Not applicable

Open Data Open Data ARRs – section 17 Page 5

Certification of financial statements FAA – section 62

FPMS – sections 42, 43 and 50

ARRs – section 18.1

Pages 8 to 10

Independent Auditors Report FAA – section 62

FPMS – section 50

ARRs – section 18.2

Pages 8 to 10

Financial statements

Remuneration disclosures Financial Reporting Requirements for Queensland Government Agencies

ARRs – section 18.3

Page 7

FAA: Financial Accountability Act 2009

FPMS: Financial and Performance Management Standard 2009

ARRs: Annual report requirements for Queensland Government agencies

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Glossary DPC Department of the Premier and Cabinet

DNRM Department of Natural Resources and Mines

GABSI Great Artesian Basin Sustainability Initiative

NDRRA Natural Disaster Relief and Recovery Arrangements

PID Public Interest Disclosure

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Appendix A Table 5: Operating funds

Receipts Expenditure

Balance 1/07/2012

Rates and


Interest earned

Transfer from other funds

Other income

Total receipts

Admin expenses

Operations and


Interest and


Transfer to other funds

Other costs*

Total expenditure

Balance 30/06/2013 Water Authority

$ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $

Water Boards

Benleith1 35 908 53 915 0 2 218 2 336 58 470 15 988 26 156 0 0 2 889 45 033 49 345

Bones Knob1 12 192 31 265 1 233 0 2 422 34 920 1 659 20 955 0 0 2 558 25 172 21 940

Boondooma1 15 869 5 875 327 0 988 7 190 8 005 5 304 0 0 2 254 15 563 7 496

Crowley Vale2 9 542 47 498 0 0 12 439 59 937 13 736 23 224 0 0 25 231 62 191 7 287

Grevillea2 45 382 86 171 35 0 3 086 89 292 27 052 17 580 9 514 0 32 983 87 129 47 545

Juandah 17 732 9 498 570 0 1 248 11 316 6 417 6 047 0 0 1 164 13 628 15 420

Mulgildie1 53 345 63 174 2 132 0 718 66 024 16 376 19 261 0 0 2 474 38 111 83 732

Washpool1 6 623 24 963 4 0 2 063 27 030 10 196 19 994 0 0 2 148 32 338 1 315

Woodmillar1 58 971 64 096 3 192 0 10 494 77 782 12 145 66 571 0 0 7 117 85 833 50 920

Table continued on next page

* For example, legal fees, GST, etc.

1 Financial statements for this water authority received a disclaimer of audit opinion. 2 The figures for this water authority are unaudited at time of printing.

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Table 5: Operating funds (cont’d)

Receipts Expenditure

Balance 1/07/2012

Rates and


Interest earned

Transfer from other funds

Other income

Total receipts

Admin expenses

Operations and


Interest and


Transfer to other funds

Other costs*

Total expenditure

Balance 30/06/2013 Water Authority

$ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $

Drainage Boards

Cowley1 4 094 3 912 32 0 1 972 5 916 2 705 0 0 0 1 972 4 677 5 333

East Euramo1 10 843 3 557 0 0 3 177 6 734 1 628 10 598 0 0 1 427 13 653 3 924

Mourilyan1 22 036 2 115 410 0 7 742 10 267 540 0 0 0 18 982 19 522 12 781

Orchard Creek1 26 508 4 852 0 0 2 964 7 816 1 627 28 471 0 0 3 010 33 108 1 216

Riversdale-Murray Valley1 19 422 104 467 0 5 000 347 109 814 6 055 0 121 473 0 593 128 121 1 115

Silkwood1 23 507 0 108 0 8 143 8 251 7 800 16 379 0 0 2 293 26 472 5 286

South Maroochy1 62 454 0 1 038 0 0 1 038 1 044 7 500 0 0 0 8 544 54 948

Smithfield 389 500 0 0 55 555 670 0 0 0 55 725 218

Stagnant Creek1 7 919 464 0 0 656 1 120 490 7 120 0 0 807 8 417 622

Wanda Creek1 6 130 2 963 8 0 5 985 8 956 2 889 1 690 0 0 5 989 10 568 4 518

Bore Water Boards

Bollon West1 169 898 211 897 10 835 0 86 222 818 4 032 0 196 829 0 363 201 224 191 492

Fernlee1 84 225 99 585 11 778 0 19 379 130 742 8 818 36 53 753 0 12 047 74 655 140 312

Marathon 4 644 625 20 0 0 645 659 0 0 0 0 659 4 630

Middle Park 3 459 902 1 0 0 903 1 181 0 0 0 0 1 181 3 181

Total 701 091 822 294 31 723 7 218 86 299 947 535 151 713 276 886 381 569 0 126 356 936 524 714 576

* For example, legal fees, GST, etc.

1 The figures for this water authority are unaudited at time of printing.

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Table 6: Capital works funds

Receipts Expenditure

Balance 1/07/2012 Loan


Grants and


Transfer from other funds

Other income

Total receipts

Approved works

Transfer to other funds

Other costs*

Total expenditure

Balance 30/06/2013

Water Authority

$ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $

Glamorgan Vale Water Board1 205 871 0 0 80 000 9 400 89 400 0 76 000 239 76 239 219 032

Riversdale-Murray Valley Water Management Board1 17 280 0 0 0 0 0 0 5 000 121 5 121 12 159

Total 223 151 0 0 80 000 9 400 89 400 0 81 000 360 81 360 231 191

Table 7: Reserve funds

Receipts Expenditure

Balance 1/07/2012

Transfer from other funds

Interest earned

Other income

Total receipts

Plant and equipment

Transfer to other funds

Other costs*

Total expenditure

Balance 30/06/2013 Water Authority

$ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $

Benleith Water Board2 91 742 0 3 976 0 3 976 0 2 218 0 2 218 93 500

Washpool Water Board2 59 082 0 2 696 0 2 696 0 0 0 0 61 778

Total 150 824 0 6 672 0 6 672 0 2 218 0 2 218 155 278

# For example, borrowings, grants, subsidies, GST, etc.

* For example, legal fees, GST, etc.

1 The figures for this water authority are unaudited at time of printing. 2 Financial statements for this water authority received a disclaimer of audit opinion.

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-49 -

Table 8: Group irrigation authority areas supplementary information

Irrigable land Water


Loan Indebtedness

30/06/13 Scheme Date


Number of rural

holdings ha ML

Basis of Rating


Avondale 3/05/1996 7 850 692 Nominal Allocation / Consumption 85 816

Callandoon 12/07/1990 17 10 000 7 127 $/ML Nil

Condamine Plains 23/11/1967 5 4 222 $/ML Nil

Crowley Vale 12/05/1988 10 268 353 $/ML & $/ha Nil

Kelsey Creek 21/12/1995 35 2 718 3 545 $/ML 438 338

North Burdekin 13/05/1965 371 49 720 97 256 $/ML & $/ha Nil

Pioneer Valley 28/06/1996 291 22 000 8 456 $/ML 1 031 591

Six Mile Creek 21/12/1991 13 750 1 550 $/ML nil

South Burdekin 31/03/1966 258 26 830 75 733 $/ML & $/ha nil

Yambocully 19/12/1985 12 4,445 $ML nil

Total (11) 1 019 113 136 203 379 1 555 746

Table 9: Rural water supply authority areas supplementary information

Number of holdings Water delivered Loan

indebtedness 30/06/13 Scheme

Date established

Rural Urban Total ML

Basis of rating


Benleith 2/12/1967 23 23 44 UCV Nil

Bones Knob 13/03/1982 25 0 25 28 $/ML Nil

Boondooma 27/08/1970 12 0 12 15 $/KL Nil

Brigooda 31/07/1954 13 2 15 8.58 $/ha Nil

Coreen 2/09/1965 36 0 36 51 LAV Nil

Glamorgan Vale 21/09/1967 506 38 544 241 $/KL & $/ha 35 862

Grevillea 20/06/1946 52 0 52 30 LAV + $80 per meter 146 322

Juandah 17/12/1987 10 0 10 13 $/ML Nil

Kooingal 19/05/1966 25 0 25 14 LAV Nil

Merlwood 1/09/1966 58 12 70 138 LAV Nil

Mulgildie 19/09/1968 48 0 48 31 $/KL & Rates/portion Nil

Oaky Creek 23/03/1972 42 0 42 32 LAV + $80 per meter Nil

Palmgrove 10/05/1979 5 0 5 30 $ML Nil

Roadvale 10/03/1966 300 0 300 74 $kL Nil

Washpool 9/03/1978 24 0 24 103 $/ML Nil

Woodmillar 20/04/1968 40 0 40 92 $/KL Nil

Total (16) 1 219 52 1 271 944 182 184

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Table 10: Bore water supply authority areas supplementary information

Benefited area

Length of pipeline

Loan indebtedness

30/06/13 Scheme Date


Number of rural

holdings ha km $

Bollon South 19/12/2003 14 203 000 561 518 022

Bollon West 30/01/2004 12 100 537 700 1 314 746

Eugun 2/11/2001 11 57 850 173 Nil

Fernlee 3/03/2006 11 128 200 514 569 527

Ingie 30/01/2004 11 46 706 239 315 080

Kaywanna 9/06/1927 35 67 341 240 Nil

Marathon 11/05/1916 3 9 584 18 Nil

Middle Park 18/12/2013 9 14 365 61 Nil

Weengallon 27/10/2006 50 24 821 195 Nil

Total (11) 156 652 404 2 701 2 717 375

Table 11: Drainage authority areas supplementary information

Scheme Date

established Number of holdings

Benefited area

Length of drains

Loan indebtedness


Rural ha km $

Babinda Swamp 16/02/1978 28 2 000 10 nil

Cowley 10/04/1969 8 196 4 nil

East Deeral 31/03/1988 12 731 14.5 nil

East Euramo 20/09/1984 10 337 6.3 nil

Lower Herbert 16/12/2005 200 1 800 115 nil

Matthews Road 10/06/1982 7 150 4 nil

Mourilyan 22/11/1984 7 173 6.7 nil

Orchard Creek 19/06/1986 10 721 9 nil

Riversdale-Murray Valley 19/07/1997 147 29 500 0 36 302

Silkwood 20/11/1969 26 1 163 17 nil

Smithfield 6/09/1979 5 530 9 nil

South Maroochy 14/07/1977 12 1 065 17 nil

Stagnant Creek 11/09/1980 6 251 5.5 nil

Wanda Creek 15/03/1979 13 651 7 nil

Total (14) 491 52 268 226 36 302

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Table 12a: Avondale Water Board— Statement of Comprehensive Income for the period 1 July 2012 to 30 June 20131

$ $

Income from Continuing Operations


User charges 221 185

Other revenue 26 058

Total Income from Continuing Operations 247 243

Expenses from continuing operations

Operations and maintenance 203 167

Administration expenses 1 044

Depreciation 95 630

Interest 11 560

Other Expenses 21 534

Total Expenses from Continuing Operations 332 935

Operating Result from Continuing Operations (85 692)

Other Comprehensive Income

Increase in Asset Revaluation Surplus

Total Other Comprehensive Income

Total Comprehensive Income (85 692)

1The figures for this water authority are unaudited at time of printing.

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Table 12b: Avondale Water Board— Statement of Financial Position as at 30 June 20131

$ $

Current Assets

Cash and cash equivalents 71 766

Receivables 10 133

Total Current Assets 81 899

Non-Current Assets

Property, Plant and Equipment 840 035

Total Non-Current Assets 840 035

Total Assets 921 934

Current Liabilities

Payables 19 805

Interest bearing borrowings 85 816

Total Current Liabilities 105 621

Total Liabilities 105 621

Net Assets 816 313


Retained earnings 816 313

Total equity 816 313

Table 12c: Avondale Water Board— Statement of Changes in Equity for the year ended 30 June 20131

2013$ 2012



Balance at 1 July 2012 902 005 850 807

Net profit (loss) for the year (85 692) 51 198

Balance as at 30 June 2013 816 313 902 005

TOTAL EQUITY 816 313 902 005

1The figures for this water authority are unaudited at time of printing.

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Table 12d: Avondale Water Board— Statement of Cash Flows for the year ended 30 June 20131

2013$ 2012


Cash Flows from Operating Activities

Receipts from customers (including GST) 247 243 309 447

Payments to suppliers and employers (including GST) (156 462) (212 257)

Net cash inflow from operating activities 90 781 97 190

Cash Flows from Financing Activities

QTC loan (100 348) (96 212)

Net cash (outflow) from financing activities (100 348) (96 212)

Net Increase (decrease) in cash and cash equivalents held (9 567) 978

Cash and cash equivalents at the beginning of the financial year 81 333 80 355

Cash and cash equivalents at the end of the financial year 71 766 81 333

1 The figures for this water authority are unaudited at time of printing.

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Table 13a: Babinda Drainage Board— Statement of Income and Expenditure for the year ended 30 June 20131

$ $


Interest received 2

Rates & charges 13 322

Total Income 13 324


Administration expenses 3 000

Audit fees 600

Depreciation - other 42 613

Insurance 12 735

Miscellaneous expenses 0

Total expenses 58 948

Profit (loss) from ordinary activities before income tax (45 623)

Income tax revenue relating to ordinary activities 0

Profit (loss) from ordinary activities after income tax (45 623)

Profit from extraordinary items after related income tax 0

Net profit (loss) attributable to the association (45 623)

Items recognised directly in equity:

Net increase in Asset Revaluation Reserve 711 667

Total revenues, expenses and valuation adjustments

attributable to the association and recognised directly

in equity 711 667

Total changes in equity of the association 666 044

Opening retained profits 21 653 Net profit (loss) attributable to the association (45 623)

Closing retained profits (23 971)

1 The figures for this water authority are unaudited at time of printing.

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Table 13b: Babinda Drainage Board— Detailed Balance Sheet as at 30 June 20131

$ $

Current Assets

Cash assets:

Cash at bank 17 052


Trade debtors 981

Current tax assets:

GST payable control account 609

Total Current Assets 18 642

Non-Current Assets

Property, Plant and Equipment:

Lease improvements (other) 2 341 830

Less: Accumulated depreciation (1 672 776)

Total Non-Current Assets 669 054

Total Assets 687 696

Net Assets 687 696

Members' Funds

Asset revaluation reserve 711 667 Accumulated surplus (deficit) (23 971)

Total Members' Funds 687 696

1 The figures for this water authority are unaudited at time of printing.

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Table 14a: Brigooda Water Board— Statement of Comprehensive Income for the year ended 30 June 20131

$ $

Income from Continuing Operations


User charges 9 623

Interest received 37

Total Income from Continuing Operations 9 660

Expenses from Continuing Operations

Administration expenses 5 298

Operations and maintenance 9 677

Depreciation 4 051

Total Expenses from Continuing Operations 19 026

Operating Result from Continuing Operations (9 366)

Operating Result from Discontinued Operations 0

Operating Result for the Year (9 366)

Other Comprehensive Income

GST received 1 414

Total Other Comprehensive Income 1 414

Total Comprehensive Income (7 952)

1 The figures for this water authority are unaudited at time of printing.

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Table 14b: Brigooda Water Board— Statement of Financial Position as at 30 June 20131

$ $

Current Assets

Cash and cash equivalents 5 415

Receivables 948

Other - GST paid 2 124

Total Current Assets 8 487

Non-Current Assets

Property, plant and equipment 39 205

Total Non-Current Assets 39 205

Total Assets 47 692

Total Liabilities 0

Net Assets 47 692


Accumulated surplus/loss (8 649)

Historical balancing account 56 341

Total equity 47 692

1 The figures for this water authority are unaudited at time of printing.

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Table 14c: Brigooda Water Board— Statement of Cash Flows for the year ended 30 June 20131

2013$ 2012


Cash Flows from Operating Activities


User charges 8 655 7 985

GST input tax credits from ATO 1 414 747

Interest received 37 42

Other 0 49

Net cash inflow from operating activities 10 106 8 823


Administration expenses 5 298 6 450

Operations and maintenance 4 677 1 536

GST paid to suppliers 1 274 850

Legal fees 0 2 000

Net cash outflow from operating activities 11 249 10 836

Net cash provided by (used in) operating activities (1 143) (2 013)

Cash flows from investing activities


Payments for property, plant and equipment (5 256) 0

Net cash outflow from investing activities (5 256) 0

Net cash provided by (used in) investing activities (5 256) 0

Net increase (decrease) in cash and cash equivalents (6 399) (2 013)

Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of year 11 814 13 827

Cash and cash equivalents at end of financial year 5 415 11 814

1 The figures for this water authority are unaudited at time of printing.

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Table 15a: Callandoon Water Supply Board— Statement of Comprehensive Income for the year ended 30 June 20131

$ $

Income from Continuing Operations


User charges 172 993

Other revenue 8 868

Total Income from Continuing Operations 181 861

Expenses from Continuing Operations

Employee expenses 29 718

Supplies and services 102 896

Depreciation 17 088

Total Expenses from Continuing Operations 149 702

Operating Result from Continuing Operations 32 159

Operating Result from Discontinued Operations 0

Operating Result for the Year 32 159

Total Other Comprehensive Income 0

Total Comprehensive Income 32 159

1 The figures for this water authority are unaudited at time of printing.

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Table 15b: Callandoon Water Supply Board— Statement of Financial Position as at 30 June 20131

$ $

Current Assets

Cash and cash equivalents 230 166

Receivables 13 467

Other 358

Total Current Assets 243 991

Non-Current Assets

Property, plant and equipment 258 386

Total Non-Current Assets 258 386

Total Assets 502 377

Total Liabilities 0

Net Assets 502 377


Accumulated surplus 92 606

Contributed equity 409 771

Total equity 502 377

Table 15c: Callandoon Water Supply Board— Statement of Changes in Equity for the year ended 30 June 20131

Accumulated Surplus/Deficit

Asset Revaluation


Contributed Equity TOTAL

Balance as at 1 July 2011 56 852 409 771 466 623

Operating Result from continuing operations 3 595 0 0 3 595

Other Comprehensive Income

- Increase/(Decrease) in asset revaluation surplus 0 0

Total Comprehensive Income for the Year 3 595 0 0 3 595

Balance as at 30 June 2012 60 447 0 409 771 470 218

Balance as at 1 July 2012 60 447 0 409 771 470 218

Operating Result from continuing operations 32 159 0 0 32 159

Other Comprehensive Income

- Increase/(Decrease) in asset revaluation surplus 0 0 0

Total Comprehensive Income for the Year 32 159 0 409 771 441 930

Balance as at 30 June 2013 92 606 0 409 771 502 377

1 The figures for this water authority are unaudited at time of printing.

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Table 15d: Callandoon Water Supply Board— Statement of Cash Flows for the year ended 30 June 20131

2013$ 2012


Cash Flows from Operating Activities


User charges 159 526 262 924

GST input tax credits from ATO 1 501 4 913

GST collected from customers 0 100

Other 8 868 16 692

Net cash inflow from operating activities 169 895 284 629


Employee expenses 30 484 30 484

Supplies and services 103 186 220 987

GST paid to suppliers 1 946 4 253

GST remitted to ATO 1 424 1 031

Other 0 5 665

Net cash outflow from operating activities 137 040 262 420

Net cash provided by (used in) operating activities 32 855 22 209

Cash flows from investing activities


Payments for property, plant and equipment (1 700) (1 678)

Net cash outflow from investing activities (1 700) (1 678)

Net cash provided by (used in) investing activities (1 700) (1 678)

Net increase (decrease) in cash and cash equivalents 31 155 20 531

Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of year 199 011 178 480

Cash and cash equivalents at end of financial year 230 166 199 011

1 The figures for this water authority are unaudited at time of printing.

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Table 16a: Condamine Plains Water Board— Statement of Comprehensive Income for the year ended 30 June 20131

$ $

Income from Continuing Operations

Water supply rates and charges 307 313

Interest received 2 282

Total Income from Continuing Operations 309 595

Expenses from Continuing Operations

Water supply charges 83 074

Supplies and services 158 908

Other expenses 14 204

Total Expenses from Continuing Operations 256 186

Operating Result from Continuing Operations 53 409

Operating Result for the Year 53 409

Total Other Comprehensive Income 0

Total Comprehensive Income 53 409

1 The figures for this water authority are unaudited at time of printing.

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Table 16b: Condamine Plains Water Board— Statement of Financial Position as at 30 June 20131

$ $ Current Assets

Cash and cash equivalents 152 386

Other current assets 790

Receivables 8 900

Total Current Assets 162 076

Non-Current Assets

Property, plant and equipment 12 271 400

Total Non-Current Assets 12 271 400

Total Assets 12 433 476

Current Liabilities

Payables 24 845

Total Current Liabilities 24 845

Total Liabilities 24 845

Net Assets 12 408 631


Accumulated surplus 1 201 158

Asset revaluation surplus (deficit) 11 154 064

Contributed equity 53 409

Total equity 12 408 631

1 The figures for this water authority are unaudited at time of printing.

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Table 16c: Condamine Plains Water Board— Statement of Changes in Equity for the year ended 30 June 20131

Accumulated Surplus/Deficit

Asset Revaluation


Contributed Equity TOTAL

Balance as at 1 July 2011 1 199 988 0 0 1 199 988

Operating Result from continuing operations 1 170 0 0 1 170

Other Comprehensive Income

- Increase/(Decrease) in asset revaluation surplus 0 0 0 0

Total Comprehensive Income for the Year 1 170 0 0 1 170

Balance as at 30 June 2012 1 201 158 0 0 1 201 158

Balance as at 1 July 2012 1 201 158 0 0 1 201 158

Operating Result from continuing operations 53 409 0 0 53 409

Other Comprehensive Income

- Increase/(Decrease) in asset revaluation surplus 0 11 154 164 0 11 154 164

Total Comprehensive Income for the Year 53 409 11 154 164 0 11 207 573

Balance as at 30 June 2013 1 254 567 11 154 164 0 12 408 731

Table 16d: Condamine Plains Water Board— Statement of Cash Flows for the year ended 30 June 20131


$ 2012$

Cash Flows from Operating Activities


Water supply rates and charges 333 006 264 394

Flood assistance - QRAA 0 12 234

GST input tax credits to ATO 15 936 13 205

Interest 2 282 2 199

Net cash inflow from operating activities 351 224 292 032


Water supply charges (105 488) (77 354)

Supplies and services (163 559) (138 700)

GST paid to suppliers (15 936) (13 205)

Other (14 618) (7 642)

Net cash outflow from operating activities (299 601) (236 901)

Net Cash Provided by (Used In) Operating Activities 51 623 55 131

Net increase (decrease) in cash and cash equivalents 51 623 55 131

Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of year 100 763 45 632

Cash and cash equivalents at end of financial year 152 386 100 763

1 The figures for this water authority are unaudited at time of printing.

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Table 17a: Coreen Water Board— Statement of Comprehensive Income for the year ended 30 June 20131

$ $

Income from Continuing Operations

User charges 76 520

Other revenue 2 486

Total Income from Continuing Operations 79 006

Expenses from Continuing Operations

Employee expenses 1 973

Supplies and services 89 313

Depreciation 5 119

Other expenses 850

Total Expenses from Continuing Operations 97 255

Operating Result from Continuing Operations (18 249)

Operating Result for the Year (18 249)

Total Other Comprehensive Income 0

Total Comprehensive Income (18 249)

1 The figures for this water authority are unaudited at time of printing.

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Table 17b: Coreen Water Board— Statement of Financial Position as at 30 June 20131

$ $

Current Assets

Cash and cash equivalents 63 492

Receivables 2 701

Other 2 000

Total Current Assets 68 193

Non-Current Assets

Property, plant and equipment 103 778

Total Non-Current Assets 103 778

Total Assets 171 971

Current Liabilities

Payables 368

Total Current Liabilities 368

Total Liabilities 368

Net Assets 171 603


Accumulated surplus 171 603

Total equity 171 603

1 The figures for this water authority are unaudited at time of printing.

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Table 17c: Coreen Water Board— Statement of Changes in Equity for the year ended 30 June 20131

Accumulated Surplus/Deficit

Asset Revaluation


Contributed Equity TOTAL

Balance as at 1 July 2011 191 0 0 191

Operating Result from continuing operations (2) 0 0 (2)

Other Comprehensive Income

- Increase/(Decrease) in asset revaluation surplus 0 0 0

Total Comprehensive Income for the Year (2) 0 0 (2)

Balance as at 30 June 2012 189 0 0 189

Balance as at 1 July 2012 189 0 0 189

Operating Result from continuing operations (18) 0 0 (18)

Other Comprehensive Income

- Increase/(Decrease) in asset revaluation surplus 0 0 0 0

Total Comprehensive Income for the Year (18) 0 0 (18)

Balance as at 30 June 2013 171 0 0 171

Table 17d: Coreen Water Board— Statement of Cash Flows for the year ended 30 June 20131

2013$ 2012


Cash Flows from Operating Activities


User charges 77 300 72 994

GST collected from customers 0 137

Other 2 485 2 791

Net cash inflow from operating activities 79 785 75 922


Employee expenses 1 605 696

Supplies and services 85 599 62 611

GST paid to suppliers 474 0

Other 4 562 7 198

Net cash outflow from operating activities 92 240 70 505

Net Cash Provided by (Used In) Operating Activities (12 455) 5 417

Net increase (decrease) in cash and cash equivalents (12 455) 5 417

Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of year 75 947 70 530

Cash and cash equivalents at end of financial year 63 492 75 947

1 The figures for this water authority are unaudited at time of printing.

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Table 18a: East Deeral Drainage Board Water Board— Statement of Cash Flows for the year ended 30 June 20131

$ $


Interest received 2

Rates & charges 0

Total Income 2


Audit fees 550

Commissions 792

Depreciation - other 10 780

Insurance 806

Total expenses 12 928

Profit (loss) from ordinary activities before income tax (12 926)

Income tax revenue relating to ordinary activities 0

Profit (loss) from ordinary activities after income tax (12 926)

Profit from extraordinary items after related income tax 0

Net profit (loss) attributable to the association (12 926)

Items recognised directly in equity:

Net increase in Asset Revaluation Reserve 280 281

Total revenues, expenses and valuation adjustments

attributable to the association and recognised directly

in equity 280 281

Total changes in equity of the association 267 354

Opening retained profits 5 430

Net profit (loss) attributable to the association (12 926)

Closing retained profits (7 496)

1 The figures for this water authority are unaudited at time of printing.

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Table 19a: Glamorgan Vale Water Board— Statement of Comprehensive Income for the year ended 30 June 20131

$ $

Income from Continuing Operations


User charges 346 604

Other revenue 64 648

Total Income from Continuing Operations 411 252

Expenses from Continuing Operations

Administration expenses (89 045)

Employment expenses (84 023)

Operating expenses (353 015)

Total Expenses from Continuing Operations (526 083)

Operating Result from Continuing Operations (114 831)

Other Comprehensive Income

Items that will not be reclassified subsequently to Operating Result

Increase in Asset Revaluation Surplus 3 396 785

Total items that will not be reclassified subsequently to Operating Result 3 396 785

Items that will be reclassified subsequently to Operation Result when certain conditions are met

GV Main upgrade Barretts to Beatties Road will be asset once completed next year 42 180

Total items that will be reclassified subsequently to Operation Result when certain conditions are met 42 180

Total Other Comprehensive Income 3 438 965

Total Comprehensive Income 3 324 134

1 The figures for this water authority are unaudited at time of printing.

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Table 19b: Glamorgan Vale Water Board— Statement of Financial Position as at 30 June 20131

$ $

Current Assets

Cash and cash equivalents 37 022

Receivables 9 828

QTC Capital Works Fund 219 032

Total Current Assets 265 882

Non-Current Assets

Property, plant and equipment 5 698 977

Total Non-Current Assets 5 698 977

Total Assets 5 964 859

Current Liabilities

Payables 3 333

Accrued employee benefits 4 785

Total Current Liabilities 8 118

Non-Current Liabilities

Loan Gal 35 862

Accrued employee benefits (1 732)

Total Non-Current Liabilities 34 130

Total Liabilities 42 248

Net Assets 5 922 611


Contributed equity 2 438 076

Accumulated surplus 87 749

Asset revaluation surplus 3 396 785

Total equity 5 922 610

1 The figures for this water authority are unaudited at time of printing.

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Table 19c: Glamorgan Vale Water Board— Statement of Changes in Equity for the year ended 30 June 20131

Accumulated Surplus/Deficit

Asset Revaluation


Contributed Equity TOTAL

Balance as at 1 July 2011 2 345 076 0 0 2 345 076

Operating Result from continuing operations 0 0 0 0

Other Comprehensive Income

- Increase/(Decrease) in asset revaluation surplus 0 0 0 0

Total Comprehensive Income for the Year 0 0

Balance as at 30 June 2012 2 345 076 2 345 076

Balance as at 1 July 2012 2 345 076 0 0 2 345 076

Operating Result from continuing operations 0 0

Other Comprehensive Income

- Increase/(Decrease) in asset revaluation surplus 0 0 0 0

Total Comprehensive Income for the Year 0 0 0 0

Transactions with Owners as Owners

- Net assets received (as permitted by Qld Treasury & Trade policy)

Consolidation of QTC Asset 0 0 93 000 93 000

Net Transactions with Owners as Owners 0 0 93 000 93 000

Balance as at 30 June 2013 2 345 076 0 93 000 2 438 076

1 The figures for this water authority are unaudited at time of printing.

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Table 19d: Glamorgan Vale Water Board— Statement of Cash Flows for the year ended 30 June 20131

2013$ 2012




User charges rates and excess 346 604 327 908

Other income 64 648 698

GST input tax credits from ATO 0 24 963

GST collected from customers 0 136

Net cash inflow from operating activities 411 252 353 705


Administration expenses 89 045 77 539

Employee expenses 84 023 70 205

Operating expenses 353 015 341 879

GST paid to suppliers 0 38 342

GST remitted to ATO 0 165

Cash Flows from Investing Activities 526 083 528 130

NET INCOME (114 831) (174 425)

Cash flows from operating activities

Trade debtors movement 5 994

Provision for annual leave 435

Super payable (movement) 267

Trade creditors 2 833

GST payable 10 202

Asset revaluation expense (decrement) 144 480

PAYG payable (499)

Customer deposits (285)

General journal entries employee liabilities (170)

GST collected 1

Net cash provided by (used in) operating activities 163 258

Cash flows from investing activities

Acquisitions (Solar + Plant Equipment) (39 180) 0 Transfer from QTC 0 50 000

Net cash provided by (used in) investing activities (39 180) 50 000

Table continued over page

1 The figures for this water authority are unaudited at time of printing.

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Table 19d: Glamorgan Vale Water Board (cont’d)— tatement of Cash Flows for the year ended 30 June 2013S


Cash flows from financing activities


Loan Gal (3 196) (2 322)

Less Capital Introduced QTC (removed from equity) (65 000) 0

Provision Long Service Leave (1 732) 0

Net cash (outflow) from financing activities (69 928) (2 322)

Net Increase (decrease) in cash and cash equivalents held (60 683) (126 747)

Cash and cash equivalents at the beginning of the financial year 316 767 225 204

Cash and cash equivalents at the end of the financial year 256 084 98 457

Table 20a: Kaywanna Water Board— Statement of Comprehensive Income for the year ended 30 June 20131

$ $

Income from Continuing Operations

User charges 50 090

Other revenue 7 630

Total Income from Continuing Operations 57 720

Expenses from Continuing Operations

Supplies and services (47 921)

Depreciation (27 844)

Other expenses (836)

Total Expenses from Continuing Operations (76 601)

Operating Result from Continuing Operations (18 881)

Operating Result for the Year (18 881)

1 The figures for this water authority are unaudited at time of printing.

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Table 20b: Kaywanna Water Board— Statement of Financial Position as at 30 June 20131

$ $

Current Assets

Cash and cash equivalents 213 986

Receivables 1 120

Total Current Assets 215 106

Non-Current Assets

Property, plant and equipment: 817 395

Total Non-Current Assets 817 395

TOTAL ASSETS 1 032 501

NET ASSETS 1 032 501


Accumulated surplus (277 978 )

Contributed equity 1 310 479

TOTAL EQUITY 1 032 501

Table 20c: Kaywanna Water Board— Statement of Changes in Equity for the year ended 30 June 20131

Accumulated Surplus/ Deficit


Asset Revaluation

Surplus $

Contributed Equity


Total $

Balance as at 1 July 2011 (225 574) 0 1 310 479 1 084 905

Operating result from continuing operations (33 523) 0 0 (33 523)

Other Comprehensive Income - Increase/(Decrease) in asset revaluation surplus

0 0 0 0

Balance at 30 June 2012 (259 097) 0 1 310 479 1 051 382

Balance as at 1 July 2012 (259 097) 0 1 310 479 1 051 382

Operating result from continuing operations (18 881) 0 0 (18 881)

Other Comprehensive Income - Increase/(Decrease) in asset revaluation surplus

0 0 0 0

Balance at 30 June 2012 (277 978) 0 1 310 479 1 032 501

1 The figures for this water authority are unaudited at time of printing.

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Table 20d: Kaywanna Water Board— Statement of Cash Flows for the year ended 30 June 20131

$ $

Cash flows from operating activities


User charges 50 090

GST input tax credits from ATO 5 131

55 221


Supplies and services (47 921)

GST paid to suppliers (4 644)

(52 565)

Net cash provided by operating activities 2 656

Cash flows from investing activities


Payments for property, plant and equipment (836)

Net cash provided by (used in) investing activities 7 630

Net cash increase (decrease) in cash and cash equivalents 9 450

Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of year 204 536

Cash and cash equivalents at end of financial year 213 986

Table 21a: Kelsey Creek Water Board— Statement of Comprehensive Income for the year ended 30 June 20131

$ $

Income from Continuing Operations


User charges 545 024

Other revenue 16 349

Total Income from Continuing Operations 561 372

Expenses from Continuing Operations

Supplies and services 209 773

Other expenses 3 400

Total Expenses from Continuing Operations 213 173

Operating Result from Continuing Operations 348 199


1 The figures for this water authority are unaudited at time of printing.

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Table 21b: Kelsey Creek Water Board— Statement of Financial Position as at 30 June 20131

$ $


Current Assets

Cash and cash equivalents 755 378

Trade and other receivables 30 138

Total Current Assets 785 516

Non-Current Assets

Property, plant and equipment 2 252 484

Total Non-Current Assets 2 252 484

Total Assets 3 038 000


Current Liabilities

Other current liabilities 89 977

Total Current Liabilities 89 977

Non-Current Liabilities

Loans 438 338

Total Non-Current Liabilities 438 338


NET ASSETS 2 509 684

EQUITY Accumulated surplus 2 509 684

TOTAL EQUITY 2 509 684

1 The figures for this water authority are unaudited at time of printing.

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Table 21c: Kelsey Creek Water Board— Statement of Cash Flows for the year ended 30 June 20131

$ $

Cash Flows from Operating Activities


User charges 679 543

GST input tax credits from ATO 7 313

GST collected from customers 159

Other 16 349

703 364


Supplies and services (213 173)

GST paid to suppliers (6 471)

GST remitted to ATO (159)

(219 803)

Net cash Provided by Operating Activities 483 561

Cash Flows from Financing Activities (206 792)

Net Cash Used In Financing Activities (206 792)

Cash and Cash Equivalents at Beginning of Financial Year 478 609

Cash and Cash Equivalents at End of Financial Year 755 378

Net Cash Increase (Decrease) in Cash and Cash Equivalents 276 769

Table 21d: Kelsey Creek Water Board— Statement of Changes in Equity for the year ended 30 June 20131

2013$ 2012



Balance at 1 July 2012 2 161 485 1 904 960

Surplus/Deficit for year 348 199 256 525

Balance as at 30 June 2013 2 509 684 2 161 485

1 The figures for this water authority are unaudited at time of printing.

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Table 22a: Kooingal Water Board— Statement of Comprehensive Income for the year ended 30 June 20131

$ $

Income from Continuing Operations

User charges 18 800

Other revenue 4 346

Total Income from Continuing Operations 23 146

Expenses from Continuing Operations

Employee expenses 1 290

Supplies and services 16 842

Depreciation 2 348

Other expenses 4 793

Total Expenses from Continuing Operations 25 273

Operating Result from Continuing Operations (2 127)

Operating Result for the Year (2 127)

Total Other Comprehensive Income 0

Total Comprehensive Income (2 127)

1 The figures for this water authority are unaudited at time of printing.

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Table 22b: Kooingal Water Board— Statement of Financial Position as at 30 June 20131

$ $

Current Assets

Cash and cash equivalents 92 150

Receivables 1 631

Other 2 000

Total Current Assets 95 781

Non-Current Assets

Property, plant and equipment 42 294

Total Non-Current Assets 42 294

Total Assets 138 075

Current Liabilities

Payables 6 592

Total Current Liabilities 6 592

Total Liabilities 6 592

Net Assets 131 483


Accumulated surplus 131 483

Total equity 131 483

Table 22c: Kooingal Water Board— Statement of Changes in Equity for the year ended 30 June 20131

Accumulated Surplus/Deficit

Asset Revaluation


Contributed Equity TOTAL

Balance as at 1 July 2011 133 0 0 133

Operating Result from continuing operations 0 0 0 0

Other Comprehensive Income

- Increase/(Decrease) in asset revaluation surplus 0 0 0

Total Comprehensive Income for the Year 0 0 0 0

Balance as at 30 June 2012 133 0 0 133

Balance as at 1 July 2012 133 0 0 133

Operating Result from continuing operations (2) 0 0 (2)

Other Comprehensive Income

- Increase/(Decrease) in asset revaluation surplus 0 0 0 0

Total Comprehensive Income for the Year (2) 0 0 (-2)

Balance as at 30 June 2013 131 0 0 131

1 The figures for this water authority are unaudited at time of printing.

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Table 22d: Kooingal Water Board— Statement of Cash Flows for the year ended 30 June 20131

2013$ 2012


Cash flows from operating activities


User charges 18 783 17 828

GST collected from customers 0 482

Other 4 346 4 240

Net cash inflow from operating activities 23 129 22 550


Employee expenses (1 002) (408)

Supplies and services (17 491) (13 522)

GST paid to suppliers (543) 0

Other (4 143) (4 627)

Net cash outflow from operating activities (23 179) (18 557)

Net cash provided by (used in) operating activities (50) 3 993

Cash flows from investing activities


Deposit Paid 0 (2 000)

Net cash outflow from investing activities 0 (2 000)

Net cash provided by (used in) investing activities 0 (2 000)

Net increase (decrease) in cash and cash equivalents (50) 1 993

Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of year 86 829 84 836

Cash and cash equivalents at end of financial year 86 779 86 829

1 The figures for this water authority are unaudited at time of printing.

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Table 23a: Lower Herbert Water Management Authority— Statement of Comprehensive Income for the year ended 30 June 20131

$ $

Income from Continuing Operations

Revenue 362 781

Other income 10 361

Total Income from Continuing Operations 373 142

Expenses from Continuing Operations

Auditors' remuneration (700)

Depreciation expenses (57 325)

Directors' fees (16 809)

Other expenses (342 366)

Total Expenses from Continuing Operations (417 200)

Loss for the year (44 058)

Retained earnings at the beginning of the financial year 250 199

Profit attributable to members of the company 206 141

Table 23b: Lower Herbert Water Management Authority— Balance Sheet as at 30 June 20131


Current Assets

Cash and cash equivalents 306 474

Trade and other receivables 14 318

Total Current Assets 320 792

Non-Current Assets

Property, Plant and Equipment: 2 284 139

Total Non-Current Assets 2 284 139

TOTAL ASSETS 2 604 931

NET ASSETS 2 604 931


Reserves 2 398 790

Retained earnings 206 141

TOTAL EQUITY 2 604 931

1 The figures for this water authority are unaudited at time of printing.

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Table 23c: Lower Herbert Water Management Authority— Statement of Changes in Equity for the year ended 30 June 20131

Retained Earnings


Asset Revaluation

Reserve $

Total $

Balance at 1 July 2011 262,622 0 262,622

Increment in value of assets 0 2,398,790 2,398,790

Profit attributable to equity shareholders (12,423) 0 (12,423)

Balance at 30 June 2012 250,199 2,398,790 2,648,989

Profit attributable to equity shareholders (44,058) 0 (44,058)

Balance as at 30 June 2013 206,141 2,398,790 2,604,931

Table 23d: Lower Herbert Water Management Authority— Statement of Cash Flows for the year ended 30 June 20131

$ $

Cash Flows from Operating Activities


Rates and charges 218 288

Interest received 10 331

GST Collected on sales 3 035

GST Input Tax Credits from ATO 28 835

Other Income 143 008

403 497


Administration expenses (88 575)

Operations and maintenance (271 299)

GST Paid on purchases (33 653)

(393 527)

Net cash Provided by Operating Activities 9 970

Net increase in cash held 9 970

Cash at beginning of financial year 296 503

Cash at end of financial year 306 473

1 The figures for this water authority are unaudited at time of printing.

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Table 24a: Matthews Road Drainage Board— Statement of Income and Expenditure for the year ended 30 June 20131

$ $


Rates & charges 1 454

Total Income 1 454


Administration expenses 500

Audit fees 490

Depreciation - other 15 929

Miscellaneous expenses (1)

Total expenses 16 918

Profit (loss) from ordinary activities before income tax (15 464)

Income tax revenue relating to ordinary activities 0

Profit (loss) from ordinary activities after income tax (15 464)

Profit from extraordinary items after related income tax 0

Net profit (loss) attributable to the association (15 464)

Items recognised directly in equity:

Net increase in Asset Revaluation Reserve 243 879

Total revenues, expenses and valuation adjustments

attributable to the association and recognised directly

in equity 243 879

Total changes in equity of the association 228 415

Opening retained profits 3 037

Net profit (loss) attributable to the association (15 464)

Closing retained profits (12 427)

1 The figures for this water authority are unaudited at time of printing.

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Table 24b: Matthews Road Drainage Board— Detailed Balance Sheet as at 30 June 20131

$ $

Current Assets

Cash assets:

Cash at bank 3 269


Trade debtors 243

Total Current Assets 3 512

Non-Current Assets

Property, Plant and Equipment:

Lease improvements (other) 489 779

Less: Accumulated depreciation (261 829)

Total Non-Current Assets 227 950

Total Assets 231 462

Current Liabilities

Current Tax Liabilities:

GST payable control account 10

Total Current Liabilities 10

Total Liabilities 10

Net Assets 231 452

Members' Funds

Asset revaluation reserve 243 879

Accumulated surplus (deficit) (12 427)

Total Members' Funds 231 452

1 The figures for this water authority are unaudited at time of printing.

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Table 25a: North Burdekin Water Board— Statement of Comprehensive Income for the year ended 30 June 2013

$ $

Income from Continuing Operations


User charges 4 582 975

Interest Revenue 99 467

Total Income from Continuing Operations 4 682 442

Expenses from continuing operations

Employee benefits 962 917

Supplies and services 2 644 851

Depreciation and amortisation 597 127

Total Expenses from Continuing Operations 4 204 895

Operating Result from Continuing Operations 477 547

Total Comprehensive Income 477 547

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Table 25b: North Burdekin Water Board— Statement of Financial Position as at 30 June 2013

$ $

Current Assets

Cash and Cash Equivalents 2 945 768

Receivables 486 376

Inventories 50 030

Other 8 834

Total Current Assets 3 491 008

Non-Current Assets

Intangible Assets 3 000 000

Property, Plant and Equipment 15 921 351

Total Non-Current Assets 18 921 351

Total Assets 22 412 359

Current Liabilities

Payables 312 481

Provision for employee benefits 136 628

Accrued Employee benefits 67 736

Other 10 849

Total Current Liabilities 527 694

Non-Current Liabilities

Provision for employee benefits 48 430

Accrued employee benefits 111 691

Total Non Current Liabilities 160 121

Total Liabilities 687 814

Net Assets 21 724 545


Retained Profits 21 614 546

Asset Revaluation Surplus 110 000

Total equity 21 724 546

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Table 25c: North Burdekin Water Board— Statement of Changes in Equity for the year ended 30 June 2013



Asset Revaluation

Surplus TOTAL

Balance as at 1 July 2011 20 147 001 110 000 20 257 001

Operating Result from continuing operations 989 997 0 989 997

Balance as at 30 June 2012 21 136 998 110 000 21 246 998

Balance as at 1 July 2012 21 136 998 110 000 21 246 998

Operating Result from continuing operations 477 548 0 477 548

Balance as at 30 June 2013 21 614 546 110 000 21 724 546

Table 25d: North Burdekin Water Board— Statement of Cash Flows for the year ended 30 June 2013

$ $

Cash Flows from Operating Activities


User Charges 4 359 205

Interest Receipts 99 467

GST Input Tax Credits from the ATO 170 869

4 629 541


Employee Expenses (962 917)

Supplies and Services (2 790 237)

GST Remitted to the ATO (86 255)

(3 839 409)

Net Cash Provided by (Used In) Operating Activities 790 132

Cash Flows from Investing Activities


Sale of Property, Plant & Equipment 213 681


Payments for Property, Plant & Equipment (1 019 565)

Net Cash Provided (used in) Investing Activities (805 884)

Net Increase (Decrease) in Cash Held (15 752 )

Cash at Beginning of Financial year 2 961 520

Cash at End of Financial Year 2 945 768

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Table 26a: Oaky Creek Water Board— Statement of Comprehensive Income for the year ended 30 June 20131

$ $

Income from Continuing Operations

User charges 20 736

Other revenue 7 651

Total Income from Continuing Operations 28 387

Expenses from Continuing Operations

Employee expenses 1 627

Supplies and services 32 901

Depreciation 1 832

Other Expenses 750

Total Expenses from Continuing Operations 37 110

Operating Result from Continuing Operations (8 723)

Total Comprehensive Income (8 723)

Table 26b: Oaky Creek Water Board— Statement of Financial Position as at 30 June 20131

$ $

Current Assets

Cash and cash equivalents 56 154

Receivables 3 248

Total Current Assets 59 402

Non-Current Assets

Property, Plant and Equipment 44 817

Total Non-Current Assets 44 817

Total Assets 104 219

Current Liabilities

Other 192

Total Current Liabilities 192

Total Liabilities 192

Net Assets 104 027


Accumulated surplus 104 027

Total equity 104 027

1 The figures for this water authority are unaudited at time of printing.

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Table 26c: Oaky Creek Water Board— Statement of Changes in Equity for the year ended 30 June 20131

Accumulated Surplus/Deficit

Asset Revaluation


Contributed Equity TOTAL

Balance as at 1 July 2011 115 0 0 115

Operating Result from continuing operations (3) 0 0 (3) Total Comprehensive Income for the Year (3) 0 0 (3)

Balance as at 30 June 2012 112 0 0 112

Balance as at 1 July 2012 112 0 0 112

Operating Result from continuing operations (8) 0 0 (8) Total Comprehensive Income for the Year (8) 0 0 (8)

Balance as at 30 June 2013 104 0 0 104

Table 26d: Oaky Creek Water Board— Statement of Cash Flows for the year ended 30 June 20131

2013$ 2012


Cash flows from operating activities


User charges 20 555 17 906

Repair costs recovered 4 778 6 430

GST input tax credits from ATO 0 951


Employee expenses (1 627) (838)

Supplies and services (33 651) (27 320)

GST paid to suppliers (113) 0

Deposit paid - legal services 0 (2 000)

Net cash inflow from operating activities (10 058) (4 871)

Cash flows from investing activities


Interest received 2 873 3 109

Net cash (outflow) from financing activities 2 873 3 109

Net Increase (decrease) in cash and cash equivalents held (7 185) (1 762)

Cash and cash equivalents at the beginning of the financial year 63 339 65 101

Cash and cash equivalents at the end of the financial year 56 154 63 339

1 The figures for this water authority are unaudited at time of printing.

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Table 27a: Pioneer Valley Water Board— Statement of Comprehensive Income for the year ended 30 June 2013

$ $


Revenue 2 498 904


Employee expenses (427 883)

Depreciation expenses (1 005 402)

Interest on borrowings (finance costs) (94 117)

Other expenses from ordinary activities (1 170 655)


Income tax expense 0


Other Comprehensive Income

Net gain on the revaluation of non-current assets 3 136 208


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Table 27b: Pioneer Valley Water Board— Statement of Financial Position as at 30 June 2013

$ $

Current Assets

Cash and cash equivalents 2 012 059

Trade and other receivables 70 343

Total Current Assets 2 082 402

Non-Current Assets

Property, plant and equipment 34 665 700

Total Non-Current Assets 34 665 700

TOTAL ASSETS 36 748 102

Current Liabilities

Trade and other payables 175 656

Borrowings 438 765

Provisions 43 484

Total Current Liabilities 657 905

Non-Current Liabilities

Borrowings 584 086

Provisions 196 413

780 499


NET ASSETS 35 309 698


Retained profits 11 587 551

Reserves 23 722 147

TOTALEQUITY 35 309 698

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Table 27c: Pioneer Valley Water Board— Statement of Cash Flows for the year ended 30 June 2013

$ $

Cash Flows from Operating Activities

Receipts from water levies 2 480 558

Other operating revenue 4

Payments to suppliers and employees (1 569 743)

Interest received 98 329

Interest Paid - QTC (94 117)

Other revenue received 452

Net cash provided by operating activities 915 483

Cash Flows from Investing Activities

Proceeds from disposal of plant & equipment 15 909

Payments from property, plant & equipment (70 774)

Net cash used by investing activities (54 865)

Cash Flows from Financing Activities

Repayments of borrowings to QTC (659 139)

Net cash used by financing activities (659 139)

Net increase (decrease) in cash held 201 479

Cash at the beginning of the period 1 810 580

Cash at the end of the year 2 012 059

Table 27d: Pioneer Valley Water Board— Statement of Changes in Equity for the year ended 30 June 2013

Total equity Retained earnings Revaluation surplus

2013 2012 2013 2012 2013 2012

Balance at beginning of the year 32 372 643 32 466 677 11 786 704 11 880 738 20 585 939 20 585 939

Net result for the period (199 153) (94 034) (199 153) (94 034) 0 0 Other comprehensive income 3 136 208 0 0 0 3 136 208 0

Balance at the end of the year 35 309 698 32 372 643 11 587 551 11 786 704 23 722 147 20 585 939

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Table 28a: Roadvale Water Board— Statement of Comprehensive Income for the year ended 30 June 20131

$ $

Income from Continuing Operations

User charges 177 361

Other revenue 14 576

Total Income from Continuing Operations 191 937

Expenses from continuing operations

Employee expenses 59 462

Supplies and services 77 500

Other expenses 800

Total Expenses from Continuing Operations 137 762

Operating Result from Continuing Operations 54 175

Operating Result for the Year 54 175

Table 28b: Roadvale Water Board— Statement of Financial Position as at 30 June 20131

$ $

Current Assets

Cash and cash equivalents 357 294

Receivables 3 105

Total Current Assets 360 399

Non-Current Assets

Property, plant and equipment 1 499 638

Total Non-Current Assets 1 499 638

Total Assets 1 860 037

Current Liabilities

Payables 4 234

Total Current Liabilities 4 234

Total Liabilities 4 234

Net Assets 1 855 803


Accumulated surplus 54 175

Contributed equity 1 801 628

Total Equity 1 855 803

1 The figures for this water authority are unaudited at time of printing.

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Table 28c: Roadvale Water Board— Statement of Changes in Equity for the year ended 30 June 20131

Accumulated Surplus/Deficit

Asset Revaluation


Contributed Equity TOTAL

Balance as at 1 July 2011 0 0 0 1 748 280

Operating Result from continuing operations 53 345 0 0 53 345

Other Comprehensive Income

- Increase/(Decrease) in asset revaluation surplus 0 0 0 0

Total Comprehensive Income for the Year 53 345 0 0 53 345

Balance as at 30 June 2012 53 345 0 0 1 801 625

Balance as at 1 July 2012 53 345 0 0 1 801 625

Operating Result from continuing operations 54 175 54 175

Other Comprehensive Income

- Increase/(Decrease) in asset revaluation surplus 0 0 0 0

Total Comprehensive Income for the Year 54 175 0 0 54 175

Balance as at 30 June 2013 107 520 0 0 1 855 800

1 The figures for this water authority are unaudited at time of printing.

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Table 28d: Roadvale Water Board— Statement of Cash Flows for the year ended 30 June 20131

$ $

Cash flows from operating activities


User charges 178 754

GST input tax credits from ATO 7 526

GST collected from customers 158

186 438


Employee expenses 57 200

Supplies and services 77 497

GST paid to suppliers 7 276

GST remitted to ATO 183

Other 800

142 956

Net cash provided by (used in) operating activities 43 482

Cash Flows from Investing Activities


Interest on cash deposits 14 576

14 576


Payments for property, plant and equipment 1 081

1 081

Net cash provided by (used in) investing activities 13 495

Net cash increase (decrease) in cash and cash equivalents 56 977

Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of year 300 267

Cash and cash equivalents at end of financial year 357 244

1 The figures for this water authority are unaudited at time of printing.

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Table 29a: Six Mile Creek Water Supply Board— Statement of Comprehensive Income for the year ended 30 June 20131

$ $

Income from Continuing Operations


User charges 150 372

Other revenue 2 272

Total Income from Continuing Operations 152 644

Expenses from continuing operations

Supplies and services 96 840

Other expenses 3 150

Total Expenses from Continuing Operations 99 990

Operating Result from Continuing Operations 52 653


Table 29b: Six Mile Creek Water Supply Board— Statement of Financial Position as at 30 June 20131

$ $


Current Assets

Cash and cash equivalents 230 479

Trade and other receivables 9 228

Total Current Assets 239 708

Non-Current Assets

Property, plant and equipment 236 590

Total Non-Current Assets 236 590

Total Assets 476 298

NET ASSETS 476 298


Accumulated surplus 476 298


1 The figures for this water authority are unaudited at time of printing.

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Table 29c: Six Mile Creek Water Supply Board— Statement of Cash Flows for the year ended 30 June 20131

$ $

Cash Flows from Operating Activities


User charges 148 826

GST input tax credits from ATO 10 824

GST collected from customers 80

Other 2 272

162 002


Supplies and services (99 990)

GST paid to suppliers (11 314)

GST remitted to ATO (80)

(111 384)

Net cash Provided by Operating Activities 50 618

Cash Flows from Investing Activities


Payments for Property, Plant & Equipment (53 900)

Net Cash Provided by Investing Activities (53 900)

Cash and cash equivalents at Beginning of Financial Year 233 761

Cash and cash equivalents at End of Financial Year 230 479

Net Cash Increase (Decrease) in Cash and Cash Equivalents (3 282)

Table 29d: Six Mile Creek Water Supply Board— Statement of Changes in Equity for the year ended 30 June 20131


$ 2012$


Balance at 1 July 2012 423 644 391 903

Surplus/Deficit for year 52 653 31 741

Balance as at 30 June 2013 476 298 423 644

1 The figures for this water authority are unaudited at time of printing.

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Table 30a: South Burdekin Water Board— Statement of Comprehensive Income for the year ended 30 June 2013

$ $

Income from Continuing Operations


User charges 2 495 081

Interest Revenue 85 859


Gain on Sale of Property Plant and Equipment 8 864

Total Income from Continuing Operations 2 589 804

Expenses from Continuing Operations

Employee benefits 644 169

Supplies and services 1 670 468

Depreciation and amortisation 326 696

Total Expenses from Continuing Operations 2 641 333

Operating Result from Continuing Operations (51 529)

Total Comprehensive Income (51 529)

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Table 30b: South Burdekin Water Board— Statement of Financial Position as at 30 June 2013

$ $

Current Assets

Cash and cash equivalents 2 372 417

Receivables 203 541

Other 12 424

Total Current Assets 2 588 382

Non-Current Assets

Intangible Assets 1 500 000

Property, Plant and Equipment 12 252 138

Total Non-Current Assets 13 752 138

Total Assets 16 340 520

Current Liabilities

Payables 207 003

Provisions 127 046

Accrued Employee benefits 50 833

Total Current Liabilities 384 881

Non-Current Liabilities

Provision for employee benefits 10 021

Accrued employee benefits 144 440

Total Non-Current Liabilities 154 461

Total Liabilities 539 343

Net Assets 15 801 177


Accumulated surpluses 15 376 637


Asset Revaluation Surplus 424 544

Total equity 15 801 177

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Table 30c: South Burdekin Water Board— Statement of Changes in Equity for the year ended 30 June 2013



Asset Revaluation

Surplus TOTAL

Balance as at 1 July 2011 15 115 353 424 544 15 539 897

Operating Result from continuing operations 312 812 0 312 812

Other Comprehensive Income

- Increase/(Decrease) in asset revaluation surplus 0 0 0

Balance as at 30 June 2012 15 428 166 424 544 15 852 710

Balance as at 1 July 2012 15 428 166 424 544 15 852 710

Operating Result from continuing operations (51 529) 0 (51 529)

Other Comprehensive Income

- Increase/(Decrease) in asset revaluation surplus 0 0 0

Balance as at 30 June 2013 15 376 633 424 544 15 801 177

Table 30d: South Burdekin Water Board— Statement of Cash Flows for the year ended 30 June 2013

$ $

Cash Flows from Operating Activities


User charges 2 495 081

Interest receipts 85 859

GST receipts 8 645

2 589 585


Employee expenses (644 169)

Supplies and services (1 587 923)

GST payments (95 952)

(2 328 044)

Net cash Provided by ( used in) Operating Activities 261 542

Cash Flows from Investing Activities


Sale of Property Plant & Equipment 629 818


Payments for Property, Plant & Equipment (689 343)

Net Cash Provided ( used in) Investing Activities (59 525)

Net Increase (Decrease) in cash and cash equivalents 202 018 Cash and cash equivalents at Beginning of Financial year 2 170 401

Cash and cash equivalents at End of Financial Year 2 372 419

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Table 31a: Weengallon Water Authority— Statement of Comprehensive Income for the year ended 30 June 20131

$ $

Income from Continuing Operations

Other revenue 893

Total Income from Continuing Operations 893

Expenses from Continuing Operations

Other expenses (873)

Total Expenses from Continuing Operations (873)

Operating Result from Continuing Operations 20

Operating Result for the Year 20

Table 31b: Weengallon Water Authority— Statement of Financial Position as at 30 June 20131

$ $

Current Assets

Cash and cash equivalents 33 548

Total Current Assets 33 548




Table 31c: Weengallon Water Authority— Statement of Cash Flows for the year ended 30 June 20131

$ $ Cash flows from operating activities Outflows: Supplies and services (873)


Net cash used in operating activities (873)

Net cash increase (decrease) in cash and cash equivalents 56 Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of year 33 528

Cash and cash equivalents at end of financial year 33 585

1 The figures for this water authority are unaudited at time of printing.

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Table 32a: Yambocully Water Board— Statement of Comprehensive Income for the year ended 30 June 20131

$ $

Income from Continuing Operations


Water supply rates and charges 316 533

Interest Revenue 24 156

Total Income from Continuing Operations 340 689

Expenses from continuing operations

Employee expenses 59 093

Water supply charges 77 127

Supplies and services 161 124

Depreciation 6 543

Other Expenses 31 116

Total Expenses from Continuing Operations 335 003

Operating Result from Continuing Operations 5 686

Total Comprehensive Income 5 686

1 The figures for this water authority are unaudited at time of printing.

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Table 32b: Yambocully Water Board— Statement of Financial Position as at 30 June 20131

$ $

Current Assets

Cash and cash equivalents 526 768

Receivables 102 306

Total Current Assets 629 074

Non-Current Assets

Property, plant and equipment 2 273 727

Total Non-Current Assets 2 273 727

Total Assets 2 902 801

Current Liabilities

Payables 28 289

Total Current Liabilities 28 289

Total Liabilities 28 289

Net Assets 2 874 512


Accumulated surplus 3 106 322

Asset revaluation surplus/deficit(-) (237 496)

Contributed equity 5 686

Total equity 2 874 512

Table 32c: Yambocully Water Board— Statement of Changes in Equity for the year ended 30 June 20131

Accumulated Surplus/Deficit

Asset Revaluation


Contributed Equity TOTAL

Balance as at 1 July 2011 3 062 876 3 062 876

Operating Result from continuing operations 43 446 43 446

Other Comprehensive Income

- Increase/(Decrease) in asset revaluation surplus

Total Comprehensive Income for the Year 43 446 43 446

Balance as at 30 June 2012 3 106 322 3 106 322

Balance as at 1 July 2012 3 106 322 3 106 322

Operating Result from continuing operations 5 686 5 686

Other Comprehensive Income

- Increase/(Decrease) in asset revaluation surplus (237 496) (237 496)

Total Comprehensive Income for the Year 5 686 (237 496) (231 810)

Balance as at 30 June 2013 3 112 008 (237 496) 2 874 512

1 The figures for this water authority are unaudited at time of printing.

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Table 32d: Yambocully Water Board— Statement of Cash Flows for the year ended 30 June 20131

$ $

Cash Flows from Operating Activities


Water supply rates and charges 266 372

GST input tax credits from ATO 17 052

Interest 24 156

307 580


Employee expenses (59 093)

Water supply charges (77 127)

Supplies and services (183 362)

GST paid to suppliers (17 052)

Other (8 786)

(345 420)

Net Cash Provided by (used in) Operating Activities (37 840)

Cash Flows from Investing Activities


Payments for property, plant & equipment (12 450)

Net Cash Provided (used in) Investing Activities (12 450)

Net Cash Increase (Decrease) in Cash and Cash Equivalents (50 290)

Cash and cash equivalents at Beginning of Financial year 577 058

Cash and cash equivalents at End of Financial Year 526 768

1 The figures for this water authority are unaudited at time of printing.

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