QC Manual - Konig

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  • 8/10/2019 QC Manual - Konig


    A Brief Introduction

    The sample text in this document should be used as a guide in preparing a QC Manualthat will comply with the ASME Boiler & Pressure essel Codes Section !" Section !!!#i$% " Section !!! #i$% ' and Section !!! #i$% (" )or Shop and *ield Acti$ities and also)or +epairs and Alterations according to the ,ational Board !nspection Code%

    It is important to understand that this is only a guide and should be modifiedaccordingly to reflect the QC System currently in use and for the Scope ofCertificates of Authorization, which are being sought.

    *or ease o) reading" certain re)erences ha$e been made to $arious sample )ormsthat

    many manu)acturers use in meeting the $arious Code re-uirements% .hen preparingyour system" the )orms" and title o) )orms used by your organi/ation should bere)erenced in place o) these samples% *or identi)ication o) the sample )orms re)erencedin this Manual they ha$e been identi)ied in blue text%

    !ndi$iduals responsible )or per)orming $arious duties within this Manual in meeting Codere-uirements ha$e been indicated as T!T0E 1* +ESP1,S!B0E in red%

    The Company 0egal ,ame" andAddress are shown in purple%

    This document is pro$ided by2

    Koenig ConsultingHeuss Str. 10LinkenheimGermany 76351

    Tel.: !"#7$!7#"!!%$5&a': !"#7$!7#"!!%$6

    The text shown in this sample QC Manual should act as a guide in de$eloping a QC program which meets the re-uirements o) theASME Boiler and Pressure essel Code Section !" Section !!! #i$% " #i$% '" and #i$% ( it should not be used $erbatim" withoutre$iew o) the system and modi)ication to re)lect the system which is actually in use%

  • 8/10/2019 QC Manual - Konig





    Company Legal NameAN


    )or the

    S31P *AB+!CAT!1," +EPA!+ A,# *!E0# ASSEMB04


    B1!0E+S" 3EA4 .A00" +EACT1+S" C105M,S A,# ST1+A6E ESSE0S & PA+TS *1+T3E PET+17C3EM!CA0 !,#5ST+4 A,# 6E,E+A0 P+ESS5+E ESSE0S

    ACC1+#!,6 T1 SECT!1, ! and SECT!1, !!! #i$ision " ' & (1* T3E ASME B1!0E+ A,# P+ESS5+E ESSE0 C1#E

    and )or

    +EPA!+S A,# A0TE+AT!1,S T1 P+ESS5+E ESSE0S !, ACC1+#A,CE

    .!T3 T3E ,AT!1,A0 B1A+# !,SPECT!1, C1#E

    C1,T+100E# C1P42 4ES ,1

    MA,5A0 ,5MBE+2 E

    'ndEdition 7 '8 #ecember '9:

    The text shown in this sample QC Manual should act as a guide in de$eloping a QC program which meets the re-uirements o) theASME Boiler and Pressure essel Code Section !" Section !!! #i$% " #i$% '" and #i$% ( it should not be used $erbatim" withoutre$iew o) the system and modi)ication to re)lect the system which is actually in use%

  • 8/10/2019 QC Manual - Konig


    )*+L,T- C/TL+/*+L

    Section2 Pre)acePage2 o) +e$ision2 9#ate2 '8 #ecember '9:

    #A$L" %& C%N#"N#S

    Section escription !e'ision ate

    7 Co$er Page 9 #ec% '8" :

    Pre)ace Table o) Contents 9 #ec% '8" :

    9 Statement o) Policy and Authority 9 #ec% '8" :

    6lossary 9 #ec% '8" :

    ' Manual Control 9 #ec% '8" :

    ( 1rgani/ation 9 #ec% '8" :

    : #rawings" #esign Calculations & Speci)ications 9 #ec% '8" :

    ; Material Control 9 #ec% '8" :

    8 Examination and !nspection 9 #ec% '8" :

    < ,oncon)ormities 9 #ec% '8" :

    = .elding 9 #ec% '8" :

    > ,ondestructi$e Examination 9 #ec% '8" :

    9 3eat Treatment 9 #ec% '8" :

    Calibration 9 #ec% '8" :

    ' +ecords" M#+" Code Stamping And ,ational Board 9 #ec% '8" :

    ( Authori/ed !nspector 9 #ec% '8" :

    : *ield Sites 9 #ec% '8" :

    ; +epairs & Alterations 9 #ec% '8" :

    8 Exhibit !ndex 9 #ec% '8" :

    #ec% '8" : #ec% '8" :


    T!T0E 1* +ESP1,S!B0E


    Authori/ed !nspector

    The text shown in this sample QC Manual should act as a guide in de$eloping a QC program which meets the re-uirements o) theASME Boiler and Pressure essel Code Section !" Section !!! #i$% " #i$% '" and #i$% ( it should not be used $erbatim" withoutre$iew o) the system and modi)ication to re)lect the system which is actually in use%

  • 8/10/2019 QC Manual - Konig


    )*+L,T- C/TL+/*+L

    Section2 9Page2 o) +e$ision2 9#ate2 '8 #ecember '9:

    S#A#"("N# %& )%LIC* AN A+#%!I#*

    -. This Manual describes the Quality Control System to be )ollowed at Company 0egal ,ame)or theShop *abrication atAddressand *ield Assembly o) ASME Code Stamped Boilers" Pressure

    Piping" Pressure essels and Parts controlled )rom this location in accordance with Section !"Section !!! #i$ision " #i$%'" and #i$%(% This Manual also co$ers the re-uirements )or the+epair & Alteration o) Boilers and Pressure essels according to the ,B!C%

    -./ The Management o) Company 0egal ,ameis totally committed to meet all o) the re-uirements o)the ASME Boiler and Pressure essel Code" ,B!C" and the Quality Control System describedin this Manual%

    -.0 The T!T0E 1* +ESP1,S!B0Eis responsible )or the preparation" re$ision and issuance o) thisQuality Control Manual" and )or the administration and implementation o) the Quality ControlSystem at this location" and at )ield sites controlled )rom this location%

    -.1 The T!T0E 1* +ESP1,S!B0Ehas the authority" responsibility and organi/ational )reedom to

    identi)y Quality Control problems" pro$ide their solutions" and $eri)y the resolution o) suchproblems" and to stop wor? i) )urther processing would result in a noncon)ormance o) the Codeor this Manual%

    -.2 .hen there are di))erences o) interpretation o) the Code or this Manual" that cannot be resol$edthrough the organi/ational structure described in this Manual" such problems shall be broughtdirectly to me )or resolution in accordance with the ASME Code" this Manual and goodengineering practice%

    -.3 This Manual has been prepared in the English language and translated into @,ati$e 0anguage@)or use by non7English spea?ing personnel%

    -.4 !n case o) any con)lict in understanding the re-uirements o) this Manual" the English $ersion shallgo$ern%

    CE1 '8 #ecember'9:

    The text shown in this sample QC Manual should act as a guide in de$eloping a QC program which meets the re-uirements o) theASME Boiler and Pressure essel Code Section !" Section !!! #i$% " #i$% '" and #i$% ( it should not be used $erbatim" withoutre$iew o) the system and modi)ication to re)lect the system which is actually in use%

  • 8/10/2019 QC Manual - Konig


    )*+L,T- C/TL+/*+L

    Section2 Page2 o) '+e$ision2 9#ate2 '8 #ecember '9:


    ../.- 5"N"!AL

    %9% The )ollowing Section co$ers the terms and abbre$iations used through this Manual" along with abrie) description o) their meaning%

    Company 0egal ,ame 7 The Company whos Quality Control System is documented in thisManual%

    ACCEPTA,CE 7 The act o) accepting" by signing7o)) and dating on a document )or anoperation a)ter" $eri)ication that the applicable re-uirements were met%

    A! 7 Authori/ed !nspector regularly employed by an Authori/ed !nspectionAgency as de)ined in the Code and holds an A Endorsement on their$alid ,ational Board commissioning card%

    A!A 7 Authori/ed !nspection Agency2 one designated as such by theappropriate legal Authority o) a State or Municipality o) the 5SA orPro$ince o) Canada and Accredited by the ASME%

    A!S 7 Authori/ed !nspector Super$isor%

    APP+1A0 7 The act o) appro$ing" by signing7o)) on a document a)ter $eri)ication thatall the re-uirements ha$e been met%

    ASME 7 The American Society o) Mechanical Engineers

    CE+T!*4 7 The act o) $eri)ying and attesting in writing that documents" processes"products" or personnel -uali)ications comply with speci)ied re-uirements%

    CMT+ 7 A Certi)ied Material Test +eport" indicating that the material supplied hasbeen manu)actured" tested and inspected in accordance with there-uired material speci)ication and the re-uirements o) AM79

    C1#E 7 The ASME Boiler & Pressure essel Code o) Construction Edition andDor Addendas and re)erence Sections%

    MATE+!A0 7 Material manu)actured to an SA" SB or S*A speci)ication or any other speci)ication permitted by the applicable Construction Code

    M#+ 7 Manu)acturers #ata +eport as de)ined in the ASME Code%

    MA.P 7 Maximum Allowable .or?ing Pressure an item is permitted to operate at"this should not to be con)used with design pressure%

    M#MT 7 Minimum #esign Metal Temperature" the lowest expected temperaturethe $essel is expected to operated at when in ser$ice%

    MT+ 7 Material Test +eport

    ,AT0 B#% 7 The ,ational Board o) Boiler and Pressure essel !nspectors%

    ,B!C 7 ,ational Board !nspection Code

    ,C+ 7 ,oncon)ormance +eport%

    ,#E 7 ,ondestructi$e Examination%

    The text shown in this sample QC Manual should act as a guide in de$eloping a QC program which meets the re-uirements o) theASME Boiler and Pressure essel Code Section !" Section !!! #i$% " #i$% '" and #i$% ( it should not be used $erbatim" withoutre$iew o) the system and modi)ication to re)lect the system which is actually in use%

  • 8/10/2019 QC Manual - Konig


    )*+L,T- C/TL+/*+L

    Section2 Page2 ' o) '+e$ision2 9#ate2 '8 #ecember '9:


    PQ+ 7 .elding Procedure Quali)ication +ecord%

    P+EPA+E 7 To issue a document" with signature and date%

    P+1CE#5+E 7 A document with step7by7step instructions describing how actions shallbe per)ormed in order to produce results in accordance with the speci)iedre-uirements%

    .PS 7 .elding Procedure Speci)ication%

    .PQ 7 .elders and .elding 1perators Per)ormance Quali)ication +ecord%

    Etc%%%%%% 7 Enter any abbre$iations or acronyms" which are used within this QualityControl Manual%

    The text shown in this sample QC Manual should act as a guide in de$eloping a QC program which meets the re-uirements o) theASME Boiler and Pressure essel Code Section !" Section !!! #i$% " #i$% '" and #i$% ( it should not be used $erbatim" withoutre$iew o) the system and modi)ication to re)lect the system which is actually in use%

  • 8/10/2019 QC Manual - Konig


  • 8/10/2019 QC Manual - Konig


    )*+L,T- C/TL+/*+L

    Section2 'Page2 ' o) (+e$ision2 9#ate2 '8 #ecember '9:

    (AN+AL C%N#!%L

    '%%( The T!T0E 1* +ESP1,S!B0E will ad$ise external Manual holders that their Manual will bedecontrolled i) ac?nowledgment o) receipt is not recei$ed within an additional (9 days%

    '%%: Manuals distributed to personnel o) Company 0egal ,ameand Manuals sent to the Authori/ed!nspection Agency cannot be decontrolled%

    '%%; The T!T0E 1* +ESP1,S!B0Eshall retain one copy o) each re$ision o) the Manual and theoriginal o) the current Manual" )or a period o) at least ( years%

    '%%8 A current copy o) the Quality Control Manual is a$ailable )or use by the Authori/ed !nspector atthe shop and at the )ield sites%

    /./.- +NC%N#!%LL" (AN+ALS

    '%'% 5ncontrolled Manuals are Manuals" which are not ?ept up7to7date and may only be issued to

    outside organi/ations" such as customers%

    '%'%' Such uncontrolled Manuals shall be clearly mar?ed on the co$er page" and not recorded on the0ist o) Manual 3olders%

    /.0.- "L"C#!%NIC IS#!I$+#I%N

    '%(% The T!T0E 1* +ESP1,S!B0Eshall be responsible )or maintaining the original and at least onehard copy o) this Manual with the dated signatures o) the T!T0E 1* +ESP1,S!B0E" and theAuthori/ed !nspector" )or use by the Authori/ed !nspector%

    '%(%' The T!T0E 1* +ESP1,S!B0Eshall be responsible to present to the Authori/ed !nspector allproposed re$isions to the Manual in hard copy )orm )or re$iew and acceptance prior to beingplaced on the companies ser$er%

    '%(%( Access to the )ile to ma?e modi)ications stored on the companyIs computers shall be limited tothe T!T0E 1* +ESP1,S!B0E" by the ser$er administrator andDor passwords%

    '%(%: +e$isions to the Electronic $ersion o) this Manual are only made a)ter appro$al by the T!T0E 1*+ESP1,S!B0Eand acceptance o) the Authori/ed !nspector by signature and date on the hardcopy $ersion%

    '%(%; +e$isions made to the electronic $ersion are indicated in red showing the changed portion o) text%

    '%(%8 The signature o) the Authori/ed !nspector shall ne$er be scanned or in any other way storedelectronically% !n the e$ent o) discrepancies between the electronic $ersion and the hard copy$ersion o) this Manual the hard copy $ersion shall go$ern%

    '%(%< !n case o) any con)lict in understanding the re-uirements o) this Manual" the English hard copy$ersion shall go$ern%

    '%(%= Electronic $ersions o) this Manual will not ha$e a Co$er page nor an identi)ication number%

    '%(%> .hen translated into @0ocal 0anguage@" the T!T0E 1* +ESP1,S!B0Eshall be responsible )orthe accuracy o) the translation%

    '%(%9 3ard copies o) this Manual may be printed )or re)erence only" and are not controlled" whenprinted they shall show a date stamp and are only $alid )or ': hours%

    (AN+AL C%N#!%L

    The text shown in this sample QC Manual should act as a guide in de$eloping a QC program which meets the re-uirements o) theASME Boiler and Pressure essel Code Section !" Section !!! #i$% " #i$% '" and #i$% ( it should not be used $erbatim" withoutre$iew o) the system and modi)ication to re)lect the system which is actually in use%

  • 8/10/2019 QC Manual - Konig


    )*+L,T- C/TL+/*+L

    Section2 'Page2 ( o) (+e$ision2 9#ate2 '8 #ecember '9:

    '%(% Ser$er Access

    '%(%%The T!T0E 1* +ESP1,S!B0E through email shall noti)y indi$iduals ha$ing access to the

    Manual% The recipient returning the email to the T!T0E 1* +ESP1,S!B0E" which they shallprint and maintain on )ile" shall document ac?nowledgment o) this noti)ication and inunderstanding their indi$idual responsibility under this program%

    '%(%%',oti)ication o) appro$ed and accepted changes to this Manual are sent to all those assignedresponsibilities with in the program by the T!T0E 1* +ESP1,S!B0Ethrough the use o) emailas described in paragraph '%(%%%

    '%(%' *ile #istribution

    '%(%'% .hen the electronic $ersion o) the Manual is distributed as a )ile" to be placed on indi$idualcomputers" distribution shall be controlled in the same manner as the hard copy $ersiondescribed in paragraph '%%9%

    The text shown in this sample QC Manual should act as a guide in de$eloping a QC program which meets the re-uirements o) theASME Boiler and Pressure essel Code Section !" Section !!! #i$% " #i$% '" and #i$% ( it should not be used $erbatim" withoutre$iew o) the system and modi)ication to re)lect the system which is actually in use%

  • 8/10/2019 QC Manual - Konig


    )*+L,T- C/TL+/*+L

    Section2 (Page2 o) +e$ision2 9#ate2 '8 #ecember '9:


    .0./.- 5"N"!AL

    (%9% The interrelation o) all personnel who manage" per)orm and $eri)y wor? a))ecting the -uality areshown in this Section% The organigram o) Company 0egal ,ameestablishing the lines o)Authority and communications )or the proper implementation o) this Manual are gi$en in *igure o) this Section%

    0..- "L"5A#I%N %& +#I"S

    (%% Each person in a super$isory position may delegate the per)ormance o) their duties to competentand when re-uired -uali)ied personnel under their super$ision% 3owe$er" they may notdelegate their responsibility%

    (%%' Each person in a super$isory position may carry out the duties o) personnel under theirsuper$ision" pro$ided they are -uali)ied and when re-uired certi)ied to per)orm this wor?%

    Example 1nly J ,ames o) indi$iduals are not re-uired or recommended

    The text shown in this sample QC Manual should act as a guide in de$eloping a QC program which meets the re-uirements o) theASME Boiler and Pressure essel Code Section !" Section !!! #i$% " #i$% '" and #i$% ( it should not be used $erbatim" withoutre$iew o) the system and modi)ication to re)lect the system which is actually in use%

  • 8/10/2019 QC Manual - Konig


    )*+L,T- C/TL+/*+L

    Section2 ;Page2 o) :+e$ision2 9#ate2 '8 #ecember '9:


    .1./.- 5"N"!AL

    :%9% All in-uires are recei$ed in Company 0egal ,ameby the T!T0E 1* +ESP1,S!B0E%

    :%9%' 1n receipt o) an in-uiry )or a Code item" to be designed by Company 0egal ,ame" the T!T0E 1*+ESP1,S!B0Ere$iews the Customers design speci)ication with consultation )rom the T!T0E1* +ESP1,S!B0E)or ade-uacy" and )or compliance to applicable Code re-uirements by theT!T0E 1* +ESP1,S!B0E% Any de)iciencies are reconciled with the customer% This re$iew isnot documented%

    :%9%( .hen the in-uiry becomes an order the T!T0E 1* +ESP1,S!B0E assigns the item aManu)actureIs Serial number ta?en )rom a register" and this number is used to identi)y alldocuments related to this order%

    :%9%: *or ASME Section !" Section !!! #i$%" #i$%' or #i$%( $essels or parts" the mandatory CodeEdition & Addenda re-uirements )or the order shall be the basis o) the design calculations% TheclientIs drawings and speci)ications shall ne$er o$erride the Code%

    1..- )!")A!A#I%N %& !A7IN5S, CALC+LA#I%NS AN S)"CI&ICA#I%NS

    :%% The T!T0E 1* +ESP1,S!B0Eselects a #esign Engineerto prepare the drawings" calculations"and Purchase Speci)ications FExhibit :7G% The #esign Engineer shall be responsible )orspeci)ying materials to be used in Code wor? and they shall be speci)ied as SA or SB as perthe applicable section o) the Code and )or which allowable stresses are listed in Section !! Part# o) the Code%

    :%%' Such drawings shall include as a minimum details o) Code Edition and Addenda" welded andbolted Koints" ,#E" P.3T" material speci)ications including type and grade" dimensions"tolerances" MA.P" F)or #i$%' & ( #esign PressureG and temperature" minimum design metaltemperature" hydrostatic or pneumatic test pressure" re-uirement or exemption )rom impacttesting and when re-uested by the client or i) the item is to be installed in the 5nited States orCanada that the $essel is to be ,ational Board registered%

    :%%( Completed drawings and design calculations along with the material Purchase Speci)icationsaresubmitted to the T!T0E 1* +ESP1,S!B0E)or re$iew and appro$al )or Code compliance"including $eri)ication that maximum and minimum design metal temperatures" Charpy impacttest re-uirements" loadings" and when cold )orming is per)ormed that )iber elongation has beenconsidered%

    :%%: The calculation sheets shall be numbered consecuti$ely with the re$ision status on each pageand Code Paragraphs and *ormula shall be noted on the calculation sheets%

    :%%; Any disappro$ed documents are returned to the #esign Engineer)or correction and resubmitted%The dated signature o) the T!T0E 1* +ESP1,S!B0Eshows appro$al%

    :%%8 +e$isions to the abo$e design documents are prepared and appro$ed in the same way as theoriginals%

    :%%< !) due to di))iculties in procurement" the material may be substituted with appro$al o) the T!T0E1* +ESP1,S!B0Eand the acceptance o) the A!% Substitution o) material shall re-uire re$isiono) drawings" parts list and calculations%

    :%%= *or Section !!! #i$%' & #i$%( items reconciliation by the +egistered Pro)essional Engineer withthe 5sers #esign Speci)ication and the Manu)acturers #esign +eport%

    The text shown in this sample QC Manual should act as a guide in de$eloping a QC program which meets the re-uirements o) theASME Boiler and Pressure essel Code Section !" Section !!! #i$% " #i$% '" and #i$% ( it should not be used $erbatim" withoutre$iew o) the system and modi)ication to re)lect the system which is actually in use%

  • 8/10/2019 QC Manual - Konig


    )*+L,T- C/TL+/*+L

    Section2 ;Page2 ' o) :+e$ision2 9#ate2 '8 #ecember '9:


    :%%> .hen the pressure parts o) a )orced7)low steam generator according to Section !" with no )ixedsteam and waterline are designed )or di))erent pressure le$els" the owner shall pro$ide or

    cause to be pro$ided a boiler pressure system design diagram" certi)ied by a Pro)essionalEngineer experienced in the mechanical design o) power plants" which supplies the )ollowingin)ormation%

    a% The relati$e location o) the $arious pressure parts" with respect to the path o) water7steam)lowH

    b% A line showing the expected maximum sustained pressure" indicating the expected$ariation in pressure along the path o) water7steam )lowH

    c% The maximum allowable wor?ing pressure o) the $arious pressure partsH

    d% The location and set pressure o) the o$erpressure protection de$icesH

    e% Copy o) this diagram shall be attached to the Master #ata +eport

    1./.- C%()+#"! AI" "SI5NS

    :%'% .hen computer aided design calculations are used )or Company designed Code items" the#esign Engineeris responsible )or the input o) correct design data and )or the $eri)ication thatthe correct output has been obtained" and the T!T0E 1* +ESP1,S!B0Eshall be responsible)or the appro$al%

    :%'%' Computer aided design calculations shall show the program name and $ersion number on theoutput and the pages shall be numbered%

    :%'%( !) commercially a$ailable or in7house de$eloped computer aided design so)tware is used theT!T0E 1* +ESP1,S!B0E" shall $eri)y the accuracy o) computer programs )or each elementused" prior to use by per)orming manual calculations or an alternate method and comparingthe results against those o) the program" these results shall be maintained and made a$ailableto the Authori/ed !nspector%

    :%'%: The T!T0E 1* +ESP1,S!B0Ewill re$iew the Code Addenda to determine i) computer programsare a))ected% +e-uired re$isions will be made within six months o) the Addenda date%

    :%'%; The re$iew o) programs and all re$isions are documented on a dated record signed by the T!T0E1* +ESP1,S!B0E" showing the program name and $ersion number and Code Edition andDorAddenda%

    :%'%8 Computer aided calculations output are a$ailable )or re$iew and acceptance by the Authori/ed!nspector% The T!T0E 1* +ESP1,S!B0E shall pro$ide the Authori/ed !nspector with anymanual calculations re-uested to $eri)y the computer output%

    1.0.- S#ANA! CALC+LA#I%NS 8 !A7IN5S

    :%(% .hen standard design calculations or drawings are used )or Company designed Code items" theT!T0E 1* +ESP1,S!B0E is responsible )or the $eri)ication that the drawings andDorcalculations comply with the applicable Code Edition andDor Addenda%

    :%(%' eri)ication by the T!T0E 1* +ESP1,S!B0E to assure compliance o) standard drawings andcalculations is documented on a dated record indicating the drawing andDor calculationsnumber" the re$ision le$el o) the documents $eri)ied and the applicable Code Edition andDorAddenda the are $alid )or%

    The text shown in this sample QC Manual should act as a guide in de$eloping a QC program which meets the re-uirements o) theASME Boiler and Pressure essel Code Section !" Section !!! #i$% " #i$% '" and #i$% ( it should not be used $erbatim" withoutre$iew o) the system and modi)ication to re)lect the system which is actually in use%

  • 8/10/2019 QC Manual - Konig


    )*+L,T- C/TL+/*+L

    Section2 ;Page2 ( o) :+e$ision2 9#ate2 '8 #ecember '9:


    :%(%( The T!T0E 1* +ESP1,S!B0Eshall pro$ide this record and all drawings and calculations to theAuthori/ed !nspector )or re$iew%

    1.1.- "SI5N $* %#"!S

    :%:% .hen drawings or calculations are pro$ided to Company 0egal ,ameby others" the T!T0E 1*+ESP1,S!B0E" re$iews these documents )or compliance to the Code% Any discrepancies arebrought to the attention o) the design concern )or correction to meet Code re-uirements%

    :%:%' .hen design documents meet Code re-uirements" including maximum and minimum designmetal temperatures and Charpy impact test re-uirements" they are appro$ed by the T!T0E 1*+ESP1,S!B0E" who signs and dates each document%

    :%:%( The T!T0E 1* +ESP1,S!B0Eshall be responsible to obtain the necessary documentation o) the$eri)ication o) computer programs used )or calculations when these calculations are pro$ided

    by an outside organi/ation%

    1.2.- IS#!I$+#I%N %& !A7IN5S AN CALC+LA#I%NS

    :%;% All design calculations and Purchase Speci)icationsare )iled in the #esign EngineersKob )ile%

    :%;%' The T!T0E 1* +ESP1,S!B0Eshall be responsible )or submittal o) the drawings and calculationsto the Authori/ed !nspector )or re$iew and acceptance prior to start o) )abrication% TheAuthori/ed !nspector shall not be held responsible )or the accuracy o) the calculations%

    :%;%( The Kob is released to the shop a)ter appro$al by the T!T0E 1* +ESP1,S!B0E" and re$iew o)the drawings and calculations by the Authori/ed !nspector%

    :%;%: The #esign Engineer prepares a #ocument Transmittal Sheet FExhibit :7'G indicating thedocument number and re$ision le$el%

    :%;%; Each person recei$ing the document is re-uired to sign and date the sheet )or ac?nowledgingreceipt% !n case o) re$isions to documents" the obsolete copy shall be returned to the T!T0E 1*+ESP1,S!B0Eor destroyed%

    :%;%8 Superseded drawings existing in the company shall be withdrawn and substituted with the newre$ision and cancelled copies shall be destroyed or mar?ed @CA,CE00E#@%

    :%;%< Superseded documents are retrie$ed and destroyed" except )or one copy ?ept on )ile in theEngineering #epartment )or record purposes% These documents shall be mar?ed in red@CA,CE00E#@%

    :%;%= 1ne set o) the abo$e documents is pro$ided to the T!T0E 1* +ESP1,S!B0E)or use by theT!T0E 1* +ESP1,S!B0E%

    1.3.- AI#I%NAL !"Q+I!"("N#S &%! S"C#I%N 9III, I9ISI%N / 8 I9ISI%N 0 9"SS"LS

    :%8% 5serIs #esign Speci)ication2

    :%8%% A 5serIs #esign Speci)ication" which sets )orth" expected operating conditions and re-uired$essel supports shall also speci)y whether or not a )atigue FcyclicG analysis is re-uired%

    :%8%%' !) re-uired" su))icient details shall be pro$ided to the $essel manu)acturer as a basis )or a )atigueanalysis in accordance with Appendix ; o) #i$ision '%

    The text shown in this sample QC Manual should act as a guide in de$eloping a QC program which meets the re-uirements o) theASME Boiler and Pressure essel Code Section !" Section !!! #i$% " #i$% '" and #i$% ( it should not be used $erbatim" withoutre$iew o) the system and modi)ication to re)lect the system which is actually in use%

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    Section2 ;Page2 : o) :+e$ision2 9#ate2 '8 #ecember '9:


    :%8%%( The design speci)ication shall also speci)y amount o) corrosion or erosion allowance" i) re-uired"and whether lethal )luid or gas is to be contained%

    :%8%%: The 5serIs #esign Speci)ication )or Section !!!" #i$ision ( items shall include all re-uirements asspeci)ied in the Code" and )atigue analysis shall be mandatory%

    :%8%%; A pro)essional engineer registered in one or more states o) the 5nited States o) America orpro$inces o) Canada who is experienced in pressure $essel design shall certi)y the 5sers#esign Speci)ication )or both Section !!! #i$%' and #i$%( items% 3e must certi)y to compliancewith the abo$e re-uirements%

    :%8%' Manu)acturerIs #esign +eport2

    :%8%'% The T!T0E 1* +ESP1,S!B0Eor i) necessary a design agent is responsible )or producing aManu)acturerIs #esign +eport consisting o) calculations and drawings establishing that the

    design" as shown on the drawings" complies with the re-uirements o) Section !!!" #i$ision ' or#i$ision (" )or the conditions set )orth in the 5serIs #esign Speci)ication%

    :%8%'%' .hen re-uired by the rules o) sub7paragraph A#789 and based upon the listed expectedoperating conditions" a )atigue FcyclicG analysis is mandatory and shall become part o) theManu)acturerIs #esign +eport% This Manu)acturerIs #esign +eport must be certi)ied by apro)essional engineer registered in one or more states o) the 5nited States o) America orpro$inces o) Canada who is experienced in pressure $essel design" as complying with allapplicable re-uirements o) Section !!!" #i$ision ' FA67(9'G%

    :%8%'%( *or #i$%( items the design shall be by analysis and the Manu)acturers #esign +eport shallinclude a #esign Analysis" As Built #rawings" *atigue Analysis" consideration o) e))ects o)

    heating" Statement o) openings without closures and 0imiting thermal gradients acrosssections%

    :%8%'%: Changes made to in)ormation pro$ided in the 5serIs #esign Speci)ication andDor Manu)acturerIs#esign +eport shall be reconciled with the registered pro)essional engineer who certi)ied theoriginal documents%

    :%8%'%; Any re$isions" which might re)lect on the stress analysis" shall be reconciled in the )inalManu)acturerIs #esign +eport%

    :%8%'%8 The T!T0E 1* +ESP1,S!B0E shall ta?e into consideration the )ollowing points2 restrictedre-uirements on allowable materials" as re)lected by the )atigue cur$es o) Appendix ;" must beconsidered where a )atigue FcyclicG analysis is re-uired by A#789 F#i$%' itemsG%

    :%8%'%< Pro$ision o) ade-uate o$erpressure protection or no//les o) ade-uate cross sectional area )ormounting o) o$erpressure protection de$ices shall be considered% 0oadings to be consideredare shown in A#79%

    :%8%'%= Company 0egal ,amemay subcontract the certi)ication o) the #esign +eport to a registeredpro)essional engineer% 3owe$er the T!T0E 1* +ESP1,S!B0Eshall be responsible )or itsade-uacy%

    :%8%'%> *or #i$%( !tems the registered pro)essional engineer shall be other than the indi$idual whocerti)ied the 5sers #esign Speci)ication )or the item%

    :%8%'%9 The #esign Engineer shall indicate the supplementary purchase" examination and test

    re-uirements in the Purchase Speci)ication%

    The text shown in this sample QC Manual should act as a guide in de$eloping a QC program which meets the re-uirements o) theASME Boiler and Pressure essel Code Section !" Section !!! #i$% " #i$% '" and #i$% ( it should not be used $erbatim" withoutre$iew o) the system and modi)ication to re)lect the system which is actually in use%

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    Section2 ;Page2 o) :+e$ision2 9#ate2 '8 #ecember '9:

    (A#"!IAL C%N#!%L

    .2./.- 5"N"!AL

    ;%9% This Section describes the system" which is used to assure that only material" which has beenproperly ordered" recei$ed and inspected" is used in ASME Code construction%

    2..- (A#"!IAL !"Q+ISI#I%NS

    ;%% The T!T0E 1* +ESP1,S!B0E is responsible to prepare" in accordance with the applicabledocuments and the Code re-uirements" the Purchase Speci)icationsthat are then appro$ed bythe T!T0E 1* +ESP1,S!B0E%

    ;%%' The Purchase Speci)ication" shall include as a minimum" mar?ing and material test reportre-uiredH any additional re-uirements o) the Code Section" such as 567" 53A when hot)orming" special testing" Charpy impact tests at minimum design metal temperature and grainsi/e%

    ;%%( The Purchase Speci)ication shall pro$ide all Code re-uirementsH this includes materialspeci)ication" type or grade" permitted by the applicable design Code Section !" Section !!!#i$ision " ' or ( and all other purchase re-uirements o) the applicable construction Code ando) that speci)ication gi$en in Section !!%

    ;%%: The appro$ed Purchase Speci)icationsis then sent to the T!T0E 1* +ESP1,S!B0E%

    2./.- )+!CAS" %!"!S

    ;%'% Be)ore purchasing" the T!T0E 1* +ESP1,S!B0Echec?s with the warehouse" to )ind out" whichmaterials are on stoc?%

    ;%'%' *or all Code material" which must be ordered the T!T0E 1* +ESP1,S!B0E" prepares thePurchase 1rderFExhibit ;7G and attaches a copy o) the appro$ed Purchase Speci)ication%

    ;%'%( The re-uirements )or Code stamping and Partial #ata +eports shall be included in the Purchase1rderand Purchase Speci)icationwhen purchasing ASME Code Parts%

    ;%'%: The T!T0E 1* +ESP1,S!B0E then transmits the Purchase 1rder along with the appro$edPurchase Speci)ication" to the appropriate $endor" and a copy to Quality Control )or use duringrecei$ing inspection%

    ;%'%; Changes to the Purchase 1rderwill be only be made )rom re$ised Purchase Speci)icationswhichha$e been appro$ed in the same manner as the originals and with concurrence o) theAuthori/ed inspector%

    2.0.- !"C"I9IN5 INS)"C#I%N

    ;%(% !ncoming materials shall not be released Fexcept as described in ;%(%> & ;%(%9G be)ore therecei$ing inspection has ta?e place as described in ;%(%( J ;%(%=%

    ;%(%' Materials are recei$ed in the wor?s by the warehouse% The T!T0E 1* +ESP1,S!B0E isresponsible to assure that the arri$ed material is placed in an appropriate area awaitinginspection and prepares the +ecei$ing !nspection +eport FExhibit ;7'G also to per)orm thecontrol indicated below2

    eri)y the -uantity o) the material against the Bill o) 0aden" $isual examination )or shipping

    damage and )or stainless steel rust traces%

    The text shown in this sample QC Manual should act as a guide in de$eloping a QC program which meets the re-uirements o) theASME Boiler and Pressure essel Code Section !" Section !!! #i$% " #i$% '" and #i$% ( it should not be used $erbatim" withoutre$iew o) the system and modi)ication to re)lect the system which is actually in use%

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    Section2 ;Page2 ' o) :+e$ision2 9#ate2 '8 #ecember '9:

    (A#"!IAL C%N#!%L

    ;%(%( The T!T0E 1* +ESP1,S!B0E transmits the +ecei$ing !nspection +eport to the T!T0E 1*+ESP1,S!B0Eto show that material is awaiting inspection%

    ;%(%: 5pon receipt o) the +ecei$ing !nspection +eport" the T!T0E 1* +ESP1,S!B0Eshall $eri)y thatthe material is correctly mar?ed in accordance with the material speci)ication o) the Code asgi$en on their copy o) the Purchase Speci)ication" +ecord the )ull material mar?ings" actualdimensions and minimum thic?ness )ound" use templates to control )orming and radius o) shelland heads and to record this in)ormation on the +ecei$ing !nspection +eport%

    ;%(%; The T!T0E 1* +ESP1,S!B0E then $eri)ies the +ecei$ing !nspection +eport and the MT+"CMT+ or C o) C to the material speci)ication in the Code and any additional re-uirementsgi$en in the Purchase Speci)ication%

    ;%(%8 At this time i) any additional material testing is re-uired" the T!T0E 1* +ESP1,S!B0E shallestablish which tests must be per)ormed in order to assure Code compliance%

    ;%(%< .hen acceptable the T!T0E 1* +ESP1,S!B0E" signs and dates the +ecei$ing !nspection+eportin the release bloc?" and sends a copy to the T!T0E 1* +ESP1,S!B0Ethus allowingthe material to be released )or )abrication%

    ;%(%= The T!T0E 1* +ESP1,S!B0E may release material )or )abrication prior to )inal acceptance%Material" which is released in this manner" shall be positi$ely identi)ied% The T!T0E 1*+ESP1,S!B0E" will authori/e release by returning the +ecei$ing !nspection +eport to theT!T0E 1* +ESP1,S!B0Emar?ed with @+eleased Except )or .elding@% 1nly when the )inal+ecei$ing !nspection +eport has been completed may welding begin% The T!T0E 1*+ESP1,S!B0Eshall also note on the T+AE0E+at the )inal operation prior to welding thatwor? may not proceed beyond this point until signed by the T!T0E 1* +ESP1,S!B0E%

    ;%(%> .hen materials released in accordance with paragraph ;%(%= show a noncon)ormity" whichcannot be resol$ed through the pro$isions o) this Manual and the Code they shall be replacedwith con)orming material%

    2.1.- (A#"!IAL #!AC"A$ILI#*

    ;%:% Be)ore cutting Code material into two or more pieces where the original mar?ings would be lost ordestroyed" a coded mar?ing or the entire material mar?ing is trans)erred by the layout man"and $eri)ied by the T!T0E 1* +ESP1,S!B0E% The coded mar?ing" traceable to the MT+ orCMT+ and material speci)ication as applicable" shall be acceptable to the Authori/ed!nspector%

    ;%:%' Permanent attachments welded to pressure parts shall be identi)ied as in ;%:% thoseattachments too small )or the mar?ing" to be stamped and $isible a)ter welding shall be stored"prior to )ixing" in a box mar?ed with the re-uired material mar?ing or codi)ication%

    ;%:%( Temporary attachments welded to pressure parts shall be identi)ied with at least the P7,umber o)the material% *or material" which has no assigned P7,umber" a .PS shall be established asdescribed in Section = o) this Manual to pro$e weldability%

    ;%:%: Temporary and permanent attachments to pressure parts shall be welded using a -uali)ied .PS%

    The text shown in this sample QC Manual should act as a guide in de$eloping a QC program which meets the re-uirements o) theASME Boiler and Pressure essel Code Section !" Section !!! #i$% " #i$% '" and #i$% ( it should not be used $erbatim" withoutre$iew o) the system and modi)ication to re)lect the system which is actually in use%

  • 8/10/2019 QC Manual - Konig


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    Section2 8Page2 o) (+e$ision2 9#ate2 '8 #ecember '9:

    "=A(INA#I%N 8 INS)"C#I%N

    .3./.- 5"N"!AL

    8%9% This Section describes the documents used and their use )or complying with the Codere-uirements )or examination" inspection and tests within our wor?s%

    3..- S%) &A$!ICA#I%N

    8%% The )abrication o) Code items is controlled through the use o) the T+AE0E+ FExhibit 87G"prepared by T!T0E 1* +ESP1,S!B0E)rom drawings" )abrication operations and proceduresand lists the control operations se-uences they occur )or each item%

    8%%' The completed T+AE0E+co$ers the re-uirements )or inspection" examination and tests andthe procedures used )or these operations% .hen completed" the T!T0E 1* +ESP1,S!B0Ere$iews the T+AE0E+ and drawings with the Authori/ed !nspector )or designation o)Authori/ed !nspector inspection points%

    8%%( The T+AE0E+ pro$ides space in columns )or both the T!T0E 1* +ESP1,S!B0E and theAuthori/ed !nspector to sign and date on the applicable line )or those operations they ha$eaccepted%

    8%%: Authori/ed !nspector inspection points are designated on the T+AE0E+as )ollows2

    ,o wor? may proceed beyond this operation until the Authori/ed !nspector has

    accepted itH

    7 ,o wor? may proceed beyond this operation until the Authori/ed !nspector has

    accepted it or has gi$en his written permission to wai$e this inspection pointH

    ! !s a re$iew point" which would co$er the re$iew o) documents and would not re-uire

    acceptance o) the Authori/ed !nspector be)ore proceeding with the next operation" butmust be seen prior to the Stamping o) the item%

    8%%; All operations shown on the T+AE0E+are manu)acturers hold points%

    8%%8 The T!T0E 1* +ESP1,S!B0Eand the Authori/ed !nspector initial and date the T+AE0E+ inthe space pro$ided to document their re$iew and to release the T+AE0E+ to start Code)abrication%

    8%%< 1$er and abo$e those Authori/ed !nspector inspection points the A! is )ree to ma?e any and allsuch inspections they consider necessary%

    8%%= #uring )abrication the T!T0E 1* +ESP1,S!B0Eshall be responsible )or the sa)e ?eeping o) theT+AE0E+ and to noti)y the T!T0E 1* +ESP1,S!B0E o) approaching inspections orexaminations%

    8%%> The T!T0E 1* +ESP1,S!B0E is responsible )or noti)ying the Authori/ed !nspector well inad$ance o) the approaching inspection points%

    The text shown in this sample QC Manual should act as a guide in de$eloping a QC program which meets the re-uirements o) theASME Boiler and Pressure essel Code Section !" Section !!! #i$% " #i$% '" and #i$% ( it should not be used $erbatim" withoutre$iew o) the system and modi)ication to re)lect the system which is actually in use%

  • 8/10/2019 QC Manual - Konig


    )*+L,T- C/TL+/*+L

    Section2 8Page2 ' o) (+e$ision2 9#ate2 '8 #ecember '9:

    "=A(INA#I%N 8 INS)"C#I%N

    3./.- &INAL INS)"C#I%N

    8%'% The Authori/ed !nspector will ma?e the )inal inspection )ollowing the hydrostatic or pneumatic testre-uired by the Code%

    8%'%% *or parts not tested" the inspection is made a)ter )abrication o) the part is completed" prior tobeing Code Stamped%

    8%'%%' *or items not tested until )ield assembly is completed" the inspection is made a)ter )abrication o)the item is completed" prior to being shipped to the )ield%

    8%'%' .hen a pressure $essel is not pro$ided with an opening or other means o) access to inspectinternal sur)aces" an inspection point )or the T!T0E 1* +ESP1,S!B0Eand the Authori/ed!nspector will be indicated on the T+AE0E+to permit internal inspection be)ore starting the)inal closure weld%

    3.0.- *!%S#A#IC #"S#S

    8%(% Code re-uired hydrostatic tests are witnessed by the T!T0E 1* +ESP1,S!B0E and theAuthori/ed !nspector" )ollowing a preliminary test to determine and stop any lea?age )rom)langes and )ittings%

    8%(%' The T!T0E 1* +ESP1,S!B0E will assure that the Authori/ed !nspector has been noti)iedsu))iciently in ad$ance o) each test so that he may witness them and complete his inspections%

    8%(%( The hydrostatic test shall be per)ormed by the Shop *oreman" as speci)ied in the procedureshown on the T+AE0E+%

    8%(%: 5pon completion o) test and )inal inspection" the T+AE0E+ and supporting documents arereturned to the T!T0E 1* +ESP1,S!B0E)or re$iew and )iling as described in Section 9 o)this Manual%

    3.1.- )N"+(A#IC #"S#S

    8%:% Pneumatic tests are conducted by the Shop *oremanusing a written procedure prepared by theT!T0E 1* +ESP1,S!B0E to include minimum metal test temperature" test pressure andholding time" pressure increase increments" dial range o) gauges and other specialre-uirements applicable to the type o) test%

    3.2.- #"S# 5A+5"S

    8%;% At least one directly connected calibrated test gauge" $isible to the operator controlling thepressure" and ha$ing a dial graduated o$er a range o) about double the intended maximumtest pressure but in not less than %; times nor more than : times that pressure shall be used)or all types o) tests%

    8%;%' The T!T0E 1* +ESP1,S!B0Eshall record the test gauge used on the T+AE0E+%

    The text shown in this sample QC Manual should act as a guide in de$eloping a QC program which meets the re-uirements o) theASME Boiler and Pressure essel Code Section !" Section !!! #i$% " #i$% '" and #i$% ( it should not be used $erbatim" withoutre$iew o) the system and modi)ication to re)lect the system which is actually in use%

  • 8/10/2019 QC Manual - Konig


    )*+L,T- C/TL+/*+L

    Section2 8Page2 ( o) (+e$ision2 9#ate2 '8 #ecember '9:

    "=A(INA#I%N 8 INS)"C#I%N

    3.3.- !"C%!S

    8%8% All records are returned to the T!T0E 1* +ESP1,S!B0E)or retention as described in Section 'o) this Manual%

    3.4.- N%NC%N&%!(I#I"S


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    )*+L,T- C/TL+/*+L

    Section2 Page2 o) '+e$ision2 9#ate2 '8 #ecember '9:

    N%N"S#!+C#I9" "=A(INA#I%N

    .%9% All ,#E re-uired by the Code is speci)ied on the T+AE0E+" and is per)ormed by -uali)ied" andcerti)ied personnel" using written procedures and calibrated e-uipment%

    %%' All ,#E procedures are re$iewed and appro$ed by the 0e$el !!! with his signature and date%

    >%%( All ,#E procedures are submitted to the Authori/ed !nspector )or his re$iew and acceptance%.ritten procedures )or radiographic F+TG" ultrasonic F5TG" li-uid penetrant FPTG and magneticparticle FMTG examination o) ASME Code items are demonstrated to the satis)action o) theAuthori/ed !nspector" certi)ied in accordance with Section " paragraph T7;9" and distributedaccording to a list maintained by the T!T0E 1* +ESP1,S!B0E%

    )or Section !!! #i$%'% Section ! Power Piping T examiners are certi)ied inaccordance with our T .ritten Practice" which meets the re-uirements o) ASME B7(%%

    >%'%' ,#E Personnel +ecords are a$ailable )or re$iew by the Authori/ed !nspector" who may re-uestre7-uali)ication i) there is reason to -uestion an examiners ability to per)orm the examination%

    >%'%( Copies o) ,#E personnel -uali)ication records )or all examiners per)orming Code ,#E are ?epton )ile by the T!T0E 1* +ESP1,S!B0Eand made a$ailable to the Authori/ed !nspector%

    %(% All re-uired ,#E +eports including +T )ilm" are re$iewed and accepted by the 0e$el !! or !!! priorto submittal to the Authori/ed !nspector )or his re$iew%

    >%(%' ,#E +eports" including +T )ilm )or Code re-uired +T" are )iled by the T!T0E 1* +ESP1,S!B0E)or record retention as described in Section ' o) this Manual%

    The text shown in this sample QC Manual should act as a guide in de$eloping a QC program which meets the re-uirements o) theASME Boiler and Pressure essel Code Section !" Section !!! #i$% " #i$% '" and #i$% ( it should not be used $erbatim" withoutre$iew o) the system and modi)ication to re)lect the system which is actually in use%

  • 8/10/2019 QC Manual - Konig


    )*+L,T- C/TL+/*+L

    Section2 >Page2 ' o) '+e$ision2 9#ate2 '8 #ecember '9:

    N%N"S#!+C#I9" "=A(INA#I%N

    %:% Be)ore per)ormance o) pneumatic tests as permitted by ASME Code Section !!! #i$ision & '"the )ull length o) the )ollowing welds are examined by MT or PT" whiche$er is applicable" )or thepurpose o) detecting possible crac?s as )ollows%

    All welds around openingsH

    All attachment welds" including welds attaching non7pressure parts" ha$ing a throat

    thic?ness greater than D:@ or 8mm%

    >%:%' *or Section !!! #i$%(" all sur)aces o) pressure boundary components including internal andexternal sur)aces and weld metal shall be examined by wet magnetic particle method Fi))erromagneticG or by li-uid penetrant method Fi) nonmagneticG o$er the entire sur)ace o) the$essel or component )ollowing all applicable heat treatment and auto)rettage hydro test" unlessaccessibility pre$ents meaning)ul interpretation and characteri/ation o) de)ects%

    %;% All Code ,#E is per)ormed using written procedures that are re$iewed by T!T0E 1*+ESP1,S!B0Eand appro$ed by the 0e$el !!! Examiner who is a subcontractor" -uali)ied in themethod and certi)ied by letter )rom the T!T0E 1* +ESP1,S!B0Eo) Company 0egal ,ameasour 0e$el !!! in accordance with the subcontractors .ritten Practice which meets there-uirements o) the latest Code accepted edition o) S,T7TC7A%

    >%;%' All ,#E procedures are re$iewed and appro$ed by the 0e$el !!! with his signature and date%

    >%;%( All ,#E procedures are submitted to the Authori/ed !nspector )or their re$iew and acceptance%.ritten procedures )or radiographic F+TG" ultrasonic F5TG" li-uid penetrant FPTG and magneticparticle FMTG examination o) ASME Code items are certi)ied in accordance with T7;9 o) theASME Code Section " as demonstrated to the satis)action o) the Authori/ed !nspector%

    >%;%: The 0e$el !!! certi)ies the subcontracted personnel used )or Code ,#E as ha$ing the training"experience and -uali)ications )or the method" in accordance with their employerIs .rittenPractice" which con)orms to the re-uirement o) the latest Code" accepted edition o) S,T7TC7A%

    >%;%; ,#E Personnel +ecords are a$ailable )or re$iew by the Authori/ed !nspector" who may re-uestre7-uali)ication i) there is reason to -uestion an examiners ability to per)orm the examination%

    >%;%8 Copies o) ,#E personnel -uali)ication records )or all examiners per)orming Code ,#E are ?epton )ile by the T!T0E 1* +ESP1,S!B0Eand made a$ailable to the Authori/ed !nspector andthe ASME #esignee%

    >%;%< All re-uired ,#E +eports by the subcontractor including +T )ilm" are re$iewed and accepted bythe 0e$el !! or !!! prior to submittal to the Authori/ed !nspector )or their re$iew%

    >%;%= ,#E +eports" including )ilm )or )ull" partial and spot Code re-uired +T" are )iled by the T!T0E 1*+ESP1,S!B0E)or record retention as described in Section ' o) this Manual%

    The text shown in this sample QC Manual should act as a guide in de$eloping a QC program which meets the re-uirements o) theASME Boiler and Pressure essel Code Section !" Section !!! #i$% " #i$% '" and #i$% ( it should not be used $erbatim" withoutre$iew o) the system and modi)ication to re)lect the system which is actually in use%

  • 8/10/2019 QC Manual - Konig


    )*+L,T- C/TL+/*+L

    Section2 9Page2 o) '+e$ision2 9#ate2 '8 #ecember '9:

    "A# #!"A#("N#

    .-./.- 5"N"!AL

    9%9% 3eat treatment re-uired by the Code" which is limited to post weld heat treatment FP.3TG )orstress relie$ing welds" maybe per)ormed in7house or by a -uali)ied subcontractor inaccordance with Company 0egal ,ameprocedures" using calibrated e-uipment%

    -..- )%S# 7"L "A# #!"A#("N#

    9%% All heat treatment shall be per)ormed in accordance with written procedures prepared" by the#esign Engineerand appro$ed by the T!T0E 1* +ESP1,S!B0E%

    9%%' 3eat Treatment procedures shall describe the placement and method o) attachment )orthermocouples" temperature gradients )or heating and cooling" support locations" time attemperature and re-uired records as a minimum and are submitted to the Authori/ed !nspector)or re$iew%

    9%%( !n7house heat treatment shall be done under the responsibility o) the T!T0E 1* +ESP1,S!B0Eand monitored by the T!T0E 1* +ESP1,S!B0E%

    9%%: The time7temperature recording charts shall indicate as a minimum the2

    Procedure & re$isionH

    The order numberH

    #ate o) heat treatmentH

    essel or part numberH

    !denti)ication o) thermocouplesH

    Signature and date o) the T!T0E 1* +ESP1,S!B0E%

    9%%; The T!T0E 1* +ESP1,S!B0Esigns and dates the Time Temperature Charts and sends them tothe T!T0E 1* +ESP1,S!B0E)or presentation to the Authori/ed !nspector and )or recordretention as described in Section ' o) this Manual%

    -./.- S+$C%N#!AC#" )%S# 7"L "A# #!"A#("N#

    9%'% The T!T0E 1* +ESP1,S!B0Eshall re$iew and appro$e the subcontractors controls" e-uipmentand calibration records prior to placement o) a Purchase 1rder)or 3eat Treatment and obtaina copy o) the calibration records )or time7temperature recorder and thermocouples%

    9%'%' All 3eat Treatment records submitted by the subcontractor shall be the actual )urnace chartswhich record the conditions" identi)ication o) thermocouples and items treated" and signed and

    dated by the )urnace operator%

    9%'%( The Company 0egal ,amePurchase 1rderassures )ree access )or the Company 0egal ,amerepresentati$es and the Authori/ed !nspector%

    9%'%: !denti)ication o) materials or parts sent to the subcontractorIs )acilities )or heat treatment" usingnumbers" tags or hard stamping shall be described in the heat treatment procedures% Careshall be ta?en when test coupons are in$ol$ed%

    9%'%; 5pon return the T!T0E 1* +ESP1,S!B0E examines each one )or damage or loss o)identi)ication" the T!T0E 1* +ESP1,S!B0E shall re$iew all records supplied by thesubcontractor to assure that they comply with the re-uirements o) the Purchase 1rderand theheat treatment procedures%

    The text shown in this sample QC Manual should act as a guide in de$eloping a QC program which meets the re-uirements o) theASME Boiler and Pressure essel Code Section !" Section !!! #i$% " #i$% '" and #i$% ( it should not be used $erbatim" withoutre$iew o) the system and modi)ication to re)lect the system which is actually in use%

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    )*+L,T- C/TL+/*+L

    Section2 9Page2 ' o) '+e$ision2 9#ate2 '8 #ecember '9:

    "A# #!"A#("N#

    -.0.- "A# #!"A#("N# !"C%!S

    9%(% 3eat Treatment records are submitted to the Authori/ed !nspector )or re$iew and acceptance"a)ter acceptance they are )iled in the Kob )ile%

    -.1.- N%NC%N&%!(I#I"S

    9%:% Any de$iation )rom these re-uirements shall result in an ,C+% ,C+Is shall be handled perSection

  • 8/10/2019 QC Manual - Konig


    )*+L,T- C/TL+/*+L

    Section2 Page2 o) '+e$ision2 9#ate2 '8 #ecember '9:



    %9% All measurement" examination and test e-uipment used )or acceptance o) a Code item iscalibrated in accordance with this Section%

    ..- CALI$!A#I%N )!%C"+!"S

    %% All measurement" examination and test e-uipment is identi)ied by mar?ing the item or itscontainer with a uni-ue serial number%

    %%' Each item is recorded on a 0ist o) Calibrated E-uipment FExhibit 7G" which shows as aminimum" e-uipment description" serial number" )re-uency o) calibration" and date o) nextcalibration%

    %%( The T!T0E 1* +ESP1,S!B0Eis responsible )or maintaining all e-uipment in calibration" unless

    out o) ser$ice and clearly mar?ed @,1T CA0!B+ATE#@%

    %%: Calibration may be per)ormed by a -uali)ied testing laboratory" which pro$ides certi)ied records o)calibration" and has suitable standards whose accuracy is traceable to the ,ational Standardsor similar%

    %%; The )re-uency o) calibration is as determined )rom the manu)acturerIs recommendations" or )romexperience with the instrument%

    %%8 Pressure gauges used )or hydrostatic" pneumatic or proo) testing are calibrated against a dead7weight tester or calibrated master gauge once annually" and whene$er there is reason to-uestion their accuracy%

    %%< The 0e$el !! using a calibrated step wedge )ilm" which is traceable to national standards" andcalibrated annually per)orms the calibration o) the radiographic densitometer e$ery >9 days%The densitometer or density step wedge comparison )ilm is $eri)ied by the +T 0e$el !!Examiner" at the start o) each =7hour shi)t" or at each change o) operator%

    ./.- CALI$!A#I%N !"C%!S

    %'% Each calibrated instrument has a Calibration Control CardFExhibit 7'G maintained by the T!T0E1* +ESP1,S!B0Ein the calibration )ile%

    %'%' All e-uipment is identi)ied with a Calibration Stic?erFExhibit 7(G which records the item" date o)last calibration" and due date )or the next calibration%

    %'%( Calibration records" including those o) subcontractors who per)orm ,#E" P.3T and mechanicaltesting" are a$ailable )or re$iew by the Authori/ed !nspector%

    .0.- ISC!")AN# "Q+I)("N#

    %(% .hen instruments are )ound out o) calibration or damaged" the T!T0E 1* +ESP1,S!B0Eremo$es it )rom the wor? area and arranges )or calibration or replacement%

    %(%' All Code items chec?ed with such discrepant instruments are noncon)orming until the T!T0E 1*+ESP1,S!B0Ehas $eri)ied that they meet all Code re-uirements" or they are retested withaccurate instruments%

    The text shown in this sample QC Manual should act as a guide in de$eloping a QC program which meets the re-uirements o) theASME Boiler and Pressure essel Code Section !" Section !!! #i$% " #i$% '" and #i$% ( it should not be used $erbatim" withoutre$iew o) the system and modi)ication to re)lect the system which is actually in use%

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    )*+L,T- C/TL+/*+L

    Section2 Page2 ' o) '+e$ision2 9#ate2 '8 #ecember '9:


    %(%( Traceability is pro$ided )rom location o) e-uipment" or by recording the identi)ication number o)instrument used )or an examination or inspection on the T+AE0E+or +ecei$ing !nspection


    %(%: A)ter remo$al o) a calibrated instrument or pressure gauge )rom a )ield site" it is immediatelycalibrated" so as to $eri)y that the item was in calibration when last used at the )ield site%

    The text shown in this sample QC Manual should act as a guide in de$eloping a QC program which meets the re-uirements o) theASME Boiler and Pressure essel Code Section !" Section !!! #i$% " #i$% '" and #i$% ( it should not be used $erbatim" withoutre$iew o) the system and modi)ication to re)lect the system which is actually in use%

  • 8/10/2019 QC Manual - Konig


    )*+L,T- C/TL+/*+L

    Section2 'Page2 o) :+e$ision2 9#ate2 '8 #ecember '9:

    !"C%!S, (!, C%" S#A()IN5 and NA#I%NAL $%A!

    ././.- 5"N"!AL

    '%9% The T!T0E 1* +ESP1,S!B0Eshall be responsible )or the sa)e ?eeping o) all records related toCode wor? per)ormed at Company 0egal ,ameand at *ield Sites%

    /..- !"C%!S

    '%% As a minimum" the T!T0E 1* +ESP1,S!B0Eretains the )ollowing documents at Company 0egal,ame2

    a% *inal drawingsHb% Calculations and applicable speci)icationsHc% Material test certi)icates FMT+Is & CMT+IsGHd% ,#E +eports" +T )ilms" and interpretation reportsHe% ,oncon)ormity +eportsH

    )% 3ydrostatic test reportsHg% #imensional +ecordsHh% Manu)acturerIs #ata +eportsHi% Partial #ata +eportsHK% Photocopy or rubbing o) nameplate or stamping%

    '%%' All the abo$e records shall be retained )or a minimum period o) ; years and shall be a$ailable )orre$iew by the A!%

    '%%( A##!T!1,A0 +EQ5!+EME,TS SECT!1, !!! #!%'

    '%%(% *or Section !!!" #i$%' $essels" all documents mentioned in paragraphs '%% shall bemaintained in a sa)e repository by Company 0egal ,ame)or the li)e o) the $essel or F9G tenyears" whiche$er is longer%

    '%%(%' !n addition to the records shown in paragraph '%%" Company 0egal ,ameshall maintain2

    a% All data on repaired material" items and assembliesHb% The 5serIs #esign Speci)ication" certi)ied by a +egistered Pro)essional EngineerHc% The Manu)acturerIs #esign +eport" certi)ied by a +egistered Pro)essional EngineerHd% All material certi)icates" Partial #ata +eports" examination procedures" test procedures" heat

    treat procedures and records" manu)acturing procedures" speci)ications and drawing used%

    '%%(%( A)ter the ten years period T!T0E 1* +ESP1,S!B0Emay o))er the records to the $essel useror their designated agent and i) recei$ing reKection" they may be destroyed%

    '%%(%: +ecords as mentioned abo$e shall be )iled and maintained in a manner which will allow accessby the A! to speci)ic in)ormation contained therein within a period not in excess o) ': hours atany time during the period o) $essel manu)acture%

    The text shown in this sample QC Manual should act as a guide in de$eloping a QC program which meets the re-uirements o) theASME Boiler and Pressure essel Code Section !" Section !!! #i$% " #i$% '" and #i$% ( it should not be used $erbatim" withoutre$iew o) the system and modi)ication to re)lect the system which is actually in use%

  • 8/10/2019 QC Manual - Konig


    )*+L,T- C/TL+/*+L

    Section2 'Page2 ' o) :+e$ision2 9#ate2 '8 #ecember '9:

    !"C%!S, (!, C%" S#A()IN5 and NA#I%NAL $%A!

    '%%: A##!T!1,A0 +EQ5!+EME,TS SECT!1, !!! #!%(

    '%%:% *or Section !!!" #i$% ( $essels" all documents mentioned in paragraphs '%% shall bemaintained in a sa)e repository by Company 0egal ,ame)or the li)e o) the $essel or ten years"whiche$er is longer%

    '%%:%' The Manu)acturer shall )urnish to the 5ser the records listed below2

    a% 5sers #esign Speci)ication complete with all re)erence documentsb% Manu)acturers #ata +eportc% Manu)acturers #esign +eportd% Manu)acturers Construction +ecords2

    d%% As7built drawingsHd%%' Materials certi)ications" all Material Test +eports" record o) repairsHd%%( .elding ProceduresH

    d%%: .eld repair reportsHd%%; ,#E Examination Procedures" +ecords o) Procedure Quali)ication" and +ecords o)

    Personnel Quali)icationsHd%%8 +ecord o) all heat treatments Fthese records may be either the actual heat

    treatment charts or a certi)ied summary description o) heat treatment time andtemperatureGH

    d%%< Pre7stressing procedures and $eri)ication dataHd%%= ,#E reports and as7built s?etches showing all rele$ant ,#E indicationsHd%%> +ecord o) noncon)ormances and disposition%

    '%%; Company 0egal ,ame shall ta?e the necessary steps as maybe re-uire to pro$ide suitableprotection o) all records )rom deterioration or damage%

    /./.- (AN+&AC#+!"!S A#A !")%!#

    '%'% 5pon completion o) a Code item the T!T0E 1* +ESP1,S!B0Eprepares the Manu)actureIs #ata+eport )rom design documents and )inal records% The T!T0E 1* +ESP1,S!B0E or theirdesignee certi)ies it in in? when correct%

    '%'%' The Manu)acturerIs #ata +eport shall contain no erasures" white outs or cross7outs% Each spaceshall be completed on the Manu)acturerIs #ata +eport" )or those spaces with no in)ormationH,A Fmeaning ,ot ApplicableG shall be used in these spaces%

    '%'%( The completed Manu)actures #ata +eport" together with the )inal records are then presented tothe Authori/ed !nspector )or re$iew% .hen satis)ied that all Code re-uirements ha$e been met"the Authori/ed !nspector will authori/e and $eri)y the application o) the Code Symbol Stamp tothe ,ameplate or directly on the correct boiler" pressure $essel or part" and sign and date theManu)acturers #ata +eport%

    '%'%: !) re-uired by client or i) the )inal location is 5%S%A% or Canada the Manu)acturerIs #ata +eportshall be registered with the ,ational Board o) Boiler and Pressure essel !nspectors%

    The text shown in this sample QC Manual should act as a guide in de$eloping a QC program which meets the re-uirements o) theASME Boiler and Pressure essel Code Section !" Section !!! #i$% " #i$% '" and #i$% ( it should not be used $erbatim" withoutre$iew o) the system and modi)ication to re)lect the system which is actually in use%

  • 8/10/2019 QC Manual - Konig


    )*+L,T- C/TL+/*+L

    Section2 'Page2 ( o) :+e$ision2 9#ate2 '8 #ecember '9:

    !"C%!S, (!, C%" S#A()IN5 and NA#I%NAL $%A!

    '%'%; #!ST+!B5T!1, 1* MA,5*ACT5E+S #ATA +EP1+TS FM#+G

    '%'%;% *or Section ! items a copy o) the Manu)acturers #ata +eport shall be )urnished to2

    a% 5ser b% !nspection Agencyc% Nurisdictional authoritiesHd% Leep a copy o) the Manu)acturers #ata +eport on )ile in a sa)e repository )or at least ;

    years or )or the intended li)e o) the $essel" whiche$er is greater%e% !n lieu o) FdG abo$e" the $essel may be registered and the #ata +eports )iled with the

    ,ational Board o) Boilers and Pressure essel !nspectors

    '%'%;%' *or Section !!! #i$% items the Manu)acture shall )urnish a copy o) the Manu)acturers #ata+eport2

    a% 5ser or their designated AgentHb% 5pon re-uest" to the !nspectorHc% Leep a copy o) the Manu)acturers #ata +eport on )ile in a sa)e repository )or at least ;

    years or )or the intended li)e o) the $essel" whiche$er is greater%d% !n lieu o) FcG abo$e" the $essel may be registered and the #ata +eports )iled with the

    ,ational Board o) Boilers and Pressure essel !nspectors

    '%'%;%( *or Section !!! #i$%' items the Manu)acture shall )urnish a copy o) the Manu)acturers #ata+eport2

    a% 5serHb% 5pon re-uest" to the !nspectorHc% Nurisdiction in which the $essel is to be installed where re-uired by lawHd% Leep a copy o) the Manu)acturers #ata +eport on )ile in a sa)e repository )or at least 9

    years or )or the intended li)e o) the $essel" whiche$er is greater%e% !n lieu o) FcG and FdG abo$e" the $essel may be registered and the #ata +eports )iled with

    the ,ational Board o) Boilers and Pressure essel !nspectors

    '%'%;%: *or Section !!! #i$%( items the Manu)acture shall )urnish a copy o) the Manu)acturers #ata+eport2

    a% 5serHb% The !nspectorHc% Nurisdiction in which the $essel is to be installedHd% Leep a copy o) the Manu)acturers #ata +eport on )ile in a sa)e repository )or at least 9

    years or )or the intended li)e o) the $essel" whiche$er is greater%e% !n lieu o) FcG and FdG abo$e" the $essel may be registered and the #ata +eports )iled with

    the ,ational Board o) Boilers and Pressure essel !nspectors

    /.0.- C%" S#A()IN5

    '%(% The T!T0E 1* +ESP1,S!B0Ehas custody and control o) the ASME Code Symbol Stamps% There-uired Stamp will be issued )or use only when all )abrication" examinations and inspectionsare completed" and the A! has authori/ed Code Stamping to the T!T0E 1* +ESP1,S!B0E%

    The text shown in this sample QC Manual should act as a guide in de$eloping a QC program which meets the re-uirements o) theASME Boiler and Pressure essel Code Section !" Section !!! #i$% " #i$% '" and #i$% ( it should not be used $erbatim" withoutre$iew o) the system and modi)ication to re)lect the system which is actually in use%

  • 8/10/2019 QC Manual - Konig


    )*+L,T- C/TL+/*+L

    Section2 'Page2 : o) :+e$ision2 9#ate2 '8 #ecember '9:

    !"C%!S, (!, C%" S#A()IN5 and NA#I%NAL $%A!

    '%(%' *or Section !!! #i$%" #i$%'" and #i$%( $essels the Code Stamping is applied on a ,ameplateFExhibit 'a" b" and cG" which is permanently attached to the $essel% *or Section ! items the

    mar?ing as shown in Exhibit 'd" shall be directly stamped on the item% The T!T0E 1*+ESP1,S!B0Eshall prepare the in)ormation pro$ided on the ,ameplate%

    '%(%( .hen Stamping the Code Symbol on the ,ameplate a)ter attachment to the $essel is notpossible" it may be applied" with the prior concurrence o) the Authori/ed !nspector" a)tercompletion o) all )abrication and examination" and immediately be)ore the hydrostatic orpneumatic test" and the ,ameplate attached to the $essel% Any noncon)ormance )ound whichcannot be corrected shall re-uire immediate remo$al o) the ,ameplate and Code Symbol%

    /.1.- NA#I%NAL $%A!

    '%:% The ,ational Board serial numbers shall be controlled and issued consecuti$ely by the T!T0E 1*+ESP1,S!B0E%

    '%:%' The ,ational Board serial numbers shall be issued in a progressi$e numerical order )rom without Kumps or gaps and without pre)ix or su))ix% The T!T0E 1* +ESP1,S!B0E shallmaintain a register o) ,ational Board serial numbers issued" showing date o) issue" Company0egal ,amemanu)acturers serial number" description o) $essels or part" ,ational Board serialnumber" and the date o) dispatch o) Manu)acturerIs #ata +eport to the ,ational Board )orregistration%

    '%:%( .hen items are registered with the ,ational Board" the T!T0E 1* +ESP1,S!B0E shall send theManu)actures #ata report to the ,ational Board within ( wee?s a)ter certi)ication%

    The text shown in this sample QC Manual should act as a guide in de$eloping a QC program which meets the re-uirements o) theASME Boiler and Pressure essel Code Section !" Section !!! #i$% " #i$% '" and #i$% ( it should not be used $erbatim" withoutre$iew o) the system and modi)ication to re)lect the system which is actually in use%

  • 8/10/2019 QC Manual - Konig


    )*+L,T- C/TL+/*+L

    Section2 (Page2 o) +e$ision2 9#ate2 '8 #ecember '9:

    A+#%!I6" INS)"C#%!

    .0./.- 5"N"!AL

    (%9% This Section describes who an Authori/ed !nspector is and the relationship within ourorgani/ation%

    0..- A+#%!I6" INS)"C#%!

    (%% The Authori/ed !nspector is the independent third7party !nspector re-uired by the Code"employed by the Authori/ed !nspection Agency with whom Company 0egal ,ame has acontract to per)orm the inspection ser$ices re-uired by the Code%

    (%%' The Authori/ed !nspector is regularly employed by an Authori/ed !nspection Agency as de)ined inthe Code and holds an A Endorsement on their $alid ,ational Board commission card%

    (%%( *or those )ield sites where use o) a di))erent A!A than used )or shop )abrication is re-uired" their

    ser$ices )or Code inspection may be pro$ided only a)ter signing a separate contact )or suchwor?%

    (%%: The T!T0E 1* +ESP1,S!B0Earranges )or the Authori/ed !nspector to ha$e )ree access to theshop and )ield site whene$er Code wor? is being doneH and to such parts o) all plants that areconcerned with the manu)acturer and supply o) parts or materials )or the $essel whenre-uested%

    (%%; .hen re-uested by the Authori/ed !nspector" inspection points will be inserted on the T+AE0E+)or those operations they may wish to witness or $eri)y be)ore wor? proceeds%

    (%%8 The T!T0E 1* +ESP1,S!B0Eat the shop or the T!T0E 1* +ESP1,S!B0Eat a )ield site" arethe CompanyIs liaison with the Authori/ed !nspector" and are responsible )or in)orming them o)the progress o) Code wor? so that they may per)orm the designated inspections%

    (%%< The Authori/ed !nspector has access to and is pro$ided with all drawings" calculations"speci)ications" procedures" process sheets" repair records" test and examination results"inspection records and any other documents re-uired to per)orm their duties%

    (%%= All ,oncon)ormity +eports )or Code wor? are submitted to the Authori/ed !nspector )or theirre$iew and acceptance%

    (%%> The T!T0E 1* +ESP1,S!B0Eor T!T0E 1* +ESP1,S!B0Ewill noti)y the Authori/ed !nspectorsu))iciently in ad$ance o) hydrostatic" pneumatic" proo) tests or any other designated inspectionpoints on the T+AE0E+so that they may be present to witness them%

    (%%9 The )inal records" together with the completed Manu)acturerIs #ata +eport signed by the T!T0E1* +ESP1,S!B0E" are submitted to the Authori/ed !nspector )or their authori/ation to applythe Code Symbol stamp and signature" when they ha$e satis)ied themsel$es that all Codere-uirements ha$e been met%

    (%% A current copy o) the Quality Control Manual is a$ailable )or use by the Authori/ed !nspector atthe shop and )ield site%

    (%%' The Authori/ed !nspector will re$iew and accept all changes to the Quality Control Manual" be)orethey are issued to Manual holders%

    (%%( The T!T0E 1* +ESP1,S!B0E will assist the Authori/ed !nspector Super$isor during theirre-uired audits" and the Authori/ed !nspector while monitoring the Quality Control System%

    The text shown in this sample QC Manual should act as a guide in de$eloping a QC program which meets the re-uirements o) theASME Boiler and Pressure essel Code Section !" Section !!! #i$% " #i$% '" and #i$% ( it should not be used $erbatim" withoutre$iew o) the system and modi)ication to re)lect the system which is actually in use%

  • 8/10/2019 QC Manual - Konig


    )*+L,T- C/TL+/*+L

    Section2 :Page2 o) ;+e$ision2 9#ate2 '8 #ecember '9:

    &I"L SI#"S

    .1./.- 5"N"!AL

    :%9% This Section describes how Company 0egal ,amewill control those operations )or Code itemsare controlled when )inal assembly is conducted at )ield sites controlled )rom this location%

    1..- A+#%!I#* AN !"S)%NSI$ILI#*

    :%% +eporting directly to the T!T0E 1* +ESP1,S!B0Ethe T!T0E 1* +ESP1,S!B0Ehas the o$erallresponsibility )or all )ield )abrication acti$ities%

    :%%' The T!T0E 1* +ESP1,S!B0Ereports directly to the T!T0E 1* +ESP1,S!B0Eat the 3ome1))ice% They are responsible )or implementation o) this Quality Control Manual at the )ield siteand )or the coordination o) Quality Control )ield acti$ities%

    1./.- &I"L SI#" %!5ANI6A#I%N

    :%'% The organi/ation at )ield site locations is as shown on the 1rgani/ation Chart in )igure o)Section ( o) this Manual%

    1.0.- !A7IN5S, "SI5N CALC+LA#I%NS AN S)"CI&ICA#I%NS

    :%(% The necessary drawings and speci)ications are prepared" re$iewed and appro$ed as perparagraph :%% through :%%< o) this Manual%

    :%(%' The distribution o) drawings and speci)ications is as described in paragraph :%:% through :%:%;with the exception" that drawings and speci)ications may also be distributed to )ield sitelocations through the use o) normal post or express carriers%

    :%(%( The T!T0E 1* +ESP1,S!B0E is responsible )or pro$iding the Authori/ed !nspector with alldrawings and necessary documents )or re$iew prior to the start o) wor?%

    :%(%: +e$isions to the abo$e documents are handled in the same way as the originals%

    1.1.- (A#"!IAL C%N#!%L

    :%:% Additional Code material re-uested by the T!T0E 1* +ESP1,S!B0E or the T!T0E 1*+ESP1,S!B0Eis re-uisitioned by the T!T0E 1* +ESP1,S!B0E" as described in paragraph;%% o) this Manual%

    :%:%' Code material cut to shape in the Shop shall be clearly mar?ed with2

    a% Nob identity numberHb% !tem numberHc% The )ull material mar?ings as re-uired by the material speci)ication or an acceptable coded

    mar?ingHd% Part number%

    :%:%( All material )rom the Shop to the )ield site shall be sent with a copy o) the +ecei$ing !nspection+eport" which has been $eri)ied by the T!T0E 1* +ESP1,S!B0Eand the MT+ or CMT+ tothe site" that the T!T0E 1* +ESP1,S!B0Ewill use in $eri)ying the material mar?ing prior tothe material being released%

    The text shown in this sample QC Manual should act as a guide in de$eloping a QC program which meets the re-uirements o) theASME Boiler and Pressure essel Code Section !" Section !!! #i$% " #i$% '" and #i$% ( it should not be used $erbatim" withoutre$iew o) the system and modi)ication to re)lect the system which is actually in use%

  • 8/10/2019 QC Manual - Konig


    )*+L,T- C/TL+/*+L

    Section2 :Page2 ' o) ;+e$ision2 9#ate2 '8 #ecember '9:

    &I"L SI#"S

    :%:%: *or all Code material recei$ed directly at the )ield siteFsG" the T!T0E 1* +ESP1,S!B0Esendsthe Site T!T0E 1* +ESP1,S!B0Ea copy o) the Purchase 1rderand the appro$ed material

    Purchase Speci)ication)or use in recei$ing inspection as described in paragraph ;%(% through;%(%: o) this Manual%

    :%:%; The +ecei$ing !nspection +eport is then returned to the T!T0E 1* +ESP1,S!B0E )or )urtherprocessing as described in paragraph ;%(%8 through ;%(%> with a $eri)ied copy o) the +ecei$ing!nspection +eport sent to the T!T0E 1* +ESP1,S!B0Eshowing that the material can bereleased )or )abrication%

    :%:%8 All Code material" items or Code Parts are unloaded in the assigned lay7down area" andexamined by the T!T0E 1* +ESP1,S!B0E)or2

    a% Physical damage" which may ha$e occurred during transportHb% Proper tagging and identi)ication o) each item" which pro$ides traceability to assembly

    drawingsHc% !n case o) items supplied with Manu)acturers Partial #ata +eports" the stamping shall be

    $eri)ied against the #ata +eportHd% The re-uired material mar?ing as described in paragraph :%:%'%

    :%:%< Both the T!T0E 1* +ESP1,S!B0Eand the Authori/ed !nspector at the Shop location shall certi)yall items shipped to the )ield siteFsG" which ha$e not been Code Stamped as Parts" )orcompliance with Code re-uirements on the T+AE0E+in the shop%

    :%:%= *or these items the T!T0E 1* +ESP1,S!B0Eand the Authori/ed !nspector shall $eri)y theextent o) wor? completed as indicated on the shop T+AE0E+and that no damage hasoccurred in transit% .hen satis)ied the item described on the shop T+AE0E+is the same asthe item recei$ed and no damage has occurred the T!T0E 1* +ESP1,S!B0E and theAuthori/ed !nspector shall then sign and date the copy o) shop T+AE0E+ in the spacepro$ided% The T!T0E 1* +ESP1,S!B0E shall return the signed copy to the T!T0E 1*+ESP1,S!B0E)or )iling%

    :%:%> 5pon satis)actory completion o) the abo$e acti$ities the T!T0E 1* +ESP1,S!B0Eshall recordthe Manu)acturers Serial ,umber" piece7mar?ing numbers o) each item recei$ed in a log%

    :%:%9 !n the case o) plate or pipe" the T!T0E 1* +ESP1,S!B0Emaintains a log o) se-uential numbersassigned" which contains the material heat and lot number )rom the material test reports" thuspro$iding the relation between the se-uential number and material test reports%

    :%:% All welding consumables re-uested by the T!T0E 1* +ESP1,S!B0E or T!T0E 1*+ESP1,S!B0Eshall be ordered as described in paragraphs ;%=% and ;%=%( o) this Manual%

    :%:%' +ecei$ing o) all welding consumables shall be per)ormed at the Shop location as described inparagraphs ;%=%:%

    :%:%( Accepted welding consumables shall be shipped to the )ield site with a copy o) the signed copy o)the Purchase Speci)ication% *or use by the T!T0E 1* +ESP1,S!B0E during the material$eri)ication%

    :%:%: Accepted welding consumables shall be stored in a loc?ed storage area in their original pac?ageaway )rom the elements" in accordance with the manu)acturers recommendations%

    :%:%; Parts" items and material that do not meet all re-uirements are considered noncon)orming andthe T!T0E 1* +ESP1,S!B0Ein accordance with Chapter < o) this Manual shall prepare a,oncon)ormity +eport%

    The text shown in this sample QC Manual should act as a guide in de$eloping a QC program which meets the re-uirements o) theASME Boiler and Pressure essel Code Section !" Section !!! #i$% " #i$% '" and #i$% ( it should not be used $erbatim" withoutre$iew o) the system and modi)ication to re)lect the system which is actually in use%

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    )*+L,T- C/TL+/*+L

    Section2 :Page2 ( o) ;+e$ision2 9#ate2 '8 #ecember '9:

    &I"L SI#"S

    1.2.- &I"L "=A(INA#I%N AN INS)"C#I%N )!%5!A(

    :%;% The )ield assembly o) Code pressure $essels is controlled by assembly drawings and theT+AE0E+" which is prepared and re$iewed as per" paragraph 8%% through 8%%= o) thisManual%

    :%;%' The appro$ed T+AE0E+ is sent to the T!T0E 1* +ESP1,S!B0E by the T!T0E 1*+ESP1,S!B0E%

    :%;%( Prior to start o) wor? the T!T0E 1* +ESP1,S!B0E" shall ma?e the T+AE0E+and all related orre-uired documents a$ailable to the Authori/ed !nspector at the site location" )or re$iew andselection o) inspection points as described in paragraph 8%%' o) this Manual%

    :%;%: Code re-uired hydrostatic or pneumatic tests shall be per)ormed by the T!T0E 1*+ESP1,S!B0Eas speci)ied by the procedure on the T+AE0E+" and under the super$ision

    o) the T!T0E 1* +ESP1,S!B0Eand always in the presence o) the Authori/ed !nspector%

    :%;%; *or all Code $essels" the procedure shall speci)y the re-uired test pressure and a maximum testpressure% 5nder no circumstances shall the maximum test pressure be exceeded% Theprocedure shall also speci)y the minimum metal temperature the test shall be per)ormed at%

    :%;%8 Two calibrated pressure gauges shall be used" to reduce the ris? o) using gauges" which ha$ebeen damaged in transit%

    :%;%< 5pon completion o) the )ield assembly o) a Code item" the T!T0E 1* +ESP1,S!B0Eshall $eri)yand certi)y the Certi)icate o) *ield Assembly portion o) the Manu)acturers #ata +eport%

    :%;%= The completed #ata +eport" together with the )inal records are then presented to the Authori/ed!nspector )or re$iew% .hen satis)ied that all Code re-uirements ha$e been met" the Authori/ed!nspector will authori/e and $eri)y the application o) the Code Symbol Stamp to the ,ameplateor item as applicable and sign the *ield Assembly portion o) the #ata +eport%

    :%;%> All records are returned to the T!T0E 1* +ESP1,S!B0Eat the 3ome 1))ice )or retention asdescribed in Chapter ' o) this Manual%

    1.3.- C%!!"C#I%N %& N%NC%N&%!(I#I"S

    :%8% ,oncon)ormities )ound during )ield assembly are recorded on the T+AE0E+ next to theoperation where they occurred and are controlled as described in Section < o) this Manual%

    :%8%' All re-uirements o) Section < o) this Manual shall apply%

    :%8%( 3owe$er )or ,oncon)ormities where the disposition is @+eKect@" the T!T0E 1* +ESP1,S!B0Eonsite is authori/ed to ma?e such dispositions%

    :%8%: All ,oncon)ormities may be transmitted by )ax or by telex% The written disposition o) the T!T0E 1*+ESP1,S!B0Eshall in all cases be obtained" with the exception o) :%8% abo$e prior to anyaction ta?en%

    :%8%; The T!T0E 1* +ESP1,S!B0Eshall in)orm the T!T0E 1* +ESP1,S!B0Eo) all dispositions andall correcti$e actions to be ta?en%

    :%8%8 All ,oncon)ormity +eportsshall be sent to the T!T0E 1* +ESP1,S!B0Eat the 3ome 1))ice )orretention as described in Section ' o) this Manual%

    The text shown in this sample QC Manual should act as a guide in de$eloping a QC program which meets the re-uirements o) theASME Boiler and Pressure essel Code Section !" Section !!! #i$% " #i$% '" and #i$% ( it should not be used $erbatim" withoutre$iew o) the system and modi)ication to re)lect the system which is actually in use%

  • 8/10/2019 QC Manual - Konig


    )*+L,T- C/TL+/*+L

    Section2 :Page2 : o) ;+e$ision2 9#ate2 '8 #ecember '9:

    &I"L SI#"S

    1.4.- 7"LIN5

    :%% Post weld 3eat Treatment" when re-uired shall be carried out in accordance with Section 9 o)this Manual%

    :%>%' The T!T0E 1* +ESP1,S!B0Eshall be responsible )or )orwarding the procedure a)ter appro$alas per paragraph 9%% to the T!T0E 1* +ESP1,S!B0E )or distribution to the T!T0E 1*+ESP1,S!B0E%

    :%>%( A)ter acceptance by the Authori/ed !nspector" the timeDtemperature charts shall be )orwarded tothe T!T0E 1* +ESP1,S!B0E)or retention as described in Section ' o) this Manual%

    1.-.- CALI$!A#I%N %& ("AS+!"("N# AN #"S# "Q+I)("N#

    :%9% All re-uired measuring and test e-uipment to be used )or acceptance shall be calibrated directlyprior to shipment to the )ield site and shall bear Calibration Stic?er showing the date o)calibration and the period o) $alidity%

    :%9%' Traceability is pro$ided )rom the T+AE0E+" which records the e-uipment identi)ication numbero) those instruments used )or examination and inspection%

    :%9%( A copy o) the rele$ant calibration report shall accompany all measuring and test e-uipment%

    The text shown in this sample QC Manual should act as a guide in de$eloping a QC program which meets the re-uirements o) theASME Boiler and Pressure essel Code Section !" Section !!! #i$% " #i$% '" and #i$% ( it should not be used $erbatim" withoutre$iew o) the system and modi)ication to re)lect the system which is actually in use%

  • 8/10/2019 QC Manual - Konig


    )*+L,T- C/TL+/*+L

    Section2 :Page2 ; o) ;+e$ision2 9#ate2 '8 #ecember '9:

    &I"L SI#"S

    1..- A+#%!I6" INS)"C#%!

    :%% The T!T0E 1* +ESP1,S!B0Eshall be responsible )or the coordination with the Authori/ed!nspector at the )ield location%

    :%%' A current hard copy o) this Quality Control Manual shall be a$ailable )or use by the Authori/ed!nspector at the )ield location%

    1./.- !"C%!S, (AN+&AC#+!"!>S A#A !")%!#S, NA(")LA#" AN S#A()IN5

    :%'% +ecords" Manu)acturerIs #ata +eports" Code Stamping & ,ational Board numbers shall behandled in accordance with Section ' o) this Manual%

    The text shown in this sample QC Manual should act as a guide in de$eloping a QC program which meets the re-uirements o) theASME Boiler and Pressure essel Code Section !" Section !!! #i$% " #i$% '" and #i$% ( it should not be used $erbatim" withoutre$iew o) the system and modi)ication to re)lect the system which is actually in use%

  • 8/10/2019 QC Manual - Konig


    )*+L,T- C/TL+/*+L

    Section2 ;Page2 o) (+e$ision2 9#ate2 '8 #ecember '9:

    !")AI!S 8 AL#"!A#I%NS

    .2./.- 5"N"!AL

    ;%9% Shop or )ield repairs and alterations to boilers and pressure $essels" when re-uired by the owner"user" Kurisdiction or A!A responsible )or in7ser$ice inspection o) the unit" are made inaccordance with the applicable re-uirements o) the ,ational Board !nspection Code F,B!CGHASME Code and this Quality Control Manual%

    ;%9%' +epair 7 is de)ined as the wor? to restore a boiler or pressure $essel to a sa)e and satis)actoryoperating condition" pro$ided there is no de$iation )rom the original construction%

    ;%9%( Alteration 7 is de)ined as a change in any item described in the original ASME Manu)acturerIs#ata +eport" which a))ects the pressure containing capability o) a boiler or pressure $essel%

    ;%9%: +e7rating 7 a boiler or pressure $essel by increasing the maximum allowable wor?ing pressure ortemperature is considered an alteration" pro$ided there is no physical change to the obKect% A

    reduction in minimum temperature )or a pressure $essel" re-uiring additional mechanical tests"is also an alteration%

    2..- A+#%!I#* AN !"S)%NSI$ILI#*

    ;%% The T!T0E 1* +ESP1,S!B0Eis responsible )or compliance with this Quality Control Manual )orshop and )ield repairs to Code items%

    2./.- )!%C"+!"S

    ;%'% All repairs and alterations to Code boilers and pressure $essels are subKect to the acceptance o)the Authori/ed !nspector" who may re-uire that e$idence o) acceptance o) the method andextent o) repair or alteration by the Kurisdiction or insurance carrier responsible )or the in7ser$ice inspection be pro$ided be)ore starting wor?%

    ;%'%' The T!T0E 1* +ESP1,S!B0E" prior to the start o) wor?" pro$ides the Authori/ed !nspector withdrawings" calculations" procedures" T+AE0E+" copy o) the original ASME Manu)acturerIs#ata +eport )or the item and any other documents necessary )or the Authori/ed !nspector toaccept the method o) repair or alteration and to designate their re-uired inspection points%

    ;%'%( *or alterations to boilers and pressure $essels" the T!T0E 1* +ESP1,S!B0Ewill pro$ide theAuthori/ed !nspector with2

    a% The *orm +7 +eport o) .elded +epair or Alteration prepared by the original manu)actureror another holder o) a $alid @S@" @5@ or @5'@ Certi)icate o) Authori/ation as applicable"certi)ying that the design changes meet the ,B!C and ha$e been $eri)ied by theirAuthori/ed !nspector%

    b% +e$ised calculations%c% *or physical changes" Partial #ata +eports )or welded parts%

    ;%'%: *or alterations consisting only o) re7rating" when re$ised calculations cannot be obtained )rom theoriginal manu)acturer" they may be prepared by a registered pro)essional engineer" and sent)or re$iew to the Kurisdiction at the location o) installation" be)ore being presented to theAuthori/ed inspector%

    The text shown in this sample QC Manual should act as a guide in de$eloping a QC program which meets the re-uirements o) theASME Boiler and Pressure essel Code Section !" Section !!! #i$% " #i$% '" and #i$% ( it should not be used $erbatim" withoutre$iew o) the system and modi)ication to re)lect the system which is actually in use%

  • 8/10/2019 QC Manual - Konig


    )*+L,T- C/TL+/*+L

    Section2 ;Page2 ' o) (+e$ision2 9#ate2 '8 #ecember '9:

    !")AI!S 8 AL#"!A#I%NS

    ;%'%; *or Section !!! #i$%' $essels" the T!T0E 1* +ESP1,S!B0E$eri)ies that the 5ser or his agenthas prepared a detailed repair plan" which has been re$iewed and certi)ied by a registered

    pro)essional engineer as compatible with the original 5serIs #esign Speci)ication andManu)acturers #esign +eport% The repair plan is then submitted to the Authori/ed !nspectorresponsible )or in7ser$ice inspection )or their re$iew and acceptance" and" when re-uired" tothe Kurisdictional authority )or appro$al be)ore start o) wor?%

    ;%'%8 The T!T0E 1* +ESP1,S!B0E" when re-uested by the Authori/ed !nspector" arranges )or theiraccess to ma?e all inspections o) the $essel they deems necessary in order to accept themethod o) repair or alteration%

    ;%'%< The T!T0E 1* +ESP1,S!B0E" or T!T0E 1* +ESP1,S!B0E" ?eeps the Authori/ed !nspectorin)ormed o) the progress and completion o) the wor? so they may per)orm their designatedinspections" and accept the repair or alteration a)ter )inal inspection o) the completed wor?%

    ;%'%= All examinations and tests re-uired by the Code )or the original construction o) the boiler orpressure $essel are re-uired )or the repair or alteration" except that i) impossible or impractical"alternate methods acceptable to the Authori/ed !nspector may be used%

    2.0.- !"C%!S

    ;%(% The repair or alteration" including a description o) the relocation o) Code stamping or nameplatewhen per)ormed shall be documented on the current ,ational Board *orm +7" +eport o).elded +epair or Alteration%

    ;%(%' .hen the wor? is completed" the *orm +7 is prepared and certi)ied in in? by the T!T0E 1*+ESP1,S!B0E%

    ;%(%( The )inal records" together with the completed *orm + and any Manu)acturerIs #ata +eports"and )or alterations the original Manu)acturerIs #ata +eport" are presented to the Authori/ed!nspector )or their re$iew% .hen satis)ied that all ,B!C" Code and Manual re-uirements ha$ebeen met" they will authori/e application o) the @+@ Symbol to the appropriate ,B!C stampingand sign the *orm +7%

    ;%(%: All records re)erenced in this Section are a$ailable )or re$iew by the Authori/ed !nspector% The*orm +7 is distributed as listed in ;%: below%

    ;%(%; !)" during the repair or alteration o) a boiler or pressure $essel" it is necessary to remo$e theoriginal Manu)acturerIs ASME Code stamping or nameplate" the Authori/ed !nspector will"subKect to the appro$al o) the Kurisdiction2

    a% .itness the mar?ing o) a )acsimile or rubbing o) the old and new stamping%b% .itness obliteration or remo$al o) the old stamping" and trans)er o) the stamping to the

    new part or location on the item" less the original Code Symbol% The Code Symbol is ,1Tre7stamped%

    ;%(%8 .hen the stamping is on a nameplate" the Authori/ed !nspector witnesses the trans)er o) thenameplate to its new location%

    ;%(%< .hen a new part is )abricated )or inclusion in the repair or alteration" the re-uirements o) Section' o) this Manual apply only to the Code stamping located on the new Part" as re-uired by theCode%

    The text s