///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// THIS DOCUMENT Documents milestones on the way to realising the same right to the world. It's a timeline, with the newest on top. It will updated continuously. Till the day when humans don't throw away their same right to the world anymore. Till the day they have a credible system for rights to areas and their resources. Till the day they LAUGH when thinking back to this time at the beginning of the 3 rd millennium, when they had all kind of computers but a system resp. non-system like in the darkest middle ages. OPENED IN SPRING 2016 Including some exemplary hints of the many miles PROJECT HUGO already went before that date. Please read the BASIC PDF first: http://start-hugo.com/pdf/HugoDownloads/PROJECT_HUGO_date-in-doc.pdf ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// PROGRESS IN SIGHT ?

PROGRESS IN SIGHT - Start Hugo DOCUMENT Documents milestones on the way to realising the same right to the world. It's a timeline, with the newest on top. It will updated continuously

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///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// THIS DOCUMENT Documents milestones on the way to realising the same right to the world. It's a timeline, with the newest on top. It will updated continuously. Till the day when humans don't throw away their same right to the world anymore. Till the day they have a credible system for rights to areas and their resources. Till the day they LAUGH when thinking back to this time at the beginning of the 3rd millennium, when they had all kind of computers but a system resp. non-system like in the darkest middle ages. OPENED IN SPRING 2016 Including some exemplary hints of the many miles PROJECT HUGO already went before that date. Please read the BASIC PDF first: http://start-hugo.com/pdf/HugoDownloads/PROJECT_HUGO_date-in-doc.pdf



////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// LATE MARCH 2016

Internet specialist: Let's roll! Among the many "unknown soldiers" who helped Hugo as sparring partners (unknown at their own wish) there's a former president of a pioneering business students internet club. Final check of the mechanism (as suggested on p. 3/4 of Hug0's basic PDF) and the subsequent questions (on p. 6 of said document): Seeing anything that could be improved right away, before the broader rollout of the idea ? Nothing leaping out . So the official rollout of PROJECT HUGO got started. With an open call to get active: 'If realising the same right to the world would be your job, what would you do ?' And specifically calling for evaluating the best possible NEGOTIATION system. A system that allows everyone to profit from his/her same sight to the world – as naturally as being paid for what one provides and being free to chose what one likes in any other correct exchange. ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// EARLY MARCH 2016

Greetings from The Real Rights of Man. Once upon a time, a son of a Scottish netmaker walked up and down the Quayside of Newcastle upon Tyne. Distributing pamphlets, "agitating" for equal rights for men and women, promoting a more understandable English language… And showing the first and only coin that contained the words "Right of Man". He was also the author of the The Real Right of Man lecture in 1775, who got him kicked out of the noble Philosophical Society. And in 1801 the iconic Constitution of Spensonia, containing every basic element of a rightful economic solution to honour the same right to the world: Negotiation by auction, payment to all providers (in this case to all, men, women and children alike), periodic update. Hugo didn't know this work when coming to the conclusion that a mechanism based on regular auction and equal division is what's required here. Every free human being, thinking independent of ideological indoctrination and not getting drowned by the sleepy mainstream, will come to this conclusion. On top of that, Hugo could go further because of new possibilities: Looking closely at what Hugo thinks are world's firsts in his proposal (basic PDF p. 6) those are developments just becoming possible thanks to the internet.

But it's interesting to know, and fair to mention, what innovative thoughts were written down already over 200 years ago. So Hugo contacted Professor Alistair Bonnet, who maintains the website http://www.thomas-spence-society.co.uk, to kind of congratulate. And he's happy to meet one of his travelling colleagues in September: Dr. Keith Armstrong – who managed that Thomas Spence, so much more courageous and pioneering than generations of well paid officials, politicians etc. at least got a plaque on The Quayside. Ending with his credo "Dare to be free". ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2016

Reinventing the steam engine? The German association 'Plurale Ökonomik' kindly distributed Hug0's basic PDF via mailing list to especially interested people. There was encouraging feedback. Plus some constructive frustration, regarding Hugo's claim of being world's first in certain aspects. And regarding his remark of not seeing one respective study so far. "As if someone wants to tell the world that he just invented the steam engine." – "There are libraries of literature that reflect the theme on a higher level, starting with David Ricardo and Stuart Mill, to Henry George, Adolf Damaschke, Silvio Gesell etc." Well … All this personalities simply couldn't develop what Hugo developed because they couldn't know the internet. And existing studies focus on compensation via TAXES. As to this, Professor Dirk Löhr sent a series of hints that reflect historical thoughts as well as contemporary efforts: TERENCE DWYER –Taxation: The Lost History https://www.researchgate.net/publication/266621335_Taxation_The_Lost_History JÜRGEN G. BACKHAUS – Ein Steuersystem nach Henry George als Denkmodell und Alternative oder Ergänzung zur Ökosteuer http://www.metropolis-verlag.de/Ein-Steuersystem-nach-Henry-George-als-Denkmodell-und-Alternative-oder-Ergaenzung-zur-Oekosteuer/10679/book.do MASON GAFFNEY – The hidden taxable capacity of land: enough and to spare http://dx.doi.org/10.1108/03068290910947930 – Land as a Distinctive Factor of Production http://www.wealthandwant.com/docs/Gaffney_LaaDFoP.html DIRK LOEHR – Equity and the hidden factor land: a hypothesis http://www.emeraldinsight.com/doi/abs/10.1108/SBR-01-2013-0004?journalCode=sbr Sustainable Public Finance: Double Neutrality Instead of Double Dividend http://www.scirp.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=63326 Book http://www.metropolis-verlag.de/Prinzip-Rentenoekonomie/1013/book.do Web http://www.dirk-loehr.de Blog: rent-grabbing.com


////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// DECEMBER 2015

Top secret. Top official. Hugo is cited in line with historic personalities like Adam Smith and John Locke, as well as modern capacities from Nobel Prize Winner to author of The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy. In a formal academic paper, with all those footnotes, certified dates etc. For competitive reasons, the budding scientist doesn't want the respective paper to be widely published yet. Accordingly, he doesn't want to be mentioned by name. But he was as kind to send Hugo a copy of the document. And since it can't be googled, Hugo can quote a few lines without telling a secret: "A yearly auction scheme [referring to www.start-hugo.com] could provide prices for use rights in such a way, that they mirror the market value of the commodity … Such a scheme would not only be efficient, in that it is able to use the information market prices provide, it would even be more just then todays scheme in a Rawlsian sense. The use rights for resources would literally trickle down to the poorest and to those most in need, since they are, among others, the ones that get compensated." Thanks! ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// SPRING 2015

The Sleeping Times?

From Financial to Global Times, from broadcaster to TV-Guru to Online-Star: Would there be any sign of people realising they have the same right to the world ? Any sign that "the news" discovered this new option that comes with the web ? Any sign of investigative journalism into the newly possible future ? Any sign of anyone really awake here ? 50 shades of grey. ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// SUMMER 2014

Holy black hole? In his famous 'Evangelii Gaudium' from November 2013, Pope Francis blamed the "economy of exclusion". Heavenly resp. heavily distributed to the international press. Pleading to see "the need to resolve the structural causes of poverty". The papal paper was certainly artfully crafted. But Hugo felt that, while it criticised the greedy, merciless and short sighted behaviour of some business leaders, it didn't actually pin down the STRUCTURAL causes of poverty. So Hugo gained the aid of a journalist of a newspaper that published the economic chapters of the 'Evangelii Gaudium' to dig somewhat deeper. The question to Pope Francis, in short, was: Would you agree that exclusion has 2 DIFFERENT roots: Indirect roots as explored: Lack of inclusion where people need more help. But also direct roots: Exclusion by ignoring the same right to the world ? No answer so far. Of course popes are very busy. To busy even to sign the Universal Declaration of Humans Rights since 1948 … So if you see someone of good faith that DOESN'T exclude the newest ways to stop exclusion, Hug0 is happy to hear! //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// SUMMER 2014

Running in oval circles? "Opportunity for all" was a key theme in president Obama's State of the Union Address on January 28, 2014. Yes. Goodwill is nice. Education is great. But … Wouldn't full opportunity to all mean to respect everyone's same right to the world ? And wouldn't the president agree that this will only become possible with a new economic system for areas and their resources – as newly possible with the web ? That was, in short, what a journalist of a substantial economic weekly asked for Hugo. It was electronically passed around the executive office of the president (xxx.eop.gov). In oval circles, from National Security Council to State Department … But no substantial answer was given. So should anyone see an innovative politician, keep asking. Till ALL opportunities for "opportunity to all" are considered. ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// MAY 2014

Whisky, Vodka … And NEW spirit? "It is not only the world economy that is in crises. The teaching of economics is in crises as well … We are dissatisfied with the dramatic narrowing of the curriculum that has taken place ... This lack of intellectual diversity does not only restrain education and research. It limits our ability to contend with the multidimensional challenges of the 21st century." Such the words from the International Student Initiative for Pluralism in Economics'. Hugo contacted the respective student groups from over 30 countries. Openness in general was fine. Invitations to drink tea in Kalkutta, whisky in Glasgow, vodka in Warsaw. (Unfortunately, flights not included, so the occasion has yet to come :-) Yet it also became evident that the path to the future is still narrow. Most were busy to promote a wider view of what's already been written. Which doesn't contain newly possible tools for newly possible structures. Plus: Open minded students too are looking for a job. So they follow the traditional patterns of handling things. And a system that DOESN'T need official or experts to work is out of their scope. Thus, to help to realise the same right to the world, it takes people that go beyond their job. Consider is as a great opportunity to train innovative thinking – which will then ALSO facilitate tackling other multidimensional challenges of the 21st century that DO require daily work!

////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// SPRING 2013

Global justice. Or global excuses? 'Global justice and rights to resources': Such the title of a seminar of several weeks at the university of Zurich (held by professors Francis Cheneval and Peter Schaber), open to auditors like Hugo. The seminar considered an interesting array of key passages in the writings of contemporary academicians and key passages in their writings. (For competitive reasons, this compilation isn't public.) Very interesting. But somehow shocking as well. Hugo's impression: The closer academicians work for governments, the more they come up with excuses for overriding every humans same right to the world rather than with ideas of how to fulfil it. Resp. they don't really see it as a natural starting point, but at most as some idealistic aim that governments may consider a little bit it they have noting better to do. In short: It confirmed Hugo's impression that even modern and broad-minded academicians don't work on the necessary negotiation. * A highlight, however, was getting to know Hillel Steiner. An exceptional personality, with a deep commitment to justice and a vivid enthusiasm for exploring. Creator of the 'global fund' proposal. And (as it's no secret) author of 'An Essay on Rights'. Which, as someone put it in a review, "achieves the almost impossible by making meticulous conceptual analysis enjoyable". At Hugo's suggestion, Hillel Steiner was invited in person and flew over from Manchester. Despite being born in Canada, a real British gentleman ! ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// AUTUMN 2012

Exciting… But waiting. To make sure he doesn't spend his life on what might already have been done, Hugo checked with hundreds of universities worldwide. Exemplarily, the full spectrum in Switzerland / Germany / Austria. Plus the best rated ones on a global scale: Any study about using the new possibilities of the web for a negotiation-platform with all humans to realise the same right to the world, anyone ? Zero. As one of the best connected universities wrote: "An exciting project. Unfortunately, we don't have an expert in this very field." So the newest possibilities are still waiting to be explored. A long way to go! //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////