Pro-Baha'i Censorship and the Double Standards of

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  • 8/12/2019 Pro-Baha'i Censorship and the Double Standards of


    Pro-Baha'i Censorship and the Double Standards of


    by Death_To_Fascism


    [Crossposted to USENET]

    This is the second time I have had an account bloced by the pro!"aha#i censor o$

    Iranian.Com% &ithout 'arnin() and 'ith the typical hypocritical double standards that isthe 'hole (uidin( standard o$ this site and 'hich is the t'o!$aced *ournalism o$

    +ahanshah +avid) my Zulfiqar110account 'as summarily bloced% ,r +avid mi(ht claim

    'hatever he 'ants) but apparently all abuse $rom the "aha#is on this site is acceptable'hereas response in ind or de$ense o$ sel$ $rom the Iranian%Com pro!"ahai lynch mob is

    not% -bviously the "aha#is here have lobbied intently to have me silenced $rom this


    No' besides mysel$) many others have claimed that the "aha#i bias o$ this site is

    conspicuous% This proves that one o$ the ma*or $inancial contributions to this site is

    comin( $rom "aha#is so that they (et to dictate actual policy and censor 'homsoever they'ish) and 'here nothin( is sacred e.cept them%

    This is not over) and my public $i(ht a(ainst the entrenched po'er elite behind this

    'ebsite and its a(enda has only *ust be(un/

    DE!" !# $SCIS%& DE!" !# B"'I $SCIS%&




    [012 reads]

    e(entl) b) Death*!o*$as(ismCommen


    -pen 3etter to 4li 5e6a ,aybodi 7 Sep 89)
  • 8/12/2019 Pro-Baha'i Censorship and the Double Standards of



    7 +ul 12):112

    National Iran 5esistance ;T'itter

    ou are a "aha#i) as established here?


    4nd here?


    4nd 'hat happened to I#m not responsin( to your posts anymoreB Can#t help yoursel$) can


    4nd "T& 'ho ever said I am reli(iousB

    va'ezan kin jelveh dar mihrab o manbar mikonandchon be khalvat miravand an kar digar mikonand

    I am an esotercist ;batini= and a eft-"and Pathesotercist to boot) i%e% 'hat they call a

    2alandaror %alamatiin our nec o$ the 'oods) but one speci$ically in a Ba)ani (arb%

    I am supposed to instill disrespect and outra(e by the petty minds o$ the common rabblesuch as yoursel$ and your il here imprisoned in your narro'!minded and complacent

    herd consciousness% It is precisely 'hat the "Pis all about) i%e% to 'al a(ainst the

    (rain o$ all consensus realities) and speci$ically pious) sanctimonious reli(ious ones) andthereby consciously and deliberately see to disrupt) destroy and rip them all apart as a

    Divine and Sacred act/ -ne o$ the $irst thin(s I did 'hen I declared mysel$ to be my o'nDivine ,irror and la'(iver) 'as to tae a copy o$ usayn #4li Nari#s 3itab-i-qdasandurinate all over it/

    3et me elaborate $urther 'ith an anecdotal story told by Shamsuddin fla4iabout

    Shams-i-!abri5iin his %anaqib'ul-'rifin;!he Stations of the Saints= about the eft-"and Path?
  • 8/12/2019 Pro-Baha'i Censorship and the Double Standards of


    When Shams first entersKonyathe rabbe assembe, be!in t" m"b him, !rabbin! the hem"f his r"be pea#in! f"r #i$ine inter%essi"n an# heain! &shafa'' f"r themse$es( Shams

    imme#iate) stan#s ba%*, #r"ps his pants t" the !r"+n# an# be!ins t" +rinate a ar!e

    %ir%e ar"+n# himsef( The rabbe be%"mes #is!+ste# an# r+ns aa) in the "ther #ire%ti"n

    h+rin! impre%ati"ns an# ab+se at theSun of Tabriz here a fe min+tes bef"re the) ha#been !rabbin! his r"be an# pea#in! f"r #i$ine inter%essi"n an# heain! &shafa''( Shams

    then si!hs an# states, s+%h is the "rth "f the %"mm"n rabbe an# the "r#) as a

    h"e. The) %"me ith a /weesh/an# ea$e ith a /feesh/.

    4 story $rom 4$lai#s S!!I#6 #$ !"E SI6!S;manaib/+-/arifin= obviouslyreminscent o$ the i(norant) duplicitous and 'ordly pro!"aha#i lynch mob here% avin(

    said that) let me no' hold you to your "r# earlier to me 'hen you said 'ould no lon(er

    respond to me or is everythin( you say 'orthless) lie everythin( else in your empty)pathetic li$eB

    +assalam /a 67&

    +ahid 5al Prophet of the eft-"and&


    $la( as abusive

    Did )ou see m) lin4 )ou fool

    by ShepeshonFri Sep 18, 2009 12:4 AM PDT


    4nd 5E4D my comments% 4ll the lon( drivel you Auote out o$ lins) noone reads as theyonly respond out o$ dis(ust $or your behaviour% >ou mae up $ictitious people because

    noone respects you or supports you% >ou are a liar and deceiver%

    Grinciple o$ reli(eons is to attract via 5ESGECT and values) not disrespect o$ another

    reli(eon 'ith no values o$ its o'n% >ou have no idea 'hat reli(eon is) you are rehashin(

    Auotes to vent your re*ection and an(er) because you cannot cope 'ith real li$e issues%

    Hood luc to you and surely you are already (ettin( in li$e 'hat you deserve 'ith your

    lac o$ emotional intelli(ence%


    $la( as abusive
  • 8/12/2019 Pro-Baha'i Censorship and the Double Standards of


    nd )ou need a hard boot

    by Death_To_Fascismon Th+ Sep 17, 2009 11:8 PM PDT

    Since you have no other line) comebac or response% >ou have no case% In short) neither

    you or your "aha#i $riends here have a sin(le le( to stand on% Furthermore) you are an

    outri(ht liar sayin( you aren#t a "aha#i to your other "aha#i comrade Faramar6 Fatteh%

    3est 'e $or(et?

    1. s far as possible the) hold ba(4 from respondin

    8. !hen the) (laim no 4no/lede of the i9en issue b) feinin


    :. fter the e;poser has e;posed the) /ill tr) to di9ert to se(ondar)

    and totall) peripheral and irrele9ent side-issues

    ?. 6e;t the) relate mental instabilit) and insanit) to the e;poser

    i.e. shoot the messener

    @. !hen the last ta(ti( is to /heel out se9eral dubious personas on

    the s(ene /ho (laim to be neutral non-bahai obser9ers /ho then bein

    atta(4in the e;poser as /ell as the issue e;posed /hile supportinthe bahais and their issues as so-(alled non-bahais


    $la( as abusive

    Aou need help

    by Shepeshon Th+ Sep 17, 2009 11:29 PM PDT



    $la( as abusive
  • 8/12/2019 Pro-Baha'i Censorship and the Double Standards of


    Sue %e&

    by Death_To_Fascismon Th+ Sep 17, 2009 11:17 PM PDT

    [Crossposted to 7SE6E!]

    4ny time) any place you $eel or believe that you 'ant to tae these matters up a notch)please be my (uest% I$ you thin you have a case) by all means) dip into your ill (otten

    pocet) and pursue it%

    No' not only is my blo( on you stayin(% I 'ill be puttin( additional material on it shortlyas 'ell as proceedin( to publici6e it $urther than I already have throu(hout the len(th and

    breadth o$ the internet) $ar and 'ide% Geople need to reali6e the manner o$ scumba( you

    are and decide $or themselves%

    ,oreover) you and the Fascist -r(ani6ation you belon( to can play the victim@mazlum

    nama'iall you lie) sin( as many s'an son(s as you lie) lie 'ith a strai(ht $ace till youare blue) 'hen you are in $act the perpetrators 'rit lar(e 'ith a massive) con$utin(historical documentation to prove it ten times over% I am Auite prepared) able and ready

    $or anythin( and any eventuality you people 'ant to initiate or thro' my 'ay) in $act I

    am prayin( $or it) because I 'ill $inish it) and you as 'ell) thereby e.posin( anddis(racin( you and your Fascist -r(ani6ation to the 'orld and $or posterity in a $ar more

    decisive and lethal manner than the #rthodo; Baha'isrecently did in the t'o Illinois

    courts orhmad Shorabdid in the 821s%

    No' I no' you and the Fascist -r(ani6ation you belon( to have multiple la'yers and

    le(al advice on perpetual retainer% -ne o$ them used to be my o'n sister% That is ho' I

    no' that those at the top o$ the chain o$ your or(ani6ation 'ant absolutely no part o$ me

    'hatsoever inside a credible courtroom 'orth its salt because you all no' you 'ill losebadly and be utterly) totally and irreparably dis(raced !! yet a(ain/

    So by all means) sue me/ I am about to ratchet the $ires o$ hell a(ainst you Fascistsseveral notches% So let#s roc) baby/ Tae your very best shot%%%


    $la( as abusive

    i(e flea

    by Death_To_Fascismon Th+ Sep 17, 2009 10:39 PM PDT

    Chec the dictionary yoursel$% Stein(ass and ,o#in have shepesh as lice%

    4nd it appears the *oe is on you%
  • 8/12/2019 Pro-Baha'i Censorship and the Double Standards of



    $la( as abusive

    i9e ad9i(e /here its is desperatel) needed...

    by $aryarmon Th+ Sep 17, 2009 10:37 PM PDT

    4t the very least ) as a $riend) Hive advice 'here its is desperately needed to protect

    Nima $rom

    his public displays and his sel$ destructive behaviour%


    $la( as abusive

    further ad9i(e

    by sophiaon Th+ Sep 17, 2009 10:44 PM PDT

    "elieve me) ,r ,ansouri) I understand the concept and import o$ no'in( an

    individual#s or an or(ani6ation#s record very 'ell% I 'ould su((est that you ensure that

    those advisin( you on such matters are similarly in$ormed) as certain indicators thus $arsu((est they may 'ell not be%


    $la( as abusive

    Dear $aramar5*$ateh

    by Shepeshon Th+ Sep 17, 2009 10:1 PM PDT

    No problem% I read some o$ your posts *ust today and can sort o$ understand 'hy some

    $ind Islam verses con$rontational and its misuse in I5I causin( harm to Iranians% >ou can

    see in a post o$ mine that althou(h I am ,uslim I have no illusions ?

  • 8/12/2019 Pro-Baha'i Censorship and the Double Standards of


    >ou are not Auotin( verses $rom one#s reli(eon and misleadin(% That is Auite di$$erent% ?!=


    $la( as abusive


    by $aryarmon Th+ Sep 17, 2009 10:23 PM PDT

    The actions or reaction o$ his an(ry relatives as individuals is their o'n business)

    ho'ever 'ron( and not acceptable "ahai "ehaviour%

    "ahai communities are not no'n to be violent) or reactionary in any 'ay%

    I$ the december edition o$ the 4ustralian "ahai "ulletin#s has stated $acts as a caution to

    the community) it is not de$amation%

    I$ your client has been de$amed in any 'ay you should tae the appropriate action%

    In the meantime) you should advise Nima &ahid 46al a(ainst his threats) personalattacs)lie the publishin( o$ (oo(le blo(s) attacin( people and their businesses) a clear

    and present e.ample o$ de$amation%

    Un$ortunately your client#s record is hard to de$end%

    Up to no') one could not be bothered) as one can only $eel pity $or him) but i$ it becomes

    necessary) there 'ill be a stron( case and response a(ainst him% throu(h the proper

    channels) 'hen ever necessary%


    $la( as abusive

    Shepesh #staad Setareh

    by Faramar6_Fatehon Th+ Sep 17, 2009 10:17 PM PDT

    I 'on#t say anythin( other than the $act JI have 'rittem blo(s on here $or years under 8ID%

    That is the main di$$erence bet'een me and the idiot called Kul$iAar_881% e has atleast

    0 possibly . more%
  • 8/12/2019 Pro-Baha'i Censorship and the Double Standards of


    4dditionally) I 'rite personal opinion pieces) I do not mae up $acts by postin( bo(us

    lins) creatin( pa(es) threatenin( people) threatenin( ++ ;reportin( him= and cross

    re$erencin( etc

    Finally) i$ "ahai reli(ion 'as 8L as responsible $or $ucin( up Iran as 'as@is Islam)

    believe me I 'ould 'rite about them as 'ell


    $la( as abusive

    some posts sta)in some posts oin on re(ord.

    by sophiaon Th+ Sep 17, 2009 09:39 PM PDT

    Some posts stayin() some posts (oin(% 433 on record% "e advised%


    $la( as abusive


    by Shepeshon Th+ Sep 17, 2009 09: PM PDT

    >ou should use a dictionary% Shepesh is $lea%

    4lso) nasty and obno.ious as you call others) you have brou(ht mocery unto yoursel$%Geople tried to be your $riend and all you did 'as to bully them and thro' it bac in their

    $aces% >ou could have been a member o$ this board) taen part in discussions about all

    inds o$ topics) *oint in as a member o$ the team o$ Iranians% "ut you repeat the samepattern $rom one site to another) slanderin( 'hat others hold dear to their heart% That is


    I no' you see yoursel$ as some ind o$ victim but you are not% Nobody $orced you intobein( "ahai) but there is no *usti$ication $or bitterness% &hat you are doin( is dispicable)

    you can insult me as much as you 'ant and do the same to others) but tae a (ood loo at

    yoursel$% Hro' up and be a man% -ther'ise you 'ill al'ays be no'n as a *oe%

  • 8/12/2019 Pro-Baha'i Censorship and the Double Standards of


    $la( as abusive

    et this be on re(ord

    by sophiaon Th+ Sep 17, 2009 09:2 PM PDT

    It should be noted that it is a matter o$ public record ;accessible via reAuest to the

    relevant authorities= that ,r &ahid 46al 'as assaulted inSeptember :111 by ,r Soheil

    4bedian and his son) and other members o$ the Mueensland Hold Coast "aha#i

    community) and that an o$$icial a$$idavit and police report 'ere lod(ed at the timere(ardin( the incident% ,r 46al 'as also subseAuently de$amed in the December edition

    o$ the 4ustralian "aha#i bulletin% It should also be noted that all relevant blo( posts and

    related comments made here by various individuals) includin( those subseAuently deleted

    $rom the site by ,r Faryar ,ansouri) have been archived% ,r ,ansouri) should you oranyone else 'ish to continue 'ith these very serious public accusations) I 'ould

    encoura(e you to do so throu(h the correct le(al channels) as you yoursel$ havesu((ested% This) alon(side your post raisin( these issues) have been archived%


    $la( as abusive

    ,$rustration, and ,eret, is )our destin) 6ima...

    by $aryarmon Th+ Sep 17, 2009 09:28 PM PDT

    Frustration and 5e(ret is your destiny) Nima%%%

    Not mine%

    Glease (et help%%%



    $la( as abusive


    by Death_To_Fascismon Th+ Sep 17, 2009 09:24 PM PDT
  • 8/12/2019 Pro-Baha'i Censorship and the Double Standards of


    I am havin( my 'ay 'ith you every 'hich 'ay and a Saturday and Sunday and ,onday

    to Friday other'ise you 'ouldn#t be here ri(ht no' sAueelin( and pretendin( other'ise)

    'ould you no'B

    The 4nonymous (uy ;'ho also (oes under the names 6omen 6es(ioand eore#r/ell= is a particularly nasty and obno.ious "e5bollahiandSa Basiiantisemite on

    USENET% Do you 'ant to mae common cause 'ith him a(ainst me no'B Ho ri(htahead% e#s accusin( me o$ bein( a paid undercover a(ent o$ the 7" and %#SSD

    because I told him to tae his antisemitism and stic it hard up 4li Hedda#s bacside% "ut

    that ind o$ contradicts your narratives about me that I am a paid undercover a(ent o$ theIslamic republic) doesn#t it no'B

    4ma6in( ho' the core stupidity o$ you ai$an "aha#i cultists has no bounds or borders% It

    *ust eeps e.pandin( and e.pandin( and e.pandin(%%%


    $la( as abusive

    !a4e a deep breath and stop pani(4in

    by Shepeshon Th+ Sep 17, 2009 09:21 PM PDT

    you#re up your posts) (ettin( all $lustered%


    $la( as abusive


    by Death_To_Fascismon Th+ Sep 17, 2009 09:23 PM PDT



    $la( as abusive
  • 8/12/2019 Pro-Baha'i Censorship and the Double Standards of


    So /hat happened ...

    by Shepeshon Th+ Sep 17, 2009 09:08 PM PDT

    %%% that you let yoursel$ (o $rom a slim S, hun to a chubby little -mid D*alili loo

    alieB o' are you havin( your 'ay 'ith usB "y main( us lau(h at youB

    Callin( other Cultists 'hile you try to create one o$ your o'n in some S, dun(eon

    some'here 'ith shady nasty charactersB Ho on a diet so you can (et into your little

    costumes 'ith your $riends%>ou are some'hat $amous on the net %%%



    This is on the net) so don#t blame anyone else%


    $la( as abusive

    Blo/ me %ansouri

    by Death_To_Fascismon Th+ Sep 17, 2009 09:03 PM PDT

    [Crossposted to USENET]

    >es) Death to Baha'ismis one o$ my handles on USENET/ I see you and the Baha'iInternet en()are intently checin( in over there% See i$ you can do anythin( about it

    'here other#s have $ailed so 'e can $inally have our day in court to(ether% >ou and your

    cohorts no' ho' badly I 'ant to haul you bastards into a courtroom and under the (lareo$ cameras and public opinion 'ithout your bein( able to manipulate thin(s and pay

    people o$$ to sin( your speci$ic tunes%

    I *ust posted this on another one o$ your blo(s%

    Do I sense (reat $rustration and re(ret in you) FaryarB This isn#t the

    $irst time you have e.pressed and (iven voice to such sentiments on my behal$% No' (o

    as "rent Goirier 'hat I told him in mid 8229 in his capacity as 4u.illiary "oard ,ember$or Grotection 'hen he delivered the U+#s $inal response screed to me at a Pilla(e Inn

    restaurant *ust outside 4lbuAuerAue International 4irport% e mi(ht recall that I had a

    manuscript o$ a $orthcomin( boo by +ohn &albrid(e in hand that day% I told him mattero$ $actly and 'ithout a sin(le eAuivocal sentence in my statement to tell yourInstitutions to leave me alone% I speci$ically 'arned him in no uncertain terms and

    'ithout a sin(le breath o$ hesitation or eAuivocation that i$ they remotely $!ed or scre'ed

    'ith me or any member o$ my $amily in any capacity) that I 'ould unleash the (ates o$hell in their (eneral direction and 'ould not stop !! 'hich I have/

    No') as you have $ound out) I live 'ith a complete sense o$ total

    disre(ard $or your silly schoolmaster type shame oriented "S and
  • 8/12/2019 Pro-Baha'i Censorship and the Double Standards of


    herdthin emotional manipulation 'hich typi$ies all you "aha#is and

    the controllin( system@sub!culture@cult you live under%

    >ou have also all $ound out that in me you have $ound your ultimate) s'orn enemy) 'ho

    puts everyone 'ho preceded me to utter shame/ Susan ,anec hersel$ publicly said in

    :11: that I 'as 4varihQ% >ou cast me as 4varihQ but (ot Subh!i!46al cubed%Hotta love

    arma and ho' the Gure Spirit &ors ;S&T=/

    4nd this creatin( o$ the Nima@&ahid 46al enemy 'as all your o'n doin( ;*ust lie all the

    other precedin( me= a$ter I speci$ically 'arned you all% I have 'il$ully smashed)destroyed and eviscerated the very bases o$ your $alse) prison!lie covenant and not only

    liberated mysel$ $rom its chain!lie clutches) but bla6ed a trail and thereby set an

    e.ample $or (enerations to come on ho' to liberate themselves $rom the perversity 'hich

    "ahaism !! should you survive that lon() 'hich you 'on#t%


    $la( as abusive


    by Death_To_Fascismon Th+ Sep 17, 2009 09:07 PM PDT


    reply $la( as abusive

    6ima+ahidZulf6ur no/ ,Death,

    by $aryarmon Th+ Sep 17, 2009 08:43 PM PDT

    >ou are provin( to be a public menace)

    Stop attacin( people

    Stop Threatenin(

    Stop main( bo(us (oo(le pa(es ;about me or others= $illed 'ith dis(race$ul lies andslander%

    Stop main( more o$ a $ool o$ your sel$%

    Stop this madness
  • 8/12/2019 Pro-Baha'i Censorship and the Double Standards of


  • 8/12/2019 Pro-Baha'i Censorship and the Double Standards of


    Baha'i (onferen(ethat#s comin( up very shortly) i%e% the 'ell no'n Gersian "aha#i

    meat@meet maret happenin( every Rmas holiday%

    reply $la( as abusive


    by Shepeshon Th+ Sep 17, 2009 07:10 PM PDT

    I am disappointed no' ) so is the (uy in leather not our (reat sel$ protested

    prophet B %%%%%%%% shame I had this vision o$ leather and chains and bonda(e 'hich suits hisrhetoric%

    &ho is the (uy in all the leatherBBB ?!=


    $la( as abusive

    7 /earin )our leathers /hile 7 /rite

    by Shepeshon Th+ Sep 17, 2009 07:01 PM PDT

    Trousers too ti(ht restrictin( the blood $lo' to your head%


    $la( as abusive

    bout !err) Culhane m) so (alled former friend%ansouri

    by Death_To_Fascismon Th+ Sep 17, 2009 07:01 PM PDT

    [Crossposted to 7SE6E!]
  • 8/12/2019 Pro-Baha'i Censorship and the Double Standards of



    !err) Culhane's attempt at defense of the t)ranni(al and oppressi9e s)stem

    of interroation dis(loses the appallin la(4 of libert) and freedom of

    (ons(ien(e /ithin the baha'i faith and its betra)al of bdul-Baha's !ea(hins..

    4bout Baha'i Basii $ar)ar %ansouri


    "T&) Faryar) puttin( up that piece here a 'hile a(o) and no' a(ain) is (oin( to cost you

    very) very dearly%%%


    $la( as abusive

    !he sad stor) of 6ima "a5ini b) a former friend of his..

    by $aryarmon Th+ Sep 17, 2009 0:49 PM PDT




    $la( as abusive

    Baha'i C7! $2H C7!I#6 6#6-B"IS

    by Death_To_Fascismon Th+ Sep 17, 2009 0:3 PM PDT

    [Crossposted to 7SE6E!]


    Start E5E ;Source'atch=?

    "aha#i Faith

  • 8/12/2019 Pro-Baha'i Censorship and the Double Standards of


    "aha#i Internet 4(ency


    Then see)

    SECTS -F "44IS? 4 Ta.onomy o$ "aha#i Sects) http?@@'''%sectso$bahais%com@

    Documentary $ilm by independent Israeli $ilm maer Naama Gyrit6?

    "44#IS IN ,> "4C>45D



    34&SUIT ;3ar(er ai$an "aha#i or(ani6ation sues smaller -rthodo.

    "aha#i $aith $or trademar in$rin(ement on the name V"aha#iV andloses=

    US NS4 vs -"F ;-rthodo. "aha#i Faith=

    5ecent court victory by the -rthodo. "aha#is) and the suit brou(ht by

    the ai$an "ahai or(ani6ation a(ainst them?http?@@trueseeer%typepad%com@true_seeer@court_case%html

    +ud(e#s decision


    VV4ppellate hearin( ;Feb :112=VVV



    "44I Tactics TechniAues

    Slanderous Pili$ication The "aha#i TechniAue ! 4d ominem) 3ibel)Slander) Demoni6e) Scape(oat) -straci6e) Shun) "anish) "acbite)

    De$ame) Pili$y) Discredit) Smear) 5evile) Suppress) 4ttac) "ully)Intimidate) Threaten) ,ali(n) "lacball) Deceive) Coerce) Silence)

    arass%%% etc%) etc%%%% C4UTI-N N-N!"44IS

    8% 4s $ar as possible they hold bac $rom respondin(:% Then they claim no no'led(e o$ the (iven issue by $ei(nin(


    O% 4$ter the e.poser has e.posed they 'ill try to divert to secondaryand totally peripheral and irrelevent side!issues

    % The e.poser is then painted as someone 'ith an a.e to (rind)

    biased) deluded ;'hile they) the bahaim) still have not responded tothe main issue e.posed=7% Ne.t they relate mental instability and insanity to the e.poser)

    i%e% shoot the messen(er

    0% Then) the last tactic) is to 'heel out several dubious personas onthe scene 'ho claim to be neutral non!bahai observers 'ho then be(in

    attacin( the e.poser as 'ell as the issue e.posed 'hile supportin(

    the bahais and their issues as so!called non!bahais
  • 8/12/2019 Pro-Baha'i Censorship and the Double Standards of



    http?@@'''%$(laysher%com@bahaicensorship@techniAue%htmGro$essor +uan Cole) University o$ ,ichi(an) +une 8:) 822?

    3et me as you 'hy in the 'orld you thin that I 'ould ris my

    pro$essional reputation by publicly statin( $alsehoodsB %%%The verytechniAue o$ the more (la6e!eyed amon( these people is to

    unbearably bully a "aha#i 'hom they don#t lie) use un*usti$ied

    threats o$ declarin( him or her a C" [Covenant "reaer ;heretic=] tosilence the individual) and i$ the person 'ill not be silenced) then

    to depend upon the (ullibility o$ the "aha#is in re$usin( to listen to

    any victim#s story because) o$ course) the "aha#i institutions are

    in$allible and divinely (uided and could never do anythin( 'ron(% Itis a per$ect racet% -$ course) this techniAue o$ main( liberals (o

    a'ay has been enormously success$ul) and e.!"aha#i liberals have no credibility 'ith the

    remainin( "aha#is nor do most o$ them have any ener(y to continue to mae a case) eitherto the "aha#is or the

    outside 'orld) $or the incredible abuses that (o on inside this

    or(ani6ation ostensibly committed to tolerance/http?@@'''%$(laysher%com@bahaicensorship@Cole81%htm


    TE-5> -F "44WI 3>INH EMUIP-C4TI-N

    See Susan Stiles ,anec)

    http?@@bahai!library%com@bsr@bsr10@0:_manec_himat%htm&ISD-, 4ND DISSI,U34TI-N IN TE "44WI &5ITINHS? The Use and meanin(

    o$ imat in the "ahaWi &ritin(s

    MU-TEIn many cases himat calls $or the apparent suspension o$ a "ahX#Y

    principle in order to ensure the protection o$ the Faith%


    "44#I 4D,INIST54TIPE ST43INIS,


    &e don#t 'ant to be lie those people 'ho 'ant to see Hod 'ith their o'n eyes) or hear

    is melody 'ith their o'n ears) because 'e have been (iven the (i$t o$ bein( able to seethrou(h the eyes o$ the ouse o$ +ustice and listen throu(h the ears o$ the ouse o$

    +ustice% ! "ahai Counselor 5ebeAue ,urphy

    To hear this section o$ her tal (o to?http?@@media8%bahai%us@tab@i(hli(hts@Sunday@O1_Counselor_,urphy_5ema%%%


    TE INSTITUTI-N -F TE C-UNSE33-5S4 Document Grepared by the Universal ouse o$ +ustice

    +anuary :2 :118
  • 8/12/2019 Pro-Baha'i Censorship and the Double Standards of



    Grotection o$ the Cause ;pp% 87!80=

    4lthou(h deepenin( the $riends# understandin( o$ the

    Covenant and increasin( their love and loyalty to it are o$ paramount

    importance) the duties o$ the 4u.iliary "oard members $or Grotection

    do not end here% The "oard members must remain ever vi(ilant)monitorin( the actions o$ those 'ho) driven by the promptin(s o$ e(o) see to so' the

    seeds o$ doubt in the minds o$ the $riends and

    undermine the Faith% In (eneral) 'henever believers become a'are o$ such problems)they should immediately contact 'hatever institution they $eel moved to turn to) 'hether

    it be a Counsellor) an 4u.iliary "oard member) the National Spiritual 4ssembly or their

    o'n 3ocal 4ssembly% It then becomes the duty o$ that institution to ensure that the reportis $ed into the correct channels and that all the other institutions a$$ected are promptly

    in$ormed% Not in$reAuently) the responsibility 'ill $all on an 4u.iliary "oard member) in

    coordination'ith the 4ssembly concerned) to tae some $orm o$ action in response

    to the situation% This involvement 'ill include counsellin( thebeliever in Auestion 'arnin( him) i$ necessary) o$ the conseAuences

    o$ his actions and brin(in( to the attention o$ the Counsellors the(ravity o$ the situation) 'hich may call $or their intervention%

    Naturally) the "oard member has to e.ert every e$$ort to counteract

    the schemes and arrest the spread o$ the in$luence o$ those $e' 'ho)despite attempts to (uide them) eventually brea the Covenant%

    The need to protect the Faith $rom the attacs o$ its enemies may

    not be (enerally appreciated by the $riends) particularly in places'here attacs have been in$reAuent% o'ever) it is certain that such

    opposition 'ill increase) become concerted) and eventually universal%

    The 'ritin(s clearly $oreshado' not only an intensi$ication o$ themachinations o$ internal enemies) but a rise in the hostility and

    opposition o$ its e.ternal enemies) 'hether reli(ious or secular) as

    the Cause pursues its on'ard march to'ards ultimate victory%There$ore) in the li(ht o$ the 'arnin(s o$ the Huardian) the 4u.iliary

    "oards $or Grotection should eep constantly a 'atch$ul eye on

    those 'ho are no'n to be enemies) or to have been put out o$ the

    Faith) discreetly investi(ate their activities) alert intelli(entlythe $riends to the opposition inevitably to come) e.plain ho' each

    crisis in Hod#s Faith has al'ays proved to be a blessin( in dis(uise)

    and prepare them $or the dire contest 'hich is destined to ran(e the

    4rmy o$ 3i(ht a(ainst the $orces o$ darness%!

    "44WI C-NT5-3 -N TEI5 E3ECT-543 S>STE, Z ERG-SED ;Structural$eatures o$ "ahai Stalinism=


  • 8/12/2019 Pro-Baha'i Censorship and the Double Standards of


    "44I N-TI-NS o$ F5EED-, o$ C-NSCIENCE accordin( to ER!U+ member

    D-UH34S ,45TIN !! ,onday) September :O) :118



    &e have inherited a dan(erous delusion $rom Christianity that ourindividual conscience is supreme% This is not a "aha#i belie$% In the

    end) in the conte.t o$ both our role in the community and our role in

    the (reater 'orld) 'e must be prepared to sacri$ice our personalconvictions or opinions% The belie$ that individual conscience is

    supreme is eAuivalent to tain( partners 'ith Hod 'hich is abhorrent

    to the Teachin(s o$ the Faith%http?@@'''%bahai!library%or(@tals@martin%'atson%html


    N-TE especially) S%H% &ilson)"44IS, 4ND 5E3IHI-US 4SS4SSIN4TI-N The ,uslim &orld vol% ) issue )

    828"44IS, 4ND 5E3IHI-US DECEGTI-N The ,uslim &orld) Polume 7) Issue :)




    "44#I SC4,!45TIST5> F54UD IN TE UNITED 454" E,I54TES? 4 ,ulti!,illiard 5ial ScamV "y 4 "ahaWi Company in Dubai


    d7:ce T- TEH-PE5N,ENT -F


    &IT 4N INT5-DUCTI-N ">The 5i(ht on% SI5 E5"E5T S4,UE3) G%C%) H%"%E%


    Issued under the 4uthority o$ the Hovernment o$ Galestine
  • 8/12/2019 Pro-Baha'i Censorship and the Double Standards of


    ,4C,I334N 4ND C-%) 3I,ITED

    ST% ,45TIN#S ST5EET) 3-ND-N



    %%%Sir #4bbas E$$endi #4bdu#l "aha had travelled e.tensively inEurope and 4merica to e.pound his doctrines) and on the th December)

    8282) ___'as created by in( Heor(e P% a %"%E% VVVV$or valuable

    services rendered to the "ritish HovernmentVVVV in the early days o$the -ccupation_____%%%%%



    &illiam ,cEl'ee ,iller VTE "44#I F4IT? It#s istory and Teachin(s


    ,ir6a 4hmad Sohrab) "5-EN SI3ENCEhttp?@@'''%$(laysher%com@bahaicensorship@archives@Sohrab"roenSilence%pd$

    Pance Salisbury) 4N ER4,IN4TI-N -F SUGG5ESSI-N 4ND DIST-5TI-N IN


    CENTU5> "44#I 3ITE54TU5Ehttp?@@bahai!library%or(@unpubl%articles@suppression%html


    See as 'ell)

    http?@@'''%bayanic%com[C3IC tab "44IS,]


    $la( as abusive

    it is so funn)HDDD

    by curlyon Th+ Sep 17, 2009 0:2 PM PDT

    6ul$i or 'ahid or sophia or nur or%%%%%%%list is lon( is so cute in his@her custuome chains andleader?DD cool prophet/////////////////// than you shepesh $or the lin% i lied 'hen ali psays he@she%%% that is 'hat this *anevar is EEEEEEEEE

    %ore about our (harmin friend +ahid 5al 6ima "a5ini

    by Shepeshon Th+ Sep 17, 2009 0:23 PM PDT'i%20faith%20and%20Its%20Teachings%20by%20William%20McElwee%20Miller.htm'i%20faith%20and%20Its%20Teachings%20by%20William%20McElwee%20Miller.htm'i%20faith%20and%20Its%20Teachings%20by%20William%20McElwee%20Miller.htm'i%20faith%20and%20Its%20Teachings%20by%20William%20McElwee%20Miller.htm
  • 8/12/2019 Pro-Baha'i Censorship and the Double Standards of


    &ahid 46al ;born 8298 in Tehran) Iran= is ori(inally Nima a6ini 'ho is an 4ustralian!

    Iranian controversial 'riter) (nostic@esotericist and self-pro(laimed"abi prophet o$ the

    a(e ;modest isn#t heB=% In :11 he le(ally chan(ed his name usin( the opportunity to

    de(lare himselfthe return o$ the "ayani holy $i(ure Subh!i!46al% %%% 46al has become

    notorious as the $oremost public anta(onist a(ainst the main ai$an branch o$ the "ahaWi

    Faith@"ahaWi on the internet%%%%e also heads the Ecclesia Hnostica "ayani Universalisand is a $oundin( member o$ the N%U%5% Hroup%

    For his picture?



    &e can no' put your 'ords into perspective%


    $la( as abusive

    Sophia 4eep postin these so that...

    by $aryarmon Th+ Sep 17, 2009 04:33 PM PDT

    Sophia) eep postin( these so that those un$amilar 'ith The "ahai comunity can

    see the sa$e(uards "ahais have in place in tryin( to protect their children) youth and the

    rest$rom the ind o$ poisonous a(itator and divisive behaviour Nima a6ini has displayedover the years and in the last year on this site to earn the universal reputation he has

    earned purely thirou(h his o'n 'ords and behavior%

    Sadly one that has brou(ht (reat pain and shame to his respected $amily) and $ormer$riends%

    It must be said that) his internet $riends and cheer leaders are to tae part o$ the blame

    $or their admitted encoura(ement althou(h some o$ them ) especially the I5I cleric ) andothers 'ho en*oy his activities a(ainst "ahais share little or nothin( 'ith his t'isted

    philosophy) and his candidacy as some ind o$ a ne' prophet%

    The or(ani6ation you re$er to is elected $rom ordinary "ahais 'ho serve sel$lessly

    'ithout the need $or ran) $inancial (ain or reco(nition%

    The critics o$ this or(ani6ation on the other hand are ambitious sel$ seein( people 'hodemand ran) reco(nition and 'hose e(os have no place 'ithin the "ahai Faith%

    I am sure you are $amilar 'ith a $e'%


  • 8/12/2019 Pro-Baha'i Censorship and the Double Standards of


    $la( as abusive

    $arhad-e-3abir I'll tell )ou m) do9e&

    by Setareh Cheshma6anon Th+ Sep 17, 2009 04:17 PM PDT

    Too bad/ I am yet another one o$ those/

    -n the bri(ht side) not every ,uslim hates "ahais/ I am as much a(ainst ,uslim

    bashin( as a(ainst "ahai persecution) and persecution o$ +e's and others/ This last bithad to be said and not le$t to ima(ination lest I am persecuted on count o$ anti!Semitism/


    $la( as abusive

    /hat a o4e

    by sophiaon Th+ Sep 17, 2009 04:0 PM PDT

    Shepesh? "e$er 5 ha$e 6"int this site re%ent) an# as h"rrifie# t" see the m+tipe

    p"sts b) this in#i$i#+a "n a #ai) basis, here FAAM an# "thers patient) tr) t"

    baan%e an# %"rre%t in name "f #is%+ssi"n( +t this in#i$i#+a ants t" ar!+e, n"t #is%+ssan# a!ree t" #iffer( >ou mean lie Faryar#s patient discussion employin( a

    photoshopped ima(e o$ the individual in Auestion) and his and others continual

    accusations o$ mental illness) personal emotional instability) and collusion 'ith the I5IBThe "aha#is can cry $oul all they lie) roll out their endless persecution narratives lie

    you#re the only ones in the 'orld to have ever had a rou(h time $rom a (overnment) tout

    their reli(ions creed as i$ they invented the idea o$ eAuality and social and economic*ustice and service to the Divine and humanity) but $or me) I 'ould only need one loo at

    this draconian document prepared by their hi(hest spiritual body)to see them $or the

    controllin() ultra!paranoid) dan(erous and ideolo(ically schi6ophrenic cult that is ai$an

    "ahaism% http?@@bahai!library%com@published%uh*@counsellors%html

    In dischar(in( their obli(ations related to protection) the Counsellors and 4u.iliary

    "oard members endeavour to nourish the roots o$ certitude) $an the $lame o$ an all!embracin( love in the hearts o$ the $riends) combat the a(e!old habit o$ con$lict and

    contention and $orti$y bonds o$ $riendship and unity) promote adherence to principle and

    the ethical standards enshrined in the Teachin(s) raise the believers# si(ht above thelimitations o$ sel$!centredness that they may dedicate their ener(ies to the 'el$are o$ the
  • 8/12/2019 Pro-Baha'i Censorship and the Double Standards of


    human race) and stren(then their alle(iance to the -rder o$ "ahX#u#llXh% elpin( the

    believers to meet hi(h moral standards does not reAuire pryin( into their private lives%

    The nature o$ this responsibility is essentially educative% The lovin( advice "oardmembers o$$er 3ocal 4ssemblies) on the one hand) and the 'arm $ello'ship they and

    their assistants cultivate 'ith the $riends) on the other) are ready means throu(h 'hich

    they are able to advance this educational process% The cumulative e$$ect o$ these e$$orts)combined 'ith the bene$its the $riends derive $rom $ormal courses) $or instance those

    o$$ered by the trainin( institute) contributes (reatly to the creation o$ healthy and vibrant

    local communities% This educational process includes the imposition o$ sanctions by theSpiritual 4ssemblies) 'henever it becomes absolutely necessary% In such cases the advice

    o$ the Counsellors and 4u.iliary "oard members to the 4ssembly can be o$ particular


    4lthou(h deepenin( the $riends# understandin( o$ the Covenant and increasin( their

    love and loyalty to it are o$ paramount importance) the duties o$ the 4u.iliary "oard

    members $or

    [pa(e 80]

    Grotection do not end here% !he Board members must remain e9er 9iilant

    monitorin the a(tions of those /ho dri9en b) the promptins of eo see4 to so/

    the seeds of doubt in the minds of the friends and undermine the $aith. In eneral

    /hene9er belie9ers be(ome a/are of su(h problems the) should immediatel)

    (onta(t /hate9er institution the) feel mo9ed to turn to /hether it be a Counsellor

    an u;iliar) Board member the 6ational Spiritual ssembl) or their o/n o(al

    ssembl). It then be(omes the dut) of that institution to ensure that the report is fed

    into the (orre(t (hannels and that all the other institutions affe(ted are promptl)

    informed.Not in$reAuently) the responsibility 'ill $all on an 4u.iliary "oard member) in

    coordination 'ith the 4ssembly concerned) to tae some $orm o$ action in response to the

    situation% This involvement 'ill include counsellin( the believer in Auestion 'arnin(him) i$ necessary) o$ the conseAuences o$ his actions and brin(in( to the attention o$ theCounsellors the (ravity o$ the situation) 'hich may call $or their intervention% 6aturall)the Board member has to e;ert e9er) effort to (ountera(t the s(hemes and arrest the

    spread of the influen(e of those fe/ /ho despite attempts to uide them e9entuall)

    brea4 the Co9enant.

    The need to protect the Faith $rom the attacs o$ its enemies may not be (enerally

    appreciated by the $riends) particularly in places 'here attacs have been in$reAuent%o'ever) it is certain that such opposition 'ill increase) become concerted) and

    eventually universal% The 'ritin(s clearly $oreshado' not only an intensi$ication o$ the

    machinations o$ internal enemies) but a rise in the hostility and opposition o$ its e.ternal

    enemies) 'hether reli(ious or secular) as the Cause pursues its on'ard march to'ardsultimate victory% !herefore in the liht of the /arnins of the uardian theu;iliar) Boards for Prote(tion should 4eep ,(onstantl), a ,/at(hful e)e, on those

    ,/ho are 4no/n to be enemies or to ha9e been put out of the $aith, dis(reetl)

    in9estiate their a(ti9ities alert intellientl) the friends to the opposition ine9itabl)

    to (ome e;plain ho/ ea(h (risis in od's $aith has al/a)s pro9ed to be a blessin in

    disuise and prepare them for the ,dire (ontest /hi(h is destined to rane the rm)

    of iht aainst the for(es of dar4ness,. @,
  • 8/12/2019 Pro-Baha'i Censorship and the Double Standards of


    4s I have said be$ore) I#m sure there are lot o$ 'ell meanin() 'ell intentioned "aha#is

    out there) but their or(ani6ation is as corrupt and duplicitous as they come%



    I am ne/ here

    by Farhad!e!abiron Th+ Sep 17, 2009 0:33 PM PDT

    but are you yet another peace$ul moslemB Dan() there#s so many o$ you here% I am

    relieved to learn that%

    Is your haterd o$ "ahai#s there$ore a diversionB

    Do tell me%


    $la( as abusive

    $aramar5 $ateh - "a9e )ou repented& #

    by Setareh Cheshma6anon Th+ Sep 17, 2009 02:01 PM PDT

    "But I believe if an individual with seriously susect rationality uses a medium withseveral I!s just to continuously attack a grou of eole it would re#uire an oversight

    in terms of limiting access to the site use as a ersonal vendetta tool$"

    -h my/ 4t lon( last 'e#ll be able to discuss issues and ideas 'ithout Islamophobic rant

    thenB &ell done/


    $la( as abusive

    #staad aan

    by Shepeshon Th+ Sep 17, 2009 01:47 PM PDT
  • 8/12/2019 Pro-Baha'i Censorship and the Double Standards of


    I have no idea 'ho anyone is on this site) and do not 'ant to appear to tae sides%

    o'ever I have *oint this site recently and 'as horri$ied to see the multiple posts by this

    individual on a daily basis) 'here F45>45, and others patiently try to balance andcorrect in name o$ discussion% "ut this individual 'ants to ar(ue) not discuss and a(ree to

    di$$er% I 'as *ust tryin( to be $air% I noo' some "ahais ) my children 'ent to school 'ith

    those that 'ere lucy enou(h to be (ranted a place in school) usually they have probelmso$ all sorts due to persecution% I *ust hate bullyin( and $ind that unacceptable% This is not

    done in *est) it is malicious%


    $la( as abusive

    Shepesh are )ou tr)in to shame $aramar5 in a polite /a)&&&

    by -staadon Th+ Sep 17, 2009 01:1 PM PDT

    ave you read any o$ his bi(oted posts about Eslam and ,ohammadB I$ not) you better%

    >ou#ll $ind out 'hat he really thins about Eslam and Iraninan ,oslems lie you and me%

    avin( said that% I a(ree 'ith you that persecution o$ the "ahais *ust because o$ their

    $aith in Iran is un*usti$ied) un$air and in violation o$ the civil@human ri(hts o$ 433 Iranian



    $la( as abusive

    $aramar5 een dafeh ol ofti...

    by -staadon Th+ Sep 17, 2009 01:0 PM PDT

    "ut I believe i$ an individual 'ith seriously suspect rationality uses

    a medium 'ith several IDs *ust to continuously attac a (roup o$

    people) it 'ould reAuire an oversi(ht in terms o$ limitin( access tothe site use as a personal vendetta tool%

    &hen are you (oin( to (ive up bi(otry) mard!e momenB///
  • 8/12/2019 Pro-Baha'i Censorship and the Double Standards of



    $la( as abusive

    Dear $aramar5*$ateh

    by Shepeshon Th+ Sep 17, 2009 12:7 PM PDT

    Same person usin( multiple accounts 'ith usernames Kul$iAar881) NU5) Covenant)

    "adi82) sophia) 4llahu_4bhaand no' a ne' User ;Death_To_Fascism= is still usin( thissite to post hate messa(es 'ith re(ard to "aha#is% e thins that usin( this tactic he can

    *usti$y his malicious campai(n by persuadin( users that he has a $ollo'in(%

    e uses blo(s on this 'ebsite to Auote a reli(eonWs scripture in the 'ron( conte.t tocreate hate and mislead%

    This is pure bullyin( and intimidation) 'here a reli(eon#s prophet has been depicted in

    o$$ensive cartoons naed around 'omen) 'here he is called homose.ual) a bi(ot anda supporter o$ Na6is amon( other dis(ustin( accusations%

    Is this the type o$ articles and discussion that you envisa(ed this 'ebsite to be used $orB Itis school(round bullyin( o$ a minority 'hich currently has 9 o$ its senior members in

    prison on trumped up char(es o$ espiona(e $or Israel) $or 'hich they can (et death

    penalty% e has said that they deserve 'hat they (et on a previous blo(%

    I#m all $or $ree speech^ but this is abuse on a daily basis on this 'ebsite% 4nd I hope the

    o'ner deals 'ith this individual decisively once and $or all% It (ives Iranian muslims

    around the 'orld a bad reputation%


    $la( as abusive


    by 4llahu_4bhaon Th+ Sep 17, 2009 12:0 PM PDT

    >ou are on the Censor board o$ Iranian%com

    >our bahai 'i$e has char(ed you $ully%

    She is tain( (ood 'or $rom you%

  • 8/12/2019 Pro-Baha'i Censorship and the Double Standards of



    $la( as abusive

    Dr. +ahid 5al

    by 4llahu_4bhaon Th+ Sep 17, 2009 11:3 AM PDT

    ,ay Hod bless you $or all the e$$orts you are tain( to e.pose this hi(hly suspecious cult%



    $la( as abusive

    Dear li P

    by Faramar6_Fatehon Th+ Sep 17, 2009 11:30 AM PDT

    I#ll tae the liberty o$ ans'erin( your Auestion%

    This (entleman) 'ho posts under names Kul$iAar_881) Sophia) "adi82) 4llahu_abha andat least O or IDs here on Iranian%com is an e. "ahai 'ho lives in 4ustralia%

    e has a ma*or bee$ 'ith the "ahais and posts several slanderous blo(s per 'ee% I amsome'hat certain that this person 'as e.communicated by the "ahais due to some sorto$ unacceptable behavior% In this case) I have heard this person came up 'ith his o'n

    reli(ion 'hile continuin( to parade as a "ahai%

    I am neither a "ahai nor a "ahai apolo(ist% I do ho'ever support their ri(hts to practicetheir belie$s 'ith hassle) specially here in the U%S%

    Nevertheless) a "ahai in the no' needs to corroborate my story on this blo(s ori(inal


    I also cherish the idea o$ $reedom o$ speech and the nothin( is sacred motto o$

    Iranian%com 'hich ++ has sa$e(uarded since inception o$ the site%

    "ut I believe i$ an individual 'ith seriously suspect rationality uses a medium 'ith

    several IDs *ust to continuously attac a (roup o$ people) it 'ould reAuire an oversi(ht in

    terms o$ limitin( access to the site use as a personal vendetta tool%

  • 8/12/2019 Pro-Baha'i Censorship and the Double Standards of


    $la( as abusive


    by haleh moshehon Th+ Sep 17, 2009 10:30 AM PDT

    Dear Sir

    Can you (ive us an update !is iranian%com still source 'atchedB


    $la( as abusive


    by 4li G%on Th+ Sep 17, 2009 08:33 AM PDT

    "rie$ly) could you tell us 'hat this (entleman@lady is talin( aboutB


    4li G%


    $la( as abusive

    6ote /ell-

    by sophiaon Th+ Sep 17, 2009 08:10 AM PDT

    Note 'ell) "aha#i contributors and observers alie% The type o$ censorship that has

    occurred here) culminatin( in the blocin( o$ a user#s account $or pursuin( a particular

    type o$ criticism) has been documented% I 'ould encoura(e the non!"aha#i members o$this community to have a (ood) hard thin about 'hat has occurred here) and as

    themselves 'hat happens 'hen you D45E to openly critici6e the "aha#isB

    En*oy your illusion o$ $reedom o$ e.pression%
  • 8/12/2019 Pro-Baha'i Censorship and the Double Standards of



    $la( as abusive

    6ote /ell-

    by sophiaon Th+ Sep 17, 2009 08:10 AM PDT

    Note 'ell) "aha#i contributors and observers alie% The type o$ censorship that hasoccurred here) culminatin( in the blocin( o$ a user#s account $or pursuin( a particular

    type o$ criticism) has been documented% I 'ould encoura(e the non!"aha#i members o$

    this community to have a (ood) hard thin about 'hat has occurred here) and asthemselves 'hat happens 'hen you D45E to openly critici6e the "aha#isB

    En*oy your illusion o$ $reedom o$ e.pression%