Principles of Marketing- Market Information and Research

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Prof. Rushen Chahal

Prof. Rushen Chahal1

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1. Defining market research1. Defining market research

Marketing research is the systematic design,

collection, analysis, and reporting of data relevant

to a specif ic marketing situation facing anorganization

Role of market research:- It is the function which

links the consumer, customer, and public to the

marketer or organization through information

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2. Types of marketing research2. Types of marketing research

Exploratory approach:-

To generate some preliminary information about theproblems before the actual research; usuallyobservation

Descriptive approach:-

Informative/descriptive way of addressing an issue,such as customer prof iling or behavior

Causal or predictive approach:-

To test a hypothesis of cause and effect relationship toget results, e.g. do beer give benefits to drinkers? 

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3. Origins of research data3. Origins of research data

Data produced by research

i. Qualitative research:- the collection of data that

are open to interpretation or subjective opinions,e.g. peoples¶ thoughts, attitudes, emotions,

behavior, etc.

ii. Quantitative research:- the collection of  datathat is measurable and analysed through data

crunching, e.g. sales figures, market share data,


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4. Marketing information systems (MIS)4. Marketing information systems (MIS)

MIS:- An effective system of organising,

structuring and managing the storage, access

and dissemination of market research data. Itconsists of:

Internal records

Market intelligence Market research

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4. Marketing information systems (MIS)4. Marketing information systems (MIS)

Internal records - information obtained inside the

company; from sales reps, call details, customer

enquiries, invoices, sales orders, etc

Marketing intelligence ± information from

anywhere; suppliers, partners, research agencies

Market research ± design research plan; trackingcustomers; f ield questions

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5. The marketing research process5. The marketing research process

Prof. Rushen Chahal7

I. R esearch problems/objectives

II.Develop research planIII.Implement/collect data and analyze findings

IV.R eport the findings/analysis

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i. Research problems/objectivesi. Research problems/objectives

R esearch problem:- def ine the problem/s in the

organization with a statement,

e.g. Consumer traffic dropped in city A. This may 

be due to the lack of product range? Will increasing the product range help increase traffic? 

R esearch objectives:- what the research is

suppose to do,

e.g. to research on the effectiveness of increasing

 product range in city A to increase traffic 

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ii. Develop research planii. Develop research plan

I) Data Collection

Secondary data consists of  information that

already exists somewhere, having been collectedfor other purposes

Primary data consists of  information gathered

for a special purpose or problem, (usually

exploratory or f ield research)

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ii. Develop research planii. Develop research plan

Secondary data sources include:-

Government - e.g. Central Statistical Bureau

Trade associations ± public database, e.g. UK compuserve, tradenets

Commercial publications - e.g. Phone directory,Yellow pages, Mintel, etc.

Internet and press / magazines, etc.

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ii. Develop research planii. Develop research plan

Secondary research(desk research)data advantagesand


Prof. Rushen Chahal11

Advantages: Fast and easy to


Low cost and

convenient Company can collect

any kinds of  data on

its own

Disadvantages: Non available

Not relevant

Not accurate

Time lag

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ii. Develop research planii. Develop research plan

Primary data sources include:-

Where the required information does not already

exist, so company does a research

It is exactly tailored to a special problem of the

organization. (maybe qualitative or quantitative)

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ii. Develop research planii. Develop research plan

Prof. Rushen Chahal13

Primary research (field research)

Observational research:- by observing and

recording relevant people, actions and situations

Consumer panels:- household provide

information of purchases and consumption of 


Retail audit research:- investigate retail situation

such as stock levels and atmosphere

Home audit research:- check on household items

and dustbin

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ii. Develop research planii. Develop research plan

Primary researchdata advantagesanddisadvantages:-

Prof. Rushen Chahal 14


Direct contact with


Company can collect

any type of  data on

its own


Costly and takes


May need to f ind

market research


Not for long term


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ii. Develop research planii. Develop research plan

Primary research contact method includes:-

a. Telephone interview / survey

b. Personal interview / survey

c. Mail questionnaires / survey

d. Online marketing research / survey

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ii. Develop research planii. Develop research plan

a. Telephone interview / survey

Collects information quickly

Interviewers can explain diff icult questions

Higher response rates than mail questionnaires

Interviewers communicate directly with

respondents Costs higher than postal mail

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ii. Develop research planii. Develop research plan

b. Personal interview / survey

Individual (in-depth) interviewing 

- Involves talking with people at home or theoff ice, on the street, or in shopping malls

- Structured (cannot probe) or unstructured

(can probe)

Group interviewing or focus group survey

- Involves 6 to 10 people to talk with a trained


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ii. Develop research planii. Develop research plan

c. Mail questionnaires / survey

Good and cheap exposure of information

Less bias with no interviewer present

Low response rate

Unsure of ³who are the targets´ 

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ii. Develop research planii. Develop research plan

d. Online marketing research / survey

Very low cost; Real-time fast results

Good for ³hard-to-reach´ groups Hard to control who¶s in the sample

Lack of facial interaction and truth

Security concerns

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ii. Develop research planii. Develop research plan

Prof. Rushen Chahal 20

II) Sampling:- is a segment of the population

selected for marketing research to represent the

population as a whole

a. Sample frame

b. Sample method

c. Sample size

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ii. Develop research planii. Develop research plan

a. Sample frame:- the location or place or object

used to f ind the respondents

b. Sample method:-

Probability : chance of being picked and focused- stratif ied

- systematic

- random

Non-probability : flexible to pick such as judgmentor quota

c. Sample Size:- number of respondents to be

selected.Prof. Rushen Chahal 21

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ii. Develop research planii. Develop research plan

III) R esearch Instruments:-

mechanical devices: to note the

movement of human senses

questionnaires: to gather information

from the data collection methods. Start with

general questions

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ii. Develop research planii. Develop research plan

Type of questions:-

Closed-end questions include all

possible and simple answers to

tabulate (count).

- Multiple Choice Questions

- Dichotomous questions

- Likert Scale

- Semantic Scale

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ii. Develop research planii. Develop research plan

Open-end questions allow

respondents to answer in their own

words; Used in qualitative research

- Word association

- Sentence completion

- Story completion

- Picture completion

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iii / iv. Implementiii / iv. Implement--Collect data and analyze findingsCollect data and analyze findings/ Prepare and present report/ Prepare and present report

iv. Conduct the research. Collect the data and analyze

the findings and conclusion

vi. Prepare and present the report (not too manynumbers)

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