Evaluador: Buenos días Sr. ____, siéntese por favor. Soy la ingeniera Jenny Queb y seré tu evaluador hoy. Entrevistado: Muy buenos días, señorita. Gracias. Evaluador: Hábleme de usted Entrevistado: Ammmmmmm, ok. Primero, quiero decir que por necesidad y ganas de trabajar he venido a esta entrevista. Estoy seguro, que oportunidades como estas son muy pocas, en el que no te piden experiencia. Bueno, yo soy un ingeniero recién graduado de la universidad, me gradué el año pasado y hace 2 meses que obtuve mi título. He venido aquí en busca de una oportunidad de trabajo. Evaluador: ¿Cuáles son sus fortalezas? Entrevistado: Tengo muchas ganas de trabajar, esta me parece una buena oportunidad para empezar. Soy una persona que se adapta muy rápido al ambiente laboral, puedo hacer de todo, trata de aprender lo más rápido posible, soy muy puntual. Estoy seguro que trabajando para esta empresa puedo aportar muchas. Evaluador: cuáles son sus debilidades? Entrevistado: Tengo poca experiencia, ya que solamente cuento con mis prácticas profesiones, pero cuando los realicé tuve buenos resultados, eso lo puede ver en mi currículo. Evaluador: ¿cuáles son sus objetivos a corto y largo plazo? Entrevistado: A corto plazo, poder responder de manera satisfactoria al trabajo y a largo plazo, con mis logros poder ascender de puesto. Evaluador: ¿Cómo planea para alcanzar sus objetivos profesionales? Entrevistado: Poniéndole muchas ganas, mucho empeño y seguir preparándome más. Evaluador: ¿Cómo trabajas bajo presión? Entrevistado: Estoy acostumbrado a eso. Evaluador: ¿Por qué quieres trabajar con nosotros? Entrevistado: Esta es una excelente empresa donde puedo ejercer un trabajo de calidad y estoy seguro que aquí puedo aprender muchas cosas. Evaluador: ¿Por qué crees que haría bien en este trabajo? Entrevistado: Porque he querido trabajar para este puesto, por eso elegí esta carrera, me gusta mucho hacer todo lo que involucra. Evaluador: ¿Qué puede hacer para nosotros que alguien más no se puede? Entrevistado: Definitivamente las ganas de trabajar.

Proyecto Inglés

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Evaluador: Buenos das Sr. ____, sintese por favor. Soy la ingeniera Jenny Queb y ser tu evaluador hoy.Entrevistado: Muy buenos das, seorita. Gracias.

Evaluador: Hbleme de ustedEntrevistado: Ammmmmmm, ok. Primero, quiero decir que por necesidad y ganas de trabajar he venido a esta entrevista. Estoy seguro, que oportunidades como estas son muy pocas, en el que no te piden experiencia. Bueno, yo soy un ingeniero recin graduado de la universidad, me gradu el ao pasado y hace 2 meses que obtuve mi ttulo. He venido aqu en busca de una oportunidad de trabajo.

Evaluador: Cules son sus fortalezas?Entrevistado: Tengo muchas ganas de trabajar, esta me parece una buena oportunidad para empezar. Soy una persona que se adapta muy rpido al ambiente laboral, puedo hacer de todo, trata de aprender lo ms rpido posible, soy muy puntual. Estoy seguro que trabajando para esta empresa puedo aportar muchas.Evaluador: cules son sus debilidades?Entrevistado: Tengo poca experiencia, ya que solamente cuento con mis prcticas profesiones, pero cuando los realic tuve buenos resultados, eso lo puede ver en mi currculo.

Evaluador: cules son sus objetivos a corto y largo plazo?Entrevistado: A corto plazo, poder responder de manera satisfactoria al trabajo y a largo plazo, con mis logros poder ascender de puesto.

Evaluador: Cmo planea para alcanzar sus objetivos profesionales?Entrevistado: Ponindole muchas ganas, mucho empeo y seguir preparndome ms.

Evaluador: Cmo trabajas bajo presin?Entrevistado: Estoy acostumbrado a eso.

Evaluador: Por qu quieres trabajar con nosotros?Entrevistado: Esta es una excelente empresa donde puedo ejercer un trabajo de calidad y estoy seguro que aqu puedo aprender muchas cosas.

Evaluador: Por qu crees que hara bien en este trabajo?Entrevistado: Porque he querido trabajar para este puesto, por eso eleg esta carrera, me gusta mucho hacer todo lo que involucra.

Evaluador: Qu puede hacer para nosotros que alguien ms no se puede?Entrevistado: Definitivamente las ganas de trabajar.

Evaluador: Por qu debera contratar a usted y no el siguiente candidato que entra por la puerta?Entrevistado: Porque yo soy el ideal para este trabajo, solo pnganme a prueba. Les aseguro, no se arrepentirn. ;) Evaluador: Gracias por venir. Nosotros nos comunicamos con usted.Entrevistado: Ok. Muchas gracias. Esperar su llamada. Adis. :*)

Reviewer: Good morning sir Chock, please sit down. I am the engineer Jenny Queb and be your evaluator today.Interviewee: Good morning, Miss. Thank you.

Reviewer: Tell me about yourselfInterviewee: Ammmmmmm, ok. First, I mean that necessity and desire to work I have come to this interview. I am sure that opportunities are very few how are you, where you do not ask for experience. Well, I am a recent college graduate engineer, I graduated last year and two months ago I got my degree. I came here looking for a job opportunity.

Reviewer: What are your strengths?Interviewee: I really want to work, this seems like a good opportunity to start. I am a person who adapts very quickly to the work environment, I can do everything, try to learn as quickly as possible, I am very punctual. I am sure that working for this company can provide many.

Reviewer: What are your weaknesses?Interviewee: I have little experience, since only count on my practical professions, but when I realized I had good results, that I can see in my curriculum.

Reviewer: What are your short and long term goals?Interviewee: In the short term, to respond satisfactorily to long-term work with my achievements as to ascend.

Reviewer: How do you plan to achieve your career goals?Interviewee: Putting eager, much effort and continue preparing more.

Reviewer: How do you work under pressure?Interviewee: I'm used to that.

Reviewer: Why do you want to work with us?Respondent: This is a great company where I can exercise quality work and I'm sure I can learn a lot here.

Reviewer: Why do you think would do well at this job?Interviewee: Because I wanted to work for this position, so I chose this career, I really like doing everything involved.

Reviewer: What can you do for us that someone else can not?Interviewed: Definitely the desire to work.

Reviewer: Why should I hire you and not the next candidate who walks through the door?Interviewee: Because I'm the ideal for this job, just put me to the test. I assure you, you will not regret. ;)

Carpintera es el nombre de mi oficio y del taller o lugar en donde trabajo la madera como sus derivados. Mi objetivo es cambiar la forma fsica de la materia prima para crear objetos tiles al desarrollo humano como pueden ser muebles para el hogar, marcos para puertas, molduras, juguetes, escritorios, libreros y otros.Mi oficio trabajar con la madera, ya sea en la construccin (puertas, ventanas, etc.) o en la manufactura de mobiliario. El trabajo de la madera es una de las actividades de la industria humana ms antiguas que existen, por lo cual en cada cultura y regiones encontraremos diferentes maneras y herramientas para trabajar este material.Mis principales herramientas manuales son:Taladro y brocas para madera, Garlopa, Gramil, Gubia , Formn, Lija, Regla ,Escuadra, Lpiz. Transportador, Cepillo, Martillo

Herramientas elctricas:Lijadora, Sierra , Cepillo elctrico, Mquinas para trabajo de la madera:, Sierras, Serrucho, Segueta Otros accesorios necesarios:, Clavos, Barniz, Brocha, Pegamento blanco, Azuela, Prensa C, EscaleraAlgunas mis principales operaciones en la carpintera son: Avellanado, Barnizado, Corte, Taladrado, Abocardado, Lijado, Perfilado, Clavado, Calibrado, Armado o Ensamble

Carpentry is the name of my office and workshop or work place where wood and its derivatives. My goal is to change the physical form of the raw material to create useful objects to human development such as home furniture, door frames, moldings, toys, desks, bookcases and others.My job working with wood, either in construction (doors, windows, etc.) or in the manufacture of furniture. The woodworking is one of the oldest activities of human industry that exist, so in every culture and regions find ways and tools to work this material.My main hand tools are: Drill and wood drills, jointer, gramil, chisel, Lija, rule, squad, pencil, conveyor, brush, hammerPower Tools:Sander, saw, electric toothbrushMachines for woodworking:Sierras, handsaw, hacksawOther necessary accessories:Cloves, varnish, brush, white glue, adze, Press C, ladderSome my main operations in woodworking are:Nutty, varnished, court, boring, flared, sanding, profiling, nailed, calibrated, Armed or Assembly

ACTRESS (CTRES) ACTRIZEs una persona que crea, interpreta y representa una accin dramtica basndose en textos, estmulos visuales, sonoros y otros. Estos textos son previamente concebidos por un autor o creados a travs de improvisaciones individuales y colectivas, utiliza voces, recursos corporales y emocionales, intervenidos o intuidos, con el fin de transmitir al espectador el conjunto de ideas y acciones dramticas propuestas; pueden hacer uso de los recursos tcnicos para manipular tteres, marionetas y homlogos; puede interpretar sobre la imagen o la voz de los dems, ensaya buscando combinar su creatividad con el director; acta en lugares donde se representan espectculos pblicos con las actuaciones y / o en otros medios.He is a person who creates, interprets and represents a dramatic action based on texts, visuals, sound and other stimuli. These texts are previously conceived by an author or created through individual and collective improvisation, using voice, body and emotional resources, operated or intuited, in order to convey to the viewer the set of ideas and dramatic actions proposed; They can make use of technical resources to manipulate puppets, marionettes and counterparts; You can interpret the image or voice of others, tested seeking to combine their creativity with the director; acts in places of public entertainment performances and / or other media are represented.

ARCHITECT (RKITEKT) ARQUITECTOEs el profesional que se encarga de proyectar, disear, construir, y mantener edificios, ciudades y estructuras de diverso tipo. Su arte se basa en reflexionar sobre conceptos del habitar bajo necesidades sociales. Es un profesional de alto nivel de estudios superiores, con una profunda formacin tcnica artstica y social. Proyectar edificaciones, espacios urbanos o varias estructuras, y velar por el adecuado desarrollo de su construccin, es la consecuencia de dicha reflexin.It is the professional who is responsible for the development, design, build, and maintain buildings, cities and structures of various kinds. His art is based on concepts reflect on living under social needs. It is a high-level professional higher education, with a deep artistic and social technical training.Projecting buildings, urban spaces and various structures, and ensure the proper development of its construction, it is the result of this reflection.

BUILDER(BLDER)- CONSTRUCTOREs una persona con conocimientos profesionales y de experiencia que se dedica como oficio a la construccin, reforma, renovacin y reparacin de edificaciones, tanto viviendas como industriales. A veces, por acortar palabras, se llama tambin paleta a quien en realidad es el maestro de albailera (tambin maestro de casas o maestro de obra), que es quien dirige a los albailes y a los peones, y en ocasiones, segn el tipo de obra, bajo la direccin de un aparejador. Tambin se refiere a aqul que se dedica a la reparacin o reforma con materiales de obra o bien obrador para la construccin de casas, edificios.He is a person with professional knowledge and experience as a profession dedicated to the construction, alteration, renovation and repair of buildings, both residential and industrial. Sometimes shorten words, it is also called palette to who really is the master of masonry (also master builder or foreman), who directs the masons and laborers, and sometimes, depending on the type of work under the direction of a rigger. It also refers to one who is engaged in repair or renovation or building materials workshop for the construction of houses, buildings.

FARMER (FRMER) AGRICULTORLos agricultores de verduras u otros cultivos planifican, coordinan y llevan a cabo las actividades agrcolas para desarrollar los campos de cultivo, como por ejemplo de cereales y verduras.Farmers vegetables or other crops plan, coordinate and carry out agricultural activities to develop the fields, such as cereals and vegetables.

JOURNALIST (DCHRNALIST) PERIODISTAUnperiodistaes la persona que se dedica profesionalmente alperiodismo, en cualquiera de sus formas, ya sea en laprensa escrita,fotografa,radio,televisinomedios digitales. Su trabajo consiste en descubrir e investigar temas de inters pblico, contrastarlos, sintetizarlos, jerarquizarlos y publicarlos. Para ello recurre afuentes periodsticasfiables y verificables. As elabora sus artculos, que pueden tomar varias formas para su difusin: oral, escrita, visual.Existen varios principios que guan la labor del periodista, el principal de los cuales es el respeto por la verdad, el rigor en la bsqueda de la informacin fidedigna y verificable. En general, se considera buen periodista al que consigue informacin relevante, breve y exacta en el menor tiempo posible.

A journalist is a person who is professionally engaged in journalism, in any form, whether in print, photography, radio, television and digital media. Their job is to identify and investigate issues of public interest, contrasting them, synthesize them, rank them and publish them. For this resort to reliable and verifiable journalistic sources. And produces its items, which can take several forms for dissemination: oral, written, visual.

There are several principles that guide the work of the journalist, the main of which is respect for truth, rigor in the search for reliable and verifiable information. In general, it is considered good journalist who gets relevant, brief and accurate information as quickly as possible.TRANSLATOR (TRANSLITOR) TRADUCTORSu objetivo es facilitar la comunicacin entre dos o ms personas, no slo de lenguas diferentes, sino tambin de culturas diametralmente distintas.Tareas o actividades especificas que se realizan en la profesin.Traduccin de textos escritos.Interpretacin oral simultnea o consecutiva de conversaciones o discursos de un idioma a otro particularmente en congresos, conferencias, exposiciones, reuniones y encuentros similares.Clasificacin segn la dificultad tcnica, tipos de textos y registro de la lengua.Idear mtodos para el uso de ordenadores y otros instrumentos como medios de aumentar la productividad del trabajo de traduccin y revisin y la fiabilidad de las traducciones.Actuar como un enlace vital entre su empresa y entidades extranjeras, facilitando la comunicacin y convirtindose en un elemento importante en la materializacin de negocios.Its aim is to facilitate communication between two or more people, not only different languages but also diametrically different cultures.Specific tasks or activities taking place in the profession.Translation of written texts.Simultaneous or consecutive conversations or speeches from one language to another particularly at congresses, conferences, exhibitions, meetings and similar gatherings oral interpretation.Classification according to the technical difficulty of text types and registration of language.Devise methods for the use of computers and other instruments as a means of increasing labor productivity translation and proofreading and reliability of translations.Act as a vital link between your company and foreign organizations, facilitating communication and becoming an important element materialization business.

WRITER (RITER) ESCRITORUn escritor es una persona que utiliza palabras escritas en varios estilos y tcnicas para comunicar ideas. Los escritores producen diversas formas de arte literario y escritura creativa, tales como novelas, cuentos, poesa, obras de teatro, artculos periodsticos, guiones, o ensayos. Los escritores expertos pueden utilizar el lenguaje para expresar ideas y su trabajo contribuye de manera significativa al contenido cultural de una sociedad. La palabra tambin se utiliza en las artes en otro lugar, como compositor, sin embargo el trmino "escritor" normalmente se refiere a la creacin de lenguaje escrito.A writer is a person who uses written words in various styles and techniques to communicate ideas. Writers produce various forms of literary art and creative, such as novels, short stories, poetry, plays, newspaper articles, scripts, or writing essays. Skilled writers are able to use language to express ideas and their work contributes significantly to the cultural content of a society. The word is also used in the arts elsewhere, as a composer, however the term "writer" usually refers to the creation of written language.

PLUMBER (PLMER) - PLOMERO, FONTANEROEs el profesional que se ocupa del agua, gas, calefaccin y casi todos los fluidos y en algunas regiones, tambin de instalaciones elctricas.El fontanero es el que realiza instalaciones de agua potable, agua no potable y la recogida de aguas pluviales y de aguas residuales en las viviendas, locales comerciales o industrias y talleres.Limpieza de: Tuberas, bajantes, arquetas, sifonesInspeccin de tuberas con cmaraLocalizacin de arquetas con detectorCocina, bao y calefaccin: reparacin de tuberas, desages, roturas de bajantes, desatascos, grifera, filtraciones.Suministro e instalacin de todo tipo de lavabos y fregaderos. Baeras, platos de ducha, sanitarios.SaneamientoColectores generales / pozos.It is the professional who takes care of water, gas, heating and almost all fluids and in some regions, also in electrical installations.The plumber is performing facilities of drinking water, non-potable water and rainwater collection and waste water in homes, shops or factories and workshops.Cleaning: Pipes, drainpipes, manholes, siphonsPipeline inspection cameraCaskets location detectorKitchen, bathroom and heating repairs of pipes, gutters, downspouts breaks, unblocking, faucets, leaks.Supply and installation of all types of toilets and sinks. Bathtubs, showers, toilets.sanitationGeneral / wells collectors.

MAID (MID) - EMPLEADA DOMSTICAEs el conjunto de las tareas domsticas (tambin conocido como labores del hogar: limpieza de la vivienda, preparacin de alimentos, limpieza y cuidado de la ropa y el calzado, compras y el cuidado de nios y ancianos) que realizan ya sea la propia persona propietaria del hogar (en la mayor parte de los casos lo realiza una mujer de la familia, a quien se denomina "ama de casa") o bien quienes esta persona contrata para esas actividades; el denominado servicio domstico o, genricamente "servicio".It is the set of domestic tasks (also known as housework: cleaning the house, preparing food, cleaning and care of clothing and footwear, shopping and caring for children and elderly) that perform either the person himself owner of the home (in most cases is done by a female relative, who is called "housewife") or the person who hires for such activities; the domestic or service called generically "service".

DANCER (DNSER) BAILARNEs la persona que baila y que ha hecho de la danza su profesin. El entrenamiento tanto fsico como mental del futuro bailarn depender del tipo de danza elegido. Hay programas universitarios y de escuelas asociadas a compaas profesionales de danza para la formacin especializada. Tambin hay pequeas academias de propiedad privada, dnde los estudiantes pueden formarse en una variedad de estilos de danza, como formas de danza competitiva (por ejemplo, baile latino,jazz, baile de saln, hip-hop,funky, break dance, etc), as como tnico y folclrico.He is the person who has done dancing and dance their profession. Both physical and mental training of the future dancer dance depends on the type chosen. There are university and schools associated with professional dance companies for specialized training programs. There are also small privately owned schools, where students can form in a variety of dance styles, including competitive dance forms (eg Latin dance, jazz, ballroom, hip-hop, funk, break dance, etc) as well as ethnic and folk.

En la siguiente dinmica llamada Ordena y gana se trata de ordenar las letras que corresponden a un oficio. Cualquier alumno puede participar. El alumno que conozca el orden, deber pasar a escribirlo en el pizarrn. Si en un minuto nadie puede ordenar la palabra, nosotros les daremos unas pistas, si tampoco adivinan con eso, nosotros daremos la respuesta. El primero que ordene la palabra se ganar un premio. Estn listos? El primero es.qu oficio es? alguien?Okla respuesta esThe following dynamic called "order and earn" it's sort letters corresponding to a trade. Any student can participate. The student who knows the order, shall pass to write on the blackboard. If within a minute no one can order the word, we'll give you some clues, if not guess with that, we'll give you the answer. The first word order will win a prize. Are you ready? The first job is ... .what is it? Anyone?Ok ... the answer is ............

ACTRESS (CTRES) ACTRIZHe is a person who creates, interprets and represents a dramatic action based on texts, visuals, sound and other stimuli. These texts are previously conceived by an author or created through individual and collective improvisation, using voice, body and emotional resources, operated or intuited, in order to convey to the viewer the set of ideas and dramatic actions proposed; They can make use of technical resources to manipulate puppets, marionettes and counterparts; You can interpret the image or voice of others, tested seeking to combine their creativity with the director; acts in places of public entertainment performances and / or other media are represented.

ARCHITECT (RKITEKT) ARQUITECTOIt is the professional who is responsible for the development, design, build, and maintain buildings, cities and structures of various kinds. His art is based on concepts reflect on living under social needs. It is a high-level professional higher education, with a deep artistic and social technical training.Projecting buildings, urban spaces and various structures, and ensure the proper development of its construction, it is the result of this reflection.

BUILDER(BLDER)- CONSTRUCTORHe is a person with professional knowledge and experience as a profession dedicated to the construction, alteration, renovation and repair of buildings, both residential and industrial. Sometimes shorten words, it is also called palette to who really is the master of masonry (also master builder or foreman), who directs the masons and laborers, and sometimes, depending on the type of work under the direction of a rigger. It also refers to one who is engaged in repair or renovation or building materials workshop for the construction of houses, buildings.FARMER (FRMER) AGRICULTORThey plan, coordinate and carry out agricultural activities to develop the fields, such as cereals and vegetables.

JOURNALIST (DCHRNALIST) PERIODISTAA journalist is a person who is professionally engaged in journalism, in any form, whether in print, photography, radio, television and digital media. Their job is to identify and investigate issues of public interest, contrasting them, synthesize them, rank them and publish them. For this resort to reliable and verifiable journalistic sources. And produces its items, which can take several forms for dissemination: oral, written, visual.There are several principles that guide the work of the journalist, the main of which is respect for truth, rigor in the search for reliable and verifiable information. In general, it is considered good journalist who gets relevant, brief and accurate information as quickly as possible.

TRANSLATOR (TRANSLITOR) TRADUCTORIts aim is to facilitate communication between two or more people, not only different languages but also diametrically different cultures.Specific tasks or activities taking place in the profession.Translation of written texts.Simultaneous or consecutive conversations or speeches from one language to another particularly at congresses, conferences, exhibitions, meetings and similar gatherings oral interpretation.Classification according to the technical difficulty of text types and registration of language.Devise methods for the use of computers and other instruments as a means of increasing labor productivity translation and proofreading and reliability of translations.Act as a vital link between your company and foreign organizations, facilitating communication and becoming an important element materialization business.

WRITER (RITER) ESCRITORA writer is a person who uses written words in various styles and techniques to communicate ideas. Writers produce various forms of literary art and creative, such as novels, short stories, poetry, plays, newspaper articles, scripts, or writing essays. Skilled writers are able to use language to express ideas and their work contributes significantly to the cultural content of a society. The word is also used in the arts elsewhere, as a composer, however the term "writer" usually refers to the creation of written language.

PLUMBER (PLMER) - PLOMERO, FONTANEROIt is the professional who takes care of water, gas, heating and almost all fluids and in some regions, also in electrical installations.The plumber is performing facilities of drinking water, non-potable water and rainwater collection and waste water in homes, shops or factories and workshops.Cleaning: Pipes, drainpipes, manholes, siphonsPipeline inspection cameraCaskets location detectorKitchen, bathroom and heating repairs of pipes, gutters, downspouts breaks, unblocking, faucets, leaks.Supply and installation of all types of toilets and sinks. Bathtubs, showers, toilets.sanitationGeneral / wells collectors.

MAID (MID) - EMPLEADA DOMSTICAIt is the set of domestic tasks (also known as housework: cleaning the house, preparing food, cleaning and care of clothing and footwear, shopping and caring for children and elderly) that perform either the person himself owner of the home (in most cases is done by a female relative, who is called "housewife") or the person who hires for such activities; the domestic or service called generically "service".

DANCER (DNSER) BAILARNHe is the person who has done dancing and dance their profession. Both physical and mental training of the future dancer dance depends on the type chosen. There are university and schools associated with professional dance companies for specialized training programs. There are also small privately owned schools, where students can form in a variety of dance styles, including competitive dance forms (eg Latin dance, jazz, ballroom, hip-hop, funk, break dance, etc) as well as ethnic and folk.