1 Vampire - In the Beginning ©Copyright Charmain Marie Mitchell 2013 Vampire - In The Beginning, is the property of the author Charmain Marie Mitchell, and cannot be sold, copied, distributed, shared, in whole or part without the knowledge and permission of the above author. Publisher: CMMpublishing, Petersfield, UK, GU32 3NF First published in the UK, US, & worldwide 2013 Edition Two ISBN-13: 978-1491279205 ISBN-10: 1491279206 Mike This one is for you x I would like to thank my partner Mike, my children, and my mum and dad for all of their love and support during the writing of this book.

Publisher: CMMpublishing, Petersfield, UK, GU32 3NF ... · Leigh, Gwen for short. I was born in a tiny village called Hayes on the outskirts of London, England. Over time Hayes become

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Page 1: Publisher: CMMpublishing, Petersfield, UK, GU32 3NF ... · Leigh, Gwen for short. I was born in a tiny village called Hayes on the outskirts of London, England. Over time Hayes become


Vampire - In the Beginning

©Copyright Charmain Marie Mitchell 2013

Vampire - In The Beginning, is the property of the author Charmain Marie Mitchell, and cannot be sold, copied, distributed, shared, in whole or part without the knowledge and permission of the above author.

Publisher: CMMpublishing, Petersfield, UK, GU32 3NF

First published in the UK, US, & worldwide 2013

Edition Two

ISBN-13: 978-1491279205 ISBN-10: 1491279206

Mike – This one is for you x

I would like to thank my partner Mike, my children, and my mum and dad for all of their love and support during the writing

of this book.

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I would also like to thank Julia Gibbs (better known as Juliaproofreader) for

your advice and your proofreading services – you’re a star.

Chapter one


Life can be great, it is vital, but life can also be depressing, and more often than not miserable and pointless. I think this is true of a human life, perhaps a life that usually spans about seventy or so years. Imagine then, if you will, living for nearly five hundred years, imagine the misery, sadness, and above all else, the sheer tenacity it takes to survive that long. If you

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tenacity it takes to survive that long. If you

can imagine the hell I'm describing; you can - just maybe - imagine my life – the life of a vampire!

Oh I'm sure it's not the life of every vampire, but it is how I see my life, and now suddenly everything I thought was worth living for is gone. My light in a very dark world is dim, the vital part of my life is gone, and the reason for my existence no longer exists.

Perhaps I should start by way of an introduction; my name is Gwendolyn Leigh, Gwen for short. I was born in a tiny village called Hayes on the outskirts of London, England. Over time Hayes become part of the larger suburbs of London, but when I made my entrance into the world, it was but a small community and more than three days walking distance from the capital.

I was born in the early hours, one day in early June in the year 1522, I don’t know the exact date of my birth, my parents didn’t know, and so it is obvious that I would never know of it. My mother would tell me, "You were born on the morn of the sunniest day of the year, Gwen." I loved it when she said these words to me, and never questioned her further, and so I now state my birthday to be the first day in June.

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I became a vampire at the age of nineteen. At the age of nineteen, in Tudor England, I had already lived at least half of my life span, and could in no way be termed as a child. Strange when you consider that at aged nineteen, I’m now in today’s world considered little more than a child!

I, of course, still look nineteen; and will do until the day I die; I guess it is one of the major benefits of being a vampire. I will never grow old and wrinkly, my breasts will always be upright, I will always look beautiful, and above all else, I will never need plastic surgery.

There are many legends and fables surrounding vampires, the strangest of them being that we cannot tolerate the touch or taste of garlic - we can! Nor do we shrivel at the sight or touch of holy water or crucifixes. We can walk during the daylight hours and there are only two ways in which a vampire can die. The first is by way of piercing through the heart with a wooden stake.

Wood is everlasting and a tree can grow for very many centuries, but if you strike a tree in its heart, in the tree's case its root, you will kill it. The root is where the tree is most vulnerable, and so it is with us. In the making of a stake, an everlasting tree would be felled and so the magic of eternal growth is broken, it is the breaking of this

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growth is broken, it is the breaking of this

everlasting growth, that does, when thrust into a vampire, break the magic of everlasting youth.

A vampire cannot be killed by ripping out the heart – it simply re-forms, and beheading has the same effect. We cannot be starved of blood, we will simply dry up and shrivel, but as soon as one drop of blood touches our lips, we will be restored.

Contrary to common belief, vampires are not evil ungodly creatures. Our characters remain the same as when we were human, only heightened, so therefore if a vampire is a killer, it is almost certain that they were a killer when they were human. We are strong and fast, and we do crave blood, blood is our food, but most vampires will not drain a human dry, most will simply take what they need and move on.

The only other way we die is if we choose to do so by our own hand! Only the strongest of vampires can survive for centuries, it is not easy to watch all that you love die and wither. It requires enormous strength of will to be able to start again repeatedly, and in truth, it becomes tiring.

It is in fact so tiring to watch humans make the same mistakes century after century, because with great age comes great wisdom, but this wisdom cannot be channeled, we cannot intervene, and so it

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channeled, we cannot intervene, and so it

becomes an everlasting exhausting circle. How do we kill ourselves? Well it is quite simple really, we thrust a stake deep into our heart, and we die, but in reality we have already started to die and will have given up on life long before we commit to the final deed of thrusting the stake.

It's at this crossroads in my life, that you find me. I don’t know if I should carry on living or if I should end my life. I have lived through so much, loved and lost, watched history in the making, and I am tired. For the last few years, I have lived alone, not seeking or wanting love or friendship. I am afraid of the pain, and I have arrived at a point in my life when I am no longer sure that I can face the hell that is living, and somehow death seems to offer the peace I crave.

I made choices many years ago, choices that I have since lived to regret, choices that meant love was snatched from me, not once, but many times, but someone from the past remained deep within my heart, a being that I loved above all others. That being was the key to my existence, the reason why I lived the torturous life for so long. Now my reason for living is gone, and with this demise my desire and fight to live has diminished.

I have decided to write down all of my memories; which I hope will enable me to

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memories; which I hope will enable me to

reach the decision of continuing to live, or ultimately deciding to die. I must make the choice, and to enable me to do this I must look to the past, and hopefully this will lead me to establish if my life is worth living in the future.

Therefore, the long story, detailing my life, begins…

Chapter Two


I remember it so clearly. It was a warm, sweet-scented evening, and like so many times before; I followed the path that wound its way through the bluebell copse and ran from my parents’ cottage down to Harper’s Farm. Gently, I pulled back the springy twigs of the hazel trees that grew alongside the pathway, I remember skipping out of the way of the rebounding branches, giggling, and then I start to hum a once familiar tune.

I’m making my way to see Tom Harper. Tom is the love of my life; we have grown up together, played together, and worked

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up together, played together, and worked together. I surrendered my body to Tom on a warm night in April the year before, and together we lost our virginity, with gentle gasps of startled embarrassment and blazing excitement.

That first night of lust paved the way for night after night of sweet and gentle passion. Our passion resulted in pregnancy, and as I make my way along the bluebell-lined path, I carry inside of my belly the child of our love. For many girls, the knowledge of pregnancy outside of marriage was a disastrous turn of events. For me it meant that I was to marry the man I loved, and my life was in many ways perfect!

As I pushed my way through the trees on that delicious spring evening, I can remember imagining Tom running to greet me, his young handsome face smiling, and his eyes shining with love for me and our unborn child. I remember blushing as I dreamt of us collapsing together under the huge oak in the back meadow, our lust and love sated in the warm breeze of the evening, and I giggle at my daring thoughts.

I was, for this reason, somewhat disappointed when I reached the kissing gate, for I realised that Tom was not, as he usually was, waiting for me. A sigh escapes my lips, and now a little irritated, I resign

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my lips, and now a little irritated, I resign

myself to crossing the meadow alone, and making my way up the winding lane that leads to the farmhouse.

The final leg of my walk up to the farmhouse was a very steep, uphill trek, and darkness falls by the time I finally reach the house. Therefore, I am not only surprised, but also a bit irked to find the house silent and dark, with no sign of the usual glow of the roaring fire shining out into the yard, beckoning me from the windows.

I had never known the house to be so quiet, and the idea suddenly struck me that maybe some sort of deadly disease had cursed the family? My fear for Tom pushed my body quickly towards the house, and I slammed hard against the front door, falling into the house in a tangled bundle of panic. It was only after I scrabbled to my feet, and steadied myself, that I noticed the horrific scene in front of me, and it was only then that I screamed in such terror that my throat clenched in painful protest at my horror-stricken outburst! Tom’s mother Martha was sprawled across the large kitchen table, her clothes ripped, and in places torn completely away; her ageing breasts fell from her laced bodice, flaccid and drooping to the sides of her lifeless body. Her legs were at a strange angle, and her skirts bunched up into a ball

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angle, and her skirts bunched up into a ball

at her waist. I could see, even from where I was standing, that she was dead! Martha’s eyes were open, staring into nothingness and devoid of life, but it was her throat that caught my attention, it gaped open, and it looked like what I imagined the huge black cavern of hell to look like. Although I think I probably knew deep down that an animal wasn’t able to inflict the injuries I had seen on Martha’s body, I still searched the dark recesses of the room for the beast. I can remember feeling afraid to move, afraid to breathe, and although I looked around the room - I was afraid to look. My eyes roamed the dark shadows of the kitchen, but I could see nothing, and I remember thinking that I should turn and flee, but I also knew that I could not, not until I had at least tried to find Tom.

The farmhouse consisted of just two rooms, the lower half, and the upper half. Tom’s sisters, Jane and Margaret, slept alongside their mother and father in the upper half. Tom and his brother Joe slept outside in the barn. I decided to check the rooms upstairs first, because I knew that once I walked away from the farmhouse, there was no way I was going to be able to face Martha’s corpse and return.

I crept, petrified, towards the wooden ladder that led to the room above. In order to climb the ladder I needed to move closer

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to climb the ladder I needed to move closer

to Martha’s body, and that was something that I really didn’t want to do. The sight of her sprawled like a rag doll across the table made me feel sick to the pit of my stomach, and the stench of blood deeply invaded my senses, and filled my nostrils and mouth, so that I was only able to taste the cloying sweetness of death. With a strength of will I didn’t know I possessed, I averted my head, and made my way to the ladder. I was determined to search for Tom.

I had only just managed to climb halfway up the ladder, when the acrid smell of blood and death started to become stronger and overpowering, and suddenly I felt unable to move. I was in no doubt that once again I was to confront death and destruction. I swallowed down the lump that seemed to have lodged in my throat, and tried to ignore the shaking of the ladder that was caused by my body trembling in fear. I must continue. I knew that Tom could be in the room above, and so I ignored the slippery substance that I felt clinging to the rungs of the ladder, a substance that I knew was blood, and with one last push, I entered the upper room.

How I wish, even after all of these years, that I never entered that hellhole! Jane and Margaret’s bodies were fragmented, and it looked as if someone or something had been playing tug of war with their limbs. Blood and body parts were spread the

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Blood and body parts were spread the

length and breadth of the room, legs and arms sprawled in a tangled mess, and it was only after I searched and searched for Tom that I realised that Tom’s father, a man named Isaac’s body lay tangled and entwined alongside his two daughters. It was with self-disgust and self-loathing that I turned from their bodies with a sigh of relief; hating myself because the relief caused me to feel intense joy. How could I feel elated at such a time? Even now, I feel shame at how I felt, but my joy stemmed from the fact that Tom was not amongst the slaughter of his father and sisters, and for that, I was grateful.

I made my way back down the ladder, all the while trembling and gagging. The sights and smells of the upper levels of the house started to curdle with the food in my stomach, and the need to be sick flooded my throat and mouth. I fell, in a heap, from the last rung of the ladder, clutching my middle, heaving vomit onto the dirt floor, and adding to the evil smells that already engulfed the house. When I finally managed to straighten up, I started to move forward, wanting only to escape the hell that was behind me and all the while stumbling on the slippery vomit and blood that covered the floor.

“Hello, my sweet!” Two men stood in the doorway. Both of them were tall and broad and they were similarly dressed in clothes

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and they were similarly dressed in clothes

suited to the nobility.

I was about to praise God for their arrival and run into the safety of their protection, when, like a beacon, the light from the moon flickered through the windows of the farmhouse. It was only then that I noticed their clothes, stained with a mixture of dried and still dripping blood, their eyes shone with hunger, and their twisted smiles shone with evil amusement at the sight of my bedraggled state.

The scream that had started to rise up in to my throat suddenly died, the room grew black, and I collapsed to the floor, their wicked laughter echoing in my ears and throughout the kitchen as I slid, helplessly, into the engulfing darkness.

Chapter Three

I awake to find myself in the barn. Sitting up, I look blankly around the cold, black space, but I don’t need to wait for my eyes

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space, but I don’t need to wait for my eyes

to adjust to the dark to know that more death and destruction grimly awaits me. The strong metallic smell of blood already assaults my senses, and knowing that my worst fears are going to be realised, I lift my head and search for Tom, hoping against all hope that he still survives.

It doesn’t really surprise me when after my eyes grow accustomed to the dark, I see Tom and Joe’s lifeless bodies hanging from the rafters. Their abdomens gaping wide open, their entrails lay sprawled in a bloodied tangled mess at their feet, and their throats had been sliced open, causing the dripping congealing blood to cling in thick globules to their torsos.

Bile rises up from my already empty stomach to scald and burn my throat. I fall onto my side on the dirt floor of the barn, and curl into the fetal position in order to wait for the torture that I now know will be my final fate.

“Oh dear, I’m sure there’s no need to make such a fuss?” The clear clipped tones of an aristocratic man vibrate through the barn, and I instantly recognise it as belonging to one of the men from the kitchen. Scrabbling in a panicked rush up onto my feet, I shout in anger, “WHO ARE YOU? WHY DID YOU DO THIS?”

The man steps forward and for the first

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The man steps forward and for the first

time I can see him clearly. He is of broad but slim stature, and his movements flow with elegance. The second man is larger and remains behind the first man, I cannot see his face, but I can see from his outline that his head is to one side, in a way that suggests that he was deeply contemplating a thought.

“My name is James Middleton, my lady,” the first man says with mocking amusement, “and in answer to your question, my lady, why should I not do this?” He indicated behind him to where Tom and Joe hung, an evil smile twisting his arrogant, handsome face.

“HOW COULD YOU SAY SUCH A THING?” I scream at him like a banshee. The man chuckles again. Vulgarity and arrogance radiate from him as he steps closer towards me.“Well, I’ll say this for you, my pretty, you show more fight than the snivelling fools over there.” He then moves even closer, and says with cruel amusement, “I can say such a thing…because of this, my sweet.”

His face changes beyond all recognition, resembling a face which I can only describe as devil-like. His eyes turn opaque, his teeth grow to resemble those of a vicious snarling dog, and his face turns into that of an evil rabid monster! Before me, I suddenly realise, are men who feed off

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suddenly realise, are men who feed off

human blood and suffering, and although I had heard tell of such monsters, I had never before, up until this moment, given these tales much thought, believing them to be the imaginings of poor confused minds.

“You don’t tremble at the sight of me, girl?” he asks me in a questioning and slightly confused tone.“Why should I tremble, sir?” I reply in a sarcastic tone, and raise my head higher.“If I cower or not…There is no doubt that you are going to kill me. What is the point of me crying over what will be anyway? Do what you must, but you’ll not see me tremble, for I feel that it would please you, sir, and it is not my intention or wish to please you!”He throws his head back and laughs heartily, “Well then, I guess it will pain you to know that you do please me, girl, I just love the hunt…and I think you’ll be a good catch!”

For all of my brave talk, I am very afraid. Especially when he grabs me, and I see that his mouth is opening up wide, and his strong white teeth are growing in preparation for the bite into my flesh.

“STOP!” The man in the shadows shouts, stepping forward.“Robert? What ails you?” the one who introduced himself as James says, his face

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introduced himself as James says, his face

instantly returning to its human form.“Step away from her, James, NOW!” James releases me from his grasp, and it is in that instant that I realise that the larger man, whose name I now know is Robert, is the leader, and I can see that James is very afraid to anger him. Robert steps towards me and for the first time I see his face. It has the look of an eagle, predatory and commanding, his eyes are dark and brooding, his body well-muscled and strong, and his overall appearance brooked no doubt he was a man to be obeyed.“Come here, girl,” he said in a soft but commanding voice. I remember trying to fight his command and wanting to run in the opposite direction. I was therefore amazed that, instead of running, I found myself walking towards him.

“Don’t be afraid of me, girl, I’ll not harm you,” he said staring down into my eyes with a hypnotic gaze. I should have been petrified; after all, I had seen the murderous scenes inside the farmhouse and barn - but I’m not afraid, and instead I feel calm and at peace. Robert places his hand gently on my stomach and closes his eyes. When he opens them again his stare is intense, and a fiery red line outlines his pupils, but his stance becomes softer.

“You’re expecting a child?” he asks me softly.

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“Yes I am,” I state in a matter of fact tone. “I don’t know for how long, though. I fear that the shock of this day will cause my body to miscarry.”His eyes probe deeply into mine, once again predatory, the effect causing me to drop my head in fear.“What’s your name?” he asks softly. Placing his hand under my chin, he tips my head back, so that once again I am looking up into his eyes.“My name is Gwendolyn…..but people call me Gwen.” A smile touches his lips, and he says, “You’ll not lose the child, Gwen. You’re carrying a strong and healthy boy, and he will have your spirit and strength of mind and his father’s strength of body. This boy will be a prince among men and will achieve all his heart desires.” Robert pauses, his eyes glow with something akin to sadness.

When he continues, his voice is low and I strain to hear his words. “I will make a deal with you, Gwen, I want a child of my own…a son…but…circumstances beyond my control dictate that I will never produce one.” Anger momentarily flares up in his eyes and I fleetingly see the fierceness of his true personality. He drops his head, and I notice that he is visibly trying to regain the control of his emotions. When he lifts his head, his face is once more a mask.

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“I will allow you and your child to live. You’ll live in luxury, and will want for nothing, but your son will be my son, and my wife will be his mother.” He pauses to allow what he has said to me to sink in. He then continues, “I’ll give you the gift of everlasting life, and my son, when he is a man, will be my heir and a prince among vampires…If you decide that you cannot do this, then I’ll kill and feed from you today, Gwen…It is your choice.”

Dread crept like a disease through my body. I could live like a monster and condemn my son to a life of depravity, or I could allow us both to die and my son would never know the light of day or the sweet intoxicating beauty of life.

“When will my son become a vampire?” I ask him, and then continue, “When will I become a vampire?”“It will be your choice when or if you do, but I give you my word that you’ll not die at my or any other vampire hand. My son, if he is to be my son, will become a vampire on the eve of his eighteenth birthday.”

Did I have a choice? How did anyone stare death in the eye and calmly say ‘take me’, how could I do that? Worse still, was the fact that I would also need to stare my son’s death in the eye. I would die knowing that I consented to and condoned the end of his life!

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A thought suddenly occurred to me and looking Robert straight in the eye, I voiced it. “What will happen if my son chooses not to embrace the life of a vampire? What would happen if he chose to remain human?”“You are intelligent, I like that,” he said, and then continued, “If he chooses not to embrace his destined life it will be his choice.” I open my mouth ready to speak, but he interrupts me by holding his hand up, he then continues. “He will not be harmed if he decides to make the decision to remain human, but I warn you, Gwen, I sense that it is his destiny. I feel his strength and I think he will make the decision to become a vampire.”

I did not need to hear anymore, my son will live for eighteen years as a human, he will be able to remain this way if he so chooses, and I will do everything in my power to ensure that he doesn’t become a vampire. I know which of the choices I will make; I know I have no other choice!

“I accept your deal, Robert,” I simply state. I then turn and walk in the opposite direction, away from him, the barn, Tom’s hanging body, and away from the life I have always lived and would never know again.

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Chapter Four

Robert and James join me in the small courtyard a few moments later, and although I hear their approach, I don’t turn around and acknowledge their arrival. Instead, I look towards the dark outline of the farmhouse. The house that sits before me should have been my home forever, but now, because of the two men behind me, I will never set foot on this land again. With this realization comes the sad thought that likewise, I will never lay eyes on my mother, father, or brothers, and in time, although I did not know it then, they will for me become just a vague memory. My life, I think I knew, was to change beyond anything I could ever imagine; but I didn’t cry. I knew that crying would have been a pointless exercise because there was nothing I could do to change my predicament, and so I turn to Robert and James and simply say, “I’m ready.”

A shrill whistle rents the air, and from nowhere a pair of prancing black horses appears. I am somewhat startled by their appearance, and I guess the shock shows on my face, because Robert says, "Contrary

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on my face, because Robert says, "Contrary to common belief we cannot change our appearance into different types of animals...we travel like humans on horseback...although we do hold power over all animals, including humans.. We are their master."

I can think of nothing to say in response to his words and simply bow my head in acceptance of his bold and commanding statement, a statement I do not doubt is true. Both men jump onto the backs of the prancing animals and Robert holds out his hand to me. "Come, Gwen," he says, "we must leave," then grabbing my outstretched hand he pulls me up behind him and we are instantly on our way.

I had never up until this time traveled on horses such as these, having only ever ridden the small ponies on the farm, these animal in comparison seemed to almost fly through the air, and such was their speed that I clung to Robert in order to remain seated. My eyes watered from the icy winds and so I pushed my head into Robert’s back, my hands grew numb from the cold and I clenched them painfully so that I did not lose grip and fall.

On and on we rode, I clung on in fear for my life, afraid to loosen my grip, growing tired, and very weary. Vampires, I was to discover later, are extremely strong, with their stamina knowing no bounds. I,

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their stamina knowing no bounds. I,

however, was at this time only human, pregnant, and fast becoming exhausted by the attacking speed of the journey. Robert, whom unbeknown to me was able to sense every beat of my heart and any weakness in my body, realised the journey, combined with the bloody scene I had witnessed at the farm, was fast getting the better of my body and mind, and motioned James to stop at the next inn.

When we finally found an inn, Robert pulled my exhausted body into his arms and carried me inside, his shouts of 'Innkeeper...where are you, man?" echoing angrily as we entered the small but comfortable warm rooms of the establishment.

The innkeeper, a short, fat man of about fifty years old, scurried to our side. He obviously recognized that Robert was of noble birth and his humble attitude attributed to this fact."Yes, sir," he said bowing low, "I am at your service, sir.""Is that so, man?" Robert bellowed, "Well in that case we would like your best room, and my wife will have a tankard of your finest mead, and some food sent up to the room."

The man glanced in my direction in a somewhat startled manner. I, unlike Robert, was not dressed in fine clothes, but

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Robert, was not dressed in fine clothes, but

instead dressed in the clothes of a poor maiden."Do you understand that order, man?" Robert asked the innkeeper in a slightly threatening but sarcastic voice."Yes, yes of course, sir...Follow me, sir."

The innkeeper led us to a small but comfortable room, and stayed just inside the door whilst Robert placed me on the bed. He then turned back towards the innkeeper and said, "I take it you don’t understand the order, then?" His stance was aggressive and irritated."Yes, sir of course, sir," the innkeeper stuttered."Well set to it then, man, before you feel the weight of my hand!"

"Will you be sleeping here?" I ask as I watch the petrified innkeeper scurrying away. I hear a quiver in my voice, and I know that my voice betrays my fear. Robert must have heard it too, because he says softly, "I have told you there is no need to fear me, Gwen, you are quite safe.""That may be so...but I do not wish for you to sleep here!" I say in a frightened whisper."I cannot trust you yet...you have had an eventful day...and I cannot be sure that you’ll not run...I am sorry but I must stay here with you tonight."I digest his answer, and then ask, "When we reach your home will you remain at my

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we reach your home will you remain at my

side?" I notice a slight smile touch his lips and he says, "No, Gwen...you will not be able to escape, so there will be no need." "And where will James sleep tonight?" "He will continue on and inform my wife Matilda of our plans."

I waited for him to add to this information, but he remained silent, and so I fell back on the bed and gloried in the comfort. I normally slept on the floor, and the bed felt warm and luxurious in comparison.

The innkeeper returned shortly afterwards, and although I'd thought earlier that I wouldn't be unable to touch the food that he brought, I found that I was ravenous, and ate the cold roast beef and hard bread quickly. When I was full, I fell back onto the comfort of the bed, and said, "Will you be sleeping on the bed?""Yes of course, but like I have already said, you will be safe."

I had already reached the conclusion that I was safe, and so ignoring his words, said instead, "How long have you been a vampire?""For a very long time, enough questions now...it’s time for you to rest."

I turn onto my side and stare at the dark wall of the room. A few moments later Robert climbs into the bed beside me and I am somewhat shocked to discover that I

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am somewhat shocked to discover that I

am neither afraid nor feel uncomfortable about the fact that I am sleeping next to him. For some reason I cannot connect the man lying next to me with the man who had committed the disgusting murders at the farmhouse, for all I can see in him is kindness.

I surprise myself by saying, "Why did you kill them? You had no need to kill them!"Robert doesn’t answer for a quite a while, and although I cannot see his face due to the darkness, I imagine his face is serious, contemplating his answer. I believe he found it difficult to explain to me why he had stolen the lives of my loved ones, for after a long drawn-out sigh he simply says, "You will understand one day,” and then, “You must sleep now, we have a long ride in the morning.”I must have fallen to sleep after this, for all I remember from that moment on is the darkness that comes from a deep and peaceful sleep.

Chapter Five

We set out early the next morning, and again I climbed up behind Robert, immediately setting off at a breakneck speed towards London.

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In the cold light of day, Robert looked even more intimidating and handsome than ever, he was like a man mountain, being so tall and broad, and there was not an ounce of spare fat on his huge frame. His eyes shone like polished black coal, ringed by very long black lashes, and his skin was swarthy, shining with perfect health. His perfect features look like they have been sculpted by an artist, and above all else he exudes enormous power. I contemplate his looks and manner as I cling to his broad back. I know that in other circumstances I would have been very attracted to him, and suddenly the realization of what I am thinking hits me and I feel self-loathing and self-disgust! I am ashamed that I could even think about finding this man attractive, how was it possible, after I had witnessed the destruction he and James had wrought on Tom and his family in the farmhouse?

Suddenly Tom's sweet face drifts into my mind and I feel the evil pain of loss rise up and sting my eyes with bitter tears. Toms face suddenly changes, instead of his soft loving smile, I see his tongue protruding from his mouth, his throat dripping globules of thick blood, and his innards lying discarded at his feet. Guilt causes my whole body to shiver, for am I not clinging to the man who discarded Tom’s life - just as a child discards a toy! How could I? Maybe I should have consented to die, for

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Maybe I should have consented to die, for

not only did I betray my sweet Tom by not dying at his side, but I also betray him by promising his son to the very man that killed him. What type of woman was I?

I was so intent on my thoughts that I had failed to notice that Robert had slowed the horse, or that we now traveled at a slow leisurely walk."You must push it from your mind, Gwen." I jumped at the sound of his voice."How do you know what I’m thinking...how?" I ask in bewilderment."Oh, Gwen, I may not be human, but I understand what it is to love. I feel you cling onto me in pain, and I hear your sobs close to my ear. It does not take a genius to work out why you cry, and I can tell you that guilt will destroy you, if you allow it to!” Although I could not see his face, I heard the compassion in his voice, and was once again confused by the emotions this man seemed to awake in me.“If you need someone to blame... Then you must blame me! For I am the one that took his life...you simply made a choice, a choice that most would have made...you have nothing to feel guilty about! Ask yourself if Tom would have made the same decision...and I think you'll find that your heart will tell you that he would have decided to survive." My tears began to subside, and I would be lying if I denied that Robert’s words were a comfort to me, because deep down I knew that he was

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because deep down I knew that he was

right. Tom would have made a similar choice, but knowing this still did not eradicate the guilt or the image of him hanging from the rafters with his guts spilling out.

"Sometimes we make choices that we subsequently find difficult to live with, you will live with your decision, Gwen, but it will not be easy."Anger rose up inside my body like an inferno of flames. "HOW WOULD YOU KNOW?" I scream at him. The stallion plunged forwards in fear and shock, almost unseating me, but again I shout, "YOU, WHO NEVER FELT PAIN OR GUILT... TELL ME HOW WOULD YOU KNOW?"

"Oh I know of the deepest betrayal.” He paused, and then continued, “and I suffer the guilt of it every day, and will do so forever." His words hissed in an anguished whisper.

I wanted to ask why he would say such a thing. However, the bunching of his back muscles and the tone of his voice made it quite clear that it was a question which would anger him greatly, and so I remained silent, and instead looked down over the countryside.

I notice the spire of St Paul's standing proud in the distance, indicating that we are at last nearing the bustle of London.

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are at last nearing the bustle of London.

Closer to us I notice a sprawling stone manor house, majestic and visible through the trees, and it’s to this house that Robert points and says, "We near my home, hold on tight." He then kicks the stallion into a gallop, and by doing so, he ends our conversation.

It is about noon when we finally ride into the stable courtyard of the stone house, and now that we have drawn up to the house, it looks to be more of a castle than a manor house. The house was known locally as Vanike Hall, but at this time I did not know of its name, and so thought of it as 'The Castle'. Robert abruptly jumped from the stallion and pulled me down beside him; throwing the reins to a groom, he grabs my hand, and marches me into the house.

The great hall was huge and majestic, adorned by ancient tapestries and ornate warfare objects; it was magnificent. I was, I guess, completely overawed by such wealth, but then again the farmhouse was the largest and grandest house I knew of up until this time in my life.

"Where's Matilda?" Robert bellowed to a passing serving girl."She’s on her way, Master," the girl stuttered back. I noticed as she turned away that her neck had two small puncture marks just above the collarbone; and I

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marks just above the collarbone; and I

shuddered in revulsion at the realization that her blood was obviously a meal for one of the vampires living in the castle!

I hear the sound of footsteps behind me and I turn towards the staircase that leads up from the great hall. Several well-dressed men and women, including James, are descending the heavy oak staircase, but none of them speaks, and they all seem to have their eyes fixed firmly on me - suddenly I am very afraid. I am in a room full of violent murderers, all of them quite willing to drain my body of my life’s blood, and I am very scared. What if they suddenly decide that my son isn’t good enough? I start to think in panic! Was I to be their next meal?

"Calm down," Robert says as he reaches my side, "They can hear your heart racing, and it will alert them to your fear of them." I smile a very weak smile, but I am still shaking. I am petrified, but I try not to show it, and thrusting my head and shoulders back, brace myself to meet my fears.

I turn back towards the staircase and my eyes are instantly drawn to a woman far more beautiful and graceful then any of the others walking down the stairs towards us. She is quite simply the most exquisite being I have ever seen. She is tall for a woman - I guess not much shorter then

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woman - I guess not much shorter then

Robert, but it's quite obvious from the way the rich fabric of her perfect gown clings to her body that her figure is not hindered by her height, and she is elegantly slim but curvaceous. Her hair, which is a dark coppery red, falls in soft rippling curls around her face and reaches down to the middle of her back, and her eyes are a dark flashing green, shining with a luminosity of such intensity, that even from across the distance between us, they are mesmerizing. Her skin shines like the palest ivory, and her features are perfectly moulded beauty. I am, I think, considered by many to be fair and pretty, but I cannot compete with this woman, and I feel a stab of envy.

I wait, open-mouthed, as she glides to my side. She stares at me intensely for a few moments and then turns to Robert and says, "So this is our new brood mare, is it?" I recognize scorn, sarcasm and jealousy in her words, and I know with absolute certainty that, contrary to Robert’s assurances, I will not be safe amongst the vampires. I was going to need to be constantly on guard against this woman - this woman who will take my place - this woman who will be the mother to my son!

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Chapter Six

I watch the group of vampires from where I stand by the fireside. On the surface, the vampires look to be like any other gathering of people, but it is only if you watch them intently, as I do, that you start to notice the differences.

They laugh and joke, but their poise suggests they are alert to every noise and movement, they remind me of predators ready to pounce. Every one of them, including the women, exudes arrogance, I assume because they know that they are so powerful, and this unleashed power crackles in the air. They all move with elegance, none being overweight or fat and each of them glows with health and vitality. I am sure that if one searched the length and breadth of England, one would not encounter, anywhere, such a beautiful group of people.

Of course, the fact that they are all so young seems strange, but then they are all immortal, and this is the reason why their youth is so apparent. Suddenly I feel sick at the thought; these animals are able to keep their youth at the decadent expense of

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their youth at the decadent expense of human life. My disgust manifests into vomit rising up into my throat, and I fall back into a fireside chair, which enables me to swallow down the proof of my disgust without alerting the room full of vampires of my true feelings.

"Are you feeling unwell, my dear?" I turn, shocked, towards a familiar voice."James!" I gasp, "You startled me," and then so that I do not alert him to the way I am feeling, I say in a disinterested voice, "I'm very well, thank you."His laughter echoes around the hall and several pairs of eyes turn to look in our direction. "Well you're looking very white, my dear, would it be something to be with the smell of the wine that we so lovingly drink?" James lowers the tankard from which he is drinking to just below my chin, and swirls the contents around.

The metallic smell of blood attacks me, instantly reminding me of the smell from inside of the barn the night before, and the image of Tom hanging, dripping blood from the rafters, comes unbidden and blurs my vision. I had thought they were drinking wine from the tankards but they were in fact drinking blood!

My cheeks become moist with tears I cannot stop from falling, and I stumble up onto my feet and say, "I need to lie down...excuse me...but..." I hear James

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down...excuse me...but..." I hear James

laugh once again, but I do not turn around or respond in any way.

I stumble through the crowd of vampires. Their laughter, their faces, and the smell of blood seem to mingle; disgust overwhelms me, making me feel faint and disorientated. Finally, I find Robert and Matilda. Ignoring Matilda's angry glare, I run to Robert and gasp, "Please, please, I need to retire, I need...I need…." And then I faint in his arms.

I don’t know how long I was unconscious, but I awake to find myself on a red velvet-covered bed surrounded by heavy red velvet drapes. Lifting myself up onto one elbow, I immediately notice that my clothes are gone, and I have been re-dressed in a white cotton nightgown. I look around the room, it is large and richly decorated in the same red colours as the bed hangings, and several pieces of dark and gleaming furniture grace the room.

Once again, I find myself overwhelmed by the luxury surrounding me, and I wonder if there will ever come a time when I feel comfortable and at ease with all the grandeur that surround the vampires. "I'm pleased to see that you are awake, are you feeling better?" Robert's soft voice whispers from behind the drapes."Yes...Sorry...I...I felt.""I know how you felt, and I have punished

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"I know how you felt, and I have punished

James for the way he treated you." His voice vibrates with repressed anger.

I shudder at the thought of what type of punishment could possibly hurt a vampire, and decide it is something I really did not want to imagine."You will become accustomed to our ways, Gwen, and one day you may wish to join us...but not yet...not until my son is born.""I don’t understand?” I say “Why not yet?"

Robert sighs, and materializes from his hiding place behind the curtain, sitting down on the bed."Vampires are unable to reproduce. If you were to be made a vampire before the child was born then he would die or be born a vampire, in that case he would never grow any older than the day he was born...meaning he would remain a newborn for all time." I look up into his eyes and see sadness burning deep in their depths."So you will never father a child...not ever?" I ask."No, not actually father a son, but he can share mine and Matilda's blood."

The way in which he says those last few words causes my heart to flutter in panic, what does he mean by 'he can share mine and Matilda's blood'?"But how is that possible?" I whisper."Please don’t look at me like that, Gwen....I

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"Please don’t look at me like that, Gwen....I

have no wish to frighten or harm you...and as I have told you many times you have no need to fear anyone under my roof.""Matilda would like to harm me." I declare. Once again Robert chuckles, and he says, "You're very observant and you will become a very strong vampire.....Matilda is jealous because she cannot provide me with children, and she detests anything that draws my attention from her.....but she will not harm you, she knows that my anger would be substantial...she wouldn’t wish that."

I contemplate his words for a moment and then say, "So how does my son share your blood?""You will be required to drink a thimbleful each of mine and Matilda's blood every day." I start to protest, but Robert holds up his hand, and continues, "Our son will then share our blood with you. Our blood will also keep you healthy and you will not suffer normal childbearing maladies, like um, well like fainting." He pauses, amusement at his joke playing softly around his mouth. "But that's disgusting!" I bark, "I'm not a vampire and cannot be expected to drink blood!""You will, Gwen!" Robert shouts in instant terrifying anger, "It is part of the deal.....My blood heals, it will keep my son and you safe, and at the same time our

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and you safe, and at the same time our

blood will flow into our son’s veins.....there's no choice, this will happen. My son will be fed on our blood every day until he is of age...and he will grow strong and true...this is how it is...you will accept this fact."

I open my mouth to protest once again, but the sound of Matilda's clipped and sarcastic voice as she enters the room stops me."Is she ready for the blood?" she says, making her way quickly to my bedside. Without so much as a glance in my direction, she picks up a tankard from the small table beside my bed, bites into her wrist, and holds her wrist over the tankard, letting her blood flow freely into the container. Robert walks to her side and does the same. When he is satisfied that there is enough blood in the tankard, he says, "I will leave you to deal with this, Matilda." He then turns away from us, and walks from the room without once looking in my direction.

I am still staring towards the door as Matilda grabs the back of my head, places the tankard to my lips, and whispers in my ear, "Drink my sweet Gwendolyn....drink, otherwise I will take the greatest delight in killing you myself." Of course, with no other option open to me - I drink.

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Chapter Seven

Surprisingly, the days pass quickly. Some days I awoke in a panic because I could no longer remember Tom’s face, and I bury my head in the velvet cover until his face fills my vision, and then I cry. Of course, I never shared my feelings with anyone in Vanike Manor, I had no friends, but even if I did I would never have shared my fear and grief with them.

Sometimes I would catch a glimpse of

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Sometimes I would catch a glimpse of

Robert, but apart from the odd smile, he rarely talked to me. I think he had decided to avoid me due to Matilda’s jealousy. In fact, none of the vampires talked to me, and on my approach many of them would simply look straight through me, it was as if I didn’t exist and if they could not prey on my blood, they had decided not to bother with me at all.

Strangely enough the servants were the same, none of them seemed to speak unless spoken to, and then it was just to answer a question with either a simple ‘yes’ or ‘no’. It was as if someone had put a spell on them. I was later to learn that vampires can bewitch humans and make them do their bidding, after I had discovered this I often wondered if Robert had bewitched me into accepting his offer. This discovery played on my mind to such an extent that I finally decided that I would waylay Robert at the earliest opportunity and ask him.

The opportunity arose unexpectedly. I had taken to walking by a small brook that ran through the woods behind the manor. I liked to take the exercise, although I had no need of it, for it seemed to be that the combined blood of Robert and Matilda had worked its magic, and I felt and looked in the best of glowing health. I would walk in the summer sun, and sometimes imagine that life had not changed, I would daydream that I still lived in the shelter of

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daydream that I still lived in the shelter of

my parents’ and Tom’s love, and imagine that our fortunes had changed and we all lived in the manor. It was on a day such as this that Robert disturbed me with his soft tread on the mossy ground.

“I was told I would find you here,” he said as he pushed through the shrubbery to sit by my side. I was surprised by this revelation as I believed that no one knew that I walked by the brook.“Who told you of this?” I asked. Robert just looked at me and smiled, and I said in a sarcastic tone, “Oh yes, I forgot I am a prisoner, and I am watched!”“You know that you are not a prisoner, this is your home.” I laughed a mirthless laugh.“Oh yes I forgot, I am not a prisoner because if I choose to leave I shall be food, and if I stay this is my home, but then again I am watched…you make me laugh, Robert.”“Well, it is not my intention to make you feel like a prisoner, I fear only for your safety.”“Well I guess I should be grateful for that at least!” My voice was pert and antagonistic, but Robert did not respond and we both lapsed into silence.

At last, unable to bear the silence any longer, I said, “Well it’s obvious that you wish to speak to me of something, so may I ask what it is so that I may return to my thoughts?”

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“Yes of course….sorry, I was lost for the moment in the beauty and peace of this place.” His eyes rose to mine, and I saw a deep sadness in their depths. My antagonistic mood deteriorated in an instant, sadness was not an emotion I was able to connect with Robert - I found the discovery startling.

“Yes, it is lovely,” I said softly.“I have come to talk to you about the coming weeks, we are to have some guests in the manor, and it is of course imperative that you do not let our secret out.” “Well it must be a very important guest?” I replied. Robert looked at me with a quizzical expression on his face.“Why do you say that?” he asked. I laughed, not in joy, but more in a sarcastic burst of contempt.“Well, Robert, I am sure you would not feel the need to talk to me personally when you have all your minions to do the task for you…I therefore conclude that your guest must be very important, you could of course always bewitch me, just as you do the servants!”

Robert looked at me intently, the sadness wiped away by an amused glint.“So you have discovered how we acquire our faithful servants?” he said with a chuckle.“Yes, and I wondered if you bewitched me into accepting your offer? It is logical that

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into accepting your offer? It is logical that

you would use this power to satisfy your whims!” This time Robert threw his head back and laughed.“So you have concluded that I have bewitched you? Ah my poor little Gwen, does your conscience disturb you so much that you wish to find a reason why you decided to live rather than die?”“It is not that at all!” I snap at him, “I would like to know if you used your powers in order to influence my decision?”

Quite unexpectedly, Robert reached out and tucked a stray curl of hair behind my ear. The feel of his fingers gently touching the skin on my neck caused the betrayal of my body, which shook in response to his touch.Suddenly dropping his hand, he said in a gentle tone, “I believe that the belief that I have as you say ‘bewitched’ you, would make it easier for you to accept your position. Alas I cannot tell you a lie, Gwen, I have never bewitched you, and I never would, the decision was yours and yours alone.”

My head dropped onto my chest, and the realization hit me that I did in fact, just as Robert had stated, want the guilt of my decision lifted from my shoulders. I felt immense guilt because of my decision, and I wanted to rid myself of that guilt by finding a better reason than choosing to live whilst the people I loved died.

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Robert placed his finger under my chin and tilted my head up so that I was looking directly into his eyes.“It took courage to choose the path you have, Gwen, many are so afraid to live that they would choose to die, others would choose to live but be unable to face the reality of the life of living with a colony of vampires. You chose to live; you chose not to let Tom’s and your own life be lived in vain, by not allowing your son to die, and you have stuck to your decision…that takes guts and determination!”

A tear made its way down my cheek as I noticed the admiration radiating from his beautiful, arrogant face.“But I had no choice, you held the fate of mine and my son’s life in your hand…it is unfair that you should have the power to do that.” Robert wiped the tear from my cheek, and once more, I felt my body’s betrayal in the form of a shudder.“Of course it is unfair, life is unfair, Gwen. After all, if you lived a normal life on the farm, you would still have people who hold power over you: the farmer’s wife, the farmer, your husband, the bailiff whom collects the taxes, and the local lord; that is life, Gwen!”

Of course, he was correct, none of us is truly in charge of our own destiny, and there is always someone higher to order

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there is always someone higher to order

our lives, unless of course you are the king. This thought returned me to the reason why Robert had sought me out and I said, “So who is the important guest?”

Robert smiled, I could tell by the relaxing of his shoulders that he was relieved that I had, he had decided, come to terms with my guilt.“A man who is a very good friend of mine, Gwen,” he said as he rose to his feet, he then continued, “A human who in some ways can be compared with a vampire…you are to meet your lord and king, Gwen.”

I gasped in shock, and I heard Robert’s responding chuckle as he walked away from me. I could not believe it. A common maiden would in the coming weeks be entertaining the highest lord in the land, our good king Henry the Eighth, and not only that but I would at last be able to talk to normal humans – for the first time in months I was not only happy but excited – life was starting to get a lot better!

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Chapter Eight

My excitement grew as the king’s visit came closer. I had a choice of gorgeous fabrics to choose from, to be sure that I had suitable gowns, and so that I did not look out of place when our important guest arrived.

I was it seemed very lucky, in that although I was in my sixth month of pregnancy, I had not gained very much weight and my condition, although noticeable was not pronounced and unsightly. Robert had given me over to Matilda’s expertise for the choosing of the gowns, and I made my way to her quarters when the tailor arrived with the fabrics. I had never seen such fine materials, and watched in awe as Matilda chose the finest green velvet and muslins, threaded with gold and silver.

Finally, after she had chosen her materials and had talked at length with the tailor about the designs of her own gowns, she beckoned me to her with the words, “Come here, brood mare.” This was, it seemed, her preferred name for me, I did not protest, well there was no point. Matilda was a beautiful monster and could tear me limb from limb if she chose to do so.

She looked at me critically, her eyes straying from my face to my slightly protruding belly and back, her eyes then rested on my stomach for what seemed an

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rested on my stomach for what seemed an

age, and finally her cruel but mesmerizing eyes returned once more to my face. I straight away noticed that a ruthless snarl had twisted her sultry mouth into a thin line, and jealousy and anger shone from the depth of her glittering green eyes.

“So what colour do you imagine would suit you, dear brood mare?” she said in a sarcastic tone. I walked towards the table that the materials were spread out upon and let the richness fall through my hands in appreciation, I was instantly drawn towards the dark and light blue materials, knowing instinctively that with my dark hair and light blue eyes, these would be the colours that would suit me the most. Turning towards Matilda I said, “I would like the dark and light blue please, Matilda.”

A callous, sharp laugh escaped from her lips, and she said, “Oh, would you indeed? Well I’m sure that can be arranged, but,” she said turning towards the old but steely-eyed tailor, “She will have no adornments, she and the company we keep must remember that she is in a delicate condition, and of course she should never be allowed to overstep her station in life, which was, I believe, a lowly cow maid!” On ending her statement Matilda once more laughed, which it would seem signaled to the women present that they also must laugh, because each of them

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also must laugh, because each of them

tittered in turn.

I felt my face flush at the obvious insult, and I stammered out, “Thank you”, whilst making my way rapidly to the door. I had thought that I had made it out of her quarters when suddenly I felt myself lifted by my throat off the floor and held up against the cold of the wall. Matilda’s face had changed into that of a monster, I recalled James’s face looking very similar on my very first encounter with him at the farm, but this was different, I knew that Matilda would love to see my demise, in fact she wished for it.

“Please be kind enough to remember that you shall address me as Lady Vanike…Little milkmaid, you shall regret it if you do not.” Her eyes blazed into my own, but they had changed from glittering green to a rather opaque jade, her fangs dripped with saliva, and the veins in her neck and face stood up and pulsed.

“Did you hear me, brood mare?” I nodded, and took a deep gasp of air as she loosened her grip and let me fall to the stone floor. She disappeared as quickly as she had appeared, and I heard her telling the women of my fear, and their delighted laughter in response to her tale. Slowly I got to my feet, and quickly made my way to my own room, the incident reaffirmed to me how careful I must be when I was

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me how careful I must be when I was

around Matilda, and just how much she hated me. I knew I must always be on my guard, because the first chance she had she would take great delight in killing me.

Chapter Nine

The manor bustled with servants running back and forth, completing the last minute preparations for the imminent arrival of the royal party.

I, like almost everyone in the manor, waited in nervous anticipation for our important guests. I sat by my window, watching for the spectacle that was the arrival of the royal party; there were rumors that the procession of courtiers, servants, and squires stretched for at least a mile. Of course, the King and his young Queen Catherine Howard would be at the forefront of the procession; she was, according to the gossips, the most beautiful and gregarious of all of his brides. The king was getting older, and many said that he found it difficult to sit on a horse due to an open ulcer on his leg, which refused to heal, but he was still the King - the most powerful man in England.

I turned towards my finished gowns lying across the dresser, they were the most beautiful items I had ever owned, and once more, just like so many times in the

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more, just like so many times in the

previous days, I walked over and let the luxurious fabric fall through my hands. My imagination was once more working overtime, and over the last few days I had imagined myself as a beautiful fairy princess, waiting for my prince to return from war, but the most disturbing part of this daydream was that my prince’s face had lost the look of Tom and had started to resemble Robert. I was puzzling over this change in my thoughts, when the trumpets signaled a fanfare and rushing over to the window, I saw my first glimpse of the royal flag in the distance.

The procession made its way slowly towards the manor, the colours, noise, and the sight of so many people making their way behind the greatest man in England was breathtaking, and one I knew I would never forget. It was only as the royal party drew nearer that I noticed that the King looked old, and although he sparkled with jewels and the effect was mesmerizing, it was not difficult to see he was a large man who wasn’t comfortable and who was in pain, which was not only due to the heat of the afternoon sun.

I had already decided that I wouldn’t make my presence known until the banquet started in the great hall later in the day. I knew that Robert’s intention was to introduce me to the King, with the understanding that I was his mistress. He

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understanding that I was his mistress. He

wanted it known throughout England that I was carrying his child, he would then legitimize my son, and the child would become his heir. Matilda had argued against this, but Robert was adamant, and by doing so, he gave Matilda another reason to hate me, not that she needed another! For this reason, I intended to stay in the background throughout the proceedings, for I didn’t wish to anger her more than necessary.

I had a while before I needed to get ready and so I decided to rest on my bed and continue with my beautiful but disturbing daydreams. It seemed that only seconds had passed when I felt hands shaking me awake.“Miss, miss…you must wake up…it is time to get ready!”“What time is it?” I asked in a sleepy voice.“Well, miss, they are starting to gather in the great hall, you will be late if you do not hurry!”

The significance of what the young girl said suddenly hit me. It would be very rude to enter the hall whilst the hosts and the King and Queen were eating, and jumping from the bed, I shook myself awake.

I washed the grime from my body and sprinkled myself liberally with rose water, even dousing my hair, which I brushed rigorously until it shone. I quickly dressed

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rigorously until it shone. I quickly dressed

in my lightest blue muslin dress, which I knew became me very well, especially as my cheeks had a slight blush, the result of my haste in getting ready. I pulled just the sides of my hair into a plait away from my face, and secured them with a small gold clip at the back of my head, leaving the rest of my thick dark hair to shine and curl down the length of my back. I seized the hand-held polished metal, which served as a mirror, from my dresser, and scrutinized my looks. I looked, even to my own eyes, beautiful! My skin shone with health and vigour, my eyes, lightened by the pale blue of my gown, shone and sparkled. I knew that I looked radiant, and I even dared to hope that I would rival Matilda. Throwing the mirror down on the dresser, I stepped into my pretty fabric slippers, and hastily made my way down to the great hall.

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Chapter Ten

Although the great hall was huge, with so many people crammed into the space it seemed small and insignificant. As I made my way down the stairs I surveyed the room, and was pleased to see that Robert and Matilda were still introducing from a long line of people, those that they chose to present to the King and Queen. I noticed that the King barely registered those before him, and either talked to the Queen or surveyed the mountains of food that passed him on the way to the royal table.

I placed myself at the end of the line, hoping that I would be overlooked and dismissed with those who had failed to be presented to the royal couple. It wasn’t very long before I noticed a young man of around my own age had joined the line, and as I turned he smiled at me most graciously.“I hope I get presented today,” he whispered into my ear, “The King is only here for three days before he progresses north, and the next three days will be my only chance of recognition.”I opened my mouth to speak but nothing

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I opened my mouth to speak but nothing came out, it seemed such a long time since I had had a conversation with a normal human being, and I felt like I had lost the art of idle chatter. Finally, I found my voice and said, “I’m sure you will, sir…if not today then maybe tomorrow, or the next day?”“The King is not always well enough for long presentations….well, let us hope…My name is Edward.” He took my hand and kissed the tips of my fingers softly, he then continued, “Edward Darrington, I'm a local squire hereabouts, and a somewhat distant friend of Lord Vanike, and you are?”

I didn’t have time to answer his question, for suddenly I felt myself propelled forward by Robert’s iron grasp, but I wasn’t the only one, for I noticed that Matilda had grabbed Edward in much the same way.“My lord, I present Miss Gwen Leigh…” I fell in a deep curtsy when I heard Robert speak my name, and to my surprise, I found I was trembling with nerves.“Pray stand, girl.” The King’s voice was deep and gruff, the type of voice that brooked no argument. I looked full into his face, a face that had once been beautiful, but now was bloated and misshapen, but his eyes danced, and shone with the vigour of the man he had once been, and I smiled in response to that twinkle.“A pretty piece this one, Robert, and I see she is with child, pray, who is the father?”

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“I am, my lord…it is well known that Matilda and I will make this child our own when it arrives, sire.”

The King’s laughter resounded around the hall.“Robert you’re a man after my own heart…I will see to it that the child is legitimized when the time comes, let us hope it’s a boy, uh?”“We have no doubt, sire” Robert said softly. The King held his hand out, and I kissed his fingers, I then turned to Queen Catherine, her eyes were shining with mischief, and I could see that Robert’s speech had amused her. I leant forward to kiss her hand, and as I did so, she whispered, “Serves the old cow right!” as I lifted my head, she looked towards Matilda, turned back towards me and winked!

Finding it difficult to control the giggles that threatened to escape, I curtsied once more and made my way towards one of the great tables. A few moments later Edward was once more by my side, his eyes were shining, and there was no doubt that he was happy that he had been presented to their Majesties.

“Will you sit with me to eat, Miss Leigh?” he asked, and then continued, “I couldn’t help but overhear your conversation with the King.”

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I had no wish to discuss the fact that I was now known as Robert’s mistress, so I said, “Yes, that would be lovely, but must we talk of what was said to the King.”A huge smile transformed his rather bland looks and he replied, “I would rather we didn’t,” and with that he led me to a table to join the banquet.

The food was glorious, as was Edward’s company, and I even managed, sometimes, to forget the vampires who frequently glanced in my direction. I vaguely noticed that they each had a large goblet of thick red wine, which of course wasn’t wine at all, and although they all piled their plated with food, none of the grand feast passed their lips, but for this night I didn’t care! I felt for the first time, in a long time, that I was a normal human, and I wasn’t going to let their evil stares ruin my night.

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Chapter Eleven

How stupid I was. I should have known I should always be on my guard with Matilda and her minions. Two nights I spent with Edward, and in him I found a true friend. I’m sure to others it looked like we were attracted to one another, but it wasn’t like that, we simply found in each other a mutual respect and liking.

It was in the early hours after the second banquet that I was awoken by rapping on my door. Sleepily I answered the insistent knocking, and was confronted by a young serving girl who often waited on me. “Miss…you must come quickly…there’s been an accident, miss.”

I covered my nightdress with my velvet cape, and followed her, asking what had happened, I asked her several times, but she failed to answer, but then she rarely did, so I didn’t find her silence odd.

I followed her to a part of the manor I had never been to before, a wing that I knew to be occupied by some of the least important vampires. I started to feel uncomfortable

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vampires. I started to feel uncomfortable as we hurried along the cold, damp, corridors. This was the oldest part of the manor and it smelt of death and decay, a place that suited its vampire inhabitants and their lust for death and destruction very well.

We started up a spiral staircase that I assumed led to the roof, and once again, I asked what had happened, where were we going? The girl ignored my questions and so I continued to follow, fear and apprehension building quickly inside of me.

Finally, we stumbled out into the air, and it was then that understanding dawned on me in resounding horror. Matilda walked towards me, her hips swaying, a twisted smile on her perfect face, and her eyes shining their evil hypnotic stare. I knew that I had been duped. I noticed James grinning, his satanic smile radiating from behind her, and some of the other vampires that I had seen earlier in the week, laughing and eyeing me in obvious glee at my discomfort.

“Ah, it’s our dear brood mare!” Matilda shouted, “We have a treat in store for her, do we not, my friends?” The vampires laughed hysterically, Matilda, now also laughing openly, stood to the side and said with a sweep of her arm, “Behold, your entertainment, my lady!”

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Edward was tied to a makeshift type of crucifix, his head lolling from side to side. I heard someone scream, and realised almost instantly that it was from me that the shriek came. Edward’s head snapped up, and his eyes met mine. The soft beautiful eyes of my friend radiated fear and confusion, but most of all I saw sadness, and realised that he believed that I was party to the horror that had befallen him.

“Edward, it wasn’t me…I'm your friend…Oh please let him go, he’s done nothing to warrant this, please, PLEASE!”

Once more, the surrounding vampires screamed in laughter, and then one after the other they sunk their jaws into my friend, sucking his life’s blood from him. I screamed, I prayed, and begged, I even offered to take his place, but to no avail. I fell to my knees and watched in sickening horror the light in my friend’s eyes flicker and die.

I believe that in that moment I would have gladly sacrificed my life and also the life of my child, for I was certain that I wasn’t able to once again confront the horror of an innocent’s murder. I failed to notice the vampires laughing and dancing with glee, I had rolled onto my side onto the cold stone, and sobbed, for once again, I was

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stone, and sobbed, for once again, I was

lost in hell, and I doubted that this time I would climb the huge wall out of the pit of despair into which I had fallen.

I do not know how long I clutched at the cold stone in misery, but I was awoken from my stupor, by the sound of screams. Lifting myself up I encountered another massacre, but this time it was a massacre, that I, much to my shame, enjoyed.

Robert was like a possessed demon. His face was unrecognizable. His eyes were opaque but filled with bulging blood vessels, his body seemed larger, and menace radiated from him in pure evil waves. There was no denying his strength, for the vampires who were moments ago laughing in abandoned joy, screamed and cowered in fear, and even Matilda hissed and shook, with obvious horror etched into her beautiful face.

He thrust his stake into the hearts of them all, he watched and laughed as they screamed and writhed in pain and finally withered into nothing more than stark white bones. When the screams could be heard no more, he turned to Matilda, contempt and anger glowing in his face.“DO YOU SEE WHAT YOU HAVE CAUSED? I SHOULD KILL YOU…FOR YOU DISGUST ME…YOU WOULD SACRIFICE OUR CHILD FOR THE WANT OF JEALOUSY…YOU WOULD DO THIS

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Matilda crept along the stone floor towards him, her head bowed low, “Forgive me, my love…I’m a fool, but I love you so…and I'm afraid of losing you…please forgive me…I beg of you!”

Matilda had reached Robert, she bent low and kissed the stone at his feet.“Please, my lord?” she whimpered. Without warning, he kicked her and she flew back from him, crying in pain.“I advise you to stay away from me for a good while, if anything like this should happen again…I shall not be responsible for my actions…DO YOU UNDERSTAND ME, MATILDA?’

Without waiting for her answer, he walked towards me, picked me up, and carried me to my room. For once, I didn’t question him, instead I clung to him, and curled up in his arms, for in his arms was the only place I felt safe.

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Chapter Twelve

I was unable to attend the last banquet of the royal visit, my ordeal of the night before had made me ill, and I shook and shivered, tears constantly forming in my eyes, and falling in a downward trail that I could no longer stop.

I slept, but awoke screaming with the vision of Edward’s sad eyes boring into my soul. In my dreams Tom and Edward became one, and I begged and begged for their release, and cried when I saw their corpses hanging dead and lifeless.

The days after the royal visit became a blur, and other than my dreams, the only thing I remember is the kicking of my son. His kicks were painful, but the pain assured me that we were both alive, and this was a comfort, for although I wished to die, I wished my son to live. All that I had been through, now and in the future was for him, and it was imperative that he should survive – otherwise it would all be for nothing, and Tom and Edward’s deaths would have been in vain!

The pains started on the last day of November, at first just cramps, but they progressed rapidly, and I was soon writhing in pain and agony, although not

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writhing in pain and agony, although not

once did I scream. Agony sliced through my body, but strangely I felt appeased by this, at last I felt a little of the agony that Tom and Edward had faced, and this agony somehow washed away some of the guilt I carried.

I saw Tom beside me, his sweet smile encouraging me, his voice whispering that I must not give up, our son must live. Edward was on my other side, his soft loving eyes telling me that he would always stand beside me, and that he would never doubt me again, for he now knew that I had tried to save him. I was relieved that I was going to die, relief that I would not be an animal that feasted on human blood to survive. I would join the people I loved, and my son would survive, and just maybe, with our silent guidance, he would turn away from the evil that beckoned.

Through the long day I talked with them both, they eased my mind, and lulled my pain, but I was scared also, I would leave my son, but I would also leave behind the man I loved above all others – for I now realised that man was Robert. They quelled my fear, they said my love would live on, and I could watch him from afar, but remain protected from the evil that our union would become, and so I waited for my death, I welcomed it.

The day had passed into night. I heard

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The day had passed into night. I heard

Matilda’s voice in the distance, asking if I would survive, and if the child was still living. I knew he was, I felt him move, and I would live until he was born. Several times, I heard Robert’s voice, I could not understand what he said, but I knew he was there and I smiled in approval of his attendance.

The morning had once more dawned when I heard Matilda say, “Cut her, I don’t care if she dies…just get my son out of her…remember, Robert must not know of this…but we must save his child!”

I felt the knife enter my abdomen, I felt the blood flowing from my wound, and I rejoiced for I knew that I was going to die. I heard my son’s lusty screams, and at that moment I closed my eyes, I had done what I had set out to do, and now I could rest, it was in that glorious moment that I felt my heart shudder, finally stop, and I entered into the tranquility I desired.

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Chapter Thirteen

I awoke sometime later. At first I thought I was in heaven, for my body felt refreshed, more than refreshed, it felt alive. I could hear the scurrying of a mouse somewhere close by, and the far off voices of people chattering and laughing. Everything seemed clear and bright, my senses were alert and I knew that I was stronger than I had ever been before.

I sat up, and realised I was in my bed in the manor – and then I knew! Robert stepped from behind the curtain, and gently perched on the side of the bed.

“I was afraid I was too late…but it seems my fears were for nothing…I managed to save you.”I placed my head in my hands, he had saved me by making me into a creature I despised - I hated him at that moment!

“How did you…I died…I remember dying?” I saw the sadness in his face; he knew that

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I saw the sadness in his face; he knew that

I had wished to die, and that I hated the creature I had become.

“Yes you did die, but my blood flowed within you,” he said with a sigh, he then continued, “Just enough to keep you going until I reached you. To become a vampire my blood must flow into your mouth in the exact moment that your heart stops, but the small amount of my blood in your system must have prolonged that final beat. I entered the room and you had drawn your last breath, I couldn’t let you die, Gwen, and so I placed my wrist to your mouth and my blood flowed into your body. I still thought you would die, and so I waited to see if you would survive…hoping that you would. I prayed that I would not lose you, Gwen!”

His gaze was intense, and my anger evaporated, he had realised that he loved me, just as I had realised that I loved him in the last moments before I died.

He pulled me into his arms, and his mouth sought mine in an intense explosion of love and tenderness. I knew straight away that becoming a vampire had heightened my feelings, I could love with a burning desire, but I could also hate with an intense wrath. I was to enter into a new phase in my life, one that I didn’t want or desire, but one in which I was capable of killing all that opposed me without guilt or anguish. This

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opposed me without guilt or anguish. This

capability would be directed at one person! The woman who took my child for her own, the woman who tortured my friend, and the woman who decided to end my life and in doing so ultimately turned me into the animal I had become – that woman was Matilda, and sooner or later I was going to end her life.

Chapter Fourteen


I look back at this time in my life, and although it is nearly five hundred years ago, it feels like only yesterday. The sights, suffering, my feelings, love and joy, it is all so near – and yet it is so far.

Did I really love and hate with such passion? Although now of course, with the hindsight of the passing years I realise that

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hindsight of the passing years I realise that

I blamed Matilda for simply being what she was, and I used her as a scapegoat; after all, she was just the puppet, and Robert was the puppet-master! My youth and my love wouldn’t allow me to see the vampire behind the man.

Wisdom comes with years, and I have had plenty of them. For now, I will lay down my pen, and tomorrow I will re-start my story, for tomorrow a new phase in my long life begins.

--------------------------To Follow:

1/About the author2/The first chapter of the next book ‘Vampire – Child of Destiny’ 3/Where to purchase other titles also written by Charmain Marie Mitchell

About the author

Having run a successful garden centre then a floristry business, Charmain Mitchell never really had time to concentrate on her passion for writing.Throughout her life, Charmain has wanted to become an author, but family and business commitments stood in the way and her writing consisted of a few short stories on the rare

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consisted of a few short stories on the rare occasion that she had time to write them. In late 2012, a freak accident finally allowed time for Charmain to indulge in her passion for writing. She says of this; "Then a few weeks ago I fell over whilst trying to catch chickens and ended up breaking my ankle! Quite a comical way to break your ankle - I know; especially when I have kept horses for the majority of my life and have never yet broken any bones where they are concerned! Suddenly I had six clear weeks in which I wouldn't be able to move very well. Help! How was I going to cope with doing zilch for that long? Then I thought, maybe I should do a bit of writing, and that is what I did, and the strange thing is, is that I haven't been able to stop since!"She says of her writing;"I love writing, it is truly my passion! I love the way that through words I can make people think and feel differently, feel passion, sometimes pain, and get totally lost in my words. I love the fact that a brilliant writer will live forever, and will in some way influence generations to come. Is it not marvelous that we can still look back to writing from over two thousand years ago and believe in it and still learn from it? The human imagination is a wondrous thing, it creates and then brings to life stories on a screen, and sometimes we believe in these stories so much that they become our passion. I'm talking about for instance: The Lord of the Rings, Harry Potter, and Star Wars etc... I think we actually forget sometimes that all of these stories were started with a simple idea on a piece of paper, and they grew to be something that some of us forget started from the author's imagination."Charmain Mitchell lives in a semi-rural village on the south coast of the UK with her four children, husband, two cats, and countless chickens.

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Vampire - Child of Destiny

By Charmain Marie Mitchell

Chapter One


Once again, I take up my pen and recall the memories from my long life. It has been a while since I have attempted to write. Writing the first chapters of my life, affected me much more than I could ever have known, and for weeks after I finished writing, I awoke at night screaming in terror, the sound of my baby's cries echoing around my muddled mind.

I have therefore been afraid to write. I have several times picked up my pen, but before my thoughts have been able to string together the first sentence, I have put my pen back

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sentence, I have put my pen back down on my writing desk and walked away, my fear following me like a gliding poisonous snake.

Oh I am sure you read this with a mind that questions my writing, after all, the entire whole world knows that vampires have no emotions and are evil creatures, do they not? Oh if only that was the truth. How so much easier my life would be.

How strange it is that I recall my first memories with a young heart and not that of a mind and body that has lived for nearly five hundred years. I had thought that reliving my memories through an aged and wise mind would make them so much easier to deal with, but of course, no matter how old we are, we never truly know the answers to all the questions we ask.

It seems that in reliving my memories that I have also once again found an affinity with the human race. I had lost that. I saw people as food, but since revisiting my past I have remembered how it feels to be human, to be scared, alone, and above all else petrified of the animal that I had

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petrified of the animal that I had

unwillingly become.

I made this discovery a few days after I had finished writing. Actually, it was the morning following my first terror induced nightmare. I was strolling barefoot along the soft warm sand at Pevensey Bay, a small and secluded beach near Brighton. I love the ocean, it is the one thing in my long life that as never changed, for the ocean can never be tamed, nor altered, and I find I constantly feel the need to be close to the sound of crashing waves.

After walking for a while, I decided to sit down and look out to sea, watching the waves was hypnotic and eased the remaining fear from the previous nights terror. So it was, that I was so lost in thought that I had failed to notice the young boy walking towards me, and it was not until the gorgeously intoxicating smell of fresh innocent blood assaulted my senses, that I knew he was almost upon me.

I hate to admit that in years gone by I would have fed from this child. The taste of young untainted blood is irresistible. It regenerates the

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irresistible. It regenerates the

decrepit blood that circulates in a very old vampire’s body, eradicating all the sourness of the immoral beings previously fed from, and replenishes us with youth and vitality. I suppose in some ways, like humans, eating a healthy but delicious diet; that is what an innocent’s blood is to a vampire.

I felt my fangs grow as the boy approached me, the sweet smell of his life engulfing my senses. I wanted his blood, and I knew at that moment that my eyes had glazed over with the familiar opaque look of a crazed animal, my fangs had elongated and that I looked like the beast that I had long ago become. I jumped up from my seated position, my body fighting an internal battle, my mind screaming ‘NO’ but my body craving the elixir of the boy’s blood.

I then did something that I had not done for centuries. I fled! I knew I could no longer feed on the blood of one so young, and for the first time in years, I felt disgust at the want of my desires.

For miles, I scurried along the

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For miles, I scurried along the

coastline, I say scurried because I feel that I am no better than a rat! Rats infect the innocent with a plague of death and debauchery, and I believe this is also an apt description of a vampire.

Finally, I came to rest miles away from the boy and bury myself away from human gaze, underneath Brighton pier. I writhe with the agony of self-loathing on the damp sand, pathetic, self-pitying sobs, shaking my body.

Gradually the sobs subside, but it is then that I taste the presence of a human nearby. I glance to my side and notice an old man curled up on the wet sand. His hands lovingly holding an empty wine bottle as if it was a precious stone and although his body smelt like death, his soft snores proved he lived. The yearning for blood once more took over my body, but this time it was different, this was not innocence – this was food.

I grasped the man and sunk my teeth into his neck. My thirst was so angry and intense that I did not stop until I ceased to hear the irregular beats of

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ceased to hear the irregular beats of

his failing heart, but then I flung him from me in disgust and his poor miss-used body fell in a crumpled heap. The pickled taste, of his alcohol infused blood, stung my throat, and bending over, I wretched and wretched, until black cloying clots colored the sand at my feet.

I flung myself on the man's body. He was dead, I knew he was dead, but I tried to feed him my blood, I needed to bring him back to life, to undo the evil I had done.

"Please breath!" I screamed to the wind. Sobs once again rasped from my throat, but to no avail. I knew that I was not going to be able to return to him, that which I had stolen. This man was not innocent, but he was defenseless, and I had taken his one magical gift, in what was a miserable existence, I had taken his life!

Wearily I returned to my home, I was so close to stabbing a stake deep into my unfeeling heart. Thoughts of death rushed in a crazy spiral around my dazed mind. For hours, I lay on my bed, a wooden stake held in my

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my bed, a wooden stake held in my

hand beside me. Several times, I held it above my chest; several times, I came close to letting it fall into my breast.

However, slowly a realisation came to me - I felt guilt. For the first time, in a long time I felt a human emotion. Maybe, just maybe, I am worth saving. Maybe I did have a reason to live. Yes, I had selfishly taken a human life, and there was no excuse, but now, just maybe, I could find a reason to live. The guilt I felt, a feeling that would remain with me, was a human reaction, and as long as I felt that guilt, I knew I would not be able to take another human life.

I pulled my journal towards me and started to read. When I had finished, I closed my eyes with a sigh, and I knew I would continue with the tale of my long life, it was a story that needed to be told. I needed the world to know the truth, and I needed to know the truth, because for the first time in a long time, I was finding Gwen - the real me.

So once more, we begin...

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I you wish to follow Gwen’s story further, you can like her facebook page. Where you will be able to find info on promotions; free gifts, and upcoming releases.

https://www.facebook.com/GwenVampireOther books by Charmain Marie Mitchell:

The Lust for Blood – An anthology of thirteen chilling horror stories. Available free on Amazon.


The next book in the vampire series ‘Vampire – Child of Destiny’ available now, click on link for further details:


Page 78: Publisher: CMMpublishing, Petersfield, UK, GU32 3NF ... · Leigh, Gwen for short. I was born in a tiny village called Hayes on the outskirts of London, England. Over time Hayes become