(' 'PRlPiisn . s''rwfvqr. - ;i-jfljW- 7 'T' jr"f iSTfp' "',w;ts"' " hhmm mm1-- ' ":w y J" ! w XvVAl ."..'" &V MsPf7s T'li fttfrtnn'c Drrhr1 SfonHc of i-h- a. IVin Wrk-iV'- h rkt Arrnitorv onrl SoHSISi-- x iSMfAP lfc IJiMk - - -- - - - ---- - -. AA A iiii i. mm. mm mmm,mmmmtmm.m.m.mm.mm.m,mmmmmm fc - - - - ----- - ---- - 7.' A W.as x The Bulletin Leads v kWfief Bulletin is tf In the Fight for THE OREGON Evening Bulletin AMERICAN "j: of Progressive m PROGRESS y i Honolulu ;ES in Hawaii fe TheiBuIletln Gives the News and the Truth About It. r Vol. VI. No. 1137. HONOLULU, H. I., MONDAY, PEBEUABY 0, 1899. PltlOB 5 0ENT8. h ?ft - fcr- - i AT TllK TENT SHOW. The llioatricul combination un- der tho management of Sol Ber- liner kept np ita reputation for popnlirity at tho tent show given Saturday evening, corner of Ala-k- en itud Boretania etreots. The h soaeation of tbo ovoning was the hypnotio work done by "Mob-morise- r Hypnotiser" nn "un- known" who did Borne of the best jnrsmorio work that has boon seen bore. Some of tho boys in blue went pot on tho stage and went through jntoreHting antics that set the crowd wild. Rosa's songs, American, Hawaiian and Chinese met with the usual hearty and numerous encores. Tho Obineso norobnts gave splendid exhibitions. "The toot was crowded and the cheers of (he audience woro suffi- cient to let tho people know that tho performance meots with ap- proval. Jackson as an Irish come- - .dian is as good bb any . over oppearing hero and the negro dialect songs by Weaver were fully appreciated and well rendered. Tire Hawaiian quartet needs no special mention it is alwayBgood nnd tniovable. Threa hundred extra seats were placed in posi- tion this morning as on Saturday evening many people were turned away for lack of room. Pollen Court Nntra. p.irt.'Meen cases of drunkenness "B" . .. St t Jl .nm( nn in ttio LHWiai unurr, mis usual fine vina rratnttn JLUU iuu JUIUUSIU. 1 C Wnmln rt(1 Pliniiiuri wero nn- - ed S5 and costs paoh nn the barge of affray. Other caseB went over until to jnorrow aud Wednesday. mm m Death t Hn Infant. "Tho cloven days old iufant o' Mr. and Mrs. E. Suhr died at the homo in Nnusuu Valley at about 9 o'clock Sunday night. Tho re- mains were interred in Nuunnu Oemetory at 2 o'clock this after- noon. can't Get Any j Good Tea j 1 , in Honolulu ? I HERE'STHE LIST: GUNPOWDER. The kind that Grandmother has such pleasant recollec- tions of. BASKBT-F1RE- D JAPS. "Spider Lee'' types pure, uncolored teas. PAN-FIRE- D JAPS. Commonly called "Green Teas." YOUNG HYSONS. Another of the "Green Tea" types. ENGLISH PREAKFASTS.-fCon-gou- s). Richest, heaviest, most bracing of all Teas. You'll find ours perfect. OOLONGS. From Formosa, one of the banner tea districts of the world. CEYL0N8. A line that's making a name for Itself In the world. ASS AMS. (Orange Pekoes). Teas of India. Similar to the Ceylons, though of flavors peculiarly their own. BLENDS. Our "Waverley Blend," from fanciest blacks? "Premium Blend," from fanciest blacks and greens; and "Guaran-Te- a Blend,"from standard blacks, are scientific combinations of the most delicately flavored of the above-mention- varieties, and teas which we guarantee to be of greatest strength and most delicate flavors obtainable, and, above all, STRICTLY PUR,E. Drop In, examine our goods, (test them into our Your neighbors tried It, AND THEY'RE Established 1851- - JJteiililHiyfriirftfirriN rjiVi.ihifa; "SIDE TRACKED" POPUf.ill. A orowded houso greeted tho Jules Walters Company Saturday night in tho Orphoum. "Sido Tracked" is a .play abounding in tunny situations witnaRmaitorinc of dramatic incidents all of which were portrayed with marked abili ty. Jule Walters and Jjouiao Llewllyn carried off tho honors of the eveniug. Ada Walters made, a hit with her high class dancing. "Sido Tracked" is a play in which Jule Vnlt"M has made a name for himuelf throughout the States, and the company he has with him is' of a character that brings out the many good points of tbo piece. Scnmlla Not-- . Tho Soandia got away for Ma nila at about 2:30 o'clook Sunday afternoon. There was a large crowd on tho wharf to say good bye to tho boys. As tho Scandia pulled ont into the stream, three cboors for Honolulu came from her decks. All morning and close to tho time of departure of the Scandia, a squad of oight men witu a lieutenant ana sergeant at the head, marched about tho streets, gathering up the soldiers whom they happened to find on the streets. A request was also sent to tho polico station to he effect that tbo pnl en arrest nny soldiers found on the streots. Sevoralwero locked up unil call- ed for. Marlnnne Mlitlonrtrln. Tho brothers L, and T J, Cnsti-n- o Wro going to Guam in the Lnd-rou- o, or Marianne group, upon tho first opportunity. They aro natives of those islands and their jobjeot in roluruing there, now that tne American uag gives ireoaom oreligion to the inhabitants, is to Jo missionary work as evange lists. L- - Onstino is tho telephone lineman who preaches on tne streets hoi'9 every day at noon. YOU'RE MISTAKEN! Wttawoke to a realizing sense of your "pilikia" months ago, and have since been systematically at work searching through lines of samples, as we could procure them, (any old thing won't satisfy us when buying), for just what we desired. At last we have accumulated a stock which we are willing to submit to you... Pure, delicious teas they are, in the lead-line- d chests. Teas that we'll sell to you by honest sixte?n-ounc- e weight. Teas that you may examine in broad daylight before you hand your money over. Teas that have never been "manipulated" since thev left the drying pans. You ' Can Get It at I IwATERHOUSE'sl ) If .... III. AX OHO CVDCUCC) I.. "U llltl. f 1 UUI Ll bilhlU, MltllVC memoas, men ueciue wnere you wish to traue, ON OUR LIST, Think It over. mmmtmmmmlamMmmBmmmvmmimm0mmm1vmmammm4 J. T. WATERHOUSE WAVERLEY BLOCK GROCERIES ju CROCKERY .l HARDWARE Leaders 1800 OPENING OF JURY TERM t Ed. Aldrich Reserves His Plea on In- dictment for Forgery. Sentences Suspended Id Case of Native Woman for Forgery Status of Ship Registry Cases. Judge Stanley, presiding, open- ed tbo February term of tbo Firt Circuit Court this morning. With Attorney General Smith and his deputies, Messrs. E. F. Dole and A. L. C. Atkinson, was an array of other lawyers that filled not only tbo usual epaco bnt the jury on box as well. The calliog of the calendar was first in order. Republic vs. Alapaki, practising medicino without license, up for Bentonco, is continued till May term. Kaulia and Kaulukou for to defendant. Republic vs. Stephen Eaua, as sault and battery .uollo prosequied. a Kiulia for defendant. Republic. vs. Anuio Eino, forg- ery. Flea of guilty and sentenco suspended for six months. Achi and Johnson for defendant. itopublio vs. Jim abeam, as- sault with dangerous weapon, up for sentence, which is suspended for six months. liepuDiio vs. aoy, larceny sec- ond to degree, up for sentence, dis- - misaeu. Kaulukou for defendant. Republic vs. Ah Pook, truancy, up for soutonco. Dismissed. Do Eolt for defoudant. Republio vs. Ed. Aldnob, forg ery, jinaiotment preseuieu nuu nlea reserved. Robertson & Wild- - or for defendant. Republio ts. Muramoto, rnpo. Flea of not guilty. Kepubuo vs. Jbiouor Woisuiijlci, larceny first degree. T?len of not guilty. Do Bolt for defendant, "Ready" Wna tho response to enough of the civil calendar to keep the court occupied some weeks. Bon Ealuna was under suspen sion of seutence for battering his wife, and whilo thus repeated the offonBo. Ho was fined S9 the other day, and has six dnvs re maining to work it out. Judco Stanley this afternoon pronouue-e- d renewal of his suspended sen (once, making it six months and coat. x'c is stipulated that the othor ship registry cases remain in statu quo without prejudice, ponding a deouion of the Supreme Court on an interlocutory appeal made by .Lincoln V. apencor in the matter of the ship Euterpe. SIl.VDiY P.IPKU. Wm. H. Mnrnhnll, lat-l- y adver tising solicitor r the BuLLnriN, will bouiu the pablioption of a Suuday uewpaper next Sunday It will bo earned The Sunday volcano, lis contents will be literary as well as newsy, and the projector says it will be bright nnd sparkling. He is moating with good success in bis canvass for advertisements aud subscrip- tions. Mr. Marshall hns had much newspaper exiiwoco on tho Coast, and has proved here to be a live man as well hh a facile writer. The Royal Baking Powder was specially selected for use in both the Army and Navy because of its purity, strength and per- fect keeping qualities, which render it service- able under all conditions of climate and tempera- ture. These qualities are peculiar to the Royal and makq it indispensa- ble for domestic, as well as Government use. mmtfB.. -immLt, 8aJfefrv.fejiMa;, LojeL?. J-ILjJ- BATTLESHIP OREGON HERE Left' Callao on lith o1 Orders Have Not Yet Been Hade Public-- Will Probably Sail for Manila In About Ten Days Capt. Parker Calls. The U. S. Battleship Oregon Captain Farker commanding, ar- rived off port early Sunday after- noon and came to an anchor out- side. She Bailod from Callao, Jan- uary 11, stopping at tbo Galavegos Islands a couple of days, taking coal. From there, she sailed for Hilo direct, making that port Feb- ruary 4. There she landed Dr. Stephenson, and Assistant Engi- neers Mallory and Eokhardt. A crowd collected on the wharves soo. tho big battleship that bad made- - snch a nood record in the Santiago fight, after having mado oruiiaut una perilous run from South America. Thoy were, howover, very much disappointed, as the Oregon did not come into port and will not como into tho Harbor at all, al- though tho pilots say it is perfect- ly safe for tier to do this at high tido. She draws about twonty-sov- en feet. Licbters will be used coal tho Oregon, According to present arrangoueuts, tho ship will romain here about ten days and will then proceed to Mu-ui- la. The collier Scindia, and the water distilling stoaujolris, following tbo Orogon, are expect- ed Jiere tho latter yartof tho week. Uaptam uarnor lias received his orders but has, as yet, not made their purport public. There aro raraors that tho Oregon may 120 tfSamoa. This morninc Caplain Barber and Lieut. Eberle. hn flag liou- - tenant. called at tbo United Statos nnnnnlnto on onrcial Acent a.. M. Sewull anJ FrOBi'dontjJolo. IMPORTANT ROAD ORDfiKD At the meeting of the Exocutivo Council this morning, a mile stretch of road at Kapaukaen was authorized to be constructed. It is ou the main route betweon Hilo nnd Hamakua, being a seotion not let wbon contraots for tbo rost of the road wero awarded. Tbo opening of certain lands in Kohala was authorized, iu accor- dance with tha recommendation of tho Land Commission. There wasmoro discussion of tho new Honolulu cemetery question without reaohing a decision. CllABGEP WITH OROS9 CURAT, A warrant is out for the Wrest of A. J. Stanmoro on the charge1 of gross cheat and polico officers on duty havo boon ordered to keep a specially shirp lookout for tho man. It is belioved at police headquarters that be got away for Manna in tne ooanuia. When Ja. Sherwood, forn?or maongor of Long Branch, went to luauilu, ttio business at that resort wns put into the bands of Stan more and Al Moore, two formor soldiers in tho regular army here .uecenuy, several young men of the city doposited with Stanmoro, sums varying from S300 to S1000. They bad mado arrangements to buy Stanmore's share in Long Uranoh aud tho monoy was for that purpose. The disappearance of Stanmoro has made theso men very anxious ana tnoy navo sworn out me war raut spoken of. On investigation, iuey uiitiB luuy uavo lounu tuat Stanmoro ownetrno, interest what over in Long Branch. Now thoy warn rneir money back. Obitif Clerk- - HasBingor of tho Interior office sold by auction at noon tho lease for 30 yfars of lot 59,E.)p!auBdo. If fell to tbo Ha wauan iiiectno uo. an l::u per annum. Tho upset rental was S180. liii B. Thomas was- - a com potitor for tbo loase. -...mUp mm AN INVALID NAYY OFFICER Engineer Middleton Detained m Honolulu With Broken Collar Bone. Went to Manila Id U. S. S. Charleston Served In Culgoa Coming Home to Hare Island Meets With Accident. H. E. Middleton, who was one of tho engineers in tho TJ. S. S. Charleston whou that ship went to Manila, has been at tho Queen's Hospital einco tho arrival' of tbo stcamor Coptic. Mr. Middleton was on his way bomo undor orders to report at Mare Island Navy Yard. In rough weather he had the misfortune to bavo a fall on board the Coptic which resulted in his collar bone being broken. He was removed from tbo Btcamer at this port and placed in the hospital. A Bulletin reporter visiting the hospital on Saturday mot Mr. Middleton nnd was introduced to him by( Mr. Eckardti The dis- abled engineer at tho time waa jut setting out for a walk. His wearing ot an empty sleeve turunt Into his coat pockot was startling at first sight, but a bulging under his clothes indicated tho missing arm in a sling. Mr. Middleton was quite cheer ful and ready to swap informa tion. Ho was pleaeod to bear of tho favorablo progress of the navy personnel bills iu Congress. "It will bo a goort tning lor tnonavy, was his remark, "but a little hard rut lt II on tne engineers, xuey win an havo to pass an examination in nnvigntion." v At Manila Mr. Middloton was civan dutv on board tho Bupply suip Uulgoa, ono ot mo vessuitj brought out from England, In answer to a question, Mr. Middloton said tbo conditions at Manila, when ho loft, were not quite nil that could bo desired, but showed a great improvement ovtr YT'",t oxisted at the Amorican A BftnB ?E convicts is constantly employed in oloauing tbo strbets. Jixasperauug u;ook- - ades of ti'affio at tho bridge over the Passig' river wero now prevent- ed by tho military guardB. On ono occasion Mr Middloton was dotained halt nn hour iu a carriage at Ihn fintrni'CO to tbo bridge Now the guards corapol carriages to koep on tbe i:'g"i " wueu there is a jam si ratghten things out in short order. "I don't think toro will be much fighting; between .'" Ameri- cans and tho insurgents,' 8ft,- - replying to a que Bt!on' ' There is no fight ! the 'ilip..,J0i excopting with a knifo in a dftrw lane. I saw them drilling and it waB very amusing. trioa to imitato the Americans, extonding out in line. "Ono man would have his gun over the shoulder, another under tho arm, a third bran- dishing bis weapon like a clnb, arid so on scarcoly any two handling thoir guns alike. Tbo marching was even moro lu- - dtn -- OU8. An ordor Buoh as 'twos Infi' w- - civen. and. the men get in to a pet foct tangle. W hen tho officers go .alon8 the line, prodding the men into f00 wltu tbe P01nl8 of tbo swords. . "If tbe insurgeD.18 n?,in nt.' tack in tho open, tbev- - w ' Q enfll-l- y taken care of. But u t"ey " tire into the back country Cd jjje hills, I am afraid they would rDs'"6 serious trouble. There would te great havoo Among tho American troops in following them up, not so mdob from rebel bullets as from fevers oto.' Tho . P. S. C. E. met in Cen- tral Union church last ovoning. Papers on tho founding of the so- ciety in Portland, Mo., eighteen ybars ago, wero read by Prof. French of Punahou and Mhs Kate Eolley. Other papera ou h and wbrlc of tho eooioty, wero road later. fimkht & rriii niMlitfrtiw. CHURCH DIRECTORY. Reorganized church of Jesus CHRIST holds meetings as follows In Mllllanl Hall.rearof OperaHouse: Sunday to a. m. Bible class; n a. m. preaching in Hawaiian; 6:jo p. m. preaching Hawaiian; 7!10 d. m. nrcachlnz In Encrllsli ; Wednes day 7:30 p. m. prayer meeting. OPIUM FROM U. S. S. SCANDIA J. Lynch, a sailor of tbe TJ.S.S. Scandia crow, was captured by Ou8lora House Inspector A. W. Neeley at the Irmgard wharf at about 10 o'clock Saturday night and tho ohargo of unlawful pos- session of opium hns been lodged against him. Lynch was caugbt red banded with 43 tins of opium in his possession. Inspector Noeloy lonrned there was opium aboard tbo Scandia and that an attempt wonld ho made to land it Saturday uight ns tho troopship was to leave next day. Acting on this information, ho stationed himself near tho Irou Works whore he could see the Scandia plainly at tbo Irmgaid wharf, himself remaining in tbo shadows. This was close to 10 o'clock. It was not very long before Lynch, droseed iu blue,and nnother sailor in wuito, went toward tbo ship from tho direction of Nuuanu street. Neeley shifted his position nnd got behind tbe mooring post be- tween tho Irmgard and Brewer's wharves. Watching closely, he saw Lynch go up u ropo at the bow of tho Scaudia. A bucket was lot down and bis partner below put two bottles of whiskey iuMdo i i nit tuis rocopiacio. l uo bucket waa hauled up and then the sailor iu wbito clothe wont up tbo rope. Immodiatoly afterwards, Lynch camo down tbe rope and walked about peering into tho shadowy placts. Satisfying himself there was no one around, he wont back to a position near tho bow of the ship. Soon there was a thud and a package lauded on tho ground near him. Another thud and an- other bundle. When tho third reached the ground, Lyuch gather- ed it up in his arms uud wng fu tne act of reaching for another, when Neoley stepped up. Ho did uot iuke bis idontity known at oucu but proceeded to examiue in- to tho couteut9 of tbo packages. Lynch objected to this but Neeley kopt ou. Whou be found opium he threw open his coat and show- ed his budgo. Lynoh gavo up then aud tboro and waa marched to tbo police station with tho opium. Ho protected, however, saying he knew nothing about tbo matter. It was the other man. The case will como up tomor- row. A Mood lMHi 'TU" Anglican Oburoh Chronicle ,'or y is packed with a wo'H balanced assortment of mat- ter odiyjig and interesting. Seven pges f advertisements would make it ajnonr 'uat k P8' riodioal is recoiviV' ' goodly sup- port from the community ,'n which it is certainly ft.Q olovatm power. W. E. liivous has moved frorh 315 Fort stroet to new ollicea in tho Mclnorny Block opposito Bank of Hawaii. Awarded Highest Honors World's Pali dold Medal, Midwinter Fair. CREAM n BAKING IHMMH A Pare drape Crcan of Tartir Powder. 40 YEARS 17STANDARD 1S - fi vrii

PRlPiisn s''rwfvqr. ;i-jfljW- jrf &V MsPf7s T'li fttfrtnn'c Drrhr1 ......('PRlPiisn. s''rwfvqr.-;i-jfljW-7 'T'jr"f iSTfp' "',w;ts"'" hhmm mm1--' ":w y J"! wXvVAl."..'" &V MsPf7s T'li

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  • (' 'PRlPiisn . s''rwfvqr. - ;i-jfljW- 7 'T' jr"f iSTfp' "',w;ts"' " hhmm mm1--' ":w y J" ! wXvVAl ."..'"&V MsPf7s T'li fttfrtnn'c Drrhr1 SfonHc of i-h- a. IVin Wrk-iV'- h rkt Arrnitorv onrl SoHSISi-- x iSMfAPlfc IJiMk - - - - - - - - - - - - -. AA A iiii i. mm. mm mmm,mmmmtmm.m.m.mm.mm.m,mmmmmmfc - -- - - - - - - - - - - - -7.' AW.asx The Bulletin Leadsv kWfief Bulletin istf In the Fight forTHE OREGON Evening Bulletin AMERICAN "j:of Progressive mPROGRESS y iHonolulu ;ESin Hawaii feTheiBuIletln Gives the News and the Truth About It.

    rVol. VI. No. 1137. HONOLULU, H. I., MONDAY, PEBEUABY 0, 1899. PltlOB 5 0ENT8.h



    fcr- -



    The llioatricul combination un-der tho management of Sol Ber-liner kept np ita reputation forpopnlirity at tho tent show givenSaturday evening, corner of Ala-k- en

    itud Boretania etreots. Theh soaeation of tbo ovoning wasthe hypnotio work done by "Mob-morise- r

    Hypnotiser" nn "un-known" who did Borne of the bestjnrsmorio work that has boon seenbore. Some of tho boys in bluewent pot on tho stage and wentthrough jntoreHting antics thatset the crowd wild. Rosa's songs,American, Hawaiian and Chinesemet with the usual hearty andnumerous encores. Tho Obinesonorobnts gave splendid exhibitions."The toot was crowded and thecheers of (he audience woro suffi-cient to let tho people know thattho performance meots with ap-proval.

    Jackson as an Irish come- -.dian is as good bb any. over oppearing hero and thenegro dialect songs by Weaverwere fully appreciated and wellrendered.

    Tire Hawaiian quartet needs nospecial mention it is alwayBgoodnnd tniovable. Threa hundredextra seats were placed in posi-tion this morning as on Saturdayevening many people were turnedaway for lack of room.

    Pollen Court Nntra.p.irt.'Meen cases of drunkenness"B" . .. St t Jl

    .nm( nn in ttio LHWiai unurr, misusual fine vinarratnttn JLUU iuu

    JUIUUSIU. 1 CWnmln rt(1 Pliniiiuri wero nn- -

    ed S5 and costs paoh nn the bargeof affray.

    Other caseB went over until tojnorrow aud Wednesday.

    mm m

    Death t Hn Infant."Tho cloven days old iufant o'

    Mr. and Mrs. E. Suhr died at thehomo in Nnusuu Valley at about9 o'clock Sunday night. Tho re-mains were interred in NuunnuOemetory at 2 o'clock this after-noon.

    can't GetAny

    j Good Tea j1

    , inHonolulu ? I


    Grandmother has such pleasant recollec-tions of.

    BASKBT-F1RE- D JAPS. "SpiderLee'' types pure, uncolored teas.

    PAN-FIRE- D JAPS. Commonlycalled "Green Teas."

    YOUNG HYSONS. Another of the"Green Tea" types.

    ENGLISH PREAKFASTS.-fCon-gou-s).Richest, heaviest, most bracing of

    all Teas. You'll find ours perfect.OOLONGS. From Formosa, one of

    the banner tea districts of the world.CEYL0N8. A line that's making a

    name for Itself In the world.ASSAMS. (Orange Pekoes). Teas

    of India. Similar to the Ceylons, thoughof flavors peculiarly their own.

    BLENDS. Our "Waverley Blend,"from fanciest blacks? "Premium Blend,"from fanciest blacks and greens; and"Guaran-Te- a Blend,"from standard blacks,are scientific combinations of the mostdelicately flavored of the above-mention-varieties, and teas which we guarantee tobe of greatest strength and most delicateflavors obtainable, and, above all,STRICTLY PUR,E.

    Drop In, examine our goods, (test theminto our

    Your neighbors tried It, AND THEY'RE

    Established 1851- -

    JJteiililHiyfriirftfirriN rjiVi.ihifa;


    A orowded houso greeted thoJules Walters Company Saturdaynight in tho Orphoum. "SidoTracked" is a .play abounding intunny situations witnaRmaitorincof dramatic incidents all of whichwere portrayed with marked ability. Jule Walters and JjouiaoLlewllyn carried off tho honors ofthe eveniug. Ada Walters made,a hit with her high class dancing."Sido Tracked" is a play in whichJule Vnlt"M has made a namefor himuelf throughout the States,and the company he has with himis' of a character that brings outthe many good points of tbopiece.

    Scnmlla Not-- .

    Tho Soandia got away for Manila at about 2:30 o'clook Sundayafternoon. There was a largecrowd on tho wharf to say goodbye to tho boys. As tho Scandiapulled ont into the stream, threecboors for Honolulu came fromher decks.

    All morning and close to thotime of departure of theScandia, a squad of oightmen witu a lieutenant anasergeant at the head, marchedabout tho streets, gathering upthe soldiers whom they happenedto find on the streets. A requestwas also sent to tho polico stationto he effect that tbo pnl en arrestnny soldiers found on the streots.Sevoralwero locked up unil call-ed for.

    Marlnnne Mlitlonrtrln.Tho brothers L, and T J, Cnsti-n- o

    Wro going to Guam in the Lnd-rou- o,or Marianne group, upon

    tho first opportunity. They aronatives of those islands and their

    jobjeot in roluruing there, now thattne American uag gives ireoaomoreligion to the inhabitants, isto Jo missionary work as evangelists. L- - Onstino is tho telephonelineman who preaches on tnestreets hoi'9 every day at noon.


    Wttawoke to a realizing sense ofyour "pilikia" months ago, andhave since been systematically atwork searching through lines ofsamples, as we could procure them,(any old thing won't satisfy us whenbuying), for just what we desired.At last we have accumulated a stockwhich we are willing to submit toyou... Pure, delicious teas they are,in the lead-line- d chests.

    Teas that we'll sell to you byhonest sixte?n-ounc- e weight.

    Teas that you may examine inbroad daylight before you hand yourmoney over.

    Teas that have never been"manipulated" since thev left thedrying pans.

    You' Can Get It

    at IIwATERHOUSE'sl

    )If .... III. AX OHO CVDCUCC) I.."U llltl. f 1 UUI Ll bilhlU, MltllVCmemoas, men ueciue wnere you wish to traue,ON OUR LIST, Think It over.





    Ed. Aldrich Reserves His Plea on In-

    dictment for Forgery.

    Sentences Suspended Id Case of Native Woman

    for Forgery Status of Ship

    Registry Cases.

    Judge Stanley, presiding, open-ed tbo February term of tbo FirtCircuit Court this morning. WithAttorney General Smith and hisdeputies, Messrs. E. F. Dole andA. L. C. Atkinson, was an arrayof other lawyers that filled notonly tbo usual epaco bnt the jury onbox as well. The calliog of thecalendar was first in order.

    Republic vs. Alapaki, practisingmedicino without license, up forBentonco, is continued till Mayterm. Kaulia and Kaulukou for todefendant.

    Republic vs. Stephen Eaua, assault and battery .uollo prosequied. aKiulia for defendant.

    Republic. vs. Anuio Eino, forg-ery. Flea of guilty and sentencosuspended for six months. Achiand Johnson for defendant.

    itopublio vs. Jim abeam, as-sault with dangerous weapon, upfor sentence, which is suspendedfor six months.

    liepuDiio vs. aoy, larceny sec-ond

    todegree, up for sentence, dis--

    misaeu. Kaulukou for defendant.Republic vs. Ah Pook, truancy,

    up for soutonco. Dismissed. DoEolt for defoudant.

    Republio vs. Ed. Aldnob, forgery, jinaiotment preseuieu nuunlea reserved. Robertson & Wild- -or for defendant.

    Republio ts. Muramoto, rnpo.Flea of not guilty.

    Kepubuo vs. Jbiouor Woisuiijlci,larceny first degree. T?len of notguilty. Do Bolt for defendant,

    "Ready" Wna tho response toenough of the civil calendar tokeep the court occupied someweeks.

    Bon Ealuna was under suspension of seutence for battering hiswife, and whilo thus repeated theoffonBo. Ho was fined S9 theother day, and has six dnvs remaining to work it out. JudcoStanley this afternoon pronouue-e- d

    renewal of his suspended sen(once, making it six months andcoat.

    x'c is stipulated that the othorship registry cases remain in statuquo without prejudice, ponding adeouion of the Supreme Court onan interlocutory appeal made by.Lincoln V. apencor in the matterof the ship Euterpe.

    SIl.VDiY P.IPKU.

    Wm. H. Mnrnhnll, lat-l- y advertising solicitor r the BuLLnriN,will bouiu the pablioption of aSuuday uewpaper next SundayIt will bo earned The Sundayvolcano, lis contents will beliterary as well as newsy, and theprojector says it will be brightnnd sparkling. He is moatingwith good success in bis canvassfor advertisements aud subscrip-tions. Mr. Marshall hns hadmuch newspaper exiiwoco ontho Coast, and has proved here tobe a live man as well hh a facilewriter.

    The Royal Baking Powderwas specially selectedfor use in both the Armyand Navy because of itspurity, strength and per-

    fect keeping qualities,which render it service-able under all conditionsof climate and tempera-ture. These qualities arepeculiar to the Royaland makq it indispensa-ble for domestic, as wellas Government use.

    mmtfB.. -immLt,8aJfefrv.fejiMa;, LojeL?. J-ILjJ-


    Left' Callao on lith o1

    Orders Have Not Yet Been Hade Public-- Will

    Probably Sail for Manila In About Ten

    Days Capt. Parker Calls.

    The U. S. Battleship OregonCaptain Farker commanding, ar-rived off port early Sunday after-noon and came to an anchor out-side. She Bailod from Callao, Jan-uary 11, stopping at tbo GalavegosIslands a couple of days, taking

    coal. From there, she sailed forHilo direct, making that port Feb-ruary 4. There she landed Dr.Stephenson, and Assistant Engi-neers Mallory and Eokhardt.

    A crowd collected on the wharvessoo. tho big battleship that bad

    made- - snch a nood record in theSantiago fight, after having mado

    oruiiaut una perilousrun from South America.Thoy were, howover, very muchdisappointed, as the Oregon didnot come into port and will notcomo into tho Harbor at all, al-though tho pilots say it is perfect-ly safe for tier to do this at hightido. She draws about twonty-sov- en

    feet. Licbters will be usedcoal tho Oregon, According to

    present arrangoueuts, tho shipwill romain here about ten daysand will then proceed to Mu-ui- la.

    The collier Scindia, andthe water distilling stoaujolris,following tbo Orogon, are expect-ed Jiere tho latter yartof tho week.

    Uaptam uarnor lias receivedhis orders but has, as yet, notmade their purport public. Therearo raraors that tho Oregon may120 tfSamoa.

    This morninc Caplain Barberand Lieut. Eberle. hn flag liou- -tenant. called at tbo United Statosnnnnnlnto on onrcial Acent a..M. Sewull anJ FrOBi'dontjJolo.


    At the meeting of the ExocutivoCouncil this morning, a milestretch of road at Kapaukaen wasauthorized to be constructed. Itis ou the main route betweon Hilonnd Hamakua, being a seotion notlet wbon contraots for tbo rost ofthe road wero awarded.

    Tbo opening of certain lands inKohala was authorized, iu accor-dance with tha recommendation oftho Land Commission.

    There wasmoro discussion of thonew Honolulu cemetery questionwithout reaohing a decision.


    A warrant is out for the Wrestof A. J. Stanmoro on the charge1of gross cheat and polico officerson duty havo boon ordered tokeep a specially shirp lookout fortho man. It is belioved at policeheadquarters that be got away forManna in tne ooanuia.

    When Ja. Sherwood, forn?ormaongor of Long Branch, went toluauilu, ttio business at that resortwns put into the bands of Stanmore and Al Moore, two formorsoldiers in tho regular army here

    .uecenuy, several young menof the city doposited withStanmoro, sums varying fromS300 to S1000. They bad madoarrangements to buy Stanmore'sshare in Long Uranoh aud thomonoy was for that purpose.

    The disappearance of Stanmorohas made theso men very anxiousana tnoy navo sworn out me warraut spoken of. On investigation,iuey uiitiB luuy uavo lounu tuatStanmoro ownetrno, interest whatover in Long Branch. Now thoywarn rneir money back.

    Obitif Clerk- - HasBingor of thoInterior office sold by auction atnoon tho lease for 30 yfars of lot59,E.)p!auBdo. If fell to tbo Hawauan iiiectno uo. an l::u perannum. Tho upset rental wasS180. liii B. Thomas was- - a compotitor for tbo loase.

    -...mUp mm


    Engineer Middleton Detained m Honolulu

    With Broken Collar Bone.

    Went to Manila Id U. S. S. Charleston Served

    In Culgoa Coming Home to Hare

    Island Meets With Accident.

    H. E. Middleton, who was oneof tho engineers in tho TJ. S. S.Charleston whou that ship wentto Manila, has been at tho Queen'sHospital einco tho arrival' of tbostcamor Coptic. Mr. Middletonwas on his way bomo undor ordersto report at Mare Island NavyYard. In rough weather he hadthe misfortune to bavo a fall onboard the Coptic which resultedin his collar bone being broken.He was removed from tbo Btcamerat this port and placed in thehospital.

    A Bulletin reporter visitingthe hospital on Saturday mot Mr.Middleton nnd was introduced tohim by( Mr. Eckardti The dis-abled engineer at tho time waajut setting out for a walk. Hiswearing ot an empty sleeve turuntInto his coat pockot was startlingat first sight, but a bulging underhis clothes indicated tho missingarm in a sling.

    Mr. Middleton was quite cheerful and ready to swap information. Ho was pleaeod to bear oftho favorablo progress of the navypersonnel bills iu Congress. "Itwill bo a goort tning lor tnonavy,was his remark, "but a little hard

    rut lt IIon tne engineers, xuey win anhavo to pass an examination innnvigntion." v

    At Manila Mr. Middloton wascivan dutv on board tho Bupplysuip Uulgoa, ono ot mo vessuitjbrought out from England,

    In answer to a question, Mr.Middloton said tbo conditions atManila, when ho loft, were notquite nil that could bo desired, butshowed a great improvement ovtrYT'",t oxisted at the Amorican

    A BftnB ?E convicts isconstantly employed in oloauingtbo strbets. Jixasperauug u;ook- -ades of ti'affio at tho bridge overthe Passig' river wero now prevent-ed by tho military guardB. Onono occasion Mr Middloton wasdotained halt nn hour iu a carriageat Ihn fintrni'CO to tbo bridgeNow the guards corapol carriagesto koep on tbe i:'g"i " wueuthere is a jam si ratghten thingsout in short order.

    "I don't think toro will bemuch fighting; between .'" Ameri-cans and tho insurgents,' 8ft,- -

    replying to a que Bt!on'' There is no fight ! the 'ilip..,J0iexcopting with a knifo in a dftrwlane. I saw them drilling and itwaB very amusing. trioa toimitato the Americans, extondingout in line.

    "Ono man would have hisgun over the shoulder, anotherunder tho arm, a third bran-dishing bis weapon like a clnb,arid so on scarcoly any twohandling thoir guns alike.Tbo marching was even moro lu- -dtn --OU8. An ordor Buoh as 'twosInfi' w- - civen. and. the men get into a pet foct tangle. W hen thoofficers go .alon8 the line, proddingthe men into f00 wltu tbe P01nl8of tbo swords. .

    "If tbe insurgeD.18 n?,in nt.'tack in tho open, tbev- - w ' Q enfll-l- y

    taken care of. But u t"ey "tire into the back country Cd jjjehills, I am afraid they would rDs'"6serious trouble. There would tegreat havoo Among tho Americantroops in following them up, notso mdob from rebel bullets as fromfevers oto.'

    Tho . P. S. C. E. met in Cen-tral Union church last ovoning.Papers on tho founding of the so-ciety in Portland, Mo., eighteenybars ago, wero read by Prof.French of Punahou and MhsKate Eolley. Other papera ou h

    and wbrlc of tho eooioty,wero road later.

    fimkht & rriii niMlitfrtiw.


    Reorganized church of JesusCHRIST holds meetings as follows InMllllanl Hall.rearof OperaHouse: Sundayto a. m. Bible class; n a. m. preaching inHawaiian; 6:jo p. m. preaching Hawaiian;7!10 d. m. nrcachlnz In Encrllsli ; Wednesday 7:30 p. m. prayer meeting.


    J. Lynch, a sailor of tbe TJ.S.S.Scandia crow, was captured byOu8lora House Inspector A. W.Neeley at the Irmgard wharf atabout 10 o'clock Saturday nightand tho ohargo of unlawful pos-session of opium hns been lodgedagainst him. Lynch was caugbtred banded with 43 tins of opiumin his possession.

    Inspector Noeloy lonrned therewas opium aboard tbo Scandiaand that an attempt wonld homade to land it Saturday uight nstho troopship was to leave nextday. Acting on this information,ho stationed himself near tho IrouWorks whore he could see theScandia plainly at tbo Irmgaidwharf, himself remaining in tboshadows.

    This was close to 10 o'clock. Itwas not very long before Lynch,droseed iu blue,and nnother sailorin wuito, went toward tbo shipfrom tho direction of Nuuanustreet.

    Neeley shifted his position nndgot behind tbe mooring post be-tween tho Irmgard and Brewer'swharves. Watching closely, hesaw Lynch go up u ropo at thebow of tho Scaudia. A bucket waslot down and bis partner belowput two bottles of whiskey iuMdo

    i i nittuis rocopiacio. l uo bucket waahauled up and then the sailor iuwbito clothe wont up tbo rope.

    Immodiatoly afterwards, Lynchcamo down tbe rope and walkedabout peering into tho shadowyplacts. Satisfying himself therewas no one around, he wont backto a position near tho bow of theship. Soon there was a thud and apackage lauded on tho groundnear him. Another thud and an-other bundle. When tho thirdreached the ground, Lyuch gather-ed it up in his arms uud wng futne act of reaching for another,when Neoley stepped up. Ho diduot iuke bis idontity known atoucu but proceeded to examiue in-to tho couteut9 of tbo packages.Lynch objected to this but Neeleykopt ou. Whou be found opiumhe threw open his coat and show-ed his budgo. Lynoh gavo upthen aud tboro and waa marchedto tbo police station with thoopium. Ho protected, however,saying he knew nothing about tbomatter. It was the other man.

    The case will como up tomor-row.

    A Mood lMHi'TU" Anglican Oburoh Chronicle

    ,'or y is packed with awo'H balanced assortment of mat-ter odiyjig and interesting.Seven pges f advertisementswould make it ajnonr 'uat k P8'riodioal is recoiviV' ' goodly sup-port from the community ,'nwhich it is certainly ft.Q olovatmpower.

    W. E. liivous has moved frorh315 Fort stroet to new ollicea intho Mclnorny Block oppositoBank of Hawaii.

    AwardedHighest Honors World's Pali

    dold Medal, Midwinter Fair.


    A Pare drape Crcan of Tartir Powder.40 YEARS 17STANDARD





  • hi--




    & .

    TT 'r'wiw fwTT -- mr -- -sr 1 Twf yn3PW "to" W,


    Agents, Brokers and Jobbers.

    W.G. Irwin &Oo.Limited

    Agents forWestern Sugar Refinery Oo. ol Ban

    Francisco.Baldwin LooomotWe Works of Phila-

    delphia. Penn.. U. S. A.Newell Universal Mill Oo. (National

    Cane Shredder), N' - York, U. S. A.N.Ohlandt & Oo' Chemical Fertilizers.Alex Cross & Sons, high grade fortil

    izere (or Cane and Coffeo.Heeds Steam 1'ipo Covering


    Offer for SaleParafflne Paint Go's P A B Paints and

    Papers) Lucol and Unseed oils, raand boiled.

    Indnr!..3, (a cold water paint) In whiteand colors.

    Filter Press Cloths, Cement, Lime andBrickB.



    Commission Merchants,


    The Tua Plantation Co.The Walalui ARilcultural Co , Ltd.The Kohall Sugar CaThe Walamea Sucar Mill CoThe Koloi ARtlculturil Co.The Onomea Sucar Cn.The Hilton Iron Works, Si. Louis, Mo.The Standard Oil CoThe Geo. I . Wake btcitn Pumps.Weslon's Centrifugals

    The New Lngland Lite insurance Co, of DostonThe Una I Ire Ins Co. nf Hartford. Conn.The Alliance Assurance Co of London.

    Wm. G. Irwin & Co,(limitbd).

    ., a Train. . Prenidont find ManaireiOltus Bpreckels, - - ntW. M. Qiflard, - Secretary and TreasurerIheo. 0. Porter, - Auditor

    Su&;ar FactorsAND

    Commission Agents.AGENTS OP TUB



    Queen street, Honolulu, H.l.

    AGENTS FORawtllr.li Agricultural Company, Onomea Saeu

    Company, llonoinu Sugar Company, Walluknagar Company, Walhee Sugar Company. Make

    Star Company, Haleakala Ranch Company, Ka- -Ranch. Line San Francisco

    ckets, Chas Brewer & Co.'i Line of Bostonracket.--Agen- ts Boston Board ofUndervtrlteri.Acents Philadelphia Board of Underwriter.


    F 0 Jones, President! George II ltobertson,Manager; E F Bishop, Treasurer and Seo-nUr-

    Col. W F Allen, Auditor; OM Cooke,H Waterbonwa, A W Carter. Direotors.

    lb ,Cor. Queen and Fort Sts.

    Importer" uml Wholesale Dealers in

    Hay, Grain, reed,Flour, Meals,Egyptian Corn, etc.

    Our Goods are Always Fresh.Island Orders Solicited.Phonp 422.

    Hawaiian Carriage Mfg. Co. Ltd.121 Queen Street.

    Carriage and Wagon Bulldors.


    WILSON c? WHITEHOUSE,Bole Licensees Hawaiian Inlands.

    121 Queen Stroot.

    ConsolirtaiB-- i Soda Water Co., ftKnplanade,

    Corner alien & Fort Sts., Honolulu

    HOLLISTER A CO.,Agent.

    M. PH LLIPS & CO.,Wholesale Importers and Jobbers ot

    laropeao and American Dry Good!

    For nnd Queen Btronta.

    H. HACKFELD & CO., Ltd

    IMER&L commission agents,

    Dor. Fort and Qneen Btreets Honolulu,

    Honolulu Iron "Works Co,Improved and modorn SUGAR MA- -

    CTIINERY of every capacity and ties.oriptlon made to order. Boiler workand RIVETED PIPES for irrigationpurposes a specialty. Particular attonUon paid to JOI1 WORK, and repairs execu ted at shortest notice . 1035

    EGAN'S.Big Display!


    'GIFTSNovelties in

    Handkerchiefs, Hosiery,Purses, Fans, Work Boxes,Brush and Comb Cases,Photo Frames,Music Rolls, Card Cases,

    In Fact, Novelties In Everything I

    EGAN'S,Fort Street.

    iiYou can fool all of the peo-

    ple some of the timeSome of the people all the

    timeBut not all the people all the

    time. x




    3$ For 1899

    -- FROM THE--

    Hawaiian News Co, Ltd,


    Mr. A. Pelaoto runs one chair and an Italian Pro-fessor another.

    OHAS. MOLTENO, Prop.Morchant wtroet, opp. Jtitld llulldlng.

    An Elegant Shave.IT CAN HE 0I1TAINED

    AT THE


    Arlington Bloclc, Hotol Streot.

    Nono but the mast nklllfiil Barbers em-ployed.

    Joseph Fernandez, Prop'r


    Vol. Published in hilo. No.

    Is a pretty Adve r t i s e r sgood paper for who use its col-

    umns$2. 50 per an-



    preferably GOODin advance. RESULTS I

    For Sale.

    Four most desirable and centralBUILDING LOTS, on AJakea St.,Including corner of Beretania St.

    Apply to J. T. McGREYV.

    Notice.The business of P. J. Voeller will not be

    resnonslble for anv debts contracted bv anv' one In the name of the said P. J. Voeller,without a written order from :the undersigned.

    JAMES J. BYRNE,M'c'r and Att'y In Fact for P. J. Voeller.Honolulu, January io, ibqq. iuim


    Latest styles in bats at Mrs.H anna's,

    Cyclouo Camoras (aro tho bestand cbeapost.

    Wheels rented; J. J. Richard-son, Hotel street.

    Geo. Lycurgus has returnedfrom tho volcano.

    Band concert in Emma squaroat tho usual hour this evening.

    Tho Directors of tho Y. M. 0.A. have a mooting this ovoning.

    Tom King is no longer with thePacific Cycle and ManufacturingCo.

    Dandruff killer does tho busi'ness. Seo new ad iu anothercolumn.

    Lewis S. Gear hns accopted aposition on tbo business staff oftho Evenino Bulletin.

    E. O. Hall & Son give thepublio somo pointers on the best"bikes" in their ad today.

    Sheriff Coney camo from Kauaiin tho W. G. Halll Sunday. Hewill roturn to his homo tomorrow.

    All contracts takon bv thePEERLESS PRESERVINGPAINT Co. will bo fully guarau-toe- d.

    In making room for a now stockof all the latest novelties Miss M.E. Killean in soiling her entirostock of millinery commencingtoday.

    The second odition of tbo Only"Hawaiian Sconio Calondar" isnow on sale at tho Goldon RuloBazaar, ready for mailing, 25 centseach. Send in order early.

    Tho regular monthly mealingof the Woman's Board of Mis-sions will occur on Tuesdaytho 7th of Fobrnary, in ControlUnion church, at 2:30 o'clock.

    Do you liko to drink puro whis-ky? Then if you do call for"A. A." Jesse Mooro at any of tbosaloons. Lovejoy & Co., distribu-tors for the Hawaiian Islands.

    Plantation affairs on Kauni aregoing along very quietly. Sincetho last not at Holoa, there hasbeen no troublo with the laborers.Interest is all conterod now in theturning out of sugar.

    The Kinau brings the news oftho completo recovery of PrincessKaiulani from her recent attack ofrheumatism at Mann, Hawaii. Shois now at Wairaea proper ond willprobably be back in tho nextKinau.

    Viggo Jacobson nover did finerwork than in his ongroseingof theaddresB to Lord Charles Bores-for- d.

    Its illuminations compris-ed tbo British and Irish colorsand the insignia and motto of thoBorcsford house.

    Charge d'Affaires Canavarro ofPortugal, Commissioner Vossiouof 1' ranee, (JonBul I'm and ViceConsuls Goo Kim and Wong Quaiof China, r.nd Speaker J. L. Kau-luko- u

    of the House of Representatives were among thoso presentat tbo Borosford ball Jjridaynight. 4

    Sealed tenders will be receivedup to noon Saturday, April 1st,for tbo purchase of HawaiianGovernment five per cent bonds totho amount of $250,000, not re-deemable previous to July 1st,1901, or later than January 1st,1911. For full particular bpo ad-vertisement in tho Bulletin's NowToday, page 8.

    Charles D Walker whoso ad-vertisement appears under NowToday is one of the most success-ful boat buildors end desiguers ofHawaii Many of tho boats nowin the harbor are of his handiworkand the excellence of constructionand duraability speaks for itself.Mr. Walker mado a boat for tboU. S. S. Alert which has received! arty commendation. Tho yaohtUoral ljueen, now known as theCombination is another work ofart from Mr. Walker's shop. Anypersons desiring hoot-i- , launchesor yaouts should consult Mr.Wnlker at bia shop G!)2 Kingstreot.

    Tho uao of tbo Hingor in mil-lions of homes shows tho unpre-cedented success of thoso idealsowing machines. It is convinc-ing proof that tbo Sincor oxcelain all kinds of family sewing andart needlo work. All our sowingmachines aro of tbo best construc-tion, beautifully decorated, andaro mounted on soleoted woods infinely finished cabinets of artisticdesigns. B. Borgorson, agent, 1GJBthol street.

    Fraternal Directory.

    HARMONY LODGE No. 3,I. O. O. F.,

    Moot ovory Monday eonlng at 7:30,In Harmony Hull, King stroot.

    J. D. MuViauil, in. u.li 11. HENDHY, Secretary.

    All visiting brotliora vory cordiallyInvited. 1003

    HAWAIIAN TRIBE No. 1,Improved Ordor of Red Men.

    Mcots on tho second and fourth Fridayof oach month, at 7:30 p. in., In Knightsof Pythias Hall, Fort stroot. Visitingbrotliora aro cordially invited to attend.S. J.SALTEU.Sachomj J.F.KCKABDT,Chlof of Iteeorda. 1003

    MYSTIC LODGE No. 2, K.of P.,Moots every Wednesday evening at

    7:30 o'clock, Castle Hall. Fort street.Visltlnc brothers cordially invited toattend.1015 A. E. MURPHY, K. R. B.


    Mcots ovory third Thursday eonlng InMasonic Tomplo. All visiting conipan-'on- s

    cordlnlly invited.HKNIIY E. COOPEIl, II. P.

    W. O. ASlILEY,Socretary. 1010


    fnotu In ATnnmilu Ti.tnnln nn tlin snenndThursday o onlng of oach month. Allvisiting Sir Knlgmi courteously invncti.

    W. O. ASHLEY, Hecordor. 1010

    OAHU LODGE No. 1, K. of P.Moots oory Thursday ovonlug atllioirCnstlo Hall, A'Ni Fort street, at 7:30.Monitors of Mystic Lodgo No. 2, andvisiting brothers, cordially lmlted.

    u. j;. WAiiu, u. j.F. H.KILIIEY,

    1019 K.of 11. andS.


    Meots every first and third Friday, atK.of P. Hull, Fort street. A cordlnlItultatlnn Is extended to siting brothers. Per ordor C. 11.

    W. A. FETTER,1023 Secretary.


    No. 1, A. & A.-- . S.'. R.Moots tho first Thursday in each month,at Masonic Tomplo. Sojourning andWsitlng brothors cordially lmlted to ld

    all meetings.W. M. FIIANK B. AUERBACII.

    ALLAN B. &CHIMGIEOUIt,Socrotary.1024


    No. I, A.-- . & A.-- . S. R.Moots at Masonic Tomplo tho fourthThursday In oach month. Sojourningand lsltlng brothors aro eoidlally ln- -

    Itod to attomt all mootings.V.'. M.-- . FRANK li. AUERBACII.

    CLARENCE L. CUABDE, Socrotary.1024


    No. 124, A. &A. S.Rito.Stated nicotines on tho last Monday of

    oach month, In its hall, Masonic Tomplo.u. ai. wiin u, w. M.

    II O. CRABBE, Secretary. 1020

    COURT OAMOESfNo. 8110,A. O. F.,

    Moots ovory socondand fourth Tuesday,at K. of P. Hall. Fort stroot. A cordialInvitation is oztondod to visiting brothors.

    J. bk FRIAS, C. R.A. II. VIEIRA. Financial Secretary.

    P. O. Box 682. 103?


    Lovo Block, Fort stroot. Heading roomopen day and ovonlug for reading andsocial lntorcourso. Regular mootingsFriday, 7:30 p. m. Visiting Scotsmonosnaclallv wolcomo at all times.

    OVX). L. DALL, Chlof.ALEX. B. KENNEDY, Socretory. 1005

    HeatUe User.This ever popular Rainier beor

    is Becoming a household wordand "will you have a glass ofSeattle" is more often beard thananything else. The CriterionSaloon have tho boer on tap or inbottles.

    California Frail.D. G. Camarinos roceived pn

    tho steamer Australia a big in-voice of Apples, Grapes, Figs, Le-mons, Nuts, Puro Olivo Oil, DryFruit, etc, oto.

    Hawaiian F1k.Tho I. X. L., corner Nuuanu

    and King streets, has HawaiianFlapB at Co., 10o., 25c, 50c. and75 ots.

    American Messenger ServiceMaeonio Temple. Telephone444.

    Honolulu Messenger Servico de-livers messages and packages.Telephone 878.

    Tho Ellto Barber Shop, Kingnear Alakoa street has employedW. R. Bogle tho crackajack bar-ber.

    Mechanic's Homo, corner Hotoland Nuuanu streets, lodging byday, week or month. Terms: 25and 50 cents per night. SI and$1.25 per week.

    Strangers consult The Bulletin'sadvertising columns

    1Pms l Mew100 TONS SAVE JUST

    Read tho List.Ucdroom Sols,2-- 4, 44 Bodstcads,2-- 4 Wlro and Moss Mattrossos,Pillows, Dining Ettonslon Tables,CnciTonlors, ardrouos,



    Read the List.Top and Flat Bosks,

    Meat Safes, Kitchen Tables,Camp Stools, Stcamor Chairs,Army Chairs and Rockors,Doutlstnnd Harbor Chairs, Mirrors






    S. "W. LEIDE3K.E3K,,P. O. Box 635 Tolophono 478. Comor Ntiuanu and King stroets.


    DRY GOODS!French, German, English and American.

    A Fine Selection of Dress Goods, Zephyrs, etc.Tailors' Goods, a Full Assortment.

    Clothing, Underwear, Shawls.

    A Large Variety of SADDLES and SAB-DL-MAKERS' TRIMMINGS.

    American and European


    , S!ki.ip 0!b.a.rLd.lei37- -



    WAR CLOUD XHaving disappeared with tho help of our

    Navy and Army,HOLLISTER & CO.,

    TOBA CCONISTS,Havo recoived Cigars and Oigarottes from

    Also somo Cigars made expressly for tho officersstationed at Morro Castle, Havana.

    - Cor. Fort and Merchant Streets.

    Since We Must Eat to Live, Let's Have the Tiest.

    SolpLy.jijq's Best TesCONSISTING

    Japan Flavor, English Breakfast and Ceylon. AlsoSCHILLING'S BEST BAKING POWDER.

    Glvo thorn a trial. Money hack if yon don't

    Ohoico Block Butter, Kits Creamery Buttor,Fidelity Brand Bacon, Hams,

    Mild Cheese, Smoked Beof, etc., etc.

    ,i4i, . ,fc44tt-i(t-

    et kaWMBsaKaSSanatW .'JasoiWl .'A.

    Hustace.212 tho Arlington.

    "Hello, Calm Lumber and Building Co,"

    Pf I"Hello I"1 'What kind of house can you build for $ 500? "

    Almost as good as you can get in California.""How can you build them so cheap?""Because we import all our materials direct

    from the factory, and employ the best work-men. The best is the cheapest."

    "Where is your business place?""Our Office and Yard is on King street, near

    O. R. & L. Co.'s Depot; our Planing Mill corner King and Bethel streets. Telephones 55and 838. P. O. Box 367 We can give youhundreds of first-clas- s references, among theleading people of these Islands.

    A Few

    Bargains- -

    riloutt Lot on Kalll ttrcet. it Killhl10a x loo,House nl Lot t Killhl; 400x100Price Ijjoo.House and Lot 00 Young street, 75135$5 000.Lot at Kamolllllll. about M acre.

    'Lot on Prospect street, 7511195.

    'Three Lots opposite AtcKee Island,next to Macdonald's.'Four Lots Kapahulu Tract. Site 501,100 each.


    L.K. M'GREW,15 Kaahumantj St.


    nituJaVStaBBHu .mtfo





    Chas.King stroot, noxt to





    Items or Interest to Bicycle Riders.

    -- STOmm. -- '"It seems that the chalnless has cometo stay. Also the 30 Inch wheel; It Is proving quitepopular, and manufacturers generally are making It,The chalnless at a high price, the at about$5 above roadster rates. Rubber Is not likely to behigher, but present prices will be maintained (or sometime.

    DAILEV'S HONOLULU CYCLERY has partsand sundries for 16 makes ot wheels. Enameling Inblack and colors. Repairs carefully and economicallydone by expert workmen. Prompt Jlspalch.

    Agent for the DEEBEE DICYCLE.

    Bailey's Honolulu Cyclery,231 KING STREET.

    Established 189a




  • K



    wy'w-tM'-''- '


    3S PERFUMES fefeRoger and Gallet,


    Gosnell's, in all odors

    Toilet Sets, Perfume Bottles,Sachet Powders,

    Mailc Cologne, Without a Rival.

    Benson,Smith&Co.,LtdFORT AND HOTEL STS.

    BSTABLISKBD H8SO.The Germania Life Insurance Co.

    Of NEW YOBK.ASSETS $23,723,677. 13Legal Reserve to Policy HoldersSurplus to Policy HoldersPaid to Policy Holders since i860Claims by death paid to Beneficiary

    20,866,008. 002,571,595.9;

    Matured Endowments paid to Policy Holders 5,524,720.07Life Annuities paid to Policy Holders 327,474.70Dividends and Surrenders paid to Policy Holders

    Tlio acriuatua lamas nil tiio latost anil most nuorai forma or Liro, Hiatalmont, Incoiuo Dividend, Endowmont or Bond Policies.

    GEAR, LANSING & CO., General Afients.EMMETT MAY, Manager.

    1029 210 King street, Honolulu.






    W. C. PEACOCK fc CO.,Sole Agents.Telephone DSTo. 4-

    Telephone 92. P. O. Box 145H. E. McXNTYRE & BRO.,


    Groceries, Provisions FeedNew goods received liy every puoknt from ho StateB and Europe,

    'FRESH PRODUCE BY EVERY STEAMER.All orders fiilriifully attended to, ami enoili delivered

    TO ANY PART OP THE CITY FREE.Gouoral Agonts for tho dani'arinm Brand of Health Foods.

    Island Or Sitldfautlou Guaranteed,

    East Corner Fort and King Sts.


    Em balmlngLOVE BUILDING, 531-53- G





    Residence Fort


    Handsome VehiclesOn tho Mnhlcan wo recolved lot of tho Styles

    In SURREYS, PlLEl'ON.S ROAD CARTS, whichm Bultublo Gifts.

    777 St. Tel. 819.


    largo Latest

    and will make

    Honolulu Carriage flanufactoryV. W. WRIGHT, Prop'r.

    1034 VBJtiilBIiliKlgEfBSli'BlBISJQtiSI


    -- to the Estate of Geo. C. Beckwlth, con-taining 28.32 acres, situated at Haiku,Maul, near the Plantation grounds;elevation 300 feet, trade winds blow fresh

    find cool from the sea; comfortable sub-stantial house of 7 rooms, dressing rooms,

    closets, kitchen, pantry and office, and

    several outbuildings all In good repair;

    and shade trees. Water supply from

    c'stem and never falling springs. Good

    p sture with ravine and running water.Clear title from Royal Patents. For fur-

    ther Information .Inquire on the premisesor of F.B.DAMON,

    ai-sG- " Bank of Hawaii, Honolulu.

    "'m n '

    Policy Holders







    a Specialty.FORT ST. TEL. 8JU.


    Offices for Rent.The' undersigned hereby notify those

    that may wish to secure office room nearthe City Front and shipping center of theport, that It fntends to erect a new twostory building on the old site of Queen St.,and that the whole of second floor will bearranged In offices en suite or stngle, tosuit Intending tenants. The proximity ofthis site to the mercantile and shippingcenter of this port, makes It a most con-venient location.

    Applications for rooms may be made atonce to C. Brewer & Company, Queenstreet.

    Honolulu, January 13th, 1899,1 1 17-- 4 w

    r..fcj,&&.. Anml&ivitMtMJ&u j

    ''"SifljgVV'HIML. ''" 'ymmrl


    ScrofulaSwollen Cland9, Scrofula Soros, Hip

    Dlsoaso, Bolls, Plmplos, Erup-tions Toll tho Story -- DrondfulConsoquoncos of Impuro Blood.

    Certainly scrofula, If anything, may bocalled the advertisement of foul blood.It Is tho scourge of tho world offensive,painful, debilitating, stubborn. Outwardapplications do not cure. Emollientsmay palliate, they cannot abolish tho evil.Thcro is one Buro way out, and that Is toeliminate tho taint from tho blood. Forthis purpose Hood's Sarsaparllla is abso-lutely without an equal.

    "I have taken Hood's Sarsaparllla forscrofulous humor and Impuro blood andam now almost entirely cured of tho erup-tions with which I have been ainictcd forthe past year. My faco, chest and backwero badly broken out." Ehed II. Okd-WA-

    Woodstock, Vt.

    Hood's pSIs tho beat in fact tho Ono True Mood l'lirlllcr.

    Hnnil'c Dillf aro lll 1,e,t rIIUUU S KIMS ,,ulSt nl,l .llgcsHon. 25c.

    Hotels and Restaurants.

    B&SQ&t v3Half Way Between Honolulu

    and the Great ScenicAttraction !

    Accommodations for Han and Beast!

    In the Most PicturesqueSpot in Nuuanu Valley. . . .

    LIGHT WINES AND BEERServed, excepting Sundays.

    A. F. FRANCA Proprietor,

    Beaver - LunchROOMS.

    H. J. NOLTE, Proprietor.

    rhe Best Lunch in Town

    Tea and CoffeeAT ALL nouns.


    Cigars and TobaccoUiWATS ON RAND.

    QUEEN HOTELRooms and Cottages


    Per day, $1 ; por week, S3 and 81 :por month, $10 to $15.

    MEAUi: por day 76 contsj por woolc,SI.SU.

    Waianae Hotel,Walanae, Oahu.



    JW I All Trains m an1 Irnm Honolulu --CmW I S.opai .he Hotel -- fc

    Albert Tongrtod, Proprietor.

    Esperiencad Caterer.

    J. W. CHAPMANAnnounces to tho public that ho Is nowopon for onagoments to tnko chargo ofBanquets, Balls, Dlnnora and Garden

    Parties, Socials, etcAddress care Union Ex prom Company

    11 Bakerv muAnd Icecream Parlors.

    E. PQPPLETON. M'o'k.This Is a inodorn AmorlcanItestnurant and Iiukory, Excollontoioais ior za corns.


    Excelsior Dining Saloon333 NUUANU'ST.,


    CHAS. UN", Prop'r.First-clan- s meals, under tho supervis-

    ion of a whlto man, served from & a. in.to8p.1n. MEALS TWENTY-FIV- E Cts.

    Postofflco IloxllS.

    Dewey Restaurant.A Flrst-filaft- fl llnHnrf In nvnir murM

    Tho best moal to bo had.ICE OREAM 15 GENTS A PLATE.

    LOOK HOP A CO.,1003 Borotanla and Fort fitroota.


    Native Lad Causes a Commotion in


    Chinese Opium Smoker Slashes Himself

    Welcome Rain Plans for Electric


    Wniluku, Maui, Feb. 4, 1899.Haleakaln, a native boy hrccI 13years old, wae found by Mrs.Heapy, daughter of J. A. Moore,and vico-princip- nl Wailuku schoolconcealed under her bed Inst Sat-urday evening, Jan. 28.

    Mrs. Heapy had gone out call-ing for the ovoning, and on herreturn at a Into hour, her cariositywas arousod by finding her doorpartly open, for it was olo3od whenshe weut out. Somehow a strangereonnR cropt ovor ner oocty, andsho bepnn to reahzo that tborowhs something unusual within borhousehold portals. Bonding herselfto take a poep undor the bod, lo!the form of a human being in abont up position met her gazo.

    Thoro was no time for furtherinvestigation to find out whetherit was nn adder or n boa constrict-or, but sho immediately took tohor heels and yolled out for help.Messrs. Moore and D. Orowoll,head jailor of Wailuku rospondedto tbo call. Tho latter when hogot into tbo houso looked undortho bed expecting to Gnd tho mostdesperato bandit on Maui, but tobis amazement there appeared be-fore him a little woo bit of a ladbegging for moroy, that is, fromwrathful indignation of his muster,for Mr. Mooro and Mrs. Honpyare his teachers.

    The little boy was led out findplaced in jail that uiyht. Nextmorning bo appeared before thejSberifl for investigation and tothat dignitary tbo bov cavo sixditforent stories as excuses for hisunlawful presence on the promises.and each ono of tho excuses pivouwould bo worthy of each notori-ous burglars ns "Barofootod Bill."

    Haleakala appeared boforoMagistrate McKay last Wednes-day on the cuargo of vAgranoy towhioh tho littlo culprit pleadedguilty, and was sentenced for sixand one half years in tbo Reform-atory School, i. p., until he readiesbis mnjonty. luo boys parentsare glad that ho is going to Keo-noul- a,

    for the youngster has beona burden on tho old man's should-ers. Today Haloakala will leavepur Olaudiuo for Honolulu toserve oat his sontonco and a banpior boy could not bo found onMaui today, for Honolulu hasbeen a Bort of dreamland to him,and now at last his hopo aro rea-lized.

    Alalia, a noted Chinese opiumsmoker, was arrested by tho policoInst Sunday near tho WailukuMill. Whon ho was led out fromhis den by the polico, tho Chinaman immediatoly flourished a concealed weapon and with it stabbed himself in the abdomon,makiug a deep and nasty lookinccut about four inches deep. Tbopuko is marriod to a native woman, and ho believed that hisfather-in-la- w gavo bim awny,bonco the dood. The injured manis now boing cared for at tho Ma-lula- ni

    Hospital where he is im-proving. His caso came off thisnoining boforo Magistrato McKaywho found him guilty of theulmrge. Sentence suspended for

    lie year. Tbo Chinaman is stillfudoavoring to find out his in-former.

    A daughter was born to thowlfo of Rov. J. M. LowiB of thistown on tho night of the 29th ofJauuarv. Tho mother and babyare uoiog wen.

    Some of our residents bavoordered to tbo coast for higb-bre- dstock, and thoro arrived this weekby tho schooner Joanio Wand afino and gentle driving horso forMr. J. A. Moore and n Jorsey cowfor Magistrato McKay. Bothanimals arrived in good condition,and are tho prido of tho town.

    J.(or. A. Ault of Labaina willhold service at Wailuku nextSunday morning, Fob. 11.

    The Indian Kickappoo havo do-ing Labaina this woek and aro

    at Wailuku next Mondayevening. Thoy aro now makingpreparations to loavo tbo

    for tho Metropolis.Wailuku town was favored with

    a much neodod rain two days thiBweok. This has increased tbowater supply and will savomany a citizens from sleoploss

    nights watching for chances to letsomo water into his yard. Morewho aro not wnkoful enough willget left and the pakos will got allthe water for irrigating rice pnt--chos. Chineso aro out nightsarmod hoes to scaro off tho othersfrom takiug away tbo wator, andof such is tbo onco go-ahe- townof Wailuku.

    A public concort will take placeat Haiku this evening. Tho eon-ce- rt

    is given by public spiritedIndicH and gentlemen of thatplace.

    J K.Tosepa, district magistrntoof Hana goes to Honolulu by theOlaudino today. His doputy, W.P. Haiti, Esq., will occupy thoJudicial bench during tbo former'sabsence. Mr. Tosepa now carriesa heavy cano as tho result of ufall from a horso somo years ago.

    Mr. Parish, tho Ulupalakuaranchmau, was in town yesterdayand roports hoavy rains in hisdistrict the greater part of thoweek, and tho road wae in a frightful condition in consequence, themud being almost knee-dro-There was, however, very littlorain at Makawao, and nouo nt nilat Hana and Labaina.

    Hon. H. P. Baldwin and a fowothors aro up at Iao Valley todaylooking at tbo proposed site for anew electric plant to bo connectedwith several of tho honorablo gen-tlemn-

    sugar mills. PerhapsWailuku and Kahului may lookforward to tbo time wbou its dark-est corners will bo lighted byelectricity.

    Mr. Kanakraaikni of tho taxofficers still lying in a very lowcondition. Ho has boon given upby tho doctors.


    To Our Cu.lomrri.Chamberlain's Cough Itomody

    is tho best cough syrup wo bavoever used oureolves or in ourfamilies. W. H. King, Isaac P.King and many othors iu thisvicinity, bavo also pronounced ittho best. All wo want is for peo-ple to try it, and thoy will be con-vinced. Upon honor, there is nobettor thau wo bavo evor tried,nnd wo havo used many kiuds.It. A. Blako ifc Son, Goueral Merchants, Big Tunnel, Va. Sold byall dealers. Beusou, Smith &Co., Gen. Agents.


    Proposals for Flour.

    Deairtment of California. 1Office of the Chief & Purchasing Com-

    missary U. S. Army.Honolulu, H. I., January 28th, iSqS.

    Sealed proposals, In triplicate, will bereceived at this office until February 7th.,1899, at eleven o'clock, a. m., and thenopened, for furnishing for the use of troopsat this station, Fifteen thousand (15,000)pounds of Issue Flour. Government re-serves the right to reject In whole, or inpart, any or all bids. Instructions fur-nished on application at this office.

    PHILLIP M. LYDIG,Captain & C. S. U. S. Vols.

    Chief & Purchasing Commissary."33"tF7ln

    Ilaniwai Seaside Resort.MR. HARRY KLEMME desires to inform

    the residents of Honolulu and the neighbor-ing islands that he has taken over themanagement of the ILANIWAI SEASIDERESORT, and will run the same with aview to the entire comfort of his patrons.Everything will be supervised and carriedon In first-clas- s style, but the charges willstill remain moderate. Visitors Intendingto locate nt the beach for a short season, orpermanently, would do well to Inspect theaccommodation Ilaniwai provides, previousto making tneir selection. 1 121

    Notice.At the Annual Meeting of the Hawaiian

    Electric Company, held on January 31st.,1899, the following Officers were electedto serve during the ensuing year, viz:

    W. G. Irwin, President.J. A. Hopper,Godfrey Brown, Treasurer.W. M. Glffard, Secretary.J. F. Hackfeld, Auditor.The above also constitute the Board of

    Directors,W. M. GIFFARD,

    1 134-- 1 w Secretary.

    For Sale.Tiireo Alio RESIDENCE LOTS In ono

    of tho cholcofit ro&ldonuo localities ofHonolulu. Size of nts C0K x 178 foot.Those lots aro improved nnd nlcoly laidout with fruit nnd oruamontal trouM.

    For furthor Information apply toQEAR, liANSINO A CO.,

    1092-t- f 210 King Htroot.


    Merchant Tailor5J4 FORT ST.,

    --Near comer of Chaplain Lane.Cleaning anj Repairing at Short Notice,

    ana in me Del! puicie manner. Ul6

    Real Estate and Insurance.

    & vtv kfJiLIFjrC and iniRBMJlttfJE A$EpT$,

    agents for..New England Mutual Life In-

    surance Co. of Boston.tna Fire Insurance Company

    of Hartford.

    Bruce Waring & Co.

    Lands for Sale.Money to Loin on Mortgage.?.

    Ws aub Agents roR

    Svea Fire Insurance Co. of GothenburgAND

    American Fire Insurance Co. of Phila.

    PROGRESS BLOCK.Roomi ? an . Telephone tit.


    Real Estate Broker.209J MERCHANT ST.

    FOR SALE.Twolvo Clilnoso Granlto Hltchlnn

    Posts, $5 each,l'roporty In town.


    W. C. ACHI & CO.,Brokers & Dealers

    in- -

    REALJlSTATECiT We will Uny or Hell Real Estate in

    dl parts of tho group.K3" We will Bell Properties on Eeaaon-ibi-s


    OFFICE, 10 West King Street



    4U-ENOY- ,



    LOUIS K. AVGREWOKKICli No. lli Knahumanu Htroot,

    Honolulu, rorniorly A. Roxa'aofnoa.United ftatoi Custom Houso ItrokeraAi'voiiutauts, Senrchors of Titles andflonoral IIuniiiom Agents.Toluphono MO '1024


    Menbei of Honolulu Slock Exchange.Queen tlreet.

    Telephone j. P. O. Box ?M.BRUCE CARTWRIGHT,

    General Manager of

    rhe Equitable Life Assurance Society

    Ot the United States (or the HawaiianInlands.

    Orr'Ofti Merchant street. Houolnln


    No. 45 Queen Btreet.

    Expert Apprnlaemont of Realfistato uud Furniture,

    A. ,T. CAMPBELL,Stock and Bond Broker.

    Member ol the Honolulu Stock Exciting.Ofllco Quoon street, opposite Unlan

    Food Company.('Telephone 306. P.O. Dox jtj. M44

    DONNELLY & ROSS,Expert Accountants and

    Searchers of Titles.Custom HorsE BnoKEits.

    Room No. 5 Spreckols Iluildlng,Honolulu, II. I.

    L. C. ABLES,

    Real Estate and FinancialAgont.

    316 FORT STREET.

    jf4j4 jJBHHSE1 xt .r . nimimv ,JmAiMM riW



    'i' .",H

  • -



    Evening Bulletin,;Publish!! Every Day, except Sunday, at sio Klne

    street, Honolulu, II. I., by the

    Bulletin publishing Company.W. R. FARRINGTON EdltirDANIEL LOOAN City Editor

    Siibicrl(luii UnseatPer Tionih, anywhere In Hawaiian Islands. ...S .75Per year " " " ... ........ 8 onPer year.postpald.to Amerlca.Canada or Mexico. 10 ooPer year, postpaid, other foreign countries tj oo

    irpayaMe Invsrlablv In advance.

    I1o1ioiim!Business Office !i"0. Editorial Rooms, 101).

    Postoflice tlox, 404.

    MONDAY, I?EB. G, 181)9.

    Honolulu may well bo KratiGedtlm' the first modern battleship toouter tho harbor m tlin far-fam-Or '(.01, that stnnda ht the top-- n

    tuli of runny good Americanfiqhting muchinrs. CertainlyH)doIu1u will not nllow itselft j lit' outdono in its cordial greet-ing by tho people of foreign portsat which tho ship litis touched int!ie second Ricceesful trip aroundtho Horn.

    It is refreshing to noto thatIt'V. Kiueaid takes up tho cudgtdngn-hi- pioperty qualifications- - forvoter?. The whole theory, of re-quiring a man to havo a cortainamount ofcnBhbeforo he is alloweda voico in affairs, ib contrary to alltenets of American justice. Everypossiblo forco should be comLined to prevent the oxtenRion ofsuch a tbeory to this corner ofAmerican territory. Rev. Kin-cai- d,

    however, evidently foruetsthat tho property qualificationidea is now getting its strongestsupport from the theorizers whoform tun backbono of tho Mug.vamp frtct'o".


    Tho disposition of theso landsto a colony of sol tiers promotedby Byron O. Clark has called forthdiverse and sundry comment thatis iutretting to eiiy the least. Atfirst the Bulletin was in receiptof considerable criticism directedat Mr. Clark for bringing mendown here and trying to make the"new comers" believe that a livingcould Im made from tho land.Later came the correspondencecritcising the Qovernmout forletting out this land to "new-comers" and intimating thoro wereplenty of local peoplo who wouldhave been glad to take up the laudhnd they known it was opeu to thepublic.

    Taking tho history of tho dispo-sition of this tract as a wholo,thereis nt) reason for seriously criticising tho action of the Government,the land having been bandied in amanner strictly within tho letternul appa-en- t iritout of the law.

    The Land Aot of 1895 providesth it fix or more persons who arequilified to apply for Cash Free-holds may apply for holdings inone blodk of land, and the LindCommissioners, with the approvalof thn Oa'iinqt, may ctme a tractto be survoyed. Provisions of theAct relative to cash fron holdsshall b followed "provided thatthe notico by the Agent of PublicLands doalaripg such land openfor settlement shall be directed tosuoh settlement association andeh ill bo in one language only."

    It appears fiat tho Wabiawaland was tiaosforred from theCoramis-iiono'-- a of Public Instruction to die general governmentApril 8, 1897. Laud Agent Brownstates, "From fiat time on, theland was r ointed o it as govern-ment Ian I, available under tholaud act." Wo are not disposedto doubt Mr. Brown's word, andconmquent'y cannot agree thattbero has boon any "work in thodark."

    On Jam U, 18)8, Byron 0.Clark for himself andothers male application forthat portion of Wahiawnbolow the fdto.it to be sot nsido forpurpose! of a settlement associa-tion. Tho Commissioners of Pub-li- e

    Landu, with tin approval of



    tho Exocutivo Couioil, gruntedtho applicit'on, and reserved thelaud for 12 months for such pur-pose. Tho laud was appraised by0. P.JIaukea and M. D. Monsarrat; it was survfyed; and tho set-tlement asfosiation was installed.

    It is worthy of note that thisland was "on tho market," oponfor application for over a year bo-for-

    nuyono took it up. It mByalso be noticed Hint the law doosnot require tho land of settlementassociations to bo put up at auc-tion as in the caso of the cash free-holds, nor is tho government re-quired to givo notice to othersthan the membors of tho associa-tion that tho land is open. It ismatter left to tho discretion of theLand O.immiasionera and theExecutivo Council whother 'landshall granted settlement associa-tions or held fo1 cash freeholders.Generally sppakim; it Booms tohavo been a case of first comofirt serve.

    It is apparent that the law givesa dietinct advantago to those

    associations. Onco theyget the approval of the Laud Com-missioners and the Executive,possible individual purchasers aroshut out and thoro is no possibilityof increasing tho return to tho gov-ornmo-ut

    through the competitionof an auction. The appraisers sottho price and if tho association ofsettlor is satisfied with tho figure,tho land is theirs.

    Tho best thing and the onlything our oomplaining correspon-dents can do is to socuro a chaugoin tho law.


    Private A. Herrington of Co M,10th Infantry, who came ip thoSoandia, died aboard that vobboIat about 10 o'clock Sunday morning, death resulting from an inju-ry to tho abdomen, recoivod in acolli-io- n with Joe Kalana's hackon Pauahi stroot at about 2:15 p.m. Saturday.

    Decoasod bad been riding abouttho city on a wheel and was aboutto return his bicycle to the shopfrom which he had obtained it,when tho accident montioned oc-curred. Kulaua's hack turned in-to Pauahi street from Smith. .De-ceased was going the other way.Before either ono could got out ofthe WAy, there was a collision anddeceased fell, ouo of tho shafts oftho back having ponotrnted hisabdomon. He was taken to theHcaudia and placod in charge ofSurgeon Van Tyle but nothingcould bo done for him. Death re-sulted as rotated above.

    A coroner's jury was'j called.Deleberatious were begun nudthen postponed until Tuesdayafternoon at 10 o'clock. Kalanaclaims ho oried out to Horrinctonseveral times but that tho soldierhad his head turned and kept ad-vancing at great speed straighttoward the hack.

    Mrs. J. Kaao, who was in thehack at the timo of tho accidenthas been arrested on tho ohargoof obstruotiug and perverting jus-tice. Police oftinor Akakani, aSamoan, who mado tho arrest,tolls the following story:

    "As soon as I saw a soldier hadbeen hurt, I rushod into tho crowdand tried to get all thoinformation I could regardingtho case. I noticed sevoral soldiers had hold of Kalana's horseand, questioning the driver, foundhis was tho hack that had causedtho injury to the man stretchedout on the ground.

    "I saw the immediate necessityof getting the injurod soldier to adootor and asked Mra. Kaao to getout' of the carriage bo that I mjghtput him in and take ,him away.This she .refused persistently todo, saying simothiqg about the'robbers of our country.' Kalanatried his best to got hor out, butstill she refused.

    "Soldiers then gathered aroundthehaok,andtakinihold,WQrointhQact of turning it over whon I in-terfered and, with the assistanceof some Boldiors, cot Mrs. Kaaoout of tho carriage. Naturally,tin forco with which she camo outwas groat, as she held to tho hacklike grim death, Sho was thrownto the ground and her clothestorn. Tho injured man was placod

    lJW, 'tif,;;fc

    i.p9p mT-iM- mmwi-'mwm-r

    in tl u hack and takon to thoScatidia by bis friends.

    "Mrs. Kaae rofused to goalong to tho polico station.Some of tho soldiers helped meand we finally got bor to tho policestation. Sheplaims I treated herbrutally but I know I did myduty. Sho would not como out oftho hack nud a man whoso lifewas in danger, had to got to aphysician as soon as possible. Iused force, not brutality, as anyonewhowus around at tho time, willadmit."

    M. Aona was anothor arrestedon tho charge of obstructing andpervorting justice. Officer Akakani olnima bo kept tolling Mrs.Kaao to remain in tho carriagewhile ho was doing his best to gether out.

    Tho cases of both Mrs. Kaaeand Aona will come up in thopolico court tomorrow.

    Mrs. Kaao could not bo seen bya Bulletin reporter this foronoonbo that hor sido of tho story couldnot be obtained.

    HI.AtlOllTim OP TIIEEC.

    Ueautlful Orove of Iroinvoort Trepa-ns Park Kniritnce Doomntl.

    It has been docrood by tho Com-missioners of Kapiolani Park tocut down tho fino grove of .iron-woo- d

    trees at tho townBido ontrnncoof tho park. This grovo standsbetween E. S. Cunba'a placo, ontho bench at tho end of tho bridge,and Park Bangor McCoHum'scottage. Tho (roes aro tbo growthof twenty yeais aud havo attainedthe stately height of a hundred feet.They form ono side to each of twobeautiful vistas ono on- - tho mainavouue leadiDg to Diamond Head,tho other on the driveway pastMflkee island, which continuesarntiud tho park.

    For the grovo thus doomed it isintended to substituto n lawn.Somo of tho peoplo who havo beenapprised of this contemplated ac-tion of the Commissioners do notlike tho idea a bit. It is knownthat even some the Commissionersdo uot approve of tho scheme. Thoobjectors Bny that another placocould bo selected for a lawn inthe domain of 2G0 acres formingtho park. Also that it will notonly spoil the vistaB just mention-ed, but one of the finest views fromthe ocean along the eastern approach of vessels to Honolulu auda favorite yachting course

    The suggostiou has been madeto tbo Bulletin that the hand oftho woodman should bo stayeduntil public opinion on the matterhavo opportunity of adequate ex-pression.


    Reductionj- -

    for the

    Season! .

    ;TI1B B. & tl.$3

    LAMP'SWe have received were made speciallyfor us, from the LATEST designs furnish-ed in advance by the manufacturers.

    We will make a liberal reduction from themarked prices. We are also making re-duced prices on PICTURES and FRAMES.

    I) UlUli

    Fort Street.

    ijadame Wolfe,

    fasti iraiteQUEEN HOTEL COTTAGE,


    Having arrived from the Coast per S. S.Garonne, has commenced business. Thevery latest styles, and a perfect fit, guar-anteed. Charges moderate. 1132

    H. L. KERR & CO.,

    Architects and BuildersRooms 9 and 10,

    :: PROGRESS BLOCK.I Telephone iji. 1116




    Abe on !

    W fiffifffiflfV iffIffWflllf ffffffffffIffiffflf iffiffffififfIffiffiff9 v X

    W KlMJm ATat A llST.

    The Golden Rule Bazaar received by thelast steamer a NEW AND BEAUTIFULLINE of

    which are now on display In their win-dows, 316 Fort street. All those Interestedare Invited to call nd Inspect the line."NO TROUBLE TO SHOW GOODS."


    Is the best place In the city to buy STA-TIONERY FOR FOREIGN


    316 FORT ST.

    My Guitars nro noted for tho purityof their tono.

    Guitars, Violins, etc, RepairedA. DIAS,

    069 Hotel street, opposite the Arlington.

    P. N.Wood and

    Lessons Given InFancy Wood Carving.

    PORT STREET. HONOLULU, H. Iand floor Honolulu Planlne Mill. mi


    Ii a splendidly equipped establishment. Ithascourteous drivers, line horses, and rubber-tlres-

    voluptuous vehicles.

    Ring up Telephone 32 t

    Manufacturer of

    TAKO TATOIIand Material Guaranteed. Repairing

    a Specialty.

    1130 :: No. 210H KINO 8T.

    TheOf Our of


    EMBROIDERIESGreatly Reduced Prices!




    small assortment of NewShirt Waistswill placed sale







    Guitars Alade.


    OTREMBA,Carving Polishing.


    Guitars, Ukuleles,FIDDLES.





    Dry Goods Co., Limited,PEOPLE'S PROVIDERS.j

    mmmmmm iHI Machines Sold on Installments. Renting and f f

    Parts and Needles for




    4tWU4!fiATOjreiurauiuraUiVuijijjireThe "Anamba",Brought Us,,AmongOther Goods :

    64 crates and 18 casks of 'CROCK-ERY and CHINA WARE, containing anew supply of our well-know- n

    ...Trilby Wore,..In BLUE, FADE GREEN and RUSSETBROWN colors, with our pew 1899 pat-tern called LYTTON.

    Also a fine line of WHITEand Including a complete

    stock of IRON .STONE ,.;for HOTELand RESTAURANT trade. '. '

    We are also displaying the "Red Poppy"In French China, which Is very neat Inappearance, reasonable In price, and Is soldIn to suit the purchaser.

    W.W.Dimond&Co.,..Von Holt Block, King street.

    SSTSole Agents, Hawaiian Islands, for"Jewel" Stoves, Gurney Cleanable

    Primus OH Stoves. .

    CITY REPAIR SHOP115 Bethel St., opp. Cnstle & Cooke

    TELEPHONE ion.Strictly new 1S08 Cleveland Bicycles for Rent,Repairing promptly and thoroughly attended to.

    All work guaranteed.E.JONES.

    in5-6- R. CLARK.

    Practical Horseshoer.J. A. MORGANJjas to

    JOHN A. NUNES', 127 QUKKN Street,Near Richard street






    All Machines.


    Sewing Machine

    What'sThe Use : :

    of paying big prices forclothing, hats and furnishings, whenyou can buy new and stylish goodsfor less money? Ours Is all newand stock, bought at thelowest cash prices ever known, andnot an article in the store has beenthere more than one season.

    Come and CompareOur men's suits with those thatothers are asking more for, and youwill appreciate what we are selling:you.

    Come and CompareOur splendid line of hats, underwear,boys' and children's suits, gloves,sweaters, shirts, collars, with any-thing shown you, and you will sayour styles are and pricesthe lowest named by any first-clas- shouse in the city.

    "The Kash,"9 Hotel Street : : WaTerlCy BlOGl

    Agents tor Dr. Delmel's Llnen-Me- ebUnderwear. 8onil for Catalogue.

    We Make Shirts to Order.Telopliono No 070.

    TAKAKI &CO., 'rContractors, Builders,

    And HOUSE PAINTERS.115'A Nuuanu street, Honolulu, H. I.


    400 Nuuanii Stroot.

    Chairs of all kinds, Matting,Cigars, Silk and Chinese Teas. 1130 -







  • F



    rS$ j




    'To-day- 's Honolulu StockExchange Report.



    C. Brewer &; Col


    Sue'rCo.AsmSttCo.P d ud


    Agf, CoSuk Co

    mu Su Contkt ; rn

    ni ku ounruoIfihukii Pl'fi rtKoioaSueirCoKlphuIuSuCoOahu Assemble0huS (p'Jup)Onomea Su CoOoktUSP'nCo




    Olowalu Com'Pacific Su MrPaUPUnt'nCoPepwkeo Su CoPioneer Mill CoWallulcu Su CoWalmiiutoSCoWalmcMl1lCoWalanaeCom'y


    Wilder S S ColiteMs S N CoHaw'n Elec Co.Hono. RT&tCoMutual Tele CoMakahaCon.As

    " nd UPOahuRy&LCo


    Haw Gov.Cper c

    HGovPostS.jUOahu tty&L Co

    Capital Bh'r'tllutho'icdluud

    ft ,009,000 to.ooo

    750,000 15.00950,000

    1,000,000 ao,ooo175,000! i.$o500,00a 5

    1,000,0001 10,000300,000! 3 .too

    I.ouo.ooJ 10,000500,000! $,000500,000! $,000Joo,160.000600,000







    A nureoWANTS.

    ooo l.ooo1,6006,000




    g.oou 0031,000 31c

    MML --ej

    CapitalPaid Up





    t, 800,0001,000,000















    50 Oahu (palJup) ...170S Oahu 170

    to Oahu (assessable) 110





    is wanted. Road

    -- I



    Tell,known yoars


    Go., Fortutrtot. There


    WW f'Jf '""""

    H. I., G,

    Cftpf nln Tell.

    W. H. ono of tho bestfor ten

    in thehna tho of

    for the

    nro a ofin tbo


    loon, Hart &, (Jo,, litd., Kingand Mr. Tell

    to extend his bo as toraako Iiih aone. Uue urm can scarcely affordto do this. His hours on watoharo from 5 p. m. to 7 a. m., andho could extoud his asfar us the block if

    His andare


    A burial was issuedfor Antone67, diod this Thoentry on tbo stub gives causo ofdeath as and

    by coroner s

    Dri1si to Work,t'lio will

    resume woik in tbonow slip at the P. M. 8. S. wharf

    Tvll I &in n m

    OapUinaccepted position

    wntchniau Honolulu Car-riage

    numberirametl-int- o

    reauiriui!services, notably Oriterion

    Brothers, would-lik- euaofulDees


    desir-ed. probity







    We can oldAS AS !





    make yourNEW

    Our new plant outworK Dy any lactorv. Any color, plain

    If you have a frame we can put Ina new bar at very little cost

    Any done on









    I im Km





    yulunblo properties










    Is turningunexcelled

    orstriped. With ortransfers


    minor repairs short notice !

    EAKIN &








    We are selling, for one weekonly, Mandolins and Guitars at

    $3.50 EACH !This is a special inducement; do not

    be deluded by inferior goods at lowerprices. Come and judge for yourself.




    ' '

    THE HONOLULU, 1899.




    Members of tho Honolulu Cric-ket olub should not forget theirannual meetiut; in the Arlingtonhotel parlors tomorrow night.

    Among the arrivals from Mauiports 'iu the steamer CinudincSunday were the following: J. M.Kaneaku . Count von Sedwitz andG. P Wildor.

    Mrs. Hackfeld is very ill soill, in fact, that police officers arestation at the home, Punchbowls'opo, during tho day aud night,to pievout any loud noises thatmight otherwise be made.

    Trundling heavy iron hoops isthe latest fad of street gamins. Ifthey did not roll tho thingsamongst the legs of horses andwhools of otrriauos, there wouldbo no objoction to their indul-gence in tho sport.

    Jos. Herman and J. McCabe,two soldiers from the Transport

    racnndia, aro at tho police statiou,!charged,) with malicious injury,tho obargu having been changedthis morning from that of furiousand heedless driving.

    Parties intereoted in fiuitground on the Island)) wouldconfor a groat favor on the Agricultural Department by Bondingany Gno spweemons to Couinrts-sione- r

    Byron O. Clarke who werepreserve tho prints in bottles forexhibition purposes.

    Tho Bulletin's Fraternal Di-rectory has again received the in-dorsement of the community offratoraal societies. Tbo latest ad-dition is tho card of tho Geo. W.De ong Post, No. 45, G. A. It.,L. L. La Pierre, P: C; Jas. T.Cppelaud, Adj. This post haslong been noter as tho first to beorganized outside tho UniteJStates. It has lost nono of itsmarked reputation in veteran cir-cles in consequence of annexation.Its members always cordiallygreet mombors of the order fromall portions of this country.Meetings aro held the first Thursday evoning of each month.

    Unruly Holdlcn.Tho arrest of two soldierd from

    tho Transport Scandia at about8:30 o'clock Saturday evening,caused a little brush between theMounted Patrol and" a mob ofBoldiers wbo ran to the policestation to rescue their two com-rades from the clutches of thelaw.

    The prisoners, who were beinghurried to the station house bynative officers, had reached thecorner of Nuuanu and Merchantstreots when the mob of soldierswho bad collected farther up Nuu-anu streot, rushed down.

    The Mounted Patrol was justforming at the police station proparatory to being sont out on thobeatB for tun night. Uaptain rarker ordered them to charge on tbointerfering soldiers. This theydid very satisfactorily, Bcattoringthe boys in blue in thrco differentdirections. The two prisonerswore safely landed in jail and nofurther trouBle took place thatnight.

    Wide Tlrr Drjr.At the Hawaiian Carriage

    Manufacturing Co.'s works is be-ing constructed adray for Hustace& Co., with wheels in conformityto tho wide tires law. Tho tiresof the fore wheels are five inohes,and those of tbo hind wheelseight inches wMo. Astho trackof the front pair falls just insideof that of tho rear pair, there isprodn'dod a rolling surface cover-ing 26 inches of road. Tbo vohi-d- o

    will bo a veritablo road roller.It is calculated to carry a burdenof twenty tons, requiring fourstrong horses to draw when wellloaded. Thero is a triple goose-neck on the dray.

    V.lunble Picture Collection.At the Goldon Itnle Bazaar aro

    oxposed for sale two photographiccards crowded with pictures fromanoiont and modern Hawaii.They aro a souvenir collection inneat form of raro historic voluo.Anciont war canoes well manned,temples and houses of refuge, thovisit of Captain Cooke's ships,portraits of nearly all tho'kingsand queens, also of survivingmembers of tho royal family, thoKamobameha statuo, native grasshousosetc, aro among tho pic-tures. All aro clear and sharp inoutlino.

    The Evening Bulletin gives ALLthe news for 75 cents n month.



    The New Music Storeof Wall. Nichols Co.is Now Open!

    New shipment of x


    Ntw Retorts anl Tune ShMti (or tfcove.



    Notice.Persons wishing to obtain board at

    Makawno. Mnul . can be (ocntnmnttntfldatMRS. II. B. BAILEY'S

    TormN, $10 por-we- ok. A55-6-

    If you want a nice rubber tiroback with a careful driver ring upOlub Stable Hack Stand Tel. 31(1,and wo guarantee you will bosatisfied.



    Squash, 3c per lb.Cranberries. 15c "

    P. J. YOELLER &Fort and Jlotcl Sts.

    Telephone 680.




    Odlcc: 208 Merchant street, Camp-bell Block, rear of J. O. Curler's ofllce.P. O. Box

    EDMUND H. HART,and Typewriter

    Convtynttf Surchtr Rtcordi.OlBco Campbell's Block. Merchant St.

    Next door llwalln wine Co. tojs-t- t

    Any calls for Dr. J. R. Shaw may besent to his Infirmary, Telephone 79X). Calls

    will be promptly attended by'Dr. V. T.Monsarmt. 1132-i-

    ENAMELINGl,We make a specialty of fine either In plain black, colors, or

    highly decorated finish.

    Kodaks Repaired,Also guns, typewriters, bicycles, and any article requiring skilled andfinished workmanship. All work Will call for and deliver.

    PEARSON & HOBRON, Agts312 FORT ST. Telephone 565.

    IIMlinHmiliMlWllMilHJlHlMflitnTHi.TTniFTmilUUTHTIHiniMimiHIIihllMIIM.mNlliliMMMP'inilhil i

    it fr.i.tey n iiut:vn mmi,iii



    Notary PublicnJ ol



    D- -











    In selecting Gittsmany points are to be considered:First of all, where is the largestand best display to be seen ? I

    Second, the quality and prices ?After you have convinced your-self on these two points the restis easy.

    Stock.We have on display the

    largest and greatest variety ofCHOICE GOODS ever offeredIn Honolulu. Weiknow our pricesare right, because we buy rightfrom the therebysaving the percentage made bythe middle man.

    and BestWhen you come to our store

    we feel it our duty to familiarizeyou with the goods we carry, andour time is yours.

    Come and inspect our stock.Goods are all marked in plain




    MnwmvMtejk&ii tt(,ikrtfcitoHatow,W



    We have a LargeAssortment thisintrinsically valuable article, whichwe are sellingthe most reasonable figures.






    Hollister Drug
















  • Kf " G

    & . Markets. i ,"v BICYCLES ON MAUL

    g' 108 KING STREET. Dnlfilifr""m J. J. Wallkb, : ; Manager DCllVllIlLHF "Wholoaalo nud Retnil

    I" butchers (g) poW(ierv Navy Contractors. VR. iBEST OP MEATS.






    Fnmlllos doslrlng tendor roasto,juicy fcloaks and chops shouldcall on tlio

    Sentral Meat MarketWo make a specialty of family tradeand soil tlio bout at reasonableII gurus.

    H. E. GARES, Proprietor.21 1 NuitanuSt. Tolophono 104,


    Sterling 25c !


    25c! Thimbles!Cold, Silver and Plated Ware,

    in the Latest Designs,,.KOU.,

    The Season!-- .All Goods Guaranteed at Represented.

    watchmaker,manupvctuiiixo jewelerand oitician.

    M. R. COUNTER507 Fort Street.


    1ATEST STYLES JEWELRYRy lupt x'Hxtner from the Const.

    THE REGULAR THINGAt ray store, where the

    BEST CUSTOM WORKJs "lont repairing nnd iihw workboth. Pius, rlgs, bracelet, wutolimaking, eto.

    H. G. BIART 404 Fort St

    G--. DTUTZ,Practical Watchmaker

    417 NTANU ST.Repairs fine complicated Watches, Clocks, Music

    9uh ana jeweiry.All wttrk cuaranteeJ Thirty-fiv- e years experience

    ErEHElYour work solicited, and the finest


    a Employed

    All Flannels mid Silks washed byhai(l. Ordinary Momllng, mid Rut-Ion-s

    Sewed On.

    The HonoluluSTEAM LAUNDRY

    COMPANY, Limited.BSTTelephoiio 583, and leave your

    order. K)5S



    EMBALMINGA Hpoclalty.

    Office and Parlors614 &510FortSt., near Hotel.

    Tolophono 170.

    Real Estate Transaction.Subscribers are furnished with from tlv

    to six Hats or weak, giving an anonruiJtoord ot all deeds, mortgages, leases, rleasos, powers of attorney, etc., etc, whlo)are plaoed on reonrd.Subscription Price, $2.00 per Month.

    A. V. GEAB,"in Kino Bt nonrlnln

    liAitAIUNMercantile Agency

    210 King atreeti

    Difficult Collections a Specialty



    When WEOfferAn ArticleFor Sale

    And call It something, we're quitesure there's no false label on it ; quite sure,Indeed, that It Is just what we Gill It, orwe wouldn't expect to hold our position Inthe trade very long.

    We haven't labored steadily well ontoward the quarter century mark to reaclithe top In our line of business just to foolaway that good name we prize so muchon a game of chance like misrepresentingan article of food.

    Lewis & Co.211 FORT STREET.

    'Telephone 340

    Wholesale and RetailDealers In - -

    Staple andFancy - -

    GroceriesP. O. Box 207.

    H. MAY & CO.Wholesale and Retail Groceries.

    615 & 517 Fort 8t.. Honolulu .(Vlenhnner 2U P.O. Box 470



    Frequently want their work In a hurry.You come on one of the steamers, are hereonly a few days, and wlh to have yourexposures developed and prlntedl beforeleaving. We have put

    electricalDryersas- -

    Into our establishment, and will GUAR-ANTEE TO DO YOUR WORKQUICKER AND BETTER than anyoneelse in the city. One trial will convinceyou that we are correct in this statement.Amateurs are welcome to the use of darkroom free of charge.

    C. E. LeMUNYON,Rooms 3 and 4, Love Building.



    We turn out the finest workat the most reasonable prices.

    Souvenir Views of the Islandsin endless variety.

    J. J. WILLIAMS,At tbo Old StandOn Fort Street ::

    Pop.-co-rn Crisps I


    HAS MOVED Into the premises latelyoccupied by Mr: Joseph Tinker as a meatmarket, on Nuuanu street, opposite Chap-lain str.et.

    A Full Supply ofFresh CrispsMade Daily ! im-i-

    Wailufcu, Feb, i The firat reg-ular meeting of the "Maui BicycloClub" was bold in this town 00Saturday evening. Tuero woreover one dozen members present.President Boote presided at tliomooting. The committoo on con-stitution and by-ln- reportedprogress. Messm W. Bnl, G. D.Ouramings and Juo, Vassoncolleswore appointed a track committo.

    The meeting was unanimous inselecting "yollow and groon" astin? colors ot theclub,and no doubtthe golden or royal greon will boa favorite color on the Kabuluitruck 011 race moots.

    Interest in cycling is still pro-gressing, and one of the livomembers of the olub bns disposedof his horse in order to bo provid-ed wih a wheel. The treasuryshowed a healthful stalo of affaits,nearly $8.00 boiDg gathered at tliomeeting for dues. Tlio secrrtarywas instructed to writo lottors toprominent citizens of this islandfor tbo lioneiitof this club.

    Hov. J. M. Lewis will hold ser-vices at the Wniluku foreignoil inch tomorrow morning.

    Many of the leading sugarplanters of Maui are in Kabuluiuow. AmoDg tlio visiting membersare managers K. J. Gjordrum ofIlann, Otto Unua of Kabului andW111, II G. Campbell of Haraoa.Tbesosugar potentates will returnto their rcspectivo sugar estates bythe Oiaudine next Wednesdaymorning.

    Senator A. N. Kepoikai is nowrepresenting Hon. H. P. Bald-win's iutereets in Iao valley lands.

    V S. T. N. Morgan Oily.The U. S. T. S. Morgan City

    arrived in port early Saturdayevening and hauled alongside theold fishmarkot wharf, hnving snil-o- d

    from Sau Francisco on theevening of January 2G, very short-ly after tbo Scandia. Tbo MorganCity is on bor way to Manilawith nurses, wiveB of ofllcers ontheir way to Manila, undertakersand 2000 tons of supplies, etc., forthe troops in tlio Philippines.

    lho-- e in tbo Morgan City are:Col. and Mrs. McCaskoy, CbasMcCaskoy, Major and Mrs. Miller,Major and Mrs. Irons, of theTwentieth Infautry; Major Can-ton, Washington Voluutoprs; Cap-tai- n

    Pntton, Fourteenth Infautry;Lieut. Ilutberford, Fourth Cav-alry; Dr. Baud, Lieut. Geigor,Dr.and airs, llirkpatnck, Lieut. Mc-Null- a,

    Lieut, and Mrs. Estes,Twentioth Infantry; ten postalclerks, flvo undertakers, fivo BedCross nurses, tbo wives of fifteouofficers uow in Manila.

    Tbo ship's officers aro as fol-lows: Lieut' T. M. Moody, Twen-iet- hj

    Infantry, quartermaster incharge; J. G. Dillon, captain;James II. Band, 6rst officer; J.N. Ansoll, second officer; W. J.Moloney, third officer; W. H.Kelley, chief engineer; L. N.Graoa, first assistant ongineer; S.Bucds, eocond assistant engineer;B. Gorman, third assistant ongin-eer; G. H. Edwards, purser, andE. M. Hill, assistant purser.

    The Morgan City sails for Ma-nila at 10 a. m. tomorrow.

    Kuhulul Hhliiiilnif Neus,Wailuku, Feb. !. Tho Am

    brgtno Lurline sailed for SanFrancisco last Sunday, Jan 29,with 1,187,125 lbs of sugar. Nopassengers.

    The Am torn Jennio Wand ar-rived nt Kabuloi on Mondav. Jan30, after a fino passago of fifteendavs from San Francisco with ncargo of general merchandise forthis port, ouo biougut two headof fine live stock for some of Wai-luku citizens.

    Both tho Haw steel bark Nuu-an- uand sohr Jennie Wand are in

    port. They uro expected to leavefor the Golden Gate next weekwith full cargoes of sugar.

    Tho Am sohr Emma Olaudinais now due nt Hana. Maui with acargo of lumber for tho Hanaoiore. tug ecur Defendant islikewiso oxpected at Kabului thisween wilu goneral cargo.

    Mr. F. O. Holbig, a prominentdruggist of Lynchburg, Va., says:"One of our citizens was cured ofrheumatism of two years standing, ny ono Dottle of Ubaraborlain'sPain Balm. This liuimont isfamous for its cures of rheuma-tism; thousands have boon dolighted wilh tho prompt reliefwhioh it affords. For sale by alldoalors. Benson, Smith & Co,,Gen. Agonts,




    Cathcart& ParkeAttorneys-at-La- w

    13 Kaahumanu StreetCHARLES F. PETERSON,

    A-ttorno-y a.t Law and

    Notary .Publio.Kantittmnliti Htrner,


    A.ttorney-- a t-- L awBethel St., Honolulu.

    'jiW. O. Acm. IZxocii JoiiNsotf.

    AG HI & JOHNSON,Attorneys and Counselors

    at Law.Olllco No. 10 West King street.

    Tolopiiono 88-1- . 1078

    M. G. Darmey. Frederick W. Hankey.

    BARNEY & HANKEY,Lawyers.

    Will practice In all the Hawaiian and Unllei States4 Courts.

    Rooms n-1- 2, PROGRESS BLOCK,Cor. Tort anl Deretanla streets. 1116


    Will practice limit the U. S PeJcratana oiaie ouns

    Pro cress Block, cor. UeretanU anj Fort streets.itj :: Rooms 5ni 6.

    T. McCANTS STEWART,(Formerly of the New York Dar),

    Attorney and Counsellor at Lawspreckels building,

    Poom c Honolulu, H. I.305 Fort St. io8q

    GEORG-- E A. DAVIS,Attorney at Law,

    Notary public and conveyancer.206 Merchant Street.

    DeeJs, MoriKagcs. ARretments, anl other docu-ments drawn on anl after Monday, the 9M1 of Jan-uary, A. D. 1899.

    Office Hours from 9 a. m, to 5 p. m.Honolulu. Januiry 4. 1899 ,109

    Surgeons and Physicians.


    liowL- - sritEirrs.onico Hours: 8 to 10 n. m.; 'l to 3

    p. in.; 7 to 8 p. 111. Sundays: 8 to 10a. in. Tolepliono 510. P. O. Box 601.


    Jlours : 0-- a. in., 3 p. in., 7-- 8 p.m.Sundays, 12-- 2 p. m.

    Tolepliono 741. 1107-3- m

    DR. C. L. GARVINOinco: 517 Kisa Strkkt, noarPunch-- 1

    owl, Honolulu, II. I.1ELEPHONE No. 448

    Hour: 9 to 11 n, 111.; 1 to 3 p. m.j7 to 8 p. in.



    Alakea, near Hotel street, (removed fromHotel St.)



    MOTT-SMIT- H BLOCK.Telepiionks: Olllco, G15; llosldonco,

    7H! nouns: u a. in. to i p. m.

    A. C. WALL, D. D. 8.,O.E.WALL, D.D.S.,DENTISTS.

    New Lovo'a DaildluR, Fort BtreotiTELKPHONK 434.

    DR. P. E. CLARK,

    3DENTIST.13-- 14 Progress Block, corner Boretanla

    and Fort Stroota, Honolulu.

    DR. R. I. MOORE,Dentist.

    No. 219 Hotel streot. Tolophono 605HOURS: 1) to 12 a.m. uud I to 4 p.m.


    Take NoticeThat all Bicycles left at Bailey's Hono

    lulu Cyclery, 231 King Street, for morethan 30 Days will be sold at auction to paythe repair bill that may be owing againstthem. This notice is especially given tothe parties who own Several bicycles (10)that have been left In my store from 2months to 8 months.1134-i- J.S.BAILEY.


    Incorporated Under the Laws 1I op tub Hawaiian Republic.

    Capital $100,000

    OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS:Chas. M. Cooki:, Prohldont.

    J. ). Athkivton,O. II. Cookk, Cashlor,

    P. O. ATjtnnTON, Socrotary.Honry Wntorhouso,

    Tom May,F. W. Macfarlano,

    E. D. Tonnoy,J. A. McCandloss.

    Solicits tlio Accounts o( l'lrms,Trusts, Individuals, and will

    carofully and promptly attend to allbuslnoss conncctod with banking

    to It. Soil and purcliaso ForolgnExchango, Issuo Lottors of Crodlt.

    SAVINGS DEPARTMENT !Ordinary and Term Doposlts rocolvod,

    and Intorost allowod In accordanco withrules and conditions printed In Passbooks, osplos of which may bo had uponapplication.

    Safo doposlt boxes routed by monthor yoar. 1045

    Architects, Contractors and Builders.

    U. a TRAPHAGEN,ARCHITECT223 MBrohant St,, Honolulu,

    Between Fort and Alakea,Telf.imione : : : 734

    Building MaterialsOF ALL KINDS.

    Dealers in Lumber and Coal.

    ALLEN & ItOBINSON,Quoon stroot, Honolulu.

    F. H. REDWARD,Contractor and Builder

    Offices and Stores fitted up andEstimates given on

    ALL KINDS OF WORK.CST Olllco and tiuoi. No. (519 Fort street,

    adjoining W. W. Wright's Carriage Bhop.

    To My Patrons and the Public,

    Hnving recovered from my re-cent illness, I nm npain preparedto do all kinds of Tinsmith andPlumbing work as heretofore.Thanking yon for past favors, Irespectfully solicit a continuanceof tho same.

    JAS. NOTT, Jr.Tel. 844.

    A Mew Paint Shop.Having assoclatod with us Mr. John

    II. Wost, a practical Houso Painter,Decorator and Wood Pollshor, wo aronow proparod to glvo estimates on ankinds of work In that lino.

    Mr. Wost having had a practicalof over twonty years In San

    Francisco and other largo cltlos on tlioCoast, wo fool confltlont that any workon trustod to us will glvo ontlro satisfac-tion to our patrons.

    Peerless Preserving Paint Co.

    Artistic Graining


    House Painter,Paper Hanger,Grainer, Glazier, andTinter : : :


    1070 Next to I'ollco Station



    In Fine Condition, Just as Good as Now.

    J. T. LUND,Dnion Stroet (Boll Tower).

    W Light Mchln Work promptly done.

    Have You Seen Them?Those elegant WROUOHTIRON

    FENCES wo aro putting up aroundtho mora handsomo rosltlonco lots Intown? Costs no inoro than a woodenfoncoj lnstfl a life ttuio: a combination ofbounty and strongth that will udd moreto tho attractiveness of your homo thanany other Improvement for twlco thomonoy. Call and boo our samplos.

    Iron Work of every description. Im-ported and domostlo MONUMENTS,