Why Good Without God Isn’t Enough The family with a supernatural Jewish heart Number 1806 November 2018 The Healing Power of Your Words Prophetic Healing: by Becky Dvorak Your destiny is in your mouth! Page 4 The Glory hits Israel!

Prophetic Healing: The Healing Power of Your Wordsofm6z46z825qpxk83fa00q1a-wpengine.netdna-ssl.com/... · their flat rooftop under the stars. They do not feel they are being cheated

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Page 1: Prophetic Healing: The Healing Power of Your Wordsofm6z46z825qpxk83fa00q1a-wpengine.netdna-ssl.com/... · their flat rooftop under the stars. They do not feel they are being cheated

Why Good

Without God

Isn’t Enough

The family with a supernatural Jewish heart Number 1806 November 2018

The Healing Power of Your Words

Prophetic Healing:

by Becky Dvorak

Your destinyis in your mouth!

Page 4

The Glory hits Israel!

Page 2: Prophetic Healing: The Healing Power of Your Wordsofm6z46z825qpxk83fa00q1a-wpengine.netdna-ssl.com/... · their flat rooftop under the stars. They do not feel they are being cheated

eyes and deaf ears, unmute voices, loose the paralytic, and release healing power to weak and sick body organs and systems. Go deep into the cellular realm with the power of the Spirit and prophetically rearrange dysfunctional DNA. With

this prophetic utterance you can send forth resurrection

power that raises the dead in spirit, soul and in the physical body. You can encourage the discouraged and

transform depression with joy and laughter.

Ponder upon the limitlessness of your verbal expressions and rewrite impossible circumstances

into possible ones. Contemplate the Glory of God that you can create as you begin to allow the resurrection power of life to roll off your tongue at any given time or place.

Declaring What You PossessWhen you spiritually declare a thing, you make an official verbal statement about something you already have or possess. You declare your redemption in Jesus, the power of His blood, or other spiritual benefits such as: “I have the mind of Jesus. I do not have a spirit of fear, but of power, of love, and of a sound mind.” Not only does a declaration declare what you already have, it also encourages your faith and reminds you of

the prophetic healing power with my words, “I renounce arthritis and

the demons behind this work.” I lead them in

a general prayer of repentance,

and I touch them and simply speak forth, “Be healed in Jesus’ name”, and one by one they are delivered and healed. Your physical body obeys your spoken words. Therefore, think before you speak. If you speak words that rebel against God’s healing promises, then your physical body will follow after the direction of your unhealthy words and will spiral downward into sickness and disease. It may take time to bring your body under submission to your new healing vocabulary. But even though, at first, it may rebel like a wild horse, eventually it will learn to come under the submission of that newfound bit and it will obey your commands.

“Now” FaithWhen you say, “I believe God will heal me,” you are speaking future tense and the healing does not manifest because you can’t catch up to the future. The future is always in the realm of tomorrow. That’s why God says in Hebrews 11:1 that faith is now. Knowing that faith is in the present tense of now will change the way you pray and make your petitions known. With the power of your tongue you can be a giver of life. You can release creative power to open blind

your spiritual blessings. As a mother, I can be at peace because I have a promise from God in Proverbs 22:6 that declares, “Train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not depart from it.” No matter what my children pass through in life, I have in my spiritual possession the surety that they will not depart from the faith, because I have seeded the Word into them since they were infants and up until they left home. Does this mean they won’t wander off for a season? No, it means they will not depart from the faith. They will come back to their spiritual roots. Let’s look at another declaration we can claim as parents. God’s Word declares in James 5:16, “Confess your trespasses to one another, and pray for one another, that you may be healed. The effective, fervent prayer of a righteous man avails much.” My family knows that Mom often prays nightly on their flat rooftop under the stars. They do not feel they are being cheated out of more “mom time”; they actually feel my prayers are a safety net for the family.

Feature Article: The Healing Power of Your Words by Becky Dvorak

Your physical body obeys your spoken words. Therefore, think before you speak.

A visiting pastor at a healing seminar where I ministered came to me after the

session and asked, “Do you know you have an angel with you?” I said, “Yes, I know I do and people often see him.” He went on to explain what he saw: “Everywhere you go, he is right behind you and he carries a book in his hands. He opens this book and reads from its pages. You then repeat what he reads to you. Do you know what he does when you pause for a moment?” I said, “Tell me what he does.” He said, “He quickly flips through his book and searches for something. And when he finds his next point, he reads it aloud to you, you hear him, and repeat what he narrates to you.” I told this pastor that many years ago I surrendered my voice to the Holy Spirit. I remember the afternoon, in 1980, when I read in Matthew 10:19: “Do not worry about how or what you should speak. For it will be given to you in that hour what you should speak.” The voice of God was speaking to me, revealing a time that I had not yet walked in, but was to come, and that time is now. I stand in awe many times over as I witness the prophetic healing power of the Spirit change and rearrange the lives of God’s people forever. A simple command of faith—“In Jesus’ name, I command this cancerous tumor to shrivel up and die”—and by morning the large tumor is gone and a woman’s life is dramatically altered. In another meeting, I hear the Holy Spirit whisper in my ear, “Call the people suffering from arthritis to come forward.” I do as He instructs, and about 100 people step forward to the altar. I ask them to hold hands in groups as I lay my hand on one person in each group and release

With the power of your tongue you

can be a giver of life.We capture

God’s attention when we verbally activate

His Word with our faith.

Page 3: Prophetic Healing: The Healing Power of Your Wordsofm6z46z825qpxk83fa00q1a-wpengine.netdna-ssl.com/... · their flat rooftop under the stars. They do not feel they are being cheated

Create an Atmosphere for the Miraculous! What if every believer could receive healing for themselves—or release it to others—by simply speaking prophetic words God gives them? Through her book, The Prophetic & Healing Power of Your Words, and exclusive 3-CD series, Speaking Miracles, Becky Dvorak mentors you on how to prophesy your healing by using words charged with the power of God. You will learn how to:

• Understand and operate the law of the spoken word

• Release blessings and reverse curses

• Create atmospheres of healing through faith-filled words

• Activate prophetic gifts of the Spirit

• And more! Becky’s book and 3-CD series are available for a donation of $35 or more ($42 Canadian). Order using the enclosed reply card, by calling 1-866-338-8285 or online at SidRoth.org/9585.

your spiritual blessings. As a mother, I can be at peace because I have a promise from God in Proverbs 22:6 that declares, “Train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not depart from it.” No matter what my children pass through in life, I have in my spiritual possession the surety that they will not depart from the faith, because I have seeded the Word into them since they were infants and up until they left home. Does this mean they won’t wander off for a season? No, it means they will not depart from the faith. They will come back to their spiritual roots. Let’s look at another declaration we can claim as parents. God’s Word declares in James 5:16, “Confess your trespasses to one another, and pray for one another, that you may be healed. The effective, fervent prayer of a righteous man avails much.” My family knows that Mom often prays nightly on their flat rooftop under the stars. They do not feel they are being cheated out of more “mom time”; they actually feel my prayers are a safety net for the family.

Feature Article: The Healing Power of Your Words by Becky Dvorak

Your physical body obeys your spoken words. Therefore, think before you speak.

Becky Dvorak is a prophetic healing evangelist, and an author about faith for the miraculous. She and her husband co-founded Healing and Miracles International.

Activate your prophetic gifts

of the Spirit

Speaking God’s Word Over Our SituationWe connect with God’s Spirit when we use His words and prophesy over ourselves, confess His promises, decree and declare things in the spirit realm, and release prayers of faith filled with praise and thanksgiving. We capture His attention when we verbally activate His Word with our faith. When you feel weak and are tempted to give up, prophesy over yourself, “His grace is sufficient for me.” While you face a difficult situation, start to transform the way you perceive your ability to handle it and confess, “I can do all things through Jesus who strengthens me.” If you receive a bad medical report from a physician, decree healing into your body with God’s healing report. If you are being tormented by fear, wield the Word of God and declare, “For God has not given me a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind.”

Stage 4 Cancer HealedAnything I can do you can do

better! A young lady I have mentored over the past couple of years received a message from a friend. He requested prayer for his dad’s best friend who had been diagnosed with stage 4 lung cancer with no treatment options. She began to pray and told her friend what to pray (just as I had taught her.) Later, he messaged her and said “Thank you for the prayers. There is NO cancer!” What did she tell her friend to say and do? To renounce the spirit of death attacking his lungs and any negative medical diagnosis spoken over him. She encouraged him not to doubt that he was healed, but to stand on the healing promises of God, and to be in agreement with these words of faith. Just as the prayer of faith worked for this man, it will work for you too!

Page 4: Prophetic Healing: The Healing Power of Your Wordsofm6z46z825qpxk83fa00q1a-wpengine.netdna-ssl.com/... · their flat rooftop under the stars. They do not feel they are being cheated

I am writing this from Israel. I am in awe over what God has just done.

This is the beginning of Romans 11:26, which states: “...all Israel will be saved.” It has always been easy for me to lead Jewish Israelis to the Lord. But this time it was beyond easy. There is a new move of God in Israel to raise up the end-time Messianic Jewish leaders to evangelize the nations just before Jesus returns! The young man helping me with my luggage at the airport was like a sponge soaking up the Good News of Messiah. He did something that was not part of his job. He walked me to my car because he was so hungry for a personal encounter with God. He literally begged me to have someone call him to learn more about Jesus! Trust me, this is very different than the norm. Then I did three shows in Jerusalem for Russian TV. This network—which covers the entire former Soviet Union—will also air the full replay of my “Lecture on the Supernatural” evangelistic outreach. The replay will also be aired on Middle East TV (METV) throughout the Middle East and you will be able to see it as well on our It’s Supernatural! Network and the ISN app! Only Heaven can tell of all the

Russian Jews and Gentiles that will be healed, saved and filled with the Spirit. The Glory on these TV shows and my outreach was the highest in my years of ministry! I have operated in the Glory for Jewish evangelism for many years but this time and season it is so much stronger. Twenty buses brought the 1,000 plus unsaved Jewish Israelis to our outreach in Galilee. They were brought in by a coalition of seven Israeli congregations from seven cities. Watching them fill the lecture hall was amazing. To see 40 percent of these unsaved Jews instantly healed in their seats puts me in total awe of God. This is such a sovereign work of God. I am just a good Jewish secretary. The Glory had them hanging on every word. Then about 80% stood up and made public professions of faith. Next I prayed for

them to be baptized in the Holy Spirit. As they were asked to lift holy hands to God, you could see many of their hands trembling under the Glory. The numbers of salvations in Israel at this and my previous outreaches have not been seen in almost 2,000 years! I started my trip to Israel

by witnessing to the hungriest Jewish Israeli. On my return to the airport by taxi, I witnessed to the hungriest Muslim Israeli. The Glory came on both of them. Both will be used mightily by God! What a prophetic beginning and

From Israel and the Glory

Over 1,000 unsaved Jewish Israelis attended our outreach in Galilee, Israel. About 80% made a profession of faith. I am in awe of God.

Sid appears on Russian TV broadcasting from Jerusalem

ending for the best Israel adventure of my life. Lord, show us your Glory! This Scripture is jammed-packed with blessings for you.

You know the saying, “Four months between planting and harvest.” But I say, wake up and look around. The fields are already ripe for harvest. The harvesters are paid good wages, and the fruit they harvest is people brought to eternal life. What JOY awaits both the planter and the harvester alike! (John 4:35-36 NLT).

It’s a new day for the salvation of Israel. And it’s a new day for you and your family. This New Glory will be poured out and God is graciously allowing ISN and METV to be a part. We have the evangelistic tools ready and all we need are your prayers and financial partnership. Watch God move in your life and show you His Glory!

Dear Mishpochah (Family) by Sid Roth

Number 1806 November 2018 Copyright ©2018. “Family” in Hebrew, Mishpochah is the newsletter for Sid Roth’s It’s Supernatural! To sign up to receive our Mishpochah newsletter or to place a credit card order, please call 866-338-8285. For all other inquiries call 704-943-6500, e-mail [email protected], or visit online at SidRoth.org. Mishpochah is published bimonthly by: It’s Supernatural!, P.O. Box 39222, Charlotte, NC 28278. Messianic Vision Canada, P.O. Box 345, Barrie, Ontario L4M 4T5, SidRoth.ca. Unless otherwise indicated, Scripture taken from the New King James Version. Copyright ©1979, 1980, 1982 by Thomas Nelson, Inc. Used by permission. All rights reserved. Emphasis added.
