Parish Office Hours Mon. - Wed. 8 am - 3 pm Thursday 8 am - 2 pm Friday 9 am - Noon Closed Holidays Address 225 Eighth Avenue P.O. Box 425 Krotz Springs, LA 70750 Tel.: (337) 566-3527 Fax: 566-2803 Website: www.stanthonyks.org Email: [email protected] New Parishioners: Please call or come by the Parish Office for registration. Rev. Fr. Michael DeBlanc Pastor Rachel Sanders Office Manager Sabrina Ardoin/Carolyn Conway DRE/Assistant John Kaiser Pastoral Council Shaun Dupré Finance Council Monita Reed Cemetery Committee Nichole Hatten Altar Server Coordinator Norma Moran Homebound Com. Coordinator Sidney Bennett Come! Lord Jesus! (men) 1-7-2018 Volume 64, Number 2 THE EPIPHANY OF THE LORD “Lord, every nation on earth will adore you.” (Psalm 72:1) The Holy Sacrifice of the Mass Saturday (Anticipated): 4 pm Sunday: 9 am Wednesday: 5:30 pm Tuesday & Thursday: 12:05 pm Friday: 8 am Saturday: 8 am Sacrament of Reconciliation Saturday: 2:45-3:45 30 min. before all other Masses or by request Baptism, Marriage, Anointing of the Sick, and Funeral/Burial Arrangements Please contact the Parish Office

Psalm 72:1) - stanthonyks.orgstanthonyks.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/01/bulletin1-7-18the...Rev. Fr. Michael DeBlanc Pastor ... Mark Ledoux Sat. Rev. Fr. Austin Leger Sun. Rev. Fr

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Parish Office Hours

Mon. - Wed. 8 am - 3 pm

Thursday 8 am - 2 pm

Friday 9 am - Noon

Closed Holidays


225 Eighth Avenue

P.O. Box 425

Krotz Springs, LA 70750

Tel.: (337) 566-3527 Fax: 566-2803

Website: www.stanthonyks.org

Email: [email protected]

New Parishioners: Please call or come by the Parish Office for registration.

Rev. Fr. Michael DeBlanc Pastor

Rachel Sanders Office Manager

Sabrina Ardoin/Carolyn Conway DRE/Assistant

John Kaiser Pastoral Council

Shaun Dupré Finance Council

Monita Reed Cemetery Committee

Nichole Hatten Altar Server Coordinator

Norma Moran Homebound Com. Coordinator

Sidney Bennett Come! Lord Jesus! (men)

1-7-2018 Volume 64, Number 2

THE EPIPHANY OF THE LORD “Lord, every nation on earth will adore you.” (Psalm 72:1)

The Holy Sacrifice of the Mass Saturday (Anticipated): 4 pm

Sunday: 9 am

Wednesday: 5:30 pm

Tuesday & Thursday: 12:05 pm

Friday: 8 am

Saturday: 8 am

Sacrament of Reconciliation Saturday: 2:45-3:45

30 min. before all other Masses or by request

Baptism, Marriage, Anointing of the Sick,

and Funeral/Burial Arrangements Please contact the Parish Office

Mass Schedule and Intentions

Daily Reflection

Halphen & Lacassin families (living & deceased) Also remembered in prayer: Johnny & Robert David & Barry LeBlanc, Clovis & Gayle Meche, Bryan Belleau, Sr., and Alisha Valin

Pro Populo Also remembered in prayer: Steven Halphen, Ray Muse, Joseph Stelly, Belva Plaisance, and Breaux & Kaiser families (living & deceased)

4:00 pm

9:00 am

12:05 pm

5:30 pm

12:05 pm

8:00 am

8:00 am

Sat., 1-6-18

Sun., 1-7-18

Tues., 1-9-18

Wed., 1-10-18

Thurs., 1-11-18

Fri., 1-12-18

Sat., 1-13-18


Read God’s Presence in His

Creation Pope Francis re-

minds us that crea-


the weather—is a

gift to be cele-

brated, not some-

thing simply to be

controlled and

altered. We lose

our sense of won-

der in nature when

we become too

absorbed in the

structures of eve-

ryday life. Jesus’

parable reflect a

deep knowledge of

flocks, fields, and



Read God’s Presence in

His Creation We can under-

stand these sto-

ries better if we

grow in our

awareness of

creation. Pope

Francis, like his

namesake, Saint

Francis of As-

sisi, calls us to

read God’s pres-

ence not only in

our holy book in

the s but in the

holiness of the

world around us,

plant and animal

as well as hu-



Jesus Is Forever, Not Only for

Christmas Perhaps we’re a bit

relieved that Christ-

mas is over for an-

other year. But

perhaps we discover

that something has

changed in us be-

cause of an encoun-

ter, a gift, a new

insight into the

meaning of the in-

carnation. We can

keep a little bit of

that with us through

the coming year and

let it bring light and

peace to our every-

day lives.


Jesus Is Forever, Not Only for

Christmas Our journey with

God doesn’t end

with the Christmas

season. Jesus is

forever, not just for

Christmas. As you

begin to pack away

the decorations, take

time to recall your

favorite experience

of this year. It

might be a small

moment that nearly

went unnoticed or it

might be a special

occasion or event in

your life or the life

of someone you



Jesus Is For-ever Not Only for

Christmas As you discard

any broken



lights or empty

boxes, let go of

one hurt feeling

that may linger

from this year’s



Peace Begins in Our Hearts

Peace begins in the

heart and moves out-

ward. If we’re not at

peace within our-

selves, conflict will

find its way into our

daily interactions

with others. If our

families and

neighborhoods are

not at peace, turmoil

in our cities will

spread. As we begin

the new year, make a

commitment to focus

on peace through

prayer, through medi-

tation, through work-

ing for justice.


A Prayer for Peace

“Mary gave a human

face to the eternal

Word, so that all of

us can contemplate

him.”—Pope Francis

On this New Year’s

Day, think of the

faces in your life that

bring you peace and

joy. Say a special

prayer for those peo-

ple. And on this day

of prayer for world

peace, ask the Lord

to smile in a special

way on those areas

of our world that

most need the light

of peace to shine on


Schedule of Liturgical Ministers for next Weekend (January 13th & January 14th)

Schedule of Liturgical Ministers for this Weekend (January 6th & January 7th)

Saturday, January 6th, 2017

4:00 pm Mass

EMHC: Reader: Keith Ardoin

Altar Servers: Hunter Ray & Cierra Collins

Sunday, January 7th, 2017

9:00 am Mass

EMHC: Jim Soileau

Reader: Jim Breaux

Altar Servers: Evan Kaiser, Nolan Savoy,

Zachary Kaiser & Evan Hatten

Saturday, January 13th, 2018

4:00 pm Mass

EMHC: Reader: Trisha Ortego

Altar Servers: Hunter Ray & Cierra Collins

Sunday, January 14th, 2018

9:00 am Mass

EMHC: Jim Soileau

Reader: Kallie Bergeaux

Altar Servers: Evan Kaiser, Nolan Savoy,

Zachary Kaiser & Evan Hatten

"May Mary, who in the freedom of her 'Fiat' and her presence at the foot of

the cross, offered to the world, Jesus, the Liberator, help us to find him in the

Sacrament of the altar,"

- Pope John Paul II

Volume 64, Number 2, Page 2 Saint Anthony of Padua Roman Catholic Church

Volume 64, Number 2, Page 3 Saint Anthony of Padua Roman Catholic Church

Stewardship of Finances

Offertory (Dec 30& Dec 31) $ 1,439.00

Solemnity of Mary $ 95.00

Christmas offering $ 85.00

Christmas charities $ 30.00

Total $ 1,649.00

Please remember to put

St. Anthony Church in your will.

Advertiser of the Week

Thanks to our Bulletin Sponsors! Please visit our sponsors for your


Intention of

Pope Francis

for the month

of January

That Christians

and other religious minori-

ties in Asian countries may

be able to practice their faith

in full freedom.

~ From the Pastor ~

“God our Savior desires all men to be saved and to come to the knowledge of

truth .” 1 Timothy 2:3-4


Dear brothers and sisters in Christ,

Happy 2018! I pray that you have had a good start to the new year and continue to

do so. If you have made any New Year’s resolutions, I pray they will be of great

help to you and lead you closer to the Lord!

As a sign of this time for new beginnings, our Christmas season comes to a close

this weekend with the Solemnity of the Epiphany, in which the magi adored the


Now we move on to Ordinary Time, but as we do so, let us take our at the Cate-

chism, for the first time in 2018. Here, we continue to look at both Scripture and

Tradition, but now we focus on their relationship with each other. Both were

started by Christ for the same purpose: to lead us to Heaven. Therefore, as para-

graph 82 makes clear, both Scripture and Tradition must be accepted and honored

by all, for both have a key place in our faith.

Section II: The Relationship Between Tradition and Sacred Scripture

One common source. . . #80 "Sacred Tradition and Sacred Scripture, then, are bound closely together, and communicate one with the other. For both of them, flowing out from the same divine well-spring, come together in some fashion to form one thing, and move towards the same goal."40 Each of them makes present and fruit-ful in the Church the mystery of Christ, who promised to remain with his own "always, to the close of the age".

. . .two distinct modes of transmission #81 "Sacred Scripture is the speech of God as it is put down in writing under the breath of the Holy Spirit."42

"and [Holy] Tradition transmits in its entirety the Word of God which has been entrusted to the apostles by Christ the Lord and the Holy Spirit. It transmits it to the successors of the apostles so that, enlightened by the Spirit of truth, they may faithfully preserve, expound and spread it abroad by their preaching."43

#82 As a result the Church, to whom the transmission and interpretation of Revelation is entrusted, "does not derive her certainty about all revealed truths from the holy Scriptures alone. Both Scripture and Tradition must be accepted and honoured with equal sentiments of devotion and reverence."44

Apostolic Tradition and ecclesial traditions #83 The Tradition here in question comes from the apostles and hands on what they received from Jesus' teaching and example and what they learned from the Holy Spirit. the first generation of Christians did not yet have a written New Testament, and the New Testament itself demonstrates the process of living Tradition.

Tradition is to be distinguished from the various theological, disciplinary, liturgical or devo-tional traditions, born in the local churches over time. These are the particular forms, adapted to different places and times, in which the great Tradition is expressed. In the light of Tradition, these traditions can be retained, modified or even abandoned under the guidance of the Church's Magisterium.

Let us praise the Lord, and give Him thanks!

In Christ the Lord,

Fr. DeBlanc

High School CCD:

January 7th & 14th, 4:00-6:00pm

2nd Grade/First Holy Eucharist:

January 7th, 9:00 till 11:00am


Volume 64, Number 2, Page 4 Saint Anthony of Padua Roman Catholic Church

Pray for a Priest each day

Week of January 8– 14

Mon. Rev. Fr. Clyde LeBlanc

Tues. Rev. Fr. Steven LeBlanc

Wed. Rev. Fr. Jerome Ledoux, SVD

Thurs Rev. Fr. Louis Ledoux

Fri.. Rev. Fr. Mark Ledoux

Sat. Rev. Fr. Austin Leger

Sun. Rev. Fr. Lambert Lein, SVD

Eternal Father, we lift up to You these and

all the priests of the world. Sanctify them. Heal and guide them. Mold them into the like-

ness of Your Son, Jesus the Eternal High

Priest. May their live pleasing to You in Je-sus’ name. Amen.

Come, Lord Jesus Group for Men: Join

us for Studying, Praying, & Reflecting on

the Holy Scripture. Meeting every Wed.

at 4:00 pm in the church hall. For details,

contact Sidney Bennett at 566-3902.

Saints of the Week

Sat., January 13: Saint Hilary, Bishop, Doctor of the Church:

d. 367; married and convert from paganism; leading opponent of

Arianism in the West; most noted work: De Trinitate.

*Change in Weekday Mass Schedule* Reminder of the new change st o the weekday

mass schedule.

There will no longer be a Monday mass.

The mass on Fridays is now at 8:00am.

Exposition will still take place after.

Ep i p h a n y H o u s e B les s i n g It has been a long tradition of the Church for

families to have their homes blessed during this

Christmas season and mark their doors with

chalk, in honor of the magi who came to see

the infant Jesus. It is a blessing in which a fam-

ily asks Christ to bless their home for the new

year. If you would like Fr. DeBlanc to give

your home this blessing, please call the office.

Diocese of Lafayette: Centennial News Bishop Perry - On January 6, 1966, Harold R. Perry, SVD was

ordained an auxiliary bishop of the Archdiocese of New Or-leans. He became the first African-American Bishop in the twentieth century. Perry, a native of Lake Charles, was or-dained a priest in 1944. His first assignment was at Immacu-late Heart of Mary in Lafayette, and he would later become the founding pastor of St. Joseph in Broussard. Perry is the first of six African-American bishops who were born and raised in the Diocese of Lafayette.

Centennial Indulgence – an indulgence granted by Pope Fran-cis can be gained throughout this Centennial Year by all who visit the Cathedral of St. John the Evangelist and pray the Centennial Prayer (with the usual conditions for an indul-gence). Please see the Diocesan Webpage for more informa-tion. The Centennial Prayer will be in the Cathedral begin-ning January 11th or you may print it from the webpage (available in various languages on webpage).

Opening Mass of the Centennial Year will be at St. Martin de Tours on January 11th at 6:30pm in St. Martinville. All are invited to attend. Seating will be limited. We especially invite all Clergy, religious and laity from the Southern deanery to attend.

Pro-Life March Activities – Vigil Mass on January 19 at 7pm at St. Pius X in Lafayette (tickets required – free). Rosary Congress from January 19 – 26 in the St. Pius X Adoration Chapel. Rally Praise and Worship on January 20 in ULL Quad from 9:30am-11:30am followed by the Pro-Life March (11:30-12:30) to the Cathedral of St. John the Evangelist with a welcome by Bishop Deshotel at 12:30 and a Prayer Service and Benediction (12:30-1:30) inside the Cathedral. Rose Din-ner at the Petroleum Club at 6pm (tickets required - $75 per person/$600 per table of 8). For all ticket information, call the Diocesan Pro-Life Office – 261-5607

New Parish Trustees!

Our current Trustee, Mr. Jimmy Soileau, has decided to

step down from his position. We thank him for his time of

service to our parish.

In his place, Bishop Deshotel has accepted the appoint-

ment of Mr. Bert Williams and Mr. Keith Ardoin as our

new parish trustees. We thank these men for their yes to

this position, and if you have any concerns to bring to the

parish, you can bring it to their attention.

Volume 64, Number 2, Page 5 Saint Anthony of Padua Roman Catholic Church



(January 7) = Etienne Fitzgerald, Verna Melancon, Lisa Reed, Corey Stermer,

Jenny Trussell; (January 8) = Mallory Leger; (January 9) = Rowen Jeffers ;

(January 12) = Liddy Henry, Kim Kaiser

You are gifts from God to us. May the Lord bestow a special blessing upon you on your birthday.

Prayer List

Joyce Angona, Effie Ardoin, Carman B., Victoria Barron, Rosemary Batton, Tyler Bellow, Melinda Higdon Bergeaux,

Makayla Ann Bergeron, Shelly Bieber, Gloria Bihm, Jayden Blumrich, Herbert Breaux, Jim Breaux, Virgil Brumley, Baby

Bordelon, Judy Burleigh, Angie Carriere, Michael Champaigne, Christine Chustz, Cierra Collins, Betty Cormier, Leslie

Courville, Robert Courville, Diago Dartez, Mike David, Leona Dicapo, Ashley Domingue, Francis Ducote, Johnny Dun-

bar, Jeremy Duplechain, Blanchard Dupre’, Jessica Dupre’, Velma David, Leah Dupuis, Lillian Dupre, Mayonce Dupre’,

Roger & Trallis Dupre’, Verbal Ellis, Gene LeBlanc Family, Pory Carter Family, Jose Luis Flores, Kristan Fontenot, Stacy

Fontenot, Amanda Kent Ford, Ashley Guidry, Ava Guidry, John Dean Guidry, Louise Guidry, Kathryn D. Howard, Mor-

gan Hoyt, Casey Hughes, Ginger Johnson, Glory Johnson, Charles Jordan, Loretta & Stanley Kaiser, Jane Kaiser, Sandra

Kaiser, Chad Kimble, Rodney & Lucy Krantz, Mary Ann Lacassin, Bradley Lanclos, Landry Family, Frankie LaPorte,

Mark Lavoy, Sadria LeBleu, Zula LeJeune, Leonita Liu, Annette Luneau, Madeline & baby, Bertha Marks, Billy Marks,

Brenda & Ferrell McGee, Patricia McGrew, Thelma Meche, Larry Mitchell, Diane Moran, Gayle Morrow, Beth Morton,

Preston Muse, Anthony Ortego, Kirtly & Eloise Ortego, Sharon Ortego, Red Ortis, Diane Pecoul, Pam Pereiria, Sandra

Pitre, Sharron Polotzola, Raymond Prejean, Lura Prestonback, Lynn Quick, Gale Rabalais, Reva Reed, Joshua Renard,

Hudson Robinson, Paul Schexnayder, Benjamin Sheumaker, Alfred Smith, Mavis Sonnier, Edward & Mary Stelly,

Daphne Spears, Fr. Gene Tremie, Gwen (Faye) Lanclos Walls, Judy Williams and Gracie Zaunbrecher

Please inform us should you like your name to be taken off the list. Thanks.

Christmas Flowers are in memory of:

Ortego Family Coulon Family Tassin Family Eddie Johnson

Andy Halphen Jeanette Boudreaux Kenny & Helen Muse Jerry Hebert & Ricky Hebert

Charlie & Missie LeBlanc Nevyln Morvant Ray Muse Kimberlyn & Andrielle Artigue

Harry Artigue Eno & Sadie Cormier Pierre & Marie Dartez Sullivan & Ellen Higdon

Gilbert & Waverly Ortego Jessie & Renola Vidrine Gilbert & Wilma Ortego Paul & Leola Metrejean

Walter & Annie Kimble Peggy Dartez Lurcy Landry Landon Reed

Brynn Bergeaux Michelle Lacassin Dick Jones Mr. & Mrs. Slim Reed

Claude Kaiser, Sr. Laura Bergeaux Deceased Kaiser Family Verna Mobile

Wilson Mobile Ann Breaux Alice Ortis A. J. Angona

Mr. & Mrs. Victor Angona Louis Perroux Mr. & Mrs. John Solar* Mr. & Mrs. Elos Solar

Mrs. Judith Duggar Mr. & Mrs. J. R. Evans, Sr. Ardoin, Adams, & Mire Family Joseph, Verna, & Joe Clause

Earline Buckley Moiser Theresa Apaduca Cliff & Molly Dupre Perry “Pep” Evans

James “Tot” Coroy Carolyn Broussard Alex L. Wascom, Sr. Johnny & Robert David

Mr. & Mrs. Paul Dicapo & son Mr. & Mrs. Cleff Darbonne Mr. & Mrs. Nickie Decapo Mr. & Mrs. W.A. Pearce

Mr. & Mrs. Wilson Bourque Mr. & Mrs. Milton Matte Mr. & Mrs. Edwin Darbonne James & Norris Darbonne

Seville Darbonne Ronald Guidry Barry LeBlanc Cameron & Chase Morton

Fred & Lovina Wiltz Hugh & Bertha Soileau Matt & Hester Cormier Vincent & Alexzina Wiltz

Mr. & Mrs. Budd Hatte Rita Halphen P. E. Arceneaux Flo Arceneaux

Angie Vincent Carol Randall Tommy Hatten Plaisance & Bryson Families

Mr. & Mrs. Ashton LeBlanc Joseph Lester Guidry Kourtney Rose Eddie Fontenot

Lish Valin Dolorese Nolan Douglas Dartez Mr. Kirt Guidry

Steven Halphen John & Aline Lacassin Webb, Jr. & John Reed Mr. & Mrs. Herman Burns

Mr. & Mrs. Ray Soileau Wenzie & Matilda Soileau Richard & Harold Ray Wilbert & Mary Dupont

Horace Reed & Florence Reed Mr. & Mrs. Jules Ortis Jennie & Tommy Adams James & Ralph Reed

Mr. & Mrs. Horace Reed Snook & Dorothy Adams Melancon & Dupre’ Families Calvin & Ethel Bordelon

T-Sam & Dorothy Gauthier Ducote Family Firmin Family Margaret Ray

Gale Rabalais, Jr. Gerald Jeansonne, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Themus Jeansonne, Sr.Mr. & Mrs. Adolph Rabalais

Wilbert Bordelon