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Is there a God ?

Proof of God’s existence Based on science and reasoning

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Who created all these….? 

Universe, earth, water, flowers, ..

Children, Beauty, smile, love, tears, gratitude…

Time , right and wrong, truth…. 


By Chance

Infinite Time

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Who created all these….? 

Two contradictory answers

 Atheists say that all these things were formed

by mere chance (probability) over infinite time.

What we see is just one of the many possibilities.

Christianity teach that these things didn‘t form by chance…. 

but by an intentional design. We call that designer, God.

Let us inspect the facts.

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• You will be amazed to see that, As the scienceadvance, we are still discovering the proofs of theGod's greatness. As time passes, we will discovermore.

• If you inspect the star filled sky or a lake filled withfloating ice or even a ray of light, you are facing theproof of God‘s existence. You simply are not aware.Only if you had the knowledge and open minded to

see it. We will explain scientifically.

Creation by God – support from Science

• Many fundamental scientific theories point to God.

• Newton‘s First law is used for proving God‘sexistence

• 2nd law of Thermodynamics used to prove God exists.• Big bang theory and red shift explains a God‘s work. 

• Mathematical Theory of induction and probabilityshows God exists.

• Many Scientists believed in God.

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Is Probability that simple ? All the famous atheists say that ―All we see in nature came ―by chance‖.

With infinite time, nearly infinite probability (chance) exists. What we seeis one of the infinite possibilities.

• If you look carefully, we see it is a very poor argument and unfair

manipulation of Mathematical probability concept.

• They simply don‘t have a conception of the fantastic precision of thefinite-tuning required for life to happen and sustain.

• It is like saying ―if you toss a coin infinite time, perhaps once because of

probability, the coin will ―talk to you and say‖, ―It is head‖.

• Probability of even a DNA or a cell coming alive is mind blogging.

• It is like a hurricane building an aero plane in a junkyard. If that is the

case, then the probability of an earth to form in this format is impossible

even mathematically.

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 An analogy of argument styles

•  Assume you see a brand new car at your home on your 16th birthday.

•  A real Christian would recognize that car will never appear bychance. On the attached gift card, he will recognize the signature

of his dad ( Jesus). He would read the instructions and letter of dad

( bible). He will be thankful and try to do the will of the Father(God).

• If you argue like atheists, you may say, it just appeared there by

probability. The paint fell on the old car at night giving it new

color. Because of probability, the wind, rain and lightning and

gravity, the wheels, frame etc…. Well it is a possibility, even

though the probability is 1/infinity…

• Again I simply don‘t want to believe that someone would ever do

this for me. Because then I will be obliged to him. But I am going

to use the car ignoring the documents, that way, I don‘t have to

worry about what is right or wrong.

The earth and living things are trillion times complex than a car appearing suddenly.

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 A compelling argument against

creation by ―chance‖ 

Who pre-programmed the genes ?

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 A compelling argument against creation by ―chance‖ 

• Even the most complex computer or a robot cannot think of it‘s own. It has to

be built and programmed by humans. Huge amount of human intelligence is

already spend for even doing a minor thing using a computer or a robot.

• Now look at the incredible pre-programmed

intelligence in each genes, cells and DNA of

living organisms. There are millions of

preprogrammed logic in our body.

• How does a new born baby turtle,

hatched alone learn to live and find it‘s

way across the seas to the breeding

place of it‘s parents.

• How the immune system is developed in

our body when bacteria and virus attackthe body.

• The wonders of the reproduction process.

From the hormones and chemicals

produced when man and woman see

each other to how a baby is born.

• Who pre-programmed it.

How does animals find the way

across the globe?

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 A compelling argument against creation by ―chance‖ • Can the best human brains of the world build

two robots that will grow up automatically,

love each other and have reproductive

capabilities like humans…?

• Even if 1000s of scientists try for decades,

we cannot even create a cell or DNA from

the base materials (oxygen, carbon etc.) in a

lab. At present, humans can only do somesimple repair and manipulation of the cells

that God had already created. Won‘t the

doctors agree with this?

If the best human brains with sophisticated equipments cannot build

a simple living robot, or DNA, how can non-living things like matter

& energy create an earth full of life which is zillion times more

complex ?????

If the so called famous Atheists propose that ―probability and time

can build all these live forms on earth, they are lying….. 

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 Arguments for God

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Friend, have you thought about the grand celestial movements in the universe.

For example, the moon is spinning on it‘s axis, and is also moving aroundthe earth. The earth is also spinning on it‘s axis and at the same time, it isalso revolving around the sun carrying the moon with it. Now what about

the sun? .. Well the sun is also moving in the galaxy carrying our entiresolar system consisting of eight planets, their satellites, some asteroids,comets etc. with it. We know that our galaxy called Milky way and millionsof other galaxies are also moving in the universe. So we know thateverything in this universe is thus moving. 

The gravitational force, speed and distance of the planets and the objects inuniverse are perfectly designed.

 Atheist says everything in this universe happened by random chance over billions of years.

Newton‘s law is a fundamental scientific principle. Newton's Law states that nothing moves

by itself  (or change it‘s existing state unless an energy is applied on it). Movement in any

being requires an outside force to actualize it. 

Therefore, as per science, there must be a force outside (in addition to) the universe, which

is a real being, transcendent to the universe.

There has to be a first mover, moved by no other.

What or who is it.?? We understand that power to be the God… You will be convinced as you go


'Changing universe' is the sum total of all matter, space and time. These three things depend on

each other. Therefore God is outside of matter, space and time. God is not a changing thing,

but the unchan in source of chan e.

Can you imagine this magnificent design? But the important question is who or what caused thismovement in this universe? How did it start and who controls this grand movement?

Newton‘s Law proves universe was created 

2 I t lli t D i

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2. Intelligent Design – 

 A miracle in front of the eyes that we don‘t notice

Anomalous expansion of water (taught in the school).

Materials usually has 3 states. solid, liquid and gas. The

materials has maximum density when it is in the solidstate. Water is an exception to this rule. Water in its liquid

state has maximum density at temperature 4 degree

Celsius (39 degree Fahrenheit). At this temperature, water

is more denser than the ice which is at 0 degree Celsius(32

degree Fahrenheit) or lower .

Do you know the amazing beauty of this design ??

In winter as the temperature goes down, at 32F(0 Celsius )

the water becomes ice and float on the top. The water at 4

degree Celsius being denser remains at the bottom. Also

ice is a bad conductor of heat and cold. Water is the only

element in the universe that shows this feature. The fishes

and plants in the river and lake survive winter only

because of this special feature of water. Otherwise thewaters of the seas would start freezing and turn into ice

from the bottom, killing all. Why did the cosmic designer

change the laws of physics/chemistry for water ...............

from 0 degree to 4 degree?

God seems to be leaving a proof so that the 21st century man will recognize this.

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 Additional intelligent Designs

If you look around, you will see the universe displays great intelligibility and beauty.

There is intricate and beautiful order and regularity that amazes us. There arethousands of design aspects without which life would not have existed.

Earth is a privileged planet. If the earth was not rotating,

one side of earth would be burning and the other side

would be frozen.

If the gravitational force was not there on the earth, we

would have been thrown out into space due to thehigh speed rotation of earth.

The speed, gravitational force, distance, orbital path are

all perfectly balanced by the cosmic designer.

If the axis of earth was not inclined, there won't be any

seasons. So too much heat or winter would destroy us.

God looked at everything he had made, and he was pleased..‖ – Bible-Genesis 1:31.


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 Additional Intelligent designs

• Earth is called the ‗water planet‘. We saw the peculiar way,

God the father designed water.

• Special built in intelligence for genes, cells. Clotting of blood.

• Many animals show the special designs which cannot have

come through evolution.

 – Migratory bird‘s finding the way. 

• We see many examples of the proof of God as if Godintentionally put it there

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What does Bible say

• “In the beginning.... God created the universe"-Bible-Genesis1:1

• The universe was framed by the word of God so that things which are

seen were not made of things which are visible". -Bible-Hebrews 11:3

• God gives life to the dead and calls into existence things that do notexist". -Bible-Romans 4:17

• ―The heavens declare the glory of the God, and the firmament showed his

handiwork‖ – Bible-Psalms 19:1

• For the invisible things of God from the creation of the world are clearly seen,

being understood by the things that are made, even his eternal power and

Godhead; so that they are without excuse‖-Bible-Rom1:20

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Was there a beginning to

universe ?

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Was there a beginning ?

• If we do exist, there are only two possible explanations as to

how our existence came to be. Either we had a beginning orwe did not have a beginning. 

 – Most atheists maintain that there was no beginningto the world The world was like this for ever. The idea

is that matter has always existed in the form of either matteror energy; and all that has happened is that matter hasbeen changed from form to form, but it has always been.

 – The Humanist Manifesto says, "Matter is self-existing andnot created," and that is a concise statement of the atheist's


 – Science and logic prove that some external powerfulintelligence created the universe.

 – The Bible says, "In the beginning God created theheaven and the earth" (Genesis 1 :1). 

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Was there a BEGINNING ?

Example 1 - Expanding Universe

• The red shift phenomenon, the Big Bang theory and thephotos of the galaxies proves that universe is expanding. Welive in an expanding universe that gets bigger and bigger withevery passing day.

• Now let us suppose that we made time run backwards! If theuniverse is expanding now, it means once it started from asmall object, At a point! At the beginning! At what scientistscall a singularity!  In 1999, it was discovered that the galaxiesare accelerating in their expansion. Any notion that we live inan oscillating or pulsating universe has been dispelled by thisdiscovery. The universe is not slowing down, but speeding upin its motion.

• 1960 Nobel prize was awarded to Penzias and Wilson, whoidentified the left over radiations of the Big Bang.

• Even though Albert Einstein said in 1920 that the universewas infinitely large and old, later he said that this was amistake and he also agreed for the beginning for the universe.

•  All Scientists agree in the expanding universe.

Big Bang Theory, Red shift 

Big Bang Model

Red color of distant galaxies

prove that galaxies are

moving away from each other

   T   i  m


Receding Advancing

Who caused the Big Bang – creating the universe from a single point ?

Red Shift Phenomenon

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• Like all stars, the sun generates its energy by a nuclear processknown as thermonuclear fusion. Every second that passes,the sun compresses 564 million tons of  hydrogen into 560million tons of helium with 4 million tons of matter releasedas energy. In spite of that tremendous consumption of fuel, thesun has only used up 2% of the hydrogen it had the day itcame into existence. 

Was there a BEGINNING ?

Example 2 – Depletion of energy sources in the universe

If the universe existed for ever like Atheists say, allthese hydrogen would have been converted to Helium.

98% of Hydrogen means, sun and stars were created.

• Just think about it! If everywhere in the cosmos hydrogen is being consumed and ifthe process has been going on forever , how much hydrogen should be left?

 Answer is zero.

• The fact is, however, that the sun still has 98% of its original hydrogen. The fact isthat hydrogen is the most abundant material in the universe! Everywhere we look in

space we can see the hydrogen 21-cm line in the spectrum--a piece of light onlygiven off by hydrogen.

G G ?

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If both these laws has to satisfy together Then universe must have a beginning,

Otherwise all the energy in the universe would already have been exhausted and

reached the stage of ―Heat death‖. 

If not by infinite time, The temperature in the universe would have been same, all

radio active carbon(or any atoms) would have been decayed, making even radio

carbon dating method impossible.

This is an undeniable proof that the universe was created with a huge amount of

energy and now some of that energy is being lost.

Laws of Thermodynamics arefundamental to Physics andEngineering and are taught in thecolleges.

• First law: Total amount of Mass andEnergy in the universe is a constant.

• Second law: In any closed system (or universe), the entropy (unavailable

energy) increases , that is the amountof energy in the universe is runningdown.

Was there a BEGINNING ?

Example 3 – Thermodynamics point’s to God 

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Who or what could have produced energy in an available state in the first place? 

Only someone or something not bound by the second law of thermodynamics. Only the

creator of the second law of thermodynamics could violate the second law of thermodynamics,

and create energy in a state of availability in the first place. 

• Things progress naturally from order to disorder, or from an available energy state toone where energy is more unavailable.

•  An example: a hot cup of coffee cools off in an insulated room. The total amount

energy in the room remains the same (which satisfies the first law of thermodynamics).Energy is not lost, it is simply transferred (in the form of heat) from the hot coffee to thecool air, warming up the air slightly. When the coffee is hot, there is available energybecause of the temperature difference between the coffee and the air. As the coffeecools down, the available energy is slowly turned to unavailable energy. At last, whenthe coffee is room temperature, there is no temperature difference between the coffeeand the air, i.e. the energy is all in an unavailable state. The closed system (consistingof the room and the coffee) has suffered what is technically called a "heat death." Thesystem is "dead" because no further work can be done since there is no more availableenergy. The second law says that the reverse cannot happen! Room temperaturecoffee will not get hot all by itself, because this would require turning unavailable

energy into available energy.

• Now consider the entire universe as one giant closed system. Stars are hot, just likethe cup of coffee, and are cooling down, losing energy into space. The hot stars incooler space represent a state of available energy, just like the hot coffee in the room.However, the second law of thermodynamics requires that this available energy isconstantly changing to unavailable energy.

Thermodynamics point‘s to God 

3 Science (Second law of Thermodynamics) points to God

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3. Science (Second law of Thermodynamics) points to God

• Second law demonstrates that Things progress naturally from an availableenergy state to one where energy is more unavailable.

•  An example of second law: a hot cup of coffee cools off in an insulated

room. The total amount energy in the room remains the same (whichsatisfies the first law of thermodynamics). Energy is not lost, it is simplytransferred (in the form of heat) from the hot coffee to the cool air, warmingup the air slightly. When the coffee is hot, there is available energybecause of the temperature difference between the coffee and the air. Asthe coffee cools down, the available energy is slowly turned to unavailableenergy. At last, when the coffee is room temperature, there is notemperature difference between the coffee and the air, i.e. the energy is allin an unavailable state. The closed system (consisting of the room and the

coffee) has suffered what is technically called a "heat death." The systemis "dead" because no further work can be done since there is no moreavailable energy. The second law says that the reverse cannot happen!Room temperature coffee will not get hot all by itself, because this wouldrequire turning unavailable energy into available energy.

• Now consider the entire universe as one giant closed system. Stars arehot, just like the cup of coffee, and are cooling down, losing energy intospace. The hot stars in cooler space represent a state of available energy,

 just like the hot coffee in the room. However, the second law ofthermodynamics requires that this available energy is constantly changingto unavailable energy.

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 An unanswered Thermodynamic Question

Thermodynamics proves that available energy in the universe is decreasing. If we go back in

time, we know that at a point in time, we had the maximum energy in the universe ( like 100%

un converted Hydrogen in Sun ).

Question : Who or what could have produced energy in an available state in the first

place? Who is beyond the law of Thermodynamics ? 

We haven‘t seen any Atheists answering these Question challenging science ? 

Answer: Only someone or something NOT bound by the second law of thermodynamics.

Only the creator of the second law of thermodynamics could violate the second law of

thermodynamics, and create energy in a state of availability in the first place. 

Science (Second law of Thermodynamics) points to God

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Science (Second law of Thermodynamics) points to God

• Now consider the entire universe as one giant closed system. Stars are hot, just likethe cup of coffee, and are cooling down, losing energy into space. The hot stars incooler space represent a state of available energy, just like the hot coffee in theroom. However, the second law of thermodynamics requires that this available

energy is constantly changing to unavailable energy.•  In another analogy, the entire universe is winding down like a giant wind-up clock,

ticking down and losing available energy. Since energy is continually changing fromavailable to unavailable energy, someone had to give it available energy in thebeginning! (I.e. someone had to wind up the clock of the universe at the beginning.)Who or what could have produced energy in an available state in the first place?

• Only someone or something not bound by the second law of thermodynamics.

Only the creator of the second law of thermodynamics could violate the second lawof thermodynamics, and create energy in a state of availability in the first place.

•  As time goes forward (assuming things continue as they are), the available energy inthe universe will eventually turn into unavailable energy. At this point, the universewill be said to have suffered a heat death, just like the coffee in the room. Thepresent universe, as we know it, cannot last forever. Furthermore, imagine goingbackwards in time. Since the energy of the universe is constantly changing from astate of availability to one of less availability, the further back in time one goes, themore available the energy of the universe.

• Using the clock analogy again, the further back in time, the more wound up the clock.Far enough back in time, the clock was completely wound up. The universe thereforecannot be infinitely old. One can only conclude that the universe had a beginning,and that beginning had to have been caused by someone or something operating

outside of the known laws of thermodynamics. We call that someone God, based onthe characteristics of God.

B i i 3

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Beginning - 3• If an automobile is driven for years and years without repair, for example, it will

become so disordered that it would not run any more. Getting old is simpleconformity to the second law of thermodynamics. In space, things also getold. Astronomers refer to the aging process as heat death. If the cosmos is

"everything that ever was or is or ever will be," as Dr. Carl Sagan was so fond ofsaying, nothing could be added to it to improve its order or repair it. Even a universethat expands and collapses and expands again forever would die because it wouldlose light and heat each time it expanded and rebounded.

• The atheist's assertion that matter/energy is eternal is scientifically wrong. Thebiblical assertion that there was a beginning is scientifically correct.

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If you agree for a beginningWhat is the Cause


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THE CAUSE• If we know the creation has a beginning, we are faced with another logical question--

was the creation caused or was it not caused? The Bible states, "In the beginning

God created the heaven and the earth." Not only does the Bible maintain that therewas a cause (a creation) but it also tells us what the cause was. It was God. Theatheist tells us that "matter is self-existing and not created." If matter had abeginning and yet was uncaused, one must logically maintain that something wouldhave had to come into existence out of nothing. From empty space with no force, nomatter, no energy, and no intelligence, matter would have to become existent. Evenif this could happen by some strange new process unknown to science today, thereis a logical problem.

• In order for matter to come out of nothing, all of our scientific laws dealing with theconservation of matter/energy would have to be wrong, invalidating all ofchemistry. All of our laws of conservation of angular momentum would have to bewrong, invalidating all of physics. All of our laws of conservation of electric chargewould have to be wrong, invalidating all of electronics and demanding that your TVset not work! Your television set may not work, but that is not the reason! In order tobelieve matter is uncaused, one has to discard known laws and principles ofscience. No reasonable person is going to do this simply to maintain a personalatheistic position.

• The atheist's assertion that ―matter is eternal‖ is wrong. The atheist's assertion thatthe universe is uncaused and self existing is also incorrect. The Bible's assertionthat there was a beginning which was caused is supported strongly by the availablescientific evidence.

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The Design• If we know that the creation had a beginning and we know that the beginning was

caused, there is one last question for us to answer--what was the cause? TheBible tells us that God was the cause. We are further told that the God who did the

causing did so with planning and reason and logic. Romans 1:20 tells us that wecan know God is "through the things he has made."

• The atheist, on the other hand, will try to convince us that we are the product ofchance. Julian Huxley once said: We are as much a product of blind forces as isthe falling of a stone to earth or the ebb and flow of the tides. We have justhappened, and man was made flesh by a long series of singularly beneficial


• The subject of design has been one that has been explored in many differentways. For most of us, simply looking at our newborn child is enough to rule outchance. Modern-day scientists like Paul Davies and Frederick Hoyle and othersare raising elaborate objections to the use of chance in explaining naturalphenomena. A principle of modern science has emerged in the 1980s called "theanthropic principle." The basic thrust of the anthropic principle is that chance issimply not a valid mechanism to explain the atom or life. If chance is not valid, weare constrained to reject Huxley's claim and to realize that we are the product of anintelligent God.

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What Was the Cause of the Beginning? • It is assumed that the reader has read the first two booklets in this series, one titled A Practical Man's Proof of

God  and the other A Help in Understanding What God Is. In these two booklets, we have established that allscientific evidence supports the fact that there was a beginning, and that the beginning was caused. Wehave also shown that the creator  of time, space, and energy has to be something that is outside of time,space, and energy.  The nature of the cause cannot be in the three-dimensional physical world in which we

live and must be outside of time to have created time. That does not automatically mean that God is thecreator, because recent studies in quantum mechanics have shown that there are many things thatapparently function outside of the three-dimensional world that we are familiar with. The purpose ofthis discussion is to show that a dominant property of the cause of the creation is intelligence which radiatespurpose in the creation and eliminates chance as a cause of the beginning. There are several different kindsof evidence that show the nature of intelligence in the creation. We would like to briefly review these withthe hope that the reader will pursue other writings that explore and expand each of them.

1.Intuitive Design

• Intuitive design simply means to look at the world around you without the prejudice of science, philosophy, orreligion. It is difficult to observe the birth of a child and not be impressed with the incredible complexity of thatprocess. Standing on a mountain or in a spaceship and looking out at the cosmos in which we live is awonderful, awe-inspiring act. Snorkeling in a reef and watching the interplay of hundreds of living things isexhilarating. Watching the incredible migrations of birds, whales, eels, turtles, caribou, and fish fills uswith wonder and amazement. All around us we see evidence of incredible intelligence, which poets andreligious writers have extolled for centuries. The Bible writers were a part of this as they said things like, "Theheavens declare the glory of God and the firmament showed His handiwork" (Psalm 19:1).  "Go to the ant,thou sluggard, consider her ways and be wise ..." (Proverbs 6:6).  "For the invisible things of him from thecreation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made ..." (Romans 1:20).

 Atheists and skeptics will respond that there are natural ways of explaining all of these things, and we wouldagree. The problem is that the number of things that have to be explained is staggering and growing as ourknowledge expands. Offering a possible natural explanation is not a proof any more than maintaining thatGod did it.

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2. Architectural Design

• In the creation there are a vast number of artistic and architectural functions that

radiate incredible beauty, but have no biological or physical necessity toexist. The Fibonacci ratio, for example, exists throughout every aspect of thecreation--from the shape of galaxy arms to the DNA helix. This ratio and thespiral structures it produces offer no functional advantage--it is not stronger thanother structures and it does not improve the probability of survival. There is noreason for it to exist and especially not to exist in the thousands and thousands ofdifferent applications where it is found.

What the Fibonacci ratio and its structures do offer is incredible beauty. Thewhole creation is teeming with examples of beauty that are not essential tofunction, but have appeal to minds that can comprehend and appreciateit. Attempting to ascribe such beauty to chance and the interpretation of thehuman mind falls woefully short of supplying a satisfactory explanation.

3 Mathematical Design

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  Over recent years, we have seen a number of new terms evolve to describe attempts to ask if chance is amathematical possibility in explaining what we see in the cosmos. Irreducible complexity and the softanthropic principle have been heavily promoted at the start of the 21st century by all kinds of scientists andphilosophers. The problem is that, as mankind has come to understand the processes seen in nature, werealize that there are many parameters that are necessary for things to exist as we see them. Chaos theory 

has helped us learn that things we thought were chaotic in many cases are just so complex that ourcalculating skills and tools did not allow us to see the design that is there.

…. How many variables are there in producing a carbon atom? Any high school student knows that thislist is huge--the gravitational coupling constant, the strong nuclear force coupling constant, the weak nuclearforce coupling constant, the electromagnetic force coupling constant, the ratio of electron to proton mass, theexpansion rate of the cosmos, the entropy level of the cosmos, the mass density of the universe, finestructure constant, the decay rate of a proton, just to name a few. Similar lists can be given for the producingof a life-supporting planet or for life itself. (Note: lists are available upon request.)

Late in the 20th century, scientists and mathematicians began to apply mathematics to these kinds oflists. The problem is that when you have a large number of independent variables and each of them has afinite probability, the total probability becomes astronomical. If you draw a card from a deck of cards once,the odds of getting an ace of spades is one in 52. The odds of drawing an ace of spades twice in a row back-to-back is one in 2,704 (1/52 x 1/52). The odds of doing it four times in a row is one in 7,311,616. This sametechnique has to be applied to all of the variables necessary to produce an atom, a planet, life, etc., if thecalculation is done on a purely chance basis. The probability figures come up with numbers like onechance in ten to the 800th power!  Even famous atheists like Francis Crick and Antony Flew have agreedthat chance is not a valid means of explaining these numbers. They suggest that aliens or some other

intelligence is responsible, which does not answer the question but just pushes it back one level.

 Another response to our argument is to maintain that the cosmos is so vast and so old that, no matter whatthe odds are, it will happen. The problem with this explanation is that, as scientists examine the cosmos, theydo not find it to be infinitely old or infinitely big. If the big bang theory is accepted in any of its versions, thecosmos is finite in both size and age. Textbooks will estimate the number of baryons in the cosmos as ten tothe 78th power, and that is not in the range of the probabilities that exist. The cosmos is not big enough norold enough to allow chance to be an operating mechanism. Proposals of parallel universes and virtualexistence are not supported by evidence and appear to be desperate attempts to avoid the admission ofintelligence in the creation.

3.Mathematical Design

3 The human brain's complexity shows

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3. The human brain s complexity shows

a higher intelligence behind it. • The human brain...simultaneously processes an amazing amount of

information. Your brain takes in all the colors and objects you see, thetemperature around you, the pressure of your feet against the floor, the soundsaround you, the dryness of your mouth, even the texture of your keyboard. Yourbrain holds and processes all your emotions, thoughts and memories. At thesame time your brain keeps track of the ongoing functions of your body like yourbreathing pattern, eyelid movement, hunger and movement of the muscles inyour hands.

•  The human brain processes more than a million messages a second.

• 7 Your brain weighs the importance of all this data, filtering out the relativelyunimportant. This screening function is what allows you to focus and operateeffectively in your world. A brain that deals with more than a million pieces ofinformation every second, while evaluating its importance and allowing you toact on the most pertinent information... did it come about just by chance? Was itmerely biological causes, perfectly forming the right tissue, blood flow, neurons,structure? The brain functions differently than other organs. There is an

intelligence to it, the ability to reason, to produce feelings, to dream and plan, totake action, and relate to other people. How does one explain the human brain?

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4. "Chance" or "natural causes" are

insufficient explanations.• The alternative to God existing is that all that exists around us came

about by natural cause and random chance. If someone is rollingdice, the odds of rolling a pair of sixes is one thing. But the odds ofspots appearing on blank dice is something else. What Pasteurattempted to prove centuries ago, science confirms, that life cannotarise from non-life. Where did human, animal, plant life come from?

•  Also, natural causes are an inadequate explanation for the amountof precise information contained in human DNA. A person whodiscounts God is left with the conclusion that all of this came aboutwithout cause, without design, and is merely good fortune. It isintellectually wanting to observe intricate design and attribute it to


5 To state with certainty that there is no God a

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5. To state with certainty that there is no God, a

person has to ignore the conviction of many learned

man that there is a God. • This is not to say that if enough people believe something it is therefore

true. Scientists, for example, have discovered new truths about the universewhich overruled previous conclusions. But as science has progressed, noscientific discovery has countered the numerical likelihood of an intelligentmind being behind it all. In fact, the more science discovers about humanlife and the universe, the more complex and precisely designed we realizethese to be. Rather than pointing away from God, evidence mounts further

toward an intelligent source. But objective evidence is not all.• There is a much larger issue. Throughout history, billions of people in the

world have attested to their firm, core convictions about God's existence--arrived at from their subjective, personal relationship with God. Millionstoday could give detailed account of their experience with God. They wouldpoint to answered prayer and specific, amazing ways God has met theirneeds, and guided them through important personal decisions. They would

offer, not only a description of their beliefs, but detailed reports of God'sactions in their lives. Many are sure that a loving God exists and has shownhimself to be faithful to them. If you are a skeptic, can you say withcertainty: "I am absolutely right and they all are wrong about God"?

We know God exists because he pursues

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We know God exists because he pursues

us. He is constantly initiating and

seeking for us to come to him.• 5. Does God exist? I was an atheist at one time. And like most atheists, the issue of people

believing in God bothered me greatly. What is it about atheists that we would spend so much time,attention, and energy refuting something that we don't believe even exists?! What causes us to dothat? When I was an atheist, I attributed my intentions as caring for those poor, delusionalpeople...to help them realize their hope was completely ill-founded. To be honest, I also hadanother motive. As I challenged those who believed in God, I was deeply curious to see if theycould convince me otherwise. Part of my quest was to become free from the question of God. If Icould conclusively prove to believers that they were wrong, then the issue is off the table, and Iwould be free to go about my life.

•  I didn't realize that the reason the topic of God weighed so heavily on my mind, was because Godwas pressing the issue. I have come to find out that God wants to be known. He created us withthe intention that we would know him. He has surrounded us with evidence of himself and hekeeps the question of his existence squarely before us. It was as if I couldn't escape thinkingabout the possibility of God. In fact, the day I chose to acknowledge God's existence, my prayerbegan with, "Ok, you win..." It might be that the underlying reason atheists are bothered by peoplebelieving in God is because God is actively pursuing them.

• I am not the only one who has experienced this. Malcolm Muggeridge, socialist and philosophicalauthor, wrote, "I had a notion that somehow, besides questing, I was being pursued." C.S. Lewis

said he remembered, "...night after night, feeling whenever my mind lifted even for a second frommy work, the steady, unrelenting approach of Him whom I so earnestly desired not to meet. I gavein, and admitted that God was God, and knelt and prayed: perhaps, that night, the most dejectedand reluctant convert in all of England."

• Lewis went on to write a book titled, "Surprised by Joy" as a result of knowing God. I too had noexpectations other than rightfully admitting God's existence. Yet over the following severalmonths, I became amazed by his love for me.

Unlike any other revelation of God

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Unlike any other revelation of God,Jesus Christ is the clearest,

most specific picture of God pursuing us. • Why Jesus? Look throughout the major world religions and you'll find that Buddha, Muhammad, Confucius and Moses all

identified themselves as teachers or prophets. None of them ever claimed to be equal to God. Surprisingly, Jesus did. That iswhat sets Jesus apart from all the others. He said God exists and you're looking at him. Though he talked about his Father inheaven, it was not from the position of separation, but of very close union, unique to all humankind. Jesus said that anyone whohad seen Him had seen the Father, anyone who believed in him, believed in the Father.

• He said, "I am the light of the world, he who follows me will not walk in darkness, but will have the light of life."8 He claimedattributes belonging only to God: to be able to forgive people of their sin, free them from habits of sin, give people a moreabundant life and give them eternal life in heaven. Unlike other teachers who focused people on their words, Jesus pointedpeople to himself. He did not say, "follow my words and you will find truth." He said, "I am the way, the truth, and the life, no onecomes to the Father but through me."9 

• What proof did Jesus give for claiming to be divine? He did what people can't do. Jesus performed miracles. He healedpeople...blind, crippled, deaf, even raised a couple of people from the dead. He had power over objects...created food out of thinair, enough to feed crowds of several thousand people. He performed miracles over nature...walked on top of a lake,commanding a raging storm to stop for some friends. People everywhere followed Jesus, because he constantly met theirneeds, doing the miraculous. He said if you do not want to believe what I'm telling you, you should at least believe in me basedon the miracles you're seeing.10

• Jesus Christ showed God to be gentle, loving, aware of our self-centeredness and shortcomings, yet deeply wanting arelationship with us. Jesus revealed that although God views us as sinners, worthy of his punishment, his love for us ruled andGod came up with a different plan. God himself took on the form of man and accepted the punishment for our sin on our behalf.Sounds ludicrous? Perhaps, but many loving fathers would gladly trade places with their child in a cancer ward if they could.The Bible says that the reason we would love God is because he first loved us.

• Jesus died in our place so we could be forgiven. Of all the religions known to humanity, only through Jesus will you see Godreaching toward humanity, providing a way for us to have a relationship with him. Jesus proves a divine heart of love, meetingour needs, drawing us to himself. Because of Jesus' death and resurrection, he offers us a new life today. We can be forgiven,fully accepted by God and genuinely loved by God. He says, "I have loved you with an everlasting love, therefore I havecontinued my faithfulness to you."11 This is God, in action.

• Does God exist? If you want to know, investigate Jesus Christ. We're told that "God so loved the world that he gave his onlySon, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life."12

• God does not force us to believe in him, though he could. Instead, he has provided sufficient proof of his existence for us towillingly respond to him. The earth's perfect distance from the sun, the unique chemical properties of water, the human brain,DNA, the number of people who attest to knowing God, the gnawing in our hearts and minds to determine if God is there, the

willingness for God to be known through Jesus Christ. If you need to know more about Jesus and reasons to believe in him,please see: Beyond Blind Faith.

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Who created God ?

One question which inevitably comes up in a discussion of

this nature is what the origin of God is? ―If we say that Godhas always been, why not save a step and conclude that the

universe has always been?‖ (Cosmos, p. 257).

Who created God

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Who created God• This question is not correct because God by definition cannot be created. He is the

creator, not the creation of another creator. God always existed..

• Everything that had a beginning had a cause . God didn‘t have a beginning, so he

doesn‘t have a cause. But Universe had a beginning so it had a cause which is God. 

Who created God

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Who created God

Consider the following Options about the beginning :

• Either everything came from NOTHING (This we know is impossible)

• or

• Something ALWAYS existed and created everything that is created.

We know that the ―NOTHING can make only ―nothing‖.

So the only choice to believe is ―SOMETHING‖ always existed by which 

everything is created.

―What is that ―SOMETHING… Is it ―Matter/Time/Energy‖ or God ? 

Space Matter and Time

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Space, Matter and Time

Einstein's relativity theory shows that ―Time is related to Matter and Space‖.

This means Time itself would have created with Matter and Space in the beginning ofthe universe. So if God created the universe, we can assume God is the creator of

Time also.


Who created Matter/Time/

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Who created Matter/Time/• Let us see if Matter/Time/Energy is eternal … If this is not eternal, then we have to

agree that someone who is Eternal, spirit(immaterial).

..Time is the measure of changes in matter(?) . You cannot have infinite amount of finite

things. Time cannot be infinite because

Matter cannot be infinite because there is always a count of all the materials added

together. In other words we can always add up all objects. It is a mind blogging

number but still there is a limit of matter at an instance. The count may increase ordecrease tomorrow but today there is a count. So we know matter cannot be infinite.


Who created Matter/Time/

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Who created Matter/Time/• If Matter/Time/energy was not eternal, then someone/thing created it. That someone

is outside of matter, time and energy.

If God is eternal, then he is unchanged… ―God is the same, Yesterday, and Today and

for ever‖ Hebrews-13:8

God is outside matter-So you can‘t touch or see it. It is a spirit. 



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Summary• Universe surely has a beginning as proven by Newton‘s laws and Laws of Thermodynamics

and by simple reasoning.

• Science simply says ―given time, because of probability these incredible things are

possible‖. Science has no answer to the failing scientific theories. It is like ―Everything was

created by nobody from nothing‖. They are underestimating the complexity of the universe

and overestimating the probability.

• Science doesn‘t know Why these were created. Bible explains Why, What, Who, When and

How this was created in a logical way.

Christian Atheists

Fundamental laws of Science-Newton‘s law


- Big bang theory

Points to

God‘s existence 

No answer . Yet Atheists thinkChristians as less knowledgeable.

Is there a need of a creator Call it God Given infinite time, all these are


Why all these happened. God wants it No answer

Meaning, purpose of life God gave intelligence

to man to understand


We are just like animals or trees,

rivers, stone

What is right or wrong

What is Truth

There is no right or wrong or truth.


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WHO CREATED GOD?• From a purely scientific standpoint, it is easy to demonstrate that matter cannot be eternal in

nature. The universe is expanding from what appears to be a beginning point in space/time,which appears to be a one time event. Hydrogen is the basic fuel of the cosmos, powering allstars and other energy sources in space. If the fuel of the universe has been used eternally,that fuel will eventually be depleted; but the evidence is that the cosmological gas gauge, while

moving toward ―empty,‖ is yet a long way from being there—a condition incompatible with aneternal universe. The second law of thermodynamics insists that the cosmos is moving towarda condition of disorder, sometimes referred to as ―heat death.‖  Even in an oscillating universe,things ultimately run out of energy and ―die.‖  All of these evidences, and several others showthat matter cannot be eternal, as Dr.Sagan and his associates would like to believe. However,this does not mean that we automatically accept the hypothesis that God is the Creator. Why isit not equally invalid to suggest that God has always been?

• The problem here is that many people have a mistaken concept of God. If we conceive of God

as physical, anthropomorphic (like man) being, the question of God‘s origin is valid. However,God is different. God is a spirit. Consider the following descriptions of God from the Bible:

• John 4: 24 God is a Spirit: ... Matthew 16:17 ... for flesh and blood hath not revealed it  unto thee, but my father which is in heaven.

• Numbers 23:19 God is not a man, that he should ... ;

• Obviously, the descriptions and concepts of God given in these passages are that God is aspiritual entity. He exists outside of the three-dimensional physical world in which we live. TheBible further supports this concept of God in the following passages:

• Jeremiah 23:23-24  Am I a God at hand, said the Lord, and not a God afar off? ... Do not I fill heaven and earth?smith the LORD.

• 2 Chronicles 2:6 But who is able to build a house, seeing heaven and heaven of heavens cannot contain him? ...

•  Acts 17:28  For in Him we live, and move, and have our being; ...


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WHO CREATED GOD?Not only is God described as being outside space, but He is also described as being outside

of time. Consider the following:• 2 Peter 3:8 

But, beloved, be not ignorant of this one thing, that one day is with the Lord as a thousand years, and athousand years as one day.

• Psalm 90:4 For a thousand years in thy sight are but  as yesterday when it is past, and as a watch in the night.

• Psalm 102:27 But thou art  the same, and thy years shall have no end.

•  Acts 1:7 ...It is not for you to know the times or the seasons, which the Father hath put in his power.

• If God is a being that is unlimited in time, and if He has access to every piece of time as if it were now, thequestion of who created God is an invalid question. The problem is like asking a student to draw a four-sidedtriangle. The terminology is self-contradictory. When asked ―Who or what created God?‖ we are making the

assumption that God was created. If God exists outside of time and space, and if He is the Creator of timeand space, He obviously was not created! God began the beginning! This is why He says, ―I am Alpha andOmega, the beginning and the end, the first and the last‖ (Revelation 22:13). 

• God created time. The statement of Genesis, ―In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth,‖ ismaking reference to the creation of time. The reason that things like heat death, the expansion of theuniverse, and the depletion of hydrogen do not apply to God is because He is outside of time. God hasalways been. He did things before time began (see 1 Corinthians 2:7). He not only began time; He will alsoend it. When time ends, all matter and all mankind will enter eternity—a timeless condition free of the

negative things that time brings upon us now.• 2 Peter 3:10-11 

But the day of the Lord will come as a thief in the night; in the which the heavens shall pass away with a greatnoise, and the elements shall melt with fervent heat, the earth also and the works that are therein shall beburned up. Seeing  then that  all these things shall be dissolved, what manner of persons ought ye to be in all  holy conversation and godliness. Revelation 21:4  And God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes; and there shall be no more death, neither sorrow, norcrying, neither shall there be any more pain: for the former things are passed away.

S h t d G d?

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So who created God?• By definition, an infinite, eternal being has always existed—no one created God. He is the self-existing

one—the great 'I am' of the Bible.19  He is outside of time; in fact, He created time.

• You might say, ―But that means I have to accept this by faith, as I can't understand it.‖ 

• We read in the book of Hebrews, 'But without faith it is impossible to please him: for he that cometh toGod must believe that he is, and that he rewards them who diligently seek him' (Hebrews 11:6).

• But this is not blind faith, as some think. In fact, the evolutionists who deny God have a blind faith—they have to believe something that is against real science—namely, that information can arise fromdisorder by chance.

• Can you believe in the existence of something that you cannot see? 

• Have you ever seen your own brain? We all believe in many things that we have never seen. Have youever seen the wind? Have you seen history? We see the effects of the wind, but the wind is invisible.We have records of history, but it is by faith we believe that certain historical events happened.Television waves are invisible, but an antenna and a receiver can detect their presence.

• Do you know that you have a receiver? Prior to becoming a child of God, your 'receiver' (your spirit) isdead because of sin (see Ephesians 2:1). You need to be plugged into the life of God, and then youwill come alive and be aware of the invisible spiritual realm.

• Learn more about God and his plan for your life 

•  Adapted from author Ray Comfort 

• See these information sources for evidence of God and the accuracy of His Word… 


• The Christian faith is not a blind faith; it is a logically defensible faith. This is why the Bible makes itclear that anyone who does not believe in God is without excuse:

• 'For the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by thethings that are made, even his eternal power and Godhead; so that they are without excuse' (Romans1:20).

• For a more in-depth article, read: Who created God? 

Who created God• A number of skeptics ask this question But God by definition is the uncreated creator of the

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A number of skeptics ask this question. But God by definition is the uncreated creator of theuniverse, so the question Who created God? is illogical, just like To whom is the bachelormarried? Or can you draw me a 3 sided rectangle?

• So a more sophisticated questioner might ask: If the universe needs a cause, then why doesn'tGod need a cause? And if God doesn't need a cause, why should the universe need a cause?In reply, Christians should use the following reasoning:

• Everything which has a beginning has a cause.1 

• The universe has a beginning. Therefore the universe has a cause.

• Its important to stress the words in bold type. The universe requires a cause because it had abeginning, as will be shown below. God, unlike the universe, had no beginning, so doesn'tneed a cause. In addition, Einstein's general relativity, which has much experimental support,shows that time is linked to matter and space. So time itself  would have begun along withmatter and space.

• Since God, by definition, is the creator of the whole universe, he is the creator of time.Therefore He is not limited by the time dimension He created, so has no beginning  in time Godis the high and lofty One that inhabited eternity (Isaiah 57:15). Therefore He doesn't have acause.

In contrast, there is good evidence that the universe had a beginning. This can be shown fromthe Laws of Thermodynamics , the most fundamental laws of the physical sciences.

• 1st Law: The total amount of mass-energy in the universe is constant.• 2nd Law: The amount of energy available for work is running out, or entropy  is increasing to

a maximum.

• If the total amount of mass-energy is limited, and the amount of usable energy is decreasing,then the universe cannot have existed forever, otherwise it would already  have exhausted allusable energy the heat death of the universe. For example, all radioactive atoms wouldhave decayed, every part of the universe would be the same temperature, and no furtherwork would be possible.

• So the obvious corollary is that the universe began a finite time ago with a lot of usable energy,and is now runnin down.

• Now what if the questioner accepts that the universe had a beginning but not that it needs

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Now, what if the questioner accepts that the universe had a beginning, but not that it needsa cause for the beginning ? But it is self-evident that things that begin have a cause no-one really denies it in his heart. All science and history would collapse if this law of causeand effect were denied. ( Newton's laws) So would all law enforcement, if the police didn'tthink they needed to find a cause for a stabbed body or a burgled house.

•  Also, the universe cannot be self-caused nothing can create itself, because that would meanthat it existed before it came into existence, which is a logical absurdity. 


• The universe (including time itself) can be shown to have had a beginning.

• It is unreasonable to believe something could begin to exist without a cause.

• The universe therefore requires a cause, just as Genesis 1:1 and Romans 1:20 teach.

God, as creator of time, is outside of time. Since therefore He has no beginning in time,He has always existed, so doesn't need a cause.


• There are only two ways to refute an argument:

• Show that it is logically invalid

• Show that at least one of the premises is false.

• Is the argument valid?

•  A valid argument is one where it is impossible for the premises to be true and the conclusionfalse. Note that validity does not depend on the truth of the premises, but on the form of theargument. The argument in this article is valid; it is of the same form as: All whales havebackbones; Moby Dick is a whale; therefore Moby Dick has a backbone. So the only hopefor the skeptic is to dispute one or both of the premises.

Should God be infinite ?

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Should God be infinite ?

• Should God be infinite , Should God be beyond

time and matter…? • Bible portrays a loving great God, who created

and takes care of us. A great father in heaven.Isn‘t that enough for us… Yes. It is certainlyenough for us to trust and believe. Just like akitten living in our home who hardly know thetruths of the nature, mankind‘s knowledge is alsolimited. But there surely is a greater power wholoves and takes care of us. He may be finite. So

what..? He send his son and taught us what todo. Let us do what he wants… 

What About Imperfection?

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What About Imperfection?For centuries philosophers and skeptics have maintained that any argument for intelligence in the

cosmos is negated because of the imperfections seen in everything around us.

The miracle of the birth of a baby is blunted when that baby has enormous congenital

problems. Many people see the violence of a supernova or a volcano or earthquake as anegation of any suggestion of intelligence and design in the creation. Some of the problemhere is ignorance of the scientific purpose in things we see as violent. Volcanoes andearthquakes are positive natural forces that benefit life on earth. Without them, new land toreplace eroding continents and new minerals to sustain life would not exist. In other words, lifewould not be possible. Even hurricanes have a positive function in the overall ecosystem of thisplanet. What we consider to be imperfection is sometimes a function of our ignorance.

The other variable that has to be included in this discussion is the purpose of the existence ofman. If your view of man is that he is simply the apex of evolutionary process, then finding anyreal purpose for our existence is problematic at best. As pollution, war, and overpopulationcreate havoc on the planet, the value and justification for man's existence becomes blurred atbest.

The biblical explanation of man is that man is created in the image of God. That means man isprimarily a spiritual being, not a physical one. The Bible also indicates that God's purposes increating man have no physical significance. Passages like Ephesians 6:12, Ephesians 3:9-11,

and Job 1 and 2 make it clear that man is a part of something far grander and more magnificentthan those things that happen in space and time. Imperfection in this physical world is far lesssignificant if you understand that this world is not the sum total of our existence. It is hoped thatthe reader will want to pursue what the nature of that existence is and how we play a significantrole in the battle between good and evil. It is also hoped that in doing this the reader will findmeaning and value in life that will lead to a better, more fulfilling, and more peaceful life herethan has been experienced before. Please continue this study through our free courses andmaterials--which are offered on a loan basis or at our cost.

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Evolution vs.. Creation

Evolution vs.. Creation

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 Evolution vs.. Creation• Evolution is a theory and not a fact. The 4 ways in which evolution is used are 1.

Microevolution (small changes in population over time, such as color of insects, size

of a bird's beak), 2. Macroevolution (random development of new organs of the body

like heart, falling of the tail, fins and wings), 3. Universal Common Descent(organisms descended from a common ancestor, 4. Natural selection (survival of the

fittest). Darwin says that complex living creatures were created from simple forms of

life over the time.

• But Darwin couldn't say how the simple forms of life was created. many of the Darwin

supporters in the 'natural selection' do not agree with the evolution at the cell level. In

1800s when Evolution was published, scientists thought the cells were made of someorganic carbon molecules and creation was simple. but as time passed, with better

microscopes and biochemical techniques, the scientific world realizes that design

and function of the cells are extremely complicated for even mathematical probability.

• What is the chance of life coming out of Molecules? .... For example proteins are the

simplest molecules in living things and they are made up of same basic "alphabet" of

20 amino acids. Each different type of protein is formed from a unique arrangement

of these chemical letters. To get a workable amino acid, amino acid alphabets should

be arranged in a very complex sequence in 3 dimension, consistently. Many such

proteins should be arranged in a proper format to form a living cell that has a specific

function. The probability of building this combination is impossible (like assembling

an airplane by a tornado blowing through a junkyard). It is impossible to build living

molecules from these inorganic molecules by any natural or even nuclear activities.

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 Evolution vs.. Creation

• If evolution has proved clearly on any point, it is certainly on

the point that things have not always been as they are now.

Birds have not always been birds, the rivers didn't always flow

where they now flow, the mountains were once under thesea. The models according to which things are made have

changed. Only an intelligent being can make these changes.

 An automatic Machine normally always make the same type

of products without change.

• Bible says that each creation was done sequentially day after

day. This resembles Darwin's Hypothesis. The Lord says letthe earth produce all kinds of plants (genesis 1:11). In verses

17 we read "let the earth produce all kinds of animals". First

God creates the earth and water, then He creates the plants,

then the creatures in the sea, then the creatures on the land

and sky and then the bigger animals and finally man.

• Charles Darwin found that there is similarity between the

features of many animals. Well, if God created all the animals

and plants, it is possible that many of them are similar. This

supports creation also since As the creator creates all

creatures sequentially (as bible says), it is possible that many

of the animals are similar, after all everything came from the

same artist and super designer who uses the same

ingredients and base objects to build different designs.

When did this happen ?

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 When did this happen ?• The unit of measurement is relative from place to place

and time to time. Americans follow SI system (pound,

gallon, inches etc.). Many other countries follow MKS

system (meter, kilo, liters etc.), The ancient man used

lunar calendar and we need light years to measure

distance in the space.

• The duration of day and night is also relative. On the

poles day time is more than 8hrs during summer and

less than 8hrs in winter. On earth ,day is 24hrs, on the

moon a day is 15 earth days (since the moon takes 15

earth days to spin on its axis). Similarly differentplanets have different day duration. The bible says

God created each major milestones in 6 days. We

should not take it literally as our 6 earth days,

especially when we note that God creates day and

night only on the fourth day. So it is probably God's 6

days not our 6 earth days.• Besides, bible itself says God's one day is more than

our 10,000 days. We should not take it literally. This

time period was necessary to convey the idea of time

to the ancient people who believed bible. When we see

that even our modern science is being corrected now

and then, it doesn't make sense to reject this biblical


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 Evolution vs. Creation

Evolution predicts a very slow change in creatures and evenslower or random changes in the universe. This is in

contrast to the big bang theory which says the universe

came into being with a massive big-bang.

Even though Albert Einstein said in 1920 that the universe

was infinitely large and old, later he said that this was a

mistake and he also agreed for the beginning for theuniverse.

The current scenario of the origin of life ( through molecular

assemblage of a Boeing 747 plane by a tornado through

a junkyard). But for a God it is exactly possible. Do you

believe God or Tornado assembling the airplane?

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Some Question and Answers


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Qn. I am an atheist. I believe only that can be proven by science andmath. How can you prove absolutely that God exist ?

 An. God is beyond nature and science since he created them. We agree

there is an element of unknown is there. But it is there even in

mathematics. Mathematics is a pure science. But we still see theory of

probability and theory of induction is accepted everywhere. (inductiontheory is like the following - if many things in a context are proven true,

then we assume remaining things in that context following same logic

are also true ).

If you look God from the angle of philosophy, theory of probability,

induction etc. you will have to accept that God exist.

 How old is universe ?

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Why does it appears like million years old ? 

• Adam was created as an adult. God didn't grow him from an egg and feed

him. On the day when he was created his age was just one day, even

though biology and medicine might tell he was a fully grown adult.

Similarly God created the universe as a mature universe. So our radio

carbon dating or other equipment may not work since similar to 1 day old

adult Adam, Earth also may be young in reality even though it looks old

scientifically. Bible do not say how old the earth is. It may be quite old.

• Similarly at the wedding of Cana, when the host ran out of wine, Jesus did

his first miracle of converting water into wine. This instant wine was the

best wine the guests drank. Normally the best wines are created by an

aging process. So how did Jesus made the wine appear like few years


• There is also another theory of God controlling the evolution through the


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Back up slides

Searching for God -

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So perhaps in this majestic world, are we like that cats in the room who lives in a room butunable to recognize anything beyond the 5 sensory organs.

Many times atheists( and we ) try to define God with limited logic. But this may be inadequate to

understand GodApologetics :.

We have different knowledge areas – Mathematics ( based on man made logic and framework),science ( based on truths of nature), cooking (man made based on experience, relative) etc.etc. Similarly Apologetics (Science of God) is also a knowledge area which searches for theTruth of God .

Think of the cat (or dog) that sits inside your living room. Theycan hear the sound from the radio, TV, telephone etc. andsee the light from the electric bulb. But their brain is notdeveloped enough to understand how a TV or bulb works.

They knows only what is captured in the 5 sensory organs.But we know how the TV and the light bulb works. We know that

much more facts are happening in that room, than what isbeyond the 5 sensory organs.

But do you know everything that is happening in the living room..? No… for example,dogs can recognize much more sound frequency than humans. Cats can even see

in darkness. Thousands of micro organisms live in that room without werecognizing them. Electromagnetic radiations from beyond the solar system reachus all the time. This proves that even what we know is limited.

Building the best machine on earth

Th h b d

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- The human body

 Assumption : Nothing happens by itself - without a cause.

Consider thousand of engineers, and doctors try create any loving creature.

Do you know that our human body is million times greater than the bestcomputer or man made machine in the world. Look at the way the body controlsso many things.. Our brain Make us eat food( so that our body-machine getsenergy), we move, we grow, we reproduce. All of them controlled by someunintelligent living cells. If these living cells are left alone, they will die instantly.

Yet collectively they do a majestic work. See how the food gets converted toenergy, how the brain tell the body to fight the viruses and bacteria . See howoxygen is taken to different minute corners of the body through blood vessels,see how quickly the brain controls the body to escape dangers.

Most of the things that brain does is in-voluntary. We don‘t have control. Forexample, the way we breath, heart pumps blood to all parts. For some otheractivities, we have partial control – the way we grow up, reproduction etc.

Now the question is if we don‘t have control, who has control. Who designed it

that way. The probability of our body mechanism getting created automaticallyis almost impossible. Only a superior intellect can create it

God send his energy to human- breathed his energy to the body of living things.

2 Intelligent Design

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2. Intelligent Design – 

Look at the nature

†· How does migratory birds or fishes like salmon knows their route to distantcontinents and back, year after year without losing their way. No one teaches

them the route. Watching the incredible migrations of birds, whales, eels,

turtles, caribou fills us with wonder and amazement. They reach their exact

destination without a compasses or GPS device. Who gave them that extra

dimension of knowledge.

2. Intelligent Design – within us

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Let us Look at our body. Do you know that our human body is million

times greater than the best computer or man made machine in the

world. Consider the cells and nerves in the human body. Left alone,

these nerves and cells will die instantly, yet collectively the brain

make them work great things.Even if we have the greatest team of engineers, chemists and biologists

work for years, we won‘t be able to design something like human

body. If you really analyze some of the things that brain does. You

will be amazed.Consider our beginning – Child birth. Consider how does the chemicals gets produced in a

synchronous way so that male and female feel the attraction, how an egg and sperms are

designed, wonders of DNAs , chromosomes, how the egg and sperms meet and grow. Each

stage of child development is a wonder…. Who designed this machine called human body, whowrote the computer program to control it for each stage, each cells are born and dies… still it

does a miraculous work. How the environments are designed for the birth….only a minute portion

of body function is controlled by us. Our growth, reproduction etc. are partly controlled by us. But

things like lungs breathing air, heart pumping blood to all parts etc. are not controlled by us.

These are controlled by that majestic design.

Our brain make us eat food ( so that our body machine gets energy), we breath so that we get oxygen to each

remote cells of the body to function. The mechanism to deliver oxygen is also amazing. Consider how our

body cells fight viruses and how we react when danger comes. Another great design is that Oxygen that gives us life is also responsible for making us old( oxidation ) The

creator knows that life and death is important for the balance of the limited space on earth.

Consider the microprocessor (chip) and hardware of the computer against the biological chip and hardware that

the ―Ultimate creator‖ created…. Our Atheist friend will say this computer chip, hardware and robot came

into being automatically by millions of years by chance….. No friend, it is not possible. If you are open

minded and if you can really understand the complexity mentioned above and if you believe in the

Newton‘s law and ‗efficient causality‘, you will have to accept of the creator. 

Bible says 

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•  As you do not know the path of the wind, or how the body is formed in a mother'swomb, so you cannot understand the work of God, the Maker of all things. –Bible-Ecclesiastes 11:9

• Yet, O Lord, you are our Father. We are the clay, you are the potter, we are all the

work of your hands. –Bible-Isaiah 64:8

• For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother's womb. Ipraise you for I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, Iknow that full well. My frame was not hidden from you when I was made in thesecret place. When I was woven together in the depths of the earth, your eyes sawmy unformed body. All the days ordained for me were written in your book before

one of them came to be. –Bible-Psalm 139:14-16

• Yet you brought me out of the womb; you made me trust you even at my mother'sbreast. From birth I was cast upon you, from my mother's womb you have been myGod. –Bible-Psalm 22:9-10

• This is what the Lord says- he who made you, formed you in the womb, and whowill help you: Do not be afraid, …. whom I have chosen. Bible-Isaiah 44:2


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Final thoughts ?

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Creation of the universe.

•  Among all his creations, God gave special

intelligence only to mankind to understand

him. He didn't give it to animals. But, are

we making use of this gift or ignoring it likea spoiled child ?! .....................

Biblical references

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• (1) Romans 1:19-21(2) Jeremiah 29:13-14(3) R.E.D. Clark, Creation (London: Tyndale Press, 1946), p. 20(4) The Wonders of God's Creation, Moody Institute of Science(Chicago, IL)(5) Ibid.

(6) Ibid.(7) Ibid.(8) John 8:12(9) John 14:6(10) John 14:11(11) Jeremiah 31:3(12) John 3:16

(13) Revelation 3:20(14) John 10:27-29

Sample references

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• http://www.doesgodexist.org/AboutClayton/PastLife.html 

• www.godandscience.org/

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So Who is real God ?

• Mankind worship many Gods, based on different teachings of thesignificant founders. The founders or significant person of the

religion are as follows.

• Christianity  – Jesus Christ

• Islam -- Prophet Mohammed

• Hinduism -- Krishna and many other Gods• Judaism -- Prophets Abraham, Moses etc.

• Buddhism -- Buddha – He never claimed to be a God.

• One of the best way to identify the true God, is to look at the

religious founders.

• Today many religions changed their original teachings copying othergreat religions. The external appearance may be different. But what

the founder did is still ample evidence to understand and trust the

true teachings and God.

Consider these founders.- Can you trust their teachings ?

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Man made them (snake, forces of nature, etc.) God

Never taught the love and mercy of God

Some never claimed to be God, or didn‘t know

what God was. But men still pray to them.

None of them will never come back

No proof that they lived – 

kings were made Gods based on myths

They Could never do convincing miracles for the needy

But Jesus shows all the characteristics of a loving God who controls the universe – It is time to consider him… It is easy.. Just talk to him in your mind. 

Click here 

Themselves breaks fair laws of war. Does

creator of cosmos needs this?  

Comparing religious founders

Mohammed Krishna Jesus

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Mohammed Krishna Jesus

When did

they live.

6th century

Main reason for the start of Islam.

No one knows ( Threta Yug). One of

the many Gods. Indus Valley

civilization do not show coins of


 AD 1 to 33 ( approximate).

Christianity wouldn't have quickly

started and spread in first century if

he didn‘t live. 

sin Prayed. 14 wives (including

adopted son‘s only wife), rewrote

Quran so that only he is allowed to

have as many wives as he wants.

waged wars.

Defended the fairness. cursed for

manipulating the war. Lover Radha

was wife of Ayana.

Sinless life (Even Quran agrees).

Helped the needy. Taught,


Spread of


Mohammed and Caliphs conquered

by sword and growing military


Generally peaceful religion until

recently with fundamentalists getting

power and attacking other religions.

He asked disciples to go everywhere

to preach good news of God.

Political power many centuries later.

Taught Replaced many Gods with one

God. Jihad-wage war die for God.

Does creator of Universe need

sword of man ?

Main teaching is ‗Gita‘, so that Arjun

will fight the war.

End justifies the means.

Many great teachings. Love of God.

Non-violence. Forgive and love

everyone. Issues in this world are

nothing compared to heaven.



propheciesas proof of


He acknowledges the miracles of

previous prophets like Moses,

Jesus. But he could never do

miracle though challenged many

times. Frustrated. Had to use


Did miracles during the war and to

protect his folks.

Cured the sick, born blind.

Controlled natural forces.

100s of old testament prophecieswere fulfilled in his life.

How they

died ?

 After the massacre of a

defenseless tribe, his food was

poisoned by a widow of that tribe.

Died 3 years later due to this.

 After the Mahabharata war, the

virtuous queen mother (Gandhari)

curses him for unfair manipulation.

Dies by arrow of a person whom

He killed in previous birth. ( Ram

had killed Bali, the monkey king)

Jesus was born to be the sacrificial

lamb of God ( die as a ransom for

the sins of mankind). Death on the

cross. Rose from death as


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I am God and there is no one like

me, declaring end from the beginningIsaiah 46: 9-10

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What does God want from me ?

What we believe :

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What we believe :

The ultimate creator (we call him God)

not only created everything so magnificently,

but he also keep great evidences in the universe,

so that as our knowledge and science progress

we will be able to understand him more.

These evidences are in addition to the holy book and his own

teachings in the past.

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   E  n  e  r  g


   i  n

   t   h  e

  u  n   i  v  e  r  s  e

Total energy is constant and limited (First Law)


Heat Death

Usable energy is

decreasing (Second Law)

 An analogy of argument styles

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gy g y• I am comparing the ―earth and living things‖ with a ―car in an African jungle‖. Assume

the boy Tarzan and his monkey friend travelling through a new part in the jungle and

see a Mercedes car. They open the door, see the maintenance manual, drivers

license. and they try to figure it out how it reached there.• The monkey friend argues as follows- ―I agree it is a strange tree. This grew up here

by chance. The wind, sand and rain created it by chance over billions of years‖  

This is how Atheists argue.

• Tarzan says, ―This cannot reach here by chance even after billions of years. Certainly

some intelligent being caused that metallic thing to appear here. He might flip

through the repair manual of the car(bible) and the photo in the drivers (Jesus)license. Tarzan might consult an old villager (prophets) who might explain how tells

how that car reached there…. 

• .----------------------------------------------------

• Consider the story of Tarzan. His ape mother takes him to the house built by his

father before he was killed. Consider how Tarzan learns from the photo … 

• Conside how his monkey friend would ignore it as if it another cage

• The earth and living things are trillion times complex than a car in a desert.